STONYHURST COLLEGE, from the Yorkshire Bank of the Hodder Near Mytton

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STONYHURST COLLEGE, from the Yorkshire Bank of the Hodder Near Mytton I STONYHURST COLLEGE, from the Yorkshire bank of the Hodder near Mytton. THE STONYHURST MAGAZINE u '-luant je puts" CONTENTS. Vol. XIII. No. 196. October, 1914. " STO:-IVHURST COLLEGE FROM TilE YORKSllJRE SODALITY OTES...... • . • • . • •• . • • • • • • • . • .. • • . • 995 RANK OF HoDDER."-Frontispiece. THE AVIARY................................................ 996 CURRENT EVENTS •.. •.• ..• •.. •.. ••. ..• ..• •.. ... ..• •.. ••• 967 O.T.C. Notes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 997 HODDER NOTES •.. .•. .•.•.• ••••••••••.• .•••.. ••••• .••••.. 971 AFTER THE WAR ••• . ••• ••• . .. •• •.• ••• ••. •.. ..• ••• •. •.• 997 OLD ALUMNI •••••. •••••• .•••••••. •••••• .•••••••• ••••••••• 971 REVIEWS • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • .. • • • • • ••• . •• • • . • ... • •• • • • 999 In Memoriam- Fergusson's Percentage Trigonometry. Lieu!. Maurice Dease (1903)-Plate. The Convert's Rosary. DE REBUS PmLosoPnORUM •• . •. .• •. •. ••• . 976 England and the Sacred Heart. VARIA ....•. ... .•.... •.....•••...... ......... •..... .•. ...... 977 Dame Clare's Story Telling. DoNATJO:-�s ••. •.. ... ... ••. ... ... ... .•. ... ... ...•.. ••. ••• ••. 978 Dcrfel the Strong. STONYliURST AND THE \VAR...... .•• •.. ••. ... ••• ... ••• 979 St. Paul to the Corinthians. Musrc NoTES ... .••..•...••.•.• .•. •.. ..• ...•.. ..•••. •••••• 983 Jesus Amabilis. SOCIAL PARAGRAPHS .•. .•. .•. ... .•. •.. ...•.. ... ... ... ..• 984 Frederic Ozanam and the Establishment of the STONYHURST NION DEBATING SOCIETY . ••• 986 Society ot St. Vincent de Paul. LETTERS To THE EouoK ... •••••.•••••• ••• ••••..•••••• 988 On Prayer and the Contemplative Life. THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT ECLIPSE ExPEDITION First Principles of Tactics and Organisation. To IlERNOSAND, SwEDEN (Plates)............... 989 The Inglethorpe Chronicles. "TIPPERARY" AT STONYHURST . •. ••. •. .. .•• 992 Holy Mass. A DIVISION IN TilE MAKING .•. ... ..• ... ••. ••• ... ... •.. 993 STONYHURST CALENDAR •••.•••.....••....•..•....•.•. 1914-15 CURRENT EVENTS. The following are the results of the Oxford and P. Anderson. L. Purgold. Cambridge Certificate Examinations held in july :- W. Barrow. M. Sidley. C. Hamilton. T. Trappes-Lomax. HIGHER CERTIFICATES : D. Keegan. R. Walker. W. Allanson. j. Kennedy. M. C. Nolan. P. Anderson . M. C. Nolan. W. Barrow. H. Slattery. Lower Certificates were gained by the following : F. Farrelly. T. Trappes-Lomax. C. Hamilton. R. P. Walker. E. Clark. E. Macadam. D. Keegan. P. Flinn. D. Macsherry. j. Kenny. A. O'Bryen. J. Pasqua!. B. Payne. DISTINCTIONS : L. Unsworth. C. Powell. Greek History : T. Trappes-Lomax. P. Bell. F. Purgold. Mathematics : R. Plissonneau. R. Bigelow. R. Sellier. German: D. Keegan. H. Broadbent. S. Slattery. E. Healy. S. Unsworth. Through the Higher Certificate Examination the R. Irwin. R. Waters. following have obtained exemption from Respon­ C. Laughton. E. Weld, sions at Oxford :- W. Lynch, 968 THE STONYHURST MAGAZINE. FIRST CLASSES: The annual Weld Requiem was celebrated on Latin : P. Flinn, L. Unsworth, E. Healy. july 27th. Creel� : j. Pasqua!, L. Unsworth, E. Healy. French : R. Bigelow, E. Healy. The Boys' Vacation opened on July 28th. An German: E. Healy. enormous crowd left by the front gates early in the Arithmetic : J. Pasqua!, L. Unsworth, P. Bell, R. morning. The fact that there was no camp this Bigelow, E. Clark, E. Healy, C. Laughton, W. Lynch, year reduced the number of those going south. D. Macsherry, A. O'Bryen, C. Powell, F. Purgold, S. Unsworth, R. Waters. The number of names on the College books is Additional Mathematics : L. Unsworth, E. Healy, well maintained despite the war. The Philosophers C. Laughton, D. Macsherry, A. O'Bryen. are less numerous than usual, but are sufficicnt1y English : H. Broadbent, E. Healy, C. Laughton, representative to encourage us to look forward with D. Macsherry, F. Purgold. pleasurable anticipation to their annual play in Intercollegiate Prize, £5 : L. Unsworth. December. A solemn Requiem Mass was celebrated m the We are interested to observe among recent curios College Church on August 25th for the repose of presented to the Museum a loaf of bread baked on the soul of the Very Rev. Francis-Xavier Wernz, the last day of the siege of Paris, in 1871. It is late General of the Society of jesus, who died on the gift of M. Victor Monee!, whose father and August 2nd. As a young man he resided in the mother were in the city during the siege. The German Province theologate at Ditton Hall, and later bread is wonderfully well preserved, after forty-four was for some time Professor of Canon Law at St. years. It is of a nut-brown colour, and the husks Beuno's College, N. Wales. After being for