Braitin$ Memories INTRODUCTION

This Booklel conlains a sclcclion ofquolcs frcm nftryiews mdenalen lith p.oplc who liled in Brading prior 10 and during lhc 1910s. Tne inreni€ws w€re conducted by oefrbea olBading Youth club and iL Ieader incharLe.Bd'&'z cEed.rlo 1.$: e' 'ts\o' of2005. All inlcnicss wcre videoed, put onto DVD and tBnscnbed for use in this Booklet.

Oral histdy is a unique {ay olieoording fremori.s which would otheNisc bc losl. The memoies lre olien quite re$onal to those lharine lncm od ovcr time can b{ome dhtofted. Despite tbis, the posnivcs ofoml history onnvcigh lhc nceativcs as we fcel this publicali@ d€nonstrates. wc lhank lnosc inlcrvicwcd for lhcn memones of wbd n was liko ro grow up in Badi.g olcr 70 yoaE .go and hop. they enjoy *eins then recouedions in print Theinniah afier sc[ quote corcspond to who the quole cahe froi and at the hack oftn€ booklct you canseothctull lhlofcontrib oaodwhere possible, a phoro ofthcm. Thanls aho to Pam PhilLips and SapphiE Hardr, menlcrs or Bradine Youth Club, lbr laking part in thc inreryiews llong wi& Brrban Cr&d as widout thet i.pul. lho prcject wouldnot hrve been possible. The lehgthy l4l ol rrmscribing fie inlcnicws w$ undenaken by Malcohn and BarbaE ciecd and Pat McNamara for which we aE srateful. Also dr ks to Molly Pcwscy for hcr advicc and kno*lcdgc. v

SCHOOL DAYS CONTENTS * on nhe h Bradlag, thd. we Arue trhoots - the Coutcil school Nhich tus o" the cuftent nd ofrtdtli^A Pn ott), th. Chtrch slool tuhi.h is notu 6e.l as th. vorlh Club ud Mr Sohool Days p 3-9 Ball.!'sle paliry school in fhe Mal ehih op2nan drnbg ite 1840s and .lot.d i" I91A Son oJ the tetuhea de'nioned in.fud. o tu Rore atul 4 Mr Prlk (B.oning Cou"cil School) Md a Miss Youth Activiti€s p r0-r2 B.*.r aad Mits Ea*ki8 (the Chutch Sch@t). Not all t e t qh.B wtu qt"l|fi.n pior to o, d.rinq the l93h tnrl it w rot Mahnoalor to e ollhe otdq ct ttrcn ot th. dee of t3 or 11to Church p 13 beco@'pq boctdd. l,ery ollq rs h lre tate dMt POk6, L4.hbc b.cM. a Mulot ifL

Work p l4l7

Transport p 18-20

Brading Tmdes People and Stops p21-27

Wafime p 28-30

Bradins Chamcters p 31-32

How Bradins Hos Chansed p 33-34

Stories p 15-39 '\inren I wds ar sctool I *as iiiBhtchcd lo dcalh. locher Bcsscy wasn't Wcnad a coal firc in the class rconr aod we did sums. wc rho did sports and qnalificd ond she rausht rhe infants. She kerfouing up ou sleeves and dnll in thc playsround. when we had to harch up,dd do*n Thc girls had slappin8 our ams ifwe didn t do thingsngta. (M.A) coo*cry clascs a.d wc wonld so round and sell whdt rt hadfrade we also had needlework cla$cs. Thc boys were taken s*inming'. (M.M) 'We used to 3il in Teachcr Bcascy s and when the W.l. had their hrn dd nustard sddwiches they oscd to cut lhc ctusls oLwhicn we had. Tbey used lo cone in newspaper dd we d sn at our deslc and cai the crusts d they weE absolutely deliciols . (l.S)

'wl1en Nc wcrc seven we wenl into Miss M ow\ clds. She coul.ln'l conhol thc class and il was upror- Wc didn't l€m anlthins lheE, she used ro lho* chalk a.d dustd ar ns. (M A)

'When you got to thineen in Miss Havkins class she di.ln't tcmt you any morc so we xor our books dd hssed abouL fo. , yor. (l.s)

'I don'l Ermber many lcso.s. piobably b*ause I was small bul *e usedroh,!eflatlmysofsandandbegivorastick d wc u*d to make pattems and draNings in fiesand. ft we.l a,]ov5 thc placc bul nobody seemed to nind and odei lbiog wc did was wc pl,yed witn plaslicinc. nol like lhe coloured stufyou gel now, it v6 srey an{l horid btrt, however. *e lovcd usins drn stu$and lne boErds. Sofre olthe boards tukin! rNk?'a bsorsNlrt ap th. Mallto th. oll *1\,n r(e ii rhc snapc of a sre'. (B.C) Tt( putitt.nh. huiLlin! antl tho !.kl th.i' ki to Pbrtt tikt skirDe' Ra:(. M^. M0ns ilht Anolher occasion I do recall was dzc giving. I amsurel didn't do frant anlthins ro set a Drize. I suppose I musr hale been a bil older tne. bui my 'Wnen ve d.nced rosd lhe Maypole a1 Chrislms our c0mc n) prizc was for sood anendance. We weE nevn ill, I suppose ve went warch. On Wn Mondry. Mr Pryk€, a school helper. used ro hk. all ihe elery day. I ca.'i Emembcr my shlcr gdrins ap ze. No tloubt she did schoolchildrentownnecliifDaylospendthedayonlhebe,ch. wchad sh€ ras a lot clcvcrcr ihan me d slre was tne one vho won all lhe pnzes. to{alkth.&and Evcry ycar, Mr Rose took us to the Roman villa Howevr, ny pnzc *as a boot, tnc Hca.[nasler Nas giving tbeD out and andwhen we gotbackioschoolwchadtow&eabontwbalweleamed'. (B.C) wc could ch@se our book . (M,M)

'1 wcnt to Bradins Council Sohool unlil I Ms 14. M! Rose was lhe 'Our teachcr was Missflawkinsand sbewasvery clevor. Snc hught tic Eeadmastcr and Miss BIy$e was one ofmy teache6. who I was in the boys .arpomry and p laycd footba I I wi tn them. She tnusht rhe gnls Intants, my brolhcr look mc to school. We acrc al *h@l fiom ,.00 am 10 needlework dnd *niui.g. Sh€ inslslcd you lcamiyour local hislory 3.30 pm *ith an hofi b.lunch. we look sandwicncs because lne.e were before you leamr anyrhins ehc shc{asvcry aricndlyBilh M$ no $Iool heah 2nd when it oas cold Nc bouBht hol cocoa for halfpcmy a Oglandcr and evory Chrisnnls when we did the N,tivil, Play she would lend ns htr bie staf. (.,-C)( 'Icanrcnremberthatwherethecarplrkistbqewereallohenls all ttu boys hnd a palch and Mr ScaB. (MB.lrclond\ Dad) took us. There was an,irraid shclloin lnc middle and wncn thc sirens *ent we all piled dosn there ,nd wc uscd lo snrg. Bcing achurch ol Sclool,lhe Reverend Hamploo weeks used lo give ustligious instlucrion once a rveek. dlthough *e used b nave 20 minrles ev.iy day .fter thc Rcgislo and cvery SainB day Ne went lnlo the church tbr a

'As Mns Hawkins rvas lo rhe Chunh Sch@l so Mr Rosc Nas lo the Council School llboys wee dilticult thcy weresentro lhc Council Scnool becluse itwas thousht tlrcy needed a SchoolMasterraher r$a

