Prepared for AMB379 Public Relations Campaigns (May 2016) Open House Public Relations Plan

Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Brisbane Open House has approached Glasshouse Public Relations to ensure the organisation maintains a positive growth trajectory and is well-positioned to obtain sponsorship and funding in a highly competitive operating environment

The opportunity to increase, awareness of and engagement with Brisbane Open House among Brisbane young professionals and university has been identified as a way to meet this goal. Glasshouse Public Relations is proud to introduce the Unlock Your City Campaign. The campaign is innovative, creative and cost-effective and has been designed to truly unlock the potential of Brisbane Open House whilst maximizing their reputation and building relationships with a new target audience and the local community.

Glasshouse Public Relations have utilised a strategic approach that incorporates media and community relations to capture the interest and involvement of a new target public that they had not specifically targeted in previous campaigns. Furthermore the strategy is cost-effective and has incorporated competition-based incentives, social media, traditional media and community engagement.

Tactics have been designed to achieve the specific goals and objectives relating to awareness and engagement among the target public towards Brisbane Open House events and as brand overall. This proposal discusses how this campaign can achieve the public relations goal and ultimately, achieve Brisbane Open House’s goal while using the slogan “unlock your city” as an underlying key message that shines through each tactic.. The three key tactics and mutliple sub-tactics will be implemented throughout that campaign period of mid June – October 2016 and are detailed in the campaign’s tactical timeline.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Executive Summary ...... 1 1 Consultancy Team ...... 3 2 Situation Analysis ...... 4 2.1 Client Summary ...... 4 2.2 Research Insights ...... 5 2.3 Public Relations Problem/Opportunity ...... 6 3 Stakeholders and Publics ...... 7 4 Strategic Approach ...... 9 4.1 Goals and Objectives ...... 9 4.2 Communication Strategy ...... 11 5 Tactical Program ...... 12 5.1 Tactic 1: Unlock Your City BNE Social and Media Campaign ...... 12 5.2 Tactic 2: Guest Speakers ...... 13 5.3 Tactic 3: Light up the City ...... 14 6 Timeline ...... 16 7 Social, Ethical and Legal Considerations ...... 19 8 Budget ...... 21 9 Evaluation Plan ...... 23 References ...... 24 Appendix A – Consultancy Credentials ...... 26 Appendix B – Unlock Your City BNE – Key Prototype ...... 27 Appendix C – Targeted Media List ...... 28 Appendix D – Potential Effectiveness of FaceBook Advertisements ...... 32 Appendix E – Guest Speakers ...... 33 Appendix F – Budget ...... 34


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Renee Abbott - Community Relations and Strategy Specialist Renee has widespread knowledge in both community relations and strategic planning. Her focus at Glasshouse Public Relations is to deliver her clients with the best solutions in the most appropriate channels whilst playing a pivotal role in building relationships for her clients and their stakeholders.

[email protected] Ph: (07) 3338 8080

Michael Bailey - Budget and Accounting Specialist Michael has extensive experience in budgeting marketing campaigns for some of most respected communications companies. His Bachelors Degree in Finance and his background in accounting has proven invaluable for Glasshouse Public Relations.

[email protected] Ph: (07) 3338 8081

Laura Cappiello - Event and Media Relations Specialist

Laura began her communications career at Univeristy of Technology, studying business, public relations, and marketing. She then went on to work for IMG Sydney’s events division before returning to Brisbane. Laura has worked on some of Australia’s biggest events in sport, fashion, and entertainment and the arts.

[email protected] Ph: (07) 3338 8082

Kassi Fleming - Business Development Specialist

Kassi is responsible for managing Glasshouse Public Relations client relationships and identifying opportunities and challenges within client briefs. Kassi is often the first point of contact in situations of crisis and issues management and her role includes scanning for, and monitoring issues. [email protected] Ph: (07) 3338 8083

Haley Nguyen - Marketing & Audience Research Specialist

Haley is responsible for defining target publics for campaigns by conducting primary research, collecting external data and analysing valuable insights. This involves designing surveys, interpreting and evaluating data analysis, executing segmentations for the campaign. [email protected] Ph: (07) 3338 8084

For more information regarding Glasshouse Public Relations please refer to Appendix A – “Consultancy Credentials”.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


2.1 CLIENT SUMMARY As Brisbane Open House (BOH) enters its seventh year, Glasshouse Public Relations (Glasshouse PR) have been commissioned to ensure the organisation maintains a positive growth trajectory and is well-positioned to obtain sponsorship and funding in a highly competitive operating environment (Brisbane Open House, 2016b, p. 4).

