News Issue 204 October 2017

At St Mary's Church Kenninghall

Saturday 7 October 7pm for 7.30pm start

Teams of no more than 6 persons - £5 a head

Refreshments I find that Listening Prayer is the answer.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions! Tel: 01953 888533

I know Life is full of them, and most of us face decision-making days most Café Church days. We battle with them rather than bother God because He has bigger things to think about!! …….. actually I think that’s wrong, because He wants to be involved The next Café Church will be on Saturday because of His individual love for us. 7th October at the church, whilst the one on Saturday 4th November will be at the So it’s always good to open up lines Red Lion. Both will be from 10am to of communication with Him so that 11.45am. He can release His resources to us! We look forward to seeing you for cake and coffee, as well as chat. A chance to make new friends!

Services at St Maryʼs

for October Sunday 1st 11am Holy Communion Sunday 8th 11am PET Service. All owners welcome. Guest speaker from the Dogs Trust Sunday 15th 11am Holy Communion Sunday 22nd 11am Service of the Word Sunday 17th 8am Prayer Book, Said, Holy Communion

2 2 Notes from the editor Words can be very emotive and, when committed to paper, can have a more powerful effect on the reader than may have been intended. I will echo what was said in the last newsletter about contributors being respectful of other villagers and their feelings. That said, I might be the editor but I’m not a mind reader, and what to me seems reasonable may not be to others. I will do my best to weed out and/or tweak items that are deliberately offensive or libellous, but something may sneak through on occasion and I will apologise in advance for that. For the most part I believe we have a vibrant newsletter that reflects well on the community and the activities that take place within it. I still want to encourage more people to contribute, although I am grateful that I now have material stockpiled for use in future newsletters, and I therefore still regard Graham Barber my role more as a facilitator than a censor and I hope that this continues.

Useful telephone/email contacts: Amblers: 01953 888343 or 888483 Kings Ride GP Surgery: 01953 887208 Carpet Bowls Club: 01379 687305 Parish Council: 01953 716043 Gardening Club Plus: 01953 888483 Playing Field : 01953 716043 K’hall Lands’ Trust: 01953 888117 Red Lion Bowls Club: 01953 887566 (email) [email protected] St Mary’s Bell Ringers: 01953 888117 Kenninghall Morris: 01953 888291 The Red Lion pub: 01953 887849 K’hall Pre-Schl Nursery: 01953 888048 The White Horse: 01953 887855 K’hall Primary School: 01953 887286


What should we be doing in our gardens? For October:

Prune climbing and rambling roses once they have finished flowering:

Regularly clear up fallen Autumn leaves;

Cut back perennials that have died down;

Past Meetings: Divide herbacious perennials and rhubarb In August members met at David crowns; and Gabrielle Kerr’s garden in Move any tender plants into a greenhouse Fersfield to weigh their efforts for before the first frost; the potato growing competition. Harvest apples and pears; Fourteen pots of potatoes were Last chance to mow lawns and trim hedges; tipped out and weighed, with Ken Time to start planting daffodil, tulip and and Mary Boatman the winner with allium bulbs; 2.04kg. Members enjoyed Lift dahlia tubers, begonia tubers and refreshments and a look around gladiolus corms, and store indoors making the lovely garden. sure they are dry, and remove any dead foliage. On 14th September Dr Ian Bedford from the John Innes Institute gave an absolutely brilliant talk on “Gardening for Butterflies” and everyone found the information of interest. We are all aware of the disappearance of various species of living creatures on the planet, but it would be sad to include our wonderful butterflies and moths in these lists. For instance, did you know they were around in the time of the dinosaurs? Samples, very like the ones we see today, have been found in fossils and in amber. Were you aware that there are 58% less butterflies and moths now than a century ago? If everyone grew a few more “nectar full” flowers and plants for them it would make a tremendous difference to their population. They not only need nectar but somewhere to hibernate, and they need food whilst they are caterpillars. A good variety of flowering plants from Spring to Autumn plus wild areas containing nettles, etc. There are butterflies and moths that like trees for shelter and food, so leave those wooded areas alone. If all new properties planted a few shrubs such as buddleia or lavender, that would assist - you can look up suitable plants on the Internet. It would be terrible if our children and grandchildren grew up without

4 these colourful and fascinating creatures in our world. So let’s all do our bit!

