IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Mujeres artistas Flavia Frigeri

Summary * La mujer ha sido durante mucho tiempo tratada por los artistas como objeto de representación, pero su contribución como creadora de arte es poco reconocida. * Aunque las mujeres artistas ya no están obligadas a trabajar en el anonimato ni a aceptar seudónimos masculinos, hace relativamente poco, en 1989, las Guerrilla Girls salieron a las calles de Nueva York para preguntarse si las mujeres tienen que estar desnudas para entrar en el Metropolitan Museum. * En este libro, la autora explora la vida y la obra de más de cincuenta de las más destacadas artistas femeninas de todos los ámbitos desde el siglo xv hasta la actualidad, entre , Artemisia Gentileschi, Georgia O'Keeffe y Louise Bourgeois. "Un excelente estudio dedicado a artistas internacionales decisivas. Estas esenciales figuras femeninas deberían formar parte de nuestra historia del arte, y este libro es parte de esa importante revisión". Jessica Morgan, directora de Dia Blume 9788417492908 Art Foundation En cada apartado se brindan una sucinta explicación, obras características y una lista relevante Pub Date: 7/1/20 de artistas destacados, rasgos, discipli... $19.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Flavia Frigeri is an art historian, curator, and teaching fellow at University College London. She co-curated 176 Pages the internationally acclaimed exhibition The World Goes Pop at Tate Modern in 2015. She is the author of Tate Carton Qty: 20 Art / Women Artists Introductions: Paul Klee and contributed to the exhibition catalogue for The World Goes Pop. Series: Esenciales del arte 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

Surrealismo Amy Dempsey

Summary * El surrealismo surgió como un movimiento literario y artístico dado a conocer por el poeta francés André Breton en 1924, con el Manifiesto surrealista. * Los artistas surrealistas ahondaron en el inconsciente y gozaron con yuxtaposiciones de raros objetos sin relación entre ellos. * Utilizaron medios de todos los tipos imaginables, desde la sorprendente taza cubierta de pieles de Meret Oppenheim hasta el jardín fantástico de Edward James, Las Pozas, en lo más profundo de la selva mexicana. Cuando murió Breton en 1966, el surrealismo se había extendido por todo el mundo y era uno de los movimientos artísticos más populares del siglo XX. "Una notable y equilibrada presentación de pinturas bien conocidas e inusuales obras de arte de todo el mundo. Una visión maravillosamente original que abre nuevas vías a la investigación". Dawn Ades En cada apartado se brindan una sucinta explicación, obras características y una lista relevante de artistas destacados, Blume 9788417492915 rasgos, disciplinas y colecciones. En la sección de referencia figura un glosario indispensable de términos Pub Date: 7/1/20 relacionados con el mundo... $19.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Amy Dempsey is an art historian. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Dempsey has written for various 176 Pages London museums, including Tate, and is the author of Styles, Schools & Movements: The Essential Carton Qty: 20 Art / History Encyclopaedic Guide to Modern Art, Destination Art, and Modern Art. Series: Esenciales del arte 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Arte en Cuba Gilbert Brownstone, Camilo Guevara

Summary Una descripción general del desarrollo cultural y artístico de Cuba desde 1900, en diversos medios, incluidos la pintura, el dibujo, la escultura, las instalaciones y las artes visuales. Una generación de artistas plurales que se ha formado después de la Revolución, cuando el acceso a la cultura y a la educación se convirtió en una pluralidad absoluta. Su actividad de ha visto enriquecida fundamentalmente por la isla, tierra de mestizaje y de cruce. Una invitación a conocer esta isla caribeña y dinámica, y su patrimonio artístico: una obra imprescindible para cualquier interesado en el arte y la cultura contemporáneos. Blume 9788417757243 This book offers a panoramic exploration of Cuba’s extraordinary art world, including exclusive interviews with Pub Date: 7/1/20 $45.00 USD thirty-five of the island’s most influential artists. It includes a wide variety of mediums, discussed in the Discount Code: LON context of the country’s twentieth-century political landscape. Hardcover

224 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 10 Gilbert Brownstone is an art historian and exhibition curator. In 1999 he created the Brownstone Art / Caribbean & Latin foundation, which promotes social justice through cultural development. Camillo Guevara is a photographer American who teaches at the Havana School of Photography. He runs the Che Guevara Studies Center, which is 11 in H | 8.6 in W | 1 in T | dedicated to his father. 3 lb Wt

Viajes al corazón Ejercicios y meditaciones para entrar en el corazón Drunvalo Melchizede, Daniel Mitel

Summary * Un mensaje de esperanza y posibilidad para todo aquel que desee experimentar un nuevo enfoque en su vida: un nuevo entendimiento desde el corazón. * Con ejercicios y meditaciones que te mostraran cómo realizar con el espíritu el movimiento para entrar en el corazón. * El maestro autorizado para guiarte al corazón es el espíritu que está detrás de los ojos que leen estas palabras ahora mismo. Tú. Es preciso realizar un desplazamiento para entrar en el espacio sagrado del corazón. Sin él, tu cerebro solo imaginaría estar en ese espacio sagrado, pero no sería verdad. Si nunca lo has hecho antes, te parecerá un tanto extraño, pero acabarás por entenderlo. Trataremos aquí la oración del corazón, compartiremos nuestras experiencias en el Blume 9788417492151 corazón y te enseñaremos cómo vivir en el corazón. Una información de suma utilidad para tu propio viaje Pub Date: 8/1/20 espiritual. Disfruta mientras lees, practicas y aplicas cada uno de los métodos de este libro y decide cuál es el $22.95 USD más apropiado para ti. A continuación, practica sin cesar hasta que recuerdes quién eres realmente. Discount Code: LON Recuerda, tú y yo somos lo mismo. Yo ... Trade Paperback

208 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 30 Drunvalo Melchizedek and Daniel Mitel are two of the world's most prominent masters of . Self-Help / Spiritual Melchizedek is the author of five books that have been published in 29 languages. 8 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Fade to Black Ascenso y caída del califato del ISIS Ricardo García Vilanova

Summary "Ricardo García Vilanova ha trabajado sin descanso durante años. Ha ido, ha visto, ha sentido, ha contado y ha regresado vivo decenas de veces. Se ha sumergido a fondo entre los grupos humanos con los que se ha relacionado y diluido en cada uno de los escenarios violentos en los que ha trabajado y ha conseguido que los protagonistas de sus historias se olviden de él. Y eso le ha permitido documentar escenas de gran tensión y emoción con gran naturalidad. " Porque las consecuencias de los desastres de las guerras de Siria, Libia e Iraq y de la descomposición de sus sociedades se pagarán durante décadas y todos nosotros nos veremos afectados por el descomunal desastre". [Gervasio Sánchez] Blume 9788417757373 Pub Date: 7/1/20 In the best tradition of legendary war photographers like Don McCullin and James Nachtwey, Ricardo García $50.00 USD Vilanova places us in the middle of war and reveals its intimacies. He is among the foremost documenters of Discount Code: LON the Islamic State. Hardcover

152 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 20 Ricardo Garcia Vilanova is a Spanish video and photojournalist who has spent more than fifteen years Photography / Photojournalism specializing in conflict and humanitarian crises. He has earned numerous national and international awards recognizing the quality of his work and his commitment to photography and photojournalism. 13 in H | 8.8 in W | 0.7 in T | 2.8 lb Wt

Masaje tailandés Terapia, técnicas y rutinas Maria Mercati

Summary El trabajo corporal tailandés se encuentra en un proceso de evolución constante desde hace más de mil años. No es de extrañar, por tanto, que encontremos tantas variaciones sutiles en las técnicas empleadas por los distintos profesionales. Existen diferencias todavía mayores entre los estilos de trabajo corporal característicos del norte y el sur de Tailandia. Las técnicas de este libro son básicamente una combinación de diversas regiones del país. A los principiantes les resultarán fluidas y armoniosas, y muy similares a las que recibiría Blume de un maestro thai. Esta guía le permitirá dominar una gama completa de técnicas de masaje y manipulación 9788416965366 Pub Date: 8/1/20 con una secuencia fluida que le ayudará a mantener un cuerpo joven. Las técnicas también sirven como $9.95 USD tratamiento curativo para el dolor crónico. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback One of the most ancient healing arts, Thai massage harmonizes the energies of body and mind. This 160 Pages step-by-step guide teaches a full-body treatment, highlighting the healing benefits of each technique, and also Carton Qty: 30 Health & Fitness / Massage incorporates work on acupressure points and routines to ease chronic pain for specific conditi... & Reflexotherapy Contributor Bio 9.3 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.5 in T | 1.1 lb Wt Maria Mercati is an internationally renowned teacher and therapist in Thai massage, Tui Na, acupuncture and Indonesian massage. She is the founder of BODYHARMONICS®, an integrated approach to therapy that blends Chinese, Thai, and Indonesian treatment methods to promote health and harmony.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Wake up! Encienda su vida. Apague el piloto automático Siéntase conectado. Conózcase mejor. Consiga que cada día sea único Chris Baréz- Brown

Summary Dado que tenemos tendencia a vivir a base de hábitos, con rutinas integradas, la mayoría de lo que hacemos son cosas que ya hemos hecho. Así, el piloto automático se convierte en el modo de existencia por defecto. Si fuésemos jugadores de tenis, estaría muy bien, pero la mayoría de nosotros no nos pasamos la vida en una pista de tenis; la vida es más compleja que eso. Por tanto, tenemos que mejorar el equilibrio entre los sistemas de nuestro cerebro. Resulta imposible cuantifi car cuál sería el equilibrio perfecto o las capacidades de la mente consciente para tomar las riendas de más actividades. No obstante, la mayoría de nosotros sabemos por instinto que si conseguimos estar un poco más despiertos y liberarnos del piloto automático cada Blume 9788416965069 día, viviremos de manera muy distinta. Pub Date: 8/1/20 $19.95 USD When we do routine activities, our subconscious takes over to save energy and we shift into autopilot mode. Discount Code: LON This book presents a series of experiments designed to help you break free from this trap. From climbing a Trade Paperback tree to writing a letter, here are a year's worth of balanced, playful experiences that will engag... 304 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Body, Mind & Spirit / & Meditation Chris Baréz Brown is bestselling author, speaker, and businessman. He founded Upping Your Elvis in 2009 to 8 in H | 5.5 in W | 1 in T | help people reconnect with their inner genius and become confident in being who they truly are. He is also 1.3 lb Wt the author of the bestselling book Free: Love Your Work, Love Your Life.

Técnica Alexander Manual de educación y control postural Richard Brennan

Summary El propósito de este libro es transmitir los principios básicos de la técnica, explicar cómo surgieron y demostrar cómo puede comenzar a aplicarlos en su propia vida. Contiene una sección sobre el embarazo con consejos específicos sobre cómo la técnica puede resultar útil durante este período tan importante de la vida y cómo puede aliviar muchas de las molestias y dolores que con tanta frecuencia se sufren en silencio y se dan por supuestos. El capítulo sobre el deporte le ayudará a ser consciente de la manera en que su cuerpo se Blume mueve durante la práctica de varios deportes, demostrándole también cómo podría llegar a mejorar su 9788416965373 Pub Date: 8/1/20 rendimiento. $9.95 USD Discount Code: LON This highly effective technique for releasing muscular tension throughout the body teaches new ways of Trade Paperback sitting, standing and moving that put less stress on our muscles, bones and joints. This step-by-step 144 Pages illustrated guide shows you how to move with comfort and ease and relieve and prevent common aches and Carton Qty: 30 pains, simply by taking control of your posture. Health & Fitness / Massage & Reflexotherapy Contributor Bio 9.3 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.4 in T | 1 lb Wt Richard Brennan is the director of the Alexander Teacher Training College in Galway, Ireland. He lectures extensively throughout and the USA, and has been teaching the Alexander Technique for over 25 years. His previous titles include The Alexander Technique Manual, Change Your Posture – Change Your Life, and Stress: The Alternative Solution.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Buen dinero Ahorro e inversión. Impulse su bienestar financiero Nathalie Spencer

Summary * Nathalie Spencer expone los fundamentos científicos que explican nuestra idea, uso y gestión del dinero para permitirnos relacionarlos de un modo más sabio y grato con nuestras finanzas. * Desde el análisis de cómo las transacciones sin dinero en efectivo influyen en nuestros gastos y el desciframiento de los principios de por qué nos atraen las ofertas hasta la exposición de lo que significa en realidad ser un pronosticador eficaz, este libro revela cómo motivarnos para tener una mejor relación con el dinero y nos brinda herramientas esenciales con las impulsar nuestro bienestar financiero. Blume * Un libro que le ayudará a tomar las decisiones adecuadas con respecto a su dinero y a comprender sus 9788417492588 opciones. Pub Date: 8/1/20 $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON CONSTRUIR + LLEGAR A SER es una inspiradora colección de libros que intenta hacerle pensar de manera Trade Paperback diferente y que refleja la forma en que los consumidores descargan cada vez más información en pequeño

160 Pages formato, desde infografías hasta podcasts. Los libros abordan temas de actualidad, que van desde la Carton Qty: 30 tecnología y la política hasta la filosofía y la sociología, con una perspectiva únic... Business & Economics / Personal Finance Contributor Bio Series: Construir + Llegar a ser Nathalie Spencer is a behavioral scientist at Commonwealth Bank of Australia. She explores financial decision making and how insights from behavioral science can be used to boost financial well-being. She is 8.3 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.8 lb Wt the co-author of Wired for Imprudence: Behavioural Hurdles to Financial Capability, among other titles.

Ser creativo Inspírese. Libere su originalidad Michael Atavar

Summary * Michael Atavar nos invita a abrir la mente, cambiar de perspectiva y dar rienda suelta a la creatividad. * Cualquiera que sea su pasión, oficio u objetivo, este libro le guiará con destreza por el camino que va desde la concepción de una idea brillante hasta su materialización, pasando por las delicadas etapas de desarrollo. * Aunque solemos tratar la creatividad como si fuera algo que no va con nosotros, de hecho, es algo de una increíble sencillez: la creatividad no es otra cosa que el núcleo de nuestro ser. CONSTRUIR + LLEGAR A SER es una inspiradora colección de libros que intenta hacerle pensar de manera diferente y que refleja la forma Blume en que los consumidores descargan cada vez más información en pequeño formato, desde infografías hasta 9788417492571 podcasts. Los libros abordan temas de actualidad, que van desde la tecnología y la política hasta la filosofía y Pub Date: 8/1/20 la sociología, con una perspectiva única que ayudará a los lectores a comprender un mundo cambiante. Los $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON temas se eligen por su relevancia, desde la forma en que los automóviles sin conductor impactarán en la vida Trade Paperback cotidiana hasta la... 160 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Business & Economics / Michael Atavar is an artist and consultant with a practice that mixes creativity, business, art, and Motivational psychology. His books include How To Be An Artist and Better Magic: How To Have Creative Ideas in 24 Series: Construir + Llegar a ser Steps. 8.3 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Disfrutar del tiempo Deje las prisas. Sea más productivo Catherine Blyth

Summary * Vivimos más que nunca y, gracias a la tecnología, podemos alcanzar muchas más metas. ¿Por qué sentimos que tenemos poco tiempo? * Valiéndose de los más recientes descubrimientos científicos y psicológicos, Catherine Blyth nos explica por qué el tiempo huye de nosotros y nos brinda las herramientas para recuperarlo. * Descubra por qué el reloj se acelera justo cuando queremos que vaya despacio, cómo manipular el tiempo y por qué todos erramos en su uso y su cálculo. Es posible vencer a los ladrones del tiempo. Restablezca su reloj corporal, reforme su rutina, aproveche el ímpetu y desacelere. Además de Blume disfrutar de más tiempo, le permitirá usarlo de una forma más productiva. CONSTRUIR + LLEGAR A SER es 9788417492564 una inspiradora colección de libros que intenta hacerle pensar de manera diferente y que refleja la forma en Pub Date: 8/1/20 que los consumidores descargan cada vez más información en pequeño formato, desde infografías hasta $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON podcasts. Los libros abordan temas de actualidad, que van desde la tecnología y la política hasta la filosofía y Trade Paperback la sociología, con una perspectiva única que ayudará a los lector... 160 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Business & Economics / Catherine Blyth is a writer, editor, and broadcaster. Her books, including The Art of Conversation and On Motivational Time, have been published all over the world. She writes for publications including the Daily Telegraph, Daily Series: Construir + Llegar a ser Mail and Observer. 8.3 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

Correspondencia desde dos rincones de una habitación Mikhail Gershenzon, Ivanov Vyacheslav

Summary Las doce cartas que forman este brevísimo volumen se escribieron en el verano de 1920. Los corresponsales eran dos de los intelectuales más importantes de la Rusia presoviética. Debilitados por las privaciones de la guerra civil, fueron admitidos, por separado, en el Sanatorio para Trabajadores de la Ciencia y las Letras, donde se les asignó el mismo cuarto. Durante los primeros días se entregaron a largas conversaciones, pero pronto descubrieron que éstas los apartaban de su obra, por lo que decidieron continuar por escrito. El resultado fue esta correspondencia, que contiene un profundo examen del presente y el futuro de la cultura occidental. No es exagerado afirmar que el estatus de estas 'Correspondencias' en la historia cultural de occidente ha llegado a ser legendario. Malpaso Editorial 9786079409951 The twelve letters in this volume were written in the summer of 1920 by two of pre-Soviet Russia’s most Pub Date: 7/1/20 $10.95 USD important intellectuals. They shared a room at the Sanatorium for Scientific and Literary Workers but turned Discount Code: LON to writing letters as a way to remain focused on their writing. Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 96 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Mikhail Osipovich Gershenzon was one of the most notable critics of the Silver Age of Russian poetry. After Philosophy / Essays being denied an academic position for being Jewish, he edited the influential essay collection Vekhi. V.I. 4.3 in H | 6.3 in W Ivanov was a Russian poet, philologist, and philosopher. He was an active proponent of symbolist poetry.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Cuaderno de Mánchester Pol Ballús, Luis Martin

Summary "Cuaderno de Mánchester" es el libro de la estancia de Pep Guardiola en Manchester y como entrenador del City. Es un libro en el que las voces son las de los jugadores, los compañeros, su familia y el mismo protagonista. También la voz de la ciudad. Un libro personal, de crónica, de fútbol. "Cuaderno de Mánchester" es el perfil de alguien que revolucionó el deporte más seguido en la humanidad visto por sí mismo y por el mundo. Del detalle a lo general y de lo general al detalle, Luís Martín modifica la distancia y el objetivo de la cámara narrativa para que en cada ocasión tengamos la fotografía más nítida de quién y cómo es realmente Pep Guardiola y su vida en Manchester.