Traditionally, the BOH weekend follows the Brisbane Festival, a month-long celebration of the city. The timing of these events may be considered an opportunity for BOH to “piggy-back” on Brisbane Festival and the sense of community it creates. Conversely, the timing also presents a challenge for BOH to compete with, and overcome, oversaturation and consumer fatigue.

Both events share major partners; Treasury Casino & Hotel, Queensland Government and Brisbane City Council which places Brisbane Festival and BOH in direct competition for funding (Brisbane Festival, 2016; Brisbane Open House, 2016c). In this regard, BOH is at a disadvantage due to Brisbane Festival’s ability to attract intrastate, interstate and overseas visitors and engagement with a more diverse age range (Brisbane Festival, 2015, p. 11).

Historical data indicates the BOH weekend has attracted more visits and shown growth each year it has been in operation. However, the event is predominantly, attended by participants over 46 years of age (Brisbane Open House, 2016b, p. 3). This can be attributed to a low level of awareness among younger demographics despite their expressly stated interest in attending once informed of the event during the process of being surveyed by Glasshouse PR.

Through careful consideration of the client brief and additional research, the opportunity and necessity for growth in areas of community and media relations have been identified in order to raise awareness of BOH among younger demographics and subsequently to attract more visits and visitors to the BOH event.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

The key consideration for developing a strategy to address this opportunity was how to engage the media and community with the most cost-effective approach while providing maximum benefit to the client and engaging existing sponsors, partners and participants from a new an interesting angle.

2.2 RESEARCH INSIGHTS In the past BOH has tended to attract visitors aged 46 to 65, the generation known as Baby Boomers. Members of this demographic who have previously visited BOH events indicated they would return to the event in 2016, which demonstrates BOH have gained a positive perception with this demographic (Brisbane Open House, 2016a). Some of BOH’s organisational objectives are to increase broad awareness of the event, increase visits by 5-10% each year and to increase hotel stays (Brisbane Open House, 2016b). Based on these objectives, Glasshouse PR has identified an opportunity to increase awareness and visits among young professionals and university students aged 18-30, who have a meaningful interest in art, architecture, building designs and culture.

Glasshouse PR conducted an online survey targeted at this demographic. The survey included 15 multiple-choice questions and had 100 responses. The aim of the online survey was to determine the perception of brand awareness among young professionals and university students and to gauge their level of interest in BOH. Results showed 96.3% of the respondents were not aware of BOH.

Furthermore, after being directed to the BOH website, 85% of respondents indicated they would be interested in attending. These results evidence the validity of targeting this demographic. According to a Facebook advertising radius searching method, in the radius of 40 km starting from Brisbane CBD, there are 410,000 people who are engaged with art, architecture, building designs and culture that BOH can possibly reach.

Additionally, the Australian Bureau of Statistic reports that Queensland has the third largest number of students studying arts. This indicates there are a large percentage of young professionals who are passionate about art and/or studying art. This is directly connected with the BOH mission.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


The 2015 BOH event had almost 66,000 visitors to Open House sites from 10-11th of October. A survey conducted at the 2015 event showed that approximately only 10% of attendees were aged between 18-30 years old, while 80% of visitors were aged 46 or older. This indicated that BOH has a stronger relationship with the demographic known as baby boomers.

While BOH has secured repeat visitations and interest from baby boomers, it is evident that there is an opportunity for the organisation to expand audience interest and engagement across a younger demographic within Brisbane, and eventually regionally.

Based on the research that has been conducted, it is apparent that the low level of attendance at BOH events amongst 18-30 years olds is due to a lack of awareness they possess about BOH.

BOH has the opportunity to engage and create awareness of BOH with young professionals and university students to close a gap in the attendance rates amongst this market. This will assist BOH in expanding its profile within Brisbane and has the potential to increase their reputation across Brisbane as a leading organisation that promotes the city.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


This campaign will be targeted at young professionals and university students for a multitude of reasons, one being the gap in the market identified in BOH data and research undertaken by Glasshouse PR, another one being this demographic represents the highest proportion of social media users, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2016), which correlates with the social media aspects of the campaign.

An opportunity has also been recognised to grow BOH within the Brisbane metropolitan area. Despite, initial intentions to attract visitors from Brisbane’s surrounding areas and interstate, it is evident that the limited budget would not allow for this. Whilst a campaign to target interstate visitors could be introduced in the future it is not a plausible option under the current circumstances. Further, a review of the brief provided by BOH has revealed a large, potential for growth in Brisbane that has not been addressed in previous BOH campaigns.

