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002 I Jaglot Skardu Road Projecl I t TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I Clause No Description I (A) GENERAL IB.1 ScopeofBid andSource ofFunds IB,2 EligibleBidders IB.3 EligibleGoods and Services I IB.4 Costof Bidding t (B) BIDDING DOCUMENTS IB.5 Contentsof BiddingDocuments IB.6 Clarificationof BiddingDocuments I IB.7 Amendmentof BiddingDocuments (C) PREPARATION OF BIDS

I IB.8 Languageof Bid IB.9 DocumentsComprising the Bid IB.lO Letterof Bids andSchedules I IB.Il Bid Prices IB.12 Cumenciesof Bid IB.13 DocumentsEstablishing Bidder's Eligibility andQualifi cation IB.I4 DocumentsEstablishing Plant's Eligibility andConformity to BiddingDocuments t IB.I5 Bid Security IB.I6 Validity of Bids I IB.I7 Formatand Signing of Bid (D) SUBMTSSTONOF BrDS I IB.18 Sealing and Marking of Bids IB.19 Deadline for Submissionof Bids IB.2O Late Bids I IB.2I Modification, Substitutionand Withdrawal of Bids (E) BID OPENING AND EVALUATION

I 18.22 Bid Opening I8.23 Clarihcationof Bids T8.24 PreliminaryExamination & Determinationof Responsivenessof Bids I 18.25 Conversionto SingleCurency T8.26 DetailedEvaluation of Bids 18,27 DomesticPreference I I8.28 Processto be Confidential I I t f, 003 I I Jaglot Skardu Road Proiect I ClauseNo Description


18.29 Post-Qualification I IB.3O Award Criteria IB.3I Employer'sRight to Vary Quantities 18.32 Employer'sRight to Acceptany Bid andto Rejectany or all Bids t I8.33 Notification of Award IB.34 PerformanceSecurity IB.35 Signingof ContractAgreement


IB.36 Instructionsnot Parl of Contract I IB.37 ContractDocuments I8.38 Sufficiencyof Bid IB.39 OneBid perBidder I IB.4O Bidderto lnform Himself IB.4I AlternateProposals by Bidder t8.42 SiteVisit andLocal Conditions I8.43 Post-BidMeeting I 18.44 Integrity Pact IB.45 GeneralPerformance of the Bidders I (H) APPENDICES

Appendix A to Instructionsto Bidders: I Nameof EligibleCountries Appendix B to Instructionsto Bidders: Evidenceof Bidder'sCapability t AppendixC to Instructionsto Bidders: t DomesticGoods (Value added in ) t I I I I I ffi{ T 004 I Jaqlot Skafdu Road Project I INSTRUCTIONSTO BIDDERSAND APPENDICES

I (A) GENERAL I IB.1 Scopeof Bid and Source of Funds 1.1 Scopeof Bid I National Highway Authority, Islamabad,Pakistan (hereinafter called the "Employer") wishes to receive Bids on EPC/Turnkey on Supplier's/Buyer'sCredit basis for the scope of work which I includes,but shall not be limited to: The Project of Jaglot - Skardu Road is located in northeastof Pakistan.The Works to be executed under this Contract comprise Design, Design revied Design updation, Construct and t Maintenanceon EPC/Turnkey on Supplier's/Buyer'sCredit basis. t Design. Design review and updation The Works to be executed under this Contract comprise of Design preparation and its review, construction and maintenanceon EPC the Bidder has to prepare a preliminary design based on I site collected data and design parametersgiven and then formulate his costs as per his working. Any additional information, geo-technical investigation, surveys including hydraulic, study or verification of documents provided shall be done by the bidder prior to bid submission. This t detailed working on costs including preliminary design has to be enclosed with his tender to facilitate the evaluation process.

I The available design and drawings (if any) for the Jaglot - Skardu Project will be reviewed by the Constructionfirm. Any mistakes/ deficienciesobserved in the design and recommendationsfor its improvement, shall be incorporated in the design by the Bidder/Construction firm. Any additional I information, investigation, survey, study or verification (of documentprovided) shall be done by the Construction firm. The Construction firm shail preparethe Design and Construction drawings after carrying out necessary investigation, survey, study, verification, review and updation of I available design, and thereafter shall assumefull responsibility for the soundnessand safety of I the Design. The scopeof work to be executedincludes but not limited to following:

I 1. Detailed Engineering Design of Project based on Employer's Requirement and specification. Prior to this, the bidder has to review Employer's Requirement and concept/preliminary design provided with the bid document. He has to subsequently I prepare his own preliminary design after detail site studies, investigations and surveys. The bidder has to then base his bid on the basis of his own preliminary design which he t has to develop into detailed design during execution stage. 2. Getting the design vetted from Employer and making necessary correction if required beforestart of work. t a liabilityperiod I I t I Jaglot Skardu Road Pfoject

I Constructionwork items I Construction of the road to Bituminous pavementstandard Site clearanceand top soil stripping

I Earthworks I Demolish and removal of substandardstructures and vented Causewavsif anv Constructing Bridges t Constructing Culverts I Construction of Minor and Major drainageworks Constructing Bituminous pavement I Construction of Road furniture Construction of any other operationancillary to the main works

I Maintenanceof works during construction. The defects liability period shall be 36 months

I And other necessaryworks to meet the Employer's requirement

A detailed scopeof work has been describedin the Employer's Requirementsin thesedocuments. I ' The successfulBidder will be expectedto complete the Works within the stipulated period of 48 months as specified in theseBidding Documents. I Bidders must quote prices for the complete scope of work. Any Bid covering partial scope of work will be non-responsive,pursuant to Clause18.24. I 1.2 Sourceof Funds Construction firm and Supplier/ Buyer shall be responsiblefor financing minimum 85 % of the I total development cost in the form of a Supplier/ Buyer credit while remaining financing will be borne by Government of Pakistan. Bidders are required to mention the terms and condition of I creditfinancing (Supplier'scredit proposal/ Buyer's credit proposal)in scheduleM. LB.z Eligible Bidders '2.I 'A' Bidding is opento all firms from eligible countriesas per Appendix to Instructionsto Bidders. I Pakistani Firms should be Duly licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in Category C-A with specializationin CE-01, CE-02 & CE-10 for the year 2016.

I Foreign firm wishing to perform any constructionof engineeringworks in Pakistan shall obtain an appropriate license (specific project) from the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), as per PEC I Byelaws, before initiating any activity. I I 006 I Jaelot Skardu Road Project

I IB.3 Eligible Goods and Services

3.1 All Goods & ancillary Servicesto be suppliedund6 tft Contractshall have their origin in I eligiblecountries as per Appendix'A' to Instructi<3q\\f4t7rs (if not availablelocally) andall expendituresmade under the Contractwill be limn\q\$IGoods andServices.

a^ I J.Z Forpurpose of this clause,"origin" .AtGSEIyl"r: the Goodsare mined, grown o.r producedor from wherethe ancillqx(ENW*" supplied.Goods are produced when, through I manufacturing,processing or rvh$\\hd major assemblingof components,a commercially recognizedproduct resultst\t i-(6\$ntfAlyw different in basic characteristicsor in purposeor utilityfrom its comno4l$\ s aa I J.J Theorigin of Goodsar\,Nervices is distinctfrom the nationalityof the Bidder. t IB.4 Cost of Bidding ,4.r The Bidder shall bear all costs associatedwith the preparation and submission of its Bid and the Employer will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or I outcomeof the Bidding process. I (B) BIDDING DOCUMENTS IB.5 Contents of Bidding Documents I 5.1 In addition to Invitation for Bids, the Bidding Documents are those stated below, and should be read in conjunction with any Addenda issuedin accordancewith Clause IB.7. I , 1. Instructions to Bidders (ITB) with Appendicesto ITB 2. Letter of TechnicalBid & Schedulesto Bid

I Schedulesto Bid are the followins: I (D ScheduleA: Specific Works data (ii) ScheduleB: ProposedOrganization for the Project I (iii) ScheduleC: Method of Performing Works (iv) ScheduleD: ProposedProgram of Works t (v) ScheduleE: Work to be Performedby Subcontractors I ("i) ScheduleF: Deviations from Technical & Contractual Provisions (vii) ScheduleG: Specific Operation/ Plant and Equipment Details

I (viii) ScheduleH: SpecimenJV Agreement I (ix) ScheduleI: PastPerformance and PresentCommitments

I I Letterof PriceBid & Schedulesto Bid t ''i 00? I Julot Skardu Road Proiect I Schedulesto Bid arethe following: (i) ScheduleJ: IntegrityPact I (iD ScheduleK: EstimatedProgress Payments (iiD ScheduleL: Lump SumCost Breakup for Major CostItems (iv) ScheduleM: Terms& Conditionfor Creditfinancing (v) ScheduleN: Detailof Expenditure(foreign currency component) 4. Scheduleof Prices& Scheduleof Payment 5. ContractData Sheet 6. GeneralConditions of Contract(GCC) ParticularConditions of Contract(PCC) 8. StandardForms Formsinclude the following: (i) Formof Bid Security I (iD Formof ContractAgreement (iii) Formof PerformanceSecurity (iv) Form of Bank Guaranteefor AdvancePayment 9. Scopeof Work 10. The Employer's Requirement I l. Specifications 12. Drawings I 5.2 The Bidders are expectedto examine carefully the contentsof all the above documents.Failure to comply with the requirementsof Bid submissionwill be at the Bidders own risk. Pursuant to Clause 18.24, Bids which are not substantiallyresponsive to the requirementsof the Bidding Documentswill be rejected.

Clarification of Bidding Documents

6.1 A prospectiveBidder requiring any clarification(s)in respectof the Bidding Documentsmay notify the Employer in writing or by fax aI the addressas provided under "Invitation for Proposal". Employer will examinethe requestfor clarificationof the Bidding Documentswhich it receivesnot later than fourteen(14) days prior to the deadlinefor the submissionof bids and if neededwill issue the clarification/addendumof the Bidding Documentsbefore the date of submissionof Bids by uploadingthe same on the website:www.nha.gov.pk .

IB.7 Amendment of Bidding Documents

7.r At any time prior to the deadlinefor submissionof bids, the Employer may,for any reason,whether at his own initiative or in responseto a clarification requestedby a prospectiveBidder, modify the Bidding Documentsby issuingaddendum. 7.2 Any addendumthus issued shall be part of the Bidding Documents pursuantto Sub-Clause7.1 hereof and shall be communicated by uploading the same on the website: communicated in writing to prospectivebidders (through email). ProspectiveBidders shall acknowledgereceipt of each addendumin writing to the Employer. The Bidder shall also confirm in the Form of Bid that t I I Jaqlot Skildu Road Project

na t t.) To afford prospectiveBidders reasonable time in which to take an addenduminto accountln preparingtheir Bids, the Employermay at its discretionextend the deadlinefor submissionof Bidsin accordancewith ClauseIB.19.

I (c) PREPARATION OF BIDS I IB.8 Languageof Bid 8.1 The Bid preparedby the Bidder and all corespondenceand documentsrelating to the Bid, exchangedby the Bidderand the Employershall be writtenin the Englishlanguage, provided that I any printed literaturefurnished by the Bidder may be written in anotherlanguage so long as accompaniedby an Englishtranslation of its pertinentpassages in which case,for purposesof t interpretationof the Bid, the Englishtranslation shall govern. IB.9 DocumentsComprising the Bid I 9.1 The Bid preparedby theBidder shall comprise the followingcomponents: (a) CoveringLetter (b) Lettersof Bids duly filled, signedand sealed, in accordancewith ClauseIB.l7. I (c) Schedules(A to N) to Bid duly filled and signed,in accordancewith the instructions containedtherein. I (d) Scheduleof Pricescompleted in accordancewith ClausesIB.11 and IB.12 in separate sealedenvelope. t (e) Bid Securityfurnished in accordancewith ClauseI8.15. (0 Powerof Attorneyin accordancewith ClauseIB 17.5. (g) Documentaryevidence established in accordancewith Clause18.13 that the Bidder is I eligible to Bid and is qualified to perform the Contractif its Bid is accepted(past performanceand present commitments to be filled in asper schedule I to Bid). (h) Documentaryevidence established in accordancewith ClauseIB.l4 that the Plant and I ancillaryServices to be suppliedby theBidder are eligible Plant and Services and conform to theBidding Documents. (D Biddersapplying for eligibilityfor ic preferencein bid evaluationshall supplyall t information& evidenceto establi claim for domesticpreference required to satisfu the criteriafor eligibility as in ClauseI8.27 . The particularsfor domesticGoods prescribedin AppendixC to tructionsshall also be filled in to substantiateclaim t for domesticpreference. 0) Any other documentsprescribed in ParticularConditions of Contract or Technical I Provisionsto be submittedwith the Bid. 18.10 Lettersof Bidsand Schedules

I 10.1 The Biddershallcomplete, sign and seal the Lettersof Bids, Schedules(A to N, or asmodified) to Bid and Scheduleof Pricesfurnished in the Bidding Documentsand shall also encloseother I informationas detailed in ClauseI8.9. 10.2 For the purposeof grantinga margin of domesticpreference pursuant to Clause18.27, the Employerwill classifythe Bids, when submittedin one of three groupsas follows subjectto I change,if any,as per policy of the FederalGovemment as applicable on the dateof bid opening: I ..' 009 I I I Jelot Skildu Road Proiecl I (a) Group 'A' Bid. (i) For Goodsfor which labour,raw and componentsfrom within Pakistanaccount for at least20% of the ex- ofthe productsoffered (ii) For Goodsfor which labour,raw materials nts from within Pakistan accountfor over 20o/oand up to 30% of price of the productsoffered I (iii) For Goodsfor which labour,ra componentsfrom within Pakistan accountfor over30Yo ofthe ex-fac the productsoffered; I (b) Group 'B' Bid. For Pakistan for which the domestic value added in the manufacturinscost of theex-factory bid price;and (c) Group'CoBid.F I ln preparin Bidders,whether local or foreign, shall enter in the Scheduleof Prices,e for indigenouslymanufactured products and CIF price as well as customs salestax and other import chargesfor productsto be imported from I outsidePaki T IB.l1 Bid Prices 11.1 The Bidder shall fill up the Scheduleof Prices attachedto thesedocuments indicating the lUtnpsuqptises of the Works to be performedunder the Contract.Prices on the Scheduleof I Pricesshall be enteredkeeping in view the instructionscontained in the Preambleto the Schedule of Prices. ll.2 The Biddershall fill pricesfor all itemsof the Works describedinthe Scheduleof Prices.Items t againstwhich no priceis enteredby a Bidderwill not be paidfor by the Employerwhen executed andshall be deemedcovered by pricesfor otheritems in the Scheduleof Prices. 11.3 The Bidder's breakupof price componentsin accordancewith Sub-Clause11.1 above will be t solelyfor the purposeof facilitatingthe comparisonof Bids by the Employerand will not in any way limit its right to contracton any of the termsoffered. I 1L4 Unless otherwisestipulated in the Conditionsof Contract,prices quoted by the Bidder shall remainfixed duringthe Bidder'sperformance of the Contractand not subjectto variationon any account.When the Biddersare requiredto quoteonly fixed price(s),a Bid submittedwith an t adjustableprice quotation will be treatedas non-responsive, pursuant to ClauseI8.24. 11.5 Any discountoffered shall be valid for at leastthe periodof validity of the Bid. A discountvalid t for lesserperiod shall be considerednull andvoid. IB.l2 Currenciesof Bid

l2.l The pricesshall be quotedby the bidder entirely in Pak rupees.A bidder expectingto incur I expendituresin othercurrencies for inputsto the Works suppliedfrom outsidethe Employer's country(referred to asthe "ForeignCurrency Requirements") shall indicate the samein Schedule- N to Bid, The proportionof the bid Price(excluding Provisional Sums) needed by Bidderforthe t paymentof suchforeign currency Requirement, shall indicate the respectiveportions in his bid. 12.2 The iates of exchangeto be used by the bidder for currencyconversion shall be the TT&OD I SellingRates published or authorizedby the StateBank of Pakistanprevailing on the date28 days prior to the deadlinefor submissionof bids. I 12.3 The currenciesof paymentshall be asstated in ParticularConditions of Contract. I8.13 DocumentsEstablishing Bidder's Eligibility aid Qualifications

I 13.1 Pursuantto ClauseIB.9, the Bidder shall furnish,as part of its Bid, documentsestablishing the I t I Jaglot Skardu Road Proiect

I 13.2 The documentary evidence of the Bidder's eligibility to Bid shall establish to the Employer's satisfactionthat the Bidder, at the time of submissionof its Bid is from an eligible sourcecountry as definedunder ClauseIB.2. I 13.3 The documentary evidence of the Bidder's qualifications to perform the Contract if its Bid is accepted,shall establishto the Employer's satisfaction: I - thatthe Bidder has the financial and technical capability necessaryto perform the Contract 13.4 (a) Bidder must possessand provide evidenceof the following experience: i. has completedat leastone (1) Contractwith a minimum value of US$ 190 Million I during the last sevenyears. ii. design capacity to undertake the project i.e. experience of designing of highways I and bridges. Bio Data of proposed professional must be attached such as Bridge Design Engineer, Highway Design Engineer, Quantity Surveyor, Quality Control / Material Engineer, Chief Surveyor, etc. I Documentation regarding the Bidder's experience on previous similar contracts must accompaniedwith each Bid. The data / documentsprovided by the Applicants needsto be submitted with Technical Bid (Minimum requirements are Power of Attorney, I SimilariSpecific Experience alongwith award and completion certificates, Constitution of Company / Memorandum of Association etc. describing details of mother firm and all subsidiariesas the case may be, Financial data including Financial Statementsand Bank I reference letters, personnel Current commitments of the bidder) with authentication / notaization from the respectiveEmbassies in Pakistan or their appropriateoffices through Pakistan Mission or from the foreign offices of applicants in the country of origin duly I counter attestedby Embassyof Pakistan. Bidder shall also submit proof of their financial capability to undertakethe Contract. t In the event that the successfulBidder is a joint venture formed of two or more companies, the Employer requires that the parties to the joint venture accept joint and several t liabilities for all obligations under the Contract. Bidders shall furnish documentary evidence of qualification on the Form "Evidence of Bidder's Capability" (Appendix B to theseInstructions). I (b) The Bidder should have an Average Annual Turnover, Average Networth and Working Capital in the last three years equal to or more than Minimum threshold mentioned in IB. I 26. 13.5 Joint Venture In order for a Joint Venture to qualify: I (a) All members of JV must have valid registration by PEC; a foreign bidder / member of JV, must provide to the Employer its valid registration prior to the last date for submissionof I bids or shall submit evidenceof submissionof application to PEC alongwith bank challan of requisite fee for Project Specific License in their Technical Bid. (b) At least one of the partners of joint venture shall satisfy the relevant experiencecriteria I specifiedin Sub-Clause13.4(a) hereinabove. (c) A11 firms comprising the joint venture shall be legally constituted and shall meet the t eligibility requirementof Sub-Clause2.1 hereof. (d) A11partners of the joint venture shall at all times and under all circumstancesbe liable jointly and severally to Employer for the execution of the entkg;ebffiact in accordance I with the Contract terms and conditions and a statementto lhts.iiffecfs{i&hbe included in the authorizationmentioned under para (g) below as well aSl'inttre Form'of'pid and Form ,'1''\- ' j I t'--,,,{- ,. otl ,'' t \-. I Jaglot Skardu Road Proiect

I of Contract Agreement (in caseof a successfulBidder). (e) The Form of Bid, and in the case of successfulBidder, the Form of Contract Agreement, I shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners. (D One of the joint venture partners shall be nominated as being in-charge and this avthofization shall be evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legally I authorized signatoriesof all the joint venture partners. (e) The partner-in-chargeshall be authorizedto incur liabilities, receive paymentsand receive I instructions for and on behalf of any or all partnersof the joint venture. (h) A copy of the agreemententered into by the joint venture partners shall be submitted with the Bid stating the conditions under which it will function, its period of duration, the t persons authorized to represent and obligate it and which persons will be directly responsiblefor due performance of the Contract and can give valid receipts on behalf of the joint venture, the proportionate participation of the several firms forming the joint I venture, and any other information necessaryto permit a full appraisal of its functioning. No amendments/ modifications whatsoeverin the joint venture agreementshall be agreed to betweenthe joint venture partnerswithout prior written consentof the Employer (Refer I Schedule-H). 13.6 The Bidder shall propose,in order of his t or goods of not more than three (3) Manufacturers. Employer evaluate the plant, equipment or I goodsof only one of such Manu Its.14DocumentsEstablishing Plant's Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents I 14.7 Pursuantto Clause IB.9, the Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid, documents establishing the eligibility and conformity to the Bidding Documents of all Plant and Services which Bidder I proposesto perform under the Contract. 14.2 The documentary evidence of the Plant and Services eligibility shall establishto the Employer's satisfactionthat they will have their origin in an eligible source country as defined under Clause I IB.3 . A certificate of origin issuedat the time of shipment will satisfy the requirementsof the said Clause. 14.3 The documentary evidence of the Plant and Services' con to the Bidding Documents may I be in the form of literature, drawings and data and shal (a) A detailed description of the Plant, essentia and performancecharacteristics. I (b) Complete set of technical information, literature and drawings as required in accordancewith ScheduleA to Bid. orks Data. Drawines and datasubmitted must be in sufficient detail and clari it the Employer to verify compliance with I the provisions of the Bidding This will include but not be limited to the following: (i) A sufficient number diagrams, photographs, catalogues,illustrations I and such other i as are necessary to illustrate clearly the significant characteristics general construction dimensions and other relevant information a to be furnished. T (ii) The ight and dimension of the main components, a brief descri principal materials and fabrication processesto be used and methodsof assemblv. I (iii) information which is required for evaluation purposes. (c) A commentary on Technical Provisions, provided with the Bidding ! demonstrating the Plant's and Service's substantial responsivenessto those I I I J*t"Nt"d"ryrd!t"t! I 14.4 For purposeof the commentaryto be furni rsuantto Sub-Clause14.3(c) above, the Bidder shall notethat standardsfor workmanship, I and equipment,and referencesto brandnames or cataloguenumbers, designated by in the TechnicalProvisions are intendedto be descriptiveonly and not restrictive. may substitutealternative standards, brand names t and/orcatalogue numbers in its Bi that it demonstratesto the Employer's satisfaction that the substitutionsare substanti valentor superiorto thosedesignated in the Technical Provisions.Copies of the sta proposedby the Bidder other than those specified in the I Bidding Documentsshall be furn t I8.15 Bid Security 15.1 Each Bidder shall furnish, as part of his Bid, a Bid Securityof an amountnot lessthan Pak Rupeesfour hundredmillion or an equivalentamount in any freely convertiblecuruency. I 15.2 The Bid Securityshall be, at the optionof the Bidder,in the form of Depositat Call or a Bank Guaranteeissued by a ScheduledBank in Pakistan or from a foreign bank duly counter- guaranteedby a ScheduledBank in Pakistanin favour of the Employervalid for a period twenty I eight (28)days beyond the bid validity date. 15.3 The Bid Securityis requiredto protectthe Employeragainst the risk of Bidder'sconduct which t would warrantthe security'sforfeiture, pursuant to Sub-Clause15,7 hereof. 15.4 Any Bid not accompaniedby an acceptableBid Securityshall be consideredby the Employeras non-responsive,pursuant to ClauseI8.24. I 15.5 The Bid securitiesof unsuccessfulBidders will be returnedupon award of contractto the successfulBidder or on the expiryof validityof Bid Securitywhichever is earlier. 15.6 The Bid Securityof the successfulBidder will be returnedwhen the Bidder has furnishedthe I required PerformanceSecurity, pursuantto Clause18.34 and signed the ContractAgreement, pursuantto ClauseI8.35. T 15.7 The Bid Securitymay be forfeited: (a) if a Bidderwithdraws his Bid duringthe periodof Bid validity; I (b) if a Bidder doesnot acceptthe correctionof his Bid Price,pursuant to Sub-Clause24.2 hereof;or (c) in the caseof a successfulBidder, if he failsto: I (i) furnishthe requiredPerformance Security in accordancewith ClauseIB.34, or (ii) signthe ContractAgreement, in accordancewith ClauseIB.35.

