October 2020

£1 (£10 per year) 1 UNITED BENEFICE OF ST. MARY, WITH CHRIST CHURCH, Vicar: The Vicarage, Back Lane Goudhurst, , TN17 1AN Tel: 01580 211739 Email: Lay Minister: Caroline Turvey Tel: 01580 211739 Email: [email protected] Benefice Administrator: Becky Addis, (Monday to Friday 9am-12 noon) Benefice Office, The Vicarage, Back Lane, Goudhurst, Kent, TN17 1AN Tel: 01580 211739 Email : [email protected]

GOUDHURST Church Wardens: Ali Williams Tel: 07944 776008 Simon Taurins Tel: 07768 598239 Sunday Club: Huthrie Copplestone Tel: 01580 211902 [email protected] Church Room Bookings: Rosemary Southon Tel: 01580 211791 Ready Call: Jayne Russell (Chairman) Tel: 07766 553728 Joe Meyer (transport) Mon-Fri 9am-10am Tel: 01580 211750 Parish Hall Bookings: Nichola Osgood [email protected]

KILNDOWN Church Wardens: David Denton Tel: 01892 890244 Vacancy Tel: Flower Arranging: Lynda Shepherd Tel: 01580 879549 [email protected] Village Hall Bookings: Evie Banfield Tel: 07872 348155

PARISH MAGAZINE Editor: David Denton Tel: 01892 890244 [email protected] Magazine Advertising: Ursula Ellwood [email protected] Subscriptions & Distribution: Pam Stubbs (Goudhurst) Tel: 01580 211013 Hilary Bird (Kilndown) Tel: 01892 890554

2 WHAT’S ON IN OCTOBER 2020 At the time of writing the new ‘rule of 6’ has just come into force. We are hoping and praying that this will not impact on our Sunday worship, which is now following the format below: 8:00 – BCP Holy Communion, St. Mary’s 9:15 – Holy Communion, Christ Church 10:45 – Sunday worship (communion on the first Sunday of the month only), St. Mary’s 5:00 – The 5 o’clock every other Sunday (via Zoom, link on the GK Church website) If you are unable to come to a service in church, then there is still an option to watch one of our online services every Sunday. We have a pre-recorded service from Christ Church which goes live on the church website at 9:15 every Sunday, or the 10:45 St. Mary’s service is also available via a live stream. For the 10:45 service we are asking people to prebook their seat in St. Mary’s so that we can ensure that we are complying with social distancing regulations. You can book via the GK church website.

Night Prayers Join us at St. Mary's every Thursday evening at 7:00pm for a short, peaceful service which offers time and space to reflect on the day past and to give your concerns to God in peace and candle-light. For more details contact Caroline Turvey at caro-line. [email protected]

Blend is back Again, at the time of writing, we are hoping to restart Blend on Wednesday 23 September in St. Mary’s at 4pm. The Covid-19 pan-demic has had a massive impact on our young people, and we are hoping to bring some joy to the young people in our community at the end of the school day by restarting Blend. Please keep an eye on the GK Church Facebook page for updates on Blend – Blend is for all young people in years 7-10. To find out more details please contact Caroline Turvey at [email protected]

Community Cupboard Our food bank continues to be well stocked and we would love to hear from anyone who needs some support, either on a regular ba-sis or just as a one off. To access the foodbank please contact Ali Mackey at [email protected] To find out more about GK Church go to our website www.gkchurch.org.uk

