Welcome Back From The Oracle Staff I tRJ I t$J I te$J I t$J IF$J IH$J VOL. 1- NO. 15 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, JANUAR~ 11, 1967 Subscription Rate Page 4 CONSTRUCTION THIS YEAR Social Science Building, ScienCe Center To Go Up USF's construction program duct work, pipes or the like ters for urban research and to Fine-Arts Humanities build­ will boom ahead in 1967 with would interfere with interior international relations, among ing, outdoor physical educa­ two major buildings scheduled arrangements. other facilities. tion facilities, marine science to start, completion of proj­ The basement level would Meanwhile, the University classroom and lab at Bay ects under way, and plans in contain eating facilities, labo­ has placed before the Regents Campus. the.. works for a $48.9-million ratories, and restrooms. The for ultimate action by the Continuing education center, expansion ahead. second floor would be devote'd Legislature, a request for Bay Campus, conference cen The two are a Science Cen· to data processing and com­ lump-sum allocation of $19.6- ter at Chinsegut Hill near ter and a Social Sciences puter center, the third floor million for academic build­ Brooksville, life science build· Building. would be occupied mainly by ings, $6.6-million for student ing, and renovation of some The Board of Regents has research laboratories and the services facilities, and $22.6- existing facilities as well as under study a contract for fourth floor to science library. million for housing and . food expansion and extension of $2,167,200 to Smith and Sapp A second major building in services. utilities to serve the growing Construction Co. for a five­ the works is a $2.4-mi!lion so­ Of the total, $21,387,365 campus. story Science Center contain­ cial sciences building, four would come from state funds Under construction a n d ing some 90,000 square feet of stories high and containing and $27,544 ,534 from other scheduled for completion by floor space. 106,000 square feet of floor sources. April is the natatorium, a If construction proceeds, the space. It would be located on Some of the major units in­ heated indoor swimming pool, building located in the Phys­ the new Business Administra­ cluded in the plans, subject to the faculty office • classroom· ics, Engineering, Chemistry tion building. amount of money approved by dormitory building in Andros and Life Science Buildings HEW recently approved a the Legislature, include a complex should be completed area, would provide extensive $655,000 grant to aid in con· start on the USF Medical during the summer and the new science research and struction and the purchase of School. College of Education building, computer facilities. some $305,000 in furnishings. Other projects include an . in October or early Novem­ The building is expected to Bids will be asked in the auditorium-lecture hall, a stu­ ber, according to present esti· It's Now Or Never be ready in 1968. The U.S. De­ spring at a date to be set on dent health infirmary, n e w mates. partment of Health, Educa­ the bid and construction University Center, parking The 18-hole University Golf Thursda;y is your last chance fu buy this year's Aegean, university persons may order copies for $~ each. tion and Welfare (HEW) would start within a few garage for 400 cars, dormi­ Course bordering on Fletcher the USF yearbook, says pretty Joan Cichion, lCB. Reserva­ Rel!ervations wiU be taken· in CTR 224. Freshmen who granted the University $767,- weeks if a contract is award­ tories for 1,000 students and a Avenue and 46th Street is tions may be made in CTR 224 for $1 eaeb. A 50-cent mailing transfer to the Tampa campus from Bay Cam(ms m~y pick 194 to supplement construc­ ed by the Regents. The build­ central core, second stage of under construction and should charge wiU be added for students wishing tQ have the year­ up their annuals during distribution days i,o the lobby tbe of tion funds appropriated by the ing will house faculty offices, the Library, chemistry - bio­ be ready for play in Septem­ book mailed to them. There will be no April sale. University Center in mid·April. Distribution to others at Bny 1965 Legislature for the 'classrooms, laboratories, cen· chemistry building, addition ber. Books will be held Until Oct. 1, after which they will be Campus will be made in the book store there. science facility. sold to others. ltefunds will not be given after Thursday. Non- Oracl~ PhQto by Anth~nv Zapporft An unusual aspect of the building is that mechanical, plumbing and electrical chas Possible es are placed on the exterior Dennard Move Graduation tist nclu s of the building so no interior New Gymnasium Among Faculty Changes Expected To Aid Several new department t:SF in 1960 and during a peri· Mast chairmen and possible loss of ers, od of tremendous 7 23 e Next Reoistrati growth. .., on . ~ tup dean to a state position Dennard -was comptroller at •. ' • ~, I ~' Although conditions at reg­ Twe hundred forty-two . • 'ft . r.;p-+~ . are among personnel changes University or Florida (UF) stu- the closing of T-l'il..llester I • ·c~'j'Vtl' 'n:tast~r',s . ~dag~. 