A Management Information And Program Evaluation System For The State of



in cooperation with The University of Maryland under the auspices of Title I of the Higher Education Assistance Act JANUARY 1989


March 11, 1969


To: Department Heads and Seminar Participants in the Management Information and Program Evaluation System

From: John J. McCormick, Jr., Director Management Information Program

Re: Report - "A Management Information and Program Evaluation System for the State of Maryland"

The report on our efforts during the summer and fall is attached. In the front are some recommendations and review notes. I took as samples for the review notes several programs that were'done rather well^and which illustrate some typical types of questions which we hope will be raised by this effort.

I appreciate the time and effort you all put in on this project and I hope to work with you again this year in a continuation of the program.

Thank you.





A Report to the Governor and General Assembly January, 1969


Page Number




DEPARTMENTAL PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS Section Number Assessments and Taxation, Department of 1 Bank Commissioner, State 2 Board of Natural Resources 3 Board of Trustees of State Colleges 4 Building, Savings and Loan, Department of 5 Affairs, Department of 6 Civil Defense Agency, Maryland ..'..• 7 Comptroller of the Treasury 8 Correction, Department of 9 Commissionj Governor's 10 Economic Development, Department of 11 Education, Department of 12 Economic Opportunity, Office of 13 Employment Security, Department of 14 Forests and Parks, Department of 15 Game and Inland Fish, Department of 16 Hall of Records 17 Health, Department of 18 Higher Education, Advisory Council for 19 Insurance Department, State 20 Labor and Industry, Department of 22 Loan Laws, Administrator of 23 Mental Hygiene, Department of 24 Motor Vehicles, Department of 26 Patuxent Institution 28 Personnel, Commissioner of 29 Planning Department, State 30 Police, Maryland State 31 Public Improvements, Department of .... 33 Public Service Commission 34 Retirement Systems, Employees' 35 Roads Commission, State 36 Salisbury State College 38 Treasurer, State 39 Social Services, Department of 40 University of Maryland 41 Water Resources, Department of 42

APPENDIX Instructions for Completing the State of Maryland Program Description Form 43


This report describes a Management Information and Program Evaluation System for Maryland. All state functions are defined in "programs" and the basic objective of each is stated in writing. For each program certain "measures" are defined for reporting purposes. These include (1) a measure of the cost of the program (2) a measure of the physical activity or produc- tion of the program (3) a measure of the program's success in meeting its stated objectives and (4) unit costs per amount achieved such as cost per patient day or per license issued which are called measures of efficiency.

This report contains program definitions and statements of objectives for approximately 85% of state efforts. Measures for each are identified. Information will be accumulated beginning January 1, 1969 on a quarterly basis and should be available next year to help the executive branch in its manage- ment of state efforts. It will also help both the executive and legislative branches to evaluate the desirability and priority of individual programs. MIPES was developed with the help of a federal grant under Title I of the Higher Education Assistance Act of 1965. An application for a further grant is being prepared to allow training of local officials in the system and to help them apply it to their own situations.

Recommendations for 1969.

1. The MIPES System should be continued and expanded to include all state programs.

2. Local officials should be offered training in MIPES and en- couraged to apply it to their own operations.

3. Both the Executive branch and the General Assembly should carefully review the statements of program objectives to identify any areas where clarification is needed or where a change of emphasis is desirable. The enclosed statements of objectives were prepared by the departments which actually administer the programs.

4. The definitions of program measures should be reviewed to determine (a) where additional information will be required or (b) where information is unnecessary and should be deleted. The accumulation of information is both time consuming and costly and should not be undertaken unless beneficial results can be anticipated.

5. An evaluation of the future scope and role of the program should be made at the close of 1969.




To His Excellency Spiro T. Agnew

To the Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen of The General Assembly of Maryland

This report describes progress to date on the establishment of a Management Information and Program Evaluation System in Maryland. The system is designed to strengthen the Governor's management of the executive branch of State Government by providing him with a systematic and compre- hensive flow of information on the progress and problems of all state ac- tivities. It will also assist the Governor and the General Assembly by supplying information required for a regular evaluation of all state pro- grams, so that desirable efforts can be emphasized and unproductive efforts curtailed.


The executive branch of Maryland State Government consists of approximately 250 departments, offices, boards and commissions which report independently to the Governor. Historically, lobbyists interested in special programs have sought departmental status for their activities in an effort to emphasize their prestige and importance. So many separate agencies have been established that none can receive adequate attention from the Governor and General Assembly. Both branches of government have expressed dissatisfaction with the type, frequency and adequacy of information which they receive for management and program evaluation purposes. A reorganization of the executive branch of government is badly needed and will help alleviate the problem. In addition, an orderly method must be initiated for supplying the Governor and the General Assembly with information so that they may carry out their consti- tutional responsibilities.

A word of caution is necessary. No system can be designed which will furnish the answers to all possible questions concerning state activi- ties and programs. This system attempts to supply information necessary for


an over-view of state programs. The wise legislator or administrator will use it to quickly identify questions of policy or program which require more de- tailed analysis or justification. It will not substitute for the inquiring mind or the need to ask the right question at the right time.


The Management Information and Program Evaluation System requires that everything the state does be broken down into programs or sub-programs. A program is defined as a set of related activities which are coordinated and designed to lead to a given objective. Thus, by definition, the identification of a program is tied to a statement of its objectives. Both the description of the program and its objective must be stated in clear, unambiguous terms. These programs will not necessarily correspond to the present program breakdown in the budget. After the objectives of each program are identified, certain measures are developed for reporting purposes. These are:

(1) A measure of cost. In every case this will be stated in dollar expenditures, but it also might involve some other limited commodity such as personnel, land, or equipment.

(2) a measure of activity or production. This might be the number of licenses issued, forms processed or patient-days of care provided. It measures the effort expended by the staff in terms of tangible units which can be counted. The fluctuations of this measure will probably have some direct relationship to man-hours of work and/or the cost of the program. It will not necessarily measure the extent to which the stated objectives of the program are being met.

(3) a measure of effectiveness. This attempts to measure the success of the program in meeting its basic objectives as stated in the definition of the program. Although it is desirable to identify measures which have a direct and total causal relationship, these will be rare. In most cases the efforts of the state program will be only one of many factors which affect the measure of effectiveness. For example, a state program to combat tuberculosis must use the morbidity rate of the disease as a measure of effectiveness, although it may fluctuate because of economic factors (which change dietary patterns) or the effectiveness of the reporting system (which may induce false changes in the index). In many cases there may be complimentary state, local and private programs attempting to solve the same problems. It is difficult to isolate the impact of any given program in meeting the need. Even though such measures of effectiveness must be examined carefully and used with caution, they must be considered in any evaluation of the


effectiveness and/or desirability of the program.

(4) a measure of efficiency. Such measures emerge when there are meaningful relationships between the measures of cost and the other measures. The cost per patient-day or the cost to reduce an accident or disease rate by a given per- centage are examples of measures of efficiency.

It is desirable to identify at least one measure of each type for every program, but this is not always possible. Measures of effectiveness are the most difficult to identify and obtain. The fact that there is no current method for measuring the effectiveness of a program may be meaning- ful, in itself.

The first eight months in the development of the MIPES program have been spent in identifying the various programs, stating their objectives and defining the various measures. This report contains the results of that work and includes approximately 85% of current state efforts. The accumulation of data will begin in January, 1969 with first reports on a quarterly basis. During this year the system will be extended to cover all state programs, and Initial measures will be refined to provide better information.

An article entitled "PPBS In State Government — Maryland's Approach", describing MIPES and more detailed reasons for its development, will appear in the winter issue of State Government, magazine published by the Council of State Governments.. This will be available during February, 1969.

Management Information

The system is designed to produce a regular flow of information and reports from operating personnel through division and bureau chiefs, to depart- ment heads, the Governor and the General Assembly. This should result in policy makers at all levels being better informed as to the progress and prob- lems of State activities and programs and permit them to focus on matters of policy rather than administrative detail. This should improve the planning process. It should also allow decision makers to be more promptly aware of such problems as:

1. Where costs are exceeding the amount budgeted for the fiscal period or where the costs are excessive for the results achieved.

2. Where the work load or activity varies considerably from the anticipated amount.

3. Where the program is not achieving its planned objective.

4. Where the planned objectives of the program have been achieved and the program should be scaled down, discontinued, or the objective redefined.


Program Evaluation

The system should also allow all levels of management from operating personnel through department heads, the Governor and the General Assembly to better evaluate State Programs by:

1. Reviewing the stated objectives to determine if they are still valid.

2. Reviewing activities to insure that the program is achieving it planned objectives.

3. Reviewing the level of activity to determine if it is de- sirable to change the level of resources committed to the program.

4. Reviewing the costs of attaining the objectives to insure that they are reasonable.

5. Comparing programs with similar objectives to determine if economies can be made by combining activities.

6. Comparing the costs of similar activities to determine if differences are reasonable or can be explained.

7. Identifying programs where alternative activities should be explored.

Federal Interest and Participation

The interest of the federal government in the program has been evi- denced in two ways. It has financed 50% of the training and development costs of the program through a grant under Title I of the Higher Education Assistance Act of 1965 which is administered through the University of Maryland. In addition, the Federal Office of Economic Opportunity, through its Federal In- formation Exchange program has granted us the services of two analysts for the four month period ending December 31, 1968 to help develop reporting forms and procedures. Present plans call for partial reporting to both FIX and MIPES by the State Roads Commission, Health Department, Department of Mental Hygiene, Department of Education and Department of Social Services beginning in the first quarter of the 1969 calendar year. These agencies administer approximately 67% of the State's budget.

Local Government

We feel that the MIPES program can also offer great benefits to the county level of government and to a more meaningful State-local reporting system. Much of the work already accomplished on State programs will be useful in ap- plying the system to local programs because of their joint state-local nature.

For example, the principal efforts and accomplishments in the fields of education, social services, assessments and, to a lesser degree, health, are at the local level. Not only will the MIPES program give local officials all of the benefits realized by the State in the application of the system, but it will also materially assist the State in gathering meaningful data concerning its own programs. The uniform financial reports which local units submit to the Department of Fiscal Services will be studied for possible revision. Dr. Paul Cooper has agreed to have his staff cooperate with the local MIPES project in an effort to provide more meaning- ful data on a more timely basis.

A proposal is currently being formulated by Mr. John J. McCormick, Jr., Director of Management Information in this office, and the University of Maryland to request additional Title I funds to offer training in MIPES to local officials and additional State employees. With the support of the new administration, the program can begin in April 1969. The federal grant will finance up to two-thirds of the cost of the training program with the balance contributed from continuing state appropriations.

Suggestions for 1969

The information in this report consists of program definitions, statements of objectives and measures which have been developed by state operating officials over the past eight months. The importance of the state- ments of objectives should not be over-looked. For the first time, operating state officials have attempted to state in clear, unambiguous language, the basic objectives which they believe their programs are attempting to achieve. These statements were developed and approved by the people who make the day- to-day decisions which shape the programs. The Governor, the General Assembly and the public now have an opportunity to examine these statements of objectives to clarify any areas where questions may exist and to determine if elected officials wish to indicate different priorities or changes in emphasis for spe- cific programs. Such reappraisals have been made over the years as the Governor and General Assembly have considered items of legislation and through the annual budget process. However, we believe that this effort to place the total scope of state programs before elected officials for review of their objectives is unique in Maryland.

The enclosed material also identifies measures of cost, production or activity, effectiveness and efficiency. We are just beginning to collect the data and hope that by a year from now there will be sufficient information for policy-making officials to use in judging the desirability and relative value of programs. However, the accumulation of data is a slow and costly process. Elected officials should examine the measures, not only to indicate where additional information may be required, but also to weed out any data which will be of questionable value after it is compiled. We wish to re- iterate our caution that no information system can produce all information necessary to support a detailed evaluation of all programs. The objective is to collect sufficient data to allow an overview and comparison of the total

vi state effort without becoming so cumbersome as to obscure policy questions by too much detail. Where the data raises questions concerning programs, additional information must be collected and additional analysis performed. The system does not purport to substitute for such inquiry, but only to augment and improve it by concentrating attention and effort on questionable areas.

Future Developments

MIPES is still in its formative stages and it is difficult to assess the factors which will guide its future development. As more experience with the system is gained it will be possible to define its role more accurately. There are, however, a few possibilities for future development which should be kept in mind so that current decisions do not inadvertently inhibit the system and prohibit some aspect of its future usefulness.

Perhaps the most probable future development is to request operating officials to forecast measures of cost, production, effectiveness and efficiency at the beginning of the fiscal year in order to establish a standard of measurement against which to evaluate actual performance. To do so will require the accumulation of sufficient data on past experience to allow the managers to make educated projections. The better information which is available on prior performance, the more reliable will be the forecasts. Program managers will, and should, be reluctant to provide projections until they have a solid basis from which to work. Unreliable future estimates would seriously limit the value of any conclusions based upon them. Sound estimates will be of a great value to both the Governor and General Assembly in making policy and budget decisions, will provide material assistance to the entire executive staff in managing state affairs, and will provide both government officials and the general public with a yardstick against which to evaluate the performance of state activities. It now appears that measures of cost and production can profitably be collected and projected on a quarterly basis. Measures of effectiveness will probably be more elusive and it may not be practical to guage them more often than semi-annually or annually. Measures of efficiency will, of course, depend on the frequency of the measures upon which they are based.

Another possibility for future development would be the long term projection of measures of cost, production or activity, effectiveness and efficiency in order to establish a framework for policy determinations. The most frequently mentioned periods for such projections are three, four or five years. As the time span increases, the precision of such projections necessarily decreases. However, the fact that such projections must be based on assumptions and involve a certain amount of guess work should not prevent them from being attempted. Even a poor road map is better than none at all.

The MIPE System will also lend itself readily to the adoption of a full Planning, Programming and Budgeting System if such a course is found desirable in the future. This would involve establishing government-wide objectives, formulating multi-year program and financial plans, and develop- ing analytic staffs throughout the government structure who would

vii systematically review alternative methods for accomplishing such objectives and allow for periodic, policy level re-evaluations of objectives, methods and the proposed use of available resources. Maryland is not yet ready for such a sophisticated system.

Finally, at some time in the future it may be desirable to integrate MIPES with the budget process. To do so at the present state of budgetary development in Maryland would be a serious mistake. A modern state budgetary system should keep the Governor abreast of the latest develop- ments in the conduct of state affairs. To do this Maryland needs a modern budget execution system. The budget should also provide a System for identifying policy and program questions and for resolving them at both the executive and legislative levels. In order to accomplish this the present Maryland budget system must be modernized and made a real management tool which will be sensitive to the needs and desires of elected officials. The budgetary system should also be a viable channel of communication between operating officials and the Governor, General Assembly and the press and public. To accomplish this it should transmit current, reliable and under- standable information upward and convey policy decisions downward. MIPES can assist the budgetary process in attaining these ends, but not if it is merely appended to the present out-dated system. To do so before the current system is modernized would relegate MIPES to the status of a questionable exercise.


When we began the development of MIPES, our plans and goals were established to bear fruit by the end of 1970. We cannot complain that the moving finger has written a different ending than we foresaw, but we admit to some sense of unease at leaving MIPES at its present tender stage of development. We urgently recommend that the new administration and the General Assembly continue and expand the system. It holds great promise for both the government and the people of Maryland.

Respectfully submitted,




Contents Description

The material in this booklet is arranged in alphabetical order by department. Each department has been given a number as shown in the table of contents. Each program in the department is outlined on a separate program description form. A cover sheet for each department gives the overall objective of the department and an outline of its programs. The departments are separated by colored sheets of paper. Each page has the department number followed by a page number. Not all departments working on this project could complete the work in the time allotted and are continuing to develop their program descriptions. Wherever this is the case, it is so noted.

Program Review Questions

As mentioned in items 3 and 4 in the "Program Summary and Recommendations" section on page i, these program statements should be reviewed to determine if the objectives of the programs need clarification or should be changed and whether the information suggested for use as measures is pertinent.

Some suggestions as to the type of questions to be used in reviewing these program statements follow:

Program: Does the departmental breakdown of programs focus on major functions or is it a list of activities? Do these functions focus on a specific problem or a specific clientele? Is this a proper state function? Are all functions of the department included? By carrying out these functions and attaining the ends stated in the objective statements, will the overall departmental objective be met?

Program Objective: Is the objective specific and concrete? Is this a proper end for state government? Is an attainable end included in the objective statement? Is the objective a statement of "why" the program is carried out rather than "what" the program does?

Measures of Effectiveness: Can the measures listed be put into numerical terms? Do the measures relate to the objective? Will the measures indicate, at a given time, how far along the program is in attaining its objective? Are the measures inclusive enough? Will the measures separate, insofar as humanly possible, this program's efforts from the efforts of other departments, private industry, other governments, or the effects of the economy, or the environment in general on the end stated in the objective? Are there too few or too many measures?

Production or Activity Measures: Will the- measures listed give a picture of the workload in the program so that they could be used to indicate when more, or fewer resources should be applied to the program? (Given that it has been decided that the program will continue.)


Production or Activity Measures; (continued) Are there too many or too few measures?

Costs related to Production: Is this the cost to produce a unit of work? Are there too few or too many measures?

Cost related to Effectiveness: Is this the cost to attain an increment in the program objective? Will the measure listed raise questions concerning the value of spending "x" amount of money to attain this end?

Program Review Examples

Several examples of the types of questions which arise concerning some programs picked at random are:

Department: Department of Education Program: State share of current expenses Objective: To guarantee minimum financial support to every child in the public schools.

Minimum financial support has been defined as whatever the formula determines is the State's share. Basically, the State needs to establish why it shares in the cost of education. Is it (1) because the counties need some form of tax relief, or is it (2) because the State Constitution requires a system of free public schools and the State, therefore, has some responsibility to see that its citizens receive some minimum amount of education? If it is the first al- ternative, then the objective would be related to the relief of county taxes. A measure of effectiveness then would be related to how State aid to education affected each county's property tax each year.

If it is the second alternative, an objective and a measure of effectiveness would be related to the percentage of children receiving a minimum education. A minimum education would have to be defined in some measurable terms such as the percentage of children achieving at grade level or the percentage completing a certain grade. For instance, if an achievement test were used as a measure of effectiveness and it showed that 50% of the children in a certain county were not achieving at grade level, would this indicate that the effort in education in that county was insufficient? If so, should the State increase its aid to that county? If such a measure were used, should it be reflected in the education aid formula?

Department: Department of Labor and Industry Program: Accident Prevention Objective: To reduce the rate of accidents and provide a safe work place for the worker.

The measures of effectiveness are the reduction in accident frequency rates and the reduction in Workmen's Compensation rates.

Workmen's Compensation rates have been declining over the past several years. Private industry, insurance carriers, the State Health Department, the Depart- ment of Labor and Industry, and the Bureau of Mines all have industrial accident or health programs. Which of these was responsible for the decline? What pro- portion of it was due to the efforts of the Department of Labor and Industry?


If this program in Labor and Industry were expanded, would Workmen's Compen- sation rates drop faster? Would the accident rate fall faster than usual?

Department: Maryland State Police Program: Crime Suppression Objective: To lower the crime rate.

It is suggested that the effectiveness of the program be measured by the increase or decrease in the crime rate. How much control do the State Police really have over the crime rate? Would the crime rate fall if we increased this program by 50 men? 100 men? Is the objective of State Police really this broad or is it something less, such as: to solve 100% of the in its jurisdiction or to lower the crime rate in the counties where they are the sole law enforcement agency?

Program Review Summary

The above discussed programs were reviewed with the respective departments over the past several months, and the objectives and measures left as now stated. They point out the fact that the State operates some programs in conjunction with private groups, with other governments, and has several of its own depart- ments operating in the same area. It is difficult to determine in some areas what impact the efforts of the State government has on its citizens. It is suggested: (1) that before a new program is established, the Executive and Legislative branches agree on exactly what is expected of it, what group of citizens it will benefit or what problems it will correct, and how its progress toward doing what was expected can be measured; (2) that the programs in this booklet be reviewed, questioned, criticized, and suggestions made to improve the program definitions, objectives and measures so that all concerned are in agreement and understand what each department is attempting to accomplish and how effective it is.

Note to PPB purists

None of these programs, objectives or measures are intended as "epitomes" of the art. Some of the objectives beg the question. Some of the measures are not definitive enough. Some of the programs are compromises and are not technically programs in the PPB sense. This volume is a "first cut" at program definitions. It is intended as an attempt to focus attention on ends rather than means and is a working document to obtain comments, questions, and suggestions for im- provement from those who administer the State government and from those who legislate its programs. '. b<(L~j<.h






OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To be legal custodian of corporate records and to supervise and administer the property tax structure of the state.

Program I - Administration

Program II - Real and Personal Assessment and Equalization

Program III A - Corporate Assessments

Program III B - Chartering

STATE OF MARYLAND 1-2 Department of Assessments & Taxation

J E C To be pro-rated over operating programs. T v E


Annual outlay — $7U>33>1 Grants State Department of Assessments fr Taxation Payments 301 W. Preston Street I] General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Sped al Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-JK. _yv Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 1-3 Department of Assessments & Taxation

Real and Personal Assessment and Equalization -_y

To supervise the county and Baltimore City assessment offices in the assessing and equalization of all real property and the assessing of the personal property of unincorporated businesses through the proper application of existing tax laws.

To reimburse the governments of the several counties and Baltimore City to the extent of 60$ of the salaries of all Supervisors and Assessors.

To prepare and maintain property location maps, land classification maps and E unit value maps. p Sub-programs: 1. Real and Personal (Unincorporated) Property Assessment 2. Ratio Survey 3. Tax Maps


\ 1) Production Cost/Production No. of Accts. Cost per Acct. Effectiveness Cost/Effectiveness Tax Base Base per Expense Dollar (State & Local I Tax Revenue Revenue per Expense Dollar (State & Local Effectiveness & Efficiency Effectiveness Comparison Ratio-Sales to Assessments Annual Assessment Level Ratios (Ratio Survey) (Ratio Survey Report)

3) Production Cost/Production No. of Tax Maps Cost per Map (Includes Maintenance) No. of Soil Maps- Cost per Map Effectiveness of Map Program reflected in Real Property Assessments.

Annual outlay- 1) $1,114.^,139 Grants State Department of 3) $ 255,885 • Assessments & Taxation Payments 301 W. Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 3 General Funds Loans Spec lal Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds X Not Specified

-^ .A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 1-4 Department of Assessments & Taxation

Corporate Assessments

To assess all taxable personal property owned or used by corporations, both foreign and domestic, operating in Maryland and to certify such assessments to the appropriate subdivision for billing and collection.

To collect the corporation franchise tax and to make distribution to towns, counties and state governments.

To forfeit all charters of corporations not filing proper returns required by law.

To assess and certify the gross receipts tax on railroads and utilities.

a Sub-Programs: 1. Personal Property Assessment and Certification 2. Forfeiture of Delinquent Corporations 3. Franchise Tax U. Gross Receipts Tax


1) Production Cost/Production No. of Accts. Cost per Acct. Effe ctiveness Cost/Effectiveness & Efficiency Tax Base Base per Expense Dollar (State & Local] Tax Revenue Revenue per Expense Dollar (State & Local]

2) Memo Only-Expense Included in (1) Production Cost/Production No. forfeited Cost per forfeiture 3 & U) Production Cost/Production No. of Accts. (Each) Cost per Acct. (Each) Effectiveness Cost/Sffectiveness Revenue Re\enae per jaqDensellollar (Each)

Annual outlay — $186,k$h Grants State Department of Assessments & Taxation Payments 301 W. Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 1-5 Department of Assessments & Taxation


To approve and record Articles of Incorporation and all amendments subsequently filed thereto and to collect the specified fees for each.

To maintain a file of foreign corporations qualified to do business in Maryland. J To collect the bonus tax on new corporations and on corporations increasing E. their capital. C 1. Charter Approval, Acceptance and Maintenance I V E S FUNCTION CODE

1) Production Cost/Production No. of Charter Documents Cost per Document No. of Phone Calls Cost per Call No. of Letters Answered Cost per Letter

Annual outlay— $76,0?2 Grants State Department of Assessments & Taxation Payments 301 W. Preston Street X General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System




To help the economic structure of the State by guarding against any unsafe, unsound and unethical practices of State financial institutions under the jurisdiction of the Bank Commissioner.

To protect the general public against any unethical conduct and usurious practices of various money lenders and brokers operating in the State of Maryland.

Program I Organization, Examination and Supervision of State Chartered Banking Institutions and Credit Unions.

Program II - Examination and Supervision of The Maryland Higher Education Loan Corporation, and The Development Credit Corporation.

Program III - Examination, Regulation and Investigation of Industrial Finance Companies, Article k9 Section 5 Lenders, Secondary Mortgage Companies and Currency Exchange Principals and Agents.

Program IV - Registration, Regulation and Investigation of Mortgage Broker and Mortgage Banker.

Program V Communications and Miscellaneous Departmental Activities.

NOTE: This Department has a total estimated dollar expenditure of $^73,839.00 for the current fiscal year.

No allocation of funds to the various programs can be made at this time since the number of hours required to administer the 1967 and 1968 Legislation effecting this Department's operation in the current fiscal year is unknown at the present time.



To protect the general public, depositors, share members and stockholders by ascertaining that the institution are financially sound and operating in a safe and ethical manner.


A. Organization - approval of charters, bylaws and articles of amendment thereto, assist in mergers, conversions, liquidations (acts as receiver) approval of branch and office relocations and establishments, contact ' with the authorities of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation- Federal Reserve Bank and Comptroller of the Currency on matters concern- ing banks. B. Examination

C. Supervision - Contact with the authorities of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Reserve Bank on matters concerning operations and soundness of bank management, report check and publication approval of Credit Union's investments and unsecured loan limit, promul- gate rules and regulations for Credit Unions, hearings and meetings, observe defalcations and , investigate complaints.


Effectiveness Cost

Number of applications disapproved Cost per application disapproved Number of losses prevented or processed Number of excess charges prevented Cost per examination Cost per investigation Production

Number of applications processed Number of examinations Number of investigations


Annual outlay — Grants Bank Commissioner's Office Payments One"North Charles General Funds Loans 2005 Blaustein Building Baltimore, Maryland - 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


EXAMINATION AND SUPERVISION OF THE MARYLAND HIGHER EDUCATION LOAN CORPORATION, AND THE I DEVELOPMENT CREDIT CORPORATION •O To determine that the corporations are solvent, and that their affairs are being administered in an equitable manner and within the intent of B the Statute.

J Sub-programs:

E A. Examination

f v " B. Annual report check T I V


Effectiveness Cost

Number of losses prevented Cost per examination


Number of examinations

Annual outlay — Grants Bank Commissioner's Office Payments One North Charles 200£ Blaustein Building General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland - 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv J^. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



Sub-programs: J A. Examination E B. Regulation - Application approval, licensing and revocation of license, report check and publication, change of address C approval, hearings and meetings, annual bond check, promulgate T Rules and Regulations. C. Investigation - complaints. Currency Exchange Principals and i Agents investigations. v


^ M Effectiveness Cost E Number of applications disapproved Cost per application refused or Number of violations discovered processed Number of losses prevented Cost per examination Cost per investigation Production Cost per license renewed U Cost per rules and regulations Number of applications processed promulgated Number of examinations |E Number of investigations Number of licenses renewed P Number of rules and regulations promulgated

Annual outlay — Grants Bank Commissioner's Office One North Charles Payments 2005 Blaustein Building General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland - 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-S\. yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



To detect and correct violations of any provision of the code of conduct or standard of ethics as to the public's interest. J Sub-programs: A. Regulation - issue, suspension or revocation of Certificate of E Registration, establish and maintain a code of conduct or C standards of ethics. B. Investigation - complaint I V


Effectiveness Cost

Number of applications disapproved Cost per application refused or Number of violations discovered processed Cost per investigation Production Cost per license renewed Cost for initiating and maintaining Number of applications processed a code of conduct or standard of Number of investigations ethics Number of licenses renewed Establishment and maintenance of a code of conduct or standared of ethics

Annual outlay Grants Bank Commissioner's Office Payments One North Charles 2005 Blaustein Building General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland - 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-^ .A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTAL I ACTIVITIES To help administer the affairs of the Banking Department as to the fullest and best interest of the General Public and the State of Maryland.

