: 231T..[or.... r. TD~A~7 PARL~A',E~'I' BLD~S 7ICTORIA B C Terrace official, defends dog control here By DON SCHAFFER Herald Staff Writer bylaws governing ownership of animals within here. because they_ don't allow cows and sheep municipal boundaries " wlmin their boundaries, like Terrace does," he killing problem because they don't allow sheep and goats." Keith Norman, Terrace's' municipal treasurer, " doesn't have thesame problem we do said. "They wouldn't have the sheep and goat- says mat comparing the dog problems in Norman said the dog-control procedures in Terrace and Kifimat is like comparing apples Terrace are much more efficient t~an the ones in: and oranges. YET ANOTHER DOG ATTACK Kitimat. • There has apparently been yet another attack on a "they were pretty shook up." Terrace resident's livestock. i6Th e sztuatlons• . m• the two places are com- The next morning he noticed a huge rip on the hind "We (the municipality) pick up way more dogs Alan Mernett of 5242 Soucie Avenue had to destroy end of one of the sheep, which as a result had to be than Kitimat does, so i[isn't fmr to say that we p,letely different," Norman said Wednesday. one of his four sheep Thursday after dogs attacked The problem we have here is that Terrace is a destroyed. don't have as good control over our stray dogs. In rural community while Kitimat is an urban them Wednesday evening. He said he entered the "It is the first time I've had an attack," he said, fact, our dog control is better." one." sheep barn at about 11 p.m. and saw at least two dogs which subsequently escaped. He then locked the sheep Memett said he raises the sheep more as a hobby Norman said that the only animals allowed He made the distinction in reference to the up for the night without thoroughly checking them as than a business, estimating his loss in the neigh- within Kitimat's district boundaries are bourhood of $70 to $80. domestic animals, like dogs and cats. RUPERTSTEEL & TER R A( :E-K ITI M AT SALVAGELTD. Seal Cove gd.. Pr.-Rupert 624-56,19 I h WE BUY copper, brass, all metals, ~{ 635-5274 835-7228 " • batteries, etc. Carl us - We are 20¢ "We Satisfy Tummy & Tank - Deeembei' open Nee. through Sat., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. , j J;,dav 7, 197, Volume 73 No 236 365 DAYS A YEAR" Spy trial Gas deal date to mean soon $for B.C. will shortages in . TEHRAN (AP) -- The receive $85 million a year in The board report nearly regime of Ayatollah additional revenue from doubles the export volume it Ruhollah Khomeini an- natural gas exports as part reported surplus to domestic nounced today that within 48 of a $15 billion gas export requirements only nine hours it will make a plan, a spokesman for West- months ago, Domestic statement ona spy trial date coast Transmission Co. Ltd. consumption is about 1.6 for some of the 50 U.S. said Thursday. trillion cubic feet a year and hostages at the U.S. Em- John Anderson, Westcoast current exports are about bassy and that death sen- executive vice-president, one trillion annually. tences are possible. said the revenue will come Hnatyshyn said almost The government also from a contract under which half the total new exports are struggled to put down a Westceast Transmission Co. granted to Pan-Alberta Gas rebellion in the northwest by Ltd. will sell a minimum of Ltd. of Calgary to encourage the country's hrgest ethnic 60 million cubic feet of gas early construction of minority, the Turks. daily to El Paso Natural Gas southern portions of the The announcement on a Co. giant northern pipeline to trial date statement was Federal Energy Minister carry Alaskan gas to the made by Foreign Minister Ray Hnatyshin announced lower 48 states, Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, who Thursday that additional The export price will be also said those hostages not exports of natural gas to the the current rate of $4 suspected of spying will be United States totalling 3.75 Canadian -- about U.S. $3.45 released "as soon as trillion cubic feet w!li be -- a million cubic feet, .possible,'.' and that arrange- allowed between now and compared with the S3.62 meats are being m~db for all 1987. ~.~,~.~'...... , (U,S.) that Mexico is the captives to be visited, The gas wlilbe sold at $3.30 charging for its gas exports However, a spokesman for U.S. a thousand cubic feet to the U.S, effective Jan. I. the student militants holding hut the price is expected to Hnatyshyn told the the hostages contradicted increase with changes in the Commons the government the foreign minister. "We wnat shape the lumber industry here? See page 3 price of crude oil. has "more than sufficient will release nobody, nobody. Photo by Greg Mlddleton Weatcoast's allowable evidence these exports are in daily exports of gas will go to the national interest." The shah 869 million cubic feet from at ali"unlessthedepusedis returned to Iran, and • • ----- energy board had gone to "we have made no decision Grits fight cutbacks Sacked their present level of 809 great lengths to ensure the on the visits," the DID million cubic feet. "massive conversion" to spokesman said in a tale- ' ~r'~lr~ ~r~ ~r.,- Anderson said that under natural gas from oil the San.ta existing revenue.shoring ar- government has planned for phoneAsked interview, whether he believes to Canada Works fund j tJJ/Ltf/k rangements, B.C. natural Eastern Canada will not be the hostages will be sen- gas producers will get about jeopardized, he said, fenced to d.th, Ghotbzadob ~yTj~ ?i,Npe)H-i suing $25 million a year and the The announcement came said: "I hope we don't reach KNOW provincial government's on a day when the govern- that extent. But on the faee L; :-.The ~.~meli~!,levels of unem reGirastSi~r:n:ip]tydet~ B,C, Petroleum Corp. will ment was under renewed ...... v"'u"S ups Tee motion was proposed rates of at least nine per OIL sexzst receive a minimum of $50 attack in the Commons possible."of the earth anything is strong fight to halt the by Francis Fox, MP for cent. Its the season to be jolly, million and perhaps as much because of predicted winter The foreign minister gave government's plan to drop Blainville Deux Montagnes but not for Nancy Fulford of as $58 million. shortages of home heating no specific date for the the Canada Works job- and Liberal employment AtkeyOne isexampte the $600,000 that grantbugs SHORT? Toronto, a Santa Claus who Anderson said additional oil. planned release, or say how creation program this critic. last year for Edmonton, a got the sack because of her pipeline facilities needed to Opposition critics many hostages might be spring, Canada Works grants go to city with an unemployment OTTAWA (CP) -- sex. service the contract will suggested Canada should freed. But he said there are But they face strong community groups using the rate of less than three per Prime Minister Clark reduce revenues by about $10 reduce present oil exports to two typos of hostages -- resistance from Em- unemployed for such cent. said today the Key- The theatre arts student million a year. However, in the United States, which run those who did not "work in ployment Minister Ron projects as building On the other side, ernment was well aware said she was fired after two the early years of the con- currently at a rate of about espionage and those who are Atkey who says the program restoration and parks however, the Liberals say last summer of the days as a Santa in a shopping tract, costs will be almost 100,000 barrels of heavy oil a guilty of espionage." is a waste of money and had cleaning. the cuts affect more than possibility of home mall because merchants did entirely offset by additional day and about 75,000 barrels Of the letter group, he become a source for The government chopped such rich cities. They heating oil shortages this not like the idea of a woman revenues the province will of pctroloum products, such said: "I don't think those members of Parlibment to almost half the program's deprived neighboring poor winter but was reluctant in the role. receive• for transporting as heating oil and gasoline, people are going to benefit "dispense patronage in their funds for this winter, saying native communities and to take steps that might natural gas from the Yukon daily. constituencies." Miss Fuiford, 20, has com- to the U,S. under another from diplomatic immunity." it was putting a last.time rural areas of funds they had have signalled an plained to the Ontario Liberal energy critic Marc Ghothzadeh also an- The Liberal battle reached $100 million in to tide it over grown to expect every emergency to the public, export contract approved Lalonde labelled the export nounced that arrangements a peak Thursday in the until a new job-creation winter, . However, the prime Human Rights Commission. Thursday, he said. decision "one of the biggest are being made for all the Commons during debate on policy is in phce. minister appeared to "I think I made a very But opposition parties are sellouts in Canadian hostuges to be visited in an opposition day motion As a result of the cuts, con- One example is the contradict himself later good Santa but I didn't furious with the decision, an- history." condemning the Progressive Algoma constituency in when he said "there was order to sh~w the world that stituencies, in all but three Northern Ontario, happen to be a man," she nounced Thursday by "This statement will be allegations the captives have Conservative government provinces got less money represented by Liberal no evidence in the said, "If children are fooled Energy Minister Ray one that Canada will live to been mistreated are untrue. for creating no jobs since and in Ontario and the summer" of shortages. by a false beard, red suit, a Hnatyshyn, to allow $15 regret," Lalonde predicted, taking office six months ego. Maurice Foster, who says "You don't declare an Some of the hostages hove Prairie provinces no money Canada Works regularly story about an arrival from billion worth of new exports accusing the new not been seen by neutral The motion singled out was granted, provided between 500 and 600 emergency when one isn't the North Pole via reindeer, as recommended by the Progressive Conservative observers since the day the "the inhumane cutbacks in Under the former Liberal jobs in native communities there," he said. then they'll be fooled by National Energy Board in n government of inaction on • embassy was seized Nov. 4. • the Canada Works program system, some money went to each winter. Clark told his weekly Santa's sex." report delivered to the energy issues since The Moslem militants that have eliminated (from every constituency -- even if news conference that minister late last month. assuming office in June. the program) hundreds of The region used to get appointments to the holding the captives have there was no unemployment about $1 million but this year Hcatyshyn announced the DECISION SHOCKING vowed to keep them until communities across Canada in the region. energy supplies Sit in paid gcvernment's approval for Cyril Symes, NDP energy President Carter allows that have been suffering received nothing, allocation board, which additional exports of 3.75 critic, called the decision Shah Mohammad Reza The New Democratic has broad powers to SURREY, B.C. (CP)- A trillion cubic feet of gas "shocking and irreapon. Pahlavi to be extradited to Party opposes Canada distribute petroleum retired plumber has ended a through 1987 valued at $13.2 sible"in light of Prime Iran to stand trial as a war Works cuts and spokesman product supplies in an sit-in at the Insurance Corp. billion (U.S.). Minister Clark's admission criminal, Cousins is still David Orllkow (Winnipeg emergency, could have of British Columbia claim Liberal and New there may be limited oil Khomeini'a forces ousted North) said temporary job touched off hoarding and centre in this Vancouver. Democratic spokesmen shortages in coming months, the shah's government in creation is "socially neces- panic amongindustry and area municipality after immediately blasted the "We are giving away our February. The toppled Tory voice here sarv." consumers. being promised that his decision as a sellout of trump card," Symea told monarch is convalescing at a claim for a stolen camper strategic resources at s time MPs. "We are selling our Newfoundland NDP will be re-examined. U.S. Air Force base in Texas Rod Cousins, the member Fonze Faour of threatened energy , birthright." following cancer and Progressive Conservative (Humner-Por t-auPort.St. gallbladder surgery in New candidate in the May 22 York, The Carter adminis. election, has been elected a aBarbe) total termedwaste thobecause program it DESPITE RUMOR tration has refused to ex- vice-president of the Skeena provides temporary jobs and tradite him, Federal Progressive Con- starvation wages Khomeini's dispute with servative Association. the United States is not the In a news release iasu~ by only crisis he is embroiled in. the association, it was noted Ethnic Turkish rebels have that Cousins'. election con- Robbery to go ahead claimed control of the firmed his position as party capital of northwestern spokesman for the riding. By ED YUDIN hack on the project, "I intencl to play a very cheaper AzerbaiJan province. Herald Staff Writer Hemingway noted the reports of Alcan scrapping active role in helping to Rod Cousins It's cheaper for banks to be Reports circulating that Alcan is contemplating Supporters of Ayatollah substantially expand and the Kemano completion project are not new, and said t" I Mohammed Kasem Shariat. robbed than to install dropping its Kemano 2 power project have been there was no substantiation to any of them. improve the Conservative (Liberal) in the May elec. security systems, says denied by a company spokesman. Madari, Iran's second most organization in Skeena," tion, said he will work in the Montreal Urban Community When finally constructed, Kemano 2 will supply important religious leader Cousins says. meantime to "maximize" police dir~tor Henri-Paul In a headline story in this week's edition of 'The additional hydro power for Kitimat's aluminum after Khemeini and spiritual Interior News' it is reported that Alcan and B.C. Cousins adds that a our voice," Vtgnola. shelter. At present, about 40 per cent of Kemano's head of the country's 13 Conservative member of The next meeting of the Hydro officials met Thursday with the company million ethnic Turks-- about Vignola told a meeting of power output is sold to B,C. Hydro. The Interior News parliament would have given riding executive takes place the metropolitain govern. planning to make an announcement to "wash its one-third of Iran's in Prince Rupert in hands" of the power project, speculated that should Alcan pull out, B.C. Hydro Skeem a direct voice in meat's council that bankers might take over the project perhaps on an expanded population -- seized the government, Febrnrary, at which time it However, Brian Hemingway, the public relations radio and television station have determined the amount basis. Kemano 2 has drawn the ire of en- Cousins, who finished third is expected a member of the of mdney stolen from their spokesman for Alcan, branded the report as in the Azerbaijan capital of behind Jim Fulton (NDP) federal cabinet will be a vironmentalists concerned that the damming of the Tabrlz on Thursday. branches adds up to less than "misleading and totally wrong." He said there is no and lena Campagnollo guest speaker. the cost of security systems. Nanika River will affect the flow of the Morice River contemplation of the company suddenly turning its' system and result in environmental damage. • • • o

Page 2, The Herald, Friday, December 7, 1979

Pinball still thrives Music loud eno=gh Dancer learns art in India=... ==,. ,' CHICAGO (Renter) -- machine grunts like the Machine Operators By KEVIN McKEAN infra-red dgnai. The signal ' WINNIPEG (CP) -- wasputting together ~ ehQw What do Dolly Patton, fearsomeTVmonstor. Asaociat!on gathered in NEW YORK (AP) -- Now is turned baek into sound for Fifteen years ago &rme- happenedto sae her. ' Her etudlu ~'e "h~, Muhammad All and the Andes for Muhammad All, Chicagorecently to show off the hard.of.hearing can hear tWOltfoam-rubber earplugs. Marie Guton le~t.Canada to "He esked,'Do you want to very hard," Each etud~t Ill Incredible Hulk have In the retired world their latest electronic the sound of music on adds an Intimacy you work as a teacher in India, be in a program?' and I said, directly =modat~l ~ a • Broadway clearly, perhaps don't normally have whe~ Today, under the name of 'sure,'" AnJall recalled, dance meste~, lad I bid common? They're the ht~t heavyweight boxing wizardry, ~erformance "would rdtnct in pinball machines, champi~ has Just sicced a Trade experts estimate for the lira time. you sit in a large theatre, AnJali, she performs and In 1968, she returned to badly on the magi'.", : Anew sound system l~sed especiallyln the back," says teaches classical Indian India to further her studies The voluptuous figure of contract to put himself on a that there are up to three dance in Canada. M~'&'~~~~~ Dolly adorns an electronic machine, but it has yet to be million pinball machines in on invisible infra.red light Richard Fitzgerald, sound The tranaformatlon wes pinball machine Just introduced, the United States. One lets theatre goers at the new designer for Peter Pan. ~7"~ 7~'J~ 7~'-~ marketed. The drop of a coin Pinball machines are big million of these are in the musical Peter Pan hear as Backers say it is the first not what she had in mind 10rings the opening bars of bmine~ at the craze sweeps traditional amusement well in the back row as if time the infra-red system when she first decided to : they were up front, without has been used in an learn the art, ~ herreceathit~o, gHereYou the United States. arcades, while as many wires or plugs. American theatre, although "Iwam't~ttingout to be. Come Again, About 6,000 members of more are in hotels, "We think ultimately It it Is used at scattered come a performer," said The Inc,re dible Hulk the Amusement and restaurant=, bars, bowling willbe used not enl~/by the theatre-, in Europe. An]all during a Winnipeg ~ 4720 LAKELSE AVE. PHONE 638-8|II :~ public places indud/ng train hard-olhearing but by other Ruth Green, aaelstant " i,k' people Just to add to their adminl=rator of the New I started taking it Just to ~ M AHCOUVR, B.C., CANADA ~dThere ~..o.,, are aP=o pinball ma- pleasure," says Horst York League for the Hard of danee. Illked the rhythm-- ' - chines in at least I00,000 Ankermann, president of Hearing, says many people it appeals to the dramatic ~ DEC.24 ~ private homes. Sennhei~.rElectronic Corp., from her group found the sanas," '~ 3 DAYS 2 the llllten~, headsets helpful, although .,~mJall,who now makea her "~ "o|S|II" ' i~"~" ] i NIGHTS Because it is not illegal for system, those with profound hearing home in Ottawa, lived and OEC 9 It private citizens to own loss did not. studied in India from 1964to pinball machines, numerous At Peter Pan, the sound The sound quality is a 10/t 1966, then returned to flipper lovers are buying picked ,up by the stage tinny tar orchestra music. Canadato work towards her ~ Execution Squad& lhe Boll Jar .~, '

~un? for good clean family microphones is translated But it's so good f~' voices bachelor's degree in ~, DEC, 12-15 ' :~ Into infrared light and that a note sung off key physical education, ' broadcast throughout the would be lmhffully apparent

4 A new machine costs 1,482-seat LuntFontanne --eapeciallysincefourofthe ' Whllepraetialngherdance : Th0 WArri0rs & Up Ell S~|kit .~L~. i~ around $2,000, Used Theatre. actors, including strut Study routines In the gym of '~ r machines go for between Playgoers can rent a Dunean, wear portable radlo University of Toronto one ,1¢ Matinee 2 p,m.:. . .:~ 1350 and $I,000. headset that receives the microphones on stage, day, an Indian musician who ..~ .... .:~. :::::~.-~:~ :o ...:~;~:, .: :~:<~.,..!~ , .-~.~. :~ ..+~..::.::~:~..;.;.:~ .;... :>.: ,. : :;.~..:.: : .. ::..:: $ EnglishBay near StanleyPark The Tinder B0x 1755 Davis Street 'l~h0ne: 682-183l ~~ii~!;ii~i~ ~ ~ , ,...

..,::======:::::::::::::::::::::: ::;:: .$.