This potential for growth exists in the around 18-30 year old demographic, and it is this public that will be targeted through the campaign. More specifically, the target public for the campaign is young professionals and university students who are studying or have an interest in architecture, design or the arts. This demographic accounted for less than 15% of the overall attendees to the 2015 event and shows immense potential for growth in 2016.

Australia Council for the Arts, (2014) research concluded young people are more engaged with the arts than the rest of the population. The report states that young people have stronger opinion towards arts and culture than the older population. Young people agree that art helps shape and express cultural identity, assists “the ability to think creatively and develop new ideas” and moreover art can help young people express themselves (Australia Council for the Arts, 2014, p. 19). These factors re-iterate the potential for BOH to reach the youth segment as the main target public in order to increase awareness of the BOH event.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

Though it is beyond the scope of this campaign to analyse the complete suite of BOH stakeholders, this campaign has been developed with consideration of the entities featured in Figure 1.

Brisbane Open House

Internal Connected External stakeholders stakeholders Stakeholders

Employees Volunteers Government

BOH Customers Press/Media Partners

Distributors Local Community


Guest Speakers

Figure 1. BOH Stakeholders


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Glasshouse PR has designed a communication strategy with three key phases to achieve the following goals and objectives.

4.1 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES BOH has outlined two primary goals in the client brief, that they would like to achieve by the end of 2016. Based on the client goals, Glasshouse PR has created three Public Relations (PR) goals along with specific objectives that will assist BOH in improving their profile, generating greater presence across all media platforms (social, traditional, industry) and increasing visitations during the BOH weekend. These can be seen below in Table 1.

Table 1. Goals and Objectives

Campaign Goals Public Relations Goals Objectives Campaign Goal #1 PR Goal #1 Objective 1.1 To build a positive brand To secure 3 positive media coverage in image of BOH amongst the 3 different publications by November Brisbane community. 2016. Promote Brisbane Objective 1.2 Open House as an To increase the target public's exciting, insightful, understanding of BOH core brand appealing, all-ages values by 30% by October 2016.. event. PR Goal #2 Objective 2.1 Create broad awareness of Increase awareness of BOH to target BOH throughout Brisbane & public by 10% by August 2016 and an South-East Queensland additional 25% by August 2017. Objective 2.2 To obtain a 20% increases in social media (Instagram & Facebook) followers by October 2016.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

Campaign Goals Public Relations Goals Objectives Campaign Goal #2 PR Goal #3 Objective 3.1 To achieve a 20% increase in Attracts new publics Increase engagement/ attendance of BOH events amongst 18- to the event to provide public support amongst the 30yr olds by October 2016 continued benefit for Brisbane community with Brisbane Open the brand. Objective 3.2 House’s stakeholders, To develop two new pre-weekend sponsors and programs/activities that consolidates supporters. the program of events before October 2016.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

4.2 COMMUNICATION STRATEGY To increase attendance and interest among young professionals and university students a multi-faceted strategy was developed with three key phases of activity.

Key messages that emerged as a result of this strategy included;

• Become encouraged and inspired to celebrate Brisbane’s heritage, architecture and design and;

• Unlock your city.

Phase 1 Aim: Building Awareness of BOH throughout Brisbane

To expand BOH's current primary visitor attendance from Baby Boomers to also young professional and university students by generating awareness of the brand.

• Traditional Media and Social Media relations

• Brand Positioning

Phase 2 Aim: Promote BOH to a younger demographic

Promote BOH brand and events directly to the target public (18-30 year olds) by meeting with university groups to create interest and support. Promote through relevant media channels.

• Traditional and Social Media

• Community Engagement/Relations

• Stakeholder Communications

Phase 3 Aim: Generate further interest/secure relationships.

Generate further interest and secure relationships and repeat attendance with new and current visitors for future BOH events whilst promoting the brand.

• Media Relations

Overall the strategy allows for the incorporation and synergy of media and community relations, which is detailed further through the tactical program.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Implementation of the campaign strategy includes extensive media relations activities and advertising, communication collateral including brochures, newsletters and posters and community engagement activities to deliver key messages. Table 2. outlines the three main tactics that have been developed based on meeting the overall organisational and campaign goals.

Table 2. Tactical Alignment

Tactic Objective Alignment

Unlock Your City Social /Media Campaign Objective 1.1 , 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2

Guest Speakers Objective 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2

Light up the City Objective 1.1, 2.2

5.1 TACTIC 1: UNLOCK YOUR CITY BNE SOCIAL AND MEDIA CAMPAIGN Unlock Your City BNE Media Campaign employs two steps and aligns with phase one of the communication strategy as it aims to generate awareness through both social and traditional media in a way that positively positions the brand.