Malpaso Editorial This book about Pep Guardiola’s time as a trainer for Manchester City centers the voices of the players, his 9788417081881 family, and the city. Author Luís Martín’s narrative lens provides the clearest look at Guardiola and his life in Pub Date: 7/1/20 $19.95 USD Manchester. Discount Code: LON Hardcover Contributor Bio

280 Pages Pol Ballús is a catalan sports journalist who covers the Premier League. His work regularly appears on BBC Carton Qty: 0 and Rac1. Luis Martín is a Spanish sports journalist who covers soccer and the Olympics. Sports & Recreation / Soccer 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

Mediaciones Walter Benjamin, Jenaro Talens

Summary Mediaciones es una colección de fragmentos de Walter Benjamin cuyo objetivo es iluminar un rincón particular de su obra: aquel en el que habitan las consideraciones acerca de la representación y la mediación. En el pensamiento de Benjamin, no es en el supuesto binomio forma/contenido donde se inscriben las ideas o los problemas importantes del discurso, artístico o no, sino en el dispositivo retórico que parece servir tan sólo de soporte a aquellos. La selección de pasajes de Mediaciones no pretende ser exhaustiva pero sí significativa. De ella no sólo se desprenden apreciaciones brillantes del autor sobre los asuntos tratados. Más allá del tema concreto la propia escritura de Benjamin es, en sentido estricto y literal, teoría.

This collection of fragments from Walter Benjamin shed light on a particular area of his work, that concerned

Malpaso Editorial with representation and mediation. For Benjamin, it’s not in the binary of form and content that important 9788416938711 ideas or problems are inscribed, but rather in the rhetorical devices that appear to play a merely supporting Pub Date: 7/1/20 role. $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Walter Benjamin was a German critic, philosopher, and essayist whose thought combines elements of 128 Pages German Idealism or Romanticism, historical materialism, and Jewish mysticism. He contributed strongly to Carton Qty: 0 Philosophy / Essays aesthetic theory and Western Marxism and is associated with the Frankfurt School. Jenaro Talens is a 7 in H | 4.3 in W Spanish poet, essayist, and translator. He is a professor of Spanish literature at the University of Geneva.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Killing Luke Jennings

Summary Las protagonistas de esta novela son dos mujeres muy distintas pero ambas complejas, fascinantes y peligrosas. Eve es una ingeniosa agente del MI5 cuyo aburrido trabajo se aleja de su sueño de ser espía. Villanelle es una asesina experta que disfruta de los lujos que su violento trabajo le brinda. Estas dos inteligentes e intensas mujeres se enfrentarán en un épico juego del gato y el ratón. La persecución las llevará por un camino alrededor del mundo, donde entrarán en contacto con gobiernos corruptos y poderosas organizaciones criminales, lo que desemboca en una confrontación final de la que ninguno saldrá ileso. Killing Eve es un thriller internacional elegante y con un ritmo vertiginoso, sofisticado y entretenido, de la mano de una nueva y emocionante voz en la ficción internacional.

Malpaso Editorial 9788417302320 This novel’s protagonists are two women, both of them complex, fascinating, and dangerous. Eve is a brilliant Pub Date: 8/1/20 MI5 agent whose boring job is distancing her from her dream of being a spy, while Villanelle is an expert $20.00 USD assassin basking in the spoils of her violent work. Their epic cat-and-mouse game will... Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 200 Pages Luke Jennings is a British author and the dance critic for The Observer. His work has also appeared in Vanity Carton Qty: 0 Fiction / Crime Fair, The New Yorker, and Time. 5.8 in H | 9 in W

Cuando te golpeo Meena Kandasamy

Summary Seducida por la convicción política, la poesía y el sueño de compartir un hermoso proyecto vital, la anónima narradora se enamora de un profesor universitario marxista y se muda con él a una lluviosa ciudad costera del sur de la . Pronto descubrirá que el vínculo de amor por ella imaginado es para él un contrato de Malpaso Editorial propiedad que la reduce a la condición de esposa sumisa. Aquel hombre de nobilísimos ideales inicia una 9788417081744 asalto implacable a su cuerpo y su mente para cerrarle todos los caminos y, en última instancia, negarle el Pub Date: 8/1/20 $23.95 USD derecho a una existencia propia. La literatura es el único refugio en ese infierno doméstico sostenido por la Discount Code: LON indiferencia de una sociedad que solo espera silencio y resignación. Nadie la va a salvar, solo ella puede Hardcover hacerlo. 240 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Seduced by political conviction, poetry, and the dream of sharing a beautiful and important project, the Fiction / Contemporary anonymous narrator falls in love with a Marxist professor and moves with him to a rainy coastal city in Women southern India. She soon discovers that the love she felt was for him a relationship of property that reduces 5.5 in H | 8.3 in W her to the status of a... Contributor Bio Meena Kandasamy is an Indian poet, writer, translator, and activist. She is the author of The Gypsy Goddess, which sold 25,000 copies in the UK.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Pensar diferente Abra la mente. Filosofía para la vida contemporánea M. Ferner

Summary * La filosofía es una de las mejores herramientas de las que disponemos para hacer frente a los desafíos del mundo contemporáneo. * Desde las filosóficas "habilidades interpersonales" hasta las preguntas éticas y morales sobre nuestras elecciones en cuanto al estilo de vida, la filosofía nos enseña a formularnos las preguntas adecuadas, aun cuando no tiene por qué contener todas las respuestas. * Este libro, que cuenta con ejemplos extraídos de los grandes filósofos de la historia y de los pensadores actuales más pioneros, le enseñará a pensar de un modo profundo y distinto. CONSTRUIR + LLEGAR A SER es una inspiradora colección Blume de libros que intenta hacerle pensar de manera diferente y que refleja la forma en que los consumidores 9788417492618 descargan cada vez más información en pequeño formato, desde infografías hasta podcasts. Los libros Pub Date: 8/1/20 abordan temas de actualidad, que van desde la tecnología y la política hasta la filosofía y la sociología, con $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON una perspectiva única que ayudará a los lectores a comprender un mundo cambiante. Los temas se eligen por Trade Paperback su relevancia, desde la forma en que los au...

160 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Philosophy Adam M. Ferner has worked in academic philosophy in France and the UK, and in schools and youth centers Series: Construir + Llegar a around London. He is the author of Think Differently and Organisms and Personal Identity. He currently works ser at the Royal Institute of Philosophy in London. 8.8 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

El algoritmo del amor Un viaje a las entrañas de Tinder Judith Duportail

Summary Tras una ruptura amorosa, la periodista francesa Judith Duportail se abre una cuenta en Tinder, la aplicación para ligar más popular del mundo. Con ochocientos millones de facturación en 2018, la plataforma se jacta de tener presencia en más de ciento noventa países y promover más de un millón de citas por semana entre sus más de sesenta millones de usuarios: un nuevo escenario que ha cambiado radicalmente la manera en que las personas se conocen e intiman. Tras un primer momento de euforia y subidón de ego cuando los matches —o ligues, en jerga de Tinder— se suceden uno detrás de otro, Judith descubre algo inesperado que la escandaliza y alimenta su curiosidad a partes iguales: la app dispone y guarda escondida en su servidor una Contra «nota de deseabilidad» de cada usuario. La imposibilidad de acceder a esta nota hará que emprenda una 9788412028706 Pub Date: 7/1/20 investigación con el fin de descubrir cómo funciona realmente la aplicación, qué información privada y sensible $22.95 USD dispone de cada usuario y qué uso hace de esta, y al mismo tiempo averiguar también cuán deseable es ella Discount Code: LON misma. Tras un sinfín de pesquisas, qu... Trade Paperback

176 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 36 Judith Duportail is a French freelance journalist whose work centers on the effects of technology on Social Science / Women's Studies romantic relationships and on freedom. She is a member of the Journalopes journalist collective. Her work has appeared in Aeon, The Guardian, Slate, and many other outlets. She is the coauthor of 20 Recettes pour 8.8 in H | 6 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.4 lb Wt Conclure.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Anatomía de la canción Marc Myers

Summary Detrás de las grandes canciones hay historias fascinantes. A partir de la columna que publica en el Wall Street Journal, el crítico e historiador Marc Myers ilumina cinco décadas de música popular explicando cómo nacieron y cómo impactaron en los oídos 45 temas que han dejado una huella indeleble en la memoria de nuestro tiempo. Los protagonistas de esos impactos tejen el relato contándole al lector los secretos y las peripecias de sus aventuras creativas. Entre las canciones cuyos orígenes se narran en este libro hallaremos «Whola Lotta Love», de Led Zeppelin, «Mercedes Benz», de Janis Joplin, «Maggie May», de Rod Stewart, y «Time After Time», de Cyndi Lauper. Mil curiosidades con cabezas de cartel como Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page, SmokeyRobinson, Grace Slick, Debbie Harry o R. E. M. Malpaso Editorial 9788417081751 There are fascinating stories behind great songs. Marc Myers reveals the origin stories of forty-five songs from Pub Date: 7/1/20 $27.00 USD five decades of popular music, Cyndi Lauper’s “Time After Time” and “Maggie May” by Rod Stewart. Discount Code: LON Hardcover Contributor Bio

304 Pages Marc Myers is an American art and design writer for the Wall Street Journal. He is the author of the critically Carton Qty: 0 acclaimed book Why Jazz Happened and maintains the blog JazzWax.com. Music / Genres & Styles 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

Bento Power Recetas equilibradas para fiambreras Sara Kiyo Popowa

Summary * Inspirada por sus raíces japonesas, la autora utiliza el principio de 5 colores, 5 sabores, 5 formas de preparación e incluye sus 5 elementos Shiso (cereales/hidratos de carbono, verduras de hoja, proteínas y ácidos grasos esenciales, frutas y verduras, aderezos), para crear recetas equilibradas. * Las recetas son vegetarianas, mayoritariamente veganas, sin lácteos y sin gluten. Bentos para el desayuno y bentos dulces, bentos en 15 minutos, bentos cotidianos y bentos de fantasía: un recetario variado e inspirador que borra de Blume un plumazo las comidas anodinas. * Con las impresionantes fotografías y las coloristas recetas a base de 9788417492748 vegetales, ha llegado el momento de que los bentos irrumpan en sus desayunos, almuerzos y cenas. ¡Déjese Pub Date: 8/1/20 llevar por la fuerza del bento! El bento está basado en la comida cotidiana japonesa, es decir, un cuenco de $29.95 USD Discount Code: LON arroz que se come con palillos chinos junto con bocados tomados de muchos platos pequeños, servidos en Hardcover cuencos pequeños. Cada uno de los platos se ha preparado de modo que sepa, se vea y se sienta diferente, pero al mismo tiempo complementándose e... 192 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Cooking / Health & Healing Contributor Bio 9.8 in H | 7.5 in W | 0.8 in T Sara Kiyo Popowa is a recipe writer and photographer. Her Instagram feed @shisodelicious has pioneered | 1.7 lb Wt the homemade bento trend. She works with various companies, including Clearspring and Whole Foods.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Fade to Black Ricardo García Vilanova

Summary In the best tradition of legendary war photographers like Don McCullin and James Nachtwey, Ricardo García Vilanova places us in the middle of war and reveals its intimacies. He is among the foremost documenters of the Islamic State. Contributor Bio Ricardo Garcia Vilanova is a Spanish video- and photojournalist who has spent more than fifteen years specializing in conflict and humanitarian crises. He has earned numerous national and international awards recognizing the quality of his work and his commitment to photography and photojournalism. Blume 9788417757380 Pub Date: 7/1/20 $50.00 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

152 Pages Carton Qty: 15 Photography / Photojournalism 13 in H | 8.8 in W | 0.7 in T | 2.8 lb Wt

Adquiera la tecnología Póngase al día. Actualice su futuro Gerald Lynch

Summary * Gerald Lynch explica los desarrollos tecnológicos más importantes del mundo contemporáneo y examina su impacto en la sociedad y el modo en que en última instancia podemos servirnos de la tecnología para alcanzar todo nuestro potencial. * Desde los sistemas de transporte sin conductor que llegan a nuestras carreteras hasta los nanorrobots y la inteligencia artificial que lleva las capacidades humanas a sus límites, este libro presenta los conceptos tecnológicos más emocionantes e importantes de nuestra era, que le ayudarán a comprender mejor el mundo de hoy, mañana y las décadas venideras. * Conozca la tecnología Blume hoy y prepárese para el futuro. CONSTRUIR + LLEGAR A SER es una inspiradora colección de libros que 9788417492601 intenta hacerle pensar de manera diferente y que refleja la forma en que los consumidores descargan cada Pub Date: 8/1/20 vez más información en pequeño formato, desde infografías hasta podcasts. Los libros abordan temas de $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON actualidad, que van desde la tecnología y la política hasta la filosofía y la sociología, con una perspectiva Trade Paperback única que ayudará a los lectores a comprender un mundo cambia... 160 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Business & Economics / Gerald Lynch is the associate editor of the technology website TechRadar. Formerly the editor of Gizmodo Motivational UK, he has written for publications including Kotaku, TheMirror and Lifehacker, and is a regular technology Series: Construir + Llegar a ser pundit for the BBC. Gerald was on the judging panel for the 2016 James Dyson Award. 8.3 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Leer a las personas Comprenda el comportamiento. Comuníquese con destreza. Rita Carter

Summary * ¿Puede reconocer una mentira? Comprender el comportamiento de las personas ayuda a mejorar nuestras capacidades comunicativas y a juzgar mejor la motivación de los demás. * La creciente velocidad de la comunicación hace que sea más importante que nunca entender los sutiles comportamientos que subyacen a las interacciones diarias. * Rita Carter analiza los signos que revelan los sentimientos e intenciones de las personas y explica cómo influyen en las relaciones, en las multitudes e incluso en el comportamiento de la sociedad. Aprenda a usar las herramientas de influencia de los líderes y reconozca los patrones fundamentales Blume de comportamiento que dan forma a nuestro modo de actuar y comunicarnos. CONSTRUIR + LLEGAR A SER 9788417492595 es una inspiradora colección de libros que intenta hacerle pensar de manera diferente y que refleja la forma Pub Date: 8/1/20 en que los consumidores descargan cada vez más información en pequeño formato, desde infografías hasta $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON podcasts. Los libros abordan temas de actualidad, que van desde la tecnología y la política hasta la filosofía y Trade Paperback la sociología, con una perspectiva única qu... 160 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Business & Economics / Rita Carter is an award-winning medical and science writer, lecturer, and broadcaster who specializes in the Business Communication human brain. She is the author of Mind Mapping and has hosted a series of science lectures for the public. Series: Construir + Llegar a ser 7.3 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

