REPORT ON INSPECTION' E. M. BMLBP Bulletin 370 March. 1935 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REPORT ON INSPECTION 1934 E. M. BAILEY @nnttrcticut Agriritlturul Experiment Stntimt Xcm T4uocn CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BOARD OF CONTROL His Excellency. Governor Wilhur L. Cross, ex-oficio, Prcsiderif Elijah Rogers, Vice-Praiderrl ....................................... Southington William L. Slate, Trcasnrcr .......................................... New Haven k:dward C. Schncider, Secretory ...................................... Middletown Joseph CV. Alsop .......................................................... Avon Charles G. Morris ..................................................... Newtown Albert E. Plat~t........................................................ Braniord Olcott F. I<itl!: ...................................................South Windsor STAFF Administration. Wl!.ir~hl I.. SLICE, U.Sc., iJi?e~1~1. blass I.. 31. Iln~urrrcsr,Bookkeeper and i.ibrarian LIrrr I<nni~xn~rhl. P~~nzan,BLlrr., Ediior. ti. I<. Gnnnn~,in Chorga of B~ciidUigiand Groic,idr. Analytical i<. ki. ~I.~IL.LY,1~1t.11.. CJ~~~~~isl i% Cluvg#. Chemistry c. I<, s,,,.:~~A,<t, OWEN I.. KOLAK IIA~RVJ. PII.II. nsri.~inrlcilcmirts \I.. 'T, >,IAT,,,s IJnvro C. \vn~or~,n.S. V. I.. CIIUI<CWILL, Sampimiy1 Ancra. L'nnNr C. SIIELUON, Lobomtar)' Arriilo,zl. MRS.;\. R. \~OSBUP.ON, Secretnrs. 11. 11. \Jicn~au.P3r.D.. Bbchanxirl i$z C1zo-g~. L.~rn~*rr~11. hll~oe~, I'tr.Il., I3ercnrch Arrocintr (Yale University) GLORCER'. I'uc~~PI,PH.~).. A~~islnrlfUiocli~n~i~l. G. 1'. C~laror;,Sc.D., Bolnnirr igt Clinrge. li. &I. Siononlro. 1l.S.. Pornologist. aflra PLOXENC~A. \ICC"HMICI, PIID., P0iI8.I~ill. .\. ,\, ~>"XLAP,l',,,i>., A,,,s~,,,,, ~ll,~coloyi,,, .\. 11, AI~IIoN~ILL.l;cnert>i /f~iiil~nl. >Irs. \v. M'. I\ELS.I, Se~rcLnrg, Porcstry. \\:n~.r~a0. PILLEY,FOTCIIEV in Chnrgs. li. \IZ.IIICOCX, >!.I>.. Assistant Forcrfrr. I. I;. JR., \I.;:.. I,, ~i~~~~~01 nii,tcr RZ,S~col,rro~. \Irrs PAULINEA. \IEI~C>IANT,SIC~CIRVY. rlallt nrecding. Iloa~~oI;. JONES. Sc_D.. Genelici?: bi Chnmr. , 11'. HALPE, SINCLETOX, SC.II., nsrisanr Gma,clrt. I.n.~urxcx C. (:unr!s, R.S.. Arrirto,~:. 31. F. Zlerc~s.M.S., Anrono,nisr hx Chorye. 11, G. XI. JK~SON, M.$,,Assistant Agrmremi~t. Anan~wr.A. Lurr. Pm.D., Anirlovil in Forrd Soils r,\r~lc,rr R. nowwr, Gencrol Asrino,il. \Iris (iEarl.0,N. iiveaarr, Srcr..ta,s. Printing by Quinnininck I'rrss. Inc.. Nrw Hnvee. C'onn. CONTEXTS The feed ln\v .......................... ..... ......................... 313 Explamation of terms used in analyses oi ieeding stuffs ...................... 315 Guides in eniorcement ..................................................... 315 Registrations ......................................................... 316 Illspection ................................................................. 341 Analyses ai official samples ................................................. 312 Index ...................................................................... mi; REGISTRATION OF FEEDS Manufacturers, jobbers or individuals outside the State who ship concentrated commercial feeding stuffs into Connecticut are expected to register the brands so shipped and to pay the necessary fees thereon, and they generally do so. However, under the provisions of our law, if manufacturers or others outside the State neglect or refuse to register, the local dealer who handles such feeds is responsible for such registrations, registration fees and other legal requirements. In the course of trade, feeds manufactured in another State frequently pass though the hands of several mid- dlemen, none of whom is within the immediate juris- diction of our law, before they reach the local distributor. This Station makes reasonable investigation to find out the source of shipment of feeds found to be unregistered, but the law imposes no obligation upon it to do so. It is the plain duty therefore of local dealers who purchase feed for resale and distribution to assure themselves that the brands they purchase are registered, or else be pre- pared to assume that responsibility themselves. Feeds mixed to the order of the consumer may be sold as "special formulas" and need not be registered. Such must be sold without any private brand names and with- out analysis. Special formulas sold to others than the consumers for whom they are mixed become regular brands subject to registration and other requirements pertaining thereto. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REPORT ON INSPECTION E. 11. Bailey - THE FEED LAW The text of the law relating to concentrated co~nmercialfeeding stuffs and of regulations made jointly by the Dairy and Food Comiilissioner and tlie Director of this Station for carrying out its provisions, are given in Bulletin of Immediate Information, No. 60, June, 1,927. Some essential provisions of the law and the regulations may be briefly restated here. Exemptiorrs. It is held that the law exempts from classification as concentrated commercial feeding stuffs, and therefore from registration, (1) roughages such as hays, straws, corn stover, ensilage and all ma- terials containing more than 60 per cent of water; (2) whole grains and mixtures thereof: (3) meals made from whole grains when not mixed with other ~llaterialsor uritli each other; (4) feed ground fro111 whole grains and sold by the manufacturer directly to the consumer; (5) feed ground from materials furnished by tlie consumer; or (6) feed mixed according to a formula furnished by the consumer, for his own use. Under the provision of clause 6 above, a feed must be sold as a formula only, without a private brand name and without analysis. But a feed cannot he offered for general trade as a formula in order to avoid registration and the registration fee. Labelliirg. i\ll concentrated commercial feeding stuffs must be labelled either by a statement printed on the bag or upon a properly attached tag; except that in tlie case of cottonseed meal sold for fertilizer, or of any concentl-ated feeding stuff sold in bulk, a certificate, which shall con- tain the infor~iiationotherwise required to appear upon the bag or upon the tag, may he issued by the dealer in lieu thcreof. The law requires a statement of (1) thc net weight of tlie feed con- tained in the package; (2) the name, hrand or trademark under which the feed is sold; (3) name and address of the manufacturer or importer; (4) tlie minimum percentages of (a) crude protein and (I)) crude fat, and the maximum percentage of (c) crude fiber co~itainedin the feed; -and (5) the separate ingredients of which the feed is composed. Norr: Analyses are hy >lessrs. Kolan. >fathis and Walden: micro=copie examinations by Mr. Shrprrd and Miss Shepsrd: snrnpling by \Ir. Churd,ill; and cornpilotinns hy Mrs. Voibureh. While the law requires only a statement of the items enumerated above, no ohjection will be raised to more complete statements of chemical com- position. Our reg~~lationsprovide that definitioiis and standards for feeding stutTs as adopted from time to time by the i\ssociation of American Feed Control Officials are accepted as official in carrying out the provisions of our law: and the rules and regulations of that association are followed whenever they are consistent with our statutes. In order to secure greater uni- formity in the labelling of feeds and in the statement of ingredients, that association has adopted a number of rules that manufacturers shoold heed in submitting registrations. Particularly the following points should hr noted : (1) The protein percentage of cottonseed ant1 liiisred ~iiealssliorrld he incorporated in the hrand name, e.g. "XX Cottonsecrl hleal 41 per cent" or "XX 41 per cent Protein Cottonseed Meal". (2) Feeds should not be designated as "molassrs feeds" or "l~ntter- milk feeds".but rather as feeds "witli molassrs" or "with huttcr~iiilk", or "containing molasses" or "containing buttermilk". Example: "XX Dairy Feed with molasses", not "XX Rfolasses Dairy Feed". (3) If screenings are present their source sl~onld he indicated, e.g. "wheat screenings", "rye screenings". (4) Ground oats hulls should not he designated as "gro~~ndoat feed". Afirinq tags. The use of wire or any metal in affixing tags to feed packages is proliihitrd h!. law. Rrgistratiot~ ofld rrgistrutioiz fcc. The law requires an annual regis- tration of all concentrated feeds sold or offered for sale in this State. Registrations are to be made witli the Connecticut Agricultrlral Experi- ment Station and beginning January 1, 1928, the registration period is for the duration of the calendar year. The registration fee is fifteen dollars ($IS), for each hrand, a distinct hrand name or a distinct analysis constituting a distinct brand. DfttZ'es of i?tn~lz~fnct~trers,jobbers und dcalcrs. .\I1 concentrated com- mercial feeding stuffs !nust he registered annually on Janrmry 1, or hefore they are offered for sale. Manufacturers, johbers or individuals shippinp feeds into Connecticut will he expected to register their brands and pay the necessary fees tliere- on. Connecticut dealers should assure themselves that the brands they handle are properly registered and la1,elled. In case the manufacturer or jobber outside the State neglects or refuses to register, the dealer who handles such feeds will l~eheld responsible for such registrations, repis- tration fees and other legal requirements. Dealers within the State who mix their ow11 brands are responsilile for the registration and proper lahelling thereof. Cotto~tseed?acnl. Cottonseed meal sold. as a fertilizer is rcquired to
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