Pandinus imperator Emperor Class: Arachnida. : Scorpiones. : . Other names: Imperial Scorpion

Physical Description: One of the largest of in the world, the has a dark body ranging from dark blue/green through brown to black and reaches lengths up to 8”. The large pincers are blackish-red and have a granular texture. The front part of the body is made up of four sections, each with a pair of legs. Behind the fourth pair of legs are comb-like structures known as pectines, which are sensory that brush the substrate as the scorpion walks. The pectines are paired and can are used to distinguish sexes, as the ventral appendages are longer in males than females. The is long and curves back over the body ending with a large receptacle containing the glands and tipped with the sharp, curved . Sensory hairs cover the pincers and tail, enabling the scorpion to detect prey through air and ground vibrations.

Diet in the Wild: , , mice and small lizards

Diet at the Zoo: Crickets

Habitat & Range: The emperor scorpion is found in western and Congo areas, typically in hot and humid forests. They reside in burrows and prefer to live under leaf litter, forest debris, rocks, stream banks, and also in mounds

Life Span: 5 to 8 years in captivity. Lifespan is likely shorter in the wild.

Perils in the wild: Bats, birds, small mammals, large , , large lizards and other scorpions

Physical Adaptations: Eyesight of emperor scorpions is very poor. Their other senses are well developed, with adaptations like the use of body hairs and pectines to detect their surroundings and prey. The pectines and body hairs detect the size and location of prey mainly through vibrations in the ground and in the air. Hungry scorpions move slowly forward, with open held out and tail raised forward over the body. Adult emperor scorpions use their powerful pincers to kill and manipulate prey, reserving the sting for larger prey or for use in self-defense. Juveniles, however, depend on their to kill prey. Scorpions must predigest their food before consumption. Once the prey is subdued, they secrete digestive enzymes onto the prey, which liquefies the food and prepares it for intake with their .

Behavioral Adaptations: Nocturnal Emperor scorpions tend to live communally and are found in large numbers in regions of human habitation.


The emperor scorpion shows a degree of social behavior, with burrows often inhabited by 15 or more individuals To conserve energy in times of famine, scorpions can slow down their metabolism. Certain scorpions can survive almost a year without food.

Reproduction and Development: The emperor scorpion engages in an elaborate courtship dance in which the male holds on to the female’s pincers and moves around to find a suitable place on the ground to deposit his . The pair engages in many behaviors including but not limited to sexual stinging and cheliceral "kissing" before depositing the sperm. Once deposited, he maneuvers the female over the area so she can receive the sperm. Like some other , female emperor scorpions may kill and consume the male after mating has occurred. When pregnant, the body of a female expands to expose the whitish membranes connecting the segments. The female gives to between 9 and 32 live young (about ½ inch in length) after a seven to nine month gestation period. The young are white when born, but darken with each molt, reaching sexual maturity at four months. Emperor scorpions are born defenseless and rely heavily on their mother for food and protection. Newborns are carried on their mother's back until they are old enough to be on their own. Females are generally more aggressive after giving birth.

Additional Information: Males are territorial and will fight to the death. They spend much of their time looking for females with which to mate The emperor scorpion fluoresces when exposed to an light, due to fluorescent chemicals in the cuticle. The emperor scorpion is threatened by over-collection for the pet trade, and by continuing destruction of its through The venom of emperor scorpions is also studied, as it is abundant in interesting . A molecule called scorpine has been isolated from the venom of emperor scorpions. The scorpine molecule seems to have anti-malarial and anti-bacterial qualities. Scorpions do not need to drink water. They get all the water they need from their food and their feces consists of a dry powder-like substance. Even though they are cold-blooded, scorpions can be cooled to below freezing, or endure the blistering heat of the . Scorpions are ancient arachnids, having been on Earth for over 400 million years.

Conservation Connection: Arachnids Arachnids are a numerous and diverse group, with over 50,000 described so far. They include spiders, scorpions, vinegaroons, whip spiders and their relatives. The arachnids are largely predators, truly as deadly as they appear, but usually only creatures on their own scale, mainly insects. By filling the ecological niche of a diminutive predator, arachnids of all types are important in maintaining the balance of nature by keeping populations in check.

Arachnids, like their insect relatives, are Arthropods, the evolutionary decedents of creatures called trilobites. In fact the first land were scorpions which appeared some 400 million years ago. In the

09/04/2012 eons since, the diversity of arachnids has allowed them to flourish in every place on Earth that can support , from tropical forests to scorching to our own backyards.

Conservation Status: Not listed by IUCN. The emperor scorpion is collected in Africa for the pet trade. Consequently, they are listed on the CITES Appendix II list to monitor wild populations

Conservation Efforts: N/A

Glossary: List of definitions of the most important recurrent technical terms used in the text. cheliceral – Referring to one a pair of the most anterior head appendages on the members of the subphylum . pectines – Located behind the fourth pair of legs are comb-like structures which are sensory appendages that brush the substrate as the scorpion walks. scorpine - A molecule isolated from the venom of Emperor scorpines. The scorpine molecule seems to have anti-malarial and anti-bacterial qualities.

Sources: Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens SCORPION-Pandinus-imperator-SPECIES-ACCOUNTS.html Barnes, R.D. 1974. Zoology Hickman, C.P. Roberts, L.S. 1994. Biology of Animals
