Environment official Indians want resigns from top post government By BILL PATERSON been ir .ide since my appointment in for environmental impact reports or to stay away The city government's top en- December of 1972 have created a other ongoing processes by which vironmentalist, disappointed with situation in which I cannot fulfill my effective environmental protection ti BRAD Hul,I.INt,1-.k his and the Environmental Com- personal commitment to the protec- and planning will be achieved. Indian speal.eis s,ii,l ues(1,1y mission's powers, will resign his tion of our environment, or in fact "The decisions have raised serious night they want the United States $18,000 post on Friday, after less provide what I believe to be an honest questions as to the value of the En- government to leave Wounded Knee than five months on the job. day's work for a day's pay." vironmental Commission," he added. Indians alone. Ken Boyd, environmental Recent decision The 33-year-old Boyd, who left a Speaking before 100 persons in the coordinator and part-time San Jose Boyd was referring to the city's position with Consoer Townsend & S.U. Loma Prieta Room, returned State Uni verso y environmental recent decision putting city en- Associates in San lose for the city Wounded Knee veteran Louie Moves studies lecturer, told students of his vironmental impact reports, on pro- position, had a different view of the Camp said the Wounded Knee con- decision yesterday afternoon. He jects with a "significant" effect on the job when he first accepted. flict was one between the American also announced acceptance of a environment, in the hands of the He said it was "based on a belief Indian Movement (AIM) and similar position in Santa Cruz. Planning Department instead of the that the job would be an effective tool Richard Wilson, the tribal president Boyd read to students his letter of Environmental Commission. for the solution of those (en- of Pine Ridge Reservation. to city resignation, submitted He said this decision removed the vironmental) problems, and upon the Camp said the U.S. had no right to manager Red Tedesco April 19. Environmental Commission and his belief that I possess the ability and intervene in the now more than two- "In short, decisions which have office "from any direct responsibility experience to use that tool effec- month old conflict. Camp, who plans tively. to return to Wounded Knee, said he False security will not lay down his arms even if the "Given the circumstances as they U.S. and the Indians reached an Students protest exist, I must conclude that the agreement because he said "the U.S. beneficial effects of these entities is government has lied before. outweighed by the false sense of "We don't security which may arise if the public want to live the white man's way," he added. continues to believe the job is being "We have Iranian killings done." always wanted to be left alone." He said city officials have been Indians and the U.S. government Community News Service Iranian students. questioning the necessity of main- have tried fruitlessly for several A demonstration is scheduled The organization quotes the San taining the 11 member En- weeks to reach an agreement at today at 11:30 a.m. at Union Square Francisco Chronicle April 16, 1973, vironmental Commission that was Wounded Knee. in by the Iranian which reported a total of 109 Iranians established last June. Fern Williams, an editor for the Student Association of Northern during the past two years have been Boyd said he is looking forward to magazine Indian Voice and one of a , (ISANC). executed because of the protests his new position of Chief En- team of reporters who recently spend The Iranian students are charging against the Iranian government. vironmental Planner with the city of several days at Wounded Knee, said the Iranian Shah regime with the Other universities in Iran also Santa Cruz. the U.S. is simply trying to outpower the think we'll pick up the fight at killing of 16 students of protested against the Shah "I the Indians with sophisitcated University of Tabriz in Iran. government, and have been ordered Santa Cruz," he said. military equipment. According to members of the Different situation closed until the fall. "You get the feeling you are right in Iranian Student Association of San Boyd also said he does not expect to the middle of a war zone," she said Jose State University, the students According to the"Daily Collegian," run into the same situation as in San recalling her visit to the troubled were killed because they were California State University, Fresno, Jose. "They have a lot less pressure area. She said Indians defended protesting against U.S. economic in- "When the Pentagon finally an- from developers. They still have an themselves with 22 rifles against the volvement in support of the Shah's nounced the arms deal it included interest in a community that is very elaborate equipment of the U.S. army military. helicopter gunships, fighters, cargo beautiful." forces outside the camp. There has been a total news blac- planes and laser bombs, all late of Boyd said he had no animosity Louie Moves Camp opposes occupation (Sea page 4) kout, and the Iranian regime has Vietnam." toward Tedesco and added he hopes refused to co-operate with lawyers Demonstrators will march to the the vacancy be filled soon. recently sent by the International Iranian consulate at the Em- "I wish to assure you that I do not Federation of Human Rights, an barcadero Center and will present a personally resent the decisions independent U.S. consultive list of demands including: which have been made, and lam con- organization, according to the End to the new blackout by the fident of your sensitivity to en- Nudes and alcohol don't mix ISANC. Shah's regime vironmental problems," he wrote. The Shah is to be made into the Immediate release of all students Both Tedesco and his assistant, By BRUCE JEWETT Wells said. "As far as we know about taking the case," Dingus said. Thieu of the Persian Gulf in order to imprisoned Frank Knofler failed to return Daily No nudes would be good news to Abner's is the first club in the San He said representation will be protect the U.S. and Western Immediate reopening of all phone calls regarding the the state Alcohol Beverage Control Jose area to contest the rules." provided by Jim Garlock, an as- interests in that region, according to universities in Iran. resignation. (ABC). But bottomless dancing with Wells explained the rules were sociate of Belli's. the serving of alcohol is flourishing initiated in 1970. They were "The ABC did come in last Thursday, April 25, 1973 in San lose in naked defiance of ABC contested and just recently upheld by Saturday," Dingus said. "There were rulings. the federal Supreme Court. But, he six agents in civilian clothes and six Little Abner's is an entertainment said, there has been no test case and sheriffs. They checked everyone's spot on Story Road that features Abner's is a candidate for that dis- identification. They were just there nude dancers and serves beer. This tinction. for harassment." violates ABC sections concerning at- "We don't drag people in here from The ABC ruling seems to be afraid Spartan Dail tire and conduct, according to ABC the streets,' Ron Dingus, 31, part of dancers being molested by in- Serving California State University at San Jose Since 1936 special-investigator Wayne Wells. owner of the club said. "People come toxicated patrons. Dingus said, but "This whole thing is nothing new, in here because they want to." "the nearest thing to that happening Dingus is partners with his brother was when two college coaches just Sandy, 26, and Jeff Turqueza, 28. got up and danced with the girl." City researcher explains "We're the first club in this area to Dingus does not expect any gang- let it all hang out," Ron Dingus said. buster type raid. "The worse they'll "And that's what people want to see." probably do is come and try and take A few months ago, the three bought our liquor license away." the club, then named Jake's. Before Between an accusation from the College area funding 'not priority' that Dingus managed Jake's, and said ABCwhich differs from a criminal he went to jail 13 times in one year. citation, since Abner's is violating an By BRAD BOLLINGER tributed in part to the large college population which is found in the college Each jail stay did not last over a administrative directive, said an and BUZZ EGGLESTON neighborhood with low incomes, high unemployment, and high welfare. few hours, he said. "I always made ABC spokesmanand going to court, Last of two parts A high incidence of health problems, according to the report, could be at- sure though that my bail bondsman Dingus expects years to elapse. Rehabilitating the college neighborhood is not of top priority for the city of tributed to the large senior citizen population and low income population. got the girls out first." Special Investigator Enforcer San lose, according to John Norberg, a researcher for San Jose's High renter occupancy score The violations, he said, stemmed Supervisor Phil Geffert seems to Redevelopment Agency. Besides, the cost of rehabilitating the area would be 'rhe high renter occupancy score, (on a scale of one to 10, this area scored from indecent exposure in the club. share Dingus' opinion. staggering, considering its relatively small size. 10), is probably due to the combined factors of a mobile college population, a It was last weekend that Little "We cannot suspend their license "Barely enough money" large senior citizen population which resides in numerous retirement homes Abner defied the ABC. The club is until they have exhausted all "The one real fact of life," Norberg explained, "is that the city just barely has in the area, and a large low income population which is generally unable to not alone in its fight to change ABC avenues of appeal," Geffert said. enough money to keep itself up." That is, in some instances the city can use its own a home. regulations. ' "They could try and take this all the operating expenses for minor public works, but in the area of major lighting Recent figures are not available, but 1960 figures indicated the median in- A loose organization of about 19 way to the Supreme Court." and sewer rehabilitation the funds simply are not available. come for individuals in the area ranged from $1,489 to $3,831. other clubs throughout the Bay "Business is great," Dingus said. Currently, according to Norberg, the "police and fire protection have very Increase in board and care homes Region is presently forming, Dingus But he complained the club has decided on high priority as far as the city council is concerned." According to Jim Williams, assistant to the San lose city planner, an in- said. They have not as yet received "hellfire and damnation" Neighborhood Analyses" crease in board and care homes in part related to relocation of previous a name but they have hired legal telephone calls and bomb threats. a In terms of 1968 dollars, the following figures were estimated in the residents of Agnew State Hospital has further added to the many problems of representation from Melvin Belli, He showed a postcard that read, lawyer. "Neighborhood Analyses" as the "cost to improve all facilities to standard in the area. noted San Francisco "Cover'em or get yourself blown upt sounded enthusiastic the college neighborhood alone:" (See page 3) "Mr. Belli O.K.?" Women have a long way to go Streets $ 30,010 Lights 583,000 Storm Sewers 110,970 Sanitary Sewers 443,070 Husbands control community property Tot al $1,167,050 By BARBARA FRENCH them. property of men. management over all community First of two parts Today the fight is still on and "If a man's wife committed any property even though his wife legally Other problems of concern in the 1968 report on the college neighborhood "You've come a long way baby, to women find themselves in the same crimes he was held responsible," she owns half. specifically include: get where you are today." position as their ances- said. "In other words the woman All that the women has complete Central business district area shows signs of deterioration and decay That statement might be a good torsprotesting discrimination in didn't have any legal rights of her control over is her separate property with many vacant lots. (Recent urban renewal has begun tochange the face of advertising gimmick for cigarettes pay, education and legal rights. own." defined as that which she owned the First Street vicinity business area). but as far as stating the truth about Many of the laws that women find The Married Women's Property before marriage or earnings received Serious parking problem around college area due to day students as well the status of women it is a bit off the themselves fighting against can be Act of the early 1900's granted while separated. as students residing in the area. track. traced back to English common women the right to control their own Basically this means the husband Occasional excessively high land coverage due to college related When speaking about the ad- (unwritten) law based on tradition earnings. However, according to Ms. can use community property for apartments. vancement of women many people's and customs. Johnson, she had to get the court's ap- collateral without his wife's "Chinese Wall" effect of college buildings along Fourth Street. comprehension begins and ends with "A lot of our laws come from proval and the general consent of her signature, but, the same priviledge is College commercial area south of SjSU only major concentration of the suffrage movement of the 1920's judges' decisions made back in Great husband in order to take advantage not extended to the woman. student oriented facilities and services. which granted females the right to Britain," Karen Johnson, law of the law. "Traditionally this law exists Tenth and Eleventh streets are one-way traffic carriers through a vote. However, in 1848 women had graduate from Cornell University In 1923 wives received the legal because the husband was seen as the predominantly residential area. grievances about unequal pay, recently stated in a discussion at the "okay" to will away their half of the breadwinner and the wife as the Related problems education and legal rights and were San lose Women's Center. "Under couple's community property. But, housekeeper," Elizabeth Cobey, San Problems related to substandard social and economic conditions may be at- organizing to do something about their laws women were treated as the while she was alive the husband still Jose attorney, said. "The law con- maintained control and management sidered the woman financially irres- of her half as well as his own. ponsible and incapable of handling Such is the case today. the community property." King knocks abolishment proposals The legal hang-ups of community Ms. Cobey cited a case where the property usually pop up before a provisions of this law were unfair to By JOANNE GRIBBLE determine the legality of such a stutlents rights. told he he would definitely veto it, woman's eyes when dealing with a the woman. A.S. Attorney General Diahne special election. "I think Diahne (LaMothe) has and showed her in the constitution divorce settlement or a will. By then A husband bought a new car using LaMothe's controversial King gave philosophical reasons done a great job of keeping the at- where he had the authority. however, it is usually too late for the the community property as constitutional amendment to abolish for his veto, although he admitted torney general's office out of the While the constitution defines a woman to do anything about her collateral, she said. His wife's the attorney general's office, which being approached by Fouad political arena, but she's kept it out of presidential veto as "written complaints. signature was not needed on the con was to appear before the campus Alkisswani, the sole candidate for all the other arevas also," King told notification presented at the next Community property is defined as t rect. voters in this week's election, was the attorney general's position. King the council. regular meeting of Student Council," that property which is acquired by a He had the car for a while, got betoed by A.S. Pres. Dennis King at said Alkisswani asked him to veto As some students may have noted, King said his veto took place before husband and his wife, either together drunk and was involved in an ac- yesterday's council meeting. the proposal before it reached the the proposed constitutional the Easter vacation, and