Welcome Back From The Oracle Staff I tRJ I t$J I te$J I t$J IF$J IH$J

VOL. 1- NO. 15 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, JANUAR~ 11, 1967 Subscription Rate Page 4

CONSTRUCTION THIS YEAR Social Science Building, ScienCe Center To Go Up

USF's construction program duct work, pipes or the like ters for urban research and to Fine-Arts Humanities build­ will boom ahead in 1967 with would interfere with interior international relations, among ing, outdoor physical educa­ two major buildings scheduled arrangements. other facilities. tion facilities, marine science to start, completion of proj­ The basement level would Meanwhile, the University classroom and lab at Bay ects under way, and plans in contain eating facilities, labo­ has placed before the Regents Campus. the.. works for a $48.9-million ratories, and restrooms. The for ultimate action by the Continuing education center, expansion ahead. second floor would be devote'd Legislature, a request for Bay Campus, conference cen The two are a Science Cen· to data processing and com­ lump-sum allocation of $19.6- ter at Chinsegut Hill near ter and a Social Sciences puter center, the third floor million for academic build­ Brooksville, life science build· Building. would be occupied mainly by ings, $6.6-million for student ing, and renovation of some The Board of Regents has research laboratories and the services facilities, and $22.6- existing facilities as well as under study a contract for fourth floor to science library. million for housing and . food expansion and extension of $2,167,200 to Smith and Sapp A second major building in services. utilities to serve the growing Construction Co. for a five­ the works is a $2.4-mi!lion so­ Of the total, $21,387,365 campus. story Science Center contain­ cial sciences building, four would come from state funds Under construction a n d ing some 90,000 square feet of stories high and containing and $27,544 ,534 from other scheduled for completion by floor space. 106,000 square feet of floor sources. April is the natatorium, a If construction proceeds, the space. It would be located on Some of the major units in­ heated indoor swimming pool, building located in the Phys­ the new Business Administra­ cluded in the plans, subject to the faculty office • classroom· ics, Engineering, Chemistry tion building. amount of money approved by dormitory building in Andros and Life Science Buildings HEW recently approved a the Legislature, include a complex should be completed area, would provide extensive $655,000 grant to aid in con· start on the USF Medical during the summer and the new science research and struction and the purchase of School. College of Education building, computer facilities. some $305,000 in furnishings. Other projects include an . in October or early Novem­ The building is expected to Bids will be asked in the auditorium-lecture hall, a stu­ ber, according to present esti· It's Now Or Never be ready in 1968. The U.S. De­ spring at a date to be set on dent health infirmary, n e w mates. . . partment of Health, Educa­ the bid and construction University Center, parking The 18-hole University Golf Thursda;y is your last chance fu buy this year's Aegean, university persons may order copies for $~ each. tion and Welfare (HEW) would start within a few garage for 400 cars, dormi­ Course bordering on Fletcher the USF yearbook, says pretty Joan Cichion, lCB. Reserva­ Rel!ervations wiU be taken· in CTR 224. Freshmen who granted the University $767,- weeks if a contract is award­ tories for 1,000 students and a Avenue and 46th Street is tions may be made in CTR 224 for $1 eaeb. A 50-cent mailing transfer to the Tampa campus from Bay Cam(ms m~y pick 194 to supplement construc­ ed by the Regents. The build­ central core, second stage of under construction and should charge wiU be added for students wishing tQ have the year­ up their annuals during distribution days i,o the lobby tbe of tion funds appropriated by the ing will house faculty offices, the Library, chemistry - bio­ be ready for play in Septem­ book mailed to them. There will be no April sale. University Center in mid·April. Distribution to others at Bny 1965 Legislature for the 'classrooms, laboratories, cen· chemistry building, addition ber. Books will be held Until Oct. 1, after which they will be Campus will be made in the book store there. science facility. sold to others. ltefunds will not be given after Thursday. Non- Oracl~ PhQto by Anth~nv Zapporft An unusual aspect of the building is that mechanical, plumbing and electrical chas Possible es are placed on the exterior Dennard Move Graduation tist nclu s of the building so no interior New Gymnasium Among Faculty Changes Expected To Aid Several new department t:SF in 1960 and during a peri· Mast chairmen and possible loss of ers, od of tremendous 7 23 e Next Reoistrati growth. .., on . ~ tup dean to a state position Dennard -was comptroller at •. . ' • ~, I ~' Although conditions at reg­ Twe hundred forty-two . • 'ft . r.;p-+~ . are among personnel changes University or Florida (UF) stu- the closing of T-l'il..llester I • ·c~'j'Vtl' 'n:tast~r',s . ~dag~. 1 ~t ta~on ot .' Cleaf\\'~J~s;:, "~~£ullip istration were crowded dents kompleted at made or in the cards for USF prior to commg here. He is a requirement Among the ~i.v gradua:!t's · u~F illl1lathe~q.tics .and zooJ ·A~ 1Iartman :arid .Andr,ia S. times, Frank Spain, registrar, for degrees this year. UF graduate, a certified pub­ ~eir. h,er~.· ~vUh •rare the ,first,·students to re· ~ogy. They are Ha;nlet.S: .Gus~ 'Tro~tin.a'l ·of. Tampa, ' all in rated it as an ''excellent reg­ --.L."'--..:.:....:._.:....-.:.....!,.;:...!..._:...... !.L.:.__~-....l.------'---=------=---~- lic accountant, and is working · matb._ematics: and William N. istration." The crowded condi­ Robert L. Dennard, dean of ,...... toward his doctorate in educa­ · Lind~1~ Jr. of . Tampa, zoology. tions of registration administrative affairs, will ' may be tional administration. eased by the use of the new become vice chancellor of the .. Two gtaduatc r students re­ gymnasium in April, Dr. state University system July New faculty appointments ceived ma~er of engineering Spain said. 1, The St. Petersburg Times include several widely - rec· degrees: Tliey ate William I. To ISC s Total enrollment for the said it had learned. ognized authorities in their CrichtOR. J'r. of Riverview and spring trimester, according to fields. George J. Latherow of· Largo. THE BOARD of Regents. ' . Spain, is over 8,000 students Dr. Herbert Sorenson, Recei\•ing_ f{ master's may act on the appointment one degree with an additional I in elemetitaty 500 expect­ in April. Dean Dennard told ROBERT L. DENNARD or only 11 men to hold the title education was ed for late registration. Ricnard A. · 'Brice The Oracle he did not think it of distinguished professor at . III of Of 'God Dea ·view Tampa. these 1,250 are new stu­ appropriate to comment on University of Kentucky in Is· the College of Liberal Arts I' • dents and 7,250 returning stu­ the matter until it had uearly 20 years, has joined been said the previous chairmen The r~t af the graduates dents. A breakdown by class acted upon the faculty as professor of ed· by the regents. completed their terms Dr. Thomas J. J. Altizer, date in the same location, Dr. received bachelor's degrees showed 31 per cent of the stu­ and ucational psychology in the Three n e w department were given the opportunity of young Turk of Chris.tian AltJzer will take part in dis- from the USF Colleges of Lib­ dents to be freshmen, 20 per College of Education. He is theo­ chairmen took office this relief from administrative cussions with interested facul- ' era! ·Ar.ts, cent sophomores, 20 per cent du­ the author o f many textbooks logy who was gee~whizzed to Engineering, Edu­ month. Dr. ty members. cation, juniors and 15 per cent se­ Ovid Futch suc­ ties for full-time teaching and in the field. national notice by Basic Studies, and his ''God is '·Business niors. An additional 10 per ceeds Dr. Robert Goldstein as research. The college's policy Dt. Altiz~r will speak' on Administration. dea'd~' -views, wilL visit {JSF the cent of the students were reg­ chairman of the History De­ is to review department chair­ DR. LAWRENCE W. Beals, )Jniversify· ,LectUre Series at Five of the partment, Dr. Mark T. Orr re­ man appointments at the end chairman of philosophy at Jan. 26-27 for·confctences., and stude~ts were istered as graduate students. 8:·30 ·p.ih.:J Jan.' 26 in the Busi­ ghi.duated with Honors. They places Dr. Henry Winthrop as of their terms, usually three Williams College for 15 years, a lecture. f • The registrars office em­ ness.. Adminfstration (BUS) head of Interdisciplinary So· years. will serve as visiting profes· ·r~ , ,. are Magdalen Besenach of ployed the help of 200 student · au~itorium! · · Altizer, seU-styl~d- Christi~ • Tampa, · Ga'rolyn • B. McFar­ assistants to aid in speeding cial Sciences and Dr. Ray­ sor of philosophy this trimes­ mond H. Wheeler fills the post IF THE DENNARD ap­ ter. He is teaching courses in atheist, ls associate professor -Hi.s visit . will end after · a land of ClNtrwater, Patricia up registration. According to conference L: Pa:tteroon of St. Peters.burg of chairman of Sociology De­ pointment goes through, USF aesthetics and American phi­ of Bible and Religion at Meth­ Jan. 27 between 10 · Dr. Spain, "The student assis­ a.m. and noon' at University ~ach, and -F'rank R. Svejcar tants saved our life. They partment, in which Dr. Don­ would lose a key administra· losophy . Dr. Beals, who holds odist-oriented Emory Univer- . Chapel Fellowship with ·area were an immense help and ald Allen formerly served. tor who has been on the staff the Ph.D. from Harvard, is sity of Atlanta. clergy., did a wonderful job." Dean Russell M. Cooper of since 1957, prior to opening of (Continued on Page 5) Dr. Letoy Howe, UsF· cam­ THOMAS·ALTIZER "Althou'gh Dr: Altizer's pre· Se.nta~ians will pus Mcyhodi~ 1minister, said each be· direct- • · ed toward Altizer will be welcomed at a C h a p e I F~ll,owship on 50th a specific group," coffee Thursday, Jan. 26, from Street. the Rev. Mr. Howe said, "in­ 3 to 4 p.m. at University From 4 to 5:30 p.m. that terested persons are invited to pen attend any or all House of these To Swing Out meetings." "Step right up. Only one thin dime, one-tenth of a Altizer became a controver - , dollar" . . . a page from the past unfolds with the an­ sial figure in Christian debate nouncement in tHis country and abroad of the University Center (CTR) Program Today Is Last Day through his writings and talkS Council's Open House, Jan. 12-15. proclaiming the death of God Headlining Open House, which will bear the ad­ and on an "immanent God" in vertising theme of Early American Art, will be The To· Change Classes an updating of views ex­ Happenings, who will appear Saturday night in the pressed by Spinoza, Blak<', Teaching Auditorium (TAT) at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Today is final day for late registration or to change Nietzscpe, 'I;eilhard, .Bergson Concert ticl

(Contnlued from Page 1) tion; Patricia Smith, business- ry; Harriet Almerico, sociolo- Jordan, marketing; Marshall elementary education; Mrs. Gulfport - Douglas Holland, Manley Lawson, engineering. Barnes, Hazelhurst, manage­ education. Miami Beach - gy; Mrs. Martha Austin, psy­ Kelley, history; Joyce Kum· Sara Young, elementary edu­ political science; John Stam­ SARASOTA: ment. and Hanna K. Weiss, both of Scott Trent, psychology. chology; Richard Bachman, nic, elementary education; cation; Mrs. Jacqueline Za· mer, elementary education. NOKOMIS - Ann Graves, Bradenton. Miami Springs- John Shear- accounting; Judith 'Bailey, KENTUCKY - Larry Edge, Cerita T. Ludwick, English borski, history; Cecilia Zeller, Largo - George Latherow, social science - education. Louisville, management. The new graduates include er Jr., economics. psychology; Magdalen Besen- elementary education. master's degree in engineering; SARASOTA and journalism - education; - William LOUISIANA - Mrs. John­ 122 from Hillsborough County, DUVAL bach, French and German; John Marsh, humanities; Temple Terrace - Snaron James Davis III, economics; Howard, physical education; nette Quinn, Baton Rouge, el­ 52 from Pinellas County, 77 Jacksonville _ Mary HJ]l, Mildred Bissett, elementary Charles Marshburn Jr., social· Palmateer, elementary educa­ Thomas Luter, art; Marjorie William Kahn, social science - ementary education; from throughout the State of English and speech _ educa- education; Johnny Boromei ogy; Charles McCaskill III, tion; James Richards Jr., Owens, speech-education. education; Mary Robbins, ele­ Florida, 8 from other states, tion. Jr., psychology; Lynne Borus, MARYLAND - Mrs. Mari· management; Ronald Me· economics; Phylis Seeley, ele­ MADEIRA BEACH - Mary mentary education; Richard and one student lee Wells, Baltimore, humani­ from Seoul, ESCAMBIA distributive education; Cord, sociology; Henry Mess­ mentary education. Jones, Mathematics • edu· Simpson, mathematics; Mi­ Korea. She is Yoon Ja (Susan- Pensacola - Verona Gil- George Bradford, engineer- er, accounting; Mrs. Ann W i m au m a - Clestelle cation. chael Switzer, English; Rich­ ties. na) Chung, Wadsworth, history. TEXAS - Mrs. Dorthy who received her Jette, English and speech - ing; Mrs. Mary Brock, ele- Mikalsen, English and speech­ PALM HARBOR- Patricia ard Sykes, sociology; David B.A. degree in mathematics. education. McCully, Austin, elementary mentary education; J a c k education; Mrs. Diana Mom­ LAKE: Hogue, mathematics • educa­ Winter, engineering. The new graduates education. bring HERNANDO Buck, music - education; talbano, English and speech· Eustis - Ronald Shaw, tion; Mrs. Bertha Jones, so­ SEMINOLE: the total number of USF Brooksville - John Thies, Keith Bucklew, history; Es- education; Michael Morin, English. cial science - education; Jus­ SANFORD - John Bau­ VIRGINIA - Mrs. Jean alumni to 2,740. They will be accounting; Raymond Ander- trella Buria, elementary edu­ natural science and chemistry· Leesburg II Harris, Norfolk, psychology. bonored at the University's - W i i am tin Steadham, elementary meister, management. wood, sociology. cation; Mrs. Chery Burwell, education; Ronald Nelson, McClelland, history. education. VOL USIA: WEST VIRGINIA - Caro­ annual Commencement exer- IDGHLANDS elementary education; Mrs. natural sciences and chemis­ Mount Dora - Paul Hask· SAFETY HARBOR - Wil­ NEW ~RNA BEACH - lyn Parkins, Milton, English cises April 23, along with Avon Park _ Arthur Kelly Hortense Calderon, elementa- try - .education; John Nielson, ins, physical education. other students completing liam Linton Jr., accounting. Eugene Turner, economics. and speech - education. . k d . th Jr., physics; Mrs. D. Ann Mic- ry education; Emily Capitano, engineering; Richard Norie­ thetr course wor urmg e 1 LEE: SEMINOLE - Aaron Rust, OUT-OF-STATE: KOREA - Yoon - Ja S. kunas, music - education. art; Me vin ga, zoology; current academic year. . Carrier, account- Fort Myers - David Dukes, geology.· GEORGIA W i 1 s o n Chung, Seoul, mathematics. USF students completing re- Sebring - Mrs. Sheridian mg; Louis Chalifoux, philoso­ Mrs. Charlene Nubern, ele­ speech; Vicki Lancaster, so­ ST. PETERSBURG - Hugh Cruse, elementary education; phy; Mrs. Colleen Chambliss, mentary education; Vincent ciology; Victoria quirements for their degrees h d 1 Stewart­ Moore, master's degree in at the end of the fall trimester Mrs. Susan Willis, 117 Edgen- speec ; Samuel Chil s, geo o- Osborne Jr., political science; Moore, French; Kenneth Kel· English; Ernest Rhamstlne, dor, elementary education. gy; Mrs. Marille Clapp, spe- Virginia Paiz, elementary lum III, political science. master's degree in botany and are listed below by counties HILLSBOROUGH: cial education; Cleven· education; Jerry Parnell, his· (student is receiving bache- LEON: bacteriology; Mrs. Gloria Ad· Brandon- Mrs. Mary Jane ger, accounting; R obe rt con- tory; Mrs. Frances Pedregal, lor's degree in academic area 11 · Mr Tallahassee - Edwina Eu· allan, sociology; E d win listed unless otherwise noted). Campo, mathematics - educa- ne y Jr., mathematics; s. elementary education; Mrs. banks, sociology. Babor, geography; Eugene tion. Candace Cooper, elementary Glenda Pettyjohn, zoology; MANATEE Brandon, psychology; Patri· BREVARD Lithia - Earl Brantley, · education; Mrs. Victoria Cos- Mrs. Gayle Pivi~el, elementa­ Bradenton - Mason Foun­ cia Carroll, special education; Cocoa - Robert L. Fulop, management. grove, sociology; Luis Cowan, ry education; Ruth Pratt, tain, social science-education; Albert Chambers, marketing; management. Lutz _ Mrs. Rosemary engineering; Mrs. D i an a English and speech - educa­ Frank Svejcar, mathematics; Jon D a 1 ton, psychology; BROWARD Morris, psychology; Mrs. Ell- Dessy, special education; An- tion; Mrs. Nina Pridgen, ele­ Mrs. Hanna Weiss, German· Charles Dietsch III, psycholo­ Hollywood - Allen Schroe- len Spivey, sociology. gelo DiSalva, Latin and Span- mentary education; Sandra education. gy; Mrs. Lynne Ford, elemen· der, finance. Plant City - Sara Holland, ish - education; Mrs. Ruth Pupello, physical education; Ellenton - David Bates, so­ tary education; Mary Fox, COLLIER sociology. Duke, English and journalism- Mrs. Carol Riley, elementary cial-education. special education; James Naples - Carolyn Arnold, Riverview - William Crich- education; William Ehlert, education; Larry Rock, mar· ORANGE: Griffith, geology; J o a n n e physical education. ton Jr., master's degree in en- engineering; Charles Ehr- keting; Orlando - Leonard Besse­ Hansell, English and journal­ DADE gineering; James D. Free- mann Jr., management; Jo:hn David Sabin, physical edu­ nauer, management; Mrs. ism - education; Patricia Hop- Coral Gables - Susan man, physics. Engelhart, management; John cation; Marsha S a 1g a d o, Cherry Metz, elementary edu­ per, sociology; Mrs. Bette Clark, elementary education. Ruskin - Sandra Clark, so- Ezzell, accounting; Daniel French; Judith Saxon, special cation; Susan Olin, business· Ivey, ele1pentary education; Miami - Roberta Chiprut, ciology. Fleitas, political science; education; Mrs. Diann education. Gene Kidkliter, elementary French; Virginia Forrester, TamP.a - Richard Rrice Dia.ne Ford, ele~entary edu­ Schultz, elementary educa­ Winter Garden - Gerald education; Mrs. Sue Kickliter, Welcome English and library audio - lli mAster's degree in ele- cation; Mrs. EliZabeth Fusa­ tion; Reginald Sedita, physi­ Thompson, economics. accounting; Gary Kromer, visual education; Chester Ko- m~ntary education; Phillip ro, Spanish and French; cal education; Alberta Sel· Winter Park J o h n physics; Mrs. Karen Lam­ take, geography; Mary Lee, Hartman, master's degree in Barnes, accounting; Lynda ~ Mrs. Aida Garcia, business· domridge, chemistry; Mrs. port, elementary education; $ elementary education; Rebec- mathematics; William LindaU education; Gary Garrison, Loretta Shepherd, physical Rushing, English-education. Ann Larkin, elementary edu­ Back! ~m ca Moore, :history; Rose Pal- Jr., master's degree in zoolo· philosophy; Gary Goreth, fi. education; Toni Spoto, En· PALM BEACH: cation; lonari, English - education; gy; Mr. Andria Troutman, nance; Donald Grotegut, man­ gUsh-education; Louis Stolba, West Palm Beach - Mrs James Leppold, mathemat­ William Scott, speech; Dean- master's degree in mathemat- agement; Mrs. Myrtle Guari­ political science; Barbara Susan Campbell, elementary ics; Lynda Lobe, Latin Amer­ I na Sickle, elementary educa- ics; Shirley Alexander, histo- no, elementary education; Ju- Swigart, physical sciene; education; Mary Snyder, spe· ican studies; Kathleen Mor­ ru ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;:::;:::::::::;::::::;:::;:::;::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::; dith Hargraves, English; Ju­ Marsha Teague, English; cial education. ton, natural sciences; John will probably buy dith Harris, English and psy· Andrew Telmanik, elementary PASCO: Oescher, mathematics - edu­ I chology - education; Judith E. education; Fred Tomasello Crystal Springs - Mrs. Ro­ cation ; Patricia Patterson, I USF $50,000 or more of Harris, English; Mary Holley, Jr., English and speech­ berta Hill, elementary educa­ physics; John Pollock, fi­ elementary education; Lauren education; Walter Truitt Jr., tion. nance; James Rennie, Eng­ BOOKSTORE YOU life insurance • eventually. t~ Housel, finance; Diann Hutch­ management; Clarence Tyner Dade City - Mrs. Margaret lish; Mrs. Anna Rentz, ele­ The longer you delay, the more you'll pay. For inson, elementary education; Jr., accounting; Joanne Uz, Croley, English and library­ mentary education; Allain IS READY a low-cost start on your life insurance program Leonard Hutchinson, market­ elementllry education; Wayne audio visual education. Rimar, French - education; i talk to the Smiths - father or son. ing ; Charlotte Ippolito, math­ Vermillion, accounting; Louis Land 0 Lake$ - Vivian Richard Roberts, accounting; ematics - education; Joel Villanueva, accounting; John Clark, basic studies. Andrew Safko, marketing. I TO SERVE DOWNTOWN (POP) ON-CAMPUS (SON) Jackson, sociology; Mrs. Walen, international studies; Odessa - Charles Boris, POLK: ED SMITH LARRY SMITH Kathleen Jenkins, elementary Solon Whitney, geology; English. HAINES CITY - Elizabeth 1 Commerce Bldg., c/o Piantieri Box 1509, education; Elizabeth Johnson, M e r 1 e Williams, manage­ Zephyrhills - 1\frs. Patricia Caperton, elementary educa­ I~ YOU 1212 Florida Ave., Tampa Argos Center English • education ; Richard ment; Jimmy Wright, art­ Eikeland, elementary educa­ tion. . Phone~ 2.29-6809 IJones, economics; Jayson education; Mrs. Janet Young, tion; Louise Leopold, psychol­ KATHLEEN- Mrs. Barba­ ogy. ra Rathke, elementary educa­ PINELLAS: tion. Clearwater ·- Mrs. Harriet 1 LAKELAND - Mrs. Sally Gustafson, master's degree in Camp, art- education; Judith mathematics; Calvin Harris, Carlson, sociology; Mrs. social science-education; Mrs. Joyce Harrell, physical educa· Loretta Jacobs, elementary edu· tion; Leslie Muma, mathe­ We have your required text­ cation; Mrs. Carolyn McFar· matics; Marie Negley, music· land, Spanish~education; Grego­ education ; Victor Swan, spe­ books, paper, pens, pencils, art ry N i c h o I s, mathematics­ cial education; Mrs. Maxine supplies, engineering supplies, education; Elizabeth Stevenson, Weiss, English and journal- art education, Russell Stichler ism-education. .-~ study guides, dictionaries, over Any way you II, history; Ronald Yowell, psy­ LAKE WALES - Nanci U 7000 paperbacks, class rings and chology. Lewis, office administration. ~·· Dunedin - James Keating WINTER HAVEN - Mar· I jewelry, and personal articles. . look at it ••• Jr., distributiv~ education. sha Hoffman, psychology;· ( ' ' . .·. G.. got. a· good ·thing We've Open House I Come in today and browse N at your leisure. The Bookstore's ·going for you! (Continued from Page 1) 'I friendly, helpful! staff is ready to mine what kinds of articles they want to make and \1 serve. YOU at the MAIN We are speaking about The Oracle advertising Gomer from Tandy Leather Company will be the in­ structor in the Leather Crafts Program-to be offered I STORE, University Center, at ••• and here are a few reaso.ns for this claim: this trimester. (See related CTR news on page two.) w~J the ARGOS SHOP, and SOON At the Open House Dance on Friday night, the at the ANDROS SHOP! Go-Mads will create the beat beginning at 9 p.m. in I For USF students, faculty and staff: Argos Center. This popular band has played at college :>&. dances all over Florida, has been on tour to New York I • Our advertisers invite and welcome your business. and will be making their fourth appearance at USF. m Ads help provide more space far more news Admission is 50 cents per student with I.D. card. :;~ coverage. Dress is school clothes. Advance tickets may be pur­ chased at the CTR Desk. Only a certain number will • Attractive buy which may not be offered to the be sold, so buy now. gen4tral public. The high point of the weekend will be reached Sat­ • Only reputable firms which stand behind their urday night with " The Happenings" in concert in the produ,cts continue as advertisers. TAT. This group is now well known all over the coun­ try for three big hits- "See You in September", "Go ./ Away, Little Girl", and "Good Night, My ~ove." For business and service firms: • .The best way to get your adverti-sing message to. . .. the significant USF market• A united campus ministry of the Methodist Church, the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., .: .: • Helps you obtain your share of the $40 million . .. the Presbyterian Church, U.S., and the United Church of Chri5t. . buying potential of the USF market• .: . · • Good way to reach customers who appreciate be­ Cordially invites you to a get-acquainted supper : . ing invited to shap with you - and who are developing store preferences, now. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15,- 5:30 P.M. But (confidentally)

• Not ALL firms want the USF trade, sa they say. Facilities and Services Not ALL firms ·realize "USF's growth and know about The Oracle advertising. • Enjoy an evening far you ••• of Fellowship and ~· . • SO PLEASE patronize aur advertisers ••• and STAFF: mention USF and Recreation The Oracle to places where you Rev. James F. Keller, SUNDAY shop which· do not advertise. 10:30 a.m. - Worship Presbyterian; 6:30p.m.- Evening • Rides Leave from Fellowship Rev. leRoy Howe, Alpha Lobby Methodist; at 5:15P.M. WEEKDAYS Study Rooms, Lounge available E>~CLE Miss Ruth Schoch, United Church of Christ •

. OHicial University of South Florida campus Newspaper. . Scatt Penrod, Advertising Manager UNIVERSITY CHAPEL FELLOWSHIP PHONE 988-4131 Ext. 620 (or 618 to leave message) Methodist - Presbyterian - United Church of Christ 12710 North 50th St, Phone 988-1185

4 , Congressional Work THE ORACLE - Jan. 11, 1967, U. of South Florida, Tampa - i Offered By Co-Op 122 Students Find Jobs Eric Venable, a sophomore Since the majority party lost majoring in political science at several members, many legisla­ DSF, has just completed an in- tive proposals may be decided teresting assignernent in Wash- by very close votes after inter- ington. For the last !our esting debates. Via USF Co-op months, he Program has served on the Any student interested in par- staff of Congressman Sam M. ticipating in the program should · This trimester 122 USF stu- chemistry; Lestle Martin Muma, math. Mitre Corp., Patrick Air Force Base, ~ew York City - Daniel w. Phillips, PI> k · John F. Kennedy Space Center, Fla. - Raul J. Bertran, Jr., physics. lttlcal science. Gibbons as a participant in rna e mqutry at the Co- dents are scattered throughout (NASA), Cape Kennedy, - James USF's Co-operative Education operative Education Division of- Donald Pan Amencan, Cocoa Be~ch, - Paul u.s. Food & Drug Administratlpn. Bos- 13 states and the District of Co- Bean, electrical engineering; David An- cart~r, mechanical englneenng; Stephen ton - John Anthony Ferlila, zoology, program:' fice, which is headed by Dr. . . • • lhony Brown, eleclrical engineering; C. Lilly, Industrial engineering. U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 'll lumb1a 10 the Umvers1ty's Coop- Pamela Elizabeth Drew, accounting; Plcatlnny Arsenal, Dover, N.J. - Washinoton, Dc. - James c. Griffin, Eric said, "I have learned G M ati Ed t' p Raymond E. Hogan, economics; Thomas Charles Lee Vach Tenn. - Robert G. Wilder, electrical en· John. Dan•el Dorney Ill, electrical engJ. 1~~~~.E~~,..~~'.'*«~ Houston, to the U.S, Food and space engineering; Marshall A. Heath, gineerlng. neenng; VIctor c. Masters Jr., business into our legislative process." r Dru Adm' · tratl'on laborato- engineering. Texas Instruments, Inc., New Orleans management; David R. Sine, personnel R •t• g lOIS Marine Bank, Tampa,- John M. Val- -Lloyd Eldon stahl 111, geology. management. 'mester one student I'n I Each trl ecognl IOn 150 E I .ries Boston Forty- one of the entlno, finance. Union Carbide, Oak Ridge, Tenn. - u.s. Office of Education, Washington, Ed · ' m p oyers ' , · · Marshall Space Flight Center, (NASA), Ralph Hal Shigley, chemistry. D.C. - Phoebe Nella Bryant, elementary 122 students are On the1r first Huntsv ille, Ala. - Frank G. Anderson, U.S. Army Corps of USF's Co-operative ucatlon training Engineers, Jack· education; Darlene C. Cardin, elementary ogram has an oppOrtunity to M • " assirznment and for education} Ivan A Burroughs, Jr., math; sonvllle - Rodney D. Ghioto, civil engl. education: Cleta Ann Fowler, sociology; pr n ag·a e ~ " ' DaVId Gerald Chatham, English • journal· neerlng. Dans V. Hutchmson, elementary educa- work with Congressman Gib- 1 Zln S · many who reported to northern !sm; Jimmy Clyde Chut:nnev. engineer- u.s ..Army Missile Support command, tion, Richard D. Marshburn, psvchol~y; f pI I t e fl f h . f th mg; Kenneth Mark Hlggmson, Jr., elec- Huntsv•lle, Ala. - stephen Meade Embu- Elizabeth Russell, English education; . N all 1 1 bons in Wash mgton. orm y, USF received national notice an n e rv1 ews emp Oyers a ter t e Irst 0 e l~ical engineering: Thomas C. Miller, en- ry, electrical. engineering; Wayne .C Linda Sue Sila~, elementary edu~ation. the student ,. year it was their first opportu- g•neerlng; FrederiCk R. Nelson, man~ge- Love, mecha.n•cal engineering; fioward A. u.s. Phosphor.c Products Dlv•Ston of spends one.half of recently · arti'· ~ •i • mnet1 Gary Brent Robinson, mechantcal Vedner, engmeerlng. 'bb 1 f in twO magazine ' the Tennessee Corp., Tampa - Albert w. I the workday in Mr. Gl ons 0 • cles. nt nity tO see snOW engineering; Donald C. Rose, Jr., math; U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Blevins, chemical engineering, th h If f ,1 ' Keith Alan Shively, math . education. Biological Station, Sf. Petersburg - John University of South Florida, Tampa - A banner year for job in- out the recruiting season iii The 122 students represent Martin Co., Orlando, - Stanley Dennis Ross Hall, zoology. College of Basic Studies, Carol fice and the O er a per arm- "Church on the Campus" by · terviews for local and na- and refer the credentials • f f the LYAn ing som. e. task in the ca.pitol. The Rev. A. Grant Noble, chan. eU . sity's collea,.s Blank, Industrial. engineering; Ronald u.s. Department of commercial Fish- Frantz, bus ine~s teac~er education; Pr<> . our 0 mv r l:f'" Gene Duryea, fmance . management; enes. Miami - Thomas K. Kurella, ZOOI· curement .. ~ tiona! firms is in prospect with their recommenda- ~~ as follows· OffiCe, RICkard c. Fender, The.re IS tlrne. off to attend mtedr- lain of St. Anselm's Episcopal . f Nick James Schmidt, 111, engineering; ogy. manapemenl t h t h e- S C lb . d tl h ~ ' . ~Ieven Kirk Trusty, mechanical engineer- u.s. !'epartment of the lnt~rior, New Wallops Island Station, (NASA), Wallops Or U F, Donald S. 0 y, tJOnS irec y to t e appro- >~·: Aetna Life Insurance Co., Tampa, C. A. mg. York Ctly National Park Servtee Group, Island, Va. - John W. Nash, physics. es mg earmgs or wa c Church adjoining the campus, coordinator of Placement priate management person- Gaudi, business. bates on the floor of the House. appeared m· the October I'ssue of Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Services, said. nel who will make the final ttl .. craig Charles Biddle, physics; Prls· Students taking part in the The Living Church publication ~ selection for further inter- . . cilia Magalhaes, math. d ' th' t C ' Already more than 150 l Chrysler Corp., New Orleans, Michael program urmg lS nex on- of the Episcopal church with of- · view and potential offer," ~) G. Boyle, engineering; Frank Whitner hould have an excellent M private, government, and gress s fices in ilwaukee. Colby said. ~~..,, Gallant,Kling, mechanicalmechanical engineering;engineering; JohnDavid M. Presenting opportunity to study the effects The article discusses services education employers have •. Earl Nash, math. . • • . / scheduled J'ob of the Novemb er e 1ections. and facillnes of the Episcopal !1 recrui'ting A record high of 155 .• David Taylor Model Basin, Washington, -;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::::; C D.c. - Michael H. Johnston, math . r visits to USF during Tri- firms and organizations ·, physics; Dennis A. Myers, electrical engf. enter and refers to the neigh- I conducted m'tervl'ews at q neering; Mary Schwarf2, math. b . B s d u . rnester I ' Colby said. !'I DEK Processes, Inc., Fl. Wayne, Ind. ormg aptist ~ ent mon USF during Trimester I. ~ - Ellsworth J. Randall, business admin· 175 Organizations PAY-LESS and United Chaper Fellowship Interviewers want to talk , istralion. building. Dr. John S. Allen, USF ~ with students who will Many led to job offers, : ~ Department ot Defense, washington, with some graduating se- !.~ D.c. - Paulette N. Damm, math; Eu- with Career Openings president, is credited with the graduate in April, June or Pi gene Edward Dressier, math; Paul s. LUMBER CO. A t d · t ted t niors- selecting a position ~ Krug, 10 math - physics; Mary Louise 12200 Nebraska Ave. idea of leasing land for develop· · ugus • an eres s u- from among several offers. t>' sc~~~~~~~· ~~~u~~~;fi~~~; Inc., st. rnent of religious centers. The · dents are advised to regis- h Petersburg _ James Leonard Clayton. Just Three Blocks . 1 · ill tr ted 'th · ter immediately at ADM Colby said recent start- t IS • electrical engineering; Harold L. Hollem· ar lC e us a WI p1c- ing salaries for USF gradu- •!1i•:l beak, electrical engineering; Wayne Hun· North of Fowler Ave. tures of student religious activi 280. · fer, electrical engineering; William D. USF is honored ___ ---_ _ - p,·. ates were: 1ti1 Mitchell, electrical engineering. that MORE THAN 175 ty. . Colby explained that Math, physics and Chern- t1! Encephalitis Research Center, Tampa, respected business and professional or­ INTERIOR "South Florida Welcomes the · early registration, prefera- istry rnaJ'ors, $630 to $740 a WI' -f:~~;rati~t~a~~~~.• mf~~~a~ i o~~~~. Leigh Greeks" b Jerry D K'rkp t bl 9 12 th · d ganizations have scheduled on campus in· LATEX PAINT Y • l a • I. Y tO IDOn S 10 a - month; business adminis- '·1_, KimbroughFlorida Power, Jr., accountingCorporation,. St. Peters. rick, then with the Office of In- ·.. vance of graduation, .is im- tration other than account- Ill burg, - Robert w. Claussen, electrical terviews beginning January 30. White Artist Canvas Type f . S · M engineering; Charles Cuffaro, engineer· ormatiOn ervices, appeared in portant for job interviews, ing majors, $500 to $645; ~ lng; carroll Russell Herrick, mechanical the nationally . circulated Ban- " sl'nce Placement SerVl·ces engineering; Michael E. Nores, electrical ~ accounting, $540 to $675; ~ engineering. PLAN AHEAD for what could be the $1 ta's Greek Exchange. The mag- 1 needs the time to establish liberal arts, $ to 480 $640, · M~r~dM~~;hacn~·· t!la~~ee;;;g Sidney A. 88 G I 1 most important .• a azine previously has featured and process step in your life. I placement ere- and education m a j 0 r s, ~ Fo~d 'Motor C~.~ D"iarbor~, .Mich. - ---1"x2''-- USF in a cover picture. · dentials. $4,000 to $5,600 per school f~ ~':nu~· i.as~~~~~~~.~:~t~~:lnees~gi:~~~~P.: Kirkpatrick's article illustrat- "Credenti'als are neces- J, tration; Jetfrey Scoff McGilvary, mechan· REGISTER . . ' . . year. " leal englne~>rlng; Wiley Norwich, engf. NOW at Placement Services CLEAR HEMLOCK ed w1th a p1cture of the L1brary, ~- sary, as employer rep- Trimester II recruiting 'th ti neerlng; Edward J. O'Neal, mechanical for interviews with d I 1 al'1 · f J engineering. firms in your chosen ea s ."': na on z.a~on ° r. resentatives talk to thou- begins Jan. 30 and con- ~ General cable corporation, Tampa, - STRIPPING fratermtles anti soront1es and ds f tud ts th h t ' · field. . • san o s en roug - mues thraug h Apr il 14 . . Nor~anneenng. Dean Elder, mechanical engf. For Canvas Framing Wlth general development of the ~ General Electric co., Pinellas Park, - University. .