Alexandria, Ont
• Might sound like a little ■0 The election pot could :scarcely be boiling, over a bull, that strange calf found in a stable — if you didn’t ^weekend when we had frost arry New know K. C. MacLeod. ■-and Wintermeyer. ONE OF CANADA’S A W A R D - WI N NI N O WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS yOL. LXVIII — No. 21 # ^* » ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1969 SINGLE COPY 7o Mrs. I. McCormick Lost Finger To Inartintowii School Girl Power Mower Succumbs To Omer Quesnel, Green l/ialley, suf- fered a painful experience last Fatally Injured By Car Lengthy Illness Sat-urday evening, when a new power lawn mower amputated one Sharon Edna Sansom, 9, of Març- McDonald of Alexandria. Many friends in Cornwall and of the fingers on his right hand. tintown, died in Cornwall General Constable E. E. Foreman of Lan- throughout Glengarry ■will learn Hospital, Tuesday afternoon, after caster OPP detachment investigat- with real regret of the death, early being struck by a car that morning ed, and we understand no blame this morning, of Mrs. Ian MoCor- as she was leaving her home to is attached to the driver. miok, the former Elaine MacDon- Couple 57 attend school. She was a daughter ald. Her death, in Hotel Dieu, of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. San- The chUd ■was rushed to Corn- Cornwall, ended a tragic two-year Years Wed som, who reside one-half mile east wall General Hospital, where she of the ■village. was attended by Dr. A. MoLeod. fight against cancer which had Both native Glengarrians, Mr.
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