Next Meeting:

Thursday 12th October in Kenninghall Church at 7.30pm

A talk by Chris Durdin on Cranes

We have booked our Chistmas Meal at “The Inn On The Green” in New Buckenham on Thursday 14th December. Menus will be available soon.

If you like TV gardening programmes the following has been recommended - “The Beechgrove Garden”, produced by BBC Scotland, on Sunday mornings at 8.30am on BBC2.

Young people from Kenninghall Scout Group achieve top awards in Scouting

12 young people achieved their top Scouting awards during a celebration event in Kenninghall Woods on 9 September. These awards recognise the completion of a series of tasks including expeditions, exploring other cultures, personal fitness, developing new skills and creativity. All those achieving these honours have worked extremely hard often over a number of years during their time as a beaver, cub or scout. The recipients this year are: Gold Awards – for Scouts Alfie Monck Chelsea Makin Annabel Mullet Holly Belbin

5 Silver Awards – for Cubs Jakey Hall Ruby Perrin India Makin Destiny Fathers Bronze Awards – for Beavers Archie Rice Levi Makin Katie Stones Lacey Fathers In addition to the presentation, the group also cooked over 100 pizzas using a cob oven built by the Scouts and everyone had the chance to try archery, playing Frisbee golf (the course made by the Cubs), cooking dough twists on the open fire and making bracelets. Can you help our Scout Group? The Group is currently looking for adult volunteers to help support the Group and run activities with young people. Michelle Monck, Group Scout Leader said, “We urgently need more adult volunteers. Additional help will mean we can continue to provide great experiences to young people and help future Beavers, Cubs and Scouts achieve their top scouting awards. You do not need previous experience in Scouting, just a willingness to take part and you don’t have to commit to attending every week. We appreciate everyone has busy lives, so once a month or every so often can still really help. You won’t be on your own as we have experienced leaders who can guide you.” “We’re also recruiting for new Beavers, starting in January. This is open to children aged 5 ¾ from January 2018. Ideally parents of Beavers would also help as volunteers if possible.” If you would like to help Kenninghall Scout Group or want to find out more about your child joining Beavers please contact [email protected]

6 by Lucy Whittle

I hope everyone had a good summer break in-spite of the dismal weather. July, August and now September have proved to be one of the coldest and wettest I can remember. My bees really did not like it. Despite the weather this is my favourite time of year, I always think of it as the beginning. The sunlight is richer, the bird song begins to change and the smells from the earth are full of the scents of decaying matter. The soil even smells different at this time of year. I love it.

We have just got back from a 5 day break in the Lincolnshire Wolds. We went not really knowing what to expect and were very pleasantly surprised, it is a little gem I would recommend to anyone. The hills were small by South Downs standards, gently undulating dotted with small fields, both arable and pasture, there was still a lot of standing wheat, barley, oats and beans the weather having been so bad. Most of the fields were hedged and there were numerous well marked footpaths along conservation headlands and tracks, through meadows and cropped fields. Plenty of wildlife around as there were so many trees and hedges. Not how one imagines Lincolnshire to be. The roadside verges were not so good, though wide these verges had been cut right up to the hedge on a regular basis making them look like lawns. Weird. Why they are not left to become wildlife corridors growing wild flowers and seeded grasses I just don't know. There wasn't even any cow parsley! Doubly strange as the Wolds is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which it most certainly is. There are not many villages in the Wolds there being huge areas of just rolling hills. Louth was nice, a town the size of Diss with lots of butchers shops, we counted 7, but were told there were more and 2 had just closed down. Not a good place to be a vegetarian.

The poor pizza oven burnt down, not arson this time but the sheer number of pizzas cooked. Alex tells me they cooked 75. The bottom of the oven must have got so hot it just smouldered away then caught fire. Oh dear after all that hard work. But lessons will have been learnt and the the next one will be even 7 better. Lucky it wasn't built into the hut!

The October monthly workparty will be on Wednesday the 11th 9.30-12.30. Meet at the steps. We shall be cutting back the brambles in the hedge. Not a nice job, I shouldn't have said what we are going to do, I may have put you off.

On Sunday 29th October there will be a Village Workparty also 9.30-12.30 ish. Soup, cider and stolen as usual. We shall be coppicing some more of the hazel area in readyness for the hedge laying. No date for that yet but watch this space.

The November workparty will be on the 8th. 9.30-12.30 preparing the hazel for use.