1 ~t ta~on ot .' Cleaf\\'~J~s;:, "~~£ullip istration were crowded dents kompleted at made or in the cards for USF prior to commg here. He is a requirement Among the ~i.v gradua:!t's · u~F illl1lathe~q.tics .and zooJ ·A~ 1Iartman :arid .Andr,ia S. times, Frank Spain, registrar, for degrees this year. UF graduate, a certified pub­ ~eir. h,er~.· ~vUh •rare the ,first,·students to re· ~ogy. They are Ha;nlet.S: .Gus~ 'Tro~tin.a'l ·of. Tampa, ' all in rated it as an ''excellent reg­ --.L."'--..:.:....:._.:....-.:.....!,.;:...!..._:......!.L.:.__~-....l.-------'---=------=---~- lic accountant, and is working · matb._ematics: and William N. istration." The crowded condi­ Robert L. Dennard, dean of ,. ....... toward his doctorate in educa­ · Lind~1~ Jr. of . Tampa, zoology. tions of registration administrative affairs, will ' may be tional administration. eased by the use of the new become vice chancellor of the .. Two gtaduatc r students re­ gymnasium in April, Dr. state University system July New faculty appointments ceived ma~er of engineering Spain said. 1, The St. Petersburg Times include several widely - rec· degrees: Tliey ate William I. To ISC s Total enrollment for the said it had learned. ognized authorities in their CrichtOR. J'r. of Riverview and spring trimester, according to fields. George J. Latherow of· Largo. THE BOARD of Regents. ' . Spain, is over 8,000 students Dr. Herbert Sorenson, Recei\•ing_ f{ master's may act on the appointment one degree with an additional I in elemetitaty 500 expect­ in April. Dean Dennard told ROBERT L. DENNARD or only 11 men to hold the title education was ed for late registration. Ricnard A. · 'Brice The Oracle he did not think it of distinguished professor at . III of Of 'God Dea ·view Tampa. these 1,250 are new stu­ appropriate to comment on University of Kentucky in Is· the College of Liberal Arts I' • dents and 7,250 returning stu­ the matter until it had uearly 20 years, has joined been said the previous chairmen The r~t af the graduates dents. A breakdown by class acted upon the faculty as professor of ed· by the regents. completed their terms Dr. Thomas J. J. Altizer, date in the same location, Dr. received bachelor's degrees showed 31 per cent of the stu­ and ucational psychology in the Three n e w department were given the opportunity of young Turk of Chris.tian AltJzer will take part in dis- from the USF Colleges of Lib­ dents to be freshmen, 20 per College of Education. He is theo­ chairmen took office this relief from administrative cussions with interested facul- ' era! ·Ar.ts, cent sophomores, 20 per cent du­ the author o f many textbooks logy who was gee~whizzed to Engineering, Edu­ month. Dr. ty members. cation, juniors and 15 per cent se­ Ovid Futch suc­ ties for full-time teaching and in the field. national notice by Basic Studies, and his ''God is '·Business niors. An additional 10 per ceeds Dr. Robert Goldstein as research. The college's policy Dt. Altiz~r will speak' on Administration. dea'd~' -views, wilL visit {JSF the cent of the students were reg­ chairman of the History De­ is to review department chair­ DR. LAWRENCE W. Beals, )Jniversify· ,LectUre Series at Five of the partment, Dr. Mark T. Orr re­ man appointments at the end chairman of philosophy at Jan. 26-27 for·confctences., and stude~ts were istered as graduate students. 8:·30 ·p.ih.:J Jan.' 26 in the Busi­ ghi.duated with Honors. They places Dr. Henry Winthrop as of their terms, usually three Williams College for 15 years, a lecture. f • The registrars office em­ ness.. Adminfstration (BUS) head of Interdisciplinary So· years. will serve as visiting profes· ·r~ , ,. are Magdalen Besenach of ployed the help of 200 student · au~itorium! · · Altizer, seU-styl~d- Christi~ • Tampa, · Ga'rolyn • B. McFar­ assistants to aid in speeding cial Sciences and Dr. Ray­ sor of philosophy this trimes­ mond H. Wheeler fills the post IF THE DENNARD ap­ ter. He is teaching courses in atheist, ls associate professor -Hi.s visit . will end after · a land of ClNtrwater, Patricia up registration. According to conference L: Pa:tteroon of St. Peters.burg of chairman of Sociology De­ pointment goes through, USF aesthetics and American phi­ of Bible and Religion at Meth­ Jan.
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