For emergency medical assistance in Kiribati, dial 994. Please note: The Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in Fiji assume no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by, the entities or individuals whose names appear on the following lists. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department or the U.S. government. Names are listed alphabetically, and the order in which they appear has no other significance. The information on the list is provided directly by the local service providers; the Department is not in a position to vouch for such information. Persons resident in or visiting Kiribati who require assistance from a U.S. diplomatic mission should contact the U.S. Embassy in Suva, Fiji, P.O. Box 218 or 158 Princes Rd, Tamavua, Fiji, telephone: (679) 3314-466, fax: (679) 3302-267, email:
[email protected]. While Kiribati only has a total land area of 726 square kilometers, the country is spread over 3.5 million kilometers of ocean, presenting significant challenges for the healthcare system. For those living on or visiting outlying islands, access to the nearest medical facilities can be a logistical challenge. Primary health care is provided through a network of health centers and outreach village clinics extending from the district to community level. The country has four hospitals, with the main hospital being the Tungaru Central Hospital (TCH). Betio Hospital Location: Temanoku, Betio Address: P O Box 268, Bikenibeu, Tarawa, Kiribati