Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Draft Local Green Space Assessment

July 2019

1.0 Introduction ...... 1 2.0 Parishes ...... 3 Parish: ...... 3 Settlement: Benenden ...... 3 Settlement: ...... 8 Settlement: East End ...... 11 Parish: ...... 13 Settlement: Bidborough ...... 13 Parish: and ...... 17 Settlement: Brenchley ...... 17 Settlement: Matfield ...... 20 Settlement: Petteridge ...... 24 Parish: Capel ...... 26 Settlement: ...... 26 Settlement: Whetsted ...... 29 Settlement: Tudeley ...... 31 Parish: Cranbrook and ...... 34 Settlement: Cranbrook ...... 34 Settlement: Sissinghurst ...... 48 Parish: ...... 53 Settlement: Frittenden ...... 53 Parish: ...... 56 Settlement: Goudhurst ...... 56 Settlement: ...... 61 Settlement: ...... 64 Parish: ...... 66 Settlement: Hawkhurst ...... 66 Parish: ...... 79 Settlement: Horsmonden ...... 79 Parish: ...... 83 Settlement: Lamberhurst ...... 83 Parish: ...... 87 Settlement: Paddock Wood ...... 87 Parish: ...... 100 Settlement: Pembury ...... 100 Parish: ...... 107 Settlement: Royal Tunbridge Wells ...... 107

Parish: ...... 118 Settlement: Rusthall ...... 118 Parish: Sandhurst ...... 122 Settlement: Sandhurst ...... 122 Parish: Southborough ...... 124 Settlement: Southborough ...... 124 Parish: ...... 130 Settlement: Speldhurst ...... 130 Settlement: ...... 135 Settlement: ...... 141 Settlement: Ashurst ...... 144 Appendix 1: List of Policies and Designations in Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s 2006 Local Plan (superseded by new Local Plan ...... 148 Appendix 2: Glossary ...... 151

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is currently producing a new Local Plan that will guide development from 2016 to 2036 in the borough. As part of this process, the Council will propose various green areas in the borough to be designated as Local Green Space that are demonstrably special to the local community. This designation, introduced by the Government's National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in March 2012, is a way to give a high level of protection to these green areas or open spaces against development (see the NPPF). 1.2 In both March 2017 and June 2018, a draft Local Green Space Designation Methodology document was distributed to parishes within the borough, detailing the methodology necessary to identifying, assessing and designating sites as Local Green Spaces. Planning officers have also consulted with various NDP groups on the proposed Local Green Spaces. Moreover, in June 2018, an original draft version of this Local Green Space Assessment document was also circulated. Since then, numerous sites in each parish have been identified as potential Local Green Spaces from a variety of sources and put forward for assessment by the Council based on the defined methodology. 1.3 Consequently, this document lists all the proposed Local Green Space sites across the borough, and assesses them against the methodology set out in the Local Green Space Designation Methodology July 2019 document. This document concludes which sites should be designated as Local Green Spaces in the new Local Plan. A schedule of proposed sites will be included as an Appendix to the new Local Plan. This assessment document also maps all proposed Local Green Space sites (whether proposed to be designated or not to be designated) by parish and/or settlement and all Local Green Space sites to be designated in the new Local Plan will also be available to view on the new Local Plan’s policy maps and interactive mapping webpage (please note: for maps representing boundaries for individual sites, it is recommended to view the interactive mapping webpage and/or the policy maps for the new Local Plan or contact the Planning Policy department at Tunbridge Wells Borough Council directly by phone or by email). On the interactive mapping webpage for the new Local Plan policies, it is envisaged that the IDs of sites listed within this document will be available upon clicking each Local Green Space site for ease of reference. 1.4 In accordance with the Local Green Space designation methodology, it should be noted that all identified and proposed areas with existing Common Land, Village/Town Green, Ancient Woodland, Local Nature Reserves and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) designations, as well as National Trust, Woodland Trust, and Forestry Commission owned sites, are considered by the Council as generally sufficiently protected from any potential development and therefore reduces the need for further designation as a Local Green Space; however, there may be exceptions owing to site-specific circumstances.

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1.5 In addition, the following key sites which are either Council-owned or Common Land are not to be designated as Local Green Space as they are well known and sufficiently protected: • Tunbridge Wells and Rusthall Common; • Southborough Common; • The Grove; • Grosvenor and Hilbert ; • Dunorlan Park; and • Calverley Grounds. 1.6 As per National Planning Guidance on Local Green Spaces, designation of sites for Local Green Space should not undermine or compromise development proposals and consequently the latter should take priority (see National Planning Guidance on Local Green Spaces). Many of the sites proposed for Local Green Space designation listed in this document were proposed for development in the new Local Plan. As a result of the site allocation work undertaken by planning officers, many of these sites have been ruled out for development with the consequence being that Local Green Space designation is considered suitable for these sites. For those that are to be allocated in the new Local Plan for development, Local Green Space designation has been ruled out. Those recommended for designation are indicated with a ‘✓’ and those not recommended for designation are indicated with a ‘’. Those sites that are labelled with the prefix “AS_x” are additional sites (AS) submitted by Parishes or NDP groups after informal consultations in June 2018 as aforementioned. 1.7 As part of the new Local Plan Regulation 18 public consultation, the Council will be seeking views on the proposed Local Green Space development management policy (found in the new Local Plan) as well as those sites proposed as Local Green Space, and the methodology used to select them, across the borough. Consequently, it is intended that opportunity to provide any questions, comments, and/or objections to any land being proposed for designation as Local Green Space will be during this consultation period via the new Local Plan consultation portal. This period will run from 20 September to 1 November 2019. If you are not yet registered to comment and/or receive updates on the new Local Plan timetable and consultation periods, the link to sign up to the consultation portal is as follows: https://consult.tunbridgewells.gov.uk/kse/

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2.0 Parishes

(For list of designations and policies (Local Plan version 2006), see Appendix 1 and Glossary)

Parish: Benenden

Settlement: Benenden

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

Allocated or – – –

– Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy R1 Review of and EN21 This area was not considered as it is Benenden 1 Landscape apply. VG. 1.23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ already sufficiently protected under other  Village Green Designations CA. LB. designations. AONB.

Policy EN15 This area is part of the historic village and Benenden Review of (LWS; is therefore of local historic value. This area 2 Historic Landscape partly), EN21 1.46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ is also of particular local significance Churchyard Designations (partly), and EN22 (partly) because of its richness of wildlife. apply.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

Allocated or – – –

– Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 PROW. LB. CA. AONB.

Policy R1 Benenden applies. This area is a recreational open space In-Office 3 Recreation PROW. CA 1.65 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ outside the village hall, used for informal ✓ Suggestion Ground (partly). recreation by the local community. AONB.

This area is used by the church school and church for community activities. It is used Glebe Field / In-Office PROW. 4 1.04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ for informal recreation by the local ✓ Playing Field Suggestion AONB. community. It is also adjacent to a conservation area.

This area is a large open space accessible by a public right of way. This area is AS_ Benenden PROW. Hilly Fields 1.9 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ privately owned but is used by the village ✓ 40 Parish Council AONB. for informal recreational activities (such as walking, dog walking, etc.).

Catholic This green space area around the Catholic AS_ Benenden Church AONB. 0.36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Church is generally used by visitors to the ✓ 41 Parish Council Grounds church and is of historical value.

AS_ Goddards Benenden PROW. This green space area is on the corner of 0.48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 44 Green Parish Council AONB. the junction for the Goddards Green area and hosts a number of veteran trees. This

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

Allocated or – – –

– Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 area also contributes to the character/setting of the settlement and is therefore suitable for Local Green Space designation.

This area includes a pond, surrounding trees and green space. This area AS_ New Pond Benenden CA (partly). 0.8 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ contributes to the character/setting of the ✓ 45 Corner Parish Council AONB. settlement and is therefore suitable for Local Green Space designation.

Policy EN11 This area was not considered as it is an (HPG) extensive tract of land. This area is also AS_ Benenden Benenden applies. AW partly already protected under other 21.31 ✓ ✓  ✓  46 School Park Parish Council (partly). designations. The remaining area is not PROW. considered demonstrably special to the AONB. local community.

This area is of local significance because of Policy EN11 its historical value. It is an informal (HPG; partly) shrubbery and woodland garden with a and EN22 AS_ The Grange Benenden notable Japanese cherry tree collection laid (partly) 5.32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 47 Grounds Parish Council out from 1919 by the horticulturalist, plant apply. CA collector and hybridist Collingwood Ingram (partly). TPO. (1880-1981) around a late C19 house (The AONB. Grange).

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

Allocated or – – –

– Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area contributes to the AS_ Benenden character/setting of the local settlement Cherryfields CA. AONB. 0.07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 50 Parish Council and is therefore suitable for Local Green Space designation.

Policy EN15 This area is a small green space owned by, (LWS; and adjacent to, the Church which marks partly), EN21 the access to the main footpath down to AS_ Benenden Beadles Platt (partly) and 0.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Iden Green and is therefore of local historic ✓ 51 Parish Council EN22 (partly) value. This area is also of particular local apply. CA. significance because of its richness of LB. AONB. wildlife.

This area is a field east of the new primary school and is host to the Millennium beacon. This area is also crossed by public AS_ Benenden PROW. rights of way and used for informal Beacon Field 0.84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 52 Parish Council AONB. recreational activities (e.g. walking, dog walking, etc.). This area also affords wide- reaching views and contributes to the character/setting of the local settlement.

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Figure 1: Benenden Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: Iden Green

Planning Extensive


– Allocated or

– Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Special?

– - Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is a recreational open space used for Iden Green Policy R1 In-Office informal community activities. This area is also an 5 Recreation applies. 1.07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Suggestion important central green space for the local Ground CA. AONB. community.

This area is a large mixed orchard that is jointly owned by several owners. This area is also often open to community events such as fruit picking (there are a number of mature standard apple trees and some half standard cherry trees) and community barbeques and is therefore demonstrably special to Standen the local community. There are also two public Street AW (partly). AS_4 Benenden 18.5 footpaths going through the orchard. In addition, Community PROW. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 8 Parish Council 4 there are numerous wildflowers growing on some Orchard AONB. parts of the orchard that are left to grow wild with (North) bramble thickets providing a scrub habitat important for nesting birds. Nest boxes have also been erected in some areas. Although this area is already partly identified as Ancient Woodland, the size of this designation is notably small in relation to the proposed Local Green Space area.

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Planning Extensive


– Allocated or

– Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Special?

– - Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Standen Street AS_4 Benenden There is insufficient evidence that this site meets the Community AONB. 2.86 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  9 Parish Council designation criteria. Orchard (South)

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets the AS_5 Jubilee Benenden designation criteria. It is considered that this area AONB. 0.07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  3 Plantation Parish Council would be better protected via a Tree Preservation Order.

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Figure 2: Iden Green Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: East End

Planning Extensive


– Allocated or

– Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Special?

– - Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is an open space formerly used as a cricket pitch. This area is accessible to the public and will increase in community significance as East End Policy experiences increased growth. This area is also of East End AS_4 Benenden EN15 local significance because of its richness of wildlife. Cricket 1.39 ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 Parish Council (LWS) This area contributes to the character/setting of the Pitch applies. settlement and is therefore appropriate for Local Green Space designation. This green space is to be incorporated within a site allocation policy in the new Local Plan.

Policy Beston EN15 AS_4 Benenden This area was not considered as it is not in close Farm (LWS) 1.88 ✓ ✓ ✓   3 Parish Council proximity to the community it serves. Pasture applies. LB. AONB.

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Figure 3: East End Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Bidborough

Settlement: Bidborough

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) erion 2 Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Crit Policy EN21 This area is part of the historic core of the Bidborough Review of (partly) and village. It is part of an area of archaeological 6 Historic Landscape EN15 (LWS) 0.42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ potential. This area is also of particular local Churchyard Designations apply. CA. significance because of its richness of wildlife. LB.

This area a recreational open space, used by the local community and primary school Policy R1 (especially on their sports day) for formal and Bidborough and EN22 informal activities. Tunbridge Wells Borough Recreation In-Office 7 (partly) 1.63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Council have also used this area for some ✓ Ground Suggestion apply. CA summer clubs which have been previously run. (North) (partly). This area is also managed by the Bidborough Sports Association on behalf of the Parish Council and village.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) erion 2 Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Crit Policy EN15 This area was not considered as it is already (LWS; partly) sufficiently protected under other designations In-Office applies. AW and is managed by the Birch Wood Association 8 Birch Wood 9.82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Suggestion (partly). GB. and funded by the Parish Council. PROW. LB. Note: a small part of this area also crosses into AONB. Southborough Parish.

Policy EN15 This area is of local significance because of its (LWS) richness in wildlife, including butterflies, plants, AS_6 Brookhurst Bidborough applies. 1.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ etc., and is managed to retain the flora and ✓ 9 Field Parish Council PROW. GB. fauna onsite for access by all parishioners for AONB. leisure and school.

This area is used by the local community for Bidborough formal and informal recreational activities. This AS_7 Recreation Bidborough GB. 0.21 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ area is also managed by the Bidborough Sports ✓ 0 Ground Parish Council Association on behalf of the Parish Council and (South) village.