Sub-programs: j A. Communications - United States Senators and Congressmen, State of Maryland Senators and Delegates to help formulate laws, E Attorney General's Office for legal advise and counsel, Executive Department, Comptroller, and various other State Departments and agencies on miscellaneous matters.

B. Miscellaneous - Annual and monthly reports to Governor, Department of Budget and Procurement, Department of Labor and Industry and various sources, notify banks, credit unions and licensees of new I legislation affecting their operation. V E


Effectiveness Cost

State Institution kept on a Cost of communications competitive basis with their Cost of compiling reports related National and Federal Cost of publishing and mailing Institutions statistical information


Number of contacts made Number of reports compiled Amount of statistical infor- mation published and mailed

Annual outlay Grants Bank Commissioner's Office Payments One North Charles 200$ Blaustein Building General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland - 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Board of Natural Resources

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The overall function of the Board of Natural Resources is to provide for the efficient and best use of Maryland's natural resources,

Program I - Coordination of Natural Resources Activities

Program II - Provide Services Common to and for the Use of All Natural Resources Member Agencies

Reports prepared by: Ralph C. Hammer Executive Secretary

STATE OF MARYLAND 3-2 Board of Natural Resources I COORDINATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES ACTIVITIES To provide for the efficient and wise use of Maryland's natural resources. Sub-programs: 1. Review and evaluate the resource agencies' plans and activities 2. Establish long-term objectives 3. Establish State policies and criteria k. Review federal and local programs within the State 5. Recommend solution of common problems 6. Settle disputes 7. Provide a natural resources forum among member agencies 8. Provide information to the Governor and General Assembly 9. Determine need for fish ladders over new dams 10. Issue permits to dredge and recover rare earths and minerals from public lands and waters ."{


Effectiveness Measured by how each member agency is carrying out their functions and responsibilities 1. Number of Agencies assisted 2. Number of studies and recommendations completed 3. Number of times called on by Governor and General Assembly /+. The annual value of the resources and the cost to provide maximum utilization

Annual outlay- $60,000 Grants Board of Natural Resources State Office Building Payments Annapolis, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees Federal Funds "x1 Community Services Local Funds X Not Specified

-SK. .A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYUND 3-3 Board of Natural Resources


1. Provide a single natural resources library 2. Publish the Maryland Magazine 3. Produce and sell natural resources educational materials for schools and general public k. Maintain an inventory of State lands assigned for natural resources use 5. Provide a photographic darkroom for member agencies 6. Publish in a single volume the Annual Reports of member agencies


Effectiveness The degree with which common services are utilized by the Board's Departmental Members and the general public. Library size and the amount of use by the Agencies and general public Maryland Magazine circulation—number of paid subscriptions, letters and comments received Natural resources materials on hand, annual sales and profits Amount of use by State Agencies of State land inventories Use of darkroom by Member Agencies—savings to the State Annual Report distribution—savings resulting from single publication

Annual outlay— $180,000 Grants Board of Natural Resources State Office Building Payments Annapolis, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified Publication sales self- supporting JK. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System




The primary and long range policy of the Board of

Trustees is as mandated by statute. The Board shall maintain a high degree of excellence in teacher preparation and estabish full courses of instruction in the arts and sciences in the

State i.Golleges.

Program .01 General Administra tion

Program .02 Computer Center

STATE OF MARYLAND 4-2 Board of Trustees of the Sta te Colleges I GENERAL ADMINISTRATION The administrative office provides an objective appraisal, to the

Board, of all program needs of the State Colleges, to insure that a

sound judgment, with regard to ultimate need, can be made.

J The primary work is performed in three basic areas: Program,

E Capital Planning and Finance and Management. C it-


PROGRAM CAPITAL PLANNING FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT •;i New Majors Campus Additions Student Financial Aid

Existing Majors Renovations of Faculty & Administrative Salary Existing Facilities Studint Activities Maintenance

Faculty Coordination Grants-in-Aid

Fiscal a nd Legislative Direction

Annual outlay - $1^2,lU8 Grants Board of Trustfees- • State Colleges Payments

General Funds Loans 93 College Avenue

Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Md. 211*01 Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

_^ .A Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 4-3 Board of Trustees of the State CnliP^P


D'« To service and support the administrative and fiscal needs of the State Colleges and to service the needs of other State regulated M educational agencies on an equitable basis. i



Number of Colleges linked to Cost of communication lines Center Cost of input-output equipment Number of other educational agencies using facilities

PRODUCTION COST RELATED TO PRODUCTION Number of HOUBS in use Free 'i'ime Cost Number of reports requested Cost of Computer Programming Cost

Annual outlay - $ 395,520 Grants Department of Budget and Payments Procurement 301 W. Preston St. General Funds $213 798 Loans Baltimore, Md. 21201

X Special Funds 181,722 Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Department of Building, Savings and Loan Associations

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To protect the general public and the savings shareholders against unethical, incompetent, and unsound management of State-chartered savings and loan associations.

Program I - Program Coordination

Program II - Supervision of State-Chartered Savings and Loan Associations

STATE OF MARYLAND 5-2 Department of Building, Savings and Loan Associations

Director of the Department Deputy Director Assistant to the Director

Secretary to the Director J Secretary to the Deputy Director E C ''T I V E


i a—n

Annual outlay — Grants


General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 5-3 Dftpart.tnfint. of Building, Savings and Loan Associations

SUPERVISION OF STATE-CHARTERED SAVINGS AND I LOAN ASSOCIATIONS To protect the general public and the savings shareholders by the supervisions and regulation of the State-chartered savings and loan associations in the State of Maryland.

To insure that associations are operated in compliance with statutory and J regulatory requirements and accepted industry standards. E Sub-programs: A. Supervision of the incorporation, merger, statutory merger, **C' liquidation, sale of assets, and other matters affecting T the corporate structure of savings and loan associations. B. Examination and supervision of existing State-chartered I savings and loan associations.

C. Annual report, fidelity bond, and franchise tax review.

D. Personnel and budget activities.


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Number of supervisory problems affecting Cost per supervisory examination the soundness of the Association. of a State-chartered savings and Number of supervisory problems of a techni- loan association and all related cal matter. support activities.

Production Cost related to Production

Number of orders issued and plans accepted. Cost per order or acceptance. Number of supervisory reports completed and Cost per supervisory letter submitt- submitted to the associations. ed to an association. Number of reports and forms completed. Cost per completed form and report.

Annual outlay- $333,^1 Grants Department of Building, Savings Payments and Loan Associations Room UOU-B General Funds Loans 301 West Preston Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. yV Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To serve the social needs and economic growth of the State through the planning, development, management, and conservation of the Chesapeake Bay and all other tidal waters of the State.

Program I - Commercial Fisheries Management

Program II - Recreation

Program III - Public Safety

Program IV - Shore Erosion

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs 6-2


1. Conserve biological resources 2. Increase biological yield 3. Increase economic yield to fishennen and processors U. Reduce econcmic waste B $. Protect employment opportunity 6. Promote demand for tidewater products E Subprograms: 1. Oyster management C 2. Clam management 3. Crab and Finfish management • U. Market development E


Production C ost/Produc tion s Physical yield (by species) Cost/unit of shell or seed planted Dollar yield of fishery (by species) Cost/unit law enforcement to prevent Oyster shell and seed plantings made resource depletion Promotional events Cost/promotion event or activity

Effectiveness Co s t/Ef f ec tivenes s Trend in gross physical yield Cost/maintenance of acceptable Trend in gross dollar yield standing crop Increased productivity by oyster repletion Cost/increase of production New or increased markets Cost/unit increase of demand Trend in annual income of watermen attributable to promotion Number employed in industry

Annual outlay — $3»6UO,000 Grants Mr. Fred W. Sieling, Chief Natural Resources Management Payments Dept. of Chesapeake Bay X General Funds Loans Affairs State Office Building X Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland ZlhCk

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds r Not Specified

y\. J^ Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 6-3 Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs


fc». t» 1, To increase the recreation value of state tidal waters. (Access, waterway improvements, and sportfish management).

i. 2* To promote recreational use of tidal waters.


E 1. Boating 2. Sport fishing

1 V E


Production Cos t/produc tion Units of boat facility construction Cost per ramp, channel cut, etc. (ramps, channels) Cost to maintain adequate enforcement Units of sport fishery management (law and biological surveillance enforcement, fish studies, reef construc- Cost/promotion event tion) Promotional activity (boat shows, fishing Cost/Effectiveness tournaments, public media use) Cost/unit boater increase (boating time, travel time, or number of Effectiveness boats for area) Increase of access and beatable water Cost/unit fishing time or/sport catch Success of fishemen Cost/new unit of demand Number of users attracted by promotion

Annual outlay - $l,lU8,000 X Grants Mr. Louis N. Phipps, Jr. Deputy Director Payments Dept. of Chesapeake Bay General Funds Loans Affairs State Office Building X Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland 21I4OU T Community Services XJ Federal Funds MM Not Specified X Local Funds

-s\. Management Information and Program Evaluation System PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM

STATE OF MARYLAND 6-4 Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs

i PUBLIC SAFETY To protect life and property of tidewater users


!• Law enforcement (boating laws) 2, Search and rescue 3» Water safety instruction


Production Cost/product/p: tion Hours of patrol Cost/unit time of patrol, S & R, etc. Arrests Cost/unit of safety instruction Number of assists and rescues Number of safety presentations given Cost/effectivenes s (various types) Cost of entire program in relation to savings in life and property caused by Effectiveness program Reduction of accidents in relation to public use of tidewater r

Annual outlay — $810,000 Grants Cmdr. Roy W. Rafter MARYLAND MARINE POLICE Payments Dept. of Chesapeake Bay X General Funds Loans Affairs State Office Building X (Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland 21U0U

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 6-5 Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs


To reduce public and private losses due to shore erosion. !> Sub-programst

1. Provide financial and technical assistance to property T»*ifc owners for erosion control structures. 2. Provide general public information on the shore erosion problem. c mamm h I y E


Production Effectiveness Number of requests for assistance processed Dollar value of loss averted (a Number of erosion control projects assisted function of linear footage, life Linear feet of protection provided or sup- of structure, rate of erosion, ported and value of property) Losses averted external to protected Cost related to production property (eg. shellfish bars, Cost/request processed ajacent property) Cost/linear foot of protection Cost related to Effectiveness Cost/dollar value of losses averted (protection as a flow of benefits and costs over the life span of structure).

Mr. Marshall M. Cook, Chief Grants Annual outlay - $^30,000 Engineering Division Payments Dept. of Chesapeake Bay Affairs j General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland 21U0U

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL AGENCY OBJECTIVES: To carry out the provisions of the Maryland Civil Defense Act of 1949, as amended, which implements the policy and intent of .the Congress of the United States as expressed in the Civil Defense Act of 1950, by:

a. Guiding and coordinating efforts at all levels of government within the State to provide maximum possible protection to the people and their property from the initial effects of nuclear explosion, either accidental or war-caused, or major natural disaster.

b. Planning, in coordination with the Federal Office of Emergency Prepared- ness, other State agencies, political subdivisions, the private sector, and neighboring states, for the conserva- tion and managed use of vital economic resources during a post-attack or post-disaster period in a manner which will promote a rapid and effective return to normal conditions.

Program I - Program Coordination

Program II - Operations and Training

Program III - Public Information Program IV - Logistics

Program V - Communications

Program VI - Community Shelter Planning

STATE OF MARYLAND 7-2 Maryland Civil Defense Aaencv I Program Coordination Director of Civil Defense and Emergency Plannina Assistant Director y O Secretary to the Assistant Director Area Coordinator, CD Area 1, and Secretary B Area Coordinator, CD Area 3, and Secretary J Area Coordinator, CD Area 4, and Secretary E JO- "T I V E S FUNCTION CODE J L

Two extraordinary funding orograms are administered under this "Title". Explanation is as follows: , a» Matching Funds. Under this program, which totals $200,000.00 for riscal year 1969, both the Maryland Civil Defensese Agency and th policical subdivisions procure Civil Defense gooas and services basec on Project Applications which must be approved by the FedevaToffic" ofo Civil Defense. For approved applications, involving either exosn- diture at the State level alone or a combination or expenditures at both State and local level, the Federal Governme nt pays fifty percent of the total cost. b « Federal Reimbursement to Civil Divisions - Share of Personnel and Administrative Expenses. Under this nronrpm, "f haf p^ • ^".X^ applies co the counties, totalling $225,000.00 in Federal funds fo? : See Attachment jfl.—: ;

A nnual outlay- $80,278.00 Grants Office of the Director Payments Maryland Civil Defense Agency X General Funds 50^0 Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

X Federal Funds 50% X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-/v. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Attachment #1.

fiscal year 1969, is budgeted for payment to the counties against their claims for eligible expenses. Such expenses include personnel costs, travel costs, and office operating costs, fifty percent of which are paid by the Federal Government.

NOTE: Control of materiel acquired under the foregoing two programs is a function of the Logistics program and is covered under that Program.

STATE OF MARYLAND 7-4 Maryland Civil Defense Agency i Operations and Training r~ a. To develop plans and establish objectives which wil »->•*« il tnabl-;- the state and its political subdivisions to cope with either nuclear attack or natural disaster with minimum~loss"of*iife ano mimrnuni property damage and to develop and conduct exercises which will test and strengthen plans; b. To provide civil defense training programs for the instruc- tion^of public officials, regular government employees, civil defms starr personnel,, and other persons needed to augment government in ohe tasks and functions required in an emergency; c. To provide civil defense training programs to inform th? general public concerning survival measures in the event of nuclear attack or natural disaster; d.^ To maintain a State-wide network of fixed radiological monitoring stations and an aerial monitoring caoability capabl< or detecting and reporting the presence of radioactivity; • e. To inspect and calibrate annually, and repair as required. all Federally furnished radiological monitoring instruments in the Stat - » f. To monitor the lorat.irm. licensing, marking, and stocking of public shelters an.: to develop new shelter space by encouraging special architectural design techniques in new b^^^gg •tODE 1 See attachment #1.

Pro( Juction Cost Related to Produe tic n IT" Number o:^ new plans developed, T— Cost per nt-w plan. Number of existing plans main- 2. Cost per existing pla n ta i n c d. maintained. 3. Number" of personnel trained, 3. Cost per individual t ra in :••;•. Number of fixed radiological 4. Cost per station, moni tor ing stations'maintained, Number of radiological monitor- 5. Cost per instrument. ing ins truments inspected, calibra ted and maintained, o. Number of public shelter spaces 6. Cost oer shelter soac; 1 i c e n s e d, marked and stocked. See attachment #1.

Annual outlay - £199,526.00 Grants Operations Office Payments f.-aryland Civil X General Funds 22% Loans Defense Agency

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds 63^ Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Attachment #1.

g. To assist local Civil Defense Directors and local government officials in the development of Emergency Operatino Centers and the obtaining of Federal assistance for such development.

Sub-Programs: 1. Operations 2. Training 3. Hadiologica1

4. Fallout Shelter

Measures Cont'd.:

Production Cost Related to Production 7^Number of public shelter T. Cost per shelter space. spaces located. 3. Number of Emergency Operating 3. Cost per EOC (less Centers developed. design and construction.)

STATE OF MARYLAND 7-6 Maryland Civil Defense Agency

Public Information

To provide the citizens of the Stat e with all pcssibl? inr ma tion which will a id them in protecting themselves', their f and the ami lios ir property in advance of and dur mg any major vsrar-ca use natural , or man-mad e disaster by means o f : a . News re lea ses to press, radio, television and other me ciia . b. Disseminat ion to the public of Civil Defense liter tur G . Presentati ons to meetings of co mm unity s e r v i c o o r a amiz a tions d. Displays a t conventions, fairs, and similar gather!.ngs e . Coordina ti on of similar efforts by the Civil Defense Directo rs of the po litical subdivisions of the State . f. Coordinati ng preparation of pre .''? -positioned messag-is for actual or simulated use through the Erner gency Broadcast System, and emergen cy informati on releases in natura 1 or man-made disasters. Sub-Programs :

1. Public Information

2. Emergency Information Services


Production Cost Related to Production T: Number of news releases made, T7 Cost per news reliase. 2. Pieces of literature distributed.2. Cost per piece. 3. Number of presentations made. 3. Cost per presentation. Number of displays made. 4. Cost per display.

Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectivenoss T~. Number of recipients of Civil T~. Cost per piece ol 1 itera tur Defense literature. 2. Number of persons attending 2. Cost per person attending. presentations. 3. Number of persons observing 3. Cost per person attending. displays.

Annual outlay - $30 , 363 .00 Grants Public Information Payments Office General Funds 52% Maryland Civil Loans Derense Agency Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds 43^ Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Managamant Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 7-7 .Maryland Civil nefensp ft^nry'


To provide the logistical planning and support required to n.aizi possible the execution of the other Civil D* fense programs and to develop the capability, at both State and lo cal levels, of roactino to ana recovering from the effects of a nucl ear attack by: a. Administering the Civil Defense Sur plus Property Program, under which certain equipment surplus to th» needs of the Federal Government is made available to Civil Defens basis at nominal cost. e units on. a Statewide b. Exercising accountability and invn tory control, in accordance with Federal and State regulation s, over materiel acquired at both State and local level under the Matching Funds or Personnel and Administrative programs. - c. Providing statewide coordination of health, medical, and mortuary services, including resoonsibility for inventory, inspec- tion and quality control of a million dollar stockpile of medical supplies purchased by the State. d. Providing statewide coordination of Emergency Welfare Services and Natural Disaster relief operati ons, including planning and action to obtain Federal financial assis tance, if indicated. unaer the provisions of Public Law 875. See attachment #1. FUNCTION CODE V Production Cost Related to Production

1. Number of new plans prepared, 1. Cost per plan. 2. Number of plans maintained. 2. Cost per plan.

i» -.- Effectiveness Cost Relatec to Effectiveness T7 Acquisition cost to Federal r: Service charge to recipient Government of surplus property obtained. m 2 Annual state-wide inventory of 2. Cost of inventory in re la- materiel acquired through Civil tion to total cost o; Defense channels. materiel.

Annual outlay - $103,690.00 Grants Logistics Office Payments r-'aryland Civil tr General Funds 52 5 Loans Defensr Agenc;

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds A QP' X '- o/o X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Attachment #1.

Objectives Cont'

Developing me asures, vjithin Mary la rid 1 iTip I n x, 1: Fed e r a 1 g the ly-sponsored Continuity. or Government progra; ;vhie insure • > h v;:Ul that State and local governments will retain a 1 c ga 11 •/ cons tit u t c d basis fos essential operations despite sig n i f i cant damage and loss of per sonnel in an emergency. f. Maintaining, manning, and testing the iuary Ian d PI a n ror the Emergency Mana gement of Resources, covering tw clvc res ourc:e areas, to the end of assuring that State an :1 1 oca 1 governm ent, labor, ind ustry, and the general public ar e prepare d not o n1v for the immediate task of comtnuni t-.v survival, but to contr ibute toward the survival and re- covery of the Nation a s a wh o 1 e . Sub-Programs :

1. Surplus Property

•2. Control of Materiel - Matching Funds and P. & A. 3. Health Mobilization 4. Disaster Services

5. Continuity of Government

o. Emergency Management of Resources

STATE OF MARYLAND 7-9 Maryland Civil Defense AqpnrY


To assure that the citizens of the State have the best possibL- warning and communications systems, to include alternate systems am' employing radio, teletype and landlines, for emergency use in either a natural disaster or a nuclear attack, by providing: a. Warning to the public via the National Warning System outdoor warning and Bell and Lights System. ' b. Communications facilities to furnish information to th- public via the Emergency Broadcast System. c. Command and'control communications to the Civil Defense Agencies of the political subdivisions, to State-level organizations and to the Federal Government. d. Support to the twenty-four major political subdivisions oy guidance in organizing local communications and warning systems, as well as guidance in engineering, procurement, operations and maintenance. e. Operation and maintenance of the Communications Department of the Maryland Civil Defense Agency on a day-to-day basis, during drills and tests, in severe weather, and when other emergencies arise

See attachment #1. FUNCTION CODE LJ L J

Production Cost Related to Production TT Number of major items of com- T^i Cost of maintenance as a munications equipment main- percent of acquisition cost. tained.

Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectiveness TT Weekly test of warning system i. Annual cost of weekly test. for Balto. Metropolitan Area. 2. Weekly test of Emergency 2. Annual cost of weekly test. Broadcast System. 3. .Daily statewide test of Command 3. Annual cost of daily test. and Control network.

Annual outlay - $45,735 Grants Communications Department Payments Maryland Civil Defense Agency General Funds 54% Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds 4Q% Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-/v. yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Attachment #1.


1. Licensing and Project Application Processing 2. Warning 3. Emergency Broadcast System 4. National 5. Public Safety 6. Operations 7. Maintenance 3. Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)

/i & STATE OF MARYUND 7-11 Maryland Civil Defense Agency

Community Shelter Planning Progra m

^ ?* To produce, as part of the National Program, workable and practical Community Shelter Plans for the use of the best sho-l u'-.r h protection available in eac h political subdivision by: a. Matching the peopl e in an area to the protected space availa ble. b. Providing realisti c movement plans to shelter. c. Insuring that all of the people know where to go and wha' to do in case of nuclear at tack. d. Defining shelter d ifie it areas with precision, so that efforts to develop new shel ter are applied in deficit areas. e. Updating shelter a llocations plans as the population dis- ID tribution and the shelter i nventory change. ft. f. Providing a basis for updating State and local Civil 1*1 Defense Plans. Sub-Programs V 1. Shelter Capability Allocation Plan 2. Emergency Information Readiness 3. Identification of Shelter Deficits 4. Procedures for Development of Shelter S 5. Directives for Updating Local CD Emergeiicy; Plana r 5. Local Official Adoption of Community ACTION CODE ^ J__L Shel tet—Plan •

Product!on Cost Related to Production

One Community Shelter Plan per Per capita cost per plan. political subdivision.

Annual outlay — $25 , 000 . 00 Grants Community Shelter Planning Office Payments Maryland Civil General Funds Loans Defense Agency

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds 100% X Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

y^ J^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Comptroller of the Treasury State of Maryland

OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To maintain general superintendence of the fiscal affairs of the State of Maryland.

Program I - Management of and accounting for revenue and expenditures and support of Public Credit.

Program II - Financial Reporting

Program III - Collection of taxes and other revenues.

Program IV - Licensing and Regulating

Program V - Central Payroll and Data Processing

Program VI - Disposition of Unclaimed Property

Program VII - Clerks of Courts and Registers of Wills

Program VIII- Program Coordination

STATE OF MARYUND 8-2 Comptroller of the Treasury

Management of and accounting for revenues and I expenditures and support of Public Credit. To maintain an effective accounting system for State.


1. Maintenance of General books and financial records for all State revenue, appropriations, and other funds. J 2. Auditing, recording and disbursing of all State funds. 3. To issue receiving and disbursement warrants and memoranda of E adjustments. 4. Maintenance of Annuity Bond fund records for all categories of Bonds C issued; maintain records of bonded debt; maintain records of all repayable loans made to State agencies, political subdivisions and T others from General Obligation Bond issues. I V E.



Is the accounting system used proper and effective.

Annual outlay - $388,803 Grants General Accounting Section of the General Department Payments State Treasury Building General Funds Loans Annapolis, Maryland

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

>"< J\ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 8-3 Comptroller of the Treasury

To inform the Governor, General Assembly, State Agencies, Financial ¥|" Institutions, and the general public of the receipts and expenditures of the State.


1. Annual report to General Assembly and Governor giving a complete statement of the funds and revenues of the State E and its expenditures during preceding fiscal year. 2. Monthly report on State balance sheet. C 3. Monthly statement to State agencies of appropriation and fund balances. •T 4. Condensed Annual Report for people of Maryland, which is I also used by financial institutions. V



1. Are the members of the General Assembly receiving the annual report as required by the State Constitution. 2. Does the Governor get adequate information on the financial condition of the State. 3. Do financial institutions get adequate information for making decisions concerning purchase of State bonds. U. Are the people of Maryland sufficiently informed of the financial affairs of the State.

Annual outlay — $50, 000 Grants General Accounting Section of the General Department Payments State Treasury Building Annapolis, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y\. -/V Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Comptroller of the Treasury 8-4

I Collection of taxes and other revenues. To obtain all of the revenue legally due which the Comptroller is required by law to collect.


1. Admissions and Amusement Tax J 2. Alcoholic Beverage Tax 3. Cigarette Tax E 4. Estate Tax 5. Income Taxes (individual. Corporate, Fiduciary) C 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 7. Motor Carrier Road Tax 8. Retail Sales and Use Taxes I 9. Abandoned Property V E S FUNCTION CODE

Effectiveness Cost

Is the Comptroller collecting all of Cost of operation over gross the revenue legally due and receipts. collectible.

Annual outlay - $5,974,216 Grants Admissions Tax Division Payments Alcoholic Beverage Tax Div. Retail Sales & Use Tax Div. General Funds Loans Gasoline Tax Division Income Tax Division Special Funds Loan Guarantees Abandoned Property Division Federal Funds Community Services General Department

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 8-5 Comptroller of the Treasury

I Licensing and Regulating To prescribe the proper license form and regulate the handling of alcoholic •ID beverages. B Sub-programs: : 1. To prescribe the form of all licenses required by the State J licensing laws which are issued through the Clerks of the Courts of the various subdivisions. E 2. To regulate and control the manufacture, sale, distribution, transportation and storage of alcoholic beverages within the C State and the transportation and distribution of alcoholic T beverages into and out of the State. I V E



Are the State licensing laws being enforced, Is proper control maintained over handling of alcoholic beverages.

Annual outlay - $333,592 Grants License Bureau State Office Building Payments Baltimore, Maryland General Funds Loans Enforcement Unit Special Funds Loan Guarantees Alcoholic Beverages Division State Office Building Federal Funds Community Services Annapolis, Maryland Local Funds Not Specified

J\- Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 8-6 Comptroller of the Treasury

Central Payroll and Date Processing - I r ; To provide payroll and data processing services for the divisions of the Comptroller's Office as, well as other State agencies.


1. To maintain the Central Payroll Bureau which issues pay checks J to approximately 24,000 State employees biweekly. 2. To maintain the Data Processing Division which provides modern E data processing services to the divisions of the Comptroller's C Office as well as other State agencies. T I V E S FUNCTION CODE J L


Are the proper individuals being paid the proper amount at the proper time. Is electronic data processing being used effectively.

Central Payroll Bureau Annual outlay—$732,455 Grants State Office Bldg. Payments Annapolis, Maryland General Funds Loans Data Processing Division Special Funds Loan Guarantees State Income tax Bldg. Annapolis, Maryland Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Comptroller of the Treasury 8-7 I Disposition of Unclaimed Property To take custody and care of all abandoned property and seek the rightful owner.



Is all of the legally abandoned property being located and properly disposed of.

