PAGE 8THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, April 24,2002 FOR 146 YEARS. OUR FIRST CONCERN HAS BEEN OUR COMMUNITY Publisher - Tim Whittaker Produced by Melroland Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd. Editor-in-Chief - Joanne Burghardt ®Ije Cattabtait Statesman Also Publishers of CLARINGTON THIS WEEK Managing Editor - Chris Bovic Former Publishers and Partners P.O. Box 4SI, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, Ontario LIH 7L5 Regional Editor - Judi Bobbitt Rev. John M. Climie and W.R. Çlimie 1854-1878 TEL: 905-579-4400 FAX: 905-579-2238 Advertising Manager - Fred Eismont M.A. James 1878-1935 • Norman S.B. James 1919-1929 E-mail:
[email protected] Circulation Manager - Kirk Bailey G. Elena James. 1929-1947 • Dr. George W. James 1919-1957 Publications Mail Registration No. 07637 Composing Manager - Bari) Harrison John M. James. 1957-1999 DROP OFFICE: James Publishing, 66 King St. W., Office Manager - Lillian Hook Bowmanvillc, 8:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays EDITORIAL v-innil letters toncwsnMmfif ( Martin New government Derbyshire Stu ff Writer tries new tactics nulcrhyshircft tlttrhamrc^ion. com A gentle wind blows Give up on out of Queen ’s Park unwinnable The election of Ernie Eves as leader and a new cabi net team has allowed the Tories a chance to rethink and war fine-tune some plans and programs leading up to an elec tion expected in 2003. These include a longer look at the Forty-seven pot labs busted in just privatization of Hydro One, necessitated by a court rul the first four months of 2002. ing preventing its sale; some extra money in the treasury At an average of 1,000 plants due to solid economic performance; and a decision by worth $300,000, that ’s more than $14 new Education Minister Elizabeth Witmer to make this million of marijuana taken off the year ’s mandatory test of new teachers a practice run in streets by the Durham Regional Police stead of the real thing.