Land This area was not considered as it is partly AW (partly). AS_7 Adjacent to Bidborough already protected under other designations. The A4D. GB. 4.72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  1 Bidborough Parish Council remaining area is not considered demonstrably AONB. Ridge special to the local community.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) erion 2 Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Crit Green Space AS_7 Adjacent to Bidborough There is insufficient evidence that this site meets GB. AONB. 3.88 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  3 Frank’s Parish Council the designation criteria. Hollow Road

This area is owned and managed by the Parish Council. The Parish Council maintains it by replacing flowers, shrubs, and hedging as and AS_7 Bidborough when it is necessary. Maintenance also ensures Alf’s Corner GB. AONB. 0.008 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4 Parish Council that the surfacing is safe and that the area is kept generally tidy for use by members of the parish. This area is considered a very small but well-loved area of seating for local parishioners.

This area is a very small grassed area owned and cared for/maintained by the Parish Council through frequent mowing, hedge trimming, etc., Green and is looked upon by the parishioners as a AS_7 Triangle on Bidborough CA. 0.03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ‘Village Green’. This area therefore contributes ✓ 5 the High Parish Council to the character/setting of the settlement. It is Street also close to the local school where the parents wait for their children. It has seating and is well used.

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Figure 4: Bidborough Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Brenchley and Matfield

Settlement: Brenchley

Planning Extensive n Space Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Gree Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN15 This area is of particular local historic Brenchley Review of (LWS) and significance. This area is also of particular 9 Historic Landscape EN22 (partly) 1.01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ local significance because of its richness of Churchyard Designations apply. CA. wildlife. LB. AONB.

This area of important open space is of particular local significance because of its Neighbourhood Policy EN21 Role & recreational value as well as contribution 10 Green, Church applies. 0.12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Function Study towards local visual amenity to local Close AONB. residents/the housing development surrounding the green space.

Brenchley Policy R1 This area is a recreational open space, used Role & 11 Memorial Hall applies. LB. 2.83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ by the local community for formal and informal ✓ Function Study Sports Ground AONB. activities.

Picnic Area / This picnic area is used by the local Role & 12 Viewpoint, 0.03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ community for informal recreational activities ✓ Function Study Crook Road and is a celebrated viewing area.

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Planning Extensive n Space Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Gree Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is used for formal and informal Castle Hill Role & 13 LB. AONB. 2.43 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ recreational use mainly by the local community ✓ Cricket Ground Function Study of Castle Hill, just east of Brenchley.

This area is a recreational open space used by Market Heath Policy R1 Role & the local community, and also by the 14 Recreation applies. 0.54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Function Study Discoveries Montessori Nursery School, for Ground AONB. informal community activities.

Jack Verrall Role & CA. LB. This area is of particular local historic 15 Memorial 0.03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Function Study AONB. significance. Garden

Brenchley and AS_2 Brenchley War CA. LB. This area is of particular local historic Matfield Parish 0.07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 8 Memorial AONB. significance. Council

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Figure 5: Brenchley Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: Matfield

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Historic Review of Policy EN22 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 16 Matfield Landscape applies. CA. 0.02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Place Designations LB. AONB.

Policy R1 (partly), EN21, Matfield Role & and EN22 This area was not considered as it is already 17 Village 1.82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Function Study (partly) apply. sufficiently protected under other designations. Green CA. VG. CL. AONB.

Green Strip Review of CA. Policy There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 18 with Village Landscape EN21 applies. 0.01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Sign Designations AONB.

Land off There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Role & 19 Brenchley AONB. 2.84 ✓  ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is to be an allocated  Function Study Road site in the new Local Plan.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area has got a public right of way running along the boundary which is used for informal recreational activities (e.g. walking/dog walking, etc.). This area is considered a special amenity Woodland which may potentially become a protected species Role & PROW. 20 to North of 4.3 ✓  ✓ ✓ habitat. It is an extension of the ecological ✓ Function Study AONB. Wish Court mitigation zone defined by Rydon Homes Limited as part of its successful planning application 17/01142. This green space is to be incorporated within a site allocation policy in the new Local Plan.

Land to There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Rear of Role & 21 AONB. 2.36 ✓  ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is to be an allocated  Matfield Function Study site in the new Local Plan. Village Hall

Land to There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Rear of Role & 22 LB. AONB. 1.96 ✓  ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is to be an allocated  Matfield Function Study site in the new Local Plan. House

Matfield Brenchley and AS_2 War Matfield Parish LB. AONB. 0.04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ This area is of particular local historic significance. ✓ 7 Memorial Council

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN15 Brenchley and (LWS; partly) AS_2 Cinderhill 17.0 This area was not considered as it is already Matfield Parish applies. AW ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  9 Woods 4 sufficiently protected under other designations. Council (partly). AONB.

Cinderhill Brenchley and There is insufficient evidence that this site meets AS_3 Woods AW (partly). Matfield Parish 0.77 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is partly already  0 Football AONB. Council protected under other designations. Pitch

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Figure 6: Matfield Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: Petteridge


Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximi

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Porters Wood Role & This area is used by the local community for 23 AONB. 0.58 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Playing Field, Function Study informal recreational activities. Petteridge

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Figure 7: Petteridge Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Capel

Settlement: Five Oak Green

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2

Green Area Review of Policy EN21 This area was not considered as it is already 24 with Village Landscape 0.03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  applies. VG. sufficiently protected under other designations. Sign Designations

Five Oak This area is used by the local community for In-Office 25 Green GB. 1.33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ informal recreational activities (gardening) and is ✓ Suggestion Allotments central to the village.

Five Oak Policy R1 This area is a recreational open space that is used Green In-Office 26 (partly) 4.29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ by the local community for informal recreational ✓ Recreation Suggestion applies. GB. activities. Ground

This area is an important green space that Five Oak Policy EN21 contributes to the local visual amenity of the AS_5 Capel Parish Green Road (partly) 0.09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ townscape and character/setting of the settlement ✓ 6 Council Green Space applies. and is therefore suitable for Local Green Space designation.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is of particular local significance because of its historical value. This area is home to a typical medieval Wealden Church which is retired and run by the Church Conservation Trust and local volunteers. The church has 13th century wall paintings and Knights Hospitallers had an St Thomas à AS_5 Capel Parish PROW. LB. involvement with the church. Thomas Becket was Becket 0.92 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 7 Council GB. also meant to have preached here. There are also Church shows, talks, music and art festivals as well as beacon lighting on and adjacent to the site to mark special occasions and are put on for the whole community. The churchyard is a very tranquil area and many people use it to sit in peace and admire the views.

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Figure 8: Five Oak Green Local Green Space Map

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Settlement: Whetsted

Site Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Paddock Whetsted AW (partly). the designation criteria, is already sufficiently 27 Wood Town 6.28 ✓  ✓ ✓  Wood GB. protected under other designations, and is to be an Council allocated site in the new Local Plan.

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Figure 9: Whetsted Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: Tudeley

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is of particular local significance because of its historical value. This area is home to a typical Wealden Church and is mentioned in the Domesday Book. It is also the only church in the AS_5 All Saints Capel Parish GB. LB. world to have all of its windows decorated by Marc 0.44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 8 Church Council PROW. Chagall. The churchyard is a very tranquil area and many people use it to sit in peace and admire the surrounding views. There are also approximately 30,000 visitors a year to this site, half of which are from overseas.

AS_5 Water Capel Parish 0.00 This area is of particular local significance because GB. LB. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 9 Fountain Council 4 of its historical value.

Private AS_6 Capel Parish This area is of particular local significance because Burial GB. LB. 0.13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 0 Council of its historical value. Ground

This area is home to trees of over 80 years old and AS_6 Ancient Capel Parish is therefore of local historical significance. The area GB. 0.39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4 Orchard Council is also a wildlife haven as the orchard is not actively picked.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 AS_6 Tudeley Capel Parish This area is used by the local community for PROW. GB. 1.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5 Allotments Council informal recreational activities (i.e. gardening).

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Figure 10: Tudeley Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Cranbrook and Sissinghurst

Settlement: Cranbrook

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN15 Cranbrook & This area was not considered as it is already (LWS) applies. 28 Angley Wood Sissinghurst 58.33 ✓ ✓  ✓ sufficiently protected under other designations  PROW. AW. Parish Council and is an extensive tract of land. AONB.

Policy EN11 This area was not considered as it is already Cranbrook & (HPG; partly) sufficiently protected under other designations, 29 Brewers Wood Sissinghurst 55.38 ✓ ✓    applies. AW is an extensive tract of land, and is not in close Parish Council (partly). proximity to the community it serves.

Policy EN11 (HPG; partly) and EN15 Cranbrook & This area was not considered as it is already Burnt Bank (LWS; partly) 30 Sissinghurst 77.23 ✓ ✓  ✓ sufficiently protected under other designations  Wood applies. Parish Council and is an extensive tract of land. PROW. AW (partly). AONB.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area was not considered as it is already Policy EN15 Cranbrook & sufficiently protected under other designations Chittenden (LWS) applies. 31 Sissinghurst 89.29 ✓ ✓   and owned and managed by the Forestry  Wood PROW. AW. Parish Council Commission, is an extensive tract of land, and is AONB. not in close proximity to the community it serves.

This area was not considered as it is already Policy EN15 sufficiently protected under other designations (LWS; partly) Cranbrook & and owned and managed by the Forestry Farningham applies. 32 Sissinghurst 44.29 ✓ ✓   Commission, is an extensive tract of land, and is  Wood PROW. AW Parish Council not in close proximity to the community it serves. (partly). FC. AONB. Note: approximately half of this area also crosses into Benenden Parish.

Policy EN11 (HPG; partly) This area was not considered as it is already Cranbrook & and EN15 sufficiently protected under other designations 33 Hilly Wood Sissinghurst 16.99 ✓ ✓ ✓   (LWS; partly) and is not in close proximity to the community it Parish Council apply. PROW. serves. AW (partly).

Policy EN21 Cranbrook & The Horse (partly) This area is an important open space that is of 34 Sissinghurst 0.08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pond applies. CA. particular local historic significance. Parish Council AONB.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN21 (partly) and Cranbrook & St. Dunstan’s EN22 (partly) This area is an important open space that is of 35 Sissinghurst 1.37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Churchyard apply. PROW. particular local historic significance. Parish Council CA. LB. AONB.

Policy EN21 This area is part of a school’s private playing Rammell Cranbrook & and EN22 fields. Although there is no official public access 36 Playing Field, Sissinghurst (partly) apply. 1.7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ to the site, this green area is visually prominent ✓ Bakers Cross Parish Council CA (partly). to the local community and contributes to the AONB. character/setting of the settlement.

Cranbrook & There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 37 Scott Field Sissinghurst AONB. 2.97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Parish Council

Cornwallis Playing Field Cranbrook & There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 38 (East of Sissinghurst AONB. 1.97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Waterloo Parish Council Road)

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is a recreational open space, used by Policy R1 Cranbrook & the local community for formal and informal Cranbrook Ball applies. 39 Sissinghurst 3.15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ activities. This area is also of local historical ✓ Field PROW. Parish Council significance (referenced in historical texts and AONB. artworks over centuries).

This area is part of a school’s private playing fields and there does not appear to be any official public access. However, this area is Big Side Cranbrook & visually prominent to the local community and 40 Playing Field, Sissinghurst AONB. 4.38 ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓ contributes to the character/setting of the Quaker Lane Parish Council settlement. This green space is to be incorporated within a site allocation policy in the new Local Plan.

This area is a recreational open space used Policy R1 Cranbrook & privately by the local cricket and rugby clubs for applies. CA 41 Tomlin Ground Sissinghurst 4.33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ formal recreational activities and is therefore ✓ (partly). Parish Council demonstrably special to the local community AONB. despite having restricted public access.

Cranbrook & Frythe Estate This area is used by the local community for 42 Sissinghurst AONB. 0.4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Allotments informal recreational activities (gardening). Parish Council

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Oatfield Drive Cranbrook & This area is used by the local community for 43a Allotments Site Sissinghurst AONB. 0.78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ informal recreational activities (gardening). A Parish Council

Oatfield Drive Cranbrook & This area was not considered as it is to be an 43b Allotments Site Sissinghurst AONB. 0.27 ✓  ✓ ✓  allocated site in the new Local Plan. B Parish Council

Cranbrook & This area was not considered as it is to be an 44 Jaegers Field Sissinghurst AONB. 2.75 ✓  ✓ ✓  allocated site in the new Local Plan. Parish Council

Turner Avenue Policy R1 This area is a recreational open space, used by In-Office 45 Recreation applies. 0.71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the local community for informal recreational ✓ Suggestion Ground AONB. activities.

Cranbrook & Policy EN11 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 46 Angley Lake Sissinghurst (HPG) applies. 2.56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Parish Council AONB.

Cranbrook & Bakers Cross There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 47 Sissinghurst AONB. 0.26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Pond the designation criteria. Parish Council

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Cranbrook & the designation criteria, is already sufficiently Bedgebury AW (partly). 48 Sissinghurst 3.57 ✓ ✓ ✓  protected under other designations and is  Forest (part) FC. AONB. Parish Council owned by the Forestry Commission, and is not in close proximity to the community it serves.

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Cranbrook & Blackbush the designation criteria, is already sufficiently 49 Sissinghurst AW. AONB. 15.36 ✓ ✓ ✓   Wood protected under other designations, and is not in Parish Council close proximity to the community it serves.

Cranbrook & Buckhurst PROW. There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 50 Sissinghurst 16.68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Farm Wood AONB. the designation criteria. Parish Council

Cranbrook & This area was not considered as it is partly Comforts AW (partly). 51 Sissinghurst 14.46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ already protected under other designations and  Wood WT. AONB. Parish Council is owned by the Woodland Trust.

