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Magazin SIAM Sadržaj Impressum: Content Izdavač/Publisher: J. P. Međunarodni aerodrom “Sarajevo” d.o.o. Sarajevo Za izdavača/For publisher: Armin Kajmaković Godina razvojnih projekata i jubileja 4 A year of development projects and anniversaries Tajna uspjeha aerodroma jesu njegovi kadrovi 8 The secret of airport’s success is its staff Priprema/Preparation: Kompanija bez greške 14 A faultless company Inelex d.o.o. Sarajevo Razvojni projekti 21 Development Projects Urednik/Editor: Budućnost na vidiku – Terminal B 22 Future in sight - Terminal B Kenan Bešlija Novi razvojni projekti MAS-a 25 New development projects of the SIA Lektor i korektor/Lecturer and Proofreader: Djelovanje u kriznim zdravstvenim situacijama 28 Responding to emergency health situations mr. Irma Kaltak Vježbe – odgovor na sve izazove 30 Exercises – a response to all the challenges Prevodilac/Translator: Vodeća uloga u zračnom saobraćaju 37 A leading role in air transport Mubera Vulović BHANSA: Nebo je konačno naše 38 BHANSA: The sky is finally ours Fotografija/Photography: Vrijeme je za nove letove 42 It’s time for new flights Arhiva J. P. Međunarodni aerodrom “Sarajevo” d.o.o. Sarajevo i Armin Durgut Čestitke 45 Congrats Recenzenti/Consulting Editors: Historija MAS-a 52 SIA History Edita Sulejmanović, Samra Pehilj MAS 2015.-2019. Uspjeh je njegovo drugo ime 78 SIA 2015-2019 Success is its other name Grafičko oblikovanje/Design: 2019: Godina koja će se pamtiti 82 2019: A Year to Remember Triptih d.o.o. Sarajevo Na Međunarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo doživio sam najljepše trenutke 86 I have had the most wonderful moments at the Sarajevo International Airport Štampa/Print: Vrijeme Aerodroma Sarajevo tek dolazi 90 Sarajevo Airport’s time is still coming Grafotisak d.o.o. Gurmanska raskrsnica Istoka i Zapada 92 Gourmet intersection of East and West Tiraž/ Circulation: Destinacije 94 Destinations 2000 kom MAS kontakti 96 SIA Contacts Godina izdanja/Published: 2019. 2 3 Godina razvojnih A year of development projekata i jubileja projects and anniversaries Armin Kajmaković, Armin Kajmaković, direktor Međunarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo Sarajevo International Airport CEO Dragi putnici i posjetioci, dobro došli na Među­ njihov prvi susret s Bosnom i Hercegovinom takes the time to review and summarize eve­ domestic and international scene. The Sara­ narodni aerodrom Sarajevo! i njihov prvi utisak o našoj zemlji, te je stoga rything we have achieved in the past 365 days. jevo Airport has been particularly flourishing posebno bitno da ta prva slika bude pozi­ The year behind us is a year of projects and over the past few years, with a steady increase Pred vama je specijalno izdanje magazina tivna. Također, Međunarodni aerodrom Sara­ anniversaries, a year of success that encour­ in passenger numbers and traffic. At the end SIAM, kojim obilježavamo 50 godina našeg jevo predstavlja ne samo glavnu vezu Bosne ages us to continue to move forward and to of last year, the Sarajevo International Airport postojanja. Na narednim stranicama pokušali i Hercegovine s ostatkom svijeta već sve više grow in order for you, our passengers, to have welcomed its millionth passenger for the first smo sažeti pola stoljeća godina dugu povijest postaje prepoznatljiv brend na domaćoj i efficient and comfortable service of the high­ time so preparing in a particularly appropriate Aerodroma, predstaviti vam trenutne projekte međunarodnoj sceni. Sarajevski aerodrom est possible quality. way for its 50th anniversary. i osvrnuti se na blistavu budućnost pred nama. svoj procvat posebno bilježi proteklih nekoliko godina, uz kontinuiran porast broja putnika i In addition to the important events for the SIA, Today, the Sarajevo International Airport is a Osim bitnih događaja za sam MAS, donosimo prometa. Krajem prošle godine Međunarodni we also bring other interesting stories from respectable company that is constantly invest­ i ostale zanimljive priče iz zrakoplovstva, aerodrom Sarajevo prvi je put ispratio i svog aviation, tourism, sports, delicacies, as well ing in its further development. Many airlines turizma, sporta, delicija, kao i priču o svakod­ milionitog putnika, čime se na osobito prikla­ as stories about the day­to­day operations of have recognized this, and today we have con­ nevnom funkcioniranju Aerodroma s fokusom dan način pripremio za proslavu 50. godišnjice the airport with a focus on our employees who nections with many European and world capi­ na naše uposlenike koji svaki dan putnicima svog postojanja. are always available to passengers and at their tals. bezuvjetno stoje na raspolaganju i na usluzi. service every day. Danas je Međunarodni aerodrom Sarajevo res­ What needs to be highlighted, of course, is that Kada iza sebe ostavljamo staru godinu, svako pektabilna kompanija koja konstantno ulaže u The significance of the Sarajevo Airport for people are part of every day in these fifty years, od nas odvaja vrijeme za preispitivanje i sumi­ svoj dalji razvoj. Prepoznale su to mnoge avio­ Bosnia and Herzegovina is multifaceted. For and that they are the main actors of this story. ranje svega što smo postigli u proteklih 365 kompanije, te danas imamo povezanost s veli­ most tourists coming from countries outside dana. Godina za nama godina je projekata i kim brojem evropskih i svjetskih metropola. this region, it is their first encounter with Bos­ I would like to emphasize that without the jubileja, godina uspjeha koja nas podstiče da nia and Herzegovina and their first impression vision of the management which is directed nastavljamo dalje napredovati i razvijati se Ono što se, naravno, posebno mora istaći jeste of our country, and it is therefore particu­ towards continuous improvement of airport kako biste vi, naši putnici, ima li što kvalitet­ da su u svih tih pedeset godina postojanja, u larly important to have a positive first