•TMj^ii-oftmmmm vROmim 12I^«Pw editorial Abolishing the Borders from Below page 2

There is a justifiable need to abolish the borders between nations, societies, cultures and whatever else Distt separates and defines us. In order that this process does not lead to the formation of new borders or other types of segregation, like those established by elitist institutions such as the EU, NATO or UN, it has to be done from We are looking below, by the people. There is an enduring need to immediately abolish all states, governments and authoritarian ready to distribut regular basis in th institutions so that communities based on common values such as freedom, respect, cooperation and solidarity southern Europe) well available. Con above mentioned values. In order to push that process forward with support for the development of the anarchist movement over the borders we have created ... wielkowitsc More complex ij Free copi

Free copies go to all There are many reasons why it is necessary to put out this type of publication on a regular basis. There are a large librarys in Eastern Ei number of anarchist groups in EE which could operate much more effectively with a continual exchange of ideas, with us) as well as t supply a postal adn tactics, experiences and materials with similarly minded groups from all over Europe and the World. It is clear that print by ourselves 1 many western activists are also interested in the ideas and actions of the "eastern anarchists". We believe it to be and there are some necessary to tighten the cooperation between east and west in resisting Fortress Europe, the globalization of the more copies by world economy, and above all capitalism and it's effects on our life. A mutual exchange of inspirations, agreement on that. motivations, and cooperation from anarchist communities all over Europe is needed on a day to day basis not only in times of international protests like the ones in Prague, Gothenburg and Genoa. The intent of this paper is to set Finan up a better network of communication between groups and individuals from different parts of this continent. It is Unfortunately until j also a platform for regular presentation and exchange for various anarchist groups from EE itself, as well as cover our editorial < helping to strengthen contacts between them and will hopefully lead to mutual inspiration. It also gives an the newspaper so A opportunity for effectively organizing common campaigns and struggles.The process of creating an editorial team for some benefits fr< for AbolishingBB was a great step toward this so we appeal to everyone to make the most of the information here as effectively as possible. Finally this paper can be seen also as a mirror of our movement so every positive development in EE is coming back to us in form of motivation for further work on this magazine ... As you probably not used in this newsp; gramatical and stylist An anarchist courier Other sources of info It is mostly because "AbolishingBB" is a bi-monthly bulletin discussion list, "Warhead" - internet info most of our coresp with information on different political and service of ©-activities in ,ABC/Poland - readers and most o cultural anarchist/anti-authoritarian info bulletin, "Avtonom" russian magazine of communicating. So o" activities in Eastern Europe. Autonomous Action Network, Russian english which is unc indymedia; KOLOKOL newsletter; Chechnya Secondly, we decidec Editorial team Newsletter; "AACTTV-ist Newsletter" from reputation" newspaf & others. language and this w; Is a part of an international anarchist If you operate in Eastern Europe you can 60% of our regular n collective based around east-european and eastern Europe. activists living in Berlin. Our work would Co-operation be not possible without great cooperation Abolish! of our corespondents around EE. send to us info about protests, manifestations and other actions going on in your region ... You can find us as w Abolishing Collective you can present activities of groups, www.abb. Executors collectives and projects working in your This collective was created in Autumn neighbourhood ... you can inform us about This website is fron Corespondents: Dima (Lwow - ), 2001 in Berlin by east-european migrant upcomming political and cultural events ... information about ou Orest (Pristina - Kosovo); Pavel (Prague - an archieve of all text anarchists. As well as this publication the CS), Krivash (Bratislava - Slovakia), Marija you can present statements of your group on collective also organizes radio-show, a (Skopje - Macedonia), Saszka (Grodno - local or global issues, you can express your newspaper in the p libertarian library, various solidarity Belarus), Nastya (Minsk - Belarus), Antti ideas, opinions or criticism ... everything never lose of its wort actions, informative meetings, cultural (Moscow - Russia), Tuuli & Slon from anarchist perspective. You can join our chapters are still unde (Petersburg - Russia), Domas (Vilnius - events. We're cooperating with other Lithuania), Ivo (Ryga - Latvia), Maja-Tine- redaction collective as a corespondent anarchist groups, projects and campaigns Matej (Ljubljana - Slovenia), Jelena-Suncana sending regular reports covering different (mostly in EE but not only) and supporting (Zagreb - Croatia), Tavi (Timisoara - forms of activities in your region. Please texts local and global struggle against all kinds Romania), Mutlu (Ankara - Turkey), Soja, send to: Deadline for next of opression and for free-society. Laura, Zaczek, Michu (Bialystok.Warszawa, Torun - Poland), Rebel Mouse (Belgrad - abolishingBB@hotmail. com Serbia), Lajos (Budapest - Hungary). Please send your graphics/photos only to: Correspondents Publishing, editoring, text treatment, photos & graphics treatment, layout, cover [email protected] Expression of o' Our work is based on relativly stabil concept, distribution to the local If you operate in other parts of the world distributors, web-side mastering ...: ABB network of corespondents from different you can help with distribution. You can "Boycott-Nestle" c Collective workers. regions of EE which are covering the most English-proof: JFK and Manuel spread information about this publication current, important and interesting issues. Print: DreiGroschenDruck & ABB + or just make the most of the information All people involved in AbolishingBB work YellowKid here as effectivly as possible. *A place under the s on no-profit bases. These are: "alterEE" EE-anarchists internet

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below editorial

Distribution W® fur© PI; , ' in We are looking for people/collectives 1 ready to distribute this publication on a regular basis in their regions (especialy in pages 6-7 southern Europe). Previous issues are as THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE'S well available. Contact for distribution: THIRD SUMMIT OF HEADS OF STATE AND [email protected] GOVERNMENT WILL TAKE PLACE IN WARSAW More complex information on page 5. "We are asking people for now to spread the information about the conference and contact us Free copies / Print-Bin if they might be interested in a protest action"

Free copies go to all info-shops and libertarian pages 8-9/20-21 librarys in Eastern Europe (which get in touch INTERVIEW WITH ANARCHIST FROM with us) as well as to our corespondents who BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA supply a postal adresses. At the moment we print by ourselves 1200 copies of each issue, and there are some local groups which make "Imagine, we were stacked for few years here, more copies by themselves after our listening only music from 80's and the world was agreement on that. going on everywhere ouside of Bosnia..."

Financial side pages 10-11 NESTLE BOYCOTT IN POLAND Unfortunately until now we were not able to cover our editorial costs only through selling INTERVIEW AND REPORT the newspaper so we are always very open "The GOPLANA factory survived two wars, the occupation, for some benefits from outside. 45 years of communism, Stalinism, but it didn't survive capitalism. I don't understand the policies of the government, bad enGJisH reputation not only the current one but all those before it as well" As you probably noticed the english which is used in this newspaper is very far from its pages 12-13 THE FIRST WOMEN CAMP gramatical and stylistic ideals. It is mostly because this is english in which IN BELARUS most of our corespondents, big part of our readers and most of us (as the editors) are "In Belarus the image of the women as mother is the most communicating. So obviously we choose to use popular image of women. It is like a counterbalance to english which is understandable for ourslves. Lukashenko as the father of the state." Secondly, we decided to be rather"bad english reputation" newspaper as to rise a level of language and this way eliminate probably 30- pages 16-18 60% of our regular readers, especialy in south INTERVIEW WITHANFEMA and eastern Europe. ANARCHA-FEMINIST AbolishingBB online GROUP FROM CROATIA

You can find us as well online under: "We can say thet traditional feminism just made www.abb.hardcore.lt the bigger cage with harder bars" This website is from one side a source of information about our collective but basicly - pages 22-25 REPORT FROM RADICAL an archieve of all texts which appeared in our ECOLOGICAL PROTEST CAMP IN newspaper in the past. Some of them will never lose of its worth ! Check it out (some PERM-RUSSIA chapters are still under construction). "Goal of the protest camp is a total revoke of criminal program to utilise rocket engines and their fuel in Perm. Protest camp Deadlines will last until decisive victory ..." Deadline for next 15.10.2004 pages 30-31 Cover ANTI-NATO IN ISTANBUL

Expression of our solidarity with Personal account from ANTI-NATO counter-summit which "Boycott-Nestle" campaign of polish took place in Istanbul / Turkey on 28-29 of June workers.

':yi -At;'-...... ; •'-.-. ' ' Sinyslnf,

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below "

jjffiircjgp^ ^PIII^MI^^^^I^I^i "' tfiat" tlie Jotrfilf rriostfy' lootlif;; AUSTRAU |||ijchists, from the technocratic ffie way the corresponflenlf" June* 2004! i s'sueT "#W, mlde a Hungary and Ksfoiiia 'fiiiiimtiittjf^ outetheos@yahoox ijtgfcho-syndicalists to make it, that the contribution of good experience of sponsorship. without correspondents. MosSjj AUSTRIA piinitivists, from communists to editors to content is minimal" Active Distribution from the old ones seem to |||*| Info Laden 10: po: Ii:»||vidualists, from riot "The concept was clear from London just donated money for motivated, which makes pp 173;A-1100Wi |l||sntics to pacifists,: get the beginning: we wanted to printing the issue. Editors had cooperation more of a pleasiifK; Sifted because of it. ABB has provide a regular space for EE the idea to develop more around and more effective. All of BELARUS agpid people who are dragga@375crew ;||§;; making Minsk si;;! m i 1 a r reports we get liifisii BELGIUM ; often first hand' ' s^H j)gj5lications . irt Anarchistische Infc bch and in jilllSs- "Half ttif;;;: Annonciadenstra; (in Austria), itpjifwv yajtarchisis'' 'M their this modsi|:Spp; it would save Europe is Russia, so it woulclte:!! aliens, the concepf|it 'Cite . analyses [ in the huge efflfrt ^|etting money good to have more RusSfltfe;; 9000 Gent tlication has also sifSt'liSj from tri|i|S|sfibutors for correspondents. During the-:iWi, aphically. A group in Soup distributifJf|il|Bjv|ver, such a couple of months so muclfi&is: Anarho Sprotiv put but at least a fewl model of il!||p||ji|; would also been happening that it has ftscfSi Collective of ,:a*;Sirnilar kind of be very vlpllllilltsince there impossible to cover everything? '•(. > to s wpuld ne^spll|;IHi^t«rtainty of "Many correspondents ; ststs ~ CROATIA •:|I|K!ing a|!p!l|i!fbr the next said that remindingpeopl e ai^pl suncanfema@yahoo substantia|||r6po83|f)n for was the deadline for submissiow;|;|?J Zagreb contents of tl|joui|l;j|S; good tradition as well, altho!t|f { i: DANMARI it has been on the 15th Maximum O.D. d j every second month since; iiliSg; [email protected] i grassroots initiai«pi'!;:t;;;: i:! first publication. The EdW^6a|i Kopenhagen 111: "We realized only wltim^iff to collective promised to makiS'lfe; :: ENGLAND lyjiis back in Berlin that in'ail;i 'political i correspondents with amnesia :S::i:s;: |i||s chaos we have actually jjjjte size ! ^Ijiirt with the number "15" (Mp! jon@activedistributio London yfgiiched much more than vie mmonths. Both », "Actually we are going t^;^eifc> ;i1fit<2 expecting. Not only did we acceptable. s;| |ii|jj5 pyjamas with number ="| i^! tHH to know our old .tjjnancial •«if ||i?m, since this is some|^jji| g: cis itasitihki@ta i'Sifivxpondents better and could Wbasicalfy all off hate to deal •:fj3pi:|an not be lost so qulllp FINLAND • with them and ask them Nobody was\strsSi||pi|;Sjhst iyf twith ffie issue o <3Bni!p;:j:tKjuble with polic£|:vaf.;.: [email protected] their expectations from but since we 6pi;||i!fclave 10 .....Probably it woujtd pogo. But but we established 2 new means to raiseftpjpiblication 25 of from Ukraine frequency to riiiitliily, it was wouJ£§jjffiit§:. the wawan@no-log.< yjjf Kosovo" : agreed that we i||||dj:j:disciJSs there Lyon illl "There was no clear point of this issue next time|||:ijl&(j7" people : in?V;;ii||-; ISigw on what exactly should be "It should be. nt

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below

All you need to know about our Distribution Distribution ATTSTRATJA THE PREVIOUS ISSUES ROMANIA [email protected] ARE STILL AVAILABLE DIRECTLY FROM OUR Aactiv-ist Distro AUSTRIA GROUND-ZERO-OFFICE IN BERLIN [email protected] Info Laden 10:postfach Issue # 11 - August 2003; editorial proclamation; Opression of freedom of Timisoara 173;A-1100Wien speech in Belarus (call for solidarity with "Navinki"); 3 pages of short info from SLOVAKIA BELARUS around EE; Class conflict as an aphrodisiac for successful communication (IAS CSAF [email protected] Serbia); Two weeks of anti-border and anarchists activities In Poland (report); poste Restante 850 07 Protest camp in Azov in South russia (report); Anti-border camp in Dorjan on Greek- Minsk Bratislava 57 Macedonian Border (report); No-Border camp in Romania (report); Chechnya Is SLOVENIA BELGIUM the dead end of statist logics (statement of Autonomous Action Moscow); the Anarchocommunist Alternative AKA (founding declaration of a new group - Tine: [email protected] Anarchistische Infotheek Ljubljana Annonciadenstraat 16 Czechia); Platformism without illusions (NEFAC interviews ORAS); Bicycle Caravan through balkans (trevel and action report); One more villian on the SOUTH AFRICA 9000 Gent international scene (article by L.Akai); State's violence (text by Rebel Mause); East- Zabalaza Books; BULGARIA West Meeting of AnarchoSyndlcallsts and Revolutionary Anarchists Postnet Suite 116 Anarho Sprotiva (historical text by Antti Rautiainen); Communities in Struggle. Private Bag X42; Issue * 12 - October 2003: Workers' Protests in Poland (several texts); Proposal Braamfontein 2017 Collective for next year NoBorder Camp; 2 pages of short reports from around EE; 'Two houses CROATIA evicted and no home for squatters in Ljubljana (story); Campaign for community SWEDEN [email protected] center in Zagreb (report); Squat being created in Belgrade (report); News from [email protected] Zagreb Autonomist Collective -Torun (report); "Dealing with war, war makers and apathetic TURKEY DANMARK society" (Chechnya); "Reasons of War In Chechnya"; "No War between the people- [email protected] no peace between the classes" (Chechnya); Half Interview - half masquerade with Ankara Maximum O.D. d.i.y. NAVINKI (Belarus); Volja (presentation of russian magazine); Kblokol Newsletter; [email protected] Falkor I.C.Y. newsletter; "The EU, antl-EU movement and feminist perspectives" USA Kopenhagen (Poland); Rainbow Keepers conference (raport); "City rising against methanol [email protected] ENGLAND terminal" (Russia - raport); ABC-moscow; Repressiion in Romania; Calendar of [email protected] workers'protests in Poland 2002; Communities ... Distributors London issue * 13 - December 2003: Growing resistance against McDonalds and big needed! business (collection of texts from Russia, Poland, Macedonia, Serbia, Lithuania and Romania); short infos from around EE; Uzbekistan and Western Capitalist If you think that cis [email protected] Interests (part 1); activities (reports from Petersburg, Skopje, Lithuania and you can help with FINLAND Torun/Poland); Interview with Ratibor T. Trinuvac from Serbian ASI; Summary filling that [email protected] of XVII General Assembly of polish Anarchist Federation; presentation of various network up, anarchist publications; reports on fascist activities in Romania, Poland and Lithuania; FRANCE especialy in Its all the same shit" elections In Croatia; workers struggle in Poland, Ukraine irland. . [email protected] and Russia; and much much more !!! Lyon Switzerland Issue * 14 - February 2004: The Alternative Economic Forum, Warsaw Poland or ... GERMANY April 28-30 2004 (presentation of alternative Summit intentions and topics); Building LET IS KNOW ! [email protected] a critique of the new European Economics; Terrorism: the bogyman of XXI Berlin century (public announcment); Peoples Global Action (3rd European Conference and historical perspectives in Europe); Reports from squatting activities; Repressions GREECE (Process against Krasnodar anarchist; International solidarity needed for Romanian Lily Collective anarchists; When civil cops are calling - work of secret services); RAZAM! (interview [email protected] with Belarusian group); Countercultur pages (The case f Nieznalska); Workers HOT.IAND Working on their own instead of dismissals (tragic situation of Silesia region in gryczman 1 @wp .pi Poland); Campaign against The US Military Base in Poland; CAUCASUS BLOCK: Amsterdam Uzbekistan and Western capitalist interests (part 2); Who needs to take Geaorgia under control (article); Neighter war, either peace: Caucasus (Georgia, Armania, Azerbeijan); HUNGARY A call for an International Day of Action against War in Chechnya; Columns by [email protected] Corespondents (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Russia); and more ! Issue * 15 - April 2004: And what happend to the dogs (editorial article); EEF [email protected] coining to Warsaw (various articles and interview with activist from Warsaw); different info about NoBorder activities; "Vote Putin or Die" - Interview ITALY iwth Russian activist after presidential elections in Russia; International Central & South Conference "Media and Xenophobia"; "Social explosion hi Eastern Slovakia"; [email protected] (suc)cultural pages;Anarchist Black Cross reports from Russia and Poland; Anti-NATO North activities in Hungary and Turkey; Anti-fascist report from Poland; Various shorter texts about situation in Chechnya; Report from Latvia; report from Autonomous [email protected] Action conference; Columns by our corespondents (this time: Laura and Pavel); and NORWAY much more stuff! [email protected] ssue * 16 - June 2004; "so the bull-flst is more visible now" editorial article; Moss Interview with activists from Serbia before PGA conference In Belgrade; POLAND Workers protests in Poland; East-European Mayday; NATO-summit In Istanbul OficynaWydawnicza interview); Slovakstudents protests; NoBorder activities reposts; (sub)Culture pages; Statement by ASI concerning outburst of violence In Kosovo; New Romanian BRACTWATROJKA jidymaedia; European Economic Forum in Warsaw - report and sum up; M. Hojak; os. Crecha 17/8 Unnoticed News; Anti-fascist struggles In Russia; ABC-Moscow reports; Situation in 61-287 Poznan Usbekistan; Columns; Announcements; Communities in Struggle; Upcoming events and more! Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution *** Distribution

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below

The Council of Europe's Third Summit of Heads of State and service. We are f Government will take place in Warsaw on 16-17 May 2005. This revealing capitalisn Summit is an extremely important event which takes place very where capitalism ha rarely and will be attended by the most important people in such as "workers' rig European politics. (The last summit took place 8 years ago in There are no statist Strasbourg.) A conference has been called for the days preceding of social inequity, i the event and we are discussing the scale of protest we should plan working as part of for it. We are asking people for now to spread the information but camoflague the about the conference and contact us if they might be interested in and attempt to convi a protest action. change lies through acting within the le; WHAT IS THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE? those in power organization, direc TOWARDS The Council of Europe is NOT the Council of the ; measures and non-hi it is the oldest European institution with 45 member states. (The US, A CITIZENS' CRITIQUE OF Canada, Mexico, Japan and Israel have observer status in the COE.) It's WHYWEFE1 self described purpose is to: defend human rights, parliamentary ISIM THE EU CONFERENCE democracy and the rule of law, to develop continent-wide agreements to standardise member countries' social and legal practices, to promote First and foremo: awareness of a European identity based on shared values and cutting the above-mention across different cultures. The role of the COE has changed since its summit cannot take inception but, since 1989, it describes it's own primary functions as: to response. Like at a; May 2005, Warsaw, Poland acting as a political anchor and human rights watchdog for Europe's these are not the post-communist democracies, to assisting the countries of central and discussing and decid eastern Europe in carrying out and consolidating political, legal and our name. The : constitutional reform in parallel with economic reform, o providing developed a strategy "The summit planners have know-how in areas such as human rights, local democracy, education, to come and voice tr culture and the environment. To do this, it has created a vast but we reject this stn developed a strategy of inviting select bureaucratic machine in Strasbourg with a 626 member Parliamentary as playing a part i NGOs to come and voice their concern Assembly and a budget exceeding 180 million euros in 1994 alone. It's actually encouraging work is often tied to the work of the EU and, in fact, its symbols have We DO think that the about issues, but we reject this been adopted by the EU which has led to much confusion in the public are interesting and n strategy; we see such NGOs as playing eye. (The COE invented the famous blue flag with the yellow stars and discuss them with o took the Ode to Joy Anthem which makes its symbolic representation towards developing a a part in the machine and not actually indistinguishable from the EU.) overthrow institution! encouraging citizen's action against it. But it's scope is much larger. It is an influential body providing to discuss them to g economic and political policy recommendations and resolutions for problems, to make We DO think that the questions on the the EU and the larger Europe. (Countries such as Turkey, Armenia, better or find a solu agenda are interesting and relevant - Georgia and Azerbaidzan are included in the COE as well.) It works • masters. but we want to discuss them with other in close connection with not only the EU but with EBRD, OSCE, At this summit, th( NATO, OECD, the IMF, ECB and others. chance to protest a mi people with a view towards developing of state will be pres a critique and a strategy to overthrow TOWARDS AN ANARCHIST CRITIQUE speakers included Chi OF INSTITUTIONALISED POWER Stefanopolous, Kol institutions of power" Kuchma, Ahern, Br As anarchists, our critique of the state and international state and Constantinescu, Sto monetary institutions is clear. Yet somehow articles and protest actions Kok, Ahtisaari, tend to focus of certain institutions more than others; there is plenty to Sheverdnadze, Jospin talk about when it comes to resistance or actions against the WTO, name a few. IMF or NATO but we rarely see image pollution campaigns, critical We also feel th information or actions against other bodies such as the UN or OSCE. Warsaw was picked tc In particular, institutions which ostensibly deal with "human rights" not only because of i often have hidden agendas and are rarely the subject of investigation new Europe but due or criticism. (A notable exception could be the campaign against the difficult to mobilize IOM.) Yet it is exactly these institutions which appear to be carrying city. on innocuous or even beneficial work that are often behind the policies of some of the more well-known and exposed organizations WHAT KIND OF and it is them who can take over the helm in developing global CAN WE capitalist policy in the case where too much exposure has been given to the role of others. In our opinion, the s In the process of a critical examination of the mega-machine, we will have to depend < must develop a clearer picture of what different institutions actually organized internationa do and create a map with which one can analyse the interconnectivity this reason, we would of the work of these organizations. We expect some NGOs to also the table now and see i occupy a place on this map. Only through a more critical analysis and Last year, at the Eur< examination of the mechanisms of power can we hope to expose the in Warsaw (part of the inner workings of the machine and develop a strategy for destroying mobilization. This it. international event to t; We understand capitalism in and of itself to be a form of it was the first one institutionalised power as most worldwide institutions are in its thousand people attem

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below service. We are particularly interested in 200-250 people from abroad came.) Reaction overhead and we had to change the venue at revealing capitalism's disguises, in showing to these events were mixed in many senses, but the last minute and couldn't publicize it. where capitalism has co-opted areas and terms people generally agree that given the amount Although this event may have been relatively such as "workers' rights" to forward its agenda. of people locally who organized these events modest in comparison to many held in Western There are no statist solutions to the problems in the face of unprecendented (for us) police Europe, for Poland it was a good turnout. It of social inequity, nor can any organizations pressure, a relatively good job was done. There was also majorly important for us to present working as part of the machine do anything were, however, some downsides. Money and ideas to people in an atmosphere were the but camoflague the real nature of problems people power were a constant problem. Quite media were presenting us as imbeciles bent on and attempt to convince people that the road to frankly, we spent more money than we were destruction instead of people representing a change lies through institutions and experts able to fundraise and the resources (in terms of social philosophy, practice and movement. acting within the legal framework allowed by time and money) spent on the On this occasion, our little local team in those in power and not through self- mobilization were considerable. There are Warsaw (consisting of some activists from the organization, direct action, revolutionary different opinions as to whether the fruits of Anarchist Federation, but, probably with measures and non-hierarchy. the action were worth channelling so much future cooperation from some other time and such great resources into this individuals and organizations) has decided to WHY WE FEEL THIS SUMMIT mobilization. The general infrastructure of the hold a conference that we had actually wanted IS IMPORTANT anarchist movement in Poland is not extremely to do a year or two before - on the politics of strong, but not weak either. We need to spend the European Union. We hope that the call for First and foremost, we feel that, in light of time and money on everyday projects such as such a conference preceding the Council of the above-mentioned considerations, this spaces, magazines, books, events - and if we Europe meeting will not lead to confusion summit cannot take place without a critical hold a mass mobilization every year, we may between the EU and the COE, but, in fact, response. Like at any summit, we feel that be less effective on a day-to-day basis. (This much of the politics in the EU is the politics of these are not the people who should be point is arguable however; there is no the COE, so there is great overlap. (Some discussing and deciding OH our behalf and in consensus on strategy.) aspects of COE may even be discussed at the our name. The summit planners have Our organizing capabilities will probably conference.) There are many reasons to do this developed a strategy of inviting select NGOs not improve significantly over last year. This conference rather than dedicate time to to come and voice their concern about issues, means that, most likely, we will be able to examining the COE more specifically or going but we reject this strategy; we see such NGOs comfortably and relatively easily launch a the route of a more general social forum. as playing a part in the machine and not national or modest international mobilization Basically, we feel that the issue of the EU is actually encouraging citizen's action against it. but, if we would like an inprovement over last important but it is rarely addressed from an We DO think that the questions on the agenda year in terms of people power and events, we anti-capitalist or anti-statist perspective, at are interesting and relevant - but we want to need to find partners in different locations least in this end of Europe. In other words, discuss them with other people with a view who will try toil) organize groups locally with we've wanted to make a public conference on towards developing a critique and a strategy to a view to coming here and will work in this topic for a long time; the timing of the overthrow institutions of power. We don't want conjunction with us 2) fundraise to help conference, on the weekend immediately to discuss them to giving lip-serive to these support the project. preceding the Summit, will hopefully mean problems, to make the state seem to work Now is the time for groups to think of this more interest and better attendance. This event better or find a solution that appeals to our call and think about whether they can help. If will be organized separately from any masters. just 5 or 10 organizations in Europe decided to mobilization for the Summit and will take At this summit, there will actually be a rare sign a common call with Polish activists and to place regardless of whether it will chance to protest a meeting where many heads help a bit with organization, it would make a accompanied by a mass mobilization. of state will be present; at the last summit, world of a difference to us in terms of what can We are inviting people now to help in speakers included Chirac, Blair, Prodi, Yeltsin, be organized. We can also look at this as a preparation. The title (unless we have a much Stefanopolous, Kohl, Aznar, Persson, challenge to better integrating eastern better proposal quickly) will be: TOWARDS A Kuchma, Ahern, Brauzauskas, Rasmussen, european and western european activists and CITIZENS' CRITIQUE OF THE Constantinescu, Stoyanov, Tudjman, Havel, projects. We are hoping that some people will EUROPEAN UNION, May 14-15, Warsaw Kok, Ahtisaari, Ter-Petrossian, Aliev, respond to the preliminary information quite Poland. We have compiled a list of topics we'd Sheverdnadze, Jospin and Kwasniewski, to promptly as this may make all the difference in like to see on the agenda but of course we are name a few. the scale of mobilization we could hope to open to other suggestions. We would really We also feel that it is significant that achieve. like to stay strictly within the confines of EU Warsaw was picked to host this summit. It is politics, European politics or international not only because of its perceived role in the CONFERENCE politics related to the EU. We also will not new Europe but due to the fact that it is invite anybody who comes from a patriotic, difficult to mobilize an anti-summit to this Protest alone does not cut it. Anarchists nationalist or protectionist stance. Of course city. need to approach the public with a critical we expect that a few topics listed here may not analysis, ideas and information and engage make it on the agenda, but these are our WHAT KIND OF MOBILIZATION people in a way which opens up a dialogue. preliminary ideas; anybody who feels that they CAN WE EXPECT Conferences can tend to be a bit too academic could either speak or lead an open discussion and theoretcial, as well as establising groups on any of these should please contact us. In our opinion, the scale of the mobilization of experts - but they can also be good venues The Militarization of the EU *The Power of will have to depend on whether there is an for people to get ideas they wouldn't normally Decision Making * The Capitalist Agenda as organized international element involved. For hear about and start a dialogue with us. Managed by EU Structures * A Critique of the this reason, we would like to put the cards on Although we, as organizers of the Alternative Concept of European Heritage * NGOs and the table now and see if there is any response. Economic Forum in Warsaw last year, had the EU Agenda * Common European Policing, Last year, at the European Economic Forum some criticisms of the how the organization from SIS to Europol * The COE and the OSCE in Warsaw (part of the WEF), there was also a went or some minor criticisms about the event * Agricultural Politics * The Border Situation mobilization. This was not the first itself, we were quite pleased that many people and Migration * The Realities of a Two-Tiered international event to take place in Poland but from outside the political scene came to listen Europe * The Impact of Expansion One Year it was the first one of this size. (A few to talks and discuss things, even despite the On thousand people attended. Of this, probably fact that police helicopters were flying [email protected] [email protected]

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Bosnia & Herzegovina Abolishing the Borders from Below

