WE Are Very Concerned to Hear That the List of Stewards for the Girls
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~~ CONTENTS. opinion it would be far better for all concerned, far more conducive to the ORRESPONDENCE maintainance of Constitutional law, a reasonable interpretation LEADERS "7 C —(Continued)— of the Book Supreme Grand Chapter , 228 Old Kent Lodge of Mark Master Masons 233 of Contitutions, and the safe progress and peaceful developement of our Next Wednesday's Festival : its Chairman, A Temperance Lodge for London 233 and his Province 228 The May Election 233 time-honoured and commendable Craft, if we adhered firmly and Consecration 01 the Henniker Mark Lodge, Charity Voting 233 tenaciously to all that experience has tested, and custom has No. 31S 2-9 Reviews 233 made law. Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 230 Masonic Notes and Queries 233 Hughan 230 #*# Proposed Testimonial to Bro. W.J. R EPORTS OF MASONIC M EETINGS— Field lane Ragged Schools 230 W E are glad to hear that the subscri of the Provincial Grand M.M.M. Craft Masonry 233 ptions for the Building Fund of the Formation Instruction 23:; Lodge of Nottinghamshire 230 Boys' School are increasing. We, however, beg to express our hope that at Oxford 231 Royal Arch 236 The Grand Master Mark Masonry Provincial Priory of North and Hast York- 235 such additions are not made to it in lieu of the normal contributions to the 2 r Ancient and Accepted Rite 236 shire 3 Knights lemplar General Funds of the School. The " rock ahead," according Lodge o£ Benevolence 231 23G to our view, Red Cross of Constantine 236 CORRESPONDENCE— has always been , and we believe the fear is shared in by not a few, that the Mav Elections 23 2 Ohituary 23d attractions of the The Girls' School 232 Consecration of the Camden Chapter, No. " double votes " may reduce the total of the general Tpye-ical Vagaries 232 704 236 fund returns. If so, the position of the School in Order of Precedence 232 Masonic and General Tidings , 237 its active and Grand Lodge Appointments 233 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 238 progressive developement may be seriously affected, because if the annual income is in any way reduced the deficiency must be made up concerned to hear that the list of Stewards for the Girls' WE are very somehow. If be true, as we have heard, that the provincial returns are to a large as it might well be. We beg to express a School Festival is not as great extent devoted to the Building Fund, in preference to the General brethren who keep back the announcement of their hope that many good Fund, where, we venture to ask, is the large needful income for the moment will now put their " right foot forward " and names until the last necessary annual expenditure to come from ? If such subscriptions to the ECRETARY sine mora." We trust that the send in their names to the S " Building Fund were an addition to the wonted returns of the General Fund, will make amends for any deficiency of number, " returns " of the Stewards we should be the first to welcome them ; but we fear a little, from what we of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight will bestir and that the good Province hear, that the subscriptions to the Building Fund are given instead of to the distinguished and popular GRAND MASTER . There itself and rally round its General Fund. If such be the fact, with the best intentions in the world , Freemasons who have done more faithful suit and service to ars few English the progress of the Building Fund, (much to be desiderated in itself), may B. BEACH . An admirable worker, second to the Craft than Bro . W. W. seriously affect the annual income of the School. We think it well to the administration of his important province has been marked none, in fact, call attention to this point, as we fear it is a little overlooked by some who by great discrimination and effective ability, and we are certain that under are inscribing their donations on the Building Fund. Festival of the Girls' School will be a most interesting his presidency the #*# assembly of charitable Freemasons, as well as a financial success. T HERE seems from what we hear *# whispered about a somewhat growing * belief of considerable changes impending over our Masonic constitutions. T HE Festival of the Girls' School, now drawing rapidly near, will be We trust sincerely that these "dark sayings " are but the over before we greet our readers again, and will we hope, prove to " canards" of the curious, or the gossips of the credulous. We state distinctl be a great success. It is just possible