THE LEVANT AND EUROPE: SHIPPING AND TRADE Networks of People and Knowledge The Levantine Heritage Foundation 2nd International Conference | London | 2-4.11.2016 PROGRAMME & PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Follow us at #LevantineHF
[email protected] Cover image View of Constantinople, Konstantinos Kaldis, 1851 The Levantine Heritage Foundation Advancing research, preservation and education in the heritage, arts and culture of communities in the Levant region The Levantine Heritage Foundation, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ, UK The Levantine Heritage Foundation is a non-profit association with a constitution pre- pared and adopted according to the guidelines of The Charity Commission for England and Wales. Trustees: Quentin Compton-Bishop, Philip Mansel FRHS, Jonathan Beard, Axel Çorlu, Kalliopi Amygdalou, Zeynep Cebeci Suvari, Nuri Çolakoğlu. General Secretary: Craig Encer 2 Contents Welcome Note by the Chairman of 5 the LHF Organizers 7 Practical Information 11 LHF Travel Awards 11 Venues and Maps 13 Programme 17 Abstracts & Speakers’ Biographies 23 3 4 Welcome to the I would like to take the opportu- nity to revisit the objectives of the Second International Levantine Heritage Foundation LHF Conference (LHF). The LHF was set up in 2010 in London with the aims of promoting educa- tion and research in the history and cultural heritage of the Levantine communities, preserving that herit- Welcome to the second interna- age and making it accessible for tional conference organised by the future generations worldwide. Levantine Heritage Foundation. The definition of who should be The first three-day conference “The considered as “Levantines” is usu- Levantines: Commerce and Diplo- ally a subject of debate at such macy”, held in Istanbul in 2014, conferences.