image. capacities, without a clear commitment, with­ niju, efikasniju i komforniju uslugu. svakom dijelu te priče, njenom početku i traja­ Also, the Sarajevo International Airport is not out dedicated work of all employees such nju i njenoj sadašnjici utkani ljudi. only the main link of Bosnia and Herzegovina growth would have not been possible. Značaj sarajevske zračne luke za Bosnu i Her­ aerodromskih kapaciteta, bez jasne opredije­ Dear travelers and visitors, welcome to the with the rest of the world, but it is increas­ cegovinu je višestruk. Za većinu turista koji Posebno želim istaći da bez vizije menadž­ ljenosti, bez predanog rada svih zaposlenih, Sarajevo International Airport! ingly becoming a recognizable brand on the Another successful year is passing by. dolaze iz zemalja izvan ove regije predstavlja menta, a naša je vezana za stalno poboljšanje ovakav rast ne bi bio moguć. In front of you is a special edition of the SIAM, Iza nas je još jedna uspješna godina. which commemorates 50 years of our exist­ Sarajevo International Airport is not only the main link of Bosnia and Međunarodni aerodrom Sarajevo predstavlja ne samo glavnu vezu Bosne i ence. In the following pages, we have tried to Herzegovina with the rest of the world, but it is increasingly becoming Hercegovine s ostatkom svijeta već sve više postaje prepoznatljiv brend na Pamtit ćemo je po značajnim rezultatima kao i summarize the history of our airport, half a a recognizable brand on the domestic and international scene. domaćoj i međunarodnoj sceni. Sarajevski aerodrom svoj procvat posebno bilježi po značajnim investicionim projektima. Pede­ century old, to present to you current projects Sarajevo Airport has been particularly flourishing over the past few proteklih nekoliko godina, uz kontinuiran porast broja putnika i prometa seti rođendan obilježavamo radno, u punom and to take a look at the bright future ahead. years, with a steady increase in passenger numbers and traffic smislu riječi. Naime, u toku je realizacija pro­ As we leave the old year behind, each of us 4 5 5 and world trends and the latest technological developments. Also, at a time when much of the trade is done by air transport and especially in the situa­ tion where road and railway infrastructure in Bosnia and Herzegovina is lagging behind the region, Sarajevo International Airport, in the area of cargo services realization, is an impor­ tant link for our many exporters with markets worldwide. Since 1969, when the Sarajevo International Airport was officially opened to civilian air traf­ fic, a significant number of employees have passed through this company, gaining work experience, advanced training, working and earning a pension. I wish all of them and all of us a happy anniversary and a lot more busi­ ness success, a new million passengers in the near future, new lines and a greater and even better quality of our services. Dear passengers, we wish you good luck and success in the New Year 2020. jekata dogradnje, proširenja i povećanja ključ­ drom Sarajevo u domenu realizacije kargo We will remember this year for significant We are happy to welcome you and bid you nih aerodromskih kapaciteta kako u prostor­ usluga predstavlja važnu sponu za naše brojne results as well as for significant investment farewell during the travels and we hope that nom, tako i u tehnološkom smislu. Osigurat izvoznike s tržištima širom svijeta. projects. your will have pleasant memories of your stay ćemo dodatnih 10.000 m2 prostora jer je Među­ at the Sarajevo International Airport. narodni aerodrom Sarajevo dostigao i prešao Od davne 1969. godine, kada je Međunarodni We are celebrating our fiftieth birthday in a nivo kapacitiranosti s postojećim terminalom aerodrom Sarajevo zvanično otvoren, kroz ovu working manner, in the fullest sense of the (do 1 milion putnika godišnje). Završetkom je kompaniju prošao značajan broj zaposlenih, word. Namely, the realization of projects for ovih radova značajno će se povećati efikasnost stjecali su radno iskustvo, usavršavali se, radili upgrading, expanding and increasing key air­ Aerodroma te dodatno unaprijediti nivo i kva­ i penziju zaradili. Svima njima i svima nama port capacities is ongoing, both in spatial and litet usluga koje pružamo svojim poslovnim želim sretnu godišnjicu i još mnogo poslov­ technological sense.
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    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted). Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/535 of 8 April 2020 amending Regulation (EC) No 748/2009 on the list of aircraft operators which performed an aviation activity listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC on or after 1 January 2006 specifying the administering Member State for each aircraft operator (Text with EEA relevance) COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2020/535 of 8 April 2020 amending Regulation (EC) No 748/2009 on the list of aircraft operators which performed an aviation activity listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC on or after 1 January 2006 specifying the administering Member State for each aircraft operator (Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Union and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC(1), and in particular Article 18a(3)(b) thereof, Whereas: (1) Directive 2003/87/EC, as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(2), includes aviation activities in the system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Union (‘EU ETS’). (2) Commission Regulation (EC) No 748/2009(3) establishes a list of aircraft operators which performed an aviation activity listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC on or after 1 January 2006. (3) That list aims to reduce the administrative burden on aircraft operators by providing information on which Member State will be regulating a particular aircraft operator.
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