'In the noming we qould havc prayers and hym.s and aftcNards Mr Rose would dk you qlcsrions. Cerlhcm righl. yon wdnl b lim T.udt tBtprt ntiLlt.n t9t0' at€Mards and he gave you ! penny. Atthe ropolthcMdll thetu,,srn old schooldnd (e selr r\e'e lor.oote.l lesor s u.rl. Rubr - t Easlcr linrc wc rvcnl up the Downs wnb leachdBesseyand Rowbotham. on a Friday N,ir. Rosc boughl cvcrylhing wc made and dlcryonc clsd camc lo prnnrcs.s lo dccontc lhc Church aud wc all gave il lo 1he children, He usod to buy cocoa, srgar, nilkandicafortbe 8$ $enrbecau\esheusedlo r*e. greatbigbagolbiscrilsandabagol oldn girh Lo ndkc drlnks. Hcdidallfiatoorolnisownpockct. In sweets and \vc allwentbecar* rhafs rll $r wa.Lod wous.dlogoup those days, tcachers scemed to tahe aper$nal inleresl in lhe children'. (J,L) on lhc Doxm and sct beech nuts and ruse hips. Now ilyoupick rh€sc you arc hdrcadtul lrcuble. Ne usen lo Dick bunches and tie lhe'n on slicks and nobody said anythirg. AtCb slnms liDc wc always had s 'wcllrvcusc!iogoinlrom9.00amrill 12n@nandwboevergotthere parly and ftcy always eavo yotr a pr.scfl and a lovcly prc*nt for .11 lhc cany, ficy used ro sot you to iing Lhd bcll, il was tung again aticr lunch. kjds Wdhad d lolcly 1c. dtrd {hd, allvdysgavcThc R.!&cnt Hamplo. We used to have littlc boftlcsofrnilk. This was thd Church Sch@l and Wee*ssonrclhingliltle, hc loved lhe Mickcy Mouse lhey gavc hrm. ro Therc serc the olher was the Council Sch@I. the one lhey so now. (M.t) thrccchsscs hcrc: Tcaclrcr Bcssy. Mhs M.rows aM cubbie Hawkins. Tnc Dcntisi always.ame in rho middle room. I was rc fied, you had to 'AttheChu.h school. lhc llcadmhiress was Miss llawknrsandshe had cono in hcrc and hale your ledLh lootdd xL ahd sc. lhc Nil Nutscand thc a glas cy.. Thcr. $.o tlioc l.acnc6: Tcach$ Bcsscy Look lhc inaan6. Doclor. TheDenristwasMrCshvishtandheusedloshrke. nreold Tenche. Marorv thetriddl..lass r.d Miss HawkiN th. rot class. NuBe ued to wear slasses and a rcund hat'. (M.ll Teachem t geL in lhos. drys The lca.ho'\ larghLyou didn 'nrjcd clcryth s f.idryaflcarooDs weplaycd f@tbllL!r Vic.ra,lc Ficldsand tlrc ei.k rlaycd rcundeB. (K.W) 'I wenr tolheCouncil Schoolandlhe infanls {ce in *ilh thc girh. 'I rcmcnbcrVic Wnshrlh€n hcws h Miss Mamw s class Oic day Thebisg6g s$.rcononc sidcand drcbieaerboystheorher. Miss hcrn'es hh nrilk mondy up in {hc.n..trBhtit in Iis nroulh bul Kane took lh€ inlanrs and we had a big rocknrs horse. The dph$et swallowcd it. llcr$taken k, H.rfiilland whcn hc canre back sas all aound the classoon wxlls,nd wc had lo sin8lhcABC. Wc showed us rhe coins and thcy wcrc sren . lM.A ) loamt parct fashion and iljustsunk in Wnen qe qere snall wc lrad to rest o. , slrcicno in school. Milk used 1o cone i.athirdolaPint 'Everyon...flc to school Monday momiig ahd you a pemy bottles, Whon you graduatcd frcm lhc infants, you went in wilh the ona 8ot on a cald .nd when you bad 12 youcoold go np b lhc boys. I!4y fi61He.dmaftrsas Skipp( (an hland l€m lbi sranrp to $i.k postolfrueands.Lxshillingsavnrgslamploput ir thcbook (K O) I lcadteache, Rose vho rdJk thc boys br hc rctiEd bcforc I sot to dre boysclass. My tercher *!s Mr Lols ldonrlhinkhcwasassoodas 'l was keE nr school lordoinssomclhirg \rroDg. Cuwyaale mer Skipncr Rose 6ut you pur up wilh Nh{ ,o! had. Wc nad aliltlc Laking 3way sum to do. I couldn'tdon. I was nogoodatftal, and she Ibolb,ll Lcam. Wc also uscd to Dloy foorball asnin$ each olh€i. Maybc but bcIorc shc wenr she rho nn$vcr to my sum, lhe Hieh SI€cl would play The MaU. They d play on rorolfid Dow.s wenlofl ro dinncr sol top. where the icc otuan van is nos or chc in Litrle lane s litwhich was all p ilon h.rdcskrMrnl thc irkwcllon rhc So$hatdidIdo I q. outpickcd lhe ink{cll qr and l{rkcd at gras on rho rroMs ir w.s allclcartlcn . (C B) dirccllyshe hadgonel thc .nswer and Dut ir dowh Shchadnlgotrctodimqbutvas 'whcn I wasalschooland llNas lrosy. rv€ d sneak inlo thc playsround w,tching nrc throush thcvind.* inshccamc.said Comehne. n1c. I wrssoupscl.l wirh blckesofw.ld al nighl lo Dake ! slide lorrhcmoming. llwas ollEd upny slccvcand re.lly,reallysldnFd .lrisbt !s lon! as th. Hc.dnistrcs didnlcalch you . (K w)

'we wenl ro school *hdn wc ecrc 3 yca6 old and in lhc afienroons th.y usd ropuruslobcd. ThcyBere like linlenaomocks. (lt.S.)

'Ualr$ay lmugh lhc oncflroon you sould hoar'dnp. drip, dnp. drip (some had wer rhenselvcs). (K.O)

'Wc had lo pul onr moncy in lhe cloLhins cardbas which was bansins on t][ wall indooB. wiln asdng lhough $c rop. llyougotany moncy you prt n in dcrc np until Novcmber Nhen lne c,rd linlsh.d. whcD yousot,2 shillings on rhc card. Rev. Uampton Weeks would ald 3 shillinss. wchad4.,rds.onclbrcachchildlhatwentloschool. Mln alwals made sur $e nroney wa lhcrc and shc qouldsooftoRrde vin] lfic money whiclr us abou{ lhtc P.mds, 8rd lhar was a lot of noncy Lo hcr. to gct us clodres. You hid lo sFnd y.urcbtnins tokens in a special shop and lncy uscd lo sive rou a lee pdokdr orpins. (long BntJnt!Lhh.t)S,h I r,tiiirl t rit.nJ\tI| pinsno' s,rer, pins) . (M.L) YOUTH ACTIVITIf,S 'Th.rc wxsn'l moch aor youngpc.ple l. dd in rhe vill,ge. TheE *!s Lhe Cnb Friendly Sociery rn the Chu.oh H!ll. Belty ud Joan went to yo hg pbpt g Bina up i, Btudinq n ritsthe1910sand1940s rhlrbutrheydidnlsotoGuides. OlcouEeeveryoneqenttoSnnday plaledlm.litionalsa 6like arbl6 ai.l lootball. fh.!boald h.te School and se wonld havcoulings.nd things. (J.C) ovr..l dolls or tia soldi s and spatt ho,B q) oa the Dotns in &a nicqbeathcl Aihout:h th.! 8 .rut4'had loht netuorid Thc Vcctis BowmflB Jcncfr Club th,the p.ot t. i,t tti.iert han dilerent about lo "'enotier tosnt ptotitiot ih th. tow. son. ollh.h hafe no recolbenn ofa yoant 'The q.n Chb was orisinllly tomed d a resuh of lhe i.roducrion ol n stth bd reeal arurys sach as the GuitLs and the Cirls Archeryatthe Intelnarionat Youth Camp ar in 1958 Aftc. Fri.|db Socielj hcins tn ia Drudiap. l" 1951, Bttrli"E nad a You,n the Camp, a few yotrDg people fron decidcd to slarl a JLnior Club at th. boflon oJ B le!\ Eil hich tuas tun b! Mist Hdrihfo, Archcry Chb.l BradingYouth Club. th. lsl. of wixht fouth senire, Tt,. yonn' CIth nowd idto its pt6 rbrillin! h.nheCh t h S.hool 4nalAeh.led ith the Scnool ,hhn Ht'1, hecawe yotnh on l Co Mu,iO,OJlic* yotth Inr the hland nt 1953 dd Nn Rradnts Cluh at ns .ttdtt sit ,