DOUBLEOCCUPANCY I SINGLE OCCUPANCY .:,.-'~;~;~i!~ii~i~,...... ,~!~?~:' ~;i~ ~ DEC, 6-9 S 362 ', S 56 : More AmericanGraflity ,,., S°o,,x i DEC.9"11 0 :~ (l.lUI ~oorn tax i• (~,]olplus ,oom 5°0 taxt. NiEhtwinE .~ PERPERSON ! PERPERSON DEC. 12-15 ! ~111,1111, I I1,11,~111,11,11i11,1, ,la,l.,I) ,Io!',!' 'la Manhattan

.4/-,'~' /m'h,h'.~ :

"Jr Beautiful Guest Room The Terrace Community Choir will perform their Christmas program } ~.~ "k Breakfast (2) Mornings on Sunday evening Dec. 16. The public is welcome to attend at the i

Christian Reformed Church on Sparks and Straume :-,,:v, ...... : . .~ Steak or Seafood Dinner ~r~.--=,.-,.~.-~--,.~.,,~.,~,.-,,~k,.~o~,.-~-,~.~ ~ ~,.'.~.[! at HY'S at the SANDS ~, ~a~'o/f~o~g ~ VEN"IANDINING LOUIKE ~-~,~,

EXTRA NIGHT """.'.:,'2: .'.: ".'J .'2'~': f" '~ W ;'e.'~ vE~.,AN(~,~,~Q~ou~,~ RESTAUR NT • $13.00 plustax $23.0(] plus tax ...... ~.~.,:,:: .,. x,~,. ,~~' .~...... : • .,.:- ....

' i * ' ...... / I j" : I I " 4 • I fl }~| %1 t'|l );J~ J ) I I ) TOLL FREE IN U.S. M800}.528-1234 1511NGROfJMPJDRiVF|N | " " ~,~,,.t,o%%• ...... 624-2621or 624-3359 - CNFIf [ 8t : & 0 R' VE I~lk,~ ~ ~ ~.~)~l~bh~ (~..,~P~ ' OANADIANFOOD- .... Whu ***************************** -aln 0011Olil0NiO- the Hyott Regency | i ~ THEATRE: Vaecouveir ~ L iii~ Lg~ ~ ~ * -DINING LOUNGE- ...... PASSES ~ -BUSINESS LUNCHES- ."

bU one-third, paper are two I'erraf.e ~UN.-TttURS. ll a.m.'12 p.m. phone numbers, ~ sangman INN ':" '' * ~'T' l ] ''''''" 2I a'"'" ;:

antly mild winter months in Vancouver. won.Pick up your tickets" at the Herald ~ ,m,*~.l~W. ter,.c, ,,.,u~ 4643 PARK AVENUE PHONE636-0111 ' They are also our "slow" months. So. to ~ office~ 3212 Kalum St. .1~, encourage your visit, we're offering a splen- "" ~ " did inducement: one-third off our usual ItT~T-~~" ,~"' ~'" ,; ~~ - room rates. With all due respect to the Bayshore, we believe the Hyatt Regency offers even more of an inducement than our friends up announ g the road. ~ (~ .~--.,--_~ Because their special winter rate gets .. you a luxurious room with a beautiful view ~ at a fine hotel out near tranquil Stanley THE TERRACE HOTEL'S ANNUAL ...... I I I I Park. But our special winter rate gets you I ii:":i! a luxurious room with a beautiful view at Manager That's the sound most often heard at Slumber Lodgo a fine hotel right in the heart of exciting Motels. Because at Slumber Lodge we're not in the Cabaret downtoumVancou~er.$oyou'resteps--not & ~ business. We offer clean, comfortable, and quiet surroun, taxi ddes-- from the city's best shopping, Secretary dings in fifteen locations throughout British Columbia. And nightlife, restaurants, galleries, theatres and at budget rates. Before your next trip out of town. call ahead '~ sinessbe-caUSepricedOUra addresses.littler°°mlowerrateSthanare And, Ch,stmas Party ~~i!~ .tOcabaret.Slumber Lodge. We'll, even tell you where to find'a:; .

the Bayshore's year-round, . • one-third off ours is less expensive than one- Wednesday, Dec. 1 2th third off theirs. Come dis- L. cover Vancouver In winter. he onJything"of|-season" 1 2 noon - 4 p.m. ~oo,o.,.,.~ o.,~, III in the ll Skeena River Room

. Entertamm ant ~t f~ I= n Buffet Dinner all Smithers, Terrace, Kamloops, Cache Creek, Prince George, • Our famous "Giuhwein" for ~U U~r~ern Hope, Williams Lake, Victoria, Vernon, Prince Rupert, Coquiflarn, Penflcton, Revelstoke, Kelowna, Courtenay. i 0rTiCketsavailablef0rreservationsat Terracecallthe ~R T~]~~ B3B ~RIH°tel °' . .

~4111~~I~.i~~~_~t~~.~ ~ ~.;~" a good night's sleep. The Herald, Friday December 7, 1979 Page 3 DESPITE L UMBER SLUMP

• ~q¢ ~ ," :~ -.-~,. .,~,l~;'h. ~ %,',)* : : :;,Local operations see no extra layoffs ,!: i"-~F"tl: ;" .,,. ~ .. " ,." I .... .,By,ED ,YUDIN Cellulose's 'northern said his company's mid-August. The layoff of fallers, might improve in the with government officials price drop is in the neigh- •~HeraldStaff Writer operatious, said there has forecast did take into Some crews at loggers, and some in- spring when companies this week to discuss the bourhood of 20 per cent. The lumber market not been any layoffs at account the current lower Skoglund, Eurocan, and dependent contractors in build up their inventories recent layoffs in the in- Logging companies are slt~n.p.!;:th6t.,. ha s hit the Pohle Lumber's sawmill market prices, which he Crown ZellerbaCh have the Terrace area usually again and interest rates terior, generally unaffected by ~t'6fioi~"6fthe province in nor does the company says is a direct result of been laid off according to comes during the may drop. Dave McCreight, a such slumps asit takes a rocent ~w~eks has had anticipate any. the high interest and Bill Hutchison, the Christmas season. Hutchison said it was salesman for Canadian long while for the impact littl~:effeet on local "Our plans and budgets mortgage rates both here Terrace business agent "Every year you have the plywood market Cellulose did say certain of an industry price :b'perations. for 1980 did not incluae and south of the border. for local 1-71 of the In- a falloff because which has been hit hard wood products have had .slump to hit them. Bob Davis, the any Curtailment or Davis said the market ternational Wocdworkers wholesalers and lumber by the hike in mortgage their prices cut up to 40 Companies such as D~n~ger of Canadian shutdown," he said. He has been dropping since of America. He told the yards are using up their rates, and the pulp mills per cent in the last 60 Crown Zellerbach can Herald Thursday, inventbries for tax have actually been doing days, with construction stockpile timber and in however, the layoff was purposes," Hutchison increasing business items the chief victim of thewordsofonecompany Highway project underway of the usual seasonal explained, lately. the reduced demand, official, "just keep on variety. He thought t/he market IWA heads are meeting He said the overall logging." , A $1 131,952 paving project workers at peak periods, one complete. Paving in- According to Hut- ~ong the Yellowhead High- begins with gravel crushing stailatlon will finish the job. chison, the coastal areas ~way l0 between the Khynex until winter weather con- Along the same stretch, have been spared the full River and Backwater Creek, ditio~s become too severe. nine bridges are either under brunt of the market No subs for the captain On ~t~" >:Terrace-Prince More gravel crushing will construction or complete. slump because contract Ruportr:.~on; will begin take place in April, 1980, Cosl of this phase alone was VANCOUVER (CP) -- "Results of a ballot con- masters that is supposed to depending on their per- immediately. followed by installation of $1,461,946. commitments are dif- British Columbia Ferry ducted by deck officers bring their salary up to the formance. ~The cuniract has been paving in May. Completionis Over 250 workers have ferent here. Corp. 'chief officers have shows a substantial majority $28,000 a year earned by Mathieson's memo said awarde~,jto.:Dawsun Con- slated for the end of June. been employed, not in- "Our mills have relied b~en ordered by their union in favor of refusing sub- chief engineers, Bouchard violators of the new union ~truetio'fiLld:; 0f Vancouver, The section to be paved is a eluding those who will be on relatively long term to refuse to substitute for stitution to master of major said. policy can be disciplined by ~l~U'8'tllZtlittedthe lowest of stretch of Highway 16 along working on the paving contracts, whereas the captains or face disciplinary vessels for chief officer- A ferry captain, who the union. ~ve tenders for the job. which; over the past three program. ones in the interior tend action, union officials said master salary," her memo wished to be anonymous, "Should the company ask :,: Work on the 26.4 Kllomelre years, $16 million in con- • Total cost of the paving, to play the short term Thursday. said. said most chief officers you to substitute, inform ~oJect, which will provide struction contracts have including engineering and market," he said. Corporation spokesman "Accordingly, you are refuse to substitute as them you can not contravene ,~mployment for up to 50 been awarded, with all but materials, will be $1,990,000. Bill Bouchard said the new hereby informed that it is masters because they ~mly union policy," she said in a policy could cause disrup- now union policy to refuse get eight per cent above their memo to chief officers. tions in ferry sail'ing substitution to master major own wage. The union is dissatisfied schedules. vessels." Bouehard said a recent with pay scales for relief "If the case was that we change in company policy masters who they say cam Skeena is an active place could not find a relief Chief officers are often increases that bonus to about less than chief engineers. master, then we could not used as relief masters on 14 per cent, but union "It's the principal of the ~: Murals, bln~9 and lines of he used to improve and Between200 and 300 parents lineups that were in- sail. It is possible it could major vessels. members said it is still not thing as well as the money," ~rents highiigllted the last furnish the school's new attended the open house. convenient to the parents. result in canceled sailings." "What we are talking enough. one union officialsaid. month's activities at Skeena cafeteria. The bingo was the Unfortunately, these, large With the increasing tur- The new union policy, about is employees with Masters of major vessels, "When a man has com- Junior Secondary School in first held by the student's numbers resulted in long nouts in recent months, the which prohibits what has holid ys, days off coming to now excluded from the union plete responsibility for the ~errace. council and was very suc- staff has decided to been a longstanding cor- them or sick days," contract, are paid on a per- vessel, he should receive The most visible of the cessful. reorganize the informal poration policy, was taken Boucbard said. "It (sub- formance-rated basis. With a adequate compensation. :W:heors activities is the new The student's council structure of parent's night followinga union poll of deck stitution) is frequent." - base salary of $22,000 a year, Now the relief master gets mural put up on the east L- would like to thank all those Legion's and to give it e bit more officers, Shirley Mathieson, Substituting chief officers, the company can pay them less than the chief engi- shaped wall at the Terrace who participated in the structure. president of the B.C. Ferry who now earn approximately up to 35 per cent more, neer." !!. The Skecna Art Club's bingo. The council is plan- The tentative organization and Marine'Workers Union, $24,000 a year, receive a easa Kenney designed the ning another bingo for ladies of the next parent's night will said in a memo.. ' bonus when substituting for I~tingt which was realized February, 1980. be that it will be split into two by"me'mbers of"the club. It The school has just elect separate evenings, the first Wash..]put,, in:: pl~c¢' ,Monday, completed its first reporting with parents with surnames Dec. 3 and provides a period of the year. Students beginning with the letters A Ambulance went s~iking addition to the pool's should have taken their officers to M, and the second for d~cor, report cards home, had them The Legion Ladies parents with surnames to pick up a 'stiff' ~he bingo held by the '. signed and returned them to beginning with the letters N Auxiliary to Branch 13 in VANCOUVER (CP) -- An An ambulance that was on Skeena stud~m~s council on ..',Jheschool Terrace has elected a new `OZ. tickets good for Teachers will have ambulance was diverted its way to pick up Hewitt was NOv. 20 ~ii~-~tt~ "' ap~ ~:. The staff at Skeena wishes slate of officers for 1980. from picking up a man dying will "!thlit any parents interested schedule sheets posted diverted to the apai'tment. l~oximately,$..7.~}.,:W~}~h At the last general meeting of a nosebleed to pick up When ano~er ambulance ;~ ." :~/,~'~.~":. '...',~ ,,~, contacting one or more of on Tuesday, Marj Fosbcry outside their doors. Times /'/. ~" ';;~ :;r..:.' • , • ' from 7 p.m.'to 0:30 p.m. will another man already dead, a arrived at Hewitt's motel jr~r~.,~,l..7...~A... • their child s teachers but was elected as the new coroner's jury was told room he had drowned in his %~III:II~I, III~LI~ were unable to on the auxiliary president, be posted and parents will have the option of signing for Thursday. own blood. parent's night would call the replacing Bey Dickie. The jury heard a tape school and make Judy Higgins is the new a maximum of two con- secutive blocks. A quiet tone recording of a telephone call Ambulance personnel party for arrangements to discuss first vice.president, and that was given priority over testified they did not know their concerns. Please Gloria Campbell was in- on the public address system will signal the end of the five a call from David Hewitt, Hewitt was dying or was in contact the counsellors, stalled as second vice- who complained of a severe any trouble and judged that Mary Wintemute or Helmut president. Other member of minute intervals. 6hildren Counsellors will arrange nosebleed last Oct. 29, and the other call should take Sunday, Dec, 16,is the date Giesbrecht, or leave a the new executive include died less than an hour later. precedence.Radio dispat- for~ the Children's Christmas message with the secretaries Secretary Emily Karpyshyn, an appointment for any The caller said a man in cher Andrea Cohen said she Pai'ty in tlie arena banquet to have the teacher phone. Treasurer Anna Levesque, parents who wish a longer his apartment building did not take the apartment yro~m from 2 to 4 p.m. The school's number is 635- and Neta Arnold as. the meeting than is possiblelookeddeadandwas"stiffas call but was told i~ p.hould be o~ngsters are invited to 9136. sergeant at arms. ' during a parent's night, o h,,,~,,,,~ ,, . given priority. co~e out to sing Christmas The school's staff was The three directors d the,; .. The,staffapologlses for the-" ..... , Ca~ols, make decorations pleased to see the large. aUxilim,y~are ~Judy.,Austinr,.,.r~ustr~tion. ,. that.-, many an~ sit on Santa's knee. He'll number of parents at its first Joyee Kennedy, and Marie parents.felt during the last ha~'e little treats for parent's night of the season. Clifford. parent's night. everyone. Children under six m must bring an olde~r family member. Keeping in the Christmas spirit, the Caledonia Com- ~., mk~ity Recreation 12 Class is working with us to put on a Teen Christmas Disco on Dec, 21 in the arena banquet Thetaste ron~ from 8:30 ~49,.. :12~30 , a,m, Music isi~i~Ri'b~ E ' ' :" & W Enterprises. The ccsl, $3.50 per person, includes a mini-buffet later in the evening:...... says it all. !i

:~ ~~'i° • :".~ C',I.Kx~~


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P&ge 4, The Herald, Friday, December 7, 1979