Could you shortly describe political and amount of people as cleaners, drivers, economical situation in Bosnia? office-help, etc. has power to impose c "Imagine, we were snicked for few law and they are years here, listening only music from BiH (Bosnia and Hercegovina) consists of In Europe, probably only BiH and jurisdiction of anybod 80'* a nil the world was going on 2 entities: Republica Serbska and Kosovo are countries under omnipresent and Federation of BiH. There are some local protectorate of international "international commui everywhere ouside of Bosnia... " differences, but generally situation is community supported by NATO armed are sceptical toward "To he nationalist hecame so similar all over the country. Privatisation forces. How society perceive them and cause many times i normal that everybody understand it - was started already in Yugoslavia in 1991 how much influence they have on parties, e.g. presid after election of first so called "democratic politics? (nationalist anyhow) if you are not, you are treated like government". They begun to give shares to elections been taken crazy. On one hand nobody needs to the workers, so every self-managed These forces are surely more accepted and (firing politicians by C company would become share- holders tolerated than in any other country in the very often), so really i proove it then, hat also people know company (workers "own" company but world, where they had their "missions", bosses and everybody how escalation can look like... " through shares). After war started they They came in '95 when war stopped after of it. OHR has got all it control too: SFC "Students are losted, they are declared that everything is state's property, terrible blodshed, impossible to imagine, so privatisation was attempted through the and they separated the armies. So when international police prohahly most stupid and depoliticized wartime also, but after intervention of the Dayton agreement was signed most of Nothing here happens part of society. Most radical and international community it was forbidden. people was celebrating all over the permission. After war it started all over again. Lot of country. People on all sides greet them. Yet conscious are actually the pensioners industry was destroyed during a war, much they didn't perceived them as "peace How function ethni (...) they know and understand world of the rest later, due to interests of bringers"as they knew that they played politically? and local politics more than all this international capitalists. In order to sell also big part in this war (financialy, these companies for smallest possible politically and in every other aspect), also Since 1990 it was 3 nat young idiots. Middle generation price (1 euro deals), people without any in starting the war. But they are tolerated, which immediate!) brought war and nationalism, (...) and management skills chosen by political because for most of people everything is coalition and wanted ii parties been put deliberatly in high better then this war. But the thing is that and 4th one was po the youngest ones have just religious position, so to corrupt and rob. For they never allow any kind of development SDP, which wanted ti education, Christian or mnslim " example chemical factory in Tuzla which coming from initiative of local people. It Yugoslavia. They sta worked all time during the war even, is not possible. First thing they done was since then. Their im| failed, because management didn't payed to order privatisation. People which came failures was increc INTERVIEW WITH to the workers, didn't payed bills but spend back home after war wanted just to start changed nothing all huge amounts on presentations, new cars, normal life, come back to their work they only steal as mi A\ARCH/ST FROM etc. so now they can sell this company places, etc. For years now they had been could. Every time befo only as a warehouses or other cotton changing the laws, because all proccess of OHR send forces, us BOSMA & HERZEGOVINA factory near Mostar (only one in this transition is done strictly according to SAS to arrest or kill sor region) bought by austrian company just to rules of World Bank, WTO and IMF. by them party memt eliminate competition and simply closed. Governor of "National Bank of BiH" is vote every time just nati Recently it was in Mostar conference on englishmen Peter Nicole set by IMF and Usually around 50% vo economics, with IMF bosses, local informal king of the country is Paddy them are actually livinj politicians and President (we have 3 of Ashdown from British Liberal Party, his in Sweden. Actually it's them, of course) said: "Privatisation is position is called Office of Higher to be even any cheatin going great! There is no single bank here Representative (OHR) and his office clear - 3 parties, alw; owned by citizen of BiH!" Economical suppose to be representative of form of coalition. Ba: situation is really bad, officially 46%, international community. According to parties led people to wa actually much more, but like with other Dayton agreement it suppose to be person war, robbed the people; things in Bosnia is hard to say, because it observing if this agreement is robbing cause they hav was lot of displacements, migration and implemented in sense of return of fear. Great times am no statistic been done after war, even how refugees, property claims, etc. but basicaly mafia, especially that th many people live here. Also many people it was never clearly defined which is the getting involved ir has 2 or 3 citizenships (Croatia, Serbia, body to which he is responsible to, as so structures. All last y BiH), because they can benefit from it far he only reads occasionaly his reports at which can provide you i some ways. Food prices are like in EU, UN assemblies. He's insane fucking and money are still pe many survives just on bases: british neoliberal, which eg. ordered to was war criminals or w Bosnia & ller/e«o\ina is count r\h bread,cigarrettes and coffee. created in 2 months 40 new laws and 20 they live best lives hen max he smallest. \et since few \ears alreadv new institutions, which was never heard of further. It is normal that active, anarchist coninumitv in our region. In How it looks on local level, here in in history of this country. They also shake hands with them a maintain nationalist parties in power, together, but when ir ABBtfM we alreach printed an article written bv Mostar? because in the past they had proved to be community came one of our Bosnian comrades, below we print In region of Mostar was always many perfect to be manipulated, these parties expected that these mun evcerpts (in form of interview) from longer talk Croats, mostly they had been also better steal all they can on local level, selling punished or judged, tha with Bosnian anarchist activist, that was made well off, so here was somehow always stuff to foreign companies. BiH is simply will be disarmed. Yet th( recentl) in Mostar. It is about past, present and more money. For example Croats soldiers perfect, if you are middle-profile british armies, gave them nev new trainings. Murders future perspectives. about role which been payed 10 times more than soldiers of politician to make career in diplomacy. BiH or of RS, Croatian government gave Now they are enforcing privatisation of free and took contro international moncv plavs in that region, about also lot of money for disabled, electricity, and if this country has anything scales, most promoted specific relationships between common people demobilized soldiers, social care, etc. it is only these natural resources: rivers, successful businessmer and of course about how local anarchist Mostar is now most expensive town in the forests... All 3 national trade unions which took their profit di communit) deal with this realitv.\\ hope it will country. Socially it is also better, because (divided as all else ethnically), been totally through smuggling, etc. give all of \ou more impressions about this at least some tourism is going on. Almost against this proposal, but businessmen country in the world ma in its constitution don't counlrv and incomparable difficulties, that no production is going on, jobs available even made Hollywood-like show in Banja are shopsellers, bar stuff, except of this lot Luka, they came and while presentation at any right of individual, ii activists face there... Respect and solidarity to of NGO's and other foreign organisations press centre electricity went off, so to mentioned, only rights our comrades in Bill and than\r all! of different colour, which employs huge "prove" their arguments... Basically OHR rights of Croats and Bosnians (muslim). So e\t Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below Bosnia & Herzegovina has power to impose or change any like: President Serb, vicepresident sides, yel Ihe numbers been often law and they are not under Croat and secretery Bosnian, and so I think in all easier european blown up for propaganda purpose. jurisdiction of anybody only these on. This ethnic seperation goes on countries is similar: heavy drugs, Yel in peace lime there is also lot of omnipresent and careless every level, including education: apathetic feeling, no quality of life, rape. And since war women are "international community". People children go to separate schools, you cannot go out because no mistrealed more and more, Ihere is are sceptical towards elections, learn different history, different money, so people creates their mass trafficking, elc. This society cause many times they chosen geography even, different (few buubles (video games, drugs, etc.), became even more palriarchal parties, e.g. president of RS years ago was it one) language... In they live in them and this bubbles now... (nationalist anyhow) chosen by the official matters you must often break... Here it is this post- elections been taken off by OHR declare your nationality, but except induslrial and posl-war aspecl, What about gay/lesbians? (firing politicians by OHR happens of these 3 only accepted to declare deadly combinalion, so many very often), so really OHR are the is "others". Also in the activist scene consciously chooses lo fuck Il is much more undercover than in bosses and everybody is conscious here and in Croatia too some avoid Ihemselves up, lot of heroine of Croatia, Slovenia or Serbia. For of it. OHR has got all instruments of word "balcan", it is somehow worst quality, and all kinds of DIY example here some lime ago guy control too: SFOR forces, doomed. In Slovenia or Serbia they drugs. Number of suicides is high, made show on local radio in Mostar, international police forces, etc. love it, sounds somehow and very popular is activating hand- jusl explaining aboul ihese issues Nothing here happens without their nostalgic. But you have to granade in your hands. As punk and after radical islamists waited for permission. remember, that this what happened movemenl disappeared, only foolba! him outside, threatened to kill... here could happen anywhere, it is fans left as some kind of subculture, How function ethnic divisions not any local speciality, everywhere very primitive and nationalist Only Surprisingly I saw many Chinese politically? is hate, here was just fertile time for new thing is hiphop, but only few shops around. Is there many things are good exceptions like very immigrants in BiH? Since 1990 it was 3 national parties, popular all over ex-Yu, Edo Maajka, which immediately formed As we know from other EE which affects lot of people with There is many Chinese immigrants coalition and wanted independence countries big role in initiating political straightforward message. since few years, mostly selling and 4th one was postcommunist textiles, they builded up networks to SDP, which wanted to remain in get their families further lo Croalia, Yugoslavia. They stay in power Ihen EU counlries. They are not since then. Their impotence and hated, nobody can say "They sleal failures was incredible, they or work" because is no work changed nothing all these years, anyhow, they sell cheap stuff and they only steal as much as they people here don'l have problems could. Every time before elections, wilh bad qualily stuff unless il OHR send forces, usually british funclions.. There is also few SAS to arrest or kill some unwanted hundred of Ihese from arab by them party members. People countries, which came voluntary to vote every time just national parties. fight during the war mainly since Usually around 50% votes, many of autumn '92 and slayed. They had them are actually living abroad, eg. hate, politically and financially Mostly il is here really slupid, real own unit in BiH army, very efficient in Sweden. Actually it's doesn't have have right-wing diaspora. That gangsla shil, because there is lot of fighters, very fanalic. Only ihem to be even any cheating, all is too ironically this most patriotic weapons in Ihe counlry. First drug been crazy enough lo ride on lop of clear - 3 parties, always in some characters prefer to live abroad is controlling gangs are starling. All tank with bazooka hunting for form of coalition. Basically these another story... How it looks in mentalily is migralion or self- largets. As Ihey came Ihey Iried to parties led people to war, started the Bosnia? deslruction oriented. implemenl sharia, mainly in war, robbed the people and continue Travnik, where I lived or Zenica. robbing cause they have nothing to They play big role, but not as much Are there on everyday level They made lot of terror, put curfew, fear. Great times and place for as few years ago. All this individual acts of racist forbid alcohol... Yet people in mafia, especially that they are easily nationalislic parties been formed by aggression? general never accepted them, never getting involved in political facist "dissidents", which left accepted this hard rules, so now structures. All last years, those country after communists came to No, il happens very rarely. To be they just have few small radical which can provide you employment power in '45. Usually Ihey wenl to nalionalisl became so normal thai islamic communities, but nol much and money are still people, which Vatican, which gave them everybody undersland il - if you are influence. Bosnia I Hercegovina was war criminals or war-profilers, passports, Ihen lo Soulh America, nol, you are treated like crazy. On region is only country in Europe they live best lives here and profit Auslria Sweden, Canada, USA and one hand nobody needs to proove it where muslims are majority, so further. It is normal that government Germany. All ihese years they had then, but also people know how there is lol of interesl from Turkey, shake hands with them as they work organized groups, carried on attacks escalation can look like... The Iran, arab counlries, bul society together, but when international on Yugoslav embassies. In 1972 worst is for Roma, they out of all never practised radically and Ihey community came everybody Ihey send group of Croat radical this, yet everybody hates them. Also slill don'l. Already in '60's ihose expected that these murders will be right-wingers, yet they got caught... in communist times they had bad which later formed nationalist party punished or judged, that all armies Basically Ihe money from facist time from society (state rather treal made "Islamic Declaralion" in will be disarmed. Yet they created 3 migration was foundation for all them fairly equal wilh everybody which Ihey declarted lo created armies, gave them new weapons, this nationalislic parties formed then) yet since the war they lost any Islamic Republic of BiH, abolish all new trainings. Murders been kept here in 1990. And as war started rights, Roma childrens are dying secular instilulion, but Ihey gol free and took control on local these guys look key position, like frozen in center of the city... jailed, so Ihey developed good scales, most promoted on TV as Croal Minister of Defence, lhat connections with Iran, etc. which 1 successful businessmen are guys lived years in Auslralia. Also Ihese War in Bosnia was infamous considered them martyrs. But you which took their profit during a war, people had been direclly supported world-wide for systematic mass- have to know, that it doesn't matter- through smuggling, etc. BiH is only by governmenls of USA, Australia, rapes. How state and society fanalism was on every side, every country in the world maybe, which elc. Now they have money and supports these women now? side cutting heads and brutal... in its constitution don't recognize support from local communities, so any right of individual, it's not even diaspora is much less meaningful. Rape happens in every war, because Are there existed any anarchist mentioned, only rights of Serbs, soldiers are moslly crazy fucked up activities in region of BiH before rights of Croats and rights of What about all young generation men, especially when on drugs or the war and how it started after? Bosnians (muslim). So every year is in Bosnia? drunken. And rape happened on all to be continue on page 20/21

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe J NESTLE-Polnad Abolishing the Borders from Below page 10

What rationale is; to cut production? Don't buy, don't drink Nescafeecoffee !!! They keep saying t is only seasonal anc competition and thai Nescafe Boycott - First people, then profits ! interested in our Activists of labour unions of Goplana in rules, and some vegan house-made cookies. Bydgoszcz and Sopot. products. It Poznan (NSZZ Solidarnosc), Workers' Initiative, Similar actions were taken all over Poland. All kind of media in Poland were interested in seems Anarchists' Federation and Food Not Bombs were In Krakow, anarchists' Federation and Workers' the action. Nestle's spokesperson, Agnieszka strange, protesting in Poznan, Warsaw, Bydgoszcz, Initiative organized a picket in front of Nescafe Wasik, stated in Gazeta Poznanska (local given the Krakow, Sopot and Szczecin on Sunday the 27th cafe in the centre of the city. About 20 people newspaper in Poznan) that "calling for boycott, fact that the productio of June. They called for a boycott of Nascafe. gathered under banners with slogans like : especially by workers and labour union, is not before the privatisatior This is a form of protest against mass dismissal "Nascafe Boycott" and "no more workers' justified, incomprehensible and illogical". 1912 and was founde of workers and liquidation of workplaces in dismissal", they were scanning verses like "don't Labour union's members in Poznan are planning situation of econor Poland. drink at the thieve's place" and "capitalism = to organize further actions. Multinational against German coloi Nestle is one of the biggest food producers in cannibalism". During the picket, interested corporation Nestle tries to move the production "Goplana" factory s the world consisting of 452 factories (326 in passer-bys were informed about the case of the out of Poland by a liquidation of workplaces and wars, the occupation, Gwam network). More than 90% of these are action, about the way coffee grains are gained so it threatens a closure of Goplana plant - the communism, Stalinism, outside Switzerland. A total of corporation's from big plantations and violations of workers' symbol of city and region - that exist from 1912. survive capitalism. I doi trade (209 billions Swiss franks) is much bigger rights, and treated with zapatists' coffee and Since Nestle appeared in Goplana 2000 people the policies of the go\y the current one than Polish budget. Nestle employs about 90.000 cookies. "Do you value your addiction more than lost their jobs there. Employment in our plant people, 2370 in Poland. The company appeared workers' rights?", "first people, than income" - decreased from 2700 to 715 workers. The before it as well. It is s in Poland in 1993. In the first year of its work these were the paroles of a picket on Nowy Swiat reductions touched also 2000 workers from prosperous Polish con Nestle's trade reached a total sum of 8 million in Warsaw, where 15 people were protesting. Winiary in Kalisz. Simultaneously in the same sold out. zloty. In 2003 the trade rose to almost 1 billion Prior to the event, activists from Warsaw were time Nestle corporation had quite big profits. What was the own' 400 million zloty. At the same time, over the past disseminating leaflets in front of supermarkets in During laat 10 years the sale of company of the plant at the tim few years, Nestle fired thousands of HH increased from several million zlotys to 1,4 came into play? workers in Poland. For example in Goplana lip! billion! After the privatisatio factory in Poznan two thousand people |^ It is more and more sounded that Nestle belonged to the state, 4 have lost their jobs, as well as in Winiary corporation is going to liquidate the and 6% belonged to the factory in Koszalin. In Kobylnica two production in Poland to 2006 at all, but it workers were pressured hundred people were fired. There are will still keep a strong position on polish shares. They were tht information that Nestle, before year 2006, food market. For example the production of told that if they don't s< wants to withdraw from production in sweets produced in Goplana will be moved they might lose their Poland, but it will keep the position of to Hungary, Czech Rep., Bulgaria and other people even filed comf dominant distributor. There are suspicions countries. During the beginning of district attorney aga that Gopiana factory in Poznan will be the negotiating the privatization contracts the threats, but the cases w first one forced to close. corporation's authorities promised to invest The people who kept Some time ago Nestle has stopped in the development of polish food industry advertising Goplana's products. According and increse the level of employment. to labour union members, this indicates Workers-shareholders of the company were that the factory in Poznan is going to be fooled. The promisses were never kept. A lot closed down. Worried about their of generations of Wielkopolska inhabitants employment, workers decided to call for worked for the company's position. Mark the boycott of Nescafe coffee. During Goplana is recognized all over the poland. demonstration on the Old Market in Today Goplana is replaced by Nestle logo, D3 Poznan, a few hundred citizens were sweets produced in our plant are no longer present, many of whom joined the picket. advertised. Beginnig the protest, first we It seems like the vicio Goplana workers were distributing leaflets would like to promote the Goplana mark ago started to embed its i with information about the boycott and free and second call all inhabitants of its way to Slovakia too. samples of Goplana products, "don't buy, Wielkopolska and Poland to boycott one of wider policy, the mayor don't drink Nescafe", "First people, than the products of Nestle - Nescafe. against "asocials" in the • income" - were the paroles on the leaflets. A total the city. In Szczecin, stickers with "don't buy" Don't buy, don't drink Nescafe Zero tolerance as pol amount of the leaflets distributed in Poznan was writing appeared on packets of Nescafe coffee in coffee!!! We demand bigger respect for our work, and is not very based on : 4000. Along with sweets from Goplana, passer- Carrefour and Geant stores. This action was property and tradition!!! First people, then on folkish philosophy of bys could have some coffee from Zapatists' organised, realized and promoted in the media by profits!!! KZ NSZZ "Solidarity" and workers society, which ignores s collective production, imported on fair trade Workers' Initiative and Anarchists' Federation in of Poznan's Goplana more inclinable to comm why it insists on strict la What is the especially and non-acceptable qualit situation of a Interview with Dariusz Skrzypczak, the president of the within the in 1993 by republican ma; plant belonging context of of rising up the quality o to the a world "Solidarity" trade-union in Nestle Poland (ex-Goplana) current changes year of his operating the leading in the labor policy, specialists are w manufacturer of sweets and breakfast cereal? workers quit, even though the board planned to code which make stable employment more success are so leaky, thai cut only 79 jobs. Another 50 people are waiting We don't know what are the plans of the owner. difficult to find. Some people are simply fed up could really extort it fn As far as we can tell, there is a constant drop in in the line. Our plants in Leszno and Sulechow with working here because of the atmosphere of statistical discrepancies^ production, despite the declarations that nobody have been liquidated, and only a plant in Kargowa fear which is widespread since Nestle came in. changed themselves and intends to close down our enterprise. remains. About 150 people has to commute to Nobody is allowed to voice their opinion, workers there is also problem wit Poznan from Leszno (about 70 km). But since the privatization in 1994 about 2000 or managers or the local managers. The decisions political background. An people have lost their jobs. At this time, only Why are people quitting? Is it really because of the Swiss center are put into effect ruthlessly. formed atmosphere in the: about 700 people still work in the factory. The of the 30 or 60 thousand zloty that they receive On top of that, anyone can see that the production More about this topic you "voluntary departure program" has been when they quit? is being phased-out, so the fate of the plant and of "Zero tolerance in New Yc launched. In the preceding months about 109 If you take into account the situation on the the people employed there is less than certain. New Yorku: Amerika - work market, these are not large sums of money,

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe page 11 Abolishing the Borders from Below NESTLE-Polnad

What rationale is given behind the decision didn't profit from that either. threatened with restructuring. to cut production? Some ex-workers accused Nestle of How did your section of "Solidarity" came They keep saying that this type of production manipulating share accounting and demanded to being in such conditions? is only seasonal and that there is a lot of huge compensations. But the court decided that In 1997 there was a lot of times the production competition and that the customers are not infringment was on the side of the state and not was stopped. People were sent on mandatory leave. interested Our real wages in our 'The GOPLANA factory survived two wars, the occupation, 45 years of communism, fell products. It Stalinism, but it didn't survive capitalism. I don't understand the policies of the significantly seems since the plant strange, government, not only the current one but all those before it as well" was taken over given the by the Swiss. fact that the production was going at full speed that of Nestle. That's how it was. It has to be Some workers decided to do something about it and before the privatisation. The plant worked since added that Nestle Poland also owns the Winiary so "Solidarity" was formed. The OPZZ [other 1912 and was founded in a specific political plant in Kahsz and that plant is also being branch of trade-unions of post-communist situation of economic struggle provenience] was already here. The union against German colonisation. The was met with antagonism from the start "Goplana" factory survived two until this day. People are pressured not to wars, the occupation, 45 years of join the union. We didn't manage to communism, Stalinism, but it didn't organise a union in Kargowa where 200 survive capitalism. I don't understand people are working. The people kept the policies of the government, not saying: "what good will it be that i will have only the current one but all those legal protection if i join the union if they before it as well. It is sickening how will not leave me alone here in the plant". prosperous Polish companies were How many members are there in sold out. your union commision? What was the ownership status Presently our union has over a hundred of the plant at the time that Nestle members. I admire the unionists for not came into play? bowing to the constant pressure. It is said After the privatisation 47% shares that we are the "bone in the throat of the belonged to the state, 47% to Nestle employer". Our union is not a loved one. and 6% belonged to the workers. The The executives from Nestle keep talking workers were pressured to sell their about a dialogue, and that the workers shares. They were threatened and are a priority for them, but their policy is told that if they don't sell the shares clear: if there is revenue they keep the they might lose their jobs. Some plant, if there aren't, they move people even filed complaints to the somewhere else. It's like a plague of district attorney against illegal locusts: as long as there is something to threats, but the cases were dropped. eat it feeds, but when the field is entirely The people who kept the shares devastated, they move on. Don't buy, don't drink Nescafeecoffee

It seems like the viciously known policy of zero tolerance, that not so far Gendalos(7/2003), and which you can find also on pages www.csaf.cz. ago started to embed its roots in more cities of Czech republic, slowly finds So, how is the situation in Bratislava nowadays? This spring, during and its way to Slovakia too. Although he didn't admit any connection to some before NATO conference here, its mayor Andrej Durkovsk" made obvious, wider policy, the mayor of capital city Bratislava declared hardline war that in his city he won't tolerate people taking their rights to declare their against "asocials" in the centre of the city. opinions on serious political issues in public. And latest, in July, he Zero tolerance as political conception has its origins in the 80's in USA pompously proclaimed, that he started at least two-month campaign in and is not very based on some kind of serious social studies, but much more which he will solve the situation with homeless people - by forcing them out on folkish philosophy of "who lies, is also stealing". It presumes, that the of the centre's streets. He even announced, that he's eventually ready to seat society, which ignores small, even inconsequential, tresspasses, is much them onto the train to the city of their permanent residence. Except that, more inclinable to commiting of serious criminal delicts. That's the reason how this statement demonstrates, how seriously does this regime, after two why it insists on strict law-abidingness and beside others defines tolerable totalitarian ones executing such a practices here, means the freedom of and non-acceptable quality of citizen's lives. This policy was put into practice movement, it meets another problem : homeless people are called in 1993 by republican mayor of New York City Rudolph Guillani under cover "homeless" exactly because of having no permanent residence. This dilema of rising up the quality of life and dispraising the crime. Whilst after eight of him was after all resolved by lawyers that gave him a notice, that he can't year of his operating the supporters enthused on fantastic success of this afford such a penet ration of constitutional rights of "asocials". policy, specialists are warning, that statistics backing up this supposed But warriors for qualitative-unharmed life in Bratislava, proclaiming that success are so leaky, that only those ones minded to see "positive" result they are elected to serve the citizen's purposes, culdn't get discouraged by could really extort it from there. Next to plenty of re ally significant this and have let us know, that they will, word by word, harass the statistical discrepancies(e.g.heavy ignoring of further factors, that also "unwelcome" ones. "No one is delighted when is asked by policemen to changed themselves and strongly affected examined situation that time), show ID card, let's say, three times a day. If policemen will be tireless, it will there is also problem with suspicions on manipulation with statistics with pall on asocials who will go away themselves then.", said in this context the political background. And citizens of New York City are, in relation to spokesman of mayor. Among other weapons of police are check fines, local formed atmosphere in the streets, are too often using the term "police state"... banishment or unnecessary disporting to the police station - of course, More about this topic you can find in the article of Ondrej Slacalek called everything more or less within the frame of valid law and local bylaws. But "Zero tolerance in New York: America - our preimage?"(Nulova tolerance v the strongest weapon in this case is a weak legal awareness of this group of New Yorku: Amerika - narc vzor?) written for the magazine Amaro people(but unfortunately also of the rest of citizens) and their inadequate

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 12

respect before uniforms, what makes them much too simple to be contrary to strictly free-market conviction of parties he was elected for, Th manipulated by omental despotism of authorities. started to negotiate with big shops in centre about withdrawing the cheap Twelve city-policemen were detached for this campaign; it's said that they wines from their assortment. Since for declared reason - i.e. that "the The most impor should subserve the role of social workers in terrain. One shouldn't forget, homeless are drinking it and even are giving it to their dogs" - would be far situation of women i that policemen have no special education for this sphere. Moreover, part of enough using old local bylaw forbidding drinking alcohol on public spaces feminism, the moverr police squad uses to have unfavourable inclinations to play-act sheriffs in and animal tyrany law, it is clear that it is more like another of city hall's was true not only for the streets and cure their complexes by annoying people. Chief officer of efforts to show who's boss here. We were shocked b city police is even convinced, that this way she can "motivate the asocials to Displeasing is, that so far this campaign appears as succesful. Local Food against women, as it I find work, draw their attention that there are also another possibilities." In Not Bombs activists, that used to give food in centre every Saturday, report The level ofthisisvei case that miss or missus chief officer and her colleagues were motivated to that from time when campaign began, there was a big decline in number of and social situation their work just by such a chicane, we shouldn't be surprised that the homeless people, that sooner used to visit food-giving cheerfully and in big programs, hotlines, c policemen are interpreting Durkovsk"'s (undoubtedly bighearted) plan - to counts. It is natural, that after many of them had been unreasonably taken to eliminate people, who "are exceeding the level of good grace, acting one of most distant police stations several times, it is natural that most of improprietly, polluting public spaces and in many cases torturing the them is afraid to come into the centre. Part of them solved the situation by animals" - their way. After all, exactly according to principles of ze ro settling themselves by Danube, under the overhangs of bank boulevard. tollerance, "the untolerable" is defined blankly enough and final decisions Certain Slovak newspaper called it a scandal, they say that homeless are INTER left for lowest possible hierarchy levels; so that the repression is harder to inhabiting the most lucrative grounds in capital city - and even for free! be monitored and in case of problems with public opinion there can be Probably it's useless to polemize with that article author's idea of lucrative Hey, it is a long easily charged some unharmless pawn, and not the originators of policy or sleeping on the places with everlasting wind blowing and coldness from big from Belarus. What i policy itself. And so nowadays the passer-byes can be witnesses of police's river sneaking. However, at least in this case have the homeless some few " How is Luka doing? harassment of e.g. man, who's only guilt is having some longer beard, bigger luck in misery" : these places are, in spite of location directly under Today Belarus bag with himself and is frequented boulevard hidden before eyes of tourists and city officers, for elections which are go sitting on a bench in front cops on patrol wanting to persecute them even here is the terrain pretty hard 2004. It has an effec of Old Market-Hall accessible, and mainly for the present they are protected by the Water law, democratic oppositi enjoying the sun there... that guarantees to all citizens general usage of water streams including representation in the Thus, mayor Durkovsk" swimming, free movement on bank etc. Lukashenko, who is ea is building his own During September there should be evaluation of two months of city hall's into the parliament Potemkin's village out of fight against these unbuttery reminders of liberal capitalism consequencies. government does every Bratislava,where no Today, there is almost noone surprised that this problem is just put out of democratic forces d poverty exists - even only sight instead of being solved. Maybe what remains for us, is to expect for strengthened pressure because it was forced out who will be next after demonstrants and "asocials" in turn of zero tolerance Navinki (anarchist to the suburbs. He even policy. Maybe soon will get banned out of city walks the unkempt, hairy, experienced repressioi forgot his political coloured ones, people with unsound past or just those having shame to Ministry of Informatii background, when he, become unattractive to someone... Frantinek Kus" more temporary abt newspaper because , objections. Actually, tl Navinki of the possil FIRST WOMEN-CAMP IN•-BELARUS campaign. For the sar Novaya Gazeta Smarg REPORT FROM WOMEN-CAMP all have so many complexes and conservative values in us... have come under the tl But what worked well was increasing understaning and making contacts by Belarusian acivists: It has been more th on a personal level. The women from Wiedzma (polish ©-feminist group) Nastya Nekazakova and Olka Europe" by even more brought an exhibition about witches and "Women in Action" from Bialystok Belarus. How does thi! did a photoexhibition. We made a radio transmitter ourselves and now that From 15-22 of July, not far from Minsk, a women's camp was held. The it impact your contact we know how to do it, we can teach others. We made a few broadcasts. There women gathered to discuss general problems and ways of changing Since last October th was silk screening, drumming and fireshows. We had a lot of problems with patriarchal social gender sterotypes. There were women from Belarus, Poland. This was conne the generator so we could only show one film, Hide and Seek, about Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Germany - about 50 people in all. This was a Eastern Europe into th lesbians growing up in the 60s. But now we know how the generator was women-only camp, although we understand that the problem of equality people who live in the I build so we can take it apart and repair it ourselves. effects men just as well. It was a women's camp for a few reasons: first and their profit from trade. There were two musical performaces in the cultural program: accustic foremost because we thought that if it were a mixed camp, more men than simplified by an agreem songs by Claudia Cooper from Bremen and Belarussian fols songs by women would show up and it would lead to an absurd situation where a has been normalized. A: Tatiana Makhnach. group of mostly men were discussing women's equality. Another reason is were not influenced. Pot that some women from a crisis center who had been victims of male regime. But now even it i violence were attending and, for them, maybe they wouldn't want to be So our contacts with around a lot of men. Another factor related to the general problem is that European countries com some discussion is dismissed as "western" or "not relating to our current In the second par situation" and some people ridicule it, so I personally wanted to try to first Women-camp in ; discuss these these without any unnecessary ridicule. idea behind it, how it The goals of the camp were to examine the situation of women in Belarus you trick the authoriti and to make contacts, exchange experiences and possibly to create common from their side? projects. Like all social and political activities in Belarus, this camp had two The Camp's idea wa parts - anarchists & lesbians, and NGOs and, in the beginning this caused for discussion on topii some problems. Part of the camp wanted to speak politically on issues problems with gender\s around feminism but part of the camp had no idea of any of the background what kind of activities i ideas and terminology. The first 2-3 days were difficult; the lesbians were any women's or femim waiting to take orders and were looking for some leader while the anarchists interesting to all of us. , prefered self-organization. Therefore a lot of time had to be spent to create in practical thing like: a non-authoritarian society in the camp. In general, it was a nice camp, in a doing radio transmissi nice forest with wild strawberries, blackberries and a little river. between different expert Not everything worked out well - for example, because of the need for a women had a more "pi lot of logistic preparations, we didn't have time to prepare the theoretical because they could be a discussions. So most of the discussions took place either at lectures or a "political activist". No around the kitchen. I was personally impressed by the constant covert active life position. Men discussions of sexuality, norms, homo-hetero and bi sexual preferences. We anarchist movement. Foi