Community Cranbrook & This community orchard is used by the local 52 Orchard, Sissinghurst CA. AONB. 0.18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ community for informal recreational purposes ✓ Wilsley Green Parish Council and is appreciated by many local residents.

Policy EN15 Cranbrook & (LWS) applies. This area was not considered as it is already 53 Cooks Wood Sissinghurst 13.56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  AW (partly). sufficiently protected under other designations. Parish Council AONB.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN14 This area was not considered as it is already (SSSI; partly) sufficiently protected under other designations. Cranbrook & Cranbrook applies. 54 Sissinghurst 13.93 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Wood PROW. AW Parish Council (partly). Note: this area also partly crosses into AONB. Hawkhurst Parish.

This area is of particular local significance because of its richness of wildlife and visual amenity. This area is also of local historical significance (remains of old iron/fulling ponds Policy R1 and watermills sites on-site). However, although (partly), R4 this area is already partly identified as Ancient (partly), and Woodland and as a Local Nature Reserve, this Cranbrook & EN15 area is particularly special to the local 55 Crane Valley Sissinghurst (LNR/SLNCV; 14.99 ✓  ✓ ✓ community because it acts as an important ✓ Parish Council partly) apply. green corridor going through the built LB. PROW. development of Cranbrook. Furthermore, AW (partly). although this area is also partly allocated for AONB. development in the Allocations DPD as well as in the new Local Plan, this area will form part of the non-developable area of the allocated site or in other areas that are proposed for development.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Cranbrook & There is insufficient evidence that this site meets PROW. AW 56 Dunley Wood Sissinghurst 10.48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is already sufficiently  (partly). Parish Council protected under other designations.

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Cranbrook & Foxridge the designation criteria, is already sufficiently 57 Sissinghurst AW (partly). 21.48 ✓ ✓ ✓   Wood protected under other designations, and is not in Parish Council close proximity to the community it serves.

Cranbrook & Golford This area is of particular local historic 58 Sissinghurst AONB. 1.64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Cemetery significance. Parish Council

Policy EN15 This area was not considered as it is partly Cranbrook & (LWS) applies. already protected under other designations. The Gravel Pit 59 Sissinghurst PROW. AW 18.67 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ remaining area is not considered demonstrably  Wood Parish Council (partly). special to the local community. It is also part AONB. of/adjacent to an extensive tract of land.

Cranbrook & This area was not considered as it is not in close 60 Lake Chad Sissinghurst AONB. 1.19 ✓ ✓ ✓   proximity to the community it serves. Parish Council

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN11 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Cranbrook & (HPG; partly) the designation criteria, is already sufficiently 61 Pond Wood Sissinghurst applies. 18.44 ✓ ✓ ✓   protected under other designations, and is not in Parish Council PROW. AW close proximity to the community it serves. (partly).

Cranbrook & This area was not considered as it is not in close 62 Roman Road Sissinghurst 1.32 ✓ ✓ ✓   proximity to the community it serves. Parish Council

This area was not considered as it is already sufficiently protected under other designations Cranbrook & Policy EN15 and is not in close proximity to the community it 63 Copden Wood Sissinghurst (LWS) applies. 8.72 ✓ ✓ ✓  serves.  Parish Council PROW. AW. Note: a part of this area also crosses into Ashford Borough, and is therefore not suitable for Local Green Space designation.

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Cranbrook & Saunders the designation criteria, is already sufficiently 64 Sissinghurst AW. 7.32 ✓ ✓ ✓   Wood protected under other designations, and is not in Parish Council close proximity to the community it serves.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN14 Cranbrook & (SSSI; partly) SSSI Robins This area was not considered as it is already 65 Sissinghurst applies. AW 19.74 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Wood sufficiently protected under other designations. Parish Council (partly). AONB.

This green field area is used for informal recreational community activities. This area is Cranbrook & also of local significance because of its richness PROW. 66 The Long Field Sissinghurst 0.62 ✓  ✓ ✓ of wildlife (named a priority habitat/grassland of ✓ AONB. Parish Council importance in the KCC Habitat Survey, 2012). This green space is to be incorporated within a site allocation policy in the new Local Plan.

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets the designation criteria, is already sufficiently Policy EN15 Cranbrook & protected under other designations, and is not in Milestone (LWS; partly) 67 Sissinghurst 8.17 ✓ ✓ ✓  close proximity to the community it serves.  Wood applies. Parish Council PROW. AW. Note: a part of this area also crosses into Ashford Borough, and therefore is not suitable for Local Green Space designation.

This area is used by School for Cranbrook & Colliers Green informal recreational activities. There is public 68 Sissinghurst PROW. 0.84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ School Field access to the site and the site is visually Parish Council prominent to the local community.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This Roadside Nature Reserve is of particular The Copse Cranbrook & local significance because of its wildlife value 69 Nature Sissinghurst RNR. AONB. 0.08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ and is therefore suitable for Local Green Space Reserve Parish Council designation.

Cranbrook Cranbrook & There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 70 Primary Sissinghurst AONB. 0.84 ✓  ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is to be an allocated  School Field Parish Council site in the new Local Plan.

Cranbrook & Policy EN21 Cranbrook This pond contributes to the local visual amenity 71 Sissinghurst applies. CA. 0.03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ School Pond of the settlement. Parish Council AONB.

Dulwich Cranbrook & College PROW. There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 72 Sissinghurst 11.46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Preparatory AONB. the designation criteria. Parish Council School Fields

High Weald Cranbrook & There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 73 Academy Sissinghurst AONB. 0.56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Farm Parish Council

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ermission? Proposed? Site NumberSite P Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area comprises a school’s private playing fields and there is no official public access to the Cranbrook & site. Despite this, this green area is visually High Weald 74 Sissinghurst AONB. 2.12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ prominent to the local community and ✓ Academy Field Parish Council contributes to the character/setting of the settlement. This area is therefore suitable for Local Green Space designation.

Cranbrook & This area is of particular local significance Quaker Burial 75 Sissinghurst CA. AONB. 0.15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ because of its richness of wildlife and historical ✓ Ground Parish Council value.

Although small, this area, comprising of a large St. Dunstan’s Cranbrook & Turkey Oak tree, is of particular local 76 Churchyard Sissinghurst CA. AONB. 0.001 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ significance because of its contribution to the ✓ Turkey Oak Parish Council local visual amenity of the settlement as well as its historical value.

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Figure 11: Cranbrook (Central Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Figure 12: Cranbrook (Wide Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: Sissinghurst

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Sissinghurst This area is of particular local significance to Cranbrook & Primary the local community, namely the Sissinghurst 77 Sissinghurst PROW. 0.56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ School Nature Primary School, because of its recreational Parish Council Reserve and wildlife value.

Policy EN11 (HPG; partly) This area was not considered as it is already Cranbrook & Roundshill and EN15 sufficiently protected under other 78 Sissinghurst 53.23 ✓ ✓  ✓  Park Wood (LWS; partly) designations, is owned by the National Trust, Parish Council apply. AW and is an extensive tract of land. (partly). NT.

Policy R1 Cranbrook & This area is an open recreational space, King George V (partly) 79 Sissinghurst 3.89 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ used for formal and informal community ✓ Field applies. Parish Council activities. PROW.

Jubilee Field Cranbrook & Policy R1 This area is an open recreational space, 80 Recreation Sissinghurst 0.78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ applies. CA. used for informal community activities. Ground Parish Council

Cranbrook & Sissinghurst This area is of particular local historic 81 Sissinghurst CA. 0.63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Burial Ground significance. Parish Council

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Sissinghurst Cranbrook & Policy EN11 This area was not considered as it is owned 82 Castle Sissinghurst (HPG) applies. 0.65 ✓ ✓ ✓  by the National Trust and is not in close  Gardens Parish Council NT. proximity to the community it serves.

There is insufficient evidence that this site SSSI Cranbrook & Policy EN14 meets the designation criteria and is already 83 Sissinghurst Sissinghurst (SSSI) applies. 5.9 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  sufficiently protected under other Park Wood Parish Council AW. designations.

Cranbrook & Green at There is insufficient evidence that this site 84 Sissinghurst 0.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Broadview meets the designation criteria. Parish Council

This area is used for informal recreational Cranbrook & Green at Policy EN21 activities by the surrounding housing 85 Sissinghurst 0.16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Hovendens applies. development and contributes to the local Parish Council visual amenity.

Green at Cranbrook & There is insufficient evidence that this site 86 Milkhouse Sissinghurst 0.02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  meets the designation criteria. Cottages Parish Council

Cranbrook & This green space area contributes to the Green at 87 Sissinghurst 0.11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ character/setting and local visual amenity of ✓ Cleavers Parish Council the surrounding housing development.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Green Space near There is insufficient evidence that this site In-Office CA. AONB 88 Sissinghurst, 0.25 ✓ ✓ ✓  meets the designation criteria and is not in  Suggestion (partly). Goudhurst close proximity to the community it serves. Road

Sissinghurst Cranbrook & There is insufficient evidence that this site 89 Primary Sissinghurst 0.63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  meets the designation criteria. School Field Parish Council

Bull Wood, Policy EN15 Cranbrook & This area was not considered as it is already Birches Wood, (LWS; partly) 90 Sissinghurst 10.18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ sufficiently protected under other  and Spencer’s applies. AW Parish Council designations. Shaw (partly)

Common Cranbrook & Policy EN22 There is insufficient evidence that this site 91 Road Green Sissinghurst 0.04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  applies. meets the designation criteria. Space Parish Council

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Figure 13: Sissinghurst (Central Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Figure 14: Sissinghurst (Wide Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Frittenden

Settlement: Frittenden

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN15 Frittenden (SLNCV; This area is an important open space that is of Historic Review of partly) and particular local historic significance. This area is 92 Churchyard, Landscape EN21 (partly) 0.59 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ also of particular local significance because of its St. Mary’s Designations apply. richness of wildlife. Church PROW. CA. LB.

Review of Policy EN21 Frittenden This area is an important open space used for 93 Landscapes applies. 0.19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Playground informal community activities. Designations PROW. CA.

Frittenden In-Office Policy R1 This area is a recreational open space used for 94 Recreation 1.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Suggestion applies. informal community activities. Ground

Frittenden Policy EN15 This area is of particular local historic significance. In-Office 95 Cemetery, (LWS) 0.4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ This area is also of particular local significance ✓ Suggestion Mill Lane applies. CA. because of its richness of wildlife.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Land to the Frittenden AS_7 rear of There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Parish 0.29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  7 Frittenden the designation criteria. Council Cemetery

Land on the Corner of Mill Frittenden AS_7 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Lane and Parish CA. 0.89 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  8 the designation criteria. Headcorn Council Road

Land at Frittenden AS_7 Pound Hill There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Parish 1.73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  9 Biddenden the designation criteria. Council Road

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Figure 15: Frittenden Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Goudhurst

Settlement: Goudhurst

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Number Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site Site Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN21 Review of Goudhurst (partly) This area was not considered as it is already 96 Landscape 0.14 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Village Pond applies. VG. sufficiently protected under other designations. Designations CA. AONB.

Policy EN15 Goudhurst (LWS) and This area of important open space is of Review of Historic EN21 (partly) particular local historic significance. This area 97 Landscape 0.71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Churchyard, apply. is also of particular local significance because Designations Church Road PROW. CA. of its richness of wildlife. LB. AONB.

In-Office VG. CA. This area was not considered as it is already 98 Glebe Field 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Suggestion AONB. sufficiently protected under other designations.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Number Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site Site Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area was formerly used as a cricket pitch for a number of years; however, the pavilion has since burnt down and now the land is scrubbing over. This area has a well used Policy R1 footpath through the site and is used as a The Old Cricket In-Office applies. route to school and for dog walking. It was last 99 0.85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pitch Suggestion PROW. CA. set out with a cricket square in around 2000. It LB. AONB. appears to also have historically been pasture and was associated with a windmill on the southern boundary in the late 1800s and is therefore of local significance because of its historical value.

Policy EN15 This area is of particular local historic (LWS), EN26 significance and plays an important role in the Goudhurst In-Office 100 and EN27 0.83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ setting of the settlement. This area is also of ✓ Cemetery Suggestion apply. CA. local significance because of its richness of AONB. wildlife.

Goudhurst This area is used for informal recreational Green Field In-Office PROW. activities, and is crossed by public rights of 101 2.93 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (West of North Suggestion AONB. way. It plays an important role in the setting of Road) the village.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Number Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site Site Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is private agricultural land with public Goudhurst access, and is bounded by two public rights of Green Field In-Office PROW. CA. way and the highway, providing a variety 102 1.05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (North of Church Suggestion AONB. of views across the site. It forms part of the Road) setting of the settlement and is part of a locally attractive ‘gap’ in built development.

This village green area forms part of the Tattlebury In-Office 103 CA. AONB. 0.15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ setting of the settlement and is part of a locally ✓ Triangle Suggestion attractive ‘gap’ in built development.

Informal Green This area is an informal green space adjacent Space Between to a steep public right of way that provides AS_1 Goudhurst Mary Day’s and AONB. 0.02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ access into the village. There is a bench and it ✓ 6 Parish Council Balcombes offers spectacular views over the surrounding Lane countryside.

