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European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing Volume 20 No. 2 February 2021 EDITORIAL The multidisciplinary team approach in cardiovascular care Jeroen M. Hendriks and Tiny Jaarsma 91 SHORT REPORT Person-centred care: looking back, looking forward Inger Ekman, Zahra Ebrahimi, and Patricia Olaya Contreras 93 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/eurjcn/issue/20/2 by guest on 28 September 2021 REVIEW ARTICLE Acute and short-term efficacy of sauna treatment on cardiovascular function: A meta-analysis Zhongyou Li, Wentao Jiang, Yu Chen, Guanshi Wang, Fei Yan, Tao Zeng, and Haidong Fan 96 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Care needs, social support and meaning in life in patients after acute heart failure hospitalisation: a longitudinal study Min-Hui Liu, Chao-Hung Wang, Tao-Hsin Tung, Chii-Ming Lee, and Ai-Fu Chiou 106 Are survivors of cardiac arrest provided with standard cardiac rehabilitation? — Results from a national survey of hospitals and municipalities in Denmark Lars H. Tang, Vicky Joshi, Cecilie Lindstro¨m Egholm, and Ann-Dorthe Zwisler 115 Trajectories and associations between depression and physical activity in patients with cardiovascular disease during participation in an internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy programme Peter Johansson, Erland Svensson, Gerhard Andersson, and Johan Lundgren 124 Hostility predicts mortality but not recurrent acute coronary syndrome Tracey K. Vitori, Susan K. Frazier, Martha J. Biddle, Gia Mudd-Martin, Michele M. Pelter, Kathleen Dracup, and 132 Debra K. Moser The need for palliative and support care services for heart failure patients in the community Freda DeKeyser Ganz, Keshet Roeh, Muhammad Eid, Tal Hasin, Chen Harush, and Israel Gotsman 138 REVIEW ARTICLE Caregiver experiences of paediatric inpatient cardiac services: A qualitative systematic review Rachel Knight Lozano, Stephen May, Carl Clarkson, and Rebecca Sarjeant 147 ORIGINAL ARTICLES “In the tube” following sternotomy: A quasi-experimental study L.
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