May 2007 Liahona
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General Auxiliary Presidencies SUNDAY SCHOOL Daniel K Judd A. Roger Merrill William D. Oswald First Counselor President Second Counselor RELIEF SOCIETY Silvia H. Allred Julie B. Beck Barbara Thompson First Counselor President Second Counselor Conference Concludes; YOUNG MEN Available to Vast Audience ith portions of the conference was held for Church’s 177th the first time since before WAnnual General the Conference Center was Conference being simulta- first used in April 2000. The neously interpreted in 90 Tabernacle had been closed languages and broadcast by for two years to undergo a Dean R. Burgess Charles W. Dahlquist II Michael A. Neider First Counselor President Second Counselor satellite to more than 6,000 seismic upgrade and restora- Church-owned receiving sites tion (see accompanying YOUNG WOMEN in 85 countries, more mem- article). bers had live access in their New leaders were sus- own language to the words tained Saturday, including of Church leaders than ever five General Authorities (all before. from countries outside the Addressing the worldwide United States), the Relief audience in every session Society general presidency, but Saturday morning, and counselors in the Young Elaine S. Dalton Susan W. Tanner Mary N. Cook President Gordon B. Hinckley, Women general presidency First Counselor President Second Counselor now 96, told members, “My (see page 4 for changes in PRIMARY health is quite good, despite Church leadership and page all the rumors to the con- 124 for biographical informa- trary,” and quipped, “Skillful tion on new leaders). doctors and nurses keep me Millions of Church mem- on the right track. Some of bers around the world partici- you may go before I do.” pated at Church-owned During the Saturday receiving sites as well as in afternoon session, President their homes through local Hinckley rededicated the Salt broadcasts, other satellite and Margaret S. Lifferth Cheryl C. Lant Vicki F. Matsumori First Counselor President Second Counselor Lake Tabernacle on Temple cable TV providers, and the Square, where a session of Internet. ■ 122 into the piers from Tabernacle Reopens top to bottom. The foundation of each after Extensive Renovation pier was also re- inforced with con- ince it was first used pipes; the ceiling was crete. Steel boxes for general conference repaired and repainted; were used to con- Sin 1867, the Salt Lake new dressing rooms and a nect trusses to Tabernacle has stood as a music library for choir mem- piers, and long ceil- symbol of the pioneers’ faith bers were created; the ros- ing trusses were and ingenuity. Now, nearly trum was remodeled so it can also attached to the 140 years later, the Tabernacle be removed to accommodate piers, cinched tight still stands, and never before a secondary seating arrange- with structured has it rested on such a firm ment or a stage for perform- steel. foundation. ances; and all plumbing, Now the During the Saturday mechanical, and electrical Tabernacle stands afternoon session, held on systems were replaced and stronger than it March 31, President Gordon brought up to code. was only a short B. Hinckley rededicated the Although the Tabernacle time ago, much Salt Lake Tabernacle after received these noticeable like the membership of the New gold leafing was two years of renovations. upgrades and more, the Church itself. applied to visible Some new benches, made most important changes “At one time most of organ pipes. of oak, were installed and are those the general public the Latter-day Saints lived spaced farther apart to give cannot see. here in this valley and in builder with the skills neces- visitors more legroom; the The foundation and walls other surrounding areas sary to take on such a task. original staircases leading of the Tabernacle were modi- where settlements were Plans were made, and in to the balcony from outside fied to improve structural established,” said President 1863 construction began. were relocated indoors to strength in order to better Gordon B. Hinckley during Unable to acquire many provide easier access for visi- withstand earthquakes. the dedicatory prayer of common building materials, tors, and two new staircases All 44 piers that support the renovated Tabernacle. workers recycled materials were added inside; a new the Tabernacle’s unique roof “Now, Thy work has grown and used local resources to layer of gold leafing was were reinforced with steel and spread over the earth build the Tabernacle. Lumber applied to the visible organ bars, which were inserted until we have more mem- was harvested from local bers outside of canyons, excess stone was this nation than taken from the Salt Lake we have in it.” Temple construction site, leftover military equipment Creating and and wooden oxen shoes Building the were transformed into nails Tabernacle and