I I8.16 Validity of Bids I 16.1 Bidsshallremain valid for 180days after the date of Bid openingas prescribed in ClauseI8.19. 16.2 In exceptionalcircumstances prior to expiry of original Bid validity period,the Employermay requestthe Biddersto extendthe periodof validityfor a specifiedadditional period which shallin t no casebe more than the original Bid validity period.The requestand the responsesthereto shall be made in writing. A Bidder may refusethe requestwithout forfeiture of his Bid Security.A Bidder agreeingto the requestwill be requiredto extendthe validity of his Bid Securityfor the periodof the extension,and in compliancewith ClauseIB.15 in all respectsin which case,the I Employerwill be obligatedto compensatethe Bidders,upon substantiationfor their increasein I costs(if it is a fixed pricebid). t ,, 013 I T J@lot Skardu Road Proiect

lB.l7 Format and Signingof Bid l7.l Bidders are particularlydirected that the amount enteredon the Form of Bid shall be for performingthe Contractstrictly in accordancewith the Bidding Documents. 17.2 All Schedulesto Bid (A to N) areto be properlycompleted and signed. 17.3 No alterationis to be madein theForm of Bid nor in the Schedulesthereto except in filling up the blanksas directed.If any alterationbe madeor if theseinstructions be not fully compliedwith, the Bid may be rejected. 17.4 Each Bidder shall prepare one (1) Original and three (03) Copies, of the documentscomprising the bid as describedin Clause IB.9 and clearly mark them "ORIGINAL" and'COPY" asappropriate. In the eventof discrepancybetween them, the original shallprevail. 17.5 The originaland all copiesof the Bid shallbe typedorwritten in indelibleink andshall be signed by a personor personsduly authorizedto sign (in the case of copies,Photostats are also acceptable).This shall be indicatedby submittinga written Powerof Attorneyauthorizing the signatoryof the Bidderto act for andon behalfof the Bidder.All pagesof the Bid and Schedules to Bid shallbe initialedand stamped by the personor personssigning the Bid. 17.6 The Bid shall containno alterations,omissions or additions,except to complywith instructions issuedby the Employer,or as arenecessary to correcterrors made by the Bidder,in which case suchcorrections shall be initialedby the personor personssigning the Bid. 17.7 Biddersshall indicatein the spaceprovided in the Form of Bid their full andproper addresses at which noticesmay be legallyserved on them andto which all correspondencein connectionwith their Bids andthe Contractis to be sent. 17.8 Biddersshould retain a copyof the BiddingDocuments as their file copy.


18.18 Sealingand Marking of Bids

l8.l EachBidder shall submit his Bid asunder: (a) ORIGINAL and three COPIES of the original TechnicalBid and Price Bid shall be separatelysealed and put in separateenvelopes and marked as such. (b) The envelopescontaining the OzuGINAL and COPIESof both TechnicalBids and Price Bids will be put in one sealedenvelope and addressed/identifiedas given in Sub-Clause 18.2hereof. 18.2 The innerand outer envelopes shall; (a) be addressedto the Employerat the addressgiven in Sub-Clause6.1 heretofore. (b) bear theProject name,Contract No. and Date of openingof Bid. (c) providea warningnot to openbefore the time anddate for Bid opening. 18.3 The Bid shall be deliveredin personor sentby registeredmail at the addressto Employeras mentionedin the Invitationto Bids. 18.4 In additionto the identificationrequired in Sub-Clause18.2 hereof,the inner envelopeshall indicatethe nameand address of the Bidderto enablethe Bid to be returnedunopened in caseit is declared"late" pursuantto ClauseIB.20. 18.5 If the outer envelopeis not sealedand marked as above, the Employer will assumeno

T T Julot Skardu Road Prcjecl I I8.19 Deadlinefor Sutrmissionof Bids 19.1 (a) Bids mustbe receivedby the Employerat the addressspecified in Invitationfor Bids not I laterthan the time anddate stipulated in the Invitationfor Bids. (b) Bids with chargespayable will not be accepted,nor will arrangementsbe undertakento collectthe Bids from any deliverypoint other than that specifiedabove. Bidders shall bear I all expensesincurred in the preparationand delivery of Bids. (c) Wheredelivery of a Bid is by mail andthe Bidderwishes to receivean acknowledgment of receiptof suchBid, he shall makea requestfor suchacknowledgment in a separate I letterattached to but not includedin the sealedBid package. (d) Upon request,acknowledgment of receipt of Bids will be providedto those making I deliveryin personor by messenger. 19.2 Bids submittedthrough telegraph, telex, fax or e-mailshall not be considered. 19.3 The Employermay, at his discretion,extend the deadlinefor submissionof Bids by issuingan t addendumin accordancewith Clause[B.7, in which case all rights and obligationsof the Employerand the Bidderspreviously subject to the originaldeadline will thereafterbe subjectto I the deadlineas extended. IB.20 Late Bids I 20.r (a) Any Bid receivedby the Employerafter the deadline for submissionof Bids prescribedin ClauseIB.l9 will be retumedunopened to suchBidder. (b) Delaysin the mail, delaysof personin transit,or deliveryof a Bid to the wrong office I shall not be acceptedas an excusefor failure to deliver a Bid at the properplace and time. It shallbe the Bidder'sresponsibility to determinethe mannerin which timely deliveryof I his Bid will be accomplishedeither in person,by messenger,courier service or by mail. IB.2l Modification.Substitution and Withdrawalof Bids

2l.l Any Bidder may modify, substituteor withdraw his Bid after Bid submissionprovided that I modification,substitution or writtennotice of the withdrawalis receivedby the Employerprior to the deadlinefor submissionof Bids. I 21.2 The modification,substitution or withdrawalof any Bid shall be prepared,sealed, marked and deliveredin accordancewith the provisionsof ClauseIB.18 with the outerand inner envelopes additionally marked "MODIFICATION", "SUBSTITUTION" or "WITHDRAWAL", as I appropriate. 21.3 Withdrawalof a Bid duringthe intervalbetween the deadlinefor submissionof Bids and the I expirationof the periodof Bid validity specifiedin the Form of Bid may resultin forfeitureof the I Bid Securitvpursuant to ClauseIB.l5.


I 1B.22 Bid Opening

22.1 A committeeconsisting of nominatedmembers by the Employerwill open the Bids, including t withdrawals,substitution and modificationsmade pursuant to ClauseIB.2I, in the presenceof Bidders' representativeswho chooseto attend,at the time, date and location stipulatedin the Invitation for Bids. TechnicalBids will be openedfirst. At the end of the evaluationof the I TechnicalBids, the Employerwill invite Bidderswho have submittedsubstantially responsive I 015 I t Julot Skddu Road Proiect

TechnicalBids andwho havebeen determined as beingqualified for awardto attendopening of thePrice Bids. The Bidders'representatives who arepresent shall sign in a registerevidencing their attendance. I 22.2 Envelopesmarked "MODIFICATION", "SUBSTITUTION" or "WITHDRAWAL" shall be openedand read out first and the name of the Bidder shall be read out. Bids for which an acceptablenotice of withdrawalhas been submitted pursuant to ClauseI8.21 shallnot be opened. 22.3 The Bidder'sname, Bid Prices,unit rates,any discountoffered, Bid modifications,substitutions andwithdrawals, the presenceor absenceof Bid Security,terms &conditions such as (i) Offered I creditamount, (ii) rateof interest,(iii) re-paymentperiod, (iv ) graceperiod and such other details asthe Employerat its discretionmay considerappropriate, will be announcedby the Employerat the Bid opening,The Employerwill recordminutes of Bid opening. Any Bid Priceor discountwhich is not readout andrecorded at Bid openingwill not be takeninto accountin the evaluationof Bid. Any discountoffered by the Bidder on its quotedprices, shall only be consideredif such discountis either shownon the duly filled-in, signedand stamped Form of Bid/Letterof price bid or on the SummaryPage of the quotedamount for Lump sum contract/bill of quantitiesas applicable.In caseof any discrepancyor differencein the rate or amountof discountmentioned in the Form of Bid/Letter of price bid (as duly filled-in and signed),and on the SummaryPage of the PricedBOQ, the discountshown on the PricedBOQ shall prevail. Discount, if offered,through a separateletter of discountsubmitted with the Bid, will not be entertainedand shall be considerednull & void." 22.4 Discountsoffered for lesserperiod than the Bid validity shallnot be consideredin evaluation.

18.23 Clarification of Bids

23.1 To assistin the examination,evaluation and comparisonof Bids, the Employermay, at its discretion,ask the Bidder for a clarificationof its Bid. The requestfor clarificationand the responseshall be in writing and no changein the price or substanceof the Bid shall be sought, offeredor permitted.

IB.24 PreliminaryExamination & Determinationof Responsivenessof Bids

24.I Prior to detailed evaluationpursuant to Clause 18.26, the Employer will determinethe responsivenessof the Bids as follows: (a) the Employerwill examinethe Bids to determinewhether; (i) the Bid is completeand does not deviatefrom the scope, (iD any computationalerrors have been made, (iii) requiredsureties have been furnished, (iv) the documentshave been properly signed, (v) the Bid is valid till requiredperiod, (vi) the Bid pricesare firm duringcurrency of contractif it is a fixed pricebid, (vii) completionperiod offered is within specifiedlimits, (viii) the Bidderis eligibleto Bid andpossesses the requisiteexperience, (ix) the Bid doesnot deviatefrom basictechnical requirements; and (x) the Bids aregenerally in order. (b) A bid is likely not to be considered,if; ' 016 I Jaqlot Skardu Road Proiect T (D it is unsigned, (ii) its validity is lessthan specified, t (iii) it is submittedfor incompletescope of work, (iv) it indicatescompletion period later than specified, (v) it indicatesthat Works and materialsto be supplieddo not meet eligibility I requlrements, (vi) it indicatesthat Bid pricesdo not includethe amountof incometax, and I (vii) Alterationin Formof Bid asper I8.17.3. (c) A bid will not be considered,if;

I (i) it is not accompaniedwith bid security, (iD it is submittedby a Bidderwho hasparticipated in morethan one Bid, I (iii) it is receivedafter the deadlinefor submissionof Bids, (iv) it is submittedthrough fax, telex, telegram or email, I (v) it indicatesthat pricesquoted are not firm during currencyof the contractwhereas the Biddersare required to quotefixed price(s), (vi) the Bidderrefuses to acceptarithmetic correction, I (vii) it is materiallyand substantiallydifferent from the Conditions/Specifications of the BiddingDocuments. I It is after review and determinationof the responsivenessas per above that further action on technicalevaluation will be taken. 24.2 Arithmeticalerrors will be rectifiedon the followingbasis: t If thereis a discrepancybetween the unit priceand total pricethat is obtainedby multiplyingthe unit price and quantity,the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected.If thereis a discrepancybetween the words and figures the amount in words shall prevail. If there is a I discrepancybetween the total Bid price enteredin Form of Price Bid and the total shown in Scheduleof PricesSummary, the amountstated in the Form of PriceBid will be comectedby the Employer/Employerin accordancewith the CorrectedSchedule of Prices. I If the Bidderdoes not acceptthe corectedamount of Bid, his Bid will be rejectedand his Bid Securityforfeited. I 24.3 Prior to the detailedevaluation, pursuant to ClauseI8.26 the Employer/Employerwill determine the substantialresponsiveness of each Bid to the Bidding Documents.For purposeof these Clauses,a substantiallyresponsive Bid is onewhich conformsto all the termsand conditionsof I the BiddingDocuments without material deviations. A materialdeviation or reservationis one: I (0 which affectin anysubstantial way the scope,quality or performanceof the Works; (ii) which limits in any substantialway, inconsistentwith the Bidding Documents,the Employer'srights or the Bidder'sobligations under the Contract;or t whose rectification/adoptionwould affect unfairly the competitiveposition of other Bidderspresenting substantially responsive Bids. T The Employer'sdetermination of a Bid responsivenesswill

017 I Julot Sktrdu Road Proiect I itself without recourseto irrelevantevidence. 24.4 A Bid determinedas substantiallynon-responsive will be rejectedand will not subsequentlybe t maderesponsive by the Bidderby correctionof the non-conformity. 24.5 Any minor informalityor non-conformityor irregularityin a Bid which doesnot constitutea materialdeviation may be waivedby Employer,as long asthe waiverdoes not prejudiceor affect I the relativeranking of any Bidder. I 18.25 Conversionto SingleCurrency 25.1 To facilitateevaluation and comparison, the Employerwill convertall Bid Prices,expressed in the amountsin variouscurrencies in whichbid Priceis quoted,to PakRupees at theTelegraphic Transfer andOver Draft (TT&OD) compositeselling exchange rate published I authorizedby the StateBank of I Pakistanand applicable to similartransaction, on the date 28 daysprior to bid submission. I 1B..26Detailed Evaluation of Bids 26.I Only the Bidspreviously determined to be substantiallyresponsive pursuant to Clause18.24 will be evaluatedand compared in detailby the Employeras per the requirementsgiven hereunder: I 26.2 Evaluationand Comparison of Bids (a) Bidswill beevaluated for eachitem and/or complete scope of work, I (b) Basisof PriceComparison The prices will be comparedon the basis of the EvaluatedBid Price pursuantto Para (e) hereinbelow. I (c) Technical Evaluation (i) It will be examinedin detail whetherthe Bid comply with the TechnicalProvisions of I the Bidding Documents.For this purpose,design offered by the Bidder will be reviewed for which the Bidder's data submitted with the Bid under Schedule-Ato Bid (SpecificWorks Data) will be comparedwith the technicalfeatures/criteria prescribed by the Employer in thesedocuments. Other technicalinformation submitted with the I Bid regardingthe Scopeof Work will alsobe reviewed. I (ii) The criteriafor evaluationof technical be asper following details: Sr. Minimum thresholddetails as per Pass/ GeneralScreening of TechnicalEvaluation of various parameters No, project type fail GeneralExnerience ofthe frm asoer schedule-I I One project of similar nature of Experience ParticularExperience ofthe firm as per schedule-I amount equal to us$ 190 million completedduring the last sevenyears. I Designcapacity as per IB I 3.a (a) (ii) Construction Schedule / Work Methodology / ll Competence ResourceScheduling Plan asper schedule-B,C andD I Available Resourcesof the firm i.e. Equipment and Manpoweras per schedule-G Pastperformance as per schedule-I lll Performance I Cunent work commitmentsas per schedulel Financialsoundness as per IB 13.4(b) a. AverageAnnual Turnoveroflast 3 years US$ 60 million 1V Financial b. AverageNet Worth US$ 38 million I c. Working Capital US$ l9 million I I t I Jaqlot Skardu Road Project I (d) CommercialEvaluation It will be examinedin detailwhether the Bids complywith the commercial/contractual conditionsof the Bidding Documents.It is expectedthat no major deviation/stipulation I shallbe takenby the Bidders. (e) EvaluatedBid Price I In evaluatingthe Bids, the Employerwill determinefor eachBid in additionto the Bid Price,the following factors(adjustments) in the mannerand to the extentindicated below to determinethe EvaluatedBid Price: t (i) makingany correction for errorspursuant to Sub-Clause24.2hereof. (ii) excludingProvisional Sums, if any,but includingpriced Daywork. t (iii) makingan appropriate adjustment for anyother acceptable variation or deviation. The evaluation of proposal would be done by financial analysis method taking into accountthe following: I (i) EPCBid Price (ii) Termsand Conditions of Supplier/Buyercredit I 26.3 EvaluationMethods 26.3 .1 Pursuantto Sub-Clause 26 .2, Para(e)(iii) followingevaluation methods for priceadjustments will I be followedin the financialevaluation of EPCBid Price: (a) PriceAdjustment for Completenessin Scope of Work (b) PriceAdjustment for TechnicalCompliance T (c) PriceAdjustment for CommercialCompliance (d) PriceAdjustment for Deviationsin Termsof Payment I (e) PriceAdjustment for CompletionSchedule (D PriceAdjustment for Completenessin Scopeof Work t In caseof omissionin the scopeof work of a quoteditem, no price adjustmentfor the omitteditem(s) shall be appliedprovided that the Bidderhas mentioned in his Bid thatthe sameis coveredin any otheritem. t The price adjustmentshall not justify any additional payment by the Employer. The price(s)of omitteditem(s) shall be deemedcovered by otherprices of the Scheduleof Prices.