Cartas desde la prisión Nelson Mandela

Summary Mandela fue condenado a cadena perpetua en 1962. Tenía 44 años y pasaría 27 entre rejas, 18 de ellos en el tristemente famoso penal de Robben Island, donde los presos eran sometidos a un trato inmisericorde. Nunca flaqueó, jamás perdió la dignidad: ni renunció a sus principios ni permitió que la sinrazón lo envileciera. Durante los 10.052 días de cautiverio escribió cientos de cartas. En ellas reclama derechos a funcionarios inclementes; insta a proseguir el combate; consuela y aconseja… Las 255 cartas aquí reunidas componen el retrato más completo del héroe que encabezó la liberación de su pueblo y del individuo entrañable que asomaba tras la figura pública, pero son también un documento que refleja como ningún otro la perspectiva Malpaso Editorial humana de un episodio único en la historia contemporánea. 9788417081560 Pub Date: 7/1/20 In 1962, Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison and wrote hundreds of fiercely political letters during $30.95 USD Discount Code: LON that time. The 255 letters collected here provide a comprehensive look at this figure and his place in Hardcover contemporary history. 640 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 0 Biography & Autobiography Nelson Mandela was a lawyer, political activist, and the first black president of post-apartheid South Africa. / Presidents & Heads Of He is remembered as a key figure in twentieth-century struggles against injustice. State 9 in H | 6 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT La religión del ateo Joan-Carles Mèlich

Summary La muerte de Dios es el fin del Absoluto, pero no el final de la religión. Hay otra forma de vivir, otro modo de hacer frente a las preguntas fundamentales de la vida, a los interrogantes acerca del sentido de la existencia. Es lo que Joan-Carles Mèlich ha llamado, siguiendo a Milan Kundera, la prosa. La prosa es la vida de las singularidades, de la materia no material, de los objetos que tienen su historia, de esos pequeños instantes de placer que abren las puertas al infinito. La prosa es el mundo de los encuentros casuales, de los abrazos antes de salir de viaje, de las caricias en los momentos en los que se abren las puertas del infierno. La prosa es el ámbito de la experiencia ética, la del estar-ahí, la de la respuesta a la demanda del cuerpo de alguien que sufre, la de la amistad, la de la fecundidad, la del erotismo y la del placer. Y la prosa es también la apertura a la religión del ateo, una religión contraria a lo sagrado, una religión prosaica en la que la bondad Fragmenta Editorial ha sustituido al Bien y en la que la compasión ha ocupado el lugar de la Justicia. 9788417796044 Pub Date: 8/1/20 $12.95 USD The death of God is the end ... Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 80 Pages Joan-Carles Mèlich is a Catalan philosopher and a professor of philosophy of education. His books include Carton Qty: 28 Contra los absolutos, La lectura como plegaria, and Filosofía de la finitud. For the last fifteen years, his Religion / Philosophy research interests have focused on developing what he calls an “anthropological philosophy of finitude.” 7 in H | 4.3 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.1 lb Wt

Tu emoción tiene razón Primeros auxilios para entenderte con tus emociones Raquel Ballesteros

Summary Aprender a convivir con tus emociones mediante viñetas Muchas veces tratamos las emociones como una debilidad congénita al hecho de ser humanos. Nos sentimos mal si experimentamos miedo, rabia o incluso si mostramos demasiada alegría en determinados momentos. Procuramos racionalizarlo todo. En este libro, la psicóloga Raquel Ballesteros, nos propone contemplar las emociones como el lenguaje biológico y universal que es y entender cuál es su función cuando las experimentamos. También trata de cómo encontrar la manera de equilibrar cuerpo y mente para poder integrar la reflexión más intelectual con la emoción física. Gracias al planteamiento en viñetas, la autora aborda la gestión emocional de manera directa, fresca y muy intuitiva, Lectio Ediciones como ya hizo en ¡Camarero, este café está frío! 9788416918515 Pub Date: 7/1/20 $16.95 USD We often treat emotions as a weakness inherent in being human, feeling bad if we experience fear, anger, or Discount Code: LON even excessive happiness. In this book, psychologist Raquel Ballesteros proposes a view of emotions as a Trade Paperback biological and universal language with a well-defined function. She also offers a way to find a bal... 144 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Self-Help / Emotions Raquel Ballesteros is a Catalan therapist and teacher. Her practice incorporates tools such as mindfulness, Series: Cuadrilátero de libros bioenergetics, coaching, and gestalt. 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Conversación con Lluís Duch Religión, comunicación y política Lluís Duch

Summary La obra de Lluís Duch es muy extensa y abarca ámbitos temáticos y disciplinarios muy diversos: la religión, la política, la ética, la pedagogía, , la ciudad, la vida cotidiana, la comunicación, las transmisiones, la salud, el mito, el símbolo, el rito... En la conversación que hoy recuperamos, Lluís Duch repasa sus años de formación en Alemania, su doble dedicación a la vida monástica y a la vida intelectual, sus ideas sobre el homo religiosus, la condición ambigua y adverbial del ser humano, las «estructuras de acogida» que desa- rrolla en Religión y comunicación y las grandes intuiciones exploradas en Religión y política. Desaparecido Lluís Duch el 10 de noviembre del 2018, esta publicación pretende contribuir al conocimiento de una de las personalidades intelectuales más lúcidas y sugestivas de nuestros días. Fragmenta Editorial 9788417796020 Pub Date: 8/1/20 The work of Lluís Duch spans topics religion, politics, ethics, family, the city, and more. In this interview, he $13.95 USD discusses topics including his time in Germany, his devotion to both monastic and intellectual life, and the Discount Code: LON ambiguous and adverbial human condition. Trade Paperback

96 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 30 Lluís Duch was a Catalan anthropologist, theologian, and monk of the Santa Maria de Montserrat abbey. He Religion / Spirituality wrote more than fifty books and tracts and translated the work of Luther, Müntzer, Silesius, and others from 7 in H | 4.3 in W | 0.3 in T | German. He earned a Creu de Sant Jordi, one of the highest civil distinctions in Catalonia, in 2011. 0.2 lb Wt

El libro práctico del ayurveda Descubra el método terapéutico más antiguo del mundo que aborda la salud desde una perspectiva integral Jaume Rosselló

Summary El Ayurveda es un saber sobre la vida, esto es, sobre las energías sutiles que hay en todas las cosas: agrupa el conocimiento sobre la materia orgánica y también sobre nuestros pensamientos, emociones y actos. Este libro va a ayudarnos a conocer los principios básicos del Ayurveda, identificando las características y cualidades de las doshas mediante una variada gama de sensaciones bien conocidas: caliente o frío, ligero o pesado, húmedo o seco, por ejemplo.

Redbook 9788499175508 Ayurveda contains wisdom about life and the subtle energy that exists in all things. This book is a guide to Pub Date: 7/1/20 the basic principles of Ayurveda, including the qualities of doshas through a wide range of well-known $29.95 USD sensations, such as hot and cold, light and heavy, wet and dry. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 304 Pages Jaume Rosselló is a Catalan editor, author, and natural health expert. He is the author of books such as Carton Qty: 30 Health & Fitness / Salud y bienestar con el té verde and Más energía con germinados, and is the creator of several magazines, Alternative Therapies including Integral and Cuerpomente. Series: Masters/Salud 9.5 in H | 6.8 in W

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 14

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Produce y distribuye tu música online Guía práctica del creador musical digital Aina Ramis

Summary ¿Cuáles son los primeros pasos de un creador musical digital? ¿Cómo pueden gestionarse los derechos de un músico en la Red? ¿Qué pasos hay que dar para llegar al gran público? ¿Y cuáles son las nociones básicas de marketing digital que debes conocer? Con este libro aprenderás los trucos más ingeniosos para que, desde casa, tu creación llegue lo más lejos posible dentro y fuera del mundo digital. Te convertirás en tu propio productor y aprenderás a gestionar tu música desde cero, además de conocer todos los derechos que tienes como músico. ¡Comienza tu incursión musical en el mundo digital!

Ma Non Troppo For digital music creators, there are certain tips and tricks to make creations go as far as possible and 9788412004830 transcend the digital world. Learn to be your own producer and manage your music and rights as an artist. Pub Date: 8/1/20 $20.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Aina Ramis is a journalist, photographer, writer, and musician with a focus on rock. She has worked for many different publications and outlets, such as TVE, Diario de Mallorca, and Diari ARA Balears. 192 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Music / Recording & Reproduction Series: Taller de Música 8.8 in H | 5.8 in W

Música disco Historia, cultura, artistas y álbumes fundamentales Carlos Pérez de Ziriza

Summary La música disco fue el vehículo expresivo que daba voz y solaz a minorías marginadas. Un estandarte de liberación para muchos de ellos. Un generador de subculturas urbanas y una factoría de canciones y álbumes inapelables. Y la proliferación de grandes discotecas en ciudades como Nueva York, su principal fermento y teatro de los sueños de toda una generación.Esta completa guía no solo servirá al lector para abrirle posibles itinerarios en el caso de que sean profanos en la materia, sino también como un buen repaso a las conexiones geográficas e intergeneracionales, muchas veces sorprendentes, que la música disco ha ido procurando a lo ancho del mundo en las últimas cinco décadas.

Ma Non Troppo 9788412004847 Disco music gave voice and solace to marginalized populations and generated numerous urban subcultures. Pub Date: 8/1/20 This themed travel guide offers sample itineraries and provides an in-depth look at the often-surprising $24.95 USD geographic and intergenerational connections that disco music has created throughout the world in the last Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback fifty years. 248 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 30 Music / Genres & Styles Carlos Pérez de Ziriza is a Spanish music journalist. He has written reviews, criticism, interviews, and more Series: Guías del Rock & Roll for numerous publications, including El País, Mondo Sonoro, and Rolling Stone. He is the author of Indie & 9 in H | 5.8 in W Rock alternativo.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Guía secreta de Barcelona Descubre los secretos de la ciudad a través de los rincones más extraños y desconocidos José Luís Caballero

Summary Con la experiencia del paseante aventajado, José Luis Caballero nos acompaña por las calles de Barcelona llevado por su anhelo innato por desvelar a la vista de todo el mundo las pequeñas historias que envuelven la formación y desarrollo de la Ciudad Condal. Y lo hace de la manera más rigurosa y exhaustiva posible, siguiendo los pasos de todo aquello que muchas veces no ha quedado escrito en los libros de historia pero que sin duda nos ayudan a (re)conocer el talante de los barceloneses y el escenario en el que se recrea su pasado.

Ma Non Troppo An expert flaneur, José Luis Caballero takes us through the streets of Barcelona to uncover the everyday 9788412004809 stories of the history and development of his city. What’s written here won’t be found in a history book, but it Pub Date: 8/1/20 is nonetheless a testament to the talent and ingenuity of Barcelona’s residents. $12.00 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio José Luis Caballero is a writer and journalist, with a degree in information science from the Autonomous 240 Pages Carton Qty: 30 University of Barcelona. He has practiced journalism in various mediums and has published numerous novels History / Europe and short stories. David Escamilla is a journalist and writer. He received a bachelor's degree in political 8 in H | 5.3 in W science and sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has published twenty books.

Yo también jugué a la game boy Recordando los 90' Borja Figuerola

Summary La nostalgia es algo más que mera añoranza por un tiempo pasado. Es también un recurso que nos permite conectar con otro tiempo, con sus tristezas y sus alegrías, con el recuerdo de personas, objetos o eventos. Este libro nace con la voluntad de homenajear todas aquellas películas, series, libros, videojuegos y gadgets que hicieron felices a la generación de los ochenta y los noventa y que dejaron una profunda huella en su memoria. Sin duda la mejor manera de disfrutar el presente.

Nostalgia is more than mere longing for a bygone time—it’s also a resource that helps us connect with another time in all its joys, sorrows, memories, and objects. This book provides an homage to the most Redbook 9788494928529 popular and most formative movies, shows, books, video games, and gadgets of the 80s and 90s. Pub Date: 8/1/20 $19.95 USD Contributor Bio Discount Code: LON Borja Figuerola is a Spanish director and frequent contributor to Ruta 66 magazine. He is the author of No Trade Paperback te hundas, Johnny and Los Rolling Stones. 160 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Social Science / Popular Culture 9 in H | 5.8 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Crónica del rock Momentos y grandes escenas de la historia del rock: Desde sus orígenes a la psicodelia Ezio Guaitamacchi

Summary Sesenta años después de su nacimiento, el rock mantiene vivo su espíritu rebelde y anticonformista. Este magnífico primer volumen describe los orígenes del rock hasta la psicodelia y constituye una herramienta excelente para conocer en profundidad y, por qué no, de manera divertida, la evolución de un fenómeno artístico y cultural que cambió el mundo. Y que, aunque de modo diverso, lo sigue haciendo.

Seventy years on, rock maintains its rebel and non-conformist spirit. This volume explores the origins of rock Ma Non Troppo through psychedelia, making it an excellent tool for understanding an artistic and cultural phenomenon that 9788494928581 has changed the world. Pub Date: 8/1/20 $32.95 USD Contributor Bio Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Ezio Guaitamacchi is a music journalist and critic. He is the author of Psycho Killer, Omicidi in Fa maggore and Storia del rock en Italia. 352 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Music / Genres & Styles Series: Música 9.5 in H | 6.8 in W

El Río de la música Del jazz y blues al rock (Desde Memphis a Nueva Orleans) Miquel Jurado

Summary Este libro es tanto una guía turística como una crónica periodística amena y convincente por las variadas historias de pueblos, ciudades y también de personajes que fueron los artífices de la música popular estadounidense que creció en las riveras del Misisipi. Desde el góspel y los espirituales negros pasando por el blues, el jazz, y rhythm and blues hasta el soul, el country o el rock. Un viaje excepcional que nos lleva desde Memphis y Nashville en Tennessee por la Natchez Trace y la Highway 61, la autopista del blues, hasta Clarksdale y Dockery Farms en Misisipi para, bordeando el río, llegar a Lafayette en Luisiana y finalizar en Nueva Orleans, la gran ciudad de la música. Ma Non Troppo 9788412004861 Pub Date: 8/1/20 Both a travel guide and a piece of journalism, this book takes readers on an entertaining guide through the $32.95 USD cities, towns, and characters that marked the history of music in the Mississippi Delta. It spans gospel and Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback black spirituals all the way through soul and country along the journey from Memphis and Nashville all the way to New Orleans, that great musical city. 352 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Travel / Museums, Tours, Points Of Interest Miquel Jurado is a Catalan music journalist. He has contributed to outlets such as El País, Radio Barcelona 9.8 in H | 7 in W Cadena SER, and Catalunya Ràdio. He has also acted as a music consultant for Fundació La Caixa and the City of Barcelona.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Postres veganos Ideas y recetas para endulzar tu vida Denise Davis-Guillain

Summary La repostería vegana es igual de fácil o difícil que la tradicional, la única diferencia son los ingredientes, ya que la sustitución de lácteos y huevos por vegetales no siempre es fácil. Pero la elaboración, casi siempre es prácticamente idéntica, como veremos en la creación de estos postres, explicados de una manera sencilla y muy fácil. Repostería alternativa, comprometida con el bienestar animal y, lo que es muy importante, apta para alérgicos e intolerantes a determinados productos. Recetas que podréis disfrutar porque gustarán a todo el mundo.