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below

Theorteical impression by Olka despite the fact that the feminist movement has existed for many years. Activists from Germany and Poland were surprised that lesbians and The most important thing was to break many stereotypes about the feminists don't work together in post-Soviet countries and that they don't situation of women in different countries, about the women's movement, understand their common interests. The situation in Belarus is such that feminism, the movement for minority rights, lesbianism and NGOs. This lesbian organizations avoid participating in feminist politics; mostly they was true not only for the Belarussian women but for visitors. concentrate on legalizing gay marriage and some public feminists are We were shocked by the real stories of sexual and psychological violence conservative and homophobic and don't want anything to do with lesbians. against women, as it turns out, in well-to-do and liberal western countries. In Germany and Poland, a lot of women came to feminism through lesbian The level of this is very high despite the fact that there is a better economic movements or even to separtism. Some came to feminism as activists in and social situation for women than in Belarus and there are social anti-fascist or anti-capitalist scenes where men are dominant and where they programs, hotlines, consultations, shelters, consuling and legal help and constantly ran up against sexism and homophobia. "In Belarus the image of the women as mother is the most popular image of women. It is like a counterbalance to Lukashenko as the father of the state" INTERVIEW WITH ANARCHA-FEMINIST FROM BELARUS

Hey, it is a long time since we had some news camp was a possibility to make new activities with from Belarus. What is going on there in last period? new unambitious people (more open to dialog). You How is Luka doing? How are Navinki? also asked about the authorities. We did some Today Belarus is preparing for parliamentary bureaucratic stuff before camp and arranged things elections which are going to take place on October 17, with the police, rescue services, and local authorities 2004. It has an effect both on the activities of the about camp. We did this because we had not done a democratic opposition that counts on getting camp before and we could not know we if needed to representation in the parliament, and on president legalise the next camps or not. We concluded that we Lukashenko, who is eager not to let opposition parties did not, because we had a cool place for the camp into the parliament. Because of elections, the and the police could not find us. government does everything it can to make the work of So the camp gathered feminists of various democratic forces difficult. First of all, it has political orientations. Was it important for you to strengthened pressure on independent Mass Media. have this kind of wide spectrum of female activists? Navinki (anarchist magazine - ABB) has also How did the discussion on women's liberation from experienced repressions regularly. On August 27 the both patriarchy and state oppression look during the Ministry of Information made a decision about one camp, and what kind of understanding of this more temporary abeyance of the work of our struggle is there in the Belarusian @-feminist newspaper because they had minor bureaucratic spectrum? objections. Actually, the main purpose of the authorities was to deprive We didn't have much choice of what kind of female activists would be in Navinki of the possibility to work during the period of the election the camp, Because the feminist movement in Belarus is absent. In the camp campaign. For the same reason thev stopped the work of the newspaper were lesbians, who have potential for activity, anarcha-feminists and just Novaya Gazeta Smargoni, and other Belarusian independent newspapers active political girls. In the first few days we had some problems between us, have come under the threat of temporary closure. because lesbians never think about organizing society in a feminist or an it has been more than one year since Belarus was cut off from "proper anarchist context. They didn't understand our rhetoric. Only on after 5 days Europe" by even more serious closing of the polish/EU eastern border to we found common language. Step by step we tried to move towards a non- Belarus. How does this fact impact the life in your country and how does hierarchical society in the camp and found our common problems. After the it impact your contacts with activists from "the other side of Europe"? camp we had more questions than answers. Since last October the visa regime was put into force between Belarus and Does the specific political situation in Belarus put the feminist issues in Poland. This was connected with the entry of Poland and other countries of any special context there? How does it influence your activities? Eastern Europe into the European Union. It brought problems mainly to / think in Belarus the image of the women as mother is the most popular people who live in the border regions of Belarus and Poland and who made image of women. It is like a counterbalance to Lukashenko as the father of the their profit from trade. Recently the procedure for getting a visa has been state. Regarding to women's rights activity, for us, a basic problem is a simplified by an agreement between Belarusia and Poland and the situation woman-trafficking, because Belarus is a country with a low standard of living, has been normalized. As for our contacts with "proper Europe", in fact they and has a shared border with more economically advantaged countries. were not influenced. Poland was the last country with which we had no visa We can smell a little bit of fresh wind coming from your regime. But now even it is still not a big problem to receive a Polish multi-visa. country. There was a camp of radical female politics and soon there will So our contacts with both Poland and the other be a big independent festival in Minsk. We European countries continue to develop actively. remember that even one year ago someone who In the second part of July, you organized the would propose the organisation of such events first Women-camp in your country. What was the would be looked at as a lunatic there. What are the idea behind it, how it was organized and how did reasons for this progress in your activities? Is it a you trick the authorities in order to get no trouble general tendency in Belarus right now? Is it that from their side? you have found ways to break the chains of The Camp's idea was to make a women's meeting Lukashenkism or is there another explanation? for discussion on topics like if there actually are The situation in this country could not get any problems with gender\sexism or not and to discuss worse. Beginning September there will be new rules what kind of activities we want to do. We never had for art groups - bands, dance groups and things like any women's or feminist camp and the topic was that. Under the new rules they must go to the cultural interesting to all of us. We were especially interested committee and after representing their case they must in practical thing like: serigraphy, screen printing, hope to get a special licence that allows them to play doing radio transmissions and building relations in public. Under these conditions, we can only do between different experienced activists. In the USSR cultural projects with veiled meaning. I hope that the women had a more "proactive position" than men authorities will not know about the independent because they could be a woman, a wife, a worker and festival, that they will only know about ordinary a "political activist". Now women have an even more cultural events. By the way, at the beginning of active life position. Men are often infantile, but men also often rule, even in November, we want to do a Belarusian Social Forum anarchist movement. For me, I am fed up with drunk anarchists, and the http://www.navinki.net/bsforum/ (in Belarussian) ...

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 14

illili Poland feminism isn't popular idea, even on punk scene. There are still many stereotypes about man and female rolls. But since few years women and feministic culture and projects becoming more Hello! We are anarcho-fcminist group from Poland, Our group stronger. Our activities include informative street actions, was founded in 1996. It was started by few girls from east site of awareness raising meetings whose main aim is to inform about the Poland, from few small towns, like: Biala Podlaska, Siedlce, situation of women and the major problems they are subjected to Lukow. From the beginning Wiedzma is informal organization, it in Poland. We edit zinc, called Wiedzma/Witch. We also create all is tbe part of our job and war against oppression. We don't bave girls band - Fuck Finger, in December 2002 we publish tape any board or advisors. We are a co-educational group because we "Krolowa bandytow" / the queen of bandits/, which is dedicated to think that the liberation of women is the liberation of men as well. Phoolan Devi. Besides that we have small distribution. So, if you We oppose separatism which is the negation of equality while at are interested our zine or tape of Fuck Finger or if you want just the same time we respect women feminist culture which we are talk with us, write: part of. Wiedzma it is group of friends, at the beginning we have organized because we want to be together and feel good with the Students PO BOX 33; 21-500 BIALA PODLASKA POLAND other people who think the same. In [email protected] www.wiedzma.most.org.pl Campaign

After three moi attempts, students NO CULTURE WITHOUT SUBCULTURE educational establis proceed in attack. Tht Festival: 15-21 November 2004 - Minsk, Belarus 2004 might be the m On June 28 the hundr In November 15-21 in Minsk, a capital of independent NGOs as political sectors. In Belarus Belarusssian youth to form the active civil position parents, and profess Belarus, an international festival of independent the situation with the independent culture is almost and giving the possibilities for its development and University and Sum; culture will take place. the same as it was in the Soviet Union times. There realisation. University as well as Call-out are the same state controlled apparatuses, such as ACU political-cultural center in Utrecht. The city gathered on the i We would like to invite the collectives, groups and radio, film, television and the press, which offer as ACU operates independently of (municipal) 'a tent town' as individulas busy in independent art and culture in all in the past the "party line" to the citizens. On another authorities, is non-profit and is run by volunteers. association of their u parts of Europe to come to Belarus and share their level there are underground independent media, The venue has validated its existence in Utrecht's direction of Sumy experience and ideas with people from former radical art, the covert joke, samizdat publications, political and cultural life for more than two decades. University (SNAU), Soviet Union countries like Belarus, Russia, which express popular resistance to the non- Currently, the ACU hosts a wide range of activities Alexander TSARE1 Ukraine, Moldova and Caucasian Republics in the democratic state. In general, I see artists as playing including: a bar, food, concerts, dance nights, reputed as the most c a positive role and a very special role because art has political info nights, poetry events, squatters' advice forms of discussions, exhibitions, talks, debates, in Sumy. Education i the capacity of taking ideas which otherwise would bureau, a food coop, info shop Schism, kurf [a local videoshows, concerts and fun. Everybody who is but clean lawns and a interested can participate. If you would like to come be kind of dry and unappealing and infusing ideas antifascist organisation], benefits, parties, a venue in SNAU very possibl. and represent your collective and find partners for with a kind of passion that music, that poetry, that for meetings and much much more for money). 'The chro your cultural projects you are welcome. We are also fiction, that the theatre, that painting, that kind of Programme loking for the artists and musicians who can come passon that all of these arts can convey. Art The programme will be done by YOU! as students desci therefore, because is has that power, the special themselves, began in ! power of enhancing the strength of an idea with the Web site an< emotion. Art therefore is an attempt to equalize a information devoted situation in which most of the material power, the However firstly the military power, the economic power rests in the hand was just a hearing, ui of establishment and thereforethe people without President of Ukraine power, the people on the outside, the people without issued the Decree 0 the money, the people without the guns, the people creation of Sumy Ni who are trying to form a social movement, they have The students reacted b a great need of art to mobilize people, to inspire to the President, the P people and to do what mere words on paper, mere Minister of science an pamphlets and books cannot by themselves do. for all, the petition The organisations involved students required i EYFA- Amsterdam the ; political- students, their parents cultural group from II www.375crew.org, NAVINKI, Tretya Zmena, New before the Order of and perform at the festival in Minsk. Faces - Minsk Belarus, Make your proposals if you want to participate. For: Unfortunately, their pe We would like to give the possibility to meet each ACU - political-cultural center, Utrecht the - info-workshops about cultural projects you are The next step in tl other for people from the Western and Netherlands, doing; rights was organizin Central/Eastern Europe and people from Belarus, Metclkova - Ljubljana; Slovenia, - discussions on the ideological questions connected students' protest" held Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and MOREZVUKOV- cultural network, Rotterdam the with cultural issues; active workers of loca Georgia; Netherlands, - exhibition of cultural organisations (attending the done to prevent carryin - to make the contacts and exchange the SKIP - St.Petersburg; Russia. meeting) in Minsk; extra classes on that da information; The hosting organisations of the meeting are: - pictures, paintings, collages, etc; on May 12 the meeti - to discuss the problems which the independent "Navinki" and "New Faces". - films and videoart; gathered about 2,000 pi cultural groups can meet in different countries for "Navinki" activities are concentrated on cultural - tactical media and counter information; the meeting, the new pi their activities; projects (independent music recording, newspaper - video about cultural events in different countries; the Ukrainian Parliai - to promote the independence, creative attitude and "Navinki" publishing, filmmaking, theater, - concert (bands, DJs, VJs). Next day students went non-profit approach in cultural activities; discussion club, political cabaret etc); it's also a in parliamentary hearii - to initiate cultural projects between mentioned CIS major source of information on relevant issues (big Venue: The meeting will take place is the hosting reformation in Ukrain countries and European cultural organisations. DIY library, mailing lists etc). Besides of cultural complex "Stayki" near to Minsk (20 km). students were loss. Background information activities "Navinki" are also involved in democratic Application: Please fill the application form and In the CIS countries the independent cultural mass media issues, human rights, media campaigns return before the 15th of October on June 20 were assign activities are not so developed as in the Western or against racism and xenophobia, environmental [email protected] TSARENKO as head even Central European countries. The traditions of campaigns. Contact: If you are interested to take part please University. Two days citizen activities are fragile. Belarus is good The "New Faces" is a youth union which is based write us on: persons from SNAU a example of the situation. The current dictatorship on the principles of tolerance, openness, equality. [email protected] University with ords government tries to control and oppress all Using alternative methods it is helping to

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe page 15 Abolishing the Borders from Below Ukraine/Bulgaria

Common Ground meeting Bulgaria - July 2004 About agriculture, food, alternatives and action.

From the 10th until the 18tH of July, an international meeting I about food and farming took place in Bulgaria . The aim of this event was to network, inspire, share experiences, to challenged and find a 'common ground1 amongst environmentalists, farmers and activists from across Europe. To discuss the struggles, aims and possible solutions and answers. Students on the streets of Sumy & Kijev Food is important in our daily life and the production of food has an important impact on the environment. We like a green Campaign in Ukraine supported by local anarchists countryside and for farmers it is their life and income. But everywhere there are problems connected to agriculture as well. After three months of unsuccessful students every day for cleaning lawns. It is becoming clear that the current intensive industrial attempts, students of Sumy higher June 25 National symbols places on approach to agriculture is unsustainable. It is time to define educational establishments decided to buildings of Sumy State University were common alternatives for agriculture that satisfy the needs of all proceed in attack. The Constitution Day of break down, some persons from SNAU sectors of society, and not only the interests of corporations. 2004 might be the most sated on record. provide outrageous speech and menaces There is also a need of model for agriculture that acknowledges On June 28 the hundreds of students, their those were directed to people from the cycles and limits of nature* parents, and professors of Sumy State personal of Sumy State University. People In 2002, during the UN Biodiversity Summit in Den Haag University and Sumy State Pedagogical from SNAU promised to force them "to be (the Netherlands), A SEED Europe organised the first Common University as well as other universities of serve". Pedagogical and working stuff of Ground meeting. Fanners and activists from several countries city gathered on the main street initiating Sumy State University and Sumy State were listening to each other's stories. This was very interesting 'a tent town' as an action against Pedagogical University were forced to and an eye-opener for many people. Although we also realised association of their universities under the vote for statutes of new National that it isn't that easy to help each other and that there is a long direction of Sumy National Agrarian University (statutes not were way to go. Last year there was a similar meeting in Lybn, University (SNAU), headed by the MP demonstrated and discussed) and leave the France. In this country there is a lot of experience with farmers Alexander TSARENKO. (SNAU be service. By Ukrainian legislation it's protests and idealistic people both in the countryside as in the reputed as the most corruptive university forbidden as well as forbidden to be cities campaigning on food issues. With this knowledge: and experience we see as an important to organise a similar event in in Sumy. Education is not general there, depute and work on other important place Eastern Europe. Especially here agriculture is a 'hot' issue and but clean lawns and apartments. Actually, (with right to sign financial documents), many things changed and will change in the near future. in SNAU very possible to get diploma just but Alexander TSARENKO do it. Pro Besides a SEED Europe, other groups get involved in the for money). 'The chronicle of opposition', governmental mass-media become project. In Bulgaria Za Zemiatu and Agrolink are helping out. as students describe their work provide lies. State regional TV "Vidikon" Also in Poland, Belgium, Slovenia and Rumania there are themselves, began in March with opening told that "students are looser, alcoholics contacts with groups. These are also the countries from which the Web site and distribution of and hooligans". All this time students in we can probably give some travel-reimbursement to young information devoted to this problem. tent town were attacked by provocateurs. people. ;.: : L'::;: •'• • ..-. However firstly the idea of association Inside the movement of resisting become : We are looking for people interested on the ::f;:;o ~f food and was just a hearing, until on April 20 the tendency of separation and agriculture who are interested in participating. People from President of Ukraine Leonid KUCHMA collaborationism. Authorities try to force organisations, but also enthusiastic individuals. Progressive issued the Decree 0 453/2004 "About students to take away tent town any way. farmers, but also people from cities that want to work on food creation of Sumy National University". Most of students and pedagogical stuff issues. ' ' " :• :.; :. : '.. . '" •: : The students reacted by spending petition just want to bring their voices to publicity During the first days there will be many workshops and to the President, the Premier Minister, the and ask about democratic decision. On presentation about several related issues; about the situation of: Minister of science and education. Except June 2 in tent town were two deputes from farmers in different regions^ about European agricultural policy and the changes in farming after the EU enlargement, about for all, the petition signed by 1473 National parliament who are solidary with GMOs, about sustainable organic agriculture, about local food students required consultation with them. Petitions and letter sent to president, distribution and much more; The second part was planned to students, their parents and public of city prime-minister, local authorities, business contain more discussion to reach the common ground and before the Order of Ministry is issued. structures and NGO's. hopefully result in concrete plans together. :. Unfortunately, their petition was rejected. We're ask you to SUPPORT students The meeting was set up in the Bulgarian countryside. The The next step in the upholding of the and personal of Universities and to send idea behind this is that we'll be meeting on a place, where we're rights was organizing "The action of letter of protest against violation of rights surrounded by the practise of sustainable agriculture.: This students' protest" held by the students and and freedom. would also offer possibilities for people to be active as well. active workers of local NGOs. A lot was Web site of resistance movement: sumy- If you want to know more you can contact: common- done to prevent carrying out this event like bespredei We have to ask you to : [email protected] . •••• : extra classes on that day, etc. Nevertheless strenghten the pressure on Ukrainian on May 12 the meeting took place and goverenment. Please note that all of you gathered about 2,000 people. As a result of can send a fax direct to President Kuchma: the meeting, the new petition addressed to President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma 11 the Ukrainian Parliament was passed. Bankovskaya str., Kiev 01220, Ukraine Next day students went to Kyiv to take part tel/fax - 8-10-380-44-255-61-61, tel. of in parliamentary hearings on high-school reception of president's administration - 8- reformation in Ukraine. On this period 10-380-44-226-20-77 tel. of reference students were loss. room of president's administration - 8-10- June 20 were assignment of Alexander 380-44-255-73-33. TSARENKO as head of new National IT IS ALSO POSSIBLE TO SEND University. Two days later some high THE MESSAGE IN UKRAINE persons from SNAU came to Sumy State EMBASSY IN YOUR COUNTRY University with orders to give 200

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 16

doll, instrument for K trade, mindless cc Interview with cosmetic industry... AnFema state's side - she is even if she had anarcha-Feminist group from Croatia opportunity, doesn't h for it's realisation, tf against the tyranny of system and refusing any man does one payed job, woman does two - on payed sufficiently b Not often we have chance to interaction with capitalistic intensions to sell her working place, and at home for which is good worker that h introduce >ou anarcho-feminist her the way of fight that will not liberate her, not payed and which is not recognised as a job, everything, exept to th but turn her into a wheel in a system that but it's considered by itself and undervalued. own head. All in all, views, because groups like presented moves the path of patriarchy. And what about children and their education, wife, sometimes below AnFema are still very rare on what is also tha traditional women roal? Than sometimes leveled EE-anarchist scene, which is What did accomplish the traditional she is realy the 24-hour slave with occesional because of political predominate!) constituted In males. feminist fight? trips to the hair-dresser and afrernoon coffies From the society's \\ know that anarchofeminist in house hold, while man, off course, hang out enviroment and famil; initiatives or at least individual You can't say that traditional feminist fight in a pub drinking beer! Superexploited to that of all a good mother \n (most as voices are existing in many countries didn't accomplish anything. It shaked the point, that she simply has no time to figure the of our region and in the future we fundaments, some of them were bad and some nature of situation in which she is in, and even obedient wife, an hope to present them and their of them were good, but that's resonable less to do something about it. We can say thet cleaning-lady, discri everyday things. She activities more re«ulary. Interview conserning that that was the beginning. It traditional feminism just made the bigger cage reasoned women, and it showed them that they with harder bars. They seaked for impossible: an object, and treati; printed below was done by O'oska are discriminated, and reasonably brought the eqality in the system of institucionalised that, they clame th; from C'roatia. and translated by wishes for changing that, but the paths of uneqality, which women never were a part of, become a subject, or \y and acci others, for what we are very soluting this problem with traditional but object, product, good, means of transaction thankful. feminism is discussable. The basic idea didn't among men. They got a lie, illusion about their patriarchal norms She stay on traditional, it evoluited. Now there is eqality in the world created for men. It's right of eqality (that i Can you tell us in short what is Anfema so many radical ideas and paths, and even superficial and simplified to generalise that right to pressure and t and what kind of topics does it deal with? though that they don't have the prefix anarho- world as an mirror of power of all members of in their name, they hold some basic elements mail sex, but as a model of the authoritarian What do you thin Anfema is anarcha-feminist group of of anarchist organisation, it's value and work father, allmighty, allwhite, too strong and too the reasons for fera affinities. It gathered up the first group of girls (ecofeminism, radical feminism). It's beautiful - or infact the too rich capitalist. And today, and how do yo in 1999 and since than it worked with few interesting that connection with anarchist way all of them who don't satisfy all determend macli it in libertarian breaks and different groups of girls. We are of fight happened spontaneously and segments of irrefutable superiority of given trying to reason the local community about the unconscious. Considering in that direction model, are flauds, deffected merchendice with Reasons for the fei problems of women discrimination, and that women in today's society got the imposed burden of conscens and did not changed a Ic encourage the anarchistic principles among opportunity of work, authority at work, voting unsatisfaction because they didn't fill the reasons in the past. V man and women. We don't want only to and other things that were before a part of image that describes the upholder of system. the eqality of genders criticize the repressive capitalistic men's job, I always remember the line that was But still, they are generosly given the . the way that differem (patriarchal) society, but we want also to one said by the Red Brigades. The Red superriority over other lower beeings - women, considered and ti directly resist it trough educative work and Brigades said that women was exploited animals, and plants. The food chain of unequalityes. When ev< direct actions. before in a sense that she slaved to her repression is created, in which every victim is mass of women that d husband and family (and that idea didn't also a represser of less privileged than the repression commits What is that "anarcho" in front of changed even now), and now she is used by the himself/herself. when ever there are nc "feminist" that differents you from the capitalist system (because the traditional rights and choices fo traditional, mainstream, feminist feminism fight that women have the equal What is by your opinion the situation of women in every part oi movement? In witch way do you join position like (exploited) man in unmoral woman today in the society? ever there is ever; with feminism? system) so she is in fact - superexploited! The agression (from rej thing that led to that was that women didn't Were to start? In short: Because of the domestic violence a The difference is in organisation and in way demanded equality that is based on unmasking media - she is turned into a sexual object, a when ever there is of working in the group. We are non-hierarchal and crashing the patriarchal system of values education based on cer group of affinity in witch the decisions are and creating a brand new revolutionary and when ever is being made by consensus and in witch membership flexible mutal society, based on liberty and unacceptable... that f doesn't exist. In difference with other feminist egnoliging everybody's differences. Instead of continue. And the list is groups, we are self-financed and our self- that, they demanded the eqal participation in a The thing is in the most supporting is very important to us, and also the system that is based on uneqaliry, unliberty the most liberated individuality and contributions of the people and slavery. They forced the emancipation of suficient realisation of involved. We didn't think that the real eqalisation of man and woman by excepting If you ask me, the emancipation of women and liberty in any the model of tyrannious system as only right must simultaniously views can be achieved in range of any state, and possible inflintrating in a patriarchal authoritorian system especially not in the capitalistic system in culture of living, but this time not as repressed, political and capitalist which we are living today. Anarchism has but eqal repressors. Getting that right on paper the economical level, always been and stayed the only right and something little in reality, kept her common nucleus of alternative to the system and acts in hand with traditional role in family and house, in society. woman will rise. All otf the goal "we can't be liberated until everybody It should be, however, said that encouraging a half way of a stru; are not free". We don't think that emancipation women to spread their horizons of activities observation is correct of women should be realized in patriarchal outside the house went hand in hand with the partially dissagree. Yot way - that is, that women equality is not industrial development and economical need is partialy antropocenl achieved by that that women have right to for two paychecks in a family, and afterwords we think that toget participate in state authority, but fighting trough adjusting the working rights. While abolishing hierarcl

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe page 17 Abolishing the Borders from Below AnFema

doll, instrument for relaxation and authoritarian / capitalistic system Did you notice any trade, mindless consumer of over humans, man over woman, sexism and patriarchy cosmetic industry.... From the goes also humanity over nature. on anarchist scene, 3EOINI state's side - she is the one that We want to point out that we don't which should be by it's even if she had the eqal fight only for liberation of human definition liberated of opportunity, doesn't have the right kind, but for the liberation of all that, and if you did for it's realisation, then she isn't who are repressed. By human how does it show? payed sufficiently but she is a liberation and antropocentrical good worker that has time for (man before everything) way of We don't know how everything, exept to think with her fight as priorities, in the very the situation beyond own head. All in all, a beautiful beginning we create Croatia is different, but wife, sometimes secretary, discriminations and divisions, and here we noticed that it's sometimes leveled higher just fruitful soil for the new about serious stuff like because of political corectness. colonisations, as well as publishing. writing From the society's side, her probability for creating another texts, zines, and the enviroment and family, she is first system of unfreedorri. The thing most ordinary stuff like of all a good mother with a lot of that is very bad, and wich happens bands and concerts (we children (most as possible), very often is valuating of again mentioned bands obedient wife, and a free liberation by the next order: 1) because we think that NA SILOI/flNJE cleaning-lady, discriminated in man (male), 2) woman, 3) animal, they are important for everyday things. She is treated as 4) nature, e.g. Earth. There is no promoting ideas) the defined by ourselves, unburdened an object, and treating her like priority struggle, priority male population of scene is more by that what sex/gender brings that, they clame that she will liberation, everything is equaly engaged in that. Lately in Zagreb with them. Women opression is a become a subject, or with which's important and obligated. They are in turn of organisation of part of man's experience and by slavery and accepting of all elements of the same fight - anarchist events there has been a that also a part of it's own patriarchal norms she will get the complete liberation of all. It's change in favour of girls, unfreedom. These are two right of eqality (that is, the same incoplete, selfish and superficial, concretely at the organisation of different experiences, but that right to pressure and tyrannize). and if we want the true change, the No-Border Camp and Food difference brings the same and impossible to dedicate to only not Bombs. Sexism and conclusions and it shouldn't be the What do you think, what are one element of complete patriarchy are very rooted, and obstruction in understanding, the reasons for feminist fight liberation, neglecting, underrating between anarchsts unrecognisable because experiences can be today, and how do you see it and and underestimating co-existence problem. That is manifested exchanged. Because of mach it in libertarian fight? with others. : through a point that feminism is understanding and exchanging of just women fightj which is experiences that intervine, the Reasons for the feminist fight What are your opinions on simpatised, but isn't actively groundings for our new common did not changed a lot from the matriarchy and what do you taking part of (there are experience are created, from line reasons in the past. We seek for think how big problem is it in exceptions), and isn't considered of individual experiences which the eqality of genders, but not in tradicional feminist fight? that esencial or unapartable for don't know the division beween the way that differences are not complete liberation of mankind, "man" and "woman". There are no considered and treated an On the very beginning we have or in better words the owerall "man" and "women" differences unequalityes. When ever there is a to clear the concept of matriarchy liberation. Feminism is treated and experiences, these are just mass of women that don't realize that has two interpretations: I) secundary. Maybe '; the best two unexisting chathegories the repression commited on them, some think that matriarchy is the example of that is that this is our which are culturologicaly when ever there are not the same social form in which women are first interview of this kind in influenced. They are bringing us rights and choices for man and superior to men because of several years, and a good view on as so low as sex and it's purpose women in every part of life, when women ability of giving birth, and how many space is given for this and role, not letting us to ever there is everyday man 2) the social form that bases on questiones in the anarchist experience ourselves as subjects agression (from rejecting to far different principles of male literature. We think that (through in constant creating. domestic violence and rape), principles of domination. If we the zines, interviews, and through when ever there is children consider that problem in first the lyrics Of anarchist bands) is It secmes to me that I have education based on certain forms, sense, the problem is basicly in not given enough attentione on read in some anarchofeminist when ever is being different the rivers discrimaination and real problems, their solution and materials about the demands of unacceptable... that fight must turning the center of power. The education of both sex. The most complete feminisation of society continue. And the list is very long. root of the problem lies in usual attitude is that consenting (and by that the anarchist The thing is in the most complete, aspiration for ruling and power these questions is a "female job" movement). What would exactly the most liberated path to and not on eqality, and in fact and rarely any kind of iniciative that feminisation mean? suficient realisation of that goal. represents the tyranius system and come from guys/men. There, If you ask me, the liberation promotes ideas of patriarchy in where any kind of questioning I think that it's about the must simultaniously crash the other gender. If we take it in a concerning of these problems principles of cooperaton, authoritorian system on the different sense, it doesn't exist, also exists a dosage of levity understanding, sensibility and political and capitalist system on represent a problem, but positive and unacceptability between male comunication, that are different the economical level, than the way of acting trough virtues that population. The liberation of from the principles of authority, common nucleus of man and brings with them cooperation and women is not considered also as a domination and contest and other woman will rise. All other 1 see as mutual respect. By that sense it liberation of men, other words it's stuff characteristic for patriarchy. a half way of a struggle. Your represents a non-violent culture a common fight for liberation, But precondition for that is observation is correct, but we and way of life in which women liberation from imposed roles, demanding for more sensibility partially dissagree. Your attitude are appreciated as "donors of life" unfreedom and lies. It's not for "women questions", which is is partialy antropocentrical, but and kind of embodiment of nature recognised as an oportunnity to mostly neglected and ignored. we think that together with and it's harmony. get real acquainted and to realy abolishing hierarchies explore our own possibilityes You did a lot of workshops in