washers, glue was cre- President ated by boiling animal skins, Brigham Young and plaster was created turned to Henry from local limestone and Grow for help in enhanced with animal hair transforming his for strength. vision for the Considering the materials Tabernacle into available at the time, the reality. A convert Tabernacle truly was built to the Church with faith and ingenuity. Renovation of the Tabernacle’s interior included repairs to the and a native of Four years after construc- ceiling, new seating, and the creation of an interchangeable Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, tion began, conference was rostrum and stage area. Brother Grow was a bridge held in the Tabernacle. The MAY 2007 123 • The acoustics in the Tabernacle are unlike Elder Enrique R. Falabella any other building’s. Someone can drop a Of the Seventy pin onto the pulpit at the front of the Tabernacle and others ‘If any man will do his will, can hear it hit from the he shall know of the doctrine, back row. ■ whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself’ (John 7:17). If we will live Worldwide gospel principles, the Spirit Seismic upgrades included can touch our hearts, and a reinforced foundation. Leadership we will learn that they are really true.” Tabernacle was officially Training to After he served in the dedicated in October 1875, Central America Mission, after the completion of the Be Printed he and his wife, Blanca Lidia interior. ext from February’s Sanchez, were sealed on worldwide leadership lder Enrique Rienzi June 21, 1975, in the Mesa Notable Facts Ttraining meeting will be Falabella Arellano Arizona Temple. Elder • Every President of the published in the June 2007 Ebelieves nothing is Falabella earned a degree Church except Joseph Liahona and Ensign. The more valuable than a per- in agronomy from the Smith and Brigham Young Church is making the train- sonal testimony of Jesus University of San Carlos in has been sustained in a ing available to all members Christ and how the Atone- Guatemala and later studied solemn assembly in the because the topic of teach- ment can affect one’s life. marketing at the University Tabernacle. ing and learning applies to Elder Falabella learned of Costa Rica. He worked • The Tabernacle housed all members. early that gaining a testimony for a chemical and pharma- a baptistry that served This will mark the second begins with a desire to know ceutical company prior to members in the Salt time text from the training the truth and a willingness to his call to serve full-time for Lake City area until the meeting is available in the live it. the Church. most recent renovation, magazines. Last year’s train- Born on May 9, 1950, to As his and his wife’s five when it was removed ing meeting, on the topic Udine and Leonor Falabella, children grew, Elder Falabella for space. of family, was printed in the Elder Falabella was 12 when served as stake mission presi- • The original pews were June 2006 magazines. missionaries knocked on his dent, bishop, regional repre- made of pine and painted Speakers in the training family’s door in Guatemala sentative, stake president, to look like oak. included President Thomas S. City, where he was born and and Area Seventy, serving • The organ casing is made Monson, First Counselor in raised. The oldest of four chil- as President of the Central of ponderosa pine, the First Presidency; President dren whose mother had died America Area for two years. painted to look like Boyd K. Packer, Acting several years earlier, Elder He was serving as a branch mahogany. President of the Quorum Falabella recognized that there president at the Missionary • Before the Salt Lake of the Twelve Apostles; was something different about Training Center in Guatemala Tabernacle was built, a and Elder L. Tom Perry and the missionaries. He saw it in City at the time of his call to tabernacle now referred Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the love they showed and the the First Quorum of the to as the “Old Tabernacle” the Quorum of the Twelve power with which they taught. Seventy. ■ was built on the south- Apostles. “I wanted to know what west corner of the temple The February broadcast they knew,” he recalls. That block as a gathering place is also available online at desire and his willingness to for the Saints. do what the missionaries • Twelve presidents of the in audio format in 10 lan- asked led to his conversion. United States have visited guages and in text format “Very early on I learned to the Tabernacle. in 24 languages. ■ appreciate the Savior’s words: 124 Elder Erich W. Kopischke Elder Michael J. Teh Of the Seventy Of the Seventy Elder Kopischke earned a able to confidently testify of degree in business. After his the truth.” mission he served in the mili- Elder Teh was born to tary before receiving further Martin and Norma Teh on vocational training.