W Zimbabwe Nutrition Cluster https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Nutrition Cluster monthly meeting 08 May 2020, 10:00 to 12:00, Zoom Online Meeting Meeting minutes Chair: Nutrition Cluster Coordinator, Agnes Kihamia, Nutrition Cluster Note taker: IMO, Nakai Munikwa, Nutrition Cluster Agenda 1. Welcome and Introduction 5 mins by NCC 2. Review of the action points 10 mins by NCC 3. Cluster update, HRP performance and gap update 15 mins by IMO and NCC 4. Presentation on draft guidelines on Nutrition Support in Critically ill COVID-19 patients (DAZ) 25 mins by MoHCC 5. Update on AAP from partners and MoHCC provinces 30 mins 6. Key updates (achievement and challenges) from partners and MoHCC provinces 30 mins 7. AOB 5 mins. Action points from previous meetings Discussion point/cluster partner Action points Focal point/agency Status Comments Report has been reviewed by MoHCC. Further analysis has been done. Restructuring is also being done. Report on Pellagra to be shared by mid- Pellagra update; Availability of the Nicotinamide so far, April. Draft already available. the quantification was done for nicotinamide of about 6000 1 Mr. Nyadzayo in-progress supplements. A letter has been drafted Cluster Coordinator Zimbabwe Nutrition Cluster monthly meeting, Agnes Kihamia 27 March 2020, Meeting minutes
[email protected] , +263775920472 Page 1 W Zimbabwe Nutrition Cluster https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/Zimbabwe which is with the PS for the procurement that will need concurrency with UNICEF. The initial group that was working on pellagra to concentrate on developing the report. Comments on Pellagra report Committee on Pellagra to meet once the are expected from WHO, UNICEF and report is in a better state.