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 18

which you (ought women some were dipendant on culture, "man" jobs (fixing bikes, DJ- climate and specifical conditions Ex-Yugoslavian Anarchist Meeting ing, printing T-shirts, patches, that are the everyday part of their at Zeelenkovac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) CALL FOR etc.) What was the response of life. For that reason we did these the participants? workshops, so we could crash the The ecological village Zelenkovac is the site where more than four ANA! prejudice that women don't know years ago the first formal meeting of the anarchists of the former or can't do the technical stuff, at Yes, the workshops were Yugoslavia was held. Bosnia and Herzegovina was selected for that 1 CONCEPT: Thi I exhibition, inforn organised at weekends, nine least not so good as men, so we purpose because of its geographical position, as well as for its symbolical weekends in a role, and they were could move and incurage girls to i exchange. It will ti significance, Bosnia and Herzegovina being considered as "little j Ukraine, Roman mostly conducted by volunteers. fight these prejudice. Yugoslavia". That first meeting attracted a lot of people - it is recorded The response and the engagement • Croatia - perhaps that almost a hundred individuals from all around the former Yugoslavia > summer/ early fal at the workshops was very Did you do some presentation participated in the meeting. However, unfavorable meteorological ! through cities whe positive. At some workshops the in other places? conditions, as well as the great number of ill-informed attendees | local anarchists ani response was bigger, the average prevented deployment of any constructive effort in some meaningful I and the idea is to number of participators was from There was one presentation in extent. But, excellent ties established then on the personal level enabled I meetings and e 15 to 20, on some less. On lot of Bjelovar for the Women' more profound fusion and the functioning of our movement. j experiences. Anarc them boys participated also. day 2000. The response was good Four years later, the movement gathered together again in order to ' activity from man) > and magazines wh but there was no time to discuss summarize, in some way, the results of its work in the period that went ' or given away a In general how do you look on all the questions that opened. by, and to lay foundations of closer collaboration and straighten the | particularly intere: these divisions "man" vs. There was another try for the relationships of various anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist organizations, I international even "woman". In your opinion what presentation "Women and media" groups and individuals from the area of the former Yugoslavia. This time I such exchanges ha' are the differences between man in Sibenik, but unfortunatly it the meeting gathered smaller quantum of people - between 35 and 40 j LOGISTICS: Eith and woman? didn't realised. comrades from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and • 2) or bus. Participa Montenegro and Macedonia were present. Besides the cases of comrades > least 4 - upwards ti These divisions are based on Do you know of any initiative who took part in the event independently, the members of several ! can join in any seg learned gender roles that to form these kind of group in organizations participated in the meeting: The Social-anarchist ] space. We would li come from education and pressure other parts of Croatia? Federation (Slovenia), AnFema (Croatia), Anti-static collective (B and j people. Optimally, I people join for 2 of society, in short, they are the H), The Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative (S and M), The Federation of the j people have alreac result of indocrination. We think Unfortunatly as far as we know anarchists internationalists (S and M) and DIY-collective (Macedonia). • hosting. Language that differences come from - there is no. There was a group of Contrary to the previous meeting, this time most of the attendees > on the Russia - society (education, way of girls in Slavonski Brod, that had actively participated and gave a thorough contribution to the discussions ! instruction can be ir different encuragment, social some iniciative, like spreading that were going on. Several comrades from Italy, USA and France were I expect the Russi: norms and other system tools), leaflets, but as we know, there is present at meeting in the status of the observers. I slightly longer th. and because of all these factors noting in sence of organisation Topics elaborated during the meeting were: the attitude of the ] Serbia-Croatia segi man in general seek for there so far. anarchist movement toward the NGO sector, the privatization on the I on future declared it ' prepared to pay thei domination and authority more, space of the former Yugoslavia, concrete joint actions, pornography, . travel to the point \ visas (if needed) bu they long to agression and they Arc there some organisations "personal stuff' (gender, sexuality and links within Our communities and respective political activities) and "Why primitivism is not use force more than women. On that influenced you (Mujeres j and materials will I the other hand, women are Libres, Crvene Zore) and from anarchism?". The most attended discussions were first two from the list I first meeting will tx encuraged to be obedient, tidy and which you are inspired? and they led to the common conclusions. Apart from the mentioned past 5 January to discuss laborious, so defining these experiences with the NGO sector and the common conclusion regarding j segment; other meei stereotypes, that play the big part There is a group that realy the self-evident necessity of the distancing of our movement from the so HOW PEOPLE C in integration in society, provokes influenced us with it's work, and called non-governmental sector (in rare circumstances where that > To join the tour as 1 enough to volunteei negligence and unexception. it's an anarhofeminist group from division hadn't arisen yet spontaneously), the talk about the privatization J would like travellei Primarily we are defined by Prague called "8. Brezna", but also showed almost identical experiences of the comrades from the entire Yugoslavia. In that sense wee agreed on producing and issuing of I project, so ideally ourselves. "Male" and "female" mostly that are the individuals that the common pamphlet containing the analysis of the process of the | commit a little tim< are simplifying chategories of influenced us with their work, or j host the bus in yi privatization in the former Yugoslavia and representing the anarchist human relationships, with gole of some of them with their opinions, j prepared to rece answer to the gruesome mass pillage of the socialist economies. Besides developing a better controle over characters and experience. We > announcements/post the common pamphlet to be distributed and presented in parallel human lives, making the society also draw a lot of experience from ! organize meeting throughout all former republics of Socialist Federative Republic of normed shapes of behauvior the fact that there are a lot of other 1 travellers. We are Yugoslavia, we attained the agreement on the concrete collaboration in I vehicles but of con whose needs and relationships individuals and groups like this the course of producing other propaganda material - the common I persons with vehicle: will be institutionalised, that exist all around the world, and internet archive will be launched thus making accessible drafts of the | this project, we als< developing on that way an that they act every day. leaflets and pamphlets to be distributed in the future on the part of the : funds, so benefits addiction for system and given groups/organizations interested for such actions. The selection of the > welcome. You can ] chategories. These differences What are Anfema's plans for site proper for the next Balkan bookfair of anarchist publications - it is . from the comfort of | by donating inform between man and women are the future? agreed that it is supposed to take place during the march or April of the I publications, exhibit! basic part of human socialisation. forthcoming year. -\e feeling that the participants went back to their homes with is that Biological differences between We are planning to do an ) on. What people de. j basis for the exchang man and women are not a english version of our web site the movement made substantial progress in this past four years. The | language skills can ai determinal factor of difference (www.anfema.tk), with all our movement undoubtedly reached certain maturity and the laborious task materials such as vidi between sexes, as also the materials, contacts and of surmounting the obstacles in the struggle for freedom is yet before us. ! IDEAS ARE WELG antropological studiyes of man information so far. After we did The gravity of the situation which we as libertarians are confronted is ! AND SPREAD Al and women relationships all over presentations and discussions on obvious - this type of meetings will help our struggle not to become j COLLECTION WIL the world show (wich are from topics of women and media and isolated and will advance the overcoming of the deep wounds afflicted i HERE ON AFTER! culture to culture so different) that trafficing of women, we're by the numerous war conflagrations, in the insistent march towards the j WILL MAKE IT 0V] [ GUARANTEED TO 1 you couldn't create an universal planning to translate new material achievement of our goal - Anarchy. EVER! * Meaning w rule about man and women about pornography, and to make a To conclude, we would like to tank the comrades from Slovenia, , Get your minds off se differences, that is, the characters presentation in autumn. Thanx for France and USA for providing the financial sustaining for this meeting of only one sex. All that roles the space for this interview! by their activities.

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Announcements


Anarchist video-collective AK KRAAK from Berlin presents its documentaries related to East-European PROJECT topics. "Borderline - SouthEast Europe" (english, 59 min, 2004) Roadmovie about EU, border CONCEPT: The bus will be a mobile problematics, and social-political situation in various EE countries. "Perspectives beyond the borders" exhibition, information resoure and activist (german/english, 20 min, 2002) The anti-border camp on polish eastern borders - Wyzajny'02. About I exchange. It will travel through parts of Russia, camp-activities and reality of local community. "Brussels - will not be our capital" (english/german, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and 30 min, 2002) About squatting, libertarian and anarchist activities of groups and persons in Wroclaw and • Croatia - perhaps in several segments - in late other polish cities For more info, contact and distribution: www.akkraak.squat.net ; summer/ early fall 2005. The bus will travel [email protected] We are also interested in exchanging video-material, especialy with anarchist through cities where there are small groups of video-activists from Eastern Europe. | local anarchists and/or radical workers' activists and the idea is to meet people, arrange public meetings and exchange information and ANARCHIST PUBLICATIONS FROM ROMANIA j experiences. Anarchy Bus can carry: exhibits of Revolta! newsletter way of thinking or tipe of music, and the topics will activity from many regions; video films; books has one year of existence. not be related only to music. The politic of the group and magazines which can be displayed, traded will be simple: we won't tolerate fascist, racist, Revolta! is a bi-monthly newsleter concerned or given away at different stops. We are nationalist, sexist or homophobic ideas or remarcs. mostly with anarchist and anarcho-punk issues. particularly interested in creating a type of The language of the zine is only romanian. Still Gulga Neagra / Black Hood Distro international event/exchange in areas where anyone interested in sending reports, articles or Help neded to publish a book! such exchanges have not taken place. suggestions they can get in touch and help (in Gluga Neagra wants to publish a book! Help LOGISTICS: Either a caravan of vans (at least english or french). Altough a lot of the work is needed. The broshure "Anarchism Violence Non- 2) or bus. Participants at any time should be at done by a single editor, it is important to notice violence" written by Xavier Bekaert from least 4 - upwards to as many interested. People that for the last issues more people have Belgium, we think, is a nice anthology of ! can join in any segment, provided there will be participated with ideas and articles, thing which space. We would like an international group of anarchism in conection with non-violence and gives us hope for a better future. The bad points violence. Also it presents the life and ideas of I people. Optimally, we would like to see a few would still be the bad distribution, and lack of many anarchists of the past. Volunteers of people join for 2-3 week segments. A few funds for publishing.Contact: GlugaNeagra have translated already the whole people have already committed to travel and [email protected] book. We think is important to publish the book as hosting. Language abilities are not required but there is no real book (even a short one) about on the Russia - Ukraine segment, Russian Other Romanian anarchist publications: URA, instruction can be integrated into the project. We Love Kills (Craiova) - [email protected], anarchism in Romania, except 2-3 crap university BUM (Bacau) [email protected] studies and 2-3 editions of Bakunins God&State. 1 expect the Russia-Ukraine segment to be We look for people whocould help us with printing '• slightly longer than the Romania-Bulgaria- List of discussion for anarchist/ of this brochure. Serbia-Croatia segment although this depends alternative people in romanian j on future declared interest. Participant should be Since 7 months now the mail discussion list Active- Romanian Indymedia • prepared to pay their own expenses for food and Underground is working. The list includes There was recently a big misunderstanding and . travel to the point where they join the bus plus people from many cities in Romania and also from that was present also in the previous issue of ABB. ; visas (if needed) but other expenses such as gas abroad. The list is an atempt to revitalize what one THE ADDRESS OF INDYMEDIA ROMANIA j and materials will be covered by the project. A can call the Underground Movement from Romania. IS NOT: I first meeting will be held in Russia at the end of Bellow the presentation. www.imc-romania.tk 1 January to discuss the logistics of the first This list is dedicated to the underground / | segment; other meetings are to be announced. independent / etc. Scene and to the discussions THE ADDRESS OF HOW PEOPLE CAN HELP/PARTICIPATE: about concerts, festivals, exhibitions, web sites, INDYMEDIA ROMANIA IS: To join the tour as a travelling comrade, it is actions, protests etc. It is not dedicated to a strict romania.indymedia.org ! enough to volunteer. Please be aware that we ' would like travellers to be organizers of the project, so ideally we would like people to BELARUSIAN ANARCHISM ONLINE commit a little time to organizing events. To www.anarchistory.boom.ru ANARCHY IS... This is an outline of basic host the bus in your town, you should be This site is a web-support of the publishing ideas of anarchism, which were drawn up prepared to receive the bus, distribute initiative "Padrucznik Rewalucyjanera" ("A andprinted as a booklet of FAB in 2001. The ; announcements/posters locally and preferably Revolutionary's Manual") which has been realised booklet in Belarusian can be downloaded in the ; organize meeting and sleeping places for by activists of the Belarusian Federation of PDF format. travellers. We are researching options for Anarchists (FAB) since 2000. Here there will be put ANARCHY IN BY: THE ANARCHIST .' vehicles but of course it would be better if works on basic principles of anarchism, history of MOVEMENT IN BELARUS. This work, devoted ] persons with vehicles and drivers join. To fulfill anarchist movement, theorists of modern anarchism to the I Oth anniversary of the Belarusian this project, we also will need some modest and so forth being published within the limits of the Federation of Anarchists, tells about origin and funds, so benefits and donations would be project. The aim of the project is an anarchist development of the modem anarchist movement in welcome. You can participate in this project "campaign against illiteracy" because the Belarus from 1970s till present days. The brochure . from the comfort of your own home / information, which is put on this site, has rather in all proposed languages can be downloaded in • ' by donating information about your group, basic than propagandist character. For the beginning the PDF format. ] publications, exhibitions, posters, videos and so we present you some works which has been already THE CONSTITUENT DOCUMENTS OF J i on. What people decide to share will be the published in Belarus. The majority of them are going FAB. These are programme and organisational j basis for the exchange! People with appropriate to be distributed in the PDF format free of charge principles of FAB which were formulated in 1992- • language skills can also help to localise certain through the Internet for independent printing. 93 and became a basis of the anarchist movement' • materials such as videos. THE SHORT HISTORY OF ANARCHISM. development in subsequent years. These ! IDEAS ARE WELCOME! JOIN THE TOUR This brochure, printed in 2000, is a distinctive documents were published only once before in the ! AND SPREAD ANARCHY! MATERIAL primer on history of origin and development of newspaper Anarchia No 1 in 1993 but they are not .' i COLLECTION WILL TAKE PLACE FROM anarchism as an independent ideological tendency of historical interests only. i HERE ON AFTER! SEND US WHATEVER in the international revolutionary movement. It COMING SOON ! THE HYMN OF FAB. j WILL MAKE IT OVER THE BORDER! describes the period from the XlXth century till "Black colours..." is also known as a drinking-song GUARANTEED TO BE THE HOTTEST BUS the beginning of the IHrd millennium. The of Belarusian anarchists. If you have remarks and j EVER! * Meaning we do not guarantee A/C. brochure printed in Belarusian can be ordered via propositions or want to contact FAB activists, ! Get your minds off sex and rioting! e-mail: [email protected] please connect: [email protected].

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Bosnia & Herzegovina Abolishing the Borders from Below page 20 page 21

I don't know exactly, but all it was our banners ("International still from this period we have other (so very symbolic - and this What were the 01 mostly connected to DIY punk Monetary Fascism", against consequences, which are still going symbolic was recognized by many have organized la! scene. When war started, all of these capitalism, etc.), and flags. We had on now... In this time they started people who supported us in this politically conscious ones which clear radical political message and recording us on video, following us, project). It was for me personally We organized sevei been old enough, escaped the people been amazed. Most of them etc. and now before any bigger event like total deafeat - you believe in with country to avoid the draft. New are 40-60 years old, employed only is going to be in Mostar, they follow something, working for this 24hours objectors/antimilitE generation was raised in times of on paper as they factories don't us carefully. On 1st May 2003 we a day and then see it falling worst Bombs" during last extreme violence and extreme function any more, they are made here demonstration under possible way. So after this some of Luka and Prijedc nationalism, which are socially considered by system useless and slogan "Everybody has right for us left this structure and start to do successful, we ma accepted. Myself I was 15 at the war they feel such. They thanked us roof over their head". It was first other things. Sarajevo and tto start, just getting into punk, but not from microphone. Protest itself self-organized demonstration here, because so many having chance to discover political didn't bring nothing, typically first time since decades or maybe How you were involved in this they are not asha issues really. So during the war, unions started negotiations, calmed ever in Bosnia which is not made by structures? speak with us, ot people like me declared ourselves as situation and nothing was changed. political party, unions or such. It much smaller Most communists because it was only But for us it was great experience. was also very first time when people Especially, I think it is best example attended by at least thing we knew and remember saying how NGO's are incorporated in we cannot ge' more or less that all people are go together. It was official policy of the country and supermarkets, beca equal. After the war we started some 100 people, which role they are actually expired or old foi slowly with following bands and which for our playing... NGO isn't something what Also on the mark< fanzines from other countries or situation is great. We is created from grassroots. Here, rotten food, so they other parts of ex-Yugoslavia, was cheered by they came from the west, after the give us. So alwa1 discovering anarchism, and then, people, they waved, war. It was money, some funds, so money among out spontaneously in 2 parts of country: some cried moved by people here realise it is chance, take it from some < in Banja Luka and in Mostar, groups our protest. This gave created some phony NGO's for eg. these conscious been created. We started in Banja us lot of energy, after human rights, women rights, which had idea of Luka with street actions, giving we was working for interethnical contacts, etc. They have stuff so they payed flyers, making posters, writing months, planning enormous budget, but is mainly one made together pi graffitti. First time we was present different things, we person +one computer in one office, exhibition, but als> on the streets in 1st May of '97 was inspired, we "working" on some never realised our own material! distributing flyers, which explained thought that we hold projects. Some of us was involved in have clearly define anarchist tradition of this day from world in our hands... such a project. As you know in anarchist and want 1886 (as in communist times it was During summer 2003 country during a war no opposition country only aroui pure senseless ritual called "holiday we made another is allowed, and especially in our case times we had to « of Work", where you have free for 2 march, now against only thing which wasn't political mostly NGO's.Thei days, go picnic to drink and kill the xenophoby, connected party, but had some kind of structure really: students are pig or lamb, etc.), and on other side to violent incidents, was NGO. So these few young probably most we showed current situation for asusually in the night people which aren't nationalist think: depoliticized part workers, which is unbearable, foreigners are robbed "Why not! We will work for social radical and consci because as WB and IMF started or beaten, as they change, meet similar progressive the pensioners, whi control, first thing they striked at In that same time there started seem easy target. At this march we people of different nationalities ..." They had been sir was welfare, then workers rights or another group of people in Mostar, got attacked by local footbal and so on. In fact yet, these NGO's system which had a way of organizing trade unions. It with posters, with great social and hooligans, which threw stones at us. never changed anything. NEVER. In -solidarity, support was our first actions, so we were ecological approach.,eg. they made Few of us went after them, but some BiH was probably more billions collectivity and the; kind of shy and had totally no idea campaign of borrowing Christmas other people tried to make spend for NGO sector then school, so they knw how will be reaction of the people. trees in the pots to the people, so demonstration go on, what would somewhere else. Since 12 years no world and local pc Also in this time we didn't had any after the trees been replanted. Also cause bigger problem for us. This any result is visible. During a war, all this young contacts with similar thinking they had done lot of artistic stuflf, showed also some unbridgable you though, that you never see sea generation brou) people in Croatia or Serbia, we just paintings, instalations, using differences between us and some of again, or never have normal life and nationalism, they slowly builded these contacts recycled materials. We got in touch people we worked with (mainly then somebody offers you a forget all but all c afterwards. Firstly we just managed with them, then I moved here. Last connected with NGO's). This time videoworkshop or you can use the and the youngest to order some books or fanzines by year we started here in March with we got big media attention, it was on computer, you think "It is great!". It religious educatio mail. Imagine, we were stucked for protests against war in Iraq. First every news countrywide for days, was like chance we didn't had before. muslim. Now this s1 few years here, listening only music thing was "Food not Bombs" action people started to see some hope So many people, including me got positive values of: from '80's and the world was going on 15th February. We made even in us, simply in a way "Look involved, did all this unpayed jobs old people wa: on everywhere ouside of Bosnia... announcement on the posters, and what young people can do if they for "social change". Yet it never sympathetic to us. Reactions of people then was great we was surprised for reaction: 400 organize!", etc. Yet maybe we took a turned the way, that you actually pensioners, which as for this tense post-war time. So, people attended, they expected us to bit too big bite... Most of people learned something, what you can self-organized alrr we had been encouraged to go on take them to American Consulate, which came to our protests or implement into your life - most of Parlament in Saraje with spraying, posters, flyers. Our but we decided to not take this applauded us, didn't had any clear people found it as way to have some with the police... E high point was when we managed to responsibility, as we didn't knew this political idea, they just thought it is small salary, quiet office job and they are simply old get 20 people to support strike of all kind of situation and we wasn't somehow cool... So, as we became relax. Every single whatever this moment we s^ trade unions in Banja Luka in 2001. strong group ourselves. When war spoken about, straight away US humanitarian organisation ended up crowds breaking We knew some of them, so we in Iraq started anarchists from Banja Embassy contacted NGO'ists which like this. Now BiH is far from focus lines). Yes! Farmers, prepare ourselves well. In their Luka and Prijedor came here also worked with us, they of international community, very the roads, they di strike they just demanded raising and for 5 days we protested every offered...support! Paddy Ashdown little money is coming so all these actions. On order c minimum wage from 68KM to 80 day in front of American Consulate offered to come, so they hold secret NGOist are fighting for their useless was recently made KM (ca.40 euro),etc. You must hanging banners, shouting slogans. meeting about which some people survival. This year Soros Fundation import agriculture p remember that these people, after It was around 10 of us. We went all like me wasn't even informed, and gave money for free speech projects, will be bigger even i war are totally scared and don't over the city shouting slogans, they accepted cooperation and his so immediately every organisation in as industry is compl believe in themselves, so they never speaking through megaphone as our visit. Disgusting racist neoliberal! this country makes project on free agriculture was li threat the bosses and their demands idea was to bring this war to the They took him to the place, which speech. Next year it will be gender people to survive .. are minimal, just appealing to streets and people appreciated us we were trying to get, named after issue... They don't work for change, conscience, but of course bosses much, as they know here what war revolutionary communist Roma they don't work with real people, it is Did except of th: never listen. Anyway, we came with means. So I think we succeed, but poet from Macedonia:"Abrasevic" only for money. Banja Luka and

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What were the other actions you nothing somewhere else our president!", flaming nationalist money for them. Also, in generally we have organized last years? happening as political alternative speeches are starting, crowd goes in learn to work on land as we all been since the war? direction american comsulate, raised in the cities. We got in touch We organized several times together throwing stones, then british with people from Zagreb doing with conscious No. It was only few tries, but only of consulate gets destroyed, computers similar things, so we learn about objectors/antimilitarists "Food not creating socialist or communist are flying out of windows, everything alternative sources of energy, build Bombs" during last 3 years. In Banja groups, but during war it was such is trashed, but is hard to say that it DIY solar panels, etc. Few kilometers Luka and Prijedor it was very an anticommunist hysteria, that they was spontaneous, they have people from town we have started successful, we made it 4 times in didn't had chance at all. They all which know what to do ... permaculture garden and we borrow Sarajevo and there was great, failed. in another place piece of land and we because so many poor people and How all this social hate was grow some food and give to this they are not ashamed to eat and How came this recent wave of builded, eg. in Mostar? people. Yes, it has not really political speak with us, otherwise than in criminalization in Mostar? character, but through all this years much smaller Mostar. Always it was Mostar was town with highest number number of people involved rather attended by at least 200 people. Here Ok, so after this NGO structure of mixed marriages, even in decreased than increased. So, we had we cannot get food from accepted visit of Paddy Ashdown and communist times it was called "Crveni to at least for some time to feel that supermarkets, because they sell also cooperation with OHR in October Grad" (Red Town). Entire population there are some results, grow food, give expired or old food, just cheaper. last year, we immediately made some is just 10000. When war started media it for free for those that need... Also on the markets they just sell graffitti around like "OHR - Office of played biggest role, and also through rotten food, so they didn't wanted to Racism and Hate", etc., so NGOists, blowing up the bridges it was So,what you think are give us. So always we collected which you have to rememmber has physically divided, but also because perspectives for this few money among ourselves or try to been for longer our friends gave our real bloodshed occurred people anarchists in Bosnia? take it from some organisation, like names to the security organs. So remember and hate each other, so the eg. these conscious objectors group, firstly we had been observed and borders are in minds. The worst can Because we are so few, it is senseless which had idea of promoting their followed by people from US still come, because you have now to hold on some collectives. I think it stuff so they payed for food, and we Consulate, their intelligence service: youngest generation, which was would be good to build one structure made together performance and we know their cars, we have borned, raised and lives in only one for whole country, some good exhibition, but also we distributed numbers, etc. And now in July there part of town and NEVER went to organized group and it is possible as our own materials. People which was this big prestigious ceremony of other part even. This is what they are we know each other through years. have clearly defined their views as opening old bridge, symbolic for teached. Local croat TV shows only We are experienced in propaganda anarchist and want to act are in our Mostar, so they went crazy days Christian part of town,like half of and street presence, graffitti, stencils, country only around 10. So many before it happened. Millions has been postcard, you have 2 separate bus we can communicate well with times we had to work with others, spent only on security, which was stations with buses going in that same people on the street. We could easily mostly NGO's.There is nothing else absurd as never nothing happened directions, till this year 2 municipality organize to coordinate better our really: students are losted, they are here seriously. So to justify these buildings... They do not perceive it as actions through country, so this will probably most stupid and measures, they declared, that "there their town, but their town and the be next step. As for our situation most depoliticized part of society. Most are certain information about OTHER one. And all trauma: you we can do is propaganda, as we are so radical and conscious are actually terrorist attack to be planned". So for grew up together, went to school few. I don't know how elsewhere, but the pensioners, which are oldest too. few days around 200 (!!!) people was played, loved and one day you shoot at here it means nothing if we only They had been simply a raised in arrested from Mostar and me... In this situations who comes bullshit about theory, we have to system which had at least real values surroundings, nobody knew why like hyenas are religious fractions show something to the people. So -solidarity, support to each other, these and not others, and nobody from both sides. You see: higher and like giving food on the streets and collectivity and they had marxism at dares to complain about it. Some of higher churches, newer and newer explaining people why they don't school, so they know and understand us felt it and left the city for a while. mosques... They are stronger and have it and who's responsible is world and local politics more than Of course most of the money that stronger on both sides organizing understood and aprreciated and our all this young idiots. Middle came to BiH for "reconstruction" of lectures, activities: islamic fashion clear political messege is seriously generation brought war and the country went to modernize police show for women with head-scarfes, taken and respected. For example nationalism, they just wanted to forces, so they have newest riot cops and on this side something against recently we supported pensioners forget all but all communist times equipment directly from US. Yet only rock-music and satanism. protest here in Mostar, we came with and the youngest ones have just riot happened was nationalist one in fruits and tea. And immediately we religious education, Christian or Banja Luka, in 2001 when first What kind of activities are you had great contact, they distributed muslim. Now this system has no any mosque after war was builded - they now involved in? our flyers. Just because this little positive values of any sort. So this burned buses with which muslims table with fruits became point of old people was always most came for opening ceremony, killed Near here is refugee camp of people communication. So we will go on sympathetic to us. Also last year one and injured many. Some was from mixed marriages from Kosovo, but in better coordinated way... pensioners, which are mostly well arrested but nobody really charged, some 40 people self-organized almost broke into because I said again, those kind of (where situation is | Parlament in Sarajevo, they clashed violence is socially tolerated. You can even worse), so they | with the police... But unfortunately get killed for nothing on the street applied here for they are simply old and weak... (in and nobody will even turn their head, asylum in '99, but this moment we see on TV some this how scared people are... Only they are basically crowds breaking through police another thing was also nationalist starving and lines). Yes! Farmers. They blockaded one, even if it started other way: in nobody wants them, the roads, they do a lot of this March'99 students in Banja Luka (but they lived in actions. On order of IMF contracts on smaller scale in other towns too), closed camp. One was recently made with Croatia to have gathered in main squares, well guy was walking import agriculture products and this organized, put sound systems with from house to will be bigger even disaster, because alternative music on, etc.So it started house begging for as industry is completelly destroyed, quite positive energy, anti-war kind food and clothes, so agriculture was last chance for of thing, yet suddenly former this how we got in people to survive ... president, which was from SRS and touch with them. had been taken off by OHR, joins the Some clothes we Did except of this activities in protest together with his bodyguards, helped to collect, Banja Luka and Mostar was so many starts to cheer him "You are sometimes little