'Thsc were no Youlb CIL$S. Mr PlLxnbly ran a lym in thc chnEn nall opposite thc sclrool and thcrc wcrc Cubs and Scouh lnr lhc hoys and Cuides fortnc gils wo n3d *hips rnd lops, mdrbles and dlected las cards MosLmdd snokcdlndwe ddsk thern lor the lascdds. (C.B)

'I went ro Guides in Sandown. ned rhc station. and I d walk into BEdinsand caich ficliain lhcrc and back. Thco w.s no Yoolh Clu6 andwedidnlsofa.,rnighl Livingoulolrhe!illage,anriletowal* sccmcd a long wa! . (l.C)

'Up rh. Mall in the old school was lhc YoLllh club (K.O]

'Tley used to havc . piano al Yourh Cl!b, play lable rennis and singsongs. I wcm when I was 12or 13 yeaE old. (R.S) ! J'rnl Stn"ktill Ethi lchnk)Rrtkn 'wc $cd ro do embrcidery and lhat. I rcmcmbo kis Buckett\ Ida Crucknell, shc cmbroidcrcd a 6is clolh wilha pcaceL o. it'. i(o)

'I uscdtogoloC.F.S (Ic Cirh Fnendly Sociely) & Condidales. llw,s held al tho chn(h hall (oppositc thc scnool). Candidatcs sere whfl you ar lilllo dnd C.F.S. rvhen you aro oldcr. Thcvicnr. thcD Rev Dennnrgbn, clcnrually sold rhcHdll. (M l) ,I'TI Hero Arhciy tinnd ils tcct rnd liom fcbnnry 195, E CHURCH cry Cn'b stdcd Lo build up. simc Atrgusl ln 1960 tukcn pln irr suveralrnainland l.irnamcnh. Finally B,ottihg nd hrc. chtkher larias ttu atu Lohc. ed fith ?.rio.I ',4 dre ll.A.A JuniorChanrpionslrio coinins b Bfudins '. (c.B) for thi! hnnkt.t: Sr. Mtt! the t/itsit, the Merhodkt Chtr.h aad the Anibd A'n{esutio at ch,rch i, the MolL Ihe Cn"rch li.l pto! n biE pa in people's lir.s bo& in the 1930s and 1910s and those interti.tted tc"detl to haw sool nuho,ies ol bils i"volwd Nnh ie

'Tllc ClNrch hada biginfluence iirBading. Thc Rcv. Hampron-Weeks .lways kncrv vhen anyone was ill aDd"lw,ys lisilcd in thc wholc aEa. My dad sas a bcll rinecrat D.sdins od I sang in lhe choir. You could set a fcw pcnnics for singins al weddmgs . {K.W)

'Qunca lorofkiddies wenr 10 Yavcr l.nd ChtrEh I *as a ohonboy thcrc. Miss Black Nas rhc orsand and.hoimaslcr and in tlDsc dnys wc dcam a lnw pcnnics for sinr:ins . (C.B)

'I *as in lhc.hoirand Hamplon-Weeks was thc Vur(hc {as vcry sood). lle ued to takc thc boys ro Ponsnouth in lhc Summer, they nscd to so over ud watch the Mud Lar*s. I rcmcmbs thal they had lo rhrow Demies in themud, th,l\.utsidc Poasmouth H..bourand Ihese lids used to divc nr fic mud and set $e pennies. w€ loved Mthing . (R.S)

Wc wcnl to rhe Congregalio.alchurcn al thc Mall,l can L emenber the l qcheas names but Lhcy wcr. sislc^ and livcd al , they uscd to waklo.hurch in the noming walk hone aor thcn Lunch and they Nalk d back asanr lor the Sunday School *hiol qas in dc

'I used lo so to church and ou! niDDe* wer€ in thc.hoir. Our Dad used ro go and hc didn t likc it.os we used lo ndger roo such Ash Wednesday *c wcnl withthcschool. Wcworldmarch in 2sasdree was alwaysnse ico that.lay- (M.l)

'1ve n.d io eo lo Church and Sunday School as Mothf was vcry religious Evcnwhcnwc livcdalTrucklcs, we had to lrurke all lhe wx! $ere dnd all fte w,, brck. wc didnl w.nt lo so but wcre lbrued ro' (M,A) WORK 'When lForkcd ln rhc laundryrvcuscd lodo all tIc Arm] .lolhcs. The van used 10 so .ound and the soLdic$ had. towcl. hanklc, Most olih. po?le ikteni?t*t tell srhoot u1 the as. ol l4 o"d w"r ord shinwhichwcrcrollcd upand nladlo bc sorlcd Mcn w.rked nruiEht intn \otk. ltrt aa n en,c thmtghout tltf tti,o\^ llrwashing machn$ and Ilv.rred lhe.llander Washingvcntlo thnt t rr olet ttE school th tl'.irJiBt joh ot ari.ktt.[ lbtrl wcrand.rncoutdry Undcmcath wcr rhu soncrs andDacke$. I thek,"ilr knev ola posilion sot"evhen' Fo,a.nt .olthe *8 rhere nn'sl.rlhe wrr. ! sonsd clodrcs our Bs thcy h.d to h0yc ntefliN.d, priot10 &.itJi^tjob nk.hat ottefl . sainnq numberpuron rhem. I stayed lherctilmy husbandcamc homc from Bndine. in Btuding rns lary.l! ogtic hwal, thc war. h srs quilc cnjoy.blc, bcl1$ dr houscrvoik Thcn sfie a4horyh,tu'i! ofBa ti,s's wonet at onc fin. edin lous vo shakerouis. Whenwashirecxnrconlolthcma.hinenwaspulinlod th. tdLdry n? Th? tttt . Afier thes.urul Wo dWa\C.nm" wchad b $dk rhcwxshingoul. I (il]do itro tut en &De 10 Rndiw 10 wotk i,, th. latldtf. SrcatbiSl[nuand my o*n washi.g' iM A)

M;lt W.ont,l'. r.le !,1 th( n\{nnil t.ltrttt\ *tn(t: 1913

'I $N liunecn in lhc OclobcraDd in Jxtruxry old (;trvvy callcd nc in 'wheD I leri$hoolrt aouncen I wcnt to Nork iir Allcrtonc Mill'lca and srid thar Mhs Woorls 11$ li,J Lhc laundry had, srlurrion lirr nc Gldens, seuils lcts in lhe len roonr.l had lo waLk rll tnc *ay fron Ily She save Drc a bit.fl]xlerlnd it slid therc wls a siiunlion !s ! sculle.y Conrsc ir thc Mali. J uscd towalkovq lhc Downs.lhro(gh dg.(.hc rp m.idd Uonchurch. I wrs cvcr so neNoN beoruse l'd never been oul thebilLIoAlvesrone. lfl rvas rirc.d I would go ji.m A Lve6bno rr ofBiadiig up to lhcn'. (M.A) Sandorvn and.atcb rhc lnin ro Bnding sonlcriinrs rvrs nearly dark Rhen Igorho ro (M M) 'I lcfr school ar founee. and wenl to work in SandoM as an ernnd Pcople ask lor me ro rrke rhen round !s I know so nruch ol rhe boy. Thar Basn'l cnon8h as I wantcd to play f@tball on HistoryaDdl wouldlike to continue as lons as my herlth is.lrislt. Eood (M,M,] Saturday ahmoo.s so I wcnt to vork in in lhe snipyard. Lal.r I wa\ callcd up in lhc amy and could havc bocn cxcDpr becauseolnyjobbulldidn'ltellrhem. IeamedNelveshillingsa 'FmsorkcN uscd lo lic up lhcn loo$r lcgs wilh p.p slraps, hala was al wirh nnd week at Sandown but four pouds a week ar Co*cs we sorked on way un then Ggs I in a bam Snaubrook Cylil Buck to man the landins cmft. lf we madc it at a lower pric€ than quoted tho we A(lrillon arick seNiig sheavcs thc on thresher. All ola would slurc lhc diJlcrcne . ((W) suddenBuct iumpedupintheai. Wedsollorverdo{otherick,nd micchadnuout,uphistrouserlesandoutolhisshiribyhisneck. 'Thft qrsn'l rnch woik in lhosc .lays. Dad Norkcd i. lhe Cement Thafs why you tiod your Iouscr h8s np . ((.W) Mill burlon.rinesbowasslaodolaforashilcandlhcn goback yc.ts asaiir. ltvasnl pleaslnt working rhere with all the dusl. They Dsed '$tcn I w&\5 oi 6 old and Mr Bams wd lhr ldrmcr. thcicsas qhichwas ro 6last o lhe linrestone TheE w.s, railw.y tunning rhrough n an outbrcak oflooland MouthDnQsear Mo.ton Fam, withtnckspullcdbymachines. Theywertipp€doutandwenlback the fi$tlnne it h&l occmed anywheE ln rhe country. ltsasletr sad (M.M) cmpty .nd rve used nr ide i. lhen, unlil w€ HIi*d how dangeous iL .sallthcnnimah had to bcdcslrcycd . -Onc day wh.n I was 3 or9 ycx^ old, ny liathcr rold mc 10 carch a 'My eldiesl hehories are going in lbc lorry lo Hill Fam lo ollect hoNe bul lhe hcller crme olll A nan drjving a coach nnd4horses (he wooden flssors (Ned for buming the linresrone $ nake ceroo lor (four i. hrnd) oDe dlong aid he sLopped and caushL horsc ror toe the Cement Works wheE Dad worked (KW) and pur lhe hallcr track on. {M.M.l