Informal Green This area is a locally important informal green AS_1 Space Adjacent Goudhurst AONB. 0.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ space with long-reaching views to the open ✓ 7 to Bankfield Parish Council countryside. Way

Informal Green This area is a locally important informal green AS_1 Goudhurst PROW. Space Adjacent 0.11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ space that is part of an attractive pedestrian ✓ 8 Parish Council AONB. to Culpepers access route through development.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Number Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site Site Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is an open recreational green space Recreation used for informal community activities. It is Policy R1 AS_1 Ground (Hilliers Goudhurst important to the local community as it is the applies. 0.47 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 9 Ground), Parish Council only reasonably accessible public space for AONB. Lurkins Rise ball games. This area also has long-reaching views to the open countryside.

Green Space This area is a locally important informal green AS_2 Goudhurst Adjacent to AONB. 0.07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ space with a mature oak tree and long- ✓ 0 Parish Council Lurkins Rise reaching views to the open countryside.

AS_2 Lord Greaves Goudhurst PROW. There is insufficient evidence that this site 3.42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  1 Field Parish Council AONB. meets the designation criteria.

This area is used for informal recreational activities such as dog walking. This area has AS_2 Lower Glebe Goudhurst CA. PROW. 1.75 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ public access with two public right of ways ✓ 2 Field Parish Council AONB. going through the site. This area also has long- reaching views to the open countryside.

Playground AS_2 Goudhurst This area is used by the local community for Adjacent to AONB. 0.04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 Parish Council informal recreational activities. Back Lane

Policy R1 AS_2 Goudhurst There is insufficient evidence that this site Chequer Field applies. 1.29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  4 Parish Council meets the designation criteria. AONB.

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Figure 16: Goudhurst Local Green Space Map

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Settlement: Kilndown

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN15 Review of (SLNCV) and Kilndown This area is of particular local significance 104 Landscape EN22 (partly) 0.37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pond because of its richness of wildlife. Designations apply. CA. AONB.

Policy EN15 (SLNCV), This area is an important open space that is of Review of EN21 (partly) Kilndown particular local historic significance. This area is 105 Landscape and EN22 0.38 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Churchyard also of particular local significance because of its Designations (partly) apply. richness of wildlife. PROW. CA. LB. AONB.

This area is a recreational open space used for informal community activities. The adjacent town Policy R1 Millennium In-Office hall is used extensively by the local community for 106 applies. 0.53 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Green Suggestion public and private events with many bookings AONB. spilling out onto the green space. Events include film nights, wedding receptions, pilates etc.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is a well used cricket pitch but the pavilion is also well used by the local community Policy R1 The Cricket In-Office for public and private events with many bookings 107 applies. LB. 1.29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pitch Suggestion spilling out onto the green space. Events/users AONB. include the community choir, birthday parties and wedding receptions.

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Figure 17: Kilndown Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: Curtisden Green

ocated or Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– All –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is used by the local community for informal recreational activities. This area is also of local historic significance, having been previously called the Cricket Meadow back into the 19th Century, and has been continuously used since AS_ The Firs Goudhurst for walking dogs, families and children playing 2.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1 Pitch Parish Council football, cricket, picnics, etc. This area is an important central open space that makes a positive and significant contribution to the local landscape character. This area also has panoramic views to the south and south east looking onto the AONB.

Field to the AS_ Goudhurst There is insufficient evidence that this site meets South of the 1.84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  2 Parish Council the designation criteria. Firs Pitch

This small green area contributes to the Green character/setting of the settlement. It has been AS_ Triangle Area Goudhurst planted with ornamental plants and a bench has 0.01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 by Curfew Parish Council been placed on it that is frequently used by locals Cottage and passing cyclists. It has been cared for buy a number of residents for many years.

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Figure 18: Curtisden Green Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Hawkhurst

Settlement: Hawkhurst

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is of particular local significance as it is an example of a historic style of traditional road junction; therefore, it is considered in need Hawkhurst of protection from road expansion. It is also to Neighbourhoo be the location of Hawkhurst’s Silent Soldier. St. Laurence Hawkhurst d Plan This area is also identified in the Neighbourhood 108 Church Green Parish Important 0.003 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Plan (NDP) as being a place of beauty, acting as ✓ Verges Council Green Space a green edge and having historic qualities. Note: (HWIGS). CA. this site has been considered but rejected as AONB. Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

HWIGS. Policy This area was not considered as it is already Hawkhurst R1 (partly) and sufficiently protected under other designations. The Moor and 109 Parish EN21 (partly) 0.95 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Verges Note: this site has been considered and rejected Council apply. VG. CA. as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s AONB. Neighbourhood Plan inspector.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is used by the local community for informal recreational activities (used by local children as a safe space to play). Note: this site Verge Around Hawkhurst HWIGS. has been considered but rejected as Local 110 Merton-Neale Parish 0.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ AONB. Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Close Council Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

This area is used by walkers to enable them to keep off the road which is both narrow and unsafe. This area is also identified in the NDP as having historic qualities, as it is one of Hawkhurst HWIGS. CA Stream Lane Hawkhurst’s ancient routeways. Note: this site 111 Parish (partly). 0.19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Verges has been considered but rejected as Local Council AONB. Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is used by local children as a safe space to play. This area is also identified in the NDP as having recreational value. Note: this site Queens Road Hawkhurst HWIGS. has been considered but rejected as Local 112 Opposite Park Parish 0.19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ AONB. Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Cottages Council Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

This area contributes to the visual amenity and character of the local settlement and is therefore suitable for Local Green Space designation. Hawkhurst Sawyers HWIGS. CA. Note: this site has been considered but rejected 113 Parish 0.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Green AONB. as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Council Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

This area contributes to the visual amenity and character of the local settlement and is therefore suitable for Local Green Space designation. Hawkhurst Philpotts HWIGS. LB. Note: this site has been considered but rejected 114 Parish 0.11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Cross AONB. as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Council Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area of important open space is of particular local historic significance. Note: this HWIGS. Policy Hawkhurst site has been considered but rejected as Local Frontage of All EN21 applies. 115 Parish 0.13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood ✓ Saints Church CA. LB. Council Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The AONB. Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

This area is well-used and well-loved by local Hawkhurst residents, especially walkers, dog walkers and wildlife lovers. This area is also of particular local significance because of its Stream Lane HWIGS. Policy richness of wildlife. It is also identified in the Hawkhurst Nature EN15 (LWS; NDP as being used for recreational purposes, 116 Parish 0.88 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Reserve and partly) applies. offering a tranquil environment and acting as a Council Pond AONB. wildlife habitat. Note: this site has been considered but rejected as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Hawkhurst This area is of particular local significance Neighbourhoo because of its beauty as the pond adds to the Hawkhurst Hawkhurst d Plan Local local visual amenity of the adjacent St 117 Church Pond Parish Green Space 0.16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Laurence’s Church. Note: this site has been ✓ Council (HWLGS). considered and designated as Local Green HWIGS. CA. Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan AONB. inspector.

HWLGS. This area is of particular local significance HWIGS. Policy Hawkhurst because of its richness of wildlife. Note: this site All Saints EN15 118 Parish 1.45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ has been considered and designated as Local ✓ Pond (SLNCV; Council Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood partly) applies. Plan inspector. AONB.

This important open space contributes to the visual beauty of the Dunks Alms Houses and their local historic significance. Note: this site Dunks Alms Hawkhurst HWIGS. Policy has been considered but rejected as Local 119 Houses Parish EN21 applies. 0.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Frontage Council CA. AONB. Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 HWIGS. Policy There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Tesco Hawkhurst EN21 (partly) the designation criteria. 120 Landscaped Parish applies. CA 0.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Note: this site has been considered and rejected  Edge Council (partly). as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s AONB. Neighbourhood Plan inspector.

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Waitrose Hawkhurst HWIGS. Policy the designation criteria. 121 Landscaped Parish TP26 applies. 0.01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Note: this site has been considered and rejected  Edge Council CA. AONB. as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector.

This area is of particular local significance as it is an example of an historic/traditional style of triangular road junction. It is important to protect this historic feature from road expansion. This Hawkhurst area is also identified in the NDP as being a HWIGS. 122 Horns Corner Parish 0.02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ place of beauty and acting as a green edge. ✓ AONB. Council Note: this site has been considered but rejected as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is identified in the NDP as having historic qualities. Gills Green was the location of Hawkhurst Station and the historic Hop-pickers line. Also, Gills Green is identified as an employment hub and an area for future local Gills Green Hawkhurst expansion. It is, therefore, very important to Including HWIGS. 123 Parish 0.16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ protect green spaces in this area for the benefit ✓ Green Bank AONB. Council of employees and residents. Note: this site has and Steps been considered but rejected as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

This area is of particular local significance as it is an example of an historic/traditional style of triangular road junction. It is also the intersection of two ancient routeways and is consequently an Land at Four Hawkhurst important feature of the AONB. It is identified in Wents (Potter HWIGS. 124 Parish 0.02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the NDP as being a place of beauty and having ✓ Lane & AONB. Council historic qualities. Note: this site has been Attwater Lane) considered but rejected as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area contributes to the visual amenity and character of the local settlement and is therefore suitable for Local Green Space designation. Hawkhurst Lightfoot HWIGS. Note: this site has been considered but rejected 125 Parish 0.07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Green AONB. as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Council Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

This area has got a public right of way and is used by the local community for informal Little HWLGS. recreational activities (e.g. dog walking). This Switzerland, Hawkhurst HWIGS. area is also already partly identified as Ancient 126 Including Parish PROW. AW 7.81 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Woodland, although covers a notably small ✓ Bridge and Council (partly). portion of the area. This area has been Valley AONB. considered and designated as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector.

This area was not considered as it is already HWIGS. Hawkhurst sufficiently protected under other designations. PROW. AW 127 White’s Wood Parish 9.38 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  (partly). LB. Note: this site has been considered and rejected Council AONB. as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is a Parish Council-owned woodland and nature reserve and is therefore of local significance because of its wildlife value. Note: Hawkhurst HWIGS. this site has been considered but rejected as 128 Fowler’s Wood Parish PROW. 0.68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Council AONB. Neighbourhood Plan inspector; however, this site meets all The Council’s criteria for Local Green Space designation.

This area was not considered as it is already Hawkhurst sufficiently protected under other designations. Fowler’s Wood HWIGS. AW. 129 Parish 0.25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Wetland AONB. Note: this site has been considered and rejected Council as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector.

This area was not considered as it is already sufficiently protected under other designations Hawkhurst and is to be an allocated site in the new Local Fowler’s Park HWIGS. AW. 130 Parish 0.66 ✓  ✓ ✓ Plan.  Wood AONB. Council Note: this site has been considered and rejected as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area was not considered as it is already Hawkhurst HWIGS. AW sufficiently protected under other designations. Duvall’s Farm 131 Parish (partly). 0.44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Woodland Note: this site has been considered and rejected Council AONB. as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector.

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Hawkhurst HWIGS. Policy the designation criteria. 132 Spring Field Parish EN21 applies. 0.36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Note: this site has been considered and rejected  Council AONB. as Local Green Space by Hawkhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan inspector.

Policy EN21 This area is primarily used for gardening Ockley Lane In-Office (partly) 133 1.50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (recreational/informal community activities) ✓ Allotments Suggestion applies. purposes by the local community. AONB.

Hawkhurst This area is primarily used for gardening AS_2 Talbot Road Parish AONB. 0.76 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (recreational/informal community activities) ✓ 6 Allotments Council purposes by the local community.

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Figure 19: Hawkhurst (Lower Central Area) Local Green Space Map

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Figure 20: Hawkhurst (Upper Central Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Figure 21: Hawkhurst (Wide Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Horsmonden

Settlement: Horsmonden

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? rmission? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Pe Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Green Role & Space, Policy EN21 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 134 Function 0.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Fromandez applies. CA. the designation criteria. Study Drive

Horsmonden Policy EN21 Role & Historic (partly) This area was not considered as it is already 135 Function 0.7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Village applies. VG. sufficiently protected under other designations. Study Green CA.

Horsmonden Role & Policy R1 This area is a recreational open space, used by the 136 Sports Function 3.68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ applies. LB. local community for formal and informal activities. Ground Study

This area is a charity trust site given to the Role & community in perpetuity. The local Kinder Garden 137 Locket Green Function 0.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ uses it as an extended play area and is used for Study general recreational use.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? rmission? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Pe Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN15 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets (LWS; partly) Role & the designation criteria and is partly already Furnace applies. 138 Function 7.82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ protected under other designations.  Pond PROW. AW Study (partly). Note: approximately half of this area also crosses AONB. into Brenchley and Matfield Parish.

Horsmonden Role & Primary There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 139 Function 0.48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  School the designation criteria. Study Playing Field

This area was not considered as it is to be an allocated site in the new Local Plan. Despite this, Former AL/STR3 this line is currently sufficiently protected under Railway Line AS_3 In-Office (TWBC Site Policy AL/STR3 in the TWBC Site Allocations DPD North of 1.59 ✓  ✓ ✓  8 Suggestion Allocations and will be protected under DM Policy TP5 Goudhurst DPD) Railways in the new Local Plan. This line will Road therefore form an open space/landscape buffer within the site allocation policy.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? rmission? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Pe Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 There is a public right of way adjacent to the area. This area is both visually prominent from the public Green Space right of way and Goudhurst Road to the south of the AS_3 In-Office in Bassetts 0.56 ✓  ✓ ✓ area. This area therefore contributes to the visual ✓ 9 Suggestion Farm amenity and character/setting of the local settlement. This green space is to be incorporated within a site allocation policy in the new Local Plan.