that, owing to many conflict- y, without par- tiality, fear, or favour, and we say it advisedly, that just now for ing causes, there may not be that exuberant zeal which marked the efforts many patent reasons the great body of the Craft desiderate no essential altera- last year of the Stewards, swelled their numbers, and expanded their re- tions whatever in our well-balanced system. " Leave well alone turns. The very prosperity of the Girls' School has been used by some " is an adage to be carefull y kept in mind by all such would be reformers, kind friends " as a reason for a sort of poco-curante indifferentism ; as we are con- " vinced that Grand Lodge will be most indisposed to countenance whereas we beg to press on our readers, one and all, that nothing more cruel any aspira- tions for hasty innovations, or any unnecessary cry for restless change. to the best interests of the Girls' School could be brought about, than to compel the authorities, by a failure in its annual returns, to reduce its capi- * * talized property. The invested funds of the Girls' School have been care- AMONG the appointments announced in Grand Lodge, none will give fully husbanded by its Committee to meet any possible future exigences, greater general satisfaction we feel sure, than the recognition of the eminent many of which may arise, and no more shortsighted policy ever was sug- services of Bro. M C I NTYRE , our valued Grand Registrar. For 20 years gested, no more childish, proposition ever was hazarded, than because the his name has prominently before the Craft, and few brethren there are who School has done so well in the past, and is prospering in every respect in the have so earned the good will of his contemporari es and the confidence of present, that it had better fall back upon and utilize its existing means in the Grand Lodge. As our legal adviser, we look up to him habitually the future. We feel assured, on the contrary, that the unchanging Iarge- and confiding ly in every emergency and never in vain, for wise counsels heartedness and liberality of English Craftsmen will still be manifested at and constitutional dicta. w the Girls' School Festival as actively and as cheerfully as ever, as well in testi- # # mony of their entire confidence in the School authorities, and their warm THE first meeting of the Stewards for the Boys' School Festival in June, appreciation of the faithful and laudable efforts of many years to bring it to Lord HOLMESDALE being the Chairman, took place on Tuesday last, when its present state of efficiency and reality. Bro. J AMES S. EASTES, D.G.M., for Kent, and Bro. EDGAR BOWYER , G.S.B., were elected Grand Chairmen «** , and Bro. H ORACE B. MARSHALL A point of M asonic Law comes before us constantly, about which, to say the Treasurer of Stewards. The locale of the festival is not yet fixed itsel f truth, we are a little " exercized ." We are constantly appealed to about it, though the inclination of the meeting was strongly Brightonwards. In fact and asked to write there anent. It is the question whether under any cir- it seems desirable to get out of London , and London-on-the-Sea has this cumstances a brother can be placed in the Master 's Chair without having great advantage, that it is easily acceptable and get-at-able by all. There passed the Warden 's! As regards the normal Annual Election of is a great deficiency of the needful accomodation in the suburbs of London , W.M.'s such undoubtedly is the law, and the "law too of the Medes and and we are inclined to think that the selection of Brighton has many advan- Persians," that no one who has not served a year in a Warden 's chair tages, and will commend itself to many friends of the Boys' School. can be elected into the Chair of King Solomon. But modern practice has #*# found and inculcates a "gloss " on this wise and venerable law of English WE call attention to a question elsewhere by two brothers, namely, by one Freemasonry. Where a new lodge is formed, (and by analogy the same who signs himself "H. E. F.," and another " District Grand Master." As princi ple is applied to a chapter), it is now held that on the recommendation we remark Editorially in a foot-note to " H. E. F.'s " letter we do not profess of his brethren and the approval of the G.M., a brother who is only a Master to understand the point he raises, and think that there must be some error. Mason and has filled no lodge office whatever may be elected W.M., notwith- The Table of Precedence is so clear on the subject that unless altered by standing the law, as W.M. of a new lodge, and installed accordingly.