E. M. BMLBP Bulletin 370 March. 1935




@nnttrcticut Agriritlturul Experiment Stntimt Xcm T4uocn CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION

BOARD OF CONTROL His Excellency. Governor Wilhur L. Cross, ex-oficio, Prcsiderif Elijah Rogers, Vice-Praiderrl ...... Southington William L. Slate, Trcasnrcr ...... New Haven k:dward C. Schncider, Secretory ...... Middletown Joseph CV. Alsop ...... Avon Charles G. Morris ...... Newtown Albert E. Plat~t...... Braniord Olcott F. I


Administration. Wl!.ir~hl I.. SLICE, U.Sc., iJi?e~1~1. blass I.. 31. Iln~urrrcsr,Bookkeeper and i.ibrarian LIrrr I

Analytical i<. ki. ~I.~IL.LY,1~1t.11.. CJ~~~~~isl i% Cluvg#. Chemistry c. I<, s,,,.:~~A,,IAT,,,s IJnvro C. \vn~or~,n.S. V. I.. CIIUI

11. 11. \Jicn~au.P3r.D.. Bbchanxirl i$z C1zo-g~. L.~rn~*rr~11. hll~oe~, I'tr.Il., I3ercnrch Arrocintr (Yale University) GLORCER'. I'uc~~PI,PH.~).. A~~islnrlfUiocli~n~i~l.

G. 1'. C~laror;,Sc.D., Bolnnirr igt Clinrge. li. &I. Siononlro. 1l.S.. Pornologist. aflra PLOXENC~A. \ICC"HMICI, PIID., P0iI8.I~ill. .\. ,\, ~>"XLAP,l',,,i>., A,,,s~,,,,, ~ll,~coloyi,,, .\. 11, AI~IIoN~ILL.l;cnert>i /f~iiil~nl. >Irs. \v. M'. I\ELS.I, Se~rcLnrg,

Porcstry. \\:n~.r~a0. PILLEY,FOTCIIEV in Chnrgs. li. \IZ.IIICOCX, >!.I>.. Assistant Forcrfrr. I. I;. JR., \I.;:.. I,, ~i~~~~~01 nii,tcr RZ,S~col,rro~. \Irrs PAULINEA. \IEI~C>IANT,SIC~CIRVY. rlallt nrecding. Iloa~~oI;. JONES. Sc_D.. Genelici?: bi Chnmr. , 11'. HALPE, SINCLETOX, SC.II., nsrisanr Gma,clrt. I.n.~urxcx C. (:unr!s, R.S.. Arrirto,~:.

31. F. Zlerc~s.M.S., Anrono,nisr hx Chorye. 11, G. XI. JK~SON, M.$,,Assistant Agrmremi~t. Anan~wr.A. Lurr. Pm.D., Anirlovil in Forrd Soils r,\r~lc,rr R. nowwr, Gencrol Asrino,il. \Iris (iEarl.0,N. iiveaarr, Srcr..ta,s.

Printing by Quinnininck I'rrss. Inc.. Nrw Hnvee. C'onn. CONTEXTS

The feed ln\v ...... 313

Explamation of terms used in analyses oi ieeding stuffs ...... 315

Guides in eniorcement ...... 315

Registrations ...... 316

Illspection ...... 341

Analyses ai official samples ...... 312

Index ...... mi; REGISTRATION OF FEEDS Manufacturers, jobbers or individuals outside the State who ship concentrated commercial feeding stuffs into Connecticut are expected to register the brands so shipped and to pay the necessary fees thereon, and they generally do so. However, under the provisions of our law, if manufacturers or others outside the State neglect or refuse to register, the local dealer who handles such feeds is responsible for such registrations, registration fees and other legal requirements. In the course of trade, feeds manufactured in another State frequently pass though the hands of several mid- dlemen, none of whom is within the immediate juris- diction of our law, before they reach the local distributor. This Station makes reasonable investigation to find out the source of shipment of feeds found to be unregistered, but the law imposes no obligation upon it to do so. It is the plain duty therefore of local dealers who purchase feed for resale and distribution to assure themselves that the brands they purchase are registered, or else be pre- pared to assume that responsibility themselves. Feeds mixed to the order of the consumer may be sold as "special formulas" and need not be registered. Such must be sold without any private brand names and with- out analysis. Special formulas sold to others than the consumers for whom they are mixed become regular brands subject to registration and other requirements pertaining thereto. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REPORT ON INSPECTION

E. 11. Bailey -


The text of the law relating to concentrated co~nmercialfeeding stuffs and of regulations made jointly by the Dairy and Food Comiilissioner and tlie Director of this Station for carrying out its provisions, are given in Bulletin of Immediate Information, No. 60, June, 1,927. Some essential provisions of the law and the regulations may be briefly restated here. Exemptiorrs. It is held that the law exempts from classification as concentrated commercial feeding stuffs, and therefore from registration, (1) roughages such as hays, , corn stover, ensilage and all ma- terials containing more than 60 per cent of water; (2) whole grains and mixtures thereof: (3) meals made from whole grains when not mixed with other ~llaterialsor uritli each other; (4) feed ground fro111 whole grains and sold by the manufacturer directly to the consumer; (5) feed ground from materials furnished by tlie consumer; or (6) feed mixed according to a formula furnished by the consumer, for his own use. Under the provision of clause 6 above, a feed must be sold as a formula only, without a private brand name and without analysis. But a feed cannot he offered for general trade as a formula in order to avoid registration and the registration fee. Labelliirg. i\ll concentrated commercial feeding stuffs must be labelled either by a statement printed on the bag or upon a properly attached tag; except that in tlie case of cottonseed meal sold for fertilizer, or of any concentl-ated feeding stuff sold in bulk, a certificate, which shall con- tain the infor~iiationotherwise required to appear upon the bag or upon the tag, may he issued by the dealer in lieu thcreof. The law requires a statement of (1) thc net weight of tlie feed con- tained in the package; (2) the name, hrand or trademark under which the feed is sold; (3) name and address of the manufacturer or importer; (4) tlie minimum percentages of (a) crude protein and (I)) crude fat, and the maximum percentage of (c) crude fiber co~itainedin the feed; -and (5) the separate ingredients of which the feed is composed. Norr: Analyses are hy >lessrs. Kolan. >fathis and Walden: micro=copie examinations by Mr. Shrprrd and Miss Shepsrd: snrnpling by \Ir. Churd,ill; and cornpilotinns hy Mrs. Voibureh. While the law requires only a statement of the items enumerated above, no ohjection will be raised to more complete statements of chemical com- position. Our reg~~lationsprovide that definitioiis and standards for feeding stutTs as adopted from time to time by the i\ssociation of American Feed Control Officials are accepted as official in carrying out the provisions of our law: and the rules and regulations of that association are followed whenever they are consistent with our statutes. In order to secure greater uni- formity in the labelling of feeds and in the statement of ingredients, that association has adopted a number of rules that manufacturers shoold heed in submitting registrations. Particularly the following points should hr noted : (1) The protein percentage of cottonseed ant1 liiisred ~iiealssliorrld he incorporated in the hrand name, e.g. "XX Cottonsecrl hleal 41 per cent" or "XX 41 per cent Protein Cottonseed Meal". (2) Feeds should not be designated as "molassrs feeds" or "l~ntter- milk feeds".but rather as feeds "witli molassrs" or "with huttcr~iiilk", or "containing molasses" or "containing buttermilk". Example: "XX Dairy Feed with molasses", not "XX Rfolasses Dairy Feed". (3) If screenings are present their source sl~onld he indicated, e.g. " screenings", "rye screenings". (4) Ground oats hulls should not he designated as "gro~~ndoat feed". Afirinq tags. The use of wire or any metal in affixing tags to feed packages is proliihitrd h!. law. Rrgistratiot~ ofld rrgistrutioiz fcc. The law requires an annual regis- tration of all concentrated feeds sold or offered for sale in this State. Registrations are to be made witli the Connecticut Agricultrlral Experi- ment Station and beginning January 1, 1928, the registration period is for the duration of the calendar year. The registration fee is fifteen dollars ($IS), for each hrand, a distinct hrand name or a distinct analysis constituting a distinct brand. DfttZ'es of i?tn~lz~fnct~trers,jobbers und dcalcrs. .\I1 concentrated com- mercial feeding stuffs !nust he registered annually on Janrmry 1, or hefore they are offered for sale. Manufacturers, johbers or individuals shippinp feeds into Connecticut will he expected to register their brands and pay the necessary fees tliere- on. Connecticut dealers should assure themselves that the brands they handle are properly registered and la1,elled. In case the manufacturer or jobber outside the State neglects or refuses to register, the dealer who handles such feeds will l~eheld responsible for such registrations, repis- tration fees and other legal requirements. Dealers within the State who mix their ow11 brands are responsilile for the registration and proper lahelling thereof. Cotto~tseed?acnl. Cottonseed meal sold. as a fertilizer is rcquired to he registered under the terms of tlie fertilizer law: if sold also as a feed- ing stuff, it is required also to he registered under the provisions of the feed law; if sold exclusively for one or tlie other of these purposes. it limy he registered only under the law that applies. EXPLAXATIOS OF TER1fS USED IX' .\U I\NAI,VSTS OF FEEDISG STUFFS In registering feeding stuffs the law rcquires that the minimnn~per- centages of crude protein and crude fat, :mrl the maximum percentage of crude fiber, shall he given; that is, the registrant must guarantee that the feeds registered will contain fzot less than the stated percentages ol crude protein and of crude fiat and not iiroi,e than the stated percentage of crude fiher. The term crude profci~zdenotes those nutrients that contain nitrogen, and is obtained 11y multiplying the percentage of total nitrogen in the feed hy the factor 6.25. The term crfrda fat denotes those substances that are solulile in ether and includes, l~esides fat, such non-fatty materials as cl~lorophyll and coloring matter. The term rrrrd~fiber denotes the coarse, woody tissucs characteristic of all forms of roughage and that are present in the outer coats of cereal and other grains. Although the law requires only a statement of the three nutrients just defined, no objection is taken to more complete statements of composi- tion, hut such further statements, if given, must he correct. Thus, tags sometimes bear guaranties for nitrogen-free-extract and for carhohydrates. The term riitroge~r-free-extrncf denotes those nutrients of the starch and the sugar types. This group is never dctcrmined directly but is obtained l)y srlhtracting from 100 per cent the sun? of the percentages of moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat. The term cnrbohydrntes denotes the comhined percentages of crude fiher and nitrogen-free-extract.

GUIDES IN ENFORCEMEKT The -4ssociation of American Feed Control Officials has ailnl>tcngs rmless they are turned wronc sirlr nult sn tliat the original stenciling will not he displayed. (Adopterl'prior to 1023). - ' ORicirl rahtic.-tina of the .211~i~ti~~for IYX~. 5. Resolved that the Association go on record to the effect that the term "Cracked Corn" does not apply to de-germed cracked corn. (Adopted prior to 1923). 6. Resolved that this Association go on record as condemning the practice of packing feeding stutis in bags containing 99 pounds net and billing and charging for 100 pounds net. (Adopted 1923). 7. Whereas, "Linseed Oil Meal" is sold more or less on the basis of the protein content, as in the case of Cottonseed Meal, therefore: Be it Resolved, that the percentage of protein should be prefixed to linseed cake or meal, as is done with cottonseed meal: for example, 34 per cent Protein Linseed Meal. (Adopted 1923). 8. Resolved that it is the sense of this Association tliat no product sold under a trade or proprietary name be recognized for the purpose of formu- lating definitions, standards, etc. (Adopted 1927). 9. Resolved that this Association go on record as condemning the use of the word "vitamin" in a brand name, and as opposing the acceptance of registration of feeds with tliis word in tlie brand name. (Adopted 1929). 10. Resolved: (a) That it is the sense of tliis Association that tlie names of feed materials or their- combinations must not be misleading as to tlie kind, character and nature of the material or materials. (b) That tlie name of each feed material sliould he stated in its simplest form and in the common English term, if such term exists, omitting all superflr~ousor ambiguous words. (c) That if a descriptive name is used, the material must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1930). 11. Resolved that this .%ssociation go on record as disapproving any use of artificial colors in the manufacture of feedstuffs. (Adopted 1931). 12. Resolved tliat tliis Association go on record as condemning the use of any contraction of tlie word "vita~nin", or any word suggesting vitamin, in a brand nanie, and as opposing tlie acceptance of registrations of feeds under names which are in co~iflictwith this resolution. (Adopted 1932). 13. Resolved tliat any material sold primarily as a vitamin D snpplement for poultry shall be labellerl with a rniniti~tlm guarantee of anti-racliitic potency, specifying the minimum percentage level at which normal ~~lci- fication is produced, according to the tentative method of analysis as adopted by the Association of Oficial Agricultural Chemists. (Adopted 1933). 14. Resolved that all tentative definitions sliould not be used until adopted as official, unless specified action of the Association is taken. (Adopted 1933).

REGISTRATIONS For the period 3ar111nrgI, 1934. to Deco,:bcr 31, 19.74 One handred and eighty-three firms and individuals registered 1.015 brands of fenling stuffs. As rerluirrd hy Statute these registrations are listed as follows: Acme-Evans Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Acme Reddog Albers Bros. Milling Co., Seattle, Wash. Calf Manna Regislralior~s

E. T. Allen Co., Atlanta, Ga. Enlpire 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal - Prime Quality

Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, 111. Alialfa Meal Arab Horse Feed Brewers' Dried Grains Emergency Hog Feed Empire Ezg Mash Empire Egg Mash with Sardine Oil Enlpire 16%% Dairy Ration Empire 20% Dairy Ration Empire 24% Dairy Ration Empire (Crowing Mash Empire Gvowing Mash with Sardine Oil Empire Scratcl) Feed Empire Starter & Grower Ernpire Starter & Grower with Sardine Oil Empire Stack Feed June I'asture Pure Corn and Oats Provender Screened Cracked Corn Soybean Oil .\leal Super Soy Wayne All Mash Laying Ration Wayne -411 Mas11 Laying Ration with Sardine Oil Wayne Amco 20% Dairy Ration \\'ayne i\mco 21% Dairy Ration Wayne Amco 3270 Supplement Dairy Ration Wayne Amco 1270 Fitting Ration Wayoc Breeder Mash Wayne Broiler Ration Wayne Calf Meal Wayne Chick Feed Wayne Chick Starter Wayne Chick Starter with Sardine Oil Waync Egg Mash Wayne Errs Mash with Sardine Oil Wayne Crowing >lash Wayne Growing Mash with Sardine Oil TVayne Intermediate Scratch Feed .S&"ayne Mash Concentrate Wayne Mash Concentrate with Sardine Oil Wayne 26% A4ash Supplement Wayne 26?'0 :/0fash Supplement with Sardine Oil Wayne Pic Meal Wayne Poultry Fattener Wayne Scratch Fectl Wayne Sup'cmc Horse Feed IVayne Turliey Mash with Sardine Oil \\:ayne 25% Turkey Starting Mash

American -Products Co., 100 E. 42nd St., New York City Cream of Corn Glutcn Feed

Anchor Mills, Hagerstown, Md. Zip ER~Mash Anheuser-Busch, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. .4nhei~scr-I~n.;chBmnrl Corn Oil Cake Areal Arcady Farms Milling Co., 223 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. .4dranced Registry Dairy Feed .lrcady .%I1 Mash Chick Starter Arcady Besbct Growing Mash -4rcady Beshet Laying Mash Arcady Beshct Starting Mash Arcady Chick Grains .4rcady 205% Open Formula Production Ration -4rcady Scratch Grains -4rcady Stock Feed Old Colony Feed Peerless Milk Ration Sunkist Egg Mash U~~iveisityAll Mash Ration IVonder Complete Broiler Ration \Yonder Horse & Mule Feed Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Midland Linseed Meal with Flaxseed Screenings Oilfeed 30 l'rr (:en$ ...... 31 Prr Sc~tI'rotrin Old Proresj Linsrccl \leal 32 I'rr Cent I'rutein O111 I'rorr;.;ccrl Ileal

34 I'er~ Ccnt-~ ~ I'rotein Old I'rocei Linscrd \Iml 37 Per Cent Protein old ~rocesr~insecd hlial 41 Per Ccnt Protein Old Process Soyhean Oil Meal 44 Per Cent Protrin New Process Soybean Oil Meal Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., Atlanta, Ga. Cow-Eta Brand-Prime Cotton Meal Monarch Brand-Prime Cotton Seed Meal E. W. Bailey & Co., Montpelier, Vt. Bailey's Pasture Ration Dailey's Sweetened 1670 Dairy Ration Caoital Uairv Ration Caoitsl Miaid Feed ~a;.oriteDairy Ration Our 20% Special Ration T'ct~nant Brand Chick Starter Pennant Brand Coarse Chick Feed Pennant Rmnd Fine Chick Feed F'ennant Brand Growing Feed Pennant Brand Laying Mash Pennant Brand Laying Mash with Cod Liver Oil and Cod Liver Meal Pennant Horse Fced I'ennant Scratch Feed Sweetrned Bailey's Fitting Ration

Beacon Milling Co. Inc., Cayuga, N. Y. .luhurn Brand Auburn Dairy Feed Dcncon Rattery Pullet Growing Ration Deacon Brredprc Mas11 with Ruttermilk Beacon Broiler Fced Deacon Calf Grain Ration Beacon Cali Meal Reacon Calf Pellets Deacon's Cayuga Developer Feed Rcacon's Caquaa Grorvin~Mash Registrations 310

Beacon Milling Co., Inc., Cayuga, N. Y.-lCortlirincd) Beacon's Cayuga Horse Feed Eeacon's Cayuga Laying Mash with Buttermilk Beacon's Cayuga Scratch Feed Beacon CC Pellets Beacon Chick Feed Reacon Complcte Battery Laying Ration Beacon Complete Starting Ration Beacon Dairy Ration Reacon Developer Feed Reacon Duck Growing Pellets Beacon Egg Mash with Ruttermilk Beacon Fitting Ration Reacon Fleshing Mash and Crate Fattener Beacon Fleshinfi l'ellets Reacon Growillg Mash Beacon Horse I'ced Beacon Special Flushing Mash Beacon Special Scratch Grains Beacon Sweet "20" Beacon Sweet "24" Beacon Turkey Growing Feed Beacon Turkey Starter Reacon "20" Cayuga Stock Feed Corn and Oats Chop Bisbee Linseed Co., Lincoln-Liberty Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Rishee Brand 34% Protein Pure Old Process Linseed Meal Black Rock Milling Cow.. Buffalo. N. Y. Ridwell 20% Dairy Ration Bidwell 24% Dairy Ration Bidwell Dry-Mash Bidwell Dry-Mash with Cod Liver Oil Ridwell Scratch Feed Paramount 20% Dairy Ration Blatchford Calf Meal Co., Waukegan, Ill. Blatchford's Calf Meal The Borden Sales Co. Inc., 350 Madison Ave.. New York City Bordeo's Anilac Amos D. Bridge's Sons, Inc., Hazardville, Conn. Srrccess Dairy Ration The Brode Carp., Memphis. Tenn. Owl Brand Prime 41% P~ratei~?Cottonseed Meal L. Broder Grain Store, Colchester. Conn. L. B. Milk Ration Brown-Forman Dist. Co., Louisville, Kentucky Distillers' Dried Grain C. Buckingham & Co. Inc., Southport, Conn. C. B. Dairy Feed C. R. Egg Mash C. B. Growing Mash 320 Connecticut Experinte?rl Sfafiotr Bulletin 370

C. Buckingham & Co.. Inc., Southport, Conn.-(Contir~!red) C. B. scratch Feed C. B. Starter Mash

C. E. Buell, Inc.. 6 Beacon St.. Boston. Mass. "Buell-Boston" Dried Skim Milk

C. W. Burckhalter, Inc., 177 Franklin St, New York City Burck Brand Powdered Skim Milk

Cairo Meal and Cake Co., Cairo. 111. "Miss Cairo" Brand 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal

C. W. Campbell Co., Westerly. R. I. Cameo Horse Feed Campbell Fitting Ration Egg-0 Chick Scratch Egg-0 Chick Starter Egg-0 Growing Peed Egg-0 Intermediate Scratch Ens-0 Laying Mash Egg-0 Scratch Egg-0 Turkey Grower Milky Ration No-Botheration Dairy Provender Xtra Viol Molasses Horse Feed

A. B. Caple Co., Toledo, Ohio Alfalfa Meal

Center Milk Products Co., Middlebury Center, Pa. Vita-Brand Dried Skim Milk

Chapin & Co., Hammond. Ind. Chapin Kernels Grow All Chapin Kernels Lay 411 Chapin Kernels Start All

Clinton Co., Clinton, Iowa Clintoi~Corn Feed

Herbert K. Clofine, Bulletin Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.