'As l gol oldcr I wc.i i, o difcreni tbinBs and stafted trainins dogs I 'I uscd to hclpwilh haynukingand horscs.s.child. I wouldcatchl ho^es i.lhe lield,nd put Lhem in the srable,nd then giooni and Lrained thcm aor I 2 yos. r workcd wnh an aordionisl and wo did lird (M 40showson rhe kland. I used to have sone ollhe children on lne fien oady ror worl . M) DoMs and give then lessons I nevd worked at Nunacll but uscd 10 train doss for Ms Oslanderwhose family at the tlnre owned the Roman villa. After tnat.I wo*ed at lbe RoDan villa Ior 12 yeas. I bclpcd lalc lhc schoohniurcn rcund and scNcd at thc dcsk T[e Villahrdaredroofwith'Ronanvilla mkcdonn MrCoxwno was a elned lootnan tiom NLtr$cll Housc sorkd lhcre. I also helDed the Curutor rvho Nls n Arch&oloeisr.

Ancr workins at rhc Roman Villa for I 2 yea6 I wenr to work !t Moton Mmor which has bccn orvned lor ihe pasl 50 yqs by the T%bshi lhmily. Thal was 27 ycaN ago ond 1 m sliU drcre. ll h a lolely ph.e and has been very imporl,nt lo me. I an thc Chief6uidc and l wort there to p,$ the Lino. I halo spent thc happicst years of my life ar the Msnorand all lhe slalfaE lovely and very fiddy. TRANSPORT 'Ihe liltle Lriin wcnt to Bembndge and you couldseeswaN ncsring on lhe MaBh. Ar Benb dse drcrc *as a tuntablc ro lrm lnc tuin Brudiry Slatin ws a bts! jun.tion Be,nbridse Arunch I,r th. dround. we use! to take tbe kids doM thcrc. wc d Co ab.ur ld in Liae lrch 1882 tntjt t 9s3. Th. Ii . iot onlt, setyed statio$ ot St thc momnlg a about four in thc alicmoon. lhc lmin would go lool Helei's ad Bdh,ilge but also the Ctudt Mill SL Etlz"'s "itl toot on lnc wnidb and colle.r us again to donre bome. Wevould onat, o"iryn anl harbo u fo. l,eishl such as coot untit th. hitl run to calcn thc fain and dic$ the kids on the way back Mr Dmke 1920r. ?'hi' line ,u ia sta* co,nru! b the olh.r tuit rndp was a tmin drilo. h theCcnemlStrikeol1926all thc drivurs rvcr throqh Rn hlc lroh R!'d. Piu Head ti vz"hor, which tns a o. slnke and Mr Georse walker Beni down od drcvc lhc tmi. . pop atli"k betn et th.Jen! dnd rh. btad's nain seaside rcso s (8.H.) oJsoi.low aid Shankti". Thruqho"t the 1930s, Atuli"r ws wll smat b! th. ihttirit! ol 1tu les people and shops atut its Wc uscd lo havc Cas Buscs dd thcy had a big b,lloon on the lop, ,didei6 r.ndel nt *o* ,ear to Nh . th4, li"ed Peopt. ptuhaht! whichwasuscdinstcadofPetol,idyoucouldn'tgetit. (R.S.) tlirt hor hedt 10 tr@el out oJ Bndi,g thdt na.h d*iag this petiort C^ di.l nol becon tui.lel! awitablz t^ rhe t9sAt so people i, 'Old Cnbby (was Ereftd to hy some as lhe Cubby Linc, whilc BtuniM eithd walked ot led 10 their ptiot .t lenination b rhei. oth.^ said rhafs whar drey called llE rrain) rhat uscd to co fton sl. Rasd cotL! b. .aryh1Jion the HiEh Sneet inlo RltL o"d SadNn Helen\ nt Bembndse and whc. nc gol Lo Bcmbridgc hc wc.l oi thc or Shankli, bs, Mtt ho1 ^ .heap as ,he taiL lumlable,lumed il rcund and camc hack. we,ow walk on the paih lh uscd lo bc thc railway li.c Th. lrains used to so ro NewTon. 'whcn I wts roung there vere no buscs. Whcn Mo ,on Conmo. flo.ncd hy MuB took me in a bo.l. shc said shi.lid rhaL so she .ould sly she had bccn in lhe boal D@ior Barker dole a tose dd LGp and ilyou $erc ill you had to walk orwait and go at nisht. Somdnncs rny Dad bor !s 1o Ne*pon b buy leatber on a Sarurday ni3ht. wo qalkd to Sandovn and causht thc rain to Ncwpon, th.n Nhcn vc came b,ct we bad to walk fiom Sandown lo Monon . (MM)

'For tmspolt *c had Southcm vecrir, walkdens and Blaks. No one used Southcm veciis because they werc too dcar. Wal*dcns was thcbcst ltulcbus. We didn \ have bus stops. yoD could pur ,our hand upand rhdr'd stop anyivhcrc. lt was a pcmy halfpeniy lo go 1o sedow.burSourhemVecrhchargcdrqopencehalrDenny. Itwasa pen ny lo so ftonr Rowborongh to Bndln g. The bus slop was in the middle of thc Bad at fie Bull Ring. Youwouldcucuc in thc road bnl thue wsnl huch tallic'. (J.L) Th. F1.\,1h4 t,fMolrh C.rnnon Otili1to1.o.l poill lOhJe uat\ 1937,Etl\'a.dvttt aonD FEshsarer, vcnLor, sandown. shey. round rhcy had rail"ays, BR{D ING TRA D US PliOPl,D AN D S HOPS aloth.vcgoncnow. lNcdLogcLalircshilliogrun.bouttioketin^ll thc summ6. For rwo weels wc wou ld go all ovo lhc plrcc. I wns A lot of tle hous.s nt lhe HiBh Socet wqe rr.riotrb shopt otd or l ro!.r, whei & hd steaB tains. (R.S.l lotn, Bradn* nes Jthlr r.(atJlicie . here to. btlchu:, th.tuilts, sn1.4shops, ld ttuak ll,ops u"tl sro..ts to tunc u llb. .41 'Bhding Sralion wos lery busy. lt was a junction and sondnncs on2 time. ardiq tud,ntun.1atd.lirc M6ti Bak ,s ahd lhtit drcrc would bc rhrc. tnins rhm at oncc A tlin us.d ro go to Rokati^ i, nte High Stta utul i, Th. llrt as tkll o: htu hra@n^. Bdnbridgcx.dnwasthequickesrrvaytogettothcbcacni. (C.B) Th. notts qc lotEtb tab Etuli"sfu iticsetth^tht 'r ronenher old Wrlklns. Hc llved in thc nonsc nce Nancy Sh!. Flc Wethoicks tttl tht Rill.licks. Mt Willio,, lti.Llick. a fom.t Maror oJ boushthidseliabus.nwasjusr6is.ndblrc.b lhe seats wenr : Rrudi\, tti.t itt t|tqn t h* tuh .tatis totk ottt hk futho\ atu..ts .ound likc a hoscshoc. Onc &y hc took us .ll ut ro Nun*ell rynh ut htrkt! ,dinN. Btfiatu ch*a t htdhu (M^. Dke) ,oh u the School (R.S.) lruPery sht P ot h. Rtl Riltg it Btuling dnt! rt.-ult lltti i nt th. shoptith hutntur a"l tredi'tghtir t shupr ot^ilL 'll was bike or legs but mosdy legs. Therc wcrc stcam lmnN which wcre llways busy wilh visilos. lhe buscsw.uld slop whmelerand Comingdown ltum lhe(huroh (hcE srs iulsCh.fley sonorc sidc. wher€evclyouDtrtyonrhandup'. (C.B) Shc sold bulhcycs. Acoss thc tuad thcrc was thc Wclhc ckslndrhcy mddcbrc.d. Ilc(blc wclherick 10 scho.l. llis nrolhow.s crlled Bcnhd. NchotrSmith uscd lo makc rlrbrcld. T[.rc \rN SnnDonds and across rheruadVcrxrnd PcrerSuou. Huck.nd Miss Tlerv*rn. MrCnrlyhadxshonrvhoruthcwnrsorisisandMacni, h.d a missolsinsohan. Thc PosOlficcsason thc lcltard rhcn Mis SiDmonds r na$ic lc..hd. Ar lne Lrul[insLhcresns r music lca.hcrMiss Youn8.nd MrW.Lkcfsshop. l'ashtr Euckc(t hadr grs shop.ndMrNcwnansoldloodxndFrilnn' (M.A)