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crucial for realisation of the project. Actually purpose of the regional powers have already wasted lions share interest of the of the money given 7 years ago already, and conducted resea currently social budget has to be shrunken in objective as pos: order to have project finally realised and not to under cover of In: have Americans asking to whose pocket this Academy of Scier money ended up back then. Money is channelled Research • through transnational Washington Group altogether 1200 p International (http://www.wgint.com/). They are answered negative a huge corporation, operating in more than 30 heard about missi countries with 26000 employers. American refused to answer Congressman Richard Lugar himself visited questioned. On] Perm last autumn. answered positive! An unofficial environmental impact assessment favour of pol by NGO's and scientists was done Distribution of s< to one of the 7 objects which are included to pretty well with project, a corpus for heat neutralising of solid population, only waste was examined. Experts from Perm and all represented (8.1% over Russia considered this object extremely general populatioi dangerous and appealed against its construction - the questions we however, construction is still going on. Company questions tend claims construction has been halted, but local respondents less tl people have reported that everything is following Research in schedule. awareness of I Soon after finishing first expertise, officials dismantling, on an realised that doing bogus environmental impact dismantling, on assessments would be a better alternative than problems of the giving ecologists free hands to do their awareness abo Radical Ecological expertises. So in April, ecologists learned that a organisations ai more important part of the project, store of participate to prot missiles waiting to be dismantled was made and inhabitants, wh( environmental impact assessment with complex where di Protest Campaign conclusions to give green light for the to be organised construction. This expertise was done in consciously ov Moscow, by specialists who were less qualified research, but t in Perm of Russia than those who did the first one. After big dismantling in ge difficulties, ecologists managed to receive from main popul documentation of the latter "expertise", and were more aware countless mistakes make it illegal and invalid. their opinions m This "assessment" did not even included analyse some of the few, Chronology of Actions on possible risks to surrounding environment, for from the projec example in case of a missile fuel explosion themselves. 63.2 dangerous object is planned to be located right during time of storage. inhabitants positiv 20th of August protest camp in Perm into 100 000 inhabitant suburb of a city with Dismantling missiles having solid fuel happens from rest of the Pel will close its 7th week, and is still going more than one million inhabitants! Officially, no in temperature of 3500 degrees of Celsius, suburb was built to strong. Although few people may stay one admits that project in Perm will replace according to Russian and American specialists factories, and m Votkinsk project, which is currently freezed. In poisonous dioxins will form in cooling stream of experience from d in camp more than few days or one practice, missiles planned to be dismantled in gas during the process. Even smallest doses of produces ballistic i week, every day there have been 20-30 Perm are those, which were planned to be dioxins are poisonous; they easily accumulate in are currently burm participators in the camp. Goal of the dismantled in Votkinsk. Actually this is already food chain, hurt embryos and cause cancer. They 78.6% answere protest camp is a total revoke of 3rd round of the fight, Votkinsk factory was are chemically stable, and stay lethally dangerous dismantling is "n criminal program to utilise rocket originally planned to be located to Perm, but in during several decades. Technology for a 13.1% answered tr completely safe utilisation of missile engines only 5% considere< engines and their fuel in Perm. Protest late nineties these plans had to be cancelled due to local protests! using solid fuels just does not exist. positive". 82.6% camp will last until decisive victory, or PGUP Perm Factory Mashinostroitel has been Perm project was already once halted, in end dismantling as har at least until beginning of the given a license to be leading company in Russia of the nineties governor of Perm oblast Yuri not harmful), 78.8 September. in field of dismantling missiles using solid fuel, Trutnev promised not to build facility, fulfilling harmful to health I most importantly SS-22 "Scalpel" missiles which one of his main election promises. However in believed that di: have flight radius of 10 000 kilometres and each spring of 2004 Trutnev got invited to second workplaces (30.00/ Background of the problem of which may carry 20 nuclear warheads of 550 government of Putin, in exchange he has kept 19.9% believed tl kilotons (46 times Hiroshima bomb). Missiles to silence about process since then. In Perm, project will help t( be dismantled do not have nuclear warheads Trutnev was replaced by Oleg Chirkunov, who city (45.8% did In accordance with international disarmament anymore, and although missile corpuses are also has powers of governor until next elections. Inhabitants of Zak treaties, Russia has to build certain amount of slightly radioactive main problem is the sceptical towards c factories to dismantle old missile engines and extremely poisonous fuel they are loaded with. the project than res their fuel, in practice this is done with American Research on attitudes of Perm They plan to build a site inside factory of S.M. When responde technology and money. Not that we have inhabitants to missile dismantling Kirov, which currently both builds and tests four possible answc anything against disarmament, but this must be engines of strategic missiles. Mashinostroitel next claims best c done taking into account health and welfare of Already during first two weeks of June decided to fulfil its task with means of anti- towards dismantlii local people, which currently seem to have no anarchists conducted a research on attitudes of ecological direct action, considering necessary answered "it is nee any value whatsoever to military-industrial Perm inhabitants towards missile dismantling permissions and environmental impact even if this has complex. 3 years ago in Votkinsk, they failed in project. This was first ever, somewhat assessments as a waste of time. inhabitants", 37.80/ an attempt, to build missile dismantling plant 8 experimental attempt in former Soviet Union to American funding, given in the framework of should be started kilometres from a city with 100 000 inhabitants, put a radical ecological protest campaign on 13-year-old Lugar-Nunn legislation is very technologies to this time, according to plans, a similar extremely "scientific foundation". Besides curiosity,

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below

purpose of the research was also to attract "dismantling should be moved to a safe distance in centre of Zakamsk, in order to raise awareness interest of the media. Although anarchists from Perm" and 4.6% answered "let them do about the problem and to gather food and money conducted research, it attempted to be as what they want, 1 do not care". donations for the camp. Due to donations, there objective as possible and was formally done According to research, 28% of the respondents has not yet been need to buy food for the camp. under cover of institute of Sociology of Russian considered "bad roads" to be among three most During first two weeks of the camp, activists of Academy of Sciences. urgent problems of the city, followed by Russian indymedia and indyvideo also visited Research was conducted by telephone; "ecological problems" (25%), "dirt and trashes in the camp; perm.indymedia.org is result of their altogether 1200 people were called. Those who the streets" (14.9%), "low quality, high costs of efforts. Hopefully local activists will further answered negatively to first question "Have you municipal services" (13.6%), "unemployment" maintain it. Indymedia activists also organised heard about missile dismantling in Zakamsk", or (13.4%), bad transport system (12.6%), "social- movie screenings and training on video activism. refused to answer to question, were not further economical problems, low quality of life" In the beginning, camp faced almost no questioned. Only 397 among questioned (12.1%) and "crime" (11.3%). Altogether people repression, only few calls by municipal officials answered positively, which for sure gave a bias in named 98 different. During last 15 years, (sometimes presenting themselves as outdoor favour of politically conscious people. ecological problems have been among main advertisement agencies or anonymous) Distribution of social status among sample fit catalysts of social movements and according to demanding to clean area from posters inviting pretty well with characteristics of the general this research, they still have not lost their inhabitants to meetings of 9th July and 16th of population, only students were strongly over- relevance among minds of the public. July. 5th of July Vladimir Anatolevich represented (8.1% among questioned, whereas in Although 46.9% of Perm inhabitants Lukyanenko from municipal administration general population they are only 4.6%). Most of announced that they have heard about activities threated to halt electricity, water and gas supply the questions were open, since open of the camp unless posters are questions tend to manipulate Illlllil removed, not figuring out that camp respondents less than closed ones. has not electricity, water or gas supply Research involved questions on in the first place. Soldiers also visited awareness of people on missile camp during first days. 6th of dismantling, on attitude towards missile July vice-chief of State Administration dismantling, on priorising different of Nature Resources of Perm oblast problems of the city in general, on Dmitry Klein finally agreed to pass to awareness about activities of campaigners documents about organisations and willingness to decision to halt construction of closed participate to protest actions. Zakamsk burning rack for dismantling missiles, inhabitants, where Kirov factory which should be accompanied with complex where dismantling is planned stove and storage for hazardous waste. to be organised is located, were This was after 5 months of struggle consciously over-represented in and threats to sue Klein to court. research, but their attitudes on According to oral statements of dismantling in general did not differ !ll;| anonymous supporters of protesters from main population although they ;;1 ;:i| who are working inside Kirov factory were more aware of the project and complex, construction of these objects their opinions more polarized. This because of ecological movement, only 4.5% could name is still going on, and as a matter of fact burning some of the few, who will benefit financially some ecological organisations. Most known was rack is almost finished already. Since Kirov from the project, are living in Zakamsk local Anarcho-Ecological Resistance (8 persons, factory complex is a high-security military themselves. 63.2% of the called Zakamsk 2%), followed by abstract "greens" (4 persons) object, no participator of campaign has ever been inhabitants positively to first question, whereas and "anarchists" (2 persons), several NGO's allowed to check if decisions of Administration from rest of the Perm only 24%. Whole Zakamsk were named by individual persons. 52.4% of Nature Resources are followed, and struggle suburb was built to serve Kirov and neighbouring answered that they would like to participate to for access to information is as crucial as the factories, and many people have first-hand protest campaign against missile dismantling, question about missile dismantling in general. experience from dismantling, since factory still but among them 39.9% could not specify their These documents have been scanned and produces ballistic missiles and those with defects preferred form of action. 33.8% preferred uploaded to Perm campaign indymedia, are currently burned inside factory. participation to a demonstration, picket or a perm.indymedia. org. 78.6% answered that they attitude to missile meeting, 18.3% to subscribing a petition. All dismantling is "negative" or "very negative", respondents were asked if they could subscribe a Actions in Zakamsk and city centre 13.1% answered that their attitude is neutral and petition, 79.8% would have agreed and 9.8% only 5% considered project as "positive" or "very would have disagreed. 46.3% could have 9th of July, camp participators and 300 positive". 82.6% of respondents considered participated to a meeting, and 17.4% could have Zakamsk inhabitants gathered in front of movie dismantling as harmful to environment (4.5% as participated to a protest camp. theatre Ekran in centre of Zakamsk suburb, not harmful), 78.8% considered dismantling as agreeing to make an ultimatum to powers of all harmful to health (8.1% as not harmful), 37.5% First days of the protest camp levels. Speakers included ecological experts, believed that dismantling will create new inhabitants of Zakamsk suburb and former workplaces (30.0% believed that it won't) and Protest camp launched officially 2nd of July in workers of Mashinostroite! and Scientific 19.9% believed that financial gains from the Kirov district, where Zakamsk suburb is located. Institute of Polymeric Materials, both of whom project will help to solve social problems of the Camp was set up by Autonomous Action, are located inside Kirov factory complex and are city (45.8% did not accepted this claim). Anarcho-Ecological Resistance, Union for participating to missile dismantling project. Inhabitants of Zakamsk suburb were even more Chemical Safety and Yekaterinburg Movement Perm mayor Arkadi Kamenev and Oleg sceptical towards claims about positive effects of Against Violence. Soon members of Rainbow Chirkunov, which works as temporary Perm the project than rest of the inhabitants. Keepers who joined the camp decided that oblast governor now when Putin invited former When respondents were asked to choice from Rainbow Keepers should be listed among camp governor and formerly anti-missile Trutnev to be four possible answers to question "which among organisers as well. Camp is located next to huge minister of nature resources in his new cabinet, next claims best of all describes your attitude Kirov factory complex, in area where people were invited but they did not appear. towards dismantling of the missiles", 2.3% have public gardens, which are crucial for low- In case of refusal to fulfill ultimatum, that answered "it is necessary to dismantle rockets, income people to survive. Kirov factory is means, if governor of Perm oblast O. Chirkunov, even if this has negative effects to Perm surrounded with a wall and three rounds of governor of Perm A. Kamenev, directors of NPO inhabitants", 37.8% answered that "dismantling barbed wire, between which armed conscripts are Iskra, Mashinostroitel and Scientific Institute of should be started only when there are safe patrolling. Campers have a small picket during 5- Polymeric Materials do not give documents that technologies to do it", 53.9% answered 6 hours every day in front of movie theatre Ekran prove that project of deconstruction of solid fuel

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 24

dismantling project is to be and altogether police managed to arrest 15 activists to present realised. persons during the action. left conference ha Some 90 persons decided to march to Kirov Activists of the pro 16th of July area police station in order to support arrested see ongoing project Police moves comrades. On the way, a man drive by and environment and to offensive offered eggs to attack police in Kirov police participators was station. Soon it became obvious that guy was a continued action provocateur, and it was decided to cook eggs for 16th of July, anarchists and demanding his lit dinner (unfortunately a vegan option was not ecologists gathering 5 PM sentenced to 5 offered). Later on car of this "friend" was seen in at movie theatre Ekran had hooliganism". yard of the police station. only Permission for a 22nd of July a Colon supporting arrested comrades was met picket. Some 200 people, solid fuel rockets at by chain of 40 police guarding the station. most of whom Zakamsk Kirov factory becc Supporters waited until all of the participators inhabitants came to listen end of picket, pa were freed half past eight, but released were not what powers had to reply to disperse, but they given their passports, which is illegal. Adults ultimatum given in a half hour. Around 1 among arrested will face court 11 AM next meeting a week before. of them inhabitants Monday (19th of July), charge will be a ballistic missiles in Perm area is halted, Protest camp participators repeated performance, by project. Partici misdemeanour "violation of regulations participators of the protest camp declared that which had been organised at oblast spoke about late; concerning public mass actions", police is they will rely on more radical methods. administration two days before, and atmosphere mainstream media demanding short jail sentences of few days for Participators promised to wait reply until 16th of Participators of was cheerful. Since powers did not came with arrested. Activists learned from unofficial July. Meeting was finished with a non-legalised any answers, activists brought in a loudspeaker, scanned "Let us di sources that orders to arrest protest organisers march by streets of Zakamsk from movie theatre agitating people for more radical action. By legal afraid of us!", "Wh was given personally by police chief of the city Ekran to dislocation of protest camp in front of be defeated!" and definition, loudspeaker is the crucial difference Konstantin Strogiy. walls of Kirov factory. Demonstrators scanned between meeting and a picket, and so action After illegal meet While camp participator Sergei Kryuchkov "No to missiles!", "Give us Trutnev to be turned illegal. stairs of the build was returning alone to camp after dismantled!", "Missiles away from Perm!", Soon chief of Scientifical Research Institute others, in order to action with information stand used in daily "Petrovich made a good deal, Zakamsk will turn of Polymeric Materials Anatoliy Ponik, fierce not to infer this tin pickets, he was assaulted by goons, stand was to a huge morgue!" and "Resistance or death!". supporter of the missile dismayal project, illegal march by ; destroyed and he was beaten up. Goons promised Before meeting, Kirov factory walls were demanded loudspeaker and when that was location. to visit camp "soon". sprayed with slogans "No to missiles!", refused he began to make a speech with his own. In the evening of "Dismantle Trutnev!", "Rights are not given, This was most likely a planned provocation, of the protest ca Raising stakes, building pressure rights are taken!" and others to raise spirits of since police could now arrest Ponik with little tournament "Bolsh protesters. During next week, Perm centre got its resistance, after which they attempted to grab elite of Perm what! 19th of July participators of the protest camp share of protests, when "No to missiles", orator of the protest action. Provocation seems their city. Activist visited a briefing for journalists in administration "Limousines - to deputies, dioxins - to Perm even more likely, when one takes into account banner and shoutt of the oblast. Since ecologists did not managed to inhabitants" and other slogans were sprayed that Ponik was supported by a bunch of drunken Permians are dyi have Chirkunov travelling to Zakamsk, they around administrative buildings in the centre of and violent goons, and unlike other arrested he activists out frc decided to pay a visit to his office. Three persons the city. A banner "3 days are remaining" (to was not taken to police station. Ostrovskiy succee> were refused entrance to administration, it was fulfil our ultimatum) was raised outside Grabbing anti-rocket protesters was a harder waited until winn announced that briefing is closed, and only parliament of Perm Oblast in Tuesday 13th of task for coppers, and eventually anarchists dressed to a cos accredited journalists will be let in. July. managed to de-arrest orator, with casualties of towards VIP's to re Ecologists decided to try backdoor instead. 14th of July participators of the protest camp two arrested and a trashed loudspeaker. they are planning Some 15 anarchists with flags made it to organised a performance in front of Perm oblast bodyguard stopped Protestors formed a human chain scanning "Burn building, security was told that they came for the administration. For a moment, square in front of rockets in your own cabinets!", "Gave us Trutnev spectators and cam briefing, and people quickly dispersed to the administrative building transformed into a to be dismantled!", "Our politics is that we want his eyeglasses. Froi building before security could react. Activists got scene of epic battle between good and evil, more to live!", "Together we will win!", and eventually area he was sent I stopped only at the door of conference room in exactly, between nature and dangerous factory. coppers had to withdraw without further arrests. Police and admir third floor, 3 activists with press cards were Dance of flowers, accompanied by smooth pop "Green Duck" r When police tried to drive away with a stopped as well, which provoked them to shout music, was disturbed by appearance of Bush and "Buhanok" with one arrested, road was blocked bodyguard who ha( "Burn missiles in your cabinets!" and Perm oblast governor Chirkunov. Chirkunov was and activists scanned "Free political prisoners!", 28th of July "Chirkunov, people want to talk with you!". begging money from Bush, and having already "Free our comrades!", "Shame on police!" and tabloid "For Perm \s about parti Visiting group made a transformation to received a pile of green dollars, kept demanding "We are not afraid of men in grey!". Coppers spontaneous meeting at stairs of the oblast more and more. Soon workers brought in a turned pretty rude, people lying in the ground short history of the administration. One of the windows between "missile dismantling factory" with sign of were beaten to stomachs, kidneys and stepped on opinions of specie stairs and corridor of third floor committed chemical hazard, and Chirkunov set a missile on with rather non-sexist and non-ageist manner, upcoming actions, revolutionary act of auto-destruction, allowing fire in the factory. Square was filled with smoke, giving equally rough donations from Per and rather symbolic "nature" was coughing and treatment to children, girls . ;| :f ||;'; died, while Bush was convincing everybody and elderly. Elderly Blocl about safety of the project. Upcoming chair of Zakamsk inhabitants were oblast the current governor, looking to be elected in also taking on coppers, autumn of 2005, was built on carcass of the shouting "Free children!". Blockade of nature. Violent goons helped organised by partii In the evening of 14th of July camp coppers in cleaning the way. and supported by participators and Zakamsk inhabitants got an Eventually police managed launched around urgent reminder why project of missile to get away with arrested. blockaded building dismantling is so dangerous. A wagon of a train Third clash with police others. 250 peop] carrying hydrochloric acid dropped from rails happened when protestors scanning "Burn mi; only 400 meters from dislocation of the protest attempted to began an "When we are uni camp. Although this particular train was not illegal march towards "Let us save future 1 going to Kirov but to neighbouring factory administration building of participators carm complex, the very same rails which are in a the Kirov factory, but now Zakamsk, where horrible condition are to be used for carrying numbers were already too planned. GAI traff dangerous missiles to Kirov factory, in case much in favour of coppers, buses carrying dt

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below activists to present their cause to journalists who inhabitants in buses threated to blockade only ballistic missiles for dismantling on very same left conference hall, preferring action instead. bridge of the city over river Kama, and police railroad, disastrous condition of which has Activists of the protest camp explained that they was forced to pass them through. In 11 PM, when already lead to two serious incidents. see ongoing project in Perm as an ecocide against most of the participators of the meeting had left, Central Administration of Natural Resources environment and inhabitants. One of the OMON special forces used brutal force to arrest has not prolonged permission of Nil Polymeric participators was arrested, and activists blockaders of the administration. 18 persons Materials to make emissions to atmosphere. continued action in a police station nearby, were taken to police station of Lenin district, 3 Previous permission of Nil PM got outdated 1st demanding his liberation. Eventually he was arrested juvenile offenders were sent to Centre of of July. Permission was not prolonged, because sentenced to 5 days in jail for "minor Social Adaptation. Police and OMON (special Nil PM was found violating many technological hooliganism". forces of ministry of interior) brutalized people and environmental norms. However workers of 22nd of July a picket in front of a stock of already during arrest, and beatings were Kirov factory and people working with their solid fuel rockets at building of administration of continued in the police station. 12 of the arrested gardens confirm that missiles are burned all the Kirov factory become an illegal meeting. After were beaten to stomach to ribs, arms were bent time. Protest campers have gathered information end of picket, participators did not want to and electric shocks were given. Vice chief of about missiles burned in open rack 2nd, 10th and disperse, but they kept demonstrating another security department of Perm police, Konstantin 23rd of July, 19th of July two missiles were half hour. Around 100 people participators, most Strogiy was guarding torture. burned. Workers of Nil PM have been banned, of them inhabitants of Zakamsk region, threaten 11th of August a court was organized against with threat of fines and sackings, from any by project. Participators of the protest camp participators of the protest action in district court discussion with ecologists. However workers and spoke about latest action, and reactions of of Perm. 7 participators of the meeting were specialists keep passing oral testimony and mainstream media to their activities. sentenced to 3 days in prison, two participators valuable documents to hands of the protesters, Participators of the civil disobedience action got 5 days in prison and one person got one risking their workplaces for the sake of Perm scanned "Let us defend our rights!", "Power is week. One female arrestee was released, two inhabitants. Notwithstanding the testimony, 29th afraid of us!", "When we are united, we will not others got 1000 roubles in fines - they protested of July Chirkunov, who is now working as Perm be defeated!" and "All power to the people!". strongly against sexism of the court. Oblast governor when Trutnev was called to be After illegal meeting, 25 people sat down to Court was closed; journalists and Minister of Natural Resources, made a parallel stairs of the building and took hold on each representatives of public were not let to court. between witnesses of missile burning and those others, in order to avoid arrests. Police decided Few persons demanded judge to organize who claim to have seen UFO's. not to infer this time. Participators organised an medical investigation on torture wounds, but this illegal march by streets of Zakamsk to camp appeal was ignored. As a protest against Campaign headquarters under attack location. ignorance of the judge, Roman Yushkov spoke In the evening of Sunday 25th, 10 participators poems of Brodskiy loudly, after which he was 17th of August protestors were targeted with a of the protest camp decided to visit tennis removed from court. He will be judged for new form of pressure. 11 AM, 5 persons (2 of tournament "Bolshoi Tandem", in order to tell disrespect of court later on. 5 of the arrested whom muscles) appeared in apartment in the elite of Perm what they think about destruction of announced a dry hunger strike as a protest centre of Perm, which has worked as city their city. Activists spread to tribunes, raised against injustice and police brutality. Two girls headquarters for the camp. They demanded to banner and shouted "Deputates are playing - who were fined announced that they will pay free apartment in 3 minutes, and to take all Permians are dying!", soon security moved fines with peppermint. All sentenced did their computers and equipment away. Aleksandr activists out from tribune. Only Dmitri full sentences, and hunger strikers kept strike. Filippov, leading the group, showed some unclear Ostrovskiy succeeded to stay in stadium. He Last of the arrested to be freed was Roman paper from administration of the oblast in order waited until winners were given prizes, and Yushkov 17th of August, he was tired after 6 days to justify his demands. Later on activists found dressed to a costume of death and headed in a dry hunger strike, but in a good morale. out, that Filippov is working in electionary towards VIP's to remind about dioxin poisoning committee of Perm oblast. Activists refused to they are planning for Perm inhabitants. One Ecological disasters - leave building, and uninvited visitors went on bodyguard stopped Dmitriy, and out from eyes of a foretaste from future? taking lock from the door. One activist of the spectators and cameras beat him up and trashed camp managed to seize stolen lock, and to close his eyeglasses. From police station of Sverdlovsk At morning 15th of August, a wagon on its the door. Soon electricity from campaign area he was sent to medical centre number 1. way to factory "Galogen", located in Kirov headquarters was cut off. Police and administration of sport complex district of Perm, dropped from rails and leaked Protest camp will be going on at least two "Green Duck" refused to give name of around 40 tons of 20% hydrochloric acid to more weeks, and campaign undoubtly even bodyguard who had beaten up Dmitri. environment. Officials claimed that they have longer. This is just beginning! 28th of July protest camp published free managed to localize damage, and neutralize tabloid "For Perm without missiles". Tabloid has acid. Contact of the protest camp: articles about participators of the protest camp, Workers, who participated to neutralisation, short history of the problem, chronicle of actions, however told to participators of the protest camp, opinions of specialists and information about [email protected] that immediate neutralization attempt failed, and Perm.indymedia.ru upcoming actions. Tabloid was financed by camp was saved from poisonous cloud just donations from Perm inhabitants. because wind happened blow to another direction, Blockade of Perm and rain absorbed part of oblast administration the cloud. Incident happened some 2-3 Blockade of Perm oblast administration, kilometres from ongoing organised by participators of the protest camp radical ecological protest and supported by inhabitants of Perm, was camp. launched around 5 PM. Around 20 persons Last time a train blockaded building, chaining themselves to each transporting hydrochloric others. 250 people participated to meeting, acid dropped from rails scanning "Burn missiles in your own cabinets!", exactly one month before, "When we are united, we are victorious!" and but back then without "Let us save future for our children!". Most of the leaks. Perm officials, in participators came from distant suburb of cooperation with American Zakamsk, where dismantling of rockets is Washington Group planned. GA1 traffic police attempted to block International, are buses carrying demonstrators, but Zakamsk committed to transport