I (ii) PriceAdjustment for TechnicalCompliance The costof makinggood any deficiencyresulting from technicalnon compliancewill be I addedto the CorrectedTotal Bid Price for comparisonpurposes only. The adjustments will be appliedtaking the averageprice quoted by otherBidders being evaluated in detail in their original Bids for correspondingitem. In caseof non availabilityof price from I otherBidders, the pricewill be estimatedby the Employer. (iiD PriceAdjustment for CommercialCompliance t The cost of making good any deficiency resulting from any quantiftable acceptable variations and deviationsfrom the Bid Schedulesand Conditionsof Contract. as determinedby the Employer will be added to the CorrectedTotal Bid Price for I comparisonpurpose only. Adjustmentfor commercialcompliance will be based on CorrectedTotal Bid Prices. I I 019 I I Julot Skildu Road Proiect I (iv) Price Adjustmentfor Deviationin Termsof Payment If a Bid deviatesfrom the terms of paymentlpa Specifiedin the Conditions of Contractand if such deviationis clnsi ?i the Employer, mark-up eamed I for any earlier paymentsinvol ined in the Bid as comparedto those stinulatedin the Conditi culatedat the mark-uprate of LIBOR+I% for foreign currency 3% for local currency componentper annum t andshall be addedto the Total Bid Price for comparisonpurposes only. (v) PriceAdjustment for CompletionSchedule t Bids indicatingcompletion in advanceof the datesstated in ContractData Sheet,no credit will be givenin this evaluation. Bids indicatingcompletion period later than the periodset out in ContractData Sheet shall I be adjustedin the evaluationby addinga factorof 0.05%of the CorrectedTotal Bid Price for eachcalendar day of completionlater than specified period of the completion. I Bids indicatingcompletion beyond 180 days later than the datesset out in ContractData Sheetshall not be consideredand rejected as non- responsive. 26.3.2 The evaluationof proposalwould be done by financial analysismethod taking into t accountthe following: (D EPCBid Price I (ii) Termsand Conditions of Supplier/BuyerCredit Terms and Conditionsof Supplier/BuyerCredit shall be analyzedby consideringnon Creditportion of EPCprice, Credit amount of EPCprice, annual interest rate, re-payment I period, Grace period and other with a view to comparingdifferent nature of credit proposal(Supplier/ Buyer). The bidderhaving the mosteconomical Financial Package (EPC Bid Priceand Terms and Conditions of I Supplier's/Buyer'sCredit) will be adjudgedthe lowestbidder. 26.4 If the Bid of the successfulBidder is seriouslyunbalanced in relationto the Employer'sestimate T of the cost of work to be performedunder the Contract,the Employermay requirethe Bidder to producedetailed price analysesfor any or all itemsof the Scheduleof Pricesto demonstratethe internalconsistency of thoseprices with the constructionmethods and scheduleproposed. After I evaluationof the price analyses,the Employermay requirethat the amountof the Performance Securityset forlh in ClauseIB.34 be increasedat the expenseof the successfulBidder to a level sufficientto protectthe Employeragainst financial loss in the eventof defaultof the successful t Bidderunder the Contract. 18.27.Domestic Preference

I 27.1 In the comparisonof evaluatedBids, the factured in Pakistan,will be granteda marginof preferencein accordancewith t irg procedures,provided the Biddershall have establishedto the satisfactionofEm ihe manufacturingcost of such Goodsincludes a I of the ex-factoryBid priceof suchGoods. Bidders in Appendix C to theseInstructions to substantiatetheir

I 27.2 Bid groupclassification in

I 27.3 from I t 020 I I Iaglot Skildu Road Proj€ct I

I 1't A in eachGroup among themselves taking into account: (a) In the caseof Goodsmanufactured in Paki local body chargesand other I similartaxes which will be payableon the furn in Pakistan. (b) In thecase of Goodsof foreignorigin ,rffitnYabroad, customsduties, sales tax and I otherimport charges which will bep&Aledr6rnished Goodsin Pakistan. (c) In the caseof Goods of foreign y locatedin Pakistan,customs duty, sales tax andimport charges on CIF pri ablefor Sub-Clause27.4(b) here above. I 27.5 The price preferenceto GroupA bi (i) additionthrough indigenous manufacturing is 15% of the ex-factoryOrn@}}e -/ value I atleast}}%o; \ (ii) 20Yoof the ex-fa\fu)idznrYce,"a*=::* if the value additionthrough indigenous manufacturing is I over20o/o and up t\ 3!%; and

I 27.6 preferencei.e., as per Sub-Clause27.5 here above will be appliedto Group theex-factory bid price. 27.7 ion for the purposeof domesticpreference under Sub-Clause IB 10.2and Clause IB I of contractshall subject to change,if any,as per policy of the FederalGovernment asapplicable on the dateof bid opening. I IB.28 Processto be Confidential 28. I Subjectto Clause23 heretofore,no Bidder shall contactEmployer on any matlerrelating to its Bid from the time of the Bid openingto the time the Bid evaluationresult is announcedby the I Employer.The evaluationresult shall be announcedat leastten (10) days prior to award of Contract. I 28.2 Any effort by a Bidderto influenceEmployer in the Bid evaluation,Bid comparisonor Contract Award decisionsmay resultin the rejectionof his Bid. Whereasany Bidder feelingaggrieved may lodgea writtencomplaint not laterthan fifteen (15) daysafter the announcementof the Bid I evaluationresult; however, mere fact of lodginga complaintshall not warant suspensionof the procurementprocess. I AWARD OF CONTRACT 18.29.Post-Qualification

I 29.1 The Employer,at any stageof the bid evaluation,having crediblereasons for or prima facie evidenceof any defect in bidder's capacities,may requirethe bidderto provide information concerning their professional,technical, financial, legal or managerialcompetence whether I alreadyqualified or not: Providedthat suchqualification shall only be laid downafter recording reasons thereof in writing. I They shallform part ofthe recordsofthat bid evaluationreport. 29.2 The determinationwill take into accountthe Bidder's financial,.tef,.l1,$i!?,b,$d production ^''-*!:1)f .' : l',.-' -ii+-\i'. I ':)i, ""\ i o2r I I,',,J I I Jaglot Skardu Road Project I capabilities.tt will be basedupon an examinationof the documentaryevidence of the Bidder's qualificationsubmitted under Appendix B to Instructionsto Bidders "Evidenceof Bidder's Capability"by the Bidderpursuant to ClauseI8.13, aswell as suchother information as required I underthe BiddingDocuments. 29.3 An affirmativedetermination will be a pre-requisitefor award of the Contractto the lowest evaluatedBidder. A negativedetermination will resultin rejectionof that Bidder'sBid in which I event,Employer will proceedto undertakea similar determinationof the next lowestevaluated Bidder's capabilitiesto performthe Contractsatisfactorily. I 18.30 Award Criteria 30.1 Subjectto Clause18.32, the Employerwill awardthe Contractto the Bidderwhose Bid hasbeen determinedto be substantiallyresponsive to the Bidding Documentsand who has offeredthe most I economicalfinancial proposal, provided that suchBidder has been determined to be qualifiedto satisfactorilyperform the Contractin accordancewith the provisionsof ClauseI8.29.

I I8.31 Employer'sRight to Vary Quantities

31 .l Employerreserves the right at the time of awardof Contractto increaseor decreaseby up to l5Yo I the quantityof Work containedin the Scheduleof Priceswithout any changein the unit price or otherterms and conditions. I 18.32 Employer's Right to Acceptany Bid and to Reject any or all Bids 32.1 NotwithstandingClause 18.30, the Employerreserves the right to acceptor rejectany Bid, andto annul the bidding processand rejectall Bids, at any time prior to awardof Contract,without l therebyincurring any liability to the affectedBidders or any obligationto inform the affected Biddersof the groundsfor the Employer'saction except that the groundsfor its rejectionshall upon requestbe communicated,to any Bidder who submitteda Bid, without justification of I grounds.Rejection of all Bids shallbe notifiedto all Bidderspromptly. 32.2 No negotiationwith the Bidderhaving been evaluated as lowestresponsive or any otherBidder shall be permitted.However, the Employermay have clarificationmeeting(s) to get clarified any I item(s) in the Bid evaluationreport. Prior to finalizationof evaluationof Bids, the lowest evaluatedresponsive Bidder may be askedfor a presentationregarding his proposal.These meetingsmust be attendedby the Bidder and its engineers/consultants.The main purposeof the I meetingwill be to allow the Employerto seekclarification on anytechnical and financial package of the bid.

I IB.33 Notification of Award 33.1 Prior to expirationof the periodof Bid validity prescribedby the Employer,the Employerwill I notify the successfulBidder in writing ("Letter of Acceptance")that his Bid has been accepted. This lettershall name the sumwhich the Employerwill paythe Contractor in considerationof the design,execution and completionof the Works/facilityby the Contractoras prescribedby the I Contract(hereinafter and in the Conditionsof Contractcalled the "ContractPrice"). 33.2 The Letter of Acceptanceand its acceptanceby the Bidder will constitutethe formationof the Contract,binding the Employerand the Biddertill signingof the formalContract Agreement. I 33.3 Uponfurnishing by the successfulBidder of a PerformanceSecurity, the Employerwill promptly I notify the otherBidders that their Bids have been unsuccessful and return their Bid securities. I I a22 I I Julot Skardu Road Proiect I 18.34 PerformanceSecurity 34.1 The successfulBidder shallfurnish to the Employera PerformanceSecurity in the form andthe amountstipulated in the Conditionsof Contractwithin a periodof twentyeight (28) daysafter the T receiptof Letterof Acceptance. 34.2 Failureof the successfulBidder to complywith the requirementsof Sub-Clauses18.34.1, IB.35 or I ClauseIB.44 shall constitutesufficient sroundsforthe annulmentof the award and forfeiture of the Bid Security. T 18.35 Signingof ContractAgreement 35.1 Within fourteen(14) daysfrom the dateof furnishingof acceptablePerformance Security under the Conditionsof Contract,the Employerwill sendto the successfulBidder the Form of Contract t Agreementprovided in the Bidding Documents,duly filled in and_incorporatingall agreements betweenthe parties for signingand return it to the Employer. I 35.2 The formal Agreementbetween the Employerand the successfulBidder shall be executedwithin fourteen(14) daysof the receiptof suchForm of ContractAgreement by the successfulBidder from the Employer.

I (G) ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS t 18.36 Instructionsnot Part of Contract 36.1 Bids shall be preparedand submittedin accordancewith the above Instructionsto Bidders includingAdditional Instructions which are provided to assistBidders in preparingtheir Bids, and I do not constitutepart of the Bid or the ContractDocuments. 18.37 ContractDocuments

T 37.1 The Documentswhich will be included in the Contract are listed in the Form of Contract Agreementset out in theseBidding Documents.

I 18.38 Sufficiencyof Bid

38.1 EachBidder shall satisfy himself before bidding as to the correctnessand sufficiency of his Bid t and of the ratesand pricesentered in the Scheduleof Prices.Except insofar as it is otherwise expresslyprovided in the Contract,the ratesand pricesentered in the Scheduleof Price shall cover all his obligationsunder the Contractand all mattersand things necessaryfor the proper I completionof the Works/facility. IB.39 OneBid per Bidder

I Each Bidder shall submitonly one Bid eitherby himself,or as a partnerin a joint venture.A Bidderwho submitsor participatesin morethan one Bid will be disqualifiedand Bids submitted I by him shallnot be consideredfor evaluationand award. IB.4O Bidderto inform himself

I 40.1 The Bidder is advisedto obtain for himself at his own costand responsibilityall informationthat may be necessaryfor preparing the Bid and entering into a Contract for execution of the Works/facility. I This shall includebut not be limited to the followine: I I I I JNlor Skardu Road Ptoject

T (b) inquiries on customsduties and other import taxes, to the concernedauthorities of Customs and Excise Department, (c) information regarding port clearance facilities, loading and unloading facilities, storage t facilities, transportationfacilities and congestionat Pakistanseaports. (d) investigationsregarding transport conditions and the probable conditions which will exist at I the time the Plant will be actually transported. 18.41 Alternate Proposalsby Bidder I 41.1 Shouldany Bidder considerthat he can offer any advantageto the Employer by a modificationto the designs,specifications or other conditions,he may, in addition to his Bid to be submittedin strict compliancewith the Bidding Documents,submit any Alternate Proposal(s)containing (a) relevant designcalculations; (b) technicalspecifications; (c) proposedconstruction methodology; and (d) any I other relevant details/ conditions,provided always that the total sum enteredon the Form of Bid shall be that which representscomplete compliance with the Bidding Documents. I 4I.2 AlternateProposal(s), if any, of the lowestevaluated responsive Bidder only may be consideredby the Employeras the basisfor the awardof Contractto suchBidder. I 18.42 Site Visit and Local Conditions 42.1 Bidder must verify and supplementby his own investigationsthe information about site and local conditions.However, Employer will assistthe Bidder whereverpracticable and possible. t 42.2 All Bidders are required to visit the site at their own expenseto review the area required for the execution and completion of the Work and other related information, if any. Bidders may also wish to study local conditions, available facilities, communications, craft wages, roads and other transport I facilities. Bidders shall also acquaintthemselves with the relevant laws, rules, and regulationsof Pakistan. 42.3 The Bidders and any of their personnelor agentswill be grantedpermission by the Employer to I enter upon his premisesand lands for the purpose of such inspection,but only upon the express condition that the Bidders, their personneland agents,will releaseand indemniff the Employer, his personnel and agentsfrom and against all liability in respectthereof and will be responsible t for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage,costs and expensesincurred as a result ofsuch inspection.

I 18.43 Pre-Bid Meeting

I 43.1 Pre-bidmeeting will be held on 4thMay 2016at 1100hours at NHA Auditoriumlocated at27- t Mauve Area,G-9/1, Islamabad. All prospectiveBidders or their authorizedrepresentatives shall be invitedto attendsuch a Pre- I Bid meeiing. I 1B..44Integrify Pact t 44.1 The Bidder shallsign and stampthe IntegrityPact provided in Schedule-Jto Bid in the Bidding Documentsfor all FederalGovernment procurement contracts exceeding Rupees ten million. Failureto providesuch Integrity Pact shall make the Bid non-responsive. I 18.45 GeneralPerformance of the Bidders I 45.1 The Employerreserves the right to obtaininformation regarding performance of the Bidderson I I I t Iulot Skildu Road Prcject t awarded contracts,interalia, reject his bid and/or refer the case to the PakistanEngineering Council.Upon suchreference, PEC in accordancewith its rules,procedures and relevant laws of the land take such action as may be deemedappropriate under the circumstancesof the case T includingblack listingof suchBidder and debarring him from participationin futurebidding for similarworks. I (H) APPENDICES The Appendicesto ITB areas given below:

T . Appendix-A:Nameof EligibleCountries I Appendix-B:Evidence of Bidder'sCapabilities Appendix-C:Domestic Goods (value added in Pakistan) T Appendicesare given here below: I I I I I I I t t t I I 025 I I t J@lot Skardu Road Proiect I AppendixA to Instructionsto Bidders

I NAME OF ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES I All countriesof the World with whom Islamic Republicof Pakistanhas commercial relations. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

I 026 I t Jaglot Skddu Road Proiect

Appendix B to Instructionsto Bidders


Note: Bidders to provide the following information with the Bid separatelyand indicate herein its I referenceswhere this information is available. t Sr.No. Information to be Supplied Bid References L Name of Bidder, businessaddress and country of incorporation. 2. Type of firm whether individually owned, partnership,corporation or joint ventureand the namesof its ownersor partners. a (a) The annualreports giving generaldescription of the firm, sort of businesscarried out, balance sheets,profit and loss statements,turn over and I businessdone by the firm, duly authenticated, for the last three (3) years. Audited Balance preceding (3) years i'lj..'r,'.. Sheetsfor the three and .._,,'..1,l,.:i". I projectedassets and liabilitiesfor the next two '.1:: 'j'. \r..::..i 'l;. (2) yearsshall be provided. ; l! ! ', .1? i. Total value of works in hand on bid ;::-I opening/preparationdate. ' ii. Total value of works completedin last : .i. -;'' threeyears. I A (a) Hascompleted at leastone (1) highwayContract of similarnature with a minimumvalue of US$ 190 Million during the last seven years. I (Schedule-Ito bid) (b) Design capacityto undertakethe project i.e. the experience of designing of highways and bridges.

5. Referencelists of similar works done by the I Bidder in its countryand abroadindicating the name of customer,description and quantity of product, year of supply and the approximate I value. This is an importantconsideration and should be filled in with full details httach separatesheet if needed)

6. Details of projectsunder executionand future contractualcommitments (for each partner,in caseofajoint venture) 1 (a) Bankingreference, names of banks and address may be given to whom referenceregarding financialcapability of the Biddermay be made,

I 02? I I Julot Skardu Road Project I with authority to make inquiries from the Bidder's bankers and clients regarding any financialand technical aspects (for eachpartner, in caseofajoint venture). (b) Detail of OD limit allowed to the firm by the bank for the businessincludins amount and its t validityperiod. 8. Health, Safetyand emergencyplan as well as Risk Managementplan for the project. I 9. Detailed/ Integrated work plan along with methodologyto completethe assignment. I 10. Information on any litigation or arbitration resulting from contractscompleted or under executionby the Bidder over the last ten (10) I years.The informationshall indicatethe parties concerned,the matter of dispute,the disputed amountsand the resultthereof (for eachpartner, I in caseof ajoint venture). I ;i:!:':,; -it i,i ,i" i1::' : I ii::,';i I I I I I I t I t 028 I I I Jaglot Skddu Road Proiect I Appendix C to I Instructionsto Bidders I Domestic Goods (Value added in Pa [Biddersclaiming eligibility for domesticpreference should fill onlv. all columns I hereunderand providenecessary documentation to substantiate I I T I I I I Computations: I A. Total amountof ValueAddition (from Co1.7) Rs B. TotalEx-Factory Price of IndigenousGoods (from Col.5) Rs I C. Total DDP Priceof importedsupply items Eqv.Rs D. Total Priceof supplyitems [B+C] Eqv.Rs I E. % of valueaddition: [(A/D)xl00] F. DomesticPreference :(15,20 or 25)o/oof B t I I t 029 I I t T 080, t t T I I I t I I I I I t t I I I I I I I

I LETTER OF TECHNICAL BID AND I SCHEDULESTO BID Letter of Technical Bid I Schedulesto Bid ScheduleA to Bid: SpecificWorks Data I ScheduleB to Bid: ProposedOrganization for the Project ScheduleC to Bid: Methodof PerformingWorks

I ScheduleD to Bid: ProposedProgramme of Works I ScheduleE to Bid: Works to be Performedby Subcontractors ScheduleF-1 to Bid: Deviationsfrom TechnicalProvisions I ScheduleF-2 to Bid: Deviationsfrom ContractualConditions ScheduleG to Bid: SpecificOperation/Plant and Equipment Detail I ScheduleH To Bid: SpecimenJV Agreement t - ScheduleI To Bid: PastPerformance and Present Commitments I I T T I I I I ' 031 I I t I LETTER OF TECHNICAL BID

Bid Reference No.: I Package No.: t [Name oflhrkd I To: I Gentlemen, I 1. Having examinedthe Bidding Documentsincluding Instructions to Bidders,Conditions of Contract,Specifications, Drawings, Employer's Requirements, Scope of Work, Schedules to Bid, Scheduleof Prices and AddendaNos. .... for the I execution of the above-namedWorks, we, the undersigned,being a company doing businessunder the name of and address t andbeing duly incorporatedunder the lawsof ...... hereby offer to executeand completesuch Works and remedyany defectstherein in conformity with the saiddocuments including Addenda thereto. I 2. We understandthat all the Schedulesattached hereto form part of this Bid. 3. As securityfor due performanceof the undertakingsand obligationsof this Bid, we submit herewitha Bid Securityin theamount of ...... drawnin thefavor of, or madepayable I totheEmployor,...... andvalidforaperiod.....daysbeyondtheperiodofvalidityofBid. 4. We undertake,if our Bid is accepted,to commencethe Works and to deliver and complete the whole of the Works comprisedin the Contractwithin the time(s) statedin Preambleto I the Conditionsof Contract. 5. We agreeto abide by this Bid for the period of ...... days from the date fixed for T receivingthe sameand it shall remainbinding upon us and may be acceptedat any time beforethe expirationof that period. 6. Unlessand until a formal Agreementis preparedand executed,this Bid, togetherwith your I written acceptancethereof, shall constitutea binding contractbetween us. 7. We undertake,if our Bid is acceptedto executethe PerformanceSecurity referred to in I Clause4.2 of Conditionsof Contractfor the dueperformance ofthe Contract. We do herebydeclare that the Bid is madewithout any collusion,comparison of figuresor arrangementwith any otherperson or personsmaking a Bid for the Works. t 9. We do herebydeclare that our firm, including any subcontractorsor suppliersfor any part of the Contract, have nationalitiesfrom eligible countries[insert the nationality of the Bidder, including that of all parties that comprise the Bidder if the Bidder is a consortium I or association,and the nationalityof eachSubcontractor and SupplierJ. 10. We, including any subconltaciorsor suppliersfor any part of the Contract,do not haveany I conflict of interest. .. I 3032 I I 11. We are not participating,as a Bidder or as a subcontractor,in more than one bid in this biddingprocess. 12. We confirm, if our Bid is accepted,that all partnersof the joint venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the Contract and the composition or the constitution of the joint venture shall not be altered without the prior consentof the Employer.(Please delete in caseof Bid from a singlefirm).

Datedthis...... dayof...... 201...

Signature .... in the capacityof ...... duly authorizedto sign the Bid for and on behalfof (Nameof Bidderin Block Capitals) (Sealof Bidder)



Signature: Name:


03& 790 . I I


The main technical data is prescribed in the relevant sections of the Technical provisions. t However,the Bidder may supplementthe main technicaldata by providing hereunderother salient parametersfor the works underconsideration to enablethe Employer/ProjectManager/Engineer to assesstechnical conformance of the proposedprocess and the meansavailable with the contractor T to do it. t I I I I I T I

Initialsof Signatoryto Bid: I I

I 035 I I t I I I I I T I t t I I I I I t I I t T I t t SCHEDULE-BTOBID


I The Bidder shall provide in this ScheduleOrganization chart indicatingthe key personnelhe will employ for Head office and for Site office involved in management,supervision and Project Manager/Engineeringof the Works to be doneunder the Contractto direct and executethe Works, I togetherwith their names,qualifications, experience, positions held andtheir nationalities.

I Summaryof Qualifications,Experience, Designation Name of PresentPosition and Nationalitv I Person I Head Office: I t SiteOffice: Contractor's Representative I Site Superintendent Supervisingengineers PlantErectors I ConstructionSupervisors t OtherKey Staff I I I t I ,03? I I 880

t I I T T I I I I I I I


I METHOD OF PERFORMING THE WORKS I The Bidder is requiredto submit a narrativeoutlining the methodof performingthe Works. The I narrativeshould indicate in detail and includebut not be limited to: The sequenceand methodsin which he proposesto carryout the Works, including the numberof shifts per day andhours per shift, he expectsto work.

I A list of all major itemsof constructionaland erectionplant, tools and vehiclesproposed to be usedin carrying out the Works at Site, including numberof eachkind, make,type, capacity of all equipment,working condition,which shall be deployedby him for Civil Work and I Erection,Testing and Commissioningof the Works, in sufficient detail to demonstratefully that the equipmentwill meetall the requirementsof the Specifications.

T The procedurefor installation/erectionof equipmentand transportation of equipmentand materials to the site. t Details regarding mobilization in Pakistan, the type of facilities including personnel accommodation,office accommodation,provision for maintenanceand for storage, t communications,security and other services to be used. The Contractorshall provide descriptionof his constructioncamp's facilities and staff housing requirements.