Vegan baking is no more difficult than traditional methods—the only difference are the ingredients. The Redbook 9788499175683 recipes in this cookbook use methods that almost perfectly mirror traditional baking, all while respecting Pub Date: 7/1/20 animal welfare and accommodating various food allergies and intolerances. $19.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Denise Davis-Guillain is a vegan food specialist. She has worked in various French restaurants. 160 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Cooking / Vegan Series: Nutrición & Fitnes 9 in H | 5.8 in W

Cannabis terapéutico Jaume Roselló, Laura Torres

Summary Cannabis’ significant medicinal benefits are often ignored in favor of its status as an illegal or semi-legal drug in most countries. But in recent years, pharmacological research on its components has led to a boom in its therapeutic use. This book reviews the medical applications of cannabis and its main benefits. Contributor Bio Janice Armitt holds a degree in biology and is a recognized specialist in medicinal plants. She speaks at conferences in a practical way, relating the traditional and ancestral wisdom of plants to current needs. Jaume Roselló is a writer and editor. He is the author of many articles on health, food, and natural medicine and has collaborated on various books on similar topics. Laura Torres is a writer who specializes in natural Redbook 9788499175607 health. She is the author of numerous books on herbal healing. Pub Date: 7/1/20 $19.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

144 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Health & Fitness / Herbal Medications Series: Nutrición & Fitnes 8.8 in H | 5.8 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Piedras y minerales curativos Conozca las piedras y cuarzos que transforman su energía mental y anímica Blanca Herp, Jaume Roselló, Laura Torres

Summary El poder curativo de las piedras y minerales actúa de manera directa sobre el cuerpo humano. Cuando se aplican piedras o cristales, actúan primero sobre el cuerpo etérico y posteriormente el cuerpo físico experimenta su efecto. En este libro se expone de manera práctica el procedimiento a seguir para tratar por medio de los cristales algunos de los trastornos más comunes, tanto físicos como emocionales o espirituales, asociados por regla general con los hábitos y la concepción de la vida que imperan en las sociedades contemporáneas. De acuerdo con la visión holística, partimos de la base de que la mayoría de los trastornos -por no decir todo- provienen de un desequilibrio del flujo energético en alguno de los niveles del ser, por lo Redbook 9788499175614 que la terapia con cristales irá siempre encaminada a restablecer dicho equilibrio. Pub Date: 7/1/20 $32.95 USD Rocks and minerals have curative properties that act directly on the human body. This book offers a practical Discount Code: LON guide to healing both physical and emotional disorders using these tools from a holistic perspective. Trade Paperback

320 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 30 Janice Armitt holds a degree in biology and is a recognized specialist in medicinal plants. She speaks at Body, Mind & Spirit / Crystals conferences in a practical way, relating the traditional and ancestral wisdom of plants to current needs. 9.5 in H | 6.8 in W Jaume Roselló is a writer and editor. He is the author of many articles on health, food, and natural medicine and has collaborated on various books on similar topics. Blanca Herp is a writer who specializes in holistic medicine and health. Her books include Superfoods and La cura de uvas.

Secretos para una larga vida Yoshinori Fujiwara, Ana Claudia Rodríguez

Summary ¿Se puede llegar a vivir 100 años de una manera saludable? ¿Cómo influye nuestra alimentación y el ejercicio físico en una vejez larga y armoniosa? ¿De qué manera pueden los telómeros o las células madre ayudarnos a vivir más y mejor? Estas y otras cuestiones son las que se encargan de resolver dos expertos en la materia que se han propuesto unir los últimos avances médicos bajo la lupa de la salud natural para ver de qué manera se ha transformado la perspectiva de los últimos años de vida de una persona.

Is it possible to live to age 100 in a healthy way, and what role do our diet and exercise play in it? How can stem cells help us to live longer and better? Two experts examine these and other questions from a natural Redbook health perspective. 9788499175591 Pub Date: 7/1/20 Contributor Bio $20.95 USD Yoshinori Fujiwara is a social gerontology and anti-aging researcher. He has more than 15 years of Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback experience studying advances in human longevity. Ana Claudia Rodríguez is a journalist who specializes in personal reinvention and anti-aging. She writes for specialized magazines and maintains the blog Y si de 176 Pages Carton Qty: 30 repente. Health & Fitness / Longevity Series: Nutrición & Fitnes 8.8 in H | 5.8 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Aprender música ¿Qué nos enseñan las neurociencias del aprendizaje musical? Isabelle Peretz

Summary ¿Qué ventajas nos puede reportar el aprendizaje de la música? ¿Es preciso que el niño que quiere aprender a tocar un instrumento tenga oído musical? ¿Y si desafina? ¿Y qué hay del adulto que decide lanzarse a dicho aprendizaje, aunque sea tarde, cuando se jubila? ¿Podrá aprender a componer música? Según las últimas investigaciones, el alumno que dedica un tiempo a una actividad musical destaca en el ámbito escolar y es más altruista. Este libro, escrito por una reconocida especialista, describe con suma amenidad y de forma muy inteligible, la manera cómo la música y el cerebro humano se hallan estrechamente vinculados.

Ma Non Troppo What are the advantages of learning to play an instrument at any age? The latest research says that people 9788412004816 who devote time to learning music stand out in school and are more altruistic. This book, written by a Pub Date: 8/1/20 $19.95 USD renowned specialist, explains the close connections between music and the human brain. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio Isabelle Péretz heads a neurocognition research initiative at the Unviersity of Montreal. She is a member of 144 Pages Carton Qty: 30 the Royal Society of and has earned numerous distinctions for her work. Since 2005, she has directed Music / Essays the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research. Series: Taller de Música 8.8 in H | 5.8 in W

Kurt Cobain El ángel errático Barnaby Legg, Jim McCarthy

Summary Esta novela gráfica narra de forma magistral la historia de este famoso cantante. Un recorrido que abarca desde los agradables comienzos de una infancia idílica, hasta la profunda oscuridad de su trágico final. Esta novela gráfica constituye mucho más que una simple biografía, es algo que no se parece en nada a lo que haya podido leerse anteriormente sobre la vida de Kurt Cobain. La narración recurre tanto a la torturada imagen que de sí mismo tenía la popular estrella del rock, como a los acontecimientos puros y duros de su vida, consiguiendo que el tono narrativo oscile entre la ensoñación subjetiva del protagonista y la objetividad Ma Non Troppo dramática de la realidad. 9788412004854 Pub Date: 8/1/20 $16.95 USD This graphic novel is a masterful retelling of the life of Kurt Cobain from his idyllic childhood to his tragic Discount Code: LON death. It’s more than a mere biography; it explores the singer’s interior life and offers an uncensored look at Trade Paperback events in his life. 96 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Music / Genres & Styles Jim McCarthy is a graphic artist and writer. He is best known for his graphic biographies of famous Series: La novela gráfica del rock musicians, such as Ramones, Godspeed: The Kurt Cobain Graphic Novel, and Voices of Latin Rock. Barnaby Legg is a writer and soul-punk musician. 9 in H | 6.5 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Elton John La historia de uno de los grandes mitos del pop José Luís Martín

Summary Lleva cinco décadas en lo más alto de la historia de la música, ha vendido más de 300 millones de discos, ganado seis Grammys y un Oscar, ha aupado siete de sus 30 álbumes al número uno y ha dejado canciones memorables para el recuerdo. Elton John, compositor, cantante y pianista británico, es sin duda una leyenda viva del pop que está más vigente que nunca, por la gira de despedida de los escenarios que ha emprendido por todo el mundo y por la película que relata una vida de éxitos pero también de fracasos. Este libro narra la historia de uno de los músicos más influyentes de los últimos años, desde sus devaneos con las drogas y el alcohol hasta sus amistades más influyentes, desde sus primeros acordes hasta sus más sonados éxitos. Ma Non Troppo 9788412004823 With five decades as a prominent figure in music history, 300 million albums sold, six Grammys, and an Pub Date: 8/1/20 Oscar, British singer-songwriter Elton John is one of pop music’s top living legends. This book tells the story $24.95 USD Discount Code: LON of one of the most influential musicians in recent times without leaving anything out. Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 272 Pages José Luis Martín has more than 30 years of experience as a music critic. He has hosted a variety of radio Carton Qty: 30 Music / Genres & Styles music shows including El tiempo está de nuestra parte, Malas compañías, and Bad Music. Series: Música 8.8 in H | 5.8 in W

Sumar Diamela Eltit

Summary Sumar relata una marcha, que parece interminable, eterna, de vendedores ambulantes que avanzan por la ciudad y la Historia hacia «la moneda» (con minúsculas, jugando con la relación entre el centro de poder, el Palacio de La Moneda, y esa «monedita» que piden algunas voces). En esta exigente novela conviven el lenguaje popular y el lenguaje culto: ambas formas confluyen para dar tensión al texto. Incluso tensión política. Los nombres de algunos de los personajes principales remiten a distintos luchadores y obreros del de principios del siglo xx, y el carácter asambleario del relato nos recuerda algunas prácticas necesarias no tan lejanas en el tiempo. Carentes de esperanzas, los trabajadores del mundo repiten a diario la tragedia de la explotación capitalista. Este usufructo de toda capacidad humana se intensifica cuando el sujeto es su

Editorial Periferica propio explotador; tal es el caso de los vendedores ambulantes, quienes toman la palabra en Sumar para 9788416291816 reunirse con otros ciudadanos vejados por un orden estatal que parece divino y comenzar su marcha. Pub Date: 7/1/20 $17.95 USD Day after day, the workers of the world play... Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 192 Pages Diamela Eltit is a Chilean author. She was part of the subversive CADA artist collective during the Carton Qty: 40 Fiction / Literary dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and has been a visiting professor at several prestigious American universities. 8.3 in H | 5.3 in W Her books include Jamás el fuego nunca, Fuerzas especiales, and Lumpérica.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT La declaración de George Silverman Charles Dickens

Summary Nadie podrá dejar de amar y compadecer a George Silverman una vez conozca su historia, la que narra esta fascinante novela corta, una de las menos conocidas pero más bellas de su autor, el gran novelista británico del siglo XIX. George es pobre y siempre tiene hambre; ha pasado su corta existencia en un lúgubre sótano; sus padres acaban de morir… Pero, por fin, va a salir al exterior; a una vida más pura, como insinúa cínicamente su nuevo tutor, el Hermano Hawkyard, uno de esos personajes dickensianos tan inolvidables como retorcidos. En el «exterior» conocerá otras formas de desconsuelo, pero también el amor.

No one could help but love and pity George Silverman once they hear his story, written by the preeminent

Editorial Periferica British novelist of the nineteenth century. George is poor, wretched, and lives in a basement—until he finally 9788416291762 heads outside. There he discovers other forms of despair, but he also discovers love. Pub Date: 7/1/20 $12.00 USD Contributor Bio Discount Code: LON Charles Dickens was a British novelist known for his social critique and rich descriptions of people and Trade Paperback places. His books include David Copperfield and Oliver Twist. 80 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Fiction / Classics 8.3 in H | 5.3 in W

Hiere, negra espina Claude Louis-Combet

Summary «Hiere, negra espina.» Ésas fueron las palabras que el poeta Georg Trakl hizo pronunciar a su hermana Gretl en un famoso poema escrito poco antes de la batalla de Grodek, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. El eco de esa dramática belleza puebla este libro intenso y emocionante, que va mucho más allá de las relaciones incestuosas entre hermano y hermana: estas páginas son ante todo una apuesta por el lenguaje. Y por cómo éste se enfrenta a la vida, al amor y a la muerte. La primera imagen que cifra esta novela, a la vez delicada y terrible, poderosa, es la del hermano y la hermana que, de niños, tocan juntos el piano y comparten lecturas... El gran poeta alemán que la protagoniza, heredero de su admirado Hölderlin, fue calificado también de loco, como su maestro. En realidad, fue llamado bohemio, vicioso, sátiro, alcohólico y drogadicto, y se dijo

Editorial Periferica que de él «sólo brotan la melancolía y el estertor que antecede a la muerte». Pero de Trakl brotó asimismo 9788416291878 una de las grandes obras poéticas del siglo XX. Pub Date: 7/1/20 $16.95 USD The dramatic beauty of this intense and exciting book goes far beyond the incestuous re... Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 144 Pages Claude Louis-Combet was a French author. In addition to translating Anaïs Nin and Otto Rank, he also wrote Carton Qty: 36 Fiction / Literary many books, including L’Homme du texte, La Sœur du petit Hans, and Huysmans au coin de ma fenêtre. 8.3 in H | 5.3 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Nuevos formatos de cine digital Vídeo interactivo, transmedia y realidad virtual Arnau Quiles

Summary El lenguaje audiovisual está experimentando una auténtica revolución. El espectador ya no se halla sometido a la dictadura de un canal emisor sino que no solo elige qué quiere ver y en qué momento lo quiere ver, sino que además pretende intervenir en aquello que está visualizando o experimentando. Este libro ofrece una visión global y exhaustiva de la actual situación de los nuevos medios audiovisuales interactivos, analizando las principales herramientas para su creación, difusión y explotación e indicando –con la precisión de un zahorí que conoce bien su oficio– los caminos que la industria parece estar tomando y los nuevos formatos cinematográficos y audiovisuales que están apareciendo con el objetivo de explorar –y tal vez descubrir– las Ma Non Troppo nuevas obras que definirán el futuro inmediato de las artes audiovisuales. 9788494879999 Pub Date: 8/1/20 $21.95 USD Audiovisual language is experiencing a true revolution—viewers can now choose what they want to watch and Discount Code: LON when, and they can interact with what they’re watching or experiencing. This book offers a comprehensive Trade Paperback and exhaustive look at today’s interactive audiovisual media, i... 248 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Contributor Bio Technology & Engineering / Arnau Quiles is an editor and producer of audiovisual content and a professor of communication studies at Television & Video Series: Taller de Cine Universitat Rovira i Virgili. He has collaborated on the animated feature Chico y Rita, which won a Goya Award 8.8 in H | 5.8 in W for Best Animated Film and was nominated for an Academy Award under the same category. Isidre Monreal is a professor of communication and information studies at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. He has collaborated on many film, television, advertising, and institutional audiovisual projects.

El Efecto Tarantino Su cine y la cultura pop Mauricio Bach, Jordi Picatoste Verdejo

Summary Cuando Quentin Tarantino presentó en 1992 su película Reservoir Dogs en el festival de Sundance fue saludada por la crítica como «la mejor película independiente de todos los tiempos». Con sus poste¬riores trabajos ha sabido poner al alcance de los espectadores –digiriéndolas, transformándolas– una cantidad de películas que habían quedado relegadas en los sótanos de las productoras o en las cune¬tas de la memoria. Tarantino ha sido capaz de absorber influencias y subgéneros muy diversos (spa¬ghetti western, giallo,

Redbook macaroni combat, poliziesco, fantaterror español, películas de artes marciales, rape and revenge, etc.) para 9788494826870 crear después un producto nuevo muy atractivo para el espectador. Pub Date: 8/1/20 $29.95 USD When Quentin Tarantino presented Reservoir Dogs at Sundance in 1992, critics called it the best indie movie Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback of all times. Throughout his career, Quentin has been able to absorb influences and subgenres—like spaghetti westerns or kung-fu movies—to create something new and hugely captivating for viewers. 272 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Performing Arts / Film & Contributor Bio Video Mauricio Bach is a writer who contributes regularly to La Vanguardia and has written about arts and Series: Look literature for El País and El Mundo. He is the author of Películas de culto and Dímela otra vez Sam. Jordi 9.8 in H | 7.5 in W Picatoste Verdejo is a journalist and writer who specializes in cinema. His writing has appeared in numerous publications, including La Vangardia, Ara, and Mondo Sonoro.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El ángel del olvido Maja Haderlap

Summary Austria, casi en la frontera con Yugoslavia. Arroyos, valles, prados… Un mundo rural, campesino, que se expresa en esloveno y apenas se defiende en alemán. La voz de una niña, una joven, una mujer (el tiempo pasa por estas fascinantes páginas) nos habla de un modo estremecedor pero también poético y familiar. Un padre y un abuelo partisanos que luchan contra los nazis, una abuela que es arrestada y sobrevive (aunque la marcará para siempre) al campo de concentración de Ravensbrück, una madre solitaria que huye de la realidad en su pequeño ciclomotor… Bosques, vacas, gallinas. Héroes anónimos, delatores, fronteras. Pocas veces se ha contado la vida y la muerte como aquí: con tanta capacidad de evocación y tanta lucidez. Con tanto humor y tanto respeto. ¿Qué hace la Historia en mayúsculas con la vida de la gente minúscula?

