Recibido / Received: 30/09/2019 Para enlazar con este artículo / To link to this article: Para citar este artículo / To cite this article: Montero Küpper, Silvia; Montse Vázquez Gestal & Iván Puentes Rivera. (2019) “Communication sciences and their links and interactions with translation and interpreting. The denominations of bailout in the state of the nation debate in Spain.” In: Montero Küpper, Silvia; Montse Vázquez Gestal & Iván Puentes Rivera (eds.) 2019. Comunicación, Traducción e Interpretación / Communication, Translation and Interpreting. MonTI Special Issue 5, pp. 6-24. COMMUNICATION SCIENCES AND THEIR LINKS AND INTERACTIONS WITH TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING. THE DENOMINATIONS OF BAILOUT IN THE STATE OF THE NATION DEBATE IN SPAIN1 SILVIA MONTERO KÜPPER
[email protected] Universidade de Vigo MONTSE VÁZQUEZ GESTAL
[email protected] Universidade de Vigo IVAN PUENTES RIVERA
[email protected] Universidade da Coruña 1. Acknowledgements: This article is part of the work developed within the framework of the research project “DEBATv, Debates Electorales Televisados en España: Modelos, Proceso, Diagnóstico y Propuesta” (CSO2017-83159-R) an RDI project (Retos) financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the State Research Agency (AEI), with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union. It is also part of the research by the International Network of Communication Management Research (XESCOM), a research project financed by means of competitive tendering by the Galician Ministry of Culture, Education and University Planning of the Xunta de Galicia. Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional.