Tunbridge Wells Public Transport Forum
TUNBRIDGE WELLS PUBLIC TRANSPORT FORUM Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 1 April 2015 at the Town Hall, Tunbridge Wells. Present: Councillor Alan McDermott, TWBC (Chairman) Councillor Bob Backhouse, TWBC (BB) Roger Blake, Railfuture (RB) Steve Bowser, Town Forum (SB) Cheryl Clark, Committee Administrator, TWBC (CC) Councillor Mrs Barbara Cobbold, TWBC (BC) Andrew England, Access Group (AE) Norman Kemp, Company Secretary, Nu-Venture (NK) Martin Lewis, TW & District Travellers Association (ML) Parish Councillor Charles Mackonochie (Capel Parish Council) (CM) Angus McConchie Network Rail (AM) Philip Lightowler, KCC, Head of Public Transport (PL) Rob Patterson, Business Development Manager, Arriva (RP) Chris Perry, Tunbridge Wells District Partnership Group (CP) Peter Perry, Town Forum (PP) Richard Phillips, Hawkhurst accessibility Group (RPh) Benjamin Ward, Southeastern (BWa) Patrick Warner, Business Development Manager, Brighton & Hove/Metrobus (PW) Denise Watts, Chairman, Tunbridge Wells Over 50s Forum (DW) Councillor Lynne Weatherly supporting Chris Perry Andy Wells, Go Coach (AW) Councillor Frank Williams, TWBC (FW) Bartholomew Wren, Economic Development Officer, TWBC, (BW) Action By: APOLOGIES (1) Apologies for absence were recorded from: Hilary Smith, TWBC Economic Development Manager; Michael Coggles, Chairman, Access Group; Mike Gibson, Public Affairs Manager, Southeastern; and Mathew Arnold, Arriva. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING (2) The minutes of the last meeting held on 26 November 2014 (previously circulated) were agreed. RAIL SERVICES UPDATE SOUTHEASTERN (3) BWa updated on performance and advised it was currently the best it had been for 2 years. He quoted the percentage of trains running on time as 93.8% on the Hastings line compared with 86.2% the previous year.
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