Annual outlay —$98,897 Grants Abandoned Property Division

Payments State Office Bldg. Baltimore, Md. General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\ JK. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 8-8 Comptroller of the Treasury

Clerks of Courts and Registers of Wills

To control expenditures of and receive reports from all Clerks of Courts and Registers of Wills. B Sub-programs: 1. To exercise control over certain expenditures of the Clerks J of the Courts and Registers of Wills, as provided by- statutes. E 2. To receive reports on the activities of the offices of the Clerks of Courts and Registers of Wills. rT I V E



Is proper control being maintained over . expenditures as required by law.

Annual outlay — $10,000 Grants General Accounting Section General Dept. Payments State Treasury Bldg. X [General Funds Loans Annapolis, Md.

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 8-9 Comptroller of the Treasury I Program Coordination All personnel and expenses of General Administration and Control Program of the General Department.


Annual outlay - $205,81? Grants General Administration & Control Payments General Department General Funds Loans State Treasury Bldg. Annapolis, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Department of Correctional Services

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES: 1. To protect society from convicted criminals by- incarceration. 2. Conduct treatment and training programs for the rehabilitation of inmates to prepare them for community adjustment.

Program I - Diagnostic Service Program II - Custodial Care Program III - Inmate Care Program IV - Inmate Training Program V - Pre-Release

STATE OF MARYLAND 9-3 Department of Correctional Services


To provide security and supervision of inmates in the institutions and camps. J E C T V E S FUNCTION CODE

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Number of escapes, the Amount spent for officers' salaries amount of unrest and and necessary supplies compared to idleness in the insti- number of inmates incarcerated. tutions. Production Coat related to Production Number of inmates in Cost per inmate for program the institutions. Quantitative values for measures are presently available.

Annual outlay- 8.556,271 Grants Department of Correctionj- Payments al Services 920 Greenmount Avenue General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds 10# Loan Guarantees 21202 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified I Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 9-4 Department of Correctional Services


To provide for the maintenance of inmates


1» Storeroom Operation 2o Dietary Services 3« Clinical and Hospital Services kb Plant Operation and Maintenance




Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Availability of supplies. What Clothing cost per inmate processed. and how food is served. The Daily per capita food costs are maintained. general Health and wellbeing Cost per inmate receiving service or treatment. %*i of the inmates. Inspection Maintenance cost per building« of condition of buildings and grounds•

Production Cost related to Production

Number of inmates in the insti- Cost per inmate for services required. tution. Quantitative values for measures are presently available. ;

Annual outlay - $5,308,2U7 Grants Department of Correctional Payments Services General Funds 88$ Loans 920 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Special Funds 22% Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

•^ yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYUND 9-5 Department of Correctional Services


To educate and train inmates to enable them to earn a living and make successful adjustment to society when released.



Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Number of inmates assigned skilled Cost per course conducted. institutional jobs after training. Cost per inmate trained. Number of trained inmates released who iaiproved their earning power and did not return to prison.

Production Costs related to Production

Number of graduates of the various Cost per course conducted. levels of education and training. Cost per inmate trained.

Annual outlay - $Ul9,7l46 Grants Department of Correctional Payments Services General Funds Loans 920 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, Mainland 21202 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds X Community Services Local Funds Not Specified A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 9-6 Department of Correctional Services I PRE-RELEASE To prepare inmates for community adjustment when released.

Sub-prog rams: 1. Counciling by Classification Officers 2. Departmental transfer 3. Work Release Program 4. Vocational Rehabilitation 5. Pre-Release Center


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Number of inmates who participated Cost per inmate processed through the who did not return to prison. various sub-programs.

Production Cost related to Production Number of inmates participating in Cost per inmate processed through the the various sub-programs. various sub-programs.

Annual outlay - $551, 893 Grants Department of Correctional Payments Services 920 Greenmount Avenue X General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Department of Correctional Services

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES: 1. To protect society from convicted criminals by- incarceration. 2. Conduct treatment and training programs for the rehabilitation of inmates to prepare them for community adjustment.

Program I - Diagnostic Service Program II - Custodial Care Program III - Inmate Care Program IV - Inmate Training . Program V - Pre-Release

STATE OF MARYLAND 9-2 nftpart-.mftr^ r.f Correcti nnal Servicea


^ - ' ' To receive, diagnose, classify and assign inmates committed O by the courts. Sub-programs: 1. Identification J 2. Collection of personal data 3. Examination E lj.« Recommended treatment C T I V


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness t~m Number of inmates Cost per identification process successfully assigned Cost of collecting personal data due to correct Cost of examinations diagnosis. Cost of diagnosis for assignment

Production Cost related to production - Cost per inmate processed Number of Inmates processed and assigned.

Annual outlay — $1^1,911 Grants Dept. of Correctional Services Payments 920 Greenraount Avenue General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Special Funds Loan Guarantees Federal Funds m Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

^ yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 9-3 Department of Correctional Services I CUSTODIAL CARE To provide security and supervision of inmates in the institutions and camps* J E C T I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Number of escapes, the Amount spent for officers' salaries amount of unrest and and necessary supplies compared to idleness in the insti- number of inmates incarcerated. tutions. Production Cost related to Production Number of inmates in Cost per inmate for program the institutions. Quantitative values for measures are presently available.

Annual outlay - 8,556,271 Grants Department of Correctionj- Payments al Services 920 Greenmount Avenue X General Funds 90% Loans Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds 21202 z_ 10% Loan Guarantees Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 9-4 Department of Correctional Services


To provide for the maintenance of inmates Sub-pro grains:

lo Storeroom Operation 2« Dietary Services J 3« Clinical and Hospital Services E kb Plant Operation and Maintenance



Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Availability of supplies, What Clothing cost per inmate processed. and how food is served. The Daily per capita food costs are maintained. general Health and wellbeing Cost per inmate receiving service or treatment. of the inmates. Inspection Maintenance cost per building. of condition of buildings and ' grounds. Production Cost related to Production Number of inmates in the insti- Cost per inmate for services required, tution. Quantitative values for measures are presently available. : r jdfliiSmi^^HHmi Annual outlay - $5,308,2147 Grants Department of Correctional Payments Services X General Funds 88$ Loans 920 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21202 X Special Funds 12% Loan Guarantees Federal Funds ir Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

V J JK Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 9-5 Department of Correctional Services

To educate and train inmates to enable them to earn a living and make a successful adjustment to society when released.


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Number of inmates assigned skilled Cost per course conducted. institutional jobs after training. Cost per inmate trained. Number of trained inmates released who improved their earning power and did not return to prison.

Production Costs related to Production

Number of graduates of the various Cost per course conducted. levels of education and training. Cost per inmate trained.

Annual outlay — $Ul9,7l46 Grants Department of Correctional Payments Services X General Funds Loans 920 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

.yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 9-6 Department of Correctional Services I PRE-RELEASE •o To prepare inmates for community adjustment when released. Sub-prog rams: B 1. Counciling by Classification Officers 2. Departmental transfer J 3. Work Release Program E 4. Vocational Rehabilitation C 5. Pre-Release Center T I


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Number of inmates who participated Cost per inmate processed through the who did not return to prison. various sub-programs.

Production Cost related to Production Number of inmates participating in Cost per inmate processed through the the various sub-programs. various sub-programs.


Annual outlay - $551,893 Grants Department of Correctional Payments Services 920 Greenmount Avenue X General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The objective of this department is to reduce the per capita incidence of crime and delinquency in Maryland, reduce the cost of crime and delinquency in Maryland and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement agencies. It is hoped that these objectives could be achieved with the development of a comprehensive state plan for law enforcement and administration of justice.

Program I - Research and Planning Program II - Crime Reduction


Research and Planning

6 To develop the comprehensive plan To determine the effectiveness of experimental crime suppression methods E e T r-l • V E S FUNCTION CODE J L

Effectiveness No. of plans .or parts of plans adopted No. of new methods used as a result of department's research No. of plans completed § No. of studies completed is

Annual outlay — $533,338 Grants Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement Payments and Administration of Justice General Funds 10% Loans i Special Funds Loan Guarantees

X Federal Funds 9 0 % Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Crime Reduction

I "N Reduce per capita incidence of crime Reduce the cost of crime in Maryland B Sub- -projects: a. Financial assistance to local governments E b. Technical assistance to local governments

;l • V E S FUNCTION CODE [ | I ) ^ -*

Effectiveness Production Reduction in crime rate, No. of local governments assisted reduction in cost of crime Amount of money spent No. of projects completed

Annual outlay — $4,500,000 Grants Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and Payments Administration of Justice General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

X Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The objective of this department is to reduce the per capita incidence of crime and delinquency in Maryland, reduce the cost of crime and delinquency in Maryland and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement agencies. It is hoped that these objectives could be achieved with the development of a comprehensive state plan for law enforcement and administration of justice.

Program I - Research and Planning Program II - Crime Reduction


Research and Planning

To develop the comprehensive plan To determine the effectiveness of experimental crime suppression methods J E C T %• I V E


Effectiveness No. of plans or parts of plans adopted No. of new methods used as a result of department's research No. of plans completed No. of studies completed

Annual outlay — $533,338 Grants Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement Payments and Administration of Justice x General Funds 10% Loans i Special Funds Loan Guarantees

X Federal Funds 90% Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-^ JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 10-3 GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE I Crime Reduction Reduce per capita incidence of crime Reduce the cost of crime in Maryland Sub-projects: a. Financial assistance to local governments b. Technical assistance to local governments



Effectiveness Production Reduction in crime rate, No. of local governments assisted reduction in cost of crime Amount of money spent m No. of projects completed S

Annual outlay — $4,500,000 Grants Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and Payments Administration of Justice

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

X Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^K. ^V. Management Information and PRflRRAM riFSCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The long-range ideal function of the Department is to become the guiding force behind the building of an economic base for a total environment of the best possible quality in Maryland.

Program 1 Program Coordination Program 2 Business and Industrial Development Program 3 Technical and Professional Services Program 4 Travel Development Program 5 Public Relations and Publications Program 6 Federal and Field Liaison

STATE OF MARYLAND 11-2 Department of Economic Development


;& Positions: Director J Deputy Director Secretary IV E Secretary III C T I V E



Annual outlay — $62,887 Grants General Administration Divi sion Payments

3,General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services X

Local Funds Not Specified yv

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 11-3 Department of Economic Development

To promote and advertise Maryland's advantages and opportunities for the profitable location of sound new businesses and industries •*i and the expansion of existing enterprises. To assist and foster community and regional development efforts both public and private. Sub-Programs: 1. Prospect processing 2. Aid to existing industry C 3. Local and regional development organization assistance 4. Preparation and publishing literature I 5. Advertising Maryland's advantages for V new industry


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness^ Number of new plants with which Cost per new firm assisted. the program was involved. Cost per existing firm Number of existing firms provided assisted. assistance in solving problems. Production Costs related to Production Number of prospects. Cost per prospect. Number of publications. Cost per publication. Number of local development groups Cost per local development assisted. group assisted.

Annual outlay — $167, 040 Grants

Payments Business and Industrial X Development Division General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland

Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-S\. _yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 11-4 Department of Economic Development I TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES To provide the other programs and the State in general with research and technical information on the status and performance of the State's economy. Sub-Programs: 1, Statistics and Special Studies. J 2 Analysis of businesses and industries for which Maryland offers special E advantages. Liaison between the State and the m. scientific-technological community. 4. Providing Secretariat service for T the Governor's Science Resources Advisory Board. I 5. Augmenting the Business and Industrial V Development Division's Program in handling of scientific and techno- E logically oriented prospects and S projects. FUNCTION CODE J L

Effectiveness Costs related to Effectiveness Increase in effectiveness in Cost per unit of increase in other programs. other programs. Iroduction Costs related to Production Number of published studies. Cost per study. Number of inquiries handled. Cost per inquiry handled. f lisms

Annual outlay - $104 Grants Payments Technical and Professiohal X General Funds Services Division Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-/k. J^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 11-5 Department of Economic Development

To foster and promote development of Maryland's tourism industries. To increase the use of Maryland's tourist facilities. 1 To cooperate with local and regional groups having similar objective^ Sub-Programs: 1. Information: a. Answering tourist requests b. Providing background stories for travel writers. 2. Preparing literature for tourists. T 3. Advertising preparation and placement; distribution of literature. I 4. Fostering and assisting local groups in the V execution of special events. E 5. Providing tourist facility investor information.


Effectiveness Costs related to Effectiveness^ Number of tourist inquiries. Cost per tourist inquiry. Number of press clippings in- Cost per thousand of coverage dicating use of material achieved through press supplied by the Division. releases. Attendance at major tourist Cost per thousand of attendees attractions. at major tourist attractions Dollars of investment in tourist Cost per thousand dollars of projects. investment in tourist pro- Volume of tourist business. jects. Number and quality of articles Cost per thousand tourists. stimulated and fostered. Ratio of cost per thousand (See attached page) tourists to cost of program.

Annual outlay - $439,412 Grants

Payments Travel Development Division X General Funds Loans State Office Building X Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

11-6 Department of Economic Development - TRAVEL DEVELOPMENT - 2

MEASURES (continued)

Production Cost related to Production

Volume of press material sent Per unit cost of printed out. literature.

Number of pieces of literature Salary of one-half staff distributed. divided by number of press releases sent.

STATE OF MARYLAND 11-7 Department of Economic Development I PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS To publicize all Maryland events and innovations with economic development significance. Sub-Programs: 1. Preparation and distribution of publications. 2. Responsibility for final editing, layout and J production of all departmental publications. 3. Coordination of all public relations activities E such as plant dedications, public meetings and C conferences. I V E S FUNCTION CODE LJ L 1

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Number of press releases published. Cost per press release. Attendance at special events Cost per attendee at special fostered. events. Production Costs related to Production Number of newspaper articles Dollar spent per clipping. clipped. Dollar per letter answered. Number of letter inquiries Cost per special projects. answered. Number of special projects.

Annual outlay - $114, 083 Grants Public Relations and Payments Publications Division General Funds Loans State Office Building Annapolis, Maryland 0 Special Funds Loan Guarantees Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 11-8 Department of Enonomir. Dpy^n^p^^nt


To coordinate various regional and federal program activities with > the State program. To initiate consultative and advisory services to local development groups. ^ Sub-Programs:

J 1. Appalachian Regional Development Commission. (ARC) E 2. Tri-County Council for Southern f Maryland. 'G 3. Delmarva Advisory Council. (DAC) T 4. Field liaison with local groups. I V E S FUNCTION CODE

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness^ Percentage of ARC allocation Dollars per thousand dollar used. increase in regional in- Percentage of investment growth in , vestment. counties of DAC, ARC, and Tri- County Council, compared with rest of State.

Production Costs related to Production Number of ARC projects approved. Cost per project approved. Number of DAC projects approved.

Annual outlay - $126, 530 Grants

Payments Federal and Field j x General Funds Liaison Division Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland X Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. _A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


State Department of Education

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The Maryland State Department of Education strives toward an optimum system of education for the citizens of the State.

Program I - State Share of Current Expenses

Program II - Current Expense Incentive Aid

Program III - Transportation

Program IV - Transportation - Handicapped Children

Program V - Incentive Fund for School Construction

Program VI - Handicapped Children

Program VII - Public Libraries

Program VIII - Federal Vocational Education

Program IX - Junior Colleges

Program X - Adult Education

Program XI - School Lunch

Program XII - Manpower Development and Training Acts

Program XIII - National Defense Education Act

Program XIV - Driver Education Fund

Program XV - School Milk

Program XVI - Public Library Incentive Fund

Program XVII - Elementary & Secondary Education Act -Title 1

ProgramXVIII - Elementary & Secondary Education Act -Title 2

Program XIX - Child Nutrition Act

Program XX - Elementary & Secondary Education Act -Title 3

Program XXI - Educational Consultative & Technical Services

Program XXII - Case Services

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-2 Department of Education


To guarantee minimum financial support to every school-age child in the J public schools of Maryland, E


Effectiveness No Meaningful Measure,

Annual outlay - $132,000,000 Grants

Payments Department of Education 301 West Preston Street X General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To encourage local school systems to employ 50 professionals per thousand students.



The number of school systems that employ 50 professionals per thousand students.

Annual outlay - $11,000,000 Grants

Payments Department of Education X IGeneral Funds Loans 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-4 Department of Education

To provide transportation for public school students who reside more than one mile from Che closesc school which provides appropriate instruction for the B student.



No Meaningful Measure.


Number of students transported.

Department of Education Annual outlay - $23 ,500,000 Grants 301 West Preston Street Payments Baltimore, Maryland 21201

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

_A yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-5 Department of Education

Transport certain handicapped children to and from public or State-maintained schools and certain approved nonpublic educational facilities Jl E T r Im f. V


Effectiveness Number being provided transportation in comparison to the number requesting it.


Number of students transported.

Annual outlay — $600,000 Grants Department of Education 301 West Preston Street Payments Baltimore, Maryland 21201 X General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-6 Department of Education


To encourage local school systems to construct needed school faciliti es.

•^ E C T I V E



Increase in amount of local and State funds expended for construction of new facilities.


Number of classrooms constructed.

Number of schools renovated.

Annual outlay— $67,000,000 Grants Department of Education Payments 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J ^V. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYUND 12-7 Department of EducatIon

HANDICAPPED CHILDREN I -J o To provide financial aid to local school systems for initiating, expanding and improving programs for the education of handicapped children at the elementary and secondary levels.



1. Increase in the number of new programs.

2, Number of existing programs improved. ' •


Number of students enrolled in handicapped programs.

Annual outlay — $18 ,000,000 Grants Department of Education 301 West Preston Street Payments Baltimore, Maryland 21201 General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-8 Department of Education


To encourage local governments to operate and maintain a public library system, '





1. Increase in the circulation of materials,

2. Increase in the variety of service provided.


1. Number of volumes available,

2, Number of citizens served.

Annual outlay — $3,000,000 Grants Department of Education 301 West Preston Street Payments Baltimore, Maryland 21201 X [General Funds Loans

^Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J JK. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-9 Department of Education

To promote and encourage the establishment and development of Vocational Education programs and the construction of Vocational Education facilities.





Increase in the number of students who complete a vocational training program.


Number of vocational schools.

Number of vocational programs.

Annual outlay — $12,000,000 Grants Department of Education 301 West Preston Street Payments Baltimore, Maryland 21201 General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^\. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-10 Department of Education I JUNIOR COLLEGES

To promote and encourage the establishment and development of public community colleges throughout the State. E yjC T I V


M Effectiveness E 1. Increase in the number of students enrolled, s 2. Increase in the variety of program offerings, u Production :E 1, Number of students enrolled. S 2. Number of new programs started.

Annual outlay — $7,700,000 Grants Department of Education 301 West Preston Street Payments Baltimore, Maryland 21201

X General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y\. yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-11 Department of Education


1. To promote and encourage the establishment and maintenance of day and J evening schools for adults. E 2. To alert the adults of the State of the need for civil defense. 3. To provide basic education to persons 18 years old and over who have C not achieved a high school education. T I V E


M E Effectiveness A 1. Increase in the number of adult education courses offered. S 2. Increase in the number of persons enrolling in and completing the u adult basic education program. R Production 1. Number of adults enrolled.

2, Number of courses offered.


Annual outlay - $800,000 Grants Department of Education Payments 301 West Preston Street X General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

X Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J \ JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-12 Department of Education

To make possible, at a minimum cost, an adequate and balanced lunch for every student. J E C T I V E



Increase in the number of students participating in the lunch program.


Number of lunches served.

Annual outlay — $2,600,000 Grants Department of Education Payments 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y^ yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To provide occupational training for unemployed and underemployed persons B who cannot reasonably obtain appropriate full-time employment. 41- E ©-• T I V E



Number of persons placed in jobs for which they are trained.


Number of Training Programs offered.

Annual outlay - $2 ,400,000 Grants

Payments Department of Education X General Funds Loans 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J^ Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-14 Department of Education

To encourage local school systems to upgrade and add depth to programs in science, mathematics, modern foreign languages, history, civics, geography, economics, English, reading, and industrial arts. J To encourage local school systems to expand their programs in guidance, E counseling, and testing. C T I V E



1. No Meaningful Measure.

2. Additional counseling and testing services made available to students,


1. Number of projects approved.

2. Number of new counselors.

Annual outlay — $1,700,000 Grants

Payments Department of Education 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y\. J^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To encourage local school systems to establish and expand driver education programs, J E C T I V E S v FUNCTION CODE


1. Increase in the number of high schools offering driver education. 2. Increase in the number of students enrolled in driver education programs.

Annual outlay — $725,000 Grants

Payments Department of Education 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 X Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

iLocal Funds Not Specified

JK. jy. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-16 Department of Education

To encourage the consumption of fluid milk by children in public and non- J profit private elementary and secondary schools. E C T I V E S FUNCTION CODE

I Effectiveness

Increase in the number of half pints of milk consumed.


Number of half pints of milk consumed.

Annual outlay- $1,800,000 Grants Department of Education Payments 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y\. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-17 Department of Education

To encourage local governments to construct and furnish public libraries. J E C T I V E


M Effectiveness

Number of additional square feet of library space available. sA u IR Production Number of libraries constructed. sE [ . ^mrn^MM

Annual outlay- $542,000 Grants

Payments Department of Education 301 West Preston Street X General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

sK. JK Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-18 Department of Education


To encourage local school systems to establish and maintain programs which meet the special needs of educationally deprived children. J E C T I V E



1, A changed attitude towards school as reflected by increased attendance,

2. Changes made in school programs because of the peculiar needs of disadvantaged youth.


1, Number of children served.

2. Number of projects approved.

l y-'mSm®%Wi - '< -''% '*

Annual outlay — Grants Payments Department of Education General Funds Loans 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

X Federal Funds Community Services Lo cal Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-19 Department of Education

To encourage the expansion and improvement of library materials and services in public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools. J E C T I V



1. Increase in the number of books circulated.

2, Increase in the variety of materials and services provided.


1, Number of volumes available.

2. Number of students served.

Annual outlay - $915,000 Grants

Payments Department of Education 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-^v J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-20 Department of Education



To encourage local school systems to operate breakfast programs for needy children. J E C T I V


M E Effectiveness MV Increase in the number of students served. •su Attendance records of children who. receive breakfast. R Production m Number of programs approved. s Number of students served.


Annual outlay - $84,000 Grants

Payments Department of Education 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-21 Department of Education


To encourage local school systems to Initiate innovative educational J programs. E C I V E S FUNCTION CODE


No Meaningful Measure,

Annual outlay — $3,000,000 Grants

Payments Department of Education General Funds 301 West Preston Street Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

sK. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-22 Department of Education

To optimize educational opportunities to the citizens of the State by providing consultative and technical services to individuals, local school systems, and other Federal and State agencies. J Sub-Programs Administration and Finance E Research and Development Instruction C Vocational Education Library Extension T Federal Program Planning Certification I State Library Services Instructional Television V Administration-Rehabilitation Placement and Guidance E Disability Determination S FUNCTION CODE

Annual outlay — $14,500,000 Grants Department of Education Payments 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



1. Ability of Certification Division to evaluate all transcripts, license applications and program approval requests within a reasonable period of time.

2. Number of license applications and program approvals denied in comparison to the number received.

3. Increase in the number of research and statistical studies requested.

4. Increase in number of workshop and inservice education programs conducted.

5. Change in teacher effectiveness after workshop and inservice education participation.

6. Increase in the types and effectiveness of cooperative programs among libraries in the State.

7. Increase in the variety of materials and services provided through the school instructional materials center.

8. Increase in the number of rehabilitation clients rehabilitated.

9. Increase in money spent per student as a result of increase in State aid.

10. Effectiveness in having local school systems use available federal funds to provide increased educational opportunities and improve existing programs.

11. The speed with which new and improved educational programs and procedures are adopted throughout the State.


1. Number of transcripts evaluated.

2. Number of license applications and program approval requests evaluated.

3. Number of research and statistical reports published.

4. Number of workshops conducted.

5. Number of rehabilitation clients served.

6. Number of federally-funded projects approved.

STATE OF MARYLAND 12-24 Department of Education f 1| 3 0| 4 0, 3 0i 1

To rehabilitate mentally and physically disabled individuals and make them useful working members of society. c T I V E


A M Effectiveness E Increase in the number of clients rehabilitated. A Increase In income of clients. Su R Production E Number of clients served. S

/-- ..^&*2s2

Annual outlay — $4,300,000 Grants Department of Education Payments 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Y Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System




The elimination of poverty in the 23 counties and

Baltimore City, State of Maryland, while building individual and family economic security.

Program I Coordination

Program II Technical Assistance

Program III Institutional Change

STATE OF MARYLAND 13-2 Office of Economic Opportunity


Mobilize all Federal, State and local agencies to provide O needed community services in the alleviation of poverty in Maryland. To coordinate all manpower, educational, housing community and health services in the State for low income persons.

Sub-Programs: E 1. Manpower 3. Housing a) NYS a) Model Cities b) Operation Mainstream b) Urban Renewal c) New Careers c) Fed. Housing Adm. M d) Job Corps d) Farmers Home Adm. e) CEP im 3r 2. Education 4. Community Services a) Head Start a) Legal Services E b) ESEA b) Consumer Protection c) Upward Bound c) Family Planning S d) Adult Basic Ed. ) ay a£8NCTION CODE

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

1. Number of participants trained Cost per trainee in activity 2. Number of participants that continues in educational programs Cost per trainee

Production Cost related to Production

1. Number of new homes build and Cost per unit old homes repaired 2. Number of people that move ^Cost is related to activity above the poverty line that alleviates poverty •Cost not available conditions.

Annual outlay- $50,000 Grants Maryland Office of Economic Opportunity Payments 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. yv

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Office of Economic Opportunity 13-3

Technical Assistance

V* I Provide technical assistance to Community Action Programs i (CAP's) in the State by consultation, advising and dissemination of information on anti-poverty programs.

B Sub-Programs

1. Fiscal Management 3. Administration E a) CAP Budget information a) Staff Development b) In-kind contributions b) Training c) Budget control c) Consulting services d) Functions of Management d) Program monitoring I 2. Program Planning a) Establish priorities V b) Short term & long term goals E c) Demonstration projects s d) Evaluations FUNCTION CODE J L

Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness Number of local governments Amount of contribution contributing to CAP Number of new programs funded Cost of development and funding a to a CAP new program Identification of priorities Cost of program planning Production Cost related to production Number of Staff trained *Cost for training new staff

Number of publications *Cost of continuous staff development

*Cost not available Cost of publications ^s\

Annual outlay- $30,000 Grants Maryland Office of Economic Opportunity Payments 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 13-4 Office of Economic Opportunity

I Institutional Change To effect institutional change of established institutions in order to provide more effective service.

Knowledge of Federal, State and local institutions and their J legal mandates as it relates to the services they render. E Sub-Programs C Federal, State & local Institutions a) Determination of effectiveness of a given institution T b) Establishing liaison I c) Innovation and new approaches d) Interagency coordination and linkage V e) Assure minimum duplication of services E


Effectiveness Cost relatdd to Effectiveness Number of new programs from Cost of new programs existing agencies Cost of salaries for new employees Number of new employees in Cost of program duplication to be held in existing agencies at minimum Number of agencies counseled Production Cost related to Production Number of individual helped *Cost of counseling Number of families helped Number of new employees from *Cost of recruitment from poverty level poverty level. *Cost not available

Annual outlay— $24,000 Grants Maryland Office of Payments Economic Opportunity 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees 21201

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. J\.

Management information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To promote economic security by encouraging employers to provide more stable employment and by the systematic accumulation of funds during periods of employment to provide benefits for periods of unemployment.