3 INTERREGNUM MESSAGE (VICAR'S LETTER) It has been six months since I had the privilege of writing the last ‘letter from the vicar’ (or letter from the church warden in this case), and what an unforeseen six months that has been. It is with some incredulity that I look back and wonder how we even got to September still intact! The generous spring and summer weather has helped the flow of time, but as the nights draw in and a autumnal evening chill is becoming evident I find myself looking towards the next six months and wondering what that will be like for all of us. And of course there is no tidy answer to that. For some lockdown has been a time of rest, reflection and an opportunity to drink in the enforced tranquillity and recharge and reset. For others isolation and loneliness have weighed heavily, with little chance of that changing any time soon. Yet others have had a frenetic six months trying to fathom out new ways of working and implementing procedures from a set of rules that were changing almost on a daily basis at one stage. Some children and parents would have flourished being at home, learning effectively and efficiently and creating more time for family and recreational things, for others the combination of parents trying to work from home with a house full of children and their own demands and needs has been a real struggle and put many family relationships under immense strain. And there will be many more scenarios, we each have our own lockdown experience and story to tell. As I talk to people at the moment, I sense there is a general tiredness that is beginning to affect many of us. It seems whatever our lock down experience looked like we are all suffering Covid fatigue of some sort, which, with the rules changing again is likely to intensify. There is a lovely Bible verse in Matthew 11, it says:

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” An invitation worth considering as we journey into what looks to be like a long winter. Ali Church Warden, St Mary’s


Lynette Edwards sent in this photograph showing the steady march of autumn over the locality. As the weather changes the toads are tucking up for the winter. This is one of four under a tarpaulin. David Denton



• We are planning to run this year’s Flu Clinics outside in the Surgery Car . • We will be using a gazebo for weather and privacy protection. • All appointments will have to be booked by phoning the receptionists. • We hope to run closely to time to avoid queuing. To achieve this, these sessions will be strictly FLU ONLY appointments. • Patients will need to maintain social distancing and must wear a face covering. • There is very limited parking at the Surgery so we ask that you park in the lower car park if possible. If using the Surgery car park please do not park in the drive/ road to avoid blocking traffic and please leave as soon as possible. • When attending the Flu Clinic please wear clothing that allows easy access to your upper arm. • Do bear in mind that we may not recognize you with a mask! • There will be two separate sessions for Children only.


FLU CLINIC DATES 2020 Please Phone the Surgery to book an appointment THESE APPOINTMENTS ARE FOR FLU ONLY

Wednesday 30 September 2020 9 am – 5 pm - Adults

Saturday 03 October 2020 8.30 am – 2.30 pm - Adults

Wednesday 07 October 2020 9 am – 5 pm – Adults

Friday 09 October 2020 9 am – 5 pm - Adults

Monday 12 October 20 2 pm – 6 pm CHILDREN ONLY

Wednesday 14 October 2020 9 am – 5 pm - Adults

Tuesday 20 October 2020 11.15 am – 2 pm CHILDREN ONLY


Starting University or College this Autumn?

The Trustees of the Foundation are inviting applications for a limited number of grants to residents in the Parish of Goudhurst who are under 25 years of age who are of limited means, and in the opinion of the Trustees, are need financial assistance towards their education. Grants can be towards the cost of education, or for outfits, clothing, tools, instruments or books to help beneficiaries at school, university or any other educational establishment.

Please be aware that the Foundation has limited funds.

To apply, please contact Richard Bushrod, Clerk to the Trustees, 01580 211875 (answerphone) or r.bushrod@btinternet forms to be back before 7th October 2020


We changed venues for our last meeting, (the first since March) from the Quarry Centre to the Village Hall to allow for social distancing and we had seven members turn up, which was probably just as well– as most nodded off during the ‘lecture’, it was not quite what we were expecting. As someone said, ‘I’ve got better holiday snaps than that’.

The meeting booked for September 16, a practical demonstration prior to the Autumn Flower Show was shelved, as was the Show itself. The October meeting is hanging (at time of writing) in the balance.

A couple more of the gardening tools donated some months ago, to the Club have been sold, a small addition to the bank balance. Talking of money, if you haven’t already done so (don’t worry if you have) don’t dispose of your 2020 schedule. As we have not held any of the Shows, no one has had a chance to be inventive, show off their new plant acquisitions or their latest (lockdown) handiwork. We can reuse the schedule, with a new list of dates being sent out at the beginning of next year (fingers crossed!) with email/poster reminders as and when. This could help recover any losses made this year.

