4087 West Broadway • Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Phone: 763-537-4561 Formed in His Heart, Serving with His Heart, Giving From His Heart

Public Masses have resumed at no Greater than 50%, or November 15, 2020 250 persons in the due to COVID-19 in accord with Gov. Walz’ protocols Mass Live Streaming will continue for Daily Mass and for one weekend Mass. Join Facebook, and “Like” us: facebook.com/shrobbinsdale

To attend Mass in Church a sign-up must be used. It can be found on our Website.

Saturday—Lord’s Day Vigil

4:00 PM Mass - In Church 5:30 PM - Parking Lot Mass ** Tune Radio to FM 104.9 **

Sunday— The Lord’s Day 8:00 AM Mass - In Church 10:00 AM Mass - In Church 11:30 AM Latin Mass - In Church

Daily Mass Live Stream Tuesday — Friday: 8:00 AM Mass - In Church

Eucharistic Adoration The Chapel will be open for personal prayer and adoration before the monstrance on Thursdays from 9 AM - 2PM N.B. When restrictions ease we intend to return to the former schedule.

Parish Office Hours Open to the General Public. Parish Web Site: shrmn.org Parish Phone: 763-537-4561

Sacred Heart Catholic Church • 2 • November 15, 2020

Pastor’s Page Fr. Bryan J.B. Pedersen

For All the Last Sunday I mentioned the new shrine that has been put in place in order to display the first and second class that Fr. Fran- cis Nolan had acquired throughout his life. For over 50 years these relics along with authenticating paperwork were held in a small box in the parish office vault. The crown jewel of these relics includes a relic containing a sliver of the Holy Cross that Christ was cruci- fied upon.

What are relics and why do Catholics venerate them? An article on relics appearing on Aleteia has this to say: “Relics are material items that are connected to a and are sorted into three “classes.” A first-class relic is all or part of the physical remains of a saint. This could be a piece of bone, a vial of blood, a lock of hair, or even a skull or incorrupt body. A second-class relic is any item that the saint frequently used (clothing, for example). A third-class relic is any item that touches a first or second-class relic. (It is not usually the practice to display third class relics for veneration in Churches).

Catholics are known to preserve relics of saints and it is believed that graces from God flow through these objects to devout souls who venerate them.

The use of physical objects related to a holy person goes back as far as the Old Testament. In it we see an episode from the Second Book of Kings that features the use of relics.

And so Elisha died and was buried. At that time of year, bands of Moabites used to raid the land. Once some people were burying a man, when suddenly they saw such a raiding band. So they cast the man into the grave of Elisha, and everyone went off. But when the man came in contact with the bones of Elisha, he came back to life and got to his feet.” (2 Kings 13:20-21)

Even in the New Testament we see how God uses material objects to bring about healings. In the Gospel of Mark we see how a woman is healed because she touched ’ cloak.

“She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. She said, ‘If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.’ Immediately her flow of blood dried up. She felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction.” (Mark 5.27-29)

There are other examples in the lives of the apostles that clearly show how God works through items connected to a saint.

How is it that a relic shrine came to be at Sacred Heart? In the early part of the new millennium the Missionaries of Charity, the order founded by Mother Theresa of Calcutta, now St. Theresa of Calcutta, came to the Twin Cities for the first time to work in our diocese. Fr. Michael Creagan, pastor of Sacred Heart from 2002 through 2008, made the upper level of our convent for their use until such time that a permanent location for their apos- tolate would be found. In gratitude the Missionaries of Charity gifted our parish with relics of St. Theresa of Calcutta, the great saint and founder of the order. These included both a first-class relic, a dried drop of blood of the saint, and a second-class relic – part of a habit and veil that she wore. A reliquary to contain the theca – the smaller reliquary placed with an ostensorium (large reliquary) and display box of plexiglass and shelf of oak was fabricated by long time parishioner Eugene Fink.