that his or separately, while they are married cident which killed some people. In The council decided instead to hold general ballot. amendment did not appear on the written report to the council was a or living with each other. This in- the end the wife got the res- a special election to fill the attorney King told the council that while the ballot at all during yesterday's report of the veto, not the veto itself. cludes earnings, gifts, and almost ponsibility for paying off the rest (it general's spot later in the semester. attorney general's office has been voting. Alt hough King adriV, ted the anything that the husband or wife the car and also was saddled with the Councilwoman Margie Bernard abused in the past, there was no Carole Matthews, the Election president's veto power is somewhat purchases. damages from the accident. was also appointed to approach, reason why the position could not be Board chairwoman, said she kept the ambiguously outlined in the A.S. Under California codes the male along with King, the A.S. judiciary to a very important one for advocating proposal off the ballot because King Constitution, he said: (See page II) has complete control and (See page a , Editorial Daily Forum l'omments Daily decides against Little piggies on campus Vol. 60 Page 2, April 26, 1973 No. -404 It's sometimes hard to believe themselves...neatly arranged that students at San Jose State next to a perfectly oval burn hole. university are adults. If nothing This is not to say that all SJSU Digs------other than littering the campus students are pigs, just some (?) of political endorsement Domestic with trash was cited, it would be them. You, who are reading this hard to call them anything right now, you never throw For the first time in years, the cil and the two vying lor but...kids-adolescent misfits. anything hastily (do you?) Spartan Daily this year seriously Academic Council, the Daily had away To walk around this campus except after you read this paper; considered endorsing candidates wanted to endorse individuals Who's who in Cambodia and find a clean 10 feet is utterly it's not you, it's the piggy people for A.S. offices. instead of blocs to ensure ., ......... Oran impossible. Trash everywhere. on this campus...but then, every If formulated and approved by thorough representation. *101111 II On the streets, on desks, in the campus has their "piggy people," the Daily editorial board, the An illustration of our objection (The scene is the Pentagon of- honor and secured Cam- halls and everywhere that is don't they? recommendations would have to coalitions, was the tendency of fice of General Hawk Scrapnel, boidanization, you'll all return "convenient" for the person to I have to mention that published this week to coin- only one candidate to speak for a senior Pentagon officer, as he ad- home again." been dump it...except where it wonderful smoke-filled, greasy with the A.S. election. But whole group during press dresses a dozen American "You mean you want us to get cide belongs...in the trash can. spoon cafeteria over at the Piggy evaluating the candidates conferences. There was no verbal servicemen.) captured so the army can stay in after The leading candidates for Union. For the poor devil who its own position, the Daily contact, no personal comment by "Gentlemen, lam very proud of Cambodia, sir?" and these trashy habits seem to spend doesn't smoke, he sure gets his any sort of endorsement individual coalition members. all of you for volunteering for this "Yes, you grasped the idea very decided their leisure time in the Student lung full while he's eating. It has basically senseless and Bias and collusion were other special assignment. Your as- quickly. You sound like officer would be Union. The chairs, sofas and always amazed me how people damaging. factors taken into consideration signment, men, is to insure that material to me. Now, any more potentially tables are full of everything from who do smoke have so little major reason in scrapping in the endorsement question. the U.S. wins peace with honor in questions?" The empty cigarette packages to the regard for those who do not endorsement idea concerned Would voters doubt the en- the country of Cambodia." "Yes sir. I have one. Where is the cigarette butts smoke. candidates themselves. No dorsement was made in good One man asks, "How do we do Cambodia?" the It's a common sight to see slate had faith after close examination of that, sir?" A.S. presidential students lighting a butt to finish really spectacular to the candidates? Would the en- "Men, you have all volunteered anything off a good ol' greasy burger, and students, and all seemed to dorsement spark charges of to become prisoners of war." 4;uest It 041M offer then blow the first drag in the suffering a lack of response favoritism and political dealing The men are shocked. One be person's face across from them. support from the general among the Daily and certain can- faints and two others try to es- and Smokers just kill me! They didates? cape from the office but are halted student body. always act so polite. respect to the six Our answer to these questions by MP's. With Funds depleted by excess "Do you mind if I smoke," says coalitions running for A.S. Coun- was yes. Thus no endorsements. "Don't be frightened, men. Sure, it'll be rough at first, but some chick with a miniature you'll be doing your army a great Dr. John W. Gilbaugh cigar. I always politely say, "Of .1- service." Heritage College and university ad- savings if excess positions and course, I mind. Please don't." Minority "But sir," a wary soldier asks, ministrators are a blight to the activities of that office were "how do we help by becoming Chicks that smoke cigars, or mightiest trees in the groves of eliminated. Each college and anything, don't like me, but I prisone:s of war?" academe. Though many ad- university under. the Board of "You'll be our reason for usually eat my meal in ministrators achieved State College and University peace...without smoke. Unique giant Sequoias staying in Cambodia and winning recognition as academicians Trustees has, likewise, a peace with honor. Come on, gen- In all due respect for the people before embarking on their careers proliferated its administrative who have the misfortune to clean tlemen, don't be naive. We have to as top members of a university function. College and university have a reason to go in there. We this pig-pen and campus I must Peg lienneli caste system, they become presidents now flourish in say you have my sympathies. I need a credible excuse to be bom- political creatures the moment palace-10 e-office suites adorned bing those Cambodians. We can't surely direct none of this trash to Many of our students enjoy the extremely small compared to it's they affiliate with the nuts and with a secretarial and ad- say we're protecting our ground you. Although sometimes, in shade and tranquility of our massive size. bolts mechanics of college ministrative assistant corps once forces because we have none some cases, I wonder if the handsome, lofty Redwood trees It stands by balance and if the management. enjoyed only by monarchs. Ten maintenance people on campus here at SJSU. there. So we need some POWs The frightening specter of an years ago the Academic vice tree is leaning in one direction it there for us to rescue. And you'll earn their money. Sometimes the As the students scurry under administrative hierarchy is that president in one large university will put out a limb growth on the be our POWs. You just go there as temptation of laziness sweeps them with books and lunch to it is self-perpetuating, self- and his staff performed the neces- opposite side to pull the tree into advisers and let yourselves be over all of us, but it would be nice relax from the hectic pace of the an upright position. serving, and toatlly parasitic. sary functions of that office in a to get the trash swept out. not many are aware captured. Just think of mom and That is, it feeds on the very funds suite containing four rooms. In a classrooms, Many of the oldest trees are I guess I have swept myself the unique history of the giant apple pie and stay away from justified and approved by the reorganization plan the office of hollow from top to bottom yet are from the piggy people subject to Redwoods. Jane Fonda. And after we've taxpayers for the education of proliferated into an array which still living. liberated you and won peace with the smoking subject, but then I'm Called Sequoia and named in students. When it is said that the spawned additional deans, not perfect either; but I do pick up honor of a famous Cherokee In- costs of public education are secretaries, and administrative after myself, and I do respect dian Chief Sequoya, the Redwood 11, , Port/ER -rei "ME Pacsioe4r, , exorbitant, the salaries paid to assistants. This, without other people's property, and I do is the National Tree of America. administrators are camoflaged significant increases in student not hinder other people's meals The trees have thrived for among the figures by iden- enrollments or services. with my ill-fated, nasty habits. thousands of years, long before tification with educational Academic departments, also, My biggest laugh came when I the time of Christ and are native budgeting. The insatiable have proliferated from the recently observed a young, only to California and a small appetite for elitist living by this separation of related subject ecology minded student passing part of Southern Oregon. parasitic tier of twentieth cen- areas into separate ad- out pollution leaflets. All around They are said to be the oldest tury proponents of sophism ministrative eatities. Consequen- him were leaflets, leading a trail and tallest species of trees in the siphons off the financial tl y, faculty members have to the Piggy Union where Susie world and judged by world resources that dilute the quality become so immersed in Smoke sat blowing her habit on travellers to produce the most of instruction. departmental, school, and the person across from her. magnificent forests ever known. In California alone, the growth university-wide committee ac- Well, I have to go make a phone Some of the trees are so mas- by ,proliferation of ad- tivities they have little time to call now. Oops, that's right, I sive one tree will build forty or ministrators is alarming. Begin- teach effectively. Chances are es- can't. Some clown, one of these fifty, four bedroom houses. And ning with the Office of the State timated to be about 100 to 1 that misfits, shoved a penny into the some are known to have a College and University faculty members are attending dime slot. Oh well, at least he put roadway run through them. Chancellor, the number of ad- committee meetings somewhere his trash somewhere. Many run 10 to 30 feet in ministrators and support on campus, sitting at the feet of an Jon Meade diameter and reach to a height of personnel to staff that office elitist, administrative master - a 375 feet. alone has skyrocketed in a ritual required for retention, One Redwood known as decade. Literally thousands of tenure, promotion, or some other "General Sherman" located in Se- California students could be favor controlled by the president, A stud is born quoia National Park, is called, provided first-class college and vice president, dean or "the most massive living thing on university educations from the department head. I'm proud to announce that I earth." have finally made it. After months of sweat and hard It stands 375 feet tall and 36.6 ibanir0 feet in diameter and is about four Campus S.O.S. work, I've finally achieved the thousand years old. It still status of a stud. Mind you, I'm produces thousands of seed- only a buck stud. But if I keep at it bearing cones annually. I may become a stud 2nd class or The Redwood tree doesn't have Boardwalk opens; baseball maybe a stud First class. a tap root. The root system is If, God willing, I prove myself worthy, I may even achieve that maieteestamMetex M Ike M a rk with holy of holies: Super Stud! aLetter to the Editor woo._ Can you find out when the Westgate shopping centers you It hasn't been easy achieving Taiwanese factions. It was at to the South during our own concessions and rides will be can get an Oakland A's schedule the rank of buck stud. After 13 this time that a Chinese Civil War. What one must Half-truth report open on a daily basis at the Santa at a Smith's clothing store. years of Catholic schools I found student walked up the left- remember is that "one man's Cruz boardwalk? The Baltimore Orioles play the that few people would take me hand stairs of the stage and patriotism is another man's Editor: According to a boardwalk Oakland A's this weekend at the seriously. The headline displayed a Nationalist flag treason." -grabbing story secretary, the boardwalk is now They play When I took girls on walks approximately 10-15 feet from badly out- Oakland Coliseum. by Jerry Rimka on April 10, In this case a few open on weekends from noon to through parks they would mug the group of singers and the Firday night, Saturday afternoon 1973 is so full of fallacy, half- numbered and ill-advised 11 p.m. Beginning May 18, it will me. Girls used to laugh at me microphones. Within a few and Sunday afternoon. truth, and political bias that patriotic Nationalist be open daily from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. because of my acne. When my seconds a policeman was on I'm surprised the story was Taiwanese Chinese chose to The boardwalk will operate acne finally cleared up, they stage to escort him off, but the run. I was there, and the story answer the defiance of a under its summer schedule of laughed even harder. spark had already been set. only vaguely resembles the broken agreement with their noon to 11 p.m. daily, beginning Spartan Daily I started getting desperate. I Students from both sides truth. hastily unfurled national flag. June 10. Serving the San lossiencSe 1.91n4tversity3tate1 Community turned to what I thought was my rushed up, some on stage - What is yet to be examined Jerry might more accurately It's getting closer and closer to last resort, Dial-a-Prayer, but some directly below it. Before are the motives that persuaded Second class postage paid at San lose. California they just told me to go to hell. have stated in his opening line the graduation and I don't know Member of Caltforntal Newspaper Publishers As. police could intervene Jerry to devote all but the last social ion and the Associated Press Published doily I that the program was designed where, when or anything else was without hope. I would several dozen Chinese could be two sentences of the article to by San lose Stale University. except Saturday and wander the streets at night, alone, to further the aims of the left- about it. Can you please find out Sunday, durtng the college year The opinions seen attacking perhaps 10 quotes and speculations by expressed herein are not necessarily those of the searching for understanding, wing sponsoring clubs and the what is going on? others in a lop-sided free-for- members of the sponsoring Associated Students. the College Administration, warmth, a deep relationship or a People's Republic Graduation will Be June 1, at 5 or the Department of lournalism and Advertising of China. all. Within a minute or two organizations and their friends p.m. at the Spartan Stadium, Subscriptions accepted only on o remainder-rif - red light district. According they had all been pushed out- from San Francisco. I'd be semester hams Full academic year. each Then one to informants located at Seventh and Alma Semester, $.1 50 Off campus price per copy. to night I saw it! The side by the police. The singers interested in hearing his jus- ng 277.3175 Press within the Chinese Culture streets. rents Phone 277.3111 Adve ..... salvation of my dreams. There in were temporarily forgotten in tifications; his motives can of Fulmer Pubhcations. Inc . Union City Club and the Taiwanese You should be receiving this front of a building was the sign: the excitement as I, and most of only be as speculative as his Editor -in., Nei Hoch Malastuna Student's Association, there and other information in the mail "Studs AnonymousWeaklings the audience, rose to get a story. As for the $100 a head Advertising Manager Aubrey t was a posteriori agreement sometime next week with your Managing Editor tearer Ned,. and No-good people welcomed!" that the program would better look. It was not, as Jerry "disrupters," they sure didn't City Editor ferry Over I was saved! They