Now is the time to collect seeds, (pass them to me if you don’t have the space to grow them) and to start dividing plants, in readiness for the 2021 Plant Sale. Don’t forget to keep aside a jar of chutney and /or mustard pickle for the Spring Show, will taste much better after a few months maturing! Lynda


Here we are, October, several months on from the time we were all told to ‘stay indoors’, and all that involved. The Saturday Shop is still taking orders for collection, at present around half of the number back in April with most coming in for a ‘top up’ on the day. We have customers who have not set foot inside the QC since April, they just order and collect as is their choice, and customers who ‘couldn’t wait’ to get back in the QC. We’ve had one or two customers who’ve had to isolate after their holidays abroad and we’ve helped them with home deliveries or collections by neighbours. We are continuing to help with the G&K Church Community Food Cupboard and at the beginning of September had a collection, with a boxful of useful groceries accumulated by the end of the morning -Thank You to all who contributed.

At last we have all the estimates/quotes for dealing with the exterior of the building. These are being scrutinised very carefully. Whether the job gets done this year is another matter.

Don’t forget we have Eco friendly washing and cleaning products for sale on a refill basis. Just bring a bottle. (those were the days!) We are also able to source large packs (3kg,5kg +) of dried goods ,rice, fruits, cereals nuts and the like, just ask at the counter – socially distancing of course, or better still send me an email! We keep a range of greeting cards ( and postage stamps) for those forgotten birthdays etc. and the Post Box is just outside. Normally, there’s a selection of frozen meats in our freezers, again just ask.

That reminds me, the extra trade generated over the last few months has enabled the purchase of a bigger fridge, to augment our existing storage facilities. Generally, we do not have a great deal to store, but sometimes it happens – here we go – back to the crystal ball!!

We’ve had many notes of Thanks for ‘keeping going’ over these strange times and we’ve been pleased to help – one ‘helping out’ we didn’t expect was the breakdown of a customers freezer and having most of her frozen goods deposited in our freezers, whilst a replacement was sourced. It didn’t take too long and I’m sure we didn’t sell any of her goods whilst they were in our care! Lynda

7 It’s been many months since I last reported on the current status of the GOUDHURST CURTISDEN GREEN Neighbourhood Plan. As with so much KILNDOWN else, progress had stalled somewhat since March but we have now put the finishing touches to our suite of documents (the Plan itself – 89 pages – and its 9 supporting documents). Neighbourhood Plan These can be viewed on the NDP page on the GPC website, www.goudhurst- pc.gov.uk. At the time of writing, it is intended that by the end of September these will be submitted to TWBC for them to initiate the Reg 15 Consultation process. This will involve notification of Parishioners of a link on their website to our Plan and invite representations to be submitted to TWBC during an 8 week consultation period. We hope that this process will start in October and the Parish Council will have prepared a communications campaign so that all parishioners whether internet savvy or not will be able to access the updated Plan and have their views recorded.

These comments will be collated by TWBC and together with the Plan documents passed onto an Independent Examiner (IE) who will be jointly appointed by TWBC and GPC. It is likely that any representations to the IE will be made in writing. TWBC will then formally consider the report of the IE and if accepted will arrange for a local referendum to be held to ensure that the community has the final say on whether the plan comes into force or not – ‘is made’.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government has announced that no referendums can take place before May 6 2021. However “where the Local Planning Authority has issued a decision statement detailing its intention to send a neighbourhood plan to referendum, that plan can be given significant weight in decision making, so far as the plan is material to the application”.

So the end to our journey which started way back in September 2016 may finally be in sight !

It’s perhaps some comfort to know that so far in the Borough only the Plan has been made - it is nearly 10 years since the Localism Act came into force which kick-started the Neighbourhood Planning process, although 1000 have now been ‘made’ nationwide - and we are ahead of , Cranbrook and parishes. The TWBC Local Plan itself is also delayed and the second round of consultation (following more than 8000 comments to the first) will not be opened until March/April 2021 with a hoped for adopted date of Summer 2022. Colin Willis Chairman

8 lic Inform o at th io a n C

Parish Priest Fr. Victor McClean - The Presbytery, Beresford Road Goudhurst TN17 1DN Phone: 01580 211268 Email: [email protected] Website http://www.rcgoudhurst.org.uk Masses Saturday: 5.30pm Sacred Heart Church, Goudhurst Sunday: 8.30am St Barnabas, Hawkhurst 10.30am Goudhurst Tuesday to Thursday: 9.30am Goudhurst Friday: 9.30am Goudhurst Baptisms and Confessions by arrangement

Parish Contacts Louise Martine [email protected] Churches Together


If all goes to plan and we don’t all get ‘locked in’ again, this will be on Sunday October 11, on the Millennium Green from 10am to 12 noonish.