Clyde Renco Milling Corp., Clyde, N. Y. "Cornell Mash" Coles Co.. Middletown, Conn. Capital 20% .\lolasses Dairy Feed Fortune Chick Starter Fortune Egr Mash with Dried Buttermilk Fortune Growing Mash with Cod Liver Oil Fortune Intermediate Scratch Fortune Scratch Feed Seleo 24% Molasses Dairy Feed Collis Products Co., St. Paul, Minn. Collis Process Dried Buttermilk

Commander-Larabee Corp., Minneapolis, Minn. Sutticd \\'l>eat Rrnn wit11 Ground Scrrri.ihg. cltniecl \\ Ilc-tt Standard .\ltcldltn~, witl~G~u~IL,~ Scre~nine* Su:~i~clI

G. E. Conkey Co., Cleveland, Ohio Conkey's -411 Grain Horse & Mule Feed (with Linseed Meal, Molasses and Salt) Conkey's All Mash Chick Ration with Y-0 Conkcy's Broiler Mash with Y-0 Conkey's Gecco Chick Grains Conkcy's Gecco Epg Mash with Y-0 Conkey's Gecco Growing Grains Conlr'sGecco Growing Mash with Buttermilk and 1'-0 C'ot!key's Gecco Scratch Grnins Conkey's Geccoiat Station 1;attener Conkey's (The Original) Starting Feed with Buttern~ilkand Y-0 Superior Scratch Grains Conn. Fat Rendering & Fertilizer Corp., West Haven, Conn. Cono. Fat Rend. & Fertz. Corp. Meat Scrap Consolidated Products Ca., Danville, Ill. Scmi-Solid Buttermilk consolidated Rendering Co., 178 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. Corenco Bone Meal. An All Ani~nnlFeed for Cattle, Hogs and Poultry Corenco Cod and Haddock Meal Corenco 4S'h Meat and Bone Scrap Corenco 50% Meat Scrap Corenco 55% Ncat Scrap Corenco 6070 bleat Scrap Consumers Import Co. Inc., 115 Broad St., New York City Cico Fish Meal Continental Distilling Corp., 260 South Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Distillers Grains Copeland Mills, Ltd., Midland, Ontario, Canada Dandy Dandy Shorts Corn Products Sales Co. of Corn Products Refining Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City Buffalo Corn Gluten Feed Diamond Corn Gluten Meal E. A. Cowee Co., Fitchbwg, Mass. Coweco Growing Mash Co\v\.eco Laying Mash 322 Coiiriccticut Experimenl Statior~ Bulletin 370

E. A. Cowee Co., Fitchburg, Mass7(Co?ifii~ified) Coweco 20% Ratioo Coweco Scratch I'erd C. A. Cowles, Inc., Plantsville, Conn. Eristol Dairy Feed C. A. Blue Seal Slash Cowles 20% Dairy Ration Cowles 24% Dairy Cowles Growing Mash Cowles l~torsePeed Cowles Scratch Feed Chas. M. Cox Co., 177 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Lake \I-oods \Vheat Bran (Manufactured by Lake of the Woods Millino Co. Ltd.. 4Iontrcal, Canada) Ogiluie's \\:heat Bra!, (Manufactured by Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd.,. Montreal, Canada) Crosby Milling Co., Brattleboro, Vt. Crosby's Scratch Feed Crown Mills. Portland, Oregon Crown Wheat Bran P. Cutler, Inc., Colchester, Conn. Prosperity Dairy Ration I'rosperity Economy Dniry Ration I'rosperity Laying >,lash Prosperity Scratch I:eed Prosperity Special Dairy Peed Prosperity Stock Feed Dairymen's League Co-operative Assoc. Inc.. Utica, N. Y. Dairylea Choice Feed Grade Dried Skim Milk R. G. Davis & Sons, Inc., New Haven, Conn. Basic Dniry Ration Davis Buttermilk Mash Davis Horse Feed Davis Scratch Feed Davis Stock Feed Davis Twenty Dairy 20'10 Open Formula Decatur Milling Co. Inc., Decatur, Ill. Hornco Hominy Feed Delaware Mills, Inc., Deposit. N. Y. Delaware All Mash Chick Starter Delaware Chick Starting Mash (with Dried Buttermilk, Delaware 85% Horse Feed Delawarc Intermediate Chick Grains Delaware Scratch Grains Delaware Stock Feed Delaware Sweet 24% Dairy Feed Delco 20% Dairy Feed Delca Sweet 20% Dairy Feed Indian Gro\ving mash ixvith Dried Skim Milk) Indian Layiny Ma41 (with Dried Skin1 Milk) I The Denver Alfalfa Millinp & Products Co., Lamar, Colo. i Alfalfa Mcal .\lialfa Leaf Meal

Dietrich & Gambrill, Inc., Frederick, Md. Canton Scratch Feed D. & C;. Cali Meal

Frederick Laying Mash Frederick Stock Feed Gatnbrili's .4. I. Dairy Feed 1 Gambrill's Chick Feed Garnbrill's Chick Starter Gaml,rili's Developing Scratch Gaml,rill's Growiny >lash Garnh~.ill'sHorse I:eed Gaml,rill's Laying '\lash Gambrill's Scratch 1:eed I'co hIar Dairy Peed

Duluth-Superior Milling Ca., Minneapolis, Minn. Duluth Inlpcriai IVheat Bran with Screenings

Arthur G. Dunn, 82 Wall St., New Pork City .\rgentine \Vheat Bran Argentine JVheat Fancy Middlings with Ground Screenmas Rrazilian \\'heat Bran with Ground Screenings

Pastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Eastern States Chick Grains Eastern States Combination Mash Eastern States Controller Mash

Eastern States ~iihland16 Eastern States Hiahland 20 Eastern States Horse & Calf Ration Eastern States Milkn~oreDairy Ration Eastern St.3tt.i I'rodurcr llncl, IIastcrn Statrs Scrnt;ln Graillr Fastcrn Stntrq Srratcl~Gmjnr 19.31 Eastern itntes Sixteen I)-tr\. Ration Eastern States Startine. and-~roilerRation I

S. T. Edwards Co. Inc., 110 N. Franklin St., Chicago, Ill. Butterfly Brand Dried Skimmed Milk

Eisemann & Co. Inc., Galveston, Texas Eisen Rrand 41% Prime Cottonseed Meal r. Elmore Milling Co. Inc.. Oneonta, N. Y. Elmore Chick Feed Elmore Chisaaver Elmore Complete Broiler Ration Elmore Complete Starting and grow in^ Ration Eltnore Egpmaker Elmore Enx Mash Elmore Growins Mash Elmore Horse Feed with Molasses Elmore Intermediate Chick Feed Elrnore Milk Grains Elrnore Ililk Grains Junior Elrnore Milk Grains Junior, Sweet Eln~orcScratch Feed Elmore Stock Feed Elmore "Three Point" Cali Meal Elmore's Sweet Disesto Dairy Feed Elmore Turkey Growinz Mash Elmore-\\!nldori Fornlula Granger 207. Dairy Ration Granaer 2410 Dairy Ration R-O,\." Egg Mash John W. Eshelman & Sons, Lancaster, Pa. Echelman Certified 20 Dairy Ration Esl~eln~nnCertified 24 Dairy Ration Eshelman Challenge 24 Dairy Feed Eshelman Conestoga 20 Dairy Feed Eshelman Conestoga Horse Feed Eshrlman Garden Spot Horse Feed Eshelman Golden Rod 25 Dairy.Feed Eshclman Lancaster 20 Dairy Feed Eshelman Lancaster 60 Horse Feed Eslielman Lancaster Scratch Grains Eshel~nanLiherty Horse Feed Eshelman Open Formula 20 Dairy Feed Eshelman Pennsy Chick Grains Esh~lmanPennsy 16 Dairy Feed Eshelman Penosy Layine Mash Esh~lmanPennsy Scratch Grains Eshelman Red Rose Alfalia Alral Eshelman Red Rose A11 Mash Starter Eshelman Red Rose Cali Starter Eshelman Red Rose Chick Grains Esh~lmanRed Rose Chick Starter Eshelnlnn Red Rose 24 Dairy Feed Eshelmao Retl Rose Fattening Mash Esheltnan Red Rose Growing hfash with Cod Liver Oil Eshelman Red Rose I-Ioa Meal Eshclman Rerl Rose 85 I-Iorse Feed Eshrlrnan Red Rose Layins Mash Eshelman Red Rose Layinc Mash with Cod Liver Oil Eshrlnlan Red Rose Fore Grounrl Corn and Oats Eshelman Red Rose Scratch Grains Eslielman Red Rase Stock Feed Eshelman Red Rose Turkey Mash Eshelman S-O-S Eshelman Steamcd Cooked Horse Feed Evans Milling- Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Emco Hominy Feed Evans 41% Soyhean Cake Meal Excelsior Milling Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Pure Camel Fancy Wheat Feed

Fairchild Milling Co., Cleveland, Ohio Standard Middlings with ground screenings \Vhcat Bran with ground screenings

The Fairmont Creamery Co., Omaha, Neb. Fairmont's Better Pure Flake Ruttermilk

Farmers Feed Co., New York City "Bull Brand" Dried Brewers Grains

Farmers Flour & Grain Co., Stratford, Conn. Superior Laying ?,fash

Faroll Bros., New York City \\-heat Bran with ~roundscreenings

Fernando Valley Milling & Supply Co., 336 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Fernando Alfalfa Ileal Fine Ground Fernando ;\lfalfa Stem Meal Fernando Ideal Greens Suncured

First National Stores, Inc., 5 Middlesex Ave., Somerville, Mass. Elenfield Ez,q Mash Henfield Scratch Grains

Flory Milling Co. Inc., Bangor, Pa. Corn Feed Meal Flory's Growing Mash Golden Egg Laying Xash Golden Egg Scratch Feed Ground Corn and Oats National Dairy Feed Record Dairy Feed Reddog Flour Sunray Scratch Fced

J. A. Forrest, Security Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn, :\I~ine Canadian Pure nran ,Alpine Canadian Shorts

Freihofer Flour Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. \Vheat Standard llidrllin~swith ground screenings

J. B. Garland & Son, Worcester. Mass.

Ro).al Worcecter ~craichFeed

General Commodity Corp., Buffalo, N. Y. Old Sol Dried Skim Milk (Bison) 326 C'onnecticnt l~rperinaeatStatiotz Bulletin 370

General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Evenluaily Gold Medal Chick Feed-No Grit Eventually Gold Medal Chick Ration E\entually'Gold Medal Dairy Ration Eventually Gold Medal Developinr Peed-No Grit Eventually Gold Medal Egg Mash for Breeding and Laying with Dried But- termilk Eventually Gold Medal Growing Mash-with Dried Ruttermilk Eventuaily (;old Medal Scratch Feed-No Grit \\;ashburn's Gold Mcdal Hard Wheat Bran and Wheat'Screenings \Vnshburn's Gold Medal Hard Wheat I'lour Middlings and \Yheat Screenings \\;ashbarn's Gold Medal Hard Wheat Standard Middlings and Wheat Screen- ings Washhtrrn's Gold Medal I:aocy Mixed Feed \Vasi~l)urn's Gold Medal Pure Hard Wheat Adrian Red Dog D. H. Grandin Milline Co.. Jarnestown. N. Y.

- ~ ~~~ Oil Grandin's 32% b Grandio's Growing ;Mash with Rattermilk-Cod Liver Oil Grandin's Intermediate Chick I'eed Grandin's 1,nying Wash with Buttermilk Grandin's Laying Mash with Rutternlilk-Cod Liver Oil (;mnAin'~. - ...... Milk M.k-7 - .... t,riindll~'il'ia alld (log l

Grand Union Co.. New York City I'eerless All Mash Starter and Grower Peerless Chick Grain? Peerless Laying Mash Peerless Scratch Grains Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Minneapolis. Minn.

~ailkGrowth Growing Mash Milky Way Dairy Feed 20% Hales & Hunter Co., 166 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Gold Flake Dairy Feed Morning Glory Egg Mash with Dried Buttermill Morning Glory Scratch Feed Red Comb Broiler Mash with Dried Buttermilk Red Comb Chick Starter with Dried Ruttermilk Red Comh Coarse Chick No Grit Red Comb Egg Mash with Dried Rottermilk Red Comb Fine Chick No Grit Hales & Hunter Co., 166 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111.-(Conti~~uedl Red Comh Growing Mash with Dried Butterm~lk Red Comb Scratch Feed No Grit Red Horn 20%, Dairy Pecd Special Red Horn 20% Dairy Ferd

Frank B. Ham & Co. Ltd., 1506 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Canada "Hamco" Brand \Vheat Bran "Hamco" Rmnd \Vheat Sllorts

William Hamilton & Son, Inc., Caledonia, Livingston County, N. Y. Standard Wheat &lic

Dwight Hamlin Co., Diamond Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hamlin's Dried Brewers Grains Hecker-H-0 Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. Oat Mill Feed Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling Div. of Standard Milling Co., 503 Seneca St.. Buffalo. N. Y. Choice Wheat Bran \vith ground screenings Whcat Red Dog \\!Iteat Standard Middlings with ground screenings Hirst & Begley Linseed Works, 2013 Mendel St., Chicago, I11 L'ure Old Process Linseed Meal The Hubinger Co., Keokuk, Iowa Ke OK uk Corn Gluten Feed Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn. Bull Brand Prime Cottonseed Meal Dixie Rrand Prime Cottonseed Meal Imperial Grain & Milling Co., Toledo, Ohio Imperial Steam Cooked Feed International Miiing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Blackllawk Pure \.\'heat Bran Blackhau~k\Vheat Red Dog Rlackhawk \\'heat Standard Middlings with ground screenings Jersee Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. Just Right Egg Mash Just Right Growing Mash The Kansas Flour Mills Corp., Kansas City, Mo Big Flake Pure Wheat Bran Kasco Mills, Inc., Waverly, N. Y. Apex Complete Growing Mash Apex Laying Mash Apex Scratch Grains Reatsall Milk Grains I

Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, Mich. \Vhite Hominy Feed Kelloggs & Miller, Inc., Amsterdam. N. Y. K B A4 Brand 34% Protein Pure Old Proccss Linseed Meal Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. Diamond I< Linseed hlenl with Flaxseed Screenixlgs Oil Feed 30% Protein I

The Laden Bros. Co. Inc., Wallinpford.- Conn. Laden's Eah~?Chick Starter Laden's Dairy Feed Laden's Growing Mash Laden's Layinr: Mash Laden's Starter and Broiler illash John T. Lampman & Co., Claverack, N. Y. Red Mills Rye Feed The Larabee Flour Mills Co., Kansas City, Mo. "Snnied" Pure \\linter \Theat Bran "Sunfed" Bran with %round wheat screenings The Larrowe Milling Co., Box 68 No. End Station, Detroit, Mich. Dried Beet Pulp Dried Molasses-Rert Pulp 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal Prime Quality Lairo Broiler Feed Larro Cali Meal Larra Chick Grains Larro Chick Starter Registrations 329

The Larrowe Milling Co., Box 68, No. End Station, Detroit, Mich.-(Co~i/i,wed) Larro Egg Mash Larro Growing Grains Larro Growing Mash Larro Pork-Maker Larro Scratch Grains Larro-The Ready Nation for Dairy Cows Larro Turkey Adult Mash Larro Tnrkey Grower Larrowe's 16% Dairy Feed Libner Grain Co. Inc., 27 Commerce St., Norwalk, Conn. Rlue Ribbon Scratch Libncr's Blue Ribbon Chick Starter Libner's Blue liilbon Growing Mash Libner's Blue Rihbon Milk Egg Mash Libner's 1270 Blue Ribbon Ration 20Lh Libner's lilue Ribbon Dairy Ration 2470 Libner's 131ue Ribbon Dairy Ration The C. W. Lines Co., 173 Chestnut St., New Britain, Conn. Homestead Dry Mash Homestead Scratch Feed Mill Pride Dairy Ration Mill I'ride I'ancy Scratch Peed Mill I'ride Milk Mash Long Hill Feed Store, Long Hill, Conn. Square Deal Buttermilk Laying Mash Square Deal Dairy Ration L. B. Lovitt & Co., Memphis, Tenn. "Lovit Brand" 41% Cottonseed Meal "Lovit Erand" 43% Cottonseed Meal Maine Fish Meal Co., Portland, Me. Maine \:itamin D 1:ish hfeal . E. Manchester & Sons, Winsted, Conn. Flotrr 1,liddling-s Iluntinpton E+g Mash Red Star Mash Rrd Star Mixed Feed lied Star Scratch 1;cctl lied Star Special Dairy lied Star Sweet Sistccn Dairy Feed The Mann Bros. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The Mann Rros. Co. 3470 Protein Pure Old Process Linseed hIeal The hlann Rro. Co. 378 Protein Ptlre Old Process Linseed Meal Maritime Milling Co. Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. R-R Daisy \!I 3iiash Startcr 2nd Growing Feed Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil, Milk Sugar Feed. Dried I3uttermilk B-R Daisy Chick Feed B-B Daisy Egg Mash with Dried Buttermilk R-R Daisy Egg Mash Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil and Dried Buttermilk B-1%Daisy Scratch Feed R-B Dealer's Mixing Feed with Molasses R-B Hi-Test Dairy Feed 20%. Sweetened 330 Co~rii~ctirrciP.z-pcrinzrrt Stntioj~ Bz~lletin370

Maritime Milline-, Co.. Inc.. Buffalo. N. Y.-IContir,n~dJ B-B Hi-Test Dairy Feed 24%, Sweetened B-B Hi-Test Stock Feed, Sweetened B-B Marmico 16% Dair? Feed with Molasscs Bull Brand All Mash Laying Ration Vitamized with C* Iil, sfilk Sugar Feed, Dried Ruttermilk Bull Brand Breeders' Larinr Mash Vitamired with Cod Liver Oil, Milk Sugar Feed, Dried Rutiernlilk Bull Brand Broiler and Fleshing Mash wit11 Milk Sugar Feed. Dried Rutter- milk Bull Brand Complete Chick Starter Ration Vitamized with Cod Li\er Oil. Milk Sugar Feed. Dried Bvttern~ilk Bull Rrand Contml .Mash Vitamiecd wit11 Corl Liver Oil. Milk Suaar- l'ccd. Dried Buttermilk Rull Brand "20" Dairy Ration, Sweetened Rull Rrand ''2.4" Dairy Ration, Sweetened Bull Brand Growing Mash Vitamired with Cod I.iser Oil, Milk Sugar Fcrd,

Dried- P.,,tterrnilk. ~ ..... ~~ Rtlll Rrand Horse Feed with Alialia anid Molasses Rull Rrand Laying Mash with Milk Sugar Peed and Drictl Battermill< Bull Brand Laying Mash Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil. Milk Suqar Feed, Dried Buttcrrnillr Bull Brand Scratch Fced Dollar Maker E~EMash Dollar 34aker Egg >%ash Vitanlircd with Cod Liver Oil and Dried Eutter- milk Dollar Maker Growine. Mash Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil and Dricil But- termilk Farmers Bull Rrand Mixing Peed, Sweetened Sweetened Dollar Maker 20% Dairy Feed Sweetened Dollar Maker 24% Dairy Peed E. J. Martenis Grain Co., Produce Exchange Bldg., New York City Froduct of Argentine \\'heat Rran with protxnd screeninpr Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown, Conn. Red Wing 20% Dairy Ration Red Wing Horse Feed with Molasses Red WringWing Special Chick Peed Red...Rrrl " \\imp\\in;. . ...- Special-rSnrrizl Chick~. Starter with Ruttermilk Red Wing Special Dairy Ration Red \.\'inn Special Growina Peed wit!? Buttermilk Red Wing SoecialSpecial IntcmmediatrIntcmmediate Chick Feed Red Winpwing Soecialbec cia^ Lavina Mash with Buttern~ilk Red ~iniSbecial Sciatch Feed Red Wing Stack Peed Miner-Hillard Milling Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa Steam Cooked Hominy Feed Monti-Van Iderstine, Ine., 272 Hudson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Mavan" Geo. Q. Moon & Ca. Ine., Binghamton, N. Y. Moon's Baby Chick Starter Mash hlaon's 20% Dairy Feed with Molaqres Moon's 24% Dairy Ration Moon's Developinz Grains Moon's Fresh Ground Wheat Middlinps Moon's Horse Fccd wit11 Molasses Moon's Scratch Feed Geo. Q. Moon & Co., Inc., Bighamton, N. Y.-(Conlintled) Moon's Special A Scratch Feed Moon's Stock Feed Moon's Wheat Bran U. S. Drought Ration

Fred C. Morse & Son, Guilford, Conn. Old Mill All Mash Old Mill Broiler Mash Old Mill Chick Feed Old Mill 20% Dairy Feed Old Mill 24% Dairy Feed Old Mill Fitting Feed Old Mill Growing Mash Old Mill Horse Feed Old Mill Intermediate Chick Fred Old Mill Laying Mash Old Mill Laying Mash with Milk and Cod I.ivrr Oil Old Mill Provender Old Mill Scratch Peed Old Mill Starting Mash

Jas. F. Morse & Co., Somerville, Mass. Morse's Meat Scraps

Moseley & Motley Milling Co., Rochester, N. Y. Big B Wheat Bran Rig R Wheat 4Iiddlings with gror~ndscreeninns National Mineral Products Co. Ltd., 830 Seventh St., San Francisco. Calif. i\lfalfa Leai Meal "Alfaleaf" Niagara Falls Milling Co., Lockport, N. Y. Niagara Standard Wheat Bran with ground screenings Niagara Standard Wheat Midds with ground screenings Northwestern Consolidated Milling Div. of Standard Milling Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Planet Feed Pure Wheat Bran Midds. with gr,ound screenings \Vheat Mired Feed Wheat Standard Midds. with ground screeninas XXX Comet S. V. Osborn Estate, Branford, Conn. Oshorn Provender Oshorn Scratch Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co., San Francisco, Calif. Dig-esta-Rone (Meal or Flour) Park & Pollard Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Ret-X-Milk 20% Ration Claco Dairy Ration Corn and Oats % and % Fred Meal Growing Feed Growinp Ferd with Cod Liver Oil 332 Co?mecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 370

Park & Pollard Co., Buffalo. N. Y.-(Conti~irred) Holcomb's Milk Egg Mash (Manufactured for R. H. Holcomb & Co., New- town, Conn.) Holcornb's Sweetened 16% Ration (Manufactured for R. H. Holcomb & Co.. Newtown, Conn.) Holcomb's Sweetened 20% Dairy Ration (Manufactured for R. H. Holcomb Pi Co., Newtown, Conn.) Intermediate Chick Peed Lay or Rust Dry-Mash Lay or Bust Dry-Mash with Cod Liver Oil Manarnar COmplete Ration Manatnar 20% Dairy Ration Manamar 24% Dairy Ration Manamar Doublex 20% Dairy Ration Manamar Fittine Ration htanamar ~rowrngFeed Marlamar Lay or Bust Mash Manamar Starting and Broiler Mash Milkade Calf Meal Milk-Maid 247" Sweetened Dairy Ration Overall 24

The Patent Cereals Co., Geneva. N. Y. Hominy l'eed Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill Co., Hagerman, New Mexico Peevee Alfalfa Leaf Meal Penick & Ford, Ltd., Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Douglas Corn Gluten Feed Daualas Corn Gluten Meal Pillsbury Flour Mills Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Pillsbury's Fancy Mixed Feed and Screenings I'illsbnry's Hard Wheat I\. Middlings and Screenings Pillsbury's Hard \Vheat Bran and Screenings I'illrl,ory's Hard \Yhcat Standard R. Middlings and Screenings Pillsllttry's Rye Middlings and Screenings Pillshury's \Vheat Bran and Screenings Pillsbury's XX Daisy Maurice Picoffs Co, 422 Cotton Exchange Bldg., Houston, Texas Maurice I'incoEs Co., 4110 Protein Cottonseed Meal Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Newark, N. J. Red Wing 31% Protein I'ure Old Process Linseed Meal The Frank S. Platt Co., 450 State St. New .Haven, Conn. Platco Laying Mash Platco Perfection Grain Mixture Posturn Co. Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. Burt's Hominy I'eed Pratt Food Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Pratt's Bahy Chick Food with Buttermilk Pratt's H. P. Dairy Feed Pratt's Chick Scratch Feed I'ratt's Circle A Scratch 1;eed Pratt's Growing Mash with Buttermilk I'ratt's Intermediate Scratch Feed I'ratt's Laying Mash with lluttcrmilk Pratt's Sweet 16% Dairy Feed Pratt's ITtility Horse I'eed Pratt's Utility Scratch Feed Pratt's \\:hit" Hominy Feed H. C. Puffer Co.. S~rinzfield.Mass.

Producer air)^ reed 24% Sveetened Producer Dairy Feed

: Quaker Oats Co., 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Eanner Feed Harley Feed Bell Cow \Vhcnt Bran Bell Cow !\:heat Shorts Eig Egg Chick Starter Big Egg Growing Mash Hig Egg Laying Mash liig I

Quaker Ful-0-T'ep 1:inc Chick Fecd Qaakcr l:ul-0-l'cp (;rowing Mash Quakrr 1:ol-0-l'ep Scmtcll Grains Quakci IFul-0-l'cl, Station Grarlc 1;nttening Fecd Quaker I:ol-0-l'ep Turkey Starter Quaker Grern ('ross Florsc Fccd Quaker 16'7~l'rotrin Dairy Ration Qaakcr 20% T'rotein Dairy Ration Quaker 21%: Protein Dairy Ration Qaakcr Sch,!r,,ncller 1:eed Qunkrr Sugnrcd Schutnnchcr Feed Scltuttlachcr Calf Meal Sagared \'im l:crd \-it" I'erd \\'i>ite Hominy Feed Yellow Ilominy Fecd Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Ma. Corn Feed Meal Corn and Oat Provender Dried Beet Pulp Fine Ground Poultry Alfalfa Meal Ralston Pnrina Co., St. Louis, Mo.-(Corrtbrrnt) I'rotena 16Y' Dairy Feed (Buffalo Mill) Protena 2070 Dairy Feed Protena 2470 Dairy Feed Protena Scratch Feed (Buffalo Mill) Protena Sweet Feed "R" Protena Sweet Feed "C" Protena Sweet Feed "D" Purina Blue Checker Cow Chow (20%) Purina Body Cow Chow Purina Breeder Egg Chowder Purina Breeder Egg Chowder without Calriom Carl,onate (Limestone) Purina Broiler Chow Purina Bulky Cow Chow Purina Bulky Las Chow (Buffalo Mill) Purioa Rulky Omolene Purina Calf Startinp Chow Purina Checkerboard Rolled Oats (Steamed Cooked) Porina Chick Chow (Coarse) Purina Chick Chow (Pine) Purina Chicken Fatena Chow

Purina Egg Chowder Purina Epg Chowder (with Cod Liver Oil) I'urina Fitting Chow Purina Green Checker Cow Chow (24%) Purina Growing Chow Purina Growing Chow (with Cod Liver Oil) Purina Growing Chow without Calcium Carbonate Purina Hen Chow Purina Heifer Growing Chow Purina Hoa Fatena Purina Lay Chow Purina Lay Chow (with Cod Liver Oil) Purina Lay Chow (with Cod Liver Oil and Dried Rutternlilli) Pnrina Layena (Complete - All Mash) Purina Omolcne Purina Turkey Growing and Fattening Chow Purina Turkey Startena

John Reardon & Sons Co., Cambridge, Mass. Register Brand Meat and Bone Scraps 45% Register Brand Meat Scraps 55% Robin Hood Mills, Ltd., Moose Jaw, Canada Blackhawk Standard Middlings Superiol' Wheat Bran Superior Wheat Middlings Superior Wheat Reddog Supcrior \Vheat Shorts

Ronck & Bevis Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Ro-Be Fish Meal

Rotex Milling Co., Cleveland, Ohio Rotex Egp Mash I

Russell-Miller Milline-. Co.. Minneaoolis. . . Minn. AIta Hard Wheat Middlings Hard Wheat Occident Bran Hard Wheat Occident Flour Middlings Hard Wheat Occident Mixed Feed Hard \\'heat Occident Standard Middlings

Seymour- Grain & Coal Co., Seymour, Conn. 18 Dairy Ration Miracle Chick Feed Miracle Chick Grower Miracle Chick Starter Miracle Cow Feed Miracle Fitting Ration Miracle fIorse Feed with hlola~ses Miracle Laying Mash with Milk Products Miracle Scratch Peed See More Milk Dairy Feed Sheffield Farms Co. Inc.. 524 West 57th St., New York City Slleffield Skim Milk Powder Shellabarger Grain Products Co., 1900 N. Samuel St., Decatur, Ill. Soybean Oil Meal Sherwin-Williams Co., 101 Prospect Ave., N. W., Cleveland. Ohio Sherwin \\'illiams Pure Old Procesc 3470 Linceerl Meal Ike Sovitsky, Ansonia, Conn. Ansonia Egg Mash with Buttermilk and Cod Livrr Oil Ansonia Scratch Feed Ansonia Stock Feed Ansania 20% S~reetenedDairy Feed Connecticut State Open Formula Dairy Ration Speiry Flour Co., 195 Berry St., San Francisco. Calif. Millrun (Wheat Mixed Feed) Wheat Bran

A. E. Staley. Mfn.- Co.. Decatur. Ill, Staley's Corn Gltlten Feed Staley's Soyhean Oil Meal John T. Stanley Co. ine., 626-662 W. 30th St., New York City Stanley's 50% Meat and Bone Scrap D. A. Stickell & Sons, Inc., Hagerstown, Md. Blue Ridge Egg Mash Certified Open Formula Egg Mash with Cod 1-iver Oil Snap Scratcl~Grams Snap Sweet 20% Dairv Feed Stickell's Certified 20% Ration Stickell's Certified 22% Ration Stickell'+ Intermediate Chick Feed 336 Col~~recticr~tE.z.perilrrel11 Station B~rlletitz 370

D. A. Stickell & Sons, Inc., Hagerstown, Md.-(Corr!i!r!red) Stickell's Poultry Fatner Su-Por All Mash Starter Su-For Growing Mash Su-I'ur Horse & Calf Feed Victor Egg Mash Victor (~rowlnrMash Victor ~'ou~trJ~atner Victor Scratch Grains \Tictor Starter and Broiler Mash

Albans Grain Co., St. Albans, Vt. Brewers Dried Grains Champlain Valley Emergency 20 Dairy Ration Corn Distillers' Dried Grains Hygrade 1:itting Ration Ilygrade Horse Feed Hyprade 20 Sweetenerl Milk Ration Hygrade 24 Sweetened Milk Ration Mornin' Call Poultry Grains Paragon Dairy Feed Paragon Hominy Feed Utility Dairy Ration Utility Pasture Ration \Virthmore nahy Chick Scratch Wirthnlore Bahy Chick Starter .\ Con~pletenalanced Peed the: first six rvecks Cotltainin~Fortified Cod Liver Oil Wirthmore 25 Ralanced Ration, Sweetened \Virthmore Rreeder Mash Wirthmore Cali Meal Wirthmore Complrtc Chick and Rroiler Ration \\'irthmore Complete Growing Ration IVirthmore Complete Laying Ration Wirthmore 16 Dairy Ration. Sweetened \Virthmore 20 Dairy Feed. Sweetened \Virthmorc I4 Fitting Ration \l.irthrnore Flour Middlings Wirthmore Fleshing and Fattcoing Mash \Virthrt~oreFodder Grcens \\;irthmore Growing hlash \\?irthnlore Growinq Mas11 (Cont:lininn Fortified Cod Liver Oil) ...... - ..-. -. ..-.... \\Jiithmore Intermediate Scratch Feed \.\!irthmnre Laying Mach \?'irtl>more I.avine hlnsh (Containinrr Fortified Cod Liver Oil) \\!irthrnore ~'eile

St. Lawrence Flour Mills Co. Ltd., Montreal, Canada Bran

Chas. M. Struven Co., Baltimore, Md. Struvcn's Fish Meal Syracuse Milling Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Onondaga Dairy Feed, Sweetened Onondajia Scratch Grains Syragolcl Chick Starter Syragold Dairy Feed Syrarolcl Dairy Feed, Sweetened Ssraaold Ezg Mash

Svraoold~.,- Feed- Ileal~ ~iragoldFlour Middling with screenings Syragold Ground Corn and Oat Feed Syragol' Growing Mach Syragold Horse Feed with Molasses Syrngold Laying 1,lnsh with B~~tternlilk

Thomaston Supply Co., Thomaston, Conn. T!lonla\lon IJ:tir! I<:ilion Yl>ovlartnn I...:: .\lacll with Cod Liwr Oil 'l'l~o.o*

Tioga-Empire Feed Mills. Inc., Waverly, N. Y. Chicatine with Cod Liver Oil Added 20% Creamatine Derby-E-Gee Chick Grains - Derb:r-E-Gee Scratch Feed Derhy Ground Corn and Oats Derby Mixing Feed Ducatine Egatine E-Gee Dairy Feed Neverfail Florse Feed Neverfail Mixed Feed Or-Co Peed Rerl Rrand Tioga Dairy Feed Tioga Cali Food Tiojin Chick and Growing Mash Tiogn Chick and Growing Mash with Cod Liver Oil Added Tioaa Laying Food Tioza Layinp Food with Cad Lirer Oil Adrlecl Tiora Neverfail Chick Grains Tioaa i\'everiail Growing Grain Tiora Neverfail Poultry Grain Turkatine IVa~erlyFlour Middlings with ground screenings

Traders Feed & Grain Co. Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. Rex Wheat Bran with Sereeninns Rex \\'heat Middlings with Screenings Transit Milling Co., 406 Commerce Bldg., Galveston, Texas Texas Rrrll Brand Cottoxseed Meal 41% -Prime Quality Tranco Rrand 4370 Protein Cottonseed 34eal Jacob Trinley & Sons, Inc., Linfield, Pa. Corn Feed Meal Favorite 2070 Dairy Feed 338 Corzrrecticlrf experiment Static

Jacob Trinley & Sons, Inc., Linfield, Pa.-(Cdntiriued) Favorite Horse Feed Favorite Laying Mish Favorite Scratch Grains Real Chick Feed Real Chick Starter Real 20% Dniry Feed Real Fattening Mash with Buttermilk Rcal Growing Mash Real Intermediate Chick Feed Real Laying Mash Real Scratch Grams Supreme 85% Horse Feed TI-inley's 16% Dairy Feed Trinley's 24% Dairy Feed United Cooperative Fanners, Inc., Fitehburg, Mass. United Farmers Milk Egg Mash United Farmers Milkmaker United 1;nrnmers Starting and Growing Mash

United Mills Co. Inc., Grafton, Ohio ti. If.C. Wheat Middlings with ground screenings Union Starch & Refining Co., Columbus, Indiana Union Corn Gluten Feed Unity Feeds, Inc., 177 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Paycheck 20% Dairy Ration Paycheck 24% Dairy Ration Paycheck Laying Mash Paycheck Laying Mash with Cod Liver Oil Paycheck Scratch Feed Paymaster 2070 Dairy Ration Paymaster 2470 Dairy Ration Paymaster Laying Mash Paymaster Laying Mash kith Cod Liver Oil Paymaster Scratch Feed Unity Chick Scratch Unity Chick Starter Unity Complete Starting and Broiler Mash Unity 20% Dairy Ration Unity 24% Dairy Ration Unity Fitting Ration Unity Ground Corn and Oats Unity Growing Mash Unity Growing Mash with Cod Liver Oil Unity Horse Feed Unity Intermediate Scratch Feed Unity Laying Mash Unity Laying Mash (with Cod Liver Oil) Linity Pig and Hag Feed Cnity Scratch Feed Unity Stack Feed Upper Hudson Rye Flour Mills. Inc., 7-9 Madison St., Troy, N. Y. Upper Hudson Rye Feed Urbana Mills Co., Urhana. Ohio I'ority Dried Skim Milk Van Iderstine Co., Long Island City, N. Y. Vico Quality Meat and Bone Scrap for Poultry

Victor Flour Mills, Inc., Pittsford, N. Y. Fancy Heavy \Vinter \Vheat Mixed Feed' Victor Spring \Vheat Bran Victor Soring M'heat hliddlines Victor \\:hit: \\'heat Flour ~hdlings

S. A. Wald & Co., Inc., 174 Front St., New York City Walco Brand Cottonseed Meal

Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc., Peoria. Ill. Corn Distillers' Dried Grains

Ward Dry Milk Co., St. Paul. Minn. \Vard's Pure Dried Buttermilk \\'ard's l'nre Dried Skim Milk

Watertown-Cooperative Assoc., Watertown, Conn. Sterling Brand Scratch

Wayne County Grangers Feed Corp., Clyde, N. Y. Clyde 20% Dairy Peed Grange Superior Scratch Feed Hi-Yan-Ka Farms 20% Dairy Feed with Beet Pulp Milkproducer 2470 Dairy Feed 32%-Reliance Supplemental Feed Satisfaction Mash-Laying (with Buttermilk and Cod I_iwr Oil) Superior Chick Starter with Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil Superior 2070 Dairy Feed Superior Laying Mash with Buttermilk and Cod 1,irer Oil Superior Little Chick Feed Sweetened 16% Dairv Feed Universal Horse ~ehd

F. S. Wertz & Son, Reading, Pa. Wertz's Horse Feed with Alfalfa and Molasses

West-Nesbin, Inc., Oneonta, N. Y. All Pure 207~Milk Ration Pure Feed Dairy Ration Pure Feed Egg Maker Pure Feed Egg Mash Pure Feed Horse Ration Pure Feed Scratch Grains Pure Feed Special Egg Mash Super Pure Sweetfeed Dairy Ration

Wolfs Feed Store, Sheltan, Conn. Woli's 2070 Dairy Ration Wolf's Egg Ifash with Ruttermilk \Voli's Scratcli Feed Worcester Rendering Co., Auburn, Mass. -P. W. Fish Meal ' Sabatifutcd (or \-ictor Spring TI'Leat Mird Feed. 340 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 370

Yantic Grain & Products Co., Norwich, Conn. .Almn...... Rig (Y) All-In-All Egg Ration Big (Y) All-In-All Growing Ration Big (Y) Chick Scratch Grain Rig (Y) Cli~ckStarter Dig (Y) Complete Broiler and Chick Ration Big (V) Dairy 16% IIig (Y) Dairy 20% Niz (Y) Dairy 24% nig (Y) Fitting Ration Big (1') Flour Middlings Rig (Y) Growing Feed Bin (Y) Growing Feed with Cod Liver Oil ~i(liyj Horse Feed Big (Y) Intermediate Chick Big (Y) Laying Ma-11 with Cod Liver Meal Big (Y) Laying Mach with Dried Milk and Cod Liver Meal Big (Y) Mixed Feed Big (Y) Scratch I:eed Big (Y) Stock Feed Big (Y) Sugared Oat Feed Big (Y) Sugared Stock Feed Big (Y) Turkey Growing Feed Big (Y) Turkey Starter Calico Girl Scratch Feed Columhia Dairy Feed Columhin Laying Mash Columbia Scratch Feed Open Forn~tlla2070 Dairy Ration Unca' Scratch Feed . INSPECTION For the year 1934 a total of 1,461 samples of feeding stuffs and related materials have been examined. They are classified as follows: Concentrated ieed stuffs, official samples ...... 820 Mircellaneo~trfeeds examined for individuals ...... 93 Feeds examined for poisons, etc...... 6 F'astore grass samples and other iodder materials from Storrs Statmn ...... 519 Check samples, cottonseed meal ...... 23 Total ...... 1,461

Samples submitted h!. the Storrs Agricultnral Station are not discussed in this report. Prior to 1918 fodder examination, including official samples collected for control purposes, involved analyses of from 300 to 400 samples each year. Since 1918 analyses required in connection with field experiments and feeding tests at the Storrs Station have been made in this laboratory by an agreement made at that time. With the revision in 1925 of the statute rrlating to commercial feeding stuffs. requiring all brands of feeds sold in this State to be registered, official inspection has been enlarged and the number of samples examined substantially increased. Thus in recent years the numher of official samples examined has exceeded ROO, and the total from all sources has ranged from 1200 to 140C7. The number of official samples substantially meeting guaranties in all resprcts and the proportion of indivi(lual guaranties met, and similar data for past years, are shown in the following tabulation:

Samolcr lndividusl NO.of meting ~.aarantier official p~rnranties met Vrlr ram~lcs In In 1925 488 83 94 1926-7 670 83 94 3 1928 716 78 92 1929 646 W 91 19.30 678 81 93 1931 739 88 9G 1932 836 XS 9.i 1033 81 5 XR 96 1934 820 87 9.5 .. Analyses are givrn in Table I. Tables 1 (a) and 1(L) show summaries of the defirirnries found and the distribution of them.