~ rT"'"V·l~r, .. .,~.,~~--,~·· _,,.%~!"" ..~~· ,.. -~...... ,....._.. 1 ... ..J.,, M~:~~r~o~~c;;~rdc~:. J~~,;~.gi'G!~in~ DON'T DELAY ••• C ~-~"'"'""';""':t..A...... ;;·;.;;~,x~.z-~.;;x~~ ~--:~.:.;£~-z:...';·;~... A4~ .. ~~M Martin J . Robinson, chem1stry. SIGN UP TODAY FOR YOUR CAREER TOMORROW! General Services Administration, Wash· J • 1 h C • b 5~ 2 Ft. tngton, o.c. - Michael R. Mahagan, P acement services a so ave in1ormat1on a out part·ttme· .lvers•lty Career Center McCuddenbUSiness , administration;chemistry; NadIneRobert E. post"tt'onS All Types of Hardware, Un Schmidt, elementary education. On and Off Campus • Tools, Paint & Goddard Space Flight Center, (NASA L Accessories, Greenbelt, Md. - carl Wrandle Barth, and everything in electrical engineering; susan K. Orth, See the friendly m~f~lf Life Insurance Co., Jacksonville, people in Placement Services today! BUILDING - Brent Lowell Harmon, business. Offers Placement Help Gulf Power Corporation, Pensacola, - Herman M. Smith, Jr., accounting. Infernal Revenue Service, Jacksonville, SUPPLIES - Daniel M. Hinson, accounlfng. Ph. 932-3622 or 935-9603 Are you shopping around for a/ attend graduate school? 1 USF Placement Services OPEN MON.-SAT. IBuilding (ADM 280) bas a new Jd;~e~a p 11~~~~uJr..S:~~~ti~;.mpa, - career in industry or govern- If so, USF Placement Ser- "Career Planning C e n t e r" Internal Revenue 7:30- 6:00 . . D.C. - Service, Washington, rnent? Or perhaps planrung Rogers F. Magee, accounl1ng. to v1ces in the Administration which could be of considerable tnternalionat Mineral & Chemical Adm.280 Ext. 612 help, c_or~p~.,~Ba~rt_o_w~·----~G~ar~y~J.~G~ood~e~m~of~e,~------THE CENTER contains a St. Pete Couple broad array of employment or graduate school information to Gives Yacht To help students plan their careers. Students are invited to browse or USF Foundation chat with placement personnel. . Donald A 50 f t S. Colby, coordinator - oo , twin . • motored of placement, said the center yacht has b~n given to the contains these materials: USF Fou~datlon b.y Mr. and ,., Employment information Mrs. Edwm L~ ~1te ~f St. P~- from more than 175 business tersburg. He IS a retired A1r and industrial firms. Force colonel. . ,., Information from 90 gradu- The yacht will be sold and ate schools in the section of P.roceeds used by the Foun~a- graduate catalogs, and informa­ tion for student loans, marme tion on fellowships and scholar­ research and other University ships. projects. A yacht previously ,., Material on careers with given by W. C. Fulton of Altu- the Federal Government, in ras has been sold. Civil Service positions, or on To Order Your 1967 !~~~~~··.i=··:~~g;.;-il~;.. ~~~~!~!~~=~~=~=~ co~~~~ d~u~~~:~tion are in· ~~~i~~d s~~~rs~ FBI, CIA, Maximo Moorings Marina of ,., A current card file listing St. Petersburg .provides free several hundred jobs available space for vessels given to USF in the United States. Welcome Back and sales are handled by J . F. ,., Information concerning ff, Caldwell of Van 'Brothers Chris summer employment opportuni· ~ Craft agency. ties. To All Of You I #~~~ DIAMOND RINGS I TOMORROW Thursday, Jan. 12


Thurtclay, (January 12) we must sand our order to the printer for the EXACT IF number of co pi••· It will be impouible to change the number after Thurs­ ./ day. When you , .. how good the book is, after your friends show you their OUR LABELS copies in April, please do not come to the Publications Office or ask the Aegean staff if there is an extra copy you can buy, None will be available COULD ONLY TALK to those who did not reserYe copies by January 12. I "rve been attached to my suit m for quite a spell. I'm taken to all the best -FACULTY, ADMINISTRATION, AND STAFF - places, and I go out frequently. Yau tao must reserve copies in advance, including the number of service copies needed by administrative departments. If you have not dona this, GENEVA------IBKT. Gosh, 'I get a lot of wear please call ext. 618 .t251Ay, and prepare a short invoice for the number of WHITE OR YELLOW GOLD but I feel almost as young as copies needed. the day I was purchased I from Kirby's, suit attached. CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED I Incidentally, the suit wears well, too!" iill&!llm~H~!Il~~o~ JtruPdtr.® j OPEN MONDAY AND fRIDAY •TtL 9 P.M. CAMPUS PUBLICATIONS Reg1stered J ewe lers ;lZ..j>' American Gem Society I ®. ~ Me:N'S Wru.f( CTR 224 510 FRANKliN STREET PHONE w. TAMPA, FLA. 33602 229·0816 t 707 S. Dale Mabry m 211 E. Arctic ,o (Next to North Gate) lt m~Z£\\!lM~.l.!;~~uM@!l\JJM~J.!.\l 0~ . '· \ 0~CLE Editorials And Reflections ~ Commentary 4 - Jan. 11, 1967, U. of South Florida, Tampa By ANTHONY ZAPPONE and cleaning their plates. Staff Writer It's a safe hunch that they'll have less garbage over there as a result. A questionnaire was distributed at registration last week concerning the I<"' I<' I<' Shopping Around new cafeteria facility near the Andros In an attempt to bring pageant­ dormitory complex. It seems there are ry to USF registration, cashiers were • For many students, this last cellent electives for the new dorm students who resent being com­ placed in cages. They weren't selling- _, registration was more than a peri­ major. pelled to eat there or at Arsos rather ride or show tickets, however, which ru- .... od of long lines, frustration caused than the plush University Center cafete­ ined the illusion somewhat. • But even then, students find ria. by closed sections and classes, and that they have too many courses in It is rumored that the registrar chose: ' seemingly endless waiting. one area and are required to take The facts are that dorm students to place the cashiers behind wire be­ must purchase food cards to insure the cause a group of thugs were planning to It was a period of rapid and in­ as many as four subjects in one Morrison chain of definite revenue. Sec­ specific area. heist the tuition loot. This was not con- creasingly more important de­ ondly, the food tastes the same in all firmed, however. · cisions. Decisions which may This too can prove expensive. three campus eating places. Third, with prove both financially and emo­ Presumably, today's student the USF population explosion at hand, I passed President Allen on my way from registering tionally expensive. wants to graduate in the shortest there's just not enough room for both and I overheard him commuters and resident students to dine say, "This never ceases to amaze me." I We are referring to the process possible time and through the least comfortably in the CTR cafeteria. don't know if he was talking about me or difficult route. of deciding upon and pursuing a Actually, Morrisons' officials were registration proceedings bqt I assume it major course of study in college. This all too common goal, can looking out for dorm student welfare was the latter. .. And in this respect, USF is be emotionally expensive. when they established the new eating ~~., unique. It allows the undecided There is really nothing wrong place rule. They figured persons who A strip of pictures published in the and unsure to postpone declaring a with going to school an extra tri­ had to run over to the Andros Cafeteria, Oracle last Trimester depicting love life major until they have completed a mester or quarter. It will not seri­ eat, and prepare for their next class on Crescent Hill seems to have done pre-planned c o u r s e of basic ously hamper a career to academi­ would develop hearty appetites in the some good, for the lovers anyWay. The studies. cally shop around for an interest. process, hence getting more for money Physical Plant division has planted This is not to say that it will not shrubbery around the center part of the But even with this advantage, Hill in order to protect the lover's priva­ many students prefer to declare be helpful for those who know they cy. are sufficiently able and interested OUR READERS WRITE . and complete as soon as possible ~ I<' ~ in a field to complete the required the requirements for graduation in Various departments on campus are their major. courses early. For those who are capable of getting wise to students who try to avoid This is what may prove costly. making these decisions early in certain professors on their faculty by calling their office to find out who is Students, who hope to complete life and are able to establish a pat­ a major in what have been called Parrish, Reader, Iorio; teaching what sections of certain classes. tern of thinking and living without by some, the "hard-core" subjects being exposed to what a University One such department is Speech. The such as engineering, physics, offers, we wish them and their nar­ secretary refused to give students this math, and others sometimes find row thinking success. information. She said that Dr. Popovich they are not capable or willing to was the only one who could give it out, if But the majority of students we it was very important. complete the requirements. These have met here are not so inclined. Wow, What A Backfield! "wash-outs" often find that they These students are willing to inves­ There are certain professors in all de­ have invested too much academi­ partments who, through no fault of their tigate many fields and at the same Working in silence, with cunning, and to understand the English department's Furthermore, cally and emo.tionally. would you believe this own, do not get along well with certain time, devote their energies to one almost in exile, the English deparbnent football team with Chargin' Willie Read· team has challenged all comers - even students. This is basically human. Those in the liberal arts field area of study. has unleashed the tempest of the year at er, Fingers Broer, Let-me-try-a-play foreign languages if they can get their are a little more fortunate. Some These students, and we wish USF, and we in English feel it deserves Walther, Flying Dutchman Fabry, Let's­ signals straight. Would you believe Delta Why, then, can't the departments re­ courses are required or may be there were more of them, are re­ some recognition. get-the-game-over Moore, and secret Delta Delta? alize this and give out the information. A used for other Without sound and fury the English weapon Parrish. Certainly student has the right to know. (The last majors. Still other ceiving what we feel is both a lib­ not the Merry Rumors --are circulating In what In department has fielded wives four paragraphs are dedicated to the liberal arts courses prove to be ex- eral and valuable education. an invincible of Windsor here! World War II we called SHAEF head­ Miss in the Speech department who an­ football team. Fantastic - but true. Boasting a 180 pound line, fleet run­ quarters that a (get this misnomer) uni­ Closer in age to the generation of Doc swered Ext. 145 last Friday at 8:56a.m.) ners, and winged invective, the secret of versity all-star team is being thrown to· Blanchard and Glenn Davis or ~I<"' I<' IN PEACE CORPS maybe the club is in its philosophy of all's well gether to stop English. Given the mid· "Two Gentlemen of Verona," this team that ends well, and in its plays which are summer night's dream character of its I hope everyone did well with their is worthy of the Houyhnhnm Greeks who called patterns, configurations, syn­ promoters we can only say that it is grades last try., as unfair as they are. pulled the last sneak play against the dromes, and gestalts. much ado about nothing. Yes, unfair. trolloped Trojans. A Winter's tale you say? Not at all. As one stunned observer put it after This fearful symmetry of power and The unfairness can run two ways, un­ It urts To See You can see this team as you like it on ·watching English maul chemistry, "Did fair to the student or to the professor. poetry has so far defeated all comers at Sunday afternoons at 2 p.m. on the ath­ he who make the Green Bay Packers USF including the phantoms of Physics, There are many students who are get­ letic field. make thee?" ting by with the mercy of their teachers the cavaliers of chemistry, and the titans JOHN J. IORIO of art. Even the Appollonian students but there are others who aren't getting a Complacent Rich Associate Professor fair-shake. went down to defeat despite a comedy of They Like Merit System English errors. Note: The following was written by sundaes or air conditioned offices. It Most people will admit that grades Nancy Morley, now a graduate student Such a combination of intellect and Promises, promises, promises are so flexible that a difference in pro­ isn't hard to live in an isolated village. some are kept, most are forgotten. With­ at USF, W170, served for two years Again, at the level that really matters, athletic prowess has certainly never Your Help Is Needed fessors for a particular course could been expected of literary men. After all out degrading any of the elected officers mean a difference of a grade or two in with the Peace Corps in Riberalla, Bo- the volunteer is never alone. FELLOW SENIORS, Homer couldn't play for obvious reasons, we feel that the talk must stop, and work that course. For instance, if you took a ivia. At 1964 graduate of USF she The officers of your senior class Indeed, the things that concern and it's no secret that Sophocles was a must begin. course simultaneously with two profs, wants to continue working with some most parents, and friends about the would like to welcome you back to USF. marna's boy, that Shakespeare couldn't In the past, the spoils system was in you might do much better with one of agency related to the Peace Corps. During the holiday period, we have tried difficulties of serving in Peace Corps make up his mind, that Dante, midway in full force in the SA, and it was our opin­ them. Thinking about this makes you In Bolivia, Morley worked in "com­ to plan a program which will include and are superficial problems of a "spoiled his life went to yjsit some frieftds and ion that this system would and should be wonder how much better you would have munity development work. Teaching, appeal to each of you. Needless to say, it society" and the so called sacrifices hasn't returned yet (anyway he played curtailed during the next administration. done had you gotten the right profs setting up clinics, civic action related are merely realizations that many of requires your help and cooperation for to public health," she said. "Most of bocce), and that Goethe - well you Instead of stopping the spoils system, the throughout your college career. our material "blessings" are really never know when he would make a deal administration of Mr. Hogue seems to be its success. our time was involved in social con­ mental and spiritual handicaps! Do grades really represent a person's tacts with people." with the enemy. appointing people to SA positions without From time to time during this trimes­ ter, we will be calling on you either in 'performance in a course or, more blunt­ Morley had two months training at What really is hard for the volun­ And it is well known that an English adequate merit and ability. person or by mail to ask for the needed ly, what you learned. I've heard a lot of the University of Washington in Seattle teer is seeing a great deal of human professor image is that of one clutching Certain positions must be appointed misery and suffering and help that will make this program both people say they learned more from the and another month of community and realizing that a book close to his heart, while alternat­ by the president and, sometimes we will you as a volunteer, not Peace Corps, satisfactory and beneficial to you and courses for which they received the physical training at Puerto Rico prior ing a consumptive cough with scraps of admit, certain positions will not be filled lower grades. to going to Bolivia. not your entire country can do little to Keats and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. if merit was the only prerequisite. But, it the university. Any ideas that you as se­ change that situation. niors may have will be greatly accepted. 