Program I - Program Coordination

Program II - Unemployment Insurance

Program III - Manpower Training and Placement Services

Total Budget

1970 Fiscal Year

$ 11,303,1+62

STATE OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY 14-2 I PROGRAM COOROINATION i< • 2 o These services embody the overall administrative direction of the Department which includes the Administrative staff and technicians charged with the overall direction and control of the various operating B programs. Executive Director Assistant Executive Director E Legal Counsel and Administration District Offices Information and Public Information C Technical Services T Administra tive Reports and Analysis 1 V E

S FUNCTION CODE f | 1 ) V 1 >

Annual outlay - $ 522,600 • Grants Administration, Technical Payments and Staff

General Funds Loans 1100 N. Eutaw Street Baltimore, Md. 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. .A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To collect taxes when due, pay benefits to the eligible unemployed, and pay training allowances under various Federal Programs.

E SUR-PROGRAMS C 1. Tax Col lections T 2. Payment of Benefits and Training Allowances V E


Effectiveness Costs Related to Effectiveness A Number Taxable Employers Cost per Employer Number Clavims Filed Cost per Claims Filed Number of Claimants Paid Cost per Claimant

Production Costs Related to Production |R1 Number Tax Forms Processed Cost per Tax Form Number of Claims Processed Cost per Claim Processed ?s Number of Checks Issued Cost per Check

Annual outlay — $ 4,520,600 Grants Unemployment Insurance Payments Divi sion

General Funds Loans 1100 N. Eutaw Street Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees 21201

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^k. ./^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



'Of 1. Match appl i cants need for a job with the employers need for a worker B 2. Devel op reg istrants employabi1ity J 3. Recrui tment of fflien and local seasonal farm laborers SUB-PROGRAMS E 1. Provide Services to Applicants c 2. Provide Services to Employers T 3. Provide Services to Communities k. Farm Labor Services 5. Training and Retraining Programs V 6. Provide Labor Market Information E,

FUNCTION CODE bfl Effectiveness Costs Related to Effectiveness E Number Job Placements Cost per Placement s Number Employers Serviced Cost per Employer |u Production Costs Related to Productions |R Number Interviews Cost per Interview Number Tests Given Cost per Test Number Applicants Counseled Cost per Applicant Tested Is Number Selections and Referrals Cost per Selection & Referral

Annual outlay — <; 6,265,262 Grants Employment Service Oi vision Payments 1100 N. Eutaw Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. Management information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The Department is to promote and manage State owned or leased forests, parks, scenic preserves, parkways, historic monuments, natural areas and recreation areas for their economic, recreation and historic value and to promote proper use of the Parks, Forests and Recreational Resources within the State.

Program I Program Coordination

Program II - Forest Management

Program IH - Forest Protection

Program IV - Park Management and Development

Program V Cooperative Assistance

STATE OF MARYLAND 15-2 gepartraent of Forests and Parks

:0 Director Assistant Director B Secretary IV J Secretary III E c T 1 V E


Annual outlay — $125,114* Grants Office of the Director State Office Building Payments Annapolis, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 15-3 Department of Forests and Parka

FOREST MANAGEMENT r To provide the optimum utilization of the land and water resources through multiple use of the woodlands of the State.


1. State Forest Management 2. Private Forest Management c mmm I V E


Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectiveness

Ratio of acres accomplished to Cost per acre treated and improved. acres in need of treatment. Cost per examination and marketing Ratio of existing forest acreage study. to multi-use acreage.

Production Cost Related to Production No. of acres examined, improved and Cost of man days on each activity. planted. Volume of timber and pulp Marketing Cost harvested. No. requests received Publication Cost and no. answered.

Annual outlay - $1,098,81*1* Grants State Forest Management State Office Building Payments Annapolis, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 15-4 Department of Forests and Parks

To provide for the protection of life and property from all destructive agents throughout Maryland. m Sub-programs E 1. Fire Control 2. Insect, Pests and Disease Control C 3. Roadside Tree Protection I V


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness y Annual percentage reduction in acres Cost per acre burned. r'E burned. Cost per patrol day. Annual percentage reductions in acres Cost per planting day. destroyed by insects and disease. Cost per inspection day# for IS Protection of roadside trees related insects and disease. u to number of violations. Production Cost related to Production m Number of persons instructed by Cost of man hours on each activity lecturers. Equipment time each fire. Number of trees planted p9It Number of inspections completed.

Annual outlay — $l,l50,l8U Grants Forest Protection Division State Office Building Payments Annapolis, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services'

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 15-5 Department of Forests and Parks


I "N To provide the general public with leisure time opportunities within a the State Park System. Sub-programs

1. Planning E 2. Land Acquisition 3. Construction C U. Operation and Maintenance 5. Interpretation fi V E

s FUNCTION CODE v. ( 1 1 ]

Effectiveness ^—_ j Cost related to Effectiveness Ratio of land purchased to long range Man days of negotiations and purchases acquisition goals. Man days on planning, programming Ratio of facilities provided to projected engineering and construction. goals. Cost and number of appraisals. Percentage increase in visitor days. Cost and number of reports.prepared. Percentage increase in ratio of personnel to overall use. Cost related to Production Reduction in cost of operation and Cost of operation and maintenance maintenance per visitor. per visitor. Production Cost per acres purchased. Cost per facility per park. No. of new facilities opened Increase in visitors and visitor days. No. of acres acquired.

Annual outlay - $2,6lO,U8l Grants State Park Supervisor State Office Building Payments Annapolis, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y\. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 15-6 Department of Forests and Parks

v * To promote and provide the professional and technical assistance to the general public for leisure time opportunities and financial assistance to political sub-divisions to provide the opportunities. B

J Sub-programs

E Extension Financial ST I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Ratio of assistance requested to Man hours on studies, coordination and assistance rendered. training. Ratio of funds obligated to funds Man hours on financial programs. available. Publication cost. Percentage of increase iri number of people reached. Cost related to Production Production Cost per application and grant prepared Number of newly formed Park and Cost per 1,000 persons affected. Recreation Boards or Departments. Ratio of sur-charge to project cost. Number of projects started. Number of projects completed.

Annual outlay - $1*2, 95>1 X Grants Chief, Research and Grants Payments State Office Building Annapolis, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The Department is to promote and manage State owned or leased forests, parks, scenic preserves, parkways, historic monuments, natural areas and recreation areas for their economic, recreation and historic value and to promote proper use of the Parks, Forests and Recreational Resources within the State.

Program I Program Coordination

Program II - Forest Management

Program IH - Forest Protection

Program IV - Park Management and Development

Program V Cooperative Assistance


State of Maryland

Department of Game and Inland Fish


To restore, establish, maintain and protect the wildlife and inland fishery resources of the State and to further related recreation for all interested citizens.


Program Coordination

Public Information

Firearms and Hunter Safety

Inland Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement

Boating Law Enforcement

Game Management

Fisheries Management

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Game and Inland Fish 16-2





Annual outlay - $50,000 .00 Grants Director Payments Department of Game & Inland Fish General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y^. yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 16-3 Department of Game & Inland Fish I Public Information To inform all State citizens interested in wildlife conservation on the wise use and proper stewardship of the State's inland fish and wildlife resources.

To provide information to hunters and fishermen with respect to the availability of this type of recreation.

& To provide information concerning changes in laws or regulations governing hunting and fishing.

Sub Programs: 1. Publications c 2. Visual Aids hT 3. Radio and TV productions I V E


Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectiveness

Number of requests for Cost per requests processed. IP information processed. •s Production Cost Related to Production Pages of publications published. Cost per page. |uHiisa!. Pages of news releases. Cost per page. ||| V- Number of radio tapes produced. Cost per tape. BET Number of TV tapes produced. Cost per tape. B*1 ' Number of movies produced. Cost per tape. fS Number of still pictures produced. Cost per picture.

Annual outlay $65,707.00 Grants Payments Information and Education Division General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees State Office Building

Federal Funds Community Services Annapolis, Maryland - 21401

Local Funds Not Specified

-S\. ^V. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 16-4 Department of Game & Inland Fish

Firearms and Hunter Safety i?{> To reduce the incidence of accidents involving the use of firearms,

particularly while engaged in hunting.


Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectiveness

Number of accidents involving firearms. Being developed. w Production Cost Related to Production

Number of Instructors trained. Cost per Instructor trained. Number of Students trained. Cost per Student trained.

^^^H^^^^HI ^^^^^^^^^H Annual outlay — $15,000.00 Grants

Payments Information and Education i i Division General Funds Loans State Office Building X Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland - 21401 Federal Funds X Community Services Local Funds Not Specified i J Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 16-5 Department of Game & Inland Fish

Inland Fish and Wildlife I Law Enforcement To enforce th 2 laws and regulations pertaining to Inland Fish o and Wildli fe ]Resources.

B Sub Programs:

Issuance of Special Licenses (Example Taxidermists) E Inspection of Special Licenses 1G' ^T M \ mV s FUNCTION CODE [ | | V m Effectiveness Being developed.

Production Cost Relative to Production

Hours of patrol. Number of apprehension. Cost per apprehension. Number of prosecutions. Cost per prosecution. m Number of convictions. Cost per conviction. Number of inspections. Cost per inspection. fs1^ Number of special licenses issued. Cost per license issued.

Annual outlay - $632,712.00 Grants Payments Law Enforcement Division

General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland - 21401 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Game & Inland Fish 16-6 I Boating Law Enforcement

B To enforce the provisions of the Boat Act on Inland (non-tidal) waters.


M Effectiveness E Being developed. Production Cost Relative to Production

S Hours of patrol. Cost per acre patrolled. u Acres of water patrolled. Cost per inspection. Number of inspections. Cost per apprehension. Number of apprehensions. Cost per prosecution. Number of prosecutions. Cost per conviction. rsp Number of convictions.

Annual outlay — $ 24,325.00 Grants

Payments Law Enforcement Division 3General Funds Loans State Office Building X Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland - 21401 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. -^V Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 16-7 Department of Game & Inland Fish

Game Management

To manage the Wildlife (except fish) Resources of the State to insure their preservation while providing the maximum amount of hunting and wildlife oriented recreation possible.

Sub Programs: 1. Forest Wildlife Management 2. Upland Wildlife Management 3. Waterfowl Management 4. Furbearer Management C 5. Extension T I V E S FUNCTION CODE J_L

/ Effectiveness Cost Relative to Effectiveness

1. User days of recreation provided. 1. Cost per user day. :E 2. Number of opportunity days provided. 2. Cost per opportunity day. 3. Others being developed. u Production Cost Relative to Production Acres open to hunting etc. Cost per acre open to hunting. sRss Number of animals available for use. Cost per animal available for use. Number of animals produced. Cost per animal produced. Acres of land developed. Cost per acre developed. ps' Acres of land acquired. Cost per acre acquired.

Annual outlay - $ 820,278.00 Grants Payments Game Management Division General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland - 21401 Federal Funds i. Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Game & Inland Fish 16-8

Fisheries Management

To manage the Inland (non-tidal water) Fishery Resources of the State so o as to insure their preservation while providing the maximum amount of fishing and fishing oriented recreation possible.

B Sub Programs: 1. Cold water fishery management. 2. Warm water fishery management. J 3. Reservoir fishery management. E 4. Extension.

1 V E '•'S FUNCTION CODE [ | 1 . < > Effectiveness Cost Relative to Effectiveness 1. Number of user days of fishing or Cost per user day. related recreation provided. i 2. Number of opportunity days provided. Cost per opportunity day. 3. Others being developed. Production Cost Relative to Production u 1. Acres of water open to fishing. Cost per acre open. 2. Number of fish available for use. Cost per fish available. feR 3. Number of fish produced or distributed. Cost per fish produced or distributed. 4. Number of acres of water under manage- Cost per acre managed. |E ment. |S 5. Number of acres of water acquired. Cost per acre acquired.

Annual outlay — $ 517,780.00 Grants Payments Fisheries Management Division General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Community Services Annapolis, Maryland - 21401 X Federal Funds Local Funds Not Specified

-/v. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


MORRIS L. RADOFF GUST SKORDAS Archivist and Records Administrator Assistant Archivist STATE OF MARYLAND REX BEACH HALL OF RECORDS Assistant Records Administrator ANNAPOLIS 21401



1- To collect, preserve and make available the noncurrent records of State and local governmental agencies that have permanent legal, administrative or historical value.

2. To guide and assist State and local governmental agencies in developing a continuing program for the economical and efficient management of their records, including the preparation of schedules providing for the prompt and orderly disposal of records not required by the operations of the agency.

Program I - Collection and Preservation of Records

Program II - Making Records Available

Program III - Records Management


To centralize and preserve the archives of the State and to collect church records, maps, manuscripts, newspapers and other materials of historic interest. J Subprograms: E 1. Collecting records 2. Preservation of Records C 3. Microfilm security copies of county records T I V


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness M Total quanitty of Cost per record unit acquired E records acquired A Production Costs related to Production Number of microfilm Cost per image Su images produced R Number of pages repaired Cost per page Number of volumes bound Cost per volume E (All available) S

Annual outlay - $44^409 Grants

Payments UU General Funds Loans Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

S\. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Making Records Available /

To make the information contained in the records in our custody available to other agencies of government and to scholars and other searchers. Subprograms:

J 1. Preparation of finding aids 2. Public Search Room E 3. Answering inquiries by mail 4. Acting as historical agency C 5. Publication T I V E S FUNCTION CODE 1

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Total number of reference requests Cost per request ~ Production Costs related to Production Number and type of finding aids produced Cost of each finding aid Number of searchers assisted in person Cost per searcher Number of items circulated Cost per item circulated Number of dictated letters Cost per dictated letter Number of form letters Cost per form letter Number of pages photocopied Cost per page Number of historical projects undertaken Cost per project Number of publications issued Cost per publication (All available)

Annual outlay- $103)579 Grants


LXJ General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To guide and assist State and local government agencies in developing a continuing program for the economical and efficient management of their records. Sub-programs: B 1. Preparation of records retention and disposal schedules 2. Administration of Record Centers J 3. Microfilming Service 4. Records Management Advisory and Consultant Services E 5. Security of Essential Records Program

Sub-programs have been designed in too great detail to be included within the T OBJECTIVES block, and are included as an attachment. I V E


Sub-programs have been designed in too great detail to be included within the MEASURES block, and are included as an attachment.

Annual outlay — $117,267 Grants RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION Payments STATE OFFICE BUILDING ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND 21401 XXGeneral Funds Loans'

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds XX Community Services Local Funds XX Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

17-5 Sub»PTOgram 1; Preparation of records retention and disposal schedules Program Objective; To manage and control the retention and disposition of the records of State and local agencies of government. Schedule control assures the identification and preservation of permanently valuable records and the timely and orderly disposition of those records no longer having legal, fiscal, or administra- tive value. Measures of Cost: Amount of money spent on salaries, travel, and supplies, (available). Measures of Activity or Production: Number of records schedules established or revised; number of records series controlled by records schedules, including new or revised schedules; cubic footage of records destroyed; cash receipts for sale of records as waste paper (available). Measures of Effoctiveness: Validity of the evaluation of records series for permanent preservation or for disposal (not presently available) Measures of Efficiency: 1. Cost per records schedule established or revised; 2. cost per record series brought under schedule control; 3. application of records retention and dis- posal schedules; 4. ratio of records under schedule control to total documen- tation of the State. (1 and 2 presently available; 3 and 4 may be available in the future.) Sub-program 2: Administration of Record Centers Program Objective: To provide for low-cost storage and servicing of semi-current records of State agencies. Measures of Costs: Amount of money spent on salaries; travel; equipment, and supplies (available). Measures of Activity or Production: 'Cubic footage of records accessioned; number of reference requests to records; cubic footage of records disposed of; cash receipts for sale of records as waste paper (available). Measures of Effectiveness: 1. Amount of office space and filing equipment released for re-use; 2. ratio of records deposited in record centers to records eligible for deposit. (1 now available; 2 may be available in the future.) Measures of Efficiency: Comparative cost of maintaining records in office space and filing equipment te that of maintaining them in record centers (available.)


Sub-Program 3: Microfilming Service Program Objective; To provide central microfilm services to State agencies. Measures of Costs; Amount of money spent on salaries; travel; microfilm supplies, and microfilm equipment (available). Measures of Activity or Production; Microfilm images exposed and inspected or received and processed (inspected, labeled, and arranged); microfilm images duplicated (available). Measures of Effectiveness; Quantity of records microfilmed; quality of microfilm produced; number of ref- erences to microfilmed records; ratio of records filmed to those eligible for microfilming; evaluation of records for microfilming (available). Measures of Efficiency; Cost to microfilm a specified volume of records; utilization rate of microfilm equipment; comparative costs of maintaining records with long-term retention on microfilm or hard-copy form; (available). Sub-Program 4; Records Management Advisory and Consultant Services Program Objective; To provide technical records management services and advice to State and local agencies of government. Measures of Costs; Amount of money spent on salaries; travel, and occasional supplies (available). Measures of Activity or Production; Number of referrals or requests for assistance; number of projects initiated by Records Management staff; relative difficulty or uniqueness of application. [A request for advice in determining the type of equipment needed for a par- ticular application may require very little time; however, the development of a complete microfilm system for an agency, or assistance in developing a county records management program may require months.] (available). Measures of Effectiveness; 1. Number of installations of records systems that serve the needs of State and local agencies of government; 2. appropriateness of the equipment or records system recorrntiehdied;' 3. improved efficiency and effectiveness of agency resulting from the advice and assistance given (1 available; 2 and 3 may be available in the future). Measures of Efficiency; Reduced costs resulting from the implementation of improved records procedures; additional information for management collected as a by-product of improved records programs (not now available; may be later).


17-7 Sub-Program 5: Security of Essential Records Program Program Objective;

To provide security copies of current land records and subdivision plats recorded in the offices of the Clerks of Court of the respective counties and Baltimore City, and other essential records. Measures of Costs: Amount of money spent on salaries; travel; photographic equipment and supplies (available). Measures of Activity or Production; Number of plats received, indexed and filed; number of references to plats and copies of plats made; number of microfilm images of essential records filmed or received, inspected, labeled and arranged; number of reels of essential records housed for security (available). Measures of Effectiveness: Adequacy of protection provided against loss or destruction of essential records; ratio of essential records protected compared with total essential records of State (not now available; may be available in future.) Measures of Efficiency: Cost per record series secured (available).


Department of Health

Overall Departmental Objectives;

Protect the public health through elimination of environmental hazards, promotion of individual preventive health supervision (especially In expectant mothers, infants, preschool children and school children), and active control of communicable diseases.

Administer a hospital program for the tuberculous and the chronically ill, a medical care and a hospital inpatient and outoatient pronram for the indigent and the medically indigent, and a medical and hospital care program for crippled children.

Assist local health departments and cooperate with State and Federal agencies, with the medical, dental and other health professions, with private health associations and with citizens groups in carrying out a wide variety of public health programs.

Programs -

Chronic Diseasest Consumer Protection:

Adult Health and Milk and Dairy Products Chronic Disease Control Food Processing Chronic Disease Hospitals and Coordination of Long-term Care Eating & Drinking Establishments

Tuberculosis Seafood

Cancer Radiological Health

Preventive Medical Services: Bedding and Uoholstery

Maternal and.Chi Id Health Housing Hygiene (Being develooed)

Services for Crippled Chi Idren Drug Control

Community Services for Mentally Retarded Resources Protection

Veterinary Medicine Water and Sewerage

Communicable Diseases Air Qua Iity

Dental Health (To be Developed) Industrial Health Engineering

Special Health Services Solid Wastes

Emergency Health Services

Medical Facilities Development (Being developed)

Medical Assistance Program (Being developed)

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-2 Department of Health I ADULT HEALTH Program Oblectlves: 1. Deaths from a limited number of the chronic diseases are clearly preventable. These include lung cancer, cervical cancer, rheumatic heart ty disease, and tuberculosis. For these diseases, the objective is reduction of the death rates. 2^ Certain other diseases contribute highly to the deaths occurring in persons in the 45-64 year age group, or premature deaths. Mortality of a limi- ted number of these can be significantly delayed with preventive measures and ade- quate treatment. Among these are hypertensive disease, arteriosclerotic heart disease, diabetes, etc. For these diseases, the objective is the reduction of the death rates in the 45-64 year age group. 3^. Certain chronic diseases contribute disproportionately to the number of acute hospital days used by Title XIX recipi- ! ents. The morbidity of these diseases can be significantly reduced if detected 3P early and a proper management program is instituted, which would decrease the com- plications of the disease and the disability to the individual and place the patient in the proper facility to provide the level of care needed. Strokes, diabetes, arthritis, etc. are among these. For these diseases, the objective is I the reduction of the number of acute hospital days used by adult Title XIX recipi- ents who are under 65 years of age. 4^ Proper management of certain diseases, V notably stroke, includes rehabilitation training to restore the patient to the highest level of function attainable with his disability. For those patients with £ these diseases who are treated in the State's chronic disease facilities or in State funded other long-term care facilities or programs, the S objective is reduction of the length of time from recognizfUNCT,ON CODE able onset or rtlaeasp to thp pnint nf maximum benefit.

Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments

General Funds Loans CHRONIC DISEASES Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. J\ Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-3 Department of Health


Ultimate Objective; Each adultI suffering from a chronic illness or traumatic in-\ jury and handicapped by this condition will have available health services which i-lk "•*• will make it possible for him to reach maximum physical, mental and social functioning. Program Oblectives; A. Program for care of patients in State operated long-term care institutions for the chronically ill. h Target Population: All persons who could benefit from the services of the in- or out-patient facilities of the State-operated long-term care institutions for the chronically ill. 2. Oblectives: a. Reduction in the length of time from chronically recognizable onset of disease to the point of maximum benefit for those E patients with handicaps due to specific chronic disease processes who could benefit from skilled rehabilitation services, b. The provision of this high quality pro- C fessional care with maximum conservation of limited facilities, personnel, and •Mi fiscal resources. B. Program for coordination of a system of long term care ser- vices within a community providing the full spectrum of levels of care both in the institutional and community setting. 1. Target Populations: a. All adult patients I in or applying for admission to long-term care facilities in Maryland at public expense, b. All patients applying for admission to State-operated long-term care V facilities, c. All adult patients in acute general hospitals for a period longer than 15 days at State expense. 2. Objective: a. Every chronically ill patient E will be given appropriate and high level care according to his needs in the setting or through the program which provides these services with the least r K , , S expenditure or facilities, personnel, and fiscal resources',FUNCTION" "'"" " ~'" •CODE "1 of the community.

Annual outlay — Grants Being developed Payments


Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-^ J\, Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program ' Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-4 Department of Health I TUBERCULOSIS Target Population:All children and adults in Maryland. ^ *£.* Ultimate Oblective: To eliminate tuberculosis as a public health problem in Md. Program Objectives; 1. To reduce the newly reported tuberculosis case rate per 100,000 population as follows: Year Rate 1967 32.2 1973 20.0 , 1978 14.0 2. To improve casefinding so that a steadily increasing pro- portion of the newly reported pulmonary cases are found in an earlier state of the disease. 3. To reduce the mortality rate from tuberculosis from 4.9 in 1967 to 4.0 in 1973 to 3.2 in 1978. 4. To control the spread of infection to the point where not more than 2.0% of young adolescents (Grade 10) react to tuberculin in 1978. 5. To control the spread of infection to the point where not more than .51 of the first graders react to tuberculin in 1978.



Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments CHRONIC DISEASES General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^^ yv Managemsnt Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-5 Department of Health I CANCER Target Population; Maryland females of all ages. Objectives: A. Ultimate Objective - Virtual elimination of cervical carcinoma as a cause of death among Maryland females of all ages. B Program Objectives - 1. A reduction in the current death rate from cervical carcinoma by 45% within the next decade. 2. An increased percent of cases being diagnosed in the in-situ stage. E 3. An expectation of life in patients with in-situ cervical carcinoma equal to that of a comparable health cohort of females. 4. Maintenance of the maximum level of functioning in patients with invasive carcinoma. I V E


iE U R- IE Being Developed S

Annual outlay — • Grants Being Developed Payments CHRONIC DISEASES General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^V. J\- Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-6 Department of Health


Target Population; Mothers, children and families. Ultimate Oblectives: "To ensure that 1) every expectant and nursing mother maintains good health, learns the art of child care, has a normal delivery, and bears healthy children; 2) every child, wherever possible, lives and grows up in a family unit, with love and security in healthy surroundings, receives adequate nourishment, health supervision, and efficient medical attention, and is taught the elements of healthy living". J Program Oblectives: 1. By 1974, 95% of all mothers will have adequate prenatal E care. 2. By 1974, all babies will be born in hospitals which C have obstetrical services meeting State standards. .•MB : 3. By 1974, 80% of the people in the lower socio-economic group (37,100) will actively participate as family planning patients in county health department programs. I 4. The fertility rate of the family planning clinic population of each county will be less than 30% of the 1966 fertility rate for V that county. 5. By 1974, all day care centers operating in Maryland will E meet the required standards for State licensure.


Annual outlay — Grants Being Developed Payments PREVENTIVE MEDICAL SERVICES General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-7 Department of Health

Target Population; Maryland Children with existing or potential handicaps. Ultimate Objective; Every Maryland child will be as free of handicaps as possible. Profiram Objectives; 1. Every child with a fully correctable handicap will have his handicap corrected. In ten years, 70% of these handicapped will be cured. 2. Every child whose handicap is not fully correctable will be restored to and maintained at a functional level compatible with his potential. In ten years, 60% of these handicapped will be functionally compatible with potential. Sub-Objectives; a. For group able to finance own care, to provide diagnostic and consultation services. b. For group needing assistance, to provide all necessary services. I c. To develop a method of evaluating effectiveness of care V given. E


Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments PREVENTIVE MEDICAL SERVICES General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-8 Department of Health

MENTAL RETARDATION r Target Population A. Profoundly and severely retarded children and adults ^ (estimate 2700) who are residing in the communities of Maryland. te*: Objective Ultimately, all the target population will receive day care services, at least fifty percent by 1976 (services began in 1961). Target Population B. All mentally retarded individuals and their families who are in need of special diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation, and residential J care services. Objective E 1. Specialized diagnostic, evaluation, and treatment services will be provided in a State-wide basis. C 2. Optimum placement for all retardates at every level of his development will be available. T Target Population C. All persons in need of genetic counseling services because of the possibility of producing offspring with abnormal genetic patterns I and who are unable to obtain such services through private sources. Objective Genetic counseling services will be available on a State-wide basis through the Health Department by 1973.


Being Developed

Annual outlay — Grants Being Developed Payments


Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-9 Department of Health


f ; ft Target Population: The entire Maryland population, since everyone is exposed o to animals or consumes or uses animal products or by-products. Ultimate Objectives: 1. That all Maryland citizens will be free of Zoonotic diseases.

J Program Objectives: 1. By 1974 to have 18 of the political subdivisions of the State adopt and enforce suitable local animal E control ordinances.