Step 1: Key Drop

The first tactic that will be implemented is a guerrilla marketing/social media competition that has been referred to as Unlock Your City BNE. This four metre prop, (a not-to-scale prototype of which is shown in Appendix B has been designed to create awareness of BOH as well as have the public engage with the brand. The key will be moved to high exposure areas around Brisbane such as King George Square, The , Queensland University of Technology and the New Farm Riverwalk.

A social media competition will be implemented, where individuals can take a photo with the key and upload it to their Instagram accounts using the hash-tag #unlockyourcityBNE. Participants and then required to follow and tag the BOH


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan account to go into the draw to win one of two, 2-night stays at the Treasury Casino during the weekend of the event to encourage visitations.

This tactic also will draw traditional media coverage via newspapers, radio and TV channels as media releases will be sent to the targeted media, detailed in Appendix C. The key is an exciting new promotional angle/ activity that BOH has not utilised in previous campaigns. This tactic also allows for photo opportunities with the BOH Ambassador and media interviews which will further generate media coverage and as a result, awareness of BOH.

Step 2: Social Media

Step 2 of this tactic includes using media traction generated by Step 1 to continue building brand awareness via Facebook Advertisements. Appendix D, shows a detailed depiction of the geographic and demographic reach that the advertisements will generate. Furthermore this step commences phase 2 of the strategic plan as promotion is done through social media channels, which will reach a large proportion of this demographic.

This step aligns with the PR objectives of increasing social media followers and online presence, and will continue to generate engagement and spread awareness of BOH by creating meaningful and interesting content about celebrating the city's’ design and architecture leading up to and during the BOH weekend event. Overall this tactic aligns with the campaign goal of promoting BOH as an exciting, insightful, appealing, all-ages event.

5.2 TACTIC 2: GUEST SPEAKERS The Guest Speaker tactic incorporates phase 2 (ongoing) and commences phase 3 of the strategic plan, as it aims to promote BOH to a new target public. This main tactic is to have architects within the Brisbane region attend at universities as guest speakers and engage with students studying design and architecture. This tactic will also promote BOH's core values and programs that are on offer and how getting involved and participating in such events can be both an opportunity and benefit to themselves.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

Brochures, newsletters, emails and other promotional materials will be sent out through the university forums, inviting students to come along to the guest speaker events. Appendix E shows a list of architects that have been selected to participate in this program. Based on their residency, it has been assumed that their involvement will be based on a volunteering agreement. As the research shows, over 90% of the target market had never heard of BOH, therefore this tactic allows for generating awareness and starts the process of engaging with potential publics and visitors.

Furthermore this tactic allows for traditional media coverage as media releases will be sent out prior to the event and therefore has potential for a newspaper editorial on an architect getting involved with the younger community through BOH programs, thus generating awareness of BOH. It also allows for the key message of “unlocking your city” to be dispersed. This tactic aligns with the overall organisational goal of attracting new publics to the event to provide continued benefit for BOH's stakeholders, sponsors and supporters.


Tactic three will involve the strategic lighting of Brisbane landmarks such as , William Jolly Bridge, The Treasury Casino, and the Story Bridge in the bright orange hue associated with BOH's branding. This tactic incorporates phases one and three of the communication strategy, as the tactic will generate awareness of the BOH brand and interest in BOH events. The light up of iconic Brisbane landmarks will take place over the BOH weekend (Friday 7th – Sunday 9th October 2016), in order to enhance the event’s synergy and geographical cohesiveness and increase the BOH brand presence over the key event period. The novelty aspect of this tactic will contribute to generating both traditional media coverage and shareable content and conversations on social media. Moreover, media alerts will be sent to major news outlets via the media list (Appendix C) in addition to reaching out to local television news channels and their reporters to secure a live television cross or report.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

A live television cross from these illuminated Brisbane landmarks together with the presence of a BOH ambassador/ spokesperson will ensure that the BOH brand message reaches mass audiences across Brisbane and greater South East Queensland, and will increase brand awareness.

Furthermore, this tactic will also serve as an opportunity to trigger interest in last minute, opportunist visitors, with potential for increasing event visitations.