See you there Lucy

8 Kenninghall Parish Council (KPC) News October 2017

Breckland Local Plan Kenninghall has been allocated a total of 15 dwellings as part of Breckland's local planning policy. These dwellings will be located on the land off Powell Close. A letter from the KPC informing local residents regarding this will be posted to those living on School Close and Powell Close. The letter will also be published in this edition of the Kenninghall News, on the village website and on the village notice board. A map of the planned area will also be made available on the notice board and website. If you have any queries, concerns or questions regarding this, they must be made before Monday 2nd October 2017 on an official form which can be emailed to you by the Parish Clerk. Please contact the Clerk on [email protected] or by telephoning 01953 716043.

Parish Partnership Scheme Each year, local parishes can submit bids for funding to assist with highways improvements. Examples include flashing speed signs, footpath improvements, signage replacement. The deadline for the latest scheme is 11th December 2017. If you have any ideas for bids, please forward your ideas to any KPC councillor.

Traffic monitoring equipment The sites have been selected for placement of the equipment. We're just waiting for Highways to view all the paperwork, then we can order the equipment. If you would like to get involved helping move the equipment from one site to another, please contact a councillor who will pass on your interest.

Village Hall update Progress is being made, albeit a bit slower than anticipated. It appears there have been issues with bricklayer contractors but things should start moving again. The entrance driveway to the hall will be relocated and the windows of the hall will now be aluminium. The meadow around the hall site will see 9 Newbury pay the Parish £500 compensation to help bring the meadow back to a suitable condition. A new finalisation date has been mooted of January 2018. The latest minutes for the hall can be viewed on the village website http://

Outside fitness equipment The outside gym has proved popular; we would remind users to read the instructions on each apparatus to ensure it is being utilised correctly. Polite note to dog owners, please pick up after your pooches; there are dog waste bins either end of the pathway across the 'gym' meadow.

Bike parking A popular idea after a request from a villager. We discussed where the bike parking could be located and what type of bike parking was needed. If you have any suggestions, please contact a councillor and we can discuss this at the next meeting.

Highway rangers We have a long list of jobs for the Rangers but have yet to see them carry out the work. If you have anything you think the Rangers could help with (e.g. unblocking and clearing of village drains, strimming verges, cleaning of road signs, removal of flyposters...), please contact a councillor and we will add your request(s) to the list.

Village website There are many documents posted on the Kenninghall website including KPC minutes, village hall minutes and an online version of the Kenninghall News. There are also many businesses listed. If you have a local business that is not listed please email me at [email protected] with the details so we can get this added. Likewise, if you notice any business details that are wrong, need updating or removing please get in touch. The village web address is: http://

Vandals destroy roundabout Vandals have left the roundabout on the playing field in a dangerous state and unfortunately it is beyond repair. The roundabout was cordoned off to make 10 users aware of the danger, but certain people decided to then remove this cordon, which is an equal act of vandalism. The roundabout will shortly be removed and will not be replaced (there are plans to have a children's play area near the new village hall). If you are aware of any vandalism, please report it to the police. Any further vandalism with regards to the playing field, please also inform local councillor, Gary Bell, who is the KPC coordinator for the playing field.

KPC Chair Vice Chair Marcus Halmshaw has continued to do a fabulous job leading the council meetings until a new chairperson is elected. We hope a new Chair may be elected in the next few months.

Contact us If you have an issue or a concern in the village, please contact any of our councillors. There's a list on the village notice board, or you can view the list online at

Next KPC meeting

Tuesday 3rd October 2017, 7.30pm, School Hall.

Leigh Sturgeon Councillor, Kenninghall Parish Council [email protected]


Miss C Ross Parish Clerk Summer Cottage West Church Street Kenninghall NorfolkNR16 2EN

Email:[email protected] Tel: 01953 716043 Mobile: 07827 276622 September 2017

Dear Resident

Re: Breckland Local Plan Pre-submission Document – Kenninghall

Kenninghall Parish Council (“KPC”) has recently received the above document from Breckland Council, following consideration of the responses and evidence Breckland has collected. The document sets out local planning policies applying to the District and includes details of Kenninghall’s housing allocation for the period to 2036. Kenninghall has been allocated 15 dwellings, on site LP[051]003 – land off Powell Close owned by Breckland – please see the enclosed copy map. Details will be put on the Parish Notice Board, on KPC’s website and in the Kenninghall News; in addition KPC is delivering a copy of this letter (and enclosure) to residents in School, Powell and Wood Close, Kenninghall. A copy of the document will also be made available by Breckland under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) () 2012. Representations can be made on the Pre-submission Document during the publication period from Monday 21st August 2017 and ending at 4pm on Monday 2nd October 2017. All representations must be made using the official forms. If you would like details of these please email the Parish Clerk (contact details above). Yours faithfully,

Marcus Halmshaw Vice Chair of Kenninghall Parish Council 12 13 Kenninghal Morris

New members are always welcome and if you wish to join, or simply want more information, please contact us on 01953 888291. We look forward to seeing you watch us or, even better, dance with us!