C 2. By 1974 to have 75% of Maryland's dogs over 6 months of age immunized against rabies. I V s FUNCTION CODE I I ,

Being Developed

Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments


Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Health 18-10

Ultimate Oblectlve: The prevention of communicable diseases in man. Program — Objectives — 1. By 1973 to raise the present degree of reporting of certain communicable diseases. For example, pertussis and measles from less than 50% to 100*; meningococcal infections, hepatitis, encephalitis from 75% to 100%- the venereal diseases from less than 50% to 90%. ' 2. By 1972 to reduce the occurrence of cases of the vaccine-controlled diseases i.e., pertussis, rubella and tetanus to less than 10 sporadic cases a year for the ""^ I*?* 0r t0 an attack rate of 0-00 a8 ls P"sent morbidity status of small- pox, diphtheria and poliomyelitis and to insure the future continuation of these low rates by maintenance of high immunization levels in the population. c ?An By 1975 t0 reduce the Present high attack rates of salmonellosis, 10 per 100,000, shigellosis, 8 per 100,000, and infectious hepatitis, 25 per 100,000 to less than 5 per 100,000, provided that effective control procedures are developed T during the interval. I 4. By 1975 to reduce attack rate of infectious syphilis from 18 to 5 per 100 000 and thus change Maryland's rank of eighth highest among the states to one of the V 10 lowest rates. To cut in half the present gonorrhea rate of 244 per 100,000. 5. To raise and maintain the immunization level against all six vaccine-controlled diseases from the 1968 levels which vary with the type of vaccine from 55% to 80% among pre-school children to at least 85% for all vaccines, and to have 90% of all immunized children complete the primary immunization FUNCTION CODE f ] series in the first 2 years of life. J L

Annual outlay — Grants Being Developed Payments General Funds Loans PREVENTIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-11 Departnent of Health


/ ' "'•3 Objectives: ' x 1. By 1971 to train all key personnel identified in the State Emergency Health Services Plan, to implement that plan. neaicn 2. ly llll t0 haVe emer8ency health services plans in each county. 3. By 1978 to have at least one member of every household trained in Medical Self-Help (prepared to meet basic health and medical needs in an extended disaster). J 4. ll }V£ 1° ^ a}f lat!-ent care health ^npower trained in disaster practices 5. By 1975 to have all Packaged Disaster Hospitals have staff assigned and E trained for operations. 6. To expand our number of Packaged Disaster Hospitals from the present 38 to C 7^, in the next decade, and to have one Natural Disaster Hospital located T in the State within the next five years. 7. By 1975 to have guidelines for emergency services and facilities for the I operation of each regular hospital, in disaster situations. 8. By 1980 to have a 30-day stock of expendable medical supplies placed in V existing community hospitals (Hospital Reserve Disaster Inventories)


Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments


Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-12 Department of Health I MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS Program Oblectlve mw That the facilities, equipment, and procedures involved in all phases of milk production, raw milk hauling, and processing and distribution of milk and milk products will comply with all standards set forth in applicable J statutes and regulations without variation in the counties and Baltimore City E C T I

Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments

General Funds Loans CONSUMER PROTECTION Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y^ JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-13 DepartmPnf nf Hoalt-h


Ultimate Objective: That all food and non-alcoholic beverages produced or offered for sale in Maryland will be of such quality as to assure the protection <)o- of the public health. Program Oblectives: l' Processing plants: That all proposed and existing facilities and procedures used in the processing of food and non-alcoholic beverages will comply with all standards set forth in applicable statutes and regulations without variation in the counties and Baltimore City. 2« Distribution and Sale: That all existing and proposed facilities and pro- E cedures used in the storage, transportation, and sale of food and non-alcoholic beverages will comply with all standards set forth in applicable statutes and C regulations without variation in the counties and Baltimore City. 3« Product quality: That all food and non-alcoholic beverages, regardless of T source, offered for sale in Maryland will comply with all sanitary, quality, and I labeling standards set forth in applicable statutes and regulations without V variation in the counties and Baltimore City. £


Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments

General Funds Loans CONSUMER PROTECTION Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Health 18-14



Q That all food and beverage prepared or consumed in any eating and drinking establishment will be of such quality as to assure the protection of B the public health. That all proposed and existing eating and drinking estab- t lishments, including State institutions on request, and all hospitals and d' nursing homes will comply with all standards set forth in applicable statutes E and regulations without variation in the counties and Baltimore City. C Program Standards T 1. Sanitary and physical conditions of facilities and equipment. I 2. Procedures and practices of food-service personnel. V E


Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments


Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-15 Department of Health I SEAFOOD Objectives; 'm" That all oysters, clams, and crab meat will be of such quality to assure the protection of the public health, and that these products will be acceptable for^ interstate commerce. That all facilities, equipment, and procedures involved with the harvesting, protection, and distribution of oysters and clams and with the production and distribution of crab meat will comply with all standards set forth in applicable statutes and regulations without variation in the counties and Baltimore City.



Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees CONSUMER PROTECTION

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. y^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-16 Department of Health

1 0 0 f , ,1 1 1 . \:> Ultimate Oblectlves: That the public will be protected from all unnecessary expo- sure to ionizing radiation. That the diagnostic and therapeutic x-ray use will expose only those areas of clinical interest and will be restricted to the minimum dose commensurate with needD balancing the medical value with possible hazard. That radionuclides for medical diagnosis, therapy, or research will not be utilizec without proper precautions being taken to avoid undue exposure or contamination to the patient, other people, or material. That the industrial use of radioactive J material not endanger the user, the public, nor contaminate the environment. That all variations in environmental radiation levels over time be known, so as to form a basis for control when necessary. Program Objectives; X-Ray Program That the equipment, facilities, and procedures followed in all x-ray installations will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations so as to eliminate unnecessary exposure from these sources. 1. Maintain an up-to-date registry of all installations and x-ray units. 2. Review the plans of new and modified installations to assure that all physical D safeguards have been made for radiation protection. 3. Survey all new x-ray installations within one year of registration and periodically not less than every two years. Radionuclide Program That the equipment, facilities, and techniques utilized by users of radionuclides comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations developed for radiation protection. _.... ., ( (cont'df ..u below)v i \ FUNCTION CODE I iI iI 1

Develop and maintain rules and regulations compatible with those of the Atomic Energy Commission so that Maryland can become and remain an "Agreement State". An "Agreement State" being one authorized by the AEC to license and inspect users of radionuclides of a quantity less than a critical mass (capable of sustaining a chain-reaction). That naturally occuring radionuclides of a quantity considered to be of signi- ficant hazard potential not now under the AEC control also be licensed. For example, radium utilized by physicians. That all radionuclide installations be inspected on a hazard-priority basis at least once within the licensed period. Maintain environmental surveillance of air, water, and food, to determine current levels of radioactivity and observe trends. 5. Maintain liaison with agencies such as Civil Defense, State Police, Fire Depart ments, professional groups, etc. having a nefi^y^ow ggftan^lntfresj in radiation protection.

, '.^ \.",^\i*'- ,,. -•

Annual outlay — Being Developed

General Funds

Special Funds

Federal Funds

Local Funds

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-17 Department of Health

Objectives: That all articles of bedding, upholstered furniture, padded and quilted products, and the soft filling materials used in the manufacture of these and related articles which are manufactured, renovated, sold, or leased within the State will be accurately represented to the consumer, and will be of such quality as to protect the health and well-being of the public. That all manufacturers, wholesalers, renovators, importers, supply dealers, disinfectors, sterilizers, and retailers will comply with all standards set forth in the Bedding and Upholstery Law without variation in the counties and Baltimore City. Program Standards: 1. Manufacturers, wholesalers, renovators, importers, and supply dealers will be licensed annually. 2. All disinfectors and sterilizers will be registered annually. 3. All Maryland manufacturers will be inspected by State Health Department personnel at least twice per year. 4. Samples of products of out-of-state licensees will be inspected in retail I establishments selling new furniture by State Health Department personnel at least once per year. Filling samples may be taken for laboratory analysis. V 5. All outlets selling second-hand products will be inspected periodically. Filling samples may be taken for laboratory analysis.


x— |' (3iyfe«© ' • .;' • ' T

Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services — Local Funds Not Specified

J { Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-18 Department of Health I DRUG CONTROL Ultimate Objective: * That all purveyors of drugs comply with all statutes and regulations affecting their activities so as to protect the health and safety of the public. Objectives: 1. Record Keeping That prescription and narcotic files, and poison and J exempt narcotic registers are accurately kept at all times. 2. Drugs That all drugs meet the quality, purity, and potency standards set by State statutes. (Includes labeling standards, counterfeit, outdated, and E distressed drugs.) •a- 3. Equipment That all premises be equipped with proper sanitary appliances and all premises and equipment are kept in a clean and orderly manner. T 4. Drufi Abuse That the licensed compounders and persons prescribing hallucino- genic drugs, barbiturates, and amphetamines keep accurate records of accountabil- I ity of these drugs at all times. 5- Medical Care Investigations That all reported irregular activities involving V prescriptions for patients under the Medical Care Program are corrected. E


Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments

General Funds Loans CONSUMER PROTECTION Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-19 I WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE DISPOSAL Proeram Objectives ;.jQ; The attainment of a water quality for all public water supplies which is at least equal to the USPHS Drinking Water Standards and the State B Standards when they are adopted. 2. The attainment of an effluent quality at all sewage treatment facilities J which assures a quality of the receiving water that at least equals E the standards adopted by the State of Maryland. 3. All public water supplies will have adequate fluoride content where C economically and technically feasible. T 4. All watercraft liquid wastes will be controlled. I V


Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees RESOURCES PROTECTION

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-20 Department of Health

Program Objective

The broad, basic objective of the air quality control program is to insure that the quality of the atmosphere over the State is such that: a) the health of the people is not adversely affected; b) there is no interference with public comfort and enjoyment of J property and the amenities of a clean atmosphere; c) plant and animal life are not injured; and E d) property is not damaged. C T I V £


Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments

General Funds Loans RESOURCES PROTECTION Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-21 Department of Health

Program Objective

Reduce incidence of occupational illness and disease to 50% of present level by 1980.

Sub-Ob jectives £ 1079' Monitor a11 Places of employment (schools, hospitals, prisons, etc.) Attain USPHS L ,«,?* recommended surveillance frequency of industrial plants by 1974. r C 3. Initiate studies of noise, heat stress, silicosis and otter major etiological factors in the development of occupational illness on a project T basis by 1976. I 4. Meet follow-up frequency standards by 1978. V


Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments RESOURCES PROTECTION General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified _A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 18-22 Department of Health


Program Objective The management of solid wastes (the collection, transport, and disposal) to prevent the pollution of air and water and the creation of aesthetically objectionable conditions. Sub-Objectives 1. All garbage and trash will be adequately disposed, so as to prevent the pollution of air and water and the creation of aesthetically objectionable conditions. 2. All durable objects will be disposed or salvaged so as to prevent the pollution of air and water and the creation of aesthetically objectionable c conditions. 3. All hazardous wastes such as poisonous substances and pathological T and radioactive wastes will be controlled and managed so as to prevent the I pollution of the air and water and the creation of hazards to health. V E


Being Developed

Annual outlay — Grants

Being Developed Payments


Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System •



OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To guide and coordinate the orderly growth and overall development of a statewide system of higher education in Maryland designed to promote the well being of individuals and society through quality programs, equality of opportunity, and efficient and economical utilization of the State's resources.

Program - Coordination and Planning of Higher Education


I COORDINATION AND PLANNING OF HIGHER EDUCATION To guide and coordinate the orderly growth and overall development of a statewide system of higher education in Maryland designed to promote the well being of individuals and society through quality programs, equality of opportunity, and efficient and economical utilization of the State's resources.

J Sub-programs:

E 1. Planning and policy development

C 2. Coordination and leadership

T 3. Information clearinghouse

I 4. Special studies requested by Governor or General Assembly

(see attachment)


M Effectiveness * Number of recommendations on issues related to overall development hf/k of higher education Number of changes in program offerings and facility utilization and o number of new facilities related to effective utilization of State resources U Number and diversity of higher educational opportunities available to Maryland citizens in terms of number of students served i«* Number of improvements in quality of higher education in such areas as faculty, administration, accreditation, professional recognition, etC"(* Indicates measures are available in whole or in part)

Annual outlay • Grants Payments Maryland Council for Higher Education General Funds Loans 2100 Guilford Avenue Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21218

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds X Not Specified (See Law)

./v J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


B J E C U' V E


Activity and Production Cost Related to Effectiveness *Number of studies undertaken Cost per recommendation •Number of data-related surveys conducted developed *Number of meetings held Cost per addition or improve- *Number of programs, plans , proposals reviewed ment in programs, facilities, *Number of reports and publications produced facility utilization, and quality indicators. Cost Related to Production Cost per study Cost per data survey Cost per meeting per program, p ?roposa1 *Cost per Peport or JSCi?! ion *Cost per distribution of report or publicatr on.

Annual outlay — Grants Payments

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees'

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. y^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Overall Objective:



Objective: To design and maintain a Master Plan for the orderly growth and • overall development of a statewide system of higher education to meet trends in population and the changing social and technical requirements of the economy.

Measures of Effectiveness:

The measures of effectiveness related to the planning and coordination of higher education involve subjective value judgments. Until the validity of measures reputedly related to effectiveness can be tested, measures of progress toward objectives seem appropriate here.

Evidence of Progress toward the Development of a viable Master Plan

1. Number of new ideas proposed in the Master Plan 2. Number of responses to proposals 3. Number of drafts of proposals 4. Decrease in objections to various aspects of the Plan 5. Increase in the degree of acceptance of various aspects of the Plan

Evidence of Progress toward Creation of a System

1. Number of organizational changes 2. Number of changes leading to diversity of programs and facilities

- 2 - 19-5

3. Number of changes leading to balanced dcvcJopmcnL within and among segments

Evidence of Progress toward provision of Quality Education

1. Number of institutions receiving regional accreditation 2. Number of institutions receiving regional or national recognition of special program offerings (by engineering profession, medical profession, etc.) 3. Improvement of academic rating (e.g., the American Council on Education Survey by Carterer) A. Indicators of ability to attract high quality personnel, (decrease in number of persons who reject offers of employment from Maryland institutions) 5. Increase in number of faculty with higher professional degrees 6. Increase in number of students from Maryland institutions accepted into higher degree programs both within and without the State 7. Degree to which institutions meet standards of national professional associations interested in specific aspects of an institution (e.g., number of library volumes according to American Library Association standards)

Evidence of Progress toward Equality of Opportunities for students

1. Number of students not denied enrollment in Maryland institutions for which they qualify 2. Number of students who enroll in specific programs of their choice 3. Number of students who do not drop out because of programs not geared to their educational needs 4. Number of students not denied access to college because of financial inability 5. Number of students not denied access to college because of geographic location 6. Better distribution of races within institutions 7. Increase in numbers of disadvantaged students enrolled in higher education institutions

Evidence of Progress toward meeting the needs of the State and Requirements of the Economy due to social and technological changes

1. Increases in numbers of new programs introduced and projected 2. Increase in numbers of institutes, seminars, and conferences devoted to current issues and problems 3. Changes in the nature of institutions 4. The development of new kinds of institutions adapted to changing needs

'3 - 19-6



To achieve a unified endeavor in the entire field of higher education through cooperation between public and private sectors and coordination of the activities of public institutions, academically, administratively, and fiscally, resulting in the most effective and efficient utilization of the State's resources.

Measures of Effectiveness;

Evidence of Progress toward Efficiency and Economy in the use oi; resources:

1. The interchange of faculty 2. Adaptation of learning processes to new knowledge 3. Use of newer educational media 4. Joint use of facilities 5. Newer concepts of cooperation such as use of consortia 6. Avoidance of unnecessary duplication and wasteful competition 7. Efficient space utilization of facilities



To provide a unified, compatible informational base for sound educational decision-making through the centralization of data, programs, plans and proposals to meet the changing social and technological needs of individuals, the state, and the economy.

Measures of Effectiveness:

Evidence of Progress toward the Development of an Information Center;

1. The development of data gathering instruments 2. The provision for compatibility of data 3. The storage of data 4. The ability to retrieve data in usable form 5. Efficiency and economy in the processing of data 6. Conceptualization of data utilization into appropriate models, (e.g., faculty salary models, long-range enrollment projection models) 7. Development of a facility to analyze data in terms of current issues 8. Dissemination of data, statistics and information




To provide studies and researches requested by the Governor or General Assembly in sufficient depth to enable appropriate State officials to have a sound basis for action.

Measures of Effectiveness:

In one sense, the. Council should anticipate as many ol the studies as possible that are needed by State officials and institutions. On the other hand, due to limits of staff and financial support, there will be many studies which the Council cannot do. The Governor or General Assembly, therefore, indicates its priorities by request or resolution which should also provide for the appropriate staffing and funding. In view of the periodic nature of this activity, it is not feasible to spell out the measures of effectiveness for the program as such. The measures of effectiveness would be the adequacy of the study in terms of the staffing and funding provided to conduct it.


State Insurance Department

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To protect the public in their dealings with the insurance industry who are licensed in our State. To protect the public against fraud, instability, incompetance; and inadequate and discriminatory or excessive rates by authorized insurance companies licensed in our State.

Program I - Examination and Licensing of Insurance Companies

Program II - Regulation of Property and Casualty Insurance Rates

Erogram III - Life Policy Approval and Actuarial Valuation

Program IV - Collection of Fees and Taxes

Program V - Education, Licensing and Complaint Investigations

Program VI - Program Coordination

STATE OF MARYLAND 20-2 State Insurance Department


Insure that licensed insurance companies selling policies in the State are competent, stable and ethical. B Sub-programs: 1. Examination of companies J 2. Licensing of companies E 3. Annual Statement Review C T ?* I V E S v FUNCTION CODE

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Number of insolvent or bankrupt Cost per company judged sound- M companies as compared to total Cost per company judged bankrupt- [•A companies. Production Costs related to Production

Number of examinations completed. Cost per license. |R Number of licenses issued. Cost per statement. Number of annual statements audited. Cost per examination. |sIE

Annual outlay — $315,441 Grants State Insurance Department Payments State Office Ruilding Baltimore, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

sK. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 20-3 State Insurance Department

REGULATION OF PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE I RATES Insure that licensed insurance companies rates are neither discriminatory, excessive or inadequate on property and casualty insurance.

J Sub-programs: 1. Review of surplus line and unauthorized insurance filings. E 2. Registration of premium finance law applicants. C •T- I V


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

&yi That the rates are adequate and the public Cost per establishing adequate ;E can buy insurance at a fair price. rates. fA That the companies can supply needed sS-i coverage and still make a fair profit. fU Production Costs related to Production IR Number of rate requests acted upon. Cost per rate request. IE'.


Annual outlay — $79,069 Grants

Payments State Insurance Department General Funds Loans State Office Building Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. jy. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 20-4 State Insurance Department


Insure that life policy form and content meet the criteria established and that life company reserves are sound.



Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness

Number of policies rejected or amerrded Cost per reviewing policv. after review as to number submitted Cost per valuating reserves- for approval. Number of companies having sound reserves as compared to unsound. Cost related to Production Production

Number of Policies accepted and approved- Cost per approved policy. Number of companies proven sound. Cost per proven sound company.

Annual outlay — $133,171 Grants State Insurance Department Payments State Office Building General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv. Management Information and Program Evaluation System PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM

STATE OF MARYLAND 20-5 State Insurance Department I COLLECTION OF FEES AND TAXES o Insure that all fees, taxes and other receipts due the State are collected. B J E •

s FUNCTION CODE .11. V f M Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectiveness :E Amount of taxes and fees determined Cost per collecting due receipts. to be owed as to amount collected.

U Production Costs related to Production Number of dollars collected. Cost per collection per dollar Number of tax reports audited. collected. 1^ Cost per report audited. [S

{- ' ffiflHHfflPiQ^^^^^^^^H ^^M r j^^^m^g^^^^^^^^ Annual outlay — $33,254 Grants Payments State Insurance department X General Funds Loans State Office Building Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds TT Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J I J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 20-6 State Insurance Department I EDUCATION, LICENSING AND COMPLAINT INVESTTOATH^S To insure that agents, agencies, brokers, advisors and adjusters are |v licensed and are competent and trustworthy.

To assist the public with complaints against the insurance industry.

E Sub-programs: 1. Licensing of agents, advisors, etc. ID: 2. Investigation of complaints. 3. Approval of schools and training courses. T 4. Placement of motorist insurance rejected or cancelled. I V E S FUNCTION CODE

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Number of licenses suspended, revoked or Cost per license application. turned down as to number granted. Cost per complaint investigated. Number of justifiable complaints.

Production Cost related to Production

Number of agents license issued. Cost per license issued. Number of applicants passing insurance Cost per applicant examined. examination. Cost per complaint disposed of. Number of complaints disposed of.

Annual outlay — $185,367 Grants State Insurance Department Payments State Office Building General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds I I Not Specified

./v. yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 20-7 State Insurance Department

Ki Insurance Commissioner Deputy Commissioner

& Staff Specialist E Assistant Attorney General Administrative Assistant II C Secretary III (2) r;nr Secretary I (2) i v Clerk Typist II E S FUNCTION CODE

Annual outlay — $145,744 Grants

Payments State Insurance Department State Office Building x| General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland

^Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

.A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Department of Labor and Industry

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To foster and maintain harmony between Labor and Industry; to promote and protect the wel- fare of the worker; and, to develop and disseminate informa- tion relating to Labor and Industry.

Program I - Labor Relations

Program II - Labor Standards Laws

Program III - Accident Prevention

Program IV - Apprenticeship and Training Program V - Labor and Industry Statistics Program VI - Public Information

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Labor and Industry 22-2

I LABOR RELATIONS f 1 MO ' To prevent str ikes and work stoppages caused by con- B flicts best? «reen Labor and Management. 3j; Sub- -programs: 1. Consent Elections .E 2. Mediation and Conciliation C 3. Arbitration rT' ri- !V E r S FUNCTION CODE f i V

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

*Ratio of number of labor negoti- *Cost to participate in one ations successfully completed labor negotiation. without strike or worl^stoppage *Cost per successful participa- to total participation in negoti- tion . FS ations. *Cost per strike or work stoppage. *Number of strikes or work stoppages. "Cost per day's duration of strike *Days duration of strike or work stop- or work stoppage. page. **Cost per man-day of labor lost. iff*ifcd • **Ratio of number of man-days of labor *Cost per man-day of total work lost to total workforce. force. (s J

Annual outlay— $51,335 Grants General Administration Payments and Conciliation Divis- ion X General Funds Loans State Office Building Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified Note: 60% reimbursable yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

22-3 MEASURES (Continued)

Production Cost related to Production

*Number of negotiations conducted *Cost of conducting or partici- or participated in by type: pating in one negotiation by a. Consent Elections type. b. Mediation and Conciliation a. Consent Elections c. Arbitration b. Mediation and Conciliation c. Arbitration

Note: *Available at present. **To be available in future if legislation is approved next session,

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Labor and Industry 22-4 I LABOR STANDARDS LAWS

To protect the health and welfare of the worker through ID administration of labor laws.


1. Wage Collection Law 2. Minimum Wage Law E 3. Equal Pay for Equal Work Law k. Age Discrimination in Employment Practices Law C 5. Child Labor Laws 6. Fee-charging Employment Agencies Law T 7. Hours of Work for Females Law 8. Hours of Work in Factories Law I 9. Workshops and Factories Law V 10. Industrial Registration Law E


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Ratio of violations to workforce Ratio of cost per violation to work (by category and law applicable) force.

Ratio of violations to business Ratio of cost per violation to busi- establishments. ness establishments.

Production Cost related to Production

Violations discovered Cost per violation discovered Investigations made Cost per investigation made Warrants requested Cost per warrant requested Court Cases Cost t>er court case

Annual outlay — $212 ,620 Grants

Payments Labor Standards Division State Office Building General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


MEASURES (Continued)

Production Cost related to Product! on

Firms involved Cost per firm involved Employees involved Cost per employee involved Money involved Cost per dollar involved

Note: All measures available at present based on estimates of total work force and total business establishments.

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Labor and Industry 22-6 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 3 0, 7 0,1 °l 0 0,5'

To reduce the rate of accidents and provide a safe work place for the worker.


1. Safety Education .fev 2. Safety Inspection 3. Boiler Inspection


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Reduction of accident frequency rates.Cost of reduction of frequency rate Reduction of Workmen's Compensation Cost of reduction of Workmen's Corn- Insurance rates. pensation Insurance rates.

Production Cost related to Production

Safety courses conducted Cost per safety course conducted Safety inspections conducted Cost per safety inspection conductec Safety orders issued Cost per safety order issued. Accidents investigated Cost per accident investigated Boilers inspected Cost per boiler inspected Note: All measures available

Annual outlay- $559,29*1 Grants

Payments Industrial Safety Division Safety Inspection Division X General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified Note: 100$ reimbursable y\. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To maintain an optimum level of skilled workers in various apprenticeable trades.

c T I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Ratio of new programs established Cost per new programs established, to total programs. Cost per program discontinued. Ratio of programs discontinued to total programs.

Production Cost related to Production

Apprenticeship Council meetings Cost per council meeting held. held. Cost per program established. Apprenticeship programs established. .Cost per apprentice enrolled. Apprentices enrolled. Cost per agreement completed. Apprenticeship agreements completed, , Note: All measures available

Annual outlay — $30,011 Grants

Payments Apprenticeship and Training Division X General Funds Loans State Office Building Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^^ J\ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYUND Department of Labor and Industry 22-8


To develop and present data pertaining to or under the jurisdiction of the Department of Labor and Industry. J Sub-programs: 1. Collection E 2. Classification 3. Analysis C k. Presentation IT v E

S FUNCTION CODE y ivi Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness IE Studies produced Cost per study produced 'A Reports published Cost per report published S Production Cost related to Production U Documents collected Cost per document collected Documents classified Cost per document classified m Documents analyzed Cost per document analyzed pE. Reports prepared Cost per report prepared Note: All measures available is 4

Annual outlay— $22,100 Grants

Payments Research and Information Division X General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland «> Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Labor and Industry 22-9


To increase the public knowledge of Labor Laws and their application in Maryland. K ,1 J Sub-programs: 1. Information Brochures E 2. News Releases C 3- Radio and TV spots and interviews T I • v^ E s FUNCTION CODE

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Percent of increase in inqu iries Cost per percent of increase received Cost per law publicized Percent of laws publicized Cost per media utilized Percent of media utilized rs Production Cost related to Production LU Brochures published Cost per brochure published News releases sent out Cost per news release sent out Radio and TV spots and interviews Cost per Radio and TV spot or utilized interview S Special Reports published Cost per Special Report published. t Note: All measures available on est imated basis.

Annual outlay — $20,26^ Grants Research and Information Payments Division State Office Building General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y^ yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Administrator of Loan Laws

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To protect necessitous borrowers and buyers against illegal and improper business practices and to police all laws with regard to usury for the protection of the public as borrowers,

Program I - Licensing and examination of Consumer Loan Companies

Program II - Licensing and investigation of Sales Finance Companies

STATE OF MARYLAND 23-2 Administrator of Loan Laws

Licensing and examination of Consumer I Loan Companies

To protect necessitous consumer loan borrowers against illegal, IO and improper business practices by endeavoring to assure com- B pliance with Article J>oA, The Consumer Loan Law.

E Sub-programs: 1. Licensing 2. Consumer Loan Office Examinations 3. Complaint investigation :- I v


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness *Number and severity of violations Cost of Resolving and discovered as related and compared Adjudicating exam exceptions to previous examinations. and written complaints. ^Number and type of written complaints. Costs related to Production Production Cost of processing and -^Number of license applications pro- issuing licenses. cessed and number of licenses issued.Cost per examination. *Number of examinations conducted. Cost per complaint processed -^•Number of Consumer Loan Complaints handled.

Annual outlay Grants Office of the Administraf- Payments tor of Loan Laws 301 North Charles Street General Funds Loans Aurora Federal Building Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees 21201 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

_s\ yv Management Information and PRflRHAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Administrator of Loan Laws 23-3

Licensing and investigation of Sales Finance Companies

Mi To protect and adjudicate Illegal and Improper business practices by sellers and holders of conditional contracts of sale that are brought to the attention of the department by way of a written complaint by buyers.

E Sub-programs: C 1. Licensing T 2. Complaint Investigation I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness *Number of complaints resolved Cost of adjudicating com- efficacy of public hearings. plaint Costs of public hearings. Production ^ „ . „ Costs related to Production * Number of Licensees'rM applications ~" processed and number of licenses issued. Cost of issuing licenses. * n i- ^ ~ - . Cost of processing sales * Number of Sales Finance complaints finance comolaints. received.