Ultimately, this tactic aligns with Campaign Goal 1, as the lighting of Brisbane landmarks will contribute to developing positive brand image and increased awareness of BOH events within Brisbane and greater South East Queensland.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


The 2016 BOH campaign will take place over a four month period, beginning in mid- June 2016 and continuing through to the conclusion of events in mid October (10 October 2016). Tactical planning will take place during June and July, with the implementation of tactics to commence in early August. The tactical program will then continue throughout the remainder of the campaign period, allowing brand awareness and media coverage to consistently build in anticipation of the main BOH events on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October 2016. The associated timeline for the tactical program is shown in Figure 2.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

Figure 2. Timeline


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Glasshouse PR are commited to the obligations owed by public relations practitioners to their clients, and their client's relationships with stakeholders and publics (Gregory, 2010, p. 36). Accordingly, Glasshouse PR adopt the Client/Consultancy Partnership Charter initiative of the Public Relations Council (Public Relations Consultants Association, 2016). These principles align with the consultancy commitment to ensuring the most effective allocation of budget and resources, challenging necessary aspects of the client brief and taking an integrated approach.

Through-out this campaign, the Client/Consultancy Partnership Charter will guide the prioritisation of organisational objectives and professional conduct throughout the necessary collaboration with BOH partners and sponsors including Treasury Casino and Hotel and local Council.

BOH aim to attract visitors outside the Brisbane metropolitan area to its 2016 event (Brisbane Open House, 2016b, p. 6). However, due to the limited budget, low levels of awareness and length of the campaign, it has become apparent that this objective is beyond the scope of this campaign and what is immediately practical. Instead, this campaign will aim to attract new publics within Brisbane metropolitan area with a view to raising awareness levels and creating meaningful engagement on social media, which will better position BOH to attract geographically diverse visitors in years to come.

While researching the effectiveness of this approach, market research among 18-30 year olds in Brisbane and South-East Queensland in the form of an online survey was undertaken. When undertaking human research, the researcher has a legal and ethical responsibility to the participants and to the integrity of the research. This research was undertaken with compliance to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) which is intended for any researcher conducting research with human participants (Australian Government (National Health and Medical Research Council), 2016). In accordance with clauses 2.2.2 and 2.2.4, participation in the research was voluntary and based upon sufficient information regarding the process, and participants were provided contact details for clarification purposes. This research is also compliant


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan with industry practice, including The Australian Market and Social Research Society Code of Professional Behaviour (2014) (Australian Market & Social Research Society, 2016).

In order to implement the “Unlock your CityBNE” tactic, Glasshouse PR must comply with, and meet requirements including the Advertisements Local Law 2013 and Advertisements Subordinate Local Law 2005. In particular, Glasshouse PR are obligated to ensure that the structure is constructed and maintained to “essential standards of public safety”, does not infringe on any copyright or trademarks,and is granted Council Approval (The State of Queensland (Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning), 2016). Additional consent under the Public Land and Council Assets Local Law 2014 is also required if the key is to be situated at any council-owned property (Brisbane City Council, 2016). However, no licence requirements under the Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999 are applicable to the competition prize of a weekend at Treasury Casino and Hotel due to its monetary value (The State of Queensland, 2016).

Glasshouse PR are a PRIA registered consultancy obliged by the Registered Consultancy Code of Practice. Additionally, our consultants are individually obliged by the PRIA Code of Ethics (Public Relations Institute of Australia, 2015). These documents are available to the public at


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


The budget has been allocated based on the strategic objectives and tactics outlined above. The promotion creatively utilises a variety of free resources in order to successfully implement the campaign within the budget constraints. Appendix F shows a complete breakdown of the budget.

In the interests of establishing and maintaining a positive and ongoing relationship with BOH, Glasshouse PR will offer its professional services for the 2016 event pro-bono, on the basis that BOH are retained as a client until 2020 at a 50% discount from the standard rate of $250 an hour for time-based billing.

This proposal will allow Glasshouse PR to better serve the campaign, and in turn, ensure BOH continued success. Under this arrangement, BOH will be responsible for only the outlays incurred in executing the tactical program and any incidentals which arise throughout the campaign.

Of the $5,000 allocated to this campaign, 50% has been assigned to the implementation of the ‘Unlock your City BNE’ tactic. The manufacture of the ‘giant orange key’ has been secured at a cost of $2,000, while an additional $500 has been allocated to any transportation costs involved in moving the key from location to location within Brisbane. While there is a requirement to apply for the necessary council permits to use public areas, the permits come at no additional cost to the campaign.

The Instagram competition prize will be provided by Treasury Casino and Hotel free of charge, as it is an existing major sponsor of BOH.

An allocation of $1,575 will be assigned to paid social media advertising. This will be employed in the final two months leading up to the BOH weekend. At a cost of $25 per day, BOH Facebook and Instagram pages will be reaching a combined number of approximately 12,700 people daily. Additionally, the monitoring and management of social media platforms will be provided by the team at Glasshouse PR, free of charge, under the pro-bono agreement.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

The implementation of the ‘lighting of council assets’ tactic comes completely free of charge. As BOH attracts more than 10,000 people to its events it qualifies for free lighting under the rules and guidelines provided by the Brisbane City Council (Brisbane City Council, 2016). Furthermore, there are no additional costs associated with acquiring light bulbs or with the management and maintenance of the displays, as the lights are all LED and Brisbane City Council covers any additional costs that may arise.

