Estonia Social Briefing: a Society in Reflecting Mood: After Elections, Before Elections E-MAP Foundation MTÜ

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Estonia Social Briefing: a Society in Reflecting Mood: After Elections, Before Elections E-MAP Foundation MTÜ ISSN: 2560-1601 Vol. 17, No. 3 (EE) April 2019 Estonia social briefing: A society in reflecting mood: after elections, before elections E-MAP Foundation MTÜ 1052 Budapest Petőfi Sándor utca 11. +36 1 5858 690 Kiadó: Kína-KKE Intézet Nonprofit Kft. [email protected] Szerkesztésért felelős személy: Chen Xin Kiadásért felelős személy: Huang Ping 2017/01 A society in reflecting mood: after elections, before elections Currently, the Estonian society is reflecting on what has been done in the post- parliamentary elections period – this is all to do with the extensively discussed Government- forming politico-institutional saga – to face the European Parliament elections scheduled for the end of May 2019. The societal reflections are detected to be of the widest possible range: pure politics-driven, political economy-based, culture promoting, and even of nostalgically linguistic nature. Nevertheless, in all cases, the vast majority of people who represent the Estonian Republic’s multi-faceted society are showing by how much they are in positive contrast with the country’s immature political elites. The All Estonia Initiative In March 2019, a group of enthusiasts launched a social media-promoted initiative The All Estonia or Kõigi Eesti. The initiative’s logo, which had a stylised heart as well a basic greeting in Estonian, Russian and English languages (see Picture 1),1 was arguably a direct response of some of the segments of the Estonian society on the post-elections shake-up generated by the governmental coalition-building process. Picture 1: The Kõigi Eesti logo Source: ERR News Giving his commentary in an Aktuaalne kaamera reportage, Rein Veidemann, Professor Emeritus from the Tallinn University’s School of Humanities, noted that the Kõigi Eesti 1 ‘Kõigi Eesti movement launched by concerned residents’ in ERR. 23 March 2019. Available from []. 1 represents “an allergic reaction in Estonian society, to recent political developments”, adding that [t]his [societal] allergy is thanks to the conflation of social media with ‘ordinary’ media. […] 'The result is hysteria. Society has reacted to in a way that highlights what has long been a scourge in Estonia, namely that it works in an atmosphere of diametrically opposing cultures.2 In such an IT-driven society like Estonia, it was only a matter of time when the Kõigi Eesti started being ‘followed’ by thousands; in less than a week since its launch, the initiative already had “26,000 ‘'likes’ on its Facebook page, and a similar number of ‘followers’3. However, it was only the beginning of the whole story. On 14 April, the initiative organised something objectively impressive, ‘jumping’ off the cyber-platform into the very real world – in Tallinn, the Kõigi Eesti arranged a musical concert that brought about 10,000 attendees to the Song Festival Grounds under the slogan ‘We are not afraid. We stand together for freedoms!’4. The event saw some of the country’s most prominent musicians – Ewert and the Two Dragons, Ivo Linna, Svjatra Vatra, NOËP, Tanel Padar, and Stefan – performing on stage5. As claimed by Silver Tambur, one of the representatives of the Kõigi Eesti initiative, it is not associated with any political party in the country; on a specific note, he added that [through the initiative] [the organisers] want to say that it is important that all of those freedoms and values that have been very well defended during the 28 years in which we have been independent again – that they remain as they are and that they are the foundations of the state. […] This is a really good illustration of where Estonia has ended up that we have people who come together and do something like this out of their own free time.6 A Postimees report noted that Jevgeni Ossinovski (the then leader of the Social Democratic Party, currently in opposition) as well as some of the outgoing ministers (Riina Sikkut, Rene Tammist, Indrek Saar, and Sven Mikser) attended the concert; Kaja Kallas, the 2 Rein Veidemann in ‘Kõigi Eesti movement launched by concerned residents’. 3 ‘Kõigi Eesti movement launched by concerned residents’. 4 Anna Põld, ‘”Kõigi Eesti” concert brought together 10,000 people’ in Postimees. 17 April 2019. Available from []. 5 ‘Gallery: Kõigi Eesti Laul concert brings 10,000 to Song Festival Grounds’ in ERR. 15 April 2019. Available from []. 6 Silver Tambur in ‘Gallery: Kõigi Eesti Laul concert brings 10,000 to Song Festival Grounds’. 2 head of the Reform Party (the winner of the latest parliamentary elections, currently in opposition) was also there7. Characteristically, the organisers made sure that the Russian language was “heard and seen on stage as subtitles of video clips shown in between performances and translated speeches, next to sign language”8. Arguably, the Kõigi Eesti- arranged concert has a chance to grow into an annual event, and the initiative in itself can become a platform for a political movement of a grown-up society. During the concert, one of the performers cited Anton Hansen Tammsaare, one of the country’s most prominent writers, who once underlined the following: [T]o come together and play together from time to time, is there anything more beautiful or even more useful a people could do? To come, see each other, look each other in the eye, feel you belong together in work, play, life and death – what else would you have?9 The most Estonian word The year of 2019 is marking the Year of the Estonian Language within the country and for the friends of Estonia internationally. Using this context, the Estonian Public Broadcasting or Eesti Rahvusringhääling announced a call on determining the most Estonian of all Estonian words. Obviously, the ironic connotation of the quest was never hidden away, but the outcome of the process was even more amusing and, knowing the Estonian nation’s inborn adoration of Nordic philosophy-linked sarcasm, meaningful. As reported, a total of 7,000 votes came through, and top-5 most Estonian words was featured by the following entries: sõnajalaõis (‘fern blossom’), öö (‘night’), kullakallis (‘precious’), pööriöö (‘solstice’), and kurat (‘devil’)10. Rain Kooli, a representative of the contest-holder, noted that Sõnajalaõis is a fantastic choice. […] It is profoundly Estonian in several respects – as an ethno-mythical concept it involves mystery, a yearning for happiness and general quest through hardship to the stars. With its short, quick syllables and two letter Õs, it is also a very Estonian word in its pronunciation as well.11 7 Põld. 8 Põld. 9 As reported in Põld. 10 ‘Sõnajalaõis voted most Estonian word’ in ERR. 15 April 2019. Available from []. 11 Rain Kooli in ‘Sõnajalaõis voted most Estonian word’. 3 The whole point of mentioning about this entertaining contest in the briefing is irony- related. The fern blossom is directly associated with a number of classic mythological stories of the Nordics, Baltics, and Central-Eastern Europe, not mention that ferns are literally iconic in New Zealand. At the same time, these plants are not flowering. For many centuries, metaphorically, the Estonian society has been on a positive quest to find a fern blossom to become happier, wealthier, and healthier. Considering the result of the aforementioned contest on finding the most Estonian word, the quest is still on. Prepared by: E-MAP Foundation MTÜ, Tallinn, Estonia 4 .
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