Annual outlay Grants (Office of the Administra- Payments tor of Loan Laws General Funds Loans 301 North Charles Street Aurora Federal Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees (Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System • 24-1



Overall Department Objective: To assure the availability and utilization of comprehensive mental health preventive and treatment services for the mentally ill or emotionally disturbed, leading to the individual's successful life adjustment; to assure the provision of residential care services to those mentally retarded requiring such specialized care, leading to the maximum development of the individual's capacity for independence and his piscement in an appropriate setting:

Program 1 - Mental Health Services to Children and Adolescents

Program 2 - Mental Health Services to the Adult

Program 3 - Mental Health Services to the Aged

Program k - Prevention and Control of Alcoholism

Program 5 - Residential Services to the Mentally Retarded

STATE OF MARYLAND 24-2 Department of Mental Hygiene

Mental Health Services to I Children and Adolescents To provide preventive and treatment services for the child or adolescent suffering from mental illness to result in his personal, educational and :revocational adjustment. Sub - programs: J 1. Preventive Services £ 2. Treatment Services to 3. Research C k. Manpower Development JT I See attached for Activities and Sub-Activities V E


Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectiveness Successful adjustment of individual Cost of treatment episode patient, determined by periodic follow-up Number of emotionally disturbed children (identified by school or sampling technique) related to number receiving service. Production Cost Related to Production No. of Preventive Services by type and Aver. Cost for service rendered , facility Aver. Cost for Out-Patient No. of Patients Treated in Out-Patient Service Service rendered by facility Aver, daily cost for In-Patient No. of Patients Treated in In-Patient Service treatment by facility Episode Cost for In-Patient treatment

State Mental Health Service Annual outlay — Grants State Dept. of Mental Hygienje $885,000 Payments 301 W. Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland General Funds Loans Local Mental Health Service Special Funds Loan Guarantees State Dept. of Health 301 W. Preston Street Federal Funds Community Services Baltimore, Maryland Local Funds Not Specified

JK. -/V Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 24-3 Department of Mental Hygiene

To provide preventive and treatment services for the adult suffering from mental illness to result in his personal, family and vocational adjustment. Sub - program: 1. Preventive Services 2. Treatment Services E 3^ Research c h. Manpower Development •T See attached for Activities and Sub-Activities I V £


Effecti-'eness Cost Related to Effectiveness Successful adjustment of individual Cost of treatment episode patient, determined by periodic follow-up Number of emotionally disturbed adults (determined by epidemiological methods) in population related to number receiving services. Production Cost Related to Production No. of Preventive Services by type and Aver. Cost for service rendered facility Aver. Cost for Out-Patient No. of Patients Treated in Out-Patient Service Service rendered by facility Aver, daily cost for In-Patient No. of Patients Treated in In-Patient Service treatment by facility Episode Cost for In-Patient treatment

State Mental Health Service Annual outlay — Grants $20,850,000 State Dept. of Mental Hygien; Payments 301 W. Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland General Funds Loans Local Mental Health Service Special Funds Loan Guarantees State Dept. of Health 301 W. Preston Street Federal Funds Community Services Baltimore, Maryland Local Funds Not Specified

-/V. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 24-4 Department of Mental Hygiene

•fa To provide preventive and treatment services for the aged leading to maintenance or restoration of self-function to maximum potential.

Sub - program:

1. Preventive Services E 2. Treatment Services C 3. Research T k. Manpower Development I See attached for Activities and Sub-Activities V E S FUNCTION CODE 1,

Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectiveness Successful adjustment of individual Cost of Treatment episode patient, determined by periodic follow-up Number of aged persons requiring mental health services in population related to number receiving services. Production Cost Related to Production Ho. of Preventive Services by type and Aver. Cost for service rendered ' facility Aver. Cost for Out-Patient No. of Patients Treated in Out-Patient Service Service rendered by facility. Aver, daily cost for In-Patient No. of Patients Treated in In-Patient Service treatment by facility Episode Cost for In-Patient treatment

State Mental Health Service Annual outlay — Grants State Dept. of Mental Hygien $11,720,000 Payments 301 W. Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland General Funds Loans Local Mental Health Service Special Funds Loan Guarantees State Dept. of Health 301 W. Preston Street Federal Funds Community Services Baltimore, Maryland Local Funds Not Specified

y\. yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 2A-5 Department of Mental Hygiene [ Prevention and Control of Alcoholism To prevent alcoholism through program education and consultation and to provide program of treatment and rehabilitation to restore the alcoholic to personal, family, and vocational adjustment. J Sub-programs: 1. Preventive Services 2. Treatment Services f^-i 3. Research r'^ r k. Manpower Development See attached for Activities and Sub- Activities v E


Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectiveness Successful adjustment of individual Cost of Treatment episode patient, determined by periodic follow-up Number of alcoholics in population related to number receiving services. Production Cost Related to Production No. of Preventive Services by type and Aver. Cost for service rendered facility Aver. Cost for Out-Patient No. of Patients Treated in Out-Patient Service Service rendered by facility - Aver, daily cost for In-Patient No. of Patients Treated in In-Patient Service treatment by facility Episode Cost for In-Patient treatment

State Mental Health Service Annual outlay — Grants State Dept. of Mental Hygien^ 53,525,000 Payments 301 W. Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland General Funds Loans Local Mental Health Service Special Funds Loan Guarantees State Dept. of Health 301 W. Preston Street Federal Funds Community Services Baltimore, Maryland Local Funds Not Specified

^k .A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 24-6 Department of Mental Hygiene

Residential Services to the Mentally Hetarded

To provide habilitation services to develop individual abilities to maximum functional capacity and level of independence for the mentally retarded patient requiring residential care, and to provide medical and long-term residential care to the mentally retarded requiring such residential services. Sub - programs: 1. Habilitation Services 2. Intensive Medical Care 3. Long-Term Residential Care Half Way House 5. Emergency and Short-term Care


Effectiveness Cost Related to Effectiveness Successful placement of appropriate patients Cost of treatment episode and in community setting. placement Maintenance of adequate care standard in Cost of residential services re- residential facilities. lated to standard care maintained Number of mentally retarded in population requiring residential care related to number receiving services. Production Cost Related to Production Number of patients placed in non-institutional Average cost to In-Service setting. rendered Number of In-Patients served. Average daily cost for In-Patient treatment Episode cost for In-Patient tregt- ment ^

Annual outlay — Grants State Mental Health Service $13,010,000 State Dept. of Mental Hygiene Payments 301 W. Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees Local Mental Health Services State Department of Health Federal Funds Community Services 301 W. Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland Local Funds Not Specified

_^V. J\

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

24-7 10/28/63


Program 1 - Mental Health Services to Children and Adolescents

Objective: Provide preventive and treatment serv ices for children and adolescents leading to personal, educational and prevocational adjustment.

Sub-Program 1.10 - Preventive Services Objective: Provide educational information concerning mental health and clinical consultation to child care organizations and agencies.

Activity 1.11 - Information and Education

Sub-Activity 1.1101 - Local Mental Health Services 1.1102 - Community Mental Health Servic es 1.1103 - Regional State Hospitals 1.1104 - Private Sector

Cost Element 1.11011 - Professional Services , 1.11012 - General Services

Activity 1.12 - Consultation, to Agencies and Programs

Sub-Activity 1.1201 - Local Mental Health Services 1.1202 - Community Mental Health Services 1.1203 - Regional State Hospitals 1.1204 - Private Sector

Cost Element 1.12011- Professional Services 1.12012 - General Service s

24-8 -2- Sub-Program 1.20 - Treatment Services Objective: Provide prompt diagnostic and treatment services to children and adolescents.

Activity 1.21 - Outpatient Services

Sub-Activity 1.211 - Diagnostic Evaluation

Cost Element 1.2111 - Local Mental Health Services 1.2112 - Community Mental Health Centers 1.2113 - Regional State Hospitals 1.2114 - Private Sector * Sub-Element 1.21111 - Professional Services 1.21112 - General Services

Sub-Activity 1.212 - Emergency Treatment

Cost Element 1.2121 - Local Mental Health Services 1.2122 - Community Mental Health Centers 1.2123 - Regional State Hospitals 1.2124 - Private Sector

Sub-Activity 1.213 - Outpatient Treatment Cost Element 1.2131 - Local Mental Health Services 1.2132 - Community Mental Health Centers 1.2133 - Regional State Hospitals 1.2134 - Private Sector

Sub -Activity 1.214 - Outpatient Follow-Up Services Cost Element 1.2141 - Local Mental Health Services 1.2142 - Community Mental Health Centers 1.2143 - Regional State Hospitals 1.2144 - Private Sector Activity 1.22 - Partial Care Services Sub-Activity 1.221 - Day Hospital Cost Element 1.2211 - Local Mental Health Services 1.2212 - Community Mental Health Centers 1.2213 - Regional State Hospitals 1.2214 - Private Sector Sub-Activity 1.222 - Night Hospital Cost Element 1.2221 - Local Mental Health Services 1.2222 - Community Mental Health Centers 1.2223 - Regional State Hospitals 1.2224 - Private Sector *Sub-Elements with necessary modifications would be reported under all following Cost Elements. They are omitted in this presentation for simplification.

24-9 -3-

Activity 1.23 - Enpatient Services

Sub-Activity 1.231 - Short-Term, Intensive Care Cost Element 1.2312 - Community Mental Health Center 1.2313 - Regional State Hospitals 1.2314 - Private Sector 1.2315 - General Hospital

Sub-Activity 1.232 - Residential Treatment Services Cost Element 1.2322 - Community Mental Health Centers 1.2323 - Regional State Hospitals 1.2324 - Private Sector 1.2325 - General Hospitals

Sub-Activity 1.233 - Long-Term Residential Care Cost Element 1.2332 - Community Mental Health Center 1.2333 - Regional State Hospitals 1.2334 - Private Sector 1.2335 - General Hospital

Sub-Program 1.3 - Research

Activity 1.31 - Clinical Research Cost Element 1.3101 - Local Mental Health Services Continued as above Activity 1.32 - Epidemiological Research Cost Element 1.3201 - Local Mental Health Services Continued as above Activity 1.33 - Demonstration Projects Cost Element 1.3301 - Local Mental Plealth Services Continued as above Sub-Program 1.4 - Manpower Development

Activity 1.41 - Ihservice Training Cost Element 1.4101 - Local„._.. Mental Health Services Continuedid as aboveabc Activity 1.42 - Professional Training Cost Element 1.4201 - Local Mental Health Services Continued as above

24-10 -4-

Program 2 - Mental Health Services to the Adult

Objective: Provide preventive and treatment services for the adult leading to personal, family and vocational adjustment.

Sub-Programs, Activities, Sub-Activities, Cost Elements as for Program 1, with the exception of added Inpatient Treatment Activity 2.233 - Court Services.

Program 3 - Mental Health Services to the Aged

Objective: Provide preventive and treatment services for the aged leading to maintenance or restoration of self-function to maximum potential.

Sub-Programs, Activities, Sub-Activities, Cost Elements as for Program 1.

Program 4- Prevention and Control of Alcoholism

Objective: Prevent alcoholism through programs of education and consultation, and provide programs of treatment and rehabilitation to restore the alcoholic to personal, f amily and vocational adjustment.

Sub-Programs, Activities, Sub-Activities, Cost Elements as for Program 1, except for Inpatient Services.

Activity 4.23 - Inpatient Services

Sub-Activity 4.231 - Detoxification Services Cost Element 4.2311 - Local Mental Health Services Continued as above

Sub-Activity 4.232 - Pvesidential Rehabilitation Cost Element 4.2321 - Local Mental Health Services Continued as above

Sub-Activity 4.233 - Long-Term Care for Chronic Alcoholics Cost Element 4.2331 - Local Mental Health Services Continued as above

Sub-Activity 4.234 - Half-way Houses Cost Element 4.2341 - Local Mental Health Services Continued as above

24-11 -5-

Program 5 - Residential Services to the Mentally Retarded

Objective: Provide habilitation services to develop individual abilities to maximwu functional capacity and level o£ independence, and medical and long-term residential care to the mentally retarded requiring residential services.

Activity 5.231 - Habilitation Services Cost Element 5.2313 - Regional State Hospitals 5.2314 - Private Sector 5.2315 - General Hospitals

Activity 5.232 - Intensive Medical Care Cost Element 5.2323 - Regional State Hospitals 5.2324 - Private Sector 5.2325 - General Hospitals

Activity 5.233 - Long-Term Residential Care Cost Element 5.2333 - Regional State Hospitals 5.2334 - Private Sector

Activity 5.23

Activity 5.235 - Emergency and Short-Term Care Cost Element 5.2353 - Regional State Hospitals 5.2354 - Private Sector 5.2355 - General Hospitals 5.2356 - Small Residential Centers.

Activity 5.3 - Research Sub-Activity - As in 1.3

Activity 5.4 - Manpower Development Sub-Activity - As in 1.4


Department of Motor Vehicles

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES: 1. To promote public safety in connection with the use of motor vehicles in the state of Maryland. 2. To protect the financial interest of the public in matters related to motor vehicles. 3. To collect and distribute revenue as provided by law.

Program I - Licensing and control of all Maryland drivers Program II - Registration and control of motor vehicles Program III - Collection and distribution of vehicle revenue Program IV - General Administration

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Motor Vehicles 26-2


* To license and regulate all Maryland drivers in a manner consistent with the overall departmental objectives. Sub-programs:

1. Licensing and control of new motor vehicle operators. 2. Renewal and control of established Maryland motor vehicle operators. 3. Administration of the Financial Responsibility laws of this state. Wi 4. Medical evaluation of drivers and applicants for licenses with suspected physical or mental impairment. 5. Licensing and regulating of commercial driving schools T. 6. School Bus Inspection 7. Maintenance of Driving Records. I 8. V Driver Rehabilitation and Control. E S FUNCTION CODE J L

Annual outlay — Grants Department of Motor Vehicles Payments 6601 Ritchie Hwy, N.E. General Funds Glen Burnie, Maryland Loans 21061 X Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

>V s\ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Sub-program I:

Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of licenses issued Cost per license issued (all types (all types except I&E). except I&E).

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of licenses issued. Cost per license issued. **********

Sub-program II: Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of renewed licenses Cost per renewed license issued. (all types) issued.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of licenses renewed. Cost per license renewed. *********** Sub-program III: Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of accident reports procpssed to conclusion. Number of SR-22 certificates of insurance filed.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of suspensions for Cost per suspension for Finan- Financial Responsibility cial Responsibility. reasons.


Sub-program IV:

Measures of ProductivitT; Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of cases heard by Cost per case processed by Medical Advisory Board and Medical Advisory Board. action taken.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of license refusals Cost per refusal for medical for medical reasons. reasons. ************* Sub-program V:

Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of driving school Cost per driving school applica- applications processed. tions processed. Number of driving school Cost per driving school instruc- instructors applications tors applications processed. processed.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to costl Number of driving school Cost per driving school applica- applications rejected. tions rejected. Number of driving school Cost per driving school instruc- instructors applications tors applications rejected. rejected. ************* Sub-program VI:

Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of school buses Cost per school bus inspected. inspected. Cost per application for school Number of applications for bus driver processed. school bus drivers pro- cessed.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of school buses re- Cost per school bus rejected. jected. Cost per application for school Number of applications for bus driver licenses rejected. school bus driver rejected.


Sub-program VII:

Measures of Productivity; Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of record request The cost per record requesting changes or creations change or creation processed. processed. The cost per request for cer- Number of requests for tified copies processed. certified copies pro- The cost per request for data at cessed. public counters processed. Number of requests for data at public counters fulfilled.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of driving records The cost per record maintained. maintained. The cost per certified copy Number of certified copies produced. produced. The cost per record request re- Number of requests for ceived at public counters pro- data at public counters duced. produced. **************

Sub-program VIII: Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of individuals Cost per individual completing completed Driver Rehabili- Driver Rehabilitation Clinic. tatipn Clinic. Cost per warning letter sent. Number of warning letters Cost per hearing held. sent. Cost per application for rein- Number of hearings held. statement processed. Number of applications for Cost per license withdrawal. reinstatement processed. Cost per investigation concluded. Number of license with- drawals. Number of investigations concluded. Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of people completing Cost per student completing Driver Rehabilitation Driver Rehabilitation Clinic. Clinic. Cost per license withdrawal. Number of license with- Cost per reinstatement approved. drawals. Number of reinstatements approved.

STATE OF MARYLAND 26-6 Department of Motor Vehicles 1 I REGISTRATION & CONTROL OF MOTOR VEHICLES To provide for the public safety in connection with the use of motor vehicles, and to insure proper collection of motor vehicle revenue. Sub-programs:

1. Initial Registration and titling of Motor Vehicles, J 2. Renewal of Vehicle Registrations. 3. Licensing and Registration of Motor Vehicle E Dealers and Salesmen. C 4. Maintenance of Vehicle Records. T I V E


Annual outlay — Grants Department of Motor Payments Vehicles General Funds Loans 6601 Ritchie Hwy, N.E., Glen Burnie, Maryland X Special Funds Loan Guarantees 21061 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


lub-program I:

Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of certificates Cost per title produced. of title produced. Cost per registration produced. Number of tag registra- tions produced (including cost of plates).

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effedtiveness related to cost: Number of vehicles titled Cost per vehicle titled and and registered. registered. * * * * * Sub-program II:

Measures of Productivity: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of renewed license Cost per renewed tags issued. tags issued.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of vehicle registra- Cost per vehicle registrations tions renewed. renewed. *****.* Sub-progtam III: Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of dealer license Cost of dealer applications pro- applications processed. cessed. Number of salesmans appli- Cost of salesmans applications cations processed. processed. Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of dealer licenses Cost of dealer licenses withdrawn, withheld or withdrawn. Cost of salesmans licenses with- Number of salesmans li- drawn. censes withheld or with- drawn.


Sub-program IV:

Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of title documents Cost per title documents re- received to file. ceived to file. Number of registration Cost per registration cards re- cards received to file. ceived to file. Number of requests for Cost per request for certified certified copies. copy. Number of requests for Cost per request for data at data at public counters. public counters. Number of serial cards re- Cost per serial card received. ceived.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Total number of vehicle Cost per record maintained. registration documents filed. Cost per certified copy pro- Number of certified copies duced. produced. Cost per request for data at Number of requests for data counters. at counters.

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Motor Vehicles 26-9

|COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF VEHICLE REVENUE To insure the proper collection and. distribution of Motor Vehicle and Driver Licensing Revenues.

/> Sub-programs: 1. General Accounting. 2. Audits of Courts of Limited Jurisdiction. 3. Internal Audits.


Annual outlay — Grants

Payments Department of Motor Vehicles General Funds Loans 6601 Ritchie Hwy, N.E., X Special Funds Loan Guarantees Glen Bumie , Maryland 21061 Federal Funds z Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Sub-program I:

Measures of Productivity; Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of vehicle regis- Cost per vehicle registration tration transactions pro- transactions produced. cessed. Cost per driver license trans- Number of driver license actions processed. transactions processed. Cost per disbursements processed. Number of disbursements processed.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost! Total number of vehicle Cost per transaction. registration transactions Cost per driver license trans- processed. actions. Total number of driver Cost per disbursement. license transactions pro- cessed. Total number of disburse- ments processed. * * * * *

Sub-program II:

Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of Uniform Arrest Cost per Uniform Arrest Ticket Tickets processed. processed. Number of cases tried Cost per cases tried. processed. Cost per Jail & Appeal cases Number of Jail & Appeal audited. case's audited. Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Number of Uniform Arrest Cost per Uniform Arrest Ticket Tickets processed. processed. Number of cases tried Cost per cases tried. processed. Cost per Jail & Appeal cases Number of Jail & Appeal audited. cases audited.


Sub-program III:

Measures of Productivity: Measures of Productivity related to cost: Number of audits completed. Cost per audit completed.

Measures of Effectiveness: Measures of Effectiveness related to cost: Total number of audits Cost per audit completed. completed.




To protect society from dangerous adult criminal offenders admitted to the Institution's custody under the provisions of the Defective Delinquent Statute; by providing such confinemeric and treatment, when appropriate, as may make it reasonably safe for society to terminate the confinement and treatment. The Institution operates under the authority of Article 31-B of the 1957 Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, 1968 Supplement.

Program 01 Program Coordination Program 02 Confinement Services Program 03 Diagnostic Services Program Ok Treatment Services Program 05 Outpatient Services

Total Appropriation fiscal Year 1969 - $ 3,208,^30

Prepared by: Management Information and Forrest Calhoun, Jr. Program Evaluation 'System Assoc. Dir., Sup't.

January 1969


Program Coordination

Director, Patuxent Institution Secretary IV J E C Board of Patuxent Institution T Advisory Board for Defective Delinquents I V E S FUNCTION CODE i)"1

NOTE: In following programs the notation (a) indicates that data is either currently available or can be made available in the future. The notation (na) indicates that the data is not available at present and may not be available without additional funding for specific research in that area.

Annual outlay — $ 3^,239 Grants Patuxent Institution Jessup, Maryland 2079^ Payments

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 28-3 PATUXENT INSTITUTION I Confinement Services TO PROVIDE THE FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS NECESSARY FOR THE SAFE AND SECURE CUSTODY AND THE GENERAL WELFARE OF PATIENTS CONFINED AT THE INSTITUTION. Sub-programs: 1. Security Operations a. Identification b. Internal control and supervision of patients J c. Perimeter control and inspection E d. Security during transportation of patients 2. Food Service Operations C a. Acquisition, storage, and accountability of foodstuffs b. Preparation and serving of meals T c. Preparation of special medical diets 3. Physical Plant and Maintenance Operations I a. Building and ground maintenance and utility services b. Equipment maintenance and repair V c. Motor pool operation and service

E km Household and Property Services a. Clothing and laundry servic S b. Housekeeping services FUNCTION CODE c. Patient commissary service "1

Effectiveness: Cost related to Production: Escape or accident rate (a) Cost per patient/day (a) Patient morale (na) Cost related to activity: Production: Cost per patient meal (a) Number of patient/days (a) Manhour cost per transport (a) Activity: Cost related to effectiveness: Number of meals served (a) Must be measured by avoidance of costs Number of cases transported (a) related to riots, escapes, etc. if the Number of miles traveled (a) controls were not maintained (na) Volume of laundry (a)

Annual outlay —$ 2,298,335 Grants Patuxent Institution 1 Payments Jessup, Maryland 2079 +

General Funds Loans

Special Funds' Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds T Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

W J^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Treatment Services

TO PSOVIDE SERVICES TO MEET THE PHYSICAL , EMOTIONAL, AND REHABILITATIVE NEEDS OF PATIENTS CONFINED TO THE INSTITUTION: AND TO PREPARE COMMITTED PATIENTS FOR EVENTUAL RETURN TO SOCIETY. Sub-programs: 1. Milieu Services a. Unit Treatment Team System J b. Tier Counseling Program E c. Classification and Disciplinary Committees 2. Professional Treatment Services C a. Medical and Dental Services b. Psychotherapy Services T c. Social Casework Services 3. Ancillary Treatment Services I a. Educational Services (Academic and Vocational Training) b. Recreational Services V c. Religious Services E d. Volunteer Services k. Research a. Evaluation of Treatment Services S FUNCTION CODE b. Behavioral Sciences Research

Effectiveness: Improvement in physical health of patients (na) Improvement in emotional health of patients (na) Employment adaptability on return to society (na) Recidivism related to program (na) Production: Cost related to Effectiveness: Number of patients paroled (a) Avoidance costs of continued confinement Activity: when patient is ready to return to society Patient/hours of psychotherapy (a) Avoidance cost to society of future Medical/dental treatments (a) criminal behavior by readjustment of the offender, (na) Patients in Education programs (a) Patients in Recreation programs(a) Value to society of returning tax-paying member to society, (na)


Annual outlay - 8 ^94,272 Grants Patuxent Institution Jessup, Maryland 2079^ Payments

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^V Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


TO PROVIDE CONTINUED TREATMENT, GUIDANCE, AND SUPERVISION TO PRE-PAROLE AND PAROLED PATIENTS SO AS TO EFFECTUATE AN ADEQUATE ADJUSTMENT TO SOCIETAL LIVING. o Sub-programs: 1. Outpatient Clinic B a. Continued therapeutic treatment b. Family service consultations J c. Review and evaluation for release from parole E d. Employment guidance and counseling 2. Halfway House a. Guidance and supervision of resident patients C b. Community residential placement counseling T 3. Social Casework Services a. Guidance and supervision in the community I b. Qnployment investigation and placement for Work Release and Parole V c. Investigation of pre-parole and parole violations k. Physical Plant and Maintenance Services 5. Research a. Evaluation of outpatient services b. Post-release evaluation on all patients FUNCTION CODE c. Effective criteria of entire system

Effectiveness: M Recidivism rate on parole and pre-parole (a) mm Therapeutic returns vs. law violations (a) Recidivism rate after total release (na) A Production: Cost related to Effectiveness: S Number granted full release (a) Avoidance of cost of crime by return Number under current supervision(a) of patient for therapeutic reasons u Activity: before the commission of crime, (na) Reduction in cost of crime by the Manhours of community supervision (a) R return of rehabilitated patient Manhours of therapy in clinic (a) to society, (na) Patient/days in Halfway House (a)

Annual outlay—t 82,700 Grants Patuxent Institution Payments Jessup, Maryland 2079*+

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-S\. J\ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Office of the Commissioner of Personnel

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To assure that the State of Maryland has Suf:fi

Program I - General Administration Program

Program II - Classification and Compensation Program

Program III - Recruitment and Examination Program

Program IV - Personnel Actions and Record Keeping

Program V - Employee Training and Development Program

STATE OF MARYLAND 29-2 Commissioner of Personnel


To provide centralized services for the overall operation of

the total organization and executive services by the Commissioner

which are not delegated.


1. Administra.tive hearings. 2. Executive actions, 3» Centralized services.


Efficiency and Effectiveness

Percentage of decisions rendered and actions completed in a specific time limit.•»•

Production Cost related to Production

Number of hearings and decisions rendered. Cost per hearing.* Number of actions processed. Cost per a.ction processed.-»- Number of units per activity.* Cost per unit of activity.*

* Figures Not Available r i Annual outlay — Grants

Payments Executive Division State Office Building X General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 29-3 Commissioner of Personne1


% To maintain an up-to-date classification plan by grouping positions

of similar duties, responsibilities, and qualifications into spe-

cific classes in order to maintain equal pay for equal work, and to

recommend to the Standard Salary Board a compensation plan for State

employees which is competitive and/or adequate.

& Sub-programs:

1. Classification i 2. Compensation



Efficiency and Effectiveness

Percentage of classification actions processed.* Number of recommendations approved by the Standard Salary Board.

Production Cost related to Production

Number of classes recommended for adjustment.* Number of classification actions. Cost per classification action.-:•- Number of classifications referred Cost per class reviewed.* to Standard Salary Board.

-^Figures Not Available

Annual outlay — Grants

Payments Classification and Compensation Division General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 29-4 Commissioner of Personnel

To maintain sufficient numbers of eligible candidates for

each job classification in the classified service to fill •3* the needs of the State agencies.


1. Recruitment 2. Examination



Efficiency and Effectiveness Percentage of applications received which are approved. Number of applicants certified by classification. Average time lapse between receipt of application and certification.* Percentage of candidates selected from eligible list that are rejected on probation.-*

Production Cost related to Production

Number of applications received. Average cost per application filed. Number of applicants examined. Average cost of candidate examined.-*

^Figures NOT Available.