I The Contractorshall be responsiblefor pumps,elechical power, water and electricaldistribution systems,and seweragesystem including all fittings, pipes and other items necessaryfor servicing the Contractor'sconstruction camp and staff housingfacilities. The Bidder shall I list or explain his plans for providing these facilities for the service of the Contract as follows: I 1. Site Preparation(clearing, land preparation,etc.). 2. Provisionof Services. I a) Power(expected power load,etc.). b) Water(required amount and systemproposed). j I c) Sanitation(sewage disposal system, etc.). : I t I 003$ t I I I SCHEDULE-CTOBID I Sheet2 of2 I 3. Constructionof Facilities I a) Contractor'sOffice, Workshopand Work Areas(areas required and proposedlayout, type of constructionof buildings,etc.). 'l b) Warehousesand StorageAreas (area required, type of constructionand layout). c) Housingand Staff Facilities(Plans for housingfor proposedstaff, I layout,type of construction,etc.) 4. ConstructionEquipment Assembly and Preparation(detailed plans for carrying I out this activity). 5. OtherItems Proposed (Security services, etc.). I t I ... :l T I I I t Initialsof Signatoryto Bid:.. I I 0%0 I I t I I70 r, I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I SCHEDULE-D TO BID T I PROPOSEDPROGRAMME OF WORKS t Bidder shall provide a program in a bar-charf/CPIvIPERTform showing the sequenceof work I items by which he proposesto completethe Work of the entire Contract.The program should indicatethe sequencesof work itemsand the periodof time during which he proposesto complete the Works including the activities like designing, schedule of submittal of drawings, I ordering/procurementof materials,manufacturing, delivering, design & constructionof associated civil works, installation/erection,testing and commissioningof Works to be executedunder the I Contract. I I I I I

I I I I 0*2 t T I I 8?0 T I I |' ': t t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I ,'I ,l ,1 SCHEDULE-E TO BID .. I WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY SUBCONTRACTORS 'l The Bidder will do the work with his own forcesexcept the part (s) of the Works listedbelow 'l which he intendsto sub-contract.

Items of Works Nameand addressof Statementgfgi4qllq to be Sub-Contracted Sub-Contractor works nreviously t Executed(attach evidence) T t I t I I Note: I No changeof Sub-Contractorshall be madeby the Bidder without prior approvalof the Employer. The truthfulnessand accuracyof the statementas to the experienceof Subcontractorsis guaranteed by the Bidder. The Employer's judgment shall be final as to the evaluation of the I experienceof Subcontractorssubmitted by the Bidder. Statementof similar works shall includedescription, location & value of work, yearcompleted and I name& addressof the clients. This may include manufacturer(s)who are proposedhere and their relevantdetails to be provided accordinglyincluding make, capacityand salientfeatures to make it particularlysuitable I for the works. The technologyused should also be detailedadequately. I

I 044 I I I

9?0 t I I I I I I I I I t T I I I I t I I I SCHEDULE- F-l TO BID


It is presumedthat the Bidder shall not take any deviation. However, if he intends to take deviationsto the specifiedtechnical provisions, those must be listed in the spaceprovided below:

Sr. No. ClauseNo. / SectionNo. Deviations/Clarifications

Note: Attach additionalsheets, if necessary

Initialsof Signatoryto Bid:.

ll 046 t I


,l DEVIATIONS FROM CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONS I It is presumedthat the Bidder shall not take any deviation. However, if he intends to take deviationsto the specifiedContractual/Commercial Conditions, those must be listed in the space t providedbelow: I Sr.No. ClauseNo. i SectionNo. Deviations/Clarifications I t I I I t t I

I Note: Attach additionalsheets. if necessary T Initialsof Signatoryto Bid: I I ,047 I ,,I 8?0 SCHEDULE-GTOBID


Note: Attach additionalsheets. if necessarv

Initialsof Signatoryto Bid:

01$ 13 I l, 090 t I I I l:



(In the eventthat the successfulBidder is a joint ventureformed of two or more companies,the Employer requiresthat the partiesto the joint venture acceptjoint and severalliabilities for all obligationsunder the Contract.)

051 I t e90 I I I I I I I I I I t t I T t I t I I I t SCHEDULE-I TO BID t PAST PERFORMANCE AND PRESENTCOMMITMENTS I Past Performance T Satisfactoryperformance Planned Actual Name of Name of completed certificatefrom employer Sr.No. Startdate completion completion project(s) employer cost / Remarks regarding delays if date date :l applicable

I I 2.

t J.

A I 5. o_ I 7. I PresentCommitments I Name of Planned Voageof Award letter Name of Sr, No. ongoing Total cost Start date completion works / Remarksregarding delays if employer t project(s) date completed applicable



Letter of Price Bid

Schedulesto Bid

ScheduleJ to Bid: Integrity Pact ScheduleK to Bid: EstimatedProgress Payments ScheduleL to Bid: Lump SumCost Breakdown for Major Cost Items ScheduleM to Bid: Termsand Conditionsof CreditFinancing ScheduleN to Bid: Breakdownof Expenditures/ForeignCurrency Component


Preambleto Scheduleof Prices Summaryof Bid Prices Scheduleof Prices Scheduleof Payment

Appendix to Scheduleof Prices

- Tentative Quantities


I :,j :l Bid Reference No.: PackageNo.: I .l [Name of lltorksJ I To:

I Gentlemen, l. Having examined the Bidding Documents including Instructions to Bidders, Conditions of Contract,Specifications, Schedules to Bid, Scheduleof Prices,schedule of payment, Employer's t Requirement,Scope of Work, Drawings and AddendaNos. .. for the executionof the above-namedWorks, we, the undersigned,being a companydoing businessunder I the address ::::::::::::::::::: :::: :::: :::: : il;;;;iil,"":x.Hff.,1J'J"ff[1i"#:'f#:itr;ll1"1ffi,| I any defectstherein in conformity with the said Documentsincluding Addenda thereto for the Total ::i :::::: :* ::::9::::::ii : : - ; (in words) I with foreign currencycomponent of Yoof Total Bid Price or such other sum as may be ascertainedin accordancewith the saidDocuments. I 2. We understandthat all the Schedulesattached hereto form part of this Bid. 3. We offer to finance o/oof the total Bid Price in the form of Supplier/ Buyer Credit

l 1. We undertake,if our Bid is accepted,to commencethe Works and to deliver and completethe whole of the Works comprised in the Contract within the time(s) stated in Preambleto the I Conditionsof Contract. 5, We agreeto abide by this Bid for the period of ...... days from the date fixed for receivingthe sameand it shall remainbinding upon us and may be acceptedat any time beforethe expirationof I that period. 6. Unlessand until a formal Agreementis preparedand executed,this Bid, togetherwith your written I acceptancethereof shall constitutea binding contractbetween us. n We undertake,if our Bid is acceptedto executethe PerformanceSecurity refened to in Clause4.2 of Conditionsof Contractfor the dueperformance of the Contract.

I 8. I I

,,l r.,'ld I I 9. We do hereby declare that the Bid is made without any collusion, comparisonof figures or t arrangementwith any otherperson or personsmaking a Bid for the Works. 10. We confirm, if our Bid is accepted,thatall partnersof the joint ventureshall be liable jointly and severallyfor the execution of the Contract and the compositionor the constitutionof the joint I ventureshall not be alteredwithout the prior consentof the Employer.(Please delete in caseof Bid from a singlefirm).

I Datedthis dayof .201...

Signature ..... in the capacityof...... duly authorizedto signthe Bid for andon I behalfof (Nameof Bidder in Block Capitals)

I (Sealof Bidder) I Bidder'sAddress

I Witness:

Signature: I Name: I Occupation I I I I t l t I 457 t T l I 890 I t I t I t t I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I SCHEDULE-J TO BID Integrity Pact I [To befilled andsigned by theBidderJ DECLARATTONOF FEES,COMMISSION AND BROKERAGEETC. I PAYABLE BY THE SUPPLIERSOF GOODS,SERVICES & WORKSIN ', CONTRACTSWORTH RS. 1O.OO MILLION ORMORE I ContractNo. Dated ContractValue: I ContractTitle: iil;;;;i,;;;;;;;;;;;;;,1,I#;,:1il',1,':::lr'ifll"$'ims:ii!I?:#:r:Hil'f# Governmentof Pakistan(GoP) or any administrativesubdivision or agencythereof or any other I entity owned or controlledby GoPthrough any corruptbusiness practice.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, [name of Supplier] representsand warrants that it I hasfully declaredthe brokerage,commission, fees etc. paid or payableto anyoneand not given or agreed to give and shall not give or agree to give to anyone within or outside Pakistan either directly or indirectly through any natural or juridical person, including its affiliate, agent, associate, broker, consultant, director, promoter, shareholder, sponsor or subsidiary, any I commission,gratification, bribe, finder's fee or kickback,whether described as consultationfee or otherwise,with the object of obtainingor inducingthe procurementof a contract,right, interest privilege or other obligationor benefit in whatsoeverform from GoP, exceptthat which hasbeen I expresslydeclared pursuant hereto. [name of Supplier] certifies that it has made and will make full disclosureof all agteementsand arangementswith all personsin respectof or relatedto the transactionwith GoP and hasnot taken t any action or will not take any action to circumvent the above declaration,representation or warranty.

I [name of Supplier] acceptsfull responsibilityand strict liability for making any false declaration, not making full disclosure,misrepresenting facts or taking any actionlikely to defeatthe purposeof this declaration,representation and warranty.It agreesthatany contract,right interest,privilege or I other obligation or benefit obtainedor procuredas aforesaidshall, without prejudiceto any other rights and remediesavailable to GoP underany law, contractor other instrument,be voidableat the option of GoP.

t Notwithstanding any rights and remediesexercised by GoP in this regard, [name of Supplier] agreesto indemnify GoP for any loss or damageincurred by it on accountof its conupt business practicesand further pay compensationto GoP in an amountequivalent to ten time the sum of any I commission,gratification, bribe, finder's fee or kickback given by [nameof Supplier]as aforesaid for the purposeofobtaining or inducingthe procurementofany contract,right, interest,privilege or other oblieationor benefitin whatsoeverform from GoP.

I Nameof Buyer: ...... Signature: I ISeal] I ,05$ I t I I

090 .a I I ''*J I t t I t I I I t I I I I I t t T SCHEDULE-KTOBID


Bidder's estimateof the value of work which would be executedby him during eachof the periods statedbelow, basedon his Programmeof Works andthe Ratesin the Scheduleof Prices,expressed in foreign and local curency of payments:

Amounts Period LcC (Rs.) FCC



3'd Month

4th Month







Total Bid Price

Initialsof Signatoryto Bid:

'r;:.:';. .t' :",: :: 7' . .._ f 081 I I zg0 I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I SCHEDULE-L TO BID I LUMP SUM COST BREAKUP FOR MAJOR COST ITEMS t The Bidder is to providea detailedbreakup of his Lump sum costsin a mannerthattheoverall picture for the quotedprice can be understood.It shouldinclude major headingwise costbreakup I includingrate analyses for at least6 major cost itemsas required to analyzeit. I I

I .{'\ t.'i tt' { I :,r ...... r..j..- I I t,l-i:.' ,: t t I t I I t I I I



(To be completedby the Bidder)

Bidder shall providethe following detailsregarding financing of the Project:

Type of Financing(Supplier basis or BuyerBasis)






Maturity Period

Effective Date

Re-paymentof the credit

a Recoveriesof Principaland Interest

a Any otherTerms and Conditionsof Credit Financing

065 q lr



L The Bidder may indicatehere in below his requirementsof foreigncurrency (j y) with I referenceto variousinputs to the Works.

2. ForeignCurrency Requirement as percentage of the Bid Priceexcluding Pro I _% (.....percent)

3. The Bidder is further requiredto allocate under CategoryA of the I expendituresincurred on Work for which ForeignCurrency is required: A. ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES I a. Salariesand Wages (including Social Benefits) of Personalengaged on Works b. Maintenanceand Operation of Camps c. Travel& SubsistenceofPersonnel t d. Profits e. Overheads f. OtherGeneral Expenses I Sub Total (A) I

B. DIRECT CONSTRUCTIO I a. (i) ConstructionEqy (includingspare (ii) ROMDAS I DeterminineIRI b. Co (i) Steel I (ii) Timber I I d. isc.Direct Costs (B) of TotalBOQ Items I Amountx 100) REIGN CURRENCY COMPONENT t amount yment againstthe foreign curency componentfor the expenditureincurred for the procurementof equipmentshould be madeon provisionof documentaryevidence (Bill of Lending,Invoices, I etc) by the Contractor. r Remunerationof expatriateemployees in foreign currencywill be paid on actualbasis on productionof I actualreceipts for the staffwho will be physicallypresent on projectin Employer'scountry. , d:'i'," I 00q iij,l T t I I 890 I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I


I l. Preambleto Scheduleof Prices I 2. Summaryof Scheduleof Prices 3. ScheduleNo.l - Earth Work I 4. ScheduleNo.2 - SubBase & BaseCourse I 5. ScheduleNo. 3 - SurfaceCourse and Pavement 6. Schedule44. - BridgesSub Structure (0+000 to km 83+500) I 7. Schedule48 - BridgesSuper Structure (0+000 to km 83+500) 8. Scehdule4B2 - Bridges(km 83+500to km 155+520)

I 9. Schedule4C - Culverts I 10. ScheduleNo. 5 - Drainageand Erosion Works 11. ScheduleNo. 6 - Ancillary Works

I 12" ScheduleNo. 7 - GeneralItems including Provisional Sum I 13. ScheduleNo. 8 - EngineeringDesign 14. ScheduleNo. 9 t 15. Scheduleof Pavment I Appendix to Scheduleof Prices TentativeQuantities t l I

I 069 I I T I 1. PREAMBLE TO SCHEDULE OF PRICES I 1. General 1.1 The Scheduleof Prices shall be read in conjunctionwith the Conditionsof I Contracttogether with the Specificationsand Bid Drawings. r.2 The Bidder shallquote for all itemsof the Worksexecuted on EPC/Turnkeybasis I and the prices shall be quotedfor the completescope of Work as describedor implied from theseBidding Documents in schedule-Lto bid. I ) Description& Quantities 2.1 Price given in the Scheduleof Pricesagainst each item shall be for the scope t coveredby that item as detailedin the Employer'sRequirement, Scope of Work, Specifications,Bid Drawings or elsewherein the Bidding Documents.The generaldirections and descriptionsof work and materialsare not necessarily I repeatednor summarizedin the Scheduleof Pricesand do not generallygive a full descriptionof the Work to be executedand the servicesto be performedunder eachitem. Referencesto the relevantsections of the Bidding Documentsshall be I madeto ascertainthe full scopeof the requirementsincluded in eachitem prior to filling in the pricesagainst each item in Scheduleof Prices. I The Scheduleof Pricesonly identifiesmajor componentsof the Work andit does not restrictthe responsibilityof the Contractorto furnishall equipments,materials and servicesas deemednecessary by the Employer for making the Project I completeand satisfactoryas specifiedand/or implied in the Bidding Documents andsubsequent revisions thereto. t 2.2 The quantitiesannexed in the Scheduleof Pricesare tentative/estimated quantities andprovisional only being given as an indicationto enablethe Bidderto bid for t differentitems of the Works in accordancewith his estimate 2.3 The quantitiesannexed in the Scheduleof Pricesincluding Drawings are tentative and not final as the responsibilityfor detaileddesign rests with the Contractor I underthe Contract.If, in the opinion of the Employer,at the time of review of Contractor'sdrawings / designsfor approval,certain quantities of someitems haveto be increasedfor propercompletion of the Works,then revisedquantities I shallbe executedby the Contractorat no extracost to the Employer. 3. Ratesand Prices I 3.1 Exceptas otherwiseexpressly provided under the Conditionsof Contract,lump sum amountsentered in the Scheduleof Pricesshall be deemedto includefor the full scopeand all costs incurredby the Contractorin the performanceof the I Works, the provisionof servicesincluding his overheads,income tax, supertax, other indirect costs,customs & other duties,profits and costsof acceptingthe generalrisks, liabilities andobligations set forth or impliedin the Contraci,'except I for such costs which are specified as reimbursableunder the Contr4ct. '.,i, 'i

i I r.. . \ i'.l,tl

I \''" I The total of the Scheduleof Pricesis the Total Bid Price and shall be enteredin ParagraphI of the Form of PriceBid.

3.2 Unlessotherwise stipulated in the Conditionsof Contract,prices entered by the Bidder shall be fixed and firm and shall not be subjectto adjustmentduring the performanceof the Contract.

3.3 All duties,taxes and other levies payable by the Contractorunder the Contract,or for any other cause,as on the datetwenty eight (28) daysprior to the deadlinefor submissionof Bids shallbe includedin the total Bid Pricesubmitted by a Bidder.

3.4 Thewhole costof complyingwith the provisionsof the Contractshall be included in the items providedin the priced Scheduleof Prices,and whereno items are providedin the Scheduleof Pricesfor any work requiredto be executedby the Contractoron EPC/Turnkeybasis under single responsibility for the completion of the Works and to makethe Works complete,the cost of suchitem(s) shall be deemedto be distributedamong the prices enteredfor the relateditems of the Works and no separatepayment will be madeby the Employerfor thoseitems executedby the Contractor.

The prices and amountsshall be enteredagainst each item in the Scheduleof Prices.Where a Bidderfails to quotea priceof any item of the Scheduleof Prices, the Employerwill considerthat the price of that item is includedamong other itemsand the Contractorwill be obligatedto furnishthat item at no extracost to the Employer,if awardedthe Contract.

3.5 The Bidder shall be deemedto haveobtained all informationas to port clearance facilities and charges,loading and unloading facilities and charges,storage facilities and charges,transportation facilities and charges,congestion and/or otherconditions to be expectedat KarachiPort andor any otherseaport or border of Pakistanand all requirementsrelated thereto.

The Contractorshall be responsibleto make complete arrangementsfor the transportationof the Plant to the Site. The Bidder shall be deemedto have includedall clearing,forwarding and other incidentalcosts in this regardin his Bid.

3.6 The Contractorshall provide all parts of the Works to be completedin every respectfot commercialoperation. Notwithstanding that any details,accessories, etc. required for the complete execution of the Work, are not specifically mentionedin the Scheduleof Prices,Employer's Requirement, Scope of Work, Specificationsincluding Bid Drawings, such details shall be consideredas includedin the ContractPrice, All chargesfor the supply of goods,materials, accessoriesor work not specificallymentioned herein but necessaryfor the completionand executionof the Works shallbe deemedto havebeen included in thequoted prices. , ;,,,,:,,.ii,.;,,: .,.,,

f7r I I 3.t All costsin connectionwith Testswithin and out sidePakistan as per provisions of Contractshall be borne by the Contractorand shall be deemedto have been I includedin the quotedprices.

All costs in connectionwith the holding of meetingsshall be borne by the t Contractor. The amountsquoted in the Scheduleof Pricesshall also include Contractor's cost I for providing PerformanceSecurity and other Bank Guaranteesrequired for performanceof the Contract. I Bid Prices 5.1 Break-upof Bid Prices I Thevarious elements of Bid Pricesshall be quotedas detailedbelow:

Such prices shall include all costs of materialsused for construction I works,construction for civil works,Design Supervision including all costs of construction staff and labour, Contractor's Equipment, tools and I equipment,etc. 5.2 Total Bid Price I The total of Bid pricesin the Scheduleof Pricesshall be enteredin the Summaryof Bid Prices. I 6.1 ProvisionalSums included and so designatedin the Scheduleof Pricesif any,shall be expendedin wholeor in part at the directionand discretion of the Employer. The Contractorwill only receivepayment in respectof I ProvisionalSums if he hasbeen instructed by the Employerto utilize such SUMS. l ProvisionalSums shall be expendedfor reimbursementof Contractor's invoicesfor any additionalsite protectionworks, relocation of servicesor any other work / payments as instructedby the Employer through I VariationOrder. I

I ji T I








PROVISIONALSUM 292,600,000 EngineeringDesign (Design review and I UpdationCharges) o Supervisionand modificationof design(if .Y required)during execution TorAL Amount / . IIIII I IITTIIII -IIT II I


SCHEDULENO.I : EARTHWORK ltem Item Description Amount (Rs) in Figures Amount (Rs) in Words l0l Clearingand Grubbing

103 Stripping

104 Compactionof NaturalGround

I 06a Excavateunsuitable Common Material

r 06b Excavateunsuitable Rock Material

i) Hard Rock

ii) MediumRock

iii) SoftRock

l06c ExcavateSurplus Common Material

t06d ExcavateSurplus Hard Rock Material i) Hard Rock

ii) MediumRock

iii) SoftRock

I 08a Formationof Embankmentfrom roadway Excavationin CommonMaterial

t08b Formationof Embankmentfrom roadway Excavationin CommonMaterial i) Hard Rock

ii) MediumRock

iii) Soft Rock

108crFormationof Embankmentfrom borrow Excavationin CommonMaterial

l08di Eormationof Embankmentfrom StructuralExcavation in CommonMaterial

t4b' Dressingof Bermwith ExtraBorrow material



SCHEDULE 2 : SUB BASE & BASE Item Item Description (Rs) No. Amount in Figures Amount (Rs) in Words

201 GranularSubbase

206b WaterBound Mcadam

203a AsphalticBase Course Plant Mix (ClassA)

Break & removeexisting asphalt surfacing ofthe existingroad, scarifyand 209a plough the existing base/subbasaeto a depth of 150mm,water,mix and recompactto specifiedof subsequentlayer of base/subbase.





Item Item Description (Rs) No. Amount in Figures Amount (Rs) in Words

302a BituminousPrime Coat

5U5A BituminousTrack Coat

305b AsphaltWearing Course ( ClassB)

206b WaterBound Macadam on shoulders

401 PlainConcrete Class Al on shoulders


o { C')

':-- i ... . *,-.' I :,-,::,:r:'-r.;,,tt:' IT ITITIIII TTIIIIT -rI IF



Amount (Rs) in Figures Amount (Rs) in Words Testpiles of 760 mm.dia. Inculding Boring and concrete class ,A.3 inculding reinforcement Conftrmatoryboring inculding test reports Cast-in-placeconcrete piles (760 mm diameter)inculding concrete class A.3 but excludinereinforcement. 407d.Boring only (in all ypeof soil) 401a.Concrete class ,4.3 in piles Pile Load Test (Two timesof the designload) (Designload 240 Tons) Structuralexcavation in all Wpeof soil material Commonback fill in structures

Concrete class Al in a) Retainingwalls(elevated) b) ApproachSlab (on ground)

Concrete class A,2 in c) Pilescaps (underground) ) Abutment(on ground) e) Transoms (elevated)

Concrete class A3 in

Reinforcementin substructureinculding piles asper AASHTO M31.

