
The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE 3 September 25-26, 2018 Bandung,


“ Human Development through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology ”


The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology”



“Human Development through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology”

September 25-26, 2018 Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung Editor: Adang Suherman Dian Budiana Agus Rusdiana Mulyana Agus Mahendra Cep Ubad Abdullah Kuston Sultoni Layout Editor: Kuston Sultoni Muhamad Arif Ghazali Organized by: FAKULTAS PENDIDIKAN OLAHRAGA DAN KESEHATAN UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology”

Supported by: Table of Contents

Speech of West Java of Governor Speech of Mayor Bandung Speech of Rector of UPI Speech of Dean of FPOK UPI Speech of Chairman of ICSSHPE 2018 FPOK UPI Abstracts Keynote Speakers Conference Map Conference Rundown Parallel Session Schedule Book of Abstracts

1 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Speech of West Java Governor

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

On behalf of the West Java province governance, I would like to congratulate the Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, for hosting the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE) 2018. I believe that such program is a good platform to bridge the gap between the theoretical foundation and the existing reality, particularly in the fields of sport science, health, and physical education.

As a governmental sector, Jawa Barat has always been supportive to the programs conducted by schools, universities, and even sports clubs which promote the advancement of sport, health, and physical education. I am in fully agreement that the government should play their role in creating more conducive environment and atmosphere in every aspect of life, and sport and physical education have no exception. Thus, the government and educational institutions should go hand in hand to create good synergy so that sport can build the nation so that our country can keep up in the industrial revolution 4.0. As a follow up, I am suggesting a broader international collaboration; government to government collaboration and agreement so that supervision can be carried out in a bigger scope.

I would also like to thank keynote speakers either from overseas countries or from Indonesia for their willingness to share their knowledge and experiences in each of their expertise. I am certain that you give great contribution in the fields of sport science, health, and physical education. To all of the keynote speakers, please enjoy Bandung, the capital city of West Java province. Last but not least, I believe congratulations are in order for all the participants of the conference. Thank you very much.

H. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil, S.T., M.U.D.

Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 2 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Speech of Mayor of Bandung

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera bagi kita semua Yang terhormat keynote speakers, Yang saya hormati para tamu undangan, Yang saya hormati rektor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Yang saya hormati dekan Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Serta seluruh peserta konfrensi,

Terima kasih saya ucapkan sebesar-besarnya kepada Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, khususnya Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan (FPOK) yang menyelenggarakan the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE) 2018. Terima kasih karena telah melaksanakan konfrensi ini tiga kali berturut-turut di Bandung.

Saya selaku walikota Bandung amat sangat mengapresiasi konfrensi ini karena percaya olahraga, kesehatan, dan pendidikan jasmani merupakan faktor penting dalam pembangunan SDM berkualitas di Kota Bandung. Ada sebuah pepatah Arab yang sangat cocok untuk konteks ini, yaitu “al-aqlu al-salim fi al-jism al-salim” yang maknanya adalah otak kita akan bekerja secara optimal manakala kondisi fisik kita prima. Oleh karenanya, saya menghimbau agar para praktisi olahraga, kesehatan, dan pendidikan jasmani serta bidang terkait khususnya yang berasal dari kota Bandung agar mengikuti acara ini dengan seksama karena terdapat banyak sekali pengetahuan yang akan sangat bermanfaat.

Hadirin yang saya hormati, Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin pula menyampaikan agar para peserta konfrensi ini menikmati kota Bandung yang terkenal dengan kerahaman penduduknya, kenikmatan kulinernya, keindahan alamnya, dan kreativitas anak mudanya. Seluruh peserta bisa menikmati berbagai macam wisata mulai dari wisata alam, wisata belanja, wisata kuliner, atau hanya sekedar relaksasi di kota Bandung ini. Dengan demikian, ilmunya dapat, refreshing-nya juga dapat. Sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Sekali lagi terima kasih. Selamat berkonfrensi dan selamat menikmati kota Bandung. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

H. Oded Muhammad Danial, S.AP.

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The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Speech of Rector of UPI

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen The honorable keynote speakers, The honorable invited guests, The honorable dean of FPOK UPI, The honorable organizing committee of ICSSHPE 2018, And distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, A very good morning to you all…

First of all, I would like to welcome you all to the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE) 2018. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the keynote speakers who have come from such long distance to share their knowledge and experience in a variety of expertise. I believe that your keynote speech will give significant contribution for all the audience of the conference. Ladies and gentlemen, As the ministry of research, technology, and higher education of the Republic of Indonesia encourages all universities to increase publication and international reputable publishers, our university, under the coordination of our vice rector on research, business, and partnership affairs has made plenty of efforts. We have contracts with several Scopus-indexed international journals, book chapters, and we have several conferences whose proceedings are published in Scopus (and any other institution) – indexed publisher as well. Last year we had 17 conferences and this year, we are adding 5 more conferences so that there are 22 international conferences hosted by UPI this year. Some of the proceedings have been published, and some of them are in the process of publication. However, the publication has placed UPI in such a great position. In 2015, UPI is in the 400th rank. But now, we belong to the top 20 of the most productive universities in publication in Indonesia. Ladies and gentlemen, As a rector of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, I would like to thank the dean of FPOK and of course the organizing committee of the conference for consistently hosting and the conference. I know that this is the third time the faculty hosts the conference. The first and the second conferences have contributed numerous proceeding number which increases the recognition of UPI in the international publication. I would also like to thank all the participants and authors for their perseverance particularly in submitting their papers with regards to the requirement of international publication. I know it is not easy to follow the steps of the publication. Finally, I wish you the best of luck. Thank you very much. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Prof. Dr. Asep Kadarohman, M.Si.

Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 4 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Speech of Dean of FPOK UPI

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen The honorable keynote speakers, The honorable invited guests, The honorable rector of UPI, The honorable organizing committee of ICSSHPE 2018, And distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning… In this pleasant occasion, I would like to take a moment to express my most sincere gratitude to the organizing committee of ICSSHPE 2018 led by Dr. Agus Mahendra, M.A., and supervised by Dr. Dian Budiana, M.Pd. as the vice dean on academic affairs for hosting such a great event. I would also like to thank rector and vice rector on research, partnership, and business affairs of UPI for their endless support for all the international conferences hosted by UPI, including this one. The Faculty of Sport and Health Education (or the so-called FPOK) UPI has been put its maximum efforts in supporting publication as one of the key identities of universities. In addition to hosting an annual international conference whose proceedings are published in an internationally-reputable publisher, the faculty is now pioneering an international journal namely IJSSHPE (International Journal on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education). We do hope that IJSSHPE can follow the success story of IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics) and IJoST (Indonesian Journal on Science and Technology), which both have been indexed by Scopus. To reach that, I am welcoming papers in the scopes of sport science, health, and physical education to be submitted to the journal with open arms. Besides the international journal, two of our study programs have national journals accredited by the ministry of research, technology, and higher education of the Republic of Indonesia. One is JPJO, a journal on physical education, and the other one is JT IKOR, a journal concerning with sport science issues. All participants are also welcomed to submit their papers to both of the journals. For all the publication in our faculty, I would like to thank UPI publication center for their support. Ladies and gentlemen, My sincere gratitude also goes to all of the keynote speakers of the conference. We have Wayne Cotton from the University of Sydney, Australia; Fan Hong from Bangor University, UK; Masato Kawabata from National Institute of Education, Singapore; and Hamidie Ronald from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Let's give them appreciation by giving them a big round of applause. Last but not least, I would like to congratulate all the participants of the conference. I do hope that all of your papers can be accepted by the publisher. Thank you very much. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Prof. Dr. H. Adang Suherman, MA.

5 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Speech of Chairman of ICSSHPE 2018

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Peace be upon us all. The honorable rector of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Asep Kadarohman, M.Si., The honorable dean of Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Adang Suherman, M.A. The honorable keynote speakers, The honorable parallel speakers, The honorable organizing committee members, And all distinguished guests, participants of the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE) 2018, It is such a great pleasure to welcome you all to the third International Conference on Sports Science, Health, and Physical Education, 2018. I would also like to welcome you all to Bandung, a city well-known by its creativity, hospitality, and comfort. On behalf of the organizing committee of the conference, allow me to deliver several points of report as follows. The 3nd ICSSHPE 2018 is a continuous effort to accommodate exchange of theories, information, and research results among experts of sports science, health, and physical education. This year, we, the committee, try to bring up a theme of human development through physical activity, physical education, recreation, fitness, sport science, and technology. We believe that the aforementioned aspects play an important role in creating an integrated sport in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. This year, there are two sessions of the conference namely keynote speech and parallel sessions. To expand the knowledge of all the participants particularly Indonesians, we invite several international speakers from UK, Australia, Singapore, and also Indonesia whom I believe will bring new insights to the development of sports science, health, and physical education. In the parallel session, there are 235 participants in total 142 of them are from UPI and 93 come from various institutions such as UNJ, UNESA, UNY, UNNES. There are also several overseas participants from Philipines, Malaysia. Ladies and gentlemen, representing the organizing committee of the conference, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everybody taking a part in this conference: participants, parallel presenters, keynote speakers, organizing committee, steering committee, the university, sponsors, and also everyone else. Even though we, the committee, have tried our best efforts to make a better conference this year, I believe that there remains some inconvenience. For that, we do apologize. That would be the end of my report. One more time, deep from the place of caring inside, thank you very much. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dr. Agus Mahendra, M.A.

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The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Abstracts of Keynote Speakers


Dr Wayne Cotton the University of Sydney.

Providing quality Physical Education throughout a person's schooling years has been shown to be important for a range of physical, social and emotional reasons. Therefore, it is important that we develop effective Physical Education teachers who are able to have a positive and measurable impact on their students. This keynote address will look at previous research in this area and discuss the lessons learnt from this research. The presentation will also look at the place technology has in not only developing school students in Physical Education classes, but also in measuring the effectiveness of pre service Physical Education teachers and in turn their teacher education programs.

Dr. Wayne Cotton

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The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Abstracts of Keynote Speakers


Fan Hong and Lu Zhouxiang Bangor University, United Kingdom.

The presentation will examine the development of competitive gaming in China in the past three decades. In the early years, gaming enthusiasts in China organised competitions on a voluntary basis. From the late 1990s, profit- driven gaming companies began to organise and sponsor video game competition across the country. The past 15 years have been the commercialization and professionalization of competitive gaming and the development of the new concept of ‘E-sports’. E-sports drew participants and audiences from China’s rapidly expanding online gaming community. While gaming companies, live-streaming services and online gaming platforms are making millions of dollars in profits, the booming E-sports culture has facilitated the growth of the online gaming market and contributed to the formation of a vast cohort of online gaming addicts in China. Parents, educationalists and doctors have expressed concern over the social and health costs of the E-sports industry. Academia, media and the general public are becoming more cautious about the E-sports industry which mostly targets a vulnerable group made up of the country’s children, teenagers and young adults.

Prof. Fan Hong

Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 8 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSSHealth and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Abstracts of Keynote Speakers


Masato Kawabata (1,2) 1) Physical Education and Sports Science Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2) School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia

When individuals are deeply involved in an activity, they are likely to lose awareness of time. For example, time seems to fly when we are having fun and drags when we are bored. Csikszentmihalyi (e.g., 1990) calls such a state of complete involvement as flow. Flow is a metaphoric term to illustrate an optimal state of mind that individuals similarly report when they are acting with focused and intense involvement in an activity. In the flow state, individuals feel cognitively efficient, deeply involved, and highly motivated with experiencing a high level of enjoyment. Given that flow experience is linked with optimal functioning, personal growth, and engagement, it is significant to understand mechanisms that lead to and maintain a flow state. Furthermore, intervention programs to foster this positive subjective experience should be highly valued, especially in learning environments. Physical Education (PE) encompasses a variety of physical activities and is considered to be a suitable educational setting in which to foster flow. However, participation alone does not necessarily ensure that flow experience is achieved in PE lessons. In this keynote, I will talk about how flow experience could be facilitated in PE based on my research findings.

Masato Kawabata, Ph.D

9 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Abstracts of Keynote Speakers


Hamidie Ronald Daniel Ray Sport Science Department, Faculty Of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Professor Collaborator Kanazawa University, Japan.

Abstract Human body especially mitochondria have ability to adapt with the physical exercise, this phenomena know as mitochondrial biogenesis. Previous study said that endurance exercise enhance metabolic characteristic included increases Glucose Transporter 4 (GLUT 4). The polyphenol have ability to increase the second messenger cAMP which finally also increase mitochondrial biogenesis through PGC-1 which know as master regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis. Polyphenol original Indonesia plan curcumin (curcuma L) have ability to increase mitochondrial biogenesis will explain in this current review. It seem look like that curcumin increase mitochondrial biogenesis on skeletal muscle through AMP-SIRT1-PGC1 pathway. Furthermore, the author trying to more focus on second messenger cAMP which involve on increases mitochondrial biogenesis. Indeed, our previous study also shown result that cAMP level increases by curcumin itself and curcumin combined with endurance training. In order to know the direct target how curcumin increase cAMP, the author also speculated to focused on enzyme PDE4A which quickly convert PDE4A to AMP and indeed previous studies have showed this indication that curcumin more preferred to increases cAMP level via PDE4A. Based on this current review, we interested to enhance the Indonesia natural plan curcumin on its possibility to increase athlete performance through increases mitochondrial biogenesis.

Keywords: Curcumin, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, Athlete Performance

dr. Hamidie Ronald D Ray, M.Pd. Ph.D

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The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology”




11 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSSHealth and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Conference Rundown (TENTATIVE) Day 1, Tuesday, September 25, 2018 (Grand Tjokro Hotel, Bandung) No Time Activity

1. 07.00 - 08.00 Registration

2. 08.00 - 09.00 Opening Ceremony: Indonesia Raya National Anthem & Halo-halo Bandung Prayer Report by The Chairman of Icsshpe 2018 Welcome Speech by the Dean of FPOK UPI Welcome Speech and Official Opening by Rector UPI Art Performance

3. 09.00 - 09.15 Coffee Break

4. 09.15 - 12.15 Planary Session Fan Hong ( Bangor University, Wales, United Kingdom ) Wayne Cotton ( University of Sydney, Australia ) Masato Kawabata ( National Institute of Education, Singapore ) Hamidie Ronald ( Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia )

5. 12.15 - 13.30 Lunch Break

6. 13.30 - 14.30 Parallel Session I

7. 14.30 - 15.00 Break

8. 15.00 - 16.00 Parallel Session II

9. 16.00 - 17.00 Parallel Session III Day 2, Wednesday, September 26, 2018 (Auditorium FPOK UPI, Bandung) Coaching Clinic on Scientific Writing (Mandatory) No Time Activity

1. 08.00 - 09.00 a. Opening b. General Explanation

2. 09.00 - 10.00 Introduction to Scientific Papers

3. 10.00 - 10.15 Coffee Break

4. 10.15 - 12.00 a. Abstract b. Introdiction c. Method

5. 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch Break

6. 13.00 - 14.00 Results and Discussion

7. 14.00 - 14.15 coffee break

8. 14.15 - 15.00 a. Conclusion b. References

9. 15-00 - 15.30 Closing

Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 12 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Parallel Session Schedule Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Parallel Session 1 13.30 - 14.30 ROOM MONGOLIA ROOM GAZANIA ROOM AZALEA ROOM TULIP 2

[ABS-17] Understanding Of Physical [ABS-10] The Correlation Between [ABS-85] The Influence of Double [ABS-63] West Java Sports Education Teacher To Principles Of Motor Abilities With Long Jump Leg Incline and Stair Bound Development: Sport Policy Review Biomechanics And Their Applied Performance on Children Age 18-19 Plyometric Exercise on Increased Leg Anang Setiawan (a*,b), Yudha M. Saputra Rony Mohamad Rizal; Gugun Gunawan Year Power and Underwater 15 Meter (b), Nanang Fattah (c) and Amung Ervan Kastrena (1*), Adang Suherman Speed Diving Results Mamun (b) [ABS-18] The Children Playing (2) , Amung Mamun (3), Eka Nugraha (4) Novi Syaidatul Karimah 1, I Putu Bayu Activities of Suku Anak Dalam at Ardhya Satrio 2, Bella Eka [ABS-69] Awards on Achieving to Madobag Village Mentawai Regency [ABS-67] Relationship between Kusumawardani 3, Dr.H. Rd. Boyke Increase Athlete (Comparison Between Gender) Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) and Mulyana, M.Pd 4 Reza Ryanantama Cristi (a), Komarudin Gusril (a*) Tjung Hauw Sin (b) Critical Thinking Ability in Physical (b), Nuryadi (b) Education [ABS-93] Interests swim in [ABS-103] Effect of Traditional Fitriane Arifin(a), Bambang A adolescents [ABS-113] Analysis of the Ability of Games on Fundamental Motor Skills bduljabar(a), Tite Juliantine(a) Akhmad Olih Solihin, Sriningsih Futsal Members in Understand Futsal Development in Children Game and Futsal Referee Signal Anton Komaini (a*), Sri Gusti Handayani [ABS-106] The Correlation of [ABS-120] Swimming Training Model Mahir Dwi Nugroho (a*), Sri Winarti (b) (b) Coordination Between Eyes and Edi Wahyudi. M Hand With The Result of Drive in [ABS-177] Policy Evaluation Sarjana [ABS-9] The Effect of Striking and The Badminton Games [ABS-99] Swimming backstroke using Pendamping Pengerak Pembangunan Fielding Games on Fundamental Rian Kurnia, Nuansa Giva Mauludy, Bella aqua noodle Olahraga (SP3OR) In West Java Motor Skill Eka Kusumawardani, Hadi Sartono, Ani Pristiawati, Sriningsih Adang Suherman, Endi Rustandi Vicki Ahmad Karisman, James Tangkudung, Dedi Supriadi [ABS-163] The Modern Rhythmic [ABS-114] The Influence of Chest [ABS-134] Sport Management at La Motion Pattern as The Content of Style Learning Methods on the Diva Gymnastics Studio [ABS-130] The Differences Childrens The Rhythmic Activity Decreasing of Students Anxiety Level Sri Gusti Handayani(a*), Darni(b), Anton Anthropometric Growth and Surdiniaty Ugelta, Mustika Fitri, Lilis Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Febri Fitria Komaini(c) Development among 1st grade to 3rd Komariah Wulandari, Badruzaman, Made Agus grade and 4th grade to 6th grade Wijaya, I Wayan Repiyasa [ABS-180] Revealing Misconception primary school children [ABS-124] The Offort of Dead In Sport Biomechanics of Free Fall Gano Sumarno (a*), Agus Mahendra (a), Release and Active Release of The [ABS-165] The Increase Swimming Motion Bustanil aripin (a) Results At A Distance of 30 Meters on Distance Ability Using Tools for Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, Muhammad The Athletes A Beginner in Sports Flippers-Back Bouy and Kickboard Habibbulloh [abs-131] Early Childhood Motor Archery on Freestyle for Beginners Development Associated With Parent Iqbal Permana (a), Reki Siaga A (b), Deris Badruzaman [ABS-199] Sport Science Program Social Economic Background Maulana (c), Fahrul Husaeni (d) Students Enterpreunership Mindset Mesa Rahmi Stephani (a*), Gano [ABS-169] Integrating Life Skills Into and The Corellation to Muslimah Sumarno (a), Ricky Wibowo (a) [ABS-140] Procedure Instrument Swimming Training Programs Sportswear Online Business Identification Specialization Playing Purnama Hudaya, Amung Mamun, Motivation [ABS-33] Gender Differences in Position on Basketball Yusup Hidayat Yati Ruhayati, Imas Damayanti, Nur indri Motor Coordination and Physical Alen Rismayadi Rahayu Activity [ABS-175] Developing Ergonomic Riza Adriyani, Dody Iskandar, Lia Siti [ABS-56] Performance Analysis of Physical Education Manipulative [ABS-203] Sport Development Index Camelia Pencak Silat Tools of Banyumas Regency Rajip Mustafillah Rusdiyanto Eka Nugraha, Ricky Wibowo, Burhan Ngadiman, Indra Jati Kusuma, [ABS-133] Analysis Needs Learning Hambali Kusnandar, Panuwun Joko Model Basic Skills Motion Based Play [ABS-15] Prediction of 2000 m indoor In The Primary School The Upper rowing performance using a 100 meter [ABS-179] The Underwater Length [ABS-136] Improving The Quality Of Classes sprint, 60s sprint and 6000 meter test and The Swimming Speed of 50 Adaptive Health Education Services NEVI HARDIKA Dede Rohmat Nurjaya, Amung Mamun, Meters Backstroke Relation. In Disable Students Agus Rusdiana Kardjono, Muthia Rachmawati Beltasar Tarigan (a*) Hendya Alif [ABS-138] The Effect of Physical Junanda (b) Amung Mamun (c) Activities and Physical Education [ABS-207] Predictive Validity of Program to Children Anthropometric Badminton Basic Skills Learning Growth and Development in Outcome Instrument Test Based on Elementary Schools Gender Andi Suntoda (a*), Agus Mahendra (a), Burhan Hambali*, Asmawi Zainul, Yusuf Ricky Wibowo (a) Hidayat

13 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSSHealth and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Parallel Session Schedule Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Parallel Session 1 13.30 - 14.30 ROOM TULIP 1 ROOM LILY 1 ROOM LILY 2 ROOM PLUMERIA

[ABS-46] Effect of Sports Activity to [ABS-57] Improving the behaveur of [ABS-11] Learning Basket Baskelball [ABS-60] UKM Canoeing Students Elderly Hypokinetic Trend and Risk students respect through TPSR Using Personalized System of Performance Profile of Stkip Nurlan Kusmaedi learning model seen from assertive Instruction Models Pasundan M. Rizki Mauludin, Mustika Fitri, Nina Silvy Juditya (a*); Dhani Agusni Zakaria Syahid Nur Yasin (a*), Henry Asmara (b) [ABS-61] The Illustration of Physical Sutresna (a); Yogi Pratama (a) Activity And The Elderly Physical [ABS-98] Performance Profile of Fitness Level [ABS-58] Optimizing Sport Value [ABS-19] Improving Self esteem and Kayaker Team Indonesia Bintang Kusuma Wardhana, Muhammad through Character-Based Motion Games Performances through Games Syahid Nur Yasin(1) Amung Mamun(2) Hamid Anwar Card in Elementary School based Learning in Physical Education Agus Rusdiana(3) Made Agus Wijaya, I Nyoman Kanca, I Content Basketball at Secondary [ABS-151] Sedentary Behavior Among Ketut Yoda, Ketut Iwan Swadesi High School [ABS-168] Profile of VO2max Student Male and Female Older Adults in Ahmad hamidi, Moch. Asmawi, A.sofyan Athletes in West Java before facing West Java IndonesiaSumardiyanto (a*), [ABS-64] The Traditional Games Hanif, Multievent POPNAS in 2017 Jajat (a,b), Kuston Sultoni (a) Learning Model for Elementary Gumelar Agusman Sarief School Students Character Building [ABS-21] The Effectiveness of [ABS-139] Adult Women Body Mass Septian Fajri Masyhuri, Wawan S Cooperative Learning Model Based [ABS-97] The Contribution Of Index (BMI): Participated on Sport Suherman on Local Wisdom of Bali for Physical Aerobic Endurance and Anxiety to Recreation Program Education, Sport and Health Subject Concentration on Cricket Athletes Mustika Fitri (a*) Jajat (a,b) [ABS-71] Improving Discipline and in Junior High SchooL Bujang (a*), Apta Mylsidayu (b) Responsibility Trough Feed Back in I Ketut Yoda (a), I Gusti Lanang Agung [ABS-182] Risk factors of Dementia Physical Education Parwata (b) [ABS-109] Effect of Lateral Cone in Elderly at Nursing Home Abdul Malik Karim Amrulloh1, Pamuji Hops And Hurdle Hops Training Slamet Rohaedi, Lisna Anisa Fitriana, M. Sukoco2 [ABS-32] The Influence Teaching Against The Power of Legs Muscle Ragil Mandaputra Styles on the Badminton Skill Muhammad Sardi Akbar (a*), Boyke [ABS-22] The Influence of Pencak Reviewed From Motor Educability Mulyana (b), Deris Maulana (b), Reki [ABS-190] Improvement on Sedentary Silat on the Establishment of the 1. Ashadi Cahyadi 2. Herman Subarjah, Siaga Agustina(b) Middle Aged Womans Healthy Character of Youth 3. Yunyun Yudiana 4. Yusuf Hidayat,. Lifestyle and Exercise Motivation Nurul Ihsan [ABS-29] The Influence Learning Through Zumba Short Program [ABS-34] study of the correlation Used Abc Run Exercise on The Sprint Imas Damayanti, Nur Indri Rahayu, Ira [ABS-24] The Effect of External between learning styles and learning Capabilities Purnamasari, Mona Fiametta Feedback Knowledge of Result (kr) outcomes of physical education Sutiswo (a*), Sumbara Hambali (b) and Knowledge of Performance (kp) Silvy Juditya (a,b*); Adang Suherman (a); [ABS-197] Quality of Nursing Work With Different Relative Frequency in Amung Mamun (a); Agus Rusdiana (a) [ABS-16] Prediction of Rowing Life In Subang Hospital Indonesia The Motor Skill Acquisition of Tennis Ergometer Performance from Sri Sumartini, Asih Purwandari Wahyoe Forehand Groundstroke [ABS-36] The Influence of Command Functional Anaerobic, Aerobic and Puspita, Tirta Adikusuma Suparto, Slamet Yadi Sunaryadi And Inclusion Teaching Styles on Muscle Power Rohaedi, Anggun Permatasari Learning Outcomes of Tabletennis Dede Rohmat Nurjaya, Amung Mamun, [ABS-73] The Influence of Outbound Skills "Experimental Study on PJKR Agus Rusdiana [ABS-210] The Influence of Peer Game to Creativity of Physical Students of FPOK Universitas Teaching Learning Models and Education of Primary School Teacher Pendidikan Indonesia” [ABS-82] The Effect of Outdoor Cooperative Learning Models on Education (pste) Students E. Fitri Amalia, J. Tangkudung, Education of Cohesion of The Team Confidence and Collaboration of Yogi Akin, Dinar Dinangsit Firmansyah D., H Subarjah on A Branch on Sport Karate Students in Volleyball Games Bella Eka Kusumawardani 1, Novi Tite Juliantine; Agi Rismanugraha; Dian [ABS-123] Resilience Development [ABS-54] Learning Model Based Syaidatul K 2, Rian Kurnia 3, Sagittarius Budiana Through Outdoor Education Based Sorth Run in University of Lampung 4 on Coping Strategy: Experimental Penjaskesrek Student [ABS-219] Relationship Between The Study on Islamic Boarding School Heru Sulistianta, Ziko Fajar Ramadhan [ABS-220] Application of Learning Self-Concept Of Athletes With Social Students Softball Using Modified Glove and Interaction Quality Of Basketball Ball Fajar Adi Nugroho (a*), Amung Mamun [ABS-75] The increase in the value of Ball to Develoving Basic Movement Team (a), Nurlan Kusmaedi (a) responsibility and cooperation Skils Throwing and Catching for Lufty Bella Dina Hakiky (a*), Yusuf through teaching personal social High School Students Hidayat (b), Indra Ramadhan (b), [ABS-221] Development of responsibility in Senior High School Mudjihartono1, Wahyu Diyanto2 , Agus Ginggar Garlika (b) Instruments Batting in Softball with in learning of physical education. Gumilar3 Live Pitching Implementation for Muhammad Mandala Putra Marga (a), Students Muhammad Hamid Anwar(b) Oom Rohmah1, Burhan Hambali2 , Agus Gumilar3, Salman4

Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 14 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Parallel Session Schedule Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Parallel Session 2 15.00 - 16.00 ROOM MONGOLIA ROOM GAZANIA ROOM AZALEA ROOM TULIP 2

[ABS-44] The Effectiveness of [ABS-23] Validity and Reliability of [ABS-148] Prediction of [ABS-20] The Effect Glucose Liquid Serum-free Dmem Media With Emotional Intelligence Anthropometric Influence on Skill With Active And Pasive Recovery on Addition of Royal Jelly Apis Mellifera Boby Agustan (a*), Nurlan Kusmaedi (b), Play Volleyball Blood Glucose Level After Physical (ceiba Pentandra) on Fibroblast Yudy Hendrayana (b), Bambang Yopi Kusdinar*, Amung Mamun, Agus Exercise Preputium Cells Abduljabar (b) Rusdiana Heru Syarli Lesmana, Endang Pati Broto Andri Pramono1*, Nurfitri Bustamam1, Muttia Amalia1 [ABS-3] Reliability and Validity of [ABS-149] Biomotor Relationship [ABS-30] Hepatoprotective Effects Motivation Questionnaire Learning with Skills Play Volleyball Of Red Fruit Oil On Maximum [ABS-161] Application of Traditional Physical Education Yopi Kusdinar*, Amung Mamun, Agus Physical Activity Games in Improving Ability of Throw Lutfi Nur (*), Adang Suherman, Herman Rusdiana Fajar Apollo Sinaga (a*), Pangondian and Catch Basic Motion. Subarjah Hotliber Purba (a), Novita Sari Harahap Rully Noverareta (a), Alit Rahmat (b), [ABS-26] Integrating Life Skills Into (a), Rika Nailuvar Sinaga (a),Ramlan Dian Mochammad Zein (c), Reki Siaga [ABS-86] Validity Analysis of Volley Ball Extracurricular Activity Silaban (b) Agustina (d) Multilateral Movement Skill Teaching Program Models Based Games for The 2nd Rita Rohmanasari (a*), Amung Mamun [ABS-50] The Effect of Tobacco [ABS-164] The Implementation of Grade Student of Elementary School (a), Tatang Muhtar (b) Leaves Pyrolysis Extract (Nicotiana Contextual Learning in Improving the Tri Waluyo (a*), Zalfendi (b), Donie (c) tabacum var. Virginia) Against The Quality of Children Growth and [ABS-27] The Games Approach of Formation of Biofilm by Development Course [ABS-155] Performance Improvement Learning Under Receiving in Staphylococcus aureus: An in Vitro Agus Mahendra, Nuryadi, Lukmanul At Bolabasket Athletes Based On Volleyball Study Hakim Lubay, and Mesa Rahmi Steffani Statistical Analysis Sumbara Hambali (a*), Sutiswo (b) Dinno Anza Ario Putra1, Andri Lukmannul Haqim Lubay Pramono1*, Anisah [ABS-170] Active Learning Time on [ABS-152] Analysis of The Needs of Physical Education Using Movement [ABS-144] Authentic Assessment Volleyball Training Models [ABS-79] The Relationship of Fruit Education Model Implementation of The Student Multimedia Based and Vegetable Consumption Habit, Nana Sutisna (a,b*), Adang Suherman (a), Motivation in Learning of Physical Muhammad Suhairi Physical Activities with Body Mass Amung Mamun (a), Mulyana (a) Education Index (BMI) of Adolescent Girls in Beltasar Tarigan (a*) Ade Dodo Widodo [ABS-89] The Influence of Learning [ABS-192] Portrait of Motor Learning (b) Amung Mamun (c) Models and Motor Educability Riezky Faisal Nugroho1*, Diffah for Kindergarten Students Against Basketball Learning Hanim2, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi 3 Nuridin Widya Pronto; Mulyana [ABS-166] Validity and Reliability Test Outcomes. of Penalty Stroke in Hockey Games 1.Gempar Al-Hadist, 2.Prof. Dr. Herman [ABS-88] Antioxidant for Sport [ABS-193] Heoretical Review and Rikky Ridwan Subarjah, M.Si, 3.Dr. H. Amung Mamun, Health Empirical Sport Education Model M.Pd, 4.Dr. Tite Juliantine, M.P Fuad Noor Heza, Indra Jati Kusuma, (sem) and Physical Self Concept [ABS-187] Test Validity And Bayu Suko Wahono, Ajeng Dian (psc): The Effect on The Results of Reliability Conctruction Measuring [ABS-28] Improving The Learning Purnamasari Game Activities Tools Power Leg Result of Lay Up Shoot Using Part Suherman Slamet Mona Fiametta F.; Hadi Sartono; Firas Method [ABS-127] Differences MDA Levels in Jaudah; Dudung Hasanudin Cholil. Ruslan Rusmana(a) Yopi Meirizal(b) Athletes with High Carbohydrate [ABS-205] The Analysis of Intake Fundamental Movement Skill in [ABS-195] The Correlation Between [ABS-206] Variability of Discovery Wilda Welis Student Primary School in Mountain Abdominal Muscle Strength and Leg Learning Models in Increasing Range Power Towards Flipped Time in 100 Volleyball Play Skills [ABS-176] The Influence of ripeness Didik Rilastiyo Budi (a*), Mesa Rahmi M Crawl Style Yunyun Yudiana*, Yusuf Hidayat, Tite on Superoxide dismutase and Stephani (b), M. Nanang Himawan Reza Herdiyansyah, Sandey Tantra Juliantine, Burhan Hambali Catalase Activity in Red Guava Fruit Kusuma (a), M. Syafei (a) Paramitha Afianti Sulastri, Andreanus A. Soemardji, [ABS-218] The Effect of Futsal Sukrasno, Amaliya [ABS-174] The Influence of Physical [ABS-214] Analysis of Former Athlete Exercises toward Neuroplasticity Activity Programs with Educational Coaching Model in Indonesia: a (Experimental study on junior high [ABS-186] Comparative Study of Games to Increase Students Preliminary Study school students) Nutrition Status From 1-5 Years With Concentration through Physical Nuryadi*, Yusuf Hidayat, Dian Budiana, Negara, JDK (a) ; Jusman, WA (b) ; Ilyas Pneumonia and Not Pneumonia in Education Jajat Darajat KN EII (c) ; Sekartini, R (d) Puskesmas Garuda Bandung ELZAS NURAJAB Somantri ,B., Amalia, L.,Andriyani, S.