i CONNECTIONS " PART_X! "I'Ell II .x¢'E/K IT! ~1 x'I' EDITOR'S daily herald

i Technology and change JOURNAL

General Office • 6354357 Publlsl~d by Circulation • 4354357 Sterling Publishers GREG GEN. MANAGER. Knox Coupland EDITOR- Grog Mlddleton MIDDLETOP CIRCULATION. TERRACE - A.15.6357 K ITIMAT UF F ICE • 632-2747 -With the Iranian crisis in the news and on Published every weekday at 3212 K,qum Street, everyone's mind, I would like to take you back to Terrace, B.C. A member of Verified Circulation. another age and another ruler who refused to accept Authorized es second cless moll. Registration number diplomatic immunity. 1201. Postagepold In cash, return postege gueranteecl. In the Dark Ages in Eastern Europe a delightful fellow called Vlad The Impaler held court in what. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT we now know as Transylvania. He was called The The Herald retainsfull, complete end sole copyright In impaler, although not to his face, because he left his~ 8ny advertisement produced and-or any editorial or enemies hanging around on oversized meat hooks. It is photographic content published In the Herald. remarkable that he had any enemies after word got out about this peculiarity of his but he is said to have Reproduction I$ not permitted without the written +i permission of the Publisher. done in hundreds of people this way. A group of emmissaries from another leader of the day apparently approached Vlad with some com- munication from their boss. They did not remove their. hats as it was not their custom to take off their head EDITORIAL gear, much as it is against the custom of Sheiks te~ appear in public without a turbin. ': Vlad was offended. Of course you're a good driver. Twenty yeai's beldn While Vlad, who is considered by some to be thei:. the wheel and not an accident, except a little fender model Mary Shelly used for Dracula, did not hold the~ bender and that was the other guy's fault. envoys hostage, he sent them home a little the worse~ Ask those you live and work with if they are good for wear. " drivers -- the answers will probably be a resounding Vlad had their hats nailed to their heads .... yes. But that was a long time ago. The British Columbia Automobile Association has Today we are a little more liberated than we were prepared a little quiz on driving and vehicle War: Hot and Cold even a generation ago and there are people working regulations so you can test your driving knowledge. This is the eleventh of a weekly, fifteen-part general weapons to within a few hundred feet of any specified hard to see that we are freed from even sexual Alertness, attitude and ability? That's between you interest, non credit, educational series on technology point on the globe in a half hour. stereotyping. and your driving record. and change, called Connections, offered by the Open The possession of some thousands of such weapons, The Canadian Radio and Telecommunication See how well you do: Learning Institute. in several different forms, by both the U.S.A. and the Commission, the one everyone refers to as the Canadian Radio and Television Commission or CRTC, Each week, an article will appear in this paper. On U.S.S.R. had defined the relationship of the two 1) A flashing red light at an intersection means: superpowers for the last two decades. It largely ex- is asking for submissions on the question of Sunday, at 8:00 p.m. on Channel 9 (Cable TV), you can eliminating sex role stereotyping from the broadcast a) come to a complete stop and proceed when safe watch the weekly PHS television series, Connections, plains, moreover, why these nations occupy the b) slow down approaching the intersection and stop positions of world power and influence that they do. media. The group would like to focus on specific part of this multi-media continuing 'education recommendations for guidelines. if necessary program. As well, you can purchase d ,Viewer's Guide c) continue through the intersection but be prepared POLICY OPTIONS I think probably the worst offenders are the car- from the Open Learning Institute (see coupon at the teens. Possibly the worst of these are the old Popeye++ to stop end of this article). 2) If you accidently hit a parked car you should write Throughout the pest-World War II period, scientists cartoons. While it is always difficult to argue whether down the lieence number of the car you hit andreport and engineers have continued to be full partners with something is a stereotype or a real reflection of our In this article, physicist Herbert F. York and historian society, the role models portrayed in the Flin~nes it to the police or RCMP. G. Allen Greb, both of the university of California, San authorities, participating at all levels of government True or False? in determining what should be done as well as how to are also too cliche for words. The men spena meir Diego, examine the relationship among war, lives trying to get out bowling and getting into trouble 3) The stopping distance of a normal car driven at 80 technology and public policy. do it. kmp is: Some of these participants have placed special for it while their wives stay home and stitch and bitch. : a) 9½ meters• (32 feet) By HERBERT F. YORK and G. ALLEN GREB emphsis on our exploiting the possibilities inherent in That doesn't really still exist, does it? b) 21 meters (70 feet) the latest scientific discoveries before some potential 'Anbther group working toward increasing human, c) 61 meters (201 feet) For more than three decades now, we have lived enemy does. Edward Teller, commonly known as the rights in Canada is, of course, the Canadian Human~. 4) It is illegal to drive with working spotlamps on the under the threat of a nuclear holocaust. But the "father of the H-bomb," and the late Wernher yon Rights Commission. car. relationship between national security and technology Braun, a leading developer.of large rockets .both in One of their latest wins is a clarification of a case in True or False? did not emerge with the nuclear age. Germany before World War II and in America af- which a hank employee had difficulty getting time off 5) You may remove pollution, equipment from a car From the time that one group of prehistoric men terwards, are two well known examples from a large to observe religious holidays. Like many of the cases engine to improve performance and gas mileage even .first used clubs and spears to force their will on group of such people. that come before such commissions, a settlement was if such equipment is integral. another group, war and technology have been closely Each of these scientists testified many times before reached rather than blame laid. That is a good part of + True or False? interrelated. congressional committees; each'served as advisers to the good work that such government groups do. Both, 6) Rush hour left hand turn restrictions are in effect And throughout history, political and military other leaders; each served on many special com- parties come out with a little more understanding. seven days a week unless otherwise noted in most leaders on the one hand have used science and mittees; and each made countless public appearances One of the groups workh~g hard to give people a little ~ municipalities. technology to farther their ends, and scientists and in support of his views. understanding is the provincial motor vehicle branch.:.i True or False? ..... : engineers on the other have exploited the special in- Workingin a similar fashion, others have promoted They want you to understand that drinking~ an~.~ 7) If you are.involv..~,an auto accident with terests of the state to advance their owngqals. ' the use of ii~miern scienCe~for •some militaryl ap- c~iving does a lot of social as well as eccnomi~ plications but~ ha~d ~plms~i"0the/."~pplicafi0ns +that resulting vehicle damage over $200 or where someone In recent years, and throughout the world, such damage. is injured, how long do you have to report the accident interaction between scientists and pelicymakers has they considered to be especially dangerous. In short, to the police or RCMP greatly increased.Traditionally, this partnership has they became not only developers of arms, but ad- Figure out how many taxicabs you will have to take 8) It is legal to carry passengers: employed technology to produce ever deadlier vocates of arms control. One prominent example is if you are convicted of a drunk driving offence and are • a) In a camper securely attached to a pick-up truck' weapons. ButtKlay, advanced technology can also Robert Oppenheimer, who led in the development of suspended for the now mandatory three months. Add b) in a trailer being towed provide the means for arms control. the A-bomb but who opposed the development of the H- to that figure the amount of a fine, and Judge Darrali c) both The continuing partnership between government bomb. Collins here has vowed stiff fines for drinking drivers. d) neither and science seems assured; how that partnership will You can take taxis throughout the holiday season ~ 9) It is OK to tow children on sleds or rollerskates be used is less certain. ARMS DEVELOPMENT AND ARMS CONTROL without even touching the figure you come up with. behind a vehicle provided you tow at a speed less than Today, the interactions between scientists and Someone else who is concerned about social justice' 20 kph on a deserted street. ESCALATION government are continuing along two main lines: is NDP MP Jim Fulton. He is also concerned about the,+ True or False? From earliest times until the present, new offensive first, the development of more sophisticated impact of a large passenger ferry on the Queen 10) At what times must you drive with headlights on? technologies have always been countered by defensive weaponry and, second, the pursuit of political agreements to stop or at least moderate such Charlotte Islands. He points out that there is still not, a) one hour before sunset to one hour before sunrise developments or more powerful offensive system.".. adequate freight service to the islands, yet the b) one half hour before sunset to one half hour before Thus, technology has produced a steady progression developments. Vietnam, the first war in which technological province is diverting money intended for northern' sunrise of more efficient instruments of death and destruc- ferry and freight subsidies to southern routes. c) from sunset to sunrise tion: swords, longbows, firearms, aircraft, atomic superiority did not work to the advantage of a state, 11) Safety triangles must be carried in vans converted bombs, missileS. demonstrated the need to control weapons so deadly Fulton says he has assurances from the Tories that for sleeping. During World War II, for example, the Germans that nations are literally afraid to use them. they will be assessing the situation. Fulton is, True or False? launched a successful blitzkrieg against most of the The development of nuclear weapons and long range however, skeptical of the PC's tax credit for mortgage +.+ 12) It is legal to mount a working television on the nations of central and western Europe. They came delivery systems continues: the recent advances in payments. He notes that renters don't benefit, nor do dashboard of a car provided the driver doesn't watch close to overrunning Britain and Russia as well by microprocessors and other computers are making those who have already paid for their home. He also it while driving. exploiting the latest technological developments in these and other weapons much "smarter" (and more offers the observation that the current high interest True or False? aircraft, tanks, and related equipment. devilish); and we are hearing talk that laser beams rates will eat up more money than the mortgage 13) It is "acceptable to use fog lamps instead of In the West, the British stopped the Nazi advance by and other so-called death rays are somewhere around rebate scheme would give back. SO those who might headlights during foggy weather. making full use of another new technology, radar. the corner. have been induced to buy through the saving still• True or False? German technology, in the form of modern sub- In the case of arms control and disarmament, some won't be able to. Only those who can already afford to 14) If the driver of the car behind you signals the'in- marines and torpedoes, almost cut off American treaties have been worked out placing modest limits will buy and thus the building industry won't benefit. tention to pass is it illegal to increase your speed? supplies from Europe. American technology, in the on the development of some weapons and limiting the The government money (read your tax dollars) will go + True or False? form of antisubmarine warfare and intelligence deployment and use of certain others. The Strategic to the banks as that increased interest. , 15) What must you do if you hear a siren from an techniques, reversed that process. Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) are now attempting to emergency vehicle -- fire engine, police car, am- And, perhaps most dramatic and politically par- extend these treaties, but the outlook for significant I wonder if the government shouldn't he a little more bulance? tentous of all, World War II ended with the nuclear new agreements is mixed. honest and call the scheme a way of subsidizing the . 16) When a police officer or constable declares a car attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Advanced technology plays a key role in arms banks for the business they are losing through higher unsafe for highway operation you have ten days grace control as well as in arms development. The principal interest rates. means for determining whether the various parties to have it repaired. NEW ROLE FOR SCIENTISTS One government program that has also been True or False? During that conflagration, moreover, scientists and are complying with existing arms control treaties involves the use of very sophisticated devices. recently slammed by local labor is the move by the ANSWERS: engineers did not simply respond to requests from Unemployment Insurance people to get back over- 1) a military authorities. Rather, they became full par- Satellites, for example, monitor both missile deployment and missile development, and very payments and catch cheaters. The analysis by local 2) False. You must try to locate the driver or owner of ticipants in the planning process. They not only in- labor hnncbo Paul Johnson is that the whole thing is ' the other car and leave your name, address, telephone vented and built weapons, but they shared in making modern seismic detectors coupled with the latest data processing techniques make it possible to observe the fault of the Clark Government. He feels that the •i number and licence number in a conspicuous place on the decisions about which ones were needed, and even government is wrong for cutting back on pegey. •, the damaged vehicle. how they should be used. nuclear explosions from great distances. The ever increasing complexity of both weapons While you might agree with Johnson that the cut- 3) c Special new institutions, both inside and outside the backs are going to hurt these who honestly can't find J 4) Two spot lamps and two fog lamps are permitted, government, had to be created to make this in- development and efforts to control these devices thus guarantees the continued partnership of government work and therefore need the assistance from the plan but the vehicle must also be equipped with working teraction work effectively. Such institutions have they have paid in to, you can't defend the abusers. The headlights. continued to evolve and proliferate since then. and science in the technological process. How this partnership will ultimately influence society as a rules of the game are that you can get a certain 5) False. It is illegal to alter a vehicle in any way so it Current versions include +so-called "think tanks," amount of assistance. If you work some days you get ' no longer conforms with Motor Vehicle regulations. such as RAND and other private research institutes; whole remains perhaps the most perplexing problem facing mankind. less money out of the fund, you don't pocket that ' That includes removal of pollution control devices. university operated institutions and permanent money and the money you made on the side. If you do, , 6) False. Rush hour turn restrictions are in effect only government committees composed of both academic you are not a beleagured working man beset upon by a from Monday to Friday unless otherwise noted. This and industrial scientists and engineers, which provide NEXT WEEK: Historian A. Hunter Dupree of input on all matters from weapons development and Brown University examines the increasing role of the cruel capitalistic society, you are a crook, just like the i~ regulation may vary in different communities. white collar worker who cheats on his or her expense 7) You must report injury or damage in excess of $200 deployment to arms control and disarmament, government in technological development. account. to city police within 24 hours. Injuries must be ABOUT THE AUTHORS reported to the RCMP in rural areas within 24 hours, WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT Speaking of expenses, one of the consistent expenses " damage over $2® within 48 hours. The Cold War and the wars in Korea and Vietnam HERBERT F. YORK is professor of physics and most of us face is the electricity bill..Those who oppose -~ 8) a caused these new relationships to continue long after director of the Program in Science, Technology, and damming for electrical power probably also are '+ 9) False. It is illegal to tow anybody on anything World War II. Whenever there seemed to be a lull in Public Affairs at the University of California, San against nuclear generation of electricity and wouldn't. (skates, skateboards, sleds, etc.) with your car. the process, an event like the Russian launching of Diego, where he also served as chancellor. In 1978 he want to see a coal burning plant next door either. For '~ 10) b Sputnik came along to reinforce this political and became'chief of the U.S. delegation to the Com- those who feel this way, take heart. B.C. Hydro is 11) True scientific collaboration. prehensive Test Ban Negotiations in Geneva. He is spending $200,000 on a wind energy project on Van- 12) False. Televisions may only be installed behind the One major result of this further interaction of author of "Race to Oblivion" and "The Advisors: couver Island. The joint federal, provincial and in- +~ front seats and must not be visible from the driver's science and technology with national security needs Oppenheimer, Teller and the Superbomb." dustry-funded project will generate power to be fed seat. was the invention of the hydrogen bomb--in its first into the general power grid. The eventual use will be to. ;~ 13) True version, 1,000 times as powerful as its predecessor, the G. Allen Greb'is research historian in the Program supplant diesel generating stations in remote areas 14) True A-bomb--and the spread of both types of nuclear in Science, Technology and Public Affairs at the where other electricity isn't available as oil becomes : 15) You must pull close to the right hand curb clear ol weapons to Russia, Britain, France, and China. 'University of California, San Diego, where he earned too expensive to use for that purpose. ' any intersection and remain stopped until the Another very significant result was,the further his Ph.D. He is the author of an article on the Panama emergency vehicle has passed. development of rockets, which had been invented a Canal and co-author, with Herbert F. York, of articles And speaking of expenses, the Republic of Andorra 16) False. It is an offense to operate the vehicle on a thousand years earlier in a simple form, into huge and on strategic reconnaissance and on postwar military spent $4.50 last year on the military. They money was roadway until the defect has been repaired. powerful devices capable of delivering nuclear research and development. used to buy blanks to fire on special occasions. m m m 8' mlm'm : : : M m • : , .

The Herald, Friday December 7, 1979 Page 5 Former Socred staffers BOUEY Pipeline rep quits concec L FORT NELSON, B.C. Ms. Kerwin, who had presentation next week when OKAYED (CP)- The n0rtbeastem worked a year for the the agency holds hearings in OTTAWA (CP)" -- B.C. field representative of agency, said she will make a Fort Nelson. Gerald Bouey, governor the federal Northern turning over documents of the Bank of Canada, Pipeline Agency has re- VANCOUVER (CP) -- provincial election and is The RCMP investigation, February suggesting that has been reappointed for signed saying she fears her Two former Social Credit slated to be B.C.'s which began shortly after use of the dirty tricks tapes another seven-year term, part of the province will not party researchers im. representative in Ottawa lu the letter-writing scandal be promoted. Prime Minister Joe Clark reap benefits from con- l~lcated In the socalieddirty 1980, told reporters he would surfaced in September, has Campbell's memo was announced today. otrsction of the proposed THE WINNER tricks affair turned over 40 to see them in court if "political been extended to Dec. 15. withdrawn and destroyed Senior deputy governor Alaska Highway natural gas ~0 documents to RCMP in- harassment" of him con- Gal'dner has said his three hours later. R.W. Lawson has also pipeline. vestigators Thursday as tinued. clients will decide whether to Campbell told reporters been reappointed to Gloria Kerwin of Fort IN HONDA'S NEW VEHICLE party chiefs turned on the Miss Mackay, .fired sue the party for wrongful that he did not deny writing another sevon-year term. Nelson said there are few n~edia. Tuesday by the Social Credit dismissal after the RCMP the memo but he had not Bouey has been a target guarantees for local workers SHOWING DRAW Ellen MaCkay and Jack legislative caucus along with investigation • is complete. heard the tapes and ff he had of criticism for the last and baslnesse~ laid down in Kelly, who advocated een- • three other caucus workers, they would not have been year as interest rates the latest draft of terms and ding to newspaper editors ..also told a television in- Bennett refused eomment sent out. continued to climb to conditions for the B.C. letters supporting Social terviewer that Campbell Thursday on Tuesday's "If I get harassed any record levels. section of the line. Credit and signed with gave her a $1,000 bill to pay firing of the entire caucus more by the press," he said, The bank rate has been Ms. Kerwln said no agree- phoney names, met with hotel expenses during last research office and told "you may meet me in raised ll times since ment has been reached with police in the office of their spring's campaign and 'did reporters he saw nothing court." March, 1978. It now pipeline and trucking unions lawyer Robert Gardner. not ask for receipts. wrong with bank accounts The source of campaign stands at a record 14 per to allow local non-union :They would not say what Kelly, who quit his being set up for party pur- funds and where they were cent. companies to participate. was in the documents until research job under pressure poses which were not under spent was "none of your the RCMP Investigators had in October, said in the party control. business," he added. ' finished with them, television interview he was "Someone should be In the television interview, The former party workers told by Campbell receipts for taking a close look at the way Miss Mackay said her ex- told party workers how to a truck he had rented were in which some Of these penses on the campaign dupe editors with the phoney not necessary. charges or allegations are were paid in cash by the s~geatures tn a tape that was Under provincial election heing handled," the premier party's .central Campaign distributed to eonstituency laws, political campaign ex- said. committee and the money presidehts during last penses must be reported Bennett said campaign was given to her by Camp- tickets good for spring's election campaign. within 60 days after polling literature he authorized was bell. The party hierarchy, In- day. paid for through one of the "I remember paying the • ~- cludlng Premier Bill Ben. It was not immediately funds not controlled by the first instalment of the hotel nett, has said it did not know known whether the party party executive. bill (at the Richmond Inn)," what was said on the tapes reported the hotel and t:uck Accountant fan Adam, a she. said. "He gave me a when they were distributed. bills through receipts issued party fund.raieer, said $I,000 bill." to other Social Credit Wednesday there are two Campbell did not ask her Meanwhile, in Vieteria the members. funds -- one used as a trust for receipts, she said. premier downplayed the After meeting with puliee, fund for deposits and the Kelly' said he had been dirty triCks allegations and Miss Mackay and Kelly said other for payingexpenses at given ~ by Campbell to from Prince Rupert shown receiving her suggested the media was more meetings with the election time. rent a truCk. new Z50R HONDA MINI-BIKE from Joe attacking his party through RCMP are planned but there Later, Campbell "The first time I went I Whitney, President Terrace Honda Sales innuendo. has been no indication threatened reporters with had receipts, I took them up and Bruce Carruthers, President North And Dan Campbell, who whether charges will be legal action. On Wednesday, to his office. He said they L Line Sales Ltd. was Social Credit campaign placed against them or Miss Mackay said Campbell weren't necessary," Kelly TOTAL OF 500 OI manager in last May's anyone else. hod circulated a memo to told the television in- ministerial aides last terviewer.