The practice season started on 21st September but it is not too late to join us. Anyone is welcome to come along as a dancer, which is great exercise, or musician. We currently practice on Thursdays at Hinderclay Village Hall from 7:30 ’til 9pm. Call Pete on 01953 888291 for more information.

We will be dancing at the Redgrave & Lopham Fen Apple Day on Sunday 15th October. The event runs between 10:30am and 3pm.

14 Dear Kenninghall residents, friends almost too satisfactorily - I blinked and dog walkers and a week had gone. I calculated that at that rate I'd be getting my Many of you may not be aware of my telegram from the Queen in about 8 eye condition. Sadly it has now started minutes. Although of course it to affect me and I am experiencing wouldn't be a telegram in these hi- significant sight loss. The doctors tech days, it'd be a text message.. have done everything they can but 'Hiya! Congrats u r 100! lol! Liz have unfortunately not been successful Windsor aka QE2". Written in stopping my loss of vision. presumably by one of the hatchet- The reason I am writing to you all is I faced ladies in waiting who are shall shortly be receiving a guide-dog; always gliding noiselessly along he is a young yellow Labrador called those endless Buck Pal corridors.. Toby! I shall be training him over the Royal Hearsay 1: The Queen has coming weeks, so if you are dog never dressed herself. walking and see myself and Toby (he Even at Girl Guides summer camp, will have a harness on) can I there would always be one of those respectfully ask you to put your dogs on leads when approaching. This is ladies in waiting lurking in the the especially important during the early tent disguised as Akela, (and stages of training; as he becomes presumably wearing surgical gloves more settled and gets to know your to avoid making actual contact with dogs their interaction will be much Royal Skin) to remove her woggles easier. and any other superfluous items to donate to the poor. Thank you for all your support and kindness, I look forward to introducing Royal Hearsay 2: The Queen Toby to you all. associates going to the toilet (yes, she does sometimes) with the smell All the best, of paint. Because on every Royal Angelique Weatherby Outing, before she arrives to officially (Jiggy’s owner and Lucy and Pip’s open the Centennial Indoor neighbour) Tiddlywinks Stadium the town worthies will have just redecorated US Holiday 2 (plus sidetracks) any and every part of the borough Before the back pain struck, the she might conceivably visit, in holiday was flying by very satisfactorily tasteful magnolia.

15 Royal Hearsay 3: One of Prince Charles' huge army of Personal Assistants has the role of putting the prince's toothpaste on the brush. However, following an intensive two year course in Switzerland, the actual brushing movements are made by the prince himself! Though presumably hedelegates the tedious post-brushing procedures to a PA - rinsing brush, replacing brush on antique gold bathroom shelf, opening/closing bathroom door etc. Royal Hearsay 4 (possibly mentioned before): The Queen Mother, on visiting a Twilight Home, asked one old lady..'Hello! Do you know who I am?' The old lady replied.. 'If you don't know who you are dear, ask the man in the office'. Back to the holiday.. the complex where we stayed had two outdoor pools - one heated, and therefore sprinkled with very LOUD mobile-phone yacking relatives of the reminiscing lady behind the massage curtains (see previous Holiday Episode). If you fancied a migraine in lovely surroundings, that was the place to be. The second pool was unheated.. silent and deserted and completely wonderful. But just when everything seemed just right (if moving along too quickly)..' my Life Script suddenly read 'Hello useless chiropractors! HOW much??' Peter McLuckie




20p paperbacks 50p hardbacks

All in aid of Kenninghall School and the Village Hall. Rose Cottage, East Church Street Just follow the signs


The Red Lion East Church Street, Kenninghall, NR16 2EP Tel: 01953 887849

Mandy and the Red Lion Team offer you a warm welcome, good food, real ales and friendly faces in your traditional village pub of 20 years!