1/ I<' I<' Resembling a question mark, and weav­ has come to our attention that certain I guess it's really useless to fight city We feel that we must look to the future Since its beginning the Peace Corps What really hurts is seeing real ing his way to the student union which positions of high authority and impor­ hall and get something done about unfair and the classes that will follow for suc­ has been S'Ubject to extremes of opin­ problems and having no solution for he has mistaken for the library, no one tance were delegated to persons who grades. They're here to stay. cess of any program that we begin now. ion. It was called "kiddy corps" by its these problems. What hurts is seeing would mistake him for Steve Spurrier. helped most with the campaign and win­ We have attempted to take the best from skeptical opponents while its support­ the rich remain complacent and seeing But try to imagine if you can Truman ning the election. the preceeding senior classes and fashion ers idealistically considered it the an- the poor remain without hope. This Capote on a sneak play, Dos Passos as a There are many students on this Carnivorous Correlation them into the program that will swer to the world's problems. It is ob­ applies to rich nationals of the host flanker to the left, or is it right? Faulk­ campus capable of holding SA positions. we pres­ Seen In Political Field country as well as rich Americans. ner in furious immobility awaiting the If the SA wants to remain a status rna· ent this trimester. Through your idea:; viously neither. As is often the case, WASHINGTON- University adminis- _. It hurts to be made aware of the all polymath love's androgynous parabol­ chine let the present administration use for change and enhancement of this pro­ the critics were often too far away trators troubled by student unrest might tremendous problems in ic pass from spastic Beckett, Emerson the spoils system; if the school wants to gram will future classes be benefited. from the realities of the Corps and the the world and take a hint from a Western Reserve pro­ ardent supporters were many times at the same time be aware of the po­ lateralling to Thoreau, Walt Whitman grow in all areas, let's change the old Thank you in advance for your coop­ crashing the line, and a fifteen yard clip­ methods and seek out the people capable eration and class spirit. Good luck in the fessor and attack the problem through too closely involved with Peace Corps tential of your own country to alleviate their dining halls. work. • some of these problems. But our scien­ ping penalty against Mailer. Or Tyger of holding these vital SA positions. coming months. As a returned volunteer, I obviously tists look outward into space and our Blake, the All-American Henry James, Disappointed Voters, GEORGE V. NAZE According to Dr. Helen A. Hunscher, fall in the latter group. But, it is not soldiers look to the east. Angel Wolfe, and Killer Hemingway. Steve Adelstein CBI President, the proportion of meat in a person's diet my wish to praise the Peace Corps. It is difficult to accept the paradox If you can imagine this you will begin Gerald M. Goetz CBI Senior Class. influences his social and political stabili­ '] The ideas, aspirations, and the ap­ that your country is the richest, most ty. Applying ber nutrition research to the Sc proach, if not the tan_gible results, of powerful country in the world and yet problems of stability in emerging coun­ DE the Peace Corps must speak for them­ many of its citizens are comfortably tries, Dr. Hunscher states that "it is not ' ra selves. I do feel that the returned vol­ unaware and unconcerned about the unusual that a populace which exists in a Sc unteer feels some obligation to clear rest of the world. state of semi-starvation might not be re­ AI up some misconceptions about the New sponsive to the responsibilities inherent ,Free' College s!J Finally it hurts. Places to realize that fel- Corps. , low Americans are willing to give mil­ in a democratic form of government." ... .. It is not difficult to be a volunteer. lions of tax dollars for "defensive" or "People on meat-centered diets are on The training is rigorous. but not diffi­ militaristic purposes and will at the more capable of governing themselves,"· in, cult. It isn't hard to ''adjust" or in same time complain bitterly about a University of Maryland scien­ Sc other words, live like the "other peo­ "wasted" foreign aid programs. Responsibility On Students tist adds. Dr. James R. Ferguson points dii ple." At the level which really counts These are things that make it diffi­ out a 22-year-old University of Minnesota til there are no "other" people! cult to be a Peace Corps Volunteer. By RITA DERSHOWITZ paradox of the Experimental College, "The Experimental College is not a study in which 36 persons volunteered to fo• It isn't hard to give up hot fudge Nancy Morley. The Collegiate Press Service which operates on the assumption of stu­ protest movement," said Michael Vo­ submit to six months of semi-starvation dent responsibility for education. At the zick, a scientist - turned - humanist who on diets not including animal products. SAN FRANCISCO (CPS) - Ten stu· same time, however, the very existence was attracted to San Francisco State by dents cluster around a seminar table in of such a seminar in a college depart­ the EC and is now a graduate student As a result, the subjects showed in­ a classroom. One man among them must ment, indicates the extent to which stu­ there. "We are intimately engaged in creased irritability, difficulty with intel­ 'Mademoiselle' Columnists be the professor, but oniy because he dents have raised important questions challenging the College, and in creating lectual tasks, indecision and decreased · sociability. fill is about 20 years older than anyone else bout the quality of learning and teaching a situation in which students have the re­ m: in the room. He does nothing to direct to an entire campus. sponsibility. The result is that courses ·I' da Find No Sexual Revolution the discussion. Initiated three semesters ago by the we develop here, and prove can work, th• At this third meeting of the class, offi· Associated Students, the Experimental are being incorporated into the regular At NEW YORK - Tough luck, men. De­ "analyst's couch" and in numerous in­ cially titled Seminar in Higher Educa· College currently enrolls over 1,000 stu­ curriculum." 1 spite what you may have heard (or tion, the members are still arguing with dents out of stances a girl wound up thanking Benton 18,360 at State, all of them A non-protest stance is probably the No hoped!), there's NO sexual revolution each other over what they should be commuters. It offers 70 and Newman for the opportunity to get about courses, key to the EC's distinction from other en going on. At least that's the word from doing. They finally decide that a class­ her problems off her chest. taught by students, faculty members, "free university movements. Although fib David Newman and Robert Benton, Ma­ room and class meeting times are artifi­ and outside specialists. Credit is avail­ Vol. 1 No. 15 A little over half who replied were many of its organizers have been in­ demoiselle magazine columnists, who cial ways of learning anyway; they will able in some courses for those who wish Jan. 11, 1967 under 20; most of the rest between 20 volved in civil rights or radical political read more than 4,000 letters from young work with each other independently and it, through procedures in the regular . 1 and 25. Most were either students or had activities, they have not created a new Published every Wednesday In the school yeu· Fl women across the country. Their collec· when they have some­ College that allow faculty members to by the Unlvnslty of South been at one stage or another. Fully 75 sounding-board for the Left. Nor do they Florida 4202 Fowler Ave., tive cry seems to be, "Keep your hands thing to tell the others. grant credit for independent study. Tampa, Fla., 33620. S~~eond class postage paid at per cent thought they "could afford to define themselves as opposition to an Tampa, Fla., 33601, under Act of Mar..3, 1879. Printed to yourseli, Herb!" A Free University course some­ COURSES THIS SEMESTER include by The Times Publishing Company, St. Petersburg. lose ten pounds." The group was over­ enemy institution. where? Not exactly. It's a regular course a seminar in mass communication, orga­ The letters were sent in response to a whelmingly single, although there were offering of the education department at nized by the "We're trying to work in a real situa­ Circulation Rates questionnaire in Benton and Newman's replies from a few hundred married staff of a local non - com­ San Francisco State College, but it was mercial tion," Vozick explained. "You have to Single copy ----·------IDe "Man Talk" column in last April's issue radio station; classes in Non - Mill subscriptions -----~--·------$4 School yr. ladies, at least half of whom wished they organized because define politics by what you want to build, of Mademoiselle and are detailed in the of the Experimental Objective Literature; the College and weren't. College, a student not just what you oppose. The game is The Oracle I• written and /edited by students 11 l magazine's December issue. They were - initiated educational War; Meta-Hamlet; The Historical De­ the University of South Fldrlda. Editorial views At every turn, the girls complained reform movement at State. Members of not between the bad guys and the good herein art not neces~arlly those of the USF admln~ wil deluged with replies - mostly from frus­ velopment and Social Significance of lstrallan. · about their boyfriends' over - interest in the seminar are all leaders in the Exper­ Black Power; Propaganda, Brainwash­ guys, but it involves a bad structure in me trated, frank females who poured their Offices: University center 222, phone 988·4111, ~ tiOJ sex. The overwhelming consensus was imental College, receiving credit for the ing and the Political Metaphor; Gestalt which everyone, faculty as well as stu­ News. ext. 619; advertising, ext. 620. Deadlines~ hearts out to Mademoiselle's popular col· Un that there is still an enormous gulf be­ course from the education department. Therapy; the Kennedy Assassination, led dents, ar~ bound in." general news and ads, Wednesday far following umnists. Wednesday; tellers to editor 4 p.m. Friday, classl· w p.n tween young American women and men "I FIND IT SURPRISING," said Pro­ by one of the growing band of "sleuths" For fleds, f a.m. Monday. the past three years, student gov­ I Benton and Newman's questions about simple biology. Benton and New­ fessor Richard Axen, the seminar's investigating the assassination on their ernment at State has been in the hands Harry Halgley ___ . ------·------Editor .. , ti01 ranged from straight facts ("How old man comment, "Honestly, this was a teacher, "that people who are committed own; and Conscientious Objector coun­ of .highly articulate students whose Julian Efrld . _____ ··-·------Managing Editor. goal Le! are you?" "How much education have revelation. We have all been hearing to a theory of non-authoritarian learn­ seling. was to gain a greater part for students Lee Sizemore ------Sports Editor Polly We~ver __... ------· ___ Feature Editor' 1 anc you had?") to such teasers as "How do about the new sexual freedom sweeping ing, and who have had experience with In the campus bookstore, a special in academic decision - making. Last Scott PenrOd ------· ·---- Advertising Manager "F: you generally meet your men?" and America, about the new laxity in morals, that method, still cannot take the free­ section for EC courses offers Bob Dy­ year, for the first time, students had vot­ stu Thayer ------·------News Editor ; la\li "What are the big problems that you about the swinging youth, et cetera. dom of this course and use it to do what Larry GoOdman . ~---"-- Editorial Page Editor lan's latest recording, poetry by John ing representation on the College's Aca­ itie keep having with men?" For many girls, Well, we've just found out that it's balo­ they want." Lennon, and the 1966 Popular Photogra­ demic Senate and on most of its major Tony Zappone ------· Assistant Managing Editor. • Dr. Arthur M. Sanderson ------Pubtlshel' the tbe questionnaire served as a kind of ney." Professor Axen's seminar points up a phy Annual. committees. Prof. Steve Yates ---· ~---- Gentral Mgr. I ' • IN LIBRARY, TEACHING GALLERIES THE ORACLE - Jan. 11, 1967, U. of South Florida, TGmpa - I

\ 'Beautiful To Bizarre' TICKETS NOW ON SALE Art Exhibit On Display McGehee Dancers Out of the artistic mind emerges creations from the beautiful to the bizarre. When distinguished artists t hrough the ages, some ill or under stress at the time, seek to portray their attitudes toward irrational acts of man, wondrously bizarre creations result. This in essence is the theme of one of the unusual art shows presented on the At USF Thursday campus, "When Reason Dreams," in the Library and Teaching Galleries through Feb. 7. The Helen McGehee The show brings together, Dance Troupe will pre­ probably for the first time in sent a USF Artist Series this country, 77 items of fan­ Program Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in tasy and imagination reflect­ the Teach­ ing Auditorium - Theatre ing the graphic arts through (TAT) . five centuries. The grotesque Photo by Rich Whitaker figures in some works might Tickets are on sale at Do.na!d Saff and Curator James Camp C .. ------, be one artist's nightmare but heck Art the TAT box office until 5 p.m. could be sheer inspiration to today and between CLIP AND SAVE I the message they communi­ Brueghel, Bresden, Lucchese, 1 and 5 p.m. tomorrow. I creators of modern TV mon­ cate to us is much the same." Picasso. I ster shows. Miss McGehee, as soloist Miss Kelder will discuss the FAIRLY representative is a and first dancer of the Martha The show Calendar was proposed by show and other views on art drawing by James. Ensor, Graha~ Company, has ap­ Of January ! Donald Saff, peared in programs in associate profes­ at 2 p.m., Monday, Jan. 23, in "Death Pursuing the H4man the sor of art, to James R. Camp, United States, Europe, Asia, FAH 101. Horde," in which sickle­ Israel, the Near East, curator of galleries, who London wielding skeletons echo the and at the Edinburgh Festi­ spent untold Many names of artists in Fine Arts Events, hours in contact­ gloomy rider who follows the val. As a choreographer she Lectures the show are familiar - ing museums and private was featured in the first sea­ Durer, symbolic chariot of Saturn. owners and Hogarth, B o s c h, son of American Dance JAN. 12, THURSDAY - Helen McGehee Dance in arranging Ensor said in 1921, "When I in transportation det~ils. New York and has been com­ Troupe, 8:30 p.m. TAT; Students - $1.00, Staff look at my drawings of 1877 I missioned by Julliard School - $2, general public - $3.00. Diane Kelder, associate cu! find cubist angles, futurist ex­ of Music to present works. Helen McGehee rator of the Philadelphia Mu­ * And Troupe At USF Thursday Two Other Exh*ibit ions plosions, impressionist flak· Her mother lives in Tampa. JAN. 18, WEDNESDAY - Reader's Theatre Cof­ seum of Art, helped assemble Guest artists on ings, dada knights, and con· the pro­ dine," "I Am the Gate," and set and costun1ed and danced fee House, the collection from the Rosen­ Also Set For USF gram include 2 p.m., CTR 252, free. structivist structures." Diane Gray and "Metamorphosis"; and also . with breathtaking virtuosity wald Collection of the Nation­ An exhibit of "protest art" Ross Parkes. All choreogra­ , . al Gallery of Art, the Museum "A f t e r Possession," and of a subtle kind - a study in will be on Miss Kelder wrote that phy and for the pro­ Civil War Roundtable: "Northern Intellectuals of Modern display starting "Yarn." inner torture and a final victo­ Art, other muse­ "Doubtless many geniuses gram are by Miss McGehee. and the Civil War,'' 8 p.m., CTR 226, free. ums and private next Monday in CTR 108. The Of her "I am the Gate," ry over fear, with a tragic cli­ collections. · 'born under Saturn' have Lighting is by Gary Harris. Film classics- "The Silence" (Swedish), 8:30 She also wrote the catalog artist is James Spitzer and Musical America said it is "a max - a real work of our raged at the limitations im­ The program will p.m. BSA. text, and the director the feature powerful and shatteringly in­ time in spirit, style, and exe­ of gal­ exhibit will continue posed by time or space on three leries at University of her creations, "Un- tense composition, beautifully cution.'' of Florida through Jan. 31. It is span· their creative powers. Some cooperated in its production. JAN. 19 - Lecture: Earl Ubell, (Science Editor, sored by the CTR Arts and of the artists in this exhibition New York Herald-Tribune) "Will Science De· CAMP DESCRffiES the Exhibits committee. have reacted to these limita­ K'ESDEKIAN DIRECTING stray Society?" 