Notes Introduction 1. Discépolo, Stéfano, 135. 2. Throughout the book, all translations are mine, unless specified otherwise. 3. Halbwachs, On Collective Memory, 38. 4. Hirsch, Family Frames, 22. See also Hirsch’s “The Generation of Postmem- ory,” 103–128. 5. Jelin, Los trabajos de la memoria, 124. 6. Filc, Entre el parentesco y la política. Familia y dictadura, 1976–1983, 39. 7. Graham-Jones, Exorcising History, Argentine Theater under Dictatorship, 28. For recent scholarship on the discourse of family as it relates to construc- tions of national identity in Latin American Theatre, see Camilla Stevens’ Family and Identity in Contemporary Cuban and Puerto Rican Drama, and Sharon Magnarelli’s Home is Where the (He)art Is. The Family Romance in Late Twentieth-Century Mexican and Argentine Theater. 8. Filc, Entre el parentesco y la política. Familia y dictadura, 1976–1983, 66. 9. Amado and Domínguez, Lazos de familia. Herencias, cuerpos, ficciones, 20. 10. Taylor, Disappearing Acts: Spectacles of Gender and Nationalism in Argentina’s “Dirty War,” 34. 11. For an excellent analysis comparing the uses of family discourse under democracy in Argentina and South Africa, see Kerry Bystrom’s “The Pub- lic Private Sphere: Family Narrative and Democracy in Argentina and South Africa.” 12. Amado and Domínguez, Lazos de familia. Herencias, cuerpos, ficciones, 14. 13. Filc, Entre el parentesco y la política. Familia y dictadura, 1976–1983, 96. 14. Navarro, “The Personal is Political: las Madres de Plaza de Mayo;” Jelin, Women and Social Change in Latin America. 15. Beck, What is Globalization, 12. 16. Rebellato, Theatre & Globalization, 30. 17.
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