The Oxford University Doctor Who Society Mag azine TThhee TTiiddeess ooff TTiimmee Issue 29 Easter Vacation 2004 BUFFY AND THE BRITISH Star Trek The Prisoner The career of Brian Clemens … …and something called Doctor Who , apparently. The Tides of Time 29 • 36 • Easter Vacation 2004 The Tides of Time 29 • 1 • Easter Vacation 2004 the difference between people and objects. The Tides of Time Shorelines When Lamia presents Grendel with her android copy of Romana, a primitive device More shorelines IIIIIIIssssssssuuueee 222999 EEEaaasssstttteeerrrr VVVaaaccccaaattttiiiiiiiooonnn 222000000444 By the Editor Well, that’s about it for now. Thank you to everyone intended to kill the Doctor, Grendel exclaims that it is a killing machine, and that he would for getting this far; unless you have started at this Editor Matthew Kilburn end of the magazine, in which case, welcome to Turn of the Tide? marry it. In doing so he discloses his
[email protected] This issue of The Tides of Time is being issue 29 of The Tides of Time ! I said a few years ago, published within a few weeks of the understanding of power, that it comprises the when I cancelled my own zine, The Troglodyte , after SubSubSub-Sub ---EditorEditor Alexandra Cameron cancellation of Angel by the WB ability to kill people. Grendel is a powerful one issue, that having got a job as an editor I didn’t Executive Editor Matthew Peacock network in the USA. The situation may man, in his own society, and at least recognises think that editing in my spare time would have much Production Associate Linda Tyrrell have moved on by the time that you the Doctor as another man of power; but the appeal.