7183 S. A. Wald & Co., Inc., New Yark City. Walco Brand Choice 41%- Prime Quality ...... Torrh~gton:Torrington Grain Co. .... 8.98 38.94 Lir

Analyses 345

.;zv,.. oz m-. I as: 5222 -zK;z - y.25 h 2 / oo?* _2 ULC0.n


Pounds per hundred

Protein (NXG.25) Pikr Fat lanufacturer and brand Retail dealer c d ti 2 %; +a I H" 2 id .--B 53 n a:El - g I: - LC 5 r, "2 2 2: PI UEIs ~ - ~. Wheat Products-Concluded Wheat feed (niscd feed)-Concladed E. Yandlester Si Sorts, Winsted. Red Star ...... Winsted: E. hlanchester Si Sons ...... Northwestern Consolidated Milling Uloomfield: Co., Minneapolis, Minn. XXX Comet Bloomfield Farmers' Exchange ..... Park Si Pollard Cu., Bufillo, N. Y. P & P Heavy Wheat ...... East Winsted: Leonard Grain Co. .... Pillsbury Flour Mills Co., Minne- apolis, Xino. Pillsbury's Fancy, with Screenings ...... tiranby: E. H. Rollins ...... Russell-lvliller Milling Co.. Minne- Rloomficld: apolis, hlinn. Nard Wheat Occident Hluomfield Farn~ers' Exchange ..... Sperry Flour Co., San Francisco. Calif. (Mill Hun) ...... Shelton: Herbert C. Ferris, Inc...... St. rllbans Grain Co., St. Albans, \'t. Wirthmore ...... Branford: S. V. Oshorn Est...... Victor Flour 3lills. Inc.. Pittsiord. N. Y. Fancy IIeavy \Vinter ...... Woodbury: C. L. Adarns Co...... Yantic Grain & Products Co., Nor- wich. Big (Y) ...... Naugatuck: Naugatuck Grain Co. ....

366 Conizecticlct Experiment Station Bulletin 370

0 0 0 0 000 "rql rrq IOU 'padlurJen~ *..$ $2", 2 2 2 + It" o mu, mmmm PU"OJ g: 'l.~n2 g 2

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(ri TA~I.RI. .-\NAI.YSESOF COMNERCI,\I.FEEDS, ~NSPECTION 01: 193LCottthttred m .. .. Pounds ocr hundred

protein (N x 6.26) Pibcr Fat hlanufacfurer and brand Rctail dealer za .-- .? Lr -i I Proprietary Mixe:ed Feeds-Co,,fiiz,ithiirrd 7135 Park & l'ullard Cu., Buffalo. N. Y. h Milkmaid 24'2 Sweetrned Dairy 1 &tian ...... Aliddlctown: P. Levsm & Son ...... 6681 Park & Pollard Co., Butialo, S. Y. Overall 24% Dairy Ration ...... ICast Winrled: Leonard Grail, Co. . . . . 6241 Park & Pollard Cg.. BuRalu, ?rr. Y. Top Notch 16% Ration ...... Yew Haven: hluran-Pator Co...... 4921 I'ark & Pollard Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Yankee Oairy Ration ...... i:rai~iurd: S. V. Usburlt Ksl...... 6748 i'ratt Food Cu.. Butial<~,Z. Y.1 C Pratt's B-P Dairy I'eed ...... Brisful: Brisfol Grail, 8 Supply Co. . . . 9.90 21.88 21.00 1 7.65 1 1nOO 4.35 4.00 - 5043 Pratt Food Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Pratt's Sweet 16% Dairy Feed . . . Bristol: Bristol Grain 91 Suppll Ca. . . . 0.93 1 17.25 16.00 10.90' / 12.00 4.85 4.00 6422 H. C. Pufier Co.. Springfield. Mass. Producer Dairy Peed 20% ...... Sirnrbury: H. B. Bunncll & Co...... 9.78 22.13 20.00 i 6.68 10.00 4.58 3.50 6123 H. C. Puffer Co.. Springfield, Mass. 0; Prduccr Dairy Feed 24% ...... Simsbury: >I. B. Bunnell & Co...... 9.60 26.00 1 24.00 1 7-13 8.50 1 4.42 4.W ".% 6590 The Quaker Oats Co., Cl?icago. Ill. ~ - Quaker 20% Protein Dacry Ratton Cos Cob: A. R. Belmont ...... 8.73 1 21.56 20.00 9.98 12.00 , 1.05 3.25 5' I - W 2 8 559 N N N 8 NNN 370 Con~~rclicatExperin%cnl Station Bulletin 370

'ON UO!IDIS -mu M Z ~WWI Syracuse Milling Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Syragold Dairy Feed ...... Higgant~m:Higganum Feed Store .. Syracuse Milling Co., Syracuse, N.Y. Syragold Dairy Feed. Sweetened .. So. Norwall< : Frrris-Derinc Co. .... Syracuse Milling Co., Syracuse. N.Y. Syragold Dairy Feed. Sweetened .. So. Norwalk: Ferris-Derine Co. .... Syracuse Milling Co.. Syracuse, N. Y. Syragold Milk Ration, Sweetened . So. Norwalk : Ferris-Devine Co. ... Thomaston Supply Co., tho mas to^^. Thomaston Dairy Ration ...... Thomaston: Thomaston Supply Co. Tioga-Empire Feed Mills, Inc., Wa- verly, N. Y. 20% Creamatinc ... Hawleyvillc: W. A. Honan. Inc. ... Tiosa-Empire Feed Mills, Inc., Wa- verly. N. Y. E-Gee L)airy Feed .. Bethel: Morrison C Dunham ...... Tioga-Empire Fced Mills, Inc., Wa- verly, N. Y. Red Brand Tioga Dairy Feed ...... Bethel: Morrison & Dunham ...... Jacob Trinley 8. Sons, Linfield, Pa. Favorite 20% Dairy Feed ...... Ansonia: Farmers Feed & Grain Ca. United Co-op Farmers, Inc., Fitch- burg. Mass. United Farmers Milk- maker ...... Danielson: United Farmers Co-op .. Unity Feeds, Inc., Boston, Mass. Pay Check 20% Dairy Ration ...... So. Wirtdsnr: So. Windsor Feed Co. Unity Feeds, Inc., Boston, Mass. Pay Check 2470 Dairy Ration ...... So. Windsar: So. Witldsor Feed Ca. Unity Feeds, Inc., Boston, Mass. Pay- master 20% Dairy Ration ...... So. Windsor: So. Windsor Feed Ca. Unity Feeds, Inc.. Boston, Mass. Pay- master 24% Dairy Ration ...... Norwich: A. E. Shedd ...... Unity Feeds, Inc., Boston, Mass. Unity 20% Dairy Ration ...... No. Wertchester: Solomon Bros. ... Unity Feeds, Inc., Boston, Mass. Unity 24% Dairy Ration ...... Putnam: Rosworth Bros...... Tae1.r 1. ANALYSESOF CO\~~IERCIALFEEDS. INSPECTION OF 193LContinaed W -4 N i I Pollndr pcr hnndrd

rietary Mixed Feeds-Corrlinaed Dairv. .feeds-Co,tcluded Wayne' County Gransers Feed Corp., Clyde, N. Y. Clyde 20% Dairy Feed Ansonia: Farmers Feed & Grain Co. .. \Var~>cCounty Grangers Feed Corp., Clyde, N. Y. Milkproducer 244 Dairy Feed ...... ICent: M. L. Lynch ...... Wayne County Grangers Feed Corp., Clyde, N. Y. Superior 20% Dairy Feed ...... ICent: M. L. Lytrh ...... West-Neshitt, Inc., Oneonta, N. Y. All Pure 20% AIilk Ration ...... Winsted: Chas. R. Hawley ...... West-Neshitt, Inc., Oneonta, N. Y. All Pure 20% llilk Ration ...... \Yinsted: Chas. R. Hawley ...... \Vest-Ncsbitt, Inc., Oneonta, N. Y. Pure Feed Dairy Ration ...... Winsted: Chas. R. Hawley ...... Wolf's Feed Store, Shelton. Wolf's 207? Dairy Ration ...... Shekon: Wolfs Feed Store ...... Yant~cGrain Q Products Co., Nor- Mt. Carmel: wich. Big (Y) Dairy 16% ...... Hamden Big Y Grain Store ...... Yantic Grain Q I'roducts Co., Nor- Mt. Carmel: with. Big (Y) Dairy 20% ...... Hamden Big Y Grain Store ...... 6325 Yantic Grain & Products Co., Nor- Mt. Carmel: wicl~Big (Y) Dairy 24% .... I-Ianrlcn Big Y Grain Store ... 21.00 6.10 9.00 4.35 4.50 6328 Yantic Grain & Products Co., Nor- Mt. Carrnel: wicll Columbia Dairy Feed ... Handcn Big Y Grain Store . 10.08 m.88 ZOO0 . I013 12.00 1.80 3.00 6323 Yantic Grain & Products Co., Nor- I wich. Opeu Formula 20% Dairy Mt. Carmcl: i Ration ...... Hamden Big Y Grain Store ...... 10.73 22.81 20.00 7.38 9.00 4.43 4.00 I Stock fccds 1 111; Allied hlills, Inc., Chicago, Ill. Em- pire ...... Montville: Suosl~incFeed Store .....: Allied Mills, Inc., Cllicago, Ill. Wayne Amco 12% Fittinp- Ratlon ...... hiontville: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Arcady Farms Milling Co., Chicago, Ill. Arcady ...... armers Fcetl & Grain Co. .. E. W. Bailey & Co., Montpelier, Vt. Swecteited Bailey Fitting Ration .. krkman Grain Co...... E. \?I. Bnilcy & Ca., hlontpclicr, Vt. S~vectenctlwith Molasses I'ennant.. ,uew Looaon: R. J. >lcCarthy ...... Beacon Milling Co., Inc., Cayuga, N. Y. Heacon Fitting Ration ..... Bridgeport: Herlxrt C. Ferris, Inc. ... Beacon Milling Co., Inc., Cayuga, N. Y. Cay"-a ...... Bridgeprt: Herbert C. Ferris. Inr. ... C. \V. Campbell Co., Westerly, R. I. Camphell Fitting Ration ...... Grotnn: C. \V. Campbcll Cn...... P. Cutler, Inc., Colchester. Pros- writs ...... Colchester: P. Cutler, Inc...... P. Cutler, Inc., Colchester. Pros- perity ...... Colchester: P. Cutler, Inc...... R. G. Davis. & Sons, Inc., New Haven. Davrs ...... New Haven: R. G. Davis & Sons. Inc. Delaware hIills, Inc., Deposit, N. Y. Delaware ...... Derby: Derby Feed Store ...... Dietricll & Gambrill, Inc., Frederick. Md. Frederick ...... Danielson: Young Bras. CO...... I Pounds pcr hundred protein (N x 6.26) Fihr Fat

and Retail dcrlcr Manufacturer brand E !2 2 u - I .-* j;

Proprietary Mixed Feed-Conlinued Stock feeds--Concluded Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield. Mass. Eastern States Fitting Ration ...... New Milford: Paul Caldwell ...... Elmore Milling Co., Inc., Oneoota, N. Y. Elmore ...... Mt. Carmel: Mt. Carmel Grain Store.. John W. Eshelman & Sons, Lancaster, Pa. Eshelman Red Rose ...... New Haven: Yoran-Patan Co...... D. H. Grandin Milling Co., James- town, N. Y. Grandin's ...... Falls Village: H. E. Dean ...... Lihner Grain Co., Tnc., Norwalk. 12% Libner's Blue Ribbon Ration .. Norwalk: Libner Grain Co., Inc...... Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown. Red Wing ...... Middletown: Meech & Stoddard, Inc. .. Geo. Q. Maon & Co., Binghamton. Stafford Springs: N. Y. Moon's ...... Stafford Farmers' Co-op...... Fred C. Morse & Son, Guilford. Old Mill Fitting Peed ...... Guilford: Fred C. Morse & Son ...... Park & Pollard Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Park & Pollard Fitting Ration .... Willimar~tic: W. D. Grant ...... Park & Pollard Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Park & Pollard ...... Waterbury: Spencer Grain Co...... 6595 The Quaker Oats Co.. Chicago, Ill. Quaker Schumacher Feed ...... Cos Cob: A. R. Belmont ...... 7.98 11.13 10.00 9.63 12.00 4.50 3.00 6264 The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, Ill. Quaker Sugared Schumacher Feed Wallingford: A:E. Hall ...... 9.42 11.38 10.00 9.95 12.M) 4.34 3.00 7047 Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Mo. Purina Bulky Cow Cho\r...... Portland: Valley Mills ...... 10.93 18.25 16.00 9.58 12.00 3.70 3.00 6312 Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, hfo. Purina Fitting Chow ...... Portland: Valley Mills ...... 13.45 16.13 13.50 10.38 12.00 3.28 2.60 6847 Ralston Purina Ca., St. Louis. Mo. Purina Heiler Growing Chow ..... Hamden: Checkerboard Feed Store ... 10.98 15.38 14.00 10.05 14.00 3.45 2.50 4986 Seymour Grain 8c Coal Co., Seymour. Miracle Fitting Ration ...... Seymour: Seymour Grain & Coal Co. . 10.90 15.25 12.00 8.03 8.00 4.64 4.00 4973 I. Sovitsky Grain & Coal Co., An- sonia. Ansonia ...... Ansonia: I. Sovitsky Grain & Coal Co. 8.50 9.25 8.00 14.65 15.00 4.35 2.00 6581 St. Albans Grain Co., St. Albans, Vt. Hygrade Fitting Ratiot~...... New Haven: R. G. Davis & Sons, Inc. 9.85 14.44 12.00 5.25 8.00 4.08 4.50 7139 St. Albans Grain Co., St. Albans, Vt. Hygrade Fitting Ration ...... New Haven: R. G. Davis & Sons, Inc. 10.63 13.63 12.00 5.75 8.00 5.55 4.50 6562 St. Alhans Grain Co., St. Albans, Vt. Wirthmore 14 Fitting Ration ..... Noroton Heights: Davis Grain Co. ... 11.95 15.19 14.00 6.75 7.00 4.03 4.00 6442 St. Albans Grain Co., St. Alhans, Vt. Wirthmore ...... Suffield:SpencerBros.,Inc...... 9.48 10.38 9.00 8.40 9.50 5.68 4.00 6795 Syracuse Milling Co., Syracuse, N.Y. Syraaold ...... East Hartford: Stowe & Rondeau .... 9.68 10.06 9.00 10.60 12.00 4.40 3.00 6620 Tioga-Empire Feed Mills. Inc., M'a- verly, N. Y. Or-Co Feed ...... Hawleyville: W. A. Honan, Inc...... 9.13 19.25 18.00 10.50 12.00 3.85 2.50 6923 Unity Feeds, Ioc.. Boston, Mass. Unity Fitting Ration ...... Putnam: Bosworth Bros...... 10.78 14.31 12.00 5.28 7.00 4.23 3.50 6807 Unity Feeds, Inc., Boston, Mass. Unity ...... Manchester Green: W. Harry England 8.35 9.69 8.50 12.58 12.00 4.55 4.00 6791 Yantic Grain & Products Co., Nor- wich. Big (Y) Fitting Ration .... East Haddam: East Haddam Grain Co. 10.10 15.63 12.00 6.48 8.00 3.88 4.00 5131 Yantic Grain & Products Co., Nor- wich. Bic (Y) ...... East Haddam: East Haddam Grain Co. 9.15 10.56 9.00 10.33 12.00 4.33 4.00 6829 Yantic Grain & Products Co., Nor- wich. Big (Y) Sugared ...... Willimantic: Boston Grain Co...... 9.68 9.50 9.00 9.23 12.00 4.23 3.50 376 Connecticut Experinzent Statiorr Bulletin 370

'ON "qozs ZZRO=f98B I $g.v:Z::Z';%3 I 2;Vim zzzmmoo g22- - ... -

err 323 mviv: 378 Connectict~tEzperinzetzl Station Bulletin 370

00000 "-2 ...I 10" 'paaluexent) g X 2 'N X 2 ???Zn * d L """"4 s?z45z punoa * r; 2 ,. 2 "

00000 uegl a~omloo rn P .poa,ueImf) zexxa ZSsZv w . 8 -2 u. LO LO ""? "$5 b pumd k? A n LO m 5 T - 4 -2 = 0 nqz '.'I 100 O0 2 A 822% .-t 'p,,,, e,.., gzs -tn -* -- Ud 0 * 30mmn -no- kg '""0" * .;;~~~- 2i2-0 2 ....6 a " 0 8" 0 B ...... il ...... U ...... YLi...... -2 eeeee eeee 00000 0000 ui ZZZZZ ZZGZ Y . L! L! - 8%8888 B 2 m ;LLLc GLt2Z 2- cc:0 0 0 :ssg w K $z$pp xpp4 z cc- 2 = c G z sss5 ss3 S mmm~)m...... mcnmv,...... YUYW WWUU L ------0 .------.- .- .- .- .----- .- .- .- ::m .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- t 2 < ......

w 5. -3 ? se ti w m e. -" d -<,m

Y1m--Olc. 'ON 'OP4S I Allied Mills. Inc., Chicago, Ill. I Wayne Chick Starter with Sardine Oil ...... Plainville: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, 111. \Vayne Egg Mash ...... Plainville: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, Ill. \$;ayne P:gg hlash with Sardine Oil Plainville : Sunshine Feed Store ...... Allied hlills, Inc., Chicago, Ill. Wayne Growing' Mash with Sardine Oil ...... Plainville: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, 111. Wayne Intermediate Scratch Feed Putnam: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Allied &fills, Inc., Chicago, Ill. Wayne 26% Mash Supplement with Sardinc 011 ...... Plainville: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, Ill. Wayne Poultry Fattener ...... hlontville: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, Ill. \Wayne Scratch Feed ...... Plainville: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago. Ill. Wayne Turkey Mash with Sardine Oil ...... Plaiaville: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, Ill. Wayne 25% Turkey Starting Mash Plaioville: Sunshine Feed Store ...... Anchor Mills, Hagerstown, Md. Zip Egg Mash ...... Portland: Valley Mills ...... Arcady Farms Milling Co., Chicago. Ill. Arcady All Mash Chick Starter Meriden: Reliable Feed Store ...... Arcady Farms Milling Co., Chicago. Ill. Arcady Besbet Growing Mash New Britain: S. P. Strople ...... Arcady Farms Milling Co., Chicago, 111. Arcady Besbet Laying Mash ... hleriden: Reliable Feed Store ...... Arcady Farms _Milling Co., Chicago. Ill. Arcady Besbet Starting Mash.. Meriden : Reliable Feed Store ...... Arcady Farms Milling Co., Chicago, Ill. Arcady Chick Grains ...... Meriden: Reliable Feed Store ...... 380 Co~rizectic~~tExperintent Stntioir /3if(/rtin 370

-- 000 00000 0 uq, 3,om loo kxzz 'paaluclon3 zzzzz 2

I .- ~- 0 0 0 "ql rral lo" $2; "sssz2 8 - ','a4"e>on3 0 ES -Oh5, PI .-Y" - Sir m n 8 "~~~~ " " 2. P=~O:I On s 2 2 2---WE A E =tom vinomm m ..- - ;s- 2 ,2 2

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Pounds pcr bundrcd

pratein (N x 0.25) Fiber Fat >lanaf~cturerand brand Retail dealer ti dc $4 an 1. I82 - S u -24 GI .-6 t :E -2 22 -2 " P 1 .. $2 'II s $2 Zg ;g

Proprietary Mixed FeedsCo~rti*trred Potdtry feeds-Cor~tirrtrrd %%%%%%% 6173 Beacon Milling Co., Inc., Cayuga. S. Y. Beacon Egg Mash with But- termilk ...... Sheltoti: Herbert C. Ferris, Inc...... 9.33 22.56 22.M) 5.55 7.00 5.25 4.50 6476 Rcacon Milling Co.. Inc.. Cayuga, N. Y. Reacon Fleshing Pellets .... Bridgeport: Herbert C. Ferris, Inc. ... 9.85 17.50 15.00 5.38 5.00 4.40 4.00 4869 Beacon Milling Co., Inc.. Cayuga. N. Y. Beacon Growing Mash ..... Sbelton: Herbert C. Ferris, 111c...... 10.20 18.31 17.00 5.00 7.00 4.65 4.00 4837 Beacon hlilling Co., Inc., Cayuga. S. , Y. Bcacon Special Scratch Graals ...... Bridgeport: Herbert C. Ferris, Inc. ... 12.90 12.13 10.00 2.38 3.50 2.38 2.00 6281 Black Rock hlilling Corp., Buffalo, N. Y. Bidn,ell Dry hfasll ...... Middletown: P. Levson & Son ...... 10.55 20.13 18.00 4.73 8.00 4.76 3.00 6680 Black Rock hIilling Corp., Buffalo. N. Y. Bidwell Dry llash with Cod Liver Oil ...... East Winsted: Leonard Grain Co. .... 9.15 20.06 18.00 5.90 8.50 4.90 3.00 6677 Black Rock Milling Corp., Buffalo, N. Y. Ridwell Scratch Feed ...... Torrington: Torrington Grain Co. .... 11.08 10.06 10.00 1.65 5.00 3.13 1.50 6520 C. Buckingham 6: Co., Southport. C-B Egg Mash ...... Southport: C. Buckingham & Co...... 10.30 21.69 19.00 5.58 8.00 5.10 5.00 C. Ruckingham & Co., Southpart. C-B Growing Mash ...... Southport: C. ~uckin~hn&& Co...... C. Ruckingham & Co.. Southport. C-Il Scratch Feed ...... Southport: C. Buckingltam & Co...... C. Backingham Si Co.. Southport. C-B Startr? Mash ...... Southport: C. Buckingham & Co...... C. W. Campbell Co., Westerly, R. I. Egg-0-Chick Scratch ...... Westerly: C. W. Campbell Co...... C. LV. Campbell Co., Westerly, R. I. Egg-0-Chtrk Starter ...... Westerly: C. W. Campbell Co...... C. W. Camphell Co., Westerly, R. I. Em-0-Growing Feed ...... Mystic: C. W. Campbell Co...... C. IV. Camphell Co., \Vcsterly, R. I. Egg-0-Intermediate Scratch ...... \Nesterly: C. W. Campbell Co...... C. \V. Campbell Co., Wcstcrly, R. I. Egg-0-Laying Mash ...... Groton: C. W. Campbell Co...... C. W. Campbell Cn., Westerly. R. I. Egg-0-Scratch ...... Groton: C. \V. Campbell Co...... C. W. Camphell Co., Westerly, R. I. Egg-0-Turltey Grower ...... Westerly: C. W. Campbell Co...... The Cales Co., Middletown. Fortune Egg Mash with Dried Ruttermitk.. Middletown: The'coles Co...... The Coles Co., Middleto\vn. Fortune Growing Mash with Cd Liver Oil Middletown: The Cales Co...... The Coles Co.. Middletown. Fortune Scratch Feed ...... Middletown: The Coles Co...... Community Sewice, Inc., Lakeville. Community Poultry Mash ...... Canaan: Community Service, Inc. .... G. E. Conkey Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. Conkey's All Mash Chick Ration with Y-0 ...... Ansonia: A. Hdos & Son ...... G. E. Conkey ,Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Conkey's Broder Mash with Y-0 Ansonia: A. Hdos & Son ...... G. E. Conkey Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Cankey's Gecco Egg Mash with Y-0 ...... Ansonia: A. Hdos & Son ......