[ABS-213] The Effect of Peer Tutoring [ABS-184] Development of West Java on Interaction Behaviors Disabled Womens Judo Athletes Achievements Students in Inclusive Physical Education Ira Purnamasari Alit Rahmat

15 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Parallel Session Schedule Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Parallel Session 2 15.00 - 16.00 ROOM TULIP 1 ROOM LILY 1 ROOM LILY 2 ROOM PLUMERIA

[ABS-147] A Collaboration of [ABS-1] The Level of Participation of [ABS-59] Addressing Diverse Learner [ABS-7] Contribution of Biomotoric Assertive Training and Physical the Bicycle Community in Improving Preferences and Intelligences in Components to The Performance Activities to Develop Assertive Self-esteem Teaching of Physical Education at a Athletes Number Canoeing 1000 Behaviour to Students With Deafness Yusuf Dwi Meirianto (a), Komarudin (b), State University, Philippines Meter linggi Andiri (a*), Berliana (b), Yudy Mulyana (b) Alonzo L. Mortejo, Jesselyn C. Mortejo Syahid Nur Yasin(1) Amung Mamun(2) Hendrayana (b) Agus Rusdiana(3) [ABS-5] Softaball Referee Quality [ABS-51] Effectiveness of Teaching [ABS-150] Improving The Quality Of Based on Reviewed Anxiety Level Personal Teaching Model And Social [ABS-12] Athletes Sleep Quality While Adaptive Health Education Services Y Firmansyah*, N Kusmaedi, Responsibility (tpsr) in Improving do The Exercise in Training Centre In Special Needs Students Komarudin Responsibilities (Experimental Study Mestri Agustini Ni Nyoman (a*), Budaya beltasar Tarigan (a*), Hendya Alif in Pencak Silat Learning at SMP Astra Ketut (b) Junanda (b), Ridwan (c), Rina Ambar [ABS-49] The Progressive Muscle Negeri 1 Lembang) Dewanti (d) Relaxation and Try Out of National Ihsan Abdul Patah.,S.SI. M.Pd. [ABS-68] The Development of Exam to The Level of Anxiety Fitness Exercise Model And Muscle [ABS-6] Parental Involvement Of Jajuli Heri Fauzi (a*), Eka Nugraha (b), [ABS-104] How Far Elementary Hypertrophy For Student Living in Persons With Disabilities In Physical Yusuf Hidayat (b) School Student In Achieving Physical Boarding House Educationdena Widyawan (a), Amung Education Goal?(A Descriptive Study Rizki Muhammad Afif, Djoko Pekik Mamun (b), Berliana (c), Yudy [ABS-72] Self Efficacy as Predictors Of The Physical Literacy Of Irianto Hendrayana (d) in Controlling Anxiety of Badminton Students) Athletes Brio Alfatihah Ramayudha [ABS-70] The Effect of Submaximal [ABS-162] An Analysis of Teaching Muhammad Kashai Ramdhani Pelupessy Physical Training Along With Vitamin and Learning Activity at Special and (a*), Dimyati (b) [ABS-107] Barriers To Providing C Supplement Towards Erythrocyte Inclusion School in Improving The Quality Physical Education At Indika PM, Yuniarti E, Sari PA, Wardani Quality of Life of Disabilities [ABS-95] Blended Learning Model Elementary SchoolBarriers To MN ginan Nugroho, Yudy Hendrayana*, Eka Based on Schoology to Improve Providing Quality Physical Education Nugraha ** Student Motivation and Learning At Elementary School [ABS-105] Effects of Exercise and Outcome of PELATNAS Athlete Gita Febria Friskawati1, Akhmad Motorability Methods on the basic [ABS-141] Development of Test Anung Priambodo (a), Agus Hariyanto Sobarna1, Mesa Rahmi Stephani1 techniques of Basketball Instruments and Audio Based (b), Vega Candra Dinata (a) Dwi Putranto, Yunyun Yudiana, Amung Concentration Measurements for [ABS-108] Effectiveness Of Teaching Mamun Blind Students in Bandung City [ABS-115] Managing Cognitive Physical Education On Junior High beltasar Tarigan (a*), Ahmad Zulfikar (b) Anxiety Through Expressive Writing School In Indonesia [ABS-156] The Influence of Among Badminton Student Athletes Kristi Agust; Adang Suherman; Nuryadi Relaxation and Imagery [ABS-40] Development "moderen" Miftakhul Jannah, Fatimah, Rachman Psychological Methods towards To Increase Gross Motoric Skill of Widohardhono [ABS-110] Implementation of Referees Performance Improvement Students With Mild Mental Learning Model of Peer Teaching in Syifa Nurbait Retardation In Slb [ABS-137] Relationship Between Matrial Arts (Jurus Tunggal Tangan febryansah Gilang Aris Pradana (a*), Ain Emotional Intelligence, And Physical Kosong) to Increase Cooperative and [ABS-157] Skipping Rope And Double Fary Setyaningsih (b), Rosi Nur Fitness With Football Referee Responsible Working with the Dutch Lessons for Kids: Measuring Rahmawati (b), Anna Nur Anisa (b), Performance Program In Physical Education Children Enthusiasm to Non-sport Risqan Agusta Tinha (b), Dwi Lorry Yudi Nurcahya, Dadan Mulyana, Dian Mochammad Zein (a), Nuryadi (b), Content in Physical Education for Juniarisca (b) Sagitarius Reki Siaga Agustina (c), Rully Noverareta Elementary Schools (d), Deris Maulana (e) Didin Budiman*, Dian Budiana, Agus [ABS-181] The Effect of Parachute [ABS-202] Contribution of Physical Mahendra, Ricky Wibowo Games on The Development of and Mental Ability to Performance [ABS-204] Movement Education Base Assertive Behavior of Deaf Students When Competing On Cooperative Learning : [ABS-183] Moderate intensity exercise berliana Bambang Erawan3; Widi Kusumah2 Developing Fundamental Movement eliminate the inflammation marker in and Social Skills in Primary School liver of high-fat-diet-induced obese [ABS-209] Content Validity of The [ABS-211] The influence of Ricky Wibowo, Wandi Sofyan mice Enjoyment Instrument in Physical Pedagogical Competence to the Pipit Pitriani(1), Hee-Geun Park(2), Education Learning: Field Research Development of Aspects [ABS-129] Application of Games Wang-Lok Lee(2) Sucipto*, Beltasar Tarigan, Amung Psychomotor Students on Physical Model Training in Multimedia-Based Mamun Education Learning in SMAN 1 Soccer Games Sukabumi Hamidie Ronald Daniel Ray, Kartono Indra Ramadhan (a*) , Haerul Ikhsan(b), Pramdhan, Dikdik Zafar Sidik Lufty Bela Dina Hakiki (b), Tatang Muhtar (b)

Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 16 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Parallel Session Schedule Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Parallel Session 3 16.00 - 17.00 ROOM MONGOLIA ROOM GAZANIA ROOM AZALEA ROOM TULIP 2

[ABS-118] The physical activity of [ABS-62] Effect of Exploratory [ABS-119] The influence of massed [ABS-41] Anthropometric and blind children is seen from parenting Fitness Education on Social Skills practice and distributed practice Motoric Skill of Men Elite Volleyball Akhmad Olih Solihin(a,b*),Yudha M. Risma, Andang Rohendi methods concerning increase of skill Players of Universitas Negeri Saputra(c),Berliana(c),Zaenal Alimin(d) passing and stopping soccer 10-12 Semarang Club [ABS-146] The Impact Of The years Nasuka [ABS-37] Optimalization of National Sports Activities At Table Reki siaga agustina (a*), mustika fitri(b), Academic Achievement Through the Tennis Sports Team On Economic deris maulana(b), dian muhammad [ABS-87] Occupational Fatigue Risk Granting of Physical Activity Type Improvement zein(b), muhammad sardy akbar(b) Factors on traditional metal casting With Level of Intensity Low And Akhmad Sobarna1,Gita Febria industry at Klaten Medium Friskawati1 [ABS-188] Life Kinetic Training to Maria Paskanita Widjanarti M. Zaky12 , A. Mulyana1, H. Subarjah1, Improve Physical Conditions Soccer U. Umaran1 [ABS-38] Social Capital Athletes [ABS-90] Hydration Status of Sun Representation in Structured Peer Komarudin; Patriana Nurmansyah Exposed Construction Workers and [ABS-83] The Profile of Physical Education for Prevention of Mother Awaludin Traditional Metal Casting Exposed Activity Adolescent and Children to Child Transmission Workers Students (Survey on Elementary Argyo Demartoto , Bhisma Murti , Siti [ABS-74] Identification and Talent Maria Paskanita Widjanarti School, Junior High School and Zunariyah Development Branch Sports Games Senior High School Students in Football Players by Position PSGC [ABS-96] Insidance and risk factors Sukabumi City) [ABS-31] Physical Education 2018 of anemia in breast cancer patients Nuraeni Septiawati*, Amung Mamun, Relationship In Higher Education Rusliani, V E1, Sidik, D Z 2, Budiana, D3 who running chemotherapy in Dr. Bambang Abduljabar and Time Active Sport With Physical hospital Fitness And Social Skills [ABS-185] Prioritizing Intelligence in Wiwik Ekorinawatia, * Ambar [ABS-145] Needs Analysis of the Endrixs Endrianto Conducting Football Coaching Mudigdob.c, Brian Wasitab.c Application of Sport Science to Ahmad Chaeroni; Nurlan Kusmaedi; A Improve Physical Condition of Junior [ABS-76] The Relationship Between Igorezky [ABS-25] Correlation Between Tennis Athletes Learning Penjas With The Behavior Nutritional Status Based on Rina Ambar Dewanti, Beltasar Tarigan , Of Social Students [ABS-112] The influence of inquiry Anthropometry And Interest in Dian Budiana Anna Mariam Sofiarini, Astry and motor educability learning Learning of Physical Education to Khairunnisa, Yogi Ginanjar JG, Oom models on the results of learning The Level of Physical Fitness of [ABS-121] The impact of Outdoor Rohmah football skills Students Education mountaineering program Fahrur Rizal1, Tite Juliantine2 , Tatang Henry Asmara (a*), Syahid Nur Yasin (b) on social interaction, economic level [ABS-198] Enhancing Intrinsic Muhtar3 and environmental awareness on Motivation Through Innovation [ABS-159] Relation of Coordination Mount Artapela Voiced Ball for Blind [ABS-178] The physical ability of the Eye-foot With Shooting Precision in Dede Iman Suhendra*, Amung [abs-143] The Impact of The assistant referee in decision making Soccer Games Mamun**, Yusuf Hidayat**, Ryan Abu Scientific Approach in Physical in the Indonesian League Bakar** Education Learning On Learning Mochamad Yamin Saputra (a*), Herman [ABS-201] antioxidant of honey for Outcomes and Physical Fitness Subarjah (a), Komarudin (a), Yusuf sport health [ABS-191] The Effect of Sport Based Beltasar Tarigan (a*), Bambang Hidayat (a) Fuad Noor Heza, Indra Jati Kusuma, Centered Camp to Students Sulaksono (b) Bayu Suko Wahono, Ajeng Dian Knowledge and Responsibility toward [ABS-189] Endurance of Football Purnamasari Drugs Uses [ABS-172] Effectiveness of Sport Players PS UPI Bandung for 2018 Nur Indri Rahayu, Imas Damayanti, Yati Massage on Blood Lactic Acid Levels Muhamad Tafaqur [ABS-196] Fenomenology: The Role ruhayati of Male Athletes in Junior of Health in Sports Injury Taekwondo. [ABS-200] Analysis of Environmental Upik Rahmi, Afianti Sulastri, Septian [ABS-153] Analysis of Karate Sports Shelly Novianti Ismanda1, Agus and Social Factors on the Opportunity Andriyani, Suci Tuti Putri, Siti Zulfa Injury in Student University Activities Rusdiana2, Ambrosius Purba2. to Do Physical Activity of Female at IKIP PGRI Pontianak Students in Junior High Schools in [ABS-212] The Relationship Between Suriani Sari Bojonegoro District Hand-Eye Coordination and Strength [ABS-122] Effect of Outdoor Olivia Dwi Cahyani (a*), Rohmad of Stomach Muscle on Clear [ABS-216] The Influence Of Legpress Education and Personality on Self Apriyanto (b) Forehand Capability in Badminton Exercise With System And Pyramid Confidence and Self Control: Game on Student of Ciambar 1st System Settings Against Acceleration Experimental Studies on Introvert Junior Hight School, Sukabumi Of Sports Bike Racing Bike and Extrovert Students District Mountain Cross Country Number Jazzdica Rekayasa (a*), Nurlan Kusmaedi Haerul Ikhsan (a*), Kardjono (b), Indra (Xc) (a), Amung Mamun (a) Ramadhan (b), Ginggar Garlika Ginggar Garlika Khameswara (a*), Khameswara (b) Tatang Muhtar (b), Haerul Ikhsan (b), Lufty Bela Dina Hakiki (b)

17 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 rd

The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Parallel Session Schedule Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Parallel Session 3 16.00 - 17.00 ROOM TULIP 1 ROOM LILY 1 ROOM LILY 2 ROOM PLUMERIA

[ABS-111] Improving Soccer Skill [ABS-91] Efforts to Develop Self- [ABS-4] THE INFLUENCE OF [ABS-42] The Implementation Trough Life Kinetik Method Judging esteem of Students of Junior High LEARNING MODELS AND Impact Of High Intensity Interval by Vo2max School Through Giving Positive CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS TO Training (hiit) Methods To The Herdiansyah Agus (a*), Aditya Maulana Feedback ABILITY TO PROBLEM SOLVING Increased Of Anaerobic Abilities Fazry (b), Pangestu Andriyana (b), Dupri(a*), Novia Nazirun(a) OF MOTION SITUATION IN (Experimental Study of Physical Nuryadi (b) INVASION GAME Training For 28 Day Meeting on [ABS-94] Motivation in Learning Anjar Muhamad Ikbal (a*), Yunyun Student Activity Unit Women Futsal [ABS-126] Comparison of Physiology Physical Education for Junior High Yudiana (b), Tite Juliantine (c) UPI Bandung) Characteristics Amateur Futsal Playe School Students in Indonesia Fitri Rosdiana1, Dikdik Zafar Sidik2, rs in Two Consecutive Matches Lutfi Nur (*), Adang Suherman, Herman [ABS-8] The Effect of Invasion Agus Rusdiana3 Agung Dwi Juniarsyah, Tommy Subarjah Games on Self efficacy in Elementary Apriantono, I Ketut Adnyana Physical Education [ABS-43] The Application of High [ABS-13] Integrating Life Skills Into Dedi Supriadi and Vicki Ahmad Intensity Interval Training (hiit) [ABS-53] The Effect of Sport Club Activity Karisman Method to The Increase of Aerobik Implementation of Audio Visual Isna Daniyati Nursasih, Amung Mamun, Ability of Female Futsal Players Media on The Power of Passing, Agus Mahendra, Risma, Rita [ABS-125] Building Ability of Sport Yunita Sari1, Dikdik Zafar Sidik2, Dribbling and Shooting Basic Skills Rohmanasari Student Statistics Reasoning through Komarudin3 In Futsal Learning At School. Statistical Reasoning Learning M.Dendy Stiadi and M Ruhiat [ABS-47] The Role of wisdom on Environment (SRLE) [ABS-78] Effect Of Fast Interval Wellness Nidaul Hidayah (1*), Wahyudin (2), Training And Slow Interval Training [ABS-173] Injury Rate Impact toward Herdi1, Sunaryo Kartadinata2, and Agus Turmudi (2) On Lactate Threshold And 1500m Adversity Quotient of Female Futsal Taufiq2 Running Performance Athletes [ABS-65] The Influence Of Afianti Sulastri, Sehabudin Salasa, Upik [ABS-81] Sport Education Students Modification Field Towards The Iki Afrianda (a), Eka Nugraha (a*) dan Rahmi, Yasinta Depki Andriyani Psychological Skills in Facing Sport Spanking Playing Skills and Drives In Hamidie Ronald D.R (a.b) Competition A Squash Game [ABS-101] Comparison of Speed and Wulandari Putri; Mesa Rahmi Stephani Krisno Giovanni (a*), Fathan Al Ghifari [ABS-92] Effect of Weight Training Acceleration in the 60-meter Running (b), Nuryadi (b) Using Circuit Training Method on Test between Mens Football and [ABS-132] Physical Self-Concept on VO2Max Futsal Players High School Students [ABS-84] The Development of Muhamad Fahmi Hasan Tommy Apriantono (a*), Indria Herman Jajat (a,b*), Adang Suherman (a), Yusuf Multilateral Movement Skill Teaching (b), Agung Dwi Juniarsyah (a), Sri Indah Hi Models Based Games for The 2nd [ABS-158] The Effect of Cruise Ihsani (a) dayat (a), Mulyana (a) Grade Student of Elementary School Interval Training on Improving The Tri Waluyo (a*), Andiyanto (b), Ariando Aerobic Endurance Ability of [ABS-102] Comparison of Speed and [ABS-14] The Impact of Outdoor (b) Swimming Athletes Acceleration on 60 meters Running Education and Outdoor Game on Self Gafur Ammar Santoso, Boyke Mulyana Test between Women Soccer and Concept and Behavior Assertive [ABS-116] Competitive in Physical Futsal Player Teguh Satria (a*), Herman Subarjah (b), Education Using Sports Education [ABS-171] the effect of applying Indria Herman, M. Fahmi Hasan, Iwa Kardjono (b) Model "complex training" to improving Ikhwan hidayat Agi Ginanjar(a,b*), Adang Suherman(c), anaerobic abilities [ABS-66] The Effect of Audiovisual Tite Juliantine(c), Yusuf Hidayat(c) iman imanudin, syam hardwis [ABS-167] Comparison of Total Media Uses on Learning Sepaktakraw Burned Calories and Heart Rate at Game Performance [ABS-117] Correlation Between [ABS-154] Burpees and 100m Sprint Various Position in Futsal (anchor, Astry Khairunnisa 1, Anna Mariam Perception of Club Management Degrees track for Increasing Vo2Max Flank And Pivot) Sofiarini 2, Didin Budiman 3 With Achievement Motivation of Adang Sudrazat (*), Hendra Rustiawan Asep Purnama A a, Ronald D Ray Badminton Athletes in PB. Mutiara Hamidie a,b,* [ABS-215] Moods States and Game Cardinal Bandung ABS-211] The influence of Performance in Invasion Game Deris Maulana (a*), Nina Sutresna (b), Pedagogical Competence to the [ABS-194] The Effect of Variation Activities: a Correlation Study Among Muhammad Sardi Akbar (c), Reki Siaga Development of Aspects Passing Exercise And Foot Eye Elementary School Students Agustina (d), Dian Mochammad Zein (e) Psychomotor Students On Physical Coordination on The Accuracy of Eka Nugraha1*, Ricky Wibowo1, Helmy Education Learning in SMAN 1 Football Short Passing on Sleman Firmansyah1 [ABS-208] The Multi-Goal Startegy Sukabumi Porda Players In 2018 Coaching Education For Beginner Indra Ramadhan (a*) , Haerul Ikhsan(b), Ega Gian Vembiarto (a), Lismadiana (b) Badminton Coaches Lufty Bela Dina Hakiki (b), Tatang Yusuf Hidayat*, Didin Budimana, Muhtar (b) Burhan Hambali

Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 18 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018

ABS-1 The Level of Participation of the Bicycle Community in Improving Self-esteem Yusuf Dwi Meirianto, Komarudin, Mulyana Sports Education Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Indonesia University of Education. Jln Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Level of Participation, Self Esteem, Bicycle Community Abstract: This study aims to determine the relationship of the level of participation of the bicycle community in the city of Bandung in improving self-esteem, the sample of this study was fifty people. Sampling is done by using Stratified Proportional Random Sampling technique. This research method is quantitative descriptive method, with correlational research type. The instruments used were Sport Motivation Scale-6 (SMS-6) and Self Esteem Rating Scale (SERS). The results of this study indicate that the level of participation has a positive and significant relationship in improving self esteem in the bicycle community in the city of Bandung. The conclusion of this study is the level of participation has a positive and significant relationship with the quality of improving self esteem.

ABS-3 Reliability and Validity of Motivation Questionnaire Learning Physical Education Lutfi Nur (*), Adang Suherman, Herman Subarjah Sports Education Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Indonesia University of Education. Jln Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Reliability; Validity; Motivation Questionnaire Learning; Physical Education Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability and validity motivation questionnaire learning physical education. Subjects in this study were 32 junior high school students (SMP) class VII with age 13-14 years. Instrument testing method used is Corrected Item-Total Correlation test to determine the level of validity and test Cronbachs Alpha to determine the level of reliability. The instrument grille is arranged in five aspects: diligence in learning, tenacious in facing difficulties, interest and sharpness of attention in learning, achievement in learning, and independent in learning. A total of 46 statements were generated through the development of the instrument grille. Validity test results obtained 29 items a valid statement and reliability test obtained coefficient value of 0.906 which has a very high meaning. Based on the results of this study indicate that the instrument of questionnaire motivation learning physical education made and developed in this study meets the validity and reliability standards so that it can be used to measure the level of learning motivation in following physical education lessons in school.

ABS-4 The Influence of Learning Models a Critical Thinking Skills To Ability To Problem Solving of Motion Situation in Invasion Game Anjar Muhamad Ikbal (a*), Yunyun Yudiana (b), Tite Juliantine (c) Sports Education Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Indonesia University of Education. Jln Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, Indonesia Keywords: Learning Model, Critical Thinking Skills, Motion Situation Solving Problems, Invasion Games Abstract: Solving problems in game invasion activities is basically complex activities and closely related to each other that must be solved by understanding a number of knowledge and work skills in playing situations. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of learning models and critical thinking skills on the ability to solve motion situation problems game invasion. The method used is an experimental method with factorial design. Data analysis techniques using Two Way Anova to determine the difference in the overall effect and find out the interaction between the main variables with moderate variables. In addition, the hypothesis test uses the Tukey test as a follow-up test to examine the effect differences on each moderate variable. The results of the study concluded that the use of the TGfU learning model with high and low critical thinking skills had an influence on the ability to solve the problem of motion situations in invasion games compared to PBL learning models

ABS-5 Softabll Referee Quality Based on Reviewed Anxiety Level Y Firmansyah*, N Kusmaedi, Komarudin Sports Education Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Indonesia University of Education. Jln Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, Indonesia Keywords: Anxiety, Performance, Referee, Umpire, Softball Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship with the performance of softball referees based on qualification levels. The research methods used correlational methods. The research sample was determined based on purposive sampling during softball that occurred in three championships. The data collected from the anxiety test and performance of national qualification softball A and beginner, and processed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. The results show that there is no statistically significant relationship on performance is a national qualification softball A with a total of 44.1%. That is, the available qualification level has a significant relationship with operating statistics of 76.7%.

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ABS-6 Parental Involvement of Persons with Disabilities in Physical Education Dena Widyawan(a), Amung Mamun(b), Berliana(b), Yudy Hendrayana(b) a) Program Study PJKR, STKIP Situs Banten, Jalan Bhayangkara, Serang 42121, Indonesia b) FPOK Indonesia University of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia Keywords: Parental, Children with Disabilities, Physical Education. Abstract: Social support is a positive way to encourage children and youths to participate more in physical activities. This support should come from parents, peers and teachers. with parents being the childs first teacher, they can provide a strong foundation to support their children to be physically active by showing their interest and modeling how to be more physically active. Parental influence in in physical education during childhood and the adolescent period is particularly significant because it facilitates not only the childrens physical development, but it also influences their cognitive, social, and psychological development. Personal attributes of children with disabilities can interrupt their relationships with the environmental context or prevent them to continue. As a consequence, their development can be affected by the roles their parents play in their education.

ABS-7 Contribution of Biomotoric Components to the Performance Athletes Number Canoeing 1000 Meter Syahid Nur Yasin(1,2), Amung Mamun(1), Agus Rusdiana(1) (1)Prodi Pendidikan Olahraga, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia (2)Prodi Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan Rekreasi STKIP Pasundan Cimahi Jl. Permana No. 32B 022-6628311 Cimahi 40512 Keywords: Canoeing, Distance, Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance and VO2Max. Abstract: The purpose of this study is to reveal the description of the Contribution of Biomotor Components to the Performance of Canoeing 1000 Meters. The sample in this study is the national athlete of the Indonesian paddling son totaling 19 people with the average age of 25 years, 175 height and body weight 74. Components of such physical conditions include strength, endurance of upper body muscle and general endurance. By using methods Data analysis techniques in this study using Factor Analysis. While the instrument used in the form of bench pull and bench press, is a measuring instrument used to measure the endurance of chest muscles, back muscles and arm muscles. bench pull and maximum strength bench press, is a measuring instrument used to measure the level of muscle strength of the chest, back muscles and arm muscles. VO2Max (Run 12 minutes), km used to measure cardiorespiratory endurance levels. The conclusions obtained from this study are: 82.1% variation of paddling performance Canoeing 1000 meters can be explained by the variable capacity VO2Max and maximum strength capacity (strength pull). While the rest (17.9%) is influenced by other causes.

ABS-8 The Effect of Invasion Games on Self efficacy in Elementary Physical Education Dedi Supriadi and Vicki Ahmad Karisman Physical Education Department STKIP Pasundan Keywords: Invasion Games, self efficacy and Elementary School Abstract: This study aimed to explore the contribution and the use of physical education in elementary school through invasion games to improve students efficacy. The researcher utilized an experimental method with pretest and posttest control group design. This study employed 43 students of 5th grader as the research sample which was selected by implementing total sampling technique. The treatment was given in 8 meetings. For the instrumentation, the researcher used Self Efficacy Scale (SES) with reliability (0,86) and validity (>0,02) with 30 items. Based on the data analysis, it revealed that that there was significant improvement of invasion games on students self efficacy.

ABS-9 The Effect of Striking and Fielding Games on Fundamental Motor Skill Vicki Ahmad Karisman, James Tangkudung, Dedi Supriadi Physical Education Department STKIP Pasundan [email protected] Keywords: Striking and Fielding Games, Fundamentam Motor Skill, Elementary School Abstract: This study aimed to explore the contribution and the use of striking and fielding games in elementary school in an attempt of improving students fundamental motor skills. The researcher utilized an experimental method with pretest and posttest control group design. This study employed 39 students of 4th grader as the research sample which was selected by implementing total sampling technique. The treatment was given in 16 meetings. For the instrumentation, the researcher used Test Gross Motor Development (TGMD) 2nd edition; which was divided into two kinds of test those are 6 items of locomotor test and 6 items of object skill test. Based on the data analysis, it revealed that that there was significant improvement of striking and fielding games on students fundamental motor skills.

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ABS-10 The Correlation between Motor Abilities with Long Jump Performance on Children Age 18-19 Year Ervan Kastrena (*), Adang Suherman, Amung Mamun, Eka Nugraha Pendidikan Jasmani, Universitas Suryakancana, Jl. Pasir Gede Raya, Cianjur, Indonesia Keywords: Motor Ability, Long Jump Abstract: Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between motor ability and long jump performance in a general school-based children. Method: Participants in the study were general school-based children (n = 60, boys between the ages of sixteen to eighteen, class X) in Indonesia in Cianjur. The selection of participation is based on a poor long jump ability. Results and Discussion: The correlation coefficients of motor ability with long jump levels of the subjects are represented in Table 4. Significant correlations with medium effect (r.0. 422 > p 0.05). It can be drawn a conclusion that the relationship between motor ability with long jump in the category of coefficient is medium. Conclusion: Conclusion, our study provides information about correlation between motor ability and skill long jump adolescents in Indonesia.

ABS-11 Learning Basket Baskelball Using Personalized System of Instruction Models Silvy Juditya (a*); Dhani Agusni Zakaria (a); Yogi Pratama (a) Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan Pasundan Jalan Permana No 32 B Cimahi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Personalized System of Instruction Model; Basketball Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of learning basic motion skills of lay up shoot through the application of Personalized System of Intraction model to students in one Vocational High School Cimahi. The method used in this research is pre-experimental research method. The sampling technique in this research is purposive random sampling which is determined based on the learning style criteria and the number of samples obtained as many as 24 people. In this study the instrument used is based on the results of expert judgment from experts and testing. Then from the pretest results have an average of 15.79 and the posttest results have an average of 19.00, so based on these results can be concluded that the Personalized System of instruction model with using modul and audio visual can gives a significant effect on the improvement of basic motion skills lay up shoot the right basketball.

ABS-12 Athletes Sleep Quality While Do the Exercise In Training Centre Mestri Agustini Ni Nyoman (a*), Budaya Astra Ketut (b) Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha [email protected] Keywords: Athlete, Exercise, Training Center, Sleep Quality Abstract: The athletes training centre will change the intensity, duration and load of the exercise. There is a hormonal imbalance that causes bad sleep quality levels. Sleep quality is very important to keep the athletes condition and performance during the game. This study aims to determine the quality of sleep in athletes while they are in the training centre. This research was conducted at the training center of athlete of Denpasar City, at athletic, badminton and cycling race which undergo training as preparation of PORPROV 2017. The research use quantitative descriptive design. Assessment of sleep quality using the PSQI questionnaire (The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index). Based from the research results, found the sleep quality of each sport is different. In general, 50% of athletes have good sleep quality and 50% bad. On the athletic athlete found 40% have good sleep quality and 60% bad. On the cycling athletes found 55% of in have good sleep quality and 45% bad. On the badminton athletes found 64% of have good sleep quality and 36% bad. It can concluded half of athletes who do the exercise in training center experienced sleep disturbances with different percentages for each sport.

ABS-13 Integrating Life Skills into Sport Club Activity Isna Daniyati Nursasih, Amung Mamun, Agus Mahendra, Risma, Rita Rohmanasari Department of Sports Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Keywords: Sport Club, Life Skills. Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of life skills development programs into sports clubs by integrating life skills components into exercise programs compared to sports clubs and sample groups not involved in sport club activities. The instrument used is Life Skills Scale for Sport questionnaire compiled by Cronin & Allen, (2017). Data collection with pre test and post test of all sample groups. Data is processed by t test, after the data is processed the results show that, (1) Integration of life skills into sports club with the discussion model and the exposure of material by the researchers showed a very uphill graph, (2) Compared with those who did not get life skills the difference was so significant with t count of 5.59. (3) Similarly, compared with that at all not involved in sports club activities very significant difference is obtained t 10.63, in addition, the involvement of samples in activities at sports clubs is far away. After analyzing the data, the result shows that integration in the sports club contributes greatly to the improvement of life skills. Activities in sports clubs make an outstanding contribution to the development of life skills.

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ABS-14 The Impact of Outdoor Education and Outdoor Game on Self Concept and Behavior Assertive Teguh Satria (a*), Herman Subarjah (b), Kardjono (b) Department of Sports Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Outdoor Education, Outdoor Game, Self Concept, Assertive, Gender Abstract: This study aims to test how big the impact of Outdoor Education and Outdoor games are against the Self Concept and behavior of Assertive students Elementary Laboratory Pilot UPI Tasikmalaya. The sample in this research totalled 32 students, techniques the taking of purposive sampling. Method the authors use in this research is a method Experiments. Instrument used questionnaire Self Concept Scale, and the Assertive Scale. The results showed that, Outdoor Education and Outdoor Games impact significantly to Self Concept and Assertivebehavior. Suggestions for further research, with a treatment such as Pool Games against self concept and assertive.

ABS-15 Prediction of 2000 Meter Indoor Rowing Performance Using a 100 Meter Sprint, 60s Sprint and 6000 Meter Test Dede Rohmat Nurjaya, Amung Mamun, Agus Rusdiana Department of Sports Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Performance Rowing, Indoor Rowing, Ergometer Abstract: The purpose of this research is to predict the performance of 2000 meters indoor rowing using 100 meter test, 60 second test and 6000 meter test. The samples used were 10 Lightweight man athletes, 3 Heavyweight man athletes, 7 Lightweight women athletes and 2 Heavyweight woman athletes at the Program Indonesia Emas Sports Rowing Program. The test was performed with a physical test series developed by Danish Rowing, taking a standard of 21 Danish rowers.. Rowing athletes participate in a series of physical tests conducted within 4 days, displaying all out performance for specified test types as well as the distance specified using Concept2, type C rowing ergometer. The results of this study is a prediction of 2000 meter power performance based on 100 meter test power performance, 60 second test and 6000 meter test. This study reflects an optimal physiological adaptation for rower performance. Rowers can use the same general training preparations, whether they are open classes or light classes, male or female. Divide the training according to the endurance curve for each rower. If an oarsman does anaerobic tests poorly, he may have to do more strength training and power exercises. On the other hand, if an oarsman is too strong in relation to his aerobic endurance, he should focus on aerobic training. This research will be useful, because the trainer will get the profile data of each group or athletes built that will be a reference for trainers in sorting out and choosing what physiological aspects should be a priority targeted in the planning exercise.

ABS-16 Prediction of Rowing Ergometer Performance from Functional Anaerobic, Aerobic and Muscle Power Dede Rohmat Nurjaya, Amung Mamun, Agus Rusdiana Department of Sports Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Performance Rowing, Indoor Rowing, Ergometer Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find predictors of 2000 meters indoor rowing performance from the aspect of physical condition that is the ability of aerobic, anaerobic and muscle power. The samples used were twenty-six (26) rowers, consisting of 16 male rowers and 10 female rowers, who joined the Program Indonesia Emas, participated in this study. Rowing athletes participate in a series of physical tests conducted within 3 days, showing all out performance for the type of time-determined test or distance specified using Concept2, type C rowing ergometer. The results of this study reveal the relationship between rowing performance variables 2000 meters with free variables, sorted from the largest to the smallest shows: aerobic capacity = 0.976, muscle power = 0.950 and anaerobic capacity = 0.937. This shows a strong correlation between variable aerobic capacity, muscle power and anaerobic capacity. This indicates the presence of multicollinearity, or the correlation between the three independent variables. After passing through 2 stages of backward method the free variable that is worthy included in regression model is variable Aerobic Capacity and Muscle Power, 97.1% variation in rowing 2000 meter rowing performance can be explained by variable aerobic capacity and muscle power. While the rest (2.9%) is explained by other causes. In conclusion, aerobic and muscle power capacity really has a significant effect and can be a predictor of 2000 meters rowing performance. In addition, the research is also in line with other studies, which show that strength and endurance are important training objectives to optimize rowing performance 2000 m. However, the prediction variables identified in this study may be specific to the samples in this study. To use this predictor in more rowers, cross validation in larger samples is necessary. This research can be a source of information and references in the development of scholarship training especially in identifying talent of athlete candidates to be fostered in rowing rowing. For coaches or coaches can be a source of information and references in the development of scholarship training especially in determining the priority scale aspects that must be fostered in an effort to improve the performance of athletes rowing sports.

ABS-17 Understanding Of Physical Education Teacher To Principles Of Biomechanics And Their Applied Rony Mohamad Rizal; Gugun Gunawan Physical Education Department STKIP Pasundan Keywords: Biomechanics, Physical Education, Efective Learning Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to know the level of knowledge and understanding of physical education teachers in applying the principles of biomechanics to the learning of physical education in junior high school. This paper uses survey method, with the number of respondents as many as 33 teachers of physical education of public junior high school in cimahi city. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that as many as 80% of physical education teachers have not understood the principles of biomechanics, so that in the implementation of physical education in schools did

22 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 not apply the principles of biomechanics. This is because almost all physical education teachers do not consider biomechanics to be important in physical education. The conclusion in this paper is that the principles of biomechanics are very important to be understood by physical education teachers. For the learning of physical education, cognitive understanding by students about how to move is effective and efficient.

ABS-18 The Children Playing Activities of Suku Anak Dalam at Madobag Village Mentawai Regency (Comparison Between Gender) Gusril (a*) Tjung Hauw Sin (b) a) Lecturer of Sport Sciences Program, Department of Health and Recreation Sports Science Faculty, State University Of Padang, Indonesia b) Lecturer of Sport Sciences Program, Department of Coaching Education Sports Science Faculty, State University Of Padang, Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Children Playing Activities, Suku Anak Dalam, Mentawai.Regency, Gender Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out the playing activities of the children of Suku Anak Dalam at Madobag Village Mentawai Regency. The population of this research consists of 93 students of the public elementary school at Madobag, Village Mentawai Regency. The sample was taken based on the Purposive sampling technique and found 42 students. The instruments used the questionnaire of Likert Scale. Based on the data analysis of the research described as follow: male playing activities consist of: high score was 113, low score was 78, Mean was 98,82, Standard deviation was 9,34, Median was 99,and Mode was 96. Female playing activities consist of: high score was 113, low score was 87, Mean was 100.57, Standard deviation was 6.70, Median was102, and Mode was 97. By using t formula, it is then found : t calculated 0,811 >t table 1,62. It can be concluded that the children playing activities of Suku Anak Dalam at Madobag Village Mentawai Regency are not different between male and female. It can be concluded that the children playing activities of Suku Anak Dalam at Madobag Village Mentawai Regency, are not genderly different

ABS-19 Improving Self esteem and Games Performances through Games based Learning in Physical Education Content Basketball at Secondary High School Ahmad hamidi, Moch. Asmawi, A.sofyan Hanif Universitas PendidikanIndonesia Universitas Negeri [email protected] Keywords: Self Esteem, Games Performance, Games Based Learning.Basketball Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of games based learning in physical education of Basketball game on junior high school students self esteem and skill play in class VII. This study uses quasi experiment with pretest posttest without control group design which implemented for 1.5 months with 16 meetings, thrice a week. The total numbers of sample are 30 students (15 female and 15 male) aged between 13 &14 years old in Bandung, West Java Indonesia. A measuring instrument used for measuring students self esteem called Self esteem inventory (SEI) created by Coopersmith (1967) and modified by researchers: this questionnaire is a closed ended questionnaire. Each student was given a pretest and posttest consisting of 40 items that they must respond. Meanwhile, to measure students game performances this study uses GPAI test (games performance analysis instrument). After implementing the learning program, it is found that the game based approach gives a significant effect on the improvement of students self esteem and basketball playing skills. For self esteem, the average score of male students on pretest is 2.05 and 2.21 on posttest, the average score for female students is 1.98 on pretest and 2.04 on the posttest. For game performances, the average score of male students on pretest is 1.75 and 2.77 on posttest whereas the average score for female students is 1.57 on pretest and 2.34 on posttest.