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Figure 22: Horsmonden Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Lamberhurst

Settlement: Lamberhurst

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? n 4 Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterio and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN22 Review of Coggers Hall applies. CA There is insufficient evidence that this site 140 Landscape 0.18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Landscape (partly). LB. meets the designation criteria. Designations AONB.

Review of Policy EN21 Lamberhurst This area was not considered as it is already 141 Landscape applies. CL. CA. 0.03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Green sufficiently protected under other designations. Designations AONB.

Chequers Field (Cricket Policy R1 This area is a recreational open space, used Role & 142 Field) and (partly) applies. 4.63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ by the local community for informal ✓ Function Study Playing PROW. AONB. recreational activities. Fields

This area is of particular local historical St. Mary’s significance as St Mary’s Church, a Grade 1 Churchyard, Role & PROW. LB. 143 0.78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Listed Building, has served the community of ✓ North East of Function Study AONB. Lamberhurst for centuries. This area is also Golf Course accessible to the local community.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? n 4 Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterio and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN15 (SLNCV/LWS) In-Office This area was not considered as it is already 144 The Down and TP27 5.71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Suggestion sufficiently protected under other designations. (partly) apply. CL. CA. AONB.

This area is of particular local significance Victoria Walk because of its historical value. This area is AS_3 Lamberhurst and War CA. AONB. 0.25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ also of important visual amenity and ✓ 3 Parish Council Memorial contributes to the character/setting of the settlement.

Brewer AS_3 Lamberhurst This area is used for informal recreational Street North AONB. 0.32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4 Parish Council activities (gardening). Allotments

Brewer AS_3 Lamberhurst This area is used for informal recreational Street South AONB. 0.18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5 Parish Council activities (gardening). Allotments

AS_3 The Slade Lamberhurst This area is used for informal recreational AONB. 0.21 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 6 Allotments Parish Council activities (gardening).

Policy EN15 This area is of particular local importance AS_3 Hook Green Lamberhurst (LWS; partly) because of its recreational value and richness 0.75 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 7 Common Parish Council applies. CL. of wildlife. This area also contributes to the AONB. character/setting of the settlement. Although this area is already designed as common land,

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? n 4 Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterio and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 it is considered that further designation as a Local Green Space would be appropriate to help preserve and restore this area.

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Figure 23: Lamberhurst Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Paddock Wood

Settlement: Paddock Wood

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is the subject of planning permission for development (14/504140/HYBRID) and is part of an allocated development in the Site Allocations Local Plan (AL/PW3A) and is to be allocated in the new Local Plan. However, a Local Green Space is to be incorporated into the development, meaning that the site is suitable Green Space for Local Green Space designation. This area is Within Church Councillor 145 10.74   ✓ ✓ to be used for informal recreational activities and ✓ Farm Suggestion act as an important open green space Development surrounding the housing development and will therefore also contribute to the local visual amenity.

Note: the site boundaries as shown on the map are of the Local Green Space within the development and are subject to change (not the development site as a whole).

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is the subject of planning permission for development (14/506766/HYBRID) and is part of an allocated development in the Site Allocations Local Plan (AL/PW3B) and is to be allocated in the new Local Plan. However, a Local Green Space is to be incorporated into the development, meaning that the site is suitable Green Space for Local Green Space designation. This area is Within Councillor 146 PROW. 8.15   ✓ ✓ to be used for informal recreational activities and ✓ Mascalls Court Suggestion act as an important open green space within and Development surrounding the housing development and will therefore also contribute to the local visual amenity.

Note: the site boundaries as shown on the map are of the Local Green Space within the development and are subject to change (not the development site as a whole).

Paddock Review of Policy This area is of particular local historic 147 Wood Landscape EN22 0.62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ significance. Cemetery Designations applies.

St. Andrews Review of Policy R1 This area is an important recreational open 148 Recreation Landscape and EN21 2.23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ space, used for informal community activities. Ground Designations apply.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Green Space, Review of Policy R1 This area was not considered because it has 149 North Badsell Landscape and EN21 0.59  ✓ ✓ ✓ planning consent for seven dwellings  Road Designations apply. (18/00577).

Recreation Ground and This site is to be part of an allocated site for Review of Policy R1 Memorial potential community development in the new 150 Landscape and EN21 3.08 ✓  ✓ ✓  Park, Local Plan and therefore designation may Designations apply. Maidstone frustrate this potential. Road

This area is an important recreational open Putlands Review of Policy space, used for formal and informal community 151 Leisure Centre Landscape EN21 5.44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ activities. It is an important green space within ✓ Field Designations applies. the local community. It accompanies an adjacent leisure centre.

This area is of particular recreational value to Playground, In-Office 152 0.05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the local community as it is used for informal ✓ The Ridings Suggestion activities.

This area is of particular recreational value to Playground, In-Office 153 0.15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the local community as it is used for informal ✓ Fuggles Close Suggestion activities.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is the subject of planning permission for development (17/03480/FULL) and is part of an allocated development in the Site Allocations Local Plan (AL/PW4) and is to be allocated in the new Local Plan. However, a Local Green Space is to be incorporated into the development, meaning that the site is suitable Policy Green Space for Local Green Space designation. This area is EN15 in also already partly identified as Ancient In-Office (LWS; 154 Development 11.67   ✓ ✓ Woodland; however, the area designated is ✓ Suggestion partly) South of relatively small in size. This area is to be used applies. Badsell Road for informal recreational activities and act as an AW (partly). important open green space adjacent to the housing development and will therefore also contribute to the local visual amenity.

Note: the site boundaries as shown on the map are of the Local Green Space within the development and are subject to change (not the development site as a whole).

Paddock This area is a site of particular recreational value Wood as it is primarily used for gardening purposes by In-Office 155 Allotments GB (partly). 1.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the local community. ✓ Suggestion South of Note: approximately half of this area also Badsell Road crosses into Capel Parish.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Green Space, This area was not considered as it is to be an North of Eldon In-Office allocated site in the new Local Plan. Protection 156 1.34 ✓  ✓ ✓  Way Industrial Suggestion will be sought through a masterplanning Estate approach.

Paddock This area was not considered as it is to be an Wood In-Office allocated site in the new Local Plan. Protection 157 1.38 ✓  ✓ ✓  Overgrown Suggestion will be sought through a masterplanning Playing Field approach.

Policy Foal Hurst Paddock EN15 Wood and This area was not considered as it is already 158 Wood Town (LNR) 12.86 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Orchard sufficiently protected under other designations. Council applies. Meadow AW (partly).

Paddock Wood Paddock Policy R1 This area is used by the local community for 159 Allotments Wood Town (partly) 1.29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ informal recreational activities (e.g. gardening) North of Council applies. Badsell Road

Mascalls Paddock There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 160 School Playing Wood Town 5.22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Field Council

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Green Space, Paddock This area contributes to the visual amenity and 161 South of Wood Town 0.29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ setting of the settlement and is therefore of local ✓ Green Lane Council significance to the local community.

Green Space, Paddock This area contributes to the visual amenity and 162 North of Green Wood Town 0.76 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ setting of the settlement and is therefore of local ✓ Lane Council significance to the local community.

Policy EN15 Natural Paddock (SLNCV; Wooded Path This area was not considered as it is already 163 Wood Town partly) 0.82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Behind Green sufficiently protected under other designations. Council applies. Lane AW. PROW.

Green Space Paddock There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 164 on Linnet Wood Town 0.04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Avenue Council

Policy This area is an important open space in the Green Space Paddock EN21 middle of a housing development that 165 on Ringden Wood Town 0.33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (partly) contributes to the local visual amenity of the Avenue Council applies. area.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Green Space Paddock There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 166 on Ashcroft Wood Town 0.01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Road Council

This green space is used by the local community for informal recreational activities (e.g. walking, Green Space Paddock dog walking, etc.). This area also contributes to 167 North of Wood Town 0.17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the local visual amenity of the surrounding Tutsham Way Council housing development. This area is also linked to a pedestrian access route to Yeoman Gardens.

Green This area is used by the local community as a Paddock Space/Rest green space to walk through, sit and/or rest, and 168 Wood Town 0.11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Area on also contributes to the local visual amenity of the Council Cogate Road local housing development.

This green space is used by the local community Green Space Paddock for informal recreational activities (e.g. walking, 169 on Cobbs Wood Town 0.14 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ dog walking, etc.). This area also contributes to ✓ Close Council the local visual amenity of the surrounding housing development.

Green Space/Rest Paddock This area is a small rest area that is used by the 170 Area on Wood Town 0.01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ local community to walk through, sit and/or rest. Commercial Council Road

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Green Space Paddock This green space area contributes to the visual 171 on Forest Wood Town 0.07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ amenity of the surrounding housing ✓ Road Council development.

Green This area is a small rest area that is used by the Space/Rest Paddock local community to walk through, sit and/or rest, 172 Area on Wood Town 0.01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ and is therefore demonstrably special to the Maidstone Council local community. Road

This site is to be part of an allocated site for Green potential community development in the new Paddock Space/Rest Local Plan (Paddock Wood Town Centre) and 173 Wood Town 0.04 ✓  ✓ ✓  Area Behind therefore designation may frustrate this potential Council Wesley Centre and/or the proposed masterplanning for Paddock Wood.

Green Space Paddock There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 174 on Old Kent Wood Town 0.02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Road Council

Paddock Paddock Wood This area is used by the local community for 175 Wood Town 0.79 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Allotments, informal recreational activities (gardening). Council Courthope

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is an important recreational open space in the middle of a housing development Green Space Paddock Policy R1 used for informal recreational activities by the 176 at The Wood Town and EN21 0.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ local community/surrounding housing Granary Council applies. development and therefore also contributes to the local visual amenity.

Paddock Church Road This area is of particular local historic 177 Wood Town 1.8 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Cemetery significance. Council

Green Lane Paddock This area is a recreational open space, used by Policy R1 178 Recreation Wood Town 3.79 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the local community for formal and informal ✓ applies. Ground Council recreational activities.

This green space area contributes to the local Green Space Paddock visual amenity of the settlement and nearby 179 with Ponds on Wood Town 0.21 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ housing development and is also of particular Church Road Council importance in mitigating local flooding issues.

Natural Woodland Paddock Policy There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 180 Behind Wood Town EN22 1.27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the designation criteria. This area is also already  Warrington Council applies. partly protected by a Tree Preservation Order. Road

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This green space area contributes to the visual Green Space Paddock amenity of the surrounding housing 181 at Newton Wood Town 0.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ development and provides open green space for Gardens Council the residents of Newton Gardens.

Paddock Green Space There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 182 Wood Town 0.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  at The Cedars the designation criteria. Council

This area (in the south-west quarter or the area) Green Space Paddock Policy is an important open space used for informal 183 Adjacent to Wood Town EN21 0.52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ recreational activities (e.g. walking/dog walking, Railway Bridge Council applies. etc.).

Paddock Paddock AS_5 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Wood Primary Wood Town 1.25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  4 the designation criteria. School Field Council

Paddock AS_5 Clover Way This area is used by the local community for Wood Town 0.04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5 Playground informal recreational activities. Council

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is of particular local significance because of its richness of wildlife. The site is Field North of Paddock AS_6 also publically accessible from the south of the Foal Hurst Wood Town GB (partly). 2.88 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 6 site (from Foalhurst Wood) and is used by the Wood Council local community for informal recreational activities (e.g. walking, dog walking, etc.).

Paddock AS_6 Pond North of This area is of particular local significance Wood Town 0.05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 7 Railway Bridge because of its richness of wildlife. Council

This area is of particular local significance Green Corridor Paddock because of its richness of wildlife. This area also AS_6 Adjacent to Wood Town 0.19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ acts as an important green corridor within the ✓ 8 Poppy Council surrounding housing development and therefore Meadow contributes to the local visual amenity.

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Figure 24: Paddock Wood (Central Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Figure 25: Paddock Wood (Wide Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Pembury

Settlement: Pembury

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Review of Policy EN21 Pembury This area was not considered as it is already 184 Landscape applies. CA. 0.38 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Village Green sufficiently protected under other designations. Designations VG.

Policy EN21 Review of (partly) Pembury This area is an important open space. The 185 Landscape applies. CA 1.48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Churchyard area is of particular local historic significance. Designations (partly). GB. LB.

Pembury In-Office This area is used by the local community for 186 GB. AONB. 1.97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Allotments Suggestion informal recreational activities (gardening).

This area is an important recreational open Pembury Review of Policy R1 space in the middle of a housing development 187 Green Space Landscape and EN21 0.16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ and also therefore contributes to the local for Properties Designations apply. visual amenity.

Pembury Policy R1 This area is a recreational open space, used In-Office 188 Cricket applies. GB. 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ by the local community for formal and informal ✓ Suggestion Ground AONB. activities.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Woodside Policy R1 This area is a recreational open space, used In-Office 189 Recreation applies. GB. 2.69 ✓  ✓ ✓ by the local community for formal and informal ✓ Suggestion Ground AONB. activities.

Green Space Policy EN22 Adjacent to (partly) This area is of important visual amenity and In-Office 190 Tesco applies. GB 0.67 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ contributes to the character/setting of the ✓ Suggestion Superstore, (partly). settlement. Pembury AONB.

AW (partly). This area was not considered as it is already Snipe Wood, In-Office 191 GB. PROW. 67.88 ✓ ✓  ✓ sufficiently protected under other designations  Pembury Suggestion AONB. and is an extensive tract of land.