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 26


ANTIFASCIST ALERT definite prospect. "The process of building was cleared and crowd accession to the European Union need for dual entr INEE European unification will not be was dispersed. (EU) with the purchase of Omnitrak(TM) f completed unless the countries of 1 st of June in local television Motorola's enhanced automated identification sy the Western Balkans become Heda Saratova, activist of one of fingerprint identification system includes many spee (Re)search, find and destroy! members of the European Union", the local organisations announced (APIS) for its National Police. improvements, i: Nazi leaders and plain said European Commission that she knows location of around Motorola Biometrics solutions are generation of M( "soldiers" from all over Romania President Romano Prodi last year. 1500 disappeared people, whom designed to save time and increase portfolio. A leadei took part in the 4th nationalist Manwhile the EU has forced she claimed to be secretly held in accuracy in the identification, biometric solutioi summer camp of Noua Dreapta, Romania and Bulgaria, like prisons of krais and republics processing and management of Motorola is provic Poland, to impose visas on a that took place between 5-8 bordering Chechnya, and that she individuals by law enforcement interfaces with th August 2004, in the Carpathian number of countries. Serbians and has corresponding lists of agencies. "The technology enables system for Denm; mountains. Delegates of foreign Montenegrans need visas to prisoners. 2nd of June relatives: of us to share data on asylum seekers Commercial, GQ\l Solut nationalist movements were also Romania already from July 1 and the disappeared people gathered in with other agencies on present, like Boyan Rasate of the center of the city. People Bulgarians will impose visas Some EURODAC, which is a Motorola's Bulgarian National Alliance time in the future. Obviously this disappear in road blocks, during prerequisite for accession to the Government an (BNS), and Jonathan Fain of has political implications as Serbia "mop-up operations" in • the EU," said Zdenek Smotlacha, Solutions Sector National Alliance from USA. becomes a more and more isolated villages, during night raids and Department Chief, Czech leading provider The Eastern branch of the pocket in Europe and as some also after legal arrests. Many came Republic. "Our testing of the new radio communi European National Front reunited people consider a pro-EU regime from .distant villages. More than system earlier this year went information solutic in the Slovak Republic, between 2 change. ; one thousand people attended -., extremely well, and we are on than 65 years of - 4 July. Representatives of facist Grozny has not seen such massive track to begin official fingerprint meeting the n gatherings for : '.;:• '* groups from the Slovak Republic :v /; Turkey submissions to EURODAC." requirements of (Slovenska Pospolitost), Romania a long time. Thjs js not surprising - EURODAC, established in government an< (Noua Dreapta), Poland (NOP) Unfinished case number of disappeared people December 2000, is a system for the customers worldw and the Czech Republic (NSj) of Usak anarchists! runs in thousands, more than 1500 comparison of fingerprints, CGISS received spoked about strenghtening criminal cases have been opened enabling EU member states to Usakies' problems with the state Interpol Outstandin cooperation. could not finish. In the preceding against various state structures, but identify asylum-seekers as well as Award for its se inspection of almost all of these Also Claudiu Mihutiu, Noua court order, one year penalty of people who have crossed borders international law Dreapta's responsible for Foreign imprisonment with the reason of cases was stopped due to in an irregular manner. community. The sc Relations, took part in the 3rd making graffities which was given "impossibility to find persons to be EURODAC consists of a extensive portfolio edition of NPD (National Party of by Usak 2nd Criminal Court of accused". "Activist" who joined computerized central database that meet growing pub Germany) summer university, Peace had been converted to a fine demonstration said aloud a list of houses fingerprints of asylum security needs, organised in Saarbriicken between of 900 million Turkish liras [about names of more than 1200 applicants and a system for interoperable tw 23 - 25 July. $ 600-650] and it was postponed disappeared persons, but gathered electronic data transmission communications It seems like in whole region for 5 years. Usakies had taken this people expected something else - between member states and the command and cor facists starting to internationalize decision to the appeal court. they wanted to know where database. "Motorola's APIS identification a their connections. Antifa goal as it Yargitay [Upper Court] has disappeared people are located. solutions provide an efficient way solutions; was: (re)search, find and destroy! overruled the decision. Then "activist" said that she does to share crucial intelligence management of ci Process of rejudgement will begin not know anything about location between agencies and across and civil needs; of the people, and proposed to national borders," said Darrin EU vs. SERBIA first trial will be heared in Usak security and monito 2nd Criminal Court of Peace on address this question towards Reilly, Motorola Communications 09.09.2004. Chechen governement. After this, and Electronics vice president and TheProcess goes on [Ed. Note: A group of Usak crowd of Women rushed through general manager, Biometrics Unit. RUSS The Austrian chancellor has said anarchists had been arrested in several roadblocks. Vice-premier, "As the world prepares for that it could be possible for the December 2001 and they were who appeared to calm the crowd expansion of the European Union, Attack on s South Eastern European countries claimed to be members of an down proposed to elect 5 this kind of capability becomes a St.PetersI to the join the EU by 2014. 'illegal terrorist organization' representatives for discussions, but critical component in a nation's In night between Speaking after a meeting with although they did nothing except that was late - women began entry. Our excellent working July squat K.LI2 South Eastern leaders, Wolfgang some graffities and distributing throwing stones at soldiers and relationship with EURODAC's Pekarnia) in SankK Schiissel said that the "biggest anarchist leaflets. After spending a army transport vehicles. Soon technical team is also of great attacked by lo< success is that region is out of the period of 3 months or so in F-type soldiers and guards began shooting benefit to our customers as they "gopnik" youth, . headlines", according to Austrian prisons, all were released and later over heads of people and cleaning prepare their fingerprinting cooperation (or af newspapers. Erhard Busek, the acquitted.] the area by force. Several people identification systems for police. Gopniks t special coordinator of the Stability were wounded and some certification and acceptance by barricades, and cop Pact for the region said "the CHECHNYA hospitalised. Soon the crowd was EURODAC." beat up 2 persons priority of EU enlargement is dispersed, escaping people were The US$1.2 million Czech nighsticks. manag southeastern Europe, there is no beaten up. Some were arrested. It Republic purchase is for Those through win other direction". The meeting was Enraged women was a miracle that this miracle did Motorola's Series 2000 system, a ambushed in the st attended by leaders from Albania, in government house not demanded human victims. legacy system that provides an unequal fight. / Austria, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Territory of governement house fingerprint matching capabilities, fights during last c Montenegro and Romania. Both in Grozny was taken over by a CZECHIA and five additional LiveScan windows of the sqi Romania and Bulgaria are set to crowd of enraged women. 2nd of Stations, bringing the total number and reserves of m< join the EU in 2007. The region June 2004 around 13:00 relatives for the country to 15. These are exhausted. Om of disappeared people rushed to Fingerprint by Motorola has also been told directly by The Czech Republic is taking a stations will interface seamlessly sent to reanimation. Brussels that EU membership is a the building of Chechen with EURODAC, eliminating the have been fore governement. Soon however critical step forward in its UNNOTICED NEWS - UNNOTICED NEWS

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe page 27 Abolishing the Borders from Below

UNNOTICED NEWS - UNNOTICED NEWS need for dual entry of data. The underground after provocation, a 10 year sentence; Attempted feel just like at home, going after Omnitrak(TM) AFIS/palmprint they ask you to give shelter if you Murder, only 7 and a half years; protestors. After initial attempts to identification system, which see them in your town! Rape 1,8 years four months. beat the small band of protestors includes many speed and accuracy Clearly, Jeffrey's sentence is vastly back failed, they managed to get improvements, is the latest Human rights activist shot dead disproportionate to the crime of some dogs who were more generation of Motorola's APIS in Sankt Petersburg! burning three vehicles. Russian effective in doing the job. "People portfolio. A leader in APIS and A known human rights activist ABC activists demand immediate in town were informed about the biometric solutions worldwide, and expert on national and race release of free, whose act may not visit the same day. Police an hour Motorola is providing electronic issues was shot dead in his home. be considered as a crime, but as an before the dinner just closed part interfaces with the EURODAC Sankt-Petersburg Anarchist league act against corporate madness! of a main market. Then cowboys system for Denmark. Motorola's activist writes that Nikolai form Government Protection Biuro Commercial, Government and Girenko, Worker of museum of POLAND arrived with president of Poland. Industrial Solutions Sector antropology and etnography was We almost made falstart - one of Motorola's Commercial, shot through his home door. Polish neo-Nazis anarchist started to shout "fuck Government and Industrial Undeground "Governement of the raid Chechen camp off' to Kwasniewski, we of course Solutions Sector (CGISS) is a Republic of Russia" has claimed also wanted, but this day the object leading provider of integrated responsability for execution of 64 On 24.08Polish neo-Nazis have was different ... When Chinese radio communications and year old N. M. Girenko in Sankt- raided a camp housing Chechen delegation arrived we put out our information solutions, with more Petersburg 19th of June. This was a refugees near Warsaw. The agency banner "Chinese criminals to the than 65 years of experience in vengeance for him giving expert said up to 20 Polish youths burst tribunal!" and started shouting meeting the mission-critical testimony in court cases on into the Moshna camp 20 miles "Chinese criminals you will be requirements of public safety, "spreading national hatred". from Warsaw and attacked punished by The People" (it government and enterprise residents with broken bottles and rhymes in polish). Then we were customers worldwide. In 2003, Anarchist graffiti in the wall of gas pistols. During the attacks, atacked by police and cowboys CGISS received the inaugural US embassy in Moscow which came in several waves (twice because at first time they Interpol Outstanding Contribution Sunday night, Molotov cocktails didn't manage), who snatch the Award for its services to the Group of anarchists in Moscow were also hurled onto balconies in banner and started to push us international law enforcement wrote "FREE JEFF LUERS!" with an attempt to set the camp ablaze. away. I have seen a Chinese secret community. The sector offers an huge letters to the wall of US The camp houses more than 100 service guy who was pointing at us extensive portfolio of solutions to Embassy in Moscow. Protesting Chechen refugees including and showing police who should meet growing public safety and this way against imperial "justice", children. Parents say they are now they atack ". security needs, including: radical activists gave moral afraid to allow their children to go interoperable two-way radio support to their comrade Jeffrey to school outside the camp fearing Vietnamese people communications solutions; Luers. All participators of the their safety cannot be guaranteed. protesting in Warsaw command and control solutions; action successfully escaped, so The refugees fled from the Muslim Some anarchists from FA-Praga identification and tracking security of one of the tightest Russian republic of Chechnya visited a picket organized by solutions; information guarded buildings in Moscow was where tens of thousands of people people from Amnesty management of criminal justice put in shame. have died in a decade of fighting. International and the Association and civil needs; and physical June marks the beginning of the for a Democratic Vietnam security and monitoring solutions. fifth year of imprisonment for Jeff The Chinese secret police (Vietnamese refugees living in "Free" Luers, held captive by the exercises in Krakow Poland). The protesters came with RUSSIA US state. Sentenced to 22 years The Chinese president arrived pictures of political prisoners in and 8 months for burning three with a surprise visit in Poland. No Vietnam and had a banner ecologically harmful Sport Utility word of it was known until it demanding their immediate Attack on squat in Vehicles (SUVs) at Romania release. The Vietnamese protesters St.Pctcrsburg leaked one morning. The polish Chevrolet in Eugene, USA, Jeff president arranged a military were quite scared of the embassy In night between 3rd and 4th of has continued to be active in prison officials, and they tried to give July squat KLIZMA (former parade for the occasion. The and fight back with his words and Chinese delegation came with their their presence a low profile. Pekarnia) in Sankt-Petersburg was inspiration. Jeff decided to bum Technical difficulties, like lack of attacked by local criminal own agents who were busy putting three such machines to fight red flags over the Falun Gong and leaflets describing details of the "gopnik" youth, apparently in against global climate change, repressions can be attributed to the cooperation (or after request of) Tibet flags that demonstrators made by big oil corporations and brought in protest. Some of the fact that it was one of the first police. Gopniks broke through their allies who govern states. demos organised by this group of barricades, and cops and gopniks activists got into fights with Vehicles of SUV category release people. beat up 2 persons with bars and Chinese security guards. The polish 43% more pollutants causing police didn't intervene. After nighsticks. managed to escape global climate change than normal Those through window, but were Warsaw's appearance of the LATVIA cars. SUV's are marketed for Chinese delegation took activists ambushed in the street and faced individuals seeking luxury, their an unequal fight. After series of for surprise, they managed to inflated size has no any practical inform FA Krakow that they would Nazi attack fights during last days, about all justification. windows of the squat are broken be in the city the next day. Jeffrey's sentence is far greater There activists managed to find Nazis attacked benefit concert for and reserves of molotov coctails than that faced by many offenders Alem (Somalian seriously injured are exhausted. One gopnik was out where the delegation would eat convicted of violent acts against out and prepared a banner and a by nazis last April) in Riga with sent to reanimation. Two squatters individuals. For example, in state arms. have been forced to go few people to welcome them. The of Oregon Manslaughter 1 carries Chinese secret police apparently UNNOTICED NEWS - UNNOTICED NEWS

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 28

year, although bull A IPJLAOB mm than 10 victims, all But although a vi beautiful in Mosco\e looks like a

Every year in Moscow much enough Moscow, old Sankt-Petersburg and other cities often turn physical; police also gets involved, inhabitants are det< squaremetres are built to house a typical Russian are organising against demolitions. Usually threating with arrests and prosecution. beauty which is left. city with 200 000 inhabitants. Moscow is development projects are of commercial interest Resistance at the borderline of physical violence, After printing 22 spreading further on from MK.AD ringroad, only. House of hotel "Moskva" is among those to and at times passing this border, is 22th of June 2004 which was build to the border of the Soviet be demolished soon. All Moscow State psychologically very difficult to engage in for movement against i capital, and in the city itself builders are eager to University faculties remaining in Ohotniy Ryad many people. Dwellers defend legitimacy of their This meeting, organ use every availaible piece of land. Yards, will be moved to Vorobevy Gory, they will be actions; they only use such methods when all no more than 70 pec children's squares, garages of "common mortals", replaced by business estates. Well-behaving other means to influence the current situation are seven different 1< architectural heritage and any free space are clerks will replace shady humanists from lost. They began with writing letters to authorities inhabitants of Kryla sacrificed from the way of development. This faculties of Journalistics and Asian and African as loyal citizens; they believe in righteousness of of the meeting in Pu phenomenon is typical for many big cities and studies. existing order and state in defending their more people in theii was named "densification construction" in Movement against urban densification is interests. And just few months afterwards, they Krylatskoe is Russia. spontaneous and decentralised; this is why its strongly and categorically talk about hypocrisy of Moscow, which is tl Current construction boom is far from being scale is difficult to estimate. But one may be the power. Now they see power as main reason of line highway throu initiated by increased demand of housing only. In certain that this movement has existed for years, their trouble, as their enemy, and business and park of Serebryany Russia constructors are operating in a unique it has spread to all major cities and it gains state structures as two heads of the same hydra, places for recreatim market, which allows them to squeeze profit as results. City authorities are forced to found that THEY always make deals between each this area are certain big as the costs - municipality is financing both committees to solve quarrels between inhabitants other whereas worries of inhabitants are not of in interests of the construction and maintenance of water, gas, and and developers, and most controversial projects interest to anybody. whom have their da< electricity supply and sidewalks. Operator must are halted. Developers hire conflictologists to Appeal to laws is another important condition Meeting gathered ur only build carcass of the building, and all the rest negotiate with dwellers, and they bury project in for a succesfull campaign. Russian legal system mayor) does not live is given for free. Unless new house is a case it becomes obvious that costs of courts and is complex and contradictory, thus no developer us", "Moscow - a pi; Condominium where inhabitants are collective regaining their "good reputation" become too big. may completely follow all demands given to Krylatskoe from d owners of land and communication system, Usually these conflicts take years to be solved. planning and agreeing a project. There is no "Cynicism of Mosc house is automatically added to city balance Developers halt active works and play time, and means to build following every possible sanitary Many of the orate sheet. when inhabitants cool off a bit project is and architectural regulation in most of the urban numerous legal viol Movement of dwellers against urban territory. Having legal cover given by many court processe densification is the biggest truly grassroot || Is qualified lawyer, protests are not anymore that appeal to laws w movement in Russia of today - initiative is | just noise by discontent pensioners ("who are all trouble, grassr not from any organisation or party, but from ;i: always discontent anyway"), but a campaign necessity of prote: casual people. Surrounding environment, in :!;! to reclaim legality. Inhabitants of one house urban densificatioj this case not nature but everything which f| in Gagarin area of Moscow have already 12 independent and d< surrounds people in cities - land, trees, fresh years succesfully defended their huge yard, suspects" (political air - is considered as something valuable and because they have filed a huge file against practically absent beloved, which allows a moment of relief in developers which is pending, and any Besides inhabitant: the middle of everyday haste. For sure, attempts to bring technics to yard are included activists f people have different opinions on question immediately interfered. Beryozovaya Rose how their yard or micro-area should be built Participators of the movement against inhabitants of Pokro - some prefer more trees, others garages, urban densification usually attempt to solve against cutting o some would like to have a kiosk selling beer only their own particuliar problem, they are development activis in the comer. But in any case people understand introduced once again. This strategy is based on not politicized and they see the current political Hadimskoe field - their yard and area as something their own, a simple arithmetics - struggle demands lots of system as both legitimate and necessary. But in wants to build a m; common good which gives them moral right to time and efforts of dwellers, and developers hope the process of interaction with the political the site of a famou stand up for their rights against developing that people get tired and are not able to unite their power, they receive a good dose of critical 110 years ago, whe interests of the strangers. efforts and renew the protest campaign. This is attitude, and soon they see protests as only when a crowd pani during coronation c These protests are organised under banners of why most fruitful campaigns are those which method to bring change. Although such grassroot fight against unjustice, against profits of help people to find each other, and during which movements do not aim to change the society as a May 2004 in Moscc companies and against worsening of the such a group of activists is formed, which is able whole, they act as a catalyst of social Muscovites" was f conditions of life. Only few, most pragmatic to constantly monitor situation and organise other transformation. They surpass atomization and from various local coordinatory functic people make calculations on how much value inhabitants of the area to struggle whenever alienation of modern society through creation of their estate may lose due to mushrooming necessary. Due to this collective activity, people unformal social relations; they create new housing towers hampering sunshine, cutting of a gain chance to solve other actual problems of the practice of active and direct participation of (Origii park or increasing stream of cars. This fraction is area: to build up children's square, to build population to local politics. This way these seldom seen in protests against densification, lampposts and so on. Often before protest action activists create foundations of massive social and since they suppose that everything has been paid they never realised that they may influence to political movements of the future. and decided a long time ago. Most of those such issues on themselves. Anna Mayhova Post Scriptum protesting just love their yards, trees planted with One journalist, without much of sympathy on Current oil boom has made Moscow a city of their own hands, and familiar surroundings. side of the movement, got it right when talking cranes, which propably may be compared only For elderly, demolition of old houses (usually about most effective tactics of the movement - with Chinese special economic zones or post- accompanied with relocation of their inhabitants "(in Russia) It is only possible to stop unification Berlin. Leave your place for 2 to new suburbs built to distant borders of the construction with angered inhabitants, who months, and you may see a 25 floor monster built megalopolis) is a most dramatic and tragical engage with the bulldozers". This is a definite another side of the road when you return. In only event. For them, leaving their old neighbourhood, fact - escalation of the conflict is usually only country where elite is yet used to live in blocks of where they have spent most of their lives, where way to influence to situation. Blockades against flats, Caribbean cruisers are built on dry land. other familiar elderly live, where every brick is construction works and cutting down parks, to Mother of all Orwellian iron-curtain concrete like their own, is almost like death. Usually most which mostly pensioners and mothers with hells, Moscow is gaining even more height and staunch and uncompromising activists are found minors are participating, and resistance against weight due to tireless efforts of Moldavian and among this group of people. Also those who violent relocation are often organised by Tadzhik gastarbeiters, whose life is cheap - more understand value of architectural heritage of old desperate inhabitants. Developers and security than 60 of them might have died in a fire last

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe page 29 Abolishing the Borders from Below year, although building corporation claimed less than 10 victims, all with Russian surnames. But although a visitor would find little or nothing beautiful in Moscow suburbs (and half of the city centre looks like a suburb as well), many of the inhabitants are determined to stand for the little IBAKUNUN beauty which is left. After printing 22nd issue of Avtonom, in Tuesday 30th of May'04 was 190th birthday of happening was finished with musical- 22th of June 2004 there was another meeting of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunm. literary composition "Mikhail Bakunin movement against urban densification in Moscow. Celebrations were organized 29th-30th of commemorated today" by actors of theatres This meeting, organised in Pushkin square, gathered May in his birthplace Pryamukhino, located of Tver. This piece disappointed us - actors no more than 70 people, but they came from at least not far from the city of Torzhok in Tversk read from paper, badly and stumbling, and seven different local initiatives. Day before oblast. These celebrations were of mixed for example great article of Aleksander inhabitants of Krylatskoe, who were main initiators character - partly official, partly scientific Bloch on Bakunin from 1906 was of the meeting in Pushkin square had gathered twice and partly informal. Russian state, just as submitted to a ridiculous censorship - for more people in their own area. any state, hated and hates Mikhail Bakunin, example, conclusion "Let us take fire from Krylatskoe is one of the nicest regions of enemy of any power, significance of whom Bakunin!" was dropped, obviously Moscow, which is threaten by a project to build a 6 for human thought and history of mankind considered as an "extremist call". The same line highway through Moscow river and through is however too big to be ignored. But state morning, with presence of much of park of Serebryanyi Bor, one of the most popular made everything in order to vulgarize, offspring of the Bakunin family, there was a places for recreation inside Moscow. Inhabitants of castrate and formalize birthday of the great prayer in local church to commemorate all this area are certain that highway is built exclusively rebel. Official events were organized 29th Bakunins, after which father Andrei and his in interests of the elite and bureaucrats, many of of May, with all encompassing high followers talked that Mikhail Bakunin and whom have their dachas in the North West direction. weirdness. Inhabitants of his godless ideas were Meeting gathered under banners "Luzhkov (Moscow Pryamukhino gathered to ||| ||| ||||||||| bad and wrong, and mayor) does not live in Moscow, so he may spit on square surrounded by should be forgotten. That us", "Moscow - a place for despotism", "Lets us save school and Pryamukhino was a honest statement of Krylatskoe from despotism of bureaucrats" and museum, in which a point of view of the "Cynicism of Moscow powers has no any limits". special exposition about church. Many of the orators in the meeting pointed to Mikhail Bakunin was Second day of the numerous legal violations committed in their areas, opened. Pompous music celebrities was less many court processes are pending. It is also positive was played, foodstuffs formal and more lively, that appeal to laws was not seen as only saviour from were sold, gawks were since officials and most all trouble, grassroot activists also understand hanging around and of the relatives of necessity of protest actions. Movement against bureaucrats gave talks. Bakunin had left. A urban densification was and is self-organised, Orators were officials severely truncated (due independent and decentralised movement. "Usual from administration of to lack of time) scientific suspects" (political parties and fringe groups) were area and oblast, even deputies from conference dedicated to Bakunin was practically absent in meeting of 22nd of June. Russian-Belarussian parliamentary organized, in which some dozen talks were Besides inhabitants of Krylatskoe, participators assembly had come. They had nothing to given. Few .dozen researchers and included activists fighting against cutting of Park say, since they did not know about anything anarchists participated from Barnaul, Beryozovaya Roscha from Horosheva region, about object of the celebrations. On of the Tambov, Irkutsk, Minsk, Nizhni Novgorod, inhabitants of Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo (also fighting deputies even called him "our great Moscow, Tver, Dmitrov and Sankt- against cutting of a park), Kuzminky anti- compatriot Mikhail Ivanovich (sic) Petersburg. There were no more than ten development activists and inhabitants from around Bakunin", obviously confusing him with anarchists in the conference. First talk in Hadimskoe field - current Moscow governement "all-soviet elder" M. I. Kalinin, after whom the conference was on theme "Mikhail wants to build a massive suburb there. Last one is city of Tver was named after in Soviet Bakunin in world of today" by Petr Ryabov, the site of a famous catastrophe which took place Union. Ideas and heritage of Bakunin are 110 years ago, when more than 1000 people died member of Autonomous Action from when a crowd panicked after a firework accident still actual and of little comfort to power, Moscow. Most of the talks were about very during coronation celebrities of tsar Nikolai II. In and for sure best possible present in his narrow scientific topics, and some said May 2004 in Moscow "A committee for defence of birthday would be some uprising and not very exotic opinions - for example Muscovites" was founded, it has representatives banal formalities. Atmosphere was stifling, Dolzhikov from Barnaul proved that M. from various local groups but is fulfilling only stagnated and cheerful in the same time - Bakunin was not an anarchist, but "a left- coordinatory functions. jubilee of a great son of Russia, although an wing liberal", and Sapon from Nizhni Aleksei and Sanya anarchist, why not to drink! Only one of the Novgorod convinced that between views of (Originally published in Avlonom #22) orators said something about personality, Bakunin and leader of National-Bolshevik activities and ideas of Bakunin - head of Party Eduard Limonov there is "much in Bakunin fond Sergei Gavrilovich Kornilov common". These attempts to redefine even announced to audience that "our Bakunin as a Russian nationalist, alien to future will be an anarchist state" (sic). No- West, or to usual liberal, not aware of his one seemed to be excited for this revelation. own liberalism, were met with Books about Bakunin family were sold, as disagreement from side of most of the well as recently published booklet of participants. No matter abundance of the materials of annual Pryamukhino readings officials and cops protecting them, which 2001-2003. New exposition by local are seldom spoiling beautiful Pryamukhino museum included many books about and and haste which disturbed all events, pictures of Mikhail Bakunin, especially participators of the conference were able to worth of mention was a huge map of chat also in in y, change literature Europe of 19th century, where manifold and addresses, drink for victory of places connected to great anarchist were anarchism and hang around in the beautiful marked - Florence, Sankt-Petersburg, park of Pryamukhino. : : : • ' : Moscow, Bologna, Paris, Lyon, Prague, Dresden, London, Bern, Locarno... Official PetrRyabbv

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 30

style"way, accordin Personal account from ANTI-NATO counter-summit in Istanbul /Turkey tactics of each parti< group. We had Almost 2 years after its last official equipment, as meeting (Praha 2002) and just few months comrades with < after joining the Alliance by 7 new member materials supposed countries - Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, come later directl; Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia protest, avoiding eve ;NATO summit took place in Istanbul on 28- police searches. F 29 June 2004. Numerous new initiatives like before we had been r "Istanbul Cooperation Initiative"(which to go, units of riots p deals with strenghtening control over Middle appeared in front o marching from direi East and surely will have crucial of our appointment consequences for this region) had been our number was smal announced there, several decision taken. most of us comple From these, for EE-countries most important unexperienced, are: -after praising of "successful "SFOR retreated into small st mission in Bosnia & Hercegovina, it was followed by the cops cheered approval given by Ell to start new cheered and wavec and distinct UN-mandated "Chapter 7" people in the wind mission there - confirming further presence We managed to of KFOR in Kosovo, - encouraging Albania, together and leave i Croatia tutd Macedonia to continue reforms direction center avok neccessery to achieve NATO membership. To with cactus planting(municipality promised to plant our way to form block between some leftists. We had way we saw dispersf stage this summit in that geographical place flowers for NATO) in front of the Hilton Hotel carried many black-red, black and black-green flags what happened in 0 bad yet mainly symbou'cal character, as much - June 17th: Another street theatre action in front of and also about 10 anti-NATO, anti-capitalist, anti- forces surouded area as symbolical had been pictures taken there Sabanci Center(shopping mall) state and anti-army banners. Our block consisted of was planned,people of Bush and others accomplices posing - June 19th: Second "Food not Bombs/NATO" people coming from cities such as Ankara, Izmir, cafes and bars and gassed heavily. Thert proudly with mosques in a background. activity in front of Besiktas McDonalds Izmit, Antalya, Bursa, Bolu, Iskenderun, Canakkale, there, including 30 0 Resistence against NATO and capitalism Corlu, Duzce, Denizli in addition to Istanbul and few NATO Summit was going to be hold in area of foreign comrades from Greece, USA, Italy .Poland, attack was responded expressed in diverse ways on streets of barricades from ca Istanbul may seem and was just directed Harbiye (central part of european side of the city). Macedonia and Austria. During the march lots of Main red-zone covered this one and neighbouring anarchist graffities were made, stickers/posters were erected. Fighting conl against symbols, yet it was next step in world- areas, but police blocks start already much before, slicked on,diverse anarchist groups distributed their several injuries but a wide struggle, that is as real as hate against fence in some sensible places has been 8 meters high, materials. Punx also made their own surrealist & some arrest been the system and its perpetrators. Below we certain main roads closed to traffic since 2 days funny banner. For a while, a "military forbidden participators atmos present personal account from counter- before. Massive police presence on the streets, zone" signboard which was dismantled from nearby resistence at this riot summit events. As anarchist movement in warships in Bosphorus, and deserted streets awaited army barracks and "decorated" took great interest our "Rezil"(Miserabl Turkey is still very small, in order to avoid Bush coming with 2 500 of private guards only. alarming the soldiers. Among the well-known met together in area n< obviousness we had to limit use of some Many leftist parties, groups, unions, etc. had been slogans a new enthusiastic march calling"to the and several of our peo interesting and exciting details. also preparing for counter-activities since months, Streets, to the Barricades" was also sang. Our block liberal OOP This par city is filled with anti-NATO posters, slogans and screaming "Isyan!" (Insurrection) and running was parlamentary left, so their peaceful demom Before and during anti- NATO activities, flyers. Libertarian anti-NATO Coordination, which surely loudest and most creative in entire demo. civil cops shot with anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement in Turkey includes ONLY antiauthoritarians of diverse Ozgur Hayat group which have been preparing for group of anarchists al created series of fertile and diverse actions at a level background (anarchist, anti-militarists, gay/lesbian the protests under the name of Anarsistanbul were and only by luck nobi which was not seen before.It was one of best group) was taking part also in coordinatory meetings also in the demo with some 250 people. Preferring to this incident one examples of well and consciously prepared anarchist with some of militant leftist groups to make follow the demo from a distance, for the first time arrested,yet released n campaign,especially concerning not so big arrangements for big, legal demo at Sunday and cops have applied a different strategy.There was no antimilitarist event at experience of most our turkish comrades. Texts of actions in Monday. Generally atmoshere was rather police control visible but huge amount of them were 2 objectors (one of t LIBERTARIAN COORDINATION AGAINST tense, it was completelly unclear what to expect. present in the back streets. It was seen that they have their declaration abou NATO which was formed for this purpose already in Diverse leftist groups had since longer carried studied their lesson from their western fellows.The people(including us, January were publicized in 19 different languages campaigns of bombing NATO-sponsoring banks and meeting was in a harmless place, kilometres of a supported them, shot and "Activist Guide" which was prepared for these offices, some days before in suburbs police station distance from the place where summit were to be presence of police. S actions found great interest in the media and also was attacked with molotovs. Thursday morning held and with this strategy there was also no risk of a and some used it as ch won approval among many other anti -NATO bomb exploded in Ankara next to hotel where Bush clash arising from the tension of protestors.which afternoon there was activists. Several activities staged the way till was expected to stay (one cop and 2 people injured), could occure when cops would try to search them hungry for events- ii Summit: that same afternoon in Istanbul 4 people got killed while entering the square. This attitude of the police didn't let us, coi - April 4th: Action held in Taksim/Mis Street for and 19 injured by accident, as members of marxist- should not be naively seen as any so-called" anarchists as provoc; NATO day leninist DHKP-C had carried sound-bomb in public democratization". This was an "european" way of blaming us for th - April 21st: Panel discussion titled "NATO, bus and it went on unexpected, etc. On 26th Bush chanelling and integrating social movements happened to their man Capitalism and Counter Movement" held in Bogazici arrival to Ankara was welcomed with smaller scale according to the idea .that "Streets do not erode away During rest of day £ University riot there after demo in which some of anarchists also by marches" [a famous epigram of a right-wing some other small thi - May 1st: Massive participation to the Mayday participated. In Istanbul anarchists argued for politician S. Demirel who is an ex-PM and also an going on by diverse march in Sarachane Park with a cortege of 150 holding big, Sunday demo near red zone, yet ex-president] as long as they do avoid mess. Anyway This day over 40 peop people as "Libertarian Coordination Against NATO" assembly decided to have in Kadikby, as it is popular some of us and other militants waited for next day... was arrested,all o - May 15th: antimilitarist "Militourism Festival" neighbourhood and has rich history of struggle, so This evening last arrangements and preparations has released day later afte which was successively held in 6 separate points with this event would have more social character and been made for anarchist Black Block. In 9.30 or sexual harrasments participation of 3 buses full of activists and reporters direct confrontation could take place day later, for morning we gathered with 50-60 comrades in area of On Tuesday, 29th I - June 5th: First "Food not Bombs/NATO" in Turkey those which choose it. About 50 000 people Mecidiykoy.which is popular.poor neighbourhood illegal concentration ai ever,in front of Taksim's McDonald participated in the anti-NATO demo which was held and traditionally leftist stronghold with many safe- Galatasaray Sq. Few - June llth: Arrest and release of two comrades of in Istanbul-Kadikoy square on 27th of June. houses and activities. We supposed to form block and strong crowd, includi ours' on the same day while they were sticking anti Anarchists took part under the name of Libertarian join other groups, which had gathered nearby in 100 of us .gathered w NATO posters Coordination Against NATO with 300 in total Okmeydani Park already since previous evening, and started to scream - June 14th: Publication of Black Block call signed including various anarchist and libertarian groups where leftist camp with speeches, concerts, etc. took in front of riot poll. by 10 anarchist groups and collectives from 5 and individuals forming Black Block and some place.It was planned to form together strong demo Alsoca.SOOzgurHay; different cities anarchist-communists who have preferred to march and march into red zone, which started just few was there. Anti - June 16th: Welcoming of NATO with happening behind this group. On the beginning we had to push hundreds meters away and then resist police "free- statement has beei