ABS-20 The Effect Glucose Liquid with Active and Pasive Recovery on Blood Glucose Level After Physical Exercise Heru Syarli Lesmana, Endang Pati Broto Universitas Negeri Padang Keywords: Liquid Glucose, Active Recovery, Passive Recovery, and Blood Glucose Abstract: Glucose is an essential nutriet because becomes first source of energy for the human body. The recovery phase that doing after exercise is the best time to restore energy source used during exercise. Active recovery is being done by walk while passive recovery done by sitting. This study supposes to get kind and type of recovery that increase blood glucose effectively so it can restore source of energy. Type of this research used ekperiment randomized pretest-posttest design. Samples who numbered 48 students of Sport Sciences Faculty UNP ware divided into 4 groups, each group consisted of 12 people. All sample did exercise in submaximal intensity (80% HR Max). Liquid glucose was drunk by groups 1 and 2 while groups 3 and 4 drunk water without glucose. Groups 1 and 3 and performed active recovery while groups 2 and 4 performed passive recovery. Glucose levels were measured by strip test using Autocheck glucose meter that taken out blood in capillary. Results of this study with One way Anova got sig 0,002 and the conclusion drinks liquid glucose with passive recovery or active recovery increase level blood glucose.

23 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018

ABS-21 The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom of Bali for Physical Education, Sport and Health Subject in Junior High School I Ketut Yoda, I Gusti Lanang Agung Parwata Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Indonesia Keywords: Learning Model, Physical Education, Sport, And Health. Abstract: This research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a cooperative learning model based on local wisdom (PKBKL) for physical education, sport, and health learning in Junior High School in Singaraja-Buleleng Bali. This research was a quasi- experimental research. The population of this research was VII grade students in the first semester of Junior High School in Singaraja-Buleleng Regency. Sample of this research were SMPN 2 Singaraja, SMPN 3 Singaraja, SMP Laboratorium Singaraja, and SMP Santo Paulus Singaraja, who were selected by random sampling technique. The data were collected using the result of learning test and it was analyzed by inferential statistics t test which supported by SPSS17.0 computer program on significance (() = 0,05. The findings of this research indicate that cooperative learning model based on local wisdom (PKBKL) is effective to improve the result of learning for physical education, sport, and health learning in Junior High School. Based on this result, the teachers of physical education, sport, and health learning in Junior High School should consider cooperative learning model based on local wisdom (PKBKL) as one of the alternative teaching model in learning proses in Junior High School.

ABS-22 The Influence of Pencak Silat on the Establishment of the Character of Youth Nurul Ihsan Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Padang Keywords:Karakter, Pencak Silat, Remaja. Abstract: The purpose of this study is to see the role of pencak silat in helping the formation of individual characters who follow the practice of pencak silat. The study was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-postest one group design. Insturmen used questionnaire with Likert scale. The type of data needed in this study is the parents responses to the samples related to everyday characters both before and after following the practice of Pencak Silat. Calculation of data by using t test formula. Based on the calculation is known t-count value is 3.227, while the value of t-table is equal to 1720. The conclusion that can be taken in this research pencak silat can influence the character of individual who follow pencak silat training.

ABS-23 Validity and Reliability of Emotional Intelligence

Boby Agustan (a*), Nurlan Kusmaedi (b), Yudy Hendrayana (b), Bambang Abduljabar (b) (a*) STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan, Jalan Moertasiah No. 28B Cigugur, Kuningan, West Java 45511, (b) Universitas Pendidikan Indinesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Sukasari, Bandung, West Java 40154 [email protected] Keywords: Validity, Reliability, Emotional Intelligence Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of intelligence in interactive learning and accuracy of learning outcomes. The intended learning outcomes are the results of learning in basketball games. Emotional intelligence instrument was adopted from Schutte, 1998 and then adapted by Fidmawan Hadriastika Dedi (2016: attachment) with the number 86 items. The validity and reliability formula used SPSS.18 with the number of respondents 38. The results of validity and reliability of emotional intelligence obtained 50 valid and coefficient items reliable 0.86..

ABS-24 The Effect of External Feedback Knowledge of Result (KR) and Knowledge of Performance (KP) with Different Relative Frequency in the Motor Skill Acquisition of Tennis Forehand Groundstroke Yadi Sunaryadi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Knowledge of Result, Knowledge of Performance, Relative Frequency Abstract: This field-based study investigated the effect of an instructional strategy with two schedules of augmented knowledge of performance (KP) and knowledge of result (KR feedback on skill acquisition of a forehand tennis groundstroke task. Four experimental groups met during their regular tennis class for twelve weeks to examine the interactions between relative frequency (RF) and feedback (FB). The instructors (N = 4) taught four groups of ten randomly assigned participants using scripted lessons. The task consisted of hitting the tennis ball to place it as close as possible to the target area. Participants were 40 university students who were unfamiliar with the skill were assigned to one of four experimental groups according to knowledge of performance and knowledge of results frequency (33% and 100%) and performed a 25-trial acquisition phase in which KP and KR was provided. Following acquisition, two trial retention and transfer (to a target at the same distance as experienced in acquisition) tests were administered at 1 week. Although no group differences were found for accuracy scores, the 100 % group had higher form scores in acquisition and the 33% in retention and transfer tests. It was concluded that reducing the relative frequency of KP or KR eliminated a dependency on KP and KR to guide performance in acquisition, which was beneficial for maintaining form in conditions in which augmented feedback was absent.

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ABS-25 Correlation between Nutritional Status Based on Anthropometry and Interest in Learning of Physical Education to the Level of Physical Fitness of Students Henry Asmara (a*), Syahid Nur Yasin (b) Physical Education Department STKIP Pasundan [email protected] Keywords: Nutrition, Anthropometry, Fitness, Interest in Learning Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between nutritional status based on anthropometry and interest in learning of physical education to the level of physical fitness of students. This research is a correlational research, which in the data collection using the method of measurement test and questionnaire. The sample in this study are 35 students of class V, SD Cimahi Mandiri 1. While the instrument used is a test of nutrition status measuring by the anthropometry test, fitness level measuring by TKJI test and questionnaire interest in learning of physical education. Data analysis using two correlations and continued with two regressions by 5% significant level. The results of this study concluded that: 1)There is no significant correlation between nutritional status based on anthropometry with physical fitness students. It was concluded based on the calculation of correlation with product moment showing correlation coefficient of 0.232 which when compared with the significance 5% is as follows 0.232>0.05, 2)There is a significant correlation between the interest of learning of physical education with the level of physical fitness of students. It is concluded based on the calculation of correlation with product moment showing the correlation coefficient of 0.033 which when compared with 5% significance is as follows 0.033<0.05, 3)There is a correlation between nutritional status based on anthropometry and interest in learning of physical education with physical fitness of the students. This is known based on multiple regression calculations that indicate that the number R 0.444 or 44.4%, it shows that the level of physical fitness can be explained by the nutritional status variables based on anthropometry and interest in learning of physical education, while the remaining 100%-44.4% = 55.6% is explained by variables not included in this study with an error rate of 0,030<0, 05 or Fcount 3.933>F-table 3.30. Nutritional status based on anthropometry is not significantly related to the level of students physical fitness. Interest in learning of physical education is significantly related to the level of students physical fitness. There is a relationship between nutritional status based on anthropometry and interest in learning of physical education with level of physical fitness of students.

ABS-26 Integrating Life Skills into Volley Ball Extracurricular Activity Program Rita Rohmanasari (a*), Amung Mamun (a), Tatang Muhtar (b) Department of Sports Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Sport Extracurricular, Life Skill, Positive Youth Development Abstract: Youths participation in sports is entrusted to develop life skill and positive adolescence development. The purpose of this research was to find out of the impact of sports extracurricular to the development life skills of the senior high students. The method of this research was quasi-experimental design. The total samples were 67 students divided into 3 groups; volleyball extracurricular group treated with life skills integration to extracurricular program (henceforth; A), volleyball extracurricular group not treated (henceforth; B), and group of students not treated and not joined the extracurricular (henceforth; C). The results of the research show that: (1) There were different developments of life skills between A and B; (2) There was different developments of life skills between A and C; (3) There was different developments of life skills between B and C; (4) The treatment of life skills to A went effectively, between the pre and the post-test revealed significant difference. Furthermore, based on the gained score, the result of A was doing good in life skills better than B. It was also better than C. It is concluded that integration of life skills to the extracurricular is effective enough to develop the life skills of students high school..

ABS-27 The Games Approach of Learning under Receiving in Volleyball Sumbara Hambali (a*), Sutiswo (b) Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, STKIP Pasundan Jalan Permana, No. 32 B. Cimahi 40512, Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Games Approach, Learning, Under Receiving, Volleyball Abstract: The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of passing down on a game of volleyball with a play approach. Research method using Action Research. The subjects in this study are students of grade V Primary School in Cimahi City. This study was conducted with six meetings consisting of two cycles, each cycle 3 times a meeting. The first cycle realized through action according to the plan and the learning method, the result of the average value of students in the lower passing learning is equal to 71.48 or 74.07% of pass students, and 25.93% of students have not graduated. In the second cycle realized through the action of the reflection result from cycle 1, the result of the average value of students in lower passing learning increased to 78.52 or 92.59% of graduated students and the rest 7.41% of students have not graduated. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the play approach can improve the learning outcomes of passing under student volleyball.

25 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018

ABS-28 Improving the Learning Result of Lay Up Shoot Using Part Method Ruslan Rusmana(a) Yopi Meirizal(b) Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, STKIP Pasundan Jalan Permana, No. 32 B. Cimahi 40512, Indonesia Keywords: Part Method, Learning, Lay Up Shoot. Abstract: The aim of this study is to improve the skill learning result of the lay up shoot in basketball to the Physical Education students of STKIP Pasundan. The total number of the research subject is 25 students. This study employs an Action Research designed by Kemmis and Taggart. The skills assessed are the product and result of the lay up shoot in the beginning, long-steps, short-steps, shooting and follow throught. The precentage of achieving the minimum criteria score at the pre-cycle of product assessment was 28% (7 students). In cycle I, a treatment was done using the part-by-part method and it was obtained an improvement of precentage of achieving the minimum criteria score become 72% (18 students). In cycle II, it was obtained an improvement in the minimum criteria score, the result was 84% (21 students). While in the process assessment, it was similar with the pre-cycle that was 28% (7 students). A treatment given using the part-by-part method and in cycle I showed a result of the minimum criteria score was 60% (10 students). In cycle II it was obtained the improvement of minimum criteria score become 88% (22 students). Based on the result, it is stated that the part-by-part method can improve the skill learning result of lay up shoot in basketball.

ABS-29 The Influence Learning Used ABC Run Exercise on the Sprint Capabilities Sutiswo (a*), Sumbara Hambali (b), Yopi Meirizal (c) Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, STKIP Pasundan Jalan Permana, No. 32 B. Cimahi 40512, Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Learning, ABC Run, Sprint. Abstract: Purpose of the study is to know Influence of Learning through ABC Run Training to ability of sprint. This method used experimental research with Pretest - Posttest Control Group Design. The population of this research is students of class X SMAN 3 Subang, sample determination is done by cluster random sampling technique, then got 2 class which used as control group and experiment group. This research was conducted 12 times meeting with exercise frequency 3 times a week. The instrument used is through direct observation based on the criteria of the basic engineering assessment which has been provided. The result showed that the control group did not experience significant, while the experimental group experienced significant of test result with the increase of the average value of 14.71% with the acquisition of t arithmetic 9.227 ≥ t table 1.688. Based on the results of hypothesis testing it can be concluded that learning through exercise ABC The conclusions is run has a significant influence compared to learning without through ABC Run training on the sprint capabilities.

ABS-30 Hepatoprotective Effects of Red Fruit Oil on Maximum Physical Activity Fajar Apollo Sinaga (a*), Pangondian Hotliber Purba (a), Novita Sari Harahap (a), Rika Nailuvar Sinaga (a), Ramlan Silaban (b) Faculty of Sports Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Red Fruit Oil, Hepatoprotective, Maximal Physical Activity Abstract: Maximal physical activity can produce an imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants which is possibly related to fatigue and tissue injury. This study investigated the effect of red fruit oil on serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) level in maximal physical activity. This study used pretest-posttest control group design. Twenty four rats were divided into 4 groups. The control group (I) was administered with 1.5 ml distilled water, intervention groups (II), (III) and (IV) were administered with different doses of Red Fruit Oil (0.15 ml, 0.3 ml, and 0.6 ml/day, respectively). All groups were trained to swim for 4 weeks and then were forced to swim without a load until being exhausted. The serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) levels were measured in all groups. The results showed that SGOT and SGPT level obtained was decreasing significantly (p=0.000) in the intervention groups. The results suggest that red fruit oil can obviously reduce SGOT and SGPT level induced by maximal physical activity in rat. ABS-31 Physical Education Relationship in Higher Education and Time Active Sport with Physical Fitness and Social Skills Endrixs Endrianto Department of Sports Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Physical Education, Time Active Sport, Physical Fitness, Social Skills Abstract: This study aims to reveal the relationship between physical education in college with Active Time Exercising (WAB), physical fitness, social skills, the relationship between WAB with physical fitness and social skills Balinese Akamigas students. The research method used was descriptive correlation with sample number 50 people (male 42, and woman 8) from 380 population. To obtain the research data, a questionnaire test was conducted on all samples. Based on the results of processing and data analysis can be concluded as follows: (1) there is a significant relationship between physical education in higher education with physical fitness, with a correlation coefficient of 0.927 which is very strong. (2) there is a significant correlation between physical education in higher education with social skill, with correlation coefficient equal to 0,93 which belongs strong category. (3) there is a significant relationship physical education in higher education with WAB with correlation coefficient of 0.895 which belongs to very strong category. (4) there is a significant relationship between WAB with physical fitness, with correlation coefficient of 0.88 which belongs to very strong category. (5) there is significant correlation of WAB to social skill with correlation coefficient equal to 0,89 which belongs very strong category.

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ABS-32 The Influence Teaching Styles on the Badminton Skill Reviewed From Motor Educability Ashadi Cahyadi, Herman Subarjah, Yunyun Yudiana, Yusuf Hidayat Department of Sports Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Command Teaching Style, Divergent Teaching Style, Badminton Skill, Motor Educability Abstract: Teaching style is considered to have an influence on badminton skills by looking at the aspects of motor educability. Purpose of the study: This study aims to see the influence of teaching style on badminton skills in terms of high motor educability. In this study also pay attention to the influence of the teaching style between command and divergence. Method: the research used was an experimental method with the design of one group pretest and posttest design. The study sample consisted of 30 students with high motor educability. The sample technique used was purposive sampling. Research instruments use badminton skills tests (service, lob, dropshot and smash). Data analysis used normality test, homogeneity test and one-way ANOVA. Results: The study showed a normality test of 0.472 > 0.05. In the homogeneity test of 0.653 > 0.05, it means that the variance is homogeneous. While the one-way ANOVA result is FCount > FTabel (119.61 > 4.20). Conclusions and Implications: overall the conclusions in this study are the influence of teaching style on badminton skills on high educability motors. this research can be a reference to the teacher in improving badminton skills by choosing the right teaching style and seeing the aspects of motor educability. ABS-33 Gender Differences in Motor Coordination and Physical Activity Riza Adriyani, Dody Iskandar, Lia Siti Camelia Health and Sport Centre for Community, Bandung, Ministry of Health Keywords: Gross Coordination; Activity Levels; Gender Abstract: The research highlights gender differences in gross motor coordination. Preadolescence is the best time for motor skill interventions. Good motor coordination indicated an increased physical activity in children. The purpose of this study was to know the differences of motor coordination and physical activity levels based on gender. 95 males (mean age 10.57) and 105 females (mean age 10.36 years) school children were participated in this study. Weight status, height, and percentage of body fat were objectively measured by using standardized protocols to compare anthropometric characteristics. Korperkoordinations Test fur Kinder (KTK) was used to assess gross motor coordination and physical activity levels was assessed by Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children. Statistical analysis used an independent sample t test (Mann Whitney U test if not normally distributed) to analyze gender differences. The results showed that the anthropometric characteristics were almost similar in both gender. There were significant differences in motor coordination between males and females (p < 0.05). The mean Motor Quotients KTK (MQ KTK) of males (83.34) were significantly higher than those of females (72.39). Males outperformed females on hopping height, moving sideways and jumping sideways. Only for walking backward females were similar with males. Physical activity was significantly different in both gender (p < 0.05). Females (18.07) were less active than males (21.30). There were gender differences in gross motor coordination and physical activity levels in children. There is a need for better motor skill interventions in females. ABS-34 Study of the Correlation between Learning Styles and Learning Outcomes of Physical Education. Silvy Juditya (a,b*); Adang Suherman (a); Amung Mamun (a); Agus Rusdiana (a) a. Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia b. Prodi Pendidikan Jasmani, kesehatan dan rekreasi STKIP PASUNDAN Keywords: Learning Styles; Learning outcomes; Big Ball Game Abstract: This research is motivated by the variety of learning styles possessed by students in school and the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of student learning styles with physical education learning outcomes (Penjas). The research method used in this study using quantitative descriptive method with a correlational approach with the subject of the study is the seventh grade students of the State Junior High School one totaling 89 students. The variables in this study consisted of independent variables in the form of visual learning style, auditory learning style, kinesthetic learning style while for the dependent variable in this study were the results of physical education learning. The instruments used are learning style questionnaires that refer to Bobby D Potter and use basic motion control tests on large ball games which consist of mastery of basic movements in basketball games, volleyball games and soccer games. The results of the calculation of the visual learning style of physical education learning outcomes of 0.000, auditory learning style of physical education learning outcomes of 0.000, kinesthetic learning style of physical education learning outcomes of 0.000 with a significance level of 0.05. referring to the results of these calculations, the conclusion of this study is that there is an influence between visual learning styles and physical education learning outcomes, auditory learning styles with physical education learning outcomes, kinesthetic learning styles with physical education learning outcomes. ABS-36 The Influence of Command and Inclusion Teaching Styles on Learning Outcomes of Tabletennis Skills "Experimental Study on PJKR Students of FPOK Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia" E. Fitri Amalia, J. Tangkudung, Firmansyah D., H Subarjah PPs Universitas Negeri Jakarta Keywords: Teaching Style, Command, Inclusion, Skill Abstract: This study aims to determine the differences in the influence of teaching style of Command and Inclusion on the learning outcomes of table tennis skills. The research was conducted on PJKR students of FPOK Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Using experimental research method with pree test posttest design. Using sample of 40 male students who follow the table tennis lesson.Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded that: 1) There is the influence of command teaching style to the learning result of table tennis skills. 2) There is the influence of inclusion teaching style to the learning result of table tennis skills. 3) There is a difference in the effect of command and inclusion teaching styles on the learning outcomes of table tennis skills, in which students who attain the inclusion teaching style get better learning outcomes than those who follow the command teaching style.

27 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018

ABS-37 Optimalization of Academic Achievement through the Granting of Physical Activity Type with Level of Intensity Low and Medium M. Zaky12 , A. Mulyana1, H. Subarjah1, U. Umaran1 1. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Keywords: Physical Activity, Academic Achievement Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the type of physical activity with low and medium intensity level of the ability of Academic Achievement. Physical activity is provided in the form of physical activity a variety of physical activities that are categorized as serial skill and similar activities that are categorized as skill kontinus.The research method uses Experiment with 2X2 factorial design. The samples were junior high school students who are not involved in sports activities in school or in a club. The sampling technique using Twostage/ Multystage-Random Sampling. These samples included 80 students divided into four groups provided treatments for 30 meetings. The instrument used is Formative test.The results showed that physical activity diverse group in particular that of moderate intensity have average scores better than the other groups. There is an interaction between the type and level of intensity of physical activity on Academic Achievement

ABS-38 Social Capital Representation in Structured Peer Education for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Argyo Demartoto , Bhisma Murti , Siti Zunariyah (1)(3)Department of Sociology, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia (2)Department of Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Peer Education, PMTCT, Social Capital. Abstract: Women and child with HIV AIDS deserve protection as included in the third goal of SDGs. This qualitative study with phenomenological approach aimed to study structured Peer Education in social capital based Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission or PMTCT in Surakarta Indonesia. Units of analysis were mothers either infected or not with HIV, Health Service, AIDS Coping Commission and its workgroup, Solo Plus Peer Suport Group or PSG, NGO and PMTCT service in Surakarta. Informants were selected with purposive sampling technique, data collection with observation, in depth interview, and documentation, and data validation with method and data source triangulations. Data of informants activity and experience was analyzed using interpretative phenomenology with social capital theory. Result showed that mothers either infected or not with HIV become targeted group or peer educators in structured PE for PMTCT. Peer educators recruited peer promoter, trained, and educated their peers, conducted socialization, communication, information, education, treatment, reaching, and facilitation based on norm, trust, and social network. Besides being included in PSGs activities, structured PE was conducted in social and religion activities. Strong social network and link to PMTCT stakeholders become a bridge in and between peer educators and targeted group in PMTCT service, so that HIV/AIDS case in mother and children can be controlled.

ABS-39 The Effectiveness of Serum-Free Dmem Media with Addition of Royal Jelly Apis Mellifera (Ceiba Pentandra) on Fibroblast Preputium Cells Andri Pramono1*, Nurfitri Bustamam1, Muttia Amalia1 Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Research Center (STERC), Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Pondok Labu, Jakarta, Indonesia Keywords: Royal Jelly, Preputium, Fibroblast Cell, Ceiba Pentandra Abstract: Culture of preputium skin fibroblasts is a good cell source in the manufacture of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Induced pluripotent stem cells (induced pluripotent stem cell / iPSC) is the latest stem cell technology to get the source of stem cells that are equivalent to their pluripotent properties with embryonic cells, without having to consider ethical problems that arise. Culture systems of preputium skin fibroblast, can use a variety of media. Currently, Dulbeccos modified Eagle medium (DMEM) plus Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), but if the culture is carried out continuously in FBS, it can increase the immune systems resistance. In addition, previous research with the addition of royal jelly 2 mg / ml of culture medium, has not shown a significant difference, so that further research to optimize FBS substitute culture medium is needed. This study was conducted to analyze the comparison of the effectiveness of serum free DMEM media with the addition of Apis Mellifera royal jelly bee from Ceiba petandra flower for preputium skin fibroblasts cell culture. The results of this study are expected to be used to improve knowledge about wound healing as is often experienced by sports athletes. This is a model that can provide medical knowledge that tissue damage to the skin can be healed faster, thereby saving healing time that is often a major determinant of achieving sporting victory.

28 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018

ABS-40 Development "MODEREN" to Increase Gross Motoric Skill of Students with Mild Mental Retardation in SLB Febryansah Gilang Aris Pradana (a*), Ain Fary Setyaningsih (b), Rosi Nur Rahmawati (b), Anna Nur Anisa (b), Risqan Agusta Tinha (b), Dwi Lorry Juniarisca (b) Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Surabaya, Jl. Raya Kampus Unesa, Lidah Wetan, Lakarsantri, Surabaya 60213 Keywords: Mental Retardation; MODEREN; Gross Motoric Skill Abstract: The variations of materials and supporting learning facilities in SLB Siswa Budhi, Surabaya for students with mental retardation is currently still considered insufficient. Variations of materials and supporting tools are substantial to the learning which aims to improve the students gross motoric skill. Therefore, innovations are necessary for equipments which are capable of increasing students interest in learning, in order to optimize their motoric development. This research offers a solution in the form of MODEREN (Motoric Development For Special Children) development model, a learning-through-games model utilizing modified tools. Development of MODEREN is carried out using research and development design through 4 stages: analysis, design, development, and implementation. Eight students from 3rd to 6th grade selected by purposive sampling are being used as subjects. The assessment technique of students gross motoric skill is through observation. Data analysis is performed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that application of MODEREN model increased the gross motoric skill of students with mental retardation by 38,24%. Furthermore, this model increased students initiative in learning hence attempting more of the moves being taught. In addition, through MODERENs tools organization model, students are involved to learn in groups, inciting interactions and cooperations among students.

ABS-41 Anthropometric and Motoric Skill of Men Elite Volleyball Players of Universitas Negeri Semarang Club Nasuka Universitas Negeri Semarang Keywords: Anthropometric; Motoric Skill; Volleyball Players Abstract: Universitas Negeri Semarang Volleyball Club was an elite club among university student volleyball clubs in Indonesia. This club reach gold medal in Porsimaptar 2015 (national competition), Porsimaptar 2016 and Livoma 2017 (National Volleyball University Student Competition 2017). The aim of research to know the anthropometric and motoric skill profile of the elite players of club. A cross sectional study involved 45 players, consist of 14 main players 2015 team, 16 main players 2016 team and 15 main players 2017 team. Anthropometric measurement included body weight, body height and Body Mass Index. Motoric skills test included vertical jump, block jump reach, spike jump reach, medicine ball throught and 20 feet sprint. The average of body height was 182.3 cm (without libero) and 182.1 cm (with libero). The average of BMI was 21.36. The average of motoric skills were 70.2 cm (vertical jump), 311 cm (block jump reach), 321.3 (spike jump reach), 4.5 m (medicine ball throw) and 3.1 sec (20 feet sprint). The anthropometric and mototic skill profile of Universitas Negeri Semarang volleyball players were lower than international players, but better than university student volleyball club players in Indonesia.

ABS-42 The Implementation Impact of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Methods to the Increased of Anaerobic Abilities (Experimental Study of Physical Training For 28 Day Meeting on Student Activity Unit Women Futsal UPI Bandung) Fitri Rosdiana1, Dikdik Zafar Sidik2, Agus Rusdiana3 Department of Sports Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: HIIT Method, Anaerobic Abilities Abstract: Futsal is football game which required speed, all players must have dynamic and fast movement ability. So that each player is required to have excellent physical ability. HIIT methods is one of the effort to improve the physical abilities which is anaerobic and aerobic. The purpose of this research is to find out whether HIIT method can give a significant impact on the ability of anaerobic. The sample in this study amounted to 14 people by using purposive sampling technique. The method of research is experimental method. The instrument for this research is (1) Speed: 20 m dash sprint test (validity 0.829 and reliability 0.906). (2) Agility: shuttle run 4m x 5 rep (validity 0.796 and reliability 0.877). (3) Power leg: 3 Hop test (Validity 0.792 and reliability 0.871). (4) Power Endurance : Hurdle Jump (validity 0.709 and reliability 0.797). (5) Speed Endurance:sprint test : 150 m (validity 0.945 and reliability 0.971). Data analysis using SPSS version 20 with hypotheses examination through a paired sample t-test. Analysis result (1) There is a significant influence on HIIT methods to increased speed capability. (2) There is a significant influence on HIIT methods to increased agility capability. (3) There is a significant influence on HIIT methods to increased power capability. (4) There is a significant influence on HIIT methods to increased power endurance capability. (5) There is a significant influence on HIIT methods to increased speed endurance capability.

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ABS-43 The Application of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Method to The Increase of Aerobik Ability Of Female Futsal Players Yunita Sari1, Dikdik Zafar Sidik2, Komarudin3 Department of Sports Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: HIIT Method, Aerobic ability , Bleep Test Abstract: Physical training is one of some important and decided factor in reaching the achievement. There are some method of training that can be used in increasing the abilities of physic. Futsal is the sport which need the prime physical ability. One of some components of futsal player physical ability as the beginning fundamenta; is the endure (aerobik). The purpose of this research is in order to know the meaningful of the influence of HIIT training method application to the increasing of ability of aerobik. Population in this research is the unit of activity of female Indonesia Education University student for futsal is about 26 persons and sample that be taken is about 14 persons who be choosen as the needs of team. Sampling technical use purposive sampling technical. Research method use experiment method. Data collecting use use bleep test for measuring the endure or aerobic of body. The statistic calculation use two average equivalen test. The result of research point out the average value of beginning test (X̅) is about 41,0 by deviation standard (S) is about 6.4 and final test average value (X̅) is about 43,5 by deviation standard (S) is about 3,50. Analysis result and data calculation tell whereas there is a significant influence for HIIT training method to the increasing of ability of aerobik..

ABS-44 The Effectiveness of Serum-Free Dmem Media with Addition of Royal Jelly Apis Mellifera (Ceiba Pentandra) on Fibroblast Preputium Cells Andri Pramono1*, Nurfitri Bustamam1, Muttia Amalia1 Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Pondok Labu, Jakarta, Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Royal Jelly, Preputium, Fibroblast Cell, Ceiba Pentandra. Abstract: Culture of preputium skin fibroblasts is a good cell source in the manufacture of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Induced pluripotent stem cells (induced pluripotent stem cell / iPSC) is the latest stem cell technology to get the source of stem cells that are equivalent to their pluripotent properties with embryonic cells, without having to consider ethical problems that arise. Culture systems of preputium skin fibroblast, can use a variety of media. Currently, Dulbeccos modified Eagle medium (DMEM) plus Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), but if the culture is carried out continuously in FBS, it can increase the immune systems resistance. In addition, previous research with the addition of royal jelly 2 mg / ml of culture medium, has not shown a significant difference, so that further research to optimize FBS substitute culture medium is needed. This study was conducted to analyze the comparison of the effectiveness of serum free DMEM media with the addition of Apis Mellifera royal jelly bee from Ceiba petandra flower for preputium skin fibroblasts cell culture. The results of this study are expected to be used to improve knowledge about wound healing as is often experienced by sports athletes. This is a model that can provide medical knowledge that tissue damage to the skin can be healed faster, thereby saving healing time that is often a major determinant of achieving sporting victory.

ABS-45 The Effect of Passing Party Games Exercise Toward Accuracy of Shooting Soccer School Players Batuang Taba Padang City Marjan Aprinanda (a*), Dova Syafriandi (a), Didin Tohidin (b) a) Magister Students of Sport Education, Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Padang Prof. Dr. Hamka Street, Air Tawar, Padang, Indonesia b) lecturer of Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Padang Prof. Dr. Hamka Street, Air Tawar, Padang, Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Passing Party Games Exercise, Shooting Accuracy of Soccer. Abstract: The problem in this research is the low accuracy of shooting the players. The purpose of this research is to see the effect of Passing Party Games Exercise toward the Accuracy Shooting Soccer School Players Batuang Taba.This research method is quasi experiment by using a quantitative approach. The population of this study all players Soccer School Batuang Taba registered which amounted to 54 Players, while the sample taken by purposive sampling so that the sample is U-12 player with total of 17 players. The shooting accuracy data is taken by Soccer shooting test. Technique of data analysis of this research used with t-test. The results of data analysis showed that: There is the influence of passing party games exercises significant to the accuracy of shooting Soccer School players Batuang Taba, with calculation t count=2.49>t table=1.74. So, the research is Passing party exercises have significant effect on improving the accuracy of shooting soccer players. The conclusion this training program can be developed and implemented so that the goal in the exercise can be achieved that can improve the accuracy of soccer player shooting.

30 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018

ABS-46 Effect of Sports Activity to Elderly Hypokinetic Trend and Risk Nurlan Kusmaedi Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Pendidikan Indoensa, Indonesia Keywords: Sports Activity, Aerobic Capacity, Hypokinetic Trend, Risk. Abstract: The purpose of the study was to measure hypokinetic trend and risk status of the elderly who active in five kinds of sport; and to describe the difference of training effect of five kinds of sport to elderly hypokinetic trend and risk. The ex-post facto method was used for this study. Subjects who participated in the study were seventy-four elderly people, and their five respective sports health club situated in Bandung, id est lawn tennis (12), walking (16), table tennis (13), gymnastics (15), badminton (15). The instrument used is a questionnaire which implemented by elderly action. SPSS 2014 was used for data analyzing. The result of this study was: 1. The hyperkinetic status rank according to gain score was: badminton, lawn tennis, gymnastics, walking, table tennis, all of them were on good status; 3. The risk status of ache because of hypokinetic according to gain score was: badminton, lawn tennis, table tennis, gymnastics, walking. Conclusions: The activity of five kinds of sport give good effect as an effort to overcome less movement quality and give very good effect as a preventive effort to hypokinetic trend and risk.

ABS-47 The Role of wisdom on Wellness Fundamental Movement Skills Herdi1, Sunaryo Kartadinata2, and Agus Taufiq2 1 Guidance and Counseling Department, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia / Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2 Educational Psychology and Guidance Department, Faculty of Education Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Wisdom, Wellness, Counselor, Counselor Education and Supervision Abstract: Wisdom and wellness issues are important as well as interesting for creating the comprehensive healthy and good lives. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between wisdom and wellness. This research employed correlational method. The study participants covered 40 counselor candidates from the Guidance and Counseling Department, the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The data collection used the Wisdom Scale and the Wellness Scale that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used correlation and linear regression analysis. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between wisdom and well-being of counselor candidates. The implication is that counselor educators in counselor education and supervision programs need to facilitate the development of wisdom to achieve wellness of counselor candidates..

ABS-49 The Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Try Out of National Exam to The Level of Anxiety Jajuli Heri Fauzi (a*), Eka Nugraha (b), Yusuf Hidayat (b) a) Department Sport of Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia b) The Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: PMR; TO; Boarding School; National Exam; Anxiety. Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of progressive muscle relaxation and try out of national exam on decreasing anxiety levels in the face of national examination. The method used is quasi experimental method. The population of high school students of class XII boarding school and public school in Sukabumi city with the sample of each group of 31 students from Hayatan Thayyibah and SMAN 2 High School by using saturated sampling and purposive sampling technique. Instruments adopted LWASQ relate to modified anxiety indicators. The results of the study showed significant effect of PMR and TO training on the anxiety level of boarding schools as well as public schools, and PMR can be presented as an alternative to reduce anxiety and will be more effectively applied to boarding students.

ABS-50 The Effect of Tobacco Leaves Pyrolysis Extract (Nicotiana Tabacum Var. Virginia) Against the Formation of Biofilm by Staphylococcus Aureus: an In Vitro Study Dinno Anza Ario Putra1, Andri Pramono1*, Anisah Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta Keywords: Tobacco Leaves (Nicotiana Tabacum L.), Staphylococcus Aureus, Antibiofilm. Abstract: Biofilm is one of the persistent problem in the medical world. More than half of chronic infection is caused by biofilm, which formed on the surfaces of medical implantable devices, like catheter, prostethic valve, or contact lens.According to earlier studies, there are three organic compounds that can act as an inhibitor to biofilm formation, Alkaloid, Flavonoid, and Essential oil. These three compunds can be found in a lot of plants, one of them is Tobacco leaves (Nicotiana tabacum var. Virginia). Tobacco itself is one of Indonesia s biggest commodity, primarily used as the main ingredient for cigarettes. But the anti-smoking regulations issued by the government encouraged the exploration of other utilization of tobacco plant. The purpose of this research is to understanding the influence of tobacco leaves extract as an antibiofilm agent against Staphylococcus aureus, which is the leading cause of biofilm formation in medical equipment and implantable devices. This research is an experimental with tobacco leaves extract samples obtained by pyrolysis extraction method. The extract will be diluted to 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% concentration before being mixed with the bacteria suspension, incubated for 24 hours, and measured the density of the biofilm formed (optical density) using microplate reader.This is a model that can provide medical knowledge that tissue damage to the skin, prevented from major bacterial infection, as well as from nosocomial infection. So it can be healed faster, thereby saving healing time that is often a major determinant of achieving sporting victory.