8:30p.m., BSA, free. show as one of the "most tions by forcefully condemn­ A portfolio of 14 works by scholarly in the state of Flori­ ing the world and the system Michael Mazur of Brandeis in which JAN. 22 - Ruth Slencynska, pianist and lecturer, da this year." It certainly is they found them­ University now is on display selves imprisoned; some have 8:30 p.m., TAT, free. Students one of the most valuable. - $1.00; All oth· in Theatre Gallery. retreated from that world to ''Funny Thing Happened' ers - $2.00 Miss Kelder said of the art­ The exhibition en t i t 1 e d the sphere of fantasy. In so ists, "Their dreams and night­ "Images in a Locked Ward'' doing, they have enriched the JAN 23 - Lecture; Diane Kelder, associate cura­ mares reflect, as did the gar­ will be shown to Feb. 7. The language of art by the inven­ tor, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2 p.m. FAH goyles and chimeras of ear­ show was brought to the cam­ tion of forms never seen or Slated lier artists, the To dilemma Open of pus because of Mazur's Feb. grow­ imagined 16 101, free. by the ordinary in­ man in a world of terrifying ing reputation as an artist, telligence and by the develop­ A contemporary musical of two USF productions this charge unknowns. Though of the production. the accents James Camp, curator of gal- ment of new techniques to comedy with a generous share spring. "A Funny Thing Hap­ JAN. 26 - Lecture: The~ Rev. Thomas Altizer, of their language may , Kesdekian, who arrived on differ Jeries, said. convey these forms." of will be the first pened To Me On The Way To Dept. of Religion, Emory University; ''The campus last Friday, has been The Forum" is schedule for in professional 'God Is Dead' Theology," 8:30p.m., BSA, free. tl~eatre for 18 a February 16 opening. years. He has served for the Directing the play will be past 15 years as producer-di­ JAN. 28 - Michael Sullivan, guitar, 2 p.m., TAT, Rare Babylonian Cuneiform Tablet, Mesrop Kesdekian, formerly rector of the Green Hills free an instructor at Pennsylvania Theatre in Reading, Pa. State University, who is serv­ Kesdekian is a personal JAN. 29 - Faculty Concert: Jane Murray, Mezzo­ 4,000 Years 01~, Added By Library ing as an' mstructor-director­ friend of author William So­ soprano, 8:30p.m., TAT, free. in - residence at USF this royan and has directed five So· A nearly 4,000 year old link trimester. royan plays, including a world with man's communications JAN. 30 - Meet the Author: Irving Leonard, pro­ Tryouts for some six danc­ premiere of "Slaughter of the past has been acquired by the fessor of Spanish American literature, Univer­ The Sun = ers for the production will be Innocents," in Dublin, Ire­ USF Library. held Friday, 7:30- land. sity of Michigan; 2 p.m., CTR 252, free. 10:30 p.m. It is a tiny hardened clay r> at FAH 107, according to Rus­ Whaley terms 'A Funny tablet containing cuneiform sell G. Whaley, production de­ Thing' as a "contemporary J AN. 31 - Faculty Concert: Gary Wolf, piano, Man writing from the era of Baby­ = signer. "We're looking for musical which employs ele­ 8:30 p.m., TAT, free. lonian King Shu-Suen of about girls with various training," ments of Minsky's burlesque 2,038 - 2,030 B.C. Ox = said Whaley. They must be and the Show," CONTINUING USF students, who are EXHIBITIONS Elliot Hardaway, dean of avail­ and having a "vaudeville en­ able for the period of Trimes- JAN. 9-Feb. 7: "When Reason Dreams," Library Instructional Services, · said tertainment quality." Fish ' ter III-A. and Teaching Galleries. the tablet will be displayed in The second USF production the Library's Special Collec­ During that pel'iod, early will be Edward Albee's "Tiny tions Department, May to mid-June, the produc­ Alice." It is to be directed JAN. 9-FEB. 7: "Images in p. Locked Ward," Mi­ "as one of by our landmarks of culture.'' Cuneiform Writing tion will go on overseas tour. Prof. Peter O'Sullivan and is chael Mazur, TAT Gallery. Whaley will accompany the scheduled for The tablet was a March 30 obtained About 2,000 B.C. touring group and will be in opening. through JAN. 16-FEB. 17: James Spitzer, OTR 108. Philip C. Duschnes, rare book dealer for an un­ specified amount. The tablet is of grayish col­ ored clay with the squiggles Ruth 5/enczyska, Noted Authority On Vietnam To Present and chiseled, angular lines of cuneiform writing baked in. It Film-Lecture Next Wednesday is a rectangle with rounded corners, · somewhat in the Pianist, To The documentary film on Vietnan1 has appeared in the shape of a modern TV screen, Perform Here S and about 1% inches outh Vietnam to be shown GJeveland Plain Dealer and on each At age four she gave her first piano recital. next Wednesday will be nar­ has worked for 13 side. years as At six she played in Berlin, at seven she made rated by an authority on news director for television The message? It's of little her Paris debut with the Orchestre Symphoni­ Southeast Asia, Kenneth S. station WJW-TV in Cleveland. importance - routine instruc­ Armstrong. T he film will be tions to que de Paris, and at eight made a concert tour Armstrong has been every­ workmen on the shown in FAH 101 at 8 p.m. threshing floor in the fifth of ti\e United States. Armstrong has spent over where in South Vietnam, ex­ year of King Shu-Suen's reign. The former chil'd prodigy, Rutl1 one of t he last four years liv­ cept in Viet Cong strategy cir­ Slenczynska, ing and travelling throughout cles. He has gone with U.S. The significance lies in its some 30 years later "the greatest keyboard ge­ troops to front lines, forays in historic interest as an exam­ South Vietnam, Laos, Cambo­ nius since Mozart" according to the New York dia and helicopters, and j e e p i n g ple of a system of writing and' Thailand and has Times, will present a program at the USF filmed over 11 miles of film through Vietnamese villages. th,e clay "book" which carri~d it long before Teaching Auditorium - Theatre (TAT) at 8:30 footage since 1960 in the area. The film will be in color. modern alpha· bets were p.m. Sunday, Jan. His series of articles about There is no admission charge. invented. And it is 22. perhaps a start on other "landmarks of culture" which MISS SLENCZVNSKA (pronounced: slen­ Classic Swedish Film H ere Next Wednesday someday may help bring his­ Mrs. Mary F ra n Koe nig Points T o R are ·Tablet chin-ska) recently played 50 programs during tory to life at the library. six weeks "The Silence," a Swedish are asked to donate $1.00 at on a Far East tour. She has ap­ film directed by Ingmar Berg­ the door. Sumarian people probably translate because characters German and later an English­ peared with nearly every major symphony or­ man, w developed cuneiform ill be shown Wednes­ writting may represent words or syl­ man translated the markings chestra in the United States and Europe and day, Jan. 18 at 8:30 p.m. in "The Silence" has been around 3,500 B.C. The name lables and one character may and found them to be a record bas been featured in many magazine articles the Business Administration termed "an expose of the comes from the Latin word, have several meanings. of Persian King Darius' ac­ and television and radio programs. She was Auditorium, (BSA). alivenation in a world para­ cuneus, meaning "wedge," The "Rosetta Stone" o[ cu­ soloist with the Boston Pops on four interna­ Extra seats are available. lyzed by war ." It is said to bf! because. of the wedge · like neiform turned out to be in· complishments written in Non - membership · subscrib­ one of Bergman's best film&'. appearance of many of the scriptions carved on the steep three languages. This led to tional tours. ers who a re attending the The film is a part of the Film stylus strokes. side of Behistun Rock in west­ translation of cuneiform in She is author of "Forbidden Childhood," films o n an individual basis Classics series. Cuneiform is difficult to ern Persia. In the 1800's a other languages. with Louis Biancolli, and "Music at Your Fin­ gertips" with Ann Linge. FEB. 3 FIRST PRODUCTION The pianist at present is artist . in • resi­ dence at Southern illinois University, Ed­ wardsville Campus. Experimental Theatre Underway Again BORN IN SACRAMENTO, Calif., her Polish violinist father introduced her to the piano and at four she knew 200 compositions from memo· USF Experimental Theatre assistant professor of theatre staff o£ the Federal Theatre student - directed work and part, on how many students ry and could transpose any of them into differ­ will be actiVe again this tri· arts. Project's "Living Newspa­ for senior projects in techni­ direct plays as senior proj­ ent keys. mester with the first produc­ Triple-A, "will have many cal per." Belt calls the piece "ex­ and design work. ects. tion, "Triple-A oP wI e d small roles, says Belt. Try­ Experimental Theatre pro­ Sergei Rachmaninoff was so impressed with Under," scheduled for 2 • 3 outs were to citing theatre." her talents he accepted her have been held ductions range from full Belt received a masters of to be one of his p.m., Feb. 3. Monday and Tuesday nights.'' Among very few pupils. Miss Slenczynska has record­ the purposes of ex­ length plays to short impro­ fine arts degr~e from Yale Last trimester, two produc­ It is not really a play," ed more than 100 compositions says perimental theatre, says Belt, visional works, such as hap­ University and recently spent . She recorded tions w ere performed: "The Belt, "but a piece for Decca all 24 of Chopin's of docu­ are these: penings. Belt says that he two years at the University of Etudes plus the Lesson," by Eugene Ionesco, mentary theatre. It four Impromptus, so challenging deals with would like to read and con­ Texas working on a Ph.D. in that perhaps and a h appening entitled the dire economic v To expose students and fewer than a half-dozen situation of sider original scripts, including theatre history and criticism. pianists have tackled "Flight 1," given on the north Americau farmers faculty to kinds of theatre not it on discs. and con· those by students. He has appeared in several lawn of the Fine-Arts Human­ sumers in the 1930's.'' ordinarily done in the major Further plans for Experi­ USF productions, the most re­ ities Building. Experimental 'Triple USF production schedule; Reservations are required and tickets may -A,' first performed mental Theatre for this tri­ cent of which was theatre director is Jack Belt, "The Im­ be purchased at TAT box office, 1 - 5 p.m., RUTH SLENCZVNSKA in 1936, was written by the "" To provide facilities for mester says Belt, depends, in portance of Being Earnest." Monday through Friday. . .. gave finit recital at four 6- THE ORACLE- Jan. 11, 1967, U. of South Florkle: Tampa LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Students Given Opportunity Five Day A Week Classes To Study In Florence, Italy I USF students are being of· graduate students concentrating board, and transportation to fered the opportunity to study in in the fields of art, the Italian and from Florence by charter Lead To 'Over Teaching', Florence, Italy, in a program language, English Literature, flight. This fee will vary for announced by the USF Commit· history, classics, the humani· graduate students and non· By JEFF WElL their studies but it would give use the day for recreational tee on International Studies. ties, religion and philosophy will Florida residents in accordance Would you like to attend commuters a_ chance_ to become purposes only. . On Dec. 5, the Board of Re· also be eligible for the program. with the registration and out­ classes four days a week with better acquamted w;th campus Of all the students mter· gents approved the program for Students must have an aver- of state tuition fees normally Wednesday off for study pur- life.'' viewed, ali stipulated before the second year. age of 2.5 or better on all col· applicable to them. poses? "Even though it would give they answered the question that This year 122 students from l~ge wor~ a~em~ted at the time Applications for the progr~ :' The undergraduate students the stu.~ents more time to them- they were. against changing Florida state universities are h1s appl!cal10n 1s accepted. He should be made early in Tn· at Emory University will em· s_elves, . Jan Du~,es, 2CB, be- from the trimester to the quar­ living and studying in Florence. must have parental consent 1f mesler II, 1!167. Because the bark on an unusual experiment heves 1t :-vould put unneces- ter system. Perhaps Brent Har· They study art classics, Eng- he_ is under 21. He must have at- program is limited, applications in creative study beginning with sary. stram on. faculty-student mo~, 3MK, best summed up the lish literature, history, the hu· tame~ at least sophomore s~ould be ma~e a~ soon as ~os­ the winter quarter this month. relations b_Y ta~mg away valua· fe~lmg~ of the students when he manities Italian religion and standmg by September ~967 and s 1 b I e. Appl!cat10ns recetved They will have a free day in the ble class tlme. sa1d, The break would help philosophy Seve' me be of have completed Italian 101-102. after March 15 will be consid· middle of the week, every Dave Dukes, 4LA, feels that separate the ,;eal students from the facultY of Flo~ida ;at:tni- A~so, he _must be approved by ered on a space available basis Wednesday, to do anything they the students would be prone to the goof-offs. versity are teaching these h1s . adv1sor or depart~ent only. wish. courses. cha1rman for an _appropnate p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=::;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. . . program of study m Florence • John C. Stephens, dean of h I II h• The program, admmlstered which wilT permit him to pro- MD Emory, who planned resched· c ape Fe ows lp by Florida State Uni~ersity, will ceed at a normal pace toward ullng the normal class load graduation from his university. . . . into four days, explained, be open to appro~1mately 100 st~den~. enrolled ~n the sta~e All students will be expected ''Under the present setup, in the A•d u d d t d umvers1t1es of Flonda who w1ll to return to their home institu MINOR quarter system, students go to 1 S n ere UCC e juniors or se- tion for at least one academic MORRIS classes five days a week. That's b~ so~homores, mors, m September, 1967. A few term prior to graduation. Complete Sales, too much. We, ov~rteach stu· USF's University Chapel newly established by VISTA ------Undergraduate Florida rcsi- Parts, Service dents. We don t glVe . them a Fellowship will offer a unique workers - all of which are in or digest on opportunity for students to Cooper Lauds Top GRE' dents ~ill be required to pay cha~ce to, work the Thonotosassa area. approx1mately $1,500 for the two BAY AUTO SALES · the1r own. help young underachievers Students and faculty wish­ Gamma Pilfering Stymied Three USF students were quarters which the program DEAN OF STUDENT AI- catch up with their education ing to participate in the pro­ commended today by Russell runs. This fee will include regis· 1 &SERVICE Ltd, Inc. fairB, Herbert Wunderlich and again this trimester, Some 29 gram should contact Ruth M. Coope~, dean of the Col· tration insurance room and 3500 FLORIDA AVE. several USF students had com- students took part in a special Schoch, Universtiy Chapel By Ultraviolet Light Check ments on having every Wednes- tutoring program during Tri­ Fellowship - phone 988-1185 legestanding of L1bera1 achiev ementArts, roron out-~riiii'.ii~~i'i~i.iiii~~:iiii~the ii~~ day off when USF goes on the mester I and more volunteers - within the next week. December 12 the women of be talked to privately by me.'' area portion of the Graduate USF Those who were in the project Gamma dorm were all sub- "The women were very coop- Record Examination in No- quarter system next September. are needed this Trimester. jected to an Ultraviolet light . and the two patrolmen vember. Dean Wunderlich said, "I do A recent survey of the Seff· last tel'm should also contact h k b tw 10 d ·a . ht eratJVe not feel that a midweek break ner - Mango • Thonotosassa Miss Schoch immediately to Latonc ec A.e Jenkinseen anand m1John mg L.. were most effiCient,. . sa1d. . Fisher. Dean Cooper said the three SERVICE of classes would be of any sig- triangle to the northeast of re-arrange their time sched· Thurman, security officers, con- To avoid thefts, Fisher said, scored 2,000 or more on the nificant aid to the undergradu· the University shows that of a u!e. students should keep doors test,The among students 117 are w.ho Daniel took it. ate students because of our lack population of 25,000, about Most ot the t utoring is in ducted the operation under the w. SPECIAL supl:)rvision of Margaret Fisher, locked at all limes when they Fleitas, Michael M. Switzer, of research ·facilities.'' one-third live below the oW- reading, writing and speech Dean of Women, and Joan . . Student_, Vic Masters, 2LA, cia! poverty line. Most of but there is a great need for Newcomb and Earlene Dickey, _ar_e_n_o_t_m_th_ el_r_r_oo_m_s_. ____l_a_ nd_ B_a_r_ba_r_a_L_._s_w_ig_a_r_t.__ 1. PRESSURE CLEANING and Linda Lee, 3CB, both agree these are Negroes. tutors in the New Math at the Resident instructors of Gamma. 2. LUBRICATION Junior lfigh School level. A that "students will not utilize the Many of these young people 3. MINOR ADJUSTMENTS ALL time for study and the break are very backward in their tutor in Spanish also is need­ "A definite theft pattern had BEAT THE PARKING PROBLEM $495 4. INCLUDING NEW RIBBON MAKES would eliminate valuable class education and need special ed. shown up in the hall," said ...,.. Problems To Us ______Bring Your Typewriter ______time where the students can re- help if they are to be able to Times for tutoring are ar­ Dean Fisher. "An area was ceive a professor's help.'' keep up with other children, ranged according to the stu- marked in the hall with fluor· to dent and faculty schedule~ be­ escent powder and the theft did LOW PRICES "Even though it presents the according a Fellowship RENTALS ELECTRIC --- 1.50 Par Day students with a chance to spokesman. tween 8 ·a.m. and 6 p.m., and occur." Large sums of money COST START study," Jim Daniels, 3LA, does The 29 ,students who took the availability of transporta­ were stolen. The check was Lo 4 Day Minimum STANDARD --- 75~ Per Day find the suspect. Transpor- 0 believe that "a freshman part in the tutoring program tion. The · fellowship shares $239° not tation • ELECTRIC has the maturity to use the during the fall trimester have the traveling expenses. This Dean Fisher would not com­ study time effectively." found it a deeply satisfying project takes two hours per ment on whether or not the thief SEE • MANUAL Rick Lehman, 2LA, feels that experience, perhaps as much week (half an hour for travel was caught. See Bill Munsey- He is • PORTABLE the time could be put to better in establishing relationships each way and one hour for tu- student at U.S.F. use at the end of the quarter, with the children and seeing a toring), and students and fac- "This type of inspection," your fellow AMERICAN TYPEWRITER Co .. , Inc. "when the student needs as change in their attitudes to ulty participating were asked said Dean Fisher, "would clear much time as he can get to learning, as in the gradual to commit themselves to at- many students quickly." The HONDA OF TAMPA 2512 Temple Terrace Highway study for final exams." improvement of their skills. tend regularly every week.- students had a right not to sub- 2301 S. MacDill Ph. 258-5811 PHONE 932-0059 "The break could be a real Students and faculty are ~E~a::ch~t~ut~or:_.!:h~a~s~2~t~o~4~p~up~i~ls::_ . ~m~lt:,_t~o~t~he~in~s£:pe~c~ti~o~n,~t~h::ey~co::u~ld~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!l_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ life-saver by giving students needed to tutor Negro chll- time to do adequate research in dren at the Jennings Elemen- their subjects," stated Bill at·y School, the Lake Thonoto- Lackland, 3EN. sassa Elementary s c h o o 1 ALLEN GOUGH, ZCB, said, which has recently been inte­ "Not only would the break en· grated, the Negro Juvenile able students to keep up with Home, and a Social Center The ORACLE needs new staff members. Would you be peR MY interested? loc;fe·ra by~~ $15

Belgium May I start a linen and antique saddle column urging free leather loafers and get set love, free booze for lucky days ahead! Sizes 41·10; and toplessness? AAA,AA,B. But you can start out as a reporter, proofreader, copy editor, artist, photog­ rapher, adve.rtisihg sales­ man, typist - and when you get to be editor you can start anything you want to.

