Creating a Better Brisbane …From 1957 to Today 1957
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Creating a better Brisbane 1957 …from 1957 to today Executive —It has taken Brisbane a long time to awaken 2resident- Sir Bruce Shearer from its apathy to the many problems and 6ice 2resident- Mr 789 Butts opportunities associated with the city‘s rapid 9onourable Treasurer- Mr 9: 4ielding de elopment." BDA 1957 Annual Report Council The general population‘s lack o interest in :. E. :reen Brisbane‘s development and the need or A. A. 9ale integrated planning prompted a group o 1. 8. ,. Isles business leaders and pro essionals to come 9. Munro together in May 1957 and ound the Brisbane ,. E. 1. Strachan Development Association (BDA). BDA‘s ,. A. Barton honorary solicitor, Mr Butts dra ted a constitution T. B. 4. :argett and pro essionals, business people and 8. A. :unn organsiations were invited to become members. Byrne 9art M. R. 9ornibrook Interest was strong and by 30 ,une 1957, the ,. Kruttschnitt BDA had 390 members. These members shared ,. Mullholland a vision to create a better Brisbane. In its ,. N. Nicholson inaugural year the BDA‘s aims included- A. 9. 2et ield D. S. Sherman 1. To organise public opinion within greater 7. A. Slaughter Brisbane to a realisation that Brisbane was R. 9. 8ainwright a backward city by world standards. A. M. Baxter .. To change this situation and to press or :. E. :reen the ollowing- A. A. 9ale a. an ade/uate water supply and improved sewage installations A group o business leaders and pro essionals b. improved street and road conditions came together in May 1957 to create the to cope with ever0increasing tra ic Brisbane Development Association (BDA). c. the early completion o the 9onorary solicitor or the BDA, Mr Butts dra ted preparation o a Brisbane 1ity 2lan a constitution and pro essional business people d. home improvement and organsiations were invited to become e. beauti ication o the city. members. The results were encouraging and by 30 ,une 1957, the BDA had 390 members. The BDA has been involved in creating a better These members shared a vision to create a Brisbane or almost 50 years. It has provided an better Brisbane. open orum or discussion on issues a ecting Brisbane. It has challenged proposals which may In its irst year o operation the BDA was have promoted sprawl and resulted in increased concerned with the ollowing issues- congestion. It has supported good planning polices and urban design. It has built partnerships with other water and sewerage groups to increase the in luence o the association at a electricity local and state level. And it has encouraged city plan innovative pro3ects which have helped to improve city illuminations. our /uality o li e in Brisbane. There have been many achievements and challenges over the years. 4ollowing is an overview o the association‘s activities each year rom 1957 to today. [1] Brisbane Development Association Creating a better Brisbane since 1957 1958 1959 Executive Executive 2resident- Sir Raymond 9uish 2resident- Mr 18 Isles Council Council Messers. ,. A. Barton Messers. ,. A. Barton 7. 8. 9. Butts 7. 8. 9. Butts 9. :. 4ielding 9. :. 4ielding T. B. 4. :argett T. B. 4. :argett :. E. :reen 8. A. :unn 8. A. :unn A. A. 9ale A. A. 9ale Byrne 9art Byrne 9art M. R. 9ornibrook M. R. 9ornibrook Sir Raymond 9uish 1. 8. ,. 2et ield B. ,ohnson K. 1. Shaw ,. Kruttshnitt B. Shearer 9. Munro D. S. Sherman 1. 8. ,. 2et ield 7. A. Slaughter K. 1. Shaw ,. E. 1. Stratchan B. Shearer R. 9. 8ainwright D. S. Sherman Mr. 8. A. 2ark 7. A. Slaughter ,. E. 1. Stratchan In 1958 the BDA saw water and sewerage as R. 9. 8ainwright Brisbane‘s ma3or problems, both domestically Sir Arthur 4adden and industrially. The 2resident reported that a Mr. 8. A. 2ark tremendous improvement was necessary to Mr Arthur E Sharp ensure that Brisbane would reach the standard Mr B. T. Tunley and re/uirements o a modern city. More unds was believed to be the solution and the BDA During the year the BDA 1ouncil agreed that it proposed handing over the 1ouncil‘s electricity would be in the best interests o Brisbane‘s undertaking to another body. 1ouncil ob3ected development to have appropriate women‘s to this suggestion responding that the handover organisations represented on the BDA 1ouncil. would result in increased electricity tari s, rates, Two organisations that had displayed a keen and tram and bus ares. The BDA was not interest in the BDA‘s activities were selected and convinced that such increases would be suitable representatives were invited to sit on the necessary. 