Automatically Indexing Millions of Databases in Microsoft Azure SQL Database Sudipto Das, Miroslav Grbic, Igor Ilic, Isidora Jovandic, Andrija Jovanovic, Vivek R
Automatically Indexing Millions of Databases in Microsoft Azure SQL Database Sudipto Das, Miroslav Grbic, Igor Ilic, Isidora Jovandic, Andrija Jovanovic, Vivek R. Narasayya, Miodrag Radulovic, Maja Stikic, Gaoxiang Xu, Surajit Chaudhuri Microsoft Corporation ABSTRACT tools [2, 14, 46] have helped DBAs search the complex search An appropriate set of indexes can result in orders of magni- space of alternative indexes (and other physical structures tude better query performance. Index management is a chal- such as materialized views and partitioning). However, a lenging task even for expert human administrators. Fully au- DBA still drives this tuning process and is responsible for tomating this process is of significant value. We describe the several important tasks, such as: ¹iº identifying a representa- challenges, architecture, design choices, implementation, and tive workload; ¹iiº analyzing the database without impact- learnings from building an industrial-strength auto-indexing ing production instances; ¹iiiº implementing index changes; service for Microsoft Azure SQL Database, a relational data- ¹ivº ensuring these actions do not adversely affect query base service. Our service has been generally available for performance; and ¹vº continuously tuning the database as more than two years, generating index recommendations the workload drifts and the data distributions change. for every database in Azure SQL Database, automatically Cloud database services, such as Microsoft Azure SQL implementing them for a large fraction, and significantly im- Database, automate several important tasks such as provi- proving performance of hundreds of thousands of databases. sioning, operating system and database software upgrades, We also share our experience from experimentation at scale high availability, backups etc, thus reducing the total cost with production databases which gives us confidence in our of ownership (TCO).
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