SACRED MUSIC Summer 2010 Volume 137, Number 2 EDITORIAL The Languages of the Liturgy | William Mahrt 3 ARTICLES Cantus Universalis: A Glimpse at the Supra-Cultural Value of Gregorian Chant | Gabriel Law 7 The Carol and Its Context in Twentieth Century England | Sean Vogt 13 The Gradual and the Responsorial Psalm | William Mahrt 20 REPERTORY The Alleluia Veni Sancte Spiritus for Pentecost | Ted Krasnicki 33 An English Chant Mass 37 COMMENTARY The New Translation: A Guide for the Perplexed | Fr. Christopher Smith 39 Shared Responsibilities| Mary Jane Ballou 41 The Musical Hope of the New Missal| Jeffrey Tucker 42 REVIEW Gregorian Chant by David Hiley| Jeffrey Tucker 50 A Recreation of an Obrecht Mass| Jeffrey Tucker 53 NEWS Muscia Sacra Florida Conference 55 Pontifical Solemn High Mass in Washington 56 Ward Method Courses: Summer 2010 58 SACRED MUSIC Formed as a continuation of Caecilia, published by the Society of St. Caecilia since 1874, and The Catholic Choirmaster, published by the Society of St. Gregory of America since 1915. Published quarterly by the Church Music Association of America. Office of Publication: 12421 New Point Drive, Harbour Cove, Richmond, VA 23233. E-mail:
[email protected]; Website: Editor: William Mahrt Managing Editor: Jeffrey Tucker Associate Editor: David Sullivan Editor-at-Large: Kurt Poterack Typesetting: Judy Thommesen, with special assistance from Richard Rice Membership and Circulation: 12421 New Point Drive, Harbour Cove, Richmond, VA 23233 CHURCH MUSIC ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Officers and Board of Directors President: William Mahrt Vice-President: Horst Buchholz Secretary: Janet Gorbitz Treasurer: William Stoops Chaplain: Rev.