Advertising won't :::: :,::::::~::.:~.; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :':,:+'+::' mean any ar ns ++i+++++++:+.++:+:++:++++:+.:+++:.++++:+++++++++++? :+::.+:+:+++.+ ;i++++i+i:++++% :++++':+:++'++++++ .+ ' By CLIVE MOSTYN provincially-chortered B.C. .:++::.:...... +::=:++++)..~ VANCOUVER (CP) -- A law society could not ban i:iii!iii ;i:i~i:ilil decision by the Law Society legal advertising, Just of British Columbia to drop regulate it. That in- ~i~;i~ii~:~i:~::i:!':': " ...... its historic ban on ad- terpretation brought a pre- ':. i:Y : vertising legal fees .is not dictable response by the law likely to lead to a fire-sale society -- a March 3 date in stampede for the services of B.C. CoUrt of Appeal. bargain-basement am- Williams, whose client was Imlance chasers. unavailable for comment, If anything, says one said he hopes the hencber's lawyer, it will simply enable will abandon their appeal in a betterinformed public to view of the decision to drop decide which kind of legal the advertising ban. advice is needed for specific a'mall, clinic-styt~ leg+,, problems. it?ms will welcome the Wrapped in a complicated benchers' decision because web of suit and comtter-suit, fees for matters such as the executive of. the society, uncontested divorces, wills, regulatory body for B.C.'s eonveyaneing, deeds and legal beagles,, a.dgpted, a Immigration applications r~s01utlon Dee..ir '~vh!ch tisUally.are based on start: a~'r0~;~d' In +~prin'c~plC ~" :"~:dard"procedhres had p~iee§ policy amendment to allow can be fixed in advance. legal fees to be advertised -- Williams said the ruling in print only. will not have a great impact .+++C ++++ In March the society had on larger firms handling • .... ++: ...... : ::+: .: .,::/:..:+.+.:..:.+.+: +: /+:++++++++++ ~+!++++++ +++++++++~ + relaxed its ~8-year ban on complicated cases which : . .+: . . ~+++:.++.Je..,.++++++++.. ++~;++c legal ads, but for "in- often require exhaustive • ...... :+:++++++++it~++++++++++++++++~++++ ..... formatlonal" purposes only, research and extra staff. not to include fees. "I think the decision is +++i++ ; ...... + +...... +++°+? + .... +++++++++++ Alberta, Manitoba and On- clearly a recognition that the : :, + ; ":' '+N+i+i..1 :::::i: ::.ii.i ; tsrio also allow legal ad- public interest must come , ii:./! / vertising, but with varying first," he said. restdell0fls~ ~:' • That view is ~hared by There are restrictions in Gins Hartley, president of the B.C. proposal, too, in- the B.C. branch of the cluding an unspecified Consumer's Association of conditiun that the ads be Canada, which has lobbied dignified, accurate, net for legal advertising. claim superiority over other members of the profession and that a yet.to-he-formed committee approve any % advertising before it hits the newsstands. That condition galls Jack C ER*'/ James, a Vancouver lawyer whose storefront operation, The Law Shoppe, has run afoul of benchers. "I don't like the committee approval restriction and I IT don t know if it s legal, said z-.:: .. $::.:~::: @+.~ ~ • .." .." :" ..~ .::+ :::: ".~:: ::..': ~, ~: : James, who is still awaiting a bencher citation because he advertised his three. month-old business. ":i::~+::. :::::' :; ~k::.+i. "!:i. ~i.::..'~:::':.!::.." . "I like Manitoba's ap- proach where there are just guidelines, not mandatory approval of ads." James, who limits his practice to civil matters such as divorces, wills and conveyancing, also had been planning to advertise on radio and television and thinks the restriction to print When you call your government, advertising may be illegal, too. He said there are several acts and regulations dealing with advertising and that he June Bates answers. wonders why further guidelines are needed. It is James and other lawyers who operate June Bates is one of the Government switch- than 43,000 members of the B.C. Government storefront law offices who _m L board operators. She's been an operator for the will benefit most from the Employees' Union worEog for you all over law society's decision, said Government for over 14 years. the Province. Bryan Williams, counsel for That's a lot of phone calls. Don Jaheur, a North Van. Mary Hatcher At all kinds of jobs. couver lawyer who has been But she does it because she enjoys helping Under all kinds of working conditions. battling B.C.'s benchers over lost 85 pounds! advertising since 1977. "I t.',mldvft t,vlicv,+ hmv last I eople. And because she tmows how important All people whose skill, experience/rod In early 1978, Jabour was hm! w,!iflhl, and I d,d it er job is to the operation of the government. dedication have made our provincial public cited for professional with, Jul f,'ulin~l hun~AW or misconduct when he began rl[+r Vtltlb, There's a good chance employees among the most advertising legal services and fees at his North Shore efficient anywhere in North Neighborhood Legal.. Clinic. YOU CAN thatworkYOU'llbutthere'sneVer agoodmeet June at Till@ B.C- [email protected]~@lrlt America today. The benchers tried to DO IT TO0! suspend him for six months, And that's something be won an injunctionand the chancejuneYOUqlisonlybe onetalkingofthet° her.more ]~mploy@@s' lrJl~olrl to be proud ot: whole matter ended up in B.C. Supreme Court. Justice Albert Mackoff ruled In April that under the We're workin9 for you. federal Combines In. 635.3832 veatlgation Act, the I I I 1

Page 6, Till iklrild, Friday, December 7, 1979

Your Individual CROSSWORD .... ,~ III'~ I Eli"

,,Uoros u e =- "='- '°" '° ' i Afteridpli direction ~IiNew York tvi~on ~~ ,~,,~, =,o,= =. ,o~. ~ 1111:' I: tiP: ': ' Frances Drake =F=~,~eli, =c==~l~i =l~=te~ ,~ol~l~ ,~ ~ ~ i 11ti1~ I ~ 3o .~

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"What are you hiding behind your back.~' l~lli~, ~ -- -

I ...... ,' - .... ' The Herald, Friday, December 7, 1979 Page I At 16, Paternity FRIDAY 5 p.m.to iaidiilht

mal~ CFTK Suit Doesn't Fit (CTV)Ic'rv 9 KCTS 11 CBU.. CI all (ClIC). •4 (PlS) Carol Happy Six Mister Cont'd By Abigail Van Buren Burneff Days Million Rogers Alexandre ~, 1979by ChicagoTrlbune.N.y. ~4ewsSynd. InD. News Hourglass Dollar Electric and te Rol conrd Cont'd Man m Company Cont'd mmmmii=~i~=iiim i Cont'd Charlle's News Zoom C.,e Salt DEAR ABBY: Our son is a 16-year-old high school U/~AR ABBY: I .,iee that many of our public figures are Cont'd )~ngels Hour Cont'd Edition sophomore who is very mature for his age. He's been steadi- now getting hit in the face with pies and accepting it good Conrd Cont'd Cont'd Over Paclflque Conrd Cont'd Cont'd Easy ly dating a 17-year-old senior for about a year. We've always na!uredly. Have you ever had a pie in the face, Abby'i ------'-T--, Actuelltes had an excellent rapport with our son and have openly . . CURIOUS IN SACRAMENTO soaltlo Billy MacNeH discussed sex, reproduction and contraception. Detective Man Tonlght ,Graham SOhool Lehrer Oncle Last week his girlfriend happily informed him that she is DEAR CURIOUS: No. But If I ever do; 1 hope it's pecan. Tic Tac Cont'd Grand Crockett's Genlee six months pregnant, and she's delightedl She had already It might hurt n little more, but it will taste better. Dough C0nt'd ~d Garden on Herbal told her family, who she says are excited and happy and immmlmlmlmL~Bm have given her baby gifts and almost completely furnished Shirley Incredible Washington Fredrlc DEAR ABBY: Please help me. I don't know who else to Cont'd Week her nursery! She and her parents have talked with a school talk to about this embarrassing problem. I am a 30-year-old Hulk Ccxtt'd counselor and today she starts classes at an alternative Cont'd Front Page Cont'd Wall St. Horl.sorle woman who is going baldl It's on my mind (no pun intended) Cont'd Chsllsnge Cont'd Week Cont'd school, for school-aged mothers and mothers-to.be. She told constantly, and I'm really depressed about it. liimminllmimmlm ilimlmmilmmm all her friends at school before telling our son and he is now Two years ago, When I first started to notice that my hair Rockford Tommy Hunter Dukes Masterpiece Cont'd being approached with all sorts of questions and comments was getting very thin, I went to a dermatologist. He said it Files Show of "Theatre Cont'd from his teachers and classmates. must be a hereditary thing and there was nothing he could Cont'd Cont'd Hazzard Cont'd L'Enleu The girl states she is happy about it and just hopes our Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Cont,d .Cont'd do about it. My father was bald at an early age, but my a~ son will be a good "Daddy." She's even asked him to par- mother is 65 and has a full head of hair. As far as I know, iiimlmmmmiwmmi Elschled Dallas Elschied Evening at Cout'd ticipate in natural childbirth classes with her. there have been no bald women in my family. Cont'd Cont'd Our son is bewildered and dumbfounded about all this. He Cont'd Symphony Cout'd Please tell me what to do before I lose my mind. I hate to Cont'd Cont'd ~t'd ' Cont'd Journal says he feels an obligation to her, but at his age marriage is go out of the house looking like this. Cont'd Cont'd ~t'd Cont'd Et N~lteo out of the question. We agree, but how can we help him GOING BALD Blnliilnnnlimiw through this? All articles and programs are geared to help News National CTV Cont'd ,Sport unwed mothers, but what about an unwed father? We want Cont'd Night News Cont'd Cinema DEAR GOING: See another dermatologist and get his Tonight him to get on with a normal life without suffering any oplaioe. If he ese't help you, consult a therapist who is train- Final Hour 1~e Sport 11ii Show P.M. Final Prlsoner Clnoma psychological ~car~." Are tl,ere gi'oup~ or agencies tu help ed to treat emotional disorders. Baldness in women (as well boys in this predicament? Where can we turn? as in menj ie olten caused by emotional stress. In the meon- Cont'd Kolak Late Night Cont,d • PARENTS, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIF. time, let me asoere you that you are not alone. Get a pretty Cont'd Cont'd Show Stalker Conl'd wig and some good-lookinghats, and don't despair. Cont'd Cont'd ~t'd Cont'd Cont'd DEAR PARENTS: There are excellent counseling ser- 12,,o Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Late Movie Cont'd vices in your orea. Cootact your Family Service Aosocia- CONFIDENTIAL TO "WILLIE IN WACA": Yes, there ilimilmmmlili tien. And see a lawyer about the obUgations, rights and are plenty of dasgera. Sometimes just the thought of get- responsibilities oI an unwed lather. ting into hot water keeps a guy clean. SATURDAY 10 p.m. to § p.m.

mmlimimum~mi almiiiiiiiili Casper amd NFL Swiss Fern. Studio Football the Angels Cont'd Robinson See Amerlcaln Flash Cont'd Untamed O~ce Upon Cont'd 10;o Gordon Cont'd World A Classic Cont'd By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart imammiiimamini mmlimiilmmmlmmm Hot Cont'd McGowan O11 Cont'd Hero Cont'd & Co. Painting Cont'd Sandwich Cont'd Kaloldoscope Education. Cont'd 11i' Cont'd Conrd Cont'd Cont'd Behaviour • ~F,N rile~OAABF;~ t: ~ilmlulllmlllmlll mlimmmmmmmi Target: Cont'd All Star Connections Cont'd Impossible Cont'd Wrestling Coot'd Cont'd the You Can Cont'd Cont'd Le Club 12i NFL Do It Cont'd Cont'd Des Clnq mmmmm,imimm NBC Pro 100 • Cont'd Hollywood Les Heros Football Huntley Cont'd Musicals du Samedl Denver Street Cont'd Silk Albator at Seattle Cont'd . Cont'd Stockings Cont'd illmmlllmllnlil Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Teleieans Cont'd Conrd Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Circle Cont'd Cont'd Parlementalre Cont'd Square Cont'd Cont'd a Ofiewe Cont'd Inside Cont'd Medlx Cont'd Cont'd Track Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Carol Cont'd Julia Bagatelle Cont'd Burneff Cont'd Child Cont'd ' By Roger Bollen and Gary Petermon Greet One of Wide Evening at Cont'd Amer Game a Kind World Symphony Cont'd Match Reach for of Sport Cont'd Cont'd Game the Top Cont'd Cont'd r Deft ,mmwiimmmmmmmm IIIImilililllli,~l m Gong Hockey ! Conrd The i I Le Soiree Show Night Cont'd Prisoner I du Hockey News Cont'd Show Cont'd I Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd BIz m~immi~tim~mimm Cont'd Cont'd News Once Upon I Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Hour A Classic i Cont'd This Cont'd Cont'd Newsworld Cont'd Week Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd ConYd i=iamimmmi~iiimi Wildlife Cont'd BJ& Yr. of Cont'd Adventure Cont'd the Bear the Cont'd Wild Cont'd Cont'd Wildebeest Teleiournal Kingdom Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Nouvelles --..~ mimiwiliimiii= SOt. Acad. T.'Tgf--'---- Federale Cont'd Night Performance Ronnles Course Cont'd Movie Mary and Perrln Autour Cont'd Cont'd Joseph Cont'd de Monde JWli=mliimmimi uu~limmiiimmm BJ and Dead Cont'd Movie Nolr By Johnny Hart. The Bear Heat on Cont'd Bells sur Cont'd Merry.Go. ' Cont'd of Blanc Cont'd. Round Cont'd St. Mary's Cont'd

/~ Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Le n Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Mutant Called Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Sloane Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd [ ]a" i A HA~p News National CTV ~,,ont'd Cinema [~ i--~i~_ L WINT~:R // Cont'd Night Final News Cont'd Cont'd Saturday Late " Hour Silent Coot'd Night Llvo Show Final Night Cont'd

Reflections Late Cont'd Cont'd of Show Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Murder The Cont'd Cont'd 'Cont'd Cont°d Homecoming Cont'd Cont'd ......

By Garry Trudeau SUNDAY 5 p.m. to midiai~t


Mary Super Cont'd Connections Cont'd and Joseph special Cont'd Cont'd Conl'd Story of Conl'd Cont'd Cont'd Cortt'd Cont'd i eli Faith Cont'd ~ont'd ConPd I/ oo~oo l tl Nf.LL,I H~X/ NO' I ~i#/l'Ql6P Conl'd I u~N /s ~r- m ~SKr llAp A vegaS Maatiwpleco Cont'd , Cont'd Gift Cont'd Theatre Cont'd I ~, TNEBOUVC6eS "a'~l .S/~. 5/4X//~Z A HITIN Yf.~/ I ~~" ~ ~t///rdg ~ Cont'd To Cont'd Love for Cont'd It A~.x~ cz~m/ l LL~rHIM IN? R~I6RHIM UP! i r r-e~r~vz4: 7b-f,~& Cont'd Last Cont'd Lydia Cont'd

Prime supercow W.5 EIIzaboth Cont'd ,~,,~ "~ p c~r /N ~. .~,~ > Time Cont'd Cont'd R ConYd Sunday Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd Telelournel Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd C~t'd 'Sport J; News National Cont'd News Clne Cont'd Nation's Cont'd Cont'd Club Inside Night Final CTV Face the Cesar =ei 'N Daisy Late Newt Notion Cont'd i' Clover Cont'd Show Movie C~nt'd Cont'd Cont'd Teahouse The Cont'd :3) Cont'd Cont'd of Neigh Coat *d 2 4°' Cont'd Cont'd the August Affair Cont°d ." •" ' • ...... '., • , , .. . .

Page 8, the Herald, Friday, December 7, 1979 • 1

RELIGION ...... ROUNDUP : i :'. ;'.,.i, ¸ : ": " ' ';~ , . Churches aid Wednesday by a Vatican laypernen, man or woman," of the total committee Pope John Paul will spokesman, dispelled The Canadian Churchman memhership and 11 per cent celebrate midnight rumors that the Polish-born says. of the National Executive world's lepers Christmas mass at St. pope might go to Bethlehem Council." By GAlL LEM organizations such as the Peter's Basilica and deliver for Christmas. The church's national The newspaper was com- TORONTO (CP) -- Christian Medical Society Of a Christmas message from newspaper says in an menting on a recent survey Leprosy. Zambia in countries where it the main balcony of the huge T"O-R-ONTO (CP) -- The editorial.that women aren't by a number of Anglican Few Canadians know has no centros of its own, basilica in the Vatican City Anglican Church of Canada being elected to national and women and presented to the much about it and prubahly says Graham, a Baptist at noon Dec. 25. can't afford to ignore "the diocesan committees, House of Bishops, saying fewer care. Yet experts say minister who joined the The announcement, made leadership gifts of any comprising "only 13 per cent "the preaching, pastoral 15 million people around the mission in Scotland 21 years counselling and teaching world suffer from the ago and has directed its, functions of the church and disfiguring disease. Canadtanbranch for theist its seminaries should be Canadian missionaries still decade. open equally to men and are among the world leaders He says giving financial women. in helping aid victims, and other assistance throughi" "It must be recognized Leprosy strikes mostly in Christian organizations is that 'submission of women' tropical and sub-tropical one way of ensuring that the doctrines have been used to countries but it is by no aid reaches the people it ia oppress and victimize means limited to the Third intended to help. women in the past." World. There are 100 known There are some non- eases of leprosy in Canada, secular groups which do most of them in Metropolitan leprosy work but there are MONTREAL (CP) -- Toronto. practically no non.Christian PauIEmile Cardinal Lager Although Canadian groups. leaves Monday f~ Cam- medical personnel rarely This may have something b0tlla to spend a week choose to specialize in to do with the fatalism of visiting refugee camps. treating the disease, some non.Christian The former archbishop of Canadians have been ac- religions, Graham says, Montreal is co-chairman, tively involved in the fight to which lead people to simply with former governor- , . ::, . :: ~;:.~;:, . " eradicate it since 1892, says accept their illnesses and general Roland Michener, of Hey. Douglas Graham, hope for a better lot in the the Canadian Foundation for executive director of The next life. Indochinose Refugees, which Leprosy Mission Canada. The mission treats all who works with Canadians who The Canadian branch of have the disease alike want to make individual The Leprosy Mission In- r~,,ardlsss of rellginn. donations to the refugees. ternailonal was formed then It will always he a fact of Leger, 75, spent 12 years in when Wellesley C. Barley, an history that it was Christian Cameroon, in Africa, where Irish Presbyterian missionaries who pioneered he established centres for missionary, addressed a care and treatment of lepers, the handicapped and small meeting in Guelph, leprosy sufferers." children suffering from Ont. Attending religious ser- malnutrition. Bailey had established the vices offered at mission original organization in centres is optional for MARIA AND GERR Y TAYLOR Dublin 18 years earlier when patients, but Graham says HALIFAX (CP) -- A he interested Irish friends in many do convert to Chris- Christmas card program to the plight of lepers in Ind':~. ttanity. focus attention on the plight Today the inter- He says they have become of political prisoners in Doll offered as denominational accustomed to ostracism Argentina has heen started SPECIALGUESTS: organization, which draws and are "tremendously by the Halifax Archdiocese CDC raffle prize its support mainly from impressed with the Terry Anne Camburn • Jon McGIocklin of the Roman Catholic Protestant church groups, dedication of the Christian lormor Mass America 1973 former basketball player for the Church. , Gerry Taylor, with mother Maria Taylor, displays operates more than 40 staff" who are not afraid to Milwaukee Bucks Colleen O'Malley, the doll and quilt that are to be the prizes in the centres in Bhuten, Burma, touch them. speaking for the group, said India, Indonesia, Korea, Paramedical workers em- SUBJECT:"Halting Belween Two Decisions" the campaign also was Terrace Child Development Centre's annual Christmas doll raffle to take place Dec. 22. Tickets are Lesotho, Nepal and Papua ployed by the mission are deslgned to bring pressure New Guinea. It also gives often former leprosy WITH: on the Argentine govern- available at 635-9300. Cliff Barrows and the Crusade Choir, Geo. Beverly Shea financial help and training patients who have been ment to soften its attitude The doll was donated by Northern Drugs and the 28 and supplies drugs to other cured by regular treatments Tedd Smith, Don Hustad toward its domestic critics. outfits were made by the parents friends and staff of organizations which treat of an inexpensive drug called ',It is appropriate for all the centre. lepers in these and 27 other Dapsone, which has been concerned Canadians, not The single-bed size quilt was made by Margrete Fri. r p.m. Sat. 10 p.m. (CableOh. 6) countries.The Leprosy Mission us~?t,SsinCethe late 1940s. CFTK-TV just Catholics," to take an Mutschke. All proceeds from the raffle will go directly a lonely task from this Christrnos. Give 'The Holy Spirit"by Bdly Graham. the book that'schanging lives! interest in the project, she to the centre. usually operates through every point of view," said. Graham says, because paramedics are often the only Christians in the corn- mtmity and are feared by the villagers, who think they represent a threat to beth health and religion. Leprosy ns caused by in- ] OF YOUR CHOICE shapedfoctionwitha germ first small, identified rod-: Pastor Bob Losyk in 1872. It is not hereditary and is ' D ,. i . ' ...... ~ " . .... """' -: t ., . . THIS SUNDAY.... onlymild~y.i,~t|ous,medical personnel aro at~but L J The leprosy Mission 1 9:45 a.m. Bible Teaching . -.~ estimates that only three / "~. Sunday School . / . ~ million of leprosy sufferers ~ 11:00 a.m. AAorning Worship Service . ~ ~,~ andarethereCeivingtreatmenttreatmentin many-- / '~'---- n----*::* ehureh 7:30p.m. Singingand BibleStudy /------= ,. T ,J,'~T T~ eases is inadequate. / 4LAIUJ 1m ll-L:l, ~ Wednesday 8:00 Home Bible Studies / C.~sticm Hetozmea I.,nutcn . "You Are Welcome al Uplands" Graham says it is difficult Cerror Sparks and Keith ~ ~ Sparks Street and Straume Avenue ~ to convince many leprosy ~ ~ ' Reverend S, Van Daalen / suffererstreatmentsto come becausefor regnlar it, • ~ PastOrHomePaUl635.5309MohRinger ~':: " "~ Sunday School- Terrace lO:0O a.m. ~ sometimes150ktlometresmeanSoverWalkingmoun. Sunday Schoo19'45am ~ ~ Sunday School-Remo1:OOp.m. ~ tales on infected feet or ~AAorning Worship 11:O0 a.m. , ' • 151.'0000; ~ m. ' ~/:/Shh,'; sSee/:,'ce • • The mission says one-third ~." of leprosy sufferers are children and it estimates that another one million • people will contract the I 4726 Lazelle Avenue 635-9019 I disease during the next five years. ~Sunday Services. 10:00 a.m. " I I " " colonyYetthearedaySpast,Of theGrahamleper / ~ Sunday School. Adults Discussion. / ~ says, although some older /s" ~ I 1:00 a.m. - Holy Communion for the fm-nily ./" "~. leprosy sufferers who are > Mmtster: Reverend Lance Stephens. 635-5855 / , ~ serbmsly crippled and have / Houseof Praise been ostracized-formostef /~'~'~ ~'~ ~JZA~"~$ I"~~b'~"r~-~*~ I mercythelrliveswillalwaysn"dahome.