John Romain'' newtst Satchel sensation, in a seleeUon -OURAPPRECIATION TO THE KENTUCKY KERNAL- ef covers. Shown above ln im)'crted Belaian Linen ancl hend·rubbtd Antlqua M•houny Leather. Only $21.00 OTHIR STYLES $17. t•. $35. ~~ Apply Now _In The Newsroom ·· CTR 222 OR The Advertising Department CTR 224. SHOE SALON E>RI\.CLE Tampa's North Gate Shopping Center Only OHicial USF Campus Newspaper THE ORACLE - Jan. 11, 1967, U. of South Florida, Tampa - 7 Guitars, Girls, Grades, Education Not Just Diploma to rter for non­ Gabfests: Poor Gamma! mce out­ For CTR Committee Members ,ally Oh boy, here they come again tl By POLLY WEAVER relations, publicity and movies. sored such activities as a moon- ram Here come all my girls Feature Ediklr The committees have brought light cruise, river rally and nu- Tri· with their guitars, stereos, "There's a difference in get- such name talent to USF as the merous open houses. the transi~tors and plans for ting an education and getting a New Christy Minstrels and the Applications for committee ions more $ab sessions and noisy diploma." Mitchell Trio, and have spon- members are available in the pos· partie~ and varipus trau­ No this is not the beginning CTR office. Applicants have a tved ..., matic experiences mostly of a 'speech by Margaret Mead personal interview with a mcm- tsid· conce11ning males. or Pres. John S. Allen, but the ber of the personnel committee asis Beil a girls' dormitory philosophy of the first woman and the executive committee if has · s ups and downs. president of the University Cen- posisble. A maximum number, When was brand spanking ter (CTR) Program Council, depending on the number of ac- new abd sparkling I thought Jean Bageard 3CB. tivities for each committee is it might be fun. The name Miss Bageard became a f i 11 e d. Committee members they gave me, Gamma, had member and then a chairman of must maintain generally a 2.3 such Grecian ring lo it. a CTR committee and then vice GPR. Now I know what this president and president of the THE VOLUN'l'EER lists his type ,\lf life is really like, Gamma Speaks Out Program Council. She feels the preference for a committee and just ne mass of confusion CTR ' activities offer a "much "the best choice is made" for after fl.nother. I nearly had broader range of educational the applicant and the commit- a nerous breakdown after Well, here they come at my walls messing up my experiences" than other activi- tee, according to Miss Bageard. pan-cake make-up. GfR Committee 1\lembers Plan finals, what with all the gui· that was always worried ties on campus. All people that have applied These members of the University Center Program CoUll· S· tar playing, noisy parties about money and grades I was having a conference There are 12 CTR committees spend a weekend at the Chinse- cil Committee toil away at another OJlen-air &ession at the c. and sfudy on top of that, I and that other little girl with my friend Mr. Alpha that "try to provide well- gul Hill and discuss plans for rumual Chinsegut HiJl Retreat to piau CTR activities for the social, CTR activities for the coming was up 24 hours a day for a worried about being invited the other night and things balanced activities in the coming year, full ~ek. recreational and cult u r a I year. to that special party. And, ar'e just as bad over there. And then, when I had just Shaving cream fights, hall areas," said Program Adviser One of the more serious tilion a Bridal Fashion Show those horrible suitcases a~ouf had it, after I had meetings an(i what's worst, Mrs. Rena A. Ezzell. They are responsibilities of the Program ' AVOID been stapled, glued and col­ back even that little girl they're always p u 11 in g responsible for planning all Council is the planning of the and Coffee House Hour. The Fowler Avenue Race­ way •.. Take safe Fletche o~ on for the Christmas bumping up my stairs. pranks on each other and CTR events. budget. The Council averages This year's other Program As the Maybe THE COMMITTEES are vol­ are J u d i Avenue to friendly parties, the girls left. Now, all I have to look ruining his finish. about $25,000 annually for ac· Council officers Volkswagens were piled my fires would top that unteer and cover sl1ch areas as tivities and their budgets must Koepcke 2CB and Dave Lichten­ courteous service at ... forward to is those stupid hospitality, dances, arts and ex­ high with suitcases and hall meetings where the though. be projected several years, in fels 3MM, and committee chair­ clothes bags, the girls mum· hibits, music, personnel, public advance. men are: Carol McCoy 1CB, girls just bicker, argue and I wish Mr. Alpha would AL CRANDON b,ed s o m e t h i n g about talk and keep me up an SOME OF THE activities Eddie Baker 2CB, Betsy Gordon g~des, home and holiday pay more attention to me. extra hour. I have to get my planned for this trimester are a 1CB, Sam Nuccio 4PC, Tom PHILLIPS "66" pirties. . beauty sleep too. I'm always the best dressed Science Writer Best 'Dressed Girl Contest, Pho- Schulz 3PS, Gary Selby OTT, Except for an occasional at Christmas time and I'm tography Contest, All-Florida Tom Knaus 3MK and Charles "I care how ~lishing, mildew proofing Then there are the girls always winning awards for To Give Address Undergraduate Painting Compe- Rogers 3PC. your car and cleaning of my peepers, that are continually having scholastic. achievement. Of is treated." I had a well-deserved two shaving fights and messing Jan. 19 In BSA vteek nap, after the havoc up my complexion. Or else course, I am the biggest ·CAMPUS UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS t~at first group left me in. they're throwing something and my girls say, the best. OVERLOOKING USF 1·2·3 BEDROOMS Furni5hed or Unfurni1hed Sad, Sad Talent 30 St. (No. of Fowler) 932-6133 One ot the various CTR ac~ivities is the Talent Show. VISTA Here tion." ~~~W::ofa~: ~:O'::g~ ~:~h ~~j SEASCOPE OF NORTH TAMPA ... Russell M. Cooper, dean of name talent to campus as RENTALS SKIN DIVER'S AIR STATION REPAIRS Tires- Batteries - "We Sell and Service Diving Equipment Accessories On Mc)nday the College of Liberal Arls, and , the Mitchell Trio Authorized Solos of Dacor Diving Equipmont FLETCHER AT 30th ST. an ear0p• ~~ the local conference committee, and the New Christy Min- itl _SAFE FILTERED AIR _ Right Next to USF (By the author of"Rally Round the Flag, Boys!", Recruiters wilf be on campus invited stud;nts and facul~7 ~o streJs, as well as Ule local h 7400 NEBRASKA AVE. Phone 234-1101 PHONE 935-4873 ,. ''Dobie Gillis," etc.) Monday according lo Felton he~ Ubell s talk ?n .,,Wtll ~c~·o~m~p~e~ti~tio~n~·------_J~i~tlli~,~~~~~-~~~~~'~'··?~;;,,~~"'~im®~!~·!"'t~'~~&"~~-J'~ill:..W~"'it'~~.w.::t.~~~-~~·~~m~.,~·it~~-*'~'r!.:y::~(.:~~,...:':~'':5·4illl~··. ':!''~~,· ~-~·~,~~~~·'·~'-~<~~::::;;;.~ ~======~~~ Gibson an assistant field direc· Science Destroy Soc1ety. at tor fo; VISTA (Volunteers In 8:~0. p.m: in th~ ~usiness Ad- IT'S A NORTH WIND THAT BLOWS NO GOOD - Service To America). m1mstration Aud1tonum. Crushed between the twin millstones of January USF's Dean of the College of weather and final exams, you are saved from total.des­ Gibson said that VISTA has Engineering Edgar Kopp will pair, poor devils, only by the knowledge that winter vaca­ adopted a new, accelerated poli- preside. tion will soon be here. cy for students who have re- Ubell is science editor of the Where will you go this year? Will it be Florida again, ceived their bachelor's degree New York World Journal Trib· or are you tired of jails? Then how about Puerto Rico? NEWS _ye~. une, president of the Council for A most excellent notion, say I. A balmy and bounteous ?,r expect to. receiv~ it this island with long white beaches and blue, blue skies and Our recrUiters will now mvtte the Advancement of Science treen, healing seas. And, most pleasant of all, the warm qualified stu?ents to training Writing, past president of the and gracious people of Puerto Rico! You don't even have programs whtle we are on cam- National Association of Science !o know Spanish to communicate with this friendly folk. pus," he said. Writers, a win.ner of national Just learn three simple phrases and you'll get along Over 75 per cent of VISTA awards, and contributor to for Jplendidly: "Buenos dias" which means "Good morning," volunteers are drawn from col· many magazines. Gracias" which means "Thank you," and "Que sera lege campuses. This year The conference Jan. 19 • 20 era!' which means "Your llama is on my foot." In order to help you enjoy the fabled land of Puerto VISTA will recruit 4,500 volun- will bring together educators Rico it would be well for me to supply a bit of historical tcers lo serve in .one of 300 dit- from the state. Among speakers ~ackground. (It would also be well for me to say a few ferent projects from coast to delegates will hear is Dr. Max words about Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades be­ coast and in Hawaii, Alaska, Lerner, professor of American cause the makers of Personna Super Stainless Steel Puerto Rico and the Virgin Civilization and World Politics l3Iades pay me to write this column and they are inclined Islands. at Brande's University. ~sulk if I omit to mention their product. Of course, they ion't stay gloomy long, for they are kindly, cheery men The projects are located in fond of Morris dancing, spelling bees, and temperance urban slums, rural areas, Indi· Scholarship Aid punch-fine, upright types, as true and gleaming and an reservations, m i g r an t ' / aurable as the blades they make. And if you've tried camps, Job Corps centers and Is Available ?ersonna's, you know how true and gleaming and durable mental hospitals. VISTA volun >bat is! And if you haven't tried Personna's, }loor devil, teers may express a preference for M •ISS Tampa you've cheated both your purse and face, for Personna'8 for location and type of assign- last and last, shave after luxury shave, close, clean, nick­ ment. Ted Melching, executive pro- Jess, backless, tugless, gougeless, scratchless, matchless. The volunteers train for six ducer of the Miss Tampa Fag­ Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades come in Double E:dge or Injector style and are made only by the makers weeks and serve for one year. eant, announced today that the scholar­ ~t Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades.) They receive a monthly allow- Miss Tampa Pageant But I digress. Back to the history of Puerto Rico. The ance to cover basic living ex- ship program will be put on a land was discovered by that popular discoverer Chris­ penses. At the end of service continuing basis with the forma­ ~pher Columbus. Incidentally, considering Columbus' they receive in a· lump sum a tion of a Miss Tampa Pageant popularity, it's odd we know so little about him. What do stipend of $50 for each month scholarship fund. Continued expansion we really know? Only this: served. In making the announcement, He was born in Genoa on August 25, 1451, the son of Melching noted that the Pag­ Ralph T. Columbus, a knee-cymbal vendor, and Eleanor of our military and commercial business child ' eant has awarded more than (Swifty) Columbus, a low hurdler. He was an only Flori- $6,500 in college scholarships to except for his five brothers and eight sisters. From early The University of South childhood he was an avid reader.and spent all his waking da offers more than 1,100 cours- winners in the past three years, p~rovides openings hours immersed in a book. Unfortunately, there was only es"in 40 academic areas. most of which was used by USF one book in Genoa at the time-Care of the Horse by students. In the past, it had Aristotle-and after 18 years of reading Care of the been difficult to attract scholar­ for virtually every technical talent. Horse, Columbus grew restless. When rumor reached ship minded students without him-there was another book in Madrid, off he ran as fast the foundation. as .his little fat legs would carry him. Entries for interested contes­ As you contemplate one of the most important decisions Disappointment, alas, awaited him there. The only book tants opened Jan 2 and will of your life, we suggest you consider career oppor· in Madrid was Cuidar un CabaUo, which proved to be noth­ tunities at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. Like most everyone ing more than a Spanish translation of Care of the Horse. • BOOTS close Feb. 17. A social at which 'l'hen one day Columbus heard from a traveller that e JEANS prospective entrants can meet else, we offer ·au of the usual "fringe" benefits, in· there were millions of books in India, and he was in­ the present Miss Tampa, USF's eluding our Corporation-financed Graduate Education stantly ablaze to set sail. Off he ran on his little fat legs • CORDUROY Peggy McGrath, will be beld on Program. But, far more important to you and your fu· to the court of Ferdinand and Isabella (Columbus, though THIS AD WORTH SOc ON the evening of Jan. 23. Entry ture, is the wide·open opportunity for professional mot•e than six feet tall, was plagued with little fat legs $5.00 PURCHASE OR MORE. forms may be picked up at vari­ growth with a company that enjoys an enviable record all his life) and, as we all know, he persuaded the Span­ ous locations around campus or of stability in the dynamic atmosphere of aerospace ishrulers to outfit him with three stout ships, the Flopsy, Bermax Western Wear 229- by calling Tony Hamilton, technology. theMopsy, and the Cottontail, and the rest is history! • 8702 NEBRASKA 0131, pageant coordinator.

And make no mistake about It ••• you'll get a solid feeling of satisfaction from your contribution to our '·:.: nation's economic growth and to its national defense BUY & SELL YOUR uwell.

TEXTBOOKS Your degree can be a B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. In : MECHAN· ICAL, AERONAUTICAL, CHEMICAL, CIVIL (structures Take a look at the above chart; then a good long look at oriented), ELECTRICAL, MARINE, and METALLURGI· Pratt & Whitney Aircraft-where technical careers offer UNIVERSITY EXCHANGE exciting growth, continuing challenge, and lastini ita· CAL ENGINEEr lNG • ENGINEERING MECHANICS, billty-where en;lneer.s and scientists are recognized 11 BOOKSTORE,- INC. APPLIED MATHEMATICS, CERAMICS, PHYSICS and the major reason for the Company's continued success. ENGINEERING PHYSICS. 10024 - 30th St. (3 blocks North of Busch Gardens) PHONE 932-7715 For further information concerning a career wtth Pratt sir, now you know all about the origins of Puerto & Whitney Aircraft. consult your college placement ·SPECIALISTS IN" POWER ••• POWER FOR PROPULSION­ get packed and get going! You'lllove it! Stroll the officer-or write Mr. William L. Stoner, Engineering POWER FOR AUXILI.\RY SYSTEMS, CURRENT UTILIZATIONS u"'""""'"• swim the coves, breathe the fragrance of hibiscus Books for Trimester II on sale now. Get a discount . Department, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, INCLUDE MILITARY AND COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT, MISSILES, bougainvillea. And rE\meml:>~r always that the friendly card and save money. Connecticut 06108. SPACE VEHICLES, MARINE AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, Putrto Ricans are delighted to show you their customs, ~ GET YOU~S NOW • I • DON'T WAIT t~b you their language. Why, I'll wager you'll soon know fa more Spanish than the three basic phrases. You'll know ., ~tala vista" which means "See you later.""Por favor" whlch means "Please," and "El tren se par6 en las esta­ Also------: We are the official retail textbook depository u ci61f-" which means "Your llama has eaten my passport." for Hillsborough County Public Schools. Pratt &Whitney f=lircraft ctvtstcN 011 UNtTeo R""I'T eo•" . * * * @1~, Mall Sllull!l&ll Gracia• from the maker& of Per.sonna for giving our Bring This Ad a·nd Receive A Free Gift CONNECTICUT OPERATIONS EAST HARTFORO, CONNECTICUT bldde.s •uch a cordial reception, and, por favor, how FLORIDA OPERATIONS WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ab~ut trying another of our lu~ury .shaving product. -Burma Shave, regular or menthol? E>RACLE Brahmans Swim Ag~inst Dade J. C.· Lose To T lane Green Wave 53-Sl Coach Bob Grindey's 1967 perience advantage over the 2:12.5; 2. Kenning (USF) 2:14.3; 15:37.4; 2. Cummings (USF) I(USF) 2:27.5; 2. Kelley (USF) (Kearns, Raquette, Jourdan, . . South F1orida club. 3. McNaughton (USF) 2:17.2. 5:52.2; 3. Tulane. 2:37.1; 3. Tulane. Curran) 3:24.0. Brahman swlmmmg team trav- f l 500 freestyle-1. Ware (USF) 200 backstroke 1. Stetler 400 freestyle relay-Tulane Scoring: Relay 1st.-7 2nd.-O; els to Miami Saturday to meet USF'~ elfive . rthes lmen t pcrd- ' individual events-1st. 5 2nd.-3 . . . formed w 1 m e mee an M1am1-Dade Jumor College, _a kept the Brahmans close, ac- 3rd.-l. team Grindey calls their best m cording to Grindey. SCHEDULE years. south Florida's schedule, Curti,n Chosen Golf Captain Jan. 14 - Miami - Jiade Jun­ . th · · Greetings, welcome back and team, lea d mg em m scormg Miami-Dade. is paced by All· which includes the top three ior College, Miami; Jan. 21 - . . SEC teams and the South's two Mike Curtin, junior from freshman from Pennsylvania, Hubert Wright, formerly all that kind of stuff which by and rebounding. Amencan Gar Schlotzr, Flonda leading independents, pits the University of Alabama, Tampa; Toledo, Ohio, has been elected Jumor Don Stephenson, a basketball and baseball coach now you're tired of hearing. The Carolina c o a. c he s diving champ Butch Thomas Brahmans against Alabama in captain of the USF golf team transfer from Manatee Jttnior Feb. 4 - Florida State Univer­ at Broward Junior College in sity, Tallahassee; Feb. And for your first dose of sports (namely Frank McGuire and and 1965 Florida backstroke USF's first home contest Satur­ for spring, 1967, according to College, freshman Bill Dyke­ 11 - commentaries from this side of Co.) decided that Grosso had champ Ken Calendar, a transfer day, Jan. 21 at 4 p.m. Dr. Richard Bowers, Brah­ Fort Lauderdale, will be in his University of Florida, Gaines­ the fence, we have a whole host proved himself' worthy of a man from Tampa and fresh­ man athletic director. Bowers man Stuart Kalb from Miami. second year as head baseball ville; Feb. 16-18 - Southern ol ditties, wme comments, an scholarship and decided to from Duke. RESULTS Collegiate Invitational, Athens, also coaches· the golf team. mentor. instant or two that might inter- award him the grant on t-hat . . . 400 medley relay-USF (Ken- Curtin is one of four letter- Gone from last year's team Ga.; Feb. 21 - UniV&"sity of est you, and most anything that performance. They did so, but USF OPENED Its first var~l- ning, Kelley, Houston, Morton) men returning from last are Bob Oblinger who gradu­ Men's tennis coach is Spaf­ Miami, Coral Gables; ·March 4 might pop into type this time of the Atlantic Coast Coulerence ty swimming season in an exclt- 13 :54.8. year's squad. Also returning ated and Rick Ragnitt who ford Taylor, also in his second - Florida State University, ,year. ~orne intell~~tuals would big wigs said "Ain't no way." ing but disappointing w~y in I ~00 freestyle-1. Ware (USF) are sophoqwre Jim Britt of did not come out for the varsi­ year. Tampa. ty team this trimester. call thlS a potpoum. Grosso was suspended and New Orleans Saturday, losmg to 11.43.1 (new Tulal_le pool rec- Tampa, sophomore Bob v ""' ""' ""' ""' "', Coach McGuire responded with Tulane University 53-51. ord); 2. Cummmgs (USF) Stricklin of Crystal River and USF will also participate in r UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA a blast that shook teeth from 12:21.5; 3. Tulane. junior Rick Lehman, also ·ecouilriv'Siiti' president J. Wayne Reitz is re- Columbia to Charlottesville Grindey's 12 - man squad, 200 freestyle-1. Jourdan (T) from Toledo. the following intercollegiate DINNER ported to have said the other (where the Universiy of Virgin- which includes five freshmen, 1 :54.6; 2. Stelle (USF) 1 :55.2; 3. Newcomers to the Brahman ~~:~all~u~~~·s T~~e~:~e~~~ day that all the Florida athletes ia is) and back. In a hurry-up watched the lead bounce back Naffziger (USF)1:55'.5. tennl·s. Fish, Chicken an~ had 2.5 or higher G.PR's. All we session the ACC execs voted to and forth between events until 50 freestyle-1. Curran (T) _I_il_1k_s_te_r_s__ a_r_e_R _o_n_G_ar_c_ia_,_a_____ -;--- Meat Loaf can say is, " Oh, really?" Espe- allow :my league team which Tulane's 1966 SEC - champion- 22.0; 2. Tulane; 3. Piesco (USF) ,.. ------•• With Two Vegetabltl, c1ally since it is rumored that didn't want to play USC didn't ship 400-yard freestyle relay 25.4. 1 Bread, Buttlt' & Cabbagt./ three of our own USF's state have to and if they did want to, team captured the final event 200 individual medley-1. He- JACK SHERRILL 1 champion soccer team are pres- they didn't have to go to Colum- and the two-point victory. bert (T) 2:12.6; 2. Tulane; 3. J $169 ently in academic trouble. Tr-ue, bia. They could play on a neu- . . Stelter (USF). Suite 1700 • Exchange Nat'! Bank Bldg. I some of Florida's athletes have al n . South Florida scored a quick One-meter diving-1. Kelleher Phane 223-1511 I 0 made the a c a de m i c All- tr ooi. . seven points in. the 400-yard (USF) 168.4 pts.; 2. Tulane; 3. 10% Dl SC-OU NT ~1~! J~\:~~:Js~~Eg~Y America teams in the past. DUKE WAS THE F1R.ST to medley relay w1th Pete Ken- Tulane. . representing 1 DUTC~ P,IINT~V But low B-averages by a major- use the ruling ..They cancelled ning, ~ill Kelley, Tom. 1-!oustOJ~ 200 butterfly-!. Offner (T) I Jl n .lltl ~ ity on any team seems highly both games ..wlth th:. Game- and J1m _M?rton combmmg fOI 2:18.9; 2. Stelle (USF) 2:20.9; 3. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL FAMIL.Y RESTAURANTS improbable cocks. Accozdmg to fuends on a 3:54.8 t1mmg. Houston (USF) 2:28.9. . THE GAMECOCK staff there, c (T) LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY J & SILO DRIVE-IN "" "" ""' r' II I Duke was also the one who USF freshman George Wa~e 5015~ f2reesTultyle-1.. ~rra~ t I HOURS: PHONE 626-9910 Those of you who o ow co- swam to a Tulane pool record m . ' • ane, . or on Organized 1851 Weekdays 7 a.m •• 11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 7 a.m. ·1 a.m.