some of the oats are plainly visible in it. No wonder the years Rector of the German College at Rome, he was besieged declared that it was hard to digest it. elected General in the most recent General Con­ gregation of the Order. We may observe in passing The boys returned on September 15th. Their the delicate courtesy of the late General, who, himself Retreat started on October 7th. It was given by the a German, named the Very Rev. Fr. Edward Fine Rev. P. Dinley, Superior of the Retreat House, Low his Vicar General, the latter being Assistant for the Fell, Gateshead. From the outset he emphasised French Provinces. Amid the clash of arms, no the importance of taking measures to avoid making a political considerations were allowed to enter into failure of life. His addresses were as interesting Fr. Wernz's appointment of his temporary suc­ as they were stimulating. He took leave of his cessor. audience in a stirring appeal before the Act of Consecration was recited by the Prefect of the At an ordination held in the College Church on Sodality, Bernard Withal!, in front of the Lady july 26th, the Rev. Edward Colley, S.j., and the Statue. Rev. Walter Weld, S.j., were raised to the priest­ hood by His Lordship the Right Rev. Dr. Casartelli, Major Pearse and Sergeant-Major Marchant pro­ Bishop of Salford. Two students from Ushaw ceeded to Preston on the outbreak of the war, and College, belonging to the Salford Diocese, the Rev. rendered very valuable service at the Depot of the Thomas Whittaker and the Rev. W. Tighe, were also East Lancashire Regiment. They arrived at a ordained on the same occasion. After the ordina­ time when recruits were coming in by hundreds, tion, the kissing of the hands and first blessing of and the small military staff on the spot was in­ the newly-ordained priests took place in the Church adequate to cope with the numbers. In a short time Gallery. A large number of visitors, relatives and after their arrival the Depot was working quite friends of the ordained, attended the ceremony. smoothly. The Commanding Officer has expressed THE STONYHURSt MA GAZINE. 969 his very high satisfaction with the efficient manner The Certificate Good Day took place on October in which both of our representatives acquitted them­ 6th. The Lower Certificators were in record num­ selves of their arduous duties. Major Pearse was, bers, so that the party, including the Masters of till recently, stationed at Eastbourne as second in Rhetoric and Syntax, amounted to thirty-three. command of the 9th Battalion of East Lancashires. The day was spent in Manchester. He is now at Seaford. We cordially wish our popular C.O. of the O.T.C. all success in his new appoint­ On Sunday, October 11th, Fr. Kellet, Superior of ment. St. Mary's Hall, entertained us with a most inter­ esting, and in many respects, pathetic lecture on We regret to see the name of Major Trist on the Rheims Cathedral, illustrated by an admirable casualty list. He was commandant of the Rossall selection of slides, some of them photographs taken O.T.C., whom we encountered in friendly combat by himself five years ago. Never will such pictures in the great field-day of last year. be taken again. He showed us all over the stately cathedral, inside and outside, pointing out its ex­ Fr. Michael King, S.J., whose brilliant lantern ceptional magnificence and its significance as an lectures on the British Army attest his interest in example of medireval French piety and culture. military affairs, has vacated for the present his post The peculiarities of its Gothic architecture, the sys­ of missioner of the College Church to take up the tematic application of principles of statuary, the position of Army Chaplain at Grantham, where over beauty of its rose windows, and its extraordinary twenty thousand troops are quartered. By a happy strength were all dwelt upon in a singularly lucid coincidence our gymnastic instructor, Sergeant Hill, and interesting manner. The Rev. lecturer en­ is attached to the same command. It must have livened his austere subject with sundry touches of been something of a sacrifice to him to have to leave humour, but his photographs of the wanton and behind him our new gymnasium just when it had irremediable damage done by the shell fireof German been opened. It is very spacious, beautifully gunners left us with a feeling of indignation minged lighted, and appointed with the most up-to-date with sadness. That he should have come equipped appliances. The electric light is particularly effec­ with so much illustrative matter just after the bom­ tive, being worked from the new dynamo, installed bardment was most opportune. at the end of the swimming bath. Fr. Cortie, to whose lecture on his recent Eclipse The war has affected our football fixtures to a Expedition to Hernosand, in Sweden, we had long disconcerting degree. Already at
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