Elastomericbearing pads as per drawings. PermanentSteel Casing (12mm thick liner)




Item ltem Description Amount (Rs) in Figures Amount (Rs) in Words No.

40ld ConcreteClass D2 in precastprestressed concrete girders

405b Launchingof P.CGirders

40la ConcreteClass ,A.3 in deckslab and diaphraems

40la ConcreteClass Al in barrier

BridgeExpansion Joints CPEC (WOSd 50) manufacteredby freyssinetor SP-4 equivalentwith tensionbolts complete in all respects.(For Movement of 50mm)

404b Reinforcementin substructureinculding piles as per AASHTO M3 l.

€ 104b.Grade 60 { 6 SP-5 PVC ServicePipes. (l50mm diameter,2mm thick).

G.I Drain Pipefor drainageincluding all fixtures,bends and grates (l00mm SP-6 liameter)

Prestressingstrands l/2" diaincluding all sheaths(Pipes 50mm Wall 405a thickness2mm), trumpets, block, stressinganchorage, stressing and grouting,etc with completeall respect.



ScheduleNO.4B2: BRIDGES(KM 83.500TO KM 155.520) Item Item Description Amount (Rs) in Figures Amount (Rs) in Words l07ci StructuralExcavation in Hard Rock Material 107cii StructuralExcavation in mediumRock Material l07d Granularbackfill 401a ConcreteClass Al i) on Ground ii) Elevated ConcreteClass A.3 i) UnderGround ii) On Ground iii) Elevated 405- a. PrecastPrestressed Concrete Girders i. 20 meterlong ii. 30 meterlong b. Launchingof RCC Girders (> -{ 40lf Lean Concrete cn 40lg PrecastConcrete a) Planks(class Al) b) RCCGirders (class ,A3) 404a Reinforcementas per Aashto M 31 Grade40 404b Reinforcementas per Aashto M 3l Grade60 406a RremouldedJoint Filler 25 mm thick with BitumasticJoint Seal 407d Castin PlaceConcrete Piles (class A.3) 1000 mm dia 407g TestPile (class ,A.3) 1000 mm dia 407i PileLoad tests 2 timesthe design load for designload of 200Ton 4l lb StoneM4lsonary random with mortar



SCHEDULE NO.4B2: STRUCTURES(BRIDGES) (KM 83.500TO KM 1s5.s20) Amount (Rs) in f igures Amount (Rs) in Words

Steelwire meshfor Gabions RockFill in Gabions GroutedRiprap, Class A GroutedRiprap, Class B GroutedRiprap, Class C Filter layerof granularmaterial BridgeDeck Expansion joint ElastomericLaminated Bearins Pads with studs

e a. Exploratory/ConfirmatoryBoring andTesting in Dry areas Q c. GeotechnicalReport in bridges 6 Providingand Placing in positionDowels Bars with PVC b. Providingand fixing drainagepipe in bridgeDeck l00mmdia GI pipe)withsteel Extraover provisionof SR cementinstead of portlandcement for concrete:

P.V.Cpipe 150mm dia for serviceM.S piperaili M.S PipeRailing Demolitionof existingstructure


Note: eostof''Detbur to be added I I Irr -rrrI IT IIII rIIII



Excavationin CommonMaterial StructuralExcavation in Hard Rock Material Structuralexcavation in MediumRock Material ranularBackfill

i) UnderGround

ClassAl(culverts i/c wingwall, aprons,coping,pipecasing & etc). Reinforcementin substructureinculding piles as per AASHTO M3 l. grade lar backfilli MasnoryRandom with mortor DressedCourse with mortar Premouldedioint filler with bitumasticioint filler

Layer of Granular Material ismantlingof Structures& Obstructions Extraover for provisionof S.Rcement instead of portlandcement for

Demolitionof Concreteculverts

R.C.Cpipe Culvert AASHTO M 170Class IV



SCHEDULE NO.5 : DRAINAGE AND EROSIONWORKS ltem Item Description Amount (Rs) in Figures Amount (Rs) in Words

l 07f Structuralexcavation in all tvoeofsoil

I 07ci Structuralexcavation in hardRock Material

l07cii Structuralexcavation in MediumRock Material

401f Lean Concrete

509d GroutedRip Rap,Class "A"

509e GroutedRip rapClass B

509a Dry Rip rap ClassA e @ s09b Dry Rip rap ClassB f.9 509h Filter layerof Granularmaterial

41lb StoneMasnory Random with Mortor

4l2a Stonemasnory dressed coursed with mortarfor protectionworks (walls) slr ConcreteClass Al for Coping Extra over provisionof SR cementinstead ofportland cementfor concrete:

f. LeanConcrete

a:- g. StoneMasnory

SP.8 Wire mesharound wall



SCHEDULE NO.6 : ANCILLARY WORKS Amount (Rs) in Figures Amount (Rs) in Words

precast concrete kerb

Metalbeam guardrail including end pieces and guard rail posts(single)

raffic roadsigns category 1.

lfic roadsigns category 2.

roadsigns category 3a.

raffic roadsigns category 3c.

PavementMarking with CR Reflectivepaint for lineof 15cmwidth

Pavementmarking in ReflectiveTP paintof l5cm width

PavementMarking with CR Reflectivepaint for 4m Arrows

Pavementmarking in ReflectiveTP paintof 4m arrows

markingin ReflectiveTP paint for stop

flectorisedPavement Studs (Raised Profile Single)

isedPavement Studs (Raised Profile Double)

Kilo meterposts (0.6 10x0. I 14x1.5)

n Kilometerposts



SCHEDULENO.7: GENERALITEMS Item ltem Description Amount (Rs) in Figures Amount (Rs) in Words 701b MaintainSurvey instruments and Provide teams for Survey 702c MaintainEmployer/ Engineer's Ofice & Residence 703c Maintainproject laboratory SP-7082Provide transportfor Employer'sRepresentative (i) 4WD Jeepwith A/C (2 nos) (ii) ToyotaDouble Cabin 4WD with A/C (2 nos) (iii) ToyotaSingle Cabin 4WD with A/C (4 nos) iv) ToyotaCorolla 1.3 L Gli with A/C or equivalent(2 nos) 708ci Running& Maintenanceof EmployerTransport EmployTrainee Engineer's (Graduate Civil Engineer)including Boarding, Lodgingand food (5 nosfor ConstructionWing and 5 nosfor planning Wine)(Stipend Rs 30.000oer month) EmployTrainees (Master, Three Years Diploma in any field, Graduates)(5 o nosfor ConstructionWing and 5 nosfor PlanningWing) (StipendRs @ rN TOTAL FOR BILL NO. 7 CARRIED TO SUMMARY ProvisionalSum 70la ProvideSurveying & Allied Instruments 7.000.000 Provideoffice and residenceaccommodation for the Employer/Engineer's 702a 100,000,000 Representative,which would be lateron declaredas siteoffice for the road Furnishand Equip.the Employer/Engineer's 702b Representativeoffice & Residence 10,000,000 103a ProvideMaterial testing ProiectLaboratorv 4.000.000 t03b Equip.and Furnish Material Testing Proiect Laboratorv 20,000,000 .708b Provide Engineer's RepresentativeTransport (i) ToyotaDouble Cabin4WD with (4 nos) 'ii) A/C 13,200,00( ToyotaSingle Cabin 4WD with A/C (6 nos) 18.000.00i (iii) SuzukiJeep wirh A/C (8 nos) 8.000.00c 708cii Running& Maintenanceof Engineer'sTransport 32.400-00( sP-713ForeignTraining, purchase ofManuals, Technicaljournals, books etc for Emplyer's/Engineer'suse. 20,000,00c Office Building for NHA (at Skardu) 60.000.00( ProvisionalSum CARRIED TO SUMMARY 292.600.000 t APPENDX TO SCFMDULEOF PRICES I IMPROVEMENT AND WTDENTNGOr (S-1)JAGLOT - SKARDU ROAD Km 0+000TO Km 155+520 TENTATIVE QUANTITIES I (REFERPARA 2.3 OF PREAMBLE TO SCHEDULE OF PRICES)

SCHEDULENO.1: EARTHWORK I Item Item Description Unit Quantity 101 3learingand Grubbing SM 1,059,422 I 103 Stripping CM 45,469 104 ompactionof NaturalGround SM 1,059,422 I I 06a Excavateunsuitable Common Material CM 339,925 l06b Excavateunsuitable Rock Material t i) Hard Rock CM 2,206,856 ii) MediumRock CM 666,541 I iii) Soft Rock CM 453,233 106c ExcavateSurplus Common Material CM 437,046

l06d ExcavateSurplus Hard Rock Material I i) HardRock CM 1,165,455 ii) MediumRock CM 728,410 I iii) SoftRock CM 582,728 I 08a Formationof Embankmentfrom roadway Excavationin CommonMaterial CM 194,243 I 108b Formationof Embankmentfrom roadway Excavationin CommonMaterial 'l i) Hard Rock CM s5, ,r< I ii) MediumRock CM 323,738 iii) SoftRock CM 258,990 I 108c Formationof Embankmentfrom borrow Excavationin CommonMaterial CM ll7,203 108d Formationof Embankmentfrom StructuralExcavation in CommonMaterial CM 3,650 I I l4b Dressinsof Berm with ExtraBorrow material SM 73,274 I I I I I I 085 t I APPENDX TO SCHEDULEOF PRICES l TMPROVEMENT AND WTDENTNGOF (S-1)JAGLOT - SKARDU ROAD Km 0+000TO Km 155+520 TENTATIVE QUANTITIES I (REFER PARA 2.3 OF PREAMBLE TO SCHEDULE OF PRICES)

I SCHEDULE2 : SUB BASE & BASE Item Item Description Unit Quantity I No. 201 3ranularSubbase CM 279,270 t 206b WaterBound Mcadam CM 165,774 203a AsphalticBase Course Plant Mix (ClassA) CM 66,407 t Break& removeexisting asphalt surfacing ofthe existingroad, scaril! and plough the 209a existingbase/subbasae to a depth of 150mm,water,mix and recompactto specifiedof CM 15,485 I subsequentlayer of base/subbase. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I APPENDIXTO SCHEDULEOF PRICES I IMPROVEMENT AND WTDENTNGOr (S-1)JAGLOT - SKARDU ROAn Km 0+000TO Km 155+520 TENTATIVE QUANTITIES I (REFER PARA 2.3 OF PREAMBLE TO SCHEDULE OF PRICES)

I SCHEDULENO.3; SURFACECOURSE & PAVEMENT Item Item Description Unit Quandity I No. 302a BituminousPrime Coat SM 1,105, I 59

I 303a BituminousTrack Coat SM l,l05,l59 I JU)b AsphaltWearing Course ( ClassB) CM 68,878 206b WaterBound Macadam on shoulders CM r44,692

I 401 PlainConcrete Class Al on shoulders CM 2,543 I t t t I I I I t I


I SCHEDULE NO. 4A.: SUBSTRUCTURES(0+000 TO KM 83+500) Item Item Description Unit Quantity No. Iest piles of 760 mm. dia. InculdingBoring andconcrete class ,A.3 inculding 407g M 85 I "einforcement 407k onfirmatoryboring inculdingtest reports M 85 Cast-in-placeconcrete piles (760 mm diameter)inculding concrete class ,{3 but 407d t excludinsreinforcement. 107d.Boring only (in allypeof soil) M I f 01a.Concrete class ,A.3 in piles CM 1,467 4071 Pile Load Test (Two timesof the designload) (Design load 240 Tons) Each J r07f Structuralexcavation in all type of soil material CM 8,362 I I 07e ommonback fill in structures CM 4,599 401f Leanconcrete CM lll I 401a Concreteclass Al in ) Retainingwalls(elevated) CM 91 ) ApproachSlab (on ground) CM 84 I Concreteclass A.2 in ) Pilescaps (underground) CM 1,402 t ) Abutment(on ground) CM 403 :) Transoms(elevated) CM t19 Concreteclass ,{3 in I f) Piers(elevated) CM 1,708 404b Reinforcementin substructureinculding piles as per AASHTO M3 I I 104b.Grade 60 Ton 857 406e Elastomericbearing pads as per drawings. C.CM 879,I 50 I SP-3 PermanentSteel Casing (l2mm thickliner) Ton 150 t I I I


I SCHEDULE NO. 4B : SUPERSTRUCTURE(0+000 TO KM 83+500) Item Item Description Unit Quantity I No. 401d ConcreteClass D2 in precastprestressed concrete girders M oJ/

I 405b Launchingof P.CGirders Ton 1,528 t 407a ConcreteClass A.3 in deckslab and diaphragms CM 504 40la ConcreteClass A1 in barrier CM 276

BridgeExpansion Joints CPEC (WOSd 50) manufacteredby freyssinetor equivalent I SP-4 M 77 with tensionbolts completein all respects.(For Movementof 50mm) I 404b Reinforcementin substructureinculding piles as per AASHTO M3l 404b.Grade 60 Ton 234 t (l50mm thick), M 896 SP-5 PVC ServicePipes. diameter,2mm

I SP.6 G.I Drain Pipefor drainageincluding all fixtures,bends and grates (100mm diameter) M t92 Prestressingstrands ll2" diaincluding all sheaths(Pipes 50mm Wall thickness2mm), 405a trumpets,block, stressinganchorage, stressing and grouting, etc with completeall Ton A' I resoect. t t I I I I I 08$ I I I APPENDX TO SCTMDULEOF PRICES I IMPROVEMENT AND WIDENTNG Or (S-1)JAGLOT - SKARDU ROAD Km 0+000TO Km 155+520 TENTATIVE QUANTITIES I (REFER PARA 2.3 OF PREAMBLE TO SCHEDULE OF PRICES)

ScheduleNO. 482: BRIDGES(KM 83.500TO KM 155.520) t Item ltem Description Unit Ouantitv l07ci StructuralExcavation in Hard Rock Material CM 1,165 I 07cii StructuralExcavation in mediumRock Material CM 1,165 I l 07d Granularbackfill CM 1,300 40la ConcreteClass Al i) on Ground CM 7t9 I ii) Elevated CM 236 ConcreteClass A3 i) Under Ground CM 43 T ii) On Ground CM 97 iii) Elevated CM 456 405- a. PrecastPrestressed Concrete Girders I i. 20 meterlong No 20 ii. 30 meterlong No 8 b. Launchineof RCCGirders Ton t26 I 40rf Lean Concrete CM 241 401s Precast Concrete a) Planks(class Al) CM 27 I b) RCCGirders (class 43) CM 47 404a Reinforcementas per Aashto M 3l Grade40 Ton 44 404b Reinforcementas per Aashto M 31 Grade60 Ton 528 t 406a RremouldedJoint Filler 25 mm thick with BitumasticJoint Seal SM t63 407d Castin PlaceConcrete Piles (class ,{3) 1000mm dia M 1.639 407s TestPile (class 43) 1000mm dia M 425 I 407\ Pile Load tests2 timesthe designload for designload of 200 Ton Each I6 4l1b StoneMasonary random with morlar CM 3,395 507a Steelwire meshfor Gabions KG 1,000 507b RockFill in Gabions CM 50 I 509d GroutedRiprap, Class A CM 850 509e GroutedRiprap, Class B CM 509f GroutedRiprap, Class C CM I s09h Filterlaver of sranularmaterial CM 640 SP-3 BridseDeck Exoansion ioint M 186 SP-4 ElastomericLaminated Bearine Pads with studs 400mmx400mm55mmthick No t6 I 500mmx500mmx55mmthick No 40 600mmx600mmx55mmthick No t6 SP-5 Exoloratorv/ ConfirmatorryBoring: I a. Exoloratorv/Confirmatorry Boring and Testing in Dry areas M 480 c. GeotechnicalReport in bridses Each 8 SP-6 Providineand Placine in positionDowels Bars with PVC caps Each 1.152 b. Providing and fixing drainagepipe in bridge Deck Each 108 t l/l nnmm diq l-ll nine\urifh cfcel orqfino SP-7 Extra over provision of SR cement instead ofportland cement for concrete: lassA.3 CM 43 ,eanconcrete CM 241 I CM 1.925 StoneMasnony Sp-8 P.V.Cpipe 150mmdia for serviceM.S piperailing M 1.016 M.SPipe Railing .M 508 t Sp-9 Demolitionof existinestructure No 6


SCHEDULENO. 4C : CULVERTS I ltem {tem Descrintion IInit Ouantitv l07a StructuralExcavation in Common Material CM 32,r83 t07d StructuralExcavation in Hard Rock Material CM 16,020 t l07cii Structuralexcavation in MediumRock Material CM 16,020 l 07d GranularBackfill CM 8,00s 40la ConcreteClass A1 I i) UnderGround CM 2,585 ii) On Ground CM 2,600 iii) Elevated CM 4,346 I 401f Lean concrete CM 6,209 40la ConcreteClass A1(culverts i/c wing wall, aprons,coping,pipecasing & etc) CM tl.t20 404b Reinforcementin substructureinculding piles as per AASHTO M3l. grade60 Ton 2,512 l07d Granularback filline CM r0,r60 I 411b StoneMasnory Random with mortor CM 23,800 4l2a StoneMasnorv Dressed Course with morlar CM | ,714 406a Premouldedioint filler with bituniasticioint filler SM 562 I 406d Waterstops 6" M t,178 s09b Riorao Class B CM I,088 509d GroutedRiprap, Class A CM 3,810 I s09h Filter Laverof GranularMaterial CM 2,860 510 Dismantlineof Structures& Obstructions CM 7 6\'.) SP-4I 6c Extraover for provisionof S.Rcement instead of porllandcement for I oortlandcement for CM 2,585 Lean Concret CM 2,815 StoneMasonary CM 12,000 I SP-02 b. Demolitionof Concreteculverts i) Arch,Box, Slab,Culverts Each 115 ii) PipeCulverts Each JU I SP-7 PlasterWork SM 3,t25 501R.C.Cpipe Culvert AASHTO M 170Class IV i) 46OmmDia M 55 I ii) 6lOmmDia M 300 I . ,.:.,,i T I., :! I t I 091 I T t APPENDIXTO SCHEDULEOF PRICES I TMPROVEMENT AND WIDENTNG OF (S-1)JAGLOT - SKARDU ROAn Km 0+000TO Km 155+520 TENTATIVE QUANTITIES I (REFER PARA 2.3 OF PREAMBLE TO SCHEDULE OF PRTCES)

I SCHEDULE NO. 5 : DRAINAGE AND EROSIONWORKS ltem Item Description Unit Quantity I t07f Structuralexcavation in all type of soil CM 168,453 l07ci Structuralexcavation in hardRock Material CM 167,670 I lu /cll Structuralexcavation in MediumRock Material CM t67,670 401f Lean Concrete CM 120,569

I 509d GroutedRip Rap,Class "A" CM 5,500 509e GroutedRip rap ClassB CM 18,333

I 509a Dry Rip rap ClassA CM 2,684 I 509b Dry Rip rap ClassB CM 76,836 509h Filter layerof Granularmaterial CM I1,000 I 4l1b StoneMasnory Random with Mortor CM r,325,762 472a Stonemasnory dressed coursed with mortarfor protectionworks (walls) CM 358,003 I 40la ConcreteClass Al for Coping CM 849 SP-7 Extraover provisionof SR cementinstead of portlandcement for concrete: I f. LeanConcrete CM 32,519 g. StoneMasnory CM 258,020

I SP-8 Wire mesharound wall KG 158,123 t t .i' l I I


SCHEDULENO.6: ANCILLARY WORKS Item Item Description Unit Quantity

60ld lrecastconcrete kerb M l,000

604a Metalbeam guardrail including end pieces and guard rail posts(single) M 136,237

607a fralfic roadsigns category I Each 1,031

607b Iraffic road signscategory 2. Each I,005

607c Traffic road signscategory 3a. Each 50

607e Iraffic road signscategory 3c. SM 645

608h1PavementMarking with CR Reflectivepaint for line of l5cm width M 20r,757

608h2 Pavementmarkins in ReflectiveTP paintof 15cmwidth M 219,822

608j1 PavementMarking with CR Reflectivepaint for 4m Arrows Each 50

608i2 Pavementmarking in ReflectiveTP paint of 4m anows Each 20

608n4 Pavementmarking in ReflectiveTP paintfor stop Each l0

609c ReflectorisedPavement Studs (Raised Profile Single) Each 45,434

609d ReflectorisedPavement Studs (Raised Profile Double) Each 10,072

6l0c Kilo meterposts (0.610x0. I 14x1.5) Each 155

6l0d Ten Kilometerposts Each 8

SP-2 GantrySigns Each 2

.]'.'. t1;...:i,, 'r '','i,t', -\i'i:, ', :11; '',1 ; ::


I 701b MaintainSuley instrumentsand Provide teams for Survey Month 9( t 702c MaintainEmployer/ Engineer's Ofice & Residence Month r02 703c Maintainproject laboratory Month 96

I SP-708aProvidetransport for Employer'sRepresentative t (i) 4WDJeep with A/C (2 nos) No 2 (ii) ToyotaDouble cabin 4wD wirhA/c (2 nos) No n