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below Turkey style"way, according to tactics of each particular group. We had light equipment, as our WOMEN SITUATION comrades with other materials supposed to IN; BELARUS come later directly to protest, avoiding eventual police searches. Right The main difference between women situation in before we had been ready Poland and in Belarus is that we don't feel such strong to go, units of riots police influence of church in our lives. Decades of soviet appeared in front of us marching from direction authority had educated devoted atheist - maybe, it is of our appointment. As the best rersult of the Soviet Union existence. Abortion our number was small and is legal, we have no official pro-life movement, but we most of us completelly have very strong pr-life mentality in the society. A few "4...::-:" ::,::<:.:::.;•*.1. . ..: x- •? unexperienced, we ::::::|, ^ M^..^^ • years ago discussion about prohibition of abortion retreated into small streets started, and this tendency is growing. There are followed by the cops, yet powerful homophobic patriarchal stereotypes in cheered and waved by Bielarusian society. Men always had better position people in the windows. and played higher social role comprising with women: We managed to stay Atmoshere was getting tense minute by minute, together and leave the area in small groups men should support his family and earn the money and so some of us started to pick up stones, to what direction center avoiding police blocks. On the women should keep house and bring up children - our some trotzkists opposed helplessly. All this went way we saw dispersed groups and we learned society is obeyed to this stereotype and even if women on maybe 15 minutes and cops charged with gas what happened in Okmeydani. Massive police working ~ traditionally men don't take part in bombs, pepper spray and sticks. All small streets forces surouded area much before the protest houshold duties and upbringing their children because been blocked by them, so we had to move was planned,people had been dragged out of backwards, some using time to trash windows of they are to exhausted at work. It is normal if women cafes and bars and pushed into square then banks, mobile phone stores, etc. Some 15 of us get less money than men do for the same work. It gassed heavily. There was around 2000 people runned into some street,yet we got blocked from sounds stupid, but we hawe no prowomen and no there, including 30 Ozgur Hayat persons. Police both sides, so went into some garages and hid anarchofeminist movement ( I hope, soon we will attack was responded with molotovs and stones, under the cars holding our breath. Riot police barricades from cars and other stuff been create the first anarchofeminist zine - but its only a entered this space, yet checked uncarefully and erected. Fighting continued till 11.30. There was projekt now ). Of course, there are some pro- we heard parking guard telling them, that he several injuries but also many among cops and estabilishment women organizations which only waste didn't seen nobody. After some time more we some arrest been made,but according to sponsor's money on their Own needs ( built a new went out suspiciously, yet encountered local participators atmoshere of solidarity and cottage for chief-feminist, for example... ). The only neighbours giving us cigarettes and kids resistence at this riot was great. Unfortunately checking if streets are already clear. Maybe exception is the movement Women against violence - our "Rezil"(Miserable) Block missed it... We again it isn't much but such a simple solidarity or they try to do something to prevent women off met together in area near Taksim (central square) at least general social hostility towards cops can violence from their husbands and relatives, frorn their and several of our people joined march of leftist- give more power than flaming revolutionary colleges and chieves and from other rapist; to liberal OOP. This party belongs to reformist & slogans... Meanwhile we heard that as we parlamentary left, so it was quite surprising but rehabilitate the victims of rapetures. There is sexual hide,another attempt to gather was undertaken their peaceful demonstration got attacked. Some equality: different salaries and opportunities to get and story went on similary. Also this day a group civil cops shot with normal bullets at small educatin on well-paid job are illegal, but they exist of 5 antimilitarists came to the border of red group of anarchists after some trouble occurred everywhere and women are discriminated in different zone and intended to search the participators - and only by luck nobody got injured or dead.At who were about to leave NATO summit- to find spheres of their lives. But the main problem is the this incident one of our comrades was out whether they have nuclear bombs, tanks or mentality of our people: we have do freedom to arrested,yet released next day. At 13.00 there was so with them. Answer of a civil "official" who express owe feelings and preferences, our thoughts - it antimilitarist event at Galatasaray Square, where got mad was interesting: "You are not cops, you is much easier and sefer to be like everyone and to 2 objectors (one of them is an anarchist)made cannot search anyone!". Again none got arrested have a passive way of life. And of course there are a lot their declaration about total objection. Some 50 during this action. This day summit finished, so people(including us, unlucky blackblockers) of problems and tabus connected wityuh sexual less and less was going on, only presence of civil supported them, shouted slogans under heavy emancipation. This is innormal here to have sexual cops didn't decreased. We knew that none of our presence of police. Shortly after we dispersed contacts without marriage/ and to give birth to a child/, comrades is jailed, so after was just football and and some used it as chance to spray the walls. At if one girl is raped everybody says that she had soon... afternoon there was rally of ODP.which we- provoked a rapist, if one woman is pregnant without a hungry for events- intended to join, yet they husband everybody says that she is whore. didn't let us, considering Homosexualists are treated like mentally ill, we have anarchists as provocators and il education at school because it may spoil our blaming us for this what happened to their march earlier. The second problem is bad economical During rest of day and night opur country -and the consequences are: low some other small things been of living ~ won -no time to fight for going on by diverse groups. hts because they have to survive, and high This day over 40 people in total prostitution and even slavery. The third was arrested,all of them is political repressive system which stops released day later after beating id of initiative social activity, every liberating or sexual harrasments. as anti-establishment. But somebody has to On Tuesday, 29th there was tell our women that they have rights and that man and illegal concentration at 11.00 at women are equal - this great work is just starting by Galatasaray Sq. Few hundred strong crowd, including some some enthusiasm, but enthusiasm is fast spreading in 100 of us .gathered with flags the crowds. Women emancipation in Belarus is still a and started to scream slogans dream which we should make true* in front of riot police lines. : Olga Martynienko Also ca.50 Ozgur Hayat people 220141 Minsk ul. Russuanowa 4-38 Belarus was there. Anti NATO * This article was written for polish anarchojeminist statement has been read. zine"Wiedzma" '"'.'• :;;": :•.,:,. :,ft •' •"':'".: ;:•;; :..

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 32

Letters, letters, letters, letters, letters, letters, letters, letters .. A critical look Would so many people consider him your toys and go back to on Polish anarchist movement worthy of support? Or maybe as a kindergarten to play with other "guilty" he would be forgotten kids in safe environment? And if As a person taking part in and never mentioned again? How you tell me that time is not body called "Anarchist Movement" long are we going to divide people right, then I can tell you that in Poland for pretty long time I into "guilty" and "innocent", you can wait all your fucking life The political was able to make some instead of offering them full for good time because its us who uncrowned King observations. After all those support for their acts of make struggle and we live only Minister, is closer years I am very far away from rebellion?). How often do we hear once. Live means living by and NATO. Spec being optimistic, but on the during demonstrations "take off struggle, not merely surviving Bush administrate other hand I still see pretty good masks, it scares people"? How and passing away in shadows. And own new forms chances for positive developments often anarchists are even afraid don't tell me that more militant the political class if in this movement. Observations to call themselves anarchist in actions will bring repression on in new effor!s to written below are only my point of public, like during recent us- as I said if you see it as a dissent, branding view, which is however shared to protests in Warsaw, using instead war, then don't cry about to "national secun some extent by many of my friends dodgy "libertarian" title? response from your enemy and police conference. and comrades. I will try to keep Therefore if at the end we still besides if one wave of repression in Sofia. those "points of weakness" in consider ourselves1:: anarchists, can kill whole movement it means The most flag's points so discussion afterwards then we have to understand that it was dead:body anyway... wave of repress! can be easier. I am waiting for anarchism means being enemy to False unity. This is perhaps expression \r. tne i constructive responses (don't the state and all kinds of last of most important weaknesses Elitsa. a 20-yea-- waste your time on "you are authority^ :,How many people from that I see in Polish movement. July. in the r''•• stupid" and similar bullshit) . anarchist movement in Poland Problem-lays in attempt to create northeastern Let' s start then and sorry 't(MT ; really consider -themselves such? organisations (as if people passing out am little chaos : ;"™'.. For how many people its just couldn't be active without hometown over t Reformism. . That'a in: mjf: fashion, based in punk subculture those...) that will unify in one calling for more opinion major problem of today's:; or bo ing some kind of body everybody calling people's auto^o movement in Poland. Anarchist end i "alternative hippy"? If we him/herself an anarchist. It ends issues of the i up on "write to authorities" finally understand that being up in situation that we have Svoboden Misi style of action or simply anarchist: : means being enemy of Anarchist Federation that is magazine, only < complaining about injustice 'authority.. and wanting to unofficially dead for some time, . anti-autho'itan"1" ' whenever there is need to do-, :0ve:;rtlirOW:: it what are we waiting having in its ranks all sorts of something more. There is almost foi??: There comes another point... people that actually don't feel complete lack of any kind of < iacfc of offensive capabilities. any affinity with others, there direct actions, which proved to Lets be serious- there are almost are. so many contradicting be best way of achieving our goals no offensive actions against the : tendencies in this group that no through all history. Moreover, government and corporations from wonder it is not capable of doing any attempt by some comrades to do our side. We shouldn't be sitting anything successful, even holding something more "hard", not and complaining about lack of national meetings properly. This belonging to style of peaceful tension (for those anarchist who:: is not to say there are no good demonstrations or handing our consider tension between people people in FA- its just existence on her horr leaflets end up being criticized, and the government as something of such big body with such broad nard dsk i ridiculed or sometimes even positive- I am not talking about ideological line (or maybe even called provocations. It leads to old beardy academics in sandals without a line) that makes it situation where some people burn for whom anarchism exists only in ineffective. My proposition is to out and don't want to continue books)- we should try to bring come back to local affinity activity while "pub anarchists" this tension into existence. Many groups which are far more are happy that nobody is spoiling people talk endlessly about old successful and can always freedom ar"d a1' their peaceful situation. Also good times of Machno, Spain 1936 cooperate with other affinity Bulgaria. Her e"~a when finally something is etc. But this is not past, this is groups. There is too much of under surve^a-ce happening in important issues, just part of our history and its organizations fetishisation and Agency, trying to ' anarchist more often than not get continuation is up to us. we can clearly see that big groups Bulgaria and aSrc co-opted in left wing or even Militant struggle didn't end in don't work well and sooner or altered without ' government actions (for example 1939, it didn't even end in 70s, later get torn apart by internal phone was apoai anti homophobic or pro-choice its still goes on here and there, arguments and bureaucracy. State Security, out actions with participation of SLD and maybe you just sit too much That's it as for today. to determine t" parliamentarists on one hand and time in your books or over your Expect more in future. Think "material" to De us* on the other hand "anarcho" beer to notice it? For most of about it. Write your impressions. in this patent Did to feminists, not noticing anything people in anarchist movement in Resist and attack. INTERNAL ENEMY dissent. wrong in such pathetic and Poland words like solidarity and She is apparent hypocritical co-operation). For direct action in its real meaning many anarchists whole activity is had been long time forgotten. It *** becoming kind of public relation is necessary to come to terms with From this issue we are starting with thing, where government rhetoric confrontational approach. We our new letters-chapter. We will try to is being accepted and used for should accept its existence and present here the most interesting lettters long time (how many people would necessity of sabotage\direct regarding to situation in EE which we support comrade in jail if not for action and start looking on its recived in past two months. Unfortunately fact that he is kind of use as purely tactical choice, we will not be able to give this chapter to "innocent"? If he would kill a not choice of morality or much space (max 2 pages in each issue) Nazi having this planned in his anything else. Do you really so please keep it in mind writting your mind from the beginning? If he recognize state of war between us essey to us. would kill two or three Nazis? and state? Or maybe time to take Yours Abolishers.

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below ABC / Columns


CO Making the movement healthier

Although the summer have just passed and so nothing important happened publicly, one at least in my opinion very important thing happened inside the movement. It was the first anarcho- feminist summer camp, prepared by collective around the Anarcho-feminist alliance. This event was organised as children- o centered event, so (not only) anarchist parents could participate. The most important was that O this was the first time children/parents were not only hardly allowed, but in the centre of event. A lot of workshops and games for children were CO prepared, as \vell as lectures. In case of events "for adults" (such as lectures on education ad c anarchist's parenting) child-care was always provided. It is something really new in Czech E anarchist movement. It could be said we don't have any experience with activism and parenting. ^ A few activists who actually had a children usually step back and gave up the work in movement (of course there have been an o exceptions, but generally it is like that), and at the best cases they came back when their children was big enough. Maybe this is one of the reasons O why the anarchist movement in Czechia is so young. I'm happy to see this thing being CO challenged. The preparation for camp took enormous resources and energy, but in my c opinion as ordinary participant it was certainly worth of it. Not only it helps to encourage anarchists with children to participate in E movement, but it also makes the movement healthier. 13 And a few things beside that... Another AFA camp took place on the beginning of summer, but there wasn't any public output yet, so O I unfortunately won't give you any details. But I believe it was successful event as usual. The FSA published a new issue of O their magazine called the Svoboda Prace (Free Labour). New issue oftheA-konlra is in progress. A group of people preparing new big CO and serious anarchist newspaper is still engaged in discussion, so there aren't any new public outputs. But I believe there will be some progress after holidays. At least the Slovak section of the E Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation and the Priama Akcia aren't so lazy and they both 13 together published the first issue of the newspaper "Podaj dalej," focused mainly on daily life in Slovakia and ordinary people's O problems. Silence and apathy rule neo-nazi O movement as well. Even though the biggest and physically most dangerous group Narodni odpor (National resistance) is after more than a year back on-line, nazis weren't able to get more than 30people to the demo marking Hess death... And the Narodni odpor's website is crap anyway; they aren't even able to identify the most notorious spoke-persons in their "red-watch"gallery.

Pavel, (Czech correspondent)

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below page 34

Well..... One funny joke revolved around decentralization, which were condition for what was called "visibility day". (For those of you stopping the conflict in 2001, are now raising who don't get the jargon, that's supposed to he hatred between Macedonian and Albanian when you talk to the public instead of talking to ethnicity. This law brought new territorial changes yourselves.) On that day, somebody sort of of the existing municipalities, so for example to the complained that there weren't a lot of Eastern municipality of the capital city, Skopje, some Europeans. One guy, who had been there the villages were added and now this city became whole time but didn 't remember that many people bilingualftf there is more then 23-25 % of other had been particularly interested in whether or not ethnicity in one municipality then they can use there was an eastern european presence suggested their language, symbols etc.). After the decision of that an internal visibility day take place and that the government, which is coalition of social editor of the A-kontra newspaper all easterners paint their faces green. A question democrats (ex komunists), leaders of the Albanian ([email protected]) for me would be whether or not there needs to be liberation army and Liberals, to bring this law of Is there a gap between East and West? a special focus on the visibility of eastern people to decentralization of the municipalities, riots and help their integration. I don't think so - BUT protest rose against it. Around 3000 nationalist, something is causing some sort of gap. Curiously, 'concerned' people and opposition members There is no simple answer to the subject. Many it doesn't really affect everybody. Maybe some gathered in front of social democrats headquarters I years ago, I lived in the West and I remember a individuals just move around better in different in Struga (city in southwest of Macedonia which I question we used to ask ourselves: why are there environments. I think it has a lot to do with things. become albanian majority now) to protest against so few people of colour in our groups? Some I'm pretty sure that in order to make some the new territorial changes. This was also kind of theoretical people I knew asked why so few women connection, it helps to have read about the scenes provoked by the visit of the minister of defense to were contributing to the theoretical journals. in the West, to have read about or discussed the the city, attending to explain the people how good There were many attempts to explain this and issues on the agenda over there. Because in fact, is the new territorial dividing. He didn't really sometimes attempts to rectify this but often they the same issues are not on the agenda around the liked the people gathered around so he called them I failed because they just weren't to the point. world and this is one of the things that cause this not civilized or something, on this people 1 Sometimes women or people of colour found it gap. So when an easterner announces a campaign answered with civilized molotovs, then the riot difficult to get their message across because of a and nobody from the west reacts, it deepens the police took the control in their hands with shock \ disbelief. fee/ing that there is a gap. Likewise, when a and gas bombs, helping the minister to flee away I start with this because it may be something westerner has an issue and an easterner brings a from the rioting mass of people who were that some Western activists have asked themselves different perspective, particularly if it shows that shouting: kill him, kill him... (not that he doesn't recently - although I do believe that the situation they don't have the same ideas in the background, deserve it like every other minister)... anyway what has greatly improved recently, so maybe it's not the westerners sometimes feel like they don't have a my point was that this laws are only political hottest topic. These days, many internationally common of ideas with that person. decision that European Union is preferring and minded people ask themselves about how to Some people in the West (and even some in the they are pushed by them. What I see here is effectively engage people from other parts of the East) feel that this topic is tabu. After all, we're all another experiment ofEU with multiethnic society, world. Cooperation sometimes runs smoothly - human beings, we all have a similar set of values, finding a political and not natural solution for this I sometimes not. And sometimes, one side think it's we should be coming from the same perspective. problem, the people won't start to like each other | been worthwhile but the other does not agree. This Some people feel this question as I have put it by bringing new law... a very wide topic for discussion, but, for concentrates on division and not what we have in Yet this laws are still not official, they are I purposes of this publication, I'd like to raise the common. Maybe - I think it's a topic that has waiting for parliament discussion but as the I question of East-West cooperation. This is a lingered in the background for the last 10 years but majority are the governmental parties this law question asked many times before but the progress few people want to really talk about. probably will be brought and the ethnical tensions in the matter seems a bit slow. Maybe I'm just Finally, there is another issue which is will go up and up. impatient or too negative. Certainly projects like experiences of concrete cooperation. This is very Macedonia the last of the multiethnic countries I ABB represent progress, at least in terms of different of course but there is sometimes that left from Yugoslavia is threatened to become sending out information, and hopefully that 'cooperation'which only fits the needs of one of the the last place where ethnic conflict will take apart. information can bridge some gaps. Because, to be parties and sometimes people seem clueless that quite honest, I sometimes feel like the information there hasn't been a better reception from the other Marija, (Skopje correspondent) I gap is one of the problems. side. Again, it sometimes even seems tabu to talk I don't know how many people from Western openly about these expectations. This is notjust an I Europe have had this experience. You travel east-west issue. I somewhere, meet a fellow activist and start to talk My hope would be that anybody who is 1 about something you're doing and all of a sudden interested in increasing the exchange between east I you feel like you're from another planet. Whatever and west really try to have a discussion on their 1 it is, it's just too exotic a reality for your experiences. I suggest alter-ee discussion forum as interlocutor to grasp and the conversation just sort a place this discussion can go on but if any ABB of dies. OK - to be fair, it doesn't happen all the readers have something more specific to say about time that way, and it could be that I'm just a bore, the topic, maybe some letters can be published but there are people who just don't know what's going on in other countries and don't care. If here. Laure, (Warsaw correspondent) you're reading this, you must not be that sort of If PGA itself will grow, then only in person, and maybe you think it's exaggerated. This form of empty bubble I partially has to do with the imagination. If you 1 come from a place which has perhaps a famous What about PGA-conference? Yes, it took place, scene, a new acquaintance may start to ask about surely many active antiauthoritarians participated it with more interest than if you are from a place there, surely some valuable initiatives will follow, without a big reputation. The same if you are a yet... member of a more famous group vs. an individual. As I noticed already in Leiden (previous Again, there is no single experience, but what this conference ,in autumn 2002), european structure all means is that sometimes people from the of PGA, however sympathetic can seem, is useless. developing anarchist world arrive in exotic It is basically perfect pool to swim for all these locations like space aliens. And, believe me, if hyped on "networking" and "exchange", just for there is a very uncomfortable situation, few people Macedonia - the last of the multiethnic sake of it. Main positive force of it is to provide are likely to hear about it - mostly there willjust be countries that left from Yugoslavia every couple of years space to meet for some some grumbling in alien language. people, that I could hardly meet other way. As after A few of us went to Belgrade PGA. We were After the conflict between the Macedonian army Leiden, now also I hope these new contacts will looking forward to meeting people like at any such and Albanian liberation army in 2001, ethnic flourish and bear political fruits. Yet, all this event. Some of us were sort of hoping that there hatred was never on this high level like as it is now happens on margins of PGA or is connected with would be a good turnout from Eastern Europe. this days. It seems that the new laws for it only through spatial proximity. Yet, increasingly

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Abolishing the Borders from Below

I / observe, that this however naive and harmless just events in Jajinci camp, will not get a clue what been very successful. Another problem was the I structure, starts to emanete stench of formalized is going on in Serbia or in region at all. But this is avoidance of concrete answers for practical authoritarianism. This what I supposed to be just also fault of participants, it was definitely many questions and the emphasis on abstract talk of tool for better "connecting" antiauthoritarian western lifestyle activists, which left camp only on "prvcess", which gave the impression that a lot of I collectives from this part of world, becames goal the last party night, just because they love only the decision-making was going on in the itself-it creates somehow new field of "work" for o\m,s ecure sauce. It is at least hypocritical from background with very few people controlling it, I all this dobrodusni (with good soul) activists,that Andrej or other PGA-creatures to speak about while at the surface there were meaningless wants "to be PGA", that simply want to do succesfull visibility ofPGA,as only external, street debates about the ways to formulate phrasing on a something. Of course very safely and comfortably, presence (strikes support) happened completelly leaflet or web page. in usual western lefty manner, without associating independently of it and was even attempted to So the idea I have got of PGA, was one of a itself with any -isms, better call themselves sabotage by some Jajinci-ftgures..Visibility of closed western club, open only for those who wish I activists, of some-global 1 guess-movement. So PGA wasn't simply indended, as farthest they can to speak a special jargon-code understandable most energy is spend on new maslurbatory such a activists reach seem to be student center at only for western-educated people and where east I processes of identity building, next abstract its academic discussions (...) europeans are assigned a role of "fig-leaf, of I debates on "relation with other groups* (of course Main concern of PGA seem be to grow. Yet if tokens meant to legitimize a closed circle that is meant are even more reformist Bigger Brothers of PGA itself will grow, then only inform of empty not really interested to involve eastern europeans PGA like Social Forums, NGOs,etc.), wanking bubble. Even after living years in western in anything more than a symbolical and fictitious over successful "spokepersons councils", boring countries I cannot find much interest for all this way. Perhaps something has changed since then, "hallmarks" beatifications and surely next structures for sake of structure, for all this made on but i have seen no proof of it. On the contrary, the I preparing for next evaluation conference before paper "movement building" (usually without meeting in Belgrade seemed to me to continue this next global conference between local conferences clearly defining for what and who are the trend of meaningless discussions in a hermetic accompanied by vital discussions on several enemies), for all this endless processes of self- language and of unaccountable decisionmaking in I mailing lists about improving of skill-sliaring and affirming political uselessness concerning issues the background. I further work on encouraging participation of that need radical responce RIGHT NOW, I eastern-europeans, immigrants, working class unfortunately so characteristical for broader Zaczek, (Warsaw correspondent) women and all other poor bastards unfortunately understood western radical left. Only if European underrepresented or (not yet!) interested enough PGA (about other ones I don't know enough to | in exciting challenges PGA has to offer them. comment on) can ever transform from wishy- The thing is that it could happen anywhere, it washy festival of goodhearted into next tool could be easily France or Germany. Tliis usual consolidating diverse struggling collectives in westem-eumpean sweety leftist market of ideas, fight against capitalism, sexism, racism, where you have half an hour of Venezuela, thick homophobia, also locally and also on the streets, simp of "media activism", heated self-centred maybe is sense to keep it alive. Yet you cannot use discussions, all backgrounded by hippie (or balloon, where you need a hammer. I peacepunk) *civilized* esthetics, somehow slightly In generally I believe we should slrenghten our I rebelious but still widely smiling to enemies. Ahh, efforts to keep and grow vital cooperation and I sorry, but there's no enemies, just we "have to contact between anarchists on international, EE I understand situation"...Fascist is a fascist is a and balcan level through diverse projects, in that Developing alternatives I fascist. I don't have problem with confronting, if I same time yet focus on our local activities, 1 must, guys which are asking me aggressively if I'm because this where the life, so also revolt starts without a concept of how to introduce muslim or Croat, as it happened one tense, rainy and not in abstract clouds ofpgaism. them into existing struggles. I evening in Jajinci camp,yet I feel simply in wrong Commenting on Beograd events I place,when some co-campers treating these thugs Muri (AbottshingBB) I with beer as deescalation measure.! don't like There are two aspects on which I would like to when several harrasments of sexist character, focus while commenting on the Beograd events. nationalist frenzy or simple stealing stuff,when Both are strongly interconnected. One is about repitetively reported is answered as " typical watching the PGA development process, the I anarchist paranoia",and after some idiot calls the second about watching its approach to east I police twice, PGA-men declares by megaphone, European reality. I that "Nothing happened at all. Police was here and Generally the European PGA remains as it was I they didn't see nothing". On political meaning of from the beginning: it works mostly as a tool for such a statement is worthless to comment at all. I networking individuals and small collectives, hate to experience,that visit to refugee camp in without transforming, (as happens in the other which I wanted to lake part, will take only an hour parts of the world and as some would like to see in and in the evening. Racist arrogance of activists, Europe) into a network of movements (and I which can spare only this time from their precious individuals). It is difficult to say if this process is "I have decide not to participate" debates to visit people which situation so often to wrong or not as that very much depends on what I seem be one of their political subjects, or rather East europeans and PGA one expects from pga. If the idea is basically there objects. It is dark, children are going to sleep .etc. to have an exchange of all factors connected with you didn 't had to be ever before in refugee camp to As far as the involvment of eastern europeans struggling against global exploitation (ideas, I have a bit of simple human sensibility to in PGA, I can say my personal opinion and the experiences, motivations, resources, solidarity, understand how humilitating can be visit of r-easons I have decided not to participate. Mainly, etc) and to create through this process new weirdly looking, good-hearted westerners, coming this is the result of my experiences of co-operation solutions (tactics, ideas, targets, etc) which could \ to ZOO and trying to enterntain with juggling with PGA in 1999 during the so-called "Indian be introduced both globally and locally, then pga I for an hour. I decided not to participate, but some Caravan". At the time, a couple of east european goes the right way. Beograd was another \friends went there and had beed disgusted by activists, from Slovenia, Czechy and Poland were conference from which both movements and 1 character of this event. But maybe only because very actively involved in organizing welcome for persons could learn a lot V even if just through they're Macedonians, so \vanting or not, they the caravan in at least some of east european criticism. For instance, how different anti- simply can identify with situation of these refugees countries (Poland and Czechy). The idea of having authoritarians / anarchists can react when any a bit better. Also character of meetings with locals an eastern european branch of the caravan was obviously radically rightwing-thinking person I (Roma community, workers of Jugorimedija), looked down upon from the beginning, and attempts to approach the "ghetto". Some would I presented for good hearted and willing to actively discouraged on PGA mailing lists. PGA like to hang him on the tree while the others would I understand westerners inform of pitiful zoological activists seemed to want eastern european prefer to give him an opportunity to see some attraction as "people with problems " showed how involvment in actions organized in west europe, better alternative to what he believes. I mean this unbridgeable is gap between white middle class but had no interest in he/ping to make some local seriously. It is not an achievement to get together radicals and average inhabitants of poorer actions in east european countries. That was 15 anarchists and have a workshop where I regions. despite the fact that for example in Poland, this everybody agrees on the same issues. This helps to In general, I don't know how some western same period of '99 was the time of very intensive conduct our actions. But the real deal starts when I activist see it, but I think if somebody would follow farmer strikes, and common actions might have approaching people who think differently.