The guest speaking sessions will utilise the volunteer speakers that are already used by BOH so hiring a speaker is not required. Similarly, these sessions will be held throughout university in Brisbane so there is no requirement to hire locations to host the sessions. An allocation has been made to the creation of informational pamphlets to be distributed at these speaking sessions. For a cost of $400, a total of 2000 flyers will be created.

The evaluation of the campaign a total sum of $325 has been allocated. Of this, $200 will be distributed to the production of feedback surveys. The remaining $125 is assigned to the use of social media monitoring system, ‘Hootsuite’ for a 12 month period.

These elements amount to a total expenditure to $4,800, which leaves the remainder of the budget ($200) as a contingency fund which will address any unforeseen circumstances that may arise throughout the duration of the campaign.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


In accordance with the Barcelona Principles, Glasshouse PR ensure evaluation of its campaigns are transparent, replicable and measure both quantity and quality of traditional and social media, focusing on tone, credibility, relevance to target publics and engagement levels where applicable (Institute for Public Relations, 2010).

It is appropriate to evaluate this campaign by measuring outcomes and outtakes such as message retention and engagement as well as outputs (Public Relations Institute of Australia, 2015). The BOH 2015 Visitor Survey Results, together with the survey issued by Glasshouse PR provide a benchmark for the awareness levels within the target public, and tracking surveys conducted through-out the campaign will measure the shift in awareness and effectiveness of the campaign in meeting Objective 2.1: to increase awareness of BOH to target public by 10% by August 2016 and an additional 25% by August 2017.

How well the campaign meets Objectives 1.1, and 2.2 is measureable by Glasshouse PR various media monitoring tools and processes including Facebook and Google analytics and HootSuite. BOH will receive weekly reports detailing any media mentions, tone, relevance to target publics and key messages, any required responses, as well as social media data.

Objective 3.2 (two additions to the BOH program) is addressed by the campaign tactics "UnlockyourcityBNE" and "Guest Speakers. The "Guest Speakers" will also be used as an opportunity to measure Objective 1.2 and the benchmark level of understanding of BOH's core values, which can then be tracked throughout the campaign.

Conversely, measurement of Objective 3.1 (to achieve a 20% increase in attendance among the target public), will occur post-completion. This will require BOH volunteers to collect information from participants at the 2016 event by way of physical feedback and questionnaire forms to be analysed by the Glasshouse PR.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Australia Council for the Arts. (2014, May). Arts in Daily LIfe: Australian Participation in the Arts. Retrieved from Australia Council: life-australian-5432524d0f2f0.pdf Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2016, February 18). 8146.0 - Household Use of Information Technology, Australia, 2014-15. Retrieved from Australian Bureau of Statistics:[email protected]/mf/8146.0 Australian Government (National Health and Medical Research Council). (2016, May 6). National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Reseach (2007) (Updated in May 2015). Retrieved from National Health and Medical Research Council: Australian Market & Social Research Society. (2016, May 6). The Australian Market and Social Research Society Code of Professional Behaviour. Retrieved from Australian Market & Social Research Society: Brisbane City Council. (2016, May 8). Guidelines for Lighting Up a Council Asset. Retrieved from Brisbane City Council: permits/laws-permits-businesses/light-brisbane-hang-bridge-banner/guidelines- lighting-council-asset Brisbane City Council. (2016, February 15). Public Land Council Assets Local Law 2014. Retrieved from Brisbane City Council: permits/local-laws/public-land-council-assets-local-law-2014 Brisbane Festival. (2015). Brisbane Festival: 2015 in Review. Retrieved from Brisbane Festival: review_a4-final.pdf Brisbane Festival. (2016, May 2). Our Partners. Retrieved from Brisbane Festival: Brisbane Open House. (2016a). Brisbane Open Home Visitor Summary Results. Retrieved from QUT Blackboard Client Information: e_id=_123284_1&content_id=_6149507_1 Brisbane Open House. (2016b). QUT PR Campaigns Brief. Retrieved from QUT Blackboard: Client Information: e_id=_123284_1&content_id=_6149507_1