I (iii) ToyotaSingle Cabin 4WD with A/C (4 nos) No A I (iv) ToyotaCorolla 1.3 L Gli with A/C or equivalent(2 nos) No 2 Veh. 708ci Running& Maintenanceof EmployerTransport 48C Month EmployTrainee Engineer's (Graduate Civil Engineer)including Boarding, Lodging and I Man food(5 nosfor ConstructionWing and5 nosfor PlanningWing) (Stipend Rs 30,000 48C Month permonth) EmployTrainees (Master, Three Years Diploma in any field, Graduates)(5 nos for Man t 48C ConstructionWing and 5 nos for PlanningWing) (Stipend Rs 18,000per month) Month I I I t I I I 0s4 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I


DESCRIPTIONOF ACTIVITY Schedule o/oage completion of activity r0% 25% 50% 75% t00% I EARTH WORK Interim paymentas%oage of total price 3.67% s50% 9.t7% 9.17% 9.r7% 36.69% %oage completion of activity t0% 2s% 50% 75% t00% 2 SUBBASE & BASE COURSE Interim payment as %oageof total price 0.66% 0.98% 1.64% t.64% 1.64% 6.57o/o %oage completion of activity t0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 3 SURFACECOURSE & PAVEMENT Interim payment asohageof total price 0.62% 0.93% 1.56% 1.56% r.s6% 6.23% o/oage completion of activity r0% 25% s0% 75% l00Yo 4 BRIDGES Interim payment as%ioageof total price 0.21% 0.3r% 0.52% 052% 0.52% 2.09% %oage completion of activity r0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 4C CULVERTS Interim payment asYoageof total price 032% 0A8% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 3.20% o %oage completion of activity t0% 25% 50% 75% t00% CO 5 DRAINAGE AND EROSIONWORKS crr Interim payment as o/oageof total price 3.33% 499% 832% 832% 8.32% 33.28% Yo agecompletion of activity 10% 25% s0% 75% 100% 6 ANCILARY WORKS Interim payment aso/oageof total price 0.65% 0.98% 1.630 t.63% t.63% ,'6:320/o %oage completion of activity t0% 25% 50% 75% 100% GENERALITEMS includingprovisional sur Interim payment as %oageof total price 0.19% 0.29% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% t.9r% %oage completion of activity t00% 8 Design review and Updation Charges lnterim payment as %oageof total price r.00% t.00% ::...... :-'1.". Quality control/ assuranceand Supervisory Yoage completion of activity r0% 25% s0% 75% t00% ,,-,,9 chargesand modification of design(if ;:': r; . ..t:r: required)during execution Interim payment asYoageof total price 0.25% 0.38% 0.63% 0.63% 0.63% 2.53%,, .::---....-''.. V T'TAL r00%

Note: Pleaserefer clause 14.2 of Conditions of Contract regarding Provision of Advance payment I

960 " I t t I I I ii I I t I t I I l, I I I I t I t I Jagl ot-Ska rdu Road Proj ect Contract Data Sheet l Description Sub-Clause RelevantExplanation

I Employer'sname and address National Highway Authority, Islamabad, Pakistan Contractor'sname and address As per contractagreement I CommencementDate 1.r.3.2 CommencementDate shall be within 42 days after the dateon which the Contractcomes into I full forceand effect under Sub-Clause 1.6 Time for Completion of the l.l.3.3 48 months Works I Defectsliabilitv Period r.t.3.7 36 months Electronictransmission svstems 1.3 E-mailfollowed by hardcopies Governins Law t.4 Law of Pakistan I Ruling language t.4 English Languagefor communications 1.4 English I Timefor accessto the Site 2.r Within 4 weeksfrom the commencementof the works Amount of Performance Securitv A1 l0o/oof the AcceptedContract Amount less I contingenciesand provisional sum, in the currencies and proportions in which the ContractPrice is payable I Delaydamages for theWorks 8.7&14,ls(b) Zero Point Zero two five Percent(0.025%o) of the Contract Price per day in the currency I proportionsthat the ContractPrice is payable Maximumamount of Delay 8.7 l0% ofthe contractprice Damases I AdvancePa1'rnent 14.2 15%of the AcceptedContract Amount (in case of Buver'sCredit) Repayment/amortization of t4.2 The repaymentshall startno later than the total advancepayment of all certifiedinterim payment(excluding the I advancepayment) exceeds l0% of Contract priceand shall be completelyrepaid prior to the time when 90% of the Contractprice hasbeen I certifiedfor paymentor threemonths prior to the time for completionof Works whichever occursearlier,. t Deductionshall be made at the amortization rate of 25Yoof the amountof eachpayment certificatein the samecurency and proportion in whichthe contractorice is navable. I Amountdeducted for retention 14,3 10%of everyInterim Payment Certificate I Limit of RetentionMonev t4.3 5% of theAccepted ContractAmount ContractData Sheet Page I of2 I ...' I I I Jagl ot-Skardu Road Proj ect t Rateof Intereston Unpaid 14.8 LIBOR+I% per annumfor foreignculrency Amounts KIBOR+2%per anmrmfor localculrency I Paymentof RetentionMoney 14.9 The first half of retention money shall be releasedwhen the taking-overcertificate has beenissued, and the otherhalfshall be released I when the Contractorsubmits an equivalent amount of Bank Gumantee. The Bank guaranteeshall remain effective until defect I liability periodis over. Currenciesof Pavment 14.15 ContractPrice is expressedin Local Currency. Theproportion of the ContractPrice (excluding I ProvisionalSums) for the paymentin foreign currency is indicated in the Letter of I Acceptance.The rate ofexchangefor cunency conversionshall be the TT&OD SellingRates publishedor authorizedby the StateBank of I Pakistanprevailing on the date28 daysprior to the deadlinefor submissionof bid. Periodsfor submissionof 18.l 120days after the Confractcomes into force. I insurancecertificate Insurancecompany should have establishedl resisteredoffrce in Pakistan. Date by which the DAB shall be 20.2 As andwhen a disputeis established I appointed Place for DAB & Arbitration 20.6 lslamabad,Pakistan I proceedings I I I I

.r:li'i;1, I 'j;'i. I :.:';i'l "',,1;ilI ..,.,.rf"r. t ''' ri!' t ,:;'.'),/ I Contract Data Sheet Page2 of2 I I t I s60 I T I t I I t I T I I I I t I I I I I Jaglot-Skardu Road Project

The General Conditions shall be those of "Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects", First Edition 1999, ISBN 2-88432-02L-0,prepared by the Fdddration Internationaledes Ing6ni6urs- Conseil(FIDIC). TheseGeneral Conditions are subjectto the amendmentsand additionsset out in the ParticularConditions.

TheseGeneral Conditions are availablefrom:

FIDIC P.O.BOX 311 1215Geneva 15 Switzerland Phone: +41227994905 Fax: +41227994901 Email: [email protected]

Section V GeneralConditions s -CommercialPackage

10c IOI .

I I t l I I I I I T I Jagl ot- Skardu Road P roj ect t

The Condition of Contract,Part 1: GeneralConditions shall be thoseforming I the General Conditions of the "Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects",First Edition, 1999,as preparedby the FederationInternationale des IngenieursConseils (FIDIC). These General Conditions are subject to the I variationsand additions set out in this sectionof Conhact titled "Particular Conditions". I I 1.1 Definitions I 1.1.2 Parties and Persons I At the endof Sub-Clause1.1.2. insert: 'oGovernment"means The Governmentof IslamicRepublic of Pakistan.

I 1.1,4 Moneyand Payments t Substitutethe text of sub-clauseLL4/ asunder; "ForeignCurrency" means a currencyin whichpart of the ContractPrice is payable, I but not theLocal Currency. At the endof sub-clause1.1.4.5 add the followingsentence:

I "The currencyof the countryis PakistanRupee (PKR)."

I 1.1.5 Works and Goods I At theend of Sub-Clause1.1.5. insert: 1.1.s.9 "Project" means Improvement, upgradation & Widening of Jaglot- SkarduRoad on Supplier/ Buyer I CreditBasis". 1,4 Law and Language t At the endof Sub-Clause1.4. insert: , .. The Contractshall be subjectto and shall be construedunder the,.la..W3 I of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.The ruling languagefoi, phis Contractand the languagefor all communicationsshall be English,

,:r.. ;,1 I Particular Conditions of Contract I /8 I .,'. 102 t I I Jagl ot- Skar du Ro ad P roj ect I Sub-clause1.5 Priority of Documents Deletethe documentslisted underin sub-clause1.5 and substitutewith the followins:

(a) ContractAgreement; I (b) Letter of Acceptance(LOA) (c) Letter of PriceBid; (d) Letterof TechnicalBid; I (e) ContractData Sheet; (0 ParticularConditions of Contract; (g) GeneralConditions of Contract; I (h) Schedule of Prices (excludingrentative quantities)and Schedule of Payment () Employer'srequirement; (k) Scopeof Works I (l) Specifications; (m) ScheduleA to N of Bid (n) Contractor'sProposal; I (o) Drawings (p) Tentativequantities (appendix to scheduleof prices) I (q) Any otherdocument 1.6 Contract Agreement t Replacethe word "Employer"with the word "Contractor". t Employer's FinancialArrangements I Insertthe following text in the beginningof Para: Contractor and Supplier/Buyer shall be responsible for financing I minimum 85% of the total contractprice in the form of a Supplier/ Buyer Credit while remainingfinancing will be borneby Government of Pakistan".

I Replacethe word "pay the contractprice" with the following words:

"pay the portion of contract price (which is financed by I Governmentof Pakistan)".

I 4.2 PerformanceSecuritv t Replacethe first two paragraphsof Sub-Clause4.2 with the following: "The Contractorshall provide a PerformanceSecurity in the prescr.ibpdfonnr annexedto these documents.The said Security shall be furnished,by the I Contractor within twenty eight (28) days after the receipt of tdtter.of Acceptance.The PerfonnanceSecurity shall be of an amount equal to Teh

I Particular Conditions of Contract 2/8 I 103 I I I Jaglo t-Skardu Ro ad Proj ect (10) percentof the ContractPrice in the currency/(ies)of the Contractin the form of Bank Guaranteefrom any ScheduledBank of Pakistanor from a bank I located outside Pakistanduly counter-guaranteedby a ScheduledBank of Pakistan.

I The PerformanceSecurity shall be denorninatedin the typesand proportions of currenciesin whichthe Clontract Price is payable.

I The perfbrmancesecurity shall be vaiid for twenty eight (28) days beyond defectliability periodand tlre amountshall be reducedto 5Yoduring defects I liabilityperiod. 'l"he costo{ cornplyingwith the requirementsof this Sub-Clauseshall be borne t by the Contractor". Withoutlimitation to the provisionsof the precedingparagraph. whenever the Ernplo5rerdelermines an additionto the ClontractPrice as a resultof a change I in costand/or legislation or as a resultof a variationamounting to morethan 25yoof the portion of the ContractPrice payable in a specificcurrency, the Contractor,at the Employer'swritten recluest,shali prornptly increasethe t valueof the Per{bnnanceSecurity in thatcurency by an equalpercentage. I 4.4 Add following after the l't line of the Clause: The Contractorwill not sub-letmore than 30% of the work and any sub- contractingshall be afterprior approvalof the Employer.

I 4.18 Protectionof the Environment t Add newParagraph at the endof the sub-clause4.18 The Contractor shall be responsiblefor conducting project Environment Impact Assessment(EIA) Study and its clearancefrom concernedEnvironment Protection I Agency (EPA) and its implementationaccordingly.

I 5 Desisn".' , I 5.1 General Design Obligations Insert following Paragraphafter first two paragraphsof the sub-clause5.1

T "The Employer shall not be responsiblefor any error, inaccuracyor omissionof any kind in the tentativequantities (placed at appendixto Scheduleof Prices),drawings, other design related reports, survey, etc t (received by the Contractor from the Employer) and shall not be deemedto havegiven any representationof accuracyor completeness of any data or information.Any data or information receivedby the T Contractor, from the Employer or otherwise, shall not relieve the . .:i:_,. tlt',2;\,. 'r;.fi '! :: ) i't I Particular Conditions of Contract 3 /!8: i :.1!l ,\ ,l 104 ,i;;/ t ',,,,,::: t'" I I I Jagl o t-Skardu Ro ad P roj ect Contractorfrom his responsibilityfor the designand executionofthe T Works". I 6.1 Engagementof Staff and Labor At the endof Sub-Clause6.1. insert:

Any unskilled labor which is requiredby the Contractorfor the Work I shall be recruitedlocally directly by the Contractor,or througha labor supplier. The Contractoris encouragedto the extentpracticable and reasonable I to utilize staff and skilled labor with the required qualificationsand I experiencefrom sourceswithin Pakistan. 6.7 Health and Safety I At the end of Sub-Clause6.7. insert: The Contractor shall maintain such records and make such reports concerningsafety, health and welfare of persons,theft, and damageto I propertyas the Employermay from time to time prescribe.

In the event of any outbreakof illness of an epidemic nature, the I Contractor shall comply with and carry out such regulations,orders and requirementsas may be made by the Government,or the local medical or sanitary authoritiesfor the purposeof dealing with and t overcomingthe same. I At the endof Clause6, insertthe following new Sub-Clauses: 6.12 Foreign Staff and Labour

I The Contractormay import any personnelwho are necessaryfor the execution of the Works. The Contractor must ensure that these personnelare provided with the required residencevisas and work I permits.The Contractorshall be responsiblefor the return to the place wherethey were recruitedor to their domicile of importedContractor's Personnel.In the event of the death in the Country of any of these t personnelor membersof their families,the Contractorshall similarly be responsiblefor makingthe appropriatearangements for their retum I or burial. t 6.13 Measuresagainst Insect and PestNuisance The Contractor shall at all times take the necessaryprecautions to protect all staff and labouremployed on the Site from insectand pest I nuisance,and to reducetheir dangerto health. The Contractorshall provide suitableprophylactics for the Contractor'sPersonnel and shall . /'": I Particular Conditions of Contract 4 /i'8:,' .t,i'; i1r":' .,ii, 105 i . I ,,{..i I T T Jaglo t-Skar du Road Proj ect comply with all the regulations of the local health authorities, I includinguse of appropriateinsecticide. T 6.14 Arms and Ammunition The Contractorshall not give, barter or otherwisedispose of to any person, any arms or ammunition of any kind, or allow I Contractor'sPersonnel to do so. Any loss or misappropriationof explosivesand detonatingdevices shall be reportedto General I Manager(Giligit Baltitstan)forthwith. 6.15 Festivalsand ReligiousCustoms

t The Contractorshall respectthe Country'srecognized festivals, t daysof restand religious or othercustoms. I 8.7 Delay Damages

I Delay damagesshall be 0.025%of contract price for each day delay in completion of the Works subjectto a maximum of l0 % of contractprice I statedin the letterofacceptance. I Delete the third para and its sub para a, b and c and substitutewith the t following: ee$f,!t\ :l SOPfor testson completionwill be followed". t

I 10.1 Taking Over of the Works and Sections Add the following Para,after second Para of this clause: The Contractorwill hand over the project in sectionsto Employer, but the I length of each sectionshall be equal to or greaterthan 30KM. Taking over certificateshall be issuedfor completeproject at onetime. , ,.y.,,i1;.! I SOP for taking over Projectsissued by ChairmanNHA should be fotlowgtii:; irespectiveof anyprovisions of contractcontrary to the SOP. ,i,i i ir ,.,.

I Part icu I ar Conditions of C ontr act 5/8':! I 10fi I I t Jagl o t -Skardu Ro ad P roj ec t I I 11.1 Completionof OutstandingWork and RemedyingDefects At the endof Sub-ClauseI 1 . l, insert: I The Defects Liability Period shall be for duration of 365 days from the Taking-OverCertificate issued by the Employer,subject to extensionper Sub- Clause11.3.

I 11.9 PerformanceCertificate t As per SOPof NHA.

I As perNHA inspectionprocedures I I 13.7 Adjustment for changesin legislation Deletethe text of sub-clauseand replace with the following:

If, after the basedate, there occur in Pakistanchanges to any Nationalor Sate I ' Statute,Ordinance, Decree or other law or any regulation or by-law of any local or other duly constitutedauthority, or the introductionof any such State Statute,Ordinance, Decree, Law, regulationor by-law which causesadditional I or reduced cost, to the Contractor in the execution of the Contract, such additional or reducedcost shall, after due consultationwith both sides,be assessedand be paid by or creditedto the Employer and the ContractPrice t adjustedaccordingly. T 13.8 Adjustmentsfor Changesin Costs Deletethe text of sub-clausein its entiretyand replace with the following:

T "Contract Price is not to be adjustedfor rises or falls in the cost of labour, Goodsand other inputsto the Works" I I 14.2 AdvancePayment Buyer's Credit Proposal The amountof the advancepayment shall be 15%of the ContractPrice, whichi t shall be in the applicablecurrencies and proportionsin which the Contrziot, Priceis payable. :t,i lr ' 1 T Particulqr Conditions of Contract 6/8 I . 10? I I I Jagl ot- Skardu Ro ad P roj ec t

The Contractorshall submita bank guaranteein amountsand currenciesequal I to the advancepayment, in the form annexedto the Particular Conditions, which shall be valid till completere-amortization of mobilizationadvance. T Supplier's Credit Proposal Provision of advancepayment shall be made according to the Defened paymentschedule/amortization schedule (considering the termsand conditions I of credit financing) I 14.3 Application for Interim Payments Replacethe words'after the endofperiod ofpayment...... endofeach t month)'with the words'as per scheduleof payment' Replacethe word 'end of the month' in Para (a) with 'installment due for I paymentas in scheduleof payment)'. Replacethe text of sub-Para(c) with the following:

I "The amountof retentionshall be statedin ContractData Sheet". I 14.4 Scheduleof Payments Insertthe following sentencein the beginningof first Paraof this sub-clause:

I "Schedule of payment" is available in "Schedule of Prices and Scheduleof Payment" I 14.7 Timing of Payment Insert the following text in the secondline of Sub-clauseafter the words t "Contractor": "(in caseof Buyer'sCredit Proposal)"

I Insertthe followins Parain the end

"In case o'f Suppfi"r's Credit Proposal,payment shall be made I accordingto DeferredPayment Schedule (considering the terms and conditionsof creditfinancing)" I 14.8 DelayedPayment Replace the word "paymenf in the first line of this sub-clausewith the I following: "portion of paymentbeing financed by Governmentof Pakistan" t Add new Sub-Clausesafter Sub-Clause 14.15 as follows: ) t I Particular Conditions of Contract 7/8 :, ,.,',;',;,:.,::: I 108 I I I Jagl o t- Skar du Ro ad P roj ec t 14.16 Land acquisitionand cost I Landacquisition is the responsibilityof the Employer,and the ContractPrice shall be excludingROW acquisitionand relocation/ resettlementcosts for residents within ROW to be affectedby the works.Meanwhile, if the Employercould not I transferworksite to the Contractorfor constructingas per work schedule,except as may be attributableto the Contractor'sreason, the Employer should promise T the extensionof time for completionas per provisionsof the contract. 14.71 Withholding Tax Tax shall be deductedas per Law and same be paid by the Employerdirect I to the Tax department.

I 18.1 GeneralRequirements for Insurance Deletethe third paragraphof Sub-Clause18.1 in its entirety.

I Add new paragraphat the endof Sub-Clause18.1:

The insuranceshould be from any insurancecompany of AA rating of Pakistanor I from someforeign insurance company duly underwrittenby localcompany of AA rating.

I 18.3 fnsuranceagainst injury to personsand damageto property: This insurance shall be for unlimited occunencesand Rs.500,0001-per I occulTence. ; '':'', ','': i zo dtaitiir;Disputgs; Arbitration, and Litigatioh:' ' ", , ," ",:' ii;::til' li', ,_ " I Add followingat the endof Clause20.4 "Neither party is bound to implement DAB decision case of notice of t dissatisfaction". Amendpoint (a) and(b) of the first Paraof Clause20.6 as follows: (a) the dispute shall be finally settled through arbitration under Pakistan I Arbitration Act 1940. (b) the disputeshall be settledby Sole/ThreeArbitrators appointed in accordance to the PakistanArbitration Act 1940.The venueof Arbitrationproceedings t shallbe Islamabad.Pakistan.

Add followingat the endof Clause: I "Neitherparty is boundto implementArbitration Award it hasbecome Rule of Court".

I Add followingat the endof first Paraof Clause20.8 and delete point (a)and (b): "DAB shall be activatedas and when a disputeemerges between the parties.DAB shallstand dissolved after award by the DAB on the issueunless parties agree to refer t any further disputeto sameDAB". t Particular Conditions of Contract 8/8 t 10$ I I

OII t I t I t I l I I I I t T I I I t T I I I I

FORM OF PERFORMANCE SECURITY t (Bank Guarantee/Insurance Bond)

GuaranteeNo. t Executedon Expiry date

t Nameof Guarantor(Bank/Approved Insurance Company) with address:

t Nameof Principal(Contractor) with I address:

PenalSum of Security(express in wordsand I figures) l Letter of AcceptanceNo. Dated t KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRESENTS, that in pursuanceof the termsof the Bidding Documentsand above said Letter of Acceptance(hereinafter called the Documents)and at the requestof the said Principal we, the Guarantorabove named, are held and firmly I boundunto the calledthe "Employer") in the penalsumr of the amountstated above for the paymentof which sumwell and truly to be madeto the said Employer,we bind ourselves,our heirs, I executors,administrators and successors, jointly andseverally, firmly by thesepresents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereasthe Principalhas l accepted the Employer's above said Letter of Acceptance for (Name of Contract) for the l (Name of Project), NOW THEREFORE,if the Principal(Contractor) shall well andtruly performand fulfill all the undertakings,covenants, terms and conditionsof the said Documentsduring the I originalterms of the said Documentsand any extensionsthereof that may be grantedby the Employer,with or without noticeto the Guarantor,which notice is, hereby,waived andshall also well andtruly performand fulfill all the undertakings,covenants terms and I conditionsof the Contractand of any and all modificationsof said Documentsthat may hereafterbe made,notice of which modificationsto the Guarantorbeing herebywaived, then, this obligation to be void; otherwiseto remain in full force and virtue till all I requirementsof ClauseI 1, of Conditionsof Contractare fulfilled. t Our total liability under this Guaranteeis limited to the sum statedabove and it is a t 111 I I t I conditionof any liability attachingto us underthis Guaranteethat the claim for payment in writing shall be receivedby us within the validity period of this Guarantee,failing I which we shallbe dischargedof our liability, if any,under this Guarantee.