6547 Croshy hlilliug Co., Brattleboro, \It. Crosl,y's Scratcl~Feed ...... So. Norwalk: Roodner Feed Co...... 13.00 10.00 . 11.00 2.10 5.00 3.25 3.00 5102 I'. Cutler, Inc., Colchester. Prorper- I ity Laying .\lash ...... C<~lrhrstcr: I'. Cutler, Tnc...... 9.95 17.75 16.00 7.44 10.00 4.70 4.00 5106 P. Cutler, Inc.. Colchester. Prosper- ; itr Scratch Feed ...... Colchester: P. Cutler, Inc...... ' 13.25 10.00 10.00 2.10 6.03 2.50 2.00 4866 , K. G. Ilavis & Sons, Inc., New Havcn. Davis Buttermilk Mash ...... New Haven: R. G. Davis & Solis, Inc. 10.03 20.50 18.00 4.25 7.00 4.95 ; 5.00 I R. G. Davis & Sons. Inc., New Haven. Davis Scratch Feed ...... Miliord: hfillord Grain Ca...... 11.48 10.25 ! 10.00 2.12 5.00 2.73 2.00 5058 I, Dela\~areMills, Inc., Dewsit, N. Y. Delaware All hlirh Cl~ick Startr Nandxster: Ua~xbesterGrain CO . 11.23 6 l5.00 . 5.98 6.00 5.20 4.00 5063 Delaware Mills, Ii~c.,Deposit, N. Y. Delaware Chick Starting ifash i (with Dried Buttennilk) ...... I.ianchcster: Manchester Grain Co. .... 10.75 17.38 17.00 5.68 5.00 5.33 4.00 a28 Delaware Mills, Inc., Deposit, N. Y. Delaware Intermediate Chick Grains New Havela: iforan-Palon Co...... 12.48 11.06 . 10.00 2.34 3.011 4.11 2.50 $ 5061 Delaware Mills, Inc., Deposit, N. Y. n Delaware Scratch Grains ...... hlanchester: hlancl~esterGrain C,. .... 12.05 10.38 ' 10.00 I 2.4 3.00 2.50 2.50 5 619i Delaware hlills, Inc., Deposit, N. Y. 2 Indian Growing Mash (with Dried ...... 5059 Delaware %fills, Iuc., Deposit, N. Y. . Indian Laying Eulash (with Dried 1 i I Ski ill) ...... Nmchester: Manchnster Grain Co. .... 9.88 20.00 1 18.00 6W . 7.00 1 5.65 5.00 6813 ! Dietrich & Gamhrill, Inc., Frederick. , 1 3ld. Frederick Growing hlash .... An~ston:Amrton Grain Co...... 9.53 17.50 16.00 4.95 8.00 4.98 . 4.00 6830 Dietrich & Gamhrill. Iltc.. Frederick. ! AId. Frederick Layir.~Mash ...... Amston: Amston Grain Cn...... 9.15 19.88 18.00 , 5.40 ' 800 543 3.50 6899 ' Dietrich & Gamhrill, Inc.. Frederick. ; .I.,', hld. Gaml~rill's I.aying Mash ..... Danielson: Young Bros. Ca...... 9.03 ' 23.00 20.00 . 6.65 7.00 . 5.93 500 6900 I Dietrich & Gambrill, Inc., Frederick, 1 I htd. Gamhrill's Scratch Feed ..... Danielson: Young Bros...... 5112 ' Eastern States Farmers' Exchange. Sprincficld. Mass. Eastern States 1 Chick is...... Xonvich: A. E. Shedd ......


Manufacturer and bnnd Raail dealer E

fi .+- j;

Proprietary Mixed Feeds-Confif~ued Potcltrv feeds-Continued Eastern states Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Eastern States Combination Mash ...... Norwich: A. E. Shedd ...... Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield. Mass. Eastern States Controller Mash ...... Nonvich: A. E. Shedd ...... Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Eastern States Developer Mash ...... Norwich: A. E. Shedd ...... Eastern Stater Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Fastern States Producer Mash ...... Norwich: A. E. Shedd ...... Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Easten, States Scratch Grains ...... West Sirnsbury: 0. D. Tuller ...... Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Eastern States Scratch Grains 1931 ...... New Milford: Paul Caldwell ...... Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Eastern Stater Starting and Broiler Ration ...... Norwich: A. E. Shedd ...... 6844 Eastern States Farmers' Exchange. Springfield, Mass. Eastern States Turkey Fat ...... Norwich: A. E. Shedd ...... 8.90 17.19 16.00 4.05 5.00 4.38 3.50 6846 Ea-stern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Eastern States Turkey Grow ...... Norwich: A. E. Shedd ...... 8.73 21.88 20.00 4.45 5.00 5.28 4.00 6220 Elmore Milling Ca., Inc., Oneonta, N. Y. Elmore Complete Broiler Ration ...... Plaotsville: C. A. Cowles, Inc...... 10.52 18.75 17.00 5.52 5.00 6.27 4.M) 5068 Elmore Milling Co., Inc., Oneonta. N. Y. Elmore Chixsaver ...... Hazardville: A. D. Bridge's Sons ..... 10.75 18.75 16.50 5.30 8.00 5.55 4.00 5082 Elmore Milling Co., Inc., Oneonta, N. Y. Elmore Eggmaker ...... Hazardville: A. D. Bridge's Sons ..... 11.13 19.68 17.00 5.45 8.00. 5.53 4.50 6458 Elmore Millinx Cn., Inc., Oneanta, N. Y. Elmorc Egg Mash ...... Hazardville: A. D. Bridge's Sons ..... 10.33 19.68 18.00 5.20 8.00 5.55 4.00 6459 Elmore Millina Co., Inc., Oneonta. N. Y. Elmore Growing Mash .... Hazardville: A. D. Bridge's Sons ..... 10.45 18.75 17.00 5.13 8.00 5.55 4.00 6932 Elmore Milling Co., Inc., Oneonta. N. Y. I?lmore Milk Grains Junior No. Franklin: Farm Supply Store, Inc. 9.35 21.50 20.00 7.53 10.00 4.25 5.00 6456 Elmore Milling Co.. Inc., Oneonta. N. Y. Elmore Milk Grains Junior. Sweet ...... Hazardville: A. D. Bridge's Sons ..... 10.95 21.00 20.00 7.38 10.00 4.55 5.00 7191 Elmore Milling Co., Inc., Oneonta. N. Y. Elmore Milk Grains Junior, Sweet ...... Hazardville: A. D. Bridge's Sons ..... 10.38 21.50 20.00 7.63 1O.M) 4.45 5.00 6320 Elmore Milling Co., Inc., Oneonta. N. Y. Elmore Scratch Feed ...... Mt. Carmel: Mt. Carmel Grain Store.. 12.63 10.06 10.00 2.50 . 7.00 2.63 2.50 6455 Elmore Milling Co., Inc., Oneonta. S. Y. Elmore Turkey Growing Mash ...... Hazardville: A. D. Bridge's Sons ..... 10.35 21.63 17.00 5.90 5.00 6.10 4.00 6589 John \V. Eshelman Si Sons, Lancaster, Pa. Eshelman Lancaster Scratch Grains ...... Cos Cob: A. R. Belmont ...... 11.25 9.75 9.00 2.10 4.00 2.48 2.50 4848 John W. Eshelman & Sons. Lancaster, Pa. Eshelman Pennsy Chick Grains Southport: C. Buckingham & Co...... 12.38 11.88 9.00 1.63 3.00 3.80 3.00 355 Con$?ecfictrtE.zpn.iii!crrt Statioii Bfflletin 370

C 0 "Pql isa, 10s u; ro ',,>ajl,c;Pn3 rp.%z8 3 55 5 - .~ - d o ef "I m mn rn P'J"OJ LC::, 2 23 4

0 0.0 "*I,, a,.,," 10" "2 $ 'E! 'po23"cJnlf) *;gg, E n.u : .c 8 i:q kj . I P"nod *+-~" = hl f 2 -0 0 0 0 00 0 OP~Zrrq tou g - .paamu,r.L) % 8~zzg .- 2 .E 'D * -,, -- 2 i - E K az pu"0;I szzz-;;;Ooomrf- N N 4'1 '2 0. " &3 "0 '" z . g 2 5- 2- 2 2 2 g ' 6 :i :u i n.m i:. .- -z . e 4 4 :. ud 5" $- drn aJg&W.a-L--8=$L. k -b - s ; L 8 g $ $ e hz 3 2 3-.- sz;cg$e5 e 0 m - 0 C U" 4 zw 2 ci Z a ",E B $i ; .. = ek u...... 2 u S e, .. - b 6 .p .z 0 $ z = cap i -- 4 r: .; Yv, : 3 $ ,g Ore z ). ii: d z Y? FZ L 2 is .iba :ice .iM 'is .+ 'C.0 . e F oz ::.E .o.z ::.B :$: :$ izz : < ...r 22 ::g ;~5:2$:22.- .gs : -- ,:=Y : g L ..a :;a : ;; ;? :w c . W' B rj .eU is . .n .-w :&L= " :' Y- .n y ,$ +"-!.--!%y-g;2a ; . . rn - 2" a2 a: 5" .oe:;gazg c ;ge:o5a i$s .= - t: 7z g c, mG :w iw, jmS :w, :,s aze" % a I az ;a~,;a~u .a 0 i..a o . m,- 2 . 2 sw ..O-.": :.&2,e: :;"&-5 g 5~6.a u - - ..: k5 iz5% 8 2 ; 8 2s 2 ;a.-'DL ?"-" o= - ; 4 erg 184:24 ;z"z$ ; 2493 5 I XZG"-- - x5.;wQ :"5.2%5 :z& &$ 6.? > ' '"' u " .- r,-53 " %> Q2 .Eakj: - k :

W TABLEI. ANALYSFSOF COM~~BRCIALFEEDS, TXSPECTION OF 1934-Co,itifitted io 0 I I I Pounds per hundred

Manufncturer and brand Retail dealer *E a= -.rd a2 ;i gr! 2.u 8 6 i 2 .-I 2 gg28 -m - * 2 3- 2" 5: 3 6 % e is2 LO CB L us -2 9 '2 Proprietary Mixed Feeds-Contb~rred % % % Pat~ltryfeeds-Cof,!ii,rred % 5.- 6588 Grand Union Ca., New Yark City. %I%% * Peerless Laying Mash ...... Stamford: Grand Union Co...... 10.@ 21.00 20.00 ' 5.45 7.00 3.70 4.00 5 71i.i Grand Union Co., New York City. Peerless Scratch Grains ...... Stamford: Grand Union Co...... 11.10 10.63 10.00 2.03 .1 5.00 3.50 2.50 2 6802 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.. r.3. hlinneapolis, Milinn. Daily Egg Mash Eurnside: - Fecd ...... GreatAtlantic&PacificTeaCo.... 9.45 19.88 20.00 5.68 7.00 5.03 4.50 7174 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.. Minneawlis, hlinn. Daily Egg Noroton Heights: 5 Scratch Feed ...... Grcat Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. ... 12.08 10.75 10.00 2.68 . 5.00 2.98 2.50 g, 6801 Grpnt Atlantic P; Pacific Tea Co.. 9 Minneapolis, Minn. Daily Growth Eurnside : - Growing ,Mash ...... Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. ... 9.85 19.63 17.50 6.03 7.00 4.78 4.00 7169 Hales 6; Hunter Co., Chicago, Ill. Iiorning Glory Egg Alas11 with Dried Euttermilk ...... Bristol: C. A. Cawles, Inc...... 8.98 22.75 20.00 5.68 8.00 6.30 4.00 6266 Hales & Hunter Co., Chicago, Ill. B Morning Glory Scratch Feed ..... Wallingford: .4. E. Hall ...... 13.17 10.88 10.00 2.55 5.00 3.14 2.50 & 5003 Hales & Hunter Co., Chicago, Ill. -.0 Red Comb Broiler Mash with Dried z. Buttermilk ...... Wallinglord: A. E. Hall ...... 9.45 19.19 18.00 , 5.70 7.00 5.13 4.00 U 0 5006 Hales & Hunter Co., Chicago, Ill. Red Comh Chick Starter with Dried Ruttermilk ...... Wallingiord: A. E. Hall ...... 9.65 19.00 18.00 4.65 6.00 4.98 4.00 4919 Hales & Hunter Co., Chicago, Ill. Red Comb Egg Mash with Dried Buttermilk ...... Guilford: Fred C. Morse & Son ..... 9.53 20.56 18.00 6.55 7.00 6.18 4.00 5005 Hales & Hunter Co., Chicago, Ill. Red Comb Growing Mash with Dried Buttermilk ...... Wallingford: A. E. Hall ...... 9.75 19.50 16.00 4.10 7.00 5.08 4.00 5004 Hales & Hunter Co.. Chicago, Ill. Red Comb Scratch Fced-No Grit CVallinnford: A. E. Hall ...... 12.48 11.38 10.00 2.30 5.00 2.30 2.50 6256 The Jersee Ca., Minneapolis. Minn. Just Riglit Egg Mash ...... Stratford: Farmers Flour &- Grain Co. 10.80 22.75 18.00 5.46 8.00 5.01 5.00 6255 The Jersee Co., Minneapolis, >{inn. Just Riglit Growing Mash ...... Stratfard: Farmcrs Flour &- Grain Co. 10.79 19.75 17.00 5.80 6.00 5.63 5.00 6513 Kasco Mills, Inc.. \Va~erly, N. Y. Apex Complete Grow~ng...... Fairfield: J. August Feed Co...... 10.53 16.88 14.00 5.45 8.50 6.28 4.00 6510 Kasco hlills, Ioc., \Vaverly, N. Y. Apex Laying Mash ...... Fairfield: J. August Feed Co...... 9.95 20.38 20.00 5.50 8.50 5.60 4.00 6514 Kasco Mills, Inc., Waverly, N. Y. Apex Scratch Grains ...... Fairfield: J. August Feed Co...... 12.40 9.63 9.00 2.13 4.00 2.75 2.50 7171 Kasco hiills, Tnc., Waverly, N. Y. Kareo .4II Mash Layins Food .... Fairfield: J. August Feed Co...... 11.75 15.13 15.00 4.10 6.00 5.10 4.00 4882 H. P. Kysor Feed & Grain Co., Xew Haven. Icysor's A-l Chick Starter ...... I...... Plainville: State Farmers Co-op...... 9.40 19.94 18.00 4.80 5.00 5.29 4.00 6366 H. P. Kysor Fced & Grain Co., New Haven. Kysor's A-l Growing Mash ...... Plainville: State Farmers Co-op...... 10.95 16.38 15.00 6.20 6.50 4.92 4.00 4883 H. P. Kysor Feed &- Grain Co., New Haven. Kysor's A-1 Growing Mash with Cod Liver Oil ...... Plainville: State Farmers Co-op...... 10.80 16.31 15.00 4.70 6.50 4.50 4.00 4885 H. P. Kysor Feed & Grain Co.. New Haven. Kysor's A-l Laying hiash ...... Plainville: State Farmers Co-op...... 10.40 19.00 18.00 5.18 6.50 5.25 4.00 TABLEI. ANALYSESOF COMMERCIALFEEDS, INSPECTION OF 193&Cor~ti>tt(ed w N Pounds per hundred

Protein (N x 8.25) Fiber Fat urcr aad brand Rdail dealer C dm d9 z? gS $2 89 B -- 2 u .-- ,.u .LI rip .. 9:: .. $j - - g, $E E. 8- 5 3 2 68 2 r58 2- 3 -a Proprietary Mired Feeds-Corrlinsed -.2 Poiillry feed.?-Corrtir!tgcd 4884 8 %%%%%%%z H. P. Kysor Feed Grain Co.. h New Haven. Kysot.'~A-l 1.ayinz % Mash \+,it!? Cod Liver Oil ...... Plair~ville:State 1:nrmers Co-op...... 10.63 18.75 18.00 5.63 6.50 5.20 4.00 4850 H. P. l

m 'ON wO!?WS .? mh2 0' z I * \O 0 >n0 Analyses 395

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s m s 1. 0 YI P. t. W -0s V % 5: 5: + +,