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ABS-51 Effectiveness of Teaching Personal Teaching Model and Social Responsibility (TPSR) in Improving Responsibilities (Experimental Study in Pencak Silat Learning at SMP Negeri 1 Lembang) Towards The Learning Outcomes of Pencak Silat Ihsan Abdul Patah Universitas Suryakancana Keywords: Character Decline, Responsibility, TPSR Model. Abstract: Responsibility is needed in life. On the other hand, entering the era of globalization there is a phenomenon of student character decline. The formulation of the problem is whether there is a difference in the effectiveness of the TPSR model compared to conventional in increasing the responsibility for pencak silat learning in SMP Negeri 1 Lembang. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the TPSR model in increasing responsibility. Quasi-experimental research method, Control Group Pre-test-Post-test design. The research population was the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Lembang, a purposive sampling technique. A total of 76 students from two classes were divided into experimental and control groups. Observation data collection techniques, Wright (2008) TARE (Tools of Assessment-based Education-based Education), and documentation. Analysis technique of independent sample t-test and mann-whitney u-test. The results showed that there was a difference in the effectiveness of the TPSR model compared to conventional in increasing responsibility for learning pencak silat, t count -6.732, significance of 0.000, the average posttest of the experimental group was 77.500, the control was 59.843. The experimental group gain was 0.6247, the control was 0.2803. Thus, the TPSR model is needed in increasing student responsibility. ABS-53 The Effect of Implementation of Audio Visual Media on the Power of Passing, Dribbling and Shooting Basic Skills in Futsal Learning at School. M.Dendy Stiadi and M Ruhiat Faculty of sport Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan DR. Setiabudi 229, Bandung 40153, Indonesia Keywords: Media Audio Visual, Passing, Dribbling, dan Shooting.. Abstract: In this study aims to determine whether statistically significant use of audio visual media on learning outcomes Passing, Dribbling and Shooting in futsal learning. Experiments are the methods used in this study. The population in this study were the students of Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School Bandung. While the sample used is a class VII student who participates in futsal extracurricular as many as 20 people. In this study using "pre test and post test control group design" as a research design. Test instruments used in the form of Passing, Dribbling and Shooting tests in futsal games according to Nurhasan. Based on the results of the analysis of significance testing, the increase in learning outcomes using audio visual media showed a significant difference compared to learning without using audio visual media on the learning outcomes of Passing, Dribbling and Shooting futsal skills. From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the use of audio visual media has a statistically significant effect on the results of learning skills, passing, dribbling, and shooting in futsal learning in schools..

ABS-54 Learning Model Based Sorth Run In University Of Lampung Penjaskesrek Student Heru Sulistianta, Ziko Fajar Ramadhan Universitas Lampung Keywords: Models, Learning, Short Run Abstract: The aim of this research and development is to products model learning short run for student in lampung university. Research adn development is carried out in order to obtain information about the development application of model for student in university of lampung as well as to determine the effectivenes of the resulting model. This study uses research and development from borg and gall. Tha subjects in this study were student in penjaskesrek university of lampung of 38 student. The stages of this research are analysis of needs, the expert evaluation, (initial product evaluation), testing of small groups, and testing large groaups. The test of efectiveness of the model using model learning short run test to determine the level of learning run short of student before and after treatment models short run pretest were conducted obtained the short run. Initial tests were conducted to obtain ability level run short wich were given preferential treatment After 7,266 learning model run short distances obtained the value of 6,095 and p-value = 0.010 < 0.05 means that significant difference between before and after given the treatment Given learning model run short distances ABS-56 Performance Analysis of Pencak Silat Rajip Mustafillah Rusdiyanto Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Universitas Majalengka, Jalan KH. Abdul Halim No. 103 Majalengka Indonesia Keywords: Pencak Silat, Sport Psychology, Sport Physiology Abstract: This research is an analysis of the needs of martial arts athletes based on theoretical studies. Researchers tried to provide an overview through several relevant research results about the performance of martial arts athletes. So that the research formula is; 1) how is the physical condition of pencak silat athletes, 2) how are the technical conditions of martial arts athletes, 3) how are the tactics of martial arts athletes, 4) how is the psychological condition of martial arts athletes, and 5) how is the lifestyle of martial arts athletes. The purpose of the results of this study will provide an illustration of martial arts athletes based on theoretical studies of relevant research results. The benefits of this research are expected to have an impact on efforts to maximize the achievements of future martial arts athletes by providing an overview of the needs of martial arts athletes as a basis for the selection of next generation athletes. The method used in this study is a description. The procedure used by researchers is collecting various kinds of information in theory related to the performance of martial arts athletes. After the information gathering stage, then conclude the results obtained from various kinds of information about martial arts athletes. The population in this study were martial arts athletes who were also sampled in this study. Data collection tools used by researchers are interviews and surveys. Based on the results of the analysis that physical conditions, techniques, tactics, mental and lifestyle are very important factors in the performance of martial arts athletes.

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ABS-57 Improving the Behaveur of Students Respect through TPSR Learning Model Seen From Assertive M. Rizki Mauludin, Mustika Fitri, Nina Sutresna Graduate School of Education University Indonesia, Jl. DR. Setiabudi No 229, Bandung, Indonesia Keywords: Respect, Teaching Personal Social and Responsibility, Direct Instruction, and Assertive. Abstract: This thesis ained to desribe the effectiveness of learning model through Teaching Personal Social and Responsibility (TPSR) and Direct Instruction (DI) learning model. To increase the student respect behaviour seen from assertive. The research used experiment methode, as well as the experiment grup, or the control group was chosen at random. This research used experimental methods by factorial design 2 X 2. Engineering retrieval file by using cluster sampling so that the sample used amounted to groupwhich have been given pretest then givent treatment, which is to the experimental group with TPSR learning model and last givent posttest. Retrieval file techique wa using respect and assertive questionnaires. The participant amount 32 student, 16 student taken for experimental group and 16 student for control group, with each divided 8 high assertive person and 8 low assertive person. This reaserch indicated showed that TPSR learning model increases / improving the behaviour of students respect was effective to develope behaviour respect, with significant value obtained for 0.035 < 0.05.

ABS-58 Optimizing Sport Value through Character-Based Motion Card in Elementary School Made Agus Wijaya, I Nyoman Kanca, I Ketut Yoda, Ketut Iwan Swadesi Physical Education, Sport and Health Program, Faculty of Sport and Health Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha), Bali Jalan Udayana 11 Singaraja-Bali, Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Physical Education, Sport Value, Motion Card, Character Abstract: One of the purpose of Physical Education is to build strong character in students. Physical Education teacher plays an important role in realizing the character development by using physical activity as the medium. This study aim to analyzed the stages of internalizing sport value through character-based motion card in elementary school. Motion card as a learning medium of physical education that contains the task of movement in accordance with the characteristics of the students and character- based. The internalization stage of sport value through the motion card is started from the student identifies the task of motion, chooses the task of motion in accordance with the agreement, prepares the equipment and setting, performs the task of motion to the portfolio performing of the success of the motion task. Authors concluded that the internalization of sport value is performed by physical education teacher with students twice, first period of the internalization was the students perform the task of motion, and last period was done during water break every session of motion task. It is recomended to physical education teachers to understand the character-based motion card comprehensively by keeping on oriented to the pleasure and success of the students in performing the motion task.

ABS-59 dressing Diverse Learner Preferences and Intelligences in Teaching of Physical Education at a State University, Philippines Alonzo L. Mortejo, Jesselyn C. Mortejo Bataan Peninsula State University Keywords: Multiple Intelligence; Learning Style; Physical Education Abstract: The objective is to assess the Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence of students and come up with an Intelligence Learning Style Menu to address diverse learner preferences and intelligences. Aim of this study was to identify and compare the areas of multiple intelligence and learning styles of Physical Education students according to some parameters. Research group consists of 400 students, chosen purposively who studied at Bataan Peninsula State University enrolled Physical Education 101 and 102 respectively during the academic year of 2017/2018. In this research Self-evaluation Survey in Multiple İntelligence developed by Gardner and learning styles, an internationally prevent tool designed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford served to the University PE respondents was used as a data collection tool. Anova Test was used to determine the differences between intelligence scores and learning preferences. The data collected by using survey was analysed by using SPSS 21 for Windows package program. The result shows diversity in intelligence type and learning preference of physical education students. This served as basis in developing a sample intelligence-learning menu.. ABS-60 UKM Canoeing Students Performance Profile of STKIP Pasundan Syahid Nur Yasin (a*), Henry Asmara (b) Physical Education of STKIP Pasundan [email protected] Keywords: Performance, Canoeing, Students Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out the level of UKM canoeing students physical condition of STKIP Pasundan. The sample in this study is the male students of STKIP Pasundan UKM canoeing by totaling 19 students by the average: 20 years age, 175 cm height and body weight 74 kg. The research method used a survey by the approach of the Canoeing Protocol Test and TBR. The results of this study showed that the endurance test speed with a single Kayak speed of 1000 meters in water obtained value average is 85% and good is 95%, maximum strength test and maximum resistance of chest and shoulder muscles obtained average is 75% and good is 100%, heart resistance, blood circulation and breathing with a 12 minute run showed good value. From the above average test results are known that it have good of two tests score, one test with 50% moderate and 50% good, one test with 40% good and 60% very good, and good value there is one test. From the results of the five test components of the Test Canoeing and TBR protocols can be conclude that the average level of UKM canoeing students physical condition of STKIP Pasundan is good category.

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ABS-61 The Illustration of Physical Activity and The Elderly Physical Fitness Level Bintang Kusuma Wardhana, Muhammad Hamid Anwar Magister Program Sport Science, Yogyakarta State Universty, Karang Malang, Jl.Kolombo No.1, Caturtunggal Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281 Keywords: Physical Activity, Fitness, Elderly Abstract: In 2009, the population of the elderly citizen in Indonesia has reached 20.547.541 people. The elderly population in Indonesia tends to increase every year. As time goes by, as the population of the elderly grows, an extra attention needs to given to those people. Otherwise, it will cause problems in the future. The purpose of this research is to learn about the physical activity and the level of the elderly fitness level in Nursing Home Budi Darma, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. The approaching methods is both qualitative and quantitative. The research data collected by undergoing fitness test, observations and interviews. The analysis of the research data is done by qualitative progressive analysis which are data collection, concept identification and conclusion.conclusions: the background of the elderly influences physical activity which is carried out everyday then it will indirectly have an impact on the degree of physical fitness.

ABS-62 Effect of Exploratory Fitness Education on Social Skills Risma, Andang Rohendi Mahasiswa doktoral Pendidikan Olahraga SPs UPI, Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung Prodi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi FKIP Universitas Galuh, Martadinata 150 Ciamis Keywords: Exploratory Fitness Education , Social Skill Abstract: This study aimed to determine whether exploratory fitness education effect toward students social skills. The research method used is the method of experimental research method. The participants were 56 university students of Health and Recreation Educational Program FKIP Universitas Galuh Ciamis. Students social skills were measured using social skills instruments adapted from the Social Skills Rating Scale which developed by Gresham, FM, & Elliott, SN (1990). After testing of statistical assumptions performed it is known that the data is normally distributed (pre-test and post-test p = 0.086 p = 0.200, which p > 0.05) so that the data analysis uses paired samples t test analysis. From the analysis results of the research is know that Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.003, because the value of Sig. (2-tailed) is less than 0.05, so it cab be concludes that exploratory fitness education effects the social skills of students in PJKR Study Program FKIP Universitas Galuh Ciamis.

ABS-63 West Java Sports Development: Sport Policy Review Anang Setiawan (a*,b), Yudha M. Saputra (b), Nanang Fattah (c) and Amung Mamun (b) a) PJKR STKIP Nahdlatul Ulama Indramayu, Jl. Raya Kaplongan No. 28 Karangampel Indramayu 45283 Indonesia b). POR SPs Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Indonesia c). SPs Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Sports Development; Sports Policy; West Java Abstract: Sports development in Indonesia is currently a very interesting issue. Each region has shown quality in its sports through infrastructure development and sports achievements. Sports development in each region is outlined in the form of policies with the target of achievement and prestige of the region. Whereas the objectives of sports development cover various aspects, namely, making policies on sports, building sports infrastructure, and improving the quality of sports human resources (HR). West Java as one of the largest provinces in Indonesia has implemented the objectives of sports development as above. The results of the implementation were shown by the sports achievements achieved at the 2016 XIX National Sports Week. Success in sports achievements made the province of West Java as one of the sports strength centers in Indonesia. In addition, West Java also received an award as the best organizer of the four-year sporting event. Whereas from an economic standpoint, the economy of the community increased after the implementation of the 2016 XIX National Sports Week. So, the purpose of this paper was to find out sports development in terms of sports field policy in West Java.

ABS-64 The Traditional Games Learning Model for Elementary School Students Character Building Septian Fajri Masyhuri, Wawan S Suherman Magister program sports science, Yogyakarta State University Keywords: Learning Model, Traditional Games, Character Building Abstract: The global vast development gives impact on childs growth, the most significant is the on the childs behavior, especially on the negative impact. The fact shows there are many children with moral crisis, and not to mention crime cases involving children cause anxiety in the society. The cases includes rapes, fighting that caused death, alcohol drinking and the most is the childrens love affair. It shows the importance to educate the children, especially the character building while they are at school. Some teachers are still overwhelmed on how to deliberate a lesson that also includes a character building. With this learning method, there is a hope that there will be a solution for teachers to teach with ease. Objectives To (1) establish a learning model which suits to the characteristics of elementary schools students (2) To establish an easy and safe learning method that is applicable for elementary schools students (3) To establish an effective learning model to build the elementary schools students character. This research uses research and development method. This type of method chosen by the researcher to create a product of a learning model on a traditional games basis, in order to build a character for elementary students. The phase of the research is as follows: (1) Introduction study and to gather information, as well as required analysis literature review, area observations, research scheme of work, (2) Planning (to formulate the objectives, to decide the learning structure), (3)Developing initial product (preparation of learning material, instrument evaluation), (4) Initial on location trial (small scope trial), (5) Revision of main product (based on the inputs/advise from the trial result), (6) Main on location trial (large scope trial), (7) Product revision (based on the main trial result), (8)Effectiveness trial, (9) Product final revision, (10) Dissemination and implementation. The data analysis system is using descriptive qualitative research and descriptive quantitative research. The results of this research are form of a traditional game based learning model to build characters compiled in a guidebook..

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ABS-65 The Influence Of Modification Field Towards The Spanking Playing Skills and Drives In A Squash Game Krisno Giovanni (a*), Fathan Al Ghifari (b), Nuryadi (b) [email protected] Keywords: Modification Field, Playing Skills and Drive. Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the modification field towards the spanking Playing Skills and drives in a squash game extracurricular in SMPN 4 Lembang. The methods used in this research is experimental with observation instruments AIAP (Assessment Instrument Appearance Playing) and test drive forehand and backhand. This research was carried in the field of squash sampoerna and SMPN 4 Lembang. As for the research subjects were taken are students who follow the extracurricular activities that add up to 20 people. This research used "Pre test and Post test One design group". Based on the results of observation and analysis of significance testing, using a modified field shows a real increase against Playing Skills in playing squash and to drive an increase in punch it is evidenced by the results of the data punch forehand drive results on average 17.4 pretest and posttest 19.85 with standard deviation 2.45 t = 6.563 and sig. = 0.000 < 0.05 then Ho is denied, or there is an influence and to punch backhand average pretest and posttest 15.4 17standar deviation nilat 2.15 t = 3.310 and sig. = 0.004 < 0.05 then Ho denied , or there is the influence then it can be concluded that the use of a modification field provides: 1. the influence to enhance the Playing Skills of students in play squash game 2. Provide statistically significant influence towards ability skills blow drive playing squash in SMPN 4 Lembang..

ABS-66 The Effect of Audiovisual Media Uses on Learning Sepaktakraw Game Performance Astry Khairunnisa 1, Anna Mariam Sofiarini 2, Didin Budiman 3 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Audiovisual; Game Performance; Sepaktakraw. Abstract: Background: The media for learning process is very importance. Media audiovisual can provide learning whole and it can to help the student for learning a complex material. But, there has been limited teacher used it on learning process and more often use the conventional method on it. Aim: The purpose of this study to examine the effectiveness of video audiovisual media uses on the learning of sepaktakraw game performance at junior highschool SMP Negeri 1 Conggeang. Methods: Twenty student has chosen the extracurricular sepaktakraw at junior high school SMP Negeri 1 Conggeang. They were divided into two group with randomly (an experiment and control group). The experimental group (A), 10 students, experienced learning sepaktakraw game performance use audiovisual (video), while the control group (B), 10 students, experienced a technical-traditional approach. An experimental comparative pretest-posttest control group design was used in this study. Data were collected on three individual measures (decision making, skill execution, and cover) from the GPAI (Game Performance Assessment Instrument). Results and Conclusion: Results revealed that group A showed greater on learned the sepaktakraw game performance than group B. This study has shown audio-visual more than effectiveness to help the student on learning subject material.

ABS-67 Relationship between Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) and Critical Thinking Ability in Physical Education Fitriane Arifin(a), Bambang Abduljabar(a), Tite Juliantine(a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jalan Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154 Keywords: Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Critical Thinking Abstract: This study aims to determine the description of the intellectual intelligence (IQ) of high school students towards critical thinking skills. The research method used is descriptive correlational. The research sample used was 40 high school students of Telkom bandung class XI, who were taken using purposive sampling. The instruction used was the intelligence intelligence test in collaboration with the Aleogama career guidance institute of Bandung State Islamic University and an instrument for critical thinking skills using questionnaires. Test the statistical hypothesis using IBM SPSS Statistics version 25 software.

ABS-68 The Development of Fitness Exercise Model and Muscle Hypertrophy for Student Living in Boarding House Rizki Muhammad Afif, Djoko Pekik Irianto Sport Science, Magister Program, Yogyakarta State University, Karang Malang, Jl. Colombo No.1, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281 Keywords: Model Exercise, Fitness, Hypertrophy Muscle Abstract: The purpose of the research is to model a descent and effective exercise to increase the fitness level and hypertrophy muscle for student living in boarding house. We use research and development method for this research. This research is done by adapting the steps of research and development done by Sugiono. Result of the research are fitness exercise model and hypertrophy muscle exercise model. We produce a manual book for those exercise. Those exercise has been validated by 3 experts and it is stated as Excellent. The final result of the product implementation shows that the hypertrophy muscle model is able to increase muscle mass up to 1,54. Where as, the fitness model exercise is able to increase the body composition up to 0,61 as well as to increase the muscle strength up to 1,92, also able to increase the flexibility up to 0,06 and to increase the heart and lung capacity up to 0,72. Based on the research , we can conclude that the developed model research has been tested and examined in terms of purpose of fitness increase and hypertrophy muscle for student living in boarding house.

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ABS-69 Awards on Achieving to Increase Athlete Reza Ryanantama Cristi (a), Komarudin (b), Nuryadi (b) a) Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setia Budhi no 229 Bandung Indonesia b) Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga Keywords: Financial, Non-Financial and Well Being Abstract: The background in this study is to see the awarding of athletes who are performing. This study aims to see how the implementation of awarding both athletes and coaches in terms of financial and non-financial. This research method is a descriptive study, the population in this study athletes and coaches of Jambi Province who participated in the PON XIX 2016. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling totaling 59 athletes and 13 trainers. Analysis of the data used in this study in the form of percentage data and correlation. The results of this study indicate that financial and non-financial rewards for outstanding athletes in the award category run quite well. Furthermore, financial awards for award-winning trainers run quite well, while non-financial awards in the award category run well.

ABS-70 The Effect of Submaximal Physical Training Along with Vitamin C Supplement towards Erythrocyte Indika PM, Yuniarti E, Sari PA, Wardani MN 1) Health and Recreation Department Faculty of Sport Science Universitas Negeri Padang 2) Biology Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Padang Keywords: Submaximal Physical Training, Vitamin C, Erythrocyte Abstract: Introduction : Submaximal physical training done by unprepared man tends to increase free radicals in his body. The imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants will cause oxidative stress which will affect the erythrocyte cells that play an important role in the transport of oxygen through hemoglobin. The consumption of vitamin C supplements is expected to fulfill the needs of antioxidant in the body. Aim of the study : to determine the effect of submaximal physical training and vitamin C supplement on erythrocytes. Method : This is a quasi-experimental research with a pre-test post-test design. The population is a group of 232 students in Faculty of Sports Science Universitas Negeri Padang. Samples of this research are 24 students divided into three groups. Data were collected through hollow sprint, consumption of vitamin C, and Hayems method. Data were analyzed using regression test and t-test. Results: There was a significant effect on all sample groups. There were significant differences between the three groups where two group results better in increasing the number of erythrocytes. Conclusion: Submaximal physical training along with vitamin C supplement works well in increasing the number of erythrocytes.

ABS-71 Improving Discipline and Responsibility Trough Feed Back in Physical Education Abdul Malik Karim Amrulloh1, Pamuji Sukoco2 Yogyakarta State University [email protected]

Keywords: Behavior, Feed Back, Discipline, Responsibility Abstract: Based on ICRW data (International Center for Research on Women) reported on the liputan6.com page in 2015, there are 84% of students in Indonesia experienced violence and bullying. This shows that there is a decrease in the students values in the world of education, even educators as parents in schools are not valued as is the case that led to the death of an honorary educator in Sampang district and several teachers who were injured due to the students behavior in early 2018 as reported in tribunnews.com. Researchers also conducted observations on January 8, 2018, at SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta, relating to the students behaviour that is smoking outside of school during the training sessions. With regard to these, the solution to overcome must be seeking. Thus, the researcher raised the problem to be used as a research with the teacher and also collaborated using feedback theory. This study aim(ed) to improve discipline and responsibility behaviour through feedback in the physical education of class X students. The method was conducted using cycles, namely: 1. Planning, 2. mission, 3. Observation, 4. Reflection. Data collection techniques used were observations, interviews, and tests. The data collection for this study used observation sheets, student interviews, and teachers performances in learning. To find out the quality of student learning outcomes, it was done with an evaluation /test sheet.

ABS-72 Self Efficacy as Predictors in Controlling Anxiety of Badminton Athletes Muhammad Kashai Ramdhani Pelupessy (a*), Dimyati (b) a) Department of Psychology, Postgraduate, Yogyakarta State University, Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia b) Department of Sports Science, Yogyakarta State University, Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Anxiety, Badminton Athletes Abstract: There are many studies on self-efficacy and anxiety that have been carried out in various sports. However, study linking these two variables to badminton is quite rare. This study aims to examine the strength of the effect of self-efficacy in controlling anxiety of badminton athletes. The method used is A retrospective causal-comparative design by Gay and Airasian, this is also called ex-post facto research. The population of this research are 47 badminton athletes with a range of 18 to 20 years-old. The instrument used is a self-efficacy scale specifically designed for this study and Competitive Scale Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) adopted from Martens, Vealey, and Smith. Data analysis technique used is simple linear regression test. The results show that self-efficacy can act as a predictor for controlling anxiety (p = 0.024). In other words, badminton athletes who have high self- efficacy are also increasingly able to control their anxiety.

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ABS-73 The Influence of Outbound Game to Creativity of Physical Education of Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) Students Yogi Akin, Dinar Dinangsit Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Outbound Games, Creativity Abstract: In this study discusses the role of outbound games in enhancing the creativity of Physical Education of Primary School Teacher Education department (PSTE) students. The development of creative abilities can be done anywhere and in various ways, one of which can be carried out through outbound games. This study aims to examine and find out the results of the influence of outbound games on increasing the creativity of Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) Physical Education students. The high creativity ability of Physical Education Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) students is very much expected to increase their ability to carry out lectures and for provision when they work later. The research method in this study uses experimental research methods with quantitative research approach (Quantitative Research) and research design using static group comparison design. The sample in this study were students of Physical Education Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) totaling 20 people. To determine the sample in this study that is by purposive sampling technique or purposive sampling. The research instrument in the form of a creativity questionnaire analyzed by statistical techniques is the Equivalence Test of Two Average, based on the calculation obtained t count = 4.67 and t table value = 1.743 means that the hypothesis is rejected which means that there is a significant positive effect of outbound games on student creativity Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) Physical Education. The results of successful outbound game activity research are those that are well organized and planned and can achieve the expected goals. Therefore, outbound game activities carried out should be structured and planned to achieve the goal of training creativity. Another assumption is that the seriousness of the sample in doing outbound games must also be considered so that the impact or benefit can be felt well for everyone.

ABS-74 Identification and Talent Development Branch Sports Games Football Players by Position PSGC 2018 Rusliani, V E, Sidik, D Z, Budiana, D [email protected] Keywords:Identification Talent, Talent Development, Football Player Position, Physical Condition, anthropometry, Soccer Skills, Soccer Players Psychology: Motivation & Anxiety. Abstract: The author intended to conduct research on Talent Identification and Development Branch Sports Games Football Players by Position PSGC 2018. The study used a descriptive method. Population and study sample was 22 people PSGC player. The results of this study illustrate how the characteristics or traits (based on anthropometric, physiological, psychological and technical skills) soccer players by position. Physiological level tests dribbling skill, precision and speed shooting, BMI leg length, arm span, level of motivation and anxiety level. The results of this study illustrate how the characteristics or traits (based on anthropometric, physiological, psychological and basic technical skills) soccer players by position.

ABS-75 The Increase in the Value of Responsibility and Cooperation through Teaching Personal Social Responsibility in Senior High School in Learning of Physical Education. Muhammad Mandala Putra Marga (a), Muhammad Hamid Anwar(b) Graduat School, Universitas State Yogyakarta, Indonesia Keywords: TPSR, Character, Education, Globalization Abstract: Nowadays, globalization is extremely affecting every single person not only in Indonesia but also around the world. Globalization influences technology, style and fashion. The changing in a country is very significant because of globalization. Then, the new generation called Z or GenZ generation is coming. In education, the development of rapid generation z is in a phase of Senior high school in facing the challenge of globalization affects especially in the value of responsibility, less socializing and cooperation with the society even the peers. This research aims to increase the value of responsibility of the student through Teaching Personal Social Responsibility in physical education in Senior High School. This research uses qualitative. The data collection techniques in the research are observation, interview, and study literature from books, journals, and relevant researches. In the result of study has shown the through Teaching Personal Social Responsibility impact on Senior High School students which can be seen through a significant from the value of psychomotor skills, cognitive, and affective. ABS-76 The Relationship between Learning Penjas with The Behavior of Social Students Anna Mariam Sofiarini, Astry Khairunnisa, Yogi Ginanjar JG, Oom Rohmah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Physical Education Learning, Social Behavior Students. Abstract: This research was initiated by the social behavior of students that both individuals and teams still have not been able to adjust to the environment, picking out friends and lack of socializing with other friends at school especially evident during penjas lesson. The purpose of this study was to determine social behavior in teaching penjas and get a picture of penjas learning relationship with the social behavior of students. The method used is descriptive research method in class X at SMAN 10 Bandung, amounting to 300 students, and for samples taken 20% of the population is 60 students. The instrument used was a questionnaire or questionnaires and research documentation. Before knowing the results of the research da test questionnaire beforehand, point declaration made as many as 50, then after the test questionnaire contained an invalid statement that a valid statement as many as 47 items. The results of this study in the can number 10,120 with an average of 168.07 and a standard deviation of 15.04 and then to test for normality obtained with the conclusions of 0.48 Lo normal for Lo < Lt. The test results significant correlation coefficient for this research is obtained r 0.86 with correlation of interpretasi is very strong, and then T.hitung 12.8 > T.tabel 2.00. Then the description of the results showed a significant relationship between teaching penjas with students social behavior. ABS-77

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Determination Method of Region Superior Sport Ngadiman, Rifky Festiawan, Kusnandar, Panuwun Joko Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto Keywords: Sport, Superior, Region Abstract: Law of National Sport System states that district governments are required to manage at least one leading sport branch with national or international level, therefore the regional superior sports development system is a very strategic approach. The purpose of this study is to determine the superior sports areas that prioritize the potential of the region. While the innovative special target of this research is to determine the superior sport as a priority sports development achievement through a development strategy based on local wisdom. This study used an observational design with a field survey approach. The source of data comes from all the stewardship of sports branches in the area of Cilacap regency, Central Java. The variables of this research include the elements of sports performance development that is; trainers, clubs, training, infrastructure, competition, championship, training centers, science and technology, information systems, funding, awards, environment and culture. The results showed that the top five leading sports in the area of Cilacap regency were; (82), archery (76), sepak takraw (52), pencak silat (32), and swimming (25). ABS-78 Effect of Fast Interval Training and Slow Interval Training on Lactate Threshold and 1500m Running Performance Iki Afrianda (a), Eka Nugraha (a*) dan Hamidie Ronald D.R (a.b) (a) Departement Sport Education, Graduate School, Indonesia of Education University, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia (b) Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan [email protected] Keywords: Fast Interval Training, Slow Interval Training, 1500 M Running Performance, Lactate Threshold. Abstract: This study examined the effect of two different of interval training on the lactate threshold (LT) and 1500m time trial performance. The research method used quasi-experimental, 12 runners (6 boys and 6 girls) are grouped together then assigned to the training group interval duration of 30 seconds (fast interval training) with 4-5 repetitions and 4 minute rest at 120% intensity AV (Average 1500m running velocity) and interval training duration above 2 minutes (slow interval training) with 6-10 repetitions and 3 minutes rest at 110% intensity of LT. The measured variables were by the modified conconi test and 1500m time trial. The results of this study showed that there were significant differences between fast interval training and slow interval training on LT (p = 0.029) and 1500 m time trial (p = 0.004). LT correlated with 1500m time trial in both training groups (fast interval training r = -0.967 and slow interval training r = -0.942). The main findings indicate that slow interval training has a greater effect on LT and 1500m time trial performance compared to fast interval training. In conclusion, this study showed that slow interval training is an effective and efficient strategy in increasing the lactate threshold (LT) and improving the 1500m time trial performance for a 4- week training period. ABS-79 The Relationship of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Habit, Physical Activities with Body Mass Index (BMI) of Adolescent Girls in Surakarta Riezky Faisal Nugroho1*, Diffah Hanim2, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi 3 Post Graduate Program of Clinical Nutrition, Sebelas Maret University, Post-Graduate Building 1st Floor, Ir. Sutami Street 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. Physical Activities, Nutritional Status, Adolescent Girls Abstract: Consumption of fruits and vegetables and physical activities affect nutritional status. Adolescent girls need attention, in the form of adequate nutrition. The prevalence of obesity in adolescents of 13-15 years old in 2013 has increased compared to that of 2010. This study examines the relationship of fruit- and vegetable-consumption habit, physical activities with the Body Mass Index (BMI) of adolescent girls in Surakarta.This analytic observational study employed cross-sectional approach. The population of this study were 166 11-13 year old adolescent girls in public junior high schools of Surakarta selected using random- sampling technique. Body weight (kg) and height (m) were used to determine anthropometric data. Fruit and vegetable consumption habit was measured using qualitative FFQ, and the physical activities were measured with the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A). Chi-square test was conducted to examine the relationship of the variables. The analysis result of the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and the nutritional status of adolescent girls was p = 0.005, and that between physical activities and the nutritional status of adolescent girls was p = 0.033. There is a relationship (α > 0.05) between fruit and vegetable consumption and the nutritional status, there is a relationship (α > 0.05) between physical activities and the nutritional status of adolescent girls.

ABS-81 Sport Education Students Psychological Skills in Facing Sport Competition Wulandari Putri; Mesa Rahmi Stephani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Competition, Goal Setting, Performance, Psychological Skills, Psychological Skills Training, Self-Talk. Abstract: Psychological skills have important roles in the performance of sport. Unfortunately, research related to psychological skills of Sport Education college students, who often interact with sport competition, is scarce. Therefore, this study is aimed at exploring the Sport Education college students psychological skills of sport in facing competition. The study is descriptive study employing Test of Performance Strategies 2 (TOPS 2) as the instrument for collecting data related to nine psychological skills of sport. The data was taken from twenty eight Sport Education college students and analyzed by descriptive data analysis. The result shows that self-talk and goal setting skills have the highest score. Meanwhile, controlling emotion and negative thinking become the two psychological skills with the lowest score. The result also discovers that female participants obtained higher average score than male. However, male participants obtained higher scores in controlling emotion and negative thinking. Due to the result of the study, it is expected that psychological skills training matched the students psychological skills profile can be applied to develop students better enhancement in sport. ABS-82

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The Effect of Outdoor Education of Cohesion of The Team on A Branch of Sport Karate Bella Eka Kusumawardani 1, Novi Syaidatul K 2, Rian Kurnia 3, Sagittarius 4 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Outdoor Education, Cohesion, Karate Abstract: The problems that the author adopted in this study is about the influence of the Cohesion Outdoor Education team sport athlete said in UKM karate karate UPI Bandung. Often seen less compact athlete during practice or during a match, it can be seen from the quality of athletes during exercise and when competing. Basically cohesion athletes are influenced by two factors, namely external and internal factors. The research method that will do the author is using the experimental method. The population in this study is the word karate team athletes that exist in SME Karate UPI Bandung which amounted to 12 people. Samples in this study as many as 12 people by using a sampling technique that total sampling. There are instruments used in this study, which is to measure the cohesion athletes team said the author using a questionnaire Current Status Of Group Cohesion Scale-Form 1, Thomas (2001). Data processing techniques and data analysis using normality test and hypotheses test. The conclusion from this study is that exercise a significant influence on the Cohesion Outdoor Education team sport athlete said in UKM karate UPI Bandung. It is suggested to coaches, teachers, sports coaches, and the readers to try to improve the training of Outdoor Education, Cohesion athletes, especially in sports teams in the training program..

ABS-83 The Profile of Physical Activity Adolescent and Children Students (Survey on Elementary School, Junior High School and Senior High School Students in Sukabumi City) Nuraeni Septiawati*, Amung Mamun, Bambang Abduljabar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Physical Activity, Adolescent, and Children Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of physical activity of adolescent and children students in elementary, junior high and high school in Sukabumi City which is one of the major cities in West Java, Indonesia. The method used in this study is a survey research with a quantitative approach. The design of this study is the Cross Sectional Survey, a design that collects information from samples taken from the specified population. The population in this study were elementary school students, junior high schools and high schools in the city of Sukabumi with an age range of 8-19 years. Sampling is done by Cluster Random Sampling with a total sample of students is 1008 students. The instrument used was Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescent (PAQ-A) and Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C) and documentation with data analysis using SPSS 22. There are still many profiles of students physical activity in the low category. The implication of this research is that it can improve the physical activity of adolescent and children in Sukabumi City, general in Indonesia and make various parties aware of the importance of the role of physical activity.

ABS-84 The Development of Multilateral Movement Skill Teaching Models Based Games for The 2nd Grade Student of Elementary School Tri Waluyo (a*), Andiyanto (b), Ariando (b) Departement of Sport Education S2, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Padang Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Padang, Sumatera Barat 25171, Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords:Teaching Model, Movement Skill, Elementary School. Abstract: This research is intended to produce multilateral movement skill teaching models based games for the 2nd grade students of elementary school which are valid, practice, and effective. The aim of this study was to develop a teaching model of multilateral basic movements based on characteristics of students. This produce focused on three basic movement: locomotors, non locomotors, manipulative. To to produce the prototype of the materials, ADDIE model was applied. The development of the teaching model was conducted in five steps: (1) Analyze, (2) Design, (3) Develop, (4) Implement, and (5) Evaluate. The models was revised by using self evaluation and experts review evaluation. In order to see the practicality of the product, the models was tried out by using small group and Field Test Evaluation Method in the 2nd grade of SD Negeri 52 Parupuk Tabing Padang. Meanwhile to see the effectiveness of the learning materials developed, the models was tried out by using field test evaluation method at SD Negeri Percobaan Padang. Based on the results of the research, it is concluded that multilateral movement skill teaching models based games for the 2nd grade students of elementary school are valid, practical, and effective.