Policy EN15 (LWS; partly) applies. AW This area was not considered as it is already Forest Wood, In-Office 192 (partly). GB. 79.15 ✓ ✓  ✓ sufficiently protected under other designations  Pembury Suggestion PROW. and is an extensive tract of land. AONB (partly).

This is a recreational open space used by the Policy R1 Lower Green local community for formal and informal Pembury and EN22 AS_4 Recreation 2.45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ activities. This area has also got public access ✓ Parish Council (partly) Ground and includes a PROW running along the apply. eastern boundary.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Green Space This green space in the middle of a housing Adjacent to 33 Pembury AS_5 0.03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ development contributes to the local visual ✓ to 57 Parish Council amenity of the area. Ridgeway

Green Space Adjacent to 20 Pembury This green space contributes to the local visual AS_6 0.03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ to 22 Parish Council amenity of the local area. Ridgeway

Pembury Primary Pembury There is insufficient evidence that this site AS_7 AONB. 1.89 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  School – Parish Council meets the designation criteria. Playing Fields

This area has got public access with a PROW running through it. This area is also of particular local historic significance and is of local significance because of its richness of wildlife. There has also been some AW (partly). Old Coach Pembury maintenance work carried out by local AS_8 PROW. GB. 1.78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Road Parish Council community groups on this area. Despite this AONB. area being partly already designated as Ancient Woodland, the size of the area is notably small in relation to the area as a whole and therefore Local Green Space designation is appropriate.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Pembury Policy EN21 There is insufficient evidence that this site AS_9 Belfield Road 0.25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Parish Council applies. meets the designation criteria.

Policy EN15 (LWS) This area is of particular local significance AS_1 Old Church Pembury applies. LB. 0.52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ because of its historical value and richness of ✓ 0 Burial Ground Parish Council PROW. GB. wildlife. AONB.

Green Space AS_1 Pembury There is insufficient evidence that this site Adjacent to 19 0.08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  1 Parish Council meets the designation criteria. The Coppice

Green Space AS_1 Pembury There is insufficient evidence that this site Adjacent to 10 0.05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  2 Parish Council meets the designation criteria. The Coppice

Policy EN22 This area is an area of landscape importance. AS_1 Lower Green Pembury applies. 0.39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ This area is also of particular local historical ✓ 3 Burial Ground Parish Council PROW. significance.

This area has been allocated for development Land Adjacent as sports pitches and other outdoor recreation AS_1 to Woodside Pembury GB. AONB. 1.47 ✓  ✓ ✓ by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council in the ✓ 4 Recreation Parish Council Site Allocations DPD (AL/VRA 3) and is Ground (West) therefore to be used for recreational purposes.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Land Adjacent This area has been allocated for development to Woodside as sports pitches and other outdoor recreation AS_1 Pembury PROW. GB. Recreation 2.11 ✓  ✓ ✓ by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council in the ✓ 5 Parish Council AONB. Ground Site Allocations DPD (AL/VRA 3) and is (South) therefore to be used for recreational purposes.

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Figure 26: Pembury (Central Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Figure 27: Pembury (Wide Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Royal Tunbridge Wells

Settlement: Royal Tunbridge Wells

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Demonstrably Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ubmitted by Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site S Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy R1 (partly) This area was not considered as it is to Playing Field, In-Office 193 and R4 (partly) 3.96 ✓  ✓ ✓ be an allocated site in the new Local  Longview Way Suggestion apply. Plan.

This green area is used for informal community activities. As site 193 is to be allocated in the new Local Plan for Oak Road In-Office development, this site will increasingly 194 Green Space 0.92 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Suggestion become demonstrably special to the and Playground local community due to the sparse availability of alternative green space within the local area.

Policy R1, EN11 Review of This area was not considered as it is a (HPG), and EN22 195 The Grove Landscape 1.94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ key Council-owned site that is well  apply. PROW. Designations known and sufficiently protected. CA. LB.

Review of This area is of particular local Woodbury Park 196 Landscape Policy EN11 1.54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ significance because of its richness of ✓ Cemetery Designations (HPG; partly), wildlife and historic value.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Demonstrably Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ubmitted by Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site S Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 EN15 (SLNCV), and EN22 apply.

This area is of particular local significance because of its richness of Review of Policy EN15 Great Culverden wildlife. This area is also of particular 197 Landscape (SLNCV) and 3.87 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Parkland local significance because of its Designations EN22 apply. recreational value as it is used for informal community activities.

This area is an important recreational open space as it is used for informal Review of Summervale Policy R1 and community activities. It is an open green 198 Landscape 0.36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Road EN21 apply. space in the middle of a housing Designations development and therefore contributes to the local visual amenity.

This area is an important recreational Playground and open space as it is used for informal Green near St. Review of community activities. It is an open green Policy R1 and 199 Mark’s Church Landscape 0.28 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ space in the middle of a housing ✓ EN21 apply. of Designations development and adjacent to a School Primary School and therefore contributes to the local visual amenity.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Demonstrably Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ubmitted by Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site S Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This site was not considered as part of the site has been subject to Managed Green Review of consideration for redevelopment and so Policy R1 and 200 Square, Willow Landscape 0.20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ additional Local Green Space  EN21 apply. Tree Road Designations designation may frustrate these plans. Therefore, designation is not recommended at present.

Green Park This area was not considered as it is Review of Policy EN21 Behind already sufficiently protected under 201 Landscape applies. VG 0.37 ✓  ✓ ✓  Showfields other designations and is to be an Designations (partly). Library allocated site in the new Local Plan.

This area is an important open space Green Square Review of used for informal community activities. It on Boundary Policy EN21 202 Landscape 0.09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ is an open green space in the middle of ✓ Road, applies. Designations a housing development and therefore Hawkenbury contributes to the local visual amenity.

This area is an important open space Review of Policy EN21 and used for informal community activities 203 Camden Park Landscape EN24 apply. 4.01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ and contributes to the local visual Designations PROW. CA. amenity.

Farmcombe Review of Policy R1 and This area is an important recreational 204 Road Open Landscape EN21 apply. 1.75 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ open space used for informal community ✓ Space Designations PROW. activities.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Demonstrably Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ubmitted by Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site S Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Playing Field Review of This area is an important recreational Policy R1 (partly) 205 next to Nevill Landscape 1.75 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ open space used for formal and informal ✓ and EN21 apply. Cricket Ground Designations community activities.

Review of Policy EN21 This area is used by the local Hilbert Road 206 Landscape (partly) applies. 1.57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ community for informal recreational ✓ Allotments Designations PROW. activities (gardening).

Park / Review of Policy EN21 This area is an important open space 207 Playground in Landscape 0.14 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ applies. used for informal community activities. Sherwood Designations

Green Park Review of Policy R1 (partly), This area is an important recreational Area, South 208 Landscape R4, and EN21 0.6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ open space used for informal community ✓ View Road, Designations (partly) apply. activities.

Playing Fields, In-Office There is insufficient evidence that this 209 1.75 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Sandown Park Suggestion site meets the designation criteria.

Policy R1, R4, This area is part of the neighbourhood Hawkenbury In-Office and CR13 (partly) centre. The area is a recreational open 210 Recreation 7.77 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Suggestion apply. PROW. space used for formal and informal Ground AONB (partly). community activities.

Nevill Cricket This area is a recreational open space In-Office 211 and Athletic Policy R1 applies. 4.97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ used for formal and informal community ✓ Suggestion Ground activities.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Demonstrably Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ubmitted by Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site S Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is a recreational open space used for informal community activities. Playground, In-Office Policy R1 and R4 212 0.5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ The area is in the middle of a housing ✓ Banner Farm Suggestion (partly) apply. development and therefore contributes to the local visual amenity.

Playing Field In-Office There is insufficient evidence that this 213 near Claremont CA. 0.78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Suggestion site meets the designation criteria. School

Sports Ground In-Office There is insufficient evidence that this 214 near Policy R1 applies. 3.18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Suggestion site meets the designation criteria. Crematorium

There is insufficient evidence that this Cadogan In-Office site meets the designation criteria and is 215 Policy R1 applies. 1.57 ✓  ✓ ✓  Playing Field Suggestion to be an allocated site in the new Local Plan.

St. John’s In-Office The area is used for formal and informal 216 Recreation Policy R4 applies. 1.95 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Suggestion recreational use. Ground

Green Space In-Office This green space area on the edge of a 217 near Sandown GB. 6.78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Suggestion nearby neighbourhood is of important Park visual amenity and contributes to the

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Demonstrably Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ubmitted by Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site S Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 character of, and approach to, the settlement.

Policy EN22 Forested Area (partly), EN15 This area contributes to the A, Knights Park (LWS; character/setting of the settlement as it (Northern partly/SLNCV; provides a natural forested area in- Border along partly), TP17 between development. This area is also Home Farm In-Office (partly), TP18 (e) of local significance because of its 218 11.36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lane, and Suggestion (partly), EN27 and wildlife value. Despite this area already Including RF1 (4) (partly) partly being identified as Ancient Adjacent Parcel apply. AW Woodland, the designated area in of Land to the (partly). PROW. relation to the overall size of the area is East) AONB (partly). notably small. GB (partly).

Forested Area B, Knights Park Policy EN15 This area was not considered as it is (Southern In-Office (LWS; partly) and already sufficiently protected under 219 22.82 ✓ ✓  ✓  Border Along Suggestion EN27 apply. AW other designations and is an extensive Blackhurst (partly). tract of land. Lane)

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Demonstrably Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ubmitted by Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site S Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN15 Forested Area (LWS; partly) and This area was not considered as it is C, Knights Park, In-Office EN27 apply. AW already sufficiently protected under 220 Adjacent to (to 24.97 ✓ ✓  ✓  Suggestion (partly). AONB other designations and is an extensive the West of) the (partly). GB tract of land. A21 (partly).

Green Area, This area contributes to the local visual Knights Park, Policy EN15 amenity of the surrounding housing In-Office 221 Just South of (LWS), EN27, and 0.04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ development and is also of local ✓ Suggestion Golding Road RF1 (4) apply. significance because of its richness of and The Avenue wildlife.

This area is used by the local Ramslye In-Office 222 1.25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ community for informal recreational ✓ Allotments Suggestion activities (gardening).

This area is used by the local Hawkenbury In-Office 223 GB. 6.54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ community for informal recreational ✓ Allotments Suggestion activities (gardening).

This area is used by the local AS_2 Sandhurst Road Councillor 1.67 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ community for informal recreational ✓ 5 Allotments Suggestion activities (gardening).

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Demonstrably Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ubmitted by Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site S Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is of particular local Policy EN15 significance because of its richness of AS_8 In-Office Reynolds Lane (LWS) applies. 3.13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ wildlife. This area also has a Public ✓ 0 Suggestion PROW. Right of Way going through the site providing links to the wider area.

This area is an important open space Policy EN21, used by the local community for informal AS_8 Calverley Park In-Office EN15 (SLNCV), recreational activities (e.g. walking, dog 3.08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1 East Suggestion and EN11 (HPG) walking, etc.). This area is also of apply. CA. particular local significance because of its richness of wildlife.

This wooded area is used for informal Wooded Area recreational activities (e.g. walking, dog AS_8 Behind In-Office 1.11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ walking, etc.) and provides a link to the ✓ 2 Summervale Suggestion adjacent large woodland area and Road beyond to High Rocks.

Policy EN21 (partly), EN22 (partly), EN15 This area was not considered as it is a AS_8 Grosvenor and In-Office (LNR; partly), and 14.73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ key Council-owned site that is well  6 Hilbert Park Suggestion R1 (partly) apply. known and sufficiently protected. AW (partly). PROW.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Demonstrably Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area ubmitted by Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site S Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy R1 (partly) This area was not considered as it is a AS_8 In-office and EN11 (HPG) key Council-owned site that is well Dunorlan Park 27.70 ✓ ✓  ✓  7 Suggestion apply. GB (partly). known and sufficiently protected. This CA (partly). area is also an extensive tract of land.

This area was not considered as it is a key Council-owned site that is well known and sufficiently protected. The western half of this site also has Policy EN21, R1 planning permission for redevelopment AS_8 Calverley In-Office (partly), and EN11 4.57   ✓ ✓ (18/00076) which is to be allocated in  8 Grounds West Suggestion (HPG; partly) the new Local Plan. This redevelopment apply. CA. is to have special regard to the existing sensitive character of the Grounds including the Historic Park and Garden designation and Conservation Area.

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Figure 28: Royal Tunbridge Wells (North Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Figure 29: Royal Tunbridge Wells (South Area) Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Rusthall

Settlement: Rusthall

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Designations Tract? Area (ha) Area esignation? Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by D version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Review of This area is an important recreational open Mary Caley Policy R1 and 224 Landscape 0.29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ space as it is used by the local community for ✓ Park EN21 apply. Designations informal activities.

Policy EN15 (SLNCV; Rusthall partly) applies. Green This area was not considered as it is already In-Office GB. AW 225 Woodland, 3.59 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ sufficiently protected under other designations  Suggestion (partly). WT Nellington and is partly owned by the Woodland Trust. (partly). Road PROW. AONB (partly).

Rusthall Green In-Office This area is used by the local community for 226 0.9 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Space, Suggestion informal recreational activities. Colbran Way

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Designations Tract? Area (ha) Area esignation? Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by D version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is used for informal recreational activities (e.g. walking, dog walking, etc.). This area has got public right of ways running Rusthall through the area. Despite this area already Woodland, GB. AW being partly designated as common land and North of In-Office (partly). CL 227 5.20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ancient Woodland, these separate designated ✓ Tunbridge Suggestion (partly). areas are notably small in relation to the Wells Golf PROW. proposed area as a whole, meaning that Local Course Green Space designation is appropriate.