Bar now open all day everyday from 12noon serving tasty homemade snacks all day Restaurant open every day 12-2pm and 6.30pm-8.30pm Monday to Saturday and 12-4pm Sunday, now serving Roasts again on Sundays Come check out our full menu, with seasonal changes, available every day Our Festive menu is also now available - this year being served over an extended period from 17th November through to 23rd December

Forthcoming events Thursday 5th October - Bingo returns, raising money for Kenninghall Kicking Cancer, from 8pm Sunday 8th October - Jam Session from 4pm - a Lion classic! Thursday 12th October - Quiz night with John and Jo, from 8.30pm Saturday 21st October - Pie and Mash night, with sing song - again raising money for Kenninghall Kicking Cancer Thursday 26th October - Cath’s Italian Extravaganza - delicious food themed night Saturday 28th October - Big Halloween Party Night, with music from Felix Sampson and Terry Adams Fancy Dress (optional) but the scarier the better!

17 Bin Collections

October 5th (B); 12th (G) British Summer Time ends at 19th (B); 26th (G)

2am on Sunday 29 October

Kenninghall Amblers Mobile Library

There will be a walk at Pakenham on Thursday 19th October. If you are Stops interested, or require any further information 10.05am – 10.25am, Market about the walks/group, please ring Sylvie Square on 01953 888343. 10.30am – 10.50am, Church We will leave the Market Place at 10am Layby (car sharing where possible) and after the 11am – 11.20am, School Close walk we will have lunch at a convenient hostelry near the chosen walk. Dates Friday 13th October

18 The Kenninghall Noticeboard

Kenninghall Morris St Mary’s Bell Ringers’ Practices See page 14 for details of practices and dances

October: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th

Carpet Bowls Club Parish Council Meeting 3rd October: We meet on Friday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Always looking for Café Church new members to join.

If you are interested please contact October: 7th Gerald on 01379 687305 (see page 2)

Kenninghall Gardening Club Plus Kenninghall Kicking Cancer October: 12th Talk (see page 4) September: 29th Coffee Morning October: 5th Bingo 21st East End Night (see pages13, 26 and 28) Quiz Night

October: 7th (see front page)

Dog Walk and Pet Kenninghall Woods Workparty Service October: 11th October: 8th October: 29th 15 (see page 21) (see page 8)


Telephone 01953 887855 Email: [email protected]



12noon - 9pm ______

PIZZA £10 EACH AMERICAN OR HOT/MARGHERITA FUNGI (mushroom,olives) MAR A MONTE (prawn, aduja sausage) ______



20 21 Events at Redgrave and Lopham Fen, nr , IP22 2HX October 2017

Regular events

Guided Fen Walks Saturday 7 October 10.30am-1pm Enjoy the sights and sounds of the Fen with enthusiast and naturalist, John Hill £4 meet at the Education Centre, no booking required

Wildlife Watch Group Saturday 14 October 10.30am-12.30pm A club for 6-12 year olds, £2 Contact: [email protected] or call 01379 688333

Healing Plants Fridays 6 October, 10.30am-12.30pm Come and learn about medicinal plants, and work towards creating your own personalised herbal remedy £5 No booking or previous knowledge required Contact: Tania Harrington: 01379 652136

Time to paint Friday 27 October, 10am-2pm Bring some artwork and join like-minded people in a relaxed, informal setting £5 donation, includes tea/coffee and cake or biscuits All welcome, no need to book Contact: Deborah Key 01379 688333

22 Apple Day & Autumn Plant Sale Sunday 15 October, 10.30am-2pm Apple ID, plants, crafts, free family games, refreshments, plus Kenninghall Morris £3 adults, £2 children 01379 688333 [email protected]

Children’s activity; Signs, tracks & trails Tuesday 24 October, 10am-2pm Become a wildlife detective For unaccompanied 6-10 year olds £7, booking essential

Family activity: Wild night out Wednesday 25 October, 6.30pm-8.30pm Make a lantern and explore the fen at night £4 adults, £2 children, booking essential

Young Naturalists Thursday 26 October, 10am-2pm Seasonal wildlife identification skills For 11-15 year olds £7, booking essential

Vivid oceans and secret seas Tuesday 31 October, 7.30pm Evening talk with Valley Fens Wildlife Group £2 per person, including refreshments All welcome, no need to book

For further details and to book, visit or call 01473 890089

23 Talking Turkey

So where did August go? Now we are halfway through September and I am pleased to report that the turkeys are fit and growing well; they have stripped all the berries of any sort that they can reach and are enjoying a plentiful supply of windfall apples courtesy of the recent stormy weather.