showed me be con- graduation packet. If you don't only stated, the song that had do much to earn their money if Anal City Edam Maureen Met ducted as an apolitical, receive it you should give the of- Layout Editor tray Hyman how to break out and become a event. It everyone on their feet. Nor did they were supposed to help the Forum Pram Edam. Alan 11.....nb,u stud. It wasn't easy. I had to cultural was not. fice of Undergraduate Studies a Virginia I 'olden give all that many in the audience Nationalists. The only faces I Copy Editor call. Asst Copy Eilttor Sieve Terry up my skateboard and my Dave For at least 15 minutes the join in the song (none in the saw being busted up were Feature Eclogue itilitt taros Coma Clark 5 albums. Buil it was worth audience was treated to balcony did within my I recognized. l'ine Arts Editor Stephanie students was Entertainment Editor Marti Malayan It. I learned how to talk like a songs and I am a baseball nut and I Stamm A senile political slides hearing). What is true is that In conclusion I feel that the community hews Editor stud, how to think like wondering where I could get Sports Editor lohn H Matthews a stud, depicting scenes from the PRC. perhaps 20 of the performers "wrong" done by both sides copies of the San Francisco Exi homer Editor Cris Wunek how to comb my hair like a stud. The slides and the songs for China Night (including the leading to the open clash was Wire Editor fan 1 atom. They even gave me some Giants and Oakland A's baseball Photo Melo, Phil I tottlil brass became more and more Kung-fu team) surrounded the not objectively reported. I hope Mckaney schedules? By the way, if I don't Puhlii Nehtitonn Dirre 10, knuckles in case a girl tried to militant and patriotic, four singers and lent their that this writing will clear the I.hief Photography, I hsvIll Newton mug me again. get copies in time can you tell me %talon.) Atl Manager Hirorly culminating in a slide showing voices in a chorus or two. It air for those who feel they were Moth Salami when the Baltimore Orioles will Art I hrei No' So it you're in dire straits, don't the red banner of the PRC and a was obviously an inspirational given "bad press." Human. Mummer i.e.. Nelson be playing the A's? despair. just remember our mot- song considered propagan- song, of the same genre as Grant P. Jones Advertising Salesmen Therese Chia, Lori Castes. You can get copies of schedules to: Inside every sniveling, distic by the Nationalist and "Dixie" sung by those patriotic A.S. justice at almost any local liquor store. If 0401, 60 crummy nobody, there beats the miedgMet4ligette A0.10.4. you're near the or heart of a stud. Bob Plombo News Review Chicano Football widow Haig testifies course offered workshops A temale-oriented Registration is open on a explanation of why 22 grown tirst-come, first -serve basis to Ten workshops about the symposium may b, in Papers trial and other men try to rip each other apart alumni and friends of the obtained by contacting th, activities focusing on the over a 15-ounce ball in a game university. 'the classes, which By IAN GUSTINA Mexican-American will be MACS Department. called football will be require pre-registration due to Compiled from The Associated Press featured at the third annual attempted in an "Institute for Haig. vice limited enrollments, will meet LOS ANGELESGen. Alexander chief of staff of "El Alma Chicane - Football Widows' at San Jose the Army. testified yesterday that on the university campus. he challenged the credibility symposium lobe held Monday Coverage State University during of two defense witnesses in the Pentagon Papers trial. through Friday at San Jose Spring Alumni Week, May 4- Haig's brief testimony was to show that former Defense State University. 12. Department official Morton Halperin and of election Candidate intelligence analyst The week-long event is The course is one of seven Allen S. Whiting were not as close to the heart of government sponsored by the Mexican - being offered by the Alumni decision-making as they had indicated. on KSJS American Graduate Studies Association and University mislabeled However, in cross examination. Haig admitted that he did not WAGS) Department and the Live coverage of Associated Extension Services. tuesdry b A.S. political know Whiting by sight and that Halperin did have senior res- Associated Students. Student elections will be It will be taught by John supplement included an ponsibility for the National Security Council staff in 1989. Workshops will be based on carried over campus radio Chaffetz, sports editor of article in which Clay Trost of Haig was the highest-ranking military man to take the witness curriculum and research of the station KSJS 90.7 FM from the KNTV. San Jose. the Rainbow Party was stand for the government and the eighth rebuttal witness against MACS Department. Radio -Television News He will be aided by Mike referred to as a "conservative.' Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo. Studied critically will be the Center Thursday April 26. Giddings and Paul Wiggin, as- frost, an upper division interplay between Mexican- Regular programming sistant coaches for the San representative candidate for Sales tax hike delay proposed American communities and begins on KSJS at 5 p.m. con- Francisco 49ers. A.S. Council, said yesterday SACRAMENTOThe Assembly received a proposal the general community, tinuing through to midnight. Other courses will include the label was incorrect and yesterday that would delay a one cent per dollar sales tax hike in focusing on such topics as Election results will be carried the stock market, car care, self that he is a "progressive lef- California for 13 months. politics, philosophy and from 9 intermittently until motivation, conflict in tist." 'rhe one cent hike is scheduled to go into effect June 1 under economics. ballot count is completed. marriage, transactional The free workshops are Included in the coverage ANDRES terms of the tax reform school finance bill enacted by the 1972 analysis and home PIPES legislature. scheduled at 4 p.m. and 7p.m. will be interviews and Unnia GCol winemaking. Gov. Reagan said he would sign a bill delaying the increase un- in the Almaden and Cost onoan conversations with the Children enjoy fountain in heotwave 'rhje home winemaking til Jan. 1. 1974, hut that the state could afford to delay it no longer Rooms of the Student Union. various candidates. _ class, taught by Dr. Lanny than then Students may earn one unit Replogle, professor of chemis- of university credit by con- try at SJSU and a consultant Judge calls for jail imp-ovements fading the Extension with Paul Masson vineyards Services. Registration lee is SAN FRANCISCOA tederal judge ruled yesterday that San Opening day voting in Saratoga, will instruct ale $24. Francisco must come up with proposals for improving its county beginning winemakers in the Along with the workshops, fundamentals of making grape pails before late June. where tibe in the bo area the symposium will feature an ,, Ines at home. No U.S. District Court judge Robert Schnacke ruled last March art show, book display, film can you lind these unique Dr. Replogle will include lou that the San Francisco and San Bruno county jails were being and slide presentations. All ;landmark pipes at such operated in violation of the eighth and fourteenth amendments to moved slow' discussion and demonstration prices tome in and an will be held in the Student 'pretty the Constitution. of types of wine, equipment, 'such you can save. Union. Approximately 1,000 til 2 p.m, Neither of the two Rangers. There are 20 council It is up to Mayor Joseph Alioto and Sheriff Richard Hongisto to sources of aging and A complete list of workshop students had voted as of 2:30 voting Monitors could account seats available. procedures for making wines. 567 L. Santa Oars reach a joint agreement for the improvements. and 130 topics and other information p.m. yesterday, the first day of for the delay. Student Alliance '73 and the Additional information may Between lIth Streets A.S. elections. Three executive slates Reform Ticket are the be obtained by calling 277- Phone 294-05148 "It's pretty slow, but should highlisth the Election '73 represented coalitions among 2214 or by writing to Exten- a get better," said Gay ballot. They are the Student the 11 Academic Council sion Services, SIR], 95192. Shortage of staffers Muttersbach, monitor of the Alliance '73, headed by Steve hopefuls. Seventh and San Carlos voting Hughes, Community There are two amendments booth. In order for her predic- Congress, the party of Jessica which were included on the tion to materialize, voting Serna, and Rudi Leonardi's ballot. The first deals with must increase today, as it is Leonardi Ticket. abolishing Student Council troubles job center the last day to vote. Student Council candidates representation by class stan- Slightly more than 2,000 number 45, including ding (upper and lower voted on the first election day members of the following division). If it passes, Council By JACK DICKINSON pi ograms to which Dr. trom other areas, he stated. last year. coalitions: Third World candidates will run at alrge. First of two parts Clements referred involve The program is being Part of the slow voter Coalition, University Amendment 'two' concerns San Jose State University's "specific periods of college formulated by Kelly McGin- turnout could be due to the Students' Party, Community the upper division re- Career Planning and altendence integrated with nis, who also arranges the delayed opening of the Library Congress, Independent. Rain- quirement to run for an Placement assists students in specific periods of aim- business, technology, and South poll. It wasn't set upun- bow Party and Blue Ridge executive office. getting hired. but Director Dr. plyment, for which the student government job interviews ring Edward W. Clements claimed could get units along with held at SJSU. it is not allowed to hire enough pay." Dr. Clements said the need staff to do this job as effec- Dr. Clements thought the for a new staffing formula tively as could be desired. quality of Career Planning parallels what he termed King declines to endorse "A new hiring formula is Placement's research section "inadequate funding." needed. This was could be raised if permanent Career Planning and recommended by Chancellor employees were hired to Placement, which is allotted a Glenn S. Dumke office's study augment the work-study little less than $6,000 a year, candidates; 'spotlight issues' of November, 1972," Dr. personnel who handle this job "should have an annual With one day remaining for this year and A.S. Council weet Clements stated, on a part-time basis. operating expense of $30,000," another reason for his public The current 20-year-old "We don't have enough according to the director. voting in AS. elections, A.S. member last year. silence was that an en- Pres. He stated, in fact, policy allots Career Planning people to carry out field work The placement service Dennis King is still- that his dorsement might hurt the declining to make working relationship with and Placement 13 and one-half for the recruitment of job receives its money from the any en- plans he has for making the state-funded positions (the openings. This forces us to state-funded SJSU Student dorsement. Leonardi has been better than "smoothest possible tran- In that of half-position is a half-time rely on contacts who come to Services Division, the week before Easter any president and vice- sition" from this year's vacation King stated he president he had ever seen. job, or 20 hours a week). campus or the media for this Dr. Robin J. Clyde, As- executive to next year's. wouldn't At any rate. Dr. Clements would like to inforamtion," he said. sociate Dean of Student make an en- King main- dorsement tained Political Advertisement JOSTEN'S see this revised to one staff Additional employees Services, blamed a slowing in at that time but his hands-off stance might come yesterday, person for every 1,000 would also enable the staff to the rate of increase in out with one this admitting that it week. was a FITZGERALD students, which would give "covcr" more easily for enrollment at SJSU for the break with tradition But he stated that had to be done to keep the the placement service 26 spots persons unable to work due to lack of desired funds. yesterday that Date April 23-27 Time 8-5 as an attempt to stay out of the spotlight on the issues instead and put it on an equal basis sickness or vacation, Dr. "San Jose State is growing, ACADEMIC arena of "personality politics," of personalities. Place Spartan Bookstore with the rest of the University Clements believed. but not as fast as expected. COUNCIL he would continue to remain Furthermore, he said of California system. "If this personnel shortage This is because college is no publicly neutral. According to the director, if problem continues, we might longer an alternative to the King did comment, however, the staff was increased have to considers reduction in military draft, and because of without elaboration, that it experiential programs could some programs." he said. a rise in the number of should be obvious to anyone be established, co-ordinated, veterans choosing the work As an example, he pointed to who has followed student and expanded; the quality of force over school," Dr. Clyde the experiential program, now government who the most research could be improved; said. in its planning stages. "If qualified candidate is. This and important field work He described the placement greater emphasis is going lobe was an apparent reference to could be conducted. center's problems as sort of a placed on this project, AS. Vice Pres, Rudi Leonard] The proposed experiential personnel might have drawn "vicious cycle." "Student Services needs to who is running for the know the area's projected job presidential spot on the Leonardi slate. "111.Welre the demand before it can request more funds from the state, but King stressed that by Area funds Student Placement can't refraining from making an en- dorsement he was in no way (From page I) provide this information due to the lack of personnel," Dr. being critical of Leonardi, who Crime is a significant problem in the area according to the 1966 served as AS. Vice President report. It reads in part: Clyde explained. UniroDITwe "The high crime rate is characteristic of a central city core area. Also characteristic of such an area is a low income population and a high minority group concentration. It should also be noted that the high dependency referral score (on the one to ten score rating, the area scored eight, two-points worse than the city- Thrill Drivers': wide average), indicates some degree of family breakdown." Al: So if you want in the report. Among Several recommendations were included to feel the same these are recommendations to improve street lighting, sanitary Uni: We leap off sewers, and to provide for more parks. ramps through Roy: Daring we may confidence on the The report further recommends "systematic code en- flaming hoops.We do be, but dumb we're road as we do on forcement" to upgrade housing conditions in the area. hairpin turns, near not. If we couldn't the track, even in Another item indicates "serious poverty and unemployment If you collisions, 2-wheel count on Uniroyals rain or freeway underemployment in the neighborhood." The report, traffic, get yourself and driving. That's how in hairy situations, therefore, recommends "every effort should be made to qualify some Uniroyals. we demonstrate the we wouldn't take the unemployed and underemployed residents of those areas for can drive it,well And strength and traction their money. We're We use 'em. occupational training and retraining under the Manpower of Uniroyal Steel we don't like to 1962." not looking for grief. Development and Training Act of insure it for less. Belted Radials. push our luck. In order to upgrade the area the report suggests the city provide leadership in providing housing suitability designed. California Financial Responsibility, including Watch for us on TV. located and priced for the elderly. The report further suggests the Uninsured Motorist Coverage, for SIX MON- city could encourage home ownership by encouraging and as- THS as LOW as: sisting non-profit organizations or corporations to purchase, rehabilitate and resell to low-income purchasers single-family SINGLE MALE 18-20 $118* houses with insured mortages as provided by law. 21-24 $ 86* In the past, according to a source that requested not to be iden- some hanks may have practiced what is known as tified, MARRIED MALE 18-20 $104* is, a policy decision to avoid investment in "redlining.'"rhat 21-24 particular areas because of anticipation of high abandonment $ 65* rates. The source indicated this practice is illegal and may. in $ 93* tact, no longer apply to the college neighborhood. SINGLE FEMALE 18-20 Individuals in the college neighborhood are just beginning t., 21 $49. participate directly in the improvement of their portion of the San Jose community. ' Requires an ASH card and minimum of 12 units At SJSU a group called the A.S. Planning Agency (ASPA) work or 8 graduate. organized last semester to develop a Campus Community Plan. undergraduate Group task forces have been investigating housing, transportation, community facilities, open space, land use and economic development in the college area. Now ASPA, which has endured a change in command from lay Marder to Carol Sanford, has developed a master plan for improvements in the CAMPUS college neighborhood. INSURANCE A.S. Pres. Dennis King reports that ASPA has been working in conjunction with the San Jose Cit y Planning Agency to compile a SERVICE comprehensive community plan. He said the plan will soon be CSIS/ considered and possibly allocate funds to implement some of its recomendations. The plan however, has not yet been released. 