Final CESA NC Summer Steelhead Petition
FRIENDS OF THE EEL RIVER Working for the recovery of our Wild & Scenic River, its fisheries and communities. Friday, September 28, 2018 California Fish and Game Commission P.O. Box 944209 Sacramento, CA 94244-2090 Dear Commissioners, This is a petition to list Northern California summer steelhead under the California Endangered Species Act, (CESA, FGC § 2050 et seq.), as an endangered species. Under CESA, “Endangered species” means a native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant which is in serious danger of becoming extinct throughout all, or a significant portion, of its range due to one or more causes, including loss of habitat, change in habitat, overexploitation, predation, competition, or disease. (F&GC § 2062) Northern California summer steelhead (NC summer steelhead) are a native subspecies of fish in serious danger of becoming extinct throughout all of its range due to causes including loss of habitat and change in habitat. These extraordinary fish are superlative in many ways. They include the largest adult steelhead, as well as fish capable of handling the highest water velocities and of jumping the highest barriers of any salmonids. NC summer steelhead include the southernmost summer steelhead. They are able to tolerate water temperatures higher than any other anadromous salmonids. In their recent comprehensive review of the status and threats to salmonids in California, Moyle et al assessed the status of NC summer steelhead as being of Critical Concern, with a Status Score of 1.9 out of 5.0: Northern California (NC) summer steelhead are in long-term decline and this trend will continue without substantial human intervention on a broad scale.
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