Orphan lambs reared in the Spring have a large sandpit cover leant up against the orchard fence to provide sun/rain shade. The turkeys have now transformed this area into a giant dust bath, which is regularly very crowded in the mornings.

Although it is too early to mention that special day, the order book is open, so you won’t be the first to order your turkey for Christmas lunch. Also large chickens, sausages, chipolates and sausage meat are all available.

Call the Wood family on 01379 687320 to discuss your requirements!

Friends of St Mary’s Church News

Many thanks to those who contributed in the Garage Sale, either by have a 'pitch' or helping with the refreshments, or spending money! We are pleased to say we raised £258 for the Church.

Also well done, to all those who helped on the 'bike' ride day, either recording at the church or partaking in the cycle/walk activities. Look out for the final result of money raised in the next magazine.

Finally, is there anyone out there who would be interested in 'hand bell ringing'' - please ring Anne on 01379 687230 or Avril on 01953 888483.

24 Needles & Natter Do you sew, knit, crochet, (or would you like to learn), or just like a chat? Perhaps you have just retired or moved to Kenninghall? Why not come along and join our 'needles and natter' sessions. We meet on a Wednesday afternoon at 2pm, at different homes, so if you would like to know more, please ring for further information.

Avril 01953 888483

25 26 I would like to express how thankful I am for all those who helped my family and I for the Celebration of Steve’s life. In particular: Avril Broughton, Ann Wood, Jane Bush for serving the refreshments at the church, everyone who made all the delicious cakes for the occasion and Ann Wood for doing the washing up at home. Lucy & Pip Whittle, Ann & Eddie Wood, Jo & Christian Mountney, Roger Cottrell and Adam Marshall who set up the site for the party in the woods: putting up tents, bringing tables, chairs, straw bails to sit on and wood pallets for the fire and thanks to Pete Kay for taking them down and picking them up the following day. Special thanks to Jill Roberts for the beautiful flower arrangements that filled tbe church.

Thank you for all those who came to the church ceremony and down to the woods. We felt so supported by everyone of you. Thank you for your contribution to the collection for the charities: On the day we collected £236.95.

The numerous loving cards you have sent to me and my family are such a warm reminder of your sympathy and it makes me feel stronger to face the adaptation to my new life with Steve as a memory.

Lovingly Véronique Gordon


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30 31

PC or Laptop running SLOW? Got A Virus? Need help? Friendly and professional IT service for Mac or Windows, call Joe Richards on Telephone: 01953 718421 Mobile: 07928 326008 Email: [email protected] Website:





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GARYBELL Carpet Fitting Services

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33 Andy Free Independent Family Funeral Director Fairfields, High Street, Attleborough, Norfolk

Andy Free and Jane Patrick have been quietly helping and guiding bereaved families in Kenninghall and the local area for many years to arrange a funeral service to reflect the life which has been led. You can visit us at our relaxing funeral home or, if you prefer, we can visit you in the comfort of your own home Guaranteed pre-paid funeral plans and memorialisation available. “We believe the smallest of detail makes the biggest difference”

Contact us on 01953 452455 (24 hours)


Please contact Craig

T: 01953 888717 M: 07342 953142 E: [email protected]


APPLEYARDHAIR 01953 887067

Nails and beauty available Tuesdays and Fridays

Unit 9 The Appleyard Banham, Norfolk NR16 2HE

35 J W Construction (East Anglia) Ltd

Benefit from our 30 years experience New build Extensions & Maintenance Refurbishment Visit our website for more information 01953 888123 07733 152770 [email protected]

November 2017 edition Ad specs 1/4 page: 67mm width, 93mm height Adverts Full page: 138mm width, 190mm height To place an advert, please call Anne Wood on 01379 687230. A charge of £3 is News and articles made for 1/4 page ads, £12 for full page Please email all news and articles to ads. If dropping money for ads into the [email protected] Please village shop please remember to include send in all articles by Sunday 15 October your name and company name and make 2017. sure the money is secured in a sealed envelope.There is a charge of 50p per ad e-news for “Classified” ads. If you would like the Kenninghall News Please email ad artwork to sent electronically in PDF format in [email protected] or addition to your paper copy, please email a place in the shop by Sunday 15 October. request to the above email address.

Any loose inserts delivered with the News do not represent the views of the Kenninghall News