404 S. Third St. Upstairs-corner of But King said SJSU will do what it can to help upgrade the 289-8881 3rd and San Salvador NI, \ROY AL college neighborhood. Page 4, April 2b 1 9 7 3 'Blacks less intelligent than Whites' Shockley asks genetic theory review By ARDIE CLARK ins, increase in intelligence in probably receive the same cool sociate professor of biology at sterilization was an effective Dr. X is more concerned with Still pushing his theory that direct proportion to infusions reaction by NAS members his San Jose State University. remedy for social problems," the racial connotations of Or, Blacks are genetically less of 'Caucasian ancestry'," views have in the past. disagrees with Dr. Shockley he stated. Shockley's statements than he intelligent that Whites. Prof. reported the Mercury. Dr. Shockley blasted the and his sterilization plan. According to Dr. Ingraham. is with genetic theory. The William Shockley of Stanford "For each one per cent of NAS for not considering his "Sterilization as a social it has been estimated that 89 genetic controversy is a White University tried again on Caucasian ancestry, the claims. He called the group's policy was once invoked when per cent of the mentally issue, said Dr. X. Monday to get the National average I.Q. of the American position -the most serious and less was known about human retarded come from normal Academy of Sciences INAS) to Black population goes up ap- obvious derelection of heredity than today," Or, parents. review his study. proximately one I.Q. point," intellectual responsibility in Ingraham said. "A program to have effec- According to an article in claims Dr. Shockley. the history of science." Dr. Ingraham cited the tiveness would require the San Jose Mercury Tues- He has proposed that Stan- Dr. Shockley. when German sterilization law, sterilization of normals who day, Dr. Shockley made the re- ford University spend $40.000 interviewed recently, said which was adopted in 1934 for would be carriers of harmful quest in Washington, D.C. at a to test his theory. The test welfare programs contribute "humanitarian purposes," to genes presumed responsible," three-day meeting of NAS would involve 550 Blacks from to the low achievement rate of show how unsuccessful such a he stressed. members. the university. The purpose Blacks. Welfare programs program was. Dr. Cedric X, one of Dr. Dr. Shockley has contended would be to show that Stan- affect all participants, he "Considering the history of Shockley's teaching for several years that Blacks lord Blacks are more stressed, but affect Blacks the Germany in the following colleagues, is one of his most score lower than Whites on I. - intelligent because they have a worst, causing a form of decade, it is not apparent that vocal adversaries. However, Q, tests because of genetic, not -higher degree of Caucasian -genetic enslavement." environmental. factors. ancestry than Blacks in He recommends a "volun- Dr. Shockley said Monday general." tary sterilization bonus plan" he would submit a paper According to the Mercury, as a solution. The proposal Firemen fight 'based on research studies the new paper by Dr. Shockley would involve only persons from which he has concluded (Nobel laureate and co-inven- with a low I.Q. that 'Negro hybrids,' or malat- tor of the transistor) will pays income Cedric X Anyone who 14; tax would be excluded. All 11 others, regardless of race, :7=:::::tptin:Imbemtv bird deposits William Shockley Bac s'spiritua y superior' 100 they scored on their I.Q. II you happened lobe in the tests. Payments would be are of San Fernando and One of the ()timers on hand commented this is done from given only if the person Market streets Monday at time to time to keep the aviary alunteered to be sterilized. about 11 a.m., you may have noticed that the San Jose deposits under a certain Dr. Shockley has received Stanford professor Police Department had amount of control. states views. heavy opposition to his blocked off the area and that Capt. Ronald A. Delgado of Hy BRI In IEWETT -.aid A mates are further know the history of scien- man,- he said. "He wants that Leeds University of London the San Jose Fire Department the San Jose Fire Department ,ess intelligent removed from that first man tists," Dr. X said. -Politicians degree. This Leeds incident is had planned to give him an "Black, was hosing down St. Joseph's said, "I was sent over there to Cedric X and so are interior." say. 'Study this if you want a sign of the chickens coming than Whin-. Dr. honorary degree for his work Church, 55 W. San Fernando. wash down the church and What id arguments by many that scientist will home to roost." mused in quiet, somber tones. money.' And on the transistor. However, A number of people did find out what the priest You've come to th, contend an a "I wonder it Whites can ever be While liberals who do it because he has Should Leeds University the university changed its notice this and at lirst, thought wanted done. 'the priest right place as intelligent as Blacks." impoverished environment, mortgage to pay and kids to award Dr. Shockley? mind after Shockley's con- that St. Joseph's had caught wanted the bird nests We've got Cedric X is 32. a Black man not heridit y, is responsible for send to school." troversial racial views were truth, the firemen were removed." "It would show their lire. In rl 011 Color Brushes with a Black God. Studying ii low Black performance on I.Q. Dr. Shockley's logic in his publicized. just dislodging a few nests and Pastor Joseph L. Dondero stupidity if they do." Dr. X fl WeletCOIOr Brushes become a minister in the tests? controversial theories "is Views of a Biologist other deposits left by an in- was on his day off and was said. "He's not a good scientist [7] Bamboo Brushes Nation of Islam. he is .4 Skill - "Environment versus perfect," contends Dr. X. Dr. Dewii, Ingraham, as- discreet flock of birds. unavailable for comment. in the field he's studying and ji Sky Brushes lord University Bistror I or and hi-rectify. is a pseudo issue," Dr. "Everything in Shockley's he's a lousy psychologist. He [1 Lettering Brushes an adamant oppiment 01 Dr. X stated. "Serious scientists logic falls into place. His doesn't even do his own One-Stroke Brushes William Shockley. ;i White recognize this. Unfortunately, reasoning is better than most research. In no way is he n Fan Brushes genetics theorist. serious scientists do not in- liberals. But it is his as- representative of valid 7 Photo-Retouch Media revolt continues psychologists." clude are wrong." Shockley !whey. sumptions which science. Everything else about Brushes Blacks are genetically Intere Raps liberals Leeds University in the degree is politics." Quill Brushes based run Dr. X criticized Dr. Shoc- England, is withholding an to Whiles f I intelligence ireitient I I.Q , kley's White liberal op- honorary degree meant for Perhaps Dr. Shockley's mosi ex USIA chief says ratings. He and Dr. X has,. ponents; "Both they and Shoc- Dr. Shockley because of his controversial aspect is his By PEG BENNETT Nations. India has suddenly Asked about religious clashed in public discussions. kley agree that Blacks are publicized opinions on proposal of the sexual Predicting a continuing become India. pakistan and groups communicating a value The Black professor not only dumb. They only differ in the genetics. The degree was to sterilization of anyone below a "communication revolution." Bangledash. Ireland has to American society. disagrees with Dr. Shockley's reasons why." commemorate his Nobel Prize certain I.Q. level. Because of Frank Shakespeare. former problems with the English. Shakespeare replied, "The opinions, but asserts he Black The instructor said Western winning work in transistor this. Dr. X maintained, Director of the United States there is lighting in Cypress west has succeeded because of man is "spiritually superior.' science holds no essential development. "Whites have more to fear Information Agency (USIA), and voting dissent in Canada. a political expression of Judaic to his White counterpart. diflerences between man and A huge smile, the first oneof from Shockley than Blacks. As spoke to about 300 people in All are due to nationalism, ac- Christian religion, not because "I have been intew-aloif all has environment. Dr. X labeled the interview, spread across far as sheer numbers of people, the Student Union Tuesday cording to Shakespeare. of economics. These spiritual iny tile,- fir sold. 1 know this as "11 materialistic view of the instructor's face. there are more Whites who are afternoon. underpinnings must be about mum,' White style of lit,' I man.- and said this view point "Shockley is a very proud poor and of lower I.Q.'s." He added it is difficult for Keynote speaker for the understand preserved. If we take this The brush you've been have never !leen an 15 found in Western man's other countries to Silver Anniversary of the BA away the West will eventually looking for is probably integrationist le ails,. I don: treatment id his environment the unique situation in degree in Public Relations, of fall." on one of our shelves. think the ? imi,. I,. and others. America where the mixture Shakespeare said his topic. Shakespeare concluded he Stop in and browse worth getting my head liasheo Dr. X tii..ors man apart and House decides races live together peaceably. around, we carry a com- "The Changing Face of Public did not want to appear cynical, in fur." higher than nature. He sees "But there is a difference," to end on a plete selection of the man possessing a spirituality . Communication" is displayed "but I'm going Burning House explained Shakespeare materials in the revolution of cynical note. finest artists' The light larnwn skinned aspiring to greater spiritual leaning over the podium. to continue am nationalism, the demise of "I believe it is fashionable in town Black Muslim filtered an levels. "People came to this country porutnity Grants (SEOG) and multi-national states, and the today for young people to be analogy from Black writer He does not think The U.S. House of Represen- voluntarily. They chose to son Joie po;nt National Direct Student Loan role of the USIA in Russia. anti -government anti- and wallpaper co. lames Baldwin: " 'Who wants "intelligence" can be measured tatives in a recent unanimous come to a foreign land which INDSL) programs. American. But I do not believe 78 Valley Fair to integrate a burning house?' by I.Q. tests. lie quoted voice vote, approved an ap- "The revolution of was emptyexcept for the In- The House approved $270 young people are fun- Son Joie -948-4171 lite Honorable Elijah Moham- Islamic scholar S.H. Naar who propriation that would con- nationalism is a fundamental dians," he added. million for NDSL llormerly damentally challenging the 565 San Antonio Rd. med provided the answer: defines intelligence as "the tinue two existing financial factor in the structure of National Defense Students "It is worth noting that only nation." 'Nobody but a fool.' ability to know God." aid programs. Pres. Nixon states," asserted Shakespeare. 1flLView.941-5609.1 million for SEOG two groups protest that they Dr. X went to Nigeria' as a This definition "is almost previously said they should Loans). $210 He pointed to the loss of em- Op- are not recognized. These are LAST DAY TOMORROW! member ol the Peace Corps in completely alien to most not be landed for the 1973-74 Ilormerly Educational pires throughout history. $270 the blacks and Indians. They the early 1960's. He received Western ears, particularly the academic year. portunity Grants), "Britain is an example. The did not volunteer to come. The his Ph.D. from the University ears of the scientific and The $872 million ap- million for the Work-Study victors won a war, but lost an Blacks were forced to leave YOU CAN STILL GET INTO PEACE CORPS of Michigan in social technological community." Dr. propriated is what Nixon had program and $122 million for empire because ot their homeland in African and psychology of education in X said. proposed. The President's BEOG. nationalism." the Indians were forced to give 1968. Soon afterward. he was He thinks the genetic con- budget suggested that Basic The BEOG program will be He claimed people tear THIS SUMMER VISTA THIS FALL on a pilot basis as approved by up their land." hired at Stanford and IS now troversy is among Whites, not Educational Opportunity themselves apart fro Grants IBEOG). a new the house. Use of funds an assistant prolessor of Blacks. However, he has ac- nationalism and at times it's In a question and answer IF YOU APPLY NOW psychology. tively opposed Dr. Shockley program, be funded at $622 depends on Pres. Nixon's absurd what it leads to. period. Shakespeare describe() "I became interested in the on the account, he said. of million at the expense of Sup- decision louse them for such a Africa now has 39 states all the USIA as a reporting agen- OPENINGS FOR SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS IN: Nation 4)1 Islam around 1963," Black youth in White schools. plementary Educational Op- project. to be represented at the United cy. It broadcasts the Voice ol Dr. X revealed. "My interest "Our children are forced to America to the Soviet Union Liberal Arts Nursing came from deep reflections come to grips with thinking 11 hours a day in nine education Mathematics social Service and upon man and his nature. taught by foreigners languages. Physical Sciences Industrial Arts aliens (Whites)," Dr. X said. "I Indians: 'leave us alone' Especially in contemporary "It gives factual reports of Civil Engineering Vocational Education America." ti-el obligated to future (From page iJ passing, John Kaahanni said governor's mansion is to be international life as it exists. Physical Education tlusiness Administration Dr. X spoke id his ICCell- generations to fight Shoc- Speaking for AIM leader that "justice and equality exist built were only trying to We have no intention of tance of the "inner truths' ial kley." tconomics John Robinson, who was only for the White man." protect the ancient Indian promoting discontent in the the Bible and the Koran. Dr. X complained, "Ninety OUTSIDE THE arrested earlier this week in Kaahanni said the arresting burial ground. He said the Soviet Union." He added the CAFETERIA believes they contain to 95 per cent of youngBlacks Sacramento on charges of as- of Robinson and five other In- AIM wants the U.S. to leave Russians attempt to jam the Monday through Friday prophecies that have been and believe in some kind of saulting a police officer and dians who tried to occupy the Indians and their ancestors broadcasts. April 23-27, 9 a.m. supreme being. Then they go to 3 p.m. will be fulfilled. malicious mischief and tres- site where a new California alone. He hallows the Islamic faith to White universities and come Arron Manganiello, a and the leadership of the out as atheists. When they lose spokesman for the Maoist Honorable Elijah Mohammed, their belief in God, they think revolutionary organization TERRIFIC SALE! TERRIFIC SAIL!! who he said, "has been they are intelligent." Venceremos that has working for God for the past Shockley not new ipublically supported the Inlay Hall rnnm at 7p.m. Admission