In 2011 Sacred Heart was designated as a pilgrimage Church for the year of St. Paul. I obtained a first-class relic of the Apostle St. Paul from a Priest friend – I must confess I promised to return it to him after that year was over, but he has since forgotten, and I have yet to return it. I may yet ask him if he would like to leave it with the people of Sacred Heart. I then added this relic and a relic of St. Charles Borromeo which I had in my possession to the plexiglass display in Church. After I found the relic box of Fr. Francis Nolan in the vault some years back I had dreamed that one day when funding was available I would put a larger relic shrine to display all of these relics so the faithful of the parish and elsewhere could venerate them. The oppor- tunity for this arose when the The Catholic Spirit, the newspaper of the Archdiocese ran a story on one of our parishioners, Don- ald Stoulil, last fall in 2019. Don Stoulil, who at age ninety-nine recently died this past September was a veteran of World War II. He was a bomber pilot who flew over seventy bombing missions over Europe during the war. A priest chaplain had given him a relic of St. Therese of Lisieux at the Army Air base in England where Don was stationed. Don kept the relic he was given in his pocket.


Sacred Heart Catholic Church • 3 • November 15, 2020 Appointed Sunday Readings 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time-11/15/20 Administration First Reading: Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting; the woman who fears the Lord is to Your Commitment is Vital ! be praised. (Prv 31:30-31) Psalm: Blessed are those who fear the Lord. Collections for October 31 & November 1 2020 (week 18) Dollars # Donors (Ps 128) Sunday Envelope Collections $ 6,356.25 70 Second Reading: For all of you are children Electronic Donations $ 7,064.00 62 of the light and children of the day. Plate (non envelope) Collections $ 597.61 (1 Thes 5:5-6) Total Collections for week 18 $14,017.86 132 Gospel: “His master said to him, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were Year-to-date Sunday Collections faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. (Mt 25:21) This Year Last Year Behind Actual versus last year Nov 1, 2020 (week 18) $ 202,298 $205,114 $ (2,816) Latin Mass Sunday Readings 6th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany This Year Budget Ahead Epistle: Brethren: We give thanks to God Actual versus Budget Nov 1, 2020 (week 18) $ 202,298 $198,700 $ 3,598 always for you all, making a remembrance of you…. (I Thess. 1:2-10) Year-End Giving Gradual: Thou hast saved us, O Lord, from them that afflict us: and hast put them to It’s not too early to start thinking about year-end giving for 2020. Many of you are starting shame that hate us. (Ps. 43:8-9) to make these decisions during this time. There are various ways to maximize the benefits Gospel: At that time Jesus spoke to the multi- tudes this parable: The kingdom of heaven is of your year-end giving for you and your parish, e.g., stock contributions, employer match- like to a grain of mustard seed, ... ing funds, Christmas envelopes. Many of you also like to make year-end contributions (Matt 13:31– 35) from your IRA accounts. In response to COVID-19, there were some changes made to the tax code to incentivize charitable giving in 2020. Please speak with your financial advisor, Appointed Daily Readings accountant or attorney to find out more about this and any other options you might have Monday, Nov. 16—Saturday, Nov.21 for year-end giving. Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 You can also make an on-line gift at any time at www.shrmn.org – Click the Donate button. [Rev 2:17]/Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Ps 15:2-3a, 3bc- 4ab, 5 [Rev 3:21]/Lk 19:1-10 Additional Weekend Mass Slots Added Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11/Ps 150:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6 [1b]/Lk 19:11-28 We have added additional Mass sign-ups for the Weekend Masses Thursday: Rv 5:1-10/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a through mid-December. See links below. and 9b [Rev 5:10]/Lk 19:41-44 http://signup.com/go/nKiqHNN – 4:00p.m. Saturday Mass Friday: Rv 10:8-11/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, http://signup.com/go/fgbUZcq – 8:00a.m. Sunday Mass 111, 131 [103a]/Lk 19:45-48 http://signup.com/go/KSmMWiF – 10:00a.m. Sunday Mass Saturday:Rv 11:4-12/Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10 [1b]/ http://signup.com/go/bTVXEND – 11:30a.m. Sunday Latin Mass Lk 20:27-40 Links can be accessed on the Sacred Heart Website

Prayers of the Faithful Mass times will be as follows: Please remember In your prayers Saturday – 4:00PM in Church Saturday - 5:30PM Parking Lot (FM 104.9 in car) Those Who Are Ill: Tom Ambrose, Brady Sunday – 8AM, 10AM, 11:30AM (Latin) all in Church Daily Masses - 8AM Tue. – Fri. Swenson, Mary Jo Faustgen, Bunny Dargis, Andrea DeOtis, Medard Keisershot, David One of the Masses will be live streamed and posted for viewing. Vos, Bernadette Cassidy, Dwayne Brandt, Bill MASS SIGN-UP & PROCESS Daugherty, Cody Bonstock, Michelle Ross, You will be required to sign-up for a pew slot in either the Main Church or Chapel Lorraine Nelson, Eugene Hanauska, Shelly prior to the week-end Masses. Each pew slot can hold up to (4) people in the same Steward, Steve Smaciarz family. If there are more than four in your household utilize two pew slots. You will be able to use the entire pew in this instance. The SignUp link will be available on the Those Serving In Our Armed Forces: Sam Sacred Heart website (www.shrmn.org) and through flocknote e-mail messages. You Dahlgren-Castilla, Justin Rathbun, Liam Greg- can also contact the Parish Office if you need assistance in using SignUp. ory, Jordan Reese, Andrew Gladitsch, Cathal • Wednesday Individual Communion Dates: November 18, 25 & Cormac O’Connor, Lisette Knaeble

. Sacred Heart Catholic Church • 4 • November 15, 2020

Sacred Heart Catholic School Parish Directory Phone: 763-537-4561 General Email: [email protected]

Worship Priest, Fr. Bryan J.B. Pedersen….....ext. 6240 [email protected] 763-285-6240 Deacon, Dr. James Ramsey………….ext. 6244 [email protected] 763-285-6244 Music, ………………..……ext. 6287 763-285-6287 Faith Formation Director of Adult Faith Formation Bunny Brouillard……………..……..…ext. 6247 [email protected] 763-285-6247 Sacred Heart Catholic School is a “Believe and Read” School, K-3 Youth & Young Adult Ministry Matthew Kruc…………………………….ext. 6243 We are one of 33 Catholic schools in the archdiocese using the Believe and Read literacy [email protected] 763-285-6243 program. Join us at the CSCOE Believe and Read Virtual Kindergarten Preview on Novem- Faith Formation Associate ber 17 at 8 pm. You may register on our Sacred Heart Facebook page or the CSCOE Face- Morgan Timmerman…………………ext. 6246 book page. Please spread the word by sharing this information. We would love to have [email protected] 763-2856246

Sacred Heart families learn about the program and enroll at SHCS for fall 2021. Enroll- Pastoral Care ment begins in November! Priest, Fr. Bryan J.B. Pedersen……..ext. 6240 Register at: rebrand.ly/BRKPreview. [email protected] 763-285-6240 Deacon, Dr. James Ramsey…..……ext. 6244 How Believe & Read works at Sacred Heart Catholic School: [email protected] 763-285-6244

• Literacy coaches from Groves Academy work with our teachers in K-3 over a three Parish Administration year period using a “train the trainer” model. Bus. Admin., Mary Daugherty………ext. 6241 [email protected] 763-285-6241 • In addition to building students’ vocabulary and comprehension skills through their Bookkeeper, Janelle Roban ………...ext. 6242 regular reading lessons, teachers will be tasked with incorporating a daily 30-minute [email protected] 763-285-6242 phonics-based lesson to ensure students are grasping the reading rules they’ll need to Facility Manager and Maintenance one day achieve fluency. Mark Sazama……………...…………...ext. 6245 [email protected] 763-285-6245 • Many of the lesson plans are scripted, so teachers will know exactly how and when to Admin. Asst. Facility Scheduling, Office introduce each letter, along with the sounds, and how to build up to words from Darlene Doran ………………..……….ext. 6248 there. [email protected] …...763-285-6248 Sacramental Records • Our teachers will also get weekly check-ins with a literacy coach from Groves Acade- Bunny Brouillard………………..…….ext. 6247 my, along with support for tracking student progress through routine assessments. [email protected] 763-285-6247

