Murdered Together with Two of His Sons
-^i ^f DEAMATIC AND LATER POEMS III POEMS V.Y MATTHEW AKNOLD DRAMATIC AND LATER TOEMS iLontJon MACMILLAN AND CO. 1885 Printed by R. & R. CLARK, Edinburgh. CONTENTS. DRAMATIC POEMS. PAGE MEROPE, A TRAGEDY ...... 1 EMPEDOOLES ON ETNA . .119 LATER POEMS. WESTMINSTER ABBEY . .181 GEIST'S GRAVE 190 POOR MATTHIAS 195 NOTES ...... 205 DRAMATIC POEMS MEROPE A TRAGEDY III s^ STORY OF THE DRAMA. APOLLODORUS says: — "Cresphontes had not reigned long in Messenia when he was murdered together with two of his sons. And Polyphontes reigned in his stead, he, too, being of the family of Hercules ; and he had for his wife, against her will, Merope, the widow of the murdered king. But Merope had borne to Cresphontes a third son, called ^pytus; him she gave to her own father to bring up. He, when he came to man's estate, returned secretly to Messenia, and slew Poly phontes and the other murderers of his father.*' Hyginus says:—"Merope sent away and concealed her infant son. Polyphontes sought for him everywhere in vain. He, when he grew up, laid a plan to avenge the murder of his father and brothers. In pursuance of this plan he came to king Polyphontes and reported the death of the son of Cresphontes and Merope. The king ordered him to be hos pitably entertained, intending to inquire further of him. He, being very tired, went to sleep, and an old man, who was the channel through whom the mother and son used to communicate, arrives at this moment in tears, bringing word to Merope that her son had disappeared from his protector's house, and was slain.
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