Annual outlay — Grants

Payments Examination Division State Office Building x General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 29-5 Commissioner of Personnel

To assure that personnel actions are carried out in compliance with the Merit System Law, Personnel Rules and Regulations, and rules of the Standard Salary Boardj and to maintain all necessary personnel records on State employees. E Sub-programs: 1. Personnel Actions Review 2. Record Maintenance

©r.l • I v


Efficiency and Effectiveness

Percentage of actions processed within a given period of time. Number of incorrect actions processed. Currency of information contained. Time within which record is available.

Production Cost related to Production

Number of actions reviewed. Cost per average personnel action reviewed. Number of records processed. Cost per record maintained.

f~ ^(•PWfMn|ii r im^^gi^^gm

Annual outlay — Grants Administrative Division Payments State Office Building Baltimore, Maryland X General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J^ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 29-6 Commissioner of Personnel

To maintain or increase the proficiency of employees, and to

raise their competence to the necessary levels to staff

authorized positions that are difficult to recruit from out- E side sources. MC I V


Efficiency and Effectiveness Cost related to Efficiency

Number of man hours of training devoted Cost of training of a specific to specific classifications in short classification in short supply.-* supply.* Percentage of training objectives accomplished.

Prodnction Cost related to production

Number of man hours of training Cost of all employee training.' accomplished.*

* Figures Not Available,

Annual outlay Grants

Payments Training Division State Office Building General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

_^^ J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To prepare and keep up-to-date a balanced, integrated program for the development and the efficient utilization of the natural and human resources of the State in order to promote the health, safety and general welfare of its citizens.

Program I Comprehensive State Planning

Program II Planning Research

Program III - Intergovernmental Relations Coordination

Program IV Annual Capital Budget

Program V Five Year Capital Improvements

Program VI State Administrative Office Space

Program VII - Federal Aid for Higher Education

Program VIII - Local and Regional Planning Assistance

STATE OF MARYLAND 30-2 State Planning Department

To formulate and establish a set of goals and objectives for the overall development of the State. Also to develop and maintain a long-range general development plan for the State which will provide the Governor, J Legislature and other State Agencies with a guide for the formulation of E State policies and programs. C T I V E S FUNCTION CODE J L

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness Programs designed to improve the Savings accruing from actions which reduce or economical and physical develop- eliminate costs below present operating pro- ment of the State. cedures such as the development of "Open Space Land Acquisition Programs.'1 New and amended laws passed by the Legislature as a result of the Savings accrued as a result of reducing costs. Planning Departments' assistance. Wetlands Conservation and Preservation Pro- gram. Programs designed to effectuate greater economy and efficiency in Savings resulting from improved efficiency in State Government. the operations of State Government. Central- ization of the Baltimore State Office complex Production Costs related to Production The number of publications issued. Cost per publication Special Problem Projects completed. Cost per Special Problem

Annual outlay - $• 27h, 202 Grants State Planning Section State Planning Department Payments 301 West Preston Street General Funds 90 % Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds 10 % Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 30-3 State Planning Department


To conduct and supply to all levels of government basic research data directed towards making State planning fully operational and to provide information on the activities of the various research groups.


a. Demographic Research and Projections m* •.mam- b. Economic Research vI E S FUNCTION CODE LJ_

Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Number of research problems solved Cost of each research problem during the year.

Number of projects the research Cost of each project assisted program has been able to assist.

Production Costs related to Production

Number of research problems completed Cost per problem Number of reports published Cost per publication

Annual outlay — Grants State Planning Section (See Comprehensive Plan'g) State Planning Department Payments 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 30-4 State Planning Department

Intergoverninental Relations Coordination

To maintain a continuing process of interagency coordination for the various Natural Resource and other agencies in the State in order to stimulate planning activities which will provide a balanced development prograjn for the natural resources in the State.


\»4 a. River Basin and Water Resources Development b. Natural and Cultural Resources


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

A reduction in the duplication of Cost savings derived from the planning activities by a number elimination of duplicating activities of governmental agencies

Reduction of time spent on extended Cost savings resulting from a planning programs as a result of reduction in time originally coordinated effort. allocated to a given program

Production Costs related to Production Publications published Cost per publication Numbers of projects and problems solved Cost per project

Annual outlay — Grants State Planning Section (See Comprehensive Plan'g) Payments State Planning Department 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. J\ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 30-5 State Planning Department

Annual Capital Budget

To develop and recommend to the Governor a proposed annual capital improvements budget for submittal.to the General Assembly

Sub-programs: 1. Annual Capital Budget To evaluate, recommend and schedule the list of capital projects submitted by the State departments and institutions for inclusion in the Governor's current year capital budget. a) Departmental Hearings T b) Project-Site Visits I 2. State Fiscal Policy V To review the State's fiscal policies and resources as they affect the financing of the capital improvements program with E the objective to safeguard the State's credit.


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness The number of critically needed capital Savings resulting from the construction projects included in the capital elimination of low priority budget. projects. Program improvement resulting from assistance Savings resulting from improve- given to departments and institutions on pre- ment in capital budget sub- paration of capital budget requests. missions. Production Cost related to Production Number of projects processed Cost per project processed Number of visits to institutions Cost per visit Number of departmental budget hearings Cost per departmental hearing Legislative Committee Hearings attended Cost per hearing


Annual outlay - $71,000 Grants Capital Improvements Division State Planning Department Payments State Office Building 301 West Preston Street X General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 30-6 State Planning Department

Five Year Capital Improvements Program


To evaluate, develop and keep up-to-date a carefully planned, fully R substantiated five-year program of major capital improvement projects for the State. %J E


Effectiveness Costs related to Effectiveness

Insure the Agencies' Capital growth Anticipated savings which will re- and replacement project requirements, sult from the reconstituted Five *•; are timely programmed over the Five Year Program of construction. Year Program period. Production Cost related to Production Reconstitution of Five Year Program Total cost of reconstituted program a) Number of projects evaluated a) Cost per project evaluated b) Master plans evaluated b) Cost per plan evaluated c) Project sites visited c) Cost per visit d) Conferences with Agencies and Institutions d) Cost per conference 1 fraj^^^^^^^B A nnual outlay — $28,0( Grants Capital Improvements Division State Planning Department Payments State Office Building 301 West Preston Street X General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

_^v J\ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 30-7 State Planning Department

State Administrative Office Space

To evaluate the overall State requirement for administrative office space and to develop necessary plans and programs to satisfy current and projected space needs. E



Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

The degree the requirement for office Cost to develop plans, objectives space is anticipated to accommodate the and programs for additional office growth of the individual departments in space. State-owned facilities.

Production Costs related to Production Utilization surveys of office space Cost per survey Plans to realign office space Cost per plan Preparation of programs for additional Cost per program office space

Annual outlay- $28,000 Grants Capital Improvements Division State Planning Department Payments State Office Building General Funds Loans 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 30-8 State Planning Department

Federal Aid for Higher Education Facilities

O To evaluate, develop and coordinate facility grant requests for B construction assistance submitted by public and private insti- tutions of higher education. E C T I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Value of federal assistance received Reduction in the cost of con- to construct higher educational facilities. struction to the State.

Acceleration of construction resulting from Savings resulting from con- receipt of federal grant. structing project at today's price. Production Costs related to Production Number of projects evaluated on a State Cost per project processed established rating standard based on need.


Annual outlay —

STATE OF MARYLAND 30-9 State Planning Department

Local and Regional Planning Assistance Program

^ - o To provide technical planning services to counties and municipalities to B enable every jurisdiction in the State to maintain an effective planning d program. E Sub-Program: C a. Urban Planning Assistance T b. Regional Planning Assistance V E


Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

The degree of improvement to a local The social cost saved the sub- subdivision's physical, fiscal and division as a result of the plan- administrative growth and development ning assistance and the actual as a result of the State's planning dollar savings resulting from assistance. improved community development.

Production Costs related to Production The number of applications processed. Costs associated with processing The number of subdivisions served during Cost of serving and assisting each the year. community. The number of publications issued. Cost per publication

Annual outlay - $137,272 Grants Local Planning Section State Planning Department Payments 301 West Preston Street General Funds 100 Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^V. A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



Safeguard the lives and property of all persons within the State;

Assist in securing for all persons the equal protection of the law.

Program I - Program Coordination

Program II - Traffic Safety-

Program III - Crime Suppression

STATE OF MARYLAND Department of Maryland State Police 31-2


To provide the guidance necessary for the line functions to achieve the departmental objectives.

J This function is performed by the Superintendent and his immediate staff, E consisting of:

•»c The Chief of the Operations Bureau The Chief of the Administrative Bureau t-T The Executive Officer, and I The Chief of the Planning, Research and Inspection Division V £ S FUNCTION CODE I I 1 J

# Annual outlay — $115,906.00 Grants

Payments Superintendent X General Funds 20% ' Loans Maryland State Police Pikesville, Maryland 21208 x|special Funds 80% Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified * (Direct salary charges) -S\. J\.

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM .-, Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 31-3 Department of Maryland State Police


To provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic on the streets and highways by reducing accidents and relieving congestion. J E Sub-programs: 1. Traffic supervision 2. Truck weight enforcement 3» Automotive safety enforcement (inspection) U. J.F.K. Memorial Highway Detachment (toll road) V


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness The death rate as the result of motor vehicle Cost to maintain the accident accidents for the current year compared with death rate at the present level. the national average and with Maryland's Cost to reduce the accident death experience in previous years. rate .5 person. The total accident rate compared with previous years. The aggregate value of all financial losses due to auto accidents and delays resulting from congestion compared with previous years.

Activities Costs related to activities Number of patrol hours Cost per patrol hour Number of accidents investigated Cost per accident investigated J

Annual outlay -$11,792,13U.00 Grants Chief, Operations Bureau Payments Maryland State Police General Funds Loans Pikesville, Maryland 21208

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 31-4 Department of Maryland State Police


To prevent and detect crime and bring to justice violators of the law.


1. Prevention and suppression of criminal activity 2. Investigation and case preparation 3. Technical services


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness

The number of crimes per capita for the Cost to maintain the crime rate at current year compared with the crime the present level rate for previous years. Cost to reduce the crime rate by 10$ The aggregate value of all financial losses attributable to crime as com- pared to previous years.

Activities Costs related to activities

Number of criminal complaints received Cost per crime investigated Number of crimes investigated Cost per probe accomplished Number of probes accomplished

Annual outlay - $2,6UU,959.00 Grants Chief, Administrative Bureau Payments Maryland State Police General Funds Loans Pikesville, Maryland 21208

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Department of Public Improvements

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To centralize the responsibility for complete handling of all State Capital Improvement projects (except State Roads) and render technical assistance to the Governor, the Board of Public Works, and all State agencies.

Program I - General Administration and Contract Awards

Program II - Design and Approval

Program III - Construction Supervision and Inspection

Program IV - Property Acquisition

Program V - Maintenance of War Memorial Building

STATE OF MARYLAND 33-2 Department of Pablic Improvements

General Administration and Contract Awards

To centralize the handling of contracts for all State construction projects (except Roads) including architectural, engineering and construction B contracts. J Sub-Programs: E 1. Bidding 2. Contracting fcT 3. Accounting N W E s FUNCTION CODE f i p V

Annual outlay — $170,329 Grants Payments

J General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y\. yv Management Information ana Program Evaluation System PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM

STATE OF MARYLAND 33-3 Department of Public Improvements

Design and Approval

!©• To provide centralized architectural and engineering services to all State agencies.

Sub-Programs: «J E 1. Architectural 2. Engineering r ^ 3. Surveying K'T I V E S FUNCTION CODE )

Annual outlay - $1*26,202 Grants


]H General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. JV Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 33-4 Department of Piiblic Improvements

Construction Supervision and Inspection /

f 1© Provide on site inspection and supervision of all State construction projects (except Roads) including maintenance projects performed b7 institutional and/or prison laborj and negotiate settlements of claims B made against insurance carriers for property damage. :Jk E C T I V


Annual outlay - $62,326 Grants


General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

JK. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 33-5 Department of Pabllc Improvements

Property Acquisition I ._/ i To centralize the complete handling and recording of all acquisitions, transfers and sales of land and property by State agencies (except Roads and Forests and Parks).


1. Negotiating

C 2. Appraising

T" 3. Title Work and Record Maintenance I V E


Annual outlay — $31,U80 Grants


X General Funds Loans Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-->V yv_ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 33-6 Department of Public Improvements

To provide one-half the cost of maintenance of the War Memorial Building, Baltimore City.



^HPfSMsMM ? iSBKiiHiNffiB

Annual outlay — ftto o Grants


X General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

.A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Public Service Commission

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The Public Service Commission is established as the agency to administer Article 78 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 edition) and to carry out fully and effectually the functions committed to it by law.

In the broad sense the function of the Public Service Commission is to regulate the rates and services of the public service companies which now number 229, not including taxicabs, and to make certain that the Maryland public receives adequate and nondiscriminatory utility and common carrier services at fair and equitable rates.

Program I - Commission and General Administration

Program II - People's Counsel

Program III - Utility Engineering Regulation

Program IV - Accounting Investigations

Program V - Common Carrier Regulation

Program VI - Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission.

STATE OF MARYLAND 34-2 Public Service Cennisflion I Coraaisaion and General Administration (~1 To provide the everall regulation of the rates and service of the public service companies in the interest of the consuming public. Hold hearings, render decisions, and set overall policy. To determine equitable distri- bution of revenues of public service companies among the various classes of customers of each. Administer generally the Public Service Commission Law.

SUB-PROGRAMS: A. Render decisions effecting rates and services after due c consideration of evidence entered in formal proceedings or by informal conferences with representatives of the T public service companies and the public. I B. Review, study, and analyze rates. V C. Maintenance of Commission records and Docketing.


Annual outlay — 168,928 Grants Public Service Commission Payments 301 West Preston Street General Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 34-3 Public Service Commission

People's Counsel

Provides legal service by representing the public in proceedings before the Public Service Commission and the Metropolitan Transit Authority. This particular program operates independently of any internal administration. J ^ E G ft' I V E S FUNCTION CODE I_L

To be developed.

Annual outlay - 18,785 Grants Public Service Commission Payments 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 X JGeneral Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 34-4 Public Service Comnisaion

To determine whether such public service cerapanies are providing safe, adequate, reasonable and proper service to the customers.


A. Investigations

E 1. Service Complaints C 2. Safety T 3* Cost

I B. Compilation of rules and regulations prescribing V standards of service* E C. Testimony and Exhibits at Commission hearings.


Annual outlay - 17^,961 Grants Public Service Commission Payments 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

^^ ^V. Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 34-4 Public Service Conuaission

To determine whether such public service cempanies are providing safe adequate, reasonable and proper service to the customers.


A. Investigations

E 1. Service Complaints C 2. Safety £• T 3* Cost

I B. Compilation of rules and regulations prescribing V standards of service. E C. Testimony and Exhibits at Commission hearings. S FUNCTION CODE "1

I iA • _ •-< • >••• • -. Annual outlay — 17I+»96l Grants Public Service Commission Payments 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 X General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 34-5 Public Service Commission

Accounting Investigations

To audit public service companies, review of the financial data to insure an equitable rate of return.


A. Utility E C 1. Investigations T 2. Testimony and Exhibits at Commission Hearings. I B. Common Cairier V !• Investigations E 2. Testimony and Exhibits at Commission Hearings. S FUNCTION CODE LJ L

i If, ^piJ.--r"; t 4

A nnu a outlay- 75,036 Grants Public Service Commission Payments 301 West Preston Street X G Seneral Funds Loans Baltimore, Maryland 21201

S pecial Funds Loan Guarantees

F ederal Funds Community Services

L ocal Funds Not Specified

I ^^ J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 34-6 Public Service Commission

Common Carrier Regulation

o To regulate common carriers to insure reasonable, adequate, and safe B service. SUB-PROGRAMS: &$'- E A. Common Carrier m 1# Permits 2. Safety and Service i B. Taxicab Drivers Regulations v 1. Licensing 2. Surveillance

3. Hearings


Annual outlay— 18^,618 Grants Public Service Commission Payments 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

_^^ J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 34-7 Public Service Commission

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission

The regulation of rates and services of mass transportation companies in the Washington, D. C. metropolitan area.

A. Review, study, and analyze rates. ^| B. Regulation of mass transportation in Washington Metropolitan Area.


Annual outlay — 111,^28 Grants Public Service Commission 301 West Preston Street Payments Baltimore, Maryland 21201 General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

-^ yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: To provide an adequate retirement income, counsel, and other benefits for retired State Police, Teachers, Legislators, State Employees, and employees of certain political subdivisions.

Program I - Social Security

Program II - Retirement

Program III - Program Coordination

STATE OF MARYLAND 35-2 Retirement Systems I Social Security To extend the benefits of Social Security to public employees o* in the State of Maryland. Sub-program: 1. Collection & Disbursement of Funds J 2. Investment of Funds E 3. Audits C it- fc I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to Production

Percentage of participating public Cost per report and checks processed. employers compared with non- Investment cost compared to yield participating. cost per audit. Number of incorrect returns. Number of late returns. Sufficiency of investment income to pay operating expense. Number of errors discovered by audit.

Production; Number of reports processed. -Namtrc if dudils completed ruldled lu nuiiibei—uf umpluyees covered.

Annual outlay - $3 1,7'5»102 Grants Division of Social Security • 301 W. Preston St. Payments Baltimore, Md. 21201 General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND Retirement Systems 35-3 I Retirement f • To provide retirement, death benefits, and hospitalization insurance ijQ for members of the various retirement systems. m Sub-programs: Accounting and record keeping Counseling ;£•' Investments te*

Iv- *:


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness Adequacy of retirement benefits. Number of persons requesting counsel Percentage of investment yield. Investment income meets systems' requirements.

Production Cost related to production Number of enrol lees. Cost per member enrolled Volume of money collected. Cost per refund made. Number of retirement payments made. Number of refunds processed. Number of investments made. Number of persons counselled.

State Retirement System Annual outlay - $37, ^76 , Q6l Grants 301 W. Preston St. Payments Baltimore, Md. 21201

General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. ,/v_ Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM ^ Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 35-4 Retirement Systems

"N (0| 3 Oi 1 0,0 0| 3l ^| Program Coordination r ^ r^ ^^HHE^HB^^H ^ m J "N Director a Assistant Director _ Secretary III B Secretary I j E m> iT/ - -j V E 'S FUNCTION CODE LL_J_I \ I

r • 1 Annual outlay - ' $.' ^T'3' Grants State Retirement Systems 301 W. Preston St. Payments Baltimore, Md. 21201

x General Funds Loans

•^ Special Funds Loan Guarantees

1 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified v J yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: Highways will be planned, constructed and maintained to insure the safe and efficient flow of motor vehicle traffic in and through the state.

Program . 01 - Construction of Highways Program . 02 - Maintenance of Highways Program . 03 - Administrative Assistance to Counties and Municipalities Program . 04 - Construct, Operate and Maintain Toll Facilities


Construction of Highways r All needed non-toll highways will be constructed.

Sub-programs: B .01-1 - Construction of Primary, Secondary and Urban Highways .01-2 - Construction of Interstate Highways . 01-3 - Construction of Highways - $60, 000, 000 Program E .01-4 - Construction of Highways - Appalachia Program .01-5 - Construction of Highways - Highway Beautification C .01-6 - Construction of Highways - Supplemental Programs .01-7 - Construction of County Highways IT. .01-8 - Determination of Future Highway Needs I toy* «'

s FUNCTION CODE f i , \ y Effectiveness: m 1. At completion of construction, have highway needs been met as planned by the program? 2. Was the Construction program completed as planned? •A 3. Were costs as forecast by the program? 4. Did Highway Needs Study correctly forecast costs and highway requirements?

U Production: Number of miles of highway constructed. Costs related to Production: Cost per mile of highway constructed. See note on reverse side of sheet. >

Annual outlay- $125, 000, 000 Grants State Roads Commission Payments 300 W. Preston Street Baltimore, Md. General Funds Loans

X Special Funds Loan Guarantees

X Community Services Federal Funds X X Local Funds Not Specified

J\~ JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System Production measures and costs for highway construction are influenced by many variations from project to project.

For example:

1. Miles of highway constructed can be misleading since various roads differ in width (2 lanes, 4 lanes, etc. ); also some road construction may include bridges and structures where other projects do not.

2. Nearly all construction is performed by private contractor, thus man hour figures are not available, and are not a factor.

3. Types of materials used in construction vary from highway to highway.

These variations must be considered when endeavoring to evaluate construction production costs and measures. STATE OF MARYLAND 36-3 STATE ROADS COMMISSION

All non-toll State Highways and County roads in 6 of the 23 counties will be maintained in a safe and durable condition.

Sub-programs: .02-1 - Maintenance of State Highways . 02-2 - Maintenance of Highways in 6 of.the 23 counties 'II


Effectiveness: 1. Were highways maintained in accordance with established safety and durability standards? 2. Were emergency maintenance requirements met with efficiency?

Production: 1. Number of man hours utilized in maintenance operations. 2. Number of vehicle and equipment hours utilized. m Costs related to Production: 1. Maintenance costs per man hour. la: 2. Maintenance costs per vehicle and equipment hour. 3. Maintenance costs per mile of State Highway in the System. 4. Man hours and vehicle and equipment hours utilized per mile of hwy. in system.

Annual outlay— $19, 500, 000 Grants State Roads Commission Payments 300 W. Preston St. Baltimore, Md. General Funds Loans

Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


Administrative Assistance to Counties and I Municipalities

Counties and municipalities shares of Highway User Revenues will be distributed in accordance with formula established by statute. J E



1. Was distribution made in accordance with the statute and were all pi funds subject to distribution, in fact, paid to counties and rE municipalities? A S u R E S

Annual outlay - $30, 000, 000 Grants State Roads Commission Payments 300 W. Preston St. Baltimore, Md. General Funds Loans

X Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds taot Specified

SK. _A Management Information and Program Evaluation System PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM


Construct, Operate and Maintain Toll Facilities

H Toll Facilities necessary for the safe and efficient movement of motor vehicle traffice in and through the state will be constructed, operated and maintained in a financially self-sustaining manner. J Sub-programs: . 04-1 - Construction of Toll Facilities E . 04-2 - Operation and Maintenance of Toll Facilities C I


Effectiveness: 1. Do facilities carry traffic as forecast? 2. Are toll revenues sufficient to maintain the facilities as financially self- sustaining units, and repay debt and debt service costs of bonds issued to construct facilities. Production: 1. Maintenance and operating hours utilized. 2. Number of vehicles using facility. Costs related to Production: 1. Maintenance and operating costs per man hour. 2. Maintenance and operating costs per vehicle using the facility.

Annual outlay — $6, 500, 000 Grants Harbor Tunnel Plaza (for operation and mainte- P. O. Box 1593 nance) Payments Baltimore, Md. General Funds Loans

X Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

>V yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To provide higher education both formal and informal for students who enroll and to contribute to the advancement, preserva- tion and application of knowledge.

Program I - Liberal Arts Education

Program II - Professional Education Program III - Public Service


To prepare students for further academic and professional study or for greater effectiveness in a chosen field of employment. Sub-Program:

J 1. To provide major fields of study in English, History. Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Foreign Languages, £ Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Music and G Drama. T To increase the educational level of the people of the State. I V E


• *Effectiveness: Cost related to effectiveness:

Number of degrees granted. Cost per degree granted. Number of graduates in respective Cost per graduate in respective majors. majors. Number of graduates enrolled for Cost per course offered. further study. Cost per major offered. Number of graduates effectively Cost per student enrolled. employed. Number of courses offered. Number of majors offered. Number of full-time equivalent students enrolled. •'Effectiveness measures will be available at later date*

/T BBfc f. "^PMSMR® •'.,:;':••

Annual outlay - $1,400,177 Grants

Payments Board of Trustees of X General Funds Loans the State Colleges 93 College Avenue Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Md. 21400 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

VV. J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To meet the demands for teachers in the public schools of Maryland Sub-Programs:

1. Elementary Education J 2. Secondary Education E 3. Graduate Degree in Education C T I V E


M •Effectiveness: Cost related to effectiveness: Number of degrees granted. Cost per degree awarded. E Number of students certified to teach Cost per certified student Number of fulltime equivalent students Cost per student enrolled. enrolled. Cost per graduate degree. § Number of graduate degrees awarded. Number of students who pass profession- y al examinations. R E *Effectiveness measures will be available V S at later date. /— ^mbJB

Annual outlay — $800,194 Grants Payments Board of Trustees of General Funds the State Colleges X Loans 93 College Avenue Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Md. 21400

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\~ Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To serve the intellectual and cultural needs of the community. To provide programs of continuing adult education. -H

**c I V E


•Effectiveness: Cost related to effectiveness: Number of cultural events offered for Cost per event offered. the public* Cost per person attending. Number of persons in community attend- Cost per person enrolled. ing events. Number of community people enrolled in continuing education.

•Effectiveness measures will be available at later date.

Annual outlay — $22,225 Grants


X General Funds Loans Board of Trustees of the State Colleges Special Funds Loan Guarantees 93 College Avenue Annapolis, Md. 21400 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



Overall objective: To protect and administer certain properties of the State.

Program A: Treasury ^nagement

Program B: Insurance Protection

Program C: Employee Health Insurance Subsidy

STATE OF MARYLAND 39-2 State Treasurer

To receive, protect, invest, account for and disburse certain State assets.

Sub-programs: M a. Heceive, disburse and account for State funds. b. Issue, redeem and account for bonds comprising E public debt. c. Protect State funds by holding collateral. d. Hold for safekeeping, securities posted by private companies. T e. Invest surplus funds. f. Hold and register for safekeeping deeds for I State-owned properties. V E


Annual outlay — $223,835 Grants

Payments General Funds I_ Loans State Treasurer Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds X Not Specified

-s\. yv

Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System






a-1. Number of receiving vrarrants issued by Comptroller compared with number processed by Treasurer. 2. Number of disbursing warrants authorizing checks issued by Comptroller compared with the number of warrants processed by the Treasurer.

b-1. Net interest cost on bonds sold compared with average net interest cost published by Dow-Jones. 2. Date funds are made available to paying agent compared with date due. 3. Date of last trial balance of debt ledger compared with date paid bonds and coupons are received by Treasurer.

c-1. Value of collateral held for individual bank accounts compared with highest risk loss of the account. 2. Losses sustained by inadequate collateral.

d-1. Availability of securities on request compared with the number of requests.

e-1. Average bank balances compared with ideal bank balances. 2. Rate of interest earned on investments compared with adopted standard.

f-1. Number of deeds made available compared with number of requests.


a-1. Number of deposits recorded. 2. Number of checks drawn. 3. Number of ledger entries made. 4. Number of bank contacts. (a) Returned checks (chargebacks). (b) Cancelled State checks. (c) Stop-payments.


Production: (Cont'd.)

b-1. Number of inquiries from investment brokers for bid forms for proposed bond issue. 2. Number of bond issues to be accounted for. 3. Number of paid bonds and coupons accounted for. 4. Number of bonds registered. 5. Numbers of purposes for each bond issue.

c-1. Number of items of collateral held for banks. 2. Number of additions, withdrawals and substitutions during year.

d-1. Number of items held for State Agencies. 2. Number of additions, withdrawals and substitutions during the year.

e-1. Number of separate investments made during year.

f-l. Number of deeds received. 2» Number of references made to deeds on file. ' 3. Number of photocopies made.