~.~ 4830~:~r;DNAgAyE~EN~G Straume AvoHuo, Terra,*: :: 635"231Z "~ '' ' ~ 3 '' Eb, Street .~ --He which says missioninclude membe, sever, " ...... /SALVATION ARMY~ 6~::l:aT~:::p 1 BaumannCa=diana'fromSUChToronto.asTmdYa sc "" " ":2~ " / 4637 Walsh Avenue g~"~ ~ Education&Instrucfion~Thurs.'7-8:30 0"308 m / nurseH=piial at in Allahba,Nalnl Leprosy India; tl:15a.m. / SUNDAY ~,.~ ~ A class for all ages ~Dr. from andLethbridge,Mrs' BillAlta.,Norrie on 7' 30 I) m ' ' " /" 9:30a.m. Christian Education Ho~ / assignment In Nepal; and l l:O0 a.m. Family Worship Service Joan Nolting from Straff~d, 7:30 p.m. Evanglistic Salvation N~ee|ing Welcomes Ont., seconded to the Southern Asia Office by the T U E S DAY N I G H T Lutheran Church in America /:30p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Y0U To , -- "are motivated of eourse WEDNESDAY Worship by the fact that Christ 7:30 p.m. Ladies Home League Fellowship touchedn. the lepers." /KN ~ SATURDAY ~ "%- "~. 7: 30p.m. Youth Group ./" ~ ~~ OX UNITED CHURCH Christian Counselling ~ ' ~

/ "'" 4907 Lazelle Avenue ' ~ E~reirtgueTRYeW:lrfcars° /CHRIST LUTHERANCHURCH 635-5446or635-2626 / Corner Sparks Street and Park Avenue Hinister Reverend Dave MartyR "~ "~ Rev. HermanHagen B.A.M.Oiv.O. 635-3485 / ~w/~... ~"~ 835-6014 ~ ~ WorsllipService-11 a,m. Sunday School, Confirmation WorshlpServlce11.00am / ~,~j,.~ll~:~l~-~j[=j [,'~E l~f-~r.~ ~ .. YouthandAdul.tCi.a.sses ~ :J ."

3341 River Drive Terrace, B.C. 638-1561 r b " t~ MealFmous emel ,n m~ We,0, ,~ ' Reverend R.L. White

Sunday SchOol lO: O0 a.m Reverend R.L. While / Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. ~ It's linm t,) ear ymlr \~%1\~.~ I~/ ~' E vening Worship 1:30 p.m. -Dis Mohninger 635.5309 Evelyn Anweiler 63S5571 The Herald, Friday, December 7, 1979 Page 9 !I I I II l I I I III

Demand for bedroom fireplace increases

The , romance and growing trend towards It is no surprise that there that bastion of avant-garde means the fireplace may be warmth of a cheery fire has enjoying the light of the is at least one fireplace in 65 lifestyles -- came this re- installed on or against exist- I stirred men's souls since hearth in private. percent of the single-family port: one innovative South- ing wails, in a corner, or that long-ago time when North, South, East, West dwellings being built today. ern California architect even between two rooms, primitive man first rubbed -- all across our land, archi- in fact, according to a lead- designed a sunken, seating serving as a room divider. I two stones together and tects, home builders and ing fireplace journal, there area around his client's Knocking out walls and i~ro~luCedits hot, red flame. fireplace dealers alike, are are more than 22 million whirlpool bath in the master other extensive remodeling From caveman tribes to to- reporting more house- fireplaces in existence bath, and heated it with an is not necessary, nor is it day's modern family, young holders as opting for the throughout the United open fireplace. Topping off necessary to build a founda- and old alike have dreamed fireplace in the bedroom. States. A recent home build- this piece de rSsistance, was tion under the unit. How- their dreams and spun their Whether it's the "me gener- er's poll rated fireplaces a set of see-through pyrex ever, if you want to be able tales before its mesmerizing ation" building their first among the top four features doors leading from the to view the fire from your glow. It is one of the few home, or the empty-nesters home buyers insist on. master bedroom into the bed, you will have to elevate things that can be enjoyed remodeling the old to suit But, what is surprising is bath, enabling the ambience the firebox about two feet by the family en masse or new lifestyles, the fireplace that 90 percent of all higher- of the glowing fireplace to off the floor or raise the one by oue. And, if current is warming up the boudoir priced homes ($100,000 or be enjoyed from the bed- hearth. statistics are being read as well as the family room more) now under construc- room as well. Another nice feature is right, there seems to be a and kitchen. tion, have more than one" This same architect also that the homeowner can fireplace and that the saw a definite increase in the face pre-built units with a second fireplace is more bedroom fireplace. "This variety of materials 6ompa- often than not; being put in trend will continue to tible with his or her bed- the bedroom. ' grow," he predicted, "as room decor, such as brick, A Houstoil, Texas, bull. more and more parents seek stone, stucco, or even panel- INmmnmmmmmm.mmmmm der foundthat homeowners a retreat from the tradi- ing. Gas.log sets also can be [] were using their bedroom tional, 'catch-all family installed in zero clearance /" fireplaces and/or wood- room." fireplaces. However, the [] burning stoves to take the Whether or not you are Fireplace Institute recom- IN mends that you check first IN chill off the air, rather than seeking a parent retreat; or mm turning on the main heating more adventurously, a with your area's building •_. wuunumJiN & SMITH IN system for the entire house. heated area in front of your codes. Instructions for IN proper venting and inslaUa- IN "When electrical current bath; or, in a more practical IN was lost last winter in rural vein, ways to cut down the tion are supplied by the fire: IN IN areas because of falling ice heating bill; or perhaps, just place manufacturers. IN Warehouse downing lines, it was the the warmth and beauty of Free-standing fireplaces IN trusty fireplace and old an old-fashioned fireplace or wood-burning stovesare i 3.75 ACRES of residential m wood-burning stove that in the quiet of your bed- another option. Styles range MUST BE SEEN TO BE property ready for home or • homes with subdivision for ACREAGE IN got many Texans through room -- it is within your from ultra-moderate"Ben 1m APPRECIATED [] :-on,,.,Trackage *., two lots and established c.=.,-t :, < ~i ,.~;;,,. ,. "%:,:' the winter," h~explained, reach. Franklin" types. However, • This cozy home features well. Loceted on Kofoed. 10 acres past Williams [] [] Pre-built fireplaces with free-standing units must be • 1270 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 2 Asking $40,000. Creek, Old Lakelse Lake That story was echoed in placed on a heat-resistant Rd. Lois of evergreens, [] zero clearance, free-stand- • full baths, large dining many parts of New England platform or base, and place- IN area, sitting room as well COUNTRY CLASSIC creek, $18,000. I for Rent ing fireplaces and stoves, as IN and the Midwest. In the ment in the room will de- --•as living room, sale to This lovely 4 yr. old Is well as fireplace inserts. located on five ecres,, 2 acres within Terrace, • Situated on Railway Avenue. Loading warmer states, such as Flor- pend on the material of the i Include furnishings, 'docks, natural gas heat, offices. Total area ida, builders reported that have brought man's love af- • wesher, dryer, frldge, landscaped and treed. South Kalum St., asking • adjacent walls. Proper $30,000. • of 16,000 square feet. Will consider renting fireplaces and wood-burn- fair with the fireplace imo IN electric range• This home Some feetures include 3 clearance from combustible bedrooms, 2V2 baths, lerg9 in smaller areas If necessary. For details, the realm of every home. • is set up on e o2x132 ft. lot. ing stoves were being used and non-combustible wall really.roe room with stone S acres, secluded, parklike, [] contact Stan Parker, WlGHTMAN & • All of this for the low price to take the dampness out of Pre-fabricated, built-in : of $55,000. fireplace, wet bar end Kenworth at Scotton, • SMITH REALTY LTD., Terrace, B.C. materials are specified on the house. units have the advantage of each unit. built.In 50 gel. aquarium, $19,$00. Has year around II Phone 635-6361. fireplace In living room. creek and on dead end • "zero clearance," which • Appealing Sande Blvd. From the West Coast -- Still another alternative is Plush carpeting road. , • ~_ residence, 4 bedrms., . . . [] throughout. Cedar "'ex- the fireplace ih3erI, ~i~signed -m basement, rec rm., and torlor, workshop, double Four 33 lots on Lazelle [] for the fireplace that is al- extra areas for cooler, behind B.C. Forestry bldg. [] ready in the room. The ad- • sewing, storage, Large gerage. Sundeck off of kitchen. Testefully Good for multi family [] • rear patio, home Is split vantage of the insert is that decorated. For more In. construction, close to [] • level end hes family TV the firebox, which is formetlon on this lovely downtown. Asking $32,000. [] area plus normal living equipped with glass doors, home call 635,6361. room. Attractive kitchen- Residential lot on Klrkaldy ~1 is easily slid into the existing nook. Greenhouse, land. RENT WITH OPTION and at Doble. 35 acres, sultable.iN fireplace. The fire burns in • seeped, 1 blk. off complete purchase In six for mobile or a new home. [] this enclosed chamber, in- • pavement. Asking $52,000. months. New 3 bedroom Hwy. 16 Is close by. Asking • suring minimal heat loss Open to offers. home with basement, Sa,000. "[] II lllllllt IllilmnVmm mlimRmmi [] mlmnlwmm while allowing the beauty of carport. Lots of carpeting. [] the fire to be seen by the Call for full details. [] m viewer. U ml U IN . El 4619 PARK AVE. 636-4971 ii Whatever your taste, nl i il I - A.E. Le Page Limited Coast ~ Coast Real Estate Service • If you enjoy a large Three bedroom, full Three bedroom house on We have • S0' building lot there is a fireplace Or wood- property this could be for basement home on 11/2 two acres of land. Potential on water and sewer. Asking burning stove for you. An =- EVENINGS [] you. 77'x194' three acres in Gossen Creek to have your own hobby price only $11,000. Call experienced, reputable bedroom house has e large subdivision. Only five farm, smallbarnis already Christel or Horst Gedlinski dealer can help you make _lJ m. BobRIpmeester HarrySmith IN living and a rumpus room years old. Property is built. Call Judy for more for this one. the best choice.l" : 6 35 63 61 635-2832 635-2826 ." ordenwitha franklin stove fenced and includes a information. ACT HOWl Jim Duffy Laurie Forbes c~ .~. help warm these long 20'x60' horse barn with five SUBDIVISI()N Close to schools and 635-7448 winter evenings. Listed at stabs end tackleroom. F..o.ANc. : 4611 LAKELSE AVE, 63.6- INS,000. For information, Asking S59,500. MLS. Call POSSIBILITIES facilities, this 1040 sq. ft. Instead of throwing empty : Stan Parker Gordon Olson [ Call Judy. Horst or Chrlsfol Godllnskl 150 acres in Kitwanga. Not home is listed at $49,000. perfume bottles away, leave BB TERRIOE,Be0. 635"4031 635-4035 _ A warm rustic atmosphere for more information. In agriculture fr~eze zone. Lots of work has gone into drawers.themtoscent the contents of ing,~ggg...,.,g.,g.,!,~.,Nm..,gm.,.,mmggggglgiNgg INIIIIBIBBIB Asking $98,000. Call Pat making this a very com. thlsnewhighlights 1242 the sq. interior ft. home. of Assume an enviable today for more in. forfeble three bedroom Of panehode construction mortgage and become the formation, home. In excellent con. dition throughout. Muriel O~ a full basement, it is owners of this 3 bedroom, This house is ready for you has the details. located on e large private it30sq, ft. home in populer to move right inl Ex. lot in a preferred area of H=uc~=%ar::;Pr~°P:itr~h fremely well kept house Cozy home on acreage. PRUDEN & OURRIE(,-.LTD, Thornhlll. This •great _ _ . r,, and yard in .the uplands Inquire about this two family home is available =::,mne::ur~?Tr::c~ a~nu;: area. House has four bedroom home on l,/, acres g[RRAOE'S OOMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Immediately end Murlel . .. ? .'. ._ bedrooms upsteirs, areaon close to town. Has several Il wkhas more...... information t- "-'"- -|lerge. tun easement. lot and ~nuateopriced onat I main floor has large famlly outhuildingsandafewfrull 4048 Lakebe Avenue 636-6142 W nYYfit~l~";n~lat=T b,a. 1,8,000. Murlel has more I style kitchen, living room treas. Excellent soil for m, i .... v .. r I information , with fireplace and dining gardening. Asking price is HIGHWAY 16 E. AREA I LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 1/2 acre building lot m i owning this attractive i " area with sliding glass only $34,000. Call Christel Light Industrial- approx. 120 feet frontage on 4900 Thornhlll. Could be sub. | three bedroom con- I I/4 acre lot 'on McDeek doors to sundeck. For or Herst Gndlinski. 1~/4acres of light industrial Block Kelth Ave. Over one divided. Present offers. I dominium, lVi baths plus | Avenue, available for your further information, call Just redecoratedl New property on Crescent acre. For more in. Call Dick Evans. | ensuite. For more in. I building needs. (Zoned Judy. listing in TbarnhilL Home Drive. Asking $47,500. Cell formation call Dick Evans. i ill I formation, call Joy. I RT). Lot is cleared and Over 2000 sq. ft. com- has three large bedrooms. Dick Evens. MILLS AVE. "Lovely three bedroom ready fo~ development, mercial building in Laundry room handy off PRIME LIGHT home on Westvlaw. Well Call Fet for more in. Thornhill. Present rental kitchen. Large closed.in Compact two bedroom I1~ home on • concrete INEXPENSIVE DUSTRIAL LAND maintained, wall to wall formation, income exceeds $1,500 per hack porch features wood BUILDII~G LOTS IN THORNHILL carpets throughout. Live in your own home and month. Outer town owner burner.. Breezeway bet. rlngwall, with oll heat and located on • 90x350 ft. lot In THORNHILL Located close to Husky oll Recraetlonel room with support your mortgage anxious to sell and has ween shop end house Take e drive through the station in Thornhlll with fireplace and ~/2 bath In payments with revenue reduced asking price to closed-in with plexi.glsss. a quiet residential area. LOVELY RANCHER ON Lot fronts on two streets. choice subdivision located frontage on Highway 16 WESTVI EW • basement. Asking $72,500. from thistri.plex in a good $135,000. Contact Horst If you would like to view between Krumm Road and East access road this Call Christel or Horst area in Thornhill. For•ore Gndlinski for viewing and this home, carl Pat. Listed Price $32,000. Phone Rusty Just under 2100 sq. ft. of or Bert Llungh. Old Lakelse Lake Road and lightly treed prol~erty Is 1.8 living space wlth 4 Gndllnski for details, information rail Joy. details, at $40,000. pick oute lot for building In acres In size end an ex. I I i COMM'ERCIAL bedrooms, family room, the spring. Lots ere level, cellent industrial site. For two fireplaces, T/2 baths, BUSINESS lightly treed, water is further Information phone LIST WITH REALTYWORLD- THE BUYERFINDERS Grocery convenience store carpeting, large family provided by e private Rusty or Bert LJungh. kitchen with eating area, In Horseshoe area. This Is water system, the road is an excellent location near lots of storage, laundry paved and ceblevislon Is room and double carport. OUR SIGN IS ON LOTS schools with 1100 sq. ft• available. Phone Rusty or ~ree bedroom home at- Many other extras In this Bert to view. tached. Cell Danny owner built home. For OF LAWNS - Sheridan for further viewing call Rusty or Bert details. Ljungh. BUT NOT FOR LONG! PATQUINN HOMESTEADERS I ' CHRISTEL GODLINSKI 635.2532 HOUSE, ACRi~A'GE AND DELIGHT TRUCKERS SITE FOR 635-5397 Vl EW Beautiful property . fen. RENT OR PURCHASE Excellent family home tastlc view. Thirty.six 10 Percent Mortgage - 4916 Located on the Rifle Range with S bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 acres for $30,000. Very Scoff Ave. Close to all Road this property was fireplaces, sundeck, double seldom c~n you acquire schools. Attractive 4 bclrm. used by a local trucking garage wlth e vlew from acreage for less then $900 home, acorn fireplace in firm, and has 21/2 acres of every window located on per acre. On school bus living room. Full basement cleared, gravelled yard 2.5 acres lust 8 minutes route, lust north of town with rec room, laundry space, a 40xaO ft. shop and from town. For viewing and partially cleared. Give room and workshop. For a two bedroom trailer. phone Rusty or Bert Danny Sheridan e call for appointment to view call Contact Rusty or Bert to Llungh. information. Dick Evans. view. MUR EL NEALE HORSTGODLINSKI FRANK SKIDMORE JOY DOVER JUDY JEPHSON I 6.~-2944 635.5397 635-5691 635-7070 638-1652 JOHN CURRIE - 7tl-225l BERT LJUNGH • 635.5754 EVENING RUSTY LJUNGH. 635.5754 PHONES SOB SHERIDAN - 13S.2144 DICK EVANS • 4,1.t.70611 DANNY SHERIDAN. 63S.S327 i - Page 10, The Herald, Friday, December 7, 1979 J~