''lhcre used to be a shop on Trc Mall\rhcrc nrc hufdry *rs LVh,ch sold lcmonrde in ! slass. Then rhcB w.s thc gtucershop will, M, feruy HoLlh. litrl[cr dowtr was RcdsloDcs rnd MrlJotrr lhcchcmisl. Miss B€lt, I-owk ild thc dnp.rshot.nd I uscd b bry ptrAle ribbors t[crc 'or ny plairs MrTlrl{rhxd xswocrshqixnJ I w.illo school {,irhhis dlughterConnie. He hnd it litr],oa*nndhe u\c.l tJ ,ncnd booc x\ $ell. The Post Oiicc Nas on thc othur slde ol lhe rod ul Mr Ilcnrv l-oe hld oscar Bmdiighad r BuLche* shor MissBlock wholived iDNew likc nry Dmthcr did. you scc.likc thismcr$rirglvcdidn l Road was a rianisr ,nd her plrcnts h 0sbop. MrRiddickwosa cul itofconFc. wc had to wnrd il back un rnd p n on lhe roll, btrr qe grocerandthenlhercwasSlayis. RubyD.d$vcll s hthcr had thc tl1cw cxacdy hos to.Mnrrcrib&n nnd s. !n.$ nor b li,ld it.xacrlr. auneral c.nias$. The dmlcas shop sold ha.kics. de wayshodidla (B.C)

Ma Hrck had a snrll shot where rhe iea garden !rchway n and she Brc\ PcJd hads lirlc, trcir .hc - qirl' , ,isn l'"1A.tre.rp 'or $lJ brcdd puddlns and glasses oJ lcnronade lo all lhe youns lads. On '6et you brcks.ratcher herc Mr Carlcy'unl nscd to nrakc cN3rd icc the other side lrom the Busle, Mr Scott had 0 $vcci shop and lvlr dum Shc d sland n oukidc h r liltLc trm nnd il wN abs.l(cl, lovely. Mr Charey $xs on rbe leli as you senr d.wn. Ther lheE was Benh! WcthcdcknndMrH!'?dr*asarcdlbaler. AbnlunheronwasMr MB Chafcy hod a sscd snot. MrReedhadasweelshopotpositc lhe Simmond ssho! nea rhe Buglc. Then the.csas Mr Kilstry\ shocshop Church wbcrc nr War Mucuin ir dnd lM^\ Lesis hld il earlier.l t andlhepostman. Ihen lherc was MrNewnuD\ grocer sirot aDd nrc think mayhe he snd bbrccoaswcll . (M.Nl) I dlhcrsidc was Mr Huck who kcpr pigs and lhc!.nrnc + lhroogh lhc orcni.e. contLe lioDr Lo.d.r nad a se.ondhand iirmnure shop.,rl oldM^ Hcwson I'dd nI$tnsn swcolslop.ll$thcn1.,h PcrcyTrylor was thc shoe repncr ,lyou askedhim tua thinsole itwould bcrbo0t ahallincbrhickandyoucoul(ln rlinyourfeeiup. (l L)(D.ll.)

'llenry Loe had lnc Po$ Officc on thc lch irlhosc dnys. HcNasawarch rcpincrNwcllabd il hcwN tulllcniddlcol rqrdiiing r wdl.h ,ou d hrvel. wan rrlhewns llnishcn. Oscar Brrdi'rg rvns dre hutchcr and Sun J&obs lscd o sLrvr and nr aseoverylhi!1s'. {B.lI.)

'Wcnscdlololc playinsshops and I lninkfth wasbcc.lsc my mothcr had drc shop so shc s.r ns uponcollheb.{osoulsidea.dwduould sell 6i.Ssloc.chothcr. w.lookitintumlobothcshonkeep.r!.d sonewlreE ny $sLerhas, phoroeruph ofus in one ofour srops and on rhaL occasior we weD sclling books bccause lhe counter was full ol books. ldotr i know whaL chewc s.ld bccausc lhal s thc only otrc I coold rcrnember bnt asa anaryy timcrcally, somcthing molher used r.le1us do on Snndays. Shc Nould lcr lB play in lhc shoa, wd had lo bc vdry ..reJil,we.o ldr'l uilidyaiyrhioga ilNe$ok anythingoutof drc dawcr sc had ro pur n bnck aganr. bd wnlt we loved to do w.s to get the rcllsolribhon andnrcnsurc ir bccauscalonsthccd8colthccoutcrwos 'Ilrry D0lr'e1r sN rhepublican in lhe llcwrsalsolhc 'walkc$wxsa bxkes. Upon rhe MrllBrsTrctrsand Recds. Wchad corlm0nand had a lillLc Lan. thc barwas on hclrd rbig tlcighltu r grehgnf,dr cnllcd Bcn Amold. I*cotln Lo ask lor some bnd seen trblc iir drc nriddl. llc nclcrhadarilltor )oncy. hc-d lrvc (o g. ro {he rDdhe*asasmadashell. Llesiditcoslmcmorclorlhcbaglopntit rvds a rnd n (B.J{) bigsrlion lhcrv^l1. llc Crn.dird nift old cl,ap' in. A.lL Amold used to have de CoaLYard down omosilo rheschool Dnfcrr usr had aho6candc{nmd u$d ro.allod10 drwofrcn: 'Auross tLc Bull Rirrsyas Mr IlaBey Nho h.d Ihc papershop and sold -wa.t any coal? . Mr Sr.r was lheblacksmnh,jun befu! the school ir allsortsoithLngs.'lhctrthcrcs$Mrsmirhthcchcmh(rno.arncarom w.stSlocl,Kalh uscdo go iiaM{atchashd dadusedtowo theE. lrcnbrid8e. Wle,c rhc clccn'ic.lshop h. Mr Bon. hadashofand {n.n Nan.y Sray was his sisler. Nmcy Stayand llucks uscdtoscll pomflin iron ncdicd MB Bo.dporupgrccn utrdrii*d da linlc axle ftross rtrd we used to collecl pickins (swill) lorrhc piEJ (M l) When I rvns. gnlM* Duce h ldredripcrsrnd thenlhc Recvesbought Mr lvilliSlry had rhc it blacksnitls !ftlllanl SlEet w.s.lways iherc. 'l bcE was Mr Evans rnd Ntr walkcrnadnrgr.c€s shot o. the Bull pd Thcre Nas a drop rhcrc thc Waxwo.ks is rnd $hcrc thc clcclrical Rnrg. Mr and M^ had dr drallo( shop IIc.anrfrcm shop is Mis: I lamno had.n an, tncn n was an anlique shot. cr.hy nDf. London and livened rhings up herc. There *!s the LrutchcN lnd Mr Tlcrc*aslhc l'oslOlficc ann shirl.y s rooDr lvN r litnl biik Tlrrc Kilsby *nd bools ,n,i shocs *hc. the tlusle car pa is now. Opposile rrsa g3s show monr in thc Hieh Skcci .nd rhil beclnrs Nxt Wen lrr was Percy Buckcti rith the sas cook$ and fil.nrcnts lor thc gas iignc. NrDc, s hnr.l*dtu you Srav cou ordtrrnyrhing Shu sold saucepans, llecmrercund with nis lons polc to put rhc gas liehs on and of in pctrolar Iiralfin and the l0l0s,thcreBasa tank onrsidcNith otre Thcrcwoslhc bakcrs. Mr Riddic( thc wclhcrictsand down b, Mr sl,illi.g and lencc a aallon 'l hcn rhere sas Duniord s.l,cre Scoft's l.b] ud. V'\\"lkcr vl^.,1.1 n''. olo,.'r q' JnJMr I ' fllhcasshop. llccuthnir0ndsoldlitril0Ddvce. H.losldInoli.lnc siffmo.ds who dld milk mdbrtcr. Puddy Newman did oar repairs and A cotrplo aron Rydc nsed 10.o'nelo th.nNodh s Ark liiistWo dWxr when he was at Anneney (o. Nsw Road) hc h0d r pcmy fanhing dhinrls \yer. lrs,ashugcanddlllhc in lrr^ Inthc l9l0spcopleusedto bicyclc haDgins on the wall. Mr Cuflncy didn l shy lons Na..y Sr.y parr 1o (8.H.)(l.l-.) ee lheo (iC) sold petrol. Ihcrc wcrc losofpubs. (K.w) 'ThcE wcrc I I Pubs ii Bradins Thc Winc Bar. Buglo, Rcd Lio., whcalshcar', BeNdy, Nry Im. Ansler. Propcr Bnwery, Fnst & LaL, Risins Sutr and rbe Robin Hood . (B.H.)