STATE OF MARYLAND 39-5 State Treasurer

To protect the State from losses on certain property by insurance. J E Sub-programs: a. Establish specifications for insurance coverage, C solicit bids and authorize issuance of policy. b. Report losses to insurer, collect payments and T disburse to State agencies. I


Effectiveness: a-1.Value of losses compared to cost of premium. b-1. Total value of loss compared with recovery by insurance. 2. Value of losses for which no insurance is placed or responds,

Production; a-1. Number of policies. 2. Number of brokers. (a) Number of reinsurers. 3. Number of inquiries by brokers for insurance. 4. Number of bids to be compared. b-1. Number of losses processed. 2. Number of insurance loss collections received. 3. Number of disbursements against insurance losses.

Annual outlay - $770,000 Grants


General Funds Loans State Treasurer Annapolis, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds X Not Specified

y\. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To assist State employees to obtain maximum health insurance protection at least cost.



1. Total cost of health insurance compared with cost to State. 2. Number of people insured as opposed to total employees. Production: 1. Number of employees covered.

Annual outlay — $1,250,000 Grants


X General Funds Loans State Treasurer Annapolis, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE! The maximum number of citizens shall be economically and personally self-sufficient, those unable to provide for themselves shall be supplied the means to live in decency and health and all children in the State shall have a normal and wholesome home life.

Category I Program .01 Old Age Assistance .02 Aid to Families with Dependent Children •03 Public Assistance to the Needy Blind .04 Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled •05 General Public Assistance •06 Food Stamp Program .07 Cuban Refugee Program •08 Repatriated Citizens Program

Category II Program .01 Medical Care Certification .02 Child Welfare Services •03 Day Care Services ,0k Group Home Services •05 Work Incentive Program

HROtbm 1-15-69


To provide to the needy aged financial assistance and social services to help them achieve their maximum capability for self-help and self -care.

Sub-programs: J 1. Eligibility Determination E 2. Assistance Payments 3. Social Services C U» General Administration T I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness M Number of needy aged persons Average cost per case/month to maintain E receiving financial assistance person on assistance rolls Number of needy aged persons Cost per case for services rendered remaining in own home under § own care U ' Production Cost related to production Number of applications processed Cost per application processed R Number of services rendered t/./l. Cost per service rendered E Number of checks issued Cost per check, cost per recipient S

Annual outlay- $7,580,700 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Director X Payments State Department of Social Services X General Funds Loans 1315 Saint Paul Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Md. 21202

X Federal Funds X Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

^v. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To provide financial assistance and social services to needy families with dependent children in order to strengthen family life and provide a normal and wholesome homelife for children in their own homes or in the homes of relatives.

J Sub-programs: 1. Eligibility Determination E 2. Assistance Payments 3* Social Services C U. General Administration T I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness Number of needy families with Average cost per case/month to maintain dependent children receiving family on assistance rolls financial assistance Number of cases closed and/or Cost per case for services rendered average length of stay on assistance rolls

Preduction Cost related to production Number of applications processed Cost per application processed Niaabbi of services rendered ///i Cost per service rendered Number of checks issued Cost per check, cost per recipient


Annual outlay — $6^,032,300 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson X Payments Director State Department of Social X General Funds Loans Services Special Funds Loan Guarantees 1315 Saint Paul Street Baltimore, Md. 21202 X Federal Funds X Community Services

X Local Funds Not Specified J yv Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



To provide to the needy blind financial assistance and social services to help them achieve their maximum capability for self-support, self-help and self-care.

J Sub-programs: 1. Eligibility Determination E 2. Assistance Payments 3. Social Services C A* General Administration T I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness Number of needy blind persons Average cost per case/month to maintain receiving financial assistance person on assistance rolls Number of needy blind persons Cost per case for services rendered supplementing grant with earnings and/or number of cases closed due to earnings

Production Cost related to production Number of applications processed Cost per application processed Number of services rendered /S/*- Cost per service rendered Number of checks issued Cost per check, cost per recipient

Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Annual outlay — $ 380,700 Grants Director X Payments State Department of Social Services XI General Funds Loans 1315 Saint Paul Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Md. 21202 Federal Funds X Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To provide to the needy permanently and totally disabled financial assistance and social services to help them achieve their maximum capability for self-support, self-help and self-care.

Sub-programs: J 1. Eligibility Determination 2. Assistance Payments E 3. Social Services C A. General Administration T I V


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness M Number of needy disabled persons Average cost per case/month to maintain E receiving financial assistance person on assistance rolls Number of needy disabled persons Cost per case for services rendered A supplementing grant with earnings S and/or number of cases closed due u to earnings Production Cost related to production R Number of applications processed Cost per application processed E Number of services rendered /•./?. Cost per service rendered S Number of checks issued Cost per check, cost per recipient iinii m • H Annual outlay — $15,4.67,600 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Director X Payments State Department of Social Services 3«General Funds Loans 1315 Saint Paul Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Md. 21202 X Federal Funds X Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

V J Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



To provide to needy persons not eligible for other categories of public assistance, who are unemployed or underemployed due to ill- ness or other disability, financial assistance and social services to help them achieve self-support; and to provide the same assistance J to employable persons who are in need when authorized by the local E governing authorities* Sub-programs: C 1. Eligibility Determination 2. Assistance Payments T 3. Social Services I U» General Administration V


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness Number of needy persons receiving Average cost per case/month to maintain financial assistance person on assistance rolls Average length of stay on assistance Cost per case for services rendered rolls and/or number of cases closed

Production Cost related to production Nuiuber of applications processed Cost per application processed Number of assistance checks issued Cost per check, cost per recipient Number of services rendered Af./t. Cost per service rendered

FUNDm©.. -i.

Annual outlay -$7,095, 500 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson X Payments Director State Department of Social X General Funds Loans Services 1315 Saint Paul Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



To determine eligibility and certify low income households for participation in the United States Department of Agriculture Food Stamp Program, to encourage participation in the program by low income households and to provide for the sale of the Food J Stamps to them. E Sub-programs: 1, Eligibility Determination and Certification C 2. Sale of Food Stamps T I V


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness Number of low income households Cost per household to administer Food Stamp participating in program program Amount of bonus Food Stamps Cost to administer Food Stamp Program related issued to value of bonus Food Stamps issued

Ifroduction Cost related to production Number of applications processed Cost per application processed Number of Food Stamp transactions Cost per Food Stamp transaction


Annual outlay - $ 420,000 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Payments Director State Department of Social 3General Funds Loans Services Special Funds 1315 Saint Paul Street Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21202 X Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

y\. JK Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


J '

To provide financial assistance and social services to Cuban o Refugees until they became self-supporting. B J E C T 1 V E ^9o FUNCTION CODE ( i , ! ^

~\ Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness m Number of needy Cuban refugees Cost per case assisted receiving financial assistance Number of cases closed Cost per case for services rendered

ft'oductlon Cost related to production Number of applications processed Cost per application processed Number of services rendered /f/t. Cost per service rendered

f *'•'•; • "••• • —-••-•- -Si • (3iMK@ Annual outlay -$175,000 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Director z Payments State Department of Social Services General Funds Loans 1315 Saint Paul Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21202

X Federal Funds X Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

v yv Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



To provide temporary financial assistance during an emergency to citizens returning to this country under certain circumstances of hardship in order to help them reestablish themselves as quick- ly as possible. J E C T I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness M Number of needy repatriated Cost per case assisted E citizens assisted P. A oductio^ Cost related to production S Number of applications processed Cost per application processed u R

. FUNDIN^, ml Annual outlay — $ 500 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Director Payments State Department of Social General Funds Loans Services H 1315 Saint Paul Street jspeicial Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System



To determine eligibility and certify indigent and medically indigent persons for participation in the Medical Assistance ft'ogram administered by the State Department of Health E C T H


Effectiveness Cost related to effectivenesa Number of medically indigent Cost per individual certified persons certified for medical assistance

JFfroduction Cost related to production Number of applications processed Cost per application processed Number of Medical Assistance cards Cost per card issued issued


Annual outlay- $1,589,000 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Director Payments State Department of Social General Funds Loans Services 1315 Saint Paul Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified


Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To prcuvide social services to dependent and neglected children who require care out of their own homes as well as for all child- ren believeu to be abused or otherwise neglected.

Sub-programs: J 1. Eligibility Determination E 2. Social Services a. Foster Care, including money payments C for care mmm b. Adoption c. licensing of private child-placing and child-caring agencies and institutions I d. ftrotective Services V 3. General Administration E S FUNCTION CODE J L

Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness Number of children in Foster Average cost per case/month for maintaining Care child in foster care Number of children placed in Average cost per adoption case adoptive homes

Production Cost related to production Number of adoption services Cost per adoption service rendered rendered Number of foster home appli- Cost per application reviewed cations reviewed

Annual outlay - $19,173,800 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson including foster care pay- Director ments Payments State Department of Social Services X General Funds Loans 1315 Saint Paul Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Federal Funds Community Services

X Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


0, 1 0, 2 0| 3] hM DAY CARE SERVICES

To provide care in a group or family setting, for less than a full day at a time, for children from families which are eligible or potentially eligible for assistance in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program for the purpose of helping these fam- J ilies become or remain economically and socially self-sufficient. E Sub-programs: 1. Day Care Centers C 2. Purchase of Care T 3. Family Day Care I V E


"\ Effectiveness CrtSt related to effectiveness Number of parents working because Net difference between Day Care Center costs of availability of day care cen- and reduction in assistance payments ters

ft'odv.ction Cost related to production Number of children served by Day Annual per capita cost for operating Day Care Centers Care Centers

,1 '''"'m^xmi'•

Annual outlay — $754,100 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Director Payments State Department of Social X General Funds Loans Services 1315 Saint Paid Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21202 X Federal Funds X Community Services X Lo cal Funds Not Specified

s\. yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To provide supervised care and rehabilitative services for children who require care outside of their own homes but who cannot adapt to a foster home setting. J E C I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness Number of children able to move Cost per child helped into a more ntmnal home life setting

Frodus t jLi>a Cost related to production Number of children served by Annual per capita cost for operating Group Homes group homes


Annual outlay — $ 56,100 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Director Payments State Department of Social Services General Funds Loans 1315 Saint Paul Street Special Funds Loan Guarantees Baltimore, Maryland 21202 X Federal Funds X Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


To determine who among recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children are appropriate for referral to the Department of Employment Security for work and training under the Work Incentive Program and to re- J fer them to and help them make maximum use of the E program. C T I V E


Effectiveness Cost related to effectiveness Number of individuals referred to Cost per individual referred Work Incentive Program

Production Cost related to production Number of determinations of Cost per determination conducted appropriateness for work completed



Annual outlay - $471,000 Grants Mr. Raleigh C. Hobson Director Payments State Department of Social X General Funds Loans Services Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds X Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

J\. JK Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


University of Maryland

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES: The University of Maryland is the single state- supported university in the State. This position assigns to it the role of serving as the capstone of all public education in the State, thus it should provide educational leadership and set qualitative standards which influence the entire system. To fulfill its role the University must be in the forefront of achievement in the undertakings in which it is engaged. The University is characterized as a comprehensive university which evolved in the American tra- dition of the state university. Its objectives are, therefore, broad in scope and complex in their implications:

(1) To educate men and women for intelligent and active participation and leadership in the manifold cultural, economic, intellectual, professional, political and social affairs of our twentieth century society.

(2) To serve society through programs of basic and applied research.

(3) To serve society in those areas of need related to the special resources of the institution and in designated areas of responsibi- lity assigned to the University.

Program I Education, Research and Related Activities

Sub-agencies: College Park Campus Baltimore City Campus Baltimore County Campus Maryland State College

Program II University Extension and Public Service

Sub-agencies: College Park Campus Baltimore City Campus

Program III Maryland State Board of Agriculture

STATE OF MARYLAND 41-2 University of Maryland

To prepare men and women for intelligent and active participation and leader- ship in society by means of educational programs leading to baccalaureate, •O graduate, and professional degrees in the humanistic, scientific, and pro- fessional disciplines. SJ To serve society directly by preparing men and women for the professions and by contributing to their continuing education through organized programs. E To serve society by expanding the frontiers :0.f knowledge through research. Sub-programs:

1. Instruction T' 2. Research I 3. Student Services V


Effectiveness (Comparative) (Maryland re upper ten percent of universities in terms of doctoral productivity) Faculty strength Variety and scope of educational offerings Financial support Ratings by accrediting agencies Percentage of individuals served in relation to potential beneficiaries

Effectiveness (Internal) Number of students earning degrees in relation to number admitted Number of degrees by field in relation to society's needs Number of graduates going on to graduate or professional school Achievement of graduates on graduate record exam **SEE ATTACHED SHEET

Annual outlay—$64,267,000 Grants

Payments Office of the President x General Funds Loans University of Maryland College Park, Maryland x Special Funds Loan Guarantees

x Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System


University of Maryland

Education, Research and Related Activities


Number earning professional degrees who pass the licensing examination in their field


Number of degrees conferred (bachelors, masters, doctoral and professional) Number of credit-hours offered Number of research publications Number of programs and courses offered

Cost related to production

Cost per credit-hour (lower division, upper division, masters, doctoral, professional) Cost per student (breakdown as above) Cost per degree (breakdown as above)

STATE OF MARYLAND 41-4 University of Maryland

University Extension and Public Service

To aid in diffusing useful and practical information among the people of the State.

To encourage application of useful and practical information by giving instruc- tion and practical demonstrations largely in out-of-classroom situations.

J To provide services to the public which though not solely part of the research E and instruction program are related thereto. C Sub-programs: 1. Agriculture extension T 2. 4-H and Youth programs 3. Home economics extension I 4. Community resource development 5. Fire service extension V 6. Technical advisory service to local and state government 7. Medical care


Production Number of direct mail contacts Number of field trials, tests and demonstrations Number of meetings to train local leaders Number of youth participants Number of volunteer firemen trained Number of patients treated Costs related to production, Cost per direct mail contact Cost per field trial Cost per patient Cost per local community aided Cost per youth participant

Annual outlay - $12,584,000 • Grants Payments Office of the President General Funds _ Loans University of Maryland College Park, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds x Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 41-5 University of Maryland I Maryland State Board of Agriculture To encourage development of agricultural and related industries

To stimulate market development and promotion for Maryland agricultural products.

To aid consumers through enforcement of standards of quality and quantity as J authorized by the General Assembly. E Sub-programs: 1. Animal disease control C 2. Law enforcement pertaining to apiaries, eggs, feeds, fertilizers, liming materials, meat inspection, milk T measurement and tests, nurseries, seeds, and weights I and measures. 3. Market promotion and development 4. Mosquito control 5. Seed certification 6. Soil conservation and drainage


Effectiveness Reduction of silt in streams and reservoirs Reduction of soil losses due to erosion Reduction of crop losses due to excess water Reduction in animal diseases Fidelity of weights and measures Expansion of markets for agricultural products Reduction of mosquito levels Number of communities served by mosquito control in relation to number desiring service

Production Number of inspections of various types Number of tests of various types **SEE ATTACHED SHEET

/"— ' FUNDM^^BI ^^^^^^^^H

Annual outlay - $2,700,000 Grants

Payments Office of the President x General Funds Loans University of Maryland College Park, Maryland x Special Funds Loan Guarantees

X Federal Funds X Community Services

X Local Funds Not Specified J i .A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

University of Maryland iil-6

Maryland State Board of Agriculture


Communities served by short-term mosquito control activities Miles of flow ditches dug Number of promotions for agricultural products Cost related to Production

Cost per. test or inspection by type Cost per person of short-term mosquito control Cost per promotion


Department of Water Resources

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The Department of Water Resources is to plan, develop and manage the water resources of the State in order that they may be utilized in the most efficient and effective manner for the State and its citizens.

Program I - Program Coordination (General Administration)

Program II - Comprehensive Planning

Program III - Supervise Appropriation of Water

Program IV - Control and Supervision of Waterway Construction

Program V - Water Quality Control

Program VI - Well Drilling Control

STATE OF MARYLAND 42-2 Department of Water ResourceR


Director Secretary to the Director - Secretary IV Assistant to the Director (vacant) Assistant Attorney General II Secretary to the Assistant Attorney General II - Secretary II J Public Information Officer III (vacant) Accountant III E Account Clerk II Clerk-Typist I C Data Processing System Analyst I (vacant) T I V


Annual outlay — Grants Director Department of Water Payments Resources General Funds Loans State Office Building 3 Annapolis, Maryland Spec ial Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. A Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 42-3 Department of Water Resources I COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING To plan for the appropriate development and utilization of the waters of 10 the State. This program is performed for the purposes of 1) providing a planning framework for decision-making in the management and supervisory activities of the Department, and 2) providing technical services to local, regional and in some instances, other state agencies, regarding water resource matters. Activities under this program are usually pursued on a regional or watershed basis.

Sub-programs: 1. Direct or participate in federal-state, state and local water resource planning activities 2. Administer federal and state funds made available for water resources planning I a. Title III, Federal Water Resources Planning Act b. state funds for small watershed planning and development V c. state and federal funds for comprehensive basin pollution abatement studies (Section 3c, PL 8^-660, Section 5; Chapter H5, 1968 Laws of Maryland) m Represent State in negotiations with the federal government for providing storage in federally constructed reservoirs for low flow augmentation purposes. FUNCTION CODE 1

Annual outlay Grants Division of Planning Department of Water Payments Resources General Funds State Office Building Loans Annapolis, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. _yv Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 42-4 Department of Water Resources I SUPERVISE APPROPRIATION OF WATER This program involves the holding of hearings, evaluation and^ issuance of permits for appropriation of water. The primary objective of the program is to assure that the uses made of Maryland waters will be most beneficial (or least detrimental) to the State. Departmental decisions are based on all relevant engineering, economic and socio-political information,, much of which should be available through the Comprehensive Planning prograjn J Secondary or by-product objectives of this program are: 1. to assure compliance with water quality standards. Before E issuring a permit to a potential polluter, department will require complete information on proposed waste treatment, C 2. to obtain new information on water use (e.g. per unit of production) for future planning »*T 3. in Potomac River basin, to assure that non-Maryland users will contribute to cost of dams providing for flow augmen- I tation (stipulated in permit) V E S FUNCTION CODE

Annual outlay Grants Division of Water Resources Management Payments Department of Water Resources X General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SV J\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 42-5 Department of Water Resources

CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OF WATERWAY I CONSTRUCTION This program pertains to departmental control and supervision over any activity which will result in a change in the course, current or cross- section of any stream or body of water. The program includes supervision over construction, reconstruction and repair of dams, reservoirs and all waterworks. Since the 50 year flood plain is by definition considered to be an integral part of the waters of the State, (as well as the fact that flood control measures do involve changing the course, current or cross- section) the department's flood control activity is included in this c program. The objectives of the program are: mmm 1. to insure public safety by requiring compliance with construction standards 2. to promote or protect public welfare - to ascertain I that proposed construction is needed and is the most feasible means of meeting the needs (e.gs. water V supply, recreation, etc.) upon review of engineering and E economic information


Annual outlay — Grants Division of Water Resources Management - Surface Water Payments Department of Water Resources General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. JK Management information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 42-6 Department of Water Resources I WATER QUALITY CONTROL The objective of this program is to protect and enhance the quality of the waters of the State in accordance with established water quality standards. The standards, in turn, are premised on achieving the level of quality which will permit the water uses determined to be appropriate for the particular stream or body of water.

Activities performed within this program are surveillance and investigation, laboratory services and enforcement. C



Division of Engineering Annual outlay — Grants Services Payments Department of Water Resources General Funds Loans State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

s\. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

STATE OF MARYLAND 42-7 Department of Water Resources

>-rU The objective of this program is to supervise well drilling activity in the State for the purposes of: 1. protecting the public against improper well construction by obtaining compliance with well construction standards, 2. obtaining geologic and ground water data via a well completion report which must be submitted to the E Department upon the completion of each drilling operation. This information is utilized by the C Department of Water Resources, Maryland and U.S. T Geologic Surveys and is available to the public* I V E


Division of Water Resources Annual outlay Grants Management-Ground Water Department of Water Payments Resources General Funds Loans State Office Building Annapolis, Maryland Special Funds Loan Guarantees

Federal Funds Community Services

Local Funds Not Specified

SK. yv. Management Information and PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System






SOI - 383-3010 EXT. SSTO November 27, 1968


To: Group Seminar Participants

From: John J. McCormick, Jr., Director Management Information Program

Subject: Program Structure

To have general uniformity in program outlines and so that those agencies participating in the Federal Information Exchange System will have a uniform input to that System, we have designed a form which we will ask each department to use in reporting its program outline. We will bind all of these together to submit to the Governor, the Budget Bureau, the Program Executives, and the Legislature, and ask each of them to review the program structures, the objectives and measures stated for each program, to see if all are in agreement and, if not, to suggest changes.

In addition to this form for each program, each department is asked to prepare a cover page for the program forms for the overall departmental objective and the outline of the department's program structure.

Attached is an example of the package we are asking you to submit and an instruction sheet for the forms. Previously, Mr. Lauber asked that these be submitted by November 15; but with the revised format, we have extended that to December 6.

If you have any questions, please call.

Thank you.





The State of Maryland Program Description Form will be used by each agency within the State as a standard medium for submitting to the Management Information and Program Evaluation System (MIPES) coordinating office an outline of the program structure which will be used by each agency as the reporting framework for MIPES. Information reported on these forms should not be considered absolute or in- variable once it has been set down. The program structure will naturally change from year to year as the activities of the agency are more critically analyzed and objectives shift from one problem area to another. The following instructions for filling in the various blocks on the form should be interpreted broadly enough to achieve the best overall summary of the nature and function of the program being described.

Agency Name Immediately under the words "State of Maryland" at the top of the form is a line on which should be typed the name of the agency submitting the form.

Account Number An eight digit account number to uniquely identify the program within the State should be entered in the box in the upper left-hand corner of the form. Codes used in the present budget account structure should be utilized for Area and Agency. Codes for unit and program should be designated to best assign programs within the framework of the agency.

Program Title The box labeled "Title" should contain a program identifying label of up to about eight words (no more than 45 characters including spaces).

Program Objectives Information presented in the large box labeled "OBJECTIVES" should provide the reader with a vivid concept of the function being performed or administered by the State. Ideas expressed here should be concise and unambiguous. The series of thoughts should be deliberately constructed to leave in the readers mind a pre- cise concept even though a full or complete picture may require further elabora- tion. It should be kept in mind that those analyzing this form will be doing so along with scores of similar presentations. He will be looking for relative distinctions between programs, not a detailed explanation of activities, or a broad, all-encompassing statement of purpose. The line of reasoning towards a more detailed understanding should be apparent but left to the initiative of the reader if he wishes to pursue the subject.

With these thoughts in mind the following are some of the subjective questions about the objectives of the program which could be addressed In this section.

1. The conditions (mental, physical, environmental, etc.) to be enhanced, pre- served, or alleviated by the program.

2. The definable segment of the society, communities, general population or natural resources to be affected by the program.

3. The benefits, results, or general outcome anticipated or hoped for which might be distinguished above what would be achieved were the program not in effect.


4. The available resources to be applied such as state and federal financial aid, facilities, personnel services, natural resources, academic and technical assistance, legislative aid, etc.

It must be emphasized that specific answers to any of these questions may, at the outset, be extremely elusive. Several years of analysis, redefinition, and re- structuring may be required before the desired objective-oriented structure of programs will evolve. The most important consideration at this point in time is that a useful and working program structure be defined and disciplined to a periodic reporting procedure which will provide the program analyst sufficient information to direct him toward significant improvement in both the definition and operation of state programs.

Information contained in the "OBJECTIVES" box should also include a brief outline of any subprograms or activities structurally related and subordinate to the objectives of the program. In the event that the proposed structure within the program has been designed in too great a detail to be included within the "OBJECTIVES" block, this outline may be included as an attachment.

Function Code Do not make any entry here at this time.

Program Measures The box labeled "MEASURES" should be used to list those units of measure which will be used to evaluate the effectiveness and/or effort applied to the program. In order to make MIPES a truly effective system, each measure should relate closely to the objectives outlined above and be reasonably available as a quantitative value. DO NOT GIVE NUMBERS HERE: rather, state what kind of numbers would be used to describe the applied effort and results.

The number of measures listed is optional; however, one or two measures directly relatable to objectives are much more valuable for analysis than a list of measures simply quantifying activities under the program.

The description should identify each as an effectiveness measure, production or activity measure, or a measure relating cost to effectiveness or production/activity. In addition, a notation should be made to indicate whether the quantitative values for the measures are presently available or will be made available sometime in the future.

Program Funding The box labeled "FUNDING" is used to indicate the magnitude and source of financial resources supporting the program. On the line "Annual Outlay" enter the total estimated dollar expenditure which will be reported under this program for the current fiscal year. Indicate the source of funds by checking the appropriate box or boxes. A percentage could be entered to the right of each line if meaningful.

Type of Assistance Check the appropriate box or boxes to indicate one of the following categories of assistance provided by the program.



This term includes grants to local governments, public and private educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. Where a program distributes funds to institutions through the device of a contract for performance, demonstrations, or study, the type of assistance shall be identified as a grant.


This term shall include financial payments to individuals or families, rather than to institutions, regardless of whether the basis of payment is fixed by statute or contract, is according to formula, or is at the discretion of the administering Agency.


This term shall be used when the type of assistance rendered by the program is in the form of loans, regardless of the method or time of repayment.

Loan Guarantees

This term shall be used when the type of assistance rendered by the program is in the form of loan guarantees or the insuring of loan repayment.

Community Services

Assistance rendered by a State Agency through programs that construct and maintain facilities, render services, provide training, or support regulatory activities.

Not Specified

Include under this heading items not related to the headings specified in preceding blocks.

Administering Office

In this box enter the title and address of the office directly responsible for program control. This information should direct the reader to the appropriate source of more detailed program data.

General Administration and Other Overhead Activities

As a result of the discussions we have had in the seminars, we have decided to set up a program called "Program Coordination" (for those departments wishing to use it) for the positions of Department Head, Deputy, their secretaries, etc., which will not have objectives or measures and which will collect costs for the overall direction of the department. However, services provided to other programs such as accounting, budgeting, personnel, payroll, stock room, mail services, etc., should be spread over the cost of the operating programs. If you wish to use this program, fill in a program form for "Program Coordination" listing in the "OBJECTIVES" block the positions to be included. Otherwise, we will assume that you wish to spread all overhead costs.

STATE OF MARYLAND 43-5 Department nf Economic Development


I N To promote and advertise Maryland's advantages and opportunities and otherwise further and stimulate activities and decisions towards the profitable location of sound, new businesses and industries and the expansion of existing enterprises.

To assist and foster community and regional business and industrial development J efforts both public and private. E Sub-programs; 1. Prospect processing C 2. Aid to existing industry 3. Local and regional development organization assistance T 4. Preparation and publishing literature I 5. Advertising Maryland's advantages for new industry



Effectiveness Cost related to Effectiveness

Number of new plants with which the pro- Cost per new firm assisted, gram was involved. Cost per existing firm assisted. Number of existing firms provided assistance in solving problems.

Production Costs related to Production

Number of publications published. Cost per prospect. Number of local development groups Cost per publication. assisted. Cost per local development group Number of prospects. assisted.

.:«! m

Annual outlay - $172,000 Grants

Payments Business and Industrial X General Funds Loans Development Division State Office Building Special Funds Loan Guarantees Annapolis, Maryland Federal Funds JL Community Services Local Funds Not Specified

J\. Management Information ana PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FORM Program Evaluation System

s 43-6 A M P L E

Department of Economic Development

OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVE: The long-range ideal function of the Department is to become the guiding force behind the building of an economic base for a total environment of the best possible quality in Maryland.

Program I - Program Coordination

Program II - Business and Industrial Development

Program III - Technical and Special Services

Program IV - Tourist Development

Program V - Public Relations and Publications

Program VI - Federal and Field Liaison

S A # M P L E #
