Piazzale G. Donegani 12 Ferrara I-44122 Italy 870 50 hectares employees & Tel: +39 0532 46 7111 site footprint contractors

ABOUT THE SITE ABOUT LYONDELLBASELL Ferrara Site and Technical Center is part of a multi-company complex located in the -Romagna LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) is one of the largest region, in Italy. This site has a long and illustrious history in the polyolefin industry and continues , chemicals and refining companies to focus on this tradition of innovation thanks to the integration between its Giulio Natta Research Center, with pilot plant and laboratories, and the production area. The site comprises the polypropylene in the world. Driven by its 13,000 employees manufacturing operations as well as the catalyst production facilities. Polypropylene and advanced around the globe, LyondellBasell produces polyolefin resins are used in a wide variety of applications including food packaging, medical products, materials and products that are key to automotive components, and much more. advancing solutions to modern challenges like enhancing food safety through lightweight ECONOMIC IMPACT and flexible packaging, protecting the purity of water supplies through stronger and more Estimate includes yearly total for goods & services purchased and employee versatile pipes, and improving the safety, $110 million pay and benefits, excluding raw materials purchased (basis 2016) comfort and fuel efficiency of many of the COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT cars and trucks on the road. LyondellBasell sells products into approximately 100 countries LyondellBasell is committed to being a responsible, good neighbor in the communities where and is the world’s largest licensor of polyolefin we operate. The Ferrara Site supports the community by volunteering with various groups including: technologies. In 2018, LyondellBasell was ❚❚ Fondazione ADO Onlus ❚❚ IBO Italia named to Fortune magazine’s list of the ❚❚ Associazione Giulia Onlus ❚❚ Gino Neri Circolo di Cultura Musicale “World’s Most Admired Companies.” More information about LyondellBasell can be found at www..com. PRINCIPAL PRODUCTS SAMPLE PRODUCT END USES Polypropylene and Catalysts

Healthcare Automotive Automotive Construction and Food Pharmaceuticals Textiles packaging exteriors interiors roofing materials packaging lyondellbasell.com