Courtesy of Oral History Research Office Columbia University The
Courtesy of Oral History Research Office Columbia University The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History roject WILLIAM W. LEHFELDT Interviewed by: William Burr Initial interview date: April 29, 1987 Copyright Columbia niversity TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Born and raised in California U.S. Army - World War II (eorgetown University and Harvard University Entered the Foreign Service Early Assignments Diplomatic courier 1,5. AID program - Afghanistan 1,52-1,55 Bilbao0 Spain - Consul 1,55-1,51 State Department - Washington0 DC 1,51-1,21 Buenos Aires0 Argentina - etroleum Officer 1,21 Cordova0 Argentina - Consul 1,22-1,23 State Department - Washington0 DC - ersonnel 1,23-1,22 Naples0 Italy - rincipal Officer 1,22-1,21 Economic Counselor - Teheran0 Iran 1,2,-1,13 Iran lan Organi5ation Embassy ersonnel and Duties Ambassador Douglas 6acArthur III Ambassador Farland - 1,12 Ambassador Helms - 1,13 Contacts in Iranian (overnment The Shah Economic Conditions U.S. policy towards Iran Ni8on diplomacy CIA operations U.S. interests 1 U.S. petroleum operations O EC Teheran Agreement - 1,11 9ohn Irwin mission Oil company negotiations with Iran St. 6orit5 Agreement - 1,12 Arab boycott of U.S. - 1,13 :Recycling: of oil country revenues U.S.-Iran 9oint Economic Commission Ni8on 1,12 visit U.S. military supplies U.S. banking presence Bankers' Conference Iran's economic situation - 1,2,-1,1. E8-Im Bank financing U.S. arms sales U.S. Embassy assistance Commercial :pay-offs: Shah's anti-corruption policy U.S.-Iran Chamber of Commerce U.S. concerned over Iran's arms spending Communications facilities (rowing criticism of Shah - internal and e8ternal Teheran0 Iran - Vice resident0 (eneral Electric 1,13-1,18 6ilitary aircraft Nuclear energy industry Investments in consumer products Iran-U.S.
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