rd The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE 3 September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia CONFERENCE PROGRAM AND BOOK OF ABSTRACTS “ Human Development through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology ” ORGANIZED BY FAKULTAS PENDIDIKAN OLAHRAGA DAN KESEHATAN UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA (FPOK UPI) rd The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” CONFERENCE PROGRAM AND BOOK OF ABSTRACTS THE 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPORTS SCIENCE, HEALTH, AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2018 “Human Development through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” September 25-26, 2018 Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung Editor: Adang Suherman Dian Budiana Agus Rusdiana Mulyana Agus Mahendra Cep Ubad Abdullah Kuston Sultoni Layout Editor: Kuston Sultoni Muhamad Arif Ghazali Organized by: FAKULTAS PENDIDIKAN OLAHRAGA DAN KESEHATAN UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA rd The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Supported by: Table of Contents Speech of West Java of Governor Speech of Mayor Bandung Speech of Rector of UPI Speech of Dean of FPOK UPI Speech of Chairman of ICSSHPE 2018 FPOK UPI Abstracts Keynote Speakers Conference Map Conference Rundown Parallel Session Schedule Book of Abstracts 1 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 rd The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Speech of West Java Governor Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. On behalf of the West Java province governance, I would like to congratulate the Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, for hosting the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE) 2018. I believe that such program is a good platform to bridge the gap between the theoretical foundation and the existing reality, particularly in the fields of sport science, health, and physical education. As a governmental sector, Jawa Barat has always been supportive to the programs conducted by schools, universities, and even sports clubs which promote the advancement of sport, health, and physical education. I am in fully agreement that the government should play their role in creating more conducive environment and atmosphere in every aspect of life, and sport and physical education have no exception. Thus, the government and educational institutions should go hand in hand to create good synergy so that sport can build the nation so that our country can keep up in the industrial revolution 4.0. As a follow up, I am suggesting a broader international collaboration; government to government collaboration and agreement so that supervision can be carried out in a bigger scope. I would also like to thank keynote speakers either from overseas countries or from Indonesia for their willingness to share their knowledge and experiences in each of their expertise. I am certain that you give great contribution in the fields of sport science, health, and physical education. To all of the keynote speakers, please enjoy Bandung, the capital city of West Java province. Last but not least, I believe congratulations are in order for all the participants of the conference. Thank you very much. H. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil, S.T., M.U.D. Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 2 rd The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Speech of Mayor of Bandung Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera bagi kita semua Yang terhormat keynote speakers, Yang saya hormati para tamu undangan, Yang saya hormati rektor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Yang saya hormati dekan Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Serta seluruh peserta konfrensi, Terima kasih saya ucapkan sebesar-besarnya kepada Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, khususnya Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan (FPOK) yang menyelenggarakan the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE) 2018. Terima kasih karena telah melaksanakan konfrensi ini tiga kali berturut-turut di Bandung. Saya selaku walikota Bandung amat sangat mengapresiasi konfrensi ini karena percaya olahraga, kesehatan, dan pendidikan jasmani merupakan faktor penting dalam pembangunan SDM berkualitas di Kota Bandung. Ada sebuah pepatah Arab yang sangat cocok untuk konteks ini, yaitu “al-aqlu al-salim fi al-jism al-salim” yang maknanya adalah otak kita akan bekerja secara optimal manakala kondisi fisik kita prima. Oleh karenanya, saya menghimbau agar para praktisi olahraga, kesehatan, dan pendidikan jasmani serta bidang terkait khususnya yang berasal dari kota Bandung agar mengikuti acara ini dengan seksama karena terdapat banyak sekali pengetahuan yang akan sangat bermanfaat. Hadirin yang saya hormati, Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin pula menyampaikan agar para peserta konfrensi ini menikmati kota Bandung yang terkenal dengan kerahaman penduduknya, kenikmatan kulinernya, keindahan alamnya, dan kreativitas anak mudanya. Seluruh peserta bisa menikmati berbagai macam wisata mulai dari wisata alam, wisata belanja, wisata kuliner, atau hanya sekedar relaksasi di kota Bandung ini. Dengan demikian, ilmunya dapat, refreshing-nya juga dapat. Sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Sekali lagi terima kasih. Selamat berkonfrensi dan selamat menikmati kota Bandung. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. H. Oded Muhammad Danial, S.AP. 3 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 rd The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Speech of Rector of UPI Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen The honorable keynote speakers, The honorable invited guests, The honorable dean of FPOK UPI, The honorable organizing committee of ICSSHPE 2018, And distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, A very good morning to you all… First of all, I would like to welcome you all to the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE) 2018. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the keynote speakers who have come from such long distance to share their knowledge and experience in a variety of expertise. I believe that your keynote speech will give significant contribution for all the audience of the conference. Ladies and gentlemen, As the ministry of research, technology, and higher education of the Republic of Indonesia encourages all universities to increase publication and international reputable publishers, our university, under the coordination of our vice rector on research, business, and partnership affairs has made plenty of efforts. We have contracts with several Scopus-indexed international journals, book chapters, and we have several conferences whose proceedings are published in Scopus (and any other institution) – indexed publisher as well. Last year we had 17 conferences and this year, we are adding 5 more conferences so that there are 22 international conferences hosted by UPI this year. Some of the proceedings have been published, and some of them are in the process of publication. However, the publication has placed UPI in such a great position. In 2015, UPI is in the 400th rank. But now, we belong to the top 20 of the most productive universities in publication in Indonesia. Ladies and gentlemen, As a rector of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, I would like to thank the dean of FPOK and of course the organizing committee of the conference for consistently hosting and the conference. I know that this is the third time the faculty hosts the conference. The first and the second conferences have contributed numerous proceeding number which increases the recognition of UPI in the international publication. I would also like to thank all the participants and authors for their perseverance particularly in submitting their papers with regards to the requirement of international publication. I know it is not easy to follow the steps of the publication. Finally, I wish you the best of luck. Thank you very much. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Prof. Dr. Asep Kadarohman, M.Si. Conference Program and Book of Abstracts the 3rd ICSSHPE 2018 4 rd The 3rd International Conference on Sports Science, ICSHealthS and PhysicalH EducationPE September 25-26, 2018 Bandung, Indonesia “Human Development3 through Physical Activity. Physical Education, Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Science and Technology” Speech of Dean of FPOK UPI Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen The honorable keynote speakers, The honorable invited guests, The honorable
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