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[email protected]. CanadianCanadian JournalJournal ofof VVeterinaryeterinary RResearchesearch RevueRevue CanadienneCanadienne dede RRechercheecherche VVétérinaireétérinaire Articles An assessment of external biosecurity on southern Ontario swine farms and its application to surveillance on a geographic level Kate Bottoms, Zvonimir Poljak, Robert Friendship, Rob Deardon, Janet Alsop, Cate Dewey ................ 241 A retrospective study on the etiological diagnoses of diarrhea in neonatal piglets in Ontario, Canada, between 2001 and 2010 Gloria Chan, Abdolvahab Farzan, Josepha DeLay, Beverly McEwen, John F. Prescott, Robert M. Friendship ..... 254 Species-specificity of equine and porcine Lawsonia intracellularis isolates in laboratory animals Francesca Sampieri, Fabio A. Vannucci, Andrew L. Allen, Nicola Pusterla, Aphroditi J. Antonopoulos, Katherine R. Ball, Julie Thompson, Patricia M. Dowling, Don L. Hamilton, Connie J. Gebhart ........ 261 Analgesic and motor effects of a high- volume intercoccygeal epidural injection of 0.125% or 0.0625% bupivacaine in adult cows Eva Rioja, Luis M. Rubio-Martínez, Gabrielle Monteith, Carolyn L. Kerr ........ 273 The use of lung biopsy to determine early lung pathology and its association with health and production outcomes in feedlot steers Brandy A. Burgess, Steve H.