We, (the Guarantor),waiving all objections I and defencesunder the Contract,do herebyinevocably and independentlyguarantee to pay to the Employerwithout delayupon the Employer'sfirst written demandwithout cavil I or argumentsand without requiringthe Employerto proveor to show groundsor reasons for suchdemand any sum or sumsup to the amountstated above, against the Employer's writtendeclaration that the Principalhas refused or failedto performthe obligationsunder I the Contractwhich paymentwill be effectedby the Guarantorto Employer'sdesignated Bank & AccountNumber. PROVIDEDALSO THAT the Employershall be the sole and final judge for deciding T whetherthe Principal(Contractor) has duly performedhis obligationsunder the Contract or hasdefaulted in fulfilling saidobligations and the Guarantorshall pay without objection any sum or sums up to the amount statedabove upon first written demandfrom the I Employerforthwith andwithout anyreference to the Principalor any otherperson. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the above-boundenGuarantor has executedthis Instrument underits sealon the dateindicated above, the nameand corporateseal of the Guarantor t being hereto affixed and thesepresents duly signedby its undersignedrepresentative, t pursuantto authorityof its governingbody. Guarantor(B ank/Approved InsuranceCo.) t Witness: I 1. Signature Name CorporateSecretary (Seal) I Title I 2. I Name,Title & Address CorporateGuarantor (Seal) t I I I I 112 t I I AGREEMENT I FORM OF CONTRACT THIS CONTRACTAGREEMENT (hereinaftercalled the "Agreement")made on the I day of (month) 20- between (hereafter called "Employer") of the one part and (hereaftercalled the "Contractor")of the other I part.

WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that certain Works, viz shouldbe t executedby the Contractorand has accepteda Bid by the Contractorfor the executionand completionof suchWorks and the remedyingof any defectstherein.

I NOW this Agreementwitnesseth as follows:

t. In this Agreementwords and expressionsshall have the same meaningsas are I respectivelyassigned to themin the Conditionsof Contracthereinafter referred to. I 2. The following documentsafter incorporatingaddenda, if any except those parts relatingto Instructionsto Biddersshall be deemedto form andbe readand construed I aspart of this Agreement,viz: (a) ContractAgreement; (b) Letterof Acceptance(LOA) I (c) Letterof PriceBid; (d) Letterof TechnicalBid; (e) ContractData Sheet; I (0 ParticularConditions of Contract; (e) GeneralConditions of Contract; (h) Scheduleof Pricesand Schedule of Payment t CI) Employer'srequirement; (k) Scopeof Works 0) Specifications; t (m) ScheduleA to N of Bid (n) Contractoros Proposal; (o) Drawings I (p) Any otherdocument

J. In considerationof the paymentsto be madeby the Employerto the Contractoras I hereinaftermentioned, the Contractorhereby covenants with the Employerto execute and completethe Works andremedy defects therein in conformityand in all respects T with the provisionsof the Contract. 4. The Employer hereby covenantsto pay the Contractor,in considerationof the executionand completion of the Worksas per provisionsof the Contract,the Contract T Priceor suchother sum asmay becomepayable under the provisionsof the Contract t at the timesand in the mannerprescribed by the Contract. .:..-,- t 113 I IN WITNESSWHEREOF the partieshereto have caused this Agreementto be executedon theday, month and year first beforewritten in accordancewith their respectivelaws.

Signatureof the Contactor Signatureof Employer


Signed,Sealed and Delivered in the presenceof:


(Name,Title andAddress) (Name,title andAddress)

] I I F'ORM OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT t GuaranteeNo. Executedon I Expiry date WHEREASthe (hereinafter I calledthe Employer)has enteredinto a Contractfor (Particularsof Contract),with

I (hereinaftercalled the Contractor). l AND WHEREAS the Employer has agreedto advanceto the Contractor,at the Contractor's request, an amount of (Rs. ) which amount shall be advancedto the Contractoras per I provisionsof the Contract.

AND WHEREASthe Employerhas askedthe Contractorto fumish Guaranteeto secure I advancepayment for performanceof his obligationsunder the saidContract. I AND WHEREAS (Bank) (hereinaftercalled the Guarantor) at the request of the Contractor and in considerationof the Employer agreeingto make the above advanceto the Contractor, has agreedto furnish I the said Guarantee. NOW THEREFORE the Guarantor hereby guarantees that the Contractor shall use the I advancefor the purpose of above mentioned Contract and if he fails, and commits default in fulfillment of any of his obligations for which the advance payment is made, the Guarantor shall be liable to the Employer for payment not exceedingthe aforementioned I amount.

Notice in writing of any default, of which the Employer shall be the sole and final judge, I as aforesaid, on the part of the Contractor, shall be given by the Employer to the Guarantor, and on such first written demand payment shall be made by the Guarantor of all sums then due under this Guarantee without any reference to the Contractor and I without any objection.

This guaranteeshall come into force as soon as the advancepayment has been credited to I the accountof the Contractor.

This guaranteeshall expirenot later than by which I date we must have received any claims by registeredletter, telegram,telex or telefax. I I I 115 I It is understoodthat you will returnthis Guaranteeto us on expiry or after settlementof the total amountto be claimedhereunder.


Witness: l. Signature

Name Corporate Secretary(Seal) Title


Name.Title & Address CorporateGuarantor (Seal)

116 t I FORM OF BID SECURITY ,l (BankGuarantee / Insurance Bond) GuaranteeNo. Executedon I Expiry date 'r Nameof Guarantor(Bank) with address: 'l Nameof Principal(Bidder) with address: PenalSum of Security(express in wordsand figures):

I Bid ReferenceNo. Dateof Bid Opening KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that in pursuanceof the termsof the Bid and at the I requestof the said Principal,we the Guarantorabove-named are held and firmly boundunto the (hereinaftercalled the "Employer") in the sum stated above,for the paymentof which sum well and truly to be made,we bind ourselves,our heirs, 'l executors,adminishators and successors, jointly andseverally, firmly by thesepresents.

THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH,that whereasthe Principalhas submitted the accompanyingBid numbereddated as abovefor I (Particularsof Bid) to the saidEmployer; and

WHEREAS,the Employer has requiredas a condition for consideringthe said Bid that the I Principalfurnishes a Bid Securityin the abovesaid sum to the Employer,conditioned as under:

(l) that the Bid Securityshall remain valid for a period28 daysbeyond the periodof validity I of theBid, I (2) that in the eventof: (a) the Principalwithdraws his Bid duringthe periodof validity of Bid, or (b) the Principal doesnot acceptthe conectionof his tsid Price, pursuantto Sub- I Clause24.2 of Instructionsto Bidders,or (c) failure of the successfulBidder to (i) furnish the requiredPerformance Security, in accordancewith Clause34 I of Instructionsto Bidders,or (ii) sign the proposedContract Agreement, in accordancewith Clatise35 of I Instructionsto Bidders, then the entiresum be paid immediatelyto the saidEmployer as liquidateddamages and not as I penaltyfor the successfulBidder's failure to perform. NOW TI{EREFORE,if the successfulBidder shall,within the period specifiedthere for, on the prescribedform presentedto him for signatureenter into a formal Contractwith the saidEmployer I in accordancewith his Bid as acceptedand furnish within twenty eight (28) days of his being t I 1t? I I I requestedto do so, a PerformanceSecuriry with goodand sufficientsurety , as may be required, uponthe form prescribedby the saidEmployer for the faithful performanceand properfulfilment I of the saidContract or in the eventof non-withdrawalof the saidBid within the time specifiedfor its validity thenthis obligationshall be void andof no effect,but otherwiseto remainin full force I andeffect. PROVIDED THAT the Guarantorshall forthwith pay to the Employer the said sum statedabove upon first written demandof the Employerwithout cavil or argumentand without requiringthe Employerto proveor to showgrounds or reasonsfor suchdemand notice of which shallbe sentby t the Employerby registeredpost duly addressedto the Guarantorat its addressgiven above.

PROVIDEDALSO THAT the Employershall be the soleand final judge for decidingwhether the l Principalhas duly performedhis obligationsto sign the ConhactAgreement and to furnish the requisitePerformance Security within the time statedabove, or has defaultedin fulfilling said requirementsand the Guarantorshall pay without objectionthe sumstated above upon first written I demandfrom the Employer forthwith and without any referenceto the Principal or any other person. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the abovebounden Guarantor has executedthe instrumentunder its sealon the dateindicated above, the nameand seal of the Guarantorbeing hereto affrxed and these I presentsduly signedby its undersignedrepresentative pursuant to authorityof its governingbody. Guarantor(Bank)

I Witness: Signature I l. Name Title I CorporateSecretary (Seal) 2. I (Name,Title & Address) CorporateGuarantor (Seal) t t I t I

I 118 I I t I I I I t I I I t I T t t I I I I I t I I T SCOPE OF WORK I 1. Scopeof work I The Projectof Jaglot- SkarduRoad is locatedin northeastof Pakistan.Most part is locatedin -Baltistanprovince.

I Jaglot - Skardu Road starts from Jaglot, a small town about 45km away from Gilgit, the capitalof NorthernAreas, links KarakoramHighway (KKH) underrehabilitation and endsat I Skardu,Skardu Area is one part of Baltistan. The Road is not only a unique road to connectGilgit, but also a unique road to connect I Skardu,and Islamabadas well as a uniqueroad to link Sino-PakistanBorder. Therefore, this roadhas an extremelyimportant strategic position. I The straightline portionof the existingroad is 3.8m- 4.2mwideand the curvedportion 4.5m - 5.0m wide. The condition just meets the requirementof one way traffic. The vehicle I running from one direction has to stop and give way to the vehicle from the opposite direction.Otherwise, the former vehicle cannotget throughunless the tires on one sidetread I on the shoulder. In this project,,it is plannedto widen the road andupgrade of the road aswell as improvethe I geometricalcharacteristics of the road. The road to be renovatedhas the total length of 163.8211m. I The design and implementation of the Project are following the AASHTO standard. Accordingto the analysisof the annualaverage daily traffic (AADT), the traffic gradeto be I adoptedis T5, the gradeof the subgradeis 55. The main designspeed proposed is 60 (40,30) km/h, the coresponding road subgradewidth is 10.3 (7.6) m, the carriagewaywidth is 7.3 l (6.1)m. For specialdifficulties sections it shallbe properreduced design standard. The Contractorfor this project shall perform, as minimum, the primary item of work listed I below.This list is not all-inclusiveand the Contractorshall be responsiblefor identiffingall items of work and .executingthem accordingto the design and specificationsto meet the employer'srequirement. I Designwork items - Topographicsurvey I - Geotechnicalinvestigation - Bridgedesign I - Culvertsstructures Design I I l2G I I I - RetainingWall design I - Traffic Signsdesign - RoadMarkings design I - Guard-rail,Edge-marker and CulvertMarker Postsdesign - Quality managementprogram of implementation - DesignDocuments I - Issueof constructiondrawings t - Recorddrawings of As Built plans Constructionwork items - Constructionof the roadto Bituminouspavement standard T - Site clearanceand top soil stripping - Earthworks I - Demolishand removal of substandardstructures and ventedCauseways if any - Constructionof Bridges I - ConstructionCulverts - Constructionof Minor andMajor drainageworks I - ConstructionBituminous pavement - Constructionof Roadfurniture t - Constructionof any otheroperation ancillary to the main works - Maintenanceof works during construction.The defectsliability period shall T be t2 months. t - And othernecessary works to meetthe employer'srequirement. t I I t t T 12I I I 7,77

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! I

!: t- I l l. I l. Introductlon 1. 1 ProJect Revlew t The Project of Jaglot- Skardu Road is located in northeast of Pakistan i.e. Gilgit-Baltistan province. Jaglot - Skardu Road starts from Jaglot, a I small town about 45km away from Gilgit, the capital of Northern Areas, from Highway (KKH) and ends at Skardu. Skardu Area is also part of t Gilgit-Baltistan province.

I The Road not only connects Gilgit with Skardu, but it also connects Skardu with Islamabad as well as a link to Sino-Pakistan Border. Therefore, T this road has an extremely important strategic position.

The straight line portion of the existing road is 3.8m - 4.2m wide and I the curved portion 4.5m S.Om wide. The condition just meets the requirement of one way traffic. The vehicle running from one direction has to t stop and give way to the vehicle from the opposite direction. Otherwise, tlre former vehicle cannot get through unless the tires on one side tread on the I shoulder.

T In this project, it is planned to widen the road and upgrade of the road as well as improve the geometrical characteristics of the road. The road to be I renovated has the total length of 164 KM. t 1.2. Items of Works/Scope of Works This list is not all-inclusive and the Contractor shall be responsible for t identiSing all items of work and .executing them according to the design and specilications to meet the employer's requirement. T Deslgn work ltems - Topographic survey - t Geotechnical investigation and Soil / Material testing ,.. - Traffic & Axle load survey report , , , I - Bridge design ,,,,' ,J - Pavement Design and Existing Pavement Condition evaluation' - Culvert structures Design I - Hydrolory and Hydraulic Shrdy T I 124 I I - I€ndslide / slope protection measures li+ - RetainingWall design - If requlred, alignment wlll cross over to other side of river Indus and leJoln at appropriate locatlon wlth provlslon of required I stnrctures. - causeways will be replaced with approprtate stnrctures I - EIA and SIA studY Traffic Signs deslgn I - Road Marklngs desl$n - Guard-ratl, Ed$e-marker and culvert Marker Posts deslgn I - Oualty management program of lmplementation - Deslgn Doeuments I - Issue of constmction drawlngs - Record drawlngs of As Butlt Plans I Constnrctlon worL ltens - .constructlon of the road to Bltuminous pavement standard t - Site clearance and top soll strippin$ - Earthworks - Demolish and removal of substandard structures and vented I Causeways tf any - constructon of Bridges (Including balance work of flve I lncomplete Brldges) - Construcflon of Culverts and Structures I - Constnrctlon of Mnor and MaJor dratnage works - Construction Bttumlnous pavement - Constnretlon of Road furnlture I - Constructlon of arry other operatlon anclllary to tlle matn works - Maintenance of works durlng constnrcflon. I - And other necessary works to meet the employer's requirement.

l.g Standard SPeclftcatlons I ' Geometric Desl$n: AASHTO (Amerlcan Assoclatlon of State Highways and Transportatlon Officlals) standard A Pollcy on Geometric Design of Highways and streets 2O1l t AASHTO. Pavement Deslgn: AASHTO (Amerlcan Association of,' I State HrghwayJ and Transportatton Offlclals) Q$f^e I for Destgn of Pavement Structure 1993. AASHTO Mechanlsttc - Emptrical Pavement Deslgn Guide wlll ,lJ also be used T t 125 l, I (-,t) Materlal Testtng: ASTM\Amerlcan Soctety for Testlng l\. and Materlals) and (American Assoclatlon of State Hlghways and Transportation Offtctals). (Latest Edltlon) I For analysls and deslgn of stnrctures following codes, standards and loads wlll be adopted. I t. AASETO (Lstest Edltlon): For analysts and design for all loads and load comblnatlons. I ll. Paktstan Etghway Code of practlcc for Brldges 1967: For vehlcular loads, thelr spadng. I tfl. nBc/IBc 2oo8: For selsmlc zonlng ln addltton to the revised selsmlc rtsk map of t Paldstan. lv. ASTM: I For material speclffcations & testing. Y. ACI: I For analysls, design and detatling, only.tr case suctr detatls are not spectfled frl AA,SHTO. I Yt. Vehlcles live load: West Paldstan Code of Practice for Htghway Brtdges f967 (WPCHB) I speciffes more sev.ereloads to be consldered ln combinadon wltlt other loads sue"l.as dead load etc. I vil. Class AA loading: The 70-Ton tracked mt[tary vehlcle to be placed ln accordance wlth I WPCHB to gfve ma:dmum stresses. Ylll. Class A loadlng: I The 54.5 Ton traln of tratlers (wtth dtfferent urle loads) to be placed fn accordance wlth WPCHB to give modmum stresses. I lx. Check Deck Slab for Prnching Shear: Additionally the brldge dech slab shall be checked ln Punchtng Shear I for a Wheel Load of 21,O00 Pounds [95 KNl.on 0.25 x 0.5m2 tire contact area. , ,r.". I OTETR I.oAI'S Stde walk llve load: t/ A load of 5 KN/m2 (100 psfl of wallrruay between slde barrler/railtng t t 126 I I (v) and shoulder, to produce madmum stressesln t]:e member under | ;:, conslderation. d. Eorlzontal llve load on ratttng/posts of slde barrler: I These depend upon the conffguratlon of the raillng/posts/ barrler system. The posltlon and the magnltude of the hortzontal I loads are talcen accordlng to Arttcle 2.7 of A.{SHTO. dt. Impact load I Impact loadfng on the bridge superstructure ls taken ln accordance wlth WPCHB. I dll. Wlnd loads Wtnd loads are taken ln accordance wlth the provlslon of I WPCHB. xlv. Selsmlc deslgn I Internatlonal Building Code [IBC-2OOB) and Earthqualce forces are calculated accordireg to artlcle b.Zt of ,AASHTO, keepteg ln

;dr urgucu\t ur \,ruL(,lJgl cr, zvvaJ, Ltlg Ec[l|,lr q|-df\c view the recent earthquake of October 8, 2005, ttre earth quake t D I (ade' ua\ zonewillbe consideredaccordingty4p p* lahgl* Lr,* U'df |Jrl I 2. Generd Requlrement

2.1. Contract Duratlon I The Contractor shall establtsh the contract duratlon for the subJect I proJect. In no event shall the contract duration exceed 48 months. 2.2, ProJect Schedule I The Contractor shall submtt a proJect schedule to establlsh contract duratlon as per the condltions of the contract. The Proposed work schedule t should allow 28 worklng days for the Employer's representatlve review. The mlnlmum of actlvltles shall be those Itsted below: I I Anflctpated Award Date I Deslgn Survey I _l Geotechnical Inve stlgati on I Deslgn Submtttals

I Deslgn Review by the Employer's representatlve for conformtty I with Employer\s Requlrements

I Design Revlew/ Acceptance Milestones s I Constmctlon Mobllizatlon I I t

l.-r T Start of Constnrction ! Clearing and Grubbing I I Embankment/ Excavation I Culverts Design I I Culverts Constnrction I Bridge Foundation Design

I Bridge Foundation Construction I t Bridge Substnrcture Design t Bridge Substnrcture Constmction I I Bridge Superstnrcture Design I Bridge Superstnrchrre constnrction T I Retaining Wall Design t Retaining Wall Constmction I - Pavement Design I Pavement Construction I I Drainage Design & Construction t Signing and Pavement Marking Design I I Signing and Pavement Marking Constrrrction I Erosion control

I Additional Construction Milestones as determined by the I Contractor I Final Completion Date for All work Ttre Contractor schedule should allow for a 14 working days review I time for tJre employer's representative for review of the design submittals. The review period commences upon the Employer's representative's receipt I of the valid submittal or re-submittal and terminates upon ttre transmittal of the submittal back to the Contractor. The Employer's representative review is I not meant to be a complete and detailed review and it will not absolve the contractor from arry of responsibilities under EPC contract provisions.

I Final signed and starnped plans will be delivered to the Employer's Representative a minimum of 7 working days prior to construction of tha't I component. ir

Only stamped plans are valid and all work that Conbacbr performs in $ ad'uane of the Employer's representative receipt of I I 128 I I l, .r Contractor's risk. The Softrvare requirement for all schedules shall be primavera I Systems' Primavera Project Planner recent version or equivalent.

I 2,9. Key Personnel/Stafflng The Constmction Firm's work shatl be performed and directed by key t personnel, the list shall be submitted by the Constnrction Firm before the Date of Commencement. Any changes in the indicated personnel shall be T subject to review and approval by the Employer's Representative. In case the constnrction Firms outsources the design task to a professional design firm, I the firm to render these services shall not be affiliated with the Employer's I Representative. 2,4, Meetlngs aad Progress Reportlag I The Constnrction Firm shall anticipate periodic meetings with the Employer's Personr;el and other bodies as required for resolution of design I and/ or constnrction issues. During _constntction, the Contractor shall meet with Employer's I representative on a weekly basis and provide a one-week look atread for activities to be performed during the coming week. The Contractor shall, on I monthly basis, provide written reports that describe the items of concern I and the work performed on each task. 2.5. Employers Representatlves Faclllty t The construction lirm shall provide office space and equipment as specified in this section. This shall include providing a common location for I Contractor staff, the Employer's representative staff. I The contractor shall make its proposed facilities available for inspection and approvat by the Employer's Representative prior to the Employer's Representative occupying any contractor provided facilities. Both' I parties shall participate in a facility condition inspection prior to and at the fr completion of occupancy. t 2,6.1, ProJect Offlce I r29 I I'

The project office shall be located along Jaglot-Skardu road. The l- J selected site plan shall be approved by the Employer's Representative before I the commencement of ttre constnrction of the project office. The Contractor shall provide space and facilities to allow the Employer's Representative t Staffs to co-locate within the same compound as Contractor staff. The contractor shall furnish the Employer's Representative with facilities.

