Hung T. Pham, S.J
COMPOSING A SACRED SPACE A Les son from the Cathechismus of Alexandre de Rhodes HUNG T. PHAM, S.J. 6800(5 7+(6(0,1$521-(68,763,5,78$/,7< SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2013 The Seminar is composed of a number of Jesuits appointed from their provinces in the United States. U.S. JESUITS: The Seminar studies topics pertaining to the spiritual doctrine and prac- An annual subscription is provided by provinces of the U.S. Assistancy for tice of Jesuits, especially American Jesuits, and gathers current scholarly U.S. Jesuits living in the United States and U.S Jesuits who are still members studies pertaining to the history and ministries of Jesuits throughout the of a U.S. province but living outside the United States. world. It then disseminates the results through this journal. ALL OTHER SUBSCRIPTIONS: The issues treated may be common also to Jesuits of other regions, other Subscriptions to STUDIES: priests, religious, and laity. Hence, the studies, while meant especially for U.S.: one-year, $20; two years, $38. $PHULFDQ-HVXLWVDUHQRWH[FOXVLYHO\IRUWKHP2WKHUVZKRPD\ÀQGWKHP helpful are cordially welcome to read them at: . Canada and Mexico: one year, $28; two years, $52 All other destinations: one year, $32; two years, $58 &855(170(0%(562)7+(6(0,1$5 Shay Auerbach, S.J., is pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Richmond, Va. All payments must be in U.S. funds. (2011) Richard A. Blake, S.J., is chair of the Seminar and editor of STUDIES; he CHANGE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION: WHDFKHVÀOPVWXGLHVDW%RVWRQ&ROOHJH&KHVWQXW+LOO0DVV - Kevin Cullen, S.J., is treasurer and assistant for higher education for dress; you need not do so.
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