W Zimbabwe Nutrition Cluster https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Nutrition Cluster monthly meeting 27 March 2020, 09:30 to 12:00, Zoom Online Meeting Meeting minutes Chair: Nutrition Cluster Coordinator, Agnes Kihamia, Nutrition Cluster Note taker: IMO, Nakai Munikwa, Nutrition Cluster Agenda 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Nutrition Cluster Contingency Plan in the context of COVID – 19 by NCC/MoHCC 3. Updates on SC and OTP admissions, Screening for acute malnutrition activities in 25 priority districts by MoHCC 4. Nutrition Cluster and Food Security cluster linkage and partners responsibilities by UNICEF 5. Pellagra updates 6. Update from partners 7. AoB Action point Focal point/agency Timeline Status [from the previous meeting minutes] [from the previous [from the previous [Status update, for example: completed, ongoing, meeting minutes] meeting minutes] pending. You may want to specify here why the action point was not completed] Share protocol for MAM treatment with Sector Partners MoHCC - Nyadzayo 1/31/2020 Done Cluster Coordinator Zimbabwe Nutrition Cluster monthly meeting, Agnes Kihamia 27 March 2020, Meeting minutes
[email protected] , +263775920472 Page 1 W Zimbabwe Nutrition Cluster https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/Zimbabwe Main Agenda Items Discussion point/cluster partner Focal Action points Timeline point/agency Nutrition Cluster Contingency Plan in the context of COVID – 19 by Follow up on nutrition programming in COVID-19 era: NCC and Updates by NCC/MoHCC: 1) How will CHWs be equipped to carry on with their MoHCC next work. Protective gear for frontline workers could be meeting. a contingency plan to ensure that they are protected.