I 2.6.2,laboratory The laboratory will be erected by the contractor on the site in close I proximity to the Project office.

The Contractor shall provide for the site laboratory specilied in the I Contract and for the exclusive use of the Engineer. If required for the progress of the works the Engineer may instruct the contractor to provide I any additional equipment which is deemed necessary.

I 3. Topographlc Suney and Constructlon Staklng Ttre Contractor shall conduct all work necessa4/ to meet the I requirements associated with land surveying including horizontal and vertical control surveys, topographic surveys, right-of-way suryeys, I construction surveys, and all other land surveying services necessar5rto complete the project in an accurate, neat and timely fashion. Contractor will t link its survey data with nearest SOP Bench Mark. I 3,1, Performance Requlrement Ttre Contractor shall establish, locate and carryout detailed survey activities for the project. The Contractor shall designate a Survey Manager I for the project. The Sunrey Manager shall manage all survey activities associated with the project and shall be responsible for directing and I reviewing all surrey work and be the point of contact for all survey activities.

I 3.2, Deslgn and Constructlon Crlterla 9.2.1. Deslgn Sunrey ltrork t Ttre Constnrction Firm shall carry out detailed ground survey alot'tg, the length of the proposed project road using the most up-to-date surveyiirg, F equipment such as total station, GPS, to examine the road alignment and I cross section and culvert sites ttrat are considered necessar5lto complete the I 13G t I (o l,^, detailed design and the estimation of quantities. I The center lines shall then be set out, leveled, cross sectioned and Project/Temporary benchmarks established'

I Ttre Constnrction Firm shall establish a paired (coupled) inter-visible Horizontal control points at least Som apart from each otber. The control T points shall be placed with a spacing of 3I(m interval. The location of these Control points shall be determined by reviewing existing topographic maps I and site conditions of the project route. The Constnrction Firm will provide survey data to the Employer's I Representative for review if asked. Any discrePancy found in the data provided shall be corrected by ttre Contractor. The Contractor shall be I responsible for accuracy of field survey work' I 9.2.2, Constnrctlon SunreYlng 9.2.2,t. General I The Construction Firm shdl be responsible for all surwey necessar5lto complete the work. All sunrey control data, calculations' suweying and I measuring required for setting and maintaining the necessar5rlines and grades shall be the constnrction Firm's responsibility.

t Detailed suryey records shall be maintained, including a description of the work performed on each shift, the methods utilized and control points I used. Ttre record shall be adequate to allow the survey to be reproduced and points rechecked. Ttris record shall include graphic notes depicting control I used and relationship to other control points or reference points, description, coordinates ald location description. Project Bench marks and I Temporary bench marks shall also have graphic notes depicting description, elevation, coordinates and location description. The Survey Manager shall I provide a copy of each day's record to the Employer's Representative when I requested within three calendar days after the end of the shift' 9,2.2.2. Constructlon Stakes, Llnes and Grades 1. The contractor shall:- perform the construction fi# calculations, staking work, include: i necessarJr il I 131 , I I 1,", conkactor will close Ttaverse sutvey at every 20-25I(m and apply corrections to reduce errors I I Reestablish sunrey point and centerlines I Referencecontrol points, when necessarJr I I Run a level circuit to check or reestablish plan benchmarks I Set stakes for construction limits, right-of-way, slopes, pavement strucfirre, embaskment agd subgrade controls, and I arry other stakes necessary to control lines and grades 2. Furnish all stakes, templates, straightedges, and other devices I necessary to check, mark, ald maintain points, lines and grades 3. Run level circuits to veriff benchmarks the fulI length of the road I constnrction project. 4. Maintain orderly and clear field notes in standard field notebook I consistent with standard engineering practice Use standard lield books consistent with those customarily I used by the constnrction industry Allow the Emptoyer's Representativeto inspect these field books at any time I The books become the Employer's property once work is completed t 5. Correct any effors at the Contractor's own cost 6. Assume any responsibility for final accuracy of constmction

I 3.3. Survey Records Survey records shall be delivered in hardcopy format and also in I electronic file format. The electronic format shall be in ASCII, CAD or DXF format. They shall be delivered at the time of substantial completion unless I requested by the Employer's Representative at an earlier time.

I 3.4. As-Butlt The Construction Firm shall produce reports documenting the I location of the as-built alignments, profiles, and survey control monuments placements. These reports shall include descriptive statements for survey I methods used to determine the as-built location of the features berng surveyed. The Contractor as-built data shall include the coordinate t51pes(x, t# y arrd/or zl and feature codes in tlre format acceptable to the Employer. I l 132 I l.

4, Geonetrlc Deslgn 4,1. General I Design and constnrct the roadways in accordance with the requirements of this section, including referenced standards and I publications, perfornrance requirements, design and constnrction criterion, and required submittals. I +.2, Perfornance3 requlrenents The Design -Builder shall provide the engineering services required to I furnish the work products identifred in the contract. Ttre service includes the tasks of data preparation, data interpretation, and design of I constmction documents. The design and constmction documents shall be prepared by (or under the direction of) professional highways engineer. The I Contractor shall design all roadway geometries including horizontal alignment, vertical alignmen! cross section elements and super elevation in I accordance with the design criteria of this section. The design and constnrction shall meet the following requirement. I 1. Maintain a safe environment for road users and give special consideration to eliminate potentially hazardous conditions. The Design- Builder shall coordinate and ensure that the project I design acconrmodates and allows for ttre design of technically t and environmentally sound project. 4.3. Deslgn Crlterla The Constnrction Firm shall conduct all work necessary to complete the design and construction of the road geometry in coordination with all I other elements of work required for the project. The Construction Firm shall O"ft* and construct the road to the relevant level standard as indicated in tliis Contract Document. /t /b4r,*t Ea it V, . - A.'C It Maln Technlcal Indexes il" ii* ) I Formation Width I 133 t l Y gT l'...-, Width of Travelled waY 2.5m on Width of Shoulders in oPen either I fill areas in rocky areas side Cross slope I Carriageway Shoulders Morimum Gradient I Note:TTtelengrthof tttc 6,1mcaniageway widthsection shallbeless ttnn 25 Km' I 4.4. Coastructlon Quantltles The Constmction Firm shall submit constnrctions Quantities to ttre I Employer's representative. Ttre Contractor shall prepare +rantity takeoffs, tabulations and backgp calculations for QC/QA purpose. The calculated qualtities for the items of constnrction shall be based on the final design t drawings. The earthwork quarrtities shall be derived from cdculation based t on ttre field cross sections along the road centerlines. 4.6. Pl,an Submlttal Requlrements I The Constnrction Firrn shall produce plans & specilication that aid & facilitate design review by the Employer's Representative and provide T adequate inforrnation for safe, efficient & hrgh qualit5l constnrction- The I plans shall include (at a minimum) the following items: t I I it il"

!i.i ir 131 Itrl I I r-) Cover sheet & list of Standard Drawings t General rules & general layout sheet Tlpical sections I Roadway plan of prolile Roadway cross section I Drainage schedule

4.6. As Bullt Plans I Ttre Constnrction Firm shall be responsible for producing a complete set of as-built plans upon completion of the project. As-built plans shall I incorporate all design changes of field changes that occurred ttrroughout the project duration. As built plans shall at a minimum contain the I following items,

Cover sheet: I - Project Location Map l.ocations, lengt]rs, Referencepoints I Scales, north artow, station equations Beginning and End of project I Title Block, Signature Block

! General Notes I I [ryicat sections ! Plan and Profile sheets I - Alignments - Ditch Grades - Culvert locations I I Culvert Plans t Roadway cross sections

I 4.7 The htsttng Ntgnment and Prellnlnary Deslgn Ttre Preliminary Design for the Project Road has selected an alignment I to utilize the existing road formation as far as possible. In places some improvements of the existing geometry has been necessitated. Any deviation I from the proposed alignment shall be fully motivated by the Constmctio4 4 s Firrn and approved by the Employer. I 135 I I I l,-r 4.8 Horlzontal Nlgnment Deslgn I The horizontal alignment proposed in the Preliminary Design has been selected to follow the existing road centerline as closely as possible, I within the bounds of good engineering practice. Ttre new alignment was selected to retain the existing major structures. The horizontal alignment I must be checked to ensure compliance with the Road Design Manual. As indicated in the previous paragfaph, local minor realignments may be I considered by the Contractor in the Draft and Detailed Designs. 4.9 Vertlcal Nlgnnent Deslgn I The vertical alignment of proposed in the Preliminary Design has been aimed at following the existing road grading, which generally complies I with the requirements for an 40 km/hr design speed. This vertical alignment shall be refined to optimize materials usage and comply with the t required staldards in main technical indexes Para 4.3 above, whilst I retaining the existing prolile wherever possible. 5 Pavement Deslga and Materlels I 5.1 Sub grade Strength Classes T6e Contractor shall establish the subgrade class of all the insitu t materials along the road. t 6,2 Road Pavement Deslgns Ttre pavement shatl be designed for 10 years design life with an I overlay for another 5 years. Appropriate sub-grade treatment and minimum sub-grade cover shall be adequately provided in tJ'..edesign which is to be I determined by the Contractor. Moisttrre ingress into the fill and pavement layers shall be limited through the appropriate engineering designs I including appropriate surface and sub-surface drains. The potential of collapsible soils and active sub-grades shall be investigated and appropriafe- I actions for treatment implemented. 5.3 Gravel Sources $i The Contractor shall locate and prove sources of suitable gravel T I 136 I' Jrl material for the constnrction of the road, and shall provide for the hauling, I processing, laying and compaction of the materials in his Lump Sum Price. I 5.4 Cnrshed Stone Sources The Contractor shall identiff sources of crushed stone for surface t dressing, concrete and subsoil drainage puqposes, and shall provide for the acquisition of suitable quality material as specilied in Technical I Specification, Section II. Investigations carried out during preliminary engineering did not t indicate a possible source of stone suitable for crushing into aggregate. t 5.5 Saad for Concrete trIorks The Contractor shall identify sources of sand for concrete and other I building works and provide in his Lump Sum Price for the procurement of adequate quantities of this material as per Technical Specification, I Section II.

5.6 Vlgter for Constructlon I The Constnrction Firm shall identify sources of water for construction, and provide in his Lump Sum Price for the procurement of I adequate quantities of water that comply with the specifications in Technical Specification, Section II. I f/5 I 5,7 Stnrcture Deslgn wltl be fo{9lVears deslgn llfe. 6. Hydrolo gy lItVilraullcs ir 6.1 General A hydrological study shall be carried out to: I .Establish the hydraulic condition and adequacy of the existing structures along ttre road, and .Identifying places where additional new stntctures are required. ,;i ti iir, I i::: The following activities need to be undertaken. :1 1 o 1:50,000 and 1:250,0000 topographical scale maps shal be ] [F arranged by the contractor for catchments delineation ifl it 13? Itrl I 1.., required; I Catchment characteristics shall to be determined from the mapping, as follows: a Area in km2; I o Length of longest water course in km; o Catchment sloPes; I o Slope of longest watercourse. o Soil characteristics shall be obtained and assessed from site I obsenrations; Rainfall characteristics shall be assessed from published data I and data obtained from the Meteorological Department; The main river crossings shall be exartined to estimate the mean annual flood and observe any evidence of overtopping; I The flood model results shall be compared with tl.e existing stnrctrrres capacity and recommendations shall be made for I improvements, where necessarJr; 6.2 Slzlng of Dralnage Structures I The size of drainage stf,uchrres shall be determined using flood calculations resulting from tJle hydrological shrdy. Structures shall be I sized according to the Specification.

I 7. Dralnege The design ald constnrction of all drainage structures and I appurtenances shall adequately address functionality, durability, ease of maintenalce, maintenance access, safety, aesthetic and protection against I vandalism according to contract specifications and standards. In fulfilling the requirements for drainage, tJre Contractor shall abide by and fulfill the I requirements related to drainage features while at tl.e same time meeting requirements of other required design elements on the project.

I Drainage design should achieve the most effective and economical methods by which subsurface & runoff water can be passed through and I removed from the roadway. The primary objective should be: .r,',- iii,i, lY Maintain drainage Pattern i'it;i I I 138 T I lrr Provide culvert opening for natural drainage channels Prevent undue accumulation and retention of water upon and I adjacent to the roadway Provide the roadway against storm and subsurface water I danage t Providing a safe driving surface for the traveling public The Contractor shall be responsible for the drainage system along the I project. All design work shall comply with the Drainage Manual. This work shall include the engineering analysis necessafy to design any drainage I structrrres. Dralnage Submlttals/ Pl,ans I The Contractor must prepare plan sheets, notes, and details to T include the following inter-alia: - Drainage stnrcture sheets - Ditches and outfall sheets I - Ditch and outfall cross section sheets - culverts and bridge tabulation I - Erosion control details and plan

I 8. Retalnlng Walls 8.1. Standards t The Contraction Firm shall design and construct Standard Drawings I wdls in accordance with the standard drawings. 8.2, Performance Requlrements t The Constnrction Firrn shall design, furnish and construct retaining walls for the project. The following list of retaining walls is acceptable for I consideration for perrnanent applications. - Stone masonry walls l\/ - Cast-in-place cantilever walls I I I 13u I I 1-r 9. Tralllc Martlngs t 9.1. Standsrds The Construction Firm shall design and install pavement markings in t accordance with the Proposed Marrual for Traffic signs in Pakistan and drawing.

I 9.2, Performance Requlrements The Construction shall design & install pavement markings that will I be uniform in t5pe, color, dimensions, location & reflectiviff as provided in I Standard technical Specilication. 9.3. Deslgn and Conetructlon Crlterla I Effective pavement marking shall serye as a means of informing, guiding, warming, and controlling drivers.

I Pavement marking shall comprise edge lines, centerlines, and pavement a1Tovrs,word messages of any traffic markings necessar5l to I provide for the orderly & predictable movement of all traflic throughout the project. The contractor shall consider pavement markings when developing I the geometric layout of the project.

I 9.4, Trafflc MarHng Materlals The Constnrction Firm shall furnish & install pavement markings in I accordance with Standard Specification.

10. Permanent Slgnlng I 10. 1. Performance Requlrements The Construction Firm shall design furnish and install a complete t permanent signage plan/system for the project. The design must provide for the orderly & predictable movement of all traffic and provide such guidance I;, & warnings as are needed to ensure the safe & informed operation of the traffic stream. il' 1O.2, Deslgn and Constructlon crlterla The sign system shall: I Provide for uniformity in shape, color, dimensions I t 11f/ I I Jrr illumination & reflectivity as provided in Standard Technical I SPecilication.

1O.3. Slgn Gonstnrctlon I Ttre Contractor shall: I r Install all signs, posts, foundations & associated materials' 11. Guerd-Rall I Guardrails will be provided in accordance with the specification. I t2. ROW Merket ROW Marker's will be fixed at an interval of 100m in straight I stretches and at an interval of 50m in curved stretches. 13. Constructlon I 13.1 Geteral Ttre Constrtrction Firm shall constnrct the entire works in accordance I with the finalized Detailed Design, and in accordance with the requirements I of this Contract, including the standard and special specifications' 13.2 Constnrctlon Methods I The Construction Firm shall carry out the construction of the works using the appropriate methods to attain the requirements of the t specification of the works.

13.3 Qgaltty Assurance Plan I constnrction Firm shall submit its QA/QC plan to the Employer for I review and approval at the meeting held after Date of Commencement' (QAM) I Along with QA/QC plan submittal, ttre quality assurance Manager and I shall provide a presentation of the QA/QC plan for both design II constmction utilizing proj ect related scenarios'

13.3.1 Deslgn Qualtty Management Plan [w The Constnrction Firm is responsible for design quallty' The Q,AM, il assigned by the Contractor, shall be responsible for overall managemep! of

irt it r{1 t fr the QA/QC proglar'ls for design. This individual, who shall report directly to I the Contractor's Project manager, is essentially responsible for all of the design QA activities. The QAM shall maintain close communication with the I Contractor's Project Manager and shall ensure the Project is completed in accordance with tJle requirements of the Contract Documents. Ttre QAM I shatl perform atl of the design oversight reviews. The Employer and the Employer's representative will participate in these reviews. Under this I procedure, the QAM will provide the Employer with draft design plan for review and approval to conlirm that ttre design work complies with the t requirements of the Contract Documents prior to initiation of construction activities on the Froject.

I Plans to be reviewed shall be submitted to the Employer's Project ManagerlEmployers Representative who will review and approve the plans. I The Employer shall have the right to review and comment on all Draft Plans and Specilications and Special Provisions for compliance with the I requirements of the Contract Documents and Reference Documents and I ReferenceDocuments. The Constnrction Firm shall be responsible to satisfy all such I requirements and acknowledge that the Employer will have the right to disapprove any design approach that it is not in compliance with the requirements of the Contract documents and Referenced Documents unless I said approach was previously approved in writing by the Enployer. The Contractor shall revise and modiff all draft design plans so as to fully reflect t all comments and shall deliver to the Employer's Project Manager, the revised submittal, who will distribute plans to appropriate the Employer t staff for review and comments. Final plans are to be submitted to ttre Employer for review and approval by the Employer's representative prior to ; the construction of the element. The time frame for plan review and approval shall be in accordance the requirement of the Contract ftr Documents. I I 142 I I l" l*r-, 13.3.2 Constructlon Quallty Management Plan (CQMPI I By way of complying with the requirements of the Standard Specilication the contractor shall develop a Quality Control System which I shall be described in a Qualiff Control Manual (QCM). Ttris shall be presented in draft in two (2) copies, one (1) to the Employer and one (1) to I the Supervisor, for review and comment during the mobilization period. The contractor shall modi$ the QCM if required and submit controlled copies of I the final document for the use of the Employer and the Supervisor also in two (2) plus two (2) copies. The QCM shdl be in a suitable binding approved I by the Supervisor so that the QCM can be updated from time to time on approval by the Supervisor.

I The Quality Control Manual shall include inter alia: The contracfs general approach to providing a Quality Control I System. The QC organization with details of staffing and interrelationships and responsibilities within the contractor's I organization and with the Supendsor. A detailed description of the request system for checking completed works and for the inspection of elements when I required prior to performing works.

I Methods and frequency of testing for all elements of the works. I , Reporting procedure. I Procedures, for rectiffing deficiencies identified. I t Standard Formats proposed for use in the system with a description of how they are to be used during the project. Software proposed for use in maintaining system records and I reporting. Where the contractor proposes software for use in the system copies must be provided for the free use of both the t Employer and the Supendsor. The methods of reporting and any standard formats proposed must be I compatible with the inputs required by the Employer's record system. The QC Manual must be in conformance with the requirements of the Standard hr Specification and any Special Provisions. I I I 143 l,. Ih 13.4 Supervlslon of tbe Works l" The Constnrction Firm shall prepare, for the assessment of t11e Engineer and approval of the Employer, a pran for supervision of the I construction of the Project Road, to ensure that all aspects of the constnrction comply with of the finalized design and specifications. The I Contractor shall implement the approved plan for supervision of the constmction of the works.

I 13.5 Monltorlng of constructed works for Defects Notillcatlon perlod Ttre Construction Firm shall monitor, for the duration of the Defects I Notification Period, the performance of the constructed road, and repair any defect immediately that it becomes apparent, in preparation for the issue of I a performance certificate in respect of the completed Project Road, at the I end of such Defects NotiJication period. 13.6 Servlces I Ttre Constnrction Firm shall identify all services to be moved, liaise with the authority responsible for such services and provide, in his Lump T Sum Price, for the costs related to such removal. I 13.7 Accommodatlon of Tnafllc durr-g Coastruc$on Ttre Constnrction Firm shalt maintain a reasonable level of service for I tralfic travelling along the entire Project Road for the duration of the Contract, notwithstanding that the proposed. road alignment follows the I existing road for most of the route. The Contractor shall affange with local communities and land owners for the temporarJr use of land along t]' e I Project Road for detours, if required, and shall ensure that the existing road and any detours or deviations required, are maintained in good passable condition, and are fit for use by public traffic at all times. The Contractor I shall provide for comprehensive signage for any traffic accommodation, detours or deviations as a result of the construction operations. The I a Contractor shall make good any damage to public road caused by his "1" construction traffic, and shall reinstate, to original condition, any area or land that is used for detours or deviations. The costs of any works related to I I Ur4 t 1,, li this clause shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor's Lump Sum l" Price.

14. Enrrlronmental and Soclel Impact Assessmeat and Mlttgatlon I 14.1 Ennlronnreatel larpact Assessment The Constnrction Firm shall carry out a comprehensive I Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), using an appropriately qualified Environmentalist. The results of the EIA shall be an Environmental I Management Plan providing for the fuIl mitigation of adverse impacts that I may result from the constnrction and operation of the Project Road. 14.2 Soclal Impact Assessment I The Constnrction Firm shall carry out a comprehensive social impact assessment using an appropriately qualified and experienced social impact I and resettlement specialist. t The result of the social impact assessment shdl be a social impact mitigation and resettlement plan. This plan shall include for public I consultations activities during tJle detailed designs and constmction of ttre road, as well as the timely resetdement of persons affected by the t constnrction of the Project Road. Ttre degree of consultations will depend on the locations where realignments are undertaken. This will normally include I the following: r Notilication of comniunities on the Project activities being undertaken and where; I . Disclosure of final results of the design to communities and other stakeholders; I . Disclosure of work plan; and ' Provision of independent third party monitoring if found I necessary. t PlJ I r45 I I