July 6, 2020 Plato (Greek philosopher ) Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, 12 emotion, and knowledge. Arts & Culture License Holder: Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) Japan’s Kadoma film festival Editor-in-Chief: Kambakhsh Khalaji Editorial Dept. Tel: +98 21 88755761-2 Editorial Dept. Fax: +98 21 88761869 to host Iran’s ‘The Visit’ Subscription Dept. Tel: +98 21 88748800 ICPI Publisher: +98 21 88548892, 5 Advertising Dept. Tel & Email: +98 21 88500617 -
[email protected] Iran’s short film, ‘The Visit,’ is scheduled to take part in the We b s it e : www.irandailyonline.ir Kadoma International Film Festival in Japan from August 13 newspaper.irandaily.ir to 15. Email:
[email protected] Directed by Azadeh Mousavi, the film will take part at the fes- Printing House: Iran Cultural & Press Institute tival’s Narrative Foreign Films Category, ifilmtv.com reported. Address: Iran Cultural & Press Institute, #208 Khorramshahr Avenue Tehran-Iran Iran Daily has no responsibility whatsoever for the advertisements and promotional material printed in the newspaper. Bust of Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani unveiled in Tehran Arts & Culture Desk and the poster of the Second National Theat- ifilmtv.com he bust of Lieuten- er Festival of Sardar-e ant General Qas- Asmani in Kerman “A young girl and her mother are on their way to visiting the Tsem Soleimani were also unveiled. father in jail,” a synopsis for the film reads. was unveiled at Tehran’s Lieutenant General The film has previously attended the Clermont-Ferrand In- Vahdat Hall on July 5 in Soleimani of the Islam- ternational Short Film Festival in France and the Palm Springs the presence of Ayatollah ic Revolution Guards International Film Festival in the US.