is SOcents. Wounded Knee occupation, 42 years. He is an example of a Ur. Shockley and his Sigma Della Chi will have e special Phi Alpha Theta will hear a guest (Complete boat prophet never honored in his genetics theories are not new. dinner at the Red Chimney Restaurant in spc4ker al 7.30 p.m at 201100 Homestead said AIM needs a stronger $9022 own country. That is because said Dr. X. He discussed San Francisco. Cocktails al 8.30p.m. and "political and military included free dinner al 7 p.m. Salurdey he never plays golf with similar ideas held by a Profes- organization" to create more ?ASA will meet in Barracks sot 3:15 ?olk Mom Party Night will be held al 7 Wounded Knees. with every sail purchase) politicians. Instead he works sor Garret of Columbia p.m. Plans for Cultural Week will he dis p.m in WPE Room 1M. Tickets are St. Sporting with the outcasts and rejects." University in the 1930's. cussed. Films "Fillmore" and "Celebration at Big He said this type of sal" Here it is: a genuine 45-square-foot sailboat sail. Modest, IMreallosal Moaned/as Sur" will be shown In Morris Dailey organization will force the the label of the world's largest-selling beer! And with it you Dr. X said he has studied "Shockley is an archetype." Society will meet at 8 p.m. in DMH 181. Auditorium al 1 p.m. and al 7 p.m. Ad U.S. government to give In- get a complete Sea Snark, the world's largest -selling sailboat! descriptions of "God's Chosen he said. "fie is being used by An introductory lecture on the technique mission is SO cents. dians the right to self People" in the Holy Books. He politicians who are putting ot transcendent.' meditlion will be 11111.1 Foliation= will have a pot luck Right! For the reduced price of 590.00 (regularly about given. dinner in the ewish Students Center. determination. ? wal. 5120.001. umuii can hoist the King's colors. anal ride the wind believes those people are the money into genetic research to -maestro er lb. Cermaitilea," a coniem- located al 441 S. loth Street. Admission "We need to create not just in yntur own personal sailboat. seed' theory." pornry opera based on a true incident and was es American Blacks. spread the 'bad is an item of fluid. one Wounded Knee, but one, He Dr. X does not think Shoc- auricle the French Revolution. will be Smithy unsinkahly easy to argued the first man on presented in Concert Hall at BIS p.m. two,three or many Wounded The Sea Snat k is so simple to rig. so SHIU AMn-Amrioa Stdia if,my ,Anmt Oleic's room earth was of divine creation kley is the only one "being Admission is Si for Sf011 student. and Department will crindlict a seminar nn Knees," Manganiello said."In- handle, sou'll he tinder sail (he %cry tjrsi gear and groin and resided in Africa. The used." He cited Paul Ehrlich's 52 Inc the generel public. "Sex Myths among Chinese and Chinese. dians have not made an effort aplent for Ins o adults, plus "A Thurber Carnival," written by earliest remains of man have population theories and Prof. Americans" in the SG. Pacifica Room at and a eooler-full of Btu& eisero. humorist lames Thurber. mmli be 7.30 pm. to completely separate from been found there by an- I.anus Pauling's sickle cell presented in the Studio Theatre at 8 p.m. Edam "Mad Dogs and Englishmen." the U.S.," he added. "What is 5'i'hs let acres :111.1 ati es of perfectly good simmer thropologists. anemia work as related to Dr. Admission is SI for !HSU students and "Soul to Sour and "Go Johnny Go" will true is that they don't want to 10 so :isle? Scum1 101.15 for our Sc,, Smirk. S. tor the general public. "The first man Was Black. Shockley's genetic conten- be shown in Morris Dailey Auditorium tourists in the reservations. r" and raise sail, %s oh the fun set! Vilassi"Woodslock" and "Monterey Pop'. al I p.m. and 7 p.m. Admission lose Everyone since then is tions. They want the right to self will be screened al 1 pm. in the S.U. Me. Sea Snarl: Specifications( determination." descended from him.- Dr. X "A good scientist should Hallroom. Al 7 p.m. "Woodetocli" and ',muted Hendrix In Berkeley" will be shown in Hull is one-piece, high densits ek Morns Dailey Auditorium. Admission to pobstrene. I I -toot m'um'i.tlltmnugtft.Otth birth shows is 50 cenls. ssraparound eiiiiiel gnat ml Mast. Friday hOOM and soar tit toughest alloy. B flt degas will beheld in the Women seamless .1111111111%111) UI ,00deii at 8 p.m in upport of striking Theological Seminary %aim s al hirah workers Donation. are $t This parts and fillings hat rabic spat nish ilance is cosponenred by MECHA and finish. SV1 Slid! k s.mnitmmc 111 511 tIctitlil the Radical Student Union. 11111111:11 111CIlltiCil "ill) boat. MECHA will meet at 3:30p.rn. in the S.II DISCOUNT ON SERVICE AND REPAIRS Pacoima Room MAIL TO: Humes C Haat Sociologist offers Judaism classes ON ALL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MODELS ',nark Products, Inc., Dept. C. One Riverside Plaza, North Bergen. X.J. 07047 seyinour Lipsel will speak on "Equality and Educalitin" al the annual Honors Please ship me, freight prepaid. 'sea sin irkisi no jib Budweiser label sail al $90 ellch. lhe fewish I held will accept i he six week imurse lainvocallon al I 30 pm. In Morris No.inlit. New Aoddort Seminary of America in for academic credit. Dailey !whined is my 0 Friday Pinks present. 'Anne of 1000 check 0 money order for the iotal amount of S (Ness ferse York and the University ol resident, add state sales lax I. The term in New York will Hays. Herring Richerri Burton. lo be Judaism in Los Angeles will he conducted from June 25 to ihown in Morris Dooley Auditorium al 7 NANIE offer parallel summer courses and 10 p m Admission is SO cent August 2 and the classes in Los preeented TREET in Jewish studies. "A Thisrian Cerise will he Angeles will be offered from fl the Studio Theatre al Rpm. Ticket CITY STATF. The Summer Institute /IP July 2 to August 10. are St for student. end Woe thegenirel deal with subjects No charge newient or C.0.13, orders accepted. and . cannot ship to Pia, BoL g fm'.- Iitir classes will public. wiNdo I:a ilelierv. Offer .:id here prolOwnt mr such as the Bible and Talmud, Interested students may "Diaksgdm at the Carmallhe will he STAR MOTORS presented in Concert Hall Cl SAS p.m Jewish history, philosophy write to the Summer Institute, 373 So. Markil St. Sall I it.liets areal for etude Me and $2 for the and contemporary life and the The University of Judaism. emeriti public When you say Budweiser,, you've said it all! language. 6525 Sunset Blvd., Los Vilna and "Elide That, Pretent Stoilent Body Cord For Dimwit Hebrew anal,' n iiiSCH, INC St LOUIS the Way II I. will be shown in the Sr ...... San Jose Slate University Angeles. 90028. II April 26 1973 Page 5 Women should keep their funds separate' Lawyer calls community property laws unfair (From par l) earners, soon to be under the She found an apartment and credit risk. discrimination is pending in business or personal reasons. that handles legal an- crimination. It we switch the situation." credit rating of their mates. called Pacific Gas and Electric "They never rel used to take the California legislature The procedure lor nouncements. "A husband and a wife are the blonde-haired feminist Uevorced females are re- Co. to turn on the electricity my checks when I paid , he under Assembly Bill 312 in- petitioning the court involves Although it might not cure one.- stated the Hosting Law said, .....he wife could never jected because they have no but was told she had to pay a bills." she said. "'rhe fact that troduced by Henry Waxman. a $38 tiling lee plus a $40 all the traditional ills of Journal, 1888....landl the one have bought the car without past rating. $35 deposit lee because she the credit was in his name, publishing free. Publishing women's rights access, it is the husband." the husband's signature." Linda Campbell, a San lose had no past credit rating with though, had established me as His bill would ensure that means the announcement of might be one of the paths Legally, you've got a long Presently the only com- legal secretary and Lincoln them. a non-entity. creditors judge a woman's the change in any newspaper leading to an end in sexual dm- way logo, baby. munity property Law University student, came Seven layers of ad- "But how many women will rating on the same basis that that the hus- ***Itntrtirontronir*********************intinintraronentronoritotte band cannot touch without his lace to lace with this problem ministration and an hour later scream and cuss to establish they judge a man's, regardless

wile's signature are the when she was separated from Ms. Campbell had convinved their rights?" she asked. of whether she's single. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT household furnishings, the her husband. PG a E that she was not a A possible solution to credit married or divorced. The bill children's clothing and her also provides for punishment clothing. to the tune of $500 plus actual Community property is also damages if companies fail to a weary problem when dealing heed the provision. with the enactment of wills. Environmentalists An increasingly popular act When a husband dies. th, by many married women to proper procedure is that hi, distinguish themselves from will goes through probat, the identify of their husband is before any property or money changing their married name is dealt out. Probate is a legal back to their maiden name. procedure of proving the feature speakers Historically women have validity of a will. been expected to take the name On the other side of the coin, By LEE DICKASON "Originally we had scheduled the Sierra Club, People's of the husband upon their however, the wife's will does A county-wide Ecology Ralph Nader to come but Lobby and the United Farm marriage. Legally, however, not have to go through the Week featuring speakers. couldn't find enough money to Workers. no law states that this must be legalities before the husband workshops and exhibits will pay him for his trip from the case. "times and places for can acquire hall of the com- start Monday. The week is Washington." California code makes men- workshops should be set by STEVE HUGHES PAUL SEPULVEDA DAVE MAYFIELD munity property, since he has sponsored by the San lose Hyman applied for funds to tion that a person may use any Friday," Hyman said. PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT TREASURER control and management. State University En- the Special Allocations group name desired so long as there of Student Council and the is no attempt In divorce cases the division vironmental Studies The eco-fair at the end of the to defraud. Department. A.S. Program Board. In ad- Women have of community property is sup- week will feature speakers Ed had to petition dition he applied to the county the court, though, to re-es- posed to be equal. However, According to student Koupal, founder of the and other schools in the area tablish their sometimes the women gets the coordinator Mal Hyman, the People's Lobby, Barry individuality. STUDENT ALLIANCE '73' week will include keynote for assistance. One of the hang-ups is that she bad end of the deal simply Wiseberg, lecturer at SISU because speakers from all levels of We have had good response must prove there is a reason she mingled her and Ken Boyd. the City En- government, industry and ac- from environmental groups, ior the change. This can be for FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY JOINT EFFORT SUPPORT separate property with her vironmental Commissioner. community property. tive citizen groups. and students from Willow "Women should keep their Activities will take place Glen High School contributed Vendors of food, han- Polanal AthynNement VETERANS AID VISIBLE GOVERNMENT funds separate," Ms. Cobey on college and high school lots of time and energy to the dicrafts, !lowers and other warned. "It they co-mingle all campuses and shopping project," Hyman said. wares will help set the mood of FITZGERALD their belongings there will be a centers all over Santa Clara Workshops will be given by the lair, along with slide lot of hassles when things get County. An eco-I air at many groups including Com- shows and films of county en- ACADEMIC VOTE TODAY Haid bv Studer, down to legalities." Williams Street park will end mon ,:ause. Save Our Valley. vironment problems. COUNCIL Women, however, do have the week. ***********nintIr some guidelines available for Don Edwards to speak their protection. The wife can Congressman Don Edwards, make a list of all her separate D-San Jose, will kick off the property and have it notarized week with a speech on and recorded for a small fee. It Seventh Street at noon Mon- is a good idea to have the hus- day. At 7:30 p.m. Dan McCor- band sign the list also because quodale of the County Board of that indicates his agreement. Supervisors will speak in HE The woman should always 5. keep her property separate Tuesday Dick Tucker of the and not mix it with community Environmental Protection property or hand it over to the Agency will speak at noon on husband's control. 't'his can be Seventh Street followed at accomplished by placing the 7:30 p.m. by Pat Ferraro. a wile's name on her property member of the county Flood and both names on community Control District. property. Clyde Arbuckle, the county In the realm of credit, historian will contrast though, it doesn't matter what changes in the county in his property belongs to the speech at noon on Wednesday. woman or what her working On Thursday Don Aitken, status is. chairman of the SISU En- The catch circles back to the vironmental Studies husband's legal control of the Department will speak at noon community property and his on various ecology problems. final decision regulating the Speakers will also appear at couple's resources. Santa Clara University and 25 It isn't just married women high schools in the area. who cannot establish their Eco-Week funding low own credit. Single women are Hyman claims he has had often rejected because they are difficulty organizing the pro- viewed as temporary wage- ject due to lack of funds. King comments Arlo Guthrie Last of the Brooklyn Cowtoos (From page 1) they fail. includes. Gypsy Davy Gates of Ede, "The way I read it the Arguing that there has not Blue, Riothiv constitution( is that the been enough time to properly president may veto anytime he inform the campus voters on or she feels like it." the lull impact of the He pointed out, however, amendment proposals, King that the constitution does re- managed to convince the coun- quire the presidential veto cil, which numbered a bare decision be made before the quorum of 12, to approve his next regularly scheduled plan. meeting of the council. The amendments would The council also cooperated eliminate the upper division with King's proposal to standing requirement for the represent the constitutional holders of executive A.S. of- amendments on this week's fices, and any class divisions THE ballot and on the next ballot it on the council. DOOBIEBRompbc ineCaptain Ldu and/' / Ikludes Platuri) THINE ThAe SERVING IS NO Clear is SAN IOSE SUISTITUTE Driven Snow THIRD FOR A TOR Without Of A 0 You EXPERIENCE CENT UN! Camina OMEGA an d 14,

Inciudes Nort " ShAbbe'nfieFaliaackst of"uterhs Foo,s 4DCa vNS/ nt L82aCnik

Q*9' n eW 111

The beauty of being practical ... Omega. Warner Bros. Records Ladies' strap watch in 14k yellow gold. Bold Romon numeral dial $17.5 Avoiloble with mohic or stick did. 1600 SARATOGA AVE., SAN JOSE, CALIF. PRICES START AT $65.00 Open en tycoon? o- (408) 374-2112 ut, OW !ay payment Wen Or your tookArnenconl Meg, Cherie or eel Ns *mei, ALSO AVAILABLE AT MAYFIELD MALL, MT .VIEW