ABS-85 The Influence of Double Leg Incline and Stair Bound Plyometric Exercise on Increased Leg Power and Underwater 15 Meter Speed Diving Results ovi Syaidatul Karimah, I Putu Bayu Ardhya Satrio, Bella Eka Kusumawardani, Rd. Boyke Mulyana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Double Leg Incline, Stair Bound, Plyometric, Power, Diving Abstract: The issue that the writer submitted about the research was about training to improve limb power. In sports, diving, limb power is very important in the ability of a divers physical condition, because the legs use a tool, fins. Therefore, the researcher wants to do research on "The Effect of Double Leg Incline and Stair Bound Plyometric Exercise on Increased Power Legs and Underwater Speed Results of 15 Meters of Dive Sports". This research employs experiment method that uses sampling total. The samples of this research were 12 athletes of diving Tirtamerta Bandung, a city in West Java province, Indonesia. The used instrument was 3 hop jump test and 15 meter undewater test. Based on the results of data processing and analysis that used statistic (Normality Test and Significance), the Liliefors Normality Test from the increasing test 3 hop jump , the number that obtained by Lo was 0,2350, with n= 12, and real (a) was 0.05 so Lo (0.242) < La (0.2350), and 15 meters undewater test the number that obtained by Lo was 0,1143, with n= 12, and real (a) was 0.05 so Lo (0.242) < La (0.1143) Therefore, the hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. it means the data was derived from normal distribution population. This research concludes that exercise using

39 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 plyometric training on double leg incline and stair bound gives significance impact to increase in limb strength and results in underwater velocity of 15 meters of diving..

ABS-86 Validity Analysis of Multilateral Movement Skill Teaching Models Based Games for The 2nd Grade Student of Elementary School Tri Waluyo (a*), Zalfendi (b), Donie (c) Departement of Sport Education S2, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Padang Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Padang, Sumatera Barat 25171, Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Teaching Model, Movement Skill, Elementary School Abstract: This study aims to produce multilateral movement skill teaching models based games for the 2nd grade students of elementary school. Development is carried out on the basis of student needs. They are considered to have low ability in basic motion. To develop materials, ADDIE (Anailsis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) Models are applied. The development focuses on users needs according to the context (teacher and students) so that there is a design that contains a number of game models that are in accordance with the Competency Standards, Basic Competencies, indicators, and learning objectives produced. This product is revised based on authentic process data according to user needs (formative process / evaluation). Validation results show that the resulting learning material is valid where the validity score is 3.64 or 90.91% (very valid).

ABS-87 Occupational Fatigue Risk Factors on traditional metal casting industry at Klaten Maria Paskanita Widjanarti Universitas Sebelas Maret Keywords: Fatigue, Body Mass Index, Hydration Status. Abstract: Fatigue is one of risk factor in an occupational accident and could resulted in injury or health disease. Research is to determine risk factor of fatigue in traditional metal casting industry. A quantitative observational analytic research with cross sectional design conducted in in traditional metal casting industry at Klaten. Purposive sampling used to take 39 respondents. Data analysis using Spearman correlation There was association between Body Mass Index and fatigue (p=0,033, r=-0, 343) and there are association between hydration status and fatigue (p=0,003, r=0,473). Body mass index and hydration status affected to fatigue for 30,5%. There are no correlation between age (p=0,118, r=0,254) , years of work (p=0,062, r=0.301) and workload (p=0,357, r=-0,152) to fatigue. Body mass index and hydration status need to be managed by industry as prevention action of occupational accident or health disease. ABS-88 Antioxidant for Sport Health Fuad Noor Heza, Indra Jati Kusuma, Bayu Suko Wahono, Ajeng Dian Purnamasari Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto-Central Java Keywords: Antioxidant, Sport, MDA Plasma, Health Abstract: One of the negative effects of exercise is the formation of oxidant compounds that can trigger oxidative stress. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is one biological marker in organisms that suffer from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Free radical formation can be delayed, prevented or eliminated by antioxidants. Various antioxidant content in honey plays a role in inhibiting the formation of free radicals. This research is a laboratory experimental research with posttest only control group design. The animal group was randomly assigned and consisted of three groups, each group consisting of 10 rats. The three groups were K0 control group without giving honey, K1 treatment group with honey dose 2.5 g/kg body weight, K2 treatment group with honey dose 5 g/kg body weight. The result p value between K0 and K1 is 0,002. The p value between K1 and K2 was 0.002. The p value between K0 and K2 is 0,000. Honey is exogenous antioxidants containing a variety of antioxidant components include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, phenolics, flavonoids, selenium and zinc. Selenium is a micro mineral that has strong antioxidant power and component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. High carbohydrate content in honey has provided clinical evidence that honey can act as an energy supplier to exercise. Components of antioxidants in honey work synergistically against free radicals caused by physical activity, so the cell damage can be minimized. Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded provision of honey before submaximal exercise can reduce plasma MDA levels.

ABS-89 The Influence of Learning Models and Motor Educability Against Basketball Learning Outcomes Gempar Al-Hadist, Herman Subarjah, Amung Mamun, Tite Juliantine Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Cooperative Model, Motor Educability, Basketball Learning Outcomes Abstract: Introduction: lack of understanding of sports teachers in implementing good learning models in the teaching and learning process. purpose of the study: to find out the interaction between cooperative learning models and motor educability and find out the differences between the results of basketball learning using cooperative learning strategies STAD and direct instruction. Method: The research used was an experimental method using factorial design 2 X 2. the sample is 60 people. The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling. The instruments used are basketball skills including dribbling, passing and shooting. Statistical analysis techniques used were two-way analysis of variance (ANAVA) at a significance level of α = 0.05. Result: The results of the two-factor interaction study obtained a significance value of 0.508. Conclusions and implications: 1) There is no interaction between STAD strategy cooperative learning model and motor educability towards basketball learning outcomes. 2) STAD strategy cooperative learning model is better than the group of students who use direct instruction learning model on the results of basketball learning.


40 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018

Occupational Fatigue Risk Factors on traditional metal casting industry at Klaten Maria Paskanita Widjanarti Universitas Sebelas Maret Keywords: Fatigue, Body Mass Index, Hydration Status. Abstract: Fatigue is one of risk factor in an occupational accident and could resulted in injury or health disease. Research is to determine risk factor of fatigue in traditional metal casting industry. A quantitative observational analytic research with cross sectional design conducted in in traditional metal casting industry at Klaten. Purposive sampling used to take 39 respondents. Data analysis using Spearman correlation There was association between Body Mass Index and fatigue (p=0,033, r=-0, 343) and there are association between hydration status and fatigue (p=0,003, r=0,473). Body mass index and hydration status affected to fatigue for 30,5%. There are no correlation between age (p=0,118, r=0,254) , years of work (p=0,062, r=0.301) and workload (p=0,357, r=-0,152) to fatigue. Body mass index and hydration status need to be managed by industry as prevention action of occupational accident or health disease.

ABS-88 Antioxidant for Sport Health Fuad Noor Heza, Indra Jati Kusuma, Bayu Suko Wahono, Ajeng Dian Purnamasari Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto-Central Java Keywords: Antioxidant, Sport, MDA Plasma, Health Abstract: One of the negative effects of exercise is the formation of oxidant compounds that can trigger oxidative stress. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is one biological marker in organisms that suffer from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Free radical formation can be delayed, prevented or eliminated by antioxidants. Various antioxidant content in honey plays a role in inhibiting the formation of free radicals. This research is a laboratory experimental research with posttest only control group design. The animal group was randomly assigned and consisted of three groups, each group consisting of 10 rats. The three groups were K0 control group without giving honey, K1 treatment group with honey dose 2.5 g/kg body weight, K2 treatment group with honey dose 5 g/kg body weight. The result p value between K0 and K1 is 0,002. The p value between K1 and K2 was 0.002. The p value between K0 and K2 is 0,000. Honey is exogenous antioxidants containing a variety of antioxidant components include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, phenolics, flavonoids, selenium and zinc. Selenium is a micro mineral that has strong antioxidant power and component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. High carbohydrate content in honey has provided clinical evidence that honey can act as an energy supplier to exercise. Components of antioxidants in honey work synergistically against free radicals caused by physical activity, so the cell damage can be minimized. Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded provision of honey before submaximal exercise can reduce plasma MDA levels.

ABS-89 The Influence of Learning Models and Motor Educability Against Basketball Learning Outcomes Gempar Al-Hadist, Herman Subarjah, Amung Mamun, Tite Juliantine Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Cooperative Model, Motor Educability, Basketball Learning Outcomes Abstract: Introduction: lack of understanding of sports teachers in implementing good learning models in the teaching and learning process. purpose of the study: to find out the interaction between cooperative learning models and motor educability and find out the differences between the results of basketball learning using cooperative learning strategies STAD and direct instruction. Method: The research used was an experimental method using factorial design 2 X 2. the sample is 60 people. The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling. The instruments used are basketball skills including dribbling, passing and shooting. Statistical analysis techniques used were two-way analysis of variance (ANAVA) at a significance level of α = 0.05. Result: The results of the two-factor interaction study obtained a significance value of 0.508. Conclusions and implications: 1) There is no interaction between STAD strategy cooperative learning model and motor educability towards basketball learning outcomes. 2) STAD strategy cooperative learning model is better than the group of students who use direct instruction learning model on the results of basketball learning.

ABS-90 Hydration Status of Sun Exposed Construction Workers and Traditional Metal Casting Exposed Workers Maria Paskanita Widjanarti Universitas Sebelas Maret Keywords: Hydration Status, Construction, Metal Casting. Abstract: Metal casting a workers and construction workers were exposed to heat from sun light and production process. Heat exposure resulted to loss the body fluid. Loss of body fluid will lead to dry skin, digestive disorder, headaches and fatigue and high blood pressure. Chronic water loss can lead to heart, kidney and liver problems. Research aims was to compare hydration status of sun heat exposed construction workers and traditional metal casting exposed workers. Research method was measuring Urine Specific Weight that carried out at construction area and metal casting area. Measurement of urine specific gravity is done at the end of the shift and considering 24 hours of air consumption. There was no significant difference of urine specific gravity between construction workers and metal casting workers with p = 0.7.33. The average urine specific gravity of construction workers is 1.019 g/ml and the average specific gravity of metal casting worker is 1.020 g/ml which categorized as mildly hydrated.


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Efforts to Develop Self-Esteem of Students of Junior High School through Giving Positive Feedback Dupri (a*), Novia Nazirun (a) Prodi Penjaskesrek, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Riau *[email protected] Keywords: Self-Esteem, Positive Feedback Abstract: Every student has a feeling of wanting to be considered in carrying out learning activities, good self-esteem will give students confidence in learning activities. This study aims to develop student self-esteem through positive feedback. The method used in this research is the experimental method with the research design used in this study is the Pretest and Post-test Control Group Design) In this study the authors see the effect of giving positive feedback on self-esteem in junior high school students, with the population and the sample used in this study was 93 people. The results of the research hypothesis found that, giving positive feedback will have a good influence in developing self-esteem.

ABS-92 Effect of Weight Training Using Circuit Training Method on VO2Max Muhamad Fahmi Hasan School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung [email protected] Keywords: Weight Training, Circuit Training, VO2max Abstract: Weight training with training methods that are widely used by trainers is circuit training. However, an important part for athletes is not just about improving muscle ability, from VO2max is also an important part of an athletes performance. Purpose of the study: Looking at the needs of athletes in increasing muscle ability and increasing VO2max, the researchers tried to find out whether there was an effect of weight training using circuit training methods on VO2max. Method: Research using experimental methods. Tota samples were 8 people, each sample received treatment in the form of weight training with circuit training methods for 18 times, which was divided into 3 times in one week for 6 consecutive weeks. The sample performed the VO2max test earlier and received treatment to find out the difference. Main results and discussion: The mean VO2max value was found to be a very significant difference in the mean value of VO2max, namely (56.4 + - 5.7 mL / (kg.min)), with a significance value of P <0.005. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in VO2max after getting treatment. With this result it is expected that the trainer will get references and training method choices to avoid athletes feeling bored because the training method does not vary.

ABS-93 Interests Swim in Adolescents Akhmad Olih Solihin, Sriningsih STKIP Pasundan Cimahi, Jalan Permana NO.32 B, Citeureup, Cimahi Utara, Kota Cimahi,Jawa Barat, Indonesia. *[email protected] Keywords: Interests, Swim, Adolescents Abstract: Interest is an important aspect in shaping motivation and learning atmosphere in swimming sports. The purpose of this study was to conduct a quantitative analysis of the expression of interest in swimming learning activities. Survey research method is the basis of this research. The research sample consisted of 65 junior high school students. The results showed that the interest in swimming in adolescents was 2% in the very high category, 5% in the high, 26% in the middle, 46% in the low and 22% in the very low. Extrinsic aspects such as facilities and infrastructure as well as variations in learning provided by the teacher are the main focus because it is one of the biggest contributors to the low interest in learning to swim. It can be concluded that the interest in swimming in teenagers tends to be low. Through continuous research, it will be able to provide suggestions for all academics, especially physical education teachers and sports swimming practitioners.

ABS-94 Motivation in Learning Physical Education for Junior High School Students in Indonesia Lutfi Nur (*), Adang Suherman, Herman Subarjah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40145, Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Motivation; Physical Education; Junior High School Students Abstract: The purpose of this study is to see the description of the condition of students learning motivation in physical education subjects in Junior High School (SMP). This study was conducted on 52 junior high school students, consisting of 30 male students and 22 female students. The research method used is survey. Researchers use questionnaires motivation learning physical education that has been developed and tested with reliability value 0.906 which means very high. Motivation rating criteria are categorized into 5 levels using guidelines for evaluation of norm reference (PAN). The results showed that the overall level of student learning motivation in following physical education lessons are in enough categories. The details of the result are 1) very high category of 9%; 2) high category of 33%; 3) enough category of 33; 4) low category of 15%; and 5) very low category of 10%.

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ABS-95 Blended Learning Model Based on Schoology to Improve Student Motivation and Learning Outcome of PELATNAS Athlete Anung Priambodo (a), Agus Hariyanto (b), Vega Candra Dinata (a) a) Sport Education Department,, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jl. Gedung U2 Kampus FIO UNESA, Lidah Wetan Surabaya 60213 b) Sport Coaching Education Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jl. Gedung U3 Kampus FIO UNESA Lidah Wetan Surabaya 60213 [email protected] Keywords: Blended Learning, Schoology, Athlete, Motivation, Learning Outcome Abstract: Almost the majority of student athletes have difficulty managing between study and training. The purpose of this research is to develop blended learning model based on schoology to improve motivation and learning outcome of students athletes of national training centers at the Faculty of Sport Sciences. This research uses development research approach, started with data about need for an appropriate learning system for student athletes. The validation result from the expert stated that the blended learning model based on schoology is good enough. Based on the results of the test and content validity ratio (CVR) analysis on 41 students of sports science, 88% of students feel that blended learning based on schoology is very good and 12% feel good. Moreover, 67% student athletes of Asian Games stated that blended learning was needed and they want to implement this learning system. ABS-96 Insidance and Risk Factors of Anemia in Breast Cancer Patients Who Running Chemotherapy In Dr. Moewardi Hospital Wiwik Ekorinawati, Ambar Mudigdob., Brian Wasitab. Universitas Sebelas Maret Indonesia, [email protected] Keywords: Anemia. Breast Cancer, Chemotherapy. Abstract: Background: The prevalence of breast cancer at Dr. Moewardi Hospital is currently ranked first on oncology cases at 18.92%. Chemotherapy is effective in fighting cancer cells, reducing tumor size, and giving a good prognosis in patients. Side effects of chemotherapy are indigestion with a manifestation of decreased food intake which has an impact on nutritional status and hemoglobin levels. Risk factors causing anemia are chemotherapy cycle, body mass index (BMI), age and initial hemoglobin. Objective: To determine the predictive factors of anemia caused by chemotherapy. Method: observational with cross sectional design. Subjects of the study were 115 patients aged 30 - 60 years who were taken randomly. Multivariate analysis with logistic regression to find the basic risk factors for anemia. Results: Anemia prevalence was 87%. The occurrence of anemia was significantly associated with four risk factors: Chemotherapy cycle (OR=0.282; 95% CI=0.078-1.015;p=0.053), BMI (OR 7.544; 95% CI=0.962-59.174;p=0.054), Age (OR=0.925; 95% CI=0.396-2.180;p=0.865), Hb at baseline (OR=2.0; 95% CI=1.539- 2.599;p=0.001). Conclusion: Identification of chemotherapy risk factors such as chemotherapy cycles, age, BMI, and Hb levels are important for patients at risk for anemia. These risk factors Hb at baseline are significantly associated with anemia in chemotherapy patients. ABS-97 The Contribution Of Aerobic Endurance And Anxiety To Concentration On Cricket Athletes Bujang, Apta Mylsidayu Physical Education Department, Islamic University 45 Keywords: Aerobic endurance, anxiety, concentration. Abstract: The association between aerobic endurance and anxiety to concentration is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of aerobic endurance and anxiety to concentrate on cricket athletes. A total twenty five cricket athlete (fourteen male cricket athletes and eleven female cricket athletes) participated. The participants warmed up before the bleep test, and then filled out a questionnaire about anxiety and concentration with likert scale. The results of the analysis showed that concentration is influenced by aerobic endurance of 49.14%, and anxiety of 39.31%. Furthermore, the contribution of aerobic and anxiety to concentration of 71.8%, and 22.2% was influenced by other factors not included in the research variables. Thus, the aerobic endurance and anxiety significantly affect change to concentration on cricket athletes. This study presents evidence that the higher the aerobic endurance and the lower the anxiety, so will produce high concentration. The other fact, that female have lower anxiety control than male. Anxiety will affect aerobic endurance and disrupt concentration. So, it is suggest female may be an intervention target because female are more sensitive than male.

ABS-98 Performance Profile of Kayaker Team Indonesia Syahid Nur Yasin(1,2) Amung Mamun(1) Agus Rusdiana(1) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Pasundan Cimahi Keywords: Canoeing, fitness, athletes, kayaking Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the fitness level of physical condition of athletes National Kayak Indonesia. The sample in this study is totaling 19 people with the average age of 25 years, 175 height and body weight 74. The research method used a survey with the approach of the Canoeing Protocol Test and TBR National Team. The results of this study showed that the endurance test speed with a single Kayak speed of 1000 meters in water obtained 85% average value and 95% good, maximum strength test and maximum resistance of chest and shoulder muscles obtained 75% average and 100% good, heart resistance , blood circulation and breathing with a 12 minute run showed good value. From the above average test results are known to have a good score of 2 tests, 1 test with 50% moderate and 50% good, 1 test with 40% good and 60% very good, and good value there is 1 test. From the results of the five test components of the Test Canoeing and TBR protocols can be taken on average that the fitness level of physical condition of the National Kayak athlete Team Indonesia is good category.


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Swimming backstroke using aqua noodle Ani Pristiawati, Sriningsih Sports Science Education Program, The Faculty of Sports and Health Education, Indonesia University of Education [email protected] Keywords: Swimming, Backstroke, Aqua Noodle Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aqua noodle media on backstroke swimming skills. Population and sample of research are male and female student counted 30 people using total sampling technique. The experimental method with one group pre-test post-test design. The results showed that aqua noodle media had an influence on the mastery of backstroke swimming skills. There are several other factors that influence among others is the formation, confidence, and motivation.

ABS-101 Comparison of Speed and Acceleration in the 60-meter Running Test between Mens Football and Futsal Players Tommy Apriantono (a*), Indria Herman (b), Agung Dwi Juniarsyah (a), Sri Indah Ihsani (a) Institut Teknologi Bandung [email protected] Keywords: Speed, Acceleration, Run Test, Futsal, Football Abstract: Introduction: The velocity component (speed, acceleration, and speed of endurance) of an athlete is closely related to the performance that the athlete can achieve in a race or match and in determining competitive standards. Aim of the study: to examine and compare speed and acceleration at run 60 m test between football and futsal players. Method: This study examined 10 male football players (age 15.4 years, height 164.9 cm; body mass 59.6 kg), futsal players (age 16.7 yrs; height 169.1 cm; body mass 58.0 kg). Result: The results show that the average time to travel 60 meters is 2.42 s for football players and 2.36 s for futsal players. Player speed is 7.35 m/s for football and 7.49 m/s for futsal. Acceleration is 0.92 m/s2 for football and 0.944 m/s2 for futsal. From the data, there is a similar trend from a distance of 20 to a distance of 30 which is a decrease with a significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: Running speed of futsal players is higher than soccer players, this is because futsal players are used to the characteristics of futsal games that rely on short sprints during matches with relatively smaller fields compared to football.

ABS-102 Comparison of Speed and Acceleration on 60 meters Running Test between Women Soccer and Futsal Player Indria Herman, M. Fahmi Hasan, Iwa Ikhwan hidayat Institut Teknologi Bandung. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Keywords: Soccer, Futsal, Speed, Acceleration, Women. Abstract: Speed and acceleration are very important basic abilities in soccer and futsal sports. Athlete Speed and acceleration data are needed for customizing the athlete training program design. Purpose of this study is to identify and compare the speed and acceleration between woman Soccer and futsal athlete. The samples used in this study are women soccer and futsal players from a top national level Soccer and futsal club, age ranging from 16-17 years old. The athlete performs a 60 meters running test, every 10 meters will be recorded the time. Results, Average time 60m running test of women soccer 11.16s and women futsal 10.50s, significant difference with(p<0.05). The average speed of women soccer 5.71m/s and women futsal 5.94 m/s, significant difference with (p<0.05). Average acceleration of women soccer 0.58m/s2 and women futsal 0.61m/s2, significant difference with (p<0.05).Then, significant difference in speed and acceleration at each 10,20,40,50,60 meter between woman Soccer and futsal athlete with(p<0.01). There is no signifcant difference at 30 meters with a value (p>0.01). The results show there are significant differences in the time, speed, and acceleration in 60m running test between women soccer and futsal athlete. The women futsal players have speed and acceleration higher than football players).

ABS-103 Effect Of Traditional Games On Fundamental Motor Skills Development In Children Anton Komaini Sri Gusti Handayani Universitas Negeri Padang Keywords: Fundamental Motor Skills, Traditional Games Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigated the effects of traditional games West Sumatera on the progress of fundamental motor skills in children. Research population was recruited from 2 Kindergarten located in North Padang Subdistrict, the sample was taken as a whole with 40 students, aged between 4-6 years. This sample group was given treatment for 10 weeks, and conducted as many as 20 practice sessions, while the traditional game type is given as much as 10 pieces of traditional games of West Sumatra. The fundamental motor skills data of children is taken using the fundamental motor skills test of the child. Data were analyzed by using t-test. The result of data analysis shows an increase from pre-test value to post test score. This study concludes that traditional West Sumatra games can improve the fundamental motor skills of children.

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ABS-104 How Far Elementary School Student in Achieving Physical Education Goal?(a Descriptive Study of the Physical Literacy of Students) Brio Alfatihah Ramayudha [email protected] Keywords: Physical Education; Physical Literacy; Primary School Abstract: Physical literacy is the ability to move with competence and confidence in a variety of physical activities in various environments that are beneficial to health development. A person with physical literacy has the value, skills, knowledge, and disposition to engage in lifelong physical activity, and further embedded in physical literacy "demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior that respects oneself and others." The purpose of this research is to know how the description of physical literacy of elementary school students. This research is survey research with subject as many as 21 students. The instrument used in this research is Canadian Assessment Physical Literacy (CAPL). The results showed that Physical Literacy Profile of Grade 6 Elementary School Ujung Berung based on T score was in "Beginning" category of 4.76% (1 children), "Progressing" category of 85.71% (18 children), "Achieving" category of 9.52% 2 children), "Excelling" category is 0% (0 children). While based on the average score of 50.8, Physical Literacy Profile of Grade 6 Elementary Students Ujung Berung T score is included in the "Progressing" category. The results of the data that occurred in Ujung Berung Elementary School should not be punished as the students final journey in achieving higher levels of physical literacy, there is still a formal education of junior high and high school which can be our media for students to get it, especially in Physical education program in school.

ABS-105 Effects of Exercise and Motorability Methods on the basic techniques of Basketball Dwi Putranto, Yunyun Yudiana, Amung Mamun Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Motorability, Metode latihan Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of training methods and motorability on basic basketball skills. The results of this study are expected to be used as an alternative solution in order to develop the quality of basketball learning. The method used in this study is an experimental method with 2x2 factorial (ANAVA). The population is students of SMAN 1 Cililin who take extracurricular activities as many as 120 people. The technique used to determine the sample is random assignment, with the following steps; The first sample in the general motorability test was then ranked to determine high and low motorability levels, group determination by means of 27% of the upper group and 27% of the lower group, so that the ranks of 1-32 groups were higher, then 88 -120 groups were low. Then each group was divided into 2 groups using "matching subject" to obtain 4 small groups, each of which amounted to 16 people. The duration of the study was about 4 weeks with 12 exercises and the frequency of exercise was 3 times a week. The instrument used for the skills test is AHHPERD. The results showed that there were significant differences between the random block fund method in students with low and high motor abilities where 1. The random method was more than the block method on the results of learning the basic skills of playing basketball, 2. there was an interaction between the training method and student motorability, 3. groups of students with high motorability random methods provide better results, 4. Students with low motorability block method show better results.

ABS-106 The Correlation Of Coordination Between Eyes And Hand With The Result Of Drive In The Badminton Games Rian Kurnia, Nuansa Giva Mauludy, Bella Eka Kusumawardani, Hadi Sartono Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Eyes and Hand Coordination, Blow Drive and Badminton Abstract: In the sport of achievement skill is one factor that is very important in achieving maximum a feat. Blow drive is one of the most important element in the game of badminton especially doubles , because a horizontal shuttlecock reached at the back and opposed to return shuttlecock in soar that will eventually easier to smash and get points . In motion a blow drive there are the factors that support of the results of the accuracy of a blow drive , one of these is the coordination of the eye and the hand. Hence writer interested to have a research on the relationship coordination eyes and hands with the results of a blow drive in the game of badminton. The methodology that was used in this research was a method of descriptive . The population and sample in research is the athletes UKM badminton UPI as many as 20 people obtained by using purposive sampling technique. The research instruments used in used is the test coordination of the eye and the hand and tests frequency to the wall in the game of badminton. Based on the results of processing and analysis of data correlation between variables x and y is 0.60 obtained th of 3.18 greater than ttabel (dk = 18, ἀ = 0,05) = 2,10 criteria -t(1-1/2ἀ) < t < t(1-1/2ἀ),) , thus Ho rejected so can be concluded that there is a significant relation exists between coordination eyes and hands with the results of a blow drive in the game of badminton . This means that every the improved coordination of the eye and the hand will followed by increased the results of a blow drive in the game of badminton.

ABS-107 Barriers To Providing Quality Physical Education At Elementary SchoolBarriers To Providing Quality Physical Education At Elementary School Gita Febria Friskawati1, Akhmad Sobarna1, Mesa Rahmi Stephani1 Physical Education Department STKIP Pasundan Cimahi1, Physical Education for Elementary School DepartmentIndonesian University of Education1; [email protected]

Keywords: Teaching Barriers, Quality Physical Education Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine what elementary school teachers in Cimahi perceived as barriers to teaching Physical Education (PE) such as institutional barrier, teacher related barirer and student related barrier. Survey methods is used

45 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 in this research. A total of 48 elementary teacher (40 men and 8 women) take a part of this study. Sampling were taken through convenience sampling. Data were collected through 5-point Likert-type questionnaire. The current study desribed elementary school teachers in Cimahi about what they perceived as barriers to teaching PE. Finding show that institutional barrier become the major barrier to teaching PE at elementary school in Cimahi. An awareness of these barriers has implications for physical education teaching in the elementary school environment.

ABS-108 Effectiveness Of Teaching Physical Education On Junior High School In Indonesia Kristi Agust; Adang Suherman; Nuryadi Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Effectiveness, Physical Education, Academic Learning Time-Physical Education Abstract: Abstract, The purpose this study was to determine the effectiveness of amount of time spent by students in teaching Physical Education process. The method used in this research is descriptive with subjects consisted of 4 junior high schools in the city of Pekanbaru Indonesia consisting of 7 Physical Education teachers and 120 students. The number of samples consisted of 32 students taken by purposive sampling. This study used the Academic Learning Time-Physical Education (ALT-PE) instrument. The results showed that a lot of activities that students do during learning time, such as examples students active involved in learning, received the instruction, listen to rules and discussion with teachers, classroom management such as dividing groups and drinking breaks, switch from one task to another, wait their turn to do activities, and there are also those who are not involved in learning. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that physical education learning was not effective, referring to Suherman (2009) which states that students must be actively involved in more than 50% of the total learning timet.

ABS-109 Effect of Lateral Cone Hops And Hurdle Hops Training Against The Power of Legs Muscles Muhammad Sardi Akbar (a*), Boyke Mulyana (b), Deris Maulana (b), Reki Siaga Agustina(b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Lateral cone hops training; Hurdle hops training; Legs muscle power; Karate Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of lateral cone hops training on the legs muscle power of the karate athletes, the effect of hurdle hops training on the legs muscle power of the karate athletes and the difference in effect between lateral cone hops and hurdle hops training on the legs muscle power of the karate athletes. Subjects in this study were kumite karate athletes. This study used an experimental method with the modified group pre-test post-test design. Data collection tests using the standing broad jump test. Data analysis using calculations the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test the significance level of a=0.05 with help by SPSS 16.0 program. It was concluded that, there was an influence of lateral cone hops and hurdle hops training on leg muscle power and there was a difference in influence between lateral cone hops and hurdle hops training where hurdle hops training is better than lateral cone hop training on the legs muscle power of the karate athletes. The trainer should be able to emphasize the hops hurdle training, this is due to better research results than lateral cone hops training.

ABS-110 Implementation of Learning Model of Peer Teaching in Matrial Arts (Jurus Tunggal Tangan Kosong) to Increase Cooperative and Responsible Working with the Program In Physical Education Dian Mochammad Zein (a), Nuryadi (b), Reki Siaga Agustina (c), Rully Noverareta (d), Deris Maulana (e) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Peer Teaching, Pencak Silat Tunggal Baku (fixed-seried single martial art), Cooperation, Responsibility. Abstract: The purpose of this research was to: (1) determine whether there were influences on learning model of peer teaching in martial arts (jurus tunggal tangan kosong) to Increase Cooverative in SMA Negeri 1 Cipeundeuy. (2) Determine whether there were influences on learning model of peer teaching in martial arts (jurus tunggal tangan kosong) to Increase Responsible in SMA Negeri 1 Cipeundeuy. The method used in this research was a Classroom Action Research Method. The populations in this research were students of class X IPA 3 SMAN 1 Cipeundeuy, the research used purposive sampling. In the first stage, the sampled populations were all students of class X IPA 3 amounted to 32 people. Class Action research design (Classroom Action Research). The instruments used by researchers were through observation sheet competence group attitude, observation sheets of learning activities and field notes. Data analysis technique the researcher used is the percentage of test, with lines of inquiry Kemmis and Taggart. The result data obtained from the percentage value had been done in every cycle and action, Cycle I act I (co-operation = 56.25% and responsibilities = 47%), Cycle I Measures II (cooperation = 63.28% and responsibilities answer = 73.4%), Cycle II action I = 75% and responsibilities = 78%) and Cycle II measures II (cooperation = 86% and responsibilities = 83%), the test was significant. Based on the results of data processing and analysis, it was concluded that (1) Implementation of Learning Model of Peer teaching in Matrial Arts increasing cooperation in improving student of learn physical education in SMA Negeri 1 Cipeundeuy. (2) Implementation of Learning Model of Peer teaching in Matrial Arts increasing responsible in improving student of learn physical education in SMA Negeri 1 Cipeundeuy.

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ABS-111 Correlation Between Power of Limb Muscle with Smash Skill Kedeng on Sepaktakraw Correlation Study on Student Activities Sepaktakraw Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Makassar Herdiansyah Agus (a*), Aditya Maulana Fazry (b), Pangestu Andriyana (b), Nuryadi (b) Pascasarjana UPI Keywords: Motor Educability, Skill exercise Abstract: Football skills are an important part for Persib U14-16 academy students in particular and soccer players in general. This study aims to improve football skills through life kinetik method. This research is an experimental study with factorial 2x2 research design. The population is 90 Persib U14-16 on academy students. 24 students who have low motor educability levels are divided into two groups. Experimental group of 12 people who were given practice football skills with life kinetik method. 12 people more are control which given exercise football skills with conventional method. The research results obtained are: first, there is a significant difference method exercises against soccer skills improvement. Second, there is no interaction between methods with VO2max against soccer skills improvement. Third, there is a significant influence of difference exercise methods against football skills improvement in students with high VO2max. Fourth, there is a significant influence of difference exercise methods against football skills improvement on students with low VO2max.

ABS-112 The Influence of Inquiry and Motor Educability Learning Models on the Results of Learning Football Skills

Saharuddin Ita, Pahala Tua Hutajulu Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Inquiry model, Direct instruction model, Motor educability Abstract: Purpose of this research was to compared inquiry model and direct instruction model in high and low motor educability on football skill learning. Sample in this research were 60 students. Method used experiment with factorial design 2x2. Data analysis used SPSS 23 with independent sample t test and two way anova. Based on the results of the study, There was no significant different between inquiry model and direct instruction model on football skill learning. Interaction not found between learning model and motor educability on football skill learning. There was no significant different between inquiry model and direct instruction model on football skill learning in high motor educability group. There was no significant different between inquiry model and direct instruction model on football skill learning in low motor educability group.

ABS-113 Analysis of the Ability of Futsal Members in Understand Futsal Game and Futsal Referee Signal Mahir Dwi Nugroho , Sri Winarti Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Keywords: Analysis of the Ability; Game Rules; Futsal Referee Signal; Futsal Members Abstract: Futsal is a sport that plays similar to soccer. In futsal, besides the techniques and strategies that are also important in this game that need to be considered is the rules of the game and the referees signal. The purpose of the study was to describe the results of the analysis of the researchers on understanding abilities by male futsal members at Yogyakarta State University. The stages of analysis conducted by researchers include observation, interviews, documentation and analysis of research data. While the results of the study show that there are several futsal players who do not understand the rules of the game and the signals of futsal referees so that it affects the performance of athletes in a team, the results also show that there is no specific method to convey understanding about referee signals and futsal game rules. ABS-114 The Influence of Chest Style Learning Methods on the Decreasing of Students Anxiety Level Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Febri Fitria Wulandari, Badruzaman, Made Agus Wijaya, I Wayan Repiyasa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Adaptation, Performance, Unanxious Abstract: Anxiety of college students at the time of the sport of swimming pools results in learning objectives can not be achieved optimally, This research aims to know the influence of water relay games against a decline in the level of anxiety of students in learning the basic techniques of swimming breaststroke. The research method used is the method of experimentation with the design of the study randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Research instrument used in the form of a questionnaire that was adopted and developed from Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). Participants in the study involving 30 students sports science, Sports Education and health Faculty of the Universitas pendidikan Indonesia force 2017. Determination of the sample in this study using a purposive sampling technique. 30 participants were divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group. Data analysis techniques using Paired T-Test and the Independent samples T Test. The results showed that there were significant effects in the form of a decrease in the level of anxiety of students in learning the basic techniques of swimming the breaststroke is at experimental group and the control group with the highest significance = 0000. Then it can be inferred that the water relay games approach is very effective to reduce the level of anxiety of students in learning the basic techniques of swimming breaststroke.

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ABS-115 Developing Laser Censor based Agility Assessment Tool Miftakhul Jannah, Fatimah, Rachman Widohardhono Universitas Negeri Surabaya. [email protected] Keywords: Badminton Student Athletes, Cognitive State Anxiety, Expressive Writing Abstract: Competitive state anxiety was one of the aspect of mental which can disturb performance of student athletes. Treatment which can use to manage it was expressive writing. So, this study was conducted to analyze the influence of expressive writing towards competitive state anxiety of the badminton student athletes. This study used experimental method of one group pre and posttest design. The treatment of this study was expressive writing which has given for 7 consecutive days. Instrument that applied was cognitive state anxiety scale. Subjects of this study were 7 athletes of Badminton Club Education and Training Center of Students at East Java Provence. Data analysis used Wilcoxon Match Pair Test. This result was expressive writing decreasing cognitive state anxiety of badminton student athletes (0,042<0,05). Through expressive writing athletes make their feel free, finally their anxiety will decreasing.