1ouncil. Mrs 1A 9amilton represented the National 1ouncil o 8omen and Miss D Miller The Queensland Development Association represented the Brisbane Business A (QDA) was ormed at a meeting in Rockhampton 2ro essional 8omen‘s 1lub. 8ater, sewerage, on 18 ,uly. Representatives o the ma3or electricity and the townplan remained high on provincial cities and towns were present. The the Association‘s agenda. BDA was represented on QDA. The BDA was the sub3ect o many press reports During December 1957 and 1958, the BDA and radio announcements in 1959, organised Brisbane‘s commercial illuminations. demonstrating that the Association was The BDA was invited to 3oin the Illuminations and recognised as an important orce within the Decorations 1ommittee o the Queensland Brisbane community. 1entenary 1elebration 1ommittee and because o its experience was asked to again organise The Association continued to ocus its e orts on the illuminations o the city‘s commercial and water and sewerage and the 1ity 2lan. inancial houses. [.] Brisbane Development Association Creating a better Brisbane since 1957 1960 1961 Executive Executive 2resident- Mr 1 4aragher 2resident- Mr T9A 1ross Treasurer- Mr 9: 4ielding 9onourable Treasurer- Mr 9: 4ielding 9onourable Secretary- Mr 7, :ardiner Council 1ouncil members uncon irmed. Mr. ,. A. Barton 7. 8. 9. Butts The BDA believed that a ma3or actor a ecting T. B. 4. :argett Brisbane‘s ultimate progress and development Sir 8illiam :unn was its proposed town plan. The BDA were also Byrne 9art adamant that a statewide0planning act was Sir Manuel 9ornibrook necessary so that all Queensland cities and Sir Raymond 9uish towns could be planned in accordance with that B. ,ohnson legislation. The BDA believed such legislation ,. Kruttshnitt would eliminate many o the ob3ections and 9. Munro rustrations associated with Brisbane‘s proposed 1. 8. ,. 2et ield town plan. K. 1. Shaw B. Shearer Since its inception the BDA had advocated, that D. S. Sherman because o the tremendous drain on civic 7. A. Slaughter inances, that an authority other than the Brisbane 1ity 1ouncil should administrate the The BDA had approximately 360 members electricity supply or the greater Brisbane area. comprising mostly ma3or commercial and In 1961 a ter twelve months o negotiations, it inancial organisations as well as pro essional appeared that this would occur. New control men and other associations who demonstrated was expected to be in place early in 196.. their support and interest in the BDA. The BDA was excited about a potential civic The BDA believed that constant and sustained s/uare or Brisbane. The location ronting 1ity vigilance was essential to achieving the 9all was described as desirable due to the ollowing- proposed conversion o the Roma Street Markets into a park. Also a civic s/uare would ade/uate water supply and an appropriate enhance the nobility o 1ity 9all. 9owever the sewerage system or the greater part o BDA was concerned that part o the Roma Street the community area would be de aced by a bus terminal that su icient electricity or industry was considered undesirable due to it nature. an up to date town plan. The BDA said it would oppose any scheme that allowed tra ic to enter the s/uare. Cnce again water and sewerage, electricity and the town plan were priorities or the Association The BDA supported the development o the during the year. tourist industry, recognising its potential as a revenue earner due to its promotional values. It believed there was a long way to go be ore tourism could be regarded as a ma3or industry in Queensland. The city was aced with a Dtram versus bus Ddebate. The BDA suggested an alternative- providing public transport underground via a ring railway partly underground. The Association began circulating a BDA ,ournal to keep members in ormed o the Association‘s views on matters a ecting Brisbane‘s development. [3] Brisbane Development Association Creating a better Brisbane since 1957 1962 1964 Executive The BDA started its fight for the city to establish 2resident- Mr T9A 1ross a Port Authority at the mouth of the Brisbane Ri er. After many forums, e)tensi e consultation 1ouncil members uncon irmed. and pressure, the Association welcomed the establishment of the Port of Brisbane Authority in The BDA again advocated or a statewide 1976 + 12 years after its original proposal to planning act, with appropriate regional planning go ernment. legislation, so that all Queensland cities and towns could be planned in accordance with the legislation. Even at this time, the Association Executive was aware that Brisbane served and was served by a region spreading ar beyond its boundaries. 2resident- Mr T9A 1ross 6ice 2residents- Mr IN Stubbs / Mr 16 Melloy / Mr E,A 8eller 1963 Council Executive Mr. B. Baillie 2resident- Mr T9A 1ross Mr. R. 2. M. 1olley Mr. 9. N. Davies 1ouncil members uncon irmed. Mr. 9. :. 4ielding Mt. T. B. 4. :argett In its November edition o its 3ournal the BDA Sir 8illiam :unn supported the Brisbane 1ity 1ouncil‘s decision Mr.