The vintage and veteran drivers and tractors(!) will take a route through Bedgebury Pinetum raising funds for Hospice in the Weald. Optimistically refreshments will be available.

9 PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Last month we noted that there has been no rain here for weeks. All was becoming brown, the grass, the leaves and even the weeds. But rain had been promised, lots of it and was for days, but little fell here and so still it continues at time of writing. As detailed in September, your council continues to be very busy on many short- and long-term plans, but this becomes more difficult by the week. With the ever changing Covid situation and consequent changes in government guidelines, it is difficult to know what, if anything, we can plan for this autumn or indeed before next summer. The Remembrance Parade and Service are cancelled, the Friends of St Mary’s Christmas Fair likewise. The chances of the substitute event, planned for the open-air by the pond, using the Parish Hall and Social Club, have also probably been dashed by the latest guidelines. So, in a positive spirit, we switch our efforts to making 2021 a success. Kent County Councillors and most of the Kent MP’s are believed to have written to the government expressing their grave concerns about the implications of the new planning regulations and build targets for Kent and the south east. Specifically, for Tunbridge Wells, the new build numbers, having already been increased from 6,500 to 13,500. may now be increased by a Government algorithm to 18,000. The more one builds the more still you must build apparently. However, Kent is saying enough. If members of our parish have an opinion on this, our MPs and county councillors will always be delighted to hear from you. During the month we have updated our Policy on CCTV and Code of Practice to ensure our compliance to required standards for CCTV at council and other public areas for general security purposes and for the retention, access and removal of images. The Clerk is the appointed Proper Officer under these regulations. The management of Legionella in the Chequers Field pavilion is under consideration, especially after a period of closure. Dog fouling stickers, bins and bag dispensers are being obtained. The Lower Glebe has been twice mown, and the ragwort treated. A Duck House has been ordered for the Goudhurst pond and we hope there will still be water in it when the house is delivered. The Business and Communication Committee has agreed its objectives, reviewed progress on our new website and Ed Bates has been seconded as an advisor to work with us and the community in making Destination Goudhurst a success. The Highways Committee, working with Greg Clark MP, is making progress on developing proposals for traffic calming on the A21 and the speed limit on the A262 at may be reduced to 50 (we hope to get it further reduced to 40 sometime in the future). 10 If all goes well, on Saturday 19th September Greg Clark MP will have formally opened our new Goudhurst Play Area; what the subsequent use regulations will be under Covid have yet to be defined. On the 1st of October, after his incredibly dedicated service to our community, as Clerk and Proper Officer to our council for 25 years, Anthony Farnfield, will be handing over the baton to Claire Reed. Having worked with Anthony, as Assistant Clerk, over the past 14 months she will have been well introduced to all things Goudhurst and will already be known to many of you. We wish her good luck in taking on her new position. We are also delighted that Anthony has agreed to take the role of Deputy Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO). He will also continue to look after the Burial Board procedures. We will consider how the parish and council would wish to recognise everything Anthony has contributed to our community, its progress and welfare over those years. Your Parish Councillors … David Boniface, Craig Broom, Chris Ditton, Alan Foster, Antony Harris (Chairman), Phil Kirkby, David Knight, Barry Noakes, Caroline Richards, Jayne Russell, Guy Sutton and Peter Wood. Clerk to the Council. Claire Reed, 01580 212552 and [email protected].