HOURS: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon. Fri. 10 1.111. to 6 p.m. Saturday DIAMONDS WORTH! OF Noon to 5 p.m. Sundays RAISE AND 2VAllf-6674ev' ASSURANCE ePt.L49.)-C S First St Sal Jut 317 leirft & Wintry valage.sallete Ono For I M. 'mitt Page 6, April 26, 1973 of 1 8 races - First in 1 7 Breddell runs and wins By RAY MORRISON Pacific Coast Athletic As- said. "Against Oregon State I Bud Winter Field practicing National Invitational held Winning races has become a sociation. worked on my starting and the fundamentals needed in May 5 at Bud Winter Field natural thing with Vince Even though Breddell has with the Bay Area Striders I winning races. can be purchased at the SJSU Breddell. Solar this season the the best marks in the worked especially hard on my robes good sprinter takes Athletic Office and the 5-fool -10. 160-pound junior conference, he still feels he can finishes. Ill put all these skills concentration, technique. Cashier's Office in the Ad- has won 17 of 18 races to help improve his times. together I'm sure I can run at strength. and a good RHO ude." ministration Offices. the Spartans to an un- "During every meet I'm least a 9.2 and a 20.0 or better. - Weddell said. "Right now Tin Students will not be ad- blemished 4-0 dual meet trying to improve a different To keep in shape, Breddell weak in the concentration area mitted free to the meet as has record. phase of the sprints," Breddell spends over two hours a day at but I'm working hard to im- been the policy of other meets His 9.4 clocking in the 100- prove at." because it is sponsored by the yard dash was the fastest of His goal this year is to do San lose Sports Commission. any college runner until he well at the National Collegiate All students must pay $1.50. was nipped at the tape last Athletic Association finals in while the general public pays week by Idaho State which he has qualified in the $3 and reserve seating goes for University's Carl Lawson who 100 and 220-yard dashes and $5. ran the pace in 9.3. the 440 yard relay. The meet will feature 11 Breddell will be looking for "My long range goal is to Olympians and tour world revenge when the two runners participate in the 1978 record holders including shot- tfleet during the San lose In- Olympic games because at putter Al Feurbach and vitational at Bud Winter Field. that time I'll be 25 years of age George Woods. May 5th. and probably in my best The Spartan "Firebird" physical condition," Breddell l000rignienk_. started his running career as said. a senior in Kearny High School Breddell tried out in the 1972 in San Diego after he injured Olympic Trials in Eugene. CHARTER FLIGHTS himself in football. He Ore. where he made it to the finished with 9.6 and 21.4 third round before being timings in the 100 and 220- eliminated. EUROPE yard dashes. The same summer he broke Breddell wanted to come the 100-meter record of 10.2 at BRUSSELS straight to SJSU but instead the Mexico Games. the advice of a friend to "Vince is one of our most Den Breio DAN CANTOR, national and American weightlifting champion, took $279. go to San Diego Mesa outstanding athletes we've ROUND TO r highlighted the action at the recent California State Weightlifting first had," SJSU coach Ernie The best Championships held at the San Jose YMCA. Cantors won Best College. I was able to prepare Bullard said. "He is improving s159 Lifter award. "There myself for the competition to on his running times each ONE WAY follow here as it's hard to go week and has taken a role in straight from high school the team's leadership." SPECIAL competition into college 13reddell has not had to LOW AIR FARES ON lifter; Breddell said. worry about injuries this year INTER -EUROPEAN FLIGHTS Cantore best i.ompetition," He then transferred to SJSU and believes this has to do ISRAEL AFRICA ASIA this year and has been sprin- with his working out on ALSO AVAILABLE ting his way into the Spartan weights each week. He said INTERNATIONAL 1,0 CARDS Leso bombs meet record book. His wind-aided that this is part of an overall STUDENT EURORAIL PASSES 9.3 places him second in the program set up by former lil- neard of his death." Cantors Therm flights rr opar to By JUN MEADE tteaks. It 8 untortunate as 100, while his 20.6 gave him a Spartan runner Lee Evans to touch recalled. "The announcement Students. Feculty, Stoll With the aroma of tuna fish ting demands sixth place mark in the 220. help increase his times. Employe.,. and the,, and Ben Gay dominating the coordination, timing and of the slayings didn't occur un- prnrrnirdist fmily Both of these times put Ueve Ofnnn He believes he can lower his til after I completed my lifting atmosphere in the main gym of overall athletic ability." Breddell into the lead in the Vince Breddell (left) time in the 220 when he "pun- but I'm sure it affected the the San lose YMCA, the 1973 The complications that ches" the first 50 yards in a (41i1LAI8512 California State Weightlifting surround a weightlifting meet performances of all lifters and race. Punching is getting an DETACH AND MAIL TODAY athletes. It was a terrible Championships were are numerous. Unbelievable extremely fast start out of the li thing." contested recently with the would be more suitable. blocks. HARTER FLIGHTS INT. Although lour SJSU 995 MARKET STREET usual grunts. groans and First, the meet which was "The track program here in weightlifters were scheduled SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 taped-up bones. scheduled for 11 a.m., started San lose is great as everyone is late, due to to enter only one showed up to 1NPlease mall me information on 21I1hts Some of the strongest men in about 20 minutes working together. This is and competeRay Leso. 198 the country, including late entries, weigh-ins helping to build a winning at- national record holder and '72 failure to find loaders. The pounder with "tremendous Sports Name titude," Breddell said. Olympic potential," according Olympian Dan Cantore. gave Judges alsochecked in late, ad- Breddell will be going along Address. the contest its share of ding to the contusion. to meet director Millette. with members of the SJSU City ,State Zip come in Leso. who came in heavily excitement, but as usual, the Weightlifters track team as they meet the muscled at 195 1/2 put the onlookers were not avid lilting different sizes and shapes but University of Washington in they are heavily crowd on its feet when he tans, and the day was long. basically. Seattle at the Huskies Field. But then, that seems to be muscled, Others, however, "started" his lilting with 2713.6 Frosh sinks Navy lbs. Most lifters are slow and the name of the game. To sim- look quite average, like 148 lb. 'rickets for the San lose plify the sport and make it national champ Dan Cantore. methodical but not Leso. He's more interesting to the general Cantore. San Francisco like an enraged lion who's at- public would be like pulling State University graduate. tacking his prey. 11 701171T,5X.VAT, Sta1,0411A1 win expected to in -2 demolition eye teeth out of a giraffe. was the main drawing power Leso was he didn't. He Roger Millette. meet direc- of the evening. The fans, all 48 easily. but It was a typical SJSU beautifully, like a real Navy, saw him go down CORNER 3rd 5 SANTA CLARA his clean & jerks. tor for the championships and of them, sal in a stupor as the missed all of I reshmen baseball game baseball team. The Navy went swinging. He was given an not in my San lose State University 26 year-old former Munich He said, "It's yesterday, high scoring, with down in the first, by a well - honorable discharge, when COCKTAILS PITCHER BEER to go half way. I business major. said Olympian took the platform philosophy many errors. Usual for SJSU, executed double play. by third Navy's ninth man showed up. goout trying weightlifting is a poor drawer and lifted nearly double his either win big or I except for one little difference: baseman Jesse Tamez to first But the inning and Bertolero ANCHOR STEAM BEER win nothing." because of adverse publicity bodyweight in the snatch. and don't SJSU was on the winning end baseman Rod Cardin, and nice was not finished. tuna and not enough recognition. Cantore, who placed ninth With the craming of this tiem, fielding by shortstop Ken Bertolero was re-drafted, HAPPY HOUR FROM 3-7 PM t and BenGay to "In contrast." said Millette. in the Olympics in Munich, fish for protein h e Spartababes Chavez to Cardin, for the third when a Navy batter, laid down aches and pains, the SUBMARINES FROM a former competitive lifter recalled the blood bath of the cover and demolished Alameda Naval out. a bunt oft his hand, which re- 49c Weightlitting meet himself. "Russia leads the Israeli athletes with remorse. Cal State Air Station by a score of 11-2 The Spartans started off quired stitches. Bertolero proved one t hingweight. ; FUN MUSIC POOL TV world in weightlifting and its "Although I didn't know on the Spartan Diamond. Greg right in the first with a double came up again that same in- have to be the hardest 7.2birivrort************************** litters are national heroes. Dave Berger (the former litters Rowe went the distance tor the by second baseman, Paul ning, striking out again. trained, under publicized and "In America, weightlifters American weightlifter that Spartans, giving up eight hits Guillian, getting a double to Striking out twice in one in- recognized athletes in are generally looked upon as represented the Israel team] I under and two runs. bring home right fielder, Steve ning is some trick. America today! STUDENT DISCOUNT oddities and musclebound felt a personal loss when I It was a "very" typical game Pond. Meanwhile. in SISU's half of for the freshmen: crazy. 'the Navy's first run came in the the second inning, six runs draft must really be over, second, on a credited hit, yet were scored on seven hits. because the Navy could only the ball was fumbled by SJSU twelve Spartans tripped up to EVERYTHING Rugby team wins again; Imme up with eight men. shortstop Chavez to put the the plate that inning. PHOTOGRAPHIC SISU's Art Bertolero, playing man on first. The man scored In the fifth inning, Spartan- the good guy, and took over on a long double to left field, turned -Navy, Bertolero left field for Navy. tilertolero's first trip to the robbed SISU's third baseman 24 HOUR SERVICE The Spartans started out plate in the second inning for Rene 'rrevino of a homerun. MAO, a wan DIVItOMG & MA.% So. cathcer George Krum- NO0a0.11010,A0vItS a SUDIS tops SantaClara 16-14 potich slammed one right back to Bertolero, and this time the bk. So I NISI St lastmlsiim San kr.r Recreational equipment NAVI Writs. Glee By DON GIOVANNINI The warm conditions Side, and the Ramblers who left fielder missed up, giving 1014t 1E01 CALIFORNIA'S OLDEST 99 No REDWOOD An. . Son Jour are all established first Krumpotich a double. SHOP rhe Spartan rugby club's enabled the speedy backs to SIR t1111111(11SITY AIN Pals Alto CAMERA now 1-2, first team won another con- make good use of their di vision teams beat the Pitcher Rowe, vincing victory over Santa chances. Spartans rather handily. display scheduled May2 struck out five and walked But experience was gained live Navy batters. This win Clara 16-14 Tuesday at the The result was up in the air 'rhe Recreation Department lake community, from those opening losses and avenges SISU's loss to c south campus soccer held. till the end even though the of San lose State University the ever changing coast and the eight out of nine wins Alameda, on March 14, by a Convincing because they Spartans missed a penalty has found the perfect spot for California's Giant Sequoias, followed. score of 5-4, that went 10 in- have established themselves kick on the last play of the its Outdoor Recreation dis- ranked among the world's .,rou're The first knocked off Santa nings. serious as one of the top six teams in game. Their defense was play scheduled for May 2, oldest living trees. Rosa 28-6 just before the The Spartababes have four the Bay Area. outstanding through the Outdoors. In addition to recreational about backpacking- semester break while the remaining games in the "We've come along way this whole game. coach MacEleth activities. persons interested seconds won their contest by Featuring merchandise from season, all against UC- season, not only playing well. reflected. an instructing a class in the but putting together a dis- default. local merchants that can be of Berkeley, the first to be played Stag bags lirith The seconds dropped their recreation program of SISU tinguished record,- coach Ron Next season looks even use to outdoor sports en- Friday, May 4, on the Bear's contest to the Santa Clara next fall will be able to find out Dacron Maclieth said. brighter as Terry Buckhanan thusiasts, the display will be diamond. The next game wit Fiberfill Hare seconds by the score of 14-6. more about this opportunity. the first team playing only who narrowly missed top held from 9 a.m. to4 p.m. in the tw at hurtle. Friday. May I I 'they finished their season nearly as Ivan% but cost their first year in the first honors in the state in the Art Quad located south of the with 6-6-1 record. division put together a 9-5 Monterey Tournament will be Student Union. a lot less than down They also competed in the transferring here from UCG there will be no record which includes eight While We aren't putting down down. We make a great line ol Santa Rosa Tournament wins in their last nine starts. in for his graduate studies. selling of merchandise at the down-filled bags and trail clothing. But now we have a which they placed fifth with Jerry Walters from t he Santa the op- l'he ruggers, despite the display. it will afford I , new line of Stag trail bags staffed with DuPont Dacron. one win and two losses. the Fiberfill II. Different weights and lengths in mummy close score, controlled the Monica team won portunity to those interested tapered companion and rectangular bags. All will, game, especially for the last It's been an up and down recognition as the states best to view, price. and locate just nylon covers and linings and a water player when his team won the t ype of articles I hey ten minutes. season for the first squad. where the proof stuff bag. These bags can Steve Zanatell booted two they opened up . with four tournament. The Bears are interested in can be ob- get soaked, yet they'll dry quickly penalty kicks and converted tough opponents and linished second and it is felt by tained. when wrung out and hung open Down is after a try. Chris Chiurco and proceeded to lose lour of their most that it they had won the Questions on prices, and great, but It won't Mover tom this. Most im- portant. our Stag Floyd McGaughy added tries first live. Stanford. tournament Buchanan would other important aspects about UC- bags offer the warmth of down to round out the scoring. Berkeley, Bay Area Touring have won the honor. the equipment will be at only a bit more weight. Our popu- 'the ruggers last appearance answered at the display. tar mummy bag. filled with 3 lbs. will be the Chico 'l'ournament Also at the display will be of Fiberfill II, weighs only 414 lbs. and this weekend. Eight teams will information on a scheduled It's rated for cold weather. Whet you need fo know about Dacron Fiberfill II: compete in the event. on the environment of Varsity diamondmen series CI Compacts easily into a small stuff bag 0 Recovers A rugby exhibition is being California. quickly from compression and is easy to refluff planned for halftime at the It will cover such varying Calendar O Keeps its fluff and insulating value even when wet varsity-alumni football game points of interest as the inland O Is machine washable and dryable LIT; Long lasting, non -allergenic. odorless and consistent In on May 4th. rivers and streams, quality prepare for Aztecs Wed 25 Snail O Costs a lot less than ck wn. Thu 26 Elvin Bishop When price Is important, consider a Stag I he varsity baseball team continues its preparation for the trail bag. Compare them and our trail tents and backpacks at your sporting goods PCAA league confrontation with the San Diego State University Fri 27 Nuskrat Sun dealer. He might be having a sale right now' 7 tomorrow and Saturday at PAL field, Aztecs REWARD Sat 28 Nuskrat Sun Coach Menges will go with the same three starters as he has WANT TO MAKE A LITTLE MONEY'? Sand 25 for new ..do Kind to Your Outdoor," the past month. Jeff Gingrich (4-3) will start tomorrow night and booklet of troll Lon and catalog to Hirsch. WANT TO GET TEACHING EXPERIENCE? Sun 29 Alice Stewart Wele/White Slag. Dept CRP, 5203 51 John. Randy Zylker 15-21 and Kris Sorenson (3-41 will hurl Saturday. son Crook Bird Portland, Oregon 57205 There is some concern in the Spartan camp about Zylker after WANT TO SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE? Tue 2 Elvis Duck the right hander was hit hard by Humboldt State University over WE ARE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO TEACH THE STAG Trail Gear the Easter break. Zylker has been bothered with back problems RECREATION & CRAFT CLASSES_ IF YOU ARE Address 30 So. Central Campbell most of the year. EXPERIENCED IN ANY CRAFT OR LEISURE ACTIVITY BE INTERESTED IN INSTRUCTING A Stale SJSU is currently on a lour-game win streak. having bumped AND WOULD 374-4000 PROGRAM PLEASE CONTACT THE AS REC OFFICE IN arch-rival Santa Clara 5-1 and UC-Berkeley 9-1 this week. comm. THE OLD CAFETERIA OR CALL PENNY TERRY AS REC No Cover Son -Wed However, the Spartans are just 3-5 in league play, three games COORDINATOR 277-2972 behind pace setting Fresno State University. April 26, 1973. Page 7 Sculptors cast art off campus Don Ellis featured