~~~~~~~~~~==~1~~~~11~~(U~S~F~)~S~1~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~S~P;R~IN;G;F~I;U~D;,~~;~~;A~C;H;U~S;E~T~T;S~~~~~~~~~~~S~heard about the· M1ke-·t I G1ossos uth VJC. Y Bubas• wanted G rosso m. giving the Tampa squad a com- 200 backstroke-1. Hebert (T) .. _------·-----_-- -1 6 case at th e Umvers1 y o o h d h d'd 't manding 15-1lead. ~~~S~L~&~H~i~~~~A~v;~~~~~~~ Carolina. For those of you who Dur ~m an w en 1le 1 n don't know, the 6-9 Grosso was get hlm . . . well, you know the TULANE'S JOURDAN cap· signed to a scholarship by the reJst. t 't 1 an of tured the 200-y;vd freestyle, but Gamecocks, but could not score us cabnl_ hseed w lhY a mt of USF's Steve Stelle and Dave • 1 · t the esta IS e c arac er high enough on t 1e1r en ranee . Naffziger kept the Brahmans on t thl tic rant So Bubas (fathermg temperamen- . . Like) Pm splitting, fdea.9vi lfe. test to ge an a e g · • tal All-America Art Heyman top, finishmg second and thrrd, the New Jersey lad went to Car- . . ' respectively. Antioch? \A/esleyan~ olina the first year on his own. leadmg Duke to the natwnal baby. I got a Freedom land. He played on the freshman tournam~~t the past three After Tulane's Larry Curran Carlton ?-Purdu~ years, pllmg up one of the top won the' 50-yard freestyle, Paul UCLA? Initiative City. coaching records in the country Hebert took the honors in the whole new bag for Cal Faculty while building a dynasty in 200-yard individual medley to USA! Tech? stetson. mid-North Carolina) could fos- give the Greenies a 22-21 advan- this year (Continued from Page 1) tei· such a thing. tage. I He will serve in the absence BUT APPARENTLY every- USF's Kevin Kelleher swept \ \ · 'of Dr. James Gould, professor thmg IS aboveboard. Other the diving event in 168.4 points I and chairman of philosophy, wise, this outstanding youngster knotting the score 26-26. Th~ who is serving as visiting pro­ (in an already glittering crop of Green Wave then took a one­ fessor at San Francisco State sophomores in the nation's col- point lead on Offner's 200-yard College, in an experimental leges) would not be on the butterfly victory. college program in which stu­ bench. dents "hire" faculty mem­ We'll be interested to see SOUTH FLORIDA fell behind bers. whether or not this young man 39-31 after a one-two Green Dr. Richard Dewey, of Uni­ will b~ d~nied the right to pur- Wave finish in the 100-yard free­ versity of New Hampshire, is su~ Ius !1rs~ love because of a style. Hebert's triumph in the visiting professor of sociology. nux-up by h1s elders. 200-yard backstroke put Tulane He is widely known for his "" "" "': on top 44-35. work in government reorgani­ While on the subJect of bas· zation and urban develop- ketbaU, the in1luence of the A fired-up Brahman team J ment. state of Indiana on this sport came back and captured first was brought home the other and second in both the 500-yard AMONG faculty-staff losses, night when we saw Mana,. freestyle and 200-yard breast­ Dr. David E. Hernandez, as­ tea Junior College pta.y Edi­ stroke, outscoring the Green sistant professor of education, son Junior College. Seven ol Wave 16-2 and going ahead 51-46 became regional director of the ten starters were from the before bowing in the relay. the Southeastern Education Hoosier state. In aU, 12 o.f the Laboratory in Tampa, replac­ on the They're really 20 two teams gradu- Grindey, obviously disap- Status. face. ing Dr. Calvin C. Miller who ated from Indiana h 1 g pointed after the narrow defeat, Swavtnmore? was named dean of the Col­ schools. lncidentaUy, Man- took it in stride stating, "We making it in advanced Rice? .. , lege of Education at Florida atee's Hoosiers beat Edison's swam well and can't Cl'Y over Fer9pective Technological University at 83_69 in a Florida Junior Col- the outcome. Tulane has an ex­ Must beY-ALE! research} classf knowTCU! Ol'lando. He formerly was cellent team and that All - I lege Conference match. A . La c · al and bread. head of USF continuing edu­ ,., ,., ""' mer1can rry urran IS re - Colorado? Iowa? Brown? cation. "Tampa Sta d.1um , . . . . WHO ly something., He sparked their re\ays and Dr. Elmo Moretz, who has ARE THEY KIDDING? From a wm. Texas Tech? been chairman of elementary \ I exotic metals ..• Not Bennin~ton?! education, will go to Eastern quick ~urvey we took in the CURRAN PLACED third in the \ Kentucky State College dorm nght before the start of 1966 National Colle iate 50- ard where classes, the name that the g . Y Hunter? Dr. Thomas W. Stovall, for­ Tampa Sports Authority tagged freestyle. Tulane, h~vmg al­ mel' USF faculty member, is an U1e 50,000-seat affair rising ready performed 111 three / located. Moretz plans to leave just east of Dale Mabry near Al meets, appeared to have an ex­ after Trimester II. Lopez Field has about as much Dr. Frank H. Spain, regis­ appeal as . trar, is new president of the Why couldn't they h ave Southern Association of Colle­ named it the Gasparilla Bowl or Car Rally giate Registrars and Admis­ something like that. Seems like sions Officers. He will repre­ that would have more sales ap­ sent the association at a meet­ peal. Mr. Yates, they must not Set Sunday ing of the national organiza­ have run that survey to see The USF Sports Car Club will tion in Denver April 18-21. He \. which ones were tasteful ls past president of the Flori­ and hold its first event of the year which ones were distasteful. on Sunday. A time- da Association and a member speed - dis- of the executive committee. "" "" "" tance rally suitable for both be- DR. ELTON E. Smith, asso­ PROFESSOR IORIO h a s ginners and experienced raJ- picked his all-time all-star foot- lyists will start from Fine-Arts ciate professor of English and baH team from humanities, p r e s e n t e d a the ranks of Humanities (FAH) parking lot. those great men of the pen. paper, "Tennyson Criticism GT&E John, Keats at quarterback? Registra~ion opens at noon 1923-66: From Fragmentation Read this most interesting let- and the first c~r- leaves at _1 General to Polarity in Tension" at a ter in the "Letters To The Edi- p.m. The rally Will last approxl­ (TT& what? meeting of the Modern Lan­ tor" column elsewhere in the mately 31h hours. Telepho~e guage Association in New Is it Coed? York in December. Oracle. The fee is $2 for students, Vol. 5 No. 1 issue of the Ed­ . "" "" ""' staff and faculty, $1.50 for mem- &. ElectronicS. Professwnal basketball fans bers. Trophies will be awarded. I ucational Review, published -I by the USF College of Educa­ will get their chance to see that r======~~~~ \ tion, just off the sport first-hand when the NBA's press, con­ St. Louis Hawks and Baltimore UNIVERSITY tains articles by USF Pres. Bullets invade Curtis Hixon John S. Allen, Dean J . A. Bat­ Hall ® Ifor a game next Monday night. )-A( tie of the College of Education The Hawks are led by Minne­ and Dr. Robert L. Shannon, sota rookie Lou Hudson. Big· II professor of education, as well gest crowd-pleaser. however, AUTO SERVICE as other articles. Dr. William is the Bullets' Gus Johnson who · P . Danenburg and Manny Lu­ sports a gold star in one of his CENTER coff are editors. front teeth. Game time is around 8 p.m., TRUST YOUR CAR Mrs. Beverly's right after the Saint Leo-Florida TO THE MAN WHO Southern preliminary. Inciden- WEARS THE STAR Son Is Killed tally, Saint Leo is led by small The son of Mrs. Mozelle S. college All-America guard Joe FREE' Beverly, administrative assis- Orchulli, ano ther crowd-pleaser. • tant to Pres. John S. Allen, was ~<"' ' ,;t v killed Thursday when the air - The Oracle sports staff wei- taxi in which he was a passen- comes letters on anything of • Complete Lubrication with ger crashed at New Shrews- interest in the sports world. each Oil Change. bury, N.J. Of course, we reserve the • Do It Yourself Car Wash He was Lawrence W. Mills, right to edit any incorrect Jan­ Vacuum, Soap and Water General Telephone & Electronics is a fast-moving, fast­ Flashcube. Just built two new ground stations for Comsat. an engineer with the Martin Co. guage before printing them in Provided. growing company of individuals. 135,000 of them. In almost Experimenting now with a new kind of headlight for the of Orlando. He formerly lived in this column. Letters should be • Pick Up & Delivery for Tampa and was among nine kept within two pages in All Maintenance Work for e.very state, almost every country, making a _personal con­ Chaparral. Young ideas. In marketing. Research. Every area. victims of the crash. Mr. Millsj length and should be brought Student~ & Faculty. tribution to their world. · We're eager for more ideas. General Telephone & Electrdnics, ls survived by his widow and to The Oracle newsroom be· You probably know our Sylvania company. Invented the two children. Funeral services fore 5 p.m. Wednesday of the 2911 E. Fowler Ave, 730 Third Avenue, 10017. Gb.E were in Orlando Monday. week preceding publication. PHONE 932-3387 THE ORACLE - Jan. 11, 1967. U. of South Florida, Tampa - 9

I CLASSIFIED ADS tJSF Dominates All-State Soccer 5. FOR SALE 3. FOR RENT BOOK S. FOR SALE fiOR SALI! All Items other than e1rs and cyel-. f:~·%.JWW¥-¥&NAAM· ...; - .,~~~~g:;::Hf.S&¥M£ttt.:Wl·t-:4·¥iMf-=d·-# ·Wfi-!ft#S: ...~- ~.iiWI.-Wi:IM~~~-~-~.~ Coach Dan Holcomb's statefour members on the GA3n COMMUNICATIONS THROUGH 7. HELP WANTED eleven- LETTERS AND REPORTS, SS.OO. Male, female. ~. champion Brahmans dominated man squad. If you nave something to nil 04'" buv. If you have s~ lces to offer or need help. t. LOST AND I'OUND : the. second annual All-State ~ol- USF's Jerry Zagarri, a fresh­ Put an lnexpenslvl!, effective Oracle clas- 11. WANTED n, ' legmte Soccer Team, placmg man forward, was the only ~:~~~- ad to work for yoo. 3 lines 50 Books, aHicle$, help property, etc. unanimous choice on the 1966 U . MISCELLANEOUS ); FOR SERIOUS STUDENTS ONLY: 1966 Soccer squad. Zagarri playro part of PEACE & QUIET IS. SERVICES OFFERED -3 Large room with walk In closet, double· Tutorlal, part-time work typing babysit• ~,~- the season with a d islocated bed. commodious dresser, larg" dosk, 11ng ' ' gOOd )lghtlng. All bed linens furnished · ., shoulder, but still managed to plus down pillows, thermal blanketi, 17. TRADE score 13 goals and record four down comforter. Forty-two year old Span. ~. Ish type house, huge yard, trees. Neigh· n. RIDES 1- ~ assists. bars retire earrv. One mare graduate stu- Offered wanted ·- ·~ { :j dent now In residence. ' rJ. Pete Tumminia, anoth-er Breakfast and snack prlvlloges offered. 20. PERSONAL NOTES t; Statistics ~ := freshman forward, led the vot.. ~~~~ ~~~~~~n~kes a mess; 'lean it up. ------­ 6 r- ~ ing for the other outside for- Near Temple Terrace Hwy. 17 Telephone 935-4012 tor appointment. f h N d Record: 10..0.1 Zagarri 65 Zagarrt ~:1 ward position. Tumminia scored TUTORIAL! Private lessons In Modern S• 14 l four goals and assisted on four res man ame USF 4 Stetson 1 Tumminia 54 Meyer i ~!'t~1~~~~;,na Bell, B-5 , Wayne ·n USF 13 St. Leo 1 Velde 52 Velde 12 ~ others. Tumminia -iJSF 2 Jacksonville 0 Meyer 50 Tumminia 8 1 Rollins' Willie Flohr, a 1965 S • B 7. HELP WANTED Among Top Prep USF 4 Fla. Southern 1 Holt 27 Yates 6 ( 1 All -st a t e se1 ec t·1on, was ch osen • • • tate s est LEARN ADV MAKI ,,. USF 4 Florida 1 Sharpless 22 Jacobus 3 . _!_' again at interior forward. Outside Left. The Oracle will ha~. openings In Trl. ., Fl hr h II for advertising men and women AI· Engtr·sh Students USF 3 Miami 1 Yates 18 Holt 2 . 1 o , a sop omore, was the tractive pay-car mileage plan tor ·good 4 0 1i McEvoy 1966 Florida Intercollegiate Con- Brahman playmaker Denny workl!rS. Willing to , USF FSU Horvath 5 Goals . enced men or \ womentrain lnleruted few lnex In perlca-· Diana Washburne ' ' 1CB has . · USF 2 Florida 2 Jacobus 4 , L d" terence scormg champ and led Meyer was chosen as an interi- reers In advertising. C011tect scott Pen- been named one of the outstand· M E 14 B h 5 620 I~~.- USF 5 Rollins 1 Athos 3 za~~r 13 .!l~:: ra man ea '"CJ Rollins with 11 goals and six as- or forward. Meyer set a new as- ~";!· d~~~,g~~LPE~rs~.R n. or Ext. ing high school English students ~ USF 4 Stetson 2 Dheere 2 Velde ~ Scorer Bypassed. sists. sist record with nine and also Here are 20 claasiticatJons for The ora. in the nation. She was named a Meyer 9 USF 7 Jacksonville 1 Cruz 1 5 scored five goals while leading cie classified advertising ready to work 1966 national winner by the Na- USF OPP. Assists Yates ~ d USF to a 10-0-1 mark. for you: tiona! Council of Teachers of 373 Shots· . 113 Meyer 9 5 I ~ l. AUTOMOTIVE E li h . •ts al A h" Tumminia 4 j,·;;~:. 0 ay L I Herb Meerman, a Miami jun- For sale or wanted, equipment, services. ng s m I annu c !eve- 30 Assi~ts 3 McEvoy as : Holt 2 . or ior, occupied the remaining in- ment Awards competition. 52 . Goals. 11 Tumminia. 4 93 Corner kicks 45 Zagarri Goalie Sa.ves l terior forward position. He was S d Miss Washburne, who accept· 3 Seifert 61 i the 1966 Hurricane scoring lead- tu ent Activity ed early admission at USF, was ·X 75 Goalie saves 149 Jacobus 74 Fouls. 99 Velde 3 Corbitt 14 ~ c"fe ,. eng Le er with seven goals. nominated by Mrs. Nancy 46 Offside 10 Yates 1 Period Scoring ;1_ Ct. ,l arrue Voting was tight for the three Money Requests White, her junior English teach· I Shots Poinf8 0 ts 2- , :::/ halfback spots and a tie caused Due Jan. er at Chamberlain high school. pponen 1 3 5 11 four to be chosen. AI Lacle, St. M~voy 70 McEvoy 20 USF 17 7 15 13-52 i~ 19 Over 800 finalists were chosen ~ ~ Intramural sports coordinator into the fraternity, Alpha An- ~~s outst~ndin~ s~ring half- Student organizations and from the 8,930 students nomi• E:m,,JlJ:'."'. ''": 1.!Mt.¥1k{i2ii:::Z:5\lb.l!'£:~'1tMI!lwi&1!l!.W~&mw,z£~ . Z44f'!# o@£*•·w£!£f.~..:;.