ABS-116 Competitive in Physical Education Using Sports Education Model Agi Ginanjar, Adang Suherman, Tite Juliantine, Yusuf Hidayat a)Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Sekolah Tinggi Keguran dan Ilmu Pendidikan Nahdlatul Ulama Indramayu [email protected] Keywords: Competitive; Physical Education; Sport Education Model. Abstract: Competitive in physical education is still a pros and cons. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of Sport Education Model in the process of learning physical education how to make competition that can be beneficial for all students involved. Method using literature study. The results of this paper when competition is given in the right way or can with the right learning model can provide a sense of security in the learning process.

ABS-117 Correlation Between Perception of Club Management With Achievement Motivation of Badminton Athletes in PB. Mutiara Cardinal Bandung Nofi Marlina Siregar, Dinti Oktaviani Haerudin Universitas Negeri Jakarta Keywords: Water Play, Increase Confidence, Childern of Mentally Retarded Person. Abstract: Water Play Implementation Method To Increase Confidence In Children of Mentally Retarded Persons In Special Education Laboratory Building Daksinapati Jakarta State University - Jakarta, Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Jakarta, in 2016. Action research aims to increase confidence in Mentally Retarded Children in Special Education Laboratory Building Daksinapati Jakarta State University. The method used in this research is the method of action research. Subjects in this activity is a retarded child, amounting to 5 people. The study lasted for two weeks, which consisted of one cycle consists of six meetings. This research was done until the first cycle due in the first cycle has been increased confidence in these children, of 5 children all entered both criteria including three children, including better criteria and 2 children, including criteria very well. From this study it can be concluded that through the method of playing the water can boost confidence retarded children in Special Education Laboratory Building Daksinapati Jakarta State University.

ABS-118 The Physical Activity of Blind Children is Seen From Parenting Akhmad Olih Solihin(a), Yudha M. Saputra(b),Berliana(b),Zaenal Alimin(b) a)Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation Sekolah Tinggi Keguran dan Ilmu Pendidiakan Pasundan, b), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Physical Activity; Blindness; Parenting.. Abstract: This study departs from the idea that parenting is fundamental to the survival of a child, each parenting style that is carried out by parents will describe the childs behavior, both physically and mentally. Compared to other children, those who have barriers to vision have additional challenges to being physically active. For this reason it is very important that physical activity interventions are guided by parents. This study aims to provide an overview of how the physical activity of blind children in terms of parenting parents. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using observation and interviews. Participants used by SLB A Citeureup Cimahi students by using snowball sampling technique. The results of research on the physical activity of children with visual impairments are very concerning, let alone for sports activities, their daily physical activity is not good. The findings of this study that actually blind students from small are not cared for by biological parents, but by parents of guardians.

ABS-119 The influence of massed practice and distributed practice methods concerning increase of skill passing and stopping soccer 10-12 years Reki siaga agustina, mustika fitri, deris maulana, dian muhammad zein,muhammad sardy akbar Sport Education, universitas pendidikan Indonesia,Bandung [email protected] Keywords: Sport practice methods; massed practice; distribution practice; soccer Abstract: The ability is very important in playing soccer is the ability to passing and receiving ball without one will not be able to play and also to develop the game soccer. The purpose of this study was to find out which training methods have more influence on technical training in soccer.This study uses experimental methods. In this method the author conducted experiments in the form of treatment of two sample groups in the form of exercise using massed training methods for group A and exercises using

48 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 distributed practice methods for group B. The population and samples in this study were 30 male students. SDN Sirnagalih class 4, 5 and 6 are participating in soccer extracurricular activities. The sampling technique takes all samples, in other words called population research.Based on the results of this study, there was a significant influence in passing and receiving ball skills, using distributed training methods of the massed training methods in soccer games. Distributed training methods can be done to improve the skills of passing and receiving ball skills in soccer games.

ABS-120 Swimming Training Model Edi Wahyudi. M (1) State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Curup Bengkulu (2) faculties of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI) [email protected] Keywords: Model, Training, Swimming Abstract: Swimming is one of activities which needs complex motion.In order to be able to do the well swimming motion.It is needed the ability to coordinate the motion hand and thigh and also breathings with harmony.Before the athlete must have it. low prestice swimming athlete on the national event teks a pity.So that the reaercher is intrested to develop the model of swimming training. It is called Spped Play and Continue Play. In order to improve the endurance, srength, flexible, speed ,exposion power and luently. The development material of swimming training model used speed play and continue play and also use instrumen Bleep Test and Stop Watch to easure the result of swimming. The objective of the research to evelop the model swimming training based on speed play and continue play .In order to get the result of frame work and training program can be used by the wimming trainer to improve speed of endurance, strength, explosion power and flexible of the athlete This model wiil be able to be carried out by the province athlete to test the efectivity of swimming training toward to endurance ,strength, flexible , speed,exlosion power and fluent ABS-121 The impact of Outdoor Education mountaineering program on social interaction, economic level and environmental awareness on Mount Artapela Dede Iman Suhendra1, Ryan Abu Bakar2 (1) Universitas Galuh Ciamis, (2) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Outdoor Education, Mountaineering, Mount Artapela, Social Interaction, Community Economic Level And Environmental Awwarness Abstract: The purpose of this study is to reveal the impact of the outdoor education mountaineering program on Mount Artapela on social, economic and environmental concerns. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. The population is 25 environmental ecovillage DLH Jabar cadres, Sukapura village businessmen and transportation 30 people, and 65 Artapela mountain climbers and participants. Sampling technique The sample used was purposive sampling with as many as 32 samples collected from work and hobbies. This research instrument uses GEBS interviews and (General ecology behavior scale) (Kaiser & Wilson 2007). Data analysis using SPSS 16. As a result the mountaineering or mountain climbing program at Artapela had a positive impact on the improvement of the communitys economy level, increased environmental awareness but experienced a decrease in social interaction.

ABS-122 Effect of Outdoor Education and Personality on Self Confidence and Self Control: Experimental Studies on Introvert and Extrovert Students Jazzdica Rekayasa , Nurlan Kusmaedi , Amung Mamun Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keyword: Outdoor Education, Personality, Self-confidence, Self-control Abstract: The ability of self-confidence and high self-control become very important for students in school, especially for students who have introverted and extroverted personalities. The purpose of this study was to increase self-confidence and self-control in introverted and extroverted students through outdoor education. The method used in this study is a factorial 2x2 design experiment. The population in this study were ARS MVP International Bandung students, as many as 30 students divided into 15 students in the outdoor activity education hiking program and 15 students in the outdoor activity education outbound games program. The expected results in this study are; First, overall self-confidence and self-control in introverted and extroverted students can be developed through outdoor education. Second is the interaction that occurs in the development of self-confidence and self-control in introverted and extroverted students through outdoor education hiking programs and outbound games. Third, increased self-confidence and self-control in introverted students can be further enhanced through outdoor education programs for outbound games. Fourth, increased self-confidence and self-control in extroverted students can be further enhanced through outdoor education hiking programs.

ABS-123 Pengembangan Resiliensi Melalui Outdoor Education Berbasis Coping strategy: Sudi Eksperimen Pada Siswa Pondok Pesantren. Fajar Adi Nugroho (a*), Amung Mamun , Nurlan Kusmaedi Universitas Pedidikan Indoesia [email protected] Keyword: Resiliensi, Outdoor Education, Coping Strategy, Gender Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the development of the ability of students in Islamic boarding schools through outdoor education based on coping strategy. The method used in the 2x2 factorial design experiment. The research sample was determined by random assignment. The outdoor education program based on coping strategy is divided into two groups, namely emotion focused and problem focused, each of which is proven by 25 students. Data is collected from the gain

49 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 score and processed using two-way ANOVA. The results show that overall there are differences in the ability of students in Islamic boarding schools through outdoor education based on coping strategy. There is no interaction between outdoor education based on gender coping strategy. Outdoor education based on problem focused coping strategy is recommended to be used as a development of resilience skills as a whole and individually in groups of men and women groups.

ABS-124 The Offort Of Dead Release And Active Release Of The Results At A Distance Of 30 Meters On The Athletes A Beginner In Sports Archery Iqbal Permana, Reki Siaga, Deris Maulana, Fahrul Husaeni Universitas Penddikan Indonesia Keyword: Archery, Dead Release, Active Release, Beginner Abstract: The purpose of this research and background because of the use of techniques the release for the beginner who is different. Where is technique dead release and active release has a different theory. The purpose of this research is to: (1) Knowing whether there is a significant influence of dead release of the results at a distance of 30 meters on the athletes a beginner, (2) Knowing whether there is a significant influence of active release of the results at a distance of 30 meters on the athletes a beginner, (3) Knowing the technique is better between the dead release and active release. The method used in this study is the method one group pretest posttest design with engineering samples, purposive sampling. The sample which was used as many as 8 athletes a beginner UKM Panahan UPI Bandung, which is devided into two groups based on criteria and dead release and active release. The gathering data to do with the test of scoring 30 meters. The data analysis showed that : (1) There is significant influeces of dead release of the results of a 30 m on the athlete a beginner, (2) There is significant influeces of active release of the results at a distance of 30 meters on the athletes a beginner, (3) Shooting by a dead release better about the results at a distance of 30 m on the athletes a beginner. The authors suggested for the athletes for using a technique dead release first, because the shot that is acquired at a distance of 30 meters better and more consistent than by using active release ABS-125 Building Ability of Sport Student Statistics Reasoning through Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment (SRLE) Nidaul Hidayah, Wahyudin, Turmudi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: SRLE, Statistical Reasoning, Sports Students Abstract: This study discusses learning models that can improve statistical reasoning skills for sports students who take statistics courses. The learning model used is the statistical learning model introduced by Garfield and Ben-Zvi (2007), namely "Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment" or abbreviated as SRLE. SRLE is a learning model based on constructivist social theory with six learning principles designed by Cobb and McClain (1992) which focus on developing statistical content, using real data, using classroom activities, using technology assistance, improving classroom conversation and using alternative assessments. The purpose of this study is that through SRLE learning models can improve the statistical reasoning abilities of sports students. The research method used is quasi-experimental method. The sample used was 58 students of the PKO study program (Sports Coaching Education) which was divided into two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group, each of which was 29 students. The results obtained that students who attend statistical lectures with SRLE learning models have higher achievement and increased statistical reasoning skills than students who take direct (conventional) learning. ABS-126 Comparison of Physiology Characteristics Amateur Futsal Players in Two Consecutive Matches Agung Dwi Juniarsyah, Tommy Apriantono, I Ketut Adnyana Sport Science Research Group, Bandung Institute of Technology Keywords: Futsal, Amateur Team, Heart Rate, Blood Lactate Level, The Number Of Steps, Energy Expenditure. Abstract: Nowadays Futsal is in great demand by various circles. Many people play this sport for leisure or for achievement. This study aimed to compare the characteristics of physiology, heart rate, blood lactate levels, the number of steps, and energy expenditure for amateur futsal players in two consecutive matches. A total of eight amateur futsal players (23.75+0.71 years, 67.57+3.16 kg, 170+4.30 cm, 19.80+5.18 % fat mass). The results were obtained an average VO2 max 43.90+5.48 ml /kg/min. Mean heart rate of amateur team in first day 170+10 and second day 174+10 bpm (p<0.05), the blood lactate level after the game in first day 6,35+2,67 and second day 10.10+1.90 mmol/L (p<0.05), the number of steps in first day 3285+877 and second day 2864+494,64 times (p<0.05), energy expenditure in first day 551+96,27 and second day 578+81.89 kcal (p<0.05). Physical fitness of amateur team are in good category. The activity of the futsal match for the amateur team are heavy activity. Distance covered the amateur team in second day is more less than first day, but the energy expenditure of amateur team in second day were larger than in the first day. The effect of two consecutive matches for amateur team is higher fatigue

ABS-127 Differences MDA Levels in Athletes with High Carbohydrate Intake Wilda Welis Universitas Negeri Padang Keywords: MDA level, high carbohydrate food, glycemic index Abstract: The main energy source for physical activity is carbohydrates. A high carbohydrate meal before exercise or a game can cause high metabolic and oxidative stress effects, making it less favorable for athletes performance. However, it is thought that consumption of high carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index may improve the likelihood of such adverse effects. The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in MDA levels in athletes with high carbohydrate feeding of low glycemic index. The study design was a experiment, with the number of subjects being 15 people. Type of food given is low IG rice, chicken side dishes, bean vegetables and mango fruit. Food intervention is given three times a day for 2 weeks. The intervention diet contains 1000 calories at a time, consisting of 70% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 15% fat. Serum MDA examination was determined using a spectrophotometer. Data analysis to know difference of MDA level before and after treatment was done by t-

50 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 dependent test. This research protocol has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the Health Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Health number KE.01.07 / EC / 433/2011 dated July 24, 2011. The results showed that the average serum MDA level at fasting conditions was 0.445 + 0.064 ppm and after running 5 KM MDA levels was 0.469 + 0.086 ppm, an increase in blood MDA level of 0.024 ppm. Statistical test results with t-dependent test showed no difference in MDA levels before and after a 5 km run at athletes given high carbohydrate foods with low glycemic index (pvalue> 0.05).

ABS-128 Outdoor Education Based on Learning Strategies Against Student Self Efficacy Dede Iman Suhendra, Nurlan Kusmaedi, Amung Mamun, Yusup Hidayat Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Outdoor Education, Self Efficacy, Learning Strategy Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to reveal and study Outdoor Education based on learning strategies on Student Self- Efficacy. Self Efficacy is the belief that a person is capable of carrying out certain behaviors or achieving certain goals (Ormrod, 2008). Learning strategies used are peer tutoring learning methods, namely learning methods in the form of providing guidance, assistance, guidance, direction, and motivation so that students learn effectively and efficiently (Hamalik, 1990: 73) and direct teaching methods. ), which is a structured Teacher-centered approach characterized by teacher direction or control, high teacher expectations for student progress, maximization of time spent by students on academic assignments, and efforts by teachers to minimize negative influences on students (Joyce & Weil in Santrock, 2007: 472). The method used is an experiment with factorial 2 X 2 design. The instrument used is the General Self Efficacy Scale (GSE) questionnaire (Jerusalem and Schwarzer, 1981). In this study purposive sampling technique was used. The sample consisted of students from the Department of PJKR, Galuh Ciamis University. The number of samples in this study were 36 male students, which were divided into 2 (two) groups namely the experimental group and the control group with each group numbering 18 people. Calculation and analysis of data with the help of software from the SPSS application to calculate the average value, standard deviation, normality test, homogeneity test, two average equality test, hypothesis testing ABS-129 Application of Games Model Training in Multimedia-Based Soccer Games Hamidie Ronald Daniel Ray, Kartono Pramdhan, Dikdik Zafar Sidik Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Ilmu dan Pendidikan Pasundan Ciahi, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Games Model Training,Sepakbola, Multimedia Abstract: The complexity of the game of football should be given in training sessions with the use of specific tasks with the aim of improving interaction and increases the ratio of a players participation in decision making. The ability to choose the appropriate response in situations of decision-making is the kind of game that requires some type of knowledge, including knowledge about the game and goals as well as knowledge of the Act in the context of situation the game. The purpose of this writing adalahmemebrikan the image of the games model trainig in the pattern of a football training can help players to play efficiently and efektiv with the right decision in a game of football. The results of this paper will be a migguan exercise program guide with the multimedia-based, to train the players to play football with the level of the right decision

ABS-130 The Differences Childrens Anthropometric Growth And Development Among 1st Grade To 3rd Grade And 4th Grade To 6th Grade Primary School Children Gano Sumarno, Agus Mahendra, Bustanil aripin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Anthropometric, growth and development, early childhood Abstract: This research is supposed to comparing the anthropometric growth and development of children in primary school, between group of 1st to 3rd grade and 4th to 6th grade, in terms of the speed of its changes in circumference and length. The data is gathered from childrens anthropometric size in the respective grades and the average of its alteration are measured by combining the average score of anthropometric size change both from the lower grade group and the upper grade group. It is estimated that the speed of change depicts the growth pattern in children between the different groups. The measurement is carried out by using anthropometric tools and the data have shown that the speed of growth of the lower grade group is faster than the upper group

ABS-131 Early Childhood Motor Development Associated With Parent Social Economic Background Mesa Rahmi Stephani, Gano Sumarno, Ricky Wibowo Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Motor Development, Early Childhood, Socioeconomis Status (SES) Abstract: Education is an effort to achieve children growth and development optimally. the children learn about environment and themselves through movement. however, not all children can develop optimally, it caused by variety factors, including parent social economic status. the purpose of this study is to determine the relevance of children motor development with the Parent SES. the research methodology used Ex Post facto Comparative Study. the population is four years old children at kindergarten school. Amount of sample is one hundred children. Children motor development measured by Ages and Stages Questionnaire Third edition. the result of this study expected to provide empirical data related to early childhood motor development associated with the Parents SES background, so the children growth and development can develop optimally, and able to provide well being in the future.


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Physical Self-Concept on High School Students Jajat (a,b*), Adang Suherman (a), Yusuf Hidayat (a), Mulyana (a) a) Sport Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, b) Physical Education, Health and Recreation Program, Universitas Galuh Ciamis [email protected] Keywords: Physical Self-Concept, PSDQ, gender, extracurricular involvement. Abstract: The study aimed to investigate physical self-concept differences based on gender and extracurricular involvement. Two hundred and three students, 112 were male and 91 females, 76 non-involvement extracurricular, 31 sports extracurricular and 96 other extracurricular involvement were completed: Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ). Independent sample t-test were calculated to determine gender differences on physical self-concept, and One-Way Anova were calculated to determine based on extracurricular involvement. Significant differences were found on physical self-concept based on gender, and based on extracurricular involvement. Students who are involved in extracurricular have a better physical self-concept than those who do not. This finding implies that student involvement in extracurricular activities is very important.

ABS-133 Analysis Needs Learning Model Basic Skills Motion Based Play in The Primary School The Upper Classes Nevi Hardika IKIP PGRI PONTIANAK, [email protected] Keywords: Learning Model, Skill Motion, Game. Abstract: Learning skill motion is one part of learning physical education at school, to whom charged responsibility for achieving the purpose of student learning to have skills motion adequate so capability of being supposed to be possessed by students as provision in daily living. The importance of lessons motion basic given primary school level is should bring a fresh to increase pattern motion in exertion as the foundation school tuition. The purpose of this study is to find learning skill motion basic based play in the primary school the upper classes. Research methodology used is the method descriptive with the form of the survey, technique data collection using interviews and chief closed to gym teacher in the Pontianak city. The results of the study analysis needs that done by researchers in 10 locations primary schools in the city Pontianak. There were 8 criteria sport teacher in a category enough with, 1 criteria sport teacher in the less and criteria 1 sport teacher in the less once. The conclusion reached is a need to introduce a way of learning based game innovate that made a product new, desired as guidelines, teaching material that is cooperative and stages

ABS-134 Sport Management At La Diva Gymnastics Studio Sri Gusti Handayani, Darni, Anton Komaini Sport Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Padang Keywords: Sport Management, Gymnastics Studio. Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know how far the implementation of sports management at La Diva Gymnasium Padang City. Type of research is qualitative. Instrument of research by using interview and observation, and study of documentation. The research site is La Diva Gymnastics Studio. Informant of research are owner, manager, and member. The results concluded; 1) The function of Planning is categorized good, this is because this gym studio has a clear and definite purpose, the owner has done the analysis on sports business which is managed include Strength, Weakness, Oportunity, and Traits (SWOT); 2) Organizing function is categorized Less than satisfactory, this is because the organizational structure is incomplete consisting of only 1 owner, 1 manager, and 6 instructor, so the distribution of resources, line of authority, arranging and assigning tasks is very minimal; 3) Actuating function is categorized satisfactory, it is characterized by activities that run well enough, its just a system that runs still manual, not yet using information technology systems, such as promotion, registration, take attendence, payment and reporting; 4) Controlling function is categorized good, this is because the owner every day do the monitoring and evaluation, and identification of problems that occur.

ABS-136 Improving The Quality Of Adaptive Health Education Services In Disable Students Beltasar Tarigan, Hendya Alif Junanda, Amung Mamun Universitas Pendidikan Indone

Keywords: Teaching Media, Parachute, Underarm pass, Deaf Student Abstract: The aim the present study is to investigate the use of media in volleyball match on deaf students courage and learning output in underarm pass in Sekolah Luar Biasa Citeureup Cimahi. The method used is experimental research. The present study involved 12 students consisting 6 students in the experimental group and 6 students in the control group. To measure students courage observation sheet was used while learning output is measured by a volleyball underarm pass test. Analysis data using paired test or t test. Furthermore, an independent sample test was tested to see the difference between the use of media and without the use of media. The results of data analysis using hypothesis testing on the courage variable in the experimental group, the value of Sig. = 0.04 <0.05 then H0 is rejected. Furthermore, the learning output passing variable in the experimental group values Sig. = 0,000 <0,05 so H0 is rejected. The data analysis then uses a different test on the courage variable value Sig. = 0.008 <0.05 then H0 is rejected. Then in the learning output under passing variable value Sig. = 0,000 <0,05 so H0 is rejected. The conclusion of this study is that there is an influence in the use of parachute as learning media towards courage and learning output of volleyball underpassing of deaf students. Furthermore, the use of parachute learning media is also better than without using parachute learning media on the courage and learning output of volleyball underpassing of deaf students.

ABS-137 Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, and Physical Fitness

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with Football Referee Performance Yudi Nurcahya, Dadan Mulyana, Sagitarius 1 Porac Model Community High School, Porac, Pampanga, Philippines 2 College of Arts Sciences and Education, Holy Angel University, Angeles City, Philippines [email protected] Keywords: Soccer Referee; Emotional Intelligence; Physical Fitness Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between emotional intelligence and physical fitness with the performance of football referees. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive research methods. This research was conducted at the Association of PSSI Bandung by taking the research subjects, 11 referees using purposive sampling. The research instrument used was Emotional Intelligence Test through emotional intelligence questionnaire, Physical Fitness Test through FIFA Fitness Test for Referee, and Referee Performance Test using Fifa Referee Assessment. The results showed that: 1) There was a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and referee performance, 2) There was a significant relationship between physical fitness and referee performance

ABS-138 The Effect of Physical Activities and Physical Education Program to Children Anthropometric Growth and Development in Elementary Schools Andi Suntoda, Agus Mahendra, Ricky Wibowo Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Anthropometric Measurement, Status And Pattern Of Growth, Development.. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the status and pattern of physical growth and development of elementary school students in Indonesia, by measuring students anthropometric size as well as their family background, diet, and history of physical activity and participation in physical education. Participants in this study were elementary students from partner schools consisting of 10 schools, involving students from grade 1 to grade 6, with school locations divided into two location groups, namely representing urban schools and schools in sub-urban locations. The research method to be employed is cross-sectional survey and measurement research with the Ex-Post Facto approach. The instrument is an anthropometric measuring instrument consisting of a meter, caliper, and stopwatch and scales. The instrument used o capture data related to the history of physical activity is a questionnaire that must be filled by parents and physical education teachers. The collected data is used to assess the status and pattern of growth and development of elementary students, and relate them to the causes, especially the history of physical activity and student participation in physical education. The results of the study are expected to be used as recommendations for improving the quality of physical education lessons and the consideration of the local government to improve the quality of school policies in terms of physical and health activities for school students.

ABS-139 Adult Women Body Mass Index (BMI): Participated on Sport Recreation Program Mustika Fitri a* Jajat b (1) Sport Science Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (2) Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Universitas Galuh Ciamis [email protected] Keywords: Body Mass Index, Women participation, sport recreation Abstract: The study aimed to investigate adult women Body Mass Index (BMI). 186 subject (99 early women adults and 87 late women adults) who active participated on sport recreation program. Independent sample t-test were calculated to determine BMI differences. There was significance BMI differences between early women adults and late women adults (p<0.023). There needs to be more research about the relationship between BMI and healthy living behavior based on geographic location

ABS-140 Procedure Instrument Identification Specialization Playing Position on Basketball Alen Rismayadi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Instruments, Specialization Identification, Playing Position, and Basketball Abstract:This research examines the procedure of identification instrument of specialization of playing position in basketball. A total of 24 female basketball players aged 16 - 18 years in west Java participated in this study. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The instruments used in this study are anthropometric (measuring height), physical condition (measuring strength, speed, agility, explosive power, and stamina), and technical components (passing, dribbling, under ring, shooting, and lay up) . The results were found from three components, namely anthropometric, physical condition and technical component, each position of the player has their own characteristics. Viewed from the anthropometric center is higher than the forward, while the forward is higher than the guard. Viewed from the physical condition of guard his physical condition is better than forward, while forward is better than center. Judging from the technical component each position has its own advantages. For example the Center is better in terms of the balls under the ring, while the forward is superior in shooting accuracy, and the guard has an advantage in terms of dribbling and passing.

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ABS-141 Development of Test Instruments and Audio Based Concentration Measurements for Blind Students in Bandung City D M Wiyono, A Sumpena Sport Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia [email protected], [email protected] Keyword: Instruments, Concentration, Blind, Audio Abstract: The purpose of this study was to compile an audio-based concentration test and measurement instrument for blind students in the city of Bandung, due to the lack of valid and reliable test and concentration measurement instruments for blind students. This research uses Research & Development (R & D) method. The subjects of this study were blind students aged 13- 15 years in the city of Bandung. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique, with the number of 63 blind students as samples. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Formation of hardware and working systems of test instruments and concentration-based audio measurements for blind students. (2) The results of the data analysis showed that the validity test using the Pearson Product Moment formula (r-PM) obtained a value of 0.852 with very high validity criteria, while the reliability test using the Alpha formula obtained the value of r hitung = 0.912 with very high degree of reliability criteria. Conclusion, the compilation of hardware and work systems for audio-based test and concentration measurement instruments for blind students who have been tested valid and reliable. ABS-143 The Impact of the Scientific Approach in Physical Education Learning on Learning Outcomes and Physical Fitness Beltasar Tarigan , Bambang Sulaksono Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keyword: Scientific Approach in PE, Learning Outcomes, Physical Fitness Abstract: This study aims to analyze and reveal the impact of the scientific approach in learning physical education on the learning outcomes of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor competencies, as well as students physical fitness. The population used in this study were high school students in Bandung, with a total sample of 800 students from 16 schools. The sample was divided into two groups, the first group that followed PE learning with a scientific approach, and the second group that followed PE learning with conventional approaches. The research method used is ex post facto. Data on learning outcomes were obtained through assessment of learning outcomes by teachers, while physical fitness data was obtained through Indonesian physical fitness tests. Hypothesis testing used is Mann Whitney U Test to examine differences in learning outcomes of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor competencies, as well as physical fitness between groups involved in PE with scientific and conventional learning approaches. The results of the research hypothesis testing are as follows: (1) the learning outcomes of affective competencies obtain the value of Sig. 0.008 <0.05 then Ho is rejected, (2) learning outcomes of cognitive competence obtain the value of Sig. 0.039 <0.05, Ho is rejected, (3) learning outcomes of psychomotor competence obtain the value of Sig. 0.161> 0.05 then Ho is accepted, and (4) physical fitness obtain the value of Sig. 0,000 <0,05 so Ho is rejected. Conclusion (1) there are differences in PE learning outcomes of affective competencies between students involved in scientific and conventional learning approaches, (2) there are differences in PE learning outcomes of cognitive competence between students involved in scientific and conventional learning approaches, (3) there is no difference in PE learning outcomes of psychomotor competence between students involved in scientific and conventional learning approaches, (4) here are differences in physical fitness between students involved in scientific and conventional learning approaches.

ABS-144 Authentic Assessment Implementation of the Student Motivation In Learning of Physical Education Beltasar Tarigan, Ade Dodo Widodo, Amung Mamun Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Implementation of Authentic Assessment and Student Motivation. Abstract: This study discusses the implementation of authentic assessment of the students motivation in physical education lessons exercise and health. This research aims to analyze the implementation of authentic assessment, knowing the difficulties in implementing authentic assessment, and analyze the implementation of authentic assessment conducted PJOK teacher against student motivation on the subjects of the curriculum PJOK 2013 class VIII SMPN at Cimahi city. This study usesdescriptive with quantitative approach with ex post facto nature, These research subjects are students SMPN at Cimahi city sitting in class VIII with a population of 3,343, sampling using proportionate stratified random sampling with the number of samples totaling 501 people. Instruments in this study to use your questionnaire and documentation. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 IBMs application. Results of the study revealed thatlevel of implementation of authentic assessment that teachers reached an average PJOK 83.07 percent, Each teacher still have obstacles in implementing authentic assessment significance test analysis results show the value of 0.058 > 0.05, then H0 is accepted, meaning there is no positive effect of the implementation of authentic assessment of the students motivation in physical education lessons and sports health class VIII SMPN at Cimahi city.

ABS-145 Needs Analysis of the Application of Sport Science to Improve Physical Condition of Junior Tennis Athletes Rina Ambar Dewanti, Beltasar Tarigan , Dian Budiana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Analysis , Application, Sport science, strength conditioning, Tennis Junior. Abstract: One of the main objectives of sport is to pursue optimal achievement. To develop progressions and measure this achievement requires the application of sport science. A key area of sports science in through strength and conditioning programming to help athletes to be stronger, faster, powerful, agile and have more resilience to endure physically and

54 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 psychologically. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview for the need of applying sport science to improve the physical condition of junior tennis athletes. Data was collected from 11 (6 male and 5 female) players at Tennis Plus Bandung, aged 14 years. The methodology used in this research is a descriptive method to describe the comparison of data collected from a pre- determined battery of tests of the subjects current physical condition and physical condition from researched normative data for male and female aged 14 years. Three instrument tests used were, namely: Push up for upper body strength, 20m sprint for speed, and Bleep test for endurance. Results showed only 1 male subject was above the norm for speed. All subjects were below the norm for upper body strength, with 1 female and 3 male subjects recorded above the norm for endurance

ABS-146 The Impact Of The National Sports Activities At Table Tennis Sports Team On Economic Improvement Akhmad Sobarna,Gita Febria Friskawati STKIP Pasundan Cimahi [email protected] Keyword: National Sports Activities, Economic Improvement Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know the impact of national sports activity on table tennis to the economic improvement, this research using expost facto method. Interview and observation used to collect data. Data analysis used by percentage. Six business partner that work together succeed national sports activity around Jatinangor West Java become a population. samples taken by total sampling. Based on the result, it can be concluded as follows, 1) A very high economic improvement during national sports activity get the benefits from various sectors and can be generated that sports activities have an impact on the economy as a business. 2) Business partners increased economic.

ABS-147 A Collaboration Of Assertive Training And Physical Activities To Develop Assertive Behaviour To Students With Deafness Linggi Andiri (a*), Berliana (b), Yudy Hendrayana (b) (a*)STKIP Pasundan Cimahi, (b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Collaboration, Assertive Training, Physical Activity, Assertive, Deafness Abstract: This study is intended to shed a light on the development of assertive behavior of students with deafness by means of incorporating assertive training and physical activities. This study is an experimental study with The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. This study draws a sample of 24 students with deafness from a public school for the disabled in Cimahi consisting of 14 male students and 10 female students. A questionnaire measuring assertive behavior was used as pretest and posttest to collect data. The data was calculated using T-Paired test. The experimental group achieved the average score of 80,67 in the pre-test, and 84,25 in the posttest. Meanwhile, the control group had the average scores of 80,92 and 82,67 in the pre-test and posttest subsequently. Further calculation reveals that the experimental group achieved value of significance 0,02 < 0,05 indicating that the combination of assertive training and physical activities significantly influences the development of assertive behavior of students with deafness. In the control group, physical activities without assertive training influenced the development of assertive behavior of the students with deafness with value of significance 0,04. < 0,05 instantiating that H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted.. ABS-148 Prediction of Anthropometric Influence on Skill Play Volleyball Yopi Kusdinar*, Amung Mamun, Agus Rusdiana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Anthropometry, Volleyball Playing Performance, GPAI Test Abstract: This study aims to examine the prediction of anthropometric variability with game performance assessment instruments on volleyball games. The method used in this study uses descriptive correlational with participants as many as 35 athletes aged between 20-22 years from 3 university clubs in West Java Indonesia. The instruments used in this study were anthropometric tests and volleyball playing skills tests using GPAI. Data analysis in this study uses simple correlation analysis, simple regression. The results of the analysis show that there is a significant relationship between anthropometrics and performance games with a correlation coefficient of 0.69 and significant at α = 0.00. These results prove that the contribution of anthropometric variability is 49% to increase volleyball playing skills. The regression model equation obtained is y = 14, 275 + 0.742 Antrometrics. The equation illustrates that the increase in volleyball playing skills variable is predicted by the anthropometric variable of 0.742. ABS-149 Biomotor Relationship with Skills Play Volleyball Yopi Kusdinar*, Amung Mamun, Agus Rusdiana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Biomotor, Playing Volleyball Performance. Abstract: This study aims to examine the relationship between biomotor variables and game performance on volleyball games. The method used in this study uses correlational descriptive with participants as many as 35 athletes aged between 20-22 years. The instruments used in this study were biomotor tests and performance tests for playing volleyball using GPAI. Data analysis in this study uses simple correlation analysis. The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between biomotor and performance games with a correlation coefficient of 0.61 and significant at α = 0.00.

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ABS-150 Improving the Quality of Adaptive Health Education Services in Special Needs Students Beltasar Tarigan, Hendya Alif Junanda, Ridwan, Rina Ambar Dewanti Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Quality of Service, Adaptive Care, Students with Special Needs Abstract: This study aims to analyze and improve the quality of physical education services for students with special needs. The population used are SLB students from 35 schools with a sample size of 264 students. The method used is the research and development (R & D) method. The results are from the first stage findings after 1 year of a 3-year research project. The research is in the form of responses to a pre-prepared questionnaire. This stage is focused on observing the benefits and needs felt by the students in relation to the services performed by the teacher in SLB. Of which 90% of the teachers were not with physical education background. The procedure carried out was to train fourth-grade students about learning adaptive physical education in schools for five months, then deployed the students to SLB schools to apply their learning of adaptive physical education over 4 class meetings with applying the play approach.The SLB teachers observed in an effort to determine if there are improvements in the quality of the adaptive care learning process being carried out by the student teachers. The results of the students assessment of the teachers performance were as follows: (1) 90% of students stated that the presence of the teacher in the SLB could improve the quality of adaptive physical education services for students with special needs in terms of the pleasure of learning, activeness, high motivations and interest. (2) 96% of tutor teachers stated that the presence of the teacher in SLB could improve the quality of adaptive physical education services for students with special needs, related to learning methods with various variations that have an impact on the attractiveness and pleasure of learning, the interaction of activeness between teacher and student, than to increasing motivation in participating in learning.

ABS-151 Sedentary Behavior Among Male and Female Older Adults in West Java Indonesia Sumardiyanto (a*), Jajat (a,b), Kuston Sultoni (a) a) Sport Science Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia b) Physical Education, Recreation and Health, Universitas Galuh Ciamis [email protected] Keywords: Sedentary Behavior, Older Adults, Physical Inactivity Abstract: The purpose of this review is to describe sedentary behaviour differences among male and female older adults. The studies reviewed were limited to 277 older adults (> 50 years old) who are willing to be interviewed and fill in the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short form Indonesian version. From the IPAQ data, the only average sitting time spent in one day is processed. The result show there was differences between male and female adults on sedentary behavior (p=.000). Female older adult reported an average of more sedentary behavior than male. These findings require further in-depth study.

ABS-152 Analysis of the Needs of Volleyball Training Models Multimedia Based Muhammad Suhairi IKIP PGRI Pontianak [email protected] id Keyword: Training Model, Volleyball, Multimedia Abstract: Based on the results of preliminary observations, researchers found that in the training process they have not used a multimedia approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of need in volleyball exercise. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects and objects in this study were 60 students who participated in the student activity unit for volleyball sports. The place for conducting this research at IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The results showed that: 1). The trainer has never used an interactive multimedia approach in the training process, 2) The exercise model of the volleyball used has not varied, 3). It is necessary to develop various volleyball skills training models, 4). There is a need for a multimedia-based volleyball skills training models.

ABS-153 Analysis of Karate Sports Injury in Student University Activities at IKIP PGRI Pontianak Suriani Sari IKIP PGRI Pontianak [email protected] Keywords: Analysis, Injury, Karate Sports Abstract: Based on observations in karate sports, researchers found various forms of injuries experienced by athletes in karate. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of injuries that occur in karate athletes. The research method is qualitative descriptive. The subjects and objects of this study were 85 students who participated in the student activity unit in the karate sport. Place for conducting research at IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The results showed that the causes of athletic injuries in karate sports included: 16 athletes had cramps, 14 athletes had bruises, 10 athletes had swelling, 6 athletes had spasm, 5 athletes had strains, 7 athletes experienced sprain, 12 athletes experienced muscle gliding, 5 the athlete experiences joint dislocation, 4 athletes experience fracture, and 6 athletes experience subluxation.

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ABS-154 Burpees and 100m Sprint Degrees track for Increasing Vo2Max Adang Sudrazat (*), Hendra Rustiawan Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Universitas Galuh Ciamis [email protected] Keywords: Burpees, Vo2max, sprint, soccer player Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out how much Burpees exercise and 100 meter sprint using 45 degrees track influence for vo2max progress a soccer player. This study used a two group pretest post-test design. The sample are 20 soccer players (15-16 Years old). Bleep test was used for Vo2Max measured. The paired and independent sample t-test were used to data analyzed. The results showed that both of the exercise were influence toward Vo2Max increasing. There are difference Vo2Max between burpees exercise and 100 meter sprint. The 100 meter sprint using 45 degrees track more efficient for increasing Vo2Max. ABS-155 Performance Improvement At Bolabasket Athletes Based On Statistical Analysis Lukmannul Haqim Lubay Universitas Pendidikan indonesia Keywords: Game basketball, analysis of statistical data related to the game. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to find out how much influence the statistical-based analysis program for U16 year athletes. Statistical-based analysis related to: Number of throws that are not on target and on target (abbreviated as FG), Number of free throws (recalled by FT), Number of two-point throws (2P), Number of three-point throws (3P), Number of assists ( AST), Number of balls that bounce on the board due to miss or rebound (REB) throws, number of violations or foul (F), number of balls lost or turnover (TO), and number of balls stolen from opponents or steals (S). Based on these data, the results will be given a program based on the results of statistical analysis. It is hoped that later this program will be able to improve the abilities of U-14 - 16 year athletes

ABS-156 The Influence of Relaxation and Imagery Psychological Methods towards Referees Performance Improvement Wiwik Ekorinawati, Ambar Mudigdob., Brian Wasitab. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Psychological Methods, Relaxation Methods, Imagery Methods, Referee Performance, Futsal Matches Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out that the application of psychological methods relaxation and imagery gives an infuence on improving the performance of referees in leading futsal matches. This research was carried out the referees on level III, and the method that will be used in this research was the experimental method. The research instruments that will be used for referee performance are used by referee assessment forms issued by FIFA. The conclusion of this research is the relation of psychological method has a significant influence on improving the performance of referees in leading futsal matches, Relaxation psychological methods have the significant influence on improving referee performance in leading futsal matches, Imagery psychological methods have the significant influence on improving referee performance in leading futsal matches, and relaxation methods have more significant influence on improving the performance of referees in leading futsal matches. The suggestions for referee commissions is they should be providing the psychological skills training at each training session, because psychological skills training methods are very important to improve the performance of the referee in leading futsal matches. ABS-157 Skipping Rope and Double Dutch Lessons for Kids: Measuring Children Enthusiasm to Non- sport Content in Physical Education for Elementary Schools Didin Budiman*, Dian Budiana, Agus Mahendra, Ricky Wibowo Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Skipping Rope, Double Dutch, Basic Movements Abstract: PE in Indonesia has been strongly contaminated by negative forces of sportification movement driven by sport organizations and founding fathers of this nation since the beginning of the independence era. As the result, PE in Indonesia has been strongly identical with the sport concepts and the practice of the PE lesson mostly dominated by the sports skill activities, in which most parts of them have been formally demanded in the national curriculum. Consequently, all children only familiar with the sports competencies, but at the same time, apparently greatly lack in mastering the many variety of basic movements familiar to children from European and any other Asian countries. To name a few, skipping rope and its descendent such as double dutch, is a kind of movement that never be introduced in schools. From that perspective, it is necessary that PE in school be introduced gradually with the variety of movements that improve both children sound competencies in moving and children appreciation to the inner attraction of movements outside the sports. Of the many possibilities, introducing these skipping rope and double dutch movements to PE teachers from elementary schools is one of the alternatives to be conducted, and the result will be monitored with embedded guidance, especially to measure the enthusiasm of children over the skills being introduced.

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ABS-158 The Effect of Cruise Interval Training on Improving The Aerobic Endurance Ability of Swimming Athletes Gafur Ammar Santoso, Boyke Mulyana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected]

Keywords: Aerobic Endurance, Cruise Interval , Swimming Abstract: The problem that the authors propose in this study is about the training method in training aerobic endurance. There are many methods that can be used in training aerobic endurance, and one of them is the cruise interval method. In swimming sports, aerobic endurance is needed. The aim of this study is to find out about the effect of cruise interval training on improving the aerobic endurance ability of swimming athletes. The research method used in this study is an experimental method with total sampling techniques. The sample in this study were 10 Tirtamerta Bandung swimming athletes. The research instrument used was the Multistage Shuttle Swim Test. Based on the results of processing and data analysis, the conclusion of the results of this study is that the training using the cruise interval method has no significant effect on improving the ability of aerobic endurance.

ABS-159 RELATION OF COORDINATION EYE-FOOT WITH SHOOTING PRECISION IN SOCCER GAMES Ridha Mustaqim, Basiran Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Coordination, Accuracy of Eye Foot, Soccer Abstract: This study aims to determine the many eye-foot relation to the accuracy of shooting. Often there is an error when shooting. The method taken from this research is descriptive correlative. The population of this research was 15 athlete of SSB AC-GARIS U-17 as many as 15 people with total sampling technique. The instrument used in the Soccer Wall Volley test that tests and tests the target ball. This study consists of two variables, (X) ankle coordination and (Y) shooting accuracy. The functions of the eye-foot with the accuracy of shooting at SSB AC-GARIS athlete U-17 are found on average at low levels. The result of research no relation because a sample of 15 poor people is currently working on the test. And this shows that the ability of the sample is not good and then for next research for athlete Football U-17 can train again continuously.

ABS-161 Application of Traditional Games in Improving Ability of Throw and Catch Basic Motion. Rully Noverareta, Alit Rahmat, Dian Mochammad Zein, Reki Siaga Agustina Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keyword: Physical Education, Throw and Catch Basic Motion, and Traditional Games Abstrack: This research was motivated by the state of learning in school are often constrained by inadequate tools, and learning materials in a monotone. With this constraint, students are often neglected so they are less mobile. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of the application of traditional games in improving the ability of the throwing and catching basic motion (on the deaf students of SLB-B). The method used in this research is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) with two cycles with a program of traditional games. This research subjects are fifth grade students SLB-B Cicendo Bandung, which amounted to 10 people. The instruments used are GPAI (Games Performance Assessment Instruments). Results of preliminary observations showed that the students are very less in doing throwing and catching basic motion in learning, this is indicated by the value of the throwing motion capture an average percentage of 41.24%. That should have 75% of all aspects. The results of cycle 1 action 1 with a value of percentage of 42.91%. Then the results of cycle 1 action 2 with a percentage value of 46.66%. The results of the second cycle of action 1 with a value of percentage of 66.66%. The results of the second cycle of action 2 with a percentage value of 78.32%. After two cycles average basic motor skills throwing and catching has increased significantly. The conclusion of this study is the ability of throw and catch of the students through traditional games has increased.

ABS-162 An Analysis of Teaching and Learning Activity at Special and Inclusion School in Improving the Quality of Life of Disabilities Ginan Nugroho, Yudy Hendrayana, Eka Nugraha Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Teaching And Learning Activity, Special School, Inclusive Education, And Quality Of Life Abstract: The present study aimed to identify the teaching and learning activity at special and inclusion school in improving the quality of life of different abilities student in Medan city, North Sumatra through Quality of Life Domain: health, physic, psychology, social and environment, and using Cross sectional study. The total samples are 20 disabilities students and 10 inclusive students, the data collection used is WHOQOL-BREF scale. The results of this study showed that there is a difference of the teaching and learning activity between Special and Inclusion School to improve the quality of life of disabilities in which the teaching and learning activity a special school is higher than the teaching and learning activity at inclusion school to improve the quality of life of disabilities

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ABS-163 The Modern Rhythmic Motion Pattern as The Content of The Rhythmic Activity Surdiniaty Ugelta, Mustika Fitri, Lilis Komariah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Keywords: Soccer, Futsal, Speed, Acceleration, Women. Abstract: Speed and acceleration are very important basic abilities in soccer and futsal sports. Athlete Speed and acceleration data are needed for customizing the athlete training program design. Purpose of this study is to identify and compare the speed and acceleration between woman Soccer and futsal athlete. The samples used in this study are women soccer and futsal players from a top national level Soccer and futsal club, age ranging from 16-17 years old. The athlete performs a 60 meters running test, every 10 meters will be recorded the time. Results, Average time 60m running test of women soccer 11.16s and women futsal 10.50s, significant difference with(p<0.05). The average speed of women soccer 5.71m/s and women futsal 5.94 m/s, significant difference with (p<0.05). Average acceleration of women soccer 0.58m/s2 and women futsal 0.61m/s2, significant difference with (p<0.05).Then, significant difference in speed and acceleration at each 10,20,40,50,60 meter between woman Soccer and futsal athlete with(p<0.01). There is no signifcant difference at 30 meters with a value (p>0.01). The results show there are significant differences in the time, speed, and acceleration in 60m running test between women soccer and futsal athlete. The women futsal players have speed and acceleration higher than football players).

ABS-164 The Implementation of Contextual Learning in Improving the Quality of Children Growth and Development Course Agus Mahendra, Nuryadi, Lukmanul Hakim Lubay, and Mesa Rahmi Steffani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Contekstual Learning, Meaning Provision, Children Growth and Development. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to improve the learning quality of the course Children Growth and Development, with employing one learning model called contextual learning (CTL). As has been identified, the nature of the course are mostly of memorable facts, consisting of size and characteristics changes of many body parts, including the hormonal process inside organs and cells that need to be learned by rote. From repeated experiences, it can be observed that the class atmosphere is relatively passive and low enthusiasm. It was expected that the teaching team are able to find the right teaching methods and models, that should be fit into the characteristics of the course, which finally driven to employing the contextual model. Contextual learning relies on 7 to 8 components, all of which are directed to provide deep meaning to the brain and the way students think. The 7 steps contained in this model must be filled with necessary steps in order to give meaningful formulation and become the urgency of improving the learning quality.

ABS-165 The Increase Swimming Distance Ability Using Tools for Flippers-Back Bouy and Kickboard on Freestyle for Beginners Badruzaman [email protected] Universitas Pendidikan Inddonesia Keywords: Distance Swimming Ability, Freestyle, Buoy Aid, Flippers & Back Float, and Kickboard Abstract: The purpose of the study was to increase the ability of swimming distance freestyle between those who used Flippers & back buoy, kick board aids and those without using tools. Method; used true experiment, pre-test and post-test with the control group. Participant; 30 student sport science who is taking a swimming study. Instrument; use the freestyle swimming test with distance. Analysis; using T test and ANOVA one way, by aposteriori test Scheffee technic. Result; based on t test there are significant differences swimming distance ability between pretest and post-test for the three group. Those who use flippers & back buoy have more capabilities than thos who use kickboard and those without use aid. F-test results, between the three group there are significant differences in swimming distance ability by F count = 24.15 > Ftable = 5.42 at p =0.01. Result aposteriori test, the difference in the mean wich shows significant between which use flippers & back buoy and without used aid. That is, using a flippers & back buoy, more effectively increasing the ability of the swimming pool comparated to using kickboard and which do not use tools

ABS-166 Validity and Reliability Test of Penalty Stroke in Hockey Games Rikky Ridwan [email protected] Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Validity Test, Reliability Test, Hockey Penalty Stroke Abstract: Penalty shot often determine the teams success in a game. Penalty skills are needed because they have a role and contribution for the team to achieve victory if in the match the determination of a penalty stroke is held. The purpose of this study is to standardize and cultivate a measuring instrument that can be used to measure the ability to shoot penalties in the sport of hockey games. This study uses a Research and Development approach. The sample of this study is students of SMP Negeri 50 Bandung who participated in extracurricular hockey totaling 30 people. The results of the data analysis of the research carried out showed that the validity value of 3.323 The decision rule was thitung > t table meaning that all forms of the test (valid) could be used to measure the shot penalty of hockey players. While the reliability value is 0.687 Decision rules are rhitung > rtabel that means all the tests tested are reliable to measure accuracy in guessing penalties.

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ABS-167 COMPARISON OF TOTAL BURNED CALORIES AND HEART RATE AT VARIOUS POSITION IN FUTSAL (Anchor, Flank and Pivot) Asep Purnama A a, Ronald D Ray Hamidie a,b,* a) Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia b) Faculty of Human Sciences, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, 920-1192 Keywords: Futsal, Futsal Positions, Calories, Heart Rate. Abstract: This research aims to know whether there is any comparison of burned calories and heart rate at various positions in futsal. This research used causal comparative method, because this research compares dependent variables with independent variable as a comparison. Samples of this study were 8 people. This study used purposive sampling techniques. The instrument which used in this study was Polar RC3 that can be used to record the burned calories and heart rate. The results obtained were processed with statistical test anova using SPSS Software 21. From the analysis of burned calories, the result was F = 0.348, p = 0.722 > 0.05 then Ho is accepted, meaning that there are no significant proportion of burned calories at various positions in futsal. From the data analysis, the result obtained that heart rate F = 0.541, p = 0.613 > 0.05 then Ho is accepted, meaning that there are no significant heart rate comparisons at various positions in futsal.

ABS-168 Profile of VO2 max Student Athletes in West Java before facing Multievent POPNAS in 2017 Gumelar Agusman Sarief Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Keywords: VO2 Max, student athletes, Popnas Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of VO2 Max level in West Java student athletes. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with a survey approach. Data retrieval in this study using Test cooper 2.4 km. The subjects of this study were West Java student athletes in 10 sports totaling 317 athletes (170 male athletes and 147 female athletes). Data analysis techniques use percentages. Based on the results of the study obtained the profile of VO2 Max level athletes of male students in West Java in the very good category of 9.41%, in the good category at 34.71%, in the category of enough 35.29%, in the category of less at 14.71%, and in the category of very less at 5.88%, while the VO2 Max level profile of West Java female student athletes in the very good category was 8.84%, in the good category at 19.73%, in the enough category at 43.54%, in the less category at 18.37%, and in the very less category at 9.52%. It can be concluded that the VO2 Max profile for all male and female students of West Java is sufficient

ABS-169 Integrating Life Skills into Swimming Training Programs Purnama Hudaya, Amung Mamun, Yusup Hidayat Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Life Skills, Sport Swimming Club. Programs Abstract: The youth who actively participate in sport swimming club and as students are very likely to get positive experiences and increase life skills. The present study aimed at examining the of a integrating life-skills into swimming training programs. The population in this study were athelete swim of TIRTAMERTA Bandung, as many as 60 youth ( 40 swimmer divided into 20 swimmer group integrating life skills programs and 20 swimmer group only swimming programs and 20 student ) . The method used in this study is a preetest-posttest control group experiment and eight life skills as taught in training swimming programs. The program focused on eight life skills component. The expected results in this study are; (1) There were differences between athletes who received the Integrting Life Skills program and swimming athletes who did not receive an integrating life skills program to increase Life Skills. (2) There are differences in athletes who did not receive an integrating Life Skills program with non-athletes to increase Life Skills (3) There are differences in athletes who have received an integrating Life Skills program with non-athletes to increase Life Skills.

ABS-170 Active Learning Time on Physical Education Using Movement Education Model Nana Sutisna (a,b*), Adang Suherman (a), Amung Mamun (a), Mulyana (a) a)Sport Education Doctor Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia b)Physical Education, Health and Recreation Program, Universitas Galuh Ciamis [email protected] Keywords: Active learning time, movement education, physical education Abstract: The national issue that is widely discussed is the lack of time for physical education. Lack of time in physical education has an impact on understanding for teenagers the need for physical activity. (Dollman at.all, 2006). The addition of hours in the education curriculum in Indonesia has been carried out, but from the change in hours there has not been a positive impact from these additions. The purpose of this study was to determine the curculum model in order to increase the active learning time. The research method used was a quasi-experimental posttest only desaign randomized control group design. The sample of this study was the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Baregbeg which amounted to 40 people with cluster random sampling technique. The instrument used was an instrument that adopted from the results of Suhermans research. The results of this study indicate that: There is a significant influence on the implementation of the movement model to increase the active time to study physical education.

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ABS-171 The Effect of Applying "Complex Training" to Improving Anaerobic Abilities iman imanudin, syam hardwis Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Anaerobic, Anaerobic Alactaside, Anaerobic Lactaside Ability, Speed, Agility, Power, Complex Training. Abstract:The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of "complex training" training on improving anaerobic abilities in this study consisting of speed, agility and power. The method used in this study is an experimental method with the design of One group pretest and posttest by giving treatment to female futsal players who are members of the 12 sports futsal student activities unit. The results showed that "complex training" had a significant impact on increasing anaerobic dynamic abilities, which consisted of: (a) "complex training" had a significant influence on increasing speed ability, (b) "complex training" had a significant effect on increased agility capability, (c) "complex training" has a significant influence on increasing power capability. And, the application of "Complex Training" has a significant effect on increasing the ability of Alactaside Anaerobic. However, the application of "Complex Training" did not have a significant effect on increasing the ability of Lactaside Anaerobic, and overall after combining these abilities, the application of "Complex Training" did not have a significant impact on improving the Anaerobic dynamic ability. ABS-172 Effectiveness of Sport Massage on Blood Lactic Acid Levels of Male Athletes in Junior Taekwondo. Shelly Novianti Ismanda1, Agus Rusdiana2, Ambrosius Purba2. 1. Departemen Ilmu Faal dan Kesehatan Olahraga, Pascasarjana Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Padjajaran. 2. Departemen Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Ilmu Keolahragaan, Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. 3. Departemen Ilmu Faal dan Kesehatan Olahraga, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Padjajaran. Keywords: Junior Male Athletes, Sports Massage, Blood Lactic Acid Levels. Abstract This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Sport Massage on Blood Lactic Acid Levels of Male Junior Taekwondo Athletes. The research sample was randomly selected from taekwondo junior male athlete of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), SMAN 23 Bandung, West Java PPLP, Pelatda Jabar as many as 40 people. The research employed research conducted by field tests. Design of this study pre and post test design. Data were collected from the results of a test run 12 minutes and Sport Massage (partial massage) were measured before and after being treated with TPK. The results showed that influence of Sport Massage decreased levels of lactic acid after exercise periodization in Taekwondo junior male athlete of West Java. Sport massage was beneficial to the athletes because it was useful for the maintenance of the physical condition, improved the physical quality, and improved the capacity and potentials of human organs.

ABS-173 Injury Rate Impact toward Adversity Quotient of Female Futsal Athletes Afianti Sulastri, Sehabudin Salasa, Upik Rahmi, Yasinta Depki Andriyani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Adversity Quotient, Futsal, Female Athlete Abstract: Adversity Quotient (AQ) is a reflection of personal resilience in facing the problems. In sports, endurance is such an important thing that will enhance the athletes performance in competition. Injury experience is one factor that can be influencing the athletes performance. Dealing with that condition, an athlete must keep their motivation high and try to getting well during their recovery process. This research aims to find out the impact of injury rate toward Adversity Quotient belongs to female futsal athlete which conducted by Correlational Study Designs. It was carried out to 30 female futsal athletes in some Indonesian college using a total sampling technique. The data were obtained by using The Adversity Quotient instrument which had been tested for validity (r = 0.391-0.768) and reliability (alpha cronbach=0.6). Furthermore, they were analyzed using Pearson product correlation. The results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between the mean of injury frequency towards the AQ of female futsal athletes (p value= 0.04). The finding shows that the injury experience has an impact on the athletes AQ. This means it is necessary accompaniment intervention for the athletes during recovery period, especially from psychological aspect so they can revert to better performance after.

ABS-174 The Influence of Physical Activity Programs with Educational Games to Increase Students Concentration through Physical Education Elzas Nurajab Pascasarjana Pendidikan Olahraga Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Physical Activity Program, Educational Games, Concentration, Physical Education Abstract: This study departs from preliminary observations that there is a decrease in the level of student concentration in other subjects in school after attending physical education. The tendency of students in the classroom to be less focused, feel sleepy, feel tired, unable to accept other subject matter, tend to be quiet, and less active in class. This study aims to determine empirical information on physical activity programs with educational games that can have a significant influence on increasing concentration. This study uses an experimental method with research design using The Randomize Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Data retrieval technique using Cluster Random Sampling. The population used is the eighth grade students of Taruna Mandiri Middle School, which consists of three classes in which each class consists of 27 people. The sample used is the result of the selected population drawing into 2 classes. The instrument used in this study is the Grid Concentration Test. The results of this study indicate that physical activity programs with educational games have an effect on increasing student concentration, with a significance value obtained of 0.000 <0.05. Teacher recommendations are expected to be able to implement physical activity programs in the learning process, and be able to be creative in creating games in the learning process to increase student concentration.

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ABS-175 Developing Ergonomic Physical Education Manipulative Tools Eka Nugraha, Ricky Wibowo, Burhan Hambali Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Manipulative Tools, Ergonomic Learning media Abstract: The purpose of this study was to design physical education ergonomic learning tools/media based on the anthropometric mapping of Indonesian students. The tool developed in this study was the object of soccer game activity. The characteristics of the manipulated tools involve spherical range (68 to 69.5 cm), the weight (200-300 grams) adjusted to the results of anthropometric mapping, material from polyurethane/NBR (Nylo Butan rubber) combined with porous natural wood. Furthermore, the functions, characteristics, materials and mechanics of the learning tools/media were tested in laboratorium scale. The functionality of the tools were tested in SMTP schools as a mean of making technical corrections related to its safety, function, and mechanical aspects.

ABS-176 The Influence of ripeness on Superoxide dismutase and Catalase Activity in Red Guava Fruit

Afianti Sulastri, Andreanus A. Soemardji, Sukrasno, Amaliya Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Antioxidant, Red Guava Fruit, Catalase, Superoxide Dismutase Abstract: Oxidative stress due to free radicals can cause various cell damage and its components inside, such as proteins, lipids, and DNA. Oxidative stress can be inhibited by the role of antioxidant compounds. The liver as an important organ, plays a major role in the metabolic process, produces endogenous antioxidant compounds that function in scavenging the free radicals through a detoxification process. In this process, besides the antioxidant which is produced by liver cells, it can also be obtained from foods intake such as fruits and vegetables. Guava is one of the tropical fruits which is known as high antioxidant resources. This study aims to determine how the ripeness of red guava superoxide (SOD) and catalase activity. The study was conducted through experimental design on 20 male mice which divided into six treatment groups, such as 1) the untreated control group; 2) positive control group who given vitamin C at a single dose of 130 mg / kgBB daily; 3) treated group who given medium guava fruit extract equivalent to a single fruit daily; 4) treated group who given medium guava fruit extract equivalent to double fruit daily; 5) treated group who given ripe guava fruit extract equivalent to a single fruit daily; and 6) treated group who given ripe guava fruit extract equivalent to double fruit daily. Period of treatment was driven for 14 days. On the 15th day, the animals were sacrificed and their liver organs were taken. The liver homogenate was tested for SOD and catalase activity using ELISA kit. The results showed no significant differences in SOD activity of all groups. However, there was a significant increase in catalase activity rate in the group which given ripe guava fruit extract with double fruit daily (α = 0.05 and p = 0.000 <0, 05).

ABS-177 Policy Evaluation Sarjana Pendamping Pengerak Pembangunan Olahraga (SP3OR) In West Java Adang Suherman, Endi Rustandi Universitas Majalengka Keywords: SP3OR, Policy Evaluation, Sport Participation Abstract: Effort government for develop sports as contained in article 21 paragraph 4 in UU No. 03 in 2005 concerning system sports the national that coaching and development sports held through lane family, lane education, and lane community based on development sports for everyone underway along life. In relation with that government province west java through service sports and young man on 2010 has been give up Sarjana Pendamping Pengerak Pembangunan Olahraga (SP3OR) with the number of 78 people distributed to 78 district in 26 regencies in west java. The ultimate aim from deployment this SP3OR power is in order for motivate community west java for doing activities or make sports needs and culture life so that number participant the community sports (APMO) of 50% on 2017 could reached, the research evaluation this aim for knowing and explain how implementation program Sarjana Pendamping Pengerak Pembangunan Olahraga (SP3OR) which the principle oriented on repair and program improvement. Based on the data obtained to year 2016 number the community sports (APMO) of 32.04 %.

ABS-178 The Physical Ability of the Assistant Referee in Decision Making in The Indonesian League Mochamad Yamin Saputra (a*), Herman Subarjah (a), Komarudin (a), Yusuf Hidayat (a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Physical Ability; Decision Making Abstract: The decision of the referee and assistant referee in football can be determined by several factors, one of which is the position when making a decision. When the assistant referee takes a decision, the ideal position is always at the same level as the last defender, with a view that must look at the position of the ball, the last defender and the attacking player who will touch the ball. The ideal position held by the assistant referee in a match is a reflection of the physical abilities possessed by the assistant referee. So the researcher has a desire to know the physical ability factor that is owned by the assistant football referee in the Indonesian League in making decisions. In this study the researcher used descriptive method with population using FIFA licensed referee assistant totaling 7 people and the sample used total sampling. The results of the authors observation obtained the physical ability of the assistant referee was in the very good category, and there was a significant influence with a correlation value of 0.78. The conclusion of this study the physical ability of the assistant referee has a significant influence in the decision making of assistant referees in the Indonesian League.


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The Underwater Length And The Swimming Speed Of 50 Meters Backstroke Relation. Kardjono, Muthia Rachmawati Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Underwater, Swimming Speed, Backstroke. Abstract This research is proposed to find out the relation between the underwater length and the swimming speed of 50 meters backstroke. It used a descriptive research method. The instrument of this research is for measuring the variable which in a form of index text. Video shooting by the camera (DSLR) is done in the needs of underwater length data retrieval. The camera is placed on three different position, such as 5 meters, 10 meters, and 15 meters from the start blocks. The population in this research is 120 swimmers. They are the participants of 50 meters backstroke event in Province Olympic Swimming Championship, which are consists of female and boys age group 1(15-16 years old), age group 2 (13-14 years old), and age group 3 (12-13 years old). Based on the research result, data processing and data analytics, the conclusion of this research is: There is a firm relation between the underwater length and the swimming speed of 50 meters backstroke. By doing the underwater to the maximum, it is not only can reduce the swimming distance of the swimmer, but also can improve the swimmer swimming speed. ABS-180 Revealing Misconception in Sport Biomechanics of Free Fall Motion Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, Muhammad Habibbulloh Physical Education Department, Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Surabaya, Kampus Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, INDONESIA

Keywords: Misconception, Sport Biomechanics, Free Fall Motion Abstract: The aim of this research is reveal Physical Education teachers misconception in Sport Biomechanics concept of free fall motion. The Data of misconception collected by standard question of Diagnostic Test that given to 19 teachers of Physical Education, Professional Teacher Program (PPG) in State University of Surabaya in academic year 2017/2018. Diagnostic Test completed with open reasoning and CRI (Certainty of Response Index) to collect data of students certain in answered. The data result of diagnostic test analyzed through compilation graph of CRI right, CRI wrong and right fraction in every single question. Furthermore, students answer categorized in to four quadrants, these: correct concepts, lucky guess, misconceptions, and lack of knowledge. Its categorizing data to know percentage of misconceptions. Then, collected sample open reasoning of students answer to analyzed kind of misconception arises. Sample teachers answer showed that kind of misconception arise in concept of free fall motion is considering that something bigger in mass would be first up on the ground. The result obtained arise misconception in free fall motion is very high.

ABS-181 The Effect Of Parachute Games On The Development Of Assertive Behavior Of Deaf Students Berliana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Parachute Games, Assertive, Deaf Abstract: Purpose of this study was to determine the effect of parachute games on the development of assertive behavior of deaf students. The experimental method was used in this study with the design of The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The sample of this study was all deaf students at Citeureup State SLB Cimahi City, amounting to 24 people. Measurement of Assertive behavior uses an assertive behavior questionnaire. The data obtained was processed using T-Paired test which then continued with the calculation using Effect Size to determine the magnitude of the effect of parachute play that was carried out on the development of Assertive students behavior. From the research results obtained a significance value of 0.004 <0.05 with the magnitude of the effect based on the calculation of Effect Size is equal to 0.21. From these results it can be concluded that the game using parachute has a significant effect on the development of Assertive behavior of deaf students

ABS-182 Risk factors of Dementia in Elderly at Nursing Home Slamet Rohaedi, Lisna Anisa Fitriana, Sri Sumartini, Linda Amalia, M. Ragil Mandaputra Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Dementia, Elderly, Nursing Home. Abstract: Elderly age is a period of life characterized by physical changes or decline in bodily functions. This results in the increase in incidence of diseases among the elderly, one of which is dementia. Dementia is a deficit of intellectual function, including language disorders, cognition, personality, visuospatial skills and memories of daily activities. The purposed of this study is to identify the risk factors of dementia in elderly at nursing home The research design used is correlative descriptive with purposive sampling technique to 58 elderly dementia patients in PSTW Senjarawi and Budi Pertiwi Bandung. Univariate analysis using proportion and bivariate analysis using Chi-Square test to determine the relationship between risk factors with dementia. Risk factors consist of age, education, gender, and history of disease. The result showed that as many as 67.2% in the age group of 75-90 years old, 41.4% had elementary school, 84.5% of them are female, and 66.5% had hypertension. Bivariate analysis found a relationship between age, education, gender, and hypertension with dementia (p <0.05). It can be concluded that age, education, gender, and hypertension contributed to dementia.

ABS-183 Moderate Intensity Exercise Eliminate the Inflammation Marker

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in Liver of High-Fat-Diet-Induced Obese Mice Nofi Marlina Siregar, Dinti Oktaviani Haerudin Universitas Negeri Jakarta Keywords: Water Play, Increase Confidence, Childern of Mentally Retarded Person. Abstract: The obese metabolic complication has already occurred nowadays. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of moderate intensity exercise on inflammation marker in liver of high fat-diet-induced-obese mice. The 4 weeks male C57BL/6 mice were randomly dispersed to three groups: normal diet control (NC; n=10), high-fat diet control (HC; n=10), high fat diet with moderate intensity exercise (HME; n=10) groups. The high fat diet was given 60% calories from fat whereas normal diet was given 18% calories from fat. The moderate intensity exercise group (HME) was set at 10m/min in the first 2 weeks, 12m/min in 3-5 weeks and 14m/min in 6-16 weeks. The inflammation markers were checked by quantitative Real Time PCR. The body and liver weight was significantly increase in high fat diet group. The moderate intensity exercise significantly reduced the gene expression of TNFα and IL-1β. The pro inflammatory cytokine IL-10 was significantly decreased in high fat diet group but not with moderate intensity exercise. In conclusion, moderate intensity exercise has positive effect on liver of high-fat-diet- induced obese by reducing inflammation gene expressions. However, there was no effect of moderate intensity exercise on TLR4 and IL-10.

ABS-184 Development of West Java Womens Judo Athletes Achievements Ira Purnamasari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Judo, Achivements, West Java, Participation, Women Athletes Abstract As one of the martial arts that is indirectly in great demand by men, Judo is considered a heavy sport. In addition, the influence of parents to allow girls to participate in martial arts is still influenced by Culture and Society. West Java is one of the barometers for the National level on Judo Sports in Indonesia. The achievement of the West Java contingent on Judo Sports in the last 3 PON (Indonesia Sport Games) events, the West Java contingent came out as Champion. From the results of the last three PONs, Female Athletes received more medals and managed to bring West Java as the PON Champion. The main problem of this research is gender discrimination in sports and the focus of studies relating to childcare on elections, being an athlete with a long training process. This research used a qualitative method using participatory observation techniques, interviews and documentation studies used as a means of photographing data. In addition, researchers to complete the data conducted interviews with experts in the field of Sports and the history of Judo sports.

ABS-185 Prioritizing Intelligence in Conducting Football Coaching Ahmad Chaeroni; Nurlan Kusmaedi; A Igorezky Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Keywords: Intelligence, Coaching and Football Abstract: The lack of consideration of intelligence aspects in conducting football coaching in Indonesia causes improvements in football coaching, especially in soccer schools. Weakness in intelligence will hinder receiving training material and will result in low basic football techniques. Therefore, the intelligence aspect needs to be taken into consideration when the football branch will be coaching. Basic techniques of football will be easily mastered if the person digests the material presented by the coach. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the effect of iteration on the mastery of basic football techniques of football school students. This study reports preliminary data on basic football techniques based on intelligence on ASCO soccer schools, Padang, West Sumatra. An initial analysis of 27 students showed that students who had intelligence above average had good basic football techniques. Whereas those who have low intelligence have an effect on the low level of basic football techniques. Thus the level of intelligence will affect the good and bad basic techniques of football. So in conducting football coaching it is necessary to prioritize the level of intelligence of students above average in order to produce good football players.

ABS-186 Comparative Study of Nutrition Status from 1-5 Years with Pneumonia and Not Pneumonia in Puskesmas Garuda Bandung Linda Amalia, Budi Somantri, Septian Andriyani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Nutritional status, pneumonia Abstract: Background. One of the highest Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) is pneumonia. Pneumonia is a lung infection that is most commonly caused by viruses or bacteria. There are several risk factors that can lead to pneumonia one of them is nutritional status. Toddlers with poor nutritional status and less will be more susceptible to disease pneumonia compared to infants with a good nutritional status. Purpose. Of this study to compare the nutritional status of children 1-5 years with pneumonia and not pneumonia in Puskesmas Garuda Bandung. Methods. Of the study is cross-sectional design of the 76 toddlers in Puskesmas Garuda Bandung. Implementation carried out from 20th of April 2017 until 20th of June, 2017. The sampling techniques with non- probability sampling. The instrument used is WHO NCS standard deviations (Z-score).Results. Revealed that there is a children with malnutrition as many as 8 people, consisting of 5 (7.8%) children with pneumonia and 3 (3.9%) children with not pneumonia. Children with good nutritional status and more nutritional status as many as 68 children consisting of 33 (42.1%) children with pneumonia and 35 (46%) of the children with not pneumonia, with p = 0.711. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the nutritional status of children (1-5 years old) with pneumonia and not pneumonia in Puskesmas Garuda Bandung

ABS-187 Test Validity And Reliability Conctruction Measuring Tools Power Leg Mona Fiametta F.; Hadi Sartono; Firas Jaudah; Dudung Hasanudin Cholil

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Test Validity, Reliability, Construction Measurement, Power, Leg Abstract: In order to get a maximum of peak performance,we coaches are not allowed to close themselves from the development of the current era because if the coaches close themselves we will lack the creative things we can make for athletes to support the achievements that the coach wants, for example of making measuring instrument. A variety of measuring instrument with their advantages and disadvantages are made to serve as a reference for coaches and many other. Measuring instrument that researchers find is Jump Power Meter, Force Plat,Jump DF which in a fact requires a very high expenditure if done for the test periodically in the periodization of training, with the result that researchers consider having to do research on the construction of power test measurment. The method used in this research is the method of research and development. The sample of this research is 30 students of Sport Coaching Education among them 20 sons and 10 daughters. Data retrieval uses the construction of a measuring instrument that has been created in such a way and to determine its validity and reliability of the researchers compared with the vertical jump test. The results concluded that this measure tools power leg can be used as a measuring tools power leg because this power test has validity and reliability with a very strong correlation coefficient.