'You could go lo Dcwscr Hmcy s and get ten toffees lo. a penny and at ME Wintccs you could gel little chocolates for a fafinins'. (C.B)

'Baccy Reed had a shop near dE Slocks d when I was al sch@l he d have ireworks. I{€ Nouldnt lct yon have them but vould pul H tlem in a sboe box and thm on Fircwor( Day. I d go wilh my brclher

4 'We cvc. h.d an Undedake6 whoaho did accumulalor bauerics. Nor m.ny pcoplc had electiclty in rhose days. We nad s.slights and S candl$ ro go lo bed'. (K.W) 1 tl 'TheE was a blacksmilh at Amcrlcy (o. New Rod) called Mr. New ( vr*:- . L who used to shoe all lhe big can no^es, In Wdx Road ther€ h a sate .l1,r *}- ,: snd a lanc tbat usod lo takc lhee to the Blacksniths round the back. L Whcn nc retired all the business Bent to Mr. Slay'. (8.H.) 1 *i*i,4'

iii*--*"' "" (\ €'tr"..flf \v:fr.*. bn$li.i{ 14') \IAR'I'IMI' 'AJtcrDunknk dr soldicN sla!.d six \ccks,n BndDglheo thenexl bl canE They but l[d mcquipnenr ro pracrirc wrth $ they Ditiktth. S.ond Ln d 'tt, ytulie^ wct stati.n&l tt d btrn&r n' Fxclned rhr s,hcn the tutrks Snnlath unt tuh,A :.,1 aut ortu th. lttutu Lni.. Sorl.illlttn nscd to stand in rhedoorwals ii lligh Slrcc(ud qould potJhcs r1l]rm, prrclnlnsfor tuit'ntg hok tlot i" th. Bradhry utun. ilro! ol tltt ittttilwlcs .amc alons they l[rcw LaalilJG,t t lon.. lh-ht tnt ttr.hln, th"oirh, !,ht! o/1'trnsoni!:10tutdsat'dt th. h/\ Hat. tt,Sqt.n,b.t tr10.o 'WeBereaLlhc Bull Rlng and s.* sonr. Ccrnrln plane\romc ov.r an't t llttitt t |9us thot tlow, tro. Bru.liry luad, awl o litiher hro Htd(ot^wrru hn oyr R.Dbndt!. lluia* nt. tu". tloiixh1. Thereqasablilk crcss on rhcnlrncand vou couL! sce theriLdin\nG Thcy used 1o do hetlge h.p|iig llly low uDder lbe rrd.r) and mlchinc lgun) things as they $enr alons Bmdm-q Hieh Slircr'. (l S)

I wxs w.ilinA ar llrc Linndryon Ihe lvlallmd thc olli.crBcd to .ohcindNk ilurcgnh.onldSobdrnces lhcy hxd nr kcDprhc soldichoc.uti.d Th.y uscd t. havc Drusrc[nsin thc Anny ahd onc used.ophy drcli!n!' (M A)

'whcn I w.svery yonng I head lhcZcppcliN goilrgo!cr. lwatchcd rLic\oldicrsoltbclslcolWishl(onrsalh(lhcnpofcr trancqdslhc 1' .,.ri1'r\ l.r ,,1 . L r;1. !I l. go to ryar. This'.rn.1rb q.slhc 'i...rtrFnst WorLJ War ln (hc S{ondWond Wdrsoldics livcd iD b!tra.ks iI S.ndo*. which harc bccn Drlleddown. Whcn llivcdrt MdaoD rcmcmbcra oilol shos{aycd ncxtdoorwho uscd bkccn his lcrophDc in ! lield. l{e wouldlclLnrclokeep b&l \hcn hc lumcd rlrDfropcLlcr'. (\4.M) 'DuriIerh. wfl thc lo$D llrLl*xs uscd ln.cvorvrlri'r3 lrvrs uscd as D Mc* Io. dr$l{licA \rrtlr 'ln tbe (Se.ond wond) war lh.rc NcE Irrnuh C ndilns hcr. atul d1c iv ) Cenenl clnrc to nryda{ladd\rid Wdl.h youdafghrcrqith d,.nr' 'lhcy*crcsla^i'rgr $d']d...1.10.trrb&tdoor$antingtobuy 'Thoc *xs I ftnl rnd nc Mun cakcs I donl lhink min] oltlunr crnr bxckasrhDyscDtro Die|pc. p.rau[ulc.ome dowtr aM it tr.s.'r lit.wisc thc R.yalNl.riDc Cornrnandos Thcrwasnrc BLadt wrtoh 'lhc.c *rs d rlNillrt! brdg *how* in thc tnan buiL.linss