We will be enrolling students for the 2021-2022 school year beginning in December School It is not too early to start thinking about the 2021-2022 school year. We have had a very Main Office: 763-537-1329 successful first trimester with in-person learning. Our students are thriving academically Principal, Karen Bursey……..…………ext. 6255 and socially by being in school each day, learning from our teachers. We planned and [email protected] met all summer long to write our safety protocol plan and it is working! Please call Pat Advancement, Admin. Asst. Moore to set up a virtual tour or an in-person tour after school. Pat Moore……….……………..…………ext. 6256 [email protected] Wreaths Admin. Asst. Records, We want to thank you so much for taking part in the Christmas Fundraiser! Sarah Bowback………….………..….ext. 6257 [email protected] You will be able to pick up your orders will be on Friday, November 20, ALL DAY and again on Saturday, November 21, from 9 until Noon. The Church of the Sacred Heart is served by the clergy of the Thanks again for all of your efforts! Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Bud Heifort and Pat Moore, Wreath Chairs Priest Staff: Fr. Bryan J.B. Pedersen Like our Facebook Page - Sacred Heart Catholic School Robbinsdale, MN Alumni/Parent Deacon: Dr. James Ramsey http://www.facebook.com/SHCSRobbinsdale

Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/SHCSRobbinsdal1 Sacred Heart Catholic Church • 5 • November 15, 2020

St. Joseph Missal & Magnificat Advent Companion Mass Intentions

**This Schedule is subject to change** New... Sunday Missal NOVEMBER The Saint Joseph Sunday Missal for 2020-21 starting with the First Sunday of Sun. 15 8:00 AM Norbert Meier+ Advent for Cycle B is for sale at the Reception Desk. The cost of this Missal is 10:00 AM Parishioners $3.00. If you have any questions, please call Bunny in the Parish Office. Latin 11:30 AM Fr. Stanley J. Srnec + Mon. 16 8:00 AM ———————— Tues. 17 8:00 AM Charles Snyder+ Pre-Baptism Class Wed. 18 8:00 AM Deceased Priests+ Thu. 19 8:00 AM Evelyn Murphy PRE-BAPTISM CLASSES Fri. 20 8:00 AM Arnold Bangness+ Pre-Baptism Classes are offered at Sacred Heart on the Sec- Sat. 21 4:00 PM For the Family of Gabriel Murphy ond Tuesday of the month. All parents are required to attend a pre-baptism class before the Baptism of their first Parking Lot 5:30PM Bonnie Winsor+ child or if it has been over three years since they last F.M.104.9 attended a pre-baptism class. Our next scheduled session is Sun. 22 8:00 AM Darlene Johnston+ Tuesday December 8 at 7pm in the Activities Building. If you plan to attend this session, 10:00 AM Parishioners please call the Parish Office 763-537-4561. Latin 11:30 AM Estelle Stack+

Gospel Meditation


Chapel Open for Prayer: November 15, 2020 • Monday: 8:30am - Noon 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

