DOCUMENT RESUME ED 480 699 SO 034 896 AUTHOR Lucido, Frank, Ed. TITLE Reflections on Inculturation. INSTITUTION National Catholic Educational Association, Washington, DC. ISBN ISBN-1-55833-284-7 PUB DATE 2002-00-00 NOTE 73p.. AVAILABLE FROM National Catholic Educational Association, 1077 30th Street, NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20007-3852. Tel: 202-337-6232; Fax: 202-333-6706; e-mail:
[email protected]; Web site: PUB TYPE Collected Works General (020) Opinion Papers (120) EDRS PRICE 'EDRS Price MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; *Catholics; Cultural Interrelationships; Cultural Pluralism; Global Approach; Postmodernism; Religious Education IDENTIFIERS Catechesis; Catholic Church; *Evangelization; Liberation; New Testament; Roman Catholic Church ABSTRACT The Catholic Church throughout the world, following thelead of the Second Vatican Council and Pope John Paul II, hasbegun to define its mission and identity in terms of the rich concept ofevangelization. Father Herve Carrier states that evangelization has twoessential components: (1) inculturation; and (2) liberation. Inculturation is more thanforming a multicultural perspective in ministry. Inculturation speaks totruly making the Gospel message come alive in the hearts of allpeople. This volume contains a collection of reflections on the topic ofinculturation, which is one of the more prominent themes of the new"General Directory for Catechesis." Following an Introduction, there are sevenchapters: (1) "The Evangelization of Cultures and Catechesis" (Allan FigueroaDeck); (2) "Inculturation of the Faith: A Challenge in Our Day"(Joanne S. Saunders); (3) "Inculturation and Pastoral Ministers" (FrankLucido); (4) "Culture as Vehicle of the Gospel: An Asian Perspective" (Cris V.Villapando); (5) "The Journey Home: Inculturation in Native America (V.