Note: a small part of this area also crosses into Royal Tunbridge Wells.

Football In-Office There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 228 Pitch, part of GB. AONB. 2.28 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Suggestion the designation criteria. Jockey Farm

Rusthall Allotments, In-Office This area is used by the local community for 229 GB. AONB. 1.36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Southwood Suggestion informal recreational activities (gardening). Road

Wickham Rusthall Policy RF1(2) This area is used by the local community for 230 Garden 0.82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Parish Council applies. informal recreational activities (gardening). Allotments

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Designations Tract? Area (ha) Area esignation? Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by D version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Members of the public are allowed to walk over the private road way (owned by residents of Rustwick and Rusthall Park), and it is used daily by many. This area is also special to the local community as it is an area of natural beauty that Tunbridge CA (partly). is a buffer between Royal Tunbridge Wells and Rusthall 231 Wells Golf AW (partly). 13.62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Rusthall. It is also used as recreational land by ✓ Parish Council Course GB. the golf course and is therefore of local significance because of its recreational value. Despite this area already being partly designated as Ancient Woodland, this designated area is notably small in relation to the proposed area as a whole.

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Figure 30: Rusthall Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Sandhurst

Settlement: Sandhurst


Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN21 Sandhurst (partly) and R1 Village Review of (partly) apply. This area was not considered as it is already 232 Green and Landscape 0.31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  CA. VG sufficiently protected under other designations. War Designations (partly). Memorial AONB.

Policy R1 and Review of Green Park EN21 apply. This area was not considered as it is already 233 Landscape 0.12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  along A268 VG. CA. sufficiently protected under other designations. Designations AONB.

This area is an important open space with Review of Policy EN21 Sandhurst possible recreational value at the front of a small 234 Landscape applies. 0.11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Green Space housing development and therefore also Designations AONB. contributes to the local visual amenity.

Policy R1 Sandhurst This area is predominantly a recreational open In-Office (partly) 235 Recreation 3.91 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ space used for formal and informal community ✓ Suggestion applies. Ground activities. AONB.

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Figure 31: Sandhurst Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Southborough

Settlement: Southborough


Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proxi

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Southfields This area is visually prominent and Role & Policy EN21 236 Park, Skinners 9.29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ contributes to the character/setting of the ✓ Function Study (partly) applies. School settlement.

This area is an important open space in the middle of a housing development that is Review of Copse of Trees, Policy EN21 used for informal community activities such 237 Landscape 0.33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Yew Tree Road applies. as walking/dog-walking and also includes a Designations Petanque terrain. This area also contributes toward local visual amenity.

Policy R1 (partly), R3 (partly), R4 Playing Fields (partly), R5 This area is an important recreational open Role & 238 and Allotments, (partly), R7 9.03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ space used for a range of informal ✓ Function Study Ridgewaye (partly), CR6 community activities. (partly), TP21, and EN22 (partly) apply.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proxi

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Southborough This area is used by the local community Allotments at In-Office Policy R3 239 0.99 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ for informal recreational activities ✓ the End of Oak Suggestion (partly) applies. (gardening). End Close

This area is an important recreational open Playground at Policy R1 and space used for informal community Role & 240 the End of EN21 apply. CA 0.24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ activities in the middle of a housing ✓ Function Study Holden Corner (partly). development and also therefore contributes to the local visual amenity.

This area is an important open space used Neighbourhood for informal community activities in the Role & Policy EN21 241 Green, Woolley 0.13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ middle of a housing development and also ✓ Function Study applies. Road therefore contributes to the local visual amenity.

This area is an important recreational open Neighbourhood Review of space used for informal community Policy R1 and 242 Green, Lady’s Landscape 0.13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ activities in the middle of a housing ✓ EN21 apply. Gift Road Designations development and also therefore contributes to the local visual amenity.

This green space and public garden The Rest Role & 243 0.11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ contributes to the visual amenity of the ✓ Garden Function Study adjacent St Matthew’s Church.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proxi

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Frank Weare Recreation Role & Policy R1 This area is a recreational open space used 244 0.35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ground, Function Study applies. for informal community activities. Salisbury Road

Policy R1, This area is a recreational open space used Pennington Role & CR13, and for formal and informal community 245 1.86 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Grounds Function Study TP23 (partly) activities. It also represents a large apply. proportion of the neighbourhood centre.

Policy EN15 This cemetery is of particular local historic Southborough Role & (LWS) applies. significance. This area is also of particular 246 Cemetery, North 3.07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Function Study GB. PROW. local significance because of its richness of of Victoria Road AONB. wildlife.

This area was not considered as there is insufficient evidence that this site meets the Green Outside Role & 247 0.07  ✓ ✓ ✓ designation criteria has planning consent  Pinewood Court Function Study for 42 retirement living apartments (17/01191/FULL).

St. Matthew’s Role & There is insufficient evidence that this site 248 School Playing 0.36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Function Study meets the designation criteria. Field

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proxi

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Southborough Church of Role & There is insufficient evidence that this site 249 England Primary 0.9 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Function Study meets the designation criteria. School Playing Field

Policy EN15 This area was not considered as it is Whortleberry (LWS) applies. already sufficiently protected under other Woods, Southborough 250 CA. AW (partly). 4.34 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ designations. It is part of a key Common  Southborough Parish Council CL (partly). GB. Land site (Southborough Common) that is Common PROW. AONB. well known and sufficiently protected.

This area is used by the local community High Brooms In-Office 251 0.62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ for informal recreational activities ✓ Allotments Suggestion (gardening).

Policy R1 This area was not considered as it is (partly) and Village Green, already sufficiently protected under other In-Office EN15 (LWS) 252 Southborough 1.44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ designations. It is part of a key Common  Suggestion apply. CA. CL Common Land site (Southborough Common) that is (partly). GB. well known and sufficiently protected. AONB (partly).

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proxi

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 There is insufficient evidence that this site Green Space meets the designation criteria. AS_7 South of Bidborough GB. AONB. 7.42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  2 Birchwood Parish Council Note: while this area is located in Avenue Southborough Parish, it was submitted by Bidborough Parish Council.

Green Space on AS_8 In-Office This area is used by the local community Powder Mill 0.90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 Suggestion for informal recreational activities. Lane

Policy EN15 (LWS; partly) This area was not considered as it is Woodland West AS_8 In-Office applies. AW 31.3 already sufficiently protected under other of Powder Mill ✓ ✓  ✓  4 Suggestion (partly). PROW. 5 designations and is an extensive tract of Lane AONB (partly). land. GB (partly).

Policy EN15 (LWS; partly/LNR; This area was not considered as it is AS_8 In-Office 15.4 Barnett’s Wood partly) applies. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ already sufficiently protected under other  5 Suggestion 6 AW (partly). designations. PROW. GB (partly).

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Figure 32: Southborough Local Green Space Site Map

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Parish: Speldhurst

Settlement: Speldhurst

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN11 This area was not considered as it is an extensive (HPG; partly) tract of land. This area is also partly already and EN15 protected under other designations. The Avery Speldhurst (LWS) apply. remaining area is not considered demonstrably 253 37.73 ✓ ✓  ✓  Woods Parish Council AW (partly). special to the local community. GB. PROW. Note: a part of this area also crosses into LB. AONB Sevenoaks District, and therefore is not suitable (partly). for Local Green Space designation.

AW (partly). This area was not considered as it is already Shadwell Speldhurst 254 GB. PROW. 24.44 ✓ ✓  ✓ sufficiently protected under other designations  Wood Parish Council AONB. and is an extensive tract of land.

Policy EN11 This area was not considered as it is an extensive (HPG) tract of land. This area is also partly already Danemore Speldhurst applies. GB. 255 22.93 ✓ ✓  ✓ protected under other designations. The  Park Parish Council PROW. LB. remaining area is not considered demonstrably AW (partly). special to the local community. AONB.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area of important open space is of particular Policy EN21 local significance because of its recreational value Pocket Speldhurst 256 applies. CA. 0.19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ as it is used for informal community activities (e.g. ✓ Park Parish Council AONB. cycling, dog walking, etc.). It is also primarily used as a through-path through part of the settlement.

Policy EN15 This area of important open space is of particular Speldhurst (LWS) and Speldhurst local historic significance. This area is also of 257 Historic EN21 (partly) 1.14 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Parish Council particular local significance because of its Churchyard apply. CA. richness of wildlife. LB. AONB.

Speldhurst Policy R1 Speldhurst This area is a recreational open space used for 258 Recreation applies. 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Parish Council formal and informal community activities. Ground AONB.

This area is primarily used for gardening Speldhurst Speldhurst PROW. 259 0.62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (recreational/informal community activities) ✓ Allotments Parish Council AONB. purposes by the local community.

Speldhurst Church of England Speldhurst There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 260 Primary CA. AONB. 0.51 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Parish Council the designation criteria. School Playing Fields

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 AW (partly). There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Furzefield Speldhurst GB (partly). 261 4.39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is already sufficiently  Wood Parish Council AONB protected under other designations. (partly).

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Speldhurst 262 Salomons GB. AONB. 1.53 ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria and is not in close  Parish Council proximity to the community it serves.

Policy EN15 Speldhurst (LWS) This area was not considered as it is not in close 263 Redsheen 1.36 ✓ ✓ ✓   Parish Council applies. GB. proximity to the community it serves. AONB.

Policy EN15 This area was not considered as it is already (LWS; partly) Birchett Speldhurst sufficiently protected under other designations. 264 applies. AW 10.32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Wood Parish Council (partly). GB. Note: a small part of this area also crosses into AONB. Bidborough and Southborough Parish.

The area is a recreational open space used for Policy R1 informal community activities. Rusthall Rusthall (partly) and 265 3.27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Playground Parish Council R4 apply. Note: while this area is located in Speldhurst GB. AONB. Parish, it was submitted by Rusthall Parish Council.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This area is used by the local community for Rusthall informal recreational activities (gardening). Rusthall GB (partly). 266 Extension 0.2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Parish Council AONB. Note: while this area is located in Speldhurst Allotments Parish, it was submitted by Rusthall Parish Council.

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets the designation criteria. This area has not been Rusthall used for allotments for some time as reported by Allotments, PROW. In-Office Rusthall Parish Council and is therefore not 267 Adjacent to AONB 1.09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Suggestion suitable for Local Green Space designation. Peacock (partly). GB. Farm Note: while this area is located in Speldhurst Parish, it was submitted by planning officers (in- office) as part of the Rusthall settlement.

Farnham AS_3 Councillor This area is of particular local significance Lane GB. AONB. 0.69 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 Suggestion because of its historical value. Cemetery

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Figure 33: Speldhurst Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: Langton Green

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN15 Land Speldhurst (LWS) This area was not considered as it is to be an Adjoining 268 Parish applies. GB. 20.79 ✓   ✓ allocated site in the new Local Plan and is an  Langton Council PROW. extensive tract of land. School AONB.

This village green area is an important Policy R1 Langton recreational open space used for informal Speldhurst and EN21 Green community activities including the annual village 269 Parish apply. CA. 1.17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Village fair. This area is also an important green space Council GB. PROW. Green that contributes to the character and setting of the AONB. local settlement.

Forested Area Speldhurst AW (partly). This area was not considered as it is already 270 Adjacent to Parish GB. PROW. 7.2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  sufficiently protected under other designations. Holmewood Council AONB. House

Policy R1 Langton Speldhurst applies. GB. This area of recreational open space is used for Green 271 Parish PROW. 5.2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ formal and informal community activities, including ✓ Recreation Council AONB sports, walking, dog walking, etc. Ground (partly).

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Forested Speldhurst Land North GB. CA. There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 272 Parish 0.98 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  of Village AONB. the designation criteria. Council Green

Land to rear Speldhurst Policy EN22 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 273 of Upton Parish (partly) 0.79 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  the designation criteria. Quarry Council applies. CA.

This area acts as a natural buffer/border between Land to Speldhurst Policy EN22 two housing developments/roads (contributing to South of 274 Parish applies. CA 4.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the local visual amenity of the settlement), and ✓ Langton Council (partly). offers informal recreational community activity Road space for local residents.

Speldhurst All Saints CA. LB. 275 Parish 0.44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ This area is of particular local historic significance. ✓ Churchyard AONB. Council

This important open green space area adds to the local visual amenity of the townscape, located in Land front of a row of houses before the village green Opposite Speldhurst Policy EN21 area. Despite being partly designated as a Village 276 Village Parish applies. CA. 0.06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Green, this area is considered demonstrably Green to the Council VG (partly). special to the local community because it East accompanies and extends onto the visual amenity of the adjacent village green area.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 This forested area is used for informal recreational Land West of Speldhurst CA. GB. community activities (e.g. cycling, dog walking, 277 Oakwell Parish PROW. 0.52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ etc.), evident by the public rights of way leading House Council AONB. out into a wider green area.

Policy EN15 Speldhurst (LWS; partly) This area was not considered as it is already 278 Priest Wood Parish applies. AW 12.95 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  sufficiently protected under other designations. Council (partly). GB. AONB.

Policy EN11 (HPG; partly) Speldhurst and EN27 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 279 Broomlands Parish apply. AW 12.94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is partly already  Council (partly). GB. protected under other designations. LB. AONB (partly).