GOUDHURST PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS Dates for forthcoming Parish Council meetings are: Parish Council Meeting Monday 12 October 7.30 pm by Zoom Planning Committee Tuesday 13 October 6.30 pm by Zoom Burial Board Tuesday 20 October 7.30 pm by Zoom Planning Committee Tuesday 27 October 6.30 pm by Zoom Amenities Committee Tuesday 27 October 7.30 pm by Zoom Parish Council Meeting Monday 09 November 7.30 pm by Zoom All are welcome to attend these meetings at which time is set aside for questions from the public. Anthony Farnfield, Clerk 01580 212552 [email protected] https://goudhurst-pc.gov.uk Despite constraints on holding face to face meetings, your Parish Council is still working almost normally. But instead of meeting in person, we ‘meet’ by the telephone conference system ‘Zoom’. Local residents are welcome to join a Parish Council Zoom meeting to ask a question or make a statement for no longer than 3 minutes. Please call Anthony Farnfield or Claire Reed at the Parish Council office for more details. 01580 212552 is the number. Goudhurst Parish Council, The Hop Bine, Risebridge Farm, Ranters Lane, Goudhurst TN17 1HN Please call first to make an appointment. Note that visitors to the Parish Council office should enter Risebridge Farm from Peasley Lane. 11 VILLAGE ECHO MARKETS AND FAIRS Many of us have been using the local farm shops during lockdown, reminding us that in times gone by all shopping was conducted locally at a weekly market or annual fair. By the end of the 13th century, Goudhurst was an established village with a farming community on which its economy depended. By 1309 the village had a weekly market held on a Wednesday and an annual fair on 26th August. They were both granted during the reign of Edward II to Joane, widow of Roger de Bedgebury. The original market and fair were held in the triangular area on the Plain where all the incoming routes converged. Stallholders paid rents to the Bedgebury family but, by the late fourteenth century, Goudhurst market paid an annual rent to the Manor of Marden, which owned most of the parish. The Manor in turn rented it to various sub-holders, such as the Bedgebury family. In 1754 Mr James Hayes, Bedgebury’s then owner, paid a yearly rent of 5/-. By 1532 the market place had moved up the hill to an area outside the Star and Eagle. Notes in the parish registers record that the market often overflowed into the churchyard where misbehaviour was common. Eventually the Archbishop found it necessary to send a ‘stern rebuke’. At that time the road through Goudhurst didn’t take the present route round the churchyard but, as reported in the Village Echo of February 2016, the main road was Back Lane, where the Church entrance was also sited. In 1637 St Mary’s Church spire was struck by lightning and the tower below destroyed by fire. The rebuilding plan moved the main entrance to its present position to the west of the building and shortly afterwards the new road constructed. It was no mean feat to level out the plateau at the top of the hill and demolish two shops, which backed onto the churchyard. Some of the soil was redistributed to reduce the steep gradient and steps up to many of the buildings on each side of the road are evidence today of the road lowering. Once the new road was completed, outside the Star & Eagle was an impossible site for the market. The market buildings were pulled down in 1650 and replaced by a smaller set-up down at the Plain although it still had provision for cattle. According to another note in the Church registers the Goudhurst market cross was removed in 1652. Goods such as chickens, eggs, butter, and cheese were for sale; the sales usually managed by the farmers’ wives. Butchers and bakers took the chance to sell to a weekly crowd. In addition, craftsmen such as potters, wood carvers and weavers sold their wares. Blacksmiths could shoe horses, whilst their owners met up with neighbours or visited the taverns, and barber-surgeons would cut hair and pull teeth. However, livestock sales of mainly sheep and pigs would have played a major part in proceedings. This side of the business continued long after the general market ceased. There was a market pound for stray cattle opposite the pond, which also contained a cage for drunkards! It wasn’t just at Goudhurst that a regular market was held. Down at Combwell Priory on 6 July 1227 Henry III granted a yearly fair on the feast and the morrow of St. Mary Magdalene. In addition, on 5 February 1232, he granted a market there on Fridays, but the year after altered the day to Tuesday! Both events were probably held in the field behind the present Lady Oak house and shown as Fayre Place on an estate map dated 1622. 12

An impression of a typical medieval fair

Annual Fairs were usually larger and held over a few days. They had booths for the same produce as markets but with the addition of more exotic goods such as handicrafts, perfumes and fruits imported from the Continent by travelling peddlers. Taverns and eating houses were plentiful and possibly travelling playhouses and musicians. The Goudhurst Fair was abolished in 1886 after complaints from residents that it had become too rowdy with drunken fights between hop pickers who had just arrived for the hop harvest. With the establishment of more regular, permanent shops the general market gradually disappeared. The livestock market continued but sometime afterwards became established outside the Green Cross Inn.