"For Safor Living. Fuel Economy" I.. • CHIMNEYS FURNACES • i • AIR DUCTS eFIREPLACES PRO-VAC INDUSTRIESl CANADA LTD.. ] Services Divas,on ! Spectallets In gower-vac cloanlng J 9~tlSt~::l,ng.St.r~t~' 1K,S ' ~2.~=:..t ¢I.A$$1PI I~D RATES :lg a$1;NIPTIUN RATES LOCAL ONLY: Effective 29 words or less $2.00 per in- October 1,1971 sertion. Over 20 wOrds 5 cents Single Copy 20c per word. By Carrier ruth 3.00 3 or more consecutive insertions By Carrier year 33.00 SKEENA HEALTH UNIT Saturday, December 8, 1979 AN INTERNATIONAL OIL 1970 Duster Chrysler 74,000 $1,soper Innertlon. By Mall 3 mth. 15.00 2-3215 Eby St. at Skeena Mall a Bazaar For Sale one used oll fur- For rent 2 Br. house full ByMoil 6mth. 25.00 CO. offers high Income, plus miles. Standard, asklng Terrace, B.C. with arts and crafts and nace. Phone 635.5891 after 6. basement, carport, available REFUNDS: By Mall 1yr. 45.00 cash bonuses, benefits to C5.12 Dec $600.00 Leaving country .- First insertion charged for Senior Citizen 1yr. 20.00 635.6307 baked goods. Sponsored by immediately. $225.00 per whether run or not. mature person In Terrace month. must sell. CHILD HEALTH CON- the Terrace-Thornhlll Band area. Regardless of ex- Absolutely no refunds after ad British Commonwealth and Three $100 uncirculafed Also available Dec. ~P'~ 2 Br. Phone 635.2360 or 638.1544 has been set. United States of America one FERENCES Parent Association. (nc.7D) perience, write S.F. Read, year 55.00 Canadian Olympic 14 kt. gold ho~se, no singles, , pets, P3-11 Dec Weekly at Eby St. Every American Lubrlcents Co., CORRECTIONS: Tues. 1:30 - 3:50 pm. Phone Mills Memorial Hospital coins. Also large collection of located on Kofeed Jve. Must be made before second Box399, Terrace, B.C. Box 696, Dayton, Ohio 45401. For Sale 78 Camam. Asking insertion. VaG 2M9 for appalntmont. Auxllsry Thrift Shop are Canadian Olympic $10 and $5 Phone 63$-~b~ $7,000. Phone 635.5314 (a3.10D) P3.TDec Allowance can be made for only Held at Thornhlll Elem., 4th havlng.a V= price sale on all silver coins. Open to offers. PS- 7Dec one Incorrect ed. HOME DELIVERY Tues. of every month from Needed Immediately Contact Jack Ambler or Jlm BOX NUMBERS: Terrace & District clothlng only on Dec. ,8 Sat. 75 cents pickup. Thornhlll & District 1:30 • 3:30 pro. Phone for from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Next Cloghorn at The Royal Bank. 2 Bedroom furnlshedtrailer $1.75 mailed. Phone 635.6357 appointment. Babyslffers to SpeeDee Printer Avon representatives to (c5.12D) In Thornhllh no pats. For work In the following areas. more Information call 636- CLASSIF;E:D DISPLAY: Kltlmet & District who bring children must NC -7 Dec Rates available upon request. Phone632-2747 have parents' written con- 1) Copperslde Estates New well constructed 4 foot 1552. sent for Immunization. 2) Muller, Valleyvlew area by 8 foot utility trailer. P3 -7D 1976 Sierra 4 wheel drive. NATIONAL CLASSIFIED The Herald reserves the right 3) Sparks, Munthe and Phone 635-3520 after 5 p.m. RATE: to classify ads under appropriate ADULT IMMUNIZATION Good condition, lots of ex- 22 cents per agate line. headings end to set rates CLINICS Westvlew for appointment to view. tras, low mileage. Must sell. Minimum charge S5.00 per In- therefofe end to determine page Every Mon. and Wed. from 3 P5 -10 Dec Phone 638-1605 • : sertion. location. AUCTION SALE • 4:10 pm. By appointment Saturday Dec. 8th at 2:00 Please call Norma at 635- 34, FOR RENT Ctfn 12.5-79 LEGAL - POLITICAL led The Herald reserves the right only. 7496. to revise, edit, classify or reject p.m. TRANSIENT ADVERTISING: PRE.NATAL CLASSES Ctfn 5.12.79 Must sell: 1975 1HC PU 4X4 $3,60 per column inch. any advertisement and to retain Place : Terrace Auction , MISC, any answers directed to the Held throughout the year for Mart HILLSIDE LODGE V-8 with 4 speed wlth dual BUSINESS PERSONALS: Herald Box Reply Service,end to expectant parents. Phone Offers Invited for clear HALL RENTALS 4450 Little Avenue exhaust, dual tanks. Asking repay the customer the sum paid 4434.Lakelse Avenue( up. $4.00 per line per month. cuffing an eight (S) acre Oddfellows Hall 3222 $1500.00. Phone 635.5131 or Ona 4 month basis only. for the advertisement end box Health Unit for details and stairs) rental. roglstratlon. stand of L. Pine and birch. Munroe. For further In- Sleeping rooms, view at 4726 Loen Avenue. DEADLINE Box replies on "Hold" In. PRE-NATAL BREATHING You may place your advance To be followed by grubbing formation phone 635-2794 or housekeeping units, PI.7 Dec :: structions not picked up within t0 and RELAXATION and clearing for cultivation. 635.5661 (am-7-8-79.Tu, Fr) centrally located. Fully DISPLAY: days of expiry of an ad- bid before the sale. r 4:00 p.m. 2 days prlor to vertisement wlll be destroyed EXERCISES On sale-. Radial arm saw, 5 Merchantable trees to furnished. Rpdsonable 197/Chov o/4 Ton Heavy duty Ixblicatlen day. unlees mailing instructions ere Held every Mon. afternoon 1 kilowatt light plant, 8 HP contractor, balance to be 36, rates by day or week. 4 speed PS, PB 19,000 miles. received. Those answering BOx decked on the property. 35 FOR HIRE Non.drinkers only. Phone CLASSIFIED: Numbers ere requested not to -2pm. rotatlller, 12 foot aluminum Michelin radials $5,350. Also 11:00a.m. on day previousto day send originals of documents to HOME NURSING CARE boat, chain saws, socket miles east of Terrace on 6,15.6611 vanguard canopy $325.00. of publication Mondayto Friday. (ctf-F) avoid loss. Nurelng care In the home for sets, assorted hand tools, Highway 16. D Harvard, Have 8 foot blade available i Phone 635-74S9 . ALL CLASSIFIED CASH WITH All claims of eft'ors in ad- those who need It, on referral new and used wood stoves, P.O. Box 2458, Smlthers B.C. for snow plowing. Save this Cffn MWF 7.12.79 ORDER other then vertisements must be received 047•2993 number 635.2475. 6USINESSE5 WITH AN by the publisher within 30 days from their family doctor. flourescent light fixtures, ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT. after the first publication. Terrace area only. large log house fixtures, P20-11 Dec. P3.7 Dec 1967 GMC PU view at 1753 It is agreed by the edvertlseF PRE.SCHOOL SCREENIN G used windows and doors, Kenworth St. requesting space that the Service charge of SS.00 on all CLINICS electric baseboard heaters, 410 John Desre Backhoe for P1 7Dec liability of the Herald In the CARRIERS Beautiful new 3 bedroom N.S.F. chsquos. event of failure to publish an 18 months: at Child Health. assorted winter tires. NEEDED Itre• Phone 635.4081. (cm.5- advertisementor In the event of Conferences. 6 yrs. once to 10-79) house on quiet paved street. 1976 Chov van. Phone 635. WEDDING DESCRIPTIONS: an error appearingIn the ed. In the following areas twice monthly. 4V= - S yrs. FURNITURE.. Carport, covered walkway, 2723. . NO charge provided news sub. vertlsement as nubllshad shall Thornhlll Qualified carpenter, miffed within one month. S5.00 be limited to the amount paid by (pre.klndergarten): Spring complete bedroom suite like full basement, with wall to P6-14 Dec ,~L Klrsh, Maple, Kulspah tradesman fully equipped product!on charge for wedding the advertiser for only one In. blitz. Developmental, vlslon,. new, dining room suite, wall carpet, cedar siding. and.or engagement pictures. correct Insertion for the portion Kenworth, Skeena Valley with air tools. Available for News of weddings (write.ups) hearing screening done. sofas, chairs, clocks, coffee Priced to sell. 635-4826. (c10. 1974 GMC : 54 ton truck, of the advertising sPaceoccupied Trailer Crt, Sande, renovations, custom received one month or more by the Incorrect of omlffed Item Please phone for ap- tables, dressers, single and 14D) career speclal;~p.B.P.S. Air after eventS10.O0charge, with or Toynbee, Old Lakelse Lk. cabinets, a rborlte, formica only, end that there shall be no pointment. double beds, one maytag condl'tl0ned, r~'~'dio8 track flit without picture. Sublect to liability to any event greater Rd., Muller, Plne,i Installations. Will consider ' s~crlflce ~lk" cOndensation. Payable In ad. dlshwasherMany more steering, duel gas tanks than the amount paid for such Paqueffe, Empire, Clark, all other types of finishing Assesed nitg value 49,500. vance. advertising. items are coming In daily. 32,000 miles. In exc. cond. Newell, Kofoed, River work. Phone after 6 p.m. Ask Market vatue52,S00. Sacrlflc Advertisements must comply VD CLINIC We sell off the floor six days Phone after 6 p.m. 798.2425 CLASSIFIED Dr., Seaton. for Don. (c20-21D) price 43,000. A 9,500 Bavlngl I ANNOUNCEMENTS: with the British Columbia Phone for appointment. a week. For pick.up or more 635-5708. P2.7 Dec Blrths 5.50 Human Rights Act which Terrace Five l~.droom home sane prohibits any advertising that Treatment avallable. Information please call 635. 4500 Grelg, 4500 Park, and one half beth, huge Engagements 5.50 Chev Van SWB 6 standard, ' Marriages 5.50 discriminates against any SANITATION 5172 Terrace Auction Mart. 4500 Little, Birch, 460( kitchen and dlnlng room with person because of his race, Insulated and panelled, Deaths S.50 Publlc health Inspectors can C3.7Dec Lakelse, 4600 Davis, 460( wood heater. Large llvlng Funerals 5.50 rellglon, sex, color, netlonallty, summer and winter tires. ancestry or place or origin, or assist with sanitation Loan, 5000 Mills, 490( room with fireplace, car. Cardsof Thanks 5.50 WHOLESALE PRICES Registered gdden labrador Phone 638.1037. Memorial Notices 5.50 because his age Is between 44 problems, such as food Welsh, 4900 Park patted, attached Insulated and 65 years, unless the condition polsonings and complaints, retriever puppies. $225.000. C3 -1 Dec PHONE 635.6357 is lustitled by a bona fide )n all remaining tools, Tweedle. Phone 635-5623 garage, 2 wells, out Closslfled Advertising Dept. redulrement for the work In. sewage disposal, private buildings. 5.6 km north on valved. water supplies and gifts and pendulum clocks. C6 -3,S,7,10,12,14 Dec Plus good selection of usmJ If you are interested I~ Kalum Lake Drive left hand nulsances.~ slde of road. Net Taxes $50.00 furniture. Open daily 1:3C any of the followln! To give away to a good home ~SPEECH "and HEARING' Phi3fle'635;5942 fO vl~W:'" ~' lw to 5:30, Tues.-sat, Phons routes please phone one six week old V~ Shepard- CLINIC ..... ~/~ Lab; pup. Phor~e~5-9355 (p2O.6J) " " 1971 Leader 'l'2x~iJ; ~:~i~ 635.7824, Did Totem 635-6357 (Held at ,1612 Grelg Ave. Tel., between am - 5 pm after 6 p.m. bedroom, set up in Kalum Beverage Building, next tg 9 For Sale by builder. Only 2 638-1155). The audiologist (stf-ffn) NC -11 Dec Trailer Court. Fully fur- will de hearing tests on Northern Inn. left. Prices reduced. For nished, 2 propane tanks, 250... Do you feel you have a referral by family doctor or Action every Sunday at more information please call Meet every Tuesday night at gallon oll tank. To view., drinking problem? There Is community health nurse. p.m. For Sale: Registered collect days 562.4114 or 8 In the Skeena Health Unit. phone 6355.5367. (p6.7D) ,,,., help Speech pathologist (a13.21D) English• Springer Spaniel evenings 562-3697. For more Into phone 635.3747 therapist will carry out puppies. Price $150• Ready Ctfn 4-12-79 or 635.3023 for Christmas. Phone 1973 Bendix 12X60 2 Br.. : Avallablel speech assessments and mobile home. All appliances Quesnel 741-1169. (c15-17D) For sale or rental purchase; Phone 635.4646 therapy. ARE YOUR CEILINGS plus dishwasher, partially Birthright AUCTION SALES a house. Phone Russ Roper 635.9052 LONG TERM CARE GETTING DINGY furnished. Phone ~35-3492 638-1514 At 205-4621 Lazelle Ave. Tel. LOOKING? If they are, have collect 562.4114 days or 562- Pregnant? in need ot sup- Every Sunday after 6 p,W ,V, Alcoholics Anonymous 635-9196. them professionally 3697 even~r~gs or weekends. port? Call Birthright 635-3907 , . 2 p.m, P5-11 Dec ..... i,,~ Mestlngs: resprayod. Call Earl at 63|. Ctfn 4.12.79 Nbr. 3.4621 Lakelse. Assessment and planning for Mon.8:30pm United Church. 2776. (c40•12D) WANTED TO BUY those eligible for Long Term Selling cars, furniture, 1912 Norwestern Mobile Mon. e p.m.-Alanon-Skeena BATTERIES Office Hours: Tues. 11 a.m..8. Care. tools, hundreds of new and home 12X56, with 12X.I0 Health Unit. Old car, truck and cat bat- p.m., Wed. 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., used Items in stock. Open flnls~ed addition. Un- ' Thurs. or Sat. 8:30 p.m. Mills COMMU N ITY teries. Top price paid. Will Thurs. 11 a.m..9 p.m., all day Saturday for furnished, In good condition, Memorial Hospital. VOCATIONAL pickup. Phone 635.4735. Wanted to rent by Jan. 1, Friday 1 p.m.-10 p.m. or Call viewing and consignment. reasonably priced. Phone REHABILITATION For Sale.double bed with P14 Dec 1980. Transferrlng working 635-3164 or 638.1227 anytime Ladles Slim Line Club meets • SERVICES L.W. Sears couple, one child, no pets. 635.5539. Auction Sales headboard. Phone 635-9448. Ctfn 5.12.79 Monday evenlng • 6:30 p.m. - AID TO HANDICAPPED P1 -7 Dec Wanted to Buy: Used fur- Require 2 or 3 bedroom OVEREATERS United Church basement, 3092 Hwy. 16 At 205.4621 Lazelle Ave. Tel. niture such as couch, chair, house or trailer. References ANONYMOUS ,Ltlmat. (Next to Northern Inn) 66. RECREATIONAL meets Wednesday at 8 p.m. 635-9196. For sale clothes dryer. Inglls table & chairs. Phone 635. if required. Phone 635.4633 or 635-7824 Nelson, B.C. collect 352-9195. at St. Matthew's Anglican Assessment and guidance make, like new, call 638.1401 5417. (ctfn.11.10.79) VEHICLE~:~ Women's A.A. Meetings . (a23,29,30, Ic15.12D) Church basement. Phone for vocational and social after 5 p.m. weekdays or 1974 VW camper for sale every Tuesday night at 7:30 - 6,7,13,14,20,21,27,28D) CASH 635-4427 after 6:30 o.m. rehabilitation done by weekends. Good condition. 38,000 miles, 4711 Lazelle Ave. 635.5145. Will pay Instant cash for consultant. P3.11 Dec asking $6,000. 635.5132 after 6 BCRIC shares. Ph 635.4226. SKEENA CENTRE p.m. ,, WANTED DONATIONS r4; BUSINESS c20.11 N C3-7 Dec ONCE MORE WE OPEN The Three Rivers Workshop Weight Watchers meeting For Lease warehouse or OUR DOORS TOTHE for the Handicapped are held every Tuesday at 7 p.m. PERSONAL URGENTLY shop. Units 19 feet by 48 feet In the Knox United Church SENIORSOF THE looking for donntlone of any NEEDED by 16 feet. Ceiling 14X14. 1977 Arctic Cat Jag 3000. :~ Hall, 4907 Lazelle Avenue. PDQ 1978 Chev H.D. V2 ton fully COMMUNITY. old, broken or used pieces of CarPet & Flooring Female needs ride from Overhead door,plumbing i:xcl, condition. $1,000. 1979 furniture, also any #lscarded equipped. $5900 downtown into Thornhill Trail Cat by Arctic Cat. LOW : Lazelle Preschool and gas heat. Phone 635.7459 We offer wood products we 'could use Vanquard slip in canopy full School area behveen 3 and 4 hours. ~;2,100. 1978 Klfty Cat /, • 4907 Lazelle Ave. Installation Ctfn.MWF 7.12.79 COFFEE for recycling or renovating. door. $695,00 p.m. Will pay gas. Please for kids. S200. Terrace, B.C. New fiberglass go-cart. New CONVERSATION Call us et 635.2238 between You'supply -- we Install call the Herald at 635.6357 For Rent.about 900 sq feat on Phone 635.5414 Days, 635~ : & E a.m. and 3 p.m. We will try There are a few spaces value $1250.00. Take best and leave a message. (stf. second floor, alrcondltloned, 9204 Evenings. (p10.14D) ... available for children ages 3- 638.1691 CRAFTS to make arrangements for offer or trade. fin) located at 4623 Lakelse 5 in this progressive dally (am-1-10-79) In a friendly pickup. Pioneer power saw, older but Avenue. Phone 635.2552. Johnson snowmobile 21 HP,'"', nursery school. Special help hardly used $90.00 WANTED Drop-In Centre " SEARS Ctfn 5.12-79 good beginner snowmoblle.~,i','' available for children with '79 Ford deluxe canopy Spat cash for your: atmosphere MILLS MEMORIAL SALES AGENCY S175.00 ; THRIFT SHOP mild developmental delays, fiberglass, wired and BCRIC SHARES 55, PROPERTY Phone 635-5131 e.g., poor co-ordination, Wholesale merchandise We supply Mille Memorial Hospital lighted. 5695.00 PI -7 Dec delayed speech develop- Auction services Queensway Trading ../2 MATERIALS Auxiliary would appreciate Call 638.1744 FOR SALE ment, etc.. not requiring Ornamental ironwork 3215Kalum INSTRUCTION any donations of good, clean P3.11 Dec Land for Sale- 157 acres, 1100 1975 Odessey, many extra s~ i:' medical referral. For fur- 3972 Deble Street 638.1613 & clothing, any household Phone 635.7824 sq ft 3 bedroom house, 30 foot good condition, with tow ~, ther information, phone the A 6.21 Dec TRANSPORTATION Items, toys etc. for their 180 Kazama skis and. 250 by 40 foot hlp roof barn, 20 behind Ira ler on floatatlon. ;' Supervisor, Nefly Ofsen, at 10a.m. • 2 p.m. as well as an area for Thrift Shop. For pickup tyrolla bindings. $110.00. foot by 30 foot shop. fires. Asking $1100. Pho~ ~' 635.7918. Closed Mondays i relaxatlon. For more In- service phone 635.5320 or 635. Phone 635-3928. Numerous other buildings. 635-$131. (am.12-I0.79) WANTED formation about these and 5233, or leave donations at P2-7 Dec Approx. 30 acres cleared, P1 -7 Dec ~':' the Thrift Shop on Lazelle some In grass, numerous other activities, please Spot cash paid for good Avenue on "Saturdays bet. INSlSTON 4 Snowtlres '14", fencing springs and ponds. Pofentlal In good condition one 1974 phone 635-2265 and ask for used furniture, guns, wean I1 a.m, and 3 p.m. THE BEST staples, 4" nails. 3 HP gas flsh farm. 10 Mites from Olympic 440 Ski.doG, asking ''~', Skeena Centre. See you there Jewellery, skates, BCRIC Thank You. engine, sump pump. Phone Terrace, all for $95,000. ~/2 $700. Firm. Phone 635-7617. any time between 8 am and shares. At the Kltlmat Museum on Concrete septic tanks In after 5 p.m. 635-2880 down the rest at 11~/2 per cent ¢)5 -10 Dec "-~ 3:30 pm Monday thru Anything of value TERRACE Friday, December 7, at 7:00. stock. Get relief with a P2.7 Dec mortgage. Phone 638.1205. Friday. We buy--sell--trade WOMEN'S p.m. the staff of the Library concrete Investment. P.22,23,39,30N; 6,7D Gunsmlthlng Kltlmat A.A. Construction CENTRE will put on a children's Bosch Dough Maker. Heavy .a support service 57, Group In Kltlmat: telephone puppet show "Hansel and Schmltty'eExcavatlng Duty. 600 Watt Motor, for women- Gretel." 635.39~ QUEENSWAY 632-3713. standard, 5 loaves capacity. AUTOMOBILES Anyone knowing the 4711 Lezille Ave. NC-7 Dec (am•1.10-79) TRADING MEETINGS: Kneads, whips, blends and 3215 Kalum St, whereabouts of the next-of. behind TIIIIcum Theatre Dunebuggy -- metalflake Monday - Step Meetings 8:30 slices. Oven ready dough in Terrace 638-161: kin of VIC?OR WIEK ALSO p.m. Lutheran Church. 635.5145 international Order of Jobs COLLIER EXCAVATING 15 minutes. Save time and green, mags, diamond tuff KNOWN AS VICTOR VAK Wednesdays . Closed I~op In: 10 a,m, - 6 p.m. Daughters Nbr. 53 will be (one cent per ounce of uphol., street legal, SS ALSO KNOWN AS VICTOR N~etlngs 8:30 p.m. United Mon.. Thurs. 10 n.m..4 p.m. selling tickets for a car raffle Backhoe Work bread) Attachments headers, 1500 motor, T top WICK ALSO KNOWN AS Church, Friday. We offer a com- in the Skeena Mall Friday Alfn-Tues, Frlday 23-11-7( plus sldecurtalns. Interested VICTOR WEAK who was fortable relaxed at. available, revolutionary /: Fridays • Open Meetings evening Dec. 14 and all day. Phone 635-5340.after 6 p.m. Magic Mill lI, grinds all parties only. $2,600. Phone born in Finland on April 28, 8:30 p.m. Skeena Health mosphere to meet and share Saturday, Dec. 15. (nc.12D) (am.1.10.79) grains, peas, beans, self 635-5414 Days or 635.9204 1635 and who resided at Unit, Kltlmaf General Ideas. Children are welcQme. evenings, (p10.14D) Terrace, B.C, and Sinclair EVENING PROGRAMS: cleaning. Weighs 8½ pounds, Hospital. grinds 80 pounds per hour. Milla, B.C.: kindly contact:. AI.Anon Meetings • Tuesday 7:30 pm Tuesdays. Women's HERALD Sales Service. Dealer 1979 Chrysler New Yorker, • 8 p.m. United Church. A.A. 1st Wednesday of month For Rent: Bachelor rooms in fully equipped. 20,000 km. Public Trustee,File Nbr • Status of Women. 2nd inquires: Phone 632.4055. Okanogan Kitd~en mobile motel complex N. 741110, Wednesday. single parents C8.14 Dec Ripe Relief CLASSIFIEDS Preschool Supervisor Kalum Trailer Court. Frldge Attention: R.J SULENTICH ~ lied by a single father. 3rd 1172 High Rd., Abortion Counselling wanted for Terrace Day in each room, community Hornby Street, Wednesday Men and Kelowna B.C. VIY 7B1 1972 Mercury Montcalm 400 & Crisis Line for Care Centre. Call 638-1171 kitchen, laundry facilities. Vancouver, B.C. ;; Women's Rap. Thursdays . 763-0212 motor, good mechanical Women 635-2243. anytime $50 week single, $37.50 week condition. Asking $800. V6Z 2CS '. Women's Night Out. 635-6357 ,6,2-30 N ?Dec .... Ctfn 5.12.79 OI-23,30 N, 7, 14 Dec. double. 635.9473. (c20.19D) Phone 635-5733. (c5.7D) ! ' I '"

