Interview with Don Bluth Majestic, Sun 04 May 2008 Interview with Don Bluth by Majestic of Brainstorm Page 1/2 Zine #4 - 32 - Interview With Don Bluth Majestic, Sun 04 May 2008 Interview With Don Bluth by Majestic of Brainstorm Don Bluth, the man behind Dragon's Lair and Space Ace. He's now here to answer some interview questions. 1) Why are there always dogs, cats or mice in the mainrole of the movie? Don Bluth: Think back: The fable of Aesop, also the indian legends and stories were always talking about animals. These animals have characteristics which remind us of our own. 2) Yours stories always have a lesson to tell. Do you think, that kids learn something from these stories? Don Bluth: I hope so. Myself for example learned alot from the old Disney movies. In "Bambi" said Thumper, the little rabid, about Bambi "It can't even work once correctly." The mother then replied "What did you daddy tell you? If you can't say anything nice, then say nothing at all." I never forgot those word in my life. 3) How did you come upon the idea to draw "Charlie"? Don Bluth:I once had five dogs. And since meanwhile all of them had left me, I wondered where they all went to. What happens to a dog when he dies? Do all dogs come to heaven? And so we had our sub-title called "All Dogs Go to Heaven". Then we added the storie of a lousy dog which comes to heaven and from there back to earth. 4) Which character was the most difficult to draw? Don Bluth:The little Maria-Ann.