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Belarus / Usbekistan Abolishing the Borders from Below page 36

I Everybody has a ready-made solution, but only for like) efforts in eastern Europe, different steps are always anything what is against the law. But most I people already in their community. What greater not only necessary but also worth the effort. This is of people in "my" village are working abroad, so 1 alternative do we wish to offer to a larger of course the old question about who to co-operate they can be honest because they come here full of community in this situation: integration by with and who not to cooperate with, but it would money. But, back to theme. Important is that execution? Yes, pga remains an interesting field for make sense to at least look around where you are ordinary people are last hole and if cops want to developing alternatives to social relations: and think about what makes the struggles of the show that they work something they must catch communicating, discussing, reaching solutions, people here different and similar to other somebody. It will be always somebody without I dealing with differences, etc. struggles. This would help many of us to find an protection. Therefore it is clear during years that Yet, if the pga is attempting to introduce its answer to another question: why so few eastern big fishes cooperate with cops and with politicians Welcome t I experiences, analyses and potential into European activists have joined Beograde and they will never finish in prison. So, the state, wwv.alter.moi I EXISTING struggles and maybe also let their conference. Anyway, it is clear that this time efforts cops, politicians, criminals, everybody make wvw.abb.har I participants present their experiences, then to approach these various eastern European money fivm black market, their interest push them 1 something is going wrong with pga, and it went communities ("hallmarked" or not) were not to work together. I mentioned this, even I know that wrong in Beograd again. The idea of breaking the made. This is also why I am skeptical about what everybody know it, because I believe that I ghetto failed completely, already before the first kind of feedback the newly introduced form of criminals/big fishes are aim enemies of exploited "Wake up! Breakfast in half an hour!" was heard. actions, such as Global Estafette of people the same like state and its repressive forces. "Proryv" - wia Pga has wished to extend to Eastern Europe. Reappropriation, will have in eastern Europe. I think that many activists don't think in that way, Yerevan; '-. I Nowadays, the eastern part of Europe is full of Actually it would be interesting to bring this topic even they see criminals like idols so I must mention various communities which, to say it very to the ABB pages V if not in connection with pga, this (I am sorry to say also that many girls try to generally, are using radical means to protect their then just to see what perspectives and specific "catch" them). Just think, is there any difference rights, or just to resist power. Without any special potentials are connected with the idea of giving between state and criminals, who also try to I political backgrounds they are turning to fight and reappropriation, a common act in many east become authority for other people. Even ABCBetanis-E organizing themselves in anti-authoritarian ways. European regions, the meaning of political action. sociologists say that state and mafia function/act 217; ;&:i;:;x:;1 This is not one large movement but many little in the same way. Therefore I think that anarchists ww\V..anardiistbladk I struggles, and this process is increasing. Veronica (AbolishingBB) should be very carefully with whom they will Unfortunately, I would risk saying that I believe cooperate (when they need something) and in not 1% of these communities was reached during which situation. My opinion is that our contact Anarchist Llbwn \ preparation process of PGA-Beograd where with criminals should be limited just to buy Anti-McDonald I people hoped to approach them and bring them in something, not to be friends with them, and we h(p|X//V.oi0|>:jkft^'.Sitir 1 to PGA, and at the same time to give them a good could work something for them only when we must ANTYFA-anti&s I opportunity to get in touch with each other. do it in order to survive. So, for example, I think There is not enough space here to argue why that I can accept that some activist sell, transfer, or Autonomous Actk things happened like this: but I will say that people whatever, Cannabis or heroin if that person is 38 230015 Grodno;] who took part in preparations did not give enough really longer time hungry. So, my opinion is that Autonomous Act* importance to this aspect of preparation; western somebody who is really poor have right to do 220030 Minsk; Beta activists had focused too much on providing funds everything what he thinks that he must do in order "Ataka":-i|anarchi without looking at how the money could be used in to survive. But when I see that somebody (activist BAR BctarusiaiW the most relevant ways; finally, east Europeans did also) has quite normal life or rich one and he sell Bdarusian I not realize the huge of opportunity they had, or any kind of drugs I see that person like society's www.IhuK.hitech.by I just decided to focus on additional events which locust/destroyer. Reason to do it is just adapting in :''V&**risist"::: - Activists - Criminals - Drugs 1 where even more isolated than the conference society's values, as I said it started with destroying [email protected] itself. Everybody knew, nobody took an initiative. (State is behind) ofYu, where somebody is "Number One" if he is FAB /Federation. Or maybe there was (or THERE IS) a problem doing something dangerous or sell so popular *MinsfcEO.Box3 I of how to approach these various struggles under When I see how many people use drugs, how thing like Cannabis is. So, I hope that such *Kovopoloe;nuts- I pga-hallmarks. Here maybe pga should have many people want to become criminals, I have stupidity will disappear between activists. It "Eree Tlreauie" - learned from "working class oriented anarchist" wish to write about it. Of course, this is just my should be clear in our heads what is good and Brest; ksenia jzbogi who gave their support to the protesting electric opinion, written by first hand. I see that Muri what is bad for society, if we want to build new, KDS "Razam" , workers in Belgrade almought, one of the made attention about some things in last issue of different world. System of values from this system Initiatives "Togeftc highlights of this event was the celebration of the ABfB. I am totally agreed with him. I would like to should be always under question and people EQBoxZJTjkd^raz Serbian national hymn and where women were add some things, about relations of should think/nachdenken and decide what is bad , *Nwinkf^ satire limited to the role of statistic demonstrator (they anarchists/activists about criminals and about and what is good. Minsk; kampramat<2 drugs. Again, here are not so many anarchists, \ silent numbers). Not that I am just trying to I hope that anarchists will stop with using of any "RebdBous girts" I play a sarcastic card. Actually I also gave my than activists, so when I use word "activist" it kind of drugs because using of it is always good 1 support to "a bit nationalistic" and "a bit means wider spectrum of leftists. chance for the state to kill with dirty drugs I patriarchal" electro-strikers. I just want to make it First what I would like to say, it is the fact that someone who became too much dangerous for ] the point that wherever we move there is someone before destroying ofYu i.e. before transformation politicians, for system. Beside it, it is not logically I fighting, resisting or getting organized who does of society, drugs was used mostly by hippies, all that somebody, who is fighting for saving of life in 1 not necessary fits exactly to our hallmarks (PGA) kind of drugs. During years of economic inflations our planet, destroy himself/herself. Our cells cultuffi of Belarus or our ideological principles (work-class-orient- and sanctions, wars, people storied to seek some expect fivm our brains to take care about them anarchists). This is especially true in Eastern way to survive. They mixed themselves in black (maybe some people will laugh now but don't Europe where traditions of anti-authoritarianism market but very soon they understood that it is forget that we are still products of system about and anarchism have been exterminated or never fulfilled by people "with contacts" i.e. protection, many things, about destroying of ourselves also). I existed. But there is a small difference in the so they took already their positions. In such know that many people are not satisfied with their A'uarehist Coliceti Eastern European situation. While in many situation, ordinary people could take just a piece life in present system, so they must take something Banjaluka; at>_usoj western or south-American regions, approaching of cake i.e. to be just a last hole on to get belter feeling, but if not other people than www.osvajarijeslo "not-hallmarked" groups means the risk of scale/instrument. Everything was in black market: anarchists should refuse to become result of anarchist info from I becoming an instrument of their political agenda sugar, cigarettes, farina/flour, oil, benzene, and of present situation, anarchists should be example to 1 (a good example is the Social Forums), in eastern course, conventionally: drugs. I would like to the other people. Anarchists should have morality Europe it is nowadays mostly them V struggling mention all of this because cops and secret agency and should show to the people how to change their communities - which are afraid of being think that they will destroy opinion of people about life without running away in alcohol, drugs, etc. instrumentalized by the others. And even if this fact somebody if they publish photo and story in Energy of people should be used in better way, not sometimes causes difficulties and mistrust when medias of that person but they can succeed in it in creating of self-world in dnigs. So, 1 hope that these communities are approached, there are more only at people who still respect rules created by there will be more and more of us who will refuse and more examples from the last years where these the state. Other people, who accepted black using of drugs, who will refuse to cooperate/work i swfe communities have become open for co-operation market,,, who understood that people must survive with bigger criminals except when it is necessary. newspaper / with honestly acting anarchist groups and where in some way, such people will not think anything both sides have learned a lot from each other and bad. Usually, here respect the state's rules only old Rebel Mouse, (Serbia correspondent) big progress was achieved. This leads us to the communists and some people in villages who think conclusion that while introducing pga (or pga- that only honest work is acceptable and they judge

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe page 37 Abolishing the Borders from Below Communities in Struggle

Communities in Struggle Thenever complete list of anarchist groups. projects and collectives from Eastern Europe

Welcome to EE anarc Zpniiiist ABiance of wvnv.alter.most.org.pl (good -. y s-C'-p: "ca.'r.s -rj'^ r - .<-.•. Info-Shop »;Socharska 6; Prague^; www.abb.hardcore.li , v •_••'v •.:•,' "MDEADA" - squat __L\ L--,_@

"Proryv" - anarcho-c< Yerevan; htt ad-em.naroa.ru [email protected] - intemariDnal secretari sec®' ; '-" ..:.-':.. •'.:

AM ••Es 'o •;-.•.,..••/• •' ;' ; 217; •;."..v;v.: - .-:•'•. ~;_-.r.f-.: r_~^ :<.::v -f : .'. . ",;::i~iafstniggle - anarchisl \vd>-silB wife :'AFA Minsk;" lo; of inisrssi.'^ ;i;"-(7iical material : ..... ::: : :: restless Anai na

"Gondoft : ' >: AFA - anarchist antifa network; s:tii ; : ; .mihu; JSZJUl 7/-.-.'*.v,-";e3-.:c-.r/cr.-.i-j.-;~/ :: ' T.: >.r ' - © . - AnFeroA (Anarc:/ .. ' si-Action) AutM 4-MinskRO.l 220030 [email protected]; wv/-'..9 "Atai ; "MBfiife Paracfao" - squat/r - ;V...i-; URK Monteparadiso ex \tgarna K-Rojc; Gajeva 5; 52100 Puir: -tu ,..7.-ri3tnetAnDnteparadiso; rnonte-

Rijcka anarchist in' - iC'()iiet,hr; anarhist_ri(5)yaboQ. com "SKATCLA" - infoshbp in Rijeka; u Kruznoj

"Tabula Rasa" - iiaflSasi/libertarian infoshop in Cakovec; adress: JoapaKozarca BBjposC Infostiop

anarchist group

centre iri^Siaulia; Vytauto g,l:OJ ; " :aun'a; tei. 5gjrls"-af.'.'. v '...'''• - inMinsk; Zagreb's Anarchist '. Movement; ':: 370 -69909049 i7;j:':;::.rQ':;.-;.:c:" ^l'-. ..', .,' ' :••;'•: '.':'. " -\- vww,gE^ities.com/GapitoiHiI!/'."• ->- •• i.',' 707; zap :history.boom JTI - history of anarchy in . .'.'GREEN*' - diy cultur Vilnius; iviei-osic 3 Ju :.::c /..-. ; "?LJ.;J:.:.E:; new.org - diy. political punk \s bookuig@nardeore. It •.-www.Sat-'M «.::•;.:' •/..•.-.:.'' •'-. . :sne info ;:resourtx: on :1 : - ...... ;- .. -.... Bosnia & Heraesowor?, ABC-CSAF-do HI,pt>cox41,565-01 ehocenv!; abc@csa£cz: .:>•• ': ARV-anarchisi;r.;;-\::,::;-;:\; 100 Anarchist Cel in Krajii Banjaliika; [email protected]:i AKA Ar,eirisCijjiniunist Aitt-mathe - AKA- ' ;-. www.osv '-'••;• •' '. le • .- -'-Dotcom - r CZ@6BK" - .-,;",XT:+420777637863 a : s , i ,:; : :, o o . c o rn ; ist i : irotnBiH "A-KoE :; ..'••ichist magazine and collective. Square) - Anarchist Group Uherske Hradisie ;-Ki.=:,.y. :^:yiwm Bulgaria httpyAAas.wz.cz; [email protected]; "Bazar", PaBox reetrail,coin.rnk CSAF / Czechia - (CSAF - Czech-Slovakia "Anarho Sprotiva" (Anarchis :Ariarchist Federation^ po box 223, • i || i:i*jstt@csa£cz wwwxsafcz/english i :i^ertd::.!ocUWa;:»iM*^ newspaper I forum (Federation of Social Anarchiste) - FO box 5; 15006 ukaria.com Praha : • 56; •;.; • • •. fsa_mtersec^narchismus.ois •••;:;• ";.7i: i •:; Cii-'/il Communities in Struggle

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe Communities in Struggle Abolishing the Borders from Below page 38

Communities in Struggle Budapest (it is near Metro station "Moszkva ter"); 4): anarchism open Monday-Friday 12-18; www.ainfok.ini.hu; "Czarny Blok" Croatia publication in polish: www.alter.most.org.pl (good english) socialdisease.uw.hu .. ... : www.geocities.com/anarchoinfo "De Centrum" www.abb.hardcore.lt (bad english) AFA - anarchist antifa network; adress: 'A ul www.vjecniotpor.vze.com; [email protected] www.decenBum.prv AnFemA (Anarcho-Feminist-Action) Latvia EMANCYPUNX Armenia [email protected]; www.anfema.tk box 145; 02-792 Wa "Monte Paradise" - squat/social centre in Pula; PRETSPARS COLLECTIVE - zine, distro, FA (Anarchist Fe : "Proryv" - anarcho-communist group from URK Monteparadiso ex Vojarna K.Rojc; Gajeva 5; web, actions - http://pretspars.hardcore.lt; anarchists consisting Yerevan; hltp.//www.ad-em. narod.ru 52100 Pula; http.//squat.net/monteparadiso; monte- [email protected] FA-virtual codec [email protected] [email protected] "ZABADAKS"- D1Y political/cultural project, FA-Biala Podlask Belarus Rijeka anarchist initiative - [email protected]; infoshop etc.;Vijolisu 24; Kuldiga ; LV-3300Latvia; FA-Karystok-wi [email protected] www.nekac.lv, maris^[email protected] :': FA-Czestoclmwa "SKATULA" - infoshop in Rijeka; u Kruznoj FA/RSA Gdansk ABC Belarus - Belarus 230023 Grodno p.o.box 8; open Wed&Thurs. 17-21 217; [email protected]; FA-Inowrbdaw - Lithuania FA-Krakow-luk www..anarchistblackcross.by.ru "Tabula Rasa" - anarchist/libertarian infoshop in AFA (Antifascist Action) - Minsk; FA-Lubfin-lalub Cakovec; adress: Josipa Kozarca BB; post: Infoshop [email protected] - LT activists network FA-Lodz-falodz< restlessSl @mail.com Tabula rasa, p.p. 18,40315 M. Sredisce, Croatia Anarchist Library - Minsk; [email protected] "BENDRADARBIAI" - autnomous culture FA-Opole-sobol Z.A.F. / Zartar Anarchist Front - local anarchist centre in Siaulia; Vytauto g. 103 A, Siaulia; tel. FA-Osdwviee S» Anti-McDonald - htpp://belmac. narod.ru; group in the city of Zadar, htppj'^compaktor.narod.ru 370 69909049 FA-Poznan - ftpi [email protected]; [email protected] - booking in Lithuania FA-Rzeszow - xje ANTYFA - antifascist group; [email protected] solidarnosLmahost.org Autonomous Action / Grodno - Grodno R O. Box "GREEN" - diy culture club, in Vilnius; FA-Slupsk - onett ZAP / Zagrebacki Anarhisticki Pokret - Maironio 3 (in the yard), Vilnius; FA/RSA Sochacz 38 230015 Grodno; Belarus. Zagreb's Anarchist Movement; Autonomous Action /Minsk - Minsk P O. Box 34 [email protected] FA-Szczedn - fa_ www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/3707; zap www.hardcore.lt - Lithuanian diy scene info 1: FA-\¥arszawa-a 220030 Minsk; Belarus. [email protected] "Ataka" ~ anarchist newspaper, ataka@tutby resource on the net : FA-Wiirszawa/Pr BAF/Belarusian Anarchy front -; [email protected] FA-Wrodaw-ah Belarusian Linux Community Czechia Macedonia FA Zyrardow - si www.lmux.hitech.by Food Not Bombs "Ecoresist" - anarcho-ecological group; ABC-CSAF - c/o P.H., po box 41,565-01 Chocen. KOLEKT1V ZA SLOBODARSKA IDEJA Gdansk45. : Food Not Bombs/< [email protected] [email protected] anarchist collectiv in Skopje; foot Not Bombs/ FAB / Federation of Bdarusian Anarhist - AFA-anarchist anti-fascists group; po box 81; 100 [email protected]; * Minsk; RO.Box 33, 220134; 81 Praha 105;[email protected] [email protected] : . 303Rzeszow;t8l.6Q Food Not Bombs * Novopoioc; nuts- 1 @rarnbler,ru AKA AnarchoCommunist Alternative - AKA- Plostad Sloboda (Freedom Square) - anarchist "Free Theatre" - anarchist theatre from city of [email protected]; phone number:+420777637863 pubh'sher, [email protected] : ::: po box 2; 44-101 Gl Brest; ksenia_izberg@matl,ru "A-Kontra" - anarchist magazine and collective, [email protected] "FREEDOM* KDS "Razam" / Condefcdaration of Active po box 223,11121 Praha 1; [email protected] Ahemative Culture i Initiatives 'Together" - 230005 Belarus; Grodno Anarchist Group Dherske Hradiste - ul Jagjetonczylca 10 Grupa Anarchist H(XBpx 237; [email protected]; www.razam.by.ru http.//uhas.wz.cz; [email protected]; "Bazar", P.O.Box "Navinkf - satirical anarchist weekly newspaper, 24;68601Uh.Hradiste Poland Group"Solidarity") Minsk; kampramat@tutby CSAF / Czechia - (CSAF - Czech-Slovakia "INFOSZOP"- "Rebellious girls" - anti-sexist initiative in Minsk; Anarchist Federation), po box 223, 111 21 Prague ABC/ACK- www.ack.mostorg.pr library / info cafe in [email protected] l.iiCisec@csa&z www.csaf.cz/english ACK Warszawa - po box 30; 02-741 Warszawa Kepa; Warszawa ( 20^: Saturday ^ 1 www-anarchistory.boomj-u - history of anarchy in Federad socialnich anarchistu (FSA - IWA) 121. [email protected] : "•: •; '••'•••.: :v; Belarus (Federation of Social Anarchists) - PO box 5; 15006 ACK Poznan - po box 5; 60-966 Pozrian 31. wwwaBeonostoig.| Inkjatywa Pract www.375crew.org - di.y. political punk \e Praha 56; [email protected] [email protected].: initiatwofFA)-fe culture of Belarus http://fsa.anarchismus.org" ACKBiah/stok-pobox43; 15-662 Biatystbk 26. Feminist Alliance of March 8" - @-feminist ACK Slupsk - po box 65; 76-200 ;Slupskl2. fbcusmg on support IP-FA I SzcBtcin group; [email protected] bifa@polboxcom . :;: Info-Shop - Socharska 6; Prague. ACK Trojnaasto - [email protected] 70-474 Szczecin 34. "MILADA" - squat in Prague; ACK Wroclaw - S.A.ICA. ul. Jagielonczyka 10D; IP-FA / Sflesia inicjatywa_siteia(n;J Anarchist Collective "Slobodna Krajina" - [email protected] [email protected] • :- . • Banjaluka; [email protected] ORA "Solidarity" - organization of revolutionary ACKLubBn - PiotrHiller, ul. Cwiklinskiego 2/30; KOLEKTyWAI www.osvajanjeslobode.bravehost.coni - anarchists; L.K. po box 223; 111 21 Praha 1; 20-067 Lublin, [email protected] ,.'._ ofAutonomisfc)-gr TurunJ7;michoo77 anarchist info from BiH http://alarm.solidarita.org; [email protected] ACK Lodz - CIL, Po BOX 203,90-950, Lodz: 1; "PAPIRNA" - squat hi Prague. [email protected] "KHOMERA" - PH - international secretariat of CSAF Anarchist Library - ulPulaskiego 21 a; Poznan. 6a;Wrocla«t:;;:;:] [email protected] Anarchist Library - ul Jagielonczyka 10D; LETS - Local Ect Bulgaria Wroclaw. :teslrsf<@ktedu.pl "A-TAK" - anarchist magazine from Krakow; LETRS-Local Eta "Anarno Sprotiva" (Anarchist Resistance ) - Estonia atak@poprastu (contact); [email protected] le;;-{fj||«lahd.con! newspaper, hdp.//resistance.hitbg (distro); www.red-ratw,inleriapl/atak.htrnl "LITTLE MAR1 "Chlyab i swboda" (Bread and freedom) - www.hotee/anarhism - Future Anarchist Party of "A-zine" - an anarchist publication in english C?estocho\va;ulWai newspaper / discussion forum; Estonia contains articles of polish anarchist groups. L. Akai, po "Mac PariauTor http.//savanne.ch/svoboda; [email protected] box 227; 00-987 Warszawa 4. [email protected] [email protected] "Anarchy in BG" - http.//change.to/anarchy; "BUNKIER" ("B 48") - underground: "PILGN'y :undo [email protected] Hungaria concert/party space; ul. Wschodnia 48; Tonm; fran 6pm; adress: ul wwwjtand jt/struggte - anarchist web-site with [email protected] lot of interesting historical material "Gondolkodo Barikad" - Logodi utea 51; 1012 "C-4"-atemativecultuteceritreinLodz (ulWfeglQwa

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe page 39 Abolishing the Borders from Below Communities in Struggle

Communities in Struggle 4). (under the only one car bridge in the city). "RevdnBonshop" - anarchist infoshop in Craiova; "Czarny Blok" ("Black Bloc") ^ anarchist [email protected] web:http://www.pilon.prv.pl [email protected] publication in polish; po box 43; 15-662 Bialystok 26. RAAF (Radical Anti-fascist Action)-www.antifa- www.proiecnis.org - grassroots activist site "De Centrum" - anarchist squat in Bialystok, wildeastprv.pl ; po box 43; 15-662 Bialystok 26. www.miscareapunk.go.ro - site about punk (and adress: uLCzestochowska 14/2; [email protected] not only) in Romania www.decenirum.prv.pl "Radical Cheer Leaders" - anarchist female cheer EMANCYPUNX - anarcha-feminist group; po leaders team based in Warszawa. Contact through box 145; 02-792 Warszawa 78. : Emancypunx. : Russda FA (Anarchist Federation) - federation of polish "" - squat / anarchist centre, anarchists consisting of many local groups. ; . ul.Pulaskiego21a; Poznan,'.-....::/ ABC-Moscow - [email protected]; RO. FA- virtual collective sercretary - [email protected] S£.K.W, "KRZYK" - squat / anarchist centre, po Box 13 109028 Moscow (no name cm envelope !!!} FA-Biala Podlaska - [email protected] box 2; 44-101 Gliwice (ulSienkiewicza 25; tel.-l48 Alliance of Kazan Anarchists - antimil@narod ju; FA^Bialysfok V [email protected] 504878370). http://antimiLnarod ru FA-Czestoehowa- [email protected] "streFA" - infoshop in Szczecin; ul.Domanskiego "ANARCHTVE" - russian language etecironk FA/RSA Gdansk - [email protected],pl lc,tel.504935357; bbrary and archive of anarchist theory and practice; FA-Inowrociaw - [email protected] .". "SZWEJK" - :antmilitary service; ul.Pulaskiego http://anarchive.da.ru ' FA-Krakow- [email protected] 2 la; po box 5; 60-966 Poznan 31 Anarchist group of Nizhni Novgorod -BO. Box FA-Lubfin i [email protected] "TEKNO COLLECTIVE" - underground 25 603 104 Nizhni Novgorod Russia [email protected] FA-Lodz^ falodz@poczta-onetpl techno crew from Torun; [email protected] Animal and Earth Liberation in Russia - PO [email protected] WIEDZMA ( file WITCH ) - anarcha feminet Box, 135, Sochi, Russia, 354065. e- [email protected] group; PO BOX 3321-500 BIALA mail:[email protected] ' FA-FbzniuiT:[email protected] .-...•:• PODLASKA; POLAND; ANTI-FA Samara -anti_fa@mail,ru : : :: : : FA-Rzesz0w- xjedrusx@oZpI [email protected] . . ; Association of Anarchist Mewments (ADA) -see FA-Supsk - [email protected] www.wiedzrna.most.org.pt "Noviy Swet" newspaper contact adress : :: FA/RSA Sochacnw - [email protected] "YABANDA - anarchist samba band "Epicenter" - anarchist infoshop in StPetersburg;; FA-Szczecin - [email protected]; [email protected] . [email protected] post Epicenter c/o Vladimir Tarasov, PO Box 103, FA-Wirszawa - [email protected] 190013, StPetersburg, Russia e-mail; epicenter- FA-Warszawa/Praga - [email protected] [email protected] FOOD NOT BOMBS - Moscow - [email protected] : •...:' Romania http://foodnOtbombs.het.ru : FA Zyrardow- [email protected] ; FottdTk : ' Gdansk -po box 118; 80-470 AACTIV-ISTT Collective Timisoara, Antifa Free Trade Uuions Confederation -Tomsk; Gdansk 45. autenome / anarchist punk group http://1ailac.narbdju / [email protected]; [email protected]; Indymedia Russia - (in Russian language) Food .NaJBombs/RssHDW- ul.Kustronia 6748; 35- [email protected] .: http:/ATKsia.indymediaorg; A Nera - ecological, social and (counter) cultural [email protected]; . 7 303Rzeszow;tel,602769138, '•"•. T indymoskwa@pochtamtra (Moscow); : ... Food Not Bombs /GBwke - "SJEJCW. Krzyk"; center, in the mountains Cheile Nerei; [email protected] indymedia__piter@pochtamtru (Petersburg); po box 2; 44- 101 Gliwice, www.food.gliwice.conl smeshno@riseupjiet (Kiev, Ukraine) "FREEDOM" - Centre of Animation an Actiunea Anarhista (Anarchist Action) - [email protected] IOKAS / Irkutsk Organization Of Anareho- Alternative Culture / Anarchist Centre & Collective; Syndycalist Federation ul Jagielonczyka 10D; Wroclaw. fiEedom69@go2,pl CAJF. (Craima Anarho Front) - anarchist collective ircro ci^ of Craiova; [email protected] f wwwangsi^A= 7 ...>/i:7 7' AS; [email protected] Grupa Anarchistycma "Setidarnosc" (Anarchist JEREV RUBB I 'CLUB - Moscow punk club, Croup "Solidarity'') po box 12; 60-975 Poznan 61, cooperatirr; wMi ; lenrchists and enyirdranentalists; "INFOSZOP" - infosbop / anarchist & feminist [email protected] :';. v'/! :ryclnb.narodju . .';: •;.!// -..; library / info cafe in Warsaw; uLLotewska 11; Saska KRAB . 7 (i ^Liibc'^ratiqn of Rerojurionary Kepa; Warszawa. Open: Monday-Thursday 18°°- 20°°, Saturday 13°M700, Sunday W00-!?00; Pereutok Alyncrva 13 Kv 24; 107258 Moscow; .<~>.&7-,:. ' ', ; ."•" fc-r77:r7.4/e ~7r,7M3i [email protected]; http://aitrus.Tiafod.fu • • • • •[•••••• Inicjatywa Praeownieza FA / IP-FA (Workers "MEGAPHON" - magazine of anarchist, Initiative of . . - :, : of groi ;.••• .'•:.-^d to FA anticapitalist, antiwar, labour, environmental and other -"' •••-"•' ''.':••- .-.•'- -i woifars;^7^ .'.'..]:./"• """'^"s.. kinds of activism; [email protected] ; 7 IP-FA / Szczaan - Dominik Sawidd, pb bpx"53; "NOVIY SVET" - anarchist newspaper, 70474 Szczecin 34. • '"\. '.-•••- ' -'••':2,i: -.-. • -•'•".' newworld@rnailadrniraLru; http://novsvetnarod.ni GlugaNeagra/BlackHood-distribution&:,:: IP-FA / Sifcsia'.;- po box 2; 44-100 Gliwice; (aHissuessincel989). booking? ;;; for diy :; 7concerts ;; tons; KOLEKTYW AUTONOMBTOW (CoBective g _ a _.r.e-.z is tent a @ y a h o o , c o m ofAiitWKmysfe)-groupof activist po box 13;87-116 Torun 17; rrachoo77@pocztaonetpl : INFO-PROPAGANDA - anarchist leaflets "KROMERA" - squafculture centre; uhKromera publishing from Craiova; [email protected] , disiro; ;!: : [email protected]; 6a; Wroclaw. ..:;.: 7 :"^.. : ^.^: •; [email protected] . . MISCAREA UNDERGROUl © "rslVaSOARA - LETS - Local Economy Trade System in Krakow. Petersburg Antiwar CwnmitteE - see "Noviy [email protected] : : ;. (UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT TOfflSOARA); 7;s77ii'3t^,20.~ ' .:/':' : ::-:::--:--:-::v:;.1:...... LETS - Ijbcal Ekonomy Trade System in ftonan.:: PetefslHirg League of Anarchists - see "Noviy [email protected] : . '•', i URA * ::anarchopunk fanzine froni Craiova; "LITTLE MARY" - anarchist s " ' '••_, •

Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe the east european communities have good experience


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at abolishing dictatorships. Next one will be