By PAULA DORIAN are then put into a furnace Dust lingering. piercing fifteen minutes where the Wri in big band concert noises and sweat pouring oft is melted out of the mold. laces might be the best way to Meanwhile the metal is The well-known big band Ellis also composed ill, describe the atmosphere in a being melted at 2,000 degrees sounds of the Don Ellis Big music for the movie "French loundry where metal objects in a crucible so it can be Band will be presented at the I wined are cast. poured into the molds. Great American Music Hall in San lose Slate University The molds are put in a barrel san Francisco on April 27-29. El RANCHO ORIVE-IN art students who major in of sand for support and then If lit. must go outside the poured to replace the sculpture metal is The concert will begin at 9 school to cast their works WaX. p m. on all three nights and the -SOVLENT GREEN' because the school does not When the metal hardens the c ust of all tickets will be$5.50. -LIGH I A I THE EDt. I have a foundry. Not all casts are then cracked and the Of 1111 WORLD" students have the opportunity work is then a metal object. to learn the casting process The piece is then filed, Ellis as trumpeter, com- TROPICAIRE I due to limited facilities. painted and then becomes the poser, and arranger, has won t SCUM,. John Stewart, a graduate art finished piece. This skilled many musicianship awards. "LIFE & TIMES OF student said, you have to en- and lengthy art is a time con- lour Grammy nominations, JUDGE ROY BEAN" joy working with the hot suming one. played on many television metals, and must realize its The lack of a foundry at shows, played with such "FIVE FINGERS the slowest art SISU is an added cost to an art names as the Glenn Miller tine of After the metal has hardened the casts OF DEA1H"_ _ processes from beginning to students' already expensive Orchestra, Woody Herman, and Lionel Hampton, with TROe'ICAIRE II linish." materials budget. are then cracked. Tool Crworraull numerous other accolades. There are four different All Color Horror Show ways in which to cast a mold. -VAULT OF TERROR" They are: slurry process, self - set sand, standard investment Waits "MIND SNATCHERS" process. sings sand mellow blues and green "THE NI1(11%1AkFRS" John Battenburg takes his students to a foundry where F.tAv:HCRE casting is done. They all the out II . slurry process. used the in album 'Closing Time' Jack Letnrnon First you take a found ob- which is easy enough to ioust spend a lot of time in bars what those roses are supposed SAVE THE TIGER" ject. which can be any solid believe, seeing as how the lam Waits' first albuni, and portrays that kind of Los to do. Waller Mallbau object. It is then made into a album has a decidedly noc- "Closing Time" on Asylum Angeles experience. He seems more fascinated "PETE 'N TILUE" plaster mold and is then turnal aura about it. Records. is generally bluesy- His "Virginia Avenue- is with the idea of writing, dipped in wax several times mellow, with a mellowness sung with a deep-voiced lanis natural :or an artist of his age, which ten becomes a positive that goes beyond the years of Joplin blues insistence, ac- than he is actually involved mask mold. the artist. Who was "born companied by Waits' guttural with the act of writing. The The mold is dipped into a December 7. 1949 in Pomona, plunkings on the piano and a problem with his imagery is slurry which is ion sand and California," as it says in the bluesy background of drums, that he is more interested in coaital silica. After drying 6 to autobiography that comes guitar, trumpet and bass. the imagery than in the 8 hours, it's again dipped a with the album. In the background of meaning the imagery is sup- John Stewart and John Burke are going Inorth time sot he cast is 1/4 Jerry Venter, who is also "Virginia Avenue" Delbert posed to put across. inch thick. known for producing a the As- Bennett plays a vibrating. And sometimes the imagery to pour the hot metal into the moulds. When the molds are dry they sociation and the Lovin' brassy, blues trumpet like a doesn't quite make it. In"Little Spoonful, produced and second voice, sometimes Trip to Heaven" he talks about arranged the songs, including arguing, sometimes dis- a "banana moon." The listener- a string quartet arrangement cussing with Waits' guitar. reader [the words to the songs for "Grapefruit Moon." "Martha" is a look to the are in the album) Might have looking to trouble rounding off the edges 51 NORTH SAN PEDRO Some of the 23-year-old future when he'll be Where Spaghetti can be singer's songs don't make the past, reminds me of of a crescent moon to make it fun much sense. The first song, something that Kristofferson resemble a banana. a complete dinner for $1.95 a great future He captures the umbilical "0I"55" doesn't say much said. "I've got hours Mon-Thur 5-10 pm more than he's running behind me." quality of love in the next "lickety, splitley" out to his 'ol Waits has a sense of what stanza when he sings, "I don't Fri -Sat 5-12pm Sun 4- 10pm '55 and wishes that he had poetry is supposed to sound have to take no trip to outer San Jose Calif. Phone 288-7488 stayed a little longer but he like but he doesn't seem space/All I have to do is look at doesn't say just where it was mature enough yet as an artist your face/And before I know to completely pull it off. In it, I'm in orbit around you," he wanted to stay. "I hope that I don't Fall in "Martha" he says, which glees one that sense of sandwiches "People Love With You" brings back **And...those were days of the weightlessness and spaghetti memories of roses/Of poetry and prose." He dependence of a lover. salads Plea sin' merged with Kris Kris- realizes that poetry and roses Many of his songs skirt brew tofferson hauntings. Waits are related hut isn't quite sure experience rather than des- Pizza" cribe it. When he sings, "Never had no destination/Could noi get across/You became my Bailey bestseller inspiration/Oh, but what a cost...," It's difficult to see what he's talking about, but it sounds nice set to music. recounts his cases Introducing Friday Nite Entertainment It all ends with "Closing FOLK-SOLO GUITARIST Time," an instrumental piece, By JOHN HORAN case: "If Sam Sheppard's not JULIUS JAMES sung mostly by piano and F. Lee Bailey is an attorney guilty, then I don't want to 8-10 pm brassy trumpet voices. It's a who appears on Tv talk shows know about it." summary of other songs and and defends accused persons Complaints about the back-alley visions that go on in sensational courtroom present judicial system "until closing time and then trials. Now Bailey has abound in "The Defense Never some," which is when Waits recounted his famous cases Rests." He chides the "Perry says he does his writing, SJS scared Smothers -- and lodged his own com- Mason" show for creating a plaints against the American "false image" of courtroom judicial system in his best- proceedings. Chinese art seller, "The Defense Never "Innocence is not a he returns for dinner Rests." guarantee of acquittal," he By STEPHANIE CURTIS pressure, but, I don't know Waffled. I don't feel there's a Among his famous clients says in criticizing the present Every Friday nite, v,iti, Fine Arts Editor where it came from. lot of hope. People have have been Dr. Sam Sheppard, system which places the in library presentation of your Studr,, Tommie Smothers, the "We just made a lew become appeasers of bad Dr. Carl Coppolino, Captain burden of proof on the accused Works of Chinese paintings Body Card- funny hall of the Smothers morality." Ernest Medina, and Albert comments on a very rather than ont he accuser. and calligraphy by San Fran- Brothers, gets a boyish grin tin conservative media, 'I'V. It you "From the colleges I've been DeSalvo. the Boston Strangler. He also has complaints cisco artist and teacher I-chen his face reminiscing over his say someone is hungry. to, there seems to be a lack of In each section, Bailey ac- Wit are on display and the $1 about the grand jury system: school days at San lose State. someone says 'hey, stop get- concern. Kids don't care. They curately recounts his cases "There is nothing grand about SISU Library now through natty in a navy blue want to know how they can get while playing down his own .00 Looking ting political: The essence 01 the grand jury." The misuse of May 20. and white pinstripe shirt. our act wasn't political.' said theirs just like when I was in legal brillance with con- the polygraph (he scorns the Wu has taught Chinese art .0 CARRIAGE SQUARE Smothers recalled his feelings Smothers. school," Smothers said very siderable understatement. OFF name lie detector) and of the the University of Kansas air, I 1535 Meridian Ave. as a scared freshman before During the last election, seriously. "My favorite cases are the Any large pizza practice of police line-ups. San Francisco. and is teachin, speaking to the Silver An- for Even though Smothers con- most challenging," says 266-0217 Smothers campeigned at the University of Calilorm., Public Relations siders the idealism and hope ol Bailey. "the ones that have He also surprises his niversary McGovern but he maintains he in San Francisco, banquet at the Hyatt House isn't a political activist. "Cam- the '60s has gone, he is quite something to do with im- readers by saying that an ac- Tuesday night. paigning for McGovern was sure of his own future, "We've proving the system, with cused person has a better "Man, I was scared to death: being a responsible citizen. got a couple of Tv shows changing the law." But this chance for a fair trial in a bit I school. I was scared Irresponsible people are those booked. We've got a career and rule, all of Bailey's cases military courtroom rather THUNDER PROMOTIONS PRESENTS I'm in better health than I've than in a civilian court (In to death of flunking out in two who aren't active in politics. I should be his favorites. ever been in." 1971 he won an acquittal for weeks." talked at airports and colleges. Bailey's most famous case Smothers is trim, all - Captain Ernest Medina, whose Smothers stayed at 51St I lor It felt really good to get out At 35 was the trial of Dr. Sam Shep- inside is not mentioned). a year and a hall. there." live and hip talking but pard. accused of murdering his case Rests" "We formed a group here anti Smothers describes his com- is a man afraid of growing old. wife. Bailey calls the first trial "The Defense Never shocking, and sang at trash orientations anti mitment as part ol the '6(15 "I mourn the passing of youth. "trial by newspaper." He even- is .a factual, documentary the Kerosene Club which used consciousness. "For a short I miss the audacity that I used tually won a reversal and an well -written the instinctive about the American judicial to be on Race St. We finally got time there was a great deal 01 to have, I miss acquittal. As Bailey tells it, the a book which a job singing in San Francisco promise. It turned out that moves and I don't give a damn hardest obstacle was official system. It is find not easy to and dropped out of school." he people laid their trip on the attitude about the conse- apathy. He quotes one police readers will downor to forget said. line and !hal promise was not quences. But I cared a lot." officer about the Sheppard put Fraternities and sorortin were a "big trip' Vs In here. "lh, Smothers was The Associated Students Present The Rock Film Festival married a Kappa Zeda and I married an Alpha Phi. She was a pompon girl anti I led card stunts for two fool ball seasons," Smothers remarked. Not only has the campus scene changed, but so has Smothers. "l'he problem is OODSTOCK Jerrebea that time has changed so much that I don't know if our act would be appropriate COUP anymore. It seems like people ALL SEATS 50c are getting back into trivia," he said. Asked how the decision THE BAND CBS to drop his show all, ! All SHOWS 5 0 c WET7ILLIE his career, he replied. "It rn it just about." He and . THURSDAY APRIL 26 STUDENT UNION BALLROOM brother recently won a TUESDAY, MAY 1st. 8p.m. against CBS for breach ol eon - tract and copyright 1 PM Woodstock and Monterey Pop Iringement. Damages.liii suit totaled $916,000 lad 0 SAN JOSE CIVIC AUD. took three and a hall years lor 7 PM Woodstock and Hendrix at Berkley the case to get to court. AVAILABLE AT: Be sure to watch for ADVANCE TICKETS $4.50 Speaking ol his difficulties PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 262 S. MURPHY, SUNNYVALE with CBS, Smothers said, "I Friday, April 27 - 7 PM S. U. Ballroom, WOODSTOCK Elvis in, That's the Way It Is. thought I was compromising Saturday, April 28 - 1 PM 7 PM, Morris Daily, Fillmore Celebration At BANANA RECORDS 3159 EL (AMINO, PALO ALTO all the way. They got to the Sunday, April 29- 1 PM 7 PM, Morris Daily. Mad Dogs and Englishmen Soul TO THE RECORD FACTORY 481 S. BASCOM,SAN JOSE point where they ref used In SOUL Go Johnny Go UNDERGROUND RECORDS S. 3rd. at SAN FERNANDO SAN JOSE think the compromise. I Daily, Cream Supershow with Led Zepplin decision to drop the show, Monday, April 30 - 1 PM 7 PM, Morris DISCOUNT RECORDS 99( N. REDWOOD, SAN JOSE came about through polo GUITAR SHOWCASE 2910 S. BASCOM,SAN JOSE Page 8, April 26, 1973 K QED airs Third World ['Entertainment news satire Television station KQED has produced a show entitled May's 'Heartbreak Kid' "Nu News Is.- a satire of the world news from a Third World point ol view. The program is a segment of Channel W's "Ready or Not" viewed as 'piece of tripe' series, and will air May 1 at 10 By LOLI COVEY rich, sexy bitch p.m. ICybill Canada." leave her. Elaine May's latest movie. Shepard). The show IS produced by The same 1.,111 to. 5,1111 II,t But despite these tine ''The Heartbreak Kid- is. However, the performance Channel B's multi -racial Jeannie Berlin's performance, performances, the film is a without a doubt, the biggest of the major production unit TEACH. actors in -The however, for the most part she 'lop. It is poorly written, mis- place of tripe to come out of Heartbreak Kid" is News skits include a report on out elan- was dull. It is almost hard to directed and generally' had. Hollywood for a long time, ding, particularly I a live-in Chinese cook, a Eddie 111,1111 Iillftn for wanting to Director May takes a jab at Albert. sardonic look at martial law, today's apathy toward the Albert pl Bye high fashion outlooks in the Cy bill Dialogue Mose willplay at Joint Effort institution of marriage, but Shepard's strong-willed s' open tonight Phillipines, and a euology lot- a she fails miserably. 'ii lather. In the film he is a unit iii Liam dl I angement S. I titi 1110 youth killed in Vietnam. Moat. al lot..11 und !runt Theistory line if one can call straight-laced banker who is Flu Opera Workshop ol San night pertormances are on sale Members of the band are Bill Resurrection Hall and The cast for the show in- Boulder Creek. will be in at that) revolves around a man somewhat sympathetic to J use State University is at the Music Box Office. Woody, lead guitar; Larry Chateau Liberte and has cludes Dalton Leong, Frank concert at the joint Effort ' Charles Grodin) who marries social changes. presenting their production of Students price is $1. with H- Koss. rhythm guitar: Frank appeared with such groups as Chin. Juanita Tennyson. Coffee House tonight from a girl Jeannie Berlin) so he can Although he seems bendable " Dialogues of the Carmelites.- general admission set at $2. oummersell. bass and piano; the Doobie Brothers, Sons. and Sandy Copal and Jessica 12 p.m. Admission is 75 cents. find out what she is like in bed, in certain areas, he opposes a contemporary opera written Further information2cb1e2ob- 77-79 and Carl Holland, drums. Charlie Musselwhite, Tarahata. Muse's sound is country Having accomplished this. he Grodin's advances toward his by the late Francis Poulenc, Wined by calling vocals rock with emphasis on becomes bored witht he daughter. Al one point he tonight and tomorrow night at The campus production will 8:15 in the concert hall, be directed marriage and decides that he threatens I II "kick your Iv I It' Edwin lilt wants out after he meets a it;rodin's . .111 the way to R"serV"d tick.'" II"' 1"." """"1"' Batteau Brothers sail leisurely ****************************************************