INDEX I'a'age Acme-Evans Co., Indianapolis. Ind . Acme Reddog ...... 316 Albers Dros . Milling Co., Seattle. Wash . Cali Manna ...... 316 E . T . Allen Co., Atlanta. Ga. Empire 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal-Prime Quality ...... 317. 342 Allied Mills. Inc., Chicago. Ill . ~\lialfaMeal ...... 317 Arab Horse Feed ...... 317. 353 Brewers' Dried Grains ...... 317 Emergency Hog Feed ...... 317. 376 limpire Egg Mash ...... 317. 377 E:mpire Egg hiash with Sardine Oil ...... 317. 377 . Ernpire 16s70 Dairy Ration ...... 317. 359 Empire 2070 Dairy Ration ...... 317. 359 Empire 24% Dairy Ration ...... 317. 359 Empire Growing Mash ...... 317 Empire Growing hiash with Sardine Oil ...... 317 Empire Scratch Feed ...... 317. 377. 378 Empire Starter & Grower ...... 317. 378 Empire Starter & Grower with Sardine Oil ...... 317 Empire Stock Feed ...... 317. 373 June Pasture ...... 317. 353 Pure Corn and Oats Provender ...... 317. 353 Screened Cracked Corn ...... 317. 378 Soybean Oil Meal ...... 317 Super Soy ...... 317. 343 Wayne All Mash Laying Ration ...... 317. 378 Wayne All Mash Laying Ration with Sardine Oil ...... 317. 378 Wayne Amco 20% Dairy Ration ...... 317. 359 Wayne Amco 24% Ilairy Ration ...... 317. 359 Wayne Amco 32% Suppletnent Dairy Ration ...... 317 Wayne Amco 12% Fitting Ration ...... 317. 373 Wayne Breeder Mash ...... 317 . 3i8 Wayne Broiler Ration ...... 317 . 378 Wayne Calf Meal ...... : ...... 317. 3i6 Wayne Chicle Feed ...... 317. 378 Wayne Chick Starter ...... 317 Wayne Chick Starter with Sardine Oil ...... 317 . 379 Wayne Egg hlash ...... 317. 379 Wayne Egg hlash with Sardine Oil ...... 317. 379 U'aync Growing Mash ...... 317 Wayne Growins .Mash with Sardine Oil ...... 317. 3i9 Mr\'ayne Intcrmcdiate Scratch Feed ...... 317. 379 Wayne Mash Concentrate ...... 317 \\:a?ne Mash Concentrate with Sardine Oil ...... 317 Wayne 26% Mash Supplement ...... 317 IVayne 26% \lash Supplement with Sardine Oil ...... 317. 379 Wayne I'ig Meal ...... 317. 376 - \Vz!-nc Poultry Fattener ...... 317. 379 amii Connecticut Experimelrt Statior~ Bztlletk 370 Page . Wayne Scratch Feed ...... 317 . 379 Wayne Supreme Horse Feed ...... 317. 353 Wavne Turkev Mash with Sardine Oil ...... 317 . 379 W&ue 25% ~urkeyStarting Mash ...... 317. 379 American Maize-Products Co., 100 E. 42nd St., New York City Cream of Corn Gluten Feed ...... 317. 351 Anchor Mills. Hagerstown. Md . Zip Egg Mash ...... 317 . 379 Anheuser.Busch. Inc., St. Louis. Mo . Anheuser-Busch Brand Corn Oil Cake Meal ...... 317 Arcady Farms Milling Co., 223 W . Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Ill. Advanced Registry Dairy Feed ...... 318. 359 Arcady All hias11 Chi& Starter ...... 318. 3i9 Arcady Beshet Growing Mash ...... 318. 379 Arcady Besbet Laying Mash ...... 318. 379 Arcady Besbet Starting Mash ...... 318 . 379 Arcady Chick Grains ...... 318. 379 Arcatly 2070 Open Formula Production Ration ...... 318. 959 Arcady Scratch Grains ...... 318. 350 Arcady Stock Feed ...... 318. 373 Old Colony Feed ...... 318. 359 I'eerless Milk Ration ...... 318 Sunkist Egg Mash ...... 318. 350 University All Mash Ration ...... '...... 318. 380 Wonder Complete Broiler Ration ...... 318. 380 Wonder Horse L hlulc Feed ...... 318 . 353 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., h4inneapolis. Mian. Midland Linseed Meal with Flaxseed Screenings Oilfeed 30 Per Cent Protein ...... 318 31 Per Cent Protein Old Process Linseed hleal ...... 318 32 Per Cent Protein Old Process Linseed Meal ...... 318. 343 34 Per Cent Protein Old Process Linseed hleal ...... 318. 313 37 Per Cent Protein Old Process Linseed Meal ...... 318 41 Per Cent Protein Old Process Soybcan Oil Meal ...... 318. 343 44 Per Cent Protein New Process Soybean Oil llenl ...... 318 Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., Atlanta. Ga . Cow-Eta Rrand-Prime Cottoll Seed Meal ...... 318 . 042 Monarch Brand-Prime Cotton Seed Meal ...... 318 E. W . Bailey & Co., Montpelier. Vt. Bailey's Pasture Ration ...... 318 Bailey's Sweetened 16% Dairy Ration ...... 318 Capital Dairy Ration ...... 318 Caoital... Mixed Feed ...... 318 Favorite Dairy Ration ...... 318 Our 2070 Special Ration ...... 318 . 359 Pennant Brand Chick Starter ...... 318. 3M Pennant Brand Coarse Chick Feed ...... 318. 380 Pennant Brand Fine Chick Feed ...... 318 Pennant Brand Growing Feed ...... 318. 380 Pennant Brand Laying. Mash ...... : ...... 318. 380 Pagc Pennant Brand Laying Mas11 wit11 Cod Liver Oil and Gxl l.ivcr hlcal 318. 350 Pennant Horse I'eed ...... 318. 353 Pennant Scratch Fced ...... 318. 381 Sweetened Uailey's Fitting Ration ...... 318. 373 S~vectcnrdCapital Dairy Ration ...... 318. 360 Sweetenerl 1:avorite Dairy ...... 318. 360 Stveetelncd \vith hlolasses Pennant Stock Feccl ...... 318. 373

De:uon 1.filling Co., Inc., Cayuga. N . Y . ,.\ol>urt~Brand Auborn Dairy Feed ...... Ileacon Battery Pullet Growing Ration ...... I3eacon Breeders 1fash with Buttermilk ...... lleacat~Hroiler Feed ...... Beacon Calf Grain Ration ...... Deacon Calihleal ...... Ileacon Calf Pellets ...... Bcacon's Cayuga ~evelo~erFeed ...... Beacon's Cayuga Growing Mash ...... Beacon's Cayuga Horse Fced ...... Deacon's Cayuga Laying Mas11 with Euttermilk ...... Eeacon's Cayuga Scratch Feed ...... Beicon CC Pellets ...... Beacon Chick Feed ...... Bacon Complete Battery Laying Ration ...... Beacon Complete Stnrtinz Ration ...... Beacon Dairy Ration ...... Beacon Developer Feed ...... Beacon Duck Growing Pellets ...... Fleacon Egg l'larh wit11 Buttermilk ...... Beacon Fitting Ration ...... Beacon Fleshing Mash and Crate Fattener ...... Ileacon Fleshing Pellets ...... Beacon Growing Mash ...... Ikacon Horse Feed ...... Ikacon Special Flushing Mash ...... Ikacon Special Scratch Grains ...... IJeacon Sweet "20" ...... nc;bcan Sweet "24" ...... licacon Turkey Growing Feed ...... Ileacon Turkey Startcr ...... Beacon "20" ...... Cayoga Stock Feed ...... Corn and Oats Chop ...... Bisbee Linseed Co., Lincoln-Liberty Bldg., Philadelphia . Pa. Bisbee Brand 34% Protein Pure Old Process Linseed Areal ...... 319. 313 Black Kock Milling Corp., Buffalo. N . Y . Ridwell 20% Dairy Ration .....: ...... 319. 3M. 361 Bid\vell 24% Dairy Ration ...... 019. 361 Bidwell Dry-Mash ...... 319. 382 Ridwell Dry-Atash with Cml Liver Oil ...... 319. 382 Birlwell Scratch Feed ...... 319. 382 rararnoullt 20% Dairy Ration ...... 319. 361

Blatchford Calf Meal Co., Waukegao. I11 . Blatchlord's Calf Meal ...... 319. 376 ragc The border^ Sales Co., Inc., 350 Madison Ax.e., New York City Borden's Atlilac ...... 311)

Alnos D . Bridge's Sons. Inc., Hazardville. Conn . Success Dairy Ration ...... 319. 361

The Brode Corp., Memphis. Tenn . Owl Brand Prirne 41% Protein dotto~isecdhlcal ...... 319. 342

L . Broder Grail1 Store. Colchester. Conn. L. B. Milk Ration ...... 319. 361

Erown-Farman Dist. Co., Louisville. Kentucky Distillers' Dried Grain ...... 319

C . Buckingham & Co., Ii~c.,Southport. Cunn . C. B . Dairy Feed ...... 319. 361 C . B . Egg Mash ...... 319.382 C. B . Growing Mash ...... 319. 383 C . B . Scratch Feed ...... 320. 383 C. B. Starter Mash ...... 320. 353 C. E. Bud1. Inc., 6 Beacon St., Boston. Mass. "Buell-Boston" Dried Skim Milk ...... 320. 409

C. W . Burckhalter. Inc., 177 Franklin St., New York City Burck Brand Powdered Skim Milk ...... 320. 409

Cairo Meal and Cake Ca., Cairo. Ill . "Miss Cairo" Brand 41% Protein Cotto~isecdileal ...... 320 C . W . Campbell Co., Westerly. R . I . Camco Horse Feed ...... 320. 353 Campbell Fittinn Ration ...... 320. 373 Em-0... Chick Scratch ...... 320 . 383 Egg-0 Chick Starter ...... 1 ..... 320; 383 Egg-O Growing Feed ...... 320 . 383 Egg40 Intermediate Scratch ...... 320 . 383 Egg-O Laying Mash ...... DO. 383 Egg-0 Scratch ...... 320 . 383 Egg-0 Turkey Grower ...... 320. 383 IIilky Ration ...... 320 . 361 No-Botheration Dairy ...... 320 . 361 Provender ...... 320 . 353 Xtra Vim Molasses Horse Feed ...... 310: 354 A . B . Caple Co., Toledo. Ohio Alfalfa Meal ...... Cepter Milk Products Co., Middlebury Centcr. Pa. Vita-Brand Dried Skim Milk ...... 320. 405 Index xxi

Page Chapin & Co., Hammond. Ind . Chapin Kernels Grow All ...... Chapin Kernels Lay All ...... Chapin Kernels Start All ...... Clinton Co., Clinton. Iowa Clinton Corn Gluten Feed ...... Herbert K . Clofine. Bulletin Bldg., Philadelpliia. Pa. Supreme Brand Dried Skimmilk ...... Supreme Brand Poultry Feed ...... Clyde Renco Milling Corp., Clyde. N . Y . "Cornell Mash" ...... Coles Co., Middletown. Conn . Capital 20% Molasses Dairy Feed ...... Fortune Chick Starter ...... Fortune Egg Mash with Dried Buttermilk ...... Fortune Growing Mash with Cod Liver Oil ...... Fortune Intermediate Scratch ...... Fortune Scratch &ed ...... Selco 24% Molasses Dairy Feed ...... :ollis Products Co., St. Paul. Mintt . Collis Process Dried Buttermilk ...... :ommander-Larahee Corp., Minneapolis. Mian . Sunlrd \Vhrat Ilran with Ground Scrrrni~~gr...... St~nfnl\Vl.n. t Standard .\liddlit~g.; with t;rt LIII~Scrrrl>il~~~ ...... Sunfed Hed 1)ug . Pure \Vlleat I'rtxluct ...... Community Service. Inc., Lakeville. Conn . Community 20% Dairy Ratio~t...... (:urnmunity Pa*ture Ration ...... Comn~t~l~~tyI' rultry .M at11 ...... G. E. Conkey Co., Cleveland. Ohio Conkey's All Grain IIorse & Mule Feed (with Linseed Meal. Molasses and Salt) ...... Conkey's All Mash Chick Ration with Y-0 ...... Conkey's nroiler Mash with Y-0 ...... Conkey's Gecro Chick Grains ...... Conkey's Gecco Egg Mash wi!h Y-0 ...... Conkey's Gerro Grownng Grains ...... Conkey's Gecco Growing. Mash with Buttermilk and Y-0 ...... Conkey's Gecco Scratch Grains ...... Conkry's Geeealat Station Fattener ...... Conkey's (The Oriait??l) Starting Feed with Buttermilk and Y.0 ..... Stlperior Scratch Gram ...... Conn . Fat Rendering & Fertilizer Corp., West Haven. Conn . Conn . Fat Rend . & Ferte. Corp. Meat Sgap ...... 3onsolidated Products Co., Danville. Ill . Semi-Solid Batternmilk ...... xxii CO?ZIIPCII'C!~~E.rperiirzrnl Slofiorz n~~llclirl370

Page Consolidated Rendering Co., 178 Atlantic Ave., Boston. Mass. Corenro Cone hfral. An All Aninla1 Frol ir r Cattle. !I<.cs nucl I't. oltry 321 . 110 (.<.rc~,c..(uc1 and Haddork \lral ...... >?I. 410 Corenco 4S'r hfeat and Xollr .$ cran ...... 321 . 4111 Corenco 50% Meat Scrap ...... 321; 410 Corenco 55% Meat Scrap ...... 321. 410 Corenco 6070 Ifeat Scrap ...... 321

Consrltners Import Co., Inc., 115 Broad St., New York City . Cico Fish Meal ...... 321 . 410 Cnntinental Distilling Corp.. 260 South Broad St., Philadelphia . PR. Continental Distillers Grains ...... 721

Copeland Flour Mills. Ltd., Midland. Ontario. Canada Dandy Bran ...... 321 . 344 Dandy Shorts ...... 321. 346 Corn Prodtrcts Sales Co . oI Corn Prodacts Refining Co., 17 Battery Place. New York City Euffalo Corn Gluten Feed ...... 321 . 351 Diamond Corn Gluten Meal ...... 321 . 351 E . A . Cowee Co., Fitchburg. Mass. Coweco Growing Mash ...... 321. 384 Coweco Laying Mash ...... 321. 384 Coweco 20% Ration ...... 322. 361 Coweco Scratch Feed ...... 322. 384 C . A . Cowles. Inc., Plantsville. Conn . Dristol Dairy Peed ...... 322 . 361 C. A . Blne Seal Mad1 ...... 322. 384 Cowles 20% Dairy Ration ...... 322. 362 Cowles 24% Dairy ...... 322. 361 Cawles Growing Mash ...... 322. 384 Cowles Horse Feed ...... 322 . 354 Cowles Scratch Feed ...... 322. 3x4 Chas. M . Cox Co., 177 Milk St., Boston. Mass . Inkc \V~Ndr \\'heat Cran (Uanuincrured 1y 1~krof thr \\'oods ilillioc ('0 .. 1.111 .. Iltetltreal. (anxla) ...... 322 . 344 Ovilvie's \Vl~c:u B~II1 \lat~~~iactt~recl In... (lcilvie f:l~~t~r11 ll$ Co .. 1.1~1 Montreal. Canada) ...... 322. 344 Crosby Milling Co., Brattlehoro. Vt. Crosby's Scratch Feed ...... 322. 385 Crow21 Mills. Portland. Oregon Crown Wheat Bran ...... 322 r. Cutler. Inc., Colchester. Conn . Prosperity Dairy Ration ...... 322 . 362 Prosperity Economy Dairy Ration ...... 322. 362 Prosperity Laying Mash ...... 322. 385 Prosperity Scratch Fred ...... 322. 385 1nde.r rxiii

Page Prosperity Special Dairy Feed ...... 322 . 362 Prosperity Stock Feed ...... 322 . 373 Dairymen's League Ca-operative Assac., Inc., Utica. N . Y . Dairylea Choice Feed Grade Dried Skim Milk ...... 322. 411 R . G. Davis & Sons. Inc., New Haven. Conn . Dasic Dairy Ration ...... 322 . 362 Davis Buttermilk Mash ...... 322. 385 Davis Horse Feed ...... 322. 35.1 Davis Scratch Feed ...... 32'2 . 38.5 Ilavis Stock Feed ...... 322 . 373 Davis Twenty Dairy ...... 322 . 362 2070 Open I~ormula...... 322. - 362 Decatur Milling Co., Inc., Decatnr. Ill . Homco Hominy Feed ...... 322 . 351 Delaware Mills. Inc., Deposit. N . Y . Delaware All Mash Chick Starter ...... 322 . 385 Delaware Chick Starting Mash (with Dried Buttermilk) ...... 322 . 385 Delaware...... 85% Horse Feed ...... 322. 354

Delaware~ ~~ Intermediate Chick Grains ...... 322. 385 I)rlaw:~reSrratcll (;rains ...... 322. 383 I)rhw, rr Stock Feed ...... 322. .? 73 I)cl:,\\.arr Swrrt 24'; [)airy Feed ...... 322. X.2 . 363 Delco 20% Dairy Feed ...... 322 . 363 Delco Sweet 20% Dairy Feed ...... 322. 363 Indian Growing Mash (with Dried Skim Milk) ...... 322. 385 Indian Laying Mash (with Dried Skim Slilk) ...... 322 . 385 The Denver Alfalfa Milling & Prod~tctsCo .. Lamar. Colo. Alfalfa Meal ...... 323 Alfalfa Leaf Meal ...... 323. 354 Dietrich & Gambrill. Inc., Frederick. Md . Canton Scratch Feed ...... 323 D . & G. Calf Meal ...... 323 . 376 D . S; G. Dairy Feed ...... 323 . 363 D . & G . Wheat Flour Middlings with Mill Run Screenin~s...... 323 Frederick Dairy Feed ...... 323 Frederick Growing Mash ...... 323. 385 Frederick Horse Feed ...... 323 Frederick Laying Mash ...... 323. 385 Frederick Stock Feed ...... 323 . 373 Garnhrill's A-l Dairy Feed ...... 323 Gambrill's Chick Feed ...... 323 Garnbrill's Chick Starter ...... 323 Garnhrill's Developing Scratch ...... 323 Gamhrill's Growing Mash ...... 323 Gamhrill's Horse Feed ...... 323 C;aml~rill's Laying Mash ...... 323. 385 Gamhrill's Scratch Feed ...... 323. 385 I'en Mar Dairy Feed ...... 323 Duluth-Superior Milling Co., Minneapalis. Mimi. Dultttl~Imperial Wheat Eran with Screenings ...... 323. 344 XT~V Conrtecticut Experiment Stntion Bsllrtitr jc

Page Arthur G . Dunn. 82 Wall St., New York City .\rsen~it.e \Vl~ratBran ...... 32.1. 344 Argentine \\'heat 1:anry hjiddlill~1with Gnrund Srrrcnins- ...... 3L3 . 346 I(rartl~an\Yllc3! Hr.. 1) w tll C;rui~lid Sirretl8ngc ...... 1?3. 344. 34 i Fhstcni States Farmers' Exchange. Springfield. Mass. Eastern States Chick Grains ...... Eastern States Combination Mash ...... Eastern States Controller Mash ...... Eastern States Developer &lash ...... Eastern States Fitting Ration ...... Eastern States Fulpail Dairy Ration ...... Eastern States Highland 12 ...... IZastern States Highland 16 ...... Eastern States Highland 20 ...... Eastern States Horse Ri Calf Rati~n...... Eastern States Milkmore Dairy Ration ...... Eastern States Producer Mash ...... Eastern States Scratch Grains ...... Easters States Scratch Grains 1931 ...... Eastern States Sixteen Dairy Ration ...... Eastern States Starting and Broiler Ration ...... Eastern States Turkey-Fat ...... Easterr! States Turkey-Grow ...... Eastern States Turkey-Start ...... S . T. Edwards Co., Inc., 110 N . Franklin St., Chicago. 111 . Butterfly Brand Dried Skimmed Milk ...... Eisemann & Co., Inc., Galveston. Texas Eisen Brand 4170 Prime Cottonseed Meal ...... Elmore Milling Co., Inc., Oneonta. N . Y . Elmore Chick Feed ...... Elmare Chixsaver ...... Elmore Complete Broiler Ration ...... Iilmore Complete Starting and Growing Ration ...... Elmore Eggmaker ...... Elmare Eer.. Mash ...... Elmore Growing Mash ...... Elmore Horse Feed with Molasses ...... Elmore Intermediate Chick Feed ...... Elmore Milk Grains ...... RImore Milk Grains Junior ...... Elmore Milk Grains Junior. Sweet ...... Elmore Scratch Feed ...... Elmore Stock Feed ...... Blmore "Three I'oint" Calf Meal ...... Elmore's Sweet Digesto Dairy Feed ...... Elmore Turkey Growing Mash ...... Elmore-Waldorf Formula ...... Granger 2010 Dairy Raticn ...... Granger 24% Dairy Ration ...... R-Own Egg Mash ...... John W . Eshelman & Sons. Lancaster. Pa. Eshelman Certified 20 Dairy Ration ...... Eshelman Certified 24 Dairy Ration ...... Index xsv

Eshelman Challenge 24 Dairy Fced ...... Eshelman Conestpga 20 Dairy Feed ...... E~helmanConestoga Horse Feed ...... Eshelman Garden Swt Horse Feed ...... Eshelma!. Golden Rod 25 1)airy Feed ...... Eshelman Lancaster 20 Dairy Feed ...... Eshelman Lancaster 60 Horse Feed ...... I7shelman Lancaster Scratch Grains ...... Ilash ...... 1~:sl~elmanS-O-S ...... Eshelman Steamed Cooked Horse Feed ......