& Murphy Osborne has announced dros, Beta and Independent tha ' wads L e °n Y edonarch on activity areas who are going nated for the NCTE citatiop. . th d dlin f 1 th a t tod ay 1s e ea e or 1eagues. Teams will. play 25 • Me squah . alac .e scorth . the only to t reques a 11oca tl ons f rom 0 13 1 1 men's basketball entries. Stu- minute halves with a five min- t ~~c go m eir - oss the Student Activity fees for dents 0 Tdyl()r Hunts Homogenizing Level Hi-gh interested in joining a ute break fdr halftime. J k · ill 1 ed B b S the 1967-68 fiscal year are re- team should contact the in- . . ac sonv e P ac 0 ~ec- minded that Jan. 19 is the last tramural office immediately. Intramural athletic chairmen tor on the team and Rollins' day to return budget requests For· Varsity Among Students, met and voted to play games at handyman Chuck Gordon was to the University Business Faculty Teams are required to have 3 :30 p.m. if it is necessary in also selected. Managers' Office in Adminis- "USF is becoming homogen· Within the state the diversity two members cleared for offi- order to complete the schedule South Florida's Brian Holt tr · TAMPA'S NEWEST & Net ·Players ized," declares Dr. Herbert J. among students is present also. ciating by January 18. Officials without limiting the teams to was the other 1965 All-Stater in Q:!~~~r!~!~f ~~~u;~~~ Largest Authorized Tennis Coach Spafford Taylor W?nderllch, dean of student af- Students enrolled at USF last must at~end tw~ clini~~ or thei_r three or four games. addition to Flohr to make the should be addressed to Mr. VOLVO DEALER bas announced that several fairs. trimester came from 55 of the t~am will be. drsquallfled. Offl· Osborne is asking all team 1966 squad. The talented sopho- A. C. Rodgers in AD.M 226 or Complete Sales, Parts Service vacancies still exist on this He is not referring to a milk 67 counties in the state. c!als are paid $1.25 per hour. leaders to designate on the more scored two goals for the Dave Searles, Student Associ- BAY AUTO SALES year's ~rahman men's net process, but to the diversity of Hillsborough County draws Osborne also announced the entry blank the days and times B~ahmans~ but W.a:" selected for ation secretary of finance. He & SERVICE LTD, INC. team. _ . students on campus. People more students to USF than any moving of the equipment room that his team can play. his offensive ability and team may be reached in University Any USF· male who IS mter- from most of the 50 states and other county with approximate- to GYM 105 B The e ui ment . . . . . play. Center 218. 3500 FLORIDA AVE. ested·in frying out f~r the sq?ad several foreign countries are Iy 4,888 students last trimester. room is now o~en and qth~ gym d"~reati~al ac_ti~l_ties,alm ad- Art Bauer and Don Sa~~tini ~~~~;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:::;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ should see Taylor m Physical represented. . Pinellas County was second with h uld M d • d. ltJOn to e actlvrtles ready hold the two fullback positions. WANT TO JET FREE TO Education Building (PED) 229 Some 43 states are represent- approximately 1392 students. ~ ~E op~n on ay, accor mg scheduled, :Vill be sche?ule_d Bauer was a steady performer . oreal! himatext.125. ed at USF, New York leading Dade, Polk, Sara~ta and Brow- o spo esmen. . . through the mtramural office if for th_e _Miami Hurricanes while EUROPE NEXT SUMMER? TO BE ELIGmLE to play, with 69 students and then New ard followed. One rule change effective rm- enough te~s entez; to form a Sabatm1 played for the Florida one must be carrying at least 12 Jersey, Ohio, Massachusetts The out • of • county student mediately is that teams mu~t league. . . . Sou~ern Mocassins. _ . credit hours. Taylor said that and Illinois. rate rose from 234 in the fall of enter at least three members m Athletic charrmen are remmd- Drck Myers, Rollms' frrst- Earn University credits abroad plus your there is a shortage of players The fall trimester which gen- 1964 to 299 in the fall of 1965. trac~ _and_ swim~ng to receive ed to check their mailbox twice year go~lie , was chosen as the 1967 summer vacation at little cost. Let and that any men w})o are inter- erally has the largest enroll· USF also attracts foreign stu- participatiOn pomts. for that a wee~ ;, and also chec~ the ~u~tandmg goalkeeper. The your normal university club contacts do .ested should contact him imme- ment during the year increased dents. Approximately 130 stu- sport. ~orms on top ?f the desk m ~e JUD!or averaged 19.1 saves per most of the work for you. Your jet trans- diately. The team practices from 92 out · of -· state students dents from 31 foreign countries Osborne expects about 45 mtramural office. All teams~ gam~ _for the 5-2-1 Tars. portation FREE. No extra-curricular effort from 3 to 5 p.m. daily. in 1962 to 391 in 1966. are enrolled. teams which will be divided be ~espon~ible fo~ any bulletms Failmg to make the squad requa·red from you on the trip. Write: Tom ----=----=------_:....:..::.....::.:.:::..::.:..::..::.:______~=~ ·_:_:.:.:::::.:...... :.:.:=-.:.::-=:..:..:.::.::: available m the mtramural of- were USF'ers Helge Velde and fice. The next athletic chair- Tim McEvoy. Velde, a 1965 All- Turner, P.O. Box 59-2482, Miami, Fla. men's meeting is 2 p.m., Janu- Stater, recorded nine goals and SERIAL AT 7 P.M. MOVIES ary 25 in PED 113. three assists for the 1966 Brah- ; ~!~3~3~1~5~9~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRil\IESTER n man~. McEvoy ~et a new USF scormg record Wlth 14 goals and ACTIVITIES assited six more for 20 points. Open House, Vietnam Featured Jan. 11 Basketball entry dea~- Player, Team Position line. Zagarri, USF Wing forward Officials clinic, 2 p.m. PED Tumminia, USF Wing forward 113. Mandatory. Flohr, Rollins Inter. forward Jan. 12 Officials clinic. 4:30 Meerman, Miami Int. for. In CTR January Activities p.m. Courts. Meyer, USF Int forward Jan. 16 Officials clinic. 2 p.m The University C en t e r Armstrong, an authority on sia and the satellite nations, the James Spitzer Exhibit in . Gordon, Rollins Halfback PED 113. Holt, USF Halfback (CTR) Special Events Com­ Southeast Asia, A specialist in with many months behind the CTR 108. This exhibit is a dis­ mittee will sponsor a color world affairs, Armstrong has Iron Curtain: play of what is commonly Jan.17 Basketball begins. Lacle, St. Leo Halfback. Jan. 18 Deadline for clearing JU film lecture of unusual timeli­ concentrated on the people known as "protest art." The of- Spector, Halfback TBE FEATURE FILM ficials. ness on Wednesday, January and countries of this critical for exhibit will be on display Bauer, Miami Fullback Open House Weekend is the Tennis entry deadline. 18 in Fine - Arts Humanities region. He has spent over one from Monday to Jan. 31. Sabatini, Fla. Sou. Fullback (FAH) 101 at 8 p.m. year of the last four Jiving highly emotional drama, "Of Jan. 30 Tennis begins. Myers, Rollins Goalie Human Bondage." Starring STUDENTS WHO WISH to Feb. 15 Softball and track entry "South Vietnam,"' recent a n d traveling throughout Stores in Tampa, first-hand on-the-scene obser­ South Vietnam, Laos, Cambo­ Kim Novak and Laurence participate in the Recreation deadlines. ------~ vations will be presented in dia, and Thailand. Harvey, the plot follows the Committee's tournaments are Feb. 20, 22 Softball officials clin- St. Peter5burg, Clearwater, Lakeland person by K e n n e t h S. Graduated from the Univer­ tragic life of a shy, club­ encouraged to sign-up this ic. 2 p.m. PED 113. .~ ~re than 25,000 people are and throughout the South. sity of Michigan in 1948, Mr. footed medical student who week. Sign-ups at the CTR Feb. 21 23 Track and field VISiting the University of South falls hopelessly in love with a meet. 4:20p.m. Florida Planetarium each year. UNIVERSITY-TERRACE Armstrong pursued his career Desk and Recreation Room cheap little waitress. Unable MOTEL • APTS. as journalist in depth for 13 will run from today through Feb. 22 Swimming entry dead­ . rd St. years as Director of News and to escape his love and pity for Friday only. There will be line. Fowler at 53 Public Affairs for WJW-TV of her, he lets himself be tournaments in table tennis Feb. 'Z7 Softball begins. (Three blocks Cleveland, Ohio. From 1956 to dragged down as she sinks and billiards. March 2, 3 Swimming meet. east of USF) 1960 his sphere of interest was lower and lower. For the men : table tennis, April 1 I-M Planning Conference The feature will be shown at singles and doubles; pocket and Workshop. ~~~ii~~~~ii~~~Eiuro~pe, a :mcentrating on Rus- 7 and 9 :45 p.m. on Friday 7 billiards; snooker and carom. 1 ··.·.~1i'&~~IJII ,;a;g STANDING"$ p.m. on Saturday and 7 p.m. For the women: table ten­ A rete 53S on Sunday. nis: singles and doubles, and Cratos 495 Amzoundng Individually Filled Alpha 2W 407.5 pocket billiards. Enotas 465 In addition to the regular Alpha 2E 407.5 movie schedule this trimester Tournaments will begin on Alpha 4W 350 QUALITY Monday. Beta 1W 349.~ is the suspenseful serial, Z.P.E. 335 FORMAL WEAR RENTAL "Myster Winners of this trimester's Lambda 310 of the Riverboat." Talos 307.5 SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS The serial will ~ shown in 13 tournaments will -compete Eta 282.5 against last trimester's win­ Beta 3E 280 chapters and will only be fea­ G. D. I. 262 .~ tured at the 7 p.m. showings. ners for a berth to represent Beta 3W 260 New Complete Line A Complete Lin• K.I.O. 257.5 * I':: USF at the Region VI Associ­ Alpha 3E 2'55 * Fvll Dresa Tuxedoes of LEE Clothes THE COMBINED com­ ation of College Unions (ACU) Alpha 4E 2-4.5 Dinner Jackets and Zeta 240 * mittees of the University Cen­ Tournament to be held here Beta 2E 217.5 • All AcceStOriu • ADAM Hats ter Program Council under Bona nos 210 on Feb. 23, 24, and 25. Geor­ G. R.I. 202.5 the leadership of Jean Ba­ gia, Alabama, Mississippi and Alpha WI 200 . M Chi Sigma Rho 165 Speci_al Prices for Parlies And GrottjJ$ geard and Dave Lichtenfels Florida will be competing in Beta 2W 160 present Open House and hope Beta IE 160 that tournament. PEM 152.5 all students at USF will par­ The dates of the ACU Tour­ Theta us Beta 4E 132.5 ticipate and enjoy the week­ nament necessitate a single Phi Sigma XI 132.5 ALLAN'S end. lnd Machine 120 elimination tournament at Re[ects 120 1016 Franklin St. • Ph. 229-1261 e Even. 251·4034 The Arts and Exhibits Com­ USF with strict deadlines. Beta GE 117.5 FREE PARKING NEXT DOOR Verdandi 102.5 * * mittee begins its program Students may compete in the Delta Tau 95 Monday with the opening of campus tournament e v e n Beta I.W 82.5 though they may not be able ANNOUNCING to participate ·in the ACU ·WELCOME Tournament in February. we extend to each of you a welcome to the new term and offer an invitaf BAY AUTO t h f t . • lOft o eac o you o ~art1c1pate in the adivities of the Baptist Student Union ••• University of South Florida the B.S.U•. center •s east of the campus and 13110 N. 50th Street. If you need graduates have ranged in age SALES transportation call 988-6487. from 17 to 70. Now Tampa's MEETINGS OF INTEREST Exclusive TEAMWORK .YlukJy Gene~l Meeting, Wednesday, ibJ lllb, J.;U, R.m. Scientist, engineer, technologist ••• working together, they Program: Shde presentation ••• "Churches in Mexico" SIMCA have reached heights beyond man's wildest dreams. This same J.upers, Thursday tBD.i.JJgall t.3J P.dL Franchised New Car teamwork is present in our community, at the Exchange Bank (Followed by Choir rehearsal at 7:00 p.m.) Dealer of Temple Terrace, building a better life, and a more prosperous WELCOME PART! ••• ALL BAPTIST STUDENTS ••• "A FRIDAY, "The Tough Frisky future for everyone living here. I mporh Backed By THE 13th PARTY' - Food Fun Fellowship Chrysler Motors Corp. 7:30 p.m., friday, January 13th. 5-Year or 50,000· Mile Warranty." The staff of the Exchange Bank of Temple Terrace extends a Sunda~ Bible Hour meets every Sunday morning at 9:30. Transportation provtded to area chvrches for worship services. friendly welcome to you. Come in and see us today for check· (C~Hee and donuts from 8:30 • 9:15) -COMPLETE­ ing accounts, saving accounts and many other helpful services. PARTS & SERVICE · "Mathete's" (for those interested in church-related vocations) Meets monthly, ·3rd Sunday, at 1:00 p.m. (luncheon meeting). Program: Sunday, January 15 Bay Auto Sales ~ey. Ja~k Mabry • • • Director of Baptist Student Activities at Stetson Universit; Member IS the Spea~er ••• "The Work of The B.S. U. Director~' & Service EXCH·ANGE BANK OF£~~~~ FDIC Ltd. Inc. 93 85 - 56th St. 988•1112 BAPTIST STUDENT UNION WELCOMES YOU 3500 FLORIDA AVE.

1, 10- THE ORACLE- Jan. 11, 1967, U. of South Florida, Tampa

Sororities FLETCHER AVENUE USF 50th 56th End Rush ...ST.hI ENTRANCE ST. ST. By MARGARET MASON StaU Writer


0 Treat THE Your5elf to Nearest to PROFESSIONAL YOU HAIRCARE at greatest. ~~~ ..u·~~~tttt Vz mile Wtst MODERATE Congratulations Tri S.I.S. for Beauty Salon & Wig C,enter PRICES achieving the highest sorority Fletcher Avenue at 22nd Street of the G.P.R., 2.69, for Trimester I, Phone: 935-1400 University 1966. ' KAPPA DELTA..

Use of and COLOR WIG ACCELERATOR 100% Service At No Additional Charge EUROPEAN Human Wigs 50 from $129 Monday· includes custom fit, cut & style Saturday 8:30 to 5:30 Cosmetics Open Thursday Appointment by Necessary , £vening 'til L'OREAL · 8:30p.m. Rush registration for men Monday, will continue until Thursday of Paris , afternoon at 4 p.m. in the Uni­ . Tuesday or versity Center. All men who Wednesday wish to pledge a fraternity. this spring must sign up ei­ ther today or Thursday. ;; I! II! Fontana Hall

Netv, deluxe residence hallfor men and women at 4200 Fletcher Avenue Cordially invites you to visit the model suite at buildif!g si~e.

University approved and Supervised housing will be available to Hillsborough County residents.

• Air-conditioned suites • Wall-to-wall carpeting • Private baths • Spacious two-student rooms with semi..:private study and living areas • 20 delicious meals weekly • Swimming pool -I Apply for residence at the Office and Model Suite, 4200 Fletcher Ave.