through a well -produced album * 1903 SUMMER SESSION SESSION By ERIC 1.11 tiN sullgS, III ¼ hICh steel gin) dis pliteUSSI(111 11111, HMI MUSH.. part square donut, 'hill 5111110, 1973 Special to the Daily are used eflectively, and songs Occasionally the mixture prom. SAN JOSE MEANS: In French. -Beat teaux- with a strong Latin sound that causes indigestion, as in the On the whole. "Batteaux. means boat. As an album. suggests the music ut Melo. incongruous blend of an elec- a balanced album. All thi and a tenor Ileatteaux- means a leisurely there's even a hint of Leonard tric violin songs reflect a positive spir t Mail registralon-avoid the red tape of the One- and two-unit workshops throughout of Me Right. saxophone in "High Tide. - about life, making it the right sail through the music Cohen in "Treat regular academic year. the summer, David and Robin Batteau. treat Me Wrong." Fogel her, the two instruments vehicle for 30 minute's wort It brother team which has put Calypso rhythms are ap- create a contusing mood of of leisurely boat riding. together a tight, well - propriately used in a festive * Most classes are held Monday through Recreational activities -trips to Yosemite produced first album. song about Katy. a girl ol ques- PRE -LAW STUDENTS * Thursday-a three-day weekend every and Marine World, wine-tasting tours, free The aquatic theme extends tionable reputation, who is week. movies and concerts, "how-to-do-it' Register now for July beyond the translation ol the coming to town with "some or Oct. LSAT review course to maximize your LSAT score. programs in candlemaking, album's title. to thedust iacket love for me/other men got to Instruction e xc I u, el, In exam-taking techniques used Four sessions: photography much more. photograph taken at give her money, me she kiss for successfull by California pre-law students Intersession June 18-22 Marineland of the two free." Taught in Berkeley by practicing lawyers brothers swimming in a large the Batteau brothers have * Six Week Session June 25-Aug. 3 TravelStudy programs for 3-6 units to fish tank, as naked as the two strong voices and they feel COST: $75 * Ten Week Session June 25-Aug. 31 every continent in the world curious killer whales swim- comlortable enough with them Four Week Session Aug. 6-31. demanding in the note Course for July 28 LSAT starts July 11. Course for Oct. ming near them. to be CALIFORNIA For a first album. range of their songs. 20 LSAT starts Oct. 3. STATE UNIVERSITY SAN For complete information Call today (415) 254-7045 or write * Students may take from 1-12 units of "HealtedUx- travels through a Besides steel guitars, they JOSE 95192 (408) 277-2182 1'0 Hone 54 Orinda, Ca, 94561 * credit. ($28.15 per unit). pleasing varlet yof styles with weave a melodica, violin. Ihi. .,iiEs, There are Inlksy cello, flutes, and a lot ol ********** * ************************************

BLACKLITE POSTERS Si Su PATCHES DEMONSTRATORS FOR PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL FREE RENT. One months Free Rent to TYPING-term 10 pole etc e.peranced MAGICAL KITTENS tree to a good home. SJ8 'SPRING CLEANING" Flea Market, i'se 6 L1P INCENSE 25-2911 CALL REGISTERED ELECTROLOG1ST PIPES S1 00 RUBBERMAID PARTY PLAN students with 6 months rental agreement and fast Phone 269-8674 Box of food to boOt. Cell 294-1875 aftns, AN May Ilth 1000-2 00 on 7th St Spon- riP RADIOS LEATHER AT 23$ E. Santa Clem St. 211111.44119. 53 95 6 UP. NO INVESTMENT Mtnutea from campus, adult and family or nights. sored by CO-rev. Sign up for SPACE (.110135 BINOCULARS $2200 & UP NO COLLECTING sections, small pets, recreetion facilities PASSPORTS-1, D. PHOTOS . _ 10 00-2 00 in front of Student Union or BLACKLITE COMPLETE 18' S11 95. BLUE RIOGE RANGERS NO DELIVERIES 1 berm 2 bath from $175 Unfurnished 4 tor S3 50 One day service Ham -3p m TYPING-Reasonable experienced and NAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTATOR call 996-2613 1.2295 STROBE LIGHTS $11 911, GAS fast IBM RICH OVERSTREET FOR CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW CALL from $195 furnished 3 brizrn Ws also Sall 8 em 0 nnon TINKERBELL Selectric Call Helen 263-2739 LOVE ALWAYS, ULU BULB $395 INDIA PRINTS, FISH WANDA Cho, "Hu moms- available Willow Glen West. Call 266- STUDIO 1040 The Alameda SJ Cell 206 MONA, DALE, TOM A FILM sponsored by Psi NE I' TING $1 98 & UP T-SHIRTS $200 408- kar,. HAMMOND, DISTRICT MANAGER 1474 5582 Toy our DRY CLEANING for sweaters, ,'11. tic Revolution Pioneer in Perspective" EACH BROOKS Fernando I 80 E San 3511-9227 _ shirts. pants 950 & up. Campus PAUL wiii be shown in Dudley Moorehead Hell hip from SJS1J Phone 292-0409 3-4 Students Lge 2 bdirn turn apt AEK. FROM SUMO. New rooms across Launderette Corner S. 3rd a San NAPPY BIRTHDAY BETIOPPER Am 239. Tues. May tat 8 PM The film MARRIED COUPLE wanted to manage the snag. carpet, indry. parking 670 5 10th campus Kit pros Lee Pd Men .1 98 S SalvadOr LOVE YOU, DEBI SHAKLEE features Rollo May. Alan Watts, Can IF YOU LIKE /WOKS. you 11 love apts & iaiindrette Must be capable of st 9th women 278 5 10th St Many cages ECOLOGICALLY SOUND Rogers. Fmk Perla. & Victor Frankel who HECYCLE a different used 0001g1tOre rneinlen, nee work 28!-4900 Met must be seen Open daily for inspec- SINCE 1915 mit otter their views on humanistic Hecent paperbacksat >once Best Sci-Fi STUDIO-neat. cozy. Roan avikitch & PERSONALS TO MINER FRANK: We shall always NEED family nettle mailing lost from US tion Call 295-8514 295-852E nr 287. Protein Psychology A short lecture by Dr Singh Selection in Bay Ares Records too We FuRNISHED 1 bdrm, 4 roorn apt P0292- cherish tripping through Wild Burro Food Smoiements hams,' phone books in SJSU hbrory by 9585 Vila G Vit. E Calcium etc i Walker:a the Institute of Human Potential nave Inc books you want & need B best 1772 Ask for Joe droppings at Eagle Borax Mines Thanks semetter send 266-3038 after 630 UNIVERSITY Students 11.15P1 Working Home Cleaners (Basic P1 L etc in Palo Alto will follow the film S1,50 prices in town Yes we buy trade books _ Mr the memories! Your Death Valley LARGE 2 & 3 Bedroom FurniSned ACitt logether In a Positive Direction, Beauty Aids ,.rcite,mzeri Shampoo etc sc. students. $250 general & records RECYCLE 235 So 1st St 296- - FURNISH-ED APTS. Ooll,. ONE houseun part-time 3 miles from modern all COnd clean 695S 11In Cali _ Joni, B Mary Anode,. 297-1868 6275 230 E San Salvador St lactose Rom campus, 259-0196 275-1974 UNIVERSITY Students Party IUSPI A FREE MONEY! Frs. housing, free Duncan Hal0 Summer &Fall appliCallOtS CHINESE Tim Chi art 41 exercise for SAVE TINS AD' Before you purchase Powrive direction. education, free clothing. fres furniture, now berng taken Call 294-6028 or 294- nealth & relaxation. old & young. Also costly Ver.:TM:WM retail Cheek wester LOOKING FOR GUYS with Or without TYPING tree travel. How to get it Free details. 8758 Ask for I El or Mr Lee sword & /Mormon, 327-9350 4-10 PM LOVE YOUR BOSS discount prices to SJS students Ion all cars to run sales crews Sat.. Sun. &eine 60 North 3rd St Apt 0823 New modern needs rr write Box 77348, Atlanta. Ga. 30309 SALES: pet shop 2. prox I'M, Own 50511 your needs) We guarantee the lowest 245-4920 3002 Lawrence Expy at Can- 287-4355 aggreeSive part and full time sales . into,. FEMALES to shwa large, prices In the Bay Area on such nominal ine/. Santa Clara, Green Thumb Lawn TWO needed ueopie You will be Seiling A A C Puede, Frisks WED CINEMA -Legend of Nigger other gin Sansio Pioneer Merentz Teat Dual service partly turn. 2 Wm, house awl EL DORADO APTS. and ow Supplies Experience in duvet ’ cretture Charlie' with Fred Williamson, May 2. For summer 293-3702. Huge I Bedroom Apt, see to appreciate etc Cell us for weekly specials toot 292- 550rmo Pets ok. selling very help fui TropIcal fiSh TRANSPORTATION t0iii cr ample 3.30 & 730 PM, MD Auditorium 50C carpets drapes in ',Mt are s593 or 252-2020 MASSEUSES-Earn TOP $99 even while bestrilui wallpaper oackgrourvl also neiptui Excellent corn. Every listrinus.i. has different g00111 & SUPER LARGE 1 bdrm apts. kitchen 5 min Irorn campus 2933635 KIM &THING II anxious to show you the training Day or night shift or part-time rniSarOn Program Contact Rick or Jar at different aporomnes The tact Mat our paperbacks 1,carpeting. Furnished 6135/mo. 10TH ANNUAL JET FLIGHTS things that THING has for you THINGS A MILLION USED BOOKS V.I.P. HEALTH SALON, Fremont 794- 214.1333 nature, Products really ere Me finest is I price) and magazines Neat Old Summer rates $115. 4395. 4th St. Call EUROPE FROM $239 ROUND-TRIP includes everything you need from E1542 IENCED THESIS TYPIST reflected in our nitoSSIOre largest in Santa Clare Valley 996-8619 JAPAN FROM 5359 ROUND-TRIP bicycle sags to cigarette papers THING Master's ' Reports ' Oltsertations FREE: 1 9" goldfish to any with 19 pond UNPRECEDENTED Sales Growth ,nre & I nutn CALL FLIGHT CHAIRMAN +928 Woodruff Twice marienne lambing' 1924 Harris Also 24 Oscars 11.10 20 gal link Cali These CIII opens every weekday between 12 noon to figures 1441 81 E San Fernando btwn HOUSES, WOMEN for summer 8 next 19181 451-7905 8 30 PM and located at corner of S 9th & HOUSING Telephone 371-0315 San Jon 923-5188 Sat & 66W-F- 9-2 BLOW YOUR MIND 1 6/5 10 10.1 off with this ad scnool term. Fireplace, garbage dumbest. 1466 52nd St Sacramento, CA 95819 Pines, mike, cenOltretnnt E William St ref A freezer. volley ball & tennis court, hi 16 FT sAiLSOAT. daySititer 4 H P TYPING, EDITING, FAST. ACCURATE. WOrking We will ask you to go a lane res..rcn Will accomodate groups 01 4.6. & 7 Call UNIVERSITY Students IUSPI SUMMER CHARTER FLIGHTS ackets batter SI 150 Ph IBM SELECTRIC. FORMER ENGLISH 111 Drrectioni netore we let you Sponsor in ATTRACTIVE, LARGE, CORNER room 01 409 So, 11th Si together a Posarve TO EUROPE Ideal TEACHER CALL 2444444 AFTER 630 JOHN A MARY 'AUTOMOTIVE guiM home for study Perking, SEA FRIEND to hendicapped man Live Date Destination Airline Price kitchen MARY BRYNER 466 So 5th we env near campus Serious, 2 BORM, Apt. S135/month or Studio free In attractive roorn Girls OW 18 Lv Ju 0015 to I r ank lig 1 DNA $219 SHREDDED FOAM RUBBER mature rnen $75/mo 285-9154 197.3866 poNTIAC 67 TEMPEST $95/month. 1301 S. 5th St. See mgr. 45 or piease call 298-2306 .It 5 Het July 4 Brussels to Oak DC -10 400 PER POUND call 295-0690 or 258-0817 RENT A TV OR no contract Lo Jo 19 Oak lo Amsterdam ONA 52r 9 GUYS AND GALSI ANY AMOUNT Ph 193-2654 DELUXE FURN. apt for rent 1130/mo 4 Free del Free service Call Enhe's 251- POETRY WANTED tor anthology In' Het July 25 Frankfurt to Oak DC10 Join e coileswage BALLET cress at hum r ampuS Quiet See manager ROOM FOR RENT 2 blks from campus. 2598 dude stomped envelope COntempOraTe Ly July 5 Oak to London ()NA $219 kutratie School of Ballet Basic !KM, FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES . r I 165 1 Heed Of SI Lyle.. Call 292-1587 or 287-9138. Literature Press 311 California Street Het Aug 8 Arnsterdamt0 Oak DG-10 Tsermen 1rencn & Russian records end TYPING-IIIM Saloom c - T hems. nice tor beginning dancers Smell FOR SALE .4cincia 25,) Ecerient Suite 412. San tranciseJ 941134 Lv July 22 (Mk to Frankfurt L/IVA $279 0200 nooks tor sale Reasonable Cali 297- classes individuel attention Beverly 806-0413 SAN FERNANDO HOUSE-Great at- ROOMS, MEN, Cheerful, airy. wall to wall moons general typing. letters etc Het Aug 22 Zurich to Oak DC10 Sutras.* (Rent Ditector 141, IOU .16W mosphere linen 8 maid tennee cOlOr carpet Good beds Outside entrance Reasoner. rotes 283-8895 DONATE ON A REGULAR BLOOD iplus many Other thotsi One way flights 65 PONT LE MANS 33E Hurst 4.spescl Ill Kitchen priv tile showers parsing Uurel 406 So 1 lth St plasma program and receive up to $159 For further flight into contact GOT A PROBLEM OR A QUESTION? New Makns wilier pump & tim.no gear THE LOST FLEA . 50 variety Center of activity 237 E San Fernando BRIDAL FAIR PHOTOGRAPHY S40,monthly Bring student ID or Phri ad Amhara 274-4613 1..1,0, SOS can help Call he Spartan 171-6921 or 296-586J shops r 940 S 1st Si Ph 293-2323 $6910 $118ino 295-9504 or 293-6345 HIGH quality wedding photography tor and 'Satire bonus with your tirSt LOW SUMMER IIUSSIA-SCANDINAVIA. 5 weeks $367 Uaiiv atternoons atter 2 p in 2 , 18 Open Wed bleu Sun 0-430 6 8-5 30 RATES -INCREASED LOWEST Bay Area rates $88 includes donation HYLAND DONOR CENTER 35 62 VW RESUILT ion* NEW tuts Best Tien cariuno & admission Tnousanez of LA DONNA APTS. SECURITY rlOid & white album 60 color prints of inclusive London departures Small DO you ime A S programs here on cam. S Almaden Ave San Jose. CA 2944535 tier 293- lt167 or 2T -i448 ,temt antigun & conectabtes 1 bedroom opts turn $130, unfurn $120 e J Bedroom 2 Oath-pool. on It pit your cnoice full set of slides BRIDE international group camping newel Ages II,,S II not don Bitch apply MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 1103 pm for me w w new carpets Quiet stmosphere near AEK wOod paneling-shag cpts 470 S KEEPS ALL NEGATIVES-Extra full t8-30 Also Europe. Africa India. 3-11 tin clricri Anniv ci the A s, rillit e 64 TR-250 el VW Camper 5205 Otha2l SKIS & SOOTS-Heed Standard 200,1 the campus 3555 4th St Cell Ben 286- iin St Ph 287-7590 color 8 X 105 $1 25 each Stalt ot 20 STUDENTS, YOUR wks Write Whole Earth Travel Ltd Boo ...me note Elk 289 Bldg 0 New ? ti.61inOt $55 seethe/ Duel.. bOOtt 0363 or John 356-5706 photographers Make an appmntrnent to OWN CASH FLOWM 1497 K C Mo 64141 FREE MOVING BOXES & w000 IT MI 1-5to .d.1 amputi call 277.9233 WHAT see OW samples -then decide Open tarn cash part lime With you, Own Mail PALLETS Muse Furn Able 124 FIAT SPORT COUPE. 65 0 50080 UNIVERSITY CLUB-Co-ed Beautiful averY evening unto 10 pm For FREE seder business Easy twoMour $2-Mail FLYING SOON? Well It Pays To Be l.nurlety ol WE FIANDBUILD the best stereo 2 bdrm. 2 bath $140 mo-surnmer moues fireplace grand pans color T V tilidAl Packet call 257-3161 order Goutse armedes intlanl snow- Young With TWA Your TWA Campus RODEOS ESPANA loudspeaker systems for the 'honey 1482 William St 998-2494 Bill Crawford 1225-72621 on) Use) 410 Makeotter 67 recreation reOrn lot any meld & linen* no* Free details or save time Send 52 Representative on, & Wine Making IS I., K LOUDSPEAKERS from $25 354- GETAWAY tree! shape Heiiarrie 5600 parking, courtyard Includes Continental WRITING AND RESEARCH assistance taus LA Wastes Fortune World Dept can help you make your F11, 104115 4th 9269 ROOM for rent in large house 10 min & take 0,15 1/5 9618 Breektast From $791m0 202 So I 1th yping editing igrad A under) Also Ole 4012 Foster City CA 94404 all 309 with TWA Youth passport from campus. pets ok. Indry. hoick Call with SINGLE ADULTS-NEED FRIENDS. 193.7374 Everything tor Eve vbody 3794018 up 10 24 monIns to pay a FREE 1 Fim,p vi.p1 erri et GARRARD SL $511 Auto-changer with eves 255-8898 CARD Cell 225- mut...mi. 6 67 OPEL WAGON A lilt cond encpne like _ BEV OF STOCKLMEIR, GETAWAY CREDIT Me Mit I ',we.... Restaurant slanton 500 E canridge. base, & cover 500 298-6600 1310 i Grim/eels tape Setup $755 61 50- BEDROOM HOWL. Across IF YOU'RE ENGAGED... How about dinner Saturday. Apr 28, /262 lor informetion after Au2eiais near Jeers 5541 2 thradrallex 1 speakers, 12' woofer. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted-share or local travel agent ulf Meridian 69 YAMAHA 35,7 cc like new 1.145 street from campus furnsen or tinhorn NATURE HAS A GIFT FOR YOU SURVIVE. retiervelfOrISOr Your b midrange. 2 tweeters $90 each Good nice 2 berm, apt Orr Alameda, Si. SPROUT SANDWICHES ',pm 338-8541 0arrian 289-9362 215 S the 4 Ficulty preferred Call 354-4363 Natures trWng part in making our hne 01 Tim of Long Wind condition 295-2615 575/mo PG & E, telephone On busting EUROPE 1 AFRICA Jots., tea not in cold NATURAL FOOD Welding Invitations and Accessories the 11118* Vali, Wagon & 19709* pool Avail May lel Judy-286-2753; Student flights Student camping tours S I ORE 116 San Seised, SI BUG. 11105 most creative and personalized ever FUTURE CPA'S Learn how to prepare for NIKKOMATT FIN Body. Chrome Em 998-9838. throughout Europa Roam. and Largo studio ego Study room L.olortul flowery Proclamations Rich trie CPA exem BECKER CPA REVIEW Fkintico ebb JA cellent cond $150 275-0596. unicial SOFA agent tor inter-European MARIJUANA? Heated pools. turn vocarpOls original nature-photography invitations wuRSE Call collect 415-781.4395 251- FURNISHED STUDIO'S Men only, n446 ttudant charter hurts including Middle melt/ relorrn State Wit Make your own STUDENT CAR INSURANCE 5 mon from campus tven the creamy classic haditionals DOWN BAD 2 lb goose excellent con- 580 820 South 3rd East and Far East CONTACT ISCA Lienuus eager...ion stronger Go tu N Sludftnt Refused secluded I OWN & COUNTRY DUPLICATING ne-