
Being highly sensitive to environmental changes, are a wonderful barometer of the health of Peron's tree Recent studies show that four frog species are (Litoria peronii): has a harsh call. Found extinct and, of the 210 species found in Australia, throughout much of seven are critically endangered, eight are south-east Australia. endangered and 12 are vulnerable. Generally soft grey in colour, with small green Frogs are found in almost every habitat, speckles particularly in coastal regions of the east, far south- east and across the north. About 30 frog species are native to Victoria Frogs eat small live insects. can be Growling grass frog (Litoria raniformis) listed as Southern brown tree frog (Litoria ewingi): vegetarian, eating weeds and algae, or carnivorous, endangered and restricted to a handful of sites common across much of southern Victoria. a diet that includes smaller siblings. around Melbourne, including Werribee Open Range High "cree, cree, cree" call, often from grass stems at night Loss and general degradation of habitat, such as Zoo. Distinctive crawark, crok" call. the draining of swamps, and pollution from general Stuttering frog (Mixophyes balbus): this ground- Cane toad (Bufo mannus): introduced to run-off and industrial chemicals, has put many dwelling frog has not been seen in Victoria for 30 Australia in the 1930s in a failed attempt to control species at risk. Chytrid fungus is a threat, as are years, and populations in southern NSW are declining the sugar-cane weevil. Is widespread across north- predators, both native and introduced, such as Listed as vulnerable. Melbourne Zoo is working with east Australia. Scientists are concerned about its NSW agencies to help the species. impact in the Kakadu region. carp and mosquito fish.

Southern toadlet (Pseudophryne semimarmorata): has bright orange patches on its thighs, which are displayed when the frog is disturbed. Bright colours warn of toxic chemicals in the skin. Threatened because of habitat loss.

Romer's tree frog (Philautus romeri): highly Southern corroboree frog Spotted tree frog endangered frogs native to Hong Kong. When their (Pseudophryne corroboree): (Litoria spencen): endangered Australia's most threatened because of habitat declines and habitat was threatened by an airport construction, Melbourne Zoo's Chris Banks helped collect and breed species of frog. A national the impact of introduced fish the frogs. Hundreds were returned to new sites. recovery plan is under way, such as trout. It is found in the far involving the NSW National Parks north-east of Victoria, NSW and and Wildlife Service (NPWS), the ACT in cold, fast-flowing rivers. the University of Canberra (UCAN) and the Research Centre (ARC). Purple frog ( sahyadrensis): recently found in 's mountains, it belongs to a family of frogs thought to have disappeared millions of years ago.

PICTURES: National Institute of Health, Craig Borrow, Mike Swan, Mark Smith, AP