Editorial Periferica Malgastada la palabra ética en otros ámbitos, aquí esa palabra confiere al texto un poder admirable: literatura 9788416291847 llamada a perdurar. Pub Date: 7/1/20 $20.95 USD Austria is a rural world of rivers, valleys, and fields. A partisan father and grandfather fight against the Nazis, Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback a grandmother is arr... 288 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 28 Fiction / Literary Maja Haderlap is an Austrian writer. She taught comparative literature at the University of Klagenfurt, and 8.3 in H | 5.3 in W her book Angel of Oblivion has been translated into numerous languages.

El despertar de la guerrera Chamalú

Summary Vivimos tiempos femeninos, tiempos en los cuales, de la mujer ocurrirá con mayor intensidad. El presente libro es una caja de herramientas existenciales para la mujer que desea llevar su vida a otro nivel. Se trata de un conjunto de enseñanzas para conocerse y transformarse, para dar sentido a su vida y encaminarse rumbo a su realización personal.

This existential toolbox for women offers advice for self-knowledge and transformations that give meaning to our lives and open up a path to personal realization. Contributor Bio Editorial Pax 9786079472658 Chamalú is a spiritual leader and medicine man who studies ancient wisdom of the Andes and the Amazon. Pub Date: 7/1/20 He is the author of more than 50 books on the topic and has led conferences in more than 1,300 cities $19.95 USD worldwide. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

108 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Body, Mind & Spirit / Shamanism 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Animales célebres Michel Pastoureau

Summary ¿Qué tienen en común el caballo de Troya y los jabalíes de Obélix, la famosa loba romana y el monstruo del lago Ness? ¿Qué sabemos realmente de los animales de la Biblia (la serpiente del pecado original), la mitología (el Minotauro) y los cómics (Mickey, Donald…)? Gracias a su cordial erudición, el gran historiador Michel Pastoureau nos deleita, como en un diálogo que no quisiéramos abandonar nunca, con tradiciones, leyendas y sucesos reales. Emocionante y ameno, con un lenguaje que nos hace «cómplices» de lo que se nos está contando, éste es uno de esos libros que no puedes dejar de recomendar en cuanto lo acabas. No tiene, además, la ambición de ser una historia general de los animales, sino una historia muy particular, rica en anécdotas y que suscita fértiles conversaciones. Los elefantes del cartaginés Aníbal, el rinoceronte de Editorial Periferica Durero, Milú (el fox terrier amigo de Tintín)… Incluso Dolly, la oveja clonada. 9788416291854 Pub Date: 7/1/20 What do the Trojan horse, Obelix boars, the famous Capitoline wolf, and the Loch Ness Monster have in $19.95 USD Discount Code: LON common? What do we really know about animals in the , ancient mytholo... Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 256 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Michel Pastoureau is a French historian who specializes in colors, images, and symbols. His books include Social Science / Blue: the History of a Color and The Bear: History of a Fallen King. Anthropology 6.8 in H | 4.8 in W

Como si un ángel Hackl Erich

Summary Todo lo que se cuenta en estas páginas sucedió así. Todos los nombres propios son reales. No hay ficciones en esta extraordinaria y conmovedora narración, historia con minúsculas dentro de la Historia con mayúsculas. 8 de abril de 1977 en Mendoza, una tranquila ciudad al pie de los Andes. Es el último día de vida de Gisela Tenenbaum, de veintidós años, descendiente de judíos austríacos emigrados a América a causa del nazismo. Gisela, Gisi, es buena estudiante y deportista, hermana e hija ejemplar, militante contra las injusticias que asolan su país, cifradas en parte en el golpe de estado de 1976… En un texto prodigioso, sin maniqueísmo alguno, Erich Hackl reconstruye su vida y sus últimos días; y deja que el futuro asome de cuando en cuando para dar voz a los silenciados. «No bien salen del edificio advierten un comando paramilitar

Editorial Periferica que se dispone a acordonar la calle: hombres vestidos de civil pero armados, en tres o cuatro vehículos, 9788416291830 furgonetas, autos Ford Falcon. Heidi, la hermana mayor de Gisi, ve por televisión entre las seis y las ocho de Pub Date: 7/1/20 la noche el boletín informati... $18.00 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Erich Hackl is an Austrian writer and academic whose work focuses on Latin America. He has translated 192 Pages authors such as Eduardo Galeano and Rodolfo Walsh into German, and his books include The Wedding in Carton Qty: 28 Fiction / Literary Auschwitz and Three Tearless Histories. 8.3 in H | 5.3 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT La penumbra que hemos atravesado Lalla Romano

Summary ¿Qué se nos narra en estas páginas que, desde el título, citan a Marcel Proust y su «tiempo recobrado»? Una escritora madura vuelve a los lugares de su infancia, recreados en los detalles escondidos en cada piedra, detrás de cada puerta, a la sombra de los pórticos, en los olores que lleva el viento… Cuando era niña, la escritora pasó los primeros años de su vida observando las maravillas de la montaña, imaginando cómo eran sus padres realmente y qué hacían antes de que ella y su hermana pequeña vinieran al mundo. El padre, a principios del siglo XX, era fotógrafo aficionado; la madre, mucho más joven que él, parecía algo apartada de todo, aunque era lo suficientemente sociable… y muy elegante. Con una sabiduría llena de encanto, Lalla Romano nos ofrece en este texto suyo de 1964 una obra bellísima y exacta, con páginas nunca demasiado

Editorial Periferica melancólicas ni demasiado dolorosas que rastrean la felicidad perdida. La dicha, parece decirnos la autora, se 9788416291861 encuentra en los pliegues del tiempo, en esos desplazamientos que a veces se crean entre el pasado y el Pub Date: 7/1/20 presente. Toda la novela está impregn... $20.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Lalla Romano was an Italian writer, librarian, and professor. She is the author of Maria, a poetry collection 288 Pages entitled Fiori, and The Penumbra, which earned her critical recognition. Carton Qty: 28 Fiction / Literary 8.3 in H | 5.3 in W

Batman Dentro de la Batcueva Doc Pastor

Summary Creado por Bob y Bill Finger, su legado se ha extendido a múltiples interpretaciones sin perder un ápice de su esencia original. Tras las viñetas del cómic, saltó a la pequeña pantalla en forma de series de televisión. De ahí al cine y los videojuegos había un paso. El mito del Caballero Oscuro se ha reinventado numerosas veces, nutriéndose y evolucionando con el paso del tiempo y desarrollando una iconografía muy personal que recorre todo este libro. Como señala Carlos Gallego en el epílogo: “Pastor, sin perderse en términos complejos, explica de forma clara y sencilla todos los entresijos de Batman, cómo surgió la idea del personaje y quiénes fueron los verdaderos creadores del mito (…) Conocerás quiénes son sus aliados, sus orígenes y primeras apariciones”. Redbook 9788494928598 Pub Date: 8/1/20 Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, the myth of the Dark Knight has transitioned from comic strips to the $20.95 USD small screen, cinema, and video games without losing any of its original essence. But it’s been reinvented Discount Code: LON many times, growing and changing with the passage of time and developing a unique sense of iconography. Trade Paperback

208 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 30 Doc Pastor is a writer and the author of Doctor Who: El loco de la cabina. Comics & Graphic Novels / Superheroes 9 in H | 5.8 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Wayra Cartas a mi hija Chamalú

Summary Lo que comenzó con unas cartas cuando Wayra aún estaba en gestación, luego se convirtió en una propuesta pedagógica que enfatiza en la importancia de educar para la vida, desarrollando las competencias existenciales que habilitan a las personas para vivir en felicidad, amor, libertad, paz y salud. Veinte años después, este libro fue complementado por enseñanzas dirigidas a los jóvenes, brindándoles herramientas para conocerse, transformarse y convertirse en seres humanos armónicos, realizados y capaces de gestar un mundo nuevo.

Editorial Pax Mexico What began with a few letters while Wayra was still pregnant later became a pedagogical project that 9786079472641 emphasizes the importance of education for enabling people to live well. This book also includes advice for Pub Date: 7/1/20 $21.99 USD young people on cultivating self-knowledge and transformation. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio

160 Pages Chamalú is a spiritual leader and medicine man who studies ancient wisdom of the Andes and the Amazon. Carton Qty: 0 He is the author of more than 50 books on the topic and has led conferences in more than 1,300 cities Body, Mind & Spirit / worldwide. Shamanism 7.8 in H | 5.5 in W

Musa El retorno de la mujer sagrada Chamalú

Summary Es un manual de supervivencia existencial en el que se entrega a las lectoras, un conjunto de conocimientos para dinamizar el crecimiento de la conciencia y el bienestar diario. Se trata de Iniciarse a la vida, descubrir el potencial que tenemos, aprender a conectarnos con la Madre tierra, descubrir formas naturales de meditación, aprender a estar alertas desde la serenidad y la lucidez, desde la creatividad.

In this existential survival manual, readers can learn to boost the growth of their conscience and daily well-being. Topics include discovering personal potential, connecting with Mother Earth, and natural forms of Editorial Pax Mexico meditation. 9786079472634 Pub Date: 7/1/20 Contributor Bio $23.99 USD Discount Code: LON Chamalú is a spiritual leader and medicine man who studies ancient wisdom of the Andes and the Amazon. Trade Paperback He is the author of more than 50 books on the topic and has led conferences in more than 1,300 cities 264 Pages worldwide. Carton Qty: 0 Body, Mind & Spirit / Shamanism 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Soluciones en sexualidad infantil y adolescentes Estrategias breves para: mamás/papás/maestras/profesores/ orientadores/psicólogas/ psicoterapeutas Fernando Álvarez Vázquez, María Elena Balsa Sabbah

Summary ¡Shhhh! Para hablar de sexualidad hay que bajar la voz….y más si se trata de sexualidad infantil y adolescente…Fernando Álvarez y María Elena Balsa rompen esta consigna y nos regalan en este libro respuestas con información veraz a estas dudas y a muchas otras más. También se dan a la tarea de explicar paso a paso, con casos reales, herramientas para lidiar con situaciones cotidianas y problemáticas relacionadas con la sexualidad de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Además, los autores resumen en esta guía Editorial Pax Mexico conceptos básicos, mitos, miedos, verdades, explicaciones y problemas, a partir de su vasta experiencia 9786079472696 quitando piedritas y grandes rocas del camino de madres, padres y profesionales valientes que intentan Pub Date: 7/1/20 educar en sexualidad a las generaciones futuras. Fernando y María Elena nos recuerdan que aunque no se $21.99 USD Discount Code: LON quiera hablar sobre ello, los niños y niñas son seres sexuales, y que al igual que los adultos, tienen un cuerpo Trade Paperback que da placer, un corazón que los mueve y un cerebro que los hará elegir, con o sin nuestra orientación.

240 Pages Carton Qty: 0 While conventional wisdom says that youth and teen sexuality must... Family & Relationships / Life Stages Contributor Bio 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W Fernando Álvarez is a therapist who specializes in child hypnosis, play therapy, and prevention and treatment of gender-based violence. He has taught in higher education and has experience in a private clinical setting. He is the author of Recetas Mágicas para la Sexualidad Infantil. María Elena Balsa is a therapist who specializes in sexology. She has taught in higher education and led numerous conferences and workshops.

La novela de la Costa Azul Giuseppe Scaraffia

Summary Ésta es la fascinante historia de un lugar mítico y de los más de cien personajes legendarios que vivieron en él durante algún tiempo. De Antón Chéjov a Stefan Zweig, de Scott y Zelda Fitzgerald a Coco Chanel; pasando por Guy de Maupassant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Pablo Picasso, Alma Mahler, Aldous Huxley, Katherine Mansfield, Walter Benjamin, Anaïs Nin, Somerset Maugham o Vladimir Nabokov, entre muchos otros. Durante siglos, la Costa Azul no fue más que una costa cualquiera, un lugar donde embarcarse o desembarcar. De hecho, a finales del siglo XVIII, los ingleses residentes en Niza eran sólo cincuenta y siete. Sin embargo, ya a principios del XX, Jean Lorrain escribía lo siguiente: «Todos los chalados del mundo se dan cita aquí… Vienen de Rusia, de América, del África austral. Menudo ramillete de príncipes y princesas, marqueses y duques,

Editorial Periferica verdaderos o falsos… Reyes con hambre y exreinas sin un duro… Los matrimonios prohibidos, las examantes 9788416291823 de los emperadores, todo el catálogo disponible de exfavoritas, de crupieres casados con millonarias Pub Date: 7/1/20 americanas… Todos, todos están aquí». Sin emb... $24.99 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Giuseppe Scaraffia is an Italian essayist and writer. His books include Il demone della frivolezza and Gli 432 Pages ultimi giorni di Mata Hari. Carton Qty: 18 Fiction / Literary 8.3 in H | 5.3 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Iluminada Mary Karr

Summary ¿Es posible reírse a carcajadas mientras lees un libro que trata sobre el Amor, el Alcoholismo, la Depresión, el Matrimonio, la Maternidad y… Dios? Por supuesto. Iluminada es un buen ejemplo, el mejor ejemplo. Pocas memorias (con el ritmo de una gran novela) están a la altura de estas páginas. La joven que pasó su dura infancia en Texas, en el seno de una familia mucho más que «peculiar», vive durante su primera madurez un infierno del que quizá sólo puedan salvarla, además de la literatura y la fe, la ayuda de otros que pasaron antes por lo mismo que ella; sin olvidar el amor por su hijo, algo que la inunda al mismo tiempo que la confunde, como a tantísimas madres. Iluminada está escrito con la implacable honestidad de Mary Karr, que se analiza a sí misma sin escrúpulos y con un humor irreverente; y nos habla de ello sin pelos en la lengua, sin sentido del ridículo, y con una prosa visceral que tiene un grandísimo poder de seducción. Iluminada es un Editorial Periferica 9788416544981 libro apasionante e inclasificable sobre cómo crecer y cómo encontrar nuestro lugar en el mundo. Hay en él Pub Date: 7/1/20 pasajes divertidísimos y pas... $26.99 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Mary Karr is an American writer. She is the author of The Liars’ Club, which was a Times 584 Pages best-seller and named the book of the year by TheNew York Times Book Review, The New Yorker,People, and Carton Qty: 16 Time. She has also received the Whiting Award, a Radcliffe’s Bunting Fellowship, two Pushcart Prizes, and a Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs Guggenheim fellowship. She is also the author of The Art of Memoir and Cherry. 6.8 in H | 4.8 in W

Diez planetas Yuri Herrera

Summary Diez planetas es un volumen de relatos breves que amplifica el mundo de este prestigioso autor mexicano y entremezcla sus obsesiones habituales con una exploración de nuevos temas. En este libro, la realidad es tan del presente como de un futuro inimaginable, donde la idea de ser y de vivir es radicalmente diferente (en muchos aspectos) a aquella otra que nos mueve hoy.

In this collection of short stories, the author showcases his world, combining his usual obsessions with explorations of new topics. Reality is just as present here as an unimaginable future with radically different ideas of being and living. Editorial Periferica 9788416291915 Contributor Bio Pub Date: 7/1/20 Yuri Herrera is a Mexican writer and a professor at Tulane University. His first novel, Trabajos del reino, $16.95 USD earned him a place among the most prominent young Latin American writers and earned him an Otras Voces Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback award for the year’s best novel published in Spanish.