Tl~ braid, Friday, December 7, 1979 Page 11

Killer getting ! i n • • Bank backs down in union dispute • : mn VANCOUVER(CP)--Tha retroactive TO Jan. 1 and d~awing its~ million from contractsecuritydaunewith Canadian Imperial Bank of expiring at the end of this the bank because c~ it's the Retail Clerks Union in a all the breaks Commerce, target of with. month, contains a nineper. "uniun.husti~ attitude" and Winnipeg branch. VANCOUV~'.tt (CP) -- a Canadian eitizen on USE UP. drawals of union funds cant wage increese for the 23 other unions followed. The John Fryer, BCGEU Convicted killer Anthony Canadian snil." RICHMOND, B,C. (CP) cocaine and L~D, Ko- becauseit refused toagree to employees and the Rand far- Commerce was the only general secretary, said he (Bunny) Gerein Sot his ShosaidGerelnquestioned -- A drub roundup in vailck said. e union security clause, mule, which provides for bank at that time which had told bank c~fletsk his union secand break in a oueee~ful his eseorta about whether which 44 arrest warrants "LSD seems to be more signed the clause Thursday collection of union dues from refused to zign a union se- . was not unhappy with ser- ~eseape whefi he was they were armed which wer~ Issued in this prevalentegnin,"beanid. in afinl contract at a bank every bargaining u.lt am- curtsy clause with the bank vice at the Commerce and reeogalzed by a Vancouver indicated ,"he was con- Vancouver s~burb RCMP Supt. Lyman branch in Craston; B,C, ployee. workers' unice. "would give every con- peilceman who did nothing siderln8 an escape bld and •.Thursday confirm~ that Hensehel, drug en- Mar8 Klein of the Union of The B.C. Government Em- Two weeks ago, unionists sidaratiou to putting the because he thousht C~roin was wondering if hewould be the use of the ~llegal foreemant co-ordinator,. Bank il~mployees said the ployees Union announced a bailed a breakthrough when money back" if the bank .was In eustody, shot in the back if' he ran." chemical LSD is on the said the increasing use of oneyear contract, month ago it was with. theCommeree nigned a first- agreed to the Rand formula. . Thepeliceman, working as When there was no upswing again in British LSD after its popularity a school liainon~'officer, Canadlanescertatthe plane, Columbia. i in the 1960s is surprinlng I re~gaizedaman'getlingout Gerein bolted from the U.S. RCMP S.Sgt. ',John TO I)niice. of a taxi in. Vanoouver as escorts and fled through a Kovallok said the ~'oimd. "We ace it more amens i 'Gere in, police said Thur. fire door in the walkway to up is the result of ~i four- ounger people so we ~itY~ the immigration centre, month operation by an n't believe its the result aan't until he got home His escorts pursued him undercover constable in of a heroin shortage," he that the policeman learned aeroes a noway and over a Richmend, Delta, Van- said. "In the last four to Gerein had fled from his wire fence before they lest couver and Bumahy. six months its suddenly United States escort as they him in a parking lot, Thlrtptwo arrests were emerged not only in the left their plane at Vancouver C,erein, dremmd in grey made by late Thursday on Vancouver area hut International Airport and American institutional charges of trafficking in elsewhere In tb9 took a taxi into Vancouver. clothes, took a taxi into illicit drugs. Those province." Gargle, known as a master Vancouver before road- arrested or sought ln- LSD is a poychedelie e~disguines, hadaheardund blocks could be placed duded six Juveniles, one a drub that can be made by .mustache when he escaped around the airport. He paid l~-year-old boy. anyene with a knowledge - i • cmtody.Butthemanseenby the taxi driver with a $10 oThe undercover officer of ehemistry and eaolly- the Vancouver policeman U.S. bill, part of pessesslons made buys of marijuana, obtained equipment, FREE was .cleanshaven, police he was allowed to keep after hashish and hash oil, Henschel said. said. his arrest. TERRACEHOTEL GIFT CEBIFICAIES "At least It gives us an in. For thESe Items dieation of what he locks like *!bear teeth , hear claws now," TEHDERS Geroin's first break In his ,wolf tenth • beaver teeth eseape Wednesday came NOTICE /k. noon or deer sellers(slngleorpalr) when there was a gap in the OFFER FOR SALVAGE I lmndover from U.S. im. LOGS.TIMBER migration officers and the There will be a public meeting Available it the front•desk of the I RCMP escort waiting for OFFERS: Plainly marked Ida in an immigration area on the envelope "Offer on immediat,ely preceding the TENACEHOTEL I some distance away. P.T, Nbr. 190" will be The gap in the handover received by the undersigned Council Meeting to discuss the: will mean a tightening of one Iotbesisonly, upto 2:00 t EASTSIDE GROCER Y pr~oedUr~ in Iransfering p.m., January10,1980for the NORTHWEST PiPE nero fromAmericanto purchase end removal of TERRACE AND EQUIPMENTLTD. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Canadian escorts, approximately 182.2m3 auth~lties said Thursday. cedar, 182.1m3 spruce, COMMUNITYPLAN : PiPE.PLUMBINGSUPPLIES PUMPS. Monlea Bell, regional 109.5m3 hemlock, 12.6m3 HOSES. NUT5ANDBOLTS FENCING Open 7 days a week depa~ director for the U.S. belsam end 11.8m3 relect, at the Municipal Council Chambers WATER c,OF TE NERS ANDMORE with Jerry &Marg immigration department in Ioca~d "as is end where is" tO serve you San Francisco, said That- and ,as found on site" In sday that past practice has Lekelse Lake Park, B.C. 3215 Eby Street 5239 Keith Avenue - N.~SC Hvd~o WEEKDAYS 8-11 WEEKENDS 9-11 been for Canadian (Furlong Bay Campground).. 4430 LAKELSE AVE• LlS.2104 authorities to be at the door MONDAY, DECEMBEI 10, 635-7158 • YOUR FRIENDLY CONVENIENCE STORE of the airoraft when meeting Each bffer must be ac. a potentially-dangerous' compenled by a ¢sltJfled prkonor...... chequemade payable to the 1979 AT 7:00 P.M. She said U.S; pr0eedureff Minister of Finance for 10 Your comments, suggestions NOW OPEN also will be clia~ged~ecadae ~ per cent_of the bid. If the in the NORTHERN LIGHT of the escap~~'Id .ftRfiN~the' .~ successfpL :,bidder: sub. an~Fbi'iefs are welcome• prisoner and~'eseort will sequently withdraws his All West Centre Stained Glass remain aboard the plane and offer, the 10 per cent • ••* ••,e ** .1 eClasses Canadian authorities wit! payment shall be liable TO -Repairs have to eome aboard to take forfeiture. HIGH COUNTRY cuatocly, eSupplies Gerein, who previously es- The highest or any offer will Crafts & Gifts caped Nov, 19 from the B.C. not necessarily be accepted. THE FISH VAN .." OPEN-- Men. to Fd. 9 am - 9 pm eCustom orders Penitentiary where he was AvSat'e. 9 am- 9 pm liar•in8 a life sentencefor a The conditions of Sale ere: will be at i 4SIL.F Keith 638-1645 4820 Halliwell Ave. 638-1403 double murder, was (1) All the above-mentioned recaptared Nov. 24 in a materials must be removed motel at HaywardCallf. Ms. from the Park by the suc. HazeltonCorners i Ballsald Ge.rela's8~lfrig~l...-, capful bidder, by April 30,. .ARE YOU READY FOR , ti,ae, was deported to (~an. ;clear and 'tidy to the ada Thuroday. satisfaction of the District Fri. Dec.,7frm 1 pm -6.pro .... THE CoLD: WieAYHi R? Gereinwasbetnadeported Superintendent herein _ ~ Winter Months I under meort as an alien who named. entered the U.S. without in. (2) Road restrictions to 75 Nov•-Feb• I specllon, Me. Bell said. Two per cent of legal loading may Halibut steaks, sole filets, cod filets, C.I:N'EsW_ERCcL EA N/A:ES escorts were assigned be Impmed depending on crab, fresh shrimp, abalone, ocean BOILERS RESIDENTIAL or COMMERCIAL p.m I because he was known to be ground conditions at the time perch, red snapper, true cod. COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEMS a potential threat, of material removal. (while quantities last.) ' Closed Sunday & Monday (3) The purchaser agrees The escorts were unarmed uponacceptance of his offer ) We offer the molt efficient way of cleaning your entire 638-1991 3010K Kalum'Street and handcuffs or other re- and at all times thereafter Talcs Weigh Scales hletlng system by using a PRO-VAC Resldentlel. siraints wore't used because well end sufficiently to In. "(~ "-~' 411 . Commercial lind Industrlll ~Aoblle Power Vacuum of American airline demnlfy the Crown 'and to Unit. Also Introducing the n~N method of ufllllhlg re8ulatl0us, keep the Ct~own indemnified -at. Dec.8 Ires Noon - 6 pm compressed air for positive action. /1 VAN'S 00NTRAOTIH He wasn't in handcuffs against all liability, actions, after the plane landed, Ms. suits, proceedings, claims, "Our service gives petltlvs and efficient results" ,: ~ Farnilure Repair Bell said, "because we feel demands, costs, expenses ]0C off per lb. with this ad ~• i; I we don't have authorlty over arising out of or relating to Limit one coupon per person Call the PRO,VAC Peetpletodey end see for yourleif. the removal of the logs. " ~ LJlestmtlens, Hope Chests (4) Approval of equipment to . ,.,~ Custei,:Made Furniture, lefinisbiq STRAIGHT I'O 1"HE be used must be obtained. FAIR PRICES! Phone: HEART from Mr. F.M. Heldt, the • Pro.Vac Industries • . Generalhiidie| Contractie| The placement of the District Superintendent • Terrace 635"5292 Can. Ltd. wedding band originated in referred to below, prior TO ' Ser~lcee Division the belief that the vein in the commencementof removal ...... K0.m,t 632"2466 Kltlmat.Torreca, B.C. 2610 S. KElum 636-6686 Terrace thh'd finl~er d the ]eft hand of the Iogs.tlmbor. went directly to the heart. (5) The successful bidder must obteln a Ilcence to cut, _ JmiilkslB~_ and timber mark from the Stay .... Forest Ranger at Terrace, i o B.C. We prepare your In- (6) The successful bidder BILLIARDS & AMUSEMENTS bz,portetlon papers over the will assume full respon. ~•~•~.~.~.~.~...:~:~:~:~.~.~. formation please,o callm. THEn payments asor outlined uo.o In the in WE ALSO SELL, SERVICE • REPAIR ALL YOUR _= 1 HOME IIRUNSWICK PRODUCTS. LAW SHOPPE of JACK D. Ilcenceto cut referred to. JAMES, M.B.A.LI.B. TOLL (7) Scaling fees shall be ,FREE 'i|2.1041-I~3035 ,in borne by the successful Touch 3213 KALUM STRELI IERRAC£ 6 C PHONE 635.2473 Vancouver call 607.2442. bidder. : [635-3Yt6 leE,I oes~ U,tLX o on (/~gr;-."~'- ~,OO{,( • Chai'gex and Mestercharge For further Information welcome. AtM.10.1g-79F contact Mr. F.M. Heldt, District Superintendent, ~[~ Custom Upholstery. Fabrics & Vinyls Buy or Sell Morlelle fashion Lakelse.Atllne District, with a Furniture Repair and Refinishing and gold Jewellery. Ministry of Lands, Parks Custom Auto Interiors. Van Conversions Managers and salespersons and Housing, Box 119, Custom Quilting of Fabrics q &qNqnterprises neededinthlsarea. Foryour ,Terrace, B.C. VOG 4A6, SkeenaTelecom full catalogue please phone Telephone798-2277. Pioneer Upholstery MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS 4311.11392 evenings or write 635-9434 M,Graham rl.lle, Avenue, No. Terrace.49.462S If A.W.Purchasing CherIton, Commission CHAIRMAN VOICE PAGER Interested In Isernlng how to Parliament Buildings Weekdays 9 - $ Other hours by appointment Wayne lU.Si44 obteln free iewellery or Victoria, B.C. Days 4SS.tl3S Ernle 41S.~1|:1 ailing please advise. (c20. VOV 1T8 What's • PIBIrlP A Pager Is a personal pager that can be Claudette Sandeckl 3901 Doble Rd. carried or worn by everyone everywhere. It gives you a beep 9J) A1-7Dec and a message when someone wants to get In touch with you. Since 1973 Terrace, B.C. ,:.:.~...... ~. ~..%. ~•~.~••~•~•%•~•~••%`~•~•~•••••~•~:~.~•~•~•~i~•~•~•~•~•~•~:~:~ That beep Is your sound of freedoml It allows you to go where I .'.';';';';•;•;•;*;%'i'*•;•*.%.•...... •-*-...... *...... :•: you wantto go, do what you want to do, yet never by out of \ ' touch when you want to be reached. : How it werks. When you want to be In touch, just clip the Pager to your pocket, belt or purse. When you,re needed, the person ' ' NOTICE L: simply dials your phone number, and your Pager beeps. The GLACIER .Pager lets people reach you no matter where you are within MR. BUSINESSMAN! me paging area; In a car, a mill, on office, a hospital, • . wherever. Then you can return the call at your convenience. Simple as thatl L ..,~ 4411Lel[ioe Avem Who need| • Pa|ert Who doesn't? Everyone waqts more .The LAZELLE MEDICAL CLINIC i:i freedom In their dolly activities. A Pager gives yOU that This Space Is Reserved A (i~" Terrace.D.C. announces new hours. :':;:::" befreedom. on theIf move, you're yet In thebe Instantlybusinessworld,. available Pagerto makefrees critical you to ' ::.: declslone.As a professional,you may be "on call" 24 hours a , ,: day. With the Pager, you don't haveto be tied to a phone.As parents,a Pagergives you the freedomto explore,to enjoythe ' spur.of.tl~e.momentunplanned evenings, visit friends,or play S A Complete Glass and ,,,onuay,""" Tuesday & Thursday .:. ton,,,, and not be out of touch wth other members of the For Your Ad. iil famllv. Aluminum Service 9:00 am - 8:00 pm For everybody on the go with bUSy busness and social schedules,a PagerIS truly the soun¢lof freedomI