Evans Milling Co., Indianapalis. Ind . Emco Hominy Feed ...... 324. 351 livans 4170 Soybean Cakc hlcal ...... 324

Ecclsior Milling Co., Mi~~neapalis.Milm . I'!!rc Carnel Fancy \\!heat Feed ...... 325. 349

Fairchild Milling Co., Cleveland. Ohio Standard hliddlings with ground screcl~it>gs...... 1.5 . 347 \\'heat llran with groutld screenings ...... 325 l'he Fairmont Creamery Co., Omaha. Neb . Fairmont's Better Purr Flake Buttermilk ...... 325

I'anners Feed Co., Kern York City "Bull Brand" Dried Brewers (;l.ains ...... 325. 353 I'armers Flonr C Grain Co., Stratiurtl. CDI~II. Superior Laying Mash ...... Faroll Bras., New York City \Vheat Bran wit11 ground screelr Feed Law. the ...... Guides in enforcement ...... I'ceding Stuffs. terms used in analyses of ...... inspection -of ...... Fernando Valley Milling & Supply Co., 336 1. W . Hellman Rldg .. Lor Angeles. Calif . Fernando Alfalfa Meal Fine Ground ...... Fcrnando Alfalfa Stem Meal ...... Fernando Idcal Grccns Suncured ...... 325. First National Stores. Inc., 5 bliddlesex Are., Somerville. Ifass. Henfielrl Egg Mash ...... Henfield Scratch Grains ...... 1710ry Milling Co., IIK., Bangor. Pa. Corn Fced Meal ...... Flory's Gro\ving Mash ...... Golden Egg Laying Mash ...... Golden EK~Scratch Fced ...... Ground Con, and Oats ...... National Dairy Feed ...... Record Dairy Feed ...... Reddog Flour ...... Sunray Scratch Feed ...... J . A . Forrest. Security Bldg., Minneal~lis.hlin~n . Alpine Canadian Pure Bran ...... Alpine Canadian Shorts ...... Freihofer Flour Mills. Philadelphia. Pa. Wheat Standard Middlings wit11 ground scree~iit~~s...... J . B . Garland & Son. Worcester. Mass . Garland's Economy 20% Ration ...... Garland's Growing Mash ...... Garland's Laying Mash ...... Royal \Yorcestcr Complete Ration ...... Royal \Vorcester Scratcb Feed ...... Gcneral Commodity Carp., Buffalo. N . Y . Old Sol Dried Skim Milk (Bison) ...... General Mills. Inc., Minneapolis. Mino. Eventually Gold Medal Chick Feed-Na Grit ...... Eventually Gold Medal Chick Ration ...... Eventually Gold Medal Dairy Ration ...... liventually Gold J[edal Developing Feed-No Grit ...... 1Sventually Gold Bledal Egg Alas11 for Rreeding and Laying with Dried Buttermilk ...... Eventually Gold Medal Growing Mash-with Dried Buttermilk ...... Eventually Gold Medal Scratch Feed-No Grit ...... \Qashhurn's Gold Medal Hard Wheat Rran and Wheat Screenings ... \\'ashburn's Gold lledal Hard Wheat Flour Middlings and Wheat Screenings ...... Washburn's Gold Medal Hard Wheat Standard Middlings and Wheat Screenings ...... 326. 347 Washburn's Gold Medal Fancy Mixed Feed ...... 326. 319 Washburn's Gold Medal Pure Hard \Vheat 12drian Krd Dog ...... 326 . 3*9 H . Grandin Ililling Co., Jamertown. N . Y . Grandin's Baby Chick Feed ...... Granclin's Baby Chick Starter with nuttermilk-Cod Liver Oil ...... Grandin's Complete Starting Ration wit11 l3uttermilk-Cod Liver Oil ... Grandin's 324 Dairy Feed ...... Grandin's Growing Mash with Bottermilk-Cod Livcr Oil ...... Grandin's Intermediate Chick Fced ...... Grandin's Laying Mash with Buttermilk ...... Grandin's Laying Jlash with Buttermilk-Cad Liver Oil ...... Grandin's Milk Maker ...... Grandin's Pig and Hog- Ration ...... Grandin's Poultry Green Food ...... Grandin's Screened Scra;tch Feed ...... Grandin's Stack Food ...... Grandin's Sweetened 2070 Dairy Feed ...... Grandin's Sweetened Ilorsc Fced ...... (;ratl

Grand Union Co., New York City Peerless All Mash Starter and Grower ...... 326 Peerless Chick Grains ...... 326 Pcerless Laying Mash ...... 326 . ROO Peerless Scratch Grains ...... 326 . 390 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Ca., hlinneapolis. hlinn . Daily Egg hIash Feed ...... 326. 390 Daily Egg Scratch Feed ...... 326. 390 Daily Growth Chick Starter ...... 326 Daily Growth Fine Chick Feed ...... 326 Daily Growth Growing Mash ...... 326. 390 Milky \\:a? Dairy Feed 20% ...... 3%

Hales & Hunter Co.. 166 W . Jackson Rlrd .. Chicago. Ill . Gold Flake Dairy Feed ...... 326 Morning Glory Egg hlachwith Dried Buttermilk ...... 326. 390 hlorning Glory Scratcl~Feed ...... 326. 390 Red Comh Broiler Mash with Dried Ruttermilk ...... 3%. 390 Red Comh Chick Starter with Dried nuttermilk ...... 326 . 3'11 Red Comb Coarse Chick No Grit ...... 326 Red Comh Eaa Mash with Dried Buttermilk ...... 326. 301 Red Comh Fine Chick No Grit ...... 326 Red Comh Growing Mash with Dried Buttermilk ...... 327. 391 Red Comb Scratch Feed No Grit ...... 327. 391 Rcd Horn 20% Dairy Feed ...... 327 Special Red Horn 20% Dairy Feed ...... 327 Frank B. Ham & Co., Ltd., 1506 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto. Canada "Hamco" Brand Wheat Bran ...... 327. 345 "Hamco" Brand Wheat Shorts ...... 327. 347 .T. t-uiii Co~iiircticztf Elp~riillelltSfatio~f Bulletin 370

Page William IIamilton & Sou. Inc.. Caledonia. I.ivingston Count.. . N . Y . Standard Wheat Middlings ...... 327 Dwight Hamlin Co.. Diami, nd Rank Hldg .. Pittsburgh . Pa. Hamlin's Dried Brewers Grains ...... 327 Hecker-M-0 Co., Inc.. BuNalo. h'. Y . Oat hfill Feed ...... 327 . 355 Hecker-Jones-Jenell >lillio~Dir . oi Stnndanl hlillillg C<,.. 503 Sececa St.. BuRalo. N . Y . Choice \\'heat Bran with round scree.. ings ...... 327 . 345 Wheat Xcd Dog ...... 327 Wheat Standard hliddlingc with ground srrceniilas ...... 327 . 347 Hirst & Begley Linseed \\lark\. 2013 blendel St.. Chicago . 111 . Pure Old Process Linseed :\leal ...... 327. 343 The Huhinger Co .. Keokuk. Iowa Ke OK uk Corn Gluten Fccd

Bull Brand Prime Cottonsecd hleal ...... 327 Dixie Brand Prime Cottonseed .\leal ...... 327 . 342 Imperial Grain & Jlilling Co.. Toledo . Ohio Imperial Steam Cooked Feed ...... 327. 355 International Milling Co.. ?ufinneapolis. hiinn . Blackhawk Pure \Vheat Bran ...... 327 . 345 Rlackhawk Wheat Red Dog ...... 327 . 319 Rlackhark \\'l~eat Standard iliddlii~gswith grotmd scren~ingr...... 327. 347 Jersee Co., Minneapolis . Minn . Just Right Egg AIash ...... 327. 391 Just Bight Mash ...... 327. 391 The Kansas Flour >'lills Corp.. Kansas City. Mo . Eig Flakc Pure Wheat Bran ...... 327 (rills. Iuc .. \Varei-ly. N . Y . .x Coniplete (;ro\r. ing Mash ...... 327 . 391 :x Laying Mash ...... 327. 391 ~prxScratch Grains ...... 327 . 391 Beatsall Nil1.: Grains ...... 327. 365 Kasco All hIash Chick Food ...... 327 Karco All Xazh Laying Food ...... 327 . 391 Iseed hleal ...... 318. 343 seed hleal ...... 328

Keystone Dairy Co., 150 Saswu St., Sew Yort City Skim Milk Powder ...... 328. 411 H . H . King Flour Mills Co .. Minneapolis. Minn . "Gold >linev Fecd ...... 328. 349 King Midas Mill Co., 14inneapolis . hfinn . S~~owhallWheat Flollr Middlings and Ground \Vhrat Screenin~s..... 328 Kralt-Phenix Cheese Corp.. 400 Rusll St., Chicago . Ill . "Kraco" ...... 328. 411 Chas. A . Krause Milling Co., Milwaukee. X'is . Badger White Hominy Feed ...... 328. 352 H . P . Kysor Feed & Grain Co., Sew Haven . Conn . Kysor's A-l Chick Starter ...... 328. 391 Kysor's A-I 20' Dairy Ratio,, ...... 328. 365 Kysor's A-l Growing hlash ...... 328. 391 Kysor'r A-l (;rowing hlash with Cad Liver Oil ...... 328. 391 Kysor's A-l Horse Feed ...... 328. 355 Kysor's A-l Laying Mash ...... 328. 391 Kyxr's A-1 Laying Mash with Cod Liver Oil ...... 328. 392 Kysor's *\-I Scratch Grains ...... 328. 392

The Lade,) Bros . Co., Inc., Wallingiord. COT; . Laden's Baby Chick Starter ...... 328. 392 Laden's Dniry Feed ...... 328. 365 Laden's Growing Mash ...... 328 Laden's Laying Mash ...... 328. 392 Laden's Starter and Broiler Mash ...... 328. 392 John T . Lampman & Co., Claverack . N . Y. Red Mills Rye Feed ...... 328 The Larahee Flour Mills Co .. Kansas City . Mo. "Sunfed" Pure Winter \Vheat Bran ...... 328 "Soilfed \Viuter \Vheat Bran with ground wheat screcninx s ...... 328. 345 The Larrose Milling Co., Box hS So. End St.~tic,n. Detroit. hlicll Dried Beet Pulp ...... 328. 353 Drierl Molasses-Beet Pulp ...... 324 . 353 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal Prime Qrlality ...... 328. 342 Larro Broiler Feed ...... 328. 392 Larro Call Yea1 ..... : ...... 325: 377 Larro Chick Grains ...... 328; 392 Larro Chick Starter ...... 328. 392 Larro Egg Mash ...... 329. 392 xxx Connecticut Experilnent Station Bulleti~z370

Larro Growing Grains ...... Larro Growing Mash ...... Larro Pork-Maker ...... Larro Scratch Grains ...... Larrc-Thc Ready Ration for Dairy Cows ...... Larro Turkey Adult Mash ...... Larro Turkey Grower ...... Larrowe's 16% Dairy Feed ...... Libner Grain Co., Inc., 27 Commerce St., Norwalk. Conn . Blue Rihhon Scratch ...... 329. 393 Libner's Blue Rihbon Cliick Starter ...... 329. 393 Libner's Blue Rihbon Growing Mash ...... 329. 393 Libner's Blue Ribbon Milk Egg Mash ...... 329. 393 Lihner's 12% Blue Ribbon Ration ...... 329 . 374 20% Libner's Blue Rihboti Dairy Ration ...... 329 . 365 24% Lihner's Blue Ribbon Dairy Ration ...... 329. 365 The C. W . Lines Co., 173 Chestnut St., New Britain . Conn . Homestead Dry Mash ...... 329. 393 Homestead Scratch Feed ...... 329. 393 Mill Pride Dairy Ration ...... 329 . 365 Mill Pride Fancy Scratch Feed ...... 329. 393 Mill Pride Milk Mash ...... 329. 393 Long Hill Feed Store. Long Hill. Conn . Square Deal Buttermilk Laying Mash ...... 329. 393 Square Deal Dairy Ration ...... 329. 365 L. B . Lovitt & Co., Memphis. Tenn. "Lovit Brand" 41% Cottonseed Meal ...... 329. 342 "Lovit Brand" 43% Cottonseed Meal ...... 329 Maine Fish Meal Co., Portland. Me. Maine Vitamin D Fish Meal ...... 329 . 411 E. Manchester & Sons. Winsted . Conn . Flour Middlings ...... 329 . 347 Huntington Egg Mash ...... 329. 393 Red Star Mash ...... 329 . 393 Red Star Mixed Feed ...... 329 . 350 Red Star Scratch Feed ...... 329 . 393 Red Star Special Dairy ...... 329 . 365 Red Star Sweet Sixteen Dairy Feed ...... 329. 365 The Mann Bros. Co., Buffalo. N . Y . The Mann Bros. Co. 34% Protein Pure Old Process Linseed Meal ... 329 . 343 The Mann Bros. Co. 37% Protein Pure Old Process Linseed Meal ... 329 Maritime Milling Co., Inc., Buffalo. N . Y . B-B Daisy All Mash Starter and Growing Feed Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil . Milk Sunar. Feed . Dried Buttermilk ...... 329. 394 B-B Daisy Chick Feed ...... 329 B-B Daisy Egg Mash with Dried Buttermilk ...... 329 B-B Daisy Egg Mash Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil and Dried Butter- milk ...... 329. 394 B-B Daisy Scratch Feed ...... B-B Dealer's Mixing. Feed with Molasses ...... B-L( Hi-Test Dairy Peed 20%. Sweetened ...... B-B Hi-Test Dairy Fced 24%. Sweetened ...... B-B I-Ii-Test Stock 1.~4. Sweetened ...... B-B Marmico 16% Dairy Feed with Molasses ...... Bull Brand All Mash Laying Ration Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil. Milk Sugar Feed. Dried Buttermilk ...... Bull Brand Breeders' Laying >lash Vitarnized with Cod Liver Oil . Milk Sugar Feed . Ilried Buttermilk ...... Bull Brand Broiler and Fleshing Mash with Milk St~garFeed . Dried Buttermilk ...... Bull Brand Complete Chick Starter Ration Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil . Milk Sugar Fied. Dried Buttermilk ...... Bull Brand Control Mash \litamized with Cod Liver Oil. Milk Sugar Feed. Dried Buttermilk ...... Bull Brand "20 Dairy Hation. Sweetened ...... Bull Brand "24" Daily Ration. Sweetened ...... Dt111 Brand Growing Mash Vitamired with Cad Liver Oil. Milk Sugar Feed . Drird Buttermilk ...... Bull Brand Horse I'eed witl> Alialia and Molasses ...... Bull Brand Laying Mash wit11 Alilh Sugar Feed and Dried Buttermilk Bull Rmnd Laying Mash Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil. Milk Sugar I'eed . Dried Ruttermilk ...... Bull Brand Scratch Feed ...... Dollar Maker Egg Mash ...... Ilollar Maker Egg Mash Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil and Dried But- termilk ...... Dollar Maker Growing Mash Vitamized with Cod Liver Oil and Dried Buttermilk ...... Farmers Brrll Brand Miring Feed. Sweetened ...... Sweetened Dollar Maker 20% Dairy Feed ...... Sweetened Dollar Maker 24% Dairy Feed ...... E. J . Martenis Grain Co., Produce Exchange Bldg., New York City Product of Argentine Wheat Bran with ground screenings ...... 330 . 345 Meech & Stoddard. Inc., Middletown. Conn . Red Wing 20% Dairy Ration ...... 330 . 366 Red Wing Horse Feed with Molasses ...... 330 Red Wing Special Chick Feed ...... 330 Red Wing Special Chick Starter with Buttermilk ...... 330 Red \Ving Special Dairy Ration ...... 330. 366. 367 Red \4'i1, g Special Growing Feed with Buttermilk ...... 330. 395 Ked Wing Special Intermediate Chick Feed ...... 330 Iced Wing Special Laying Slash with Buttermilk ...... 330 . 345 Red \Ving Special Scratch 1:eed ...... 330. 395 Red \\'ing Stock Feed ...... 330. 374 Miner-Hillard Milling Co., Wilkes-Barre. Pa . Steam Cooked Hominy Feed ...... 330. 352 Monti-Van Iderstine. Inc., 2i2 Hudson Ave., Brooklyn. N . Y . "Movan" ...... 330 . 411 Geo. Q . Moon & Co., Inc., Binghamton. N . Y. Moon's Baby Chick Starter Mash ...... 330. 395 Moon's 20% Dairy Feed with hIolasses ...... 330. 367 xxxii Coar~rclicr~tE~~periiizerit Slalior~ Bttllrtin 370

Pale Moon's 24% Dairy Ration ...... 330 . 367 Moon's Develapiog Grains ...... 330 . 395 Moon's Fresh Ground Wheat Middlings ...... 330 . 347 hloon's Morse Feed with llolasses ...... 330. 356 bloon's Scratch Feed ...... 330 . 395 llaon's Swrinl A Scratch Feed ...... 331. 3?5 Ilaon's Stock Feed ...... 331 . 374 Moon's Wheat Bran ...... 331 . 345 U . S . Drought Ration ...... 3.71. 367 Fred C. Morse L Sm. Guilford . Conn . Old Mill All \lash ...... Old Mill Broiler Mash ...... Old liill Chick Feed ...... Old Mill 20% Dairy Feed ...... Old Mill 24% Dairy Feed ...... Old llill Fitting Feed ...... Old Ilill Growing lhsh ...... Old Mill Horse Peed ...... Old lIill Intermediate Chick Feed ...... Old llill Laying Mash ...... Old Mill Laying Mash with Milk and Cod Liver Oil ...... Old \Iill Provender ...... Old Xiill Scratch Feed ...... Old blill Starting ilash ......

Jas. F . Xlorse L Co .. Sornerville. Mass. Morse's aleat Scraps ...... 331 . 411 Yoseley 8. >.I otley Milling Co., Rochester. iV . Y . Big B Wheat Bran ...... 331 . 345 Big B Wheat Middlings with ground screenings ...... 331. 317 National Mineral Products Co., Ltd., 830 Seventh St., San Francisco . Calif . Alfalfa Leaf Meal "Alfaleaf' ...... 331 Niagara Falls Milling Co., Lockport . N . Y . Niagara Standard Wheat Rran with ground screenings ...... 331 . 345 Niagara Standard Wheat Midds with ground screenings ...... 331 . 347 Northwestern Consolidated Milling Div . of Standard Milling Co., Minneapolis . Minn . Planet Feed ...... 331 Pure Wheat Rran ...... 331 . 345 Wheat Flour Midds . with ground screenings ...... 331 Wheat Mixed Feed ...... 331 Wheat Standard Xlidds. with ground screenings ...... 331 . 347 XXX Cornet ...... 331. 350 S . V . Osbarn Estate. Branford. Conti. Oshorn Provender ...... 331 . 356 Osborn Scratch ...... 331. 396 Pacific Bone. Coal and Fertilizer Co., San .Francisco. Calif . Digesta-Bone (Meal or Flour) ...... 331 rk & Pollard Co.. Buffalo. N . Y . Ret-R-llilk 20% Ration ...... Claco Dairy Ration ...... Corn and Oats 54 and ...... Feed Meal ...... Growing...... Feed ...... Growinc Feed with Cod Liver Oil ...... Holcomh's Sfilk Egg Mash (Marnliactured for R . H . Halcomh 8. Co .. Newtown . Conn.) ...... Holcomh's Sweetened 165% Ration (Manufactured ior R . H . Holcomh & Co., Newtown. Conln.) ...... Holcomh's Sweetened 207'~ Dairy Ration (Alanuiacturcd iar R . H . Hol- comh & Co .. Xex\.to~vn. C.on n.)% ...... Intermediate CI lick Feed ...... Lay or Bust D ry-Alash ...... Lay or Rust Dry-llach with Cod Live,r Oil ...... Mxnamar CnmrIlete Ration ...... Manamar 20%'Dairy Ration ...... Manamar 24% D%ir.y Ration ...... mar llouhlea 20% Dairy Ration ...... 13 Ration ...... Feed ...... ust llash ...... :r Mash ...... i l.ieal ...... 24% Sweetened Dairy Ration ...... 332. arry Ration ...... Chick Scratch ...... ck Starter ...... Ration ...... ixed Feed ...... rse Feed ...... ck Feed ...... n Scratch Feed ...... Top EZotch 16% Ration ...... Yankee D: ~irvRation ...... Yankee Horse Feed ......

The Patent Cereals Co.. Geneva. N . Y . Hominy Feed ......

Pecas Valley Alialla Mill Co., Hagerman . New Mexico Peevee Alialia 1.eai Meal ......

