Horizon 2020 INSTITUTE OF ARAB AND ISLAMIC STUDIES The Study of Early Shīʿī Ḥadīth: Sources and Methodology College of Social Sciences and International Online Workshop Studies th th Stocker Road 19 and 20 May 2020Exeter LAWALISI (Law, Authority and Learning in ImamiEX4 4ND Shiite Islam) Project Funded by the European Research CouncilTel: +44(No. (0) 1392 695245) 264025 Fax: +44 (0) 1392 724035 Email:
[email protected] 16 January 2018 Programme Web: www.exeter.ac.uk/iais Abstracts (inDear order friends or presentation) RE: LAWALISI Uṣūl Workshop: Texts on Naskh in late classical Uṣūl al-Fiqh Edmund HayesMonday (Leiden 22nd January University): 2018: The Deer Park Hotel Imam Jawād’s Khums Letter: Between Implementation and Legislation Ṭūsī’s TahdhībWe are cites looking a letterforward carried to welcoming by youʿAlī next b. week Mahzyiār for the uṣūl from texts workshop, Imam Jawād,convened inas part which the of the LAWALISI project. The programme is on the next page, but here are some practical details: Imam mentions some of his followers in the Jibāl who took large amounts of wealth in a battle againstWorkshop Khurramiyya. venue: The letter mentions the imposition of zakāt, khums and the “gains and benefits”The Deer Park (al Hotel-ghanāʾim wa al-fawāʾid). These categories do not appear to EX14 3PG correspond toTel: classical 01404 41266 Imami fiqh, nor to hadith statements ascribed to earlier Imams. The anomalous nature of this letter was noted not only by later jurists of the Occultation period, but even duringSome theof you lifetime will have visitedof Imam there before.Hādī.