136 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Fiction / Short Stories Series: Largo recorrido 8.3 in H | 5.3 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Mamíferos Colorea la naturaleza Nacho Ruiz

Summary Un montón de dibujos de mamíferos salvajes y domésticos cobran vida en este libro de colorear único. Se trata de la primera entrega de la colección Colorea la naturaleza. Dentro podrás encontrar canguros, leones, ballenas, llamas, caballos, ornitorrincos, koalas, focas, lobos, linces, etc. Contiene hermosas ilustraciones a página completa con diferentes dificultades para niños y adultos. Con ellas puedes pasar ratos estimulantes en los que desarrollar habilidades plásticas. Colorea a placer y disfruta de momentos armoniosos y de desconexión. Ediciones Rodeno 9788494670978 This coloring book for children and adults contains tons of pictures of wild and domestic mammals, including Pub Date: 8/1/20 kangaroos, lions, whales, koalas, and more. $9.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio Nacho Ruiz is a coloring book editor who has edited more than twenty nature coloring books for adults and 32 Pages Carton Qty: 40 children. Ages 9 to 12, Grades 4 to 7 Juvenile Nonfiction / Animals Series: Colorea la naturaleza 12 in H | 8.3 in W | 0.2 in T | 0.3 lb Wt

Aves Colorea la naturaleza Nacho Ruiz

Summary LIBRO DE COLOREAR PARA ADULTOS Y NIÑOS. Un montón de dibujos de aves salvajes y domésticas cobran vida en este libro de colorear único. Se trata de la segunda entrega de la colección Colorea la naturaleza. Dentro podrás encontrar águilas, búhos, flamencos, abubillas, garzas, colibrís, pingüinos, kiwis, tucanes, golondrinas, etc. Contiene hermosas ilustraciones a página completa con diferentes dificultades para niños y adultos. Con ellas puedes pasar ratos estimulantes en los que desarrollar habilidades plásticas. Colorea a placer y disfruta de momentos armoniosos y de desconexión. Ediciones Rodeno 9788412065701 This coloring book for children and adults contains tons of pictures of wild and domestic birds, including Pub Date: 8/1/20 eagles, owls, flamingos, toucans, and more. $9.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio Nacho Ruiz is a coloring book editor who has edited more than twenty nature coloring books for adults and 32 Pages Carton Qty: 40 children. Ages 9 to 12, Grades 4 to 7 Juvenile Nonfiction / Animals Series: Colorea la naturaleza 12 in H | 8.3 in W | 0.2 in T | 0.3 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Belzebubs JP Ahonen

Summary Estamos seguros de que os habéis preguntado cómo sería el día a día de una familia de cultistas. Bueno, ¡aquí tenéis la respuesta! Bienvenidos a la vida divertida y surrealista de Sløth y Lucyfer y de sus hijos y Leviatán. Aunque puedas creer que son muy diferentes, lo cierto es que tienen los mismos problemas y Malpaso Editorial preocupaciones que nosotros: amores juveniles, problemas de trabajo, crianza de los hijos... Belzebubs es 9788417294328 una recopilación de las tiras publicadas en Internet por el autor finlandés. Este fenómeno se pasa al papel en Pub Date: 8/1/20 $15.95 USD 2018, después de 4 años de publicaciones semanales, y con material inédito incluido. Discount Code: LON Hardcover Everyone gets curious about how cult members live. Sløth, Lucyfer, Lilith, and Leviatán share many of the 128 Pages same trials and tribulations that we do: young love, problems at work, and raising children. This is a Carton Qty: 0 collection of strips from the popular internet comic. Comics & Graphic Novels 6.3 in H | 7 in W Contributor Bio JP Ahonen is a Finnish comic artist. His comics include Villimpi Pohjola and Puskaradio, and he is the author of the graphic novel Perkeros, which has been published in seven countries.

Solos Bruno Gazzotti, Fabien Vehlmann

Summary El segundo tomo de Solos nos ofreció una explicación de lo que había ocurrido en Fortville. Pero... ¿Es cierto lo que descubren? ¿Por qué no pueden recordarlo? No os preocupéis, estamos a punto de encontrar muchas respuestas. "Rechazando los esquemas clásicos habituales, Solos ha escogido (...) acompañar a una generación de lectores proponiéndoles héroes que evolucionan al mismo ritmo que ellos". BDGest' "En el dibujo, Bruno Gazzotti no flojea ni un ápice". Planète BD

The second volume of Solos explained what happened at Fortville. But is it true what they discovered, and Malpaso Editorial why can’t they remember it? Don’t worry—more answers are on the way. 9788415850922 Pub Date: 8/1/20 Contributor Bio $20.00 USD Discount Code: LON Bruno Gazzotti is a Belgian graphic novelist. He worked for the Tome et Janry studio to create the Le Petit Hardcover Spirou series. He is also the author of the Soda series. Fabien Vehlmann is the author of the Green Manor series and Samedi et Dimanche. 112 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Comics & Graphic Novels / Dystopian 10.8 in H | 7.5 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Diario de un librero Shaun Bythell

Summary Shaun Bythell regenta The Bookshop, la librería de viejo más grande de Escocia. Contiene 100.000 volúmenes, dos kilómetros de estanterías, pasillos laberínticos y acogedoras chimeneas, todo ello en un hermoso pueblo situado a orillas del mar. ¿El paraíso de un bibliófilo, verdad? Bueno, no exactamente… «Cuando compré The Bookshop en 2001 tenía una vaga idea sobre el funcionamiento de una librería. Ninguna de mis expectativas se cumplió. A diario me sorprenden las preguntas que formulan los clientes. Por la tienda desfila el más amplio espectro de la especie humana: unos regatean, otros recomiendan libros; unos son espectacularmente groseros, otros te cuentan su vida o quieren conocer la tuya… En este diario se narran algunos de los encuentros más memorables.» Malpaso Editorial 9788417081768 The Bookshop, Scotland’s largest used bookstore, has 100,000 volumes and should be a book-lover’s Pub Date: 7/1/20 $27.95 USD paradise. But when Shaun Bythell bought it in 2001, he was unprepared for the variety of quirky customers Discount Code: LON he would encounter. In this book, he shares some of his most memorable encounters. Hardcover

360 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 0 Shaun Bythell has been the owner of The Bookshop in Wigtown, Scotland, since 2001. Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

Cured Laurence Tolhurst

Summary Siendo como fueron dos de los primeros punks en la muy inglesa y provinciana ciudad de Crawley, Lol Tolhurst y Robert Smith no lo tuvieron fácil. Por su condición de forasteros, la suya fue una amistad basada inicialmente en la proximidad y en su compartida pasión por la música, pero concretamente por el punk que hervía en Londres y por otras iniciativas artísiticas que entroncaban con ese movimiento rupturista. Atendiendo al principio al nombre de The Easy Cure, comenzaron a tocar en pubs y pronto desarrollaron un estilo y enfoque propios para componer canciones, que cristalizarían, con el tiempo, en canciones atemporales que despertaron un profundo sentido de identificación y empatía en los oyentes.

Malpaso Editorial As some of the first punks in the provincial English town of Crawley, Lol Tolhurst and Robert Smith didn’t 9788417081935 Pub Date: 7/1/20 have it easy. They bonded over a mutual love for music and became The Easy Cure—later shortened to The $26.00 USD Cure—, a band whose songs would inspire a deep sense of identification and empathy in listeners. Discount Code: LON Hardcover Contributor Bio 320 Pages Lol Tolhurst is a native of Horley, Surrey, and is a founding member of the Cure as its drummer, keyboardist, Carton Qty: 0 and songwriter. Biography & Autobiography / Composers & Musicians 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT La distancia Pablo Aranda

Summary "La distancia" es el doble viaje, geográfico y sentimental, que emprende Emilio para visitar a su amante marroquí, que está amenazada de muerte. Emilio vive el día a día de manera solitaria, haciendo traducciones y corriendo con su perro por pistas de montaña. Un encontronazo con el pasado coincide con un momento de inquietud: la relación que durante años ha mantenido con Tamar se termina. Ella vive en Marruecos con un marido al que teme, un hombre relacionado con el Majzén, el poderoso poder en la sombra marroquí. El viaje desata una imparable tempestad de conmociones.

In this journey that's both literal and emotional, Emilio sets out to visit his Moroccan lover whose life is in Malpaso Editorial danger. Emilio lives a solitary life, translating and taking his dog out for mountain runs. One day, an 9788416665341 encounter with his past makes it clear that his relationship with Tamar is ending. She lives in Morocco and is Pub Date: 8/1/20 $21.95 USD stuck in an unhappy marriage to a man she fears and who is connected to el Majzén, a powerful force in the Discount Code: LON shadows of the country. When their relationship ends, Emilio’s solitary journey unleashes ... Hardcover

224 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 0 Pablo Aranda is a Spanish writer and journalist. His award-winning books include La otra ciudad and Ucrania. Fiction / Romance 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

Una historia del mundo Andrew Marr

Summary El entendimiento de la historia mundial está cambiando. La antigua visión eurocentrista se ha ido transformado progresivamente y ha dado paso a un discurso inclusivo donde América, África y juegan su papel y dejan de estar aisladas de los grandes acontecimientos históricos. Por ejemplo: recientemente se ha desvelado que la liberación de los siervos en Rusia, contemporánea de la Guerra Civil Americana, fue el detonante de la abolición de la esclavitud en los Estados Unidos. "Una historia del mundo" es un libro sobre los impulsores de los grandes cambios históricos, personajes como Cleopatra, Gengis Kan, Galileo o Mao, pero también sobre nosotros mismos.

Malpaso Editorial 9788416938933 Our understanding of world history is changing; the old Eurocentric vision is gradually transforming into an Pub Date: 7/1/20 inclusive discourse in which the Americas, Africa, and Asia are no longer seen as isolated from major historical $32.95 USD events. For example, it has recently been argued that the liberation of serfs in Russia, contemporary with the Discount Code: LON American Civil War, was the catalyst for the abolition of slavery in the . Hardcover

624 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 0 Andrew Marr is a British historian, political commentator, and TV presenter. He is a former editor of the History / World Independent and BBC News and has hosted several history programs on BBC. His best-selling history books 9.5 in H | 6.3 in W include The Making of Modern Britain and A History of Modern Britain.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Quisiera dar un gran rodeo Henry Miller

Summary Estas cartas con Michael Fraenkel con Hamlet como excusa, escritas entre 1935 y 1938, constituyen uno de los destellos de inteligencia más deslumbrantes del autor de 'Sexus'. Como resalta Michael Hargraves en el prólogo «La belleza del libro no radica en el examen de Hamlet (si bien estoy seguro de que un erudito Malpaso Editorial 9788417081539 shakespeareano podría disfrutar enormemente con el libro), sino en la forma como los autores se van por las Pub Date: 8/1/20 ramas para revelarse. Esas desviaciones son las que les permiten fluir, lanzarse a debates sobre muchas cosas $23.95 USD caras a su corazón y sobre el mundo en general» y «contiene algunas de las páginas mejores de Miller, Discount Code: LON Hardcover algunos de sus pensamientos más libres [...] publicados e imbuidos del estilo sarcástico y maravillosamente vulgar del Miller que yo ya había leído.» 320 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Literary Collections / These letters between Henry Miller and Michael Fraenkel, written between 1935 and 1938, are relevant less Letters for their analysis of Hamlet than for the way the authors set their thoughts free on the page. They debated 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W topics that were near to them and discussed the world in general in what is considered some of Miller’... Contributor Bio Henry Miller was an American author who spent much of his career in Paris. He became an exemplar of modern bohemian life and a model for the Beat Generation and writers such as Charles Bukowski and Norman Mailer.

Mafia life Daniel Saldaña Paris

Summary La Yakuza japonesa, las triadas chinas, la Cosa Nostra siciliana, la ‘Ndrangheta calabresa, la Mafia norteamericana, las poderosas mafias rusas… ¿Qué significa pertenecer a una organización mafiosa? ¿Cómo se entra y se asciende? ¿Qué ocurre si rompes las reglas? Federico Varese ha estudiado durante décadas las entrañas de las grandes organizaciones criminales y lo ha hecho sobre el terreno, infiltrándose en ceremonias de iniciación, visitando los clubs donde se entretienen los capos más sanguinarios, asistiendo a discretas reuniones en hoteles de lujo… Desde Rusia hasta Dubái pasando por Londres, Palermo o Nueva York, ha recorrido el mundo en busca de secretos que nadie hasta ahora había desvelado. He aquí el retrato y la historia de un universo dominado por el miedo, la muerte y el dolor. Malpaso Editorial 9788417081775 What does it mean to belong to an organization like the Japanese Yakuza, the Sicilian Cosa Nostra, or the Pub Date: 7/1/20 $25.95 USD powerful Russian mafias? How do you join and move up in rank, and what happens if you break the rules? Discount Code: LON Federico Varese has studied organized crime for decades, infiltrating into initiation cerem... Hardcover

336 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 0 Federico Varese is an Italian professor. He currently teaches criminology at the University of Oxford. He has True Crime / Organized written about organized crime around the world in books such as The Russian Mafia and Mafias on the Move. Crime 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Bearn o la sala de las muñecas Llorenç Villalonga

Summary Considerada como una de las obras maestras de la literatura catalana, "Bearn o la sala de las muñecas" fue publicada originalmente en castellano, en 1956. Villalonga decidió traducirla al catalán quizás para alejarla lo más posible del realismo social que dominaba a la literatura española de aquellos momentos. Sea como sea, recuperar la edición original de esta novela extraordinaria supone reconocerle el valor que sus contemporáneos no supieron darle.

Considered a masterpiece of Catalan literature, this book was originally published in Spanish in 1956. Villalonga decided to translated it into Catalan, perhaps to distance it from the social realism that dominated Malpaso Editorial Spanish literature in the 1950s. Now, in its original version, it's now receiving the recognition that its 9788416665587 contemporaries failed to give it. Pub Date: 8/1/20 $26.00 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Hardcover Llorenç Villalonga was a Majorcan author who is considered among the most important of the post-Spanish

340 Pages Civil War era. His other books include Mort de dama and Mallorca. Carton Qty: 0 Fiction / Literary 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

El porqué del color rojo Francisco Bescós

Summary Comienza la vendimia en La Rioja Baja. Los tractores invaden las carreteras y las cuadrillas de temporeros, llegadas de todas partes, se afanan en la recolección de la uva. Al amanecer, una llamada anónima avisa al cuartel de la Guardia Civil de Calahorra: el cadáver de un joven ha aparecido abandonado en un viñedo cercano a Aldeanueva de Ebro. Todo hace pensar que se trata de un temporero ilegal procedente de Europa del Este, forzado a trabajar por una mafia. La teniente Lucía Utrera, alias la Grande, comienza investigando el caso como un asunto de poco calado con la única ayuda de un equipo de guardias inexpertos y un sacerdote con problemas para controlar su ira.

Malpaso Editorial It’s harvest season in La Rioja Baja, with tractors arriving from all parts to collect grapes. Early one morning, 9788416148615 an anonymous call alerts the Guardia Civil that a young man’s body has been found in an area vineyard. Pub Date: 8/1/20 $20.95 USD Lieutenant Lucía Utrera, alias La Grande, is on the case, assisted only by a team of fumbling officers and a Discount Code: LON priest with an anger problem. Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 320 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Francisco Bescós is a Spanish publicist and author. He wrote the humor column GMT. Anticrónicas europeas Fiction / Mystery & for the online magazine Suburbano.net for two years, and is the author of the award-winning book El baile de Detective los penitentes. 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El malestar en la cultura Sigmund Freud

Summary Este científico humanista se había interesado, desde el inicio de su carrera, en el psíquico entendido como enfrentamiento de las necesidades pulsionales del individuo con las exigencias a menudo desorbitadas de la sociedad, así como en el problema del destino de la cultura, contemplada como la proyección en la humanidad del problemático desarrollo psicológico individual. Esta obra nos presenta en esencia un único problema al que se le pueden dar diferentes nombres. Es el problema de la agresión y la culpabilidad, problema psicológico y sociológico, pero también político. Es el problema del mal, si nos queremos ir a lo metafísico. O incluso del pecado, si nos obstinamos en utilizar el tradicional lenguaje religioso.

From the beginning of his career, Sigmund Freud took an interest in the psychic conflict understood as a Malpaso Editorial 9788470306303 confrontation between individual needs with the frequently exorbitant needs of society. This book presents the Pub Date: 7/1/20 unique problem of evil, of aggression and guilt, or even sin, to name it using traditional religious language. $11.99 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Hardcover Sigmund Freud is considered the founder of psychoanalysis. Through his studies in medicine and 144 Pages neuropathology, he came to explore the unconscious psychic life of his patients. Carton Qty: 0 Psychology / Essays 8.3 in H | 5.3 in W

Gorrión Rojo Jason Matthews

Summary La oficial Dominika Egorova es un «gorrión», una especie de cortesana del espionaje, de la inteligencia de la Rusia postsoviética que deberá operar contra Nathaniel Nash, un joven y ambicioso agente de la CIA entrenado para infiltrarse en la inteligencia rusa. Pero ambos se enamorarán y pondrán en peligro sus carreras y la seguridad del topo más valioso de América. Buscando venganza contra sus desalmados jefes, Dominika será reclutada por la CIA y entrará en un perverso juego que desembocará en un clímax electrizante.