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

Brisbane Open House. (2016c, May 2). Supporters. Retrieved from Brisbane Open House: Gregory, A. (2010). Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns: A Strategic Approach. Retrieved from Institute for Public Relations. (2010, October 7). Barcelona Declaration of Measurement Principles: Validated Metrics Social Media Measurement. Retrieved from Institute for Public Relations: content/uploads/BarcelonaPrinciplesOct2010.pdf Public Relations Consultants Association. (2016, March 28). Client-Consultancy Charter. Retrieved from Public Relations Consultants Association: Public Relations Institute of Australia. (2015, July 17). Principles on Best Practice on Research, Measurement and Evaluation of Public Relations. Retrieved from Public Relations Institute of Australia: Public Relations Institute of Australia. (2015, February 4). Registered consultancy code of practice. Retrieved from Public Relations Institute of Australia: The State of Queensland (Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning). (2016, April 11). Local laws database. Retrieved from Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning: government/laws/local-laws-online-database.html The State of Queensland. (2016, April 22). Competitions, raffles, bingo and other charitable games. Retrieved from Queensland Government Business and Industry Portal: gaming/gaming/not-profit-charitable/competitions-raffles-bingo


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


The team at Glasshouse Public Relations are young, innovative, business savvy practitioners with backgrounds in public relations, integrated marketing, business and finance.

As confident and effective communicators with expertise in managing stakeholder relations and promoting organisational reputation, Glasshouse consultants specialise in events and digital media, but offer a complete range of communication services, and will oversee every stage of a campaign projects from conception and planning to implementation and evaluation.

Operating nationally through-out Australia, Glasshouse Public Relations are a Public Relations Institute of Australia and are committed to continued practical learning and maintaining industry currency.

Established in 2015, Glasshouse Public Relations have already advised several leading Australian brands on both long and short term campaigns and look forward to growing our portfolio and presence in the market.


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan



Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Outlet/Publication Contact Website Email/ Phone Demographic/ Frequency Circulation of Publication ABC Brisbane 612 Vanessa Wiltshire [email protected] M: 11,000 Daily (Radio) Content Director [email protected] F: 15,000 (07) 3377 5222 Total Circulation: 24,000 ABC - Brisbane [email protected] Audience: 121,085 Daily News ws/ (07) 3377 5356 M: 55,133 (Television) F: 65,951 ABC Online Stuart Watt [email protected] Not disclosed Daily (Online news +app) National Editor [email protected]

Inflight Magazine Patrick McElligott [email protected] 500 copies per Bi-monthly (West Wing Inflight st_wing.html [email protected] issue are published Magazine QLD) and are distributed (07) 3891 7793 in seat pockets Q-Weekend Margie Fraser [email protected] Circulation: 200,915 Full-colour (The Courier Mail) Contributing [email protected] glossy (Newspaper/ Architecture Writer [email protected] Key influencer in magazine magazine) Leanne Edmistone u social media as which Senior Reporter, 07 3666 8000 rated by key appears in Features influencer indicators the Courier Mail on Saturdays The Courier Mail [email protected] Weekdays: 153,763 Daily Saturday: 199,153 Hip Brown Home Rachel Honner [email protected] Not disclosed Weekly (Blog) Blogger 0403 553 739 Topics: architecture, interior design


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

Outlet/Publication Contact Website Email/ Phone Demographic/ Frequency Circulation of Publication Channel 7 – [email protected] Early news: 21,437 Daily Brisbane News Morning news: (Television) 29,686 News at 4.30pm: 48,965 Saturday nightly news: 188,376 Sunday nightly news: 261,187 4BC [email protected] Audience: 14,000 Daily (Radio) (07) 3908 8200 97.3FM [email protected] Audience: 36,000 Daily (Radio) (07) 3421 4973 Australian Property Scott Rowe [email protected] Circulation: 23,648 Monthly Investor Advertising& [email protected] (Magazine) Marketing Manager u (07) 3335 2900 The Blurb Petroc Wilton [email protected] Not disclosed Regularly (Blog) Chief Editor 0411 648 961 updated The Brisbane Simon Holt [email protected] "Key influencer in Daily Times Editor-in-Chief [email protected] social media as (Online news) (07) 3835 7500 rated by key influencer indicators" Channel 10 – News Desk [email protected] Audience: 104,664 Daily Brisbane News brisbane.htm (07) 3214 1073 (Television) Channel 7 – News Desk [email protected] Audience: 222,639 Daily Brisbane News (07) 3368 7389 (Television) Channel 7 – Great Fiona Deadman [email protected] Audience: 140,126 Weekly South East Manager of Local (07) 3368 7346 (All people 16+) Programs