Speldhurst AW (partly). There is insufficient evidence that this site meets 280 The Hollands Parish GB. LB. 21.21 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is already sufficiently  Council AONB. protected under other designations.

Policy EN15 Land West of Speldhurst (LWS) This area was not considered as it is already 281 Rusthall Parish 5.01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  applies. AW sufficiently protected under other designations. Farm, North Council (partly). GB.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 of Tea AONB Garden Lane (partly).

Policy EN15 (LWS) applies. AW Speldhurst Land West of (partly). GB This area was not considered as it is already 282 Parish 3.86 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  High Rocks (partly). sufficiently protected under other designations. Council PROW. AONB (partly).

Green Space This area is valued by local residents as a pocket Speldhurst AS_6 on The area of green space within the surrounding Parish 0.29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1 Boundary housing development and therefore contributes to Council Road the local visual amenity.

Green Space This area is valued by local residents as a pocket with Pond on Speldhurst AS_6 area of green space within the surrounding The Parish 0.08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 housing development and therefore contributes to Boundary Council the local visual amenity. Road

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Allotments South of Crossroads Joining Speldhurst AS_7 This area is used by the local community for Ashurst Parish GB. AONB. 0.96 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 6 informal recreational activities (i.e. gardening). Road, Council Langton Road, and the B2110

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Figure 34: Langton Green Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: Groombridge

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN11 (HPG; partly) Speldhurst applies. CA. This area was not considered as it is already Groombridge 283 Parish GB. AM. AW 25.64 ✓ ✓  ✓ sufficiently protected under other designations  Place Council (partly). and is an extensive traGroombridge ct of land. PROW. LB. AONB.

CA (partly). Burrswood, There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Speldhurst GB. AW South of the designation criteria, is an extensive tract of 284 Parish (partly). 27.43 ✓ ✓  ✓  Groombridge land, and is partly already protected under other Council PROW. LB. Road designations. AONB.

Speldhurst AW (partly). This area was not considered as it is already Newpark 285 Parish GB. PROW. 23.83 ✓ ✓  ✓ sufficiently protected under other designations  Wood Council AONB. and is an extensive tract of land.

Speldhurst AW. GB. This area was not considered as it is already 286 Beech Wood Parish PROW. 6.31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  sufficiently protected under other designations. Council AONB.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Speldhurst Groombridge VG. CA. GB. This area was not considered as it is already 287 Parish 0.07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Village Green AONB. sufficiently protected under other designations. Council

Burrswood, Speldhurst AW (partly). West of This area was not considered as it is already 288 Parish GB. PROW. 18.81 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Groombridge sufficiently protected under other designations. Council AONB. Road

This area is of particular local significance because of its historical value (17th century church with listed tombs). This area is also the Policy EN11 setting of a listed building and is considered to Groombridge (HPG; partly) AS_3 Councillor have a significant scenic value. This area also Hill applies. LB. 0.37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1 Suggestion contributes to an exceptional group of buildings in Churchyard CA. GB. the conservation area as well as important tree AONB. groups. Although being partly designated as an Historic Park and Garden, this designated area is relatively small in relation to the area as a whole.

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Figure 35: Groombridge Local Green Space Site Map

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Settlement: Ashurst

Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 Policy EN11 (HPG; partly) This area was not considered as it is already Ashurst Speldhurst applies. GB. 289 60.15 ✓ ✓  ✓ sufficiently protected under other designations  Park Parish Council AW (partly). and is an extensive tract of land. PROW. LB. AONB.

This area was not considered as it is already AW (partly). Speldhurst sufficiently protected under other designations 290 Pond Wood GB. PROW. 1.77 ✓ ✓ ✓   Parish Council and is not in close proximity to the community it AONB. serves.

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Ashurst Old Speldhurst AW (partly). the designation criteria, is already sufficiently 291 Woodland 3.73 ✓ ✓ ✓   Parish Council GB. AONB. protected under other designations, and is not in Wood close proximity to the community it serves.

There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Ironstone Speldhurst AW (partly). the designation criteria, is already sufficiently 292 2.69 ✓ ✓ ✓   Quarries Parish Council GB. AONB. protected under other designations, and is not in close proximity to the community it serves.

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Planning Extensive Comment on Criterion 5 - Demonstrably Proximity?

– Allocated or –

- Special? Tract? Area (ha) Area Proposed? Site NumberSite Permission? Name of Site Submitted by Designation? version 2006) Local Green Space Criterion 1 Existing Designations Criterion 3 Criterion 4 and Policies (Local Plan Criterion 2 There is insufficient evidence that this site meets Ashurst Speldhurst AW (partly). 293 6.87 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the designation criteria and is already sufficiently  Wood Parish Council GB. AONB. protected under other designations.

This area is of particular local significance because of its historical value. Although this area CL (partly). Ashurst Speldhurst is already partly designated as common land, the 294 GB. LB. 1.2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Churchyard Parish Council area is notably small and doesn’t cover the main AONB. features of the overall site, meaning that Local Green Space designation is suitable.

AW (partly). Stone Speldhurst This area was not considered as it is already 295 GB. PROW. 2.49 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  Cross Parish Council sufficiently protected under other designations. AONB.

Ashurst This area is highly valued as a recreational space AS_6 Speldhurst Sports GB. AONB. 2.23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ used for a variety of sports, children’s parties and ✓ 3 Parish Council Ground community events.

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Figure 36: Ashurst Local Green Space Site Map

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Appendix 1: List of Policies and Designations in Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s 2006 Local Plan (superseded by new Local Plan (see 2006 Local Plan legend)

Policy or Designation Policy or Designation Code

MGB1 Metropolitan Green Belt

MGB2 Major Developed Site within Metropolitan Green Belt

RF1, RF2 Rural Fringe

LBD1 Limits to Built Development

EN4, EN5 Conservation Area

EN6 Shopping Frontage outside Conservation Area

EN9 Schedule Ancient Monuments

EN11 Historic Park or Garden

EN14 Site of Special Scientific Interest

EN15 Site with Nature Conservation Interest/Local Nature Reserve

EN21 Important Open Space

EN22 Area of Landscape Importance

EN23 Important Landscape Approach

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Policy or Designation Policy or Designation Code

EN24 Arcadian Area

EN26 Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

EN27 Kent Special Landscape Area

CR5, CR7, CR9, CR11, Primary Shopping Area CR12 Royal Tunbridge Wells Primary Shopping Character Area CR5 Frontage CR4 (a)-(e), CR6, CR8, Retail / Mixed Use Development Site CR10

CR13 Neighbourhood Centre

H6 (a)-(f), H7 Residential Development Site

H8 Existing Rural Exception Housing Development

Economic Development Area (Except High Brooms Industrial ED1, ED3 Estates)

ED4 (a)-(e) Economic Development Allocation Site

R1 Recreation Open Space

R3, R5 Outdoor Recreation Site

R4 Children’s Play Space Site

R7 Allotment Site

CS1 District General Hospital Site

CS2 Primary School Site

CS5 Long Term Redundant School Site

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Policy or Designation Policy or Designation Code

TP6 Tunbridge Wells Central Access Zone (Residential)

TP7 Tunbridge Wells Central Park Zone (Commercial)

TP10, TP11, TP12, TP19 Highway Improvement Scheme/Road Scheme

TP13 Eridge Railway Protection Line

TP14, TP16, TP17, TP20, TP22, TP23, TP24, TP25, Car Park TP26, TP27

TP15 Paddock Wood Bus/Rail Interchange

TP18, TP21 Cycle Route

TP18, TP21 Cycle Route Points

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Appendix 2: Glossary

(For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply)

Acronym Word Definition

An article 4 direction is a direction under article 4 of the General Permitted Development Order which enables the Secretary of State or the local A4D Article 4 Direction planning authority to withdraw specified permitted development rights across a defined area. Ancient Monuments are structures of special historic interest or significance, and range from earthworks to ruins to buried remains. Many of them are scheduled as nationally important archaeological sites. If any ancient Ancient monument could in any way be affected by proposed development, advice AM Monument from Historic England should be sought as soon as possible. Applications for Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) may be required by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. It is an offence to damage a scheduled monument. Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty are designated under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act (1947) and, along with National Area of Parks, represent the finest examples of countryside in England and Wales. AONB Outstanding Their primary purpose is to ensure the conservation and enhancement of Natural Beauty the natural landscape beauty, including the protection of flora, fauna and geological interests. Development affecting such areas is restricted under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). An area that has been wooded continuously since at least 1600 AD. It includes both ancient semi-natural woodland mainly made up of trees and Ancient shrubs native to the site, usually arising from natural regeneration, and AW Woodland plantations on ancient woodland sites – replanted with conifer and broadleaved trees that retain ancient woodland features, such as undisturbed soil, ground flora and fungi. An area designated by the local planning authority under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as being of special Conservation CA architectural or historic interest, the character and interest of which it is Area desirable to preserve and enhance. Conservation areas are a type of heritage asset. A general request by the local planning authority to developers, landowners and the public to submit sites to be considered for development. These are CFS Call for Sites then assessed by the local planning authority to see whether they should be included as allocations in a Local Plan.

Common Land is land owned by one of more persons where other people, CL Common Land known as ‘commoners’ are entitled to use the land or take resources from it.

The primary objective of the Forestry Commission is to protect and expand forests and woodlands and increase their value to society and the Forestry environment. The commission leads the development and promotion of FC Commission sustainable forest management on behalf of the administrations in Scotland and England. It also delivers distinct forestry policies through specific objectives drawn from the country forestry strategies.

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Acronym Word Definition

Green Belt is open, largely undeveloped land that has been specifically designation for long-term protection. The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; the GB Green Belt essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and permanence. It is not a designation influenced by landscape quality. Development on Green Belt land is restricted under the National Planning Policy Framework.

Historic Parks & Designated by Historic England, Historic Parks and Gardens reflect the HPG Gardens landscaping fashions of their time and are a type of heritage asset.

A listed building is a building included on a list of buildings of architectural or historic interest, compiled by the Secretary of State, under the Planning LB Listed Building(s) (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. Listed Buildings are a type of heritage asset. A line around settlements defining the area which is considered to be within Limits to Built LBD the limits of the built area and that which is outside in order to restrict the Development encroachment of built form into the surrounding countryside. As explained in the NPPF, Local Green Spaces are green areas identified for special protection by local communities through Local and Neighbourhood Plans and which are of special importance to them. By designating land as Local Green Space, local communities will be able to Local Green rule out new development other than in very special circumstance. LGS Space Identifying land as Local Green Space should therefore be consistent with the local planning of sustainable development and complement investment in sufficient homes, jobs and other essential services. Local Green Spaces should only be designated when a plan is prepared or reviewed, and be capable of enduring beyond the end of the Plan period. Local Nature Reserves are places with wildlife or geological features that are of special interest to the local community. They are habitats of local or Local Nature LNR regional significance that make a useful contribution to both nature Reserve conservation and to the opportunities for the community to learn about and enjoy wildlife. Local Wildlife Sites are areas which are locally important for the conservation of wildlife. They are identified and selected for the significant habitats and species that they contain. The Kent Wildlife Trust has identified LWS Local Wildlife Site Local Wildlife Sites which, whilst not of national status, have a county-wide significance. Each site identified provides a diverse range of flora and fauna meriting careful conservation. The document that sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. The NPPF must be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans, and is a material consideration in decisions on planning applications. It replaces National Planning Government planning policies previously set out in Planning Policy NPPF Policy Framework Guidance Notes (PPGs) and Planning Policy Statements (PPSs). Further guidance on particular topics, entitled Planning Practice Guidance, is provided on the Department of Housing, Communities and Local Government website. This is intended to supplement the NPPF and be updated as necessary.

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Acronym Word Definition

The National Trust is a heritage and open spaces preservation and conservation charity founded in 1895 and looks after places throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Such places include coastlines, forests, woods, fens, beaches, farmland, moorland, islands, archaeological NT National Trust remains, nature reserves, villages, historic houses, gardens, mills and pubs and one of the world’s largest art collections. The Trust restores them, protects them, and opens them up to everyone. For the Trust, conservation has always gone hand-in-hand with public access. Public Rights of Way gives the public the right to access land, such as footpaths or bridleways, for walking or certain other leisure activities. The Public Rights of PROW public therefore have the right to roam on open access land including Way mountains, moors, heaths, downs, common land and some land around the England Coast Path. Sites of Local Sites of Local Nature Conservation Value are sites that have been assessed Nature SLNCV to be of importance to local communities where, especially in urban areas, Conservation they can afford direct contact with nature. Value Sites of Special Scientific Interest are designated by Natural England. They Site of Special SSSI are nationally important sites recognised for the flora and fauna, geological Scientific Interest or physiographical (landform) features. A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by a local panning authority in England to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. An Order prohibits the cutting down, topping, lopping, Tree Preservation TPO uprooting, wilful damage, and wilful destruction of trees without the local Order planning authority’s written consent. If consent is given, it can be subject to conditions which have to be followed. In the Secretary of State’s view, cutting roots is also a prohibited activity and requires the authority’s consent.

An area that has been used as a communal garden or for recreational VG Village Green purposes by an identifiable neighbourhood for more than 20 years.

The Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. The Trust has over 500,000 members and supporters and more than 1,000 sites, covering over 26,000 hectares, all over the UK. The Trust protects and WT Woodland Trust campaigns on behalf of the country’s woods, plants trees, and restores ancient woodland for the benefit of wildlife and people. Their vision if a UK rich in native woods and trees, for people and wildlife.

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