Pigs for sale near the Green Cross Inn in 1920

13 THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL – 2020 There will be no house to house collection this year. However shops, pubs and offices will be asked to have trays of Poppies and collecting tins for donations. In addition members of the Goudhurst Branch will be manning a stall on the Plain between 10.00 am and 1.00pm over the following weekends: - Saturday 24 October and Sunday 25 October Saturday 31 October and Sunday 1 November There will be a range of Legion items available together with Poppies and Crosses and your donations to the Poppy Appeal will be very welcome.

Please support our Servicemen and Servicewomen.

'When you go home, tell them of us, and say for your tomorrow, we gave our today' Kohima Epitaph

14 MATERIAL FOR THE NOVEMBER 2020 ISSUE should be sent to [email protected] by THURSDAY 15th OCTOBER Thank you. Keep your contributions coming in!

PARISH MAGAZINE In discussion with the members of the delivery teams it has been agreed that the Magazine could once again be printed as delivery should not involve the team with any physical contact. Pam has reminded me that if we delay this until the November issue we will have been without a printed copy for six months. This would mean that in January existing subscribers would need to pay just £5 to subscribe for 2021. There will of course be variations for those receiving their copies by post and any new subscribers would pay the full amount of £10 with additional charges for postage. I therefore propose to return to a printed Magazine from the middle of October (November issue). David Denton Editor/Printer TRADE DIRECTORY Agricultural Engineers A Letting and Sales Property Experts I Accountancy A/B Maths Tuition E Burgess Stores B Newsagents G Cards (Greeting) D Osteopath I Dog Training N Painting & Decorating I Driveways and Landscaping C Pest (Wasp and Hornet) Control J Education C Pharmacy J Electrical E Physiotherapists J/K Farm Produce D Pilates K/L Fencing/Landscaping D Plumbing L Florist E Pre-School Playgroups M Foot Care E Private Hire M Framing (Pictures) G Puppy Classes N Funeral Directors F Reiki M Garage/Service Station F Stonemason M Inn/Restaurant G Storage N Legal/Wealth Management H TV and Aerial Installers N

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*Trusts are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. For further details or to arrange a no-obligation consultation with an adviser please call 01580 211 211 or contact us via our website www.burfieldshousewm.co.uk ~ Burfields House Wealth Management Ltd is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group’s website sjp.co.uk/products. The titles ‘Partner’ and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St.James’s Place representatives. H LETTINGS AND SALES PROPERTY EXPERTS Local Specialists with a Network of London & Regional Offices FOR YOUR FREE MARKET APPRAISAL PLEASE CALL US

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A new clinic in Goudhurst Caroline Allaway has 15 years of experience in Physiotherapy and the treatment of Sports Injuries. Bedgebury Rd, Goudhurst, TN17 2QS. Tel: 07817076165

StottSTOTT Pilates PILATES in Goudhurst in GOUDHURST Stott PilatesNew classes is the commencingmost medically-limited aligned spaces Pilates discipline. As a available. Beginners, toning balls, fitness circle, pure Pilates and core condition Pilates

qualified nurse, radiographer and Stott Pilates instructor, I teach Stott Pilates is the most medicallyStott aligned Pilates Pilates to those discipline. who As wish a qualified to improve nurse, their flexibility and radiographer and Stott Pilates instructor, I teach Stott Pilates to those who wish to improve their flexibility and posture. posture. I specialiseI specialise in Pilates in forPilates senior for citizens, senior pre citizens,- and post -pre-natal andPilates, post-natal and Pilates Pilates, for and Pilates for rehabilitation,rehabilitation, by modifying by modifying exercises exercises to to suit suit client’s client’s needs. needs. 1-2-1 and small classes of 3-4 people1-2- 1available. and small classes New classesof 3-4 people start available. every 6 weeks. Gift Vouchers available. Contact Mary-ThérèseContact MaryRGN,-Th BScérèse (Hons) RGN, BSc RAD, (Hons) Stott RAD, Pilates instructor 07447 426 243 Stott Pilates instructor email:[email protected] Email: [email protected] J Back Pain, Sciatica, Injured or Aching Joints? Our caring and professional team is here to help