Dominika Egorova is a “sparrow,” a type of escort to espionage, in the post-Soviet Russian intelligence Malpaso Editorial organization. She’s been ordered to operate against Nathaniel Nash, a young and ambitious CIA agent who’s 9788417302054 been trained to infiltrate Russian intelligence. But when the two fall in love, they both endanger their careers Pub Date: 8/1/20 $22.95 USD and the safety of America’s most valuable mole. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio Jason Matthews is a former CIA agent with a 36-year career. He participated in operations in Eastern Europe 464 Pages Carton Qty: 0 and East Asia and collaborated with various international agencies on antiterrorism operations. Fiction / Thrillers 9 in H | 5.8 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Pepi Gal. Andanzas de una niña curiosa Victòria Tubau

Summary Pepi Gal nació y creció en la isla de La Pamela. Bueno, lo de crecer es un decir, porque más bien se quedó pequeña, comparada con los demás miembros de su familia, todos gigantes, de enormes cabezotas con ojos redondos y amarillos, la bocaza llena de dientes verdosos, la nariz aplastada y el pelo azul, enmarañado y lleno de líos. Por eso el día que ella llegó, con su pelo castaño, sus ojos negros, la nariz respingona y las piernas y los brazos proporcionados, todos lloraron de pena. Una niña tan fea y rara solo podía estar destinada a viajar y ver mundo.

Combel Editorial Pepi Gal was born and raised on the island of La Pamela. She is tiny, which makes her stand out in her family 9788483435748 of giants with round yellow eyes, huge heads, greenish teeth, and tangled blue hair. The day she was born Pub Date: 7/1/20 with her brown hair, dark eyes, and proportionate limbs, everyone wept. Her family decides that a child as $9.95 USD strange and ugly as she must be destined to travel and see the world. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 96 Pages Victòria Tubau is a Catalan author and illustrator of children’s books. She earned the El Vaixell de Vapor Carton Qty: 60 Ages 9 to 12, Grades 4 to 7 award for children’s literature in 2012. Juvenile Fiction 8.3 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.3 lb Wt

¡No quiero ir! Elisenda Roca, Cristina Losantos

Summary Dan y Ana son divertidos, juguetones y curiosos, pero últimamente están inquietos porque se acerca el gran día: se van de colonias y no saben qué les espera. ¿Y si se marean en el autocar? ¿Y si no les gusta lo que hay de comer? ¿Y si les hacen dormir solos y a oscuras? Un cuento para aprender a dormir fuera de casa.

Dan and Ana are fun, playful, and curious kids, but they've been anxious lately as the big day grows near: they're headed to summer camp and don’t know what to expect. What if they get carsick on the bus? What if Combel Editorial they don’t like the food? And what if they have to sleep alone in the dark? This story helps kids learn to sleep 9788483435717 away from home. Pub Date: 7/1/20 $8.95 USD Contributor Bio Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Cristina Losantos is a journalist and author. Elisenda Roca is a Spanish illustrator who specializes in spooky and fairy tale themes. 48 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes 7.5 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.2 in T | 0.2 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Todo lo que sé del miedo Jaume Copons

Summary Hay muchas cosas que pueden dar miedo a un niño. El protagonista de esta historia tiene miedo a perderse, a estar solo en el bosque, a las criaturas fantásticas... pero hay algo que lo aterroriza: ¡la oscuridad! Y tener miedo da mucho miedo, pero este libro no da miedo, ¡sino que nos ayuda a vencerlo! Un nuevo título de Jaume Copons con gran sentido del humor y ilustrado por Pep Montserrat. ¿Quieres saber más? Pues abre el Combel Editorial libro ¡sin miedo!, que voy a contarte... TODO LO QUE SÉ DEL MIEDO. 9788491014294 Pub Date: 7/1/20 $14.95 USD There are plenty of things for a kid to be scared of. The main character in this story is afraid of getting lost, Discount Code: LON being alone in the woods, and mystical creatures—but what scares him most is the dark! Being scared sure is Trade Paperback scary, but this book is aimed at helping kids overcome their fears by way of a great sense of humor. 30 Pages Carton Qty: 19 Contributor Bio Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Jaume Copons is a Catalan author, scriptwriter, and songwriter who has worked on several children’s Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes television series. Series: Todo lo que sé de... 10 in H | 10 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

El patito feo Xavier Deneux

Summary Una nueva adaptación del cuento clásico del patito feo en una propuesta estética y sensorial de formas en relieve. Este título forma parte de una colección pensada para que los niños y niñas descubran una nueva manera de interactuar con los cuentos clásicos.

Combel Editorial This new adaptation of the classic Ugly Duckling story features a unique aesthetic style and embossed 9788491014454 illustrations. The books in this series are aimed at children a new way to interact with classic stories. Pub Date: 7/1/20 $18.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Board Book Xavier Deneux is a Paris-based author and illustrator. He specializes in children’s books. 16 Pages Carton Qty: 16 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Fairy Tales & Folklore 7 in H | 7 in W | 1 in T | 1 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 38

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El carrusel de Central Park Laura Catalán, María Menéndez-Ponte

Summary Antonio tenía cinco años cuando su familia se fue a vivir a la Gran Manzana del mundo. Su vida cambió entonces por completo y la ciudad de los rascacielos se convirtió en un estimulante universo por descubrir. ¿Te imaginas participar en una cabalgada mágica en el carrusel de Central Park, la noche del Día de la Independencia? De la mano de Alicia (sí, la del país de las maravillas), incluso eso es posible.

Antonio was five years old when his family went to live in . That city of skyscrapers would become a thrilling universe to discover. Can you imagine taking a magical ride on the Central Park carousel Combel Editorial on the 4th of July? It’s all possible in the company of Alice in Wonderland. 9788483435755 Pub Date: 7/1/20 Contributor Bio $9.95 USD Laura Catalán is a Spanish illustrator of children’s books and educational materials. María Menéndez-Ponte Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback is a Spanish author of books and stories for children. Her award-winning books include the Pupi series, Un plato de blandiblú, and Quiero un hermanito. 176 Pages Carton Qty: 42 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Juvenile Fiction / Fantasy & Magic 8.3 in H | 5.8 in W

Agenda oculta Roberto Giobbi

Summary Cuando te dispongas a leer la Agenda oculta, limpia tu mente, retira todos los elementos mágicos que tengas alrededor (barajas, monedas, etc.) y lee exento de prejuicios técnicos, teóricos o morales. Deja que las palabras leídas atraviesen tu mente sin posarse en ella. No te esfuerces en ese sentido. En algún momento algo se conectará. Lo sabrás enseguida. Si consultas la Agenda oculta con un juego en tu mente, procura no cargar esa imagen con preconcepciones. Al limpiar tu mente y darle tiempo a que se remanse facilitarás la Páginas Libros de Magia 9788415058427 cualidad catalizadora de la lectura. En tu relación con la Agenda oculta puedes vivir diferentes experiencias: Pub Date: 8/1/20 Cada entrada es una oportunidad de imaginar lo que de otro modo ni siquiera se te hubiera pasado por la $50.00 USD cabeza. Basta acercarse a ella para que empiecen a «pasar cosas». Es prácticamente inevitable. También Discount Code: LON Hardcover puede ocurrir que con alguna entrada no salte la «chispa». No importa. Tanto la Agenda secreta como la Agenda oculta son libros mágicos (nunca mejor dicho) que se renuevan a sí mismos con cada lectura. Te 420 Pages permitirán viajar al pasado rescatando recuer... Carton Qty: 10 Games & Activities / Magic Contributor Bio 9 in H | 8.5 in W | 1.2 in T | 2.4 lb Wt Roberto Giobbi is a renowned Swiss magician. He is the author of the most translated magic books to date, the Card College series.

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 39

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Roberto Light Juego de magia con cartas Roberto Giobbi

Summary La trilogía Roberto Light contiene los típicos juegos que engañan no solo al público profano, sino sobre todo, al mago profesional, empeñado en encontrar métodos y sistemas complicados. Y es que estos efectos funcionan. Así de simple. Y así de claro. Y es por eso que, si hay libros de magia que animan al buen aficionado, estas tres obras se llevan la palma. Una trilogía repleta de efectos sorprendentes basados en los repertorios de los mejores magos actuales, que Roberto Giobbi ha escogido por su sencillez manipulativa y su gran efecto mágico. Dai Vernon, Hugart y Braue, Tamariz, Vollmer, Annemann, Paul Curry, Frank García, Páginas Libros de Magia Ronald Wohl, Toni Faro, Bob Hummer, Phil Goldstein, Jon Racherbaumer, Ken Krenzel... son algunas de las 9788415058380 estrellas mágicas que han aportado una cuidadísima selección de sus más estudiados y probados juegos. Pub Date: 8/1/20 Todos con un común denominador: la sencillez en su ejecución y la puesta en práctica de técnicas expresivas $21.00 USD Discount Code: LON (gestuales y verbales) tan importantes para un buen profesional. Presentados por Giobbi infinidad de veces, Trade Paperback han pasado la prueba más dura: el éxito ante e... 120 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 500 Games & Activities / Magic Roberto Giobbi is a renowned Swiss magician. He is the author of the most translated magic books to date, Series: Trilogía Roberto Light the Card College series. 9.5 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

El pirata Pat Trax María Margarita Londoño

Summary Pat Trax era un pirata muy raro, sin una pata de palo ni parche en el ojo malo. Pero tenía un galeón pirata y una lora que hablaba en japonés. Y un secreto, trenzado de olas, algas, pulpos, ballenas, tesoros y amigos de mar adentro. Y un sueño, también: surcar los siete mares aunque no tuviera barba roja ni fuera el terror de nadie. ¿Al abordaje? Pat Trax no era tan tremendo, se contentaba con ver ondear al viento su bandera de libertad multicolor.

Combel Editorial Pat Trax was a very strange pirate with a pirate ship and a parrot that spoke Japanese. But he also had a 9788483435724 secret wrapped up in the ocean's waves, algae, octopus, whales, and treasures. He also had a dream to cross Pub Date: 7/1/20 the seven seas—even though he lacked a red beard, eye patch, and wooden leg, and didn’t inspire much fear $8.95 USD Discount Code: LON in anyone. He was content to watch his multicolored freedom flag wave in the wind. Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 48 Pages Carton Qty: 40 María Margarita Londoño is a Colombian author of books for children and adults. Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure 7.5 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.2 in T | 0.2 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El héroe de la piscina Carmela Trujillo

Summary «Mañana nos vamos de vacaciones a una gran casa en un gran árbol», dijo Mamá Ardilla. ¡Una casa con piscina! A Ru le hace mucha ilusión, pero su hermana mayor Res le recuerda que no sabe nadar. ¡No importa! Tiene su flotador del año pasado. Con forma de pato. Con un cuello largo, con ojos, con un pico. Eso sí, cuidado, que por esa gran casa de verano también ronda un gato fiero, y es bien sabido que los gatos y las ardillas no se llevan nada bien. Por cierto, ¿los gatos saben nadar?

Ru the squirrel is going on summer vacation with his family! The vacation house has a pool, and he can’t wait Combel Editorial 9788483435731 to swim with his duck-shaped floatie from last year with a long neck, eyes, and a beak. But his older sister Pub Date: 7/1/20 Res reminds him that he doesn't know how to swim. And there’s also a vicious cat in the area, and everyone $8.95 USD knows cats and squirrels don’t get along. By the way, do cats know how to swim? Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 64 Pages Carmela Trujillo is a Spanish author of books for children and adults. Her work has won awards in Spain and Carton Qty: 60 Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 South America. Juvenile Fiction 7.5 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.3 lb Wt

Puro Abracadabra Juan Francisco Bonilla, Luis Bou García, Persi Dia...

Summary Un libro aparentemente inofensivo que te introduce en un tejido, en un universo personal que te atrapa, que mezcla aparentes nimiedades con el sentido del universo, que te asoma a multitud de seres de carne y hueso que han tenido gran influencia en el pensamiento, el arte, la magia y la ciencia del siglo XX… Lo que parece ser el sencillo y frío relato de un anciano se convierte enseguida en un tapiz en el que todo encaja y es coherente, y a la vez, en el que cada hebra te invita a tirar de ella y sumergirte en un nombre propio, en un libro, en una imagen... La lectura de Puro Abracadabra. Autobiografía de Martin Gardner es solo el fascinante primer paso imprescindible para saborear lo que Páginas tiene preparado para el año 2018. Edición facsímil de Páginas Libros de Magia ¡Corta la baraja! Se trata de un librillo antiguo de cartomagia de Martin Gardner, que la edición original en 9788415058199 inglés de Martin Gardner Presents reproduce en facsímil. Contiene juegos de calidad. Todo un aperitivo que Pub Date: 8/1/20 preparará a los lectores para la trilogía mágica siguiente y una invitación para atraer hacia la magia a los $26.95 USD Discount Code: LON miles de segui... Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 336 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Persi Warren Diaconis is an American mathematician and a professor of statistics at Stanford University. He Games & Activities / Magic specializes in games of chance. Martin Gardner was an American scientific researcher and illusionist. 8.3 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.9 in T Randall James Hamilton Zwinge is a Canadian illusionist and writer. He is known for his fraud investigations | 1.4 lb Wt into pseudosciences.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Agenda secreta Roberto Giobbi

Summary NUEVA EDICIÓN Incluye la formidable clasificación de la Agenda Secreta, por el gran Gabi Pareras. ¡Eso sí que es sacarle provecho de verdad a un libro! Es un libro de magia diferente, un libro que los amantes del ilusionismo podrán disfrutar como una caja con 366 deliciosos bombones mágicos de chocolate suizo, el que elabora Roberto Giobbi. Un bombón para cada día del año. El libro está compuesto por 366 artículos distribuidos a lo largo de cada uno de los días que tiene un año (365 más 1 para los bisiestos). Uno no sabe, Páginas Libros de Magia 9788415058328 cuando abre el libro por un día cualquiera, qué es lo que se va a encontrar: ¿una anécdota, tal vez una teoría, Pub Date: 8/1/20 una técnica, una curiosidad, un efecto de cartomagia, o de cerca, o de salón…? Lo único claro de partida es $50.00 USD que, teniendo en cuenta que todos provienen del material y experiencia que Roberto Giobbi ha ido acumulado Discount Code: LON Hardcover a lo largo de su vida como profesional de la magia, leerlo es una verdadera delicia. El hecho de que no sepas exactamente con qué te vas a encontrar cada día te proporciona cierta expectación ante la sorpresa que nos 453 Pages espera en su correspondiente... Carton Qty: 10 Games & Activities / Magic Contributor Bio 9 in H | 8.5 in W | 1.2 in T | 2.4 lb Wt Roberto Giobbi is a renowned Swiss magician. He is the author of the most translated magic books to date, the Card College series.

Roberto Super Light Juego de magia con cartas Roberto Giobbi

Summary La trilogía Roberto Light contiene los típicos juegos que engañan no solo al público profano, sino sobre todo, al mago profesional, empeñado en encontrar métodos y sistemas complicados. Y es que estos efectos funcionan. Así de simple. Y así de claro. Y es por eso que, si hay libros de magia que animan al buen aficionado, estas tres obras se llevan la palma. Una trilogía repleta de efectos sorprendentes basados en los repertorios de los mejores magos actuales, que Roberto Giobbi ha escogido por su sencillez manipulativa y su gran efecto mágico. Dai Vernon, Hugart y Braue, Tamariz, Vollmer, Annemann, Paul Curry, Frank García, Páginas Libros de Magia Ronald Wohl, Toni Faro, Bob Hummer, Phil Goldstein, Jon Racherbaumer, Ken Krenzel... son algunas de las 9788415058403 estrellas mágicas que han aportado una cuidadísima selección de sus más estudiados y probados juegos. Pub Date: 8/1/20 Todos con un común denominador: la sencillez en su ejecución y la puesta en práctica de técnicas expresivas $21.00 USD Discount Code: LON (gestuales y verbales) tan importantes para un buen profesional. Presentados por Giobbi infinidad de veces, Trade Paperback han pasado la prueba más dura: el éxito ante e... 120 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 500 Games & Activities / Magic Roberto Giobbi is a renowned Swiss magician. He is the author of the most translated magic books to date, Series: Trilogía Roberto Light the Card College series. 9.5 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Máximo entretenimiento Notas de un director de escena para magos y mentalistas Ken J. Weber

Summary Notas de un director de escena para magos y mentalistas Este libro ya es un clásico de hoy en día. Sencillamente, hará que los juegos que presentas sean mejores. Ken Weber nos enseña cómo ser nuestro propio director teatral, cómo manejar a los espectadores, cómo emplear un micrófono, cómo adaptarse a las situaciones difíciles. Todo profesional sueña con tener un director como Ken Weber. Ahora puedes tenerlo. Vas a escuchar a un artista magistral, un experto analista, y sobre todo un tipo encantador. Lee, estudia y aprende. Aplica lo que Ken enseña, y observa el cambio producido en la respuesta de los espectadores Páginas Libros de Magia respecto a tu magia. No tienes nada que perder, excepto tu público. 9788415058366 Pub Date: 8/1/20 This modern-day classic aims to help magicians perform better. The author focuses on practical areas such as $51.00 USD Discount Code: LON direction, dealing with audiences, using a microphone, and all kinds of troubleshooting. Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 256 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Ken Weber is a magician. Maximum Entertainment has been one of the top-selling books in the field for five Games & Activities / Magic years. 9.5 in H | 6.8 in W | 0.5 in T | 1.2 lb Wt

Corta la baraja Juan Francisco Bonilla, Martin Gardner

Summary Edición limitada de 1940 «Confía en Dios, jovencito, pero corta siempre la baraja». Antiguo proverbio irlandés La cartomagia tiene con Martin Gardner una deuda muy superior de lo que la mayoría de los magos son conscientes. En Corta la baraja encontrarás diecisiete efectos originales y tremendamente prácticos; algunos con una construcción exquisita, y muchos con técnicas e ideas muy valiosas. Juegos que han pasado a formar parte de los repertorios habituales de los cartomagos, aunque otros yacen todavía escondidos y merecen ser redescubiertos. Jim Steinmeyer

Páginas Libros de Magia While some of the card tricks in this book are repertoire standards, some of them have fallen into obscurity. 9788415058373 All seventeen of them are original, highly practical, and exquisitely carried out. Pub Date: 8/1/20 $14.00 USD Contributor Bio Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Martin Gardner is an American scientific researcher and magician.

