
BOOKLETS, FORMS A T IR OFFICE FOR FIRESTONE PARTIES Start Early On Applications ^ ^ Santas Headed South ELLESMERE ISLAND (Spe­ news received at this most cial)—Word received here from northerly island of the Arctic For Company Scholarships the North Pole headquarters of Archipelago said that the Fire­ Santa Claus confirms his annual stone Yule parties would go ac­ Explanatory booklets and pany by January 1, 1961; and in schedule for a Southland stop­ cording to traditional schedule application forms for the the upper half of his or her over in Gastonia, and a pre- — this year, on Saturday, 1961 Firestone scholarship class, scholastically. Christmas Eve visit with chil­ December 17. program for employees’ chil­ Only children of those em­ dren of Firestone Textiles It will be St. Nick’s 21st dren are available at the In­ ployees whose average income households. December pilgrimage Southward dustrial Relations office. does not exceed $800 per month, Further confirmation of the for the children’s parties, stag­ To employees who have sons without overtime, will be eli­ ed through the years at the gible. Webb and Palace theatres in or daughters ready for college ☆ ☆ ☆ next fall, and who are interest­ FIRESTONE scholarships pay Gastonia. ed in applying: the cost of full tuition, fees, and CHILDREN through 13 years Deadline for application for books and a substantial part of North Country Visitor; of age who are members of living expenses at college. scholarships is March L 1961. It He's Making A List Firestone employee households is most important that high Scholarships are always al­ will be honored guests at the school seniors start early to pre­ located to the various sections traditional company parties. As pare their application material of the country on the basis of HAS NYLON CORD in the past, shows will be staged in order to meet this closing proportionate Firestone employ­ in three performances—two at date. ment. This means that children the Webb theatre downtown, of all employees have equal op­ AII-Butyl Tire A Firestone Tirst’ with beginning time 9 and 11 “As the expense of college portunity to win scholarships a.m.; and at the Palace (Negro) education continues to rise, our Firestone has scored another performance of the Butylaire. regardless of where they live. theatre on North York street at scholarship awards become more “first.” A nylon cord body teams This is possible through Fire­ 10 a.m. valuable each year,” said com­ Completed application forms, with a new rubber development stone’s three-piece mold method pany president Raymond C. reports, and all other informa­ to bring the automotive world of curing tires. At all three performances, Firestone, in a letter to all plant tion required (as outlined in the first all-butyl rubber tire to The tread is molded in one Santa’s appearance for a session and field sales managers. “Let the scholarship booklet) must be be offered by any of the major piece instead of splitting it down of gifts-distribution will be pre­ each of us recognize his re­ received by the Firestone rubber companies. the center as in ordinary tires. ceded by a program of lively sponsibility in seeing that every Scholarship Committee, The The new premium tire is the Tread design is extended across entertainment on the screen, qualified son or daughter of a Firestone Tire & Rubber Com­ result of ten years of experi­ the whole face of the tire. This consisting of cartoons, short- Firestone employee wanting to pany, Akron 17, Ohio, not later mental work with butyl rubber. means improved traction, cor­ length comedy and other fea­ go to college, is given opportuni­ than March 1. Extensive tests at the company’s nering, and smoother riding. tures. ty to apply. The committee will notify Ft. Stockton, Texas test track all winners of scholarship have proved the “Butylaire” to “We are gratified with results awards by early May. have extra traction efficiency on ton products and to keep in of your efforts to see that each Cotton Picture wet road surfaces. Sound-equip­ mind the vital role of price in parent of a qualified high school Past Gastonia-Area Winners ped test cars also recorded this the future of cotton exports. senior is fully acquainted with Brightens Since 1953, when the company tire as being unusually quiet- Dr. Horne also noted that; our program and advised when inaugurated the education-aid running, even under severe If the right courses of action the scholarship material arrives. • Imports of cotton products program, 197 four-year college cornering conditions. are followed by federal policy­ Last year we had a 25 per cent are at a rate of 563,000 bales an­ scholarships have been awarded. Butyl’s energy-absorbing and makers, an annual market can increase in applications over the nually. Seven of these winners have low-bounce characteristics give be established for more than number received the year be­ • Nearly 60 per cent of cotton been members of Firestone Tex­ the new tire smooth and silent 16 million bales of American fore.” tiles (Gastonia) famxilies. consumption is in clothing, but ride qualities. It also tends to cotton. This is the word from newer fibers such as nylon, Da­ Who Is Eligible To Apply? The most recent winner, Betty stick to the road surface rather the chief economist of the Na­ cron, Orion and other man-pro- To be eligible for a college Ann McAbee, is a freshman at than “break loose” and screech, tional Cotton Council. duced fibers almost doubled in scholarship from the company, Erskine College, Due West, S. C. which is the reason for the Bu-. In a recent report to the the past four years. the applicant must be a high The daughter of L. B. McAbee, tylaire’s quick-stopping ability, Council’s board of directors. Dr. school senior; the son or daugh­ assistant division manager of according to E. B. Hathaway, M. K. Horne said that two of ter of an employee who will cotton, and Mrs. McAbee, Betty vice president of sales. the moves which have been have completed five years of Ann aspires to a career in ele­ A special tread design is an­ made are to check inroads of continuous service with the com- mentary school education. other factor that adds to the competition from imported cot- DECEMBER, 1960 PAGE 3

Ever since that first Christmas Eve played other brass instruments. members of The Salvation Army who when angels bent close to earth to “touch When they joined the Salvationist as work at regular trades or professions and their of gold”, music has been a protectors, they brought along their horns pursue their “ministry through music” in traditional part of the pageantry sur­ and accompanied the hymn singing—and spare time. Many are so accomplished that Tambourine, rounding the birthday of Christ. the first Army was born. they make recordings, appear on radio At this time of year, shoppers hurry­ Founder Booth Wanted Music and TV programs, and perform in con­ ing from store to store hear above the In those days as today, brass band cert. noise and din of traffic the strains of fa­ music was popular in Great Britain, es­ As Salvation Army bands pass down miliar carols. pecially with the middle-class people. It is Main Street or along cobbled alleys of The sounds of gladness come from no wonder that the evangelists, trying to the slums, they carry a message of joy blue-coated men and women—The Salva­ reach the laboring class in the slums, and hope, through marches and familiar and tion Army—collecting money-gifts in red should adopt the brass band. hymns. kettles on behalf of the needy. Salvationist founder Gen. William “Could you love the unloved in the It Goes Where The Need Is Booth saw the value of music in attract­ spirit of the Lord?” ask the words of To all corners of the community The ing people to outdoor meetings, so had Meredith Wilson’s “Music Man”. “That’s Big Salvation Army seeks to bring joy to his followers learn to play instruments. the creed of an Army, a God-fearing people—the sick, the distressed, and es­ Formation of local Salvation Army bands Army, marching with trumpet and . pecially the children. With the giving to grew out of this practice. With banners and bonnets, they come!” heal human hearts and lift earth’s bur­ The big was not at first Bass dens, goes also the music of joy. among the Salvation Army's musical To reach the community, you find The equipment. But as soon as the group Salvation Army in hospital wards where learned how the bass drum’s booming bonneted women hand out packages and could enliven outdoor meetings and in­ Drum greetings; in homes for the aged, in spire singing, it seldom was absent from prisons, and at Salvation Army parties. the band. And always the music awakens memories A drawing of the Biblical Miriam hold­ of Christmases past and kindles the spirit ing a or tambourine is thought to of the Christ Child’s birthday. have inspired the early Salvation Army This article on The Salvation Band music is perhaps most often as­ to add tambourines to its bands. One ac­ Army begins a series dealing sociated with the Christmas season. count has it that their first appearance on with the agencies which share But the band music is an important part the street “filled the devil with disgust in the Greater Gastonia United of The Salvation Army’s year-round pro­ and the newspapers with comment.” Fund. During 1961, The Salva­ gram of seeking to meet human need and Lassies With Tambourines tion Army in Gastonia will re­ extending God’s kingdom on earth. The tambourine, jingling along with ceive $26,339 from the UP. The The first Salvationist band was formed the hymn singing, also served as an offer­ United Fund allocation and the in 1878—by accident. A young captain ing plate. Salvation Army parades and Christmas Cheer collections on stationed in Salisbury, England was bruis­ marches are usually led by brigades of the street are the two main ed and beaten by mobs when he tried to lassies swinging tambourines decorated sources of funds with which the preach on the street. Help arrived when with gay red, blue and yellow streamers. Salvation Army carries on its a burly builder and his three sons of­ Today there are 50,000 trained Salva­ humanitarian and spiritual work fered themselves as bodyguards. The tion Army band members around the in our community. builder played the cornet and his sons globe. Some are officers, but most are