The new address is: i:'i! SKEENATELECOMS ! 4612 GREIG AVE. ii! 63 - B ~ • ~ • O e t $ O • i • e ~ • I # • i e • e e • • / e I e $ e • l • e e eee le_ee%eeo.%%Se~*e%%%ll%%-%%%~e%e ~e~ YdDDDA )%%t o~eei*e:%e;'%% •=•••m•~%%%%e;'e;'%e~•°e~•m%m=%'e%%•e%%•••° ~% e e e e e ° e e •*•'•" ~'•'%e°%e°e;•~;'~e J I i i -Page 12, The Herald, Friday, December 7, 1979 DOWN 3-0 I I.1{1{ ~4 I.-kl I I~1 ~ I Flyers still winning By THE CANADIAN PRESS second period, including a seem hesitant to call them. end of the period. Linseman Coach Bob Berry of Los pair by Reggie Leach, who "When that happens you scoreda second goal at 8:39 dally herald Angeles Kings says his team added a third goal midway have to take things in your of the third, Bob Dafley has a problem holding a lead through the final period. own hands, If you allow added another less than two after the first period. Pat "They forechecked us like things like that to happen, minutes later and Leach got SPORTS Quinn, Philadelphia Flyers demons in the second period, you will get run out of the his third just over a minute coach, wouldn't disagree. really buzzed us," Berry league. If teams try that after that before Andre St. After jumping to a 3-0 lead, said. "We were badly out- against Us, they better bring Laurent could reply for the the Kings dropped a 9-4 played in the second period." their lunch because they're Kings. FOR OLYMPICS decision Thursday night to Quinn was more concerned going to be here a long time, Nordlques 5 Blues 2 the Flyers who extended about what he considered an I better not say anything else their undefeated streak to 23 attack on his team by the or.I'll be in big trouble." Blair. Stewart "scored games -- tying a club record Kings in the third period. A In the only 'other games, twice, his first goals of the Canadian women qualify and moving to within five of brawl started when Randy New York Islanders edged season, to pace Quebec over the National Hockey League Holt appeared to punch Ken Boston Bruins 4-3 and St. Louis. Michel Geulet, FORT WORTH, Tex. (CP) over-all team standings. , She took the spotlight six Carnegie, 55th with 74.50, record held by Montreal Lieseman of the Flyers in Quebec Nordlques beat St. Robble Ftorek and Roland -- The Canadian women's The men's team had come hours after being released Geermann 81st with 74.250, Caoadieus. the back of the head in the Louis Blues 52. Cloutler got thee other team accomplished on in llth. The top 12 teams in from a hospital where she is Fleming 82nd with 74.20 and Philadelphia has won 17 corner. Four players were Goals by Doug Halward, Nordiques goals while • Wayne" Babych and Bernie Thursday what the men's each of the women's and being treated for an in- Alie 75th with 73.50. and tied six during its streak. ejected from the game, Steve Jensen and Ron Federko replied for tli'e team did the day before at men's divisions go to fection. The Canadian women's "We had a breakdown "If the officials don't want Grahame game the Kings' the 20th world gymnastics Moscow. She was back in her teamwaseighthandthemen defensively after the first to live by the rules, I guess the lead but Leach sparked Blues. championships, giving Can- Romania took the women's hospital bed soon after the 14th at last year's worlds in period," Berry said. "We there will have to be the Flyers comeback with Islanders 4 Bruins 3 ada full representation at team gold medal despite the medals ceremony. France. seem to have a problem vigilante hockey," said two goals within 20 seconds The Islanders handed next summer's Olympic absence of Nadla Comaneci Comaneci wore a five inch Schlegel's aggregate was holding a lead on the road." Quinn. "Teams have been --a team record--early in Boston its fourth defeat in Games. in three of the four optional long gauze bandage around based on 38.450 points The Flyers struck for six taking pot shots at some of the second period, Linseman the Brulns last five games. Elfie Schlegel, Ellen exercises, her wrist when she per- gathered Thursday and 37,70 unanswered goals in the our players and the officials tied the game at 7:25 and Bob Bourne gave New York Stewart, Diane Carnegie, The Soviet Union took the formed. gained during the com- Phllaelphia was off and a 1.0 first-period lead, Terry Shannon Fleming, all of silver and the East Germans puiseries. In Thursday's running. O'Reilly tied the game early Toronto, Monioa Goermann the bronze. The Romanian team score program, she had a 9.6 d a Dennis Ververgaert, Bill in the second but Mike Bossy of Winnipeg and Carmen Comaneci performed on wusasg.550. The Soviete took possible 10 points with her McEwan back BarberandJim Watson gave and Bryan Trottter gave the Alie of Montrealcombined to only the balance beam but the silver with 388.920 and vault, 9.550 on the uneven Philadelphlaa6-31eadbytbe Islanders the lead. put Canada in 1Oth spot in received a near perfect 9.95. the East Germans scored bars and 9.650s on the beam 388.075. Canada's total was and fleer. Rafter hero 375.100. By finishing 28th over-ag, on right track a The Chinese, competing Schlegelqualifies for further for the fi~t time in 18 years individual competition since McEwan GM got their Keating and Mike Riverside Auto Wrecking second win in a row after a in in any world-wide gymnastic the first36 in each of the Lopushinsky got the goals a hoop overtime tournament came in a strong women's and men's divisions long dry spell Thursday minute apart, Ron Lewis fourth with 384.600. It will he vie for spots in this night by beating Skeena scored six minutes later and Used Cars & Trucks thefirsttime China will have weekend's allaround in- Hotel 7-3 at the Terrace Keating finished the Reed)~ for the road at Reduced Prices BobHaftergotsixpointsin In the late game, All entry to the Olympics in dividealfioals. Arena in Terrace Com- McEwan scoring with 2:27 overtime to lead the Skeena Seasons overcame an early more than 30 years, with mercial Hockey League left in the game. 73 INTERNATION:~.L PICK-UP Hotel Orphans past Kluss eleven-point deficit to beat their lastappearanceinthe PNWHL action. 75 VOLKSWAGEN and Sons in Terrace Men's Ev's Clippers 79-73. Mike 1938 Games in London. AI Saucie got a match 72 CHEV PICK.UP McEwan led 2-1 after the penalty for butt-ending with Basketball Association play Ireland scored 30 for All Russia's Nell Kim won top ! 1 first period and 3-2 after the 72 FORD 1 TON with STEEL FLATDECK less than two minutes to go, 69 FORD F.250 Thursday night. Seasons and Doug McKay individual honors. The score second en route to the win. but the Skeena team Rafter got a total of 24 added 18, and defensive for Kim's fiery, sexy routine weeKen (1 MeEwan won their first two 62 INTERNATIONAL 5 TON with FLATDECK points on the game which specialist Mike Zylicz got 14 to disco music during her managed another goal was tied 79-79 at the end of Two games were played in games of the season and then before the end of the game. for the winners, floor routine was increased the PN'WHL Thursday night, went nine games without a Next commercial hockey regulation time. Jim from 9.75 to 9.8 following a 24 HOUR TOWING Checkley added 22 for the with Burns Lake Braves win, getting back on track action will be Monday night, Orphans, while Dave Metz- Paul Walker and Dave successful protest, Her total beating the Vanderhoof with an 8-2 defeat of the when Westend Chevron Crawleywerethe top scorers after Thursday's optionals Flyers 7-5 on the strength of Terrace Hotel team Monday plays Skeena Hotel and the 4129 Subs|ation Road meier got 26 and Fred night. Lindsay scored 18 for Kluss for Ev's, Walker netting 26 was 78.50. two-goal performances by Terrace Chrysler Juveniles 635-6837 and Sons. and Crawley 13. Second over-all high Dallas Burns and Blaine Keith Koating got three meet the Terrace Hotel 635-9363 scorer was Maxi Gnauck of Campbell, and the Smithers goals and two assists to lead team. i ~ ~] East Germany with 78.35. In Totems and Houston Luekies McEwan. third spot was Maria sawing off to a 4-4 overtime Skeena got a 1-6 lead on Dantley's shooting Filatova of the Soviet Union tie. Gerry Dempster's goal at at 78.30. Six games are scheduled to 5:49 of the first period, but Schlegel stood 20th when be played this weekend, with Don McCall tied the game at touch an O-T winner the scores from her corn- the three Eastern teams 8:53 and Keating got his first Adrian Dantley scored 10 edged Golden State Warriors pulsory program earlier in hosting two games each. with 22 seconds left to put YOUMAKE A lOP UOG DEAl,,., of his game.high 34 points in 105-103. the week and her optional The Terrace Timberrnen McEwan in the lead. overtime to lead Utah Jazz to At Salt Lake City, Per- routines Thursday were play the Smithers Totems McEwan got a 3-1 lead an 87-82 win over Portland tland's Ron Brewer sent' the compiled. Her total was Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. courtesy of Rick Lewis at Trail Blazers in National game into overtime with a 76.150. at the Terrace Arena, and 7:29 of the second period, but Basketball Association play 25-font jumper from the top Stewart was second-best Sunday they host the Van- Hans Stach reduced that YOU COME Thursday night. of the key with one second Canadian with a 74.50 derhonf Flyers at 2 p.m. load to one goal a minute and lrt the only other NBA remaining in regulation aggregate, good for 47th The Kitimat Winterhewks a half later. game, San Diego Clippers play. position over-all. Next came draw the Flyers Saturday McEwan got four con- night, and the Burns Lake secutive goals in the third Braves Sunday afternoon. period to secure the Win, In Prince Rupert, the getting two quick goals three gUT ON Cassie Hall winner in league-leading Kings play minutes into the period to elementary vo"ey'a"liD|| SmithersBurns Lake Sunday. Saturday and Skecnatake the offense. starch out of the

n elementary school off for the title, the teams Michiel 2 15-8, Cassie Hal volleyball tournament took voted to take home the beat Uplands 1 15- place at Skeena Junior trophy as a school rather Thornhill beat Uplands 1 TOP! Secondary School in Terrace than as a team. 8, Cassie Hall 2 b( Thursday afternoon, in- Participation ribbonswere Clarence Michiel 2 15-. relying teams from Terrace given to each player in the Cassie Hall 2 beat Thornhfli and Thornhill elementary tournament, with a trophy 1541, and Uplands 1 beat schools, going to Cassie Hall for the Clarence Mtcbiel 2 15-0. Training Opportunity Teams from Clarence victory. Michiel, Cassie Hall, In Division A, CassieHalil In the first semi-final, Automotive Mechanical Repair 1974 VOLKSWAGENBEETLE Veritas, Uplands and heat Clarence Michiel 1 15- Cassie Hall 1 beat Thornhill Thornhill elementary 12, Veritasbeat Uplands 2 15- 15-5, and Cassie Hall 2 beat The ApprenticeshipTraining Programs Branch of the $3495 schools participated, with 3, Cassie Hall 1 beat Veritas Veritas 15-4. Ministry of Labour is offering a pre.apprenticeship the two teams from Cassie 15-3, Clarence Michiel I beat course designed to prepare men and women for Hall taking home the tour- Uplands 2 15-5, Cassie Hall 1 ..... employmentas apprentices in the tradeof Au!omotive nament championship beat Uplands 2 15-2, and :,~t~;a ~HF ~o%~(. Mechanical Repair. 1979 ZEPHYR 4 DOORS,W. jointly. V~ritas beat Clarence ,,o~:..-.--'-----~- , r V6 auto, PS, PB, 11,000 kilos. $6995 They both advanced Michiell15-7. ~ DIET Course Term: through their sections to the Division 2 round-robin play From January 2 to May 30, 1980. final, and rather than play saw Thornhiil beat Clarence \CENTER'." Fees and Allowances: All tuition fees of persons selected for training 1977 FORDF350 CREWCAB will be paid by the Ministry of 'Labour. In V0 automatic, 8 ft. box. MESS Comets go DID addition, training and travel allowances will be $8295 provided, where applicable.

to Winter Games IT Work Environment: Northern Winter Games got 20 from Duncan ~ ' The work environment for members of this trade playoffs continued in Williamson and 18 from " ' ~dl 1978 FORD BRONCO is normally indoors, and it may range from a V8 radio, 4 speed basketball last night as Glenn Palahicky, both small repair shop or service station doing $9995 Mount Elizabeth Secondary guards, in their losing effort. general mechanical repairs, to the complex School's Comets beat the Tsimshian coach Tom service department of a large automobile Skeena Junior Secondary Watkinson said that Gott- dealership. School Tsimshians 91-64 in schling was Kitimat's most junior A boys' play. effective player, playing Because the work frequently involves direct 1974 FORDBRONCO V8 automatic tran. The Comets, who finished both forward and guard and contact with the public, courtesy, co-operation $1995 sixth in the province last controlling the rebounds. and the ability to handle criticism are necessary year in junior boys' Winter Games playoffs in qualifications. basketball, dominated the basketball continue game on the boards and Saturday as the junior girls Course Content: playoffs take place at Mount • General shop practice * Automotive 1978 FORDF250 broke down the Tsimshians' 4X4, V8, 4 speed trans., radio, etc. press effectively. Elizabeth, involving teams fundamentals • Engines, air- and fluid-cooled * $8995 from the host school, Skeena, Basic test equipment • Electrical systems • Mike Schuss scored 22 and Kispiox and Kitamaat Running gear, clutches • Transmissions, anti. Gary Gottschling got 20 as Village. spin and conventional rear axles * Steering and the Comets broke away in Games start at 1O a.m. braking systems * Applied mathematics • Safety Lhe second quarter to take with the final scheduled for 3 education. 1979 MERCURYMAROUIS the impressive win. Skeena p.m. Brougham St. Wagon. Air, stereo, loaded. $11,100 Admission Requirements: • 16 years of age and over • Good health * Non- allergic to solvents and lubricants • Mechanical aptitude • Minimum education, Grade 10 (Grade 12 preferred). 1976 DATSUN4x4 PICKUP 4 cyl., 4 speed, radio $4995 Application forms and further Information may Carolyn Little be obtained from: Iosl 36 pound~! • Apprenticeship Training Programs Branch Ministry of Labour i"M'~ hJhd u.,i,Iqhl hP~'~ h:~)k 4946 Canada Way ~,nlv~ w,',,k'. ,~i.II h,lt hr.lh,i Terrace Totem Ford Burnaby, B.C. V5G 4J6 whih' rhl'ltIl,| th,*n [ h,,,Iv;',q h,h tt~ m,/ hi, 't'' • Apprenticeship Branch Training Counsellors at Ministry of Labour offices in Chllllwack, Cranbrook, Dawson Creek, YOU CAN Kamloops, Kelowna, Nanalmo, Nelson, Sales Ltd. DO IT TO0! Prince George, Terrace end Victoria.

,,,~t~hl Tltl tO~l,. - • Principal Northwest Communiiy College (Terrace) a~DIET ' ~",,~ P.O. Box 726 4631 Keith 635-4984 Terrace, B.C. V8G 4C2 • Nearest Canada Manpower Centre. haler No. I548A 635-3B32