• Tuesday-Thursday:8:30a-4:30pm God gives us the gift of His very self and asks us to invest it. Investing God’s greatest gift of Friday: 8:30am - Noon Himself wisely, allows God’s kingdom to grow and flourish. God trusts us with this pearl of **Note: No more than 10 people in the great price in hopes that it will produce abundant fruit. While God’s gift of self is realized in Chapel for prayer at any given time. the gifts of faith, hope, and love, they are not meant to be solely for personal benefit. They Practice physical distancing. are intended to be shared and are at the heart of Jesus’ blueprint for happiness, the Beati- Use disinfectant provided in Chapel to tudes. wipe your area after you leave** When we properly invest God’s greatest gift, His most treasured possession, we invest in Confessions the wellbeing of all of our brothers and sisters and the world in which we live. We take up Daily Tuesday-Friday 7:30-7:45a.m. most seriously our call to be stewards and properly manage, not only our own affairs, but Saturdays 9-10a.m. and 2:30-3:30pm the affairs of those around and before us. God has put tremendous confidence in us. Do we Sign is on Door #8 with Instructions. have that same confidence in God?

Thursday Eucharistic Adoration We often go the extra mile and put in the additional effort when it comes to those con- 9:00am-2:00pm cerns closest to us: our families, friends, careers, home and securities. But when it comes to things that are not as close to us, we can become lax and less conscientious. Tending to God’s treasure requires a great deal of focus and persistent hard work. It demands that I see the bigger picture, God’s picture, in which self-sacrifice is a given as we labor for the establishment of God’s kingdom, God’s vision. Fear and a lack of trust can loom large, how- ever. We are afraid of letting go of what is “mine” and apprehensive of jeopardizing what we have in order to venture into something bigger and more promising.

Fear and a lack of trust serve no purpose in God’s kingdom. They benefit neither the per- son nor God. What is required is a courageous resolve that produces the fortitude neces- sary to stay the course and do what God is asking. Doing all in our power to cultivate the seeds of faith, hope, and love in our world, working diligently to put all of our relationships in proper order, becoming attentive to systems and ideologies that hurt and oppress peo- ple, being mindful of injustice, and laboring on behalf of the poor and the needy are at the core of what each of us is asked to do. It is how we invest God’s most precious gift wisely. If persistent, alert and attentive, then life will gradually improve around us, there will be greater peace and we will experience joy. Sacred Heart Catholic Church • 6 • November 15, 2020

Respect Life Ministry Calendar of Events **THERE ARE NO PUBLIC EVENTS SCHEDULED** LITURGICAL CALENDAR Sunday, November 15– 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time; 6th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany, Trad.

Monday, November 16– St Margaret of Scotland 1039; St. Gertrude the Great, 1302

Tuesday, November 17– St. Elisabeth Of Hunga- ry 1231; St. Gregory Thaumaturgus 268, Trad.

Wednesday, November 18– Dedication of Basili- cas of Sts. Peter & Paul 1626

Sat, December 12, 2020,9:00 AM – 1:00 PM CST Thursday, November 19– St. Elizabeth of Hunga- ry 1231, Trad. Online Event https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cana-advent-morning-of- reflection-for-mothers-of-young-children-registration-126256878723 Friday, November 20– St. Felix of Valois 1212, Trad. Mothers of young children, a special morning just for you! Are you in need of filling your spiritual cup? Are you open to God ’s grace to Saturday, November 21–Presentation of the grow your relationships with your spouse and children? Receive the gift of grace Blessed Virgin Mary 12 B.C from the Lord on this FREE self-guided reflective mini-retreat designed especial- Sunday, November 22– Christ, King of the Uni- ly for you! verse; 24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost, And invite a friend to register as well! Trad. Please register by December 9 to receive your digital retreat guide. As part of this DIY retreat, a suggested retreat schedule is provided, which includes Mass, Confession, and content for three reflections. Questions? Email: [email protected].