Penick & Ford . Ltd .. Inc.. Cedar Rapids. Iowa Douglas Corn Gluten Feed ...... 332 . 351 Douglas Corn Gluten Meal ...... 332. 351 Pillshury Flour Mills Co .. hfinoeapolis . Minn . Pillshury's Fancy \fixed Feed and Screerlirtgs ...... 332. 350 Pillshury's Hard \\:heat A . Middlings and Screenings ...... 332 Pillshury's Hard \Vheat Rran and Screenings ...... 332 . 345 Pillshury'r Hard \\'heat Standard B . lliddlings and Screenings ...... 332 . 348 Pillshury's Rye Middlings and Screenings ...... 312 Pillshury's Wheat Bran and Screenings ...... 332 Pillshury's XX Daisy ...... 3.32. 349 xxxiv Con??ec/icutExperiment Station Bulletin 370

Page Maurice Pincoffs Co., 422 Cotton Exchange Bldg., Houston. Texas Maurice Pincoffs Co.. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal ...... 332. 342 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Newark. N . J . Red Wing 31% Protein Pure Old Process Linseed Meal ...... 332 The Frank S . Platt Co., 450 State St., New Haven. Conn: Platco Laying Mash ...... 332. 397 Platco Perfection Grain Mixture ...... 332 Postum Co., Inc., Battle Creek. Mich . Burt's Hominy Feed ...... 332. 352 Pratt Fwd Co., Buffalo. N . Y . pratt'a Bahy Chick Food with Buttcrtnilk ...... 333 . 397 Pratt's B . 1'. Dairy Feed ...... * ...... 333 . 368 pratt's Chick Scratch Feed ...... 333. 397 Pratt's Circle A Scratch Peed ...... 333. 397 Pratt's Growing Mash with Butterruilk ...... 333 Pratt's Intermediate Scratch Feed ...... 333 . 397 Pratt's Laying Hash with Buttermilk ...... 333. 397 Pratt's Sweet 16'/o Dairy ITeed ...... 333. Oh8 Pntt's Utility Horse Feed ...... 333. 3.57 Pratt's Utility Scratch Feed ...... 333. 398 I'ratt's White Hominy Feed ...... 333. 332 H . C. Pufler Co., Springlicld. Mass. Egg-Em-On Growing Feed ...... 333 Egg-Em-On Laying Mash ...... 333. 398 Egg-Hm-On Scratch Grains ...... 333 . 398 Producer Dairy Peed 20% ...... 333. 368 . Producer Dairy Feed 2470 ...... 333. 368 Sweetened Producer Dairy Feed ...... 333 The Quaker Oats Co., 141 W . Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Ill. Banner Feed ...... 333. 357 Feed ...... 333 Bell Cow Wheat Bran ...... 333 Bell Cow Wheat Shorts ...... 333 Big Egg Chick Starter ...... 333 llig Egg Gruwing Mash ...... 333 Big Egg Laying Mash ...... 333 Dip Egg Scratch Grains. No Grit ...... 333. 398. Duckeye Feed ...... 333 Early Hird Caaise Chick Feed ...... 333 . 398 Early IIird Fine Click Feed. Nn Grit ...... 333. 398 Quaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter ...... 333 . 398 Quaker Ful-O-Pep Coarse Chick Feed ...... 333. 398 Quaker Ful-O-l'ep Egg Mash ...... 033. 398 Quaker Fal-O-Pep Fine Chick Feed ...... 333 Quaker Ful-O-Pep Growing Mash ...... 333. 399 Quaker Ful-O-Pep Scratch Grains ...... 333 . 309 Quaker Ful-O-Pep Station Grarle Fattening Fecd ...... 333 Quaker Ful-O-Pep Turkey Starter ...... 333 Quaker Green Cross Horse Feed ...... 333. 357 Quaker 16% Protein Daiv Ration ...... 333 Qtrakcr 20% Protein Dairy Ration ...... 333. 368 Page Quaker 24% Protei!~Dairy Ration ...... 333 Quaker Schumaclier Feed ...... 333. 375 Quaker Sugared Scht~macherFeed ...... 333 . 375 Schumacher Cali Meal ...... 333. 377 S~lgarcdVim l:eed ...... 333. 357 \rim Feed ...... 333. 357 White Hominy Feed ...... 333 . 352 Yellow Hominy Feed ...... $...... 333. 352

ilston Purina Co., St. Louis. hlo. Corn and Oat Provender ...... Corn Feed Meal ...... Dried Beet Pulp ...... Fine (;rounri l'oultry Alialfa Meal ...... I'rotena Ih'/. IJairv Feed (Buffalo Mill) ...... ~~- ~ ...... Protcna 20% Dairy Feed ...... Protena 24% Dairy Feed ...... Protena Scratch Feed (Buffalo Mill) ...... Protcna Sweet Feed "B" ...... Protena Sweet Fecd "C" ...... Protena Sweet Feed "D" ...... Purina Blue Checker Cow Chow (20%) ...... Purina Body Cow Chow ...... Purina Breeder Egg Chowder ...... Purina Breeder Egg Chowder without Calcium Carhonate (Limestone) Purina Broiler Chow ...... Purina Bulky Cpw Chow ...... Purim Bulky Las Chaw (Buffalo hlill) ...... Purina Bulky Omolene ...... :tinp Chow ...... ,ked) ...... (Coarse) ~~ ...... ~~ Purina Chick Chow (Fine) ...... Purina Chick Growena (Complet+.411 Mash) ...... Purina Chick Startena (Com~let+All. . Mash) ...... Purina Chicken Fatena Chow ...... Purina Chick Startena without Calcium Carhonate (Limestone) ...... Purina 32% Chowder ...... Purina Egg Chowder ...... Purina Exg Chowder (with Cod Liver Oil) ......

Purina Fittine Chow~ ...... Purina Green Checker Cow Chow (24%)...... Purina Growing Chow ...... Purina Growing Chow (with Cod Liver Oil) ...... Purina Growing Chow without Calcium Carbollate (Limestone) ...... Purina Heifer Growing Chow ...... Purina Hen Chow ...... 334. Purlna Hog Fatena ...... Purina Lay Chow ...... Purina Lay Chow (with Cod Liver Oil) ...... Purina Lay Chow (with Cod Liver Oil and Dried Buttermilk) ...... Purina Layena (Complet+All Mash) ...... Purina Omolene ...... Purina Turkey Growimp and Fattening Chow ...... Purina Turkey Startem ...... John Reardon & Sons Co., Cambridge. Mass . Register Brand Meat and Bone Scraps 45%...... 331. 411 Register Brand Meat Scraps 55% ...... 334. 411 Pale Registrations. List oi ... ., ...... 316

Rohin Hod Mills. Ltd .. \goose Jaw. Canada Blackhawk Standard Middlings ...... 334 . 348 Superior Wheat Bran ...... J34. 345 Superior \Wheat lliddlings ...... :...... 334. 348 Superior Wheat Reddog ...... 334 . 349 Suwrior Wheat Shorts ...... 334 Ronck B Bevis Co., Philadelphia. Pa . Ra-Be Fish Meal ...... Rotex Milling Co., Cleveland . Ohio Rotex Egg Mash ...... 334 . 400 Rotex Starting and Growing Mash ...... 334 . 400 H . M . Ruhin Ca., Inc.. 38th Ave . and loth St., Long Island City. N . Y . Ruhco Meat Bane Scrap 45% ...... 335 . 411 Ruhco Meat Bo~ieScrap 5070 ...... 335. 411 Rubco Meat Bone Scrap 55% ...... 335. 412 Russell-Miller Milling Co., Minneapolis. Minn . Alta Hard \\'heat Middlings ...... 335 Hard Wheat Occident Bran ...... 335 . 346 Hard Wheat Occident Flor~rhfiddlines ...... 335 . 348 Hard Wheat Occident Mixed Feed . .': ...... 335; 350 Hard \\?heat Occident Standard Middlings ...... 335. 348 Seymour Grain R. Coal Co., Seymour. Conn . 18 Dairy Ration ...... 335. 369 Miracle Chick Feed ...... 335. 401 Miracle Chick Grower ...... 335. 401 lliracle Chick Starter ...... 335 . 401 Miracle Cow Feed ...... 335 . 369 IIiracle Fitting Ration ...... 335. 375 Miracle Horse Feed with Molasses ...... 33.5. 357 Miracle Laying hlash with Mi& Products ...... 33.5. 401 Lliracle Scratch Feed ...... 335 . 401 See Mare Xilk Dairy Feed ...... 335 . 369 Shefield Farms Co., Inc., 524 \Vest 57th St., New Yark City Sheffield Skim Milk Powder ...... 335. 412 Shellaharger Grain Prducts Co.. 1900 N . Samuel St.. Decatur. 111 . Soyhean Oil Meal ...... 335 Sherwin-Williams Co.. 101 Prospect Ave .. N.W., Cleveland . Ohio Sherwin Williams Pure Old Process 34% Linseed Meal ...... 335. 343 Ike Sovitsky . Ansonia . Conn . Ansonia Egg-Mash with Buttermilk and CdLiver Oil ...... 335 . 401 Ansania Scratch Feed ...... 335. 401 Ansonia Stock Feed ...... 335.375 Ansonia 20% Sweetmed Dairy Feed ...... 335 . 3/19 Connecticut State Open Formula Dairy Ration ...... 335 . 369 Plgr Sperry Flour Co., 195 Berry St., San Francisco. Calii. Millrur~(Wheat Mixed Feed) ...... 335. 350 Wheat Bran ...... 335 A . E. Stale) Ifig. Co., Decatur. Ill . Staley's Corn Gluten Feed ...... 335. 351 Staley's Soyhean Oil Meal ...... 335. 344 John T . Stanley Co., Inc., 626-662 W . 30th St.. New York City Stanley's SOW Meat and Bone Scrap ...... 335 .i lhans Grain Co., St. Alhans. Vt . Brewers Dried Grains ...... Champlail~Valley Emergency 20 Dairy Ration ...... Corn Distillers' Dried Grains ...... Hygrade Fitting Ration ...... Hggrade Horse Feed ...... Hyararle ZU Sweetened Ifilk Ration ...... Hygrade 24 Sweetened Milk Ration ...... 1.lomin' Call Poultry Grains ...... I'nragon Dairy Feed ...... I'aragun Hominy Feed ...... Utility Dairy Ration ...... Ltility Pasture Ration ...... \Virthmore Baby Chick Scratch ......

\Virthtnore Bahv Chick Starter A Comnlete Balanced Feed for the~ ~ first~~ six weiks Containing Fonified'Cod Liver Oil ...... Wirthmore 25 Balanced Ration . Sweetened ...... \\Jirthmare Breeder >lash ...... \tl"I I ...... \\'trtllm .rc i. rnplrtr Cl1ic.k and Broiler Ratio!) ...... \Virtittnorr Cglml, lrtc Gr*a uvtp Ratlrn ......

\Vlrthmorr Comnlctr la\!#lc... l

- ...... \Virthmore Scratch Feed ...... \Virthmore Stock Feed ...... \Virthmare Turkey Fattening Ratioti ...... Wirthmore Turkey Growing Ration ...... Wirthmore Turkey Starting Ration Containing Fortified Cod Liver Oil Wirthmore \\!heat Feed ......

A . Stickell & Sons. Inc.. Hazerstown. . Md Blue Ridge E~EMarl] ...... 335. 403 Certified Open Farmula Egg Mash with Cod Liver Oil ...... 335. 403 Snap Scratch Grains ...... 335. 403 Snan Sweet 20% Dab Feed ...... 335. 370 xn~viii Coicii~cticict E.z-pcririzerit Station Bullefi?!370

Page Stickell's Certified 20% Ration ...... Stickell's Certified 22% Ration ...... Stickell's Intermediate Chick Feed ...... Stickcll's Poultry Fatncr ...... Su-Pur All Mash Starter ...... Su-Pur Growing .\lash ...... Su-Pur Horse & Cali Feed ......

Victor Eeeuu Mash ...... Victor Growing Mash ...... Victor Poultry Fatner ...... Victor Scratch Grains ...... Victor Starter and Broiler Mash ...... St. Laurrettce Flour Mills Ca., Ltd., Montreal. Canada . Bran ...... 336

Chas. M . Struven Ca., Baltimore. Md . Struven'r Fish Meal ...... 336 . 412 Syracuse Milling Co., Syracuse. N . Y . Onondaga Dairy Feed. Sweetened ...... 337 Onondaga Scratch Grains ...... 337 Syragolil Chick Starter ...... 337 Syragold Dairy Feed ...... 337.371 Syrngold Dairy Feed. Sweetened ...... 337 . 371 Syragold Egg Mash ...... 337. 403 Syragold Fred .\leal ...... 337 Syraguld Flour Middlings with screenings ...... 337. 348 Syragold Ground Corn and Oat Feed ...... 337 Syragold Growing Mash ...... 337 . 403 Syragold Horse Feerl with Molasses ...... 337 . 358 Syragold Laying IIash with Buttermilk ...... 337 Syragold Milk Ration ...... 337 Syragald Nilk Ration. Sweetened ...... 337. 371 Syrazolrl Scratch Grains ...... 337. 404 Syragold Stack Feed ...... 337. 375 Thomarton Supply Co., Thornaston. Conn . Thomaston Dairy Ratio11 ...... 337 . 371 Tllomaston Egg Adash with Cod Liver Oil ...... 337 . 404 Thomarton Growing Mash with Cod Liver Oil ...... 337. 401 Thornastoll Scratch Grains ...... 337 . 401 Tioga-Empire Feed alills. Inc., Waverly. N . Y . Chicatine with Cod Liver Oil Added ...... 337 20% Creamatine ...... 337 . 371 Derhy-li-Gee Cliick Grains ...... 337 . 404 Derhy-E-Gee Scratch Feed ...... 337 . 404 Derby Ground Corn and Oats ...... 337. 358 Derhy liixiug Feed ...... 337 Ducatine ...... 337. 404 Exatine ...... 337 . 405 E-Gee Dairy Feed ...... 337. 371 Keveriail Horse Feed ...... 337. 358 Neveriail Mixed Feed ...... 337 Or-Ca Feed ...... 337 . 375 Red Brand Tioga Dairy Feed ...... 337. 371 Tioga Cali Food ...... 337. 377 axxiz

Page Tioga Chick and Growing Mash ...... 337 Tiwa Chick and Growing Mash with Cod Liver Oil Added ...... 337 Tioga Laying Food ...... 337. 405 Tioga Laying. Food with Cod Liver Oil Added ...... 337 Tioga Neveriail Chick Grains ...... 337 Tioga Neverfail Growing Grain ...... 337. 405 Tiona Neverfail Poultly Grain ...... 337 Turkatine ...... 337 Waverlv Flour Middlings with ground screenings ...... 337. 349 Traders Feed C Grain Co., Inc., Buffalo. N . Y . Rex Wheat Bran with Screenings ...... 337 . 346 Rex Wheat Middlings with Screenings ...... 337. 349

Transit Milling Co., 406 Commerce Bldg., Galveston. Texas Texas Bull Brand Cottonseed Meal 417'ePrime Quality ...... 337. 342 Tranco Brand 4370 Protein Cottonseed Meal ...... 337 Jacob Trinley & Sons. Inc., Linfield. Pa. Corn Feed Meal ...... 337 Favorite 20% Dairy Feed ...... 337 . 371 Favorite Horse Feed ...... 338. 358 Favorite Laying Mash ...... 338. 405 Favorite Scratch Grains ...... 338. 405 Real Chick Feed ...... 338 Real Chick Starter ...... 338 Real204 Dairy Feed ...... 338 Real Fattening Mash with Buttermilk ...... 338. 405 Real Growillg Mash ...... 338. 405 Real Intermrdiate Chick Feed ...... 338 Real Laying Mash ...... 338. 405 Rcal Scratch Grains ...... 338. 405 Supreme 857" Horse Feed ...... 338 Trinley's 1670 Dairy Feed ...... 338 Trinley's 2470 Dairy Feed ...... 338 United Coiiperative Farmers. Inc., Fitchhurg. Mass . United Farmers Milk Egg Mash ...... 338. 405 United Farmers Milkmaker ...... 338. 371 United Farmers Starting and Growing Mash ...... 338. 405 United Mills Co., Inc., Grafton. Ohio U . M . C . Wheat Middlings with ground screenings ...... 338 Union Starch & Refining Co., Columbus. Indiana . Union Corn Gluten Feed ...... 338. 351 Unity Feeds. Inc., 177 Milk St., Boston. Mass . Paycheck 20% Dairy Ration ...... 338. 371 Paycheck 24% Dairy Ration ...... 338. 371 Paycheck Laying Mash ...... 338. 405 Paycheck Laying Mash with Cod Liver Oil ...... 338. 405 Paycheck Scratch Feed ...... 338. 405 Paymaster 20% Dairy Ration ...... 338. 371 Paymaster 21% Dairy Ration ...... 338. 371 Paymaster Laying Mash ...... 338. 406 Paymaster Laying Mash with Cod ...... 338. 406 Pa.. Paymaster Scratch Feed ...... 338 . 406 Unity Chick Scratch ...... 338 Unity Chick Starter ...... 338 Unity Complete Starting and Broiler 34arh ...... 338 . 406 Unity 20% Dairy Ratio!...... 338 . 371 Unity 24% Dairy Ration ...... 338: 371 Unity Fitting Ration ...... 338 . 3ii Unity Ground Corn and Oats ...... 338 Unity Gruwing Idasli ...... 338 . 406 Unity Growing Mash with Cod I.iver Oil ...... 338 . 406 Unity Horse Feed ...... 338. 398 Unity Intermediate Scratch Feed ...... 338 Unity Laying &lash ...... 338 . 40ir Unity Layink llash (with Cod Liver Oil) ...... 338 . 406 Unity l'ig and Hog Feed ...... 338. 3i7 Unity Scratch 1:eed ...... 338 . 406 Unity Stock Feed ...... 338 . 375 Upper Hudson Rye Flour Mills. Inc.. 7-9 Madison St.. Troy. X . Y . Upper Hudson Rye Feed ...... 338 . 352 Urbana Mills Co.. Urbana . Ohio Purity Dried Skim Nilk ...... 338 . 412 Van Iderstine Co.. Long Island City . N . Y . \'ice Quality Meat and Bone Scrap tor Poultry ...... 339 Victor Flour Mills. Il~c.,Pittsiord. ?i . Y . Fancy Hea~\$'inter \Cheat 14ixed Feed' ...... 339 . 350 Victor Spring I\.'heat Bran ...... 330 . 316 Victor Spring \\;heat Middlings ...... 339 . 349 Victor \Vl~iteICheat Flour Middlinps ...... 339 S. A . Wald 8 Co.. Inc.. li4 Front St., New York City Walco Brand Cottonseerl Meal ...... 339. 342. 343 Hiram Walker 8 Sons. Inc.. Peoria . I11 . Corn Distillers' Dried Grains ...... 339 \Vard Dry Gilk Co., St. Paol . Minn . Ward's Pure Dried Buttermilk ...... 339 Ward's Pure Dried Skim Milk ...... 339. 412

\Vatcrtown Coiiperatire Assoc., Watertorvn. Conn . Sterling Brand Scratch Feed ...... 339. 407 \\Jaynr County Grangers Feed Corp.. Clyde. N . Y . Clyde 20% Dairy Feed ...... 339. 3i2 Grange Superior Scratch Feed ...... 339. 40i IIi-Yan-Ka Farms 20'2' Dairv Feed with Beet Paln ...... 339 324 Keliallce Supplemental Feed ...... 339 Satisfaction .\las h.Laying (xith Buttcrr Superir. r I.a?ing Mash with Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil ...... 339. 407 Superior Little Chick Feed ...... 339 St\-rctened Ih% Dairy Feed ...... 339 Uni\.crsal Hcrre Feed ...... 339 . 359 F . S . \Vertz .P Son . Reading. Pa . \\'rrtz's Ilnrse Fcrd with .ilfalfa and hColasses

West.Ncsl,itt. Irlc.. Oneonta. K . Y . :Ill Pure LO' ililk Ratic~n ...... 339. 372 I'ore Fcetl [)airy Ration ...... 339. 372 I'urc I'ecrl EKE llaker ...... 339. 407 Pure Feed Ikg iladt ...... i39. 407 Purr 1;rrd 1-1.1rse Kation ...... 339. 359 Pure I:errl Scratch Grains ...... 339. 407 I'ore Ferd Special Eeg Mash ...... 339. 4117 Super I'we S\\.ertfcerl D:airy Ration ...... 339

Worcester Rendering- Co., Auburn. Mass . P . \Y . Fish llral ...... 339. 412 Yantic Grain ii Products Cu .. Xorrvich . Coon . AII"o ...... 310. 359 Rig (Y);\ll-I~~-All Rg-g- l