Th. Nxrd.d cr'.c ,nd \.n1 .r0rybody ori rs tlritscrc Oncnxm,ing, Dxd trenl dosnrid sav r pig {lra$ng a sidc olb..J' trnt\o],\lcdhonrh\. Mydfu-![lcr]oy.c {xs tnrxrrlr. rnrc nd aronnd. TheAnnycook cim ( rddlook il bickaDdsrid hc'd wash tur r cor on hcr l$bcl tul on loLd stn).s lput nrycoxL.o rnJ il and rooncwould kn.* thsJillercn.c. Thcrc \crc tso oanreens lor th.n rcwcrl lo thc l\'lethodi{( 1u'rh trDfl \vegor Llre Allclua' llrcsoldicrs. onein the Mclhodisr lLllaDd oncal Nlonon (l.L) B&A.DING CHATIACTERS ''rhcrc wcrc em hplaoemcnts i. Lhe fields and in rhc Moy whcn I was 8, two bo,nbswer d,orpcd dnthc.lhers eollherailwayline llwasfour As i" t'ost tot ,s, Dtudins had h shara o/.hd,acL6 ete,rbod! nr lhc moming. We nad a 6ig cupboad rnd dad wonicd n frisht set blopn Jan s.e to kna. rh. inr! of M Cootnbet seqing hh wil.lot d ovoron k,pofus All lhc windoqs wcrc blown ouL and the slates blown ^tut offtber@t No o.e knerv about n untill.rdrin lhe monins and Dr t!trtkh of heq in th. wheu^heof h,t hos been incldet i" enrat hqt6. Husslc. rvho vas an xn h wardcn caine out to sec ifwclcrc alrighr. A tt it thousht that he woN .alLd 'Mtshzt' b.caus. he vent o 1eatbi landminc dmpped opposilc thc Lddge and ifit had been a spiil second the ntornins lo .ollect nnsl|oohs A"othu charuo lrequqtlr earlicr, Brading wotrld balc hen Nil,ed oul. A Ccman ptanc came down betuior..l il tt. int niews it 'MaD1!' Pn o.h 'MIPD' lie.d in ontnena6n. Arrhcstafl olthewarwcwciepickingup,comsforthc Btotliht atu ets ktog,10 watk ihli Ryle ewry Suntu! ad Ao ry and pi8s a.d , Ceman rcco.n,lssance planc camc olu hcdgc hoppnrr and dotu, the EVI'hade lahirg to unloae who o U indl. Joan pushed mc inlo Lheh.dse. (J C) 'wne. wd were Rowbddryh, aman uscd lo walk alurg backw,rds bu{ I 'I rcmcmbcr bciisrL sclrool whcn rhe an,aids werc on. wchadlosoover ddn tknowhhnanE'. (r S) fieroadioihe,irBidslrcltcr. Iusedrobenaushtya.dgctoniopofthe ah mid shcltsrand steal aplrles rrunr thc orchad ncxr door They usedro 'Ikne* ofsomcofthechar.ctcrs in Bmdidg. Frcddy Pcrkinswho Lilcd in go coslunc on in hale Doodle Bugs conrc ovor.I was in mynonse,I usd to live ot Ncw Road uscd lo through lhe Conmon wilh his bnthin8 his name I Broad{one I chascd dow! the gardcn oncday*hen frydadsason teave thcwinl6 Ihave hcardolMrmy but knew only. Ihinkl fr.y his the and he said 'Rosc, c.he heF' cos thar eignre stopped and oncc lhc cnsine hrlc heardolMushcrCoonbes who wrs said lo have sold *ila in nopped you kne* lhey wcrc conins down. (R.S.) Whearsheafforasallonofbeerandshelcnand0elercamcllck (MM)

'Old pram and the kids used lo Wcaho had l,ndrnines in Biadlns. one up by shcy When ir srarted wc M0ppy, hc uscdlosorcund with tiis old pram IDd boilbs, rhey lell doq. *hercthc laundry is, on ih,r bn ofsrcund. ronncnr hin sonelhi,gdrcxdtul,,.d rhcy usod to run away with thc because I remcmbcr 6y \isler MidEc Scan *enr rocallthecarinand.nd rtul hidc n and he uscd lo s.l nrad, drey arotc Steptoc & Son on lhe side . (M.t) relland madcsuch, noise and you wcrc lcrili.d. (M.t.) 'MushcrCoombcs 'I went to lhe School bclor tte Wa and opposirc the s.hoolBhcrc I had 2d ol.Pclcllenry. Hcsaid ldaEyou Kath to call Mr Coombcs Mr Mushca. I we.l up ro hih ,hd said 'Hcllo Mr thc cepaik is n was allormcnrs Whcn you Bot to thc lop ct,ss. rhe biss$ lads hd sadens thcrc. when u,nr camc, thcy buih (vo an mid shcncs Mushci andhe had l. pay rr' (K O) lhcrc urnen the sncns went- nryjob was 10 gcr in rhe iriddle ofthc road 'In West Street, Musher Cooibcs, .Johmy Acvis, Chad Jones .nd slop thc iEiic shcn the kids canc otrr orschootto so rcros ro thc thcr wd sheltem. Tlcre *asn't inuch lnfiic thoush. Don Foss Bas a he .rher aDd Mappy. Mappy lscd lo so arou.d collectirgpigswiu witha cart Nnich lmd non whccls. AtthciopolwesLslrocl n.arwhc,cCrcss Strccl h now, il was bighdkct gadcns ruh by Mr Hxfis ind thcy kcpt pies 'In lnc 1940s.I rememb*fequently ridinB my bikc bacl lorn Sandovn lhcr.. Thafs where MaDpy tool lhepig$rill . (CB) wilh Lhd $ns blazing &d shBpnelaalling. I'dsh.llerunderRowbomugh Bridsd ha.y a ti.rc' (C Bl HOW BRADING HAS CIIANCED 'Wigsy Walkcr used 1o ie !p a paEel on o string and ihe. would go od knGk on a door and say Mrs So&Soyonveeoraparcel'. .Oh, Thank gdM yon' snc would say and as sbe wcnt ro r,lie it he would pull it away and Brudins dtoad.d tuhn &e bnitdihg oJ houss iD Stalion Road, run. Hc ws llso in tlE ToM Band , (J.L.) CMlen, Lofle/ F ioag\ ohn hdl I knotun as th. tlhqd row Estate. tnerilabl!, people hM ofinde Brudha sta en b tur. it dntl tre doe the chitdhNd, 'My ucle worked wiih Mappy. They sot bim io pick goosebenies sd he k"it co hn,ir! hat itteqiMs ttN ltoh tu used to put a sheer doM urder the bush and wnack the bush with a srick. h,,get di$eL,4nohet nojot chMge w6 the elNre of Bra.lita\ Ererldine cane oflrre bush all squdhcd. ln cludlng the goosebedes,. ryechliq sno$ s .h as rh. g,ocen, chmi s aad bfidt8 with norc onl notu04ttl. h@i g.n^ Jron th. 19s0s a"d the opefui,g ofstors sach as TNo il ,he lg8lls,

'Therc havc been bis chans€s in Boding since I wd youig. My tiod Nehon and all rhe boys and some of the ben sang in tlt dhurch chon clcry Sunday d lhc church bells would be rong. You kn* everybody rnen, eleo in . Now ljNr know ny neishbouE to speak to but weusedtogoinandhaveacLpoltc.. NoN itt all peoplc frcm thc inainlad in BBding ard Adgdtono, Lot ofrlE cotlagcs have bren made bigger and it\ nol dle sde'. (M.M)

'Mo$ ol the shons navc gone sine tne supem.kets opened, dpeiElly Tclco. Th.rc m mny nor€ honss. Whue lhc Kyrs6 Town Estate w6 buil( it wJs all rual. Miss violet Hanis had a numry aM old Crowey kept cows theE. Mr Fourain had a linlc {mn and lial was thc firsl placc tlrcy started to build. Once that startcd, lhere vas an influ ofp@pl€ lom the Midlmds and London. At Station Road, u.lil alier $e w,i who they bniltrhe @u.cil nouses, thcrewasjmi a big sale acrcss with a khsing gate. Any ninsporl vould have to opcn lhe Balc to gct dmugh. The kst house w6 Mr Riddick lhed it {a rll allohenk. Thc first coucil tos6 were built before the War in Wes( Strcel fo loal peoplc Afler Station Road they buih B&s&tone. we all had a lolely childhood hm. wc knN cverybody and evcryhody knew us. Ir's all changed nov'. (J.L) (