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

Outlet/Publication Contact Website Email/ Phone Demographic/ Frequency Circulation of Publication Channel 7 – Paul Mayze http://www.queenslandweekender [email protected] Audience: 97,817 Weekly Queensland Series Producer (07) 3368 7346 Weekender (Television) Channel 9 – News Desk [email protected] Audience: 221,073 Daily Brisbane News e (07) 3214 9943 (All people 16+) (Television) City Kat Katherine Feeney [email protected] Undisclosed Daily (Lifestyle blog) e/blog/citykat (07) 3835 7812 Hit 105 FM Matthew Eggleston [email protected] Audience: 21,000 Daily (Radio) Content Director [email protected] (07) 3918 3080 Nova 106.9 FM Jay Walkerden [email protected] Audience: 25,000 Daily (Radio) General Manager/ /nova1069 [email protected] (All people 16+) Program Director (07) 3872 6999 Peppermint Rebecca Jamieson [email protected] Circulation: 5,045 Quarterly Magazine Deputy Editor (07) 3367 8515 QUT News Ann Lund [email protected] Not disclosed Regularly (Online news) Journalist (07) 3138 8555 updated The Sunday Mail Sam Strutt (Samantha) [email protected] Circulation: 359,088 Weekly Head of lifestyle and [email protected] entertainment (07) 3666 6559 Triple M Brisbane http://www, [email protected] Audience: 24,000 Daily (Radio) (07) 3918 3080 M:18,000 F: 7000 Discover Brisbane Discover Brisbane [email protected] Audience: 14, 000 Daily BrisCityLife (onlie Samantha MacKenzie [email protected] Daily lifestyle blog) u

BNE HOT OR NOT BNE HOT OR NOT [email protected] Daily (online blog)


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan

Outlet/Publication Contact Website Email/ Phone Demographic/ Frequency Circulation of Publication Bmag (Magazine Rohan Williams [email protected] Circulation 262,000 Monthly publication) (Editor) Resa Zekants [email protected] (online lifestyle) 5.4M page views/yr Visit Brisbane Daily (online) nformation/contact-us BrisbaneNews Jane Scott (Editor) [email protected] Circulation 120, 000 Weekly (magazine publication) 3666 8862 [email protected] Style Magazine Christie Sutherland [email protected] Monthly (Editor) [email protected] 0452 492 112 92.5 Gold FM 92.5 Gold FM 92.5 Gold FM 92.5 Gold FM 92.5 Gold FM 92.5 Gold FM Blank Gold Coast Blank Gold Coast Blank Gold Coast Blank Gold Coast Blank Gold Coast Blank Gold (Magazine) (Magazine) (Magazine) (Magazine) (Magazine) Coast (Magazine) ETB Travel News ETB Travel News ETB Travel News ETB Travel News ETB Travel News ETB Travel (Online tourism / (Online tourism / travel (Online tourism / travel news) (Online tourism / travel news) (Online tourism / News travel news) news) travel news) (Online tourism / travel news) Caboolture News Caboolture News Caboolture News Caboolture News Caboolture News Caboolture (Newspaper) (Newspaper) (Newspaper) (Newspaper) (Newspaper) News (Newspaper) Caboolture Shire Caboolture Shire Caboolture Shire Herald Caboolture Shire Herald Caboolture Shire Caboolture Herald Herald (Newspaper) (Newspaper) Herald Shire Herald (Newspaper) (Newspaper) (Newspaper) (Newspaper)


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan



Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan


Guest Speaker Background/ Reason of Interest Tina Gibson • Daughter of famous architect Robin Gibson • Would be able to talk about her father's inspiration/passions for the architecture • Based on availability would be first choice as speaker. Brit Andresen • First women recipient of the RAIA Gold Medal • Internationally published architect • Recently retired from UQ • Would be able to speak about her achievements and the benefits that BOH can offer. Luke Pendergast • Previous guest speaker for BOH • Winner of a Dulux Study Tour Award at the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) Australian Achievement in Architecture Awards (AAAA), • Has returned from a tour abroad that allowed him to study world-class architecture. • Therefore would have many stories to share with students. James Russell • Previous guest speaker for BOH • Has won an abundance of awards in his career • Distinctive architecture engages so profoundly with nature and embraces and celebrates subtropical conditions • Therefore can offer a fresh or different angel when discussing architecture and design


Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan



Manufacturing costs $2000

Transportation of key $500

Public permits to stage key $0

Competition prize $0


Paid Social Media Advertising $1575

Management and Monitoring of Social $0 Media pages


Lighting of Landmarks $0

Management/maintenance of lights $0


Securing Guest Speakers $0

Hiring of Location $0

Creation of pamphlets $400


Creation of feedback surveys $200

Use of Hootsuite for 12 months $125


Contingency Fund $200



Brisbane Open House Public Relations Plan