ABS-188 Life Kinetic Training to Improve Physical Conditions Soccer Athletes Komarudin; Patriana Nurmansyah Awaludin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Healthy Lifestyle, Motivation, Zumba, Sport psychology Abstract: Zumba exercise is a trending popular aerobic exercise especially for women in Indonesia. Zumba is a good media to increase fitness level in community because it can be held massively in public. This research purpose is to test wether a short zumba exercise program can make significant effect on healthy lifestyle and exercise motivation in sedentary middle aged women. The research is conducted in Indonesia Education University with the subjects are wifes of Universities workers ( lecturers and staffs). There are 15 women of 35-45 aged, who are not used to do routine sport or exercise and having fatty posture. Datas are collected using Healthy Lifestyle Questionnarre and Sport Motivation Scale. The Research method is pre-post group pre- experimental design. Data are analyzed using paired sample t test to see the effect of this zumba short program. Result is showing that even some short zumba program can have significant healthy lifestyle and exercise motivation for the Universities workers wives. Next research is recommended for more variated sport or exercise

ABS-189 Endurance of Football Players PS UPI Bandung for 2018. Muhamad Tafaqur Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Endurance, Football Players PS UPI Bandung for 2018 Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the endurance of football players PS UPI Bandung who were prepared to take part in the inter-university football championship in 2018. The research method used in this study was descriptive method. Sampling in this study used purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study were football players from PS UPI Bandung who were prepared to take part in the 2018 inter-university football championship which totaled 18 people. The instrument in this study used a 15-minute Balke test. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the endurance of 18 UPI PS players who were prepared for the inter-university football championship in 2018, 7 players were in the medium category, 10 players were in the less category, and 1 player was in the very poor category.

ABS-190 Improvement on Sedentary Middle Aged Womans Healthy Lifestyle and Exercise Motivation Through Zumba Short Program. Imas Damayanti, Nur Indri Rahayu, Ira Purnamasari, Mona Fiametta Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Resiliensi, Outdoor Education, Coping Strategy, Gender Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the development of the ability of students in Islamic boarding schools through outdoor education based on coping strategy. The method used in the 2x2 factorial design experiment. The research sample was determined by random assignment. The outdoor education program based on coping strategy is divided into two groups, namely emotion focused and problem focused, each of which is proven by 25 students. Data is collected from the gain score and processed using two-way ANOVA. The results show that overall there are differences in the ability of students in Islamic boarding schools through outdoor education based on coping strategy. There is no interaction between outdoor education based on gender coping strategy. Outdoor education based on problem focused coping strategy is recommended to be used as a development of resilience skills as a whole and individually in groups of men and women groups.

ABS-191 The Effect of Sport Based Centered Camp to Students Knowledge and Responsibility Iqbal Permana, Reki Siaga, Deris Maulana, Fahrul Husaeni Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Sport Camp, Students Knowledge, Responsibility, Drugs Uses Abstract: Purpose: The aims of this research was to test the effect of students participation on a sport based centered camp to Students Knowledge and Responsibility toward Drugs Uses. It is searching for the effect on students knowledge and responsibility in forbidden drugs uses. Method: This study is using pre-experimental method with pre-test post-test group design. The subjects are both of boys and girls high school students from Bandung Sub Urban Area as many as 20 students. The instrument used was an adaptation of Tool for Assessing Responsibility-Based Education (TARE) Observation and drugs uses knowledge test, while the data analysis using paired sample t-test. Result: The results showed there was significant effect of drugs uses knowledge test. Discussion/Conclusion: drugs uses knowledge test is effective to increase students personal and social

65 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 responsibility in physical education. Recommendation: Next, more in-depth research is required by involving a random sampling with larger sample size or by spending longer camp duration.

ABS-192 Portrait of Motor Learning for Kindergarten Students Nuridin Widya Pronto; Mulyana Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keyword: Learning, Motor, Kindergarten Abstract: This study aims to describe the pattern of physical / motor learning in kindergarten students. Portraits obtained will then be used as a basis for the implementation of further research. This research is a descriptive type with a qualitative approach. Collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation techniques. Based on the results of the study involving 30 kindergarten teachers as respondents, it was found that there were 24 teachers or 80% of teachers in the motor learning process using fun games learning models and 6 teachers or 20% using the fun game integration learning model. From the difference in the use of the method it is known that learning with integration fun game method has a higher level of difficulty but is able to make students more challenged in the implementation of learning and further enhance students cognitive abilities. The next problem is due to the lack of learning models that use the fun game integration method. Researchers suggest the need for the development of models of motor learning in kindergarten students using fun game integration methods with other learning in order to attract students learning interest and improve students cognitive abilities.

ABS-193 Heoretical Review and Empirical Sport Education Model (SEM) and Physical Self Concept (PSC): The Effect on The Results of Game Activities Suherman Slamet Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Abstract: This research plan is corroborated by several theoretical basis and research results that the right model applied by the teacher will provide convenience for students in learning. The application of strategies and approaches by the teacher to students must pay attention to the potential of the students, based on varied activities through games chosen according to the abilities of students. sport education model (SEM) as a curriculum model that pays attention to direct learning which is student-centered has the aim to show the potentials that can be developed by organizing the class to be more directed, programmed, so that learning objectives will be achieved. The process of implementing student learning success based on several research results that reveal the self concept of physical self concept (PSC), is the most important thing that students want in learning to gain meaningful and meaningful learning experiences. Based on the findings of the research results the application of a sports education model and the students physical concepts were tested to improve student learning outcomes in game activities, and were able to provide values of cognitive and affective understanding of students. Thus theoretically and empirically the results of the sport education model (sem) and Physical self concept (psc) implementation become recommendations for teachers to improve the quality of physical education learning quality in elementary schools through game activities.

ABS-194 The Effect of Variation Passing Exercise and Foot Eye Coordination on The Accuracy of Football Short Passing on Sleman Porda Players In 2018 Ega Gian Vembiarto (a), Lismadiana (b) Yogyakarta State University [email protected] Keywords: Varied Training Methods, Fast Passing, And Eyes, Short Passing Accuracy. Abstract: Football is one of the most popular sports in all circles, both young and old, even without the meaning of men and women, very fond of this sport. Almost certainly the world community is very familiar with football sports. If some do not like or can play it, at least about this dance (Nugraha, 2013: 9). Methods to improve passing practice by passing various fixed and changing positions. This exercise is done to improve short passing accuracy as well as to improve the ability of players from the players who do it. Exercises that are carried out continuously and change to support the ability in the feeling ball will pass the ball to his partner, which is the strength that will be carried out with the distance available. Varied passing training is still a form of passing training that is done with several aspects with varying passing directions but at the starting position. Varied passing training is a passing exercise done with several pairs. The problem in this study is that the train has not varied the pattern of exercise using fixed and changing, there are still players who have not been right to do short passes to do, players in doing more than one forward, to make better decisions. What he received because it was too far from the second leg room. This research is a method used using factorial 2 x 2. The method used (validation) is a different variable. The number of participants of 37 athletes determined using random sampling technique based on how to divide the group with passing accuracy

ABS-195 The Correlation between Abdominal Muscle Strength and Leg Power towards Flipped Time in 100 M Crawl Style Reza Herdiyansyah, Sandey Tantra Paramitha Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Keywords: Abdominal Muscle Strength, Leg Power, Flipped Time in Crawl Style Abstract: This study aims to identify the correlation between abdominal muscle strength and leg power towards flipped time in 100 m crawl style. This study uses descriptive correlational method. The sample of this study are 10 members of Aquatik BS UPI which are taken by using purposive sampling technique. According to the result of statistics examination with significant value 0.01 < 0.05, Ho is rejected, the data can be concluded that there is significant negative relationship in abdominal muscle strength toward flipped time and the significant value 0.000 < 0.05, Ho is rejected, the data can be concluded that there is significant negative correlation of leg power toward flipped time in crawl style. The effects of abdominal muscle strength and leg power toward flipped time is 88.1 %, while the rest is 11.9 % which is effected by other variables).

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ABS-196 Fenomenology: The Role Of Health In Sports Injury Upik Rahmi, Afianti Sulastri, Septian Andriyani, Suci Tuti Putri, Siti Zulfa Indonesia University of Education Keywords: Health Team, Sports Injury, Futsal Abstract: Sports injury is an unexpected occurrence on the musculoskeletal system when exercising. Injuries inflicted from the sport of futsal more risky because there were body contact directly and regulations the field made of synthetic materials. So, in handling necessary the competent and experienced. This research aims to know the description of the experience health team in handling of sports injury futsal UPI. Design research uses descriptive qualitative approach phenomenology. Participants consisted of three members health team using a purposive sampling technique. Data retrieval was undertaken through with in- depth interview techniques and analyzed using the thematic analysis. The results of this research show that the health team futsal putri UPI have been capable to handle sports injury in the manner of well. However, in the aspect of medical examination, assessment and prevention of the injury has not been comprehensively because the members health team did not come from the health profession ABS-197 Quality Of Nursing Work Life In Subang Hospital Indonesia Sri Sumartini, Asih Purwandari Wahyoe Puspita, Tirta Adikusuma Suparto, Slamet Rohaedi, Anggun Permatasari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Ilmu dan Pendidikan Pasundan Ciahi, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Abstract: Quality of Nursing Work Life is a concept that describes peception of nurses to the fulfillment of neccesary pass through work experience in organizations, until the purpose from quality of nursing work life can suitable with the management fungsion for managing a superior human resources along with the worker who have their own personal satisfaction of their own fulfillment. The purpose of this research is to know the description aboutQuality of Nursing Work Life for the nurse at inpatient rooms at Subang Regional General Hospital Class B. This research is descriptive quantitative research using method with proportionate stratified random sampling and univariat analysis along with the 131 respondents. Respondents is a nurses excecutor in inpatient rooms.Data analysis in this study using mean with mean 105. The results showed that the score value is 123.42. The conclusion of this study is the description of Quality of Nursing Work Life on nurses in Subang Regional General Hospital Class B is in good category. Recommendations in this research is a continously human resources development about quality of nursing work life.

ABS-198 Enhancing Intrinsic Motivation Through Innovation Voiced Ball For Blind Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Beep Ball, Motivation, Visual Impairment Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the intrinsic motivation of learning in children with blind through the application of innovative learning media through voice ball in physical education. An experimental research method using a One Group Pretest-Posttest design. Treatment is done at Wiyata Guna special needs school in Bandung City, Indonesia. Participant in this study were of 6 male and 4 female. The instrument is a questionnaire consisting of 27 items adopted from Motivation Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Data were analysed using t-test. Result of the posttest showeds a significant influence on students intrinsic motivation by applying innovation of voiced ball learning media in physical education (p <0.05). As a conclusion, innovation of voiced ball learning media is highly recommended for teachers of physical education to improve intrinsic motivation in children with blind, so that the learning objectives of physical education can be achieved optimallyt.

ABS-199 Sport Science Program Students Enterpreunership Mindset And The Corellation To Muslimah Sportswear Online Business Motivation Yati Ruhayati, Imas Damayanti, Nur indri Rahayu Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Sport Science Students, Online Business Motivation Abstract: Sport science is a new academic program in Indonesia. Before, in Indonesia there is not any specific program for this area. Sport was only being learnt academically in physical education program. Along with its background in Indonesia, sport scientist in Indonesia still thinking to work as physical education teacher. This studies purpose is to outline sport science students mindset in entrepreneurship. And the correlation with their motivation to establish sportswear online business. Instrument that is used is entrepreneurship mindset questionnaire and motivation scale. Method is using correlation with Pearson correlation at level 05. Result shows that there is strong and significant correlation between entrepreneur mindset and students motivation to do online business

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ABS-200 Analysis of Environmental and Social Factors on the Opportunity to Do Physical Activity of Female Students in Junior High Schools in Bojonegoro District Olivia Dwi Cahyani, Rohmad Apriyanto Faculty of education SUNAN GIRI NAHDLATUL ULAMA UNIVERSITY Abstract: According to the results of the preliminary research when teaching many female students who were less active and less happy with physical activity both when learning physical education and other physical activity activities such as sports activities at school and at home, regular physical activity is associated with various health benefits. According to Tarigan (2012) Physical activity plays an important role in reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease, including coronary arteries, strokes, and hypertension. Researchers took the object of research in Bojonegoro District with consideration in the area there were many junior high schools with different geographical characteristics. The purpose of this study was to determine the significant relationship between environmental and social factors on the opportunity to carry out physical activities for female students at the Bojonegoro District. The population in the study were junior high school students in Bojonegoro District. The school sample in this study by using the Sampling Rendom Cluster method. Instruments in research use questionnaires. This result is processed using the classic assumption test, normality test, aoutocorrelation test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test with anova method. The results in this study that there is a significant relationship between environmental and social factors on the opportunity to do physical activity in female students at the Bojonegoro District.

ABS-201 Antioxidant of Honey for Sport Health Fuad Noor Heza, Indra Jati Kusuma, Bayu Suko Wahono, Ajeng Dian Purnamasari Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan. Universitas Jendral Soedirman, Indonesia [email protected] Abstract: One of the negative effects of exercise is the formation of oxidant compounds that can trigger oxidative stress. Malondialdehyde is one biological marker in organisms that suffer from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Free radical formation can be delayed, prevented or eliminated by antioxidants. Various antioxidant content in honey plays a role in inhibiting the formation of free radicals. The three groups were K0 control group without giving honey, K1 treatment group with honey dose 2.5 g/kg body weight, K2 treatment group with honey dose 5 g/kg body weight. The result p value between K0 and K1 is 0,002. The p value between K1 and K2 was 0.002. The p value between K0 and K2 is 0,000. Honey is exogenous antioxidants containing a variety of antioxidant components include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, phenolics, flavonoids, selenium and zinc. High carbohydrate content in honey has provided clinical evidence that honey can act as an energy supplier to exercise. Components of antioxidants in honey work synergistically against free radicals caused by physical activity, so the cell damage can be minimized. The conclusion of this research is provision of honey before submaximal exercise can reduce plasma MDA levels.

ABS-202 Contribution of Physical and Mental Ability to Performance When Competing Bambang Erawan; Widi Kusumah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Abstract: The objective raised in this study was to determine the contribution of physical and mental abilities to the performance of athletes when competing. The usefulness of the results of this study can theoretically be used as a means to enrich and develop knowledge, especially to improve physical and mental abilities. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. The sampling technique in this study uses purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study were Wrestling athletes registered in the core team of Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency and Bandung City who followed the West Java PORDA in Kab. Bogor in 2018 totaled 36 samples. Based on the results of processing and data analysis there is one variable, namely the Physical Ability (X2) variable is not normal, the calculation used is non-parametric statistics using SPSS version 21 and therefore the results of the analysis only apply to the sample does not apply to the population. The conclusion of this study is that physical and mental abilities have a positive contribution to the athletes performance when competing. ABS-203 Sport Development Index of Banyumas Regency Ngadiman, Indra Jati Kusuma, Kusnandar, Panuwun Joko Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Keywords: Index, Development, Sport, Banyumas Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the local government’s success in its development, especially in the field of sports from the aspect of open space availability, community participation, sport resource, and community fitness level (Sport Development Index) that an evaluative research approach is conducted in this study. The research employs both stratified random sampling and cluster sampling technique. The population basic characters used include; the differences of regional progress level, gender between male and female, age ranging from children aged 7-12 years old, adolescents aged 13-17 years old and adults aged 18-40 years old, while the basic cluster used is district and sub-district or village. The research results show that the open space index is classified in low category (0.180), human resource index in medium category (0.551), public participation index in medium category (0.572), and physical fitness index in low category (0.488). Simultaneously, the Sport Development Index of Banyumas Regency in 2010 is classified in low category (0.487).

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ABS-204 Movement Education Base On Cooperative Learning : Developing Fundamental Movement and Social Skills in Primary School Ricky Wibowo, Wandi Sofyan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to developing fundamental movement skills (FMS) using movement education base on cooperative learning. Its used experimental method, pretest-posttest control group design. Third grade elementary school students (n=74, boys=40 ,girl=34) were enrolled in this study. Participants were randomly assigned into two different groups : movement education base on cooperative learning and control grup using common PE lesson program curriculum. FMS was measured by Gross Motor Development-Second Edition (TGMD-2). Test consisting of locomotor and control object skills. Students sosial skills were evaluated using questionnaire. The Data analyze using independent t-test techniques for FMS and social skills using mann whitney. The results supported the hypothesis that movement education base on cooperative learning have a significant effect on FMS and social skills. ABS-205 The Analysis of Fundamental Movement Skill in Student Primary School in Mountain Range Didik Rilastiyo Budi (a*), Mesa Rahmi Stephani (b), M. Nanang Himawan Kusuma (a), M. Syafei (a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Abstract: This study aim to analyze the fundamental movement skill in primary school student. The method using descriptive method and the amount of sample is 20. Fundamental movement skill measure through TGMD-3. The data analyzed by percentage method. 40% children in lack level. And only 5 percent in good category. The effect of demography is discussed in this article.

ABS-206 Variability Of Discovery Learning Models In Increasing Volleyball Play Skills Yunyun Yudiana*, Yusuf Hidayat, Tite Juliantine, Burhan Hambali Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Abstract: This study aims to examine the variability of discovery learning models in improving volleyball playing skills. The research method used an experiment with pretest posttest control group design, the intervention group discovery learning model and conventional learning model. Participants involved were high school students in the city of Bandung. The instrument uses a modified volley ball information system developed by Yudiana (2016) covering six assessment indicators (service, receive, set, block, spike and dig). Analysis using the anova repeted one away technique which aims to see a comparison of the increase between measurement times (pre test-middle-post test) and independent sample t test which aims to see the comparison of the effects between the experimental group and the control group. The results of the analysis show that there are differences in measurements between times (pre test-middle-post test) on volleyball playing skills with a significance of 0.00 (0.00 < 0.05). There is a significant difference between the discovery learning group and the conventional group to increase volley ball playing skills with a significance of 0.00 (0.00 < 0.05). Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that discovery learning models have a significant influence on improving volleyball playing skills

ABS-207 Predictive Validity Of Badminton Basic Skills Learning Outcome Instrument Test Based On Gender Burhan Hambali*, Asmawi Zainul, Yusuf Hidayat Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Abstract: This study aims to examine the predictive validity of Badminton Basic Skill Learning Outcome Instrument Test (BBSLOIT) based on gender. The study uses descriptive method for badminton school students beginner age groups in the city of Bandung as many as 50 students. The instrument used was BBSLOIT developed by Hambali (2012) consisting of high service, clear lob, dropshot and smesh. The validity method uses criterion related validity type predictive validity. The criteria for using game performance are the ranking results that students have in their groups using round robin techniques or ranking of the results of the half-competition matches. The score of the BBSLOIT trial results and the results of ranking in the group of students were correlated using the sperman rank order correlation technique. The results of the validity analysis obtained the value of the validity coefficient of the predictions spanning between rxy =0.60 to rxy =0.80. The lowest predictive validity coefficient value is in the high service sub test in the group of male students with a validity coefficient rxy =0.60, while the highest validity coefficient is in the high service sub test on students or female athletes with a validity coefficient of rxy =0.80

ABS-208 The Multi-Goal Startegy Coaching Education For Beginner Badminton Coaches Yusuf Hidayat*, Didin Budimana, Burhan Hambali Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Abstract: The objective of this multi goal strategy (MGS) coaching education (CE) is to help beginner badminton coaches integrate MGS as one of the strategies of psychological skill training in the training process. A total of 24 beginner badminton coaches participated in this CE program for eight days in the form of workshops (three days) and coaching practical training (CPT: five days, 20 sessions). The main results of this CE are the skills of badminton coaches to develop MGS that are integrated with the training program and conceptual framework for developing MGS as a hypothetical product for applicative purposes in the training process

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ABS-209 Content Validity of the Enjoyment Instrument in Physical Education Learning: Field Research Sucipto*, Beltasar Tarigan, Amung Mamun Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Abstract: This study aims to estimate the value of the validity of the content of the instrument of exercise enjoyment in physical education. The study was conducted on seven lecturers as academics called the Subject Metter Expert (SME). This preliminary research was carried out in the city of Bandung Indonesia by conducting Focus Group Discourse (FGD) to assess the suitability of the items developed in measuring the pleasure of exercising during the lesson. The instrument was developed to adapt from Kendzierski & DeCarlo (1991) called Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) which consists of 18 items. The analysis technique uses content validity ratio (CVR) analysis from lawshe. The results of data analysis using estimated content validity (Lawshes CVR), obtained the value of the ratio between 0.71 to 1.00. This value exceeds the minimum limit value of 0.50 as an acceptable ratio value limit. Thus, the results of this initial stage of validation show that the instrument of pleasure in sports on teaching learning is proven to be valid in content in measuring the level of enjoyment of students.

ABS-210 Content Validity of the Enjoyment Instrument in Physical Education Learning: Field Research Tite Juliantine; Agi Rismanugraha; Dian Budiana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Abstract: This study aims to find out how the influence of peer teaching model and cooperative learning model of self-confidence and student teamwork in volleyball game. This research uses quantitative approach with experimental method which will get a primary data. How to obtain the data, the researcher uses an instrumentation through the dissemination of questionnaires distributed to the respondents (students) SMKN 5 Bandung who follow extracurricular volleyball. The instrument used is a self- confident instrument according to Thursan Hakim (2002) and instrument of teamwork according to Suherman (2001). The questionnaire distributed in the form of a valid questionnaire that had been used by previous researchers, where the questionnaire was confidently taken from Paramitha (2016), while the joint questionnaire was taken from Mulyawan research (2017). Sample method used in this research is total sampling with amount of 30 people, where 15 peer teaching model group model and 15 people group of cooperative learning model. Data analysis tools used by researchers in the form of Microsoft Excel 2013. Based on the results of research indicate that: a) peer teaching learning model has effects student self-confidence; b) peer teaching model has effects student teamwork; c) cooperative learning model has effects students self-confidence; d) cooperative learning model has effect on student teamwork; e) cooperative learning model has more effects on student self-confidence; and f) cooperative learning model has more effects on student teamwork.

ABS-211 The influence of Pedagogical Competence to the Development of Aspects Psychomotor Students On Physical Education Learning in SMAN 1 Sukabumi Indra Ramadhan (a*) , Haerul Ikhsan(b), Lufty Bela Dina Hakiki (b), Tatang Muhtar (b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Pedagogic Competence, Psychomotor Aspect, Physical Education Learning Abstract This study discusses the influence of pedagogical competence to the development of aspects psychomotor students on physical education learning in SMAN 1 Sukabumi. This study is based on the problems of less well students in physical education to follow the learning process. This study focuses on aspect psychomotor students in learning physical education, by assessing those aspects of the physical education teacher pedagogical competence in SMAN 1 Sukabumi. The research method that used by the writer is descriptive quantitative method, with a population of class XI students of SMAN 1 Sukabumi and a sample of 30 people using random sampling. The instrument that be used to collect the data was a questionnaire. This research was carried out for 2 months. Based on the obtained results from this study is r (correlation) between the two variables is 0.489. It can be concluded that pedagogical competence to the development aspects of psychomotor students on physical education learning has a moderate relation, because r = 0.489 is between 0.210-0.500. While the result of significant corellation coeficient both of variables is 2,996 with a value ttabel degree n-2 = 28, with a confidence level of 0.05 to be tested the two parties obtained ttabel of 2.408. Because thitung is higher than ttabel (2,996 ≥ 2,048). Therefore, pedagogical competence towards the development aspects psychomotor students on physical education learning significantly. On this basis H0: r = 0 is rejected, or accepted hypothesis. The conclusion of this study is: pedagogical competence has a positive relationship and significant impact on the development aspects of psychomotor students on physical education learning in SMAN 1 Sukabumi.

ABS-212 The Relationship Between Hand-Eye Coordination and Strength of Stomach Muscle on Clear Forehand Capability in Badminton Game on Student of Ciambar 1st Junior Hight School, Sukabumi District Haerul Ikhsan (a*), Kardjono (b), Indra Ramadhan (b), Ginggar Garlika Khameswara (b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Coordination of Eye Hand, The Strength of Stomach Muscle, Ability of Blow Clear Forehand Abstract: In this research purpose to know relation between coordination of eye hand and the strength of stomach musccle to students in class VIII at SMPN 1 Ciambar have as background by role important coordination of eye hand and the strength of stomach muscel in the badminton games.This research uses survey method with test technic and measuring population. In this reserach, the students in class VIII at SMPN 1 Ciambar who totally 284 syudents. Samples of research is one class, students in class VIII at SMPN 1 Ciambar who totally 28 students, with technic takes samples uses probability sampling. The instrument that used in this research namely: (1) test coordination of eye hand (2) test the strength of tomatch muscle (3) test ability of hit clear foerhand. Analysisi techenic data uses collectiong data double colerstion statistic technic are looking for the biggest relation and two free variable contribution (X) or simultaneous (together) with bound variable (Y) to use double coleration, examine signification

70 Book of Abstracts The 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 with Fcount. The result of research to shown that (1) there are relation which signification between coordination of eye hand (X1) and ability of blow clear forehand (Y). () there are which signification between the strength ofs tomatch muscle (X2) and the strength of blow clear forehand (Y). (3) there are which signification between coordination of eye hand (X1) and the strength of stomach muscle (X2) to ability blow clear forehand (Y). Based on result of counting uses double coleration technic obtained result Fcount (22.71) >Ftabel(3.38) with standart of signification 0.05 therefore H0 denied, that is means to be found relation between coordination of eye hand and the strength of stomach muscle to ability of blow clear forehand in the badminton games in SMPN 1 Ciambar students. Based on result of coleration X1, X2 to Y to be found Fcount (22.71) >Ftabel (3.38) with standart of signification 0.05. With to get result of counting RX1X2Yas big as 0.798 by the strengthful and high categories. Simultaneous contruction R2 x 100% = 0.7982 x 100% = 63.7% and remainder it 36.3%. that is means authority coordination of eye hand and the strength of stomach muscle given contribution to ability of blow clear forehand in the badminton games as big as 63.7% and remainder it 36.3 by others variable.

ABS-213 The Effect of Peer Tutoring on Interaction Behaviors Disabled Students in Inclusive Physical Education Alit Rahmat Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Peer Tutoring, Interaction Behaviors, Inclusive Physical Education Abstract: This study assessed the effect of peer tutoring on physical, instructional, and social interaction behaviors between senior high school age disabled students and peers without disabilities. This study use multiple baseline cross conditions design. The study was conducted in inclusive general physical education settings under three instructional support conditions for disabled students: (a) teacher-directed, (b) peer-mediated. During peer-mediated conditions, the instructional and physical interaction behaviors between disabled students and their peers increased, while social interactions remained low. Interactions between disabled students and teachers decreased toward the end of intervention.

ABS-214 Analysis of Former Athlete Coaching Model in Indonesia: a Preliminary Study Nuryadi*, Yusuf Hidayat, Dian Budiana, Jajat Darajat KN Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Career Development, Former Athlete Abstract Post-athlete careers are a phenomenon that attracts public attention, not only in terms of success but also in terms of failure of former athletes in living the life of retirement from the status of athletes. This preliminary study aims to look at the post- athlete career coaching model. The research method uses survey techniques carried out on the Sports Committee in Indonesia. The instrument used is a scale developed based on the theory of Career Development (Stambulova, 1994) which consists of six transitional periods (1) Beginning and then specification of sports, (2) Intensive training in a sport, (3) Transfer from junior to senior to gain peak performance, (4) Transition from amateur status to professional, (5) From peak performance to final period, (6) Retirement. The results of the analysis of the survey of 20 Sports Committees showed that 25% of the Sports Committee carried out the initial coaching to the specifications of the sport, 89% of the Sports Committee carried out coaching intensive training in a sport, 95% of the Sports Committee carried out coaching from the junior to the senior to achieve top performance, The 95% Sports Committee carries out the transition from amateur to professional status, 30% of the Sports Committee carries out coaching from peak to final and 0% of Sports Committees carry out retirement or post-athlete careers..

ABS-215 Moods States and Game Performance in Invasion Game Activities: a Correlation Study Among Elementary School Students Eka Nugraha1*, Ricky Wibowo1, Helmy Firmansyah1 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Game Performance, Invasion Game Activity Abstract: Children play games for the same reason, they play because playing is fun. Interest to games may have meaningful psychological benefits for children. The purpose of this study was to examine the association of short-term psychological effects especially moods states toward games performance on invasion game activities setting at elementary student. Correlational approach was used to analyse the results of this study. Third grade elementary school students were enrolled in this study. Fourty elementary students were assigned to invasion games in 8 minute game, which was divided into two minute halves. The game taught used invasion games (handball) which fields size and rules were modified. Pleasant and unpleasant mood using Brief Mood Introspection Scale (BMIS) was assessed before experimental conditions. BMIS with 8 sub-scales pleasant mood states (active, calm, caring, content, happy, lively, loving, and peppy) and unpleasant mood states (drowsy, fed up, gloomy, grouchy, jittery, nervous, sad, and tired) are rated on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (definitely do not feel) to 4 (definitely feel). It was found that pleasant moods states correlated with games performance and games involment student in games activities. This study suggest that physical educator to setting motivation climate to increase moods states in order to engage children to physical activies

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ABS-216 The Influence of Legpress Exercise with System and Pyramid System Settings Against Acceleration of Sports Bike Racing Bike Mountain Cross Country Number (XC) Ginggar Garlika Khameswara (a*), Tatang Muhtar (b), Haerul Ikhsan (b), Lufty Bela Dina Hakiki (b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia *[email protected] Keywords: Set sistem; Piramid sistem; Akselerasi Abstract To be able to increase the acceleration of bike rider, muscle strength is needed. One of them uses weight training, in weight training many methods can be used, namely the system set method and system pyramid. Researchers want to do research on "The effect of legpress exercise with the system set and pyramid system method for the acceleration of mountain bike racing cross country (XC) numbers". The research method used is the experimental method with sampling technique, purposive sampling. The sample in this study were athletes of MT Team Bandung number XC numbering 8 people. The results of the analysis show that legpress exercise with the Set System method provides an acceleration increase in mountain bike number xc racing. Legpress training with the system pyramid method provides an increase in acceleration in mountain bike racing number xc. The conclusion of the results of this study is that there is a significant difference between legpress training with the system set method and legpress with the system pyramid method for acceleration in XC number mountain bike racing, where legpress training with the system set method is superior to accelerating acceleration in mountain bike racing number XC.

ABS-218 The Effect of Futsal Exercises toward Neuroplasticity (Experimental Study on Junior High School Students) Negara, JDK (a) ; Jusman, WA (b) ; Ilyas EII (c) ; Sekartini, R (d) (a) Indonesia University of Education, Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Departement of Sport Education. (b) Indonesia University, Faculty of Medicine, Departement of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (c) Indonesia University, Faculty of Medicine, Departement of Physiology. (d) Indonesia University, Faculty of Medicine, Departement of Pediatrics Keywords: Futsal, BDNF, IGF-1, exercise frequency Abstract: Nowadays, Futsal is a sport that is very famous of sport for children, teenagers to old age. This sport can be done anywhere, anytime and by anyone. The characteristics of futsal are very dynamic with high mobility and tend to be anaerobic metabolism. Futsal can affect fitness; improve cognitive function and brain neuroplasticity. There are several parameters that can see brain neuroplasticity including BDNF (brain derived neurotropic factor) and IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor one). BDNF functions as a neuron in the CNS (central nervous system) and PNS (peripheral nervous system) to help maintain and regenerate neurons and work specifically for the survival of neurons and stimulate neuronal growth. In addition, it can maintain the structure and durability of neurons that have an important role in the process of memory consolidation. BDNF can be influenced by the frequency and intensity of the exercise. IGF-1 is somatomedin C and similarly to the molecular insulin molecule structurally which plays an important role in the growth of children as well as for people to act as an anabolic effect. Another function is for cell growth stimulators and cell proliferation and inhibitors. The method used in this study is an experimental method with pre and posttest design. The Subject used was 40 students of Bojongsoang Junior High School. The instrument for measuring BDNF and IGF-1 used the RnD system production kit, with the ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) technique and carried out in the Laboratory of FKUI. Sampling of +- 10cc of blood samples was carried out before and after the treatment of structured and programmed futsal sports and was divided randomly into 3 groups, namely exercises frequency 1x per week, 3x per week, and 5x per week

ABS-219 Relationship Between The Self-Concept Of Athletes With Social Interaction Quality Of Basketball Ball Team Lufty Bella Dina Hakiky (a*), Yusuf Hidayat (b), Indra Ramadhan (b), Ginggar Garlika (b) (a) Sport Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi, No. 229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154 *[email protected] Keywords: Self-Concept, Social Interaction Quality Abstract: The research was backed up by the results of the basketball team which showed that there was poor social interaction at some time. It is assumed that the relationship is not felt in the team, the results are recorded in the teams collectivity. The main objective of the research is to uncover relationships. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The population in this study was altogether the son of the soccer team competing at the ACSI LIBAMANAS 2011 West Java task which discussed 17 teams, while the samples were five teams, as many as 30 athletes, and took samples in this study using proportional random sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire, which contained self-concept and the quality of social interaction. This study can find that there is a significant relationship between self-concept and the quality of social interaction. Athletes mostly reflect a positive concept and a high quality of social interaction. However, the level of the relationship between the medium variables with the determination between variables is quite small. There are factors that can influence social interaction in addition to self-concept that athletes have.

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ABS-220 Application of Learning Softball Using Modified Glove and Ball to Develoving Basic Movement Skils Throwing and Catching for High School Students Mudjihartono1, Wahyu Diyanto2 , Agus Gumilar3 Department of Sport Education, FPOK - UPI Keywords: Softball, Modification, Glove, Ball, Catching, Throwing Abstract: This study aims to determine how the application of softball learning using equipment glove and ball modification can be carried out in physical education learning can perform basic motion throwing and catching skills for student. The method used is classroom action research with the research design used is the kurtlewin model with participants high school students. Assessment instruments using observation sheets. The results of this study experienced an increase in catching and throwing skills can be seen from the presantation of the value of students who have reached the minimum completeness criteria the results of catching skills from the initial test to the first cycle increased by 43.24% in the second cycle increased by 32.44% and the results of throwing skills were each the actions experienced an increase from the initial test to the first cycle increased by 51.35% in the second cycle increased by 13.51%. The results of the analysis showed that the application of softball learning using modified of glove and ball gave an improvement to the basic motion skills of throwing and catching high school elementary school students.

ABS-221 Development of Instruments Batting in Softball with Live Pitching Implementation for Students Oom Rohmah1, Burhan Hambali2 , Agus Gumilar3, Salman4 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Keywords: Instruments Test, live pitching batting softball test Abstract: This study aims to develop a hit skill test instrument in a softball game through the application of live pitching tools. The application of a live pitching sensor instrument in the development of a hit skill test instrument for students has never been done in Indonesia. The data from the live pitching evaluation can be a reference to be used as a benchmark in the development of a skill-hit test in softball games for college students. This research will use the Research & Development method that refers to the procedures or stages developed by Morrow at.al (2005) that divide into 10 stages of instrument development Research will be conducted on students who follow softball FPOK Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Sample or research subject is taken from the whole population, using saturated sampling technique. The analysis done is (1) content validity estimation (Lawshes CVR), (2) validity criterion (concurent validity) by using PPM correlation analysis technique (person product moment) , (3) test and retest reliability (PPM correlation). Based on the result of expert judgment valuation analysis and estimation value of instrument reliability coefficient of skill test based on live fitching, it can be concluded that overall the instrument has been developed and developed is feasible and reliable, result analysis reliability testing obtained value of reliability coefficient 0.72. On the basis of these researchers can conclude that the instruments that have been developed can be used to measure the ability of students in assessing basic skills hit in the softball game on the student. In addition to the value of estimation value of reliability, the main basis in the feasibility of the instrument is the assessment of experts stating that the instrument is feasible and can be used to measure the beat skills in softball games.