'We losl loh ofthe shops, no Chemisq Buicncq G,eengrcccr, fields md rmdespeople. The fields wherc thc KyDges Town Estalc is now wcre jusl ficlds, Lower Furlonss ms telds, Station Cardms wrs allotmenls, the car park over nom the Youtb Club 86 ollotmenB atd hdd n ajr raid shellca. (K.Ol 'Bn.lits wns nlw.ys a.i.e Lmr communiry NheEyon kncw dverybody. STORTES wc h!,lirps lirr.llrhnr ve rcquncd. Now there is tardty lnylhjns.jusr you.ould oncslnD. llM Bet boors, shoes and clothcs in B6dinE.. (C.B) nt dd vi,h, hqe are sone stoli.s nhich ve Ji,b we shou,l ihtttuta bal tto,ot rcalbJit i"lo o"r ofth. e.tim headiiEs. Thee too, Ne hope, 'Ilcspcctlbrdlhers LVasalMrs rdusht. Nowadays it s sad that doesn.t *iw ros o Jlavour oIvh"t il bds tike 10 Laft tired ia B.adi,s owt 70 hrppcn. TheE was no sqcanngoryou d gct a ctip rcund thc cr, no! ncccssari ly lro m th c parenL bul whocvcr was near€sr yon. co home and lell yourdidandyou dsetanothcrone' (K.W) 'The Qutry was Lhe rioe {nge aod th€y used to put rhc rcd flag np whcn rhcywereshooling. Theyhad a liftlehultokeepevcrrrningin evenilles ' we enjoyed il nlen In ou day and age we had morc xnd it never sot touched . (C.4.) fredon. you could so up thc Dolvns witb your saidwichcs. ttr nol safe to do lhar anymore (R.S) 'ln . th. su,monnno wc'd go g6s slcdging aL Munn's Pn Gutdfly Walk) which had a hedge and busles at thd houom. Youcouldscclhcsledsc tmck lron Smdovn Sl,tion The Cohmndos used lhe pit to tnil in, wirh

'.rack Pink would catch mc soing homc for lnnch,n! say Opcn rhe sate, Cal' and l d opcn fic gatc and let rhe cows ou1, so I us€d to so dovn thc itllc tracl .nd wait xnd p myhandonrhebacloathecowsasthcy nNed and he would be al tire top vairinE for nrc. (D.H)

ctfi rtt6 d|!1 .nttuhniar et nnp.ut.l&] hy th. P.tuz Th( lu! Chun anNatC.Hdnn:$.r?tdtruR R2ttr.t" 'When thcy did soine wo+ at Natrcy's old $.p.lhcy iirund a lor of .'.hn skJ l'dc" b" ll.nnor i.d Ra....l (KO) d ilt'crcDL 6ic lsn coi ns under th c noorboards becluse th Nould havc bLu '.cd.o 'J."lleJ,le riAhl on thr Quly nrorc o. lcss . (J C)

'Whcn wc wcrc on rh hnn.lhe OslandeB tr*d ro have I shootand M6. Oglander cxncctcd Mum toDrolidca Loom lorlhcinrll Therewasa biq lablc scl oul and lhc, vould conre in lor lunch nld day whctr thcy wcrc shmti.g The lasttimc thc Ccncral askcd hc slid You hcsnatcd, Bimes, andJadsaid wellndocsma*cralher! lotofwork lor MN. Bdnrct IIe of€red hclpbut Mumd]d nrll.n herown Tbcy $cd ro a mcss so I suppose llEy didn t rxm rhat atNunwcll. Thc Btrlldruscd'n*e roconreand hcat up thc min.c or $hal ever they nad. (l.c)

'lvcry anurndon afier schooll uscd to dellrer milk lo Mo on Ma or. I used lo takeacrnoamilkandame,sureyhicb I havcsillgot I *outd o1LlsuEthe milkour for rh€ maid Nho worc a blacl dross I would ins thctrclland shc world haveajusrady This w,s whsn rhe f_ldcll hmily lived thcre. Aner{he F,dclls it was owncn by dc Russell Family- (M.M.) 1)Itr molhcrnscd to say lo llE nippcs !l weckcnds, Eo up on the Downs xnd ser a bag ol wo.d, and wncn you Cci back pul it urdcr the copper so I r,.boil Lhscl{nhcs, rs Monday was waslingday. (M.I)

'Wcused Io-qo to the slaushte.lrouse in we$ S!!el nel to Mary Iid{mans. Wc uscd to so down thcrc and nstch lhem slaushterrhe nniflah$ith old Stan Jacobs, who used t) wo&.t Drudng s shop. IId gol rcd ot {nb us ha.gnB arcund lnc door. so hc cloppcd so0relhins olfandsaid Tnko$nloyourM.lherandclearout. Heuscdtosivcusa blloaliver. Then we would go Lo the Blackstrnhs wilh Uidlcltarry Slrcct. hc trscd to shocthc ho6cs in there. He rvould tell us to clearoul aswe would gct bufi by tlrc nmace. We were eve.ywheE \ve sholldn'r hdve

'lBenl doqn to rhe Se*$ Bcds.ncc vith mr bbLhf John. Wcscnl c vcryw hcE toseth er. I had a gredr bie wooily dress lnd he had a qhne .iumpcr. wchadn'tbeeDlheEforases, il was all fl.r andsquar€. we Lhorght*ccould wolkon itandbcakbhl. Wc fcll in. anddidnlwestint ou. Molhor qcnl mad and said I low am I soina to Nash these '\\rr tr\.rll! !f lishi'rg Wc liliilu| nxh\. 1 [r{lr ro ol rnusl] md Lctlnr|d r !1.\n rh. h..s ro gor rhe womsour trcnrcnibcronc rln lh'$ood rtrd ! in] lNcd r. g. lorvn .trrL h. l.r rhc Dxvtng stjh tir i lo\ nrr'lioscrs rtrrldtr\,al lluccolny ftrscBx(hc l{jp (K.O)

' n,!. od nL rLrc .ld.hatubidc(rorch). wc \!cnr |shr round rh.lsl)nd lh.ri (rlr) hc.Qu.. NIxry.urour olr lrcdgcr( Sl.

'l)ad trr.J l{i 1.llr slory olrlr. Bhckrn r11.s nqr.ltrout ho{ The o d B.' | .'1.'.'.r,1 1...n1. cvc.inL. $nokirudrcn ni|rcs ilsr rc0iiIi\ri'rarn! nnn.oJ Ltrc bols in lhevlli!.!or$nrsrnro\d.r lotrrol ir!\orks)!srhc a,rd.;erlilhl10 il xrnln LvcN trtlwirh x lvhoosr rndxt rrc.obwcbs finrc do\ytr xddtl,.r r lutrr. ortrrllhhck 1l (')

'Irill]ly n,ghlr.! rlr.r,s bIh Dighl. t hcrc Ms no bartrlonr ir i,nsc dals NJyfoo. norlN.lrlor'L hnow Fw\tre fid ilb[ sh. lrould dtug lhcCalvriis.d.o hnh rDd Dur n i'r lix otdr. ft.rtri \rc \.uld h.rc otr' \..[ ! brtLr xdd iltou $crc trDlrLCkyxid ttrc renlcnrt,.rc(1. \c h h l rc x Jo\..r'Syr0f tl Frg\ M! sGrc, rid l j1 botb lrr.J ir brr i1 rvis..rsJ.rrd lh.lIirg k, Jo ro k.cp y.u.cg0 aj. wcjtr( hrd h slr lor trand!c1on Nirh rr' rB( ) }'lag v!]1M!NDA]1D41

'L1cry.trc Lr(rn! Dirl. rtvi {tnrsc \ar.hnig rs\c hl.d nj Shrnnr Rorn trirnxlilx,s. I l,rD.! Drc\su.rc irdg..lby M t,o$lo.rrdMr. Brnon lhctr rv. rx'rhc(lnr r rv ex.xgc li.t whctu.ttr,irg l[c rlicnroor rr.s hightunrD.ohnd!lcrxccclr. kr)kItncc thcrcwora c6h ],izi: lii. Ln ]od.n lat f I his t s hrndcd o b trs by rhc Nrn lkn.lvxs uncl. ( h.' tho ln.d ilQ xy t)rc h.usc _lhc in. opl]o$re Pounl") I r{ncnrbcr r]t\. xs hrnD drys. $hcD nnrl, ) I \vcnthonic N r[ nr nur.y iD n]! norkcr tl Jhop.rl Irosc{|.s..rlrisDh(ro$'llr.nrcnbcrrishxrDydrys^ Qtrnni (trcc Do\ytrcr )' (M A.) Mrs Mdttaftt Arrill Findn@d by a erat fton CoDmuity Chmpios rmd. A big thdl you lo the Bmdins Day creup for

Ali pMeeds frcm lie sale of this b@kl€t will so to lbe upkec! olBmding Slalion. tu,red by Isled Pdntqs Lrd. olRyde