Don't miss this unique chance to step away for a quiet, prayerful morning to prepare your heart for Advent. PLEASE CHECK THE Brought to you by Cana Family Institute as part of The Cana Experience. SACRED HEART WEBSITE NEAR Christmas Requests Covid-19 Update

“NEAR” CHRISTMAS Please consider making a $ donation to NEAR food shelf for the purchase of Target gift cards which will be given out by NEAR to its client families as part of a 2020 Children's Christmas Gift Giveaway. Checks to be: ▪ made out to NEAR, with a note on the Memo line : Target Gift Cards. And Our Facebook Page ▪ included in your weekly contribution envelope For most up-to-date info. ▪ placed loose in the church collection baskets ▪ dropped off at the Gathering Space Reception Desk News From Other Sources

Angels and Demons: What do Scripture and Tradition Say about Them? Movies and the Internet show no shortage of information on angels and de- mons. Bookstores have whole racks devoted to the topic. While much of what we see and read keeps us entertained, the media’s presentation of the spiritual and diabolical worlds is all too often unconnected to the Christian message. In this presentation and Like and Follow the Church of in light of Christ’s absolute victory over sin and death, Fr Michael Patella will outline the the Sacred Heart on Facebook Christian understanding of the devil, angels, demons, ghosts, and spirits in Scripture and Tradition. He will also discuss the inherent problems and dangers that arise today https://www.facebook.com/ with the undue attention many give to the occult. shrobbinsdale/ Friday, November 20, Webinar presentation from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Event is Free. Regis- Parish Prayer Line tration is required (register at least five days in advance of the event); please visit To be placed on the prayer line call the Parish www.collegevilleMN.com/theologyday, call 320-363-3560, or Office 763-537-4561. You can also send in your email [email protected] to register. request via e-mail: [email protected] Sacred Heart Catholic Church • 7 • November 15, 2020

Pastor’s Page Fr. Bryan J.B. Pedersen, Cont.

The relic of St. Therese flew with him and his crew during every one of those missions. Seventy years later he told me the story and asked me to take custody of the relic. I recorded that conversation on my iPhone. When the article on Don came out last fall the follow- ing Sunday I mentioned the story in a homily and my desire that we add the relic of St. Therese that Don gave me to the relics we al- ready displayed at Sacred Heart. After hearing that homily one of our parishioner’s told me he wanted to help make that happen. A couple months later another person though not a parishioner who also frequented our Saturday morning Mass gave me a relic of St. Pius X, the bishop of and Pope when Sacred Heart Parish was founded. A month or too after that she and her husband also want- ed to help make the relic shrine a reality. In the meantime, another person came to me after Mass with some relics they wanted to place in my custody. These included St. Oliver Plunkett and St. Dominic. Clearly with all of these things happening Divine Provi- dence was guiding the way for the relics of these saints to adorn our Church.

With funding now in hand, I put in motion the plan to make a larger relic shrine to house the various relics in our parish a reality. What you now see on the right side of the sanctuary next to the statue of the pietá is this project coming to fruition. I am very grateful to all of the people who have made this happen whether by do- nating these relics to me, or by donating the funds necessary, or the craftmanship of Steve Bromander who built the oak stand now holding the Relic Shrine. There are still a few more things yet to happen in this project involving the relic of St. Pius X. I will apprise you when it is fully complete. But for now, this Relic Shrine gives us a fitting place to venerate and commune with these saints.

The relics now displayed at the Church of the Sacred Heart: 1. Relic of the - sliver of wood 2. St. Patrick – bone chip 3. St. Therese of Lisieux – strand of her hair, bone chip, piece of her habit. 4. St. Francis of – bone chip 5. St. Clare of Assisi – bone chip 6. St. Dominic de Guzman – bone chip 7. St. Theresa of Avila – pieces of a habit she wore 8. St. Margaret Mary – piece of a habit she wore 9. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – bone chip and piece of habit 10. St. Teresa of Jesus de Los Andes – bone chip 11. St. Theresa of Calcutta – drop of dried blood and part of a habit she wore 12. St. John Marie Vianney – Piece of his alb or amice that he wore 13. St. Oliver Plunkett, Bishop and Martyr – bone chip 14. Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos – bone chip 15. St. Antony Mary Claret – bone chip 16. Holy House of Loretto– a stone fragment from the house