As experienced osteopaths and spinal disc specialists, we know how difficult life can be when you’re in pain and your movement is restricted. It can be very debilitating when you can’t sleep, work or enjoy time with your friends and family because of agonising back or neck pain, a shoulder injury, an aching hip, or a ‘dodgy’ knee or ankle.

It’s important that we get our patients better - for the long-term. That means listening to you and getting to the root of your problem, not just treating your symptoms.

Why choose Wealden Osteopaths & Spine Centre?

✓ Safe, gentle and effective treatments ✓ Sciatica and ‘slipped’ disc specialists ✓ Caring and trusted expert team

✓ Male and female practitioners available The Wealden team is changing the ✓ Established in Goudhurst for 10 years lives of pain sufferers with IDD Therapy

Our IDD Therapy Programme is here to help you out of pain and back to your normal routine – for the long term. The safe and gentle treatments target the root of your bulging, prolapsed, herniated or ‘slipped’ disc so that symptoms don’t return.

“Every day was a battle with agonising sciatica… but now I’m pain-free and enjoying life again after IDD Therapy.”

Sarah Gower’s back pain and sciatica put her life on hold. It was so severe, she was considering surgery. She explains:

“I knew it would be a few months before I saw a consultant, but honestly, I really wasn’t comfortable with the idea of spinal injections or surgery; I’d read about the risks and recovery periods and it was a big worry for me.

I’d seen some local magazine articles about patients who had recovered well at Wealden Osteopaths & Spine Centre. The Clinic Director James Pickering arranged for me to have an MRI scan straight away; he suspected I had some disc damage - a possible reason for my relentless sciatica. James was confident that IDD Therapy could help me; he reassured me that it would treat the root of my problem so that my sciatica wouldn’t return.

I still can’t quite believe I’m back swimming, going to the gym and sleeping S After IDD Therapy, Sarah enjoyed through the night at last. IDD Therapy has been a godsend, and James’s a pain-free holiday in Jersey team has been wonderful throughout.”

Call now on 01580 212833 or email [email protected] for a FREE 15 min phone consultation with one of our friendly expert team.

✓ Approved IDD Therapy Disc Clinic ✓ Peaceful location in Ranters Lane ✓ Flexible appointment times ✓ Ample FREE parking wealdenosteopaths.co.uk

K Fully qualified & very experienced Pilates Foundation Instructor Pre & Post Natal, Pregnancy, Rehabilitation & Breast Cancer Exercise Specialist 12 years teaching in the leading London Pilates Studios Goudhurst Parish Hall Thursdays 9:15 am – Booking essential Classes also in Hawkhurst & Hurst Green Contact Sarah on 07958 490 525 [email protected] Private lessons & fully equipped Reformer Studio available

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Enquiries: Manager: Jo Galloway) [email protected] Tel: 01580 212777 / 07483 262753 Chair of Trustees: Jayne Russell: [email protected] Tel: 07766 553728

Reiki in Goudhurst. Reiki means universal life energy in Japanese. Reiki is hands on healing and Reiki practitioners believe that our energy fields affect our physical and spiritual health. A Reiki practitioner aims to change and balance the energy fields (chakras) in and around your body to help on a physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual level. Reiki helps you sleep better, relieves stress and improves general wellbeing. Please contact Mary-Therese 07447426243 BSc(Hons)RAD, RGN

M TRADE DIRECTORY Additional entries or modifications to existing entries will be made in March, June and September for publication in the April, July and October issues of the Parish Magazine. Please contact Ursula Ellwood for information on layout and cost. Email: [email protected]

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