52 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Games & Activities / Magic 8.3 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.2 in T | 0.2 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 43

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Roberto Extra Light Juego de magia con cartas Roberto Giobbi

Summary La trilogía Roberto Light contiene los típicos juegos que engañan no solo al público profano, sino sobre todo, al mago profesional, empeñado en encontrar métodos y sistemas complicados. Y es que estos efectos funcionan. Así de simple. Y así de claro. Y es por eso que, si hay libros de magia que animan al buen aficionado, estas tres obras se llevan la palma. Una trilogía repleta de efectos sorprendentes basados en los repertorios de los mejores magos actuales, que Roberto Giobbi ha escogido por su sencillez manipulativa y su gran efecto mágico. Dai Vernon, Hugart y Braue, Tamariz, Vollmer, Annemann, Paul Curry, Frank García, Páginas Libros de Magia Ronald Wohl, Toni Faro, Bob Hummer, Phil Goldstein, Jon Racherbaumer, Ken Krenzel... son algunas de las 9788415058397 estrellas mágicas que han aportado una cuidadísima selección de sus más estudiados y probados juegos. Pub Date: 8/1/20 Todos con un común denominador: la sencillez en su ejecución y la puesta en práctica de técnicas expresivas $21.00 USD Discount Code: LON (gestuales y verbales) tan importantes para un buen profesional. Presentados por Giobbi infinidad de veces, Trade Paperback han pasado la prueba más dura: el éxito ante e... 116 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 500 Games & Activities / Magic Roberto Giobbi is a renowned Swiss magician. He is the author of the most translated magic books to date, Series: Trilogía Roberto Light the Card College series. 9.5 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

La gallina de los huevos de oro Margarita Ruiz

Summary Grownups and kids can share in this adventure-filled journey through classic stories that are as good and enchanting as ever. Get excited by these traditional stories and the contagious magic of an imaginary universe that captivates all readers. Contributor Bio Margarita Ruiz is the illustrator of the Troquelados clásicos series.

Combel Editorial 9788498254013 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $3.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

16 Pages Carton Qty: 140 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Classics Series: Troquelados clásicos series 10 in H | 7.3 in W | 0.1 in T | 0.2 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Mi primer memory. Los pequeños animales Callejón

Summary This board book offers five memory games to help kids learn the names of cute animals from five different environments: the countryside, the pond, the forest, underground, and at nighttime. Each left-side page has a scene with plenty of observation activities, while the right side presents a memory game with four pairs of cards to match.

Combel Editorial Contributor Bio 9788491015161 Manu Callejón is a Spanish graphic artist and freelance illustrator. He has a background in fine arts and has Pub Date: 10/1/20 specialized in the role of new technologies in applied arts. He has worked as an art director and graphic $17.95 USD Discount Code: LON designer for various studios and advertising agencies in Madrid, Bilbao, and Granada. Trade Paperback

10 Pages Carton Qty: 10 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Nonfiction / Games & Activities 11 in H | 9.5 in W | 0.8 in T | 1.6 lb Wt

Los números del señor Bear Virginie Aracil

Summary This book teaches young readers to count in Spanish and English. It includes an appendix at the end with game pieces to play with numbers and basic shapes. Contributor Bio Virginie Aracil is a French designer with a background in law. She holds a degree from the École Supérieure de la Mode (ESMOD) in Paris and now works with fashion houses, media outlets, and trend-forecasting agencies. Combel Editorial 9788491015208 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

20 Pages Carton Qty: 16 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts 8.3 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.8 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Bob y sus amigos Marc Clamens, Laurence Jammes

Summary Bob and his contrabass are moving house. Listen to the new melodies that Bob discovers in this very musical neighborhood! Download the full song at the end of the book, compose by Jules Bikôkô, a member of Macaco! Contributor Bio Combel Editorial Marc Clamens is a French illustrator and artist. He studied applied arts at the Boulle school and later worked 9788491015475 Pub Date: 9/1/20 as an art director for a Paris communications agency. His work appears in media outlets and children’s $17.95 USD magazines. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

12 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Performing Arts 7.5 in H | 7.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

Las formas del señor Bear Virginie Aracil

Summary This book teaches young readers to recognize shapes in Spanish and English. It includes an appendix at the end with game pieces to play with numbers and basic shapes. Contributor Bio Virginie Aracil is a French designer with a background in law. She holds a degree from the École Supérieure de la Mode (ESMOD) in Paris and now works with fashion houses, media outlets, and trend-forecasting agencies. Combel Editorial 9788491015185 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

20 Pages Carton Qty: 16 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts 8.3 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.8 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT ¡Si no comí nada! Mar Benegas

Summary Wolf has a stomachache and is being looked at by the doctor. "But I didn’t eat anything!" he says, offended. Maybe a few fairies. And that commotion? It’s the three little pigs! And where are those grandmas coming from? The doctor is shocked to see the whole procession. Lift up the flaps to see who’s hiding in the wolf’s enormous stomach! Combel Editorial 9788491014980 Pub Date: 9/1/20 Contributor Bio $15.95 USD Mar Benegas is a poet, writer, and author of children’s books. She is the coordinator of children’s poetry for Discount Code: LON the children’s literature non-profit, Atrapavientos, and has led numerous creative workshops and projects Hardcover Picture Book across Spain. 18 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Humorous Stories 8.5 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

¿Quién ha sido? Jaume Copons

Summary Rosa always gets blamed when someone misbehaves. But she’s very observant and knows how to find the real culprits. Will you be able to discover who it was? Play case by case and find the culprit by carefully observing the scene. Can’t figure it out? Just pull the flap and find the solution!

Combel Editorial Contributor Bio 9788491014874 Jaume Copons is a former instructor of language and literature, a screenwriter who has worked on Los Pub Date: 9/1/20 Lunnis and Sesame Street, and the author of many children’s books. Liliana Fortuny is an illustrator and an $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON animator. Hardcover

26 Pages Carton Qty: 12 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Mysteries & Detective Stories 9 in H | 9 in W | 0.9 in T | 1.8 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El libro más bonito de todos los colores Tom Schamp

Summary Did you know that a plane’s black box is orange? Or that the blue pen is a French invention? Or that male shoveler ducks have green heads? If you want to find out the connections that music, sports, food, animals, and storybook characters all have with colors, join Otto and his friend Leon on their journey in this book. Contributor Bio Tom Schamp is a Belgian artist. After graduating from Sint-Lukas Brussels University College of Art and Combel Editorial Design, he studied graphic arts in Poznan, Poland. 9788491015284 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $20.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Picture Book

48 Pages Carton Qty: 17 Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts 13.3 in H | 10.8 in W | 0.5 in T | 1.8 lb Wt

Cosas que vienen y van Beatrice Alemagna

Summary In life there are lots of things that come and go, transform, or get left behind. It happens to everything . . . except this. This book deals with life changes and the passage of time with a great deal of sensitivity. To reinforce the message, each scene includes a page with special paper that invites us to witness the transformation. Contributor Bio Beatrice Alemagna studied graphic design and photography in Urbino, Italy. She earned her first illustration award at the Salon du Livre in Montreal in 1996. She has lived in France since 1997, working as an author Combel Editorial 9788491015826 and illustrator. Her work incorporates elements such as collage, painting, photo-montage, ink, sewing, felt, Pub Date: 10/1/20 and buttons. $19.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Picture Book

40 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes 10 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Pequeña bailarina Patricia Geis

Summary Help Little Cat achieve her dream: becoming a ballerina! This interactive book includes flaps, dancers, musicians, and a grand pop-up scene for the end-of-the-year festival! Contributor Bio Patricia Geis studied graphic design at EINA University in Barcelona and graduated with a BA from the New Combel Editorial York Institute of Technology. She is the author of more than 40 children's books and has been published in 9788491015024 Spain, France, the UK, the USA, Korea, and beyond. Pub Date: 9/1/20 $22.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Picture Book

12 Pages Carton Qty: 15 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Performing Arts Series: Pequeño... 10.8 in H | 9.8 in W | 0.6 in T | 1.2 lb Wt

Rapunzel Margarita Ruiz

Summary Grownups and kids can share in this adventure-filled journey through classic stories that are as good and enchanting as ever. Get excited by these traditional stories and the contagious magic of an imaginary universe that captivates all readers. Contributor Bio Margarita Ruiz is the illustrator of the Troquelados clásicos series.

Combel Editorial 9788498254044 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $3.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

16 Pages Carton Qty: 140 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Classics Series: Troquelados clásicos series 10 in H | 7.3 in W | 0.1 in T | 0.2 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT ¿Dónde está mi jersey? Nicola Slater

Summary Rudy can’t find his favorite sweater. He’s looked everywhere: inside the house, outside, and in the apartments upstairs and downstairs. In the kitchen, in the bathroom, here, there . . . where could it be? This enchanting story has flaps, pages with cutouts, and numbers to count. Contributor Bio Nicola Slater is a British illustrator. She has published numerous books in the UK and US.

Combel Editorial 9788491015260 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $11.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

22 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Clothing & Dress 9 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

La magia polar Sophie Ledesma

Summary A few drops of water is all it takes for new friends to show up ready to play on the ice! Submerge this book in water and you'll see the colors of all the ice animals. It includes a bath toy! Contributor Bio Combel Editorial Sophie Ledesma is an illustrator who creates children's books and games, greeting cards, and posters. She 9788491015246 has a degree from l'ESAG Penninghen in Paris. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $15.95 USD/$20.95 CAD Discount Code: LON Bath Book

8 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Juvenile Fiction / Animals 5 in | 5 in

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 50

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Los carteros del espacio Jaume Copons, Liliana Fortuny

Summary Hey! I’m Agus Pianola. You might know me already, right? So then you’ll also know that I’ve been sharing readings and extraordinary moments with Mr. Flat and his band of monsters for a long time. This time, Dr. Brot has really gotten into a pickle: he’s decided to launch projectiles into space carrying a message saying that the earth is a very dangerous place that needs to be destroyed. Can you imagine? Luckily, the three space mailmen are still there and can help us intercept these dangerous letters. Ready? Special mission, blast off! Contributor Bio Combel Editorial Jaume Copons is a former instructor of language and literature, a screenwriter who has worked on Los 9788491015406 Lunnis and Sesame Street, and the author of many children’s books. Liliana Fortuny is an illustrator and an Pub Date: 9/1/20 animator. $11.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

160 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Juvenile Fiction / Comics & Graphic Novels Series: Agus y los monstruos 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

El zapatero y los duendes Òscar Julve

Summary The popular stories in this series have been adapted for young readers and include captivating illustrations that introduce children to reading through timeless tales and characters. Contributor Bio

Combel Editorial Òscar Julve is a Catalan artist and illustrator. 9788491015383 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $8.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Picture Book

24 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Classics Series: Caballo 8 in H | 8 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 51

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT ¡Viajeros al tren! Àngels Navarro

Summary Coco, Leo, and Panda get invited to a birthday party for a friend who lives in the mountains. But how will they get there? By train, of course! They get to the station, buy their tickets, look for their train car, and full steam ahead! Pull the tabs, lift up the flaps, and learn what a train is like inside. Bon voyage!

Combel Editorial Contributor Bio 9788491014850 Àngels Navarro is a Catalan play therapist and psychomotor education specialist. She has written more than Pub Date: 9/1/20 90 books and produced television programs and online games. $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Picture Book

16 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Transportation 8.3 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

Synchronicity Victor Panicello

Summary It’s the year 2070. In an extremely competitive society, football is the favored sport and the CIMA government uses it to train and manipulate the population. Dr. Bormand, director of a prestigious research center serving CIMA, has designed chips that can be implanted into football players to anticipate the reactions of their opponents a few seconds ahead. It’s known as synchronicity. The problem is that the chips haven’t been sufficiently tested, and their side effects are terrible. Contributor Bio Victor Panicello is a lawyer and children’s book author with more than 15 years of experience. His awards include the 2003 children’s literature award from the city of Badalona, and the Columna Jove 2012. Combel Editorial 9788483435861 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $14.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

480 Pages Carton Qty: 16 Ages 12 And Up, Grades 7 And Up Young Adult Fiction / Dystopian 8.3 in H | 5.8 in W | 1.1 in T | 1.5 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 52

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT ¡A la luna! Ladybird Books Ltd, Allison Black

Summary Travel to space in this interactive adventure based on the Apollo moon landings. From takeoff to the return to earth, this nonfiction book with tabs and flaps will foster curiosity in intrepid readers. The great big world can be little, too! Contributor Bio Combel Editorial Allison Black is an American illustrator. 9788491015062 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $13.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

8 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Nonfiction / Science & Nature 7 in H | 7 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

Frank Lloyd Wright ¡Mira qué artista! Patricia Geis

Summary Take an interactive trip through the work of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. This exciting pop-up book has three- dimensional windows and buildings, as well as flaps, tabs, and an art activity to help young readers learn about the life and work of this incredible architect. Contributor Bio Patricia Geis studied graphic design at EINA University in Barcelona and graduated with a BA from the New York Institute of Technology. She is the author of more than 40 children's books and has been published in Spain, France, the UK, the USA, Korea, and beyond. Combel Editorial 9788491015802 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $24.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Picture Book

18 Pages Carton Qty: 14 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Juvenile Nonfiction / Biography & Autobiography 12 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.7 in T | 1.4 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 53

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El cuerpo humano por fuera Maria Cristina Junyent

Summary The environment you live in gives you what you need, but you have to really know what’s around you. Through sight, hearing, and the other senses, you can understand what’s going on outside your body. Lift the flaps in this visual guide full of curiosities and anecdotes, and discover how the body works from the outside! Contributor Bio Maria Cristina Junyent is a Spanish author.

Combel Editorial 9788491014492 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $17.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Picture Book

36 Pages Carton Qty: 44 Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts 11.3 in H | 7.5 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

¡Piip!¡Piip! Ladybird Books Ltd

Summary Large format book with rhymes and simple texts, bright colors and varied textures that invite little ones to experiment through touch and sight. Touch and name the colorful vehicles that make moc ‚niinoo and ruum! Contributor Bio Combel Editorial Ladybird Books is a London-based publishing company, trading as a stand-alone imprint within the Penguin 9788491015086 Group of companies. The Ladybird imprint publishes mass-market children's books. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $15.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

10 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Ages 0 to 3, Grades P And Under Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts Series: Toca toca series 10.3 in H | 10.3 in W | 0.7 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 54

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT ¡Guau!¡Guau! Ladybird Books Ltd

Summary Large format book with rhymes and simple texts, bright colors and varied textures that invite little ones to experiment through touch and sight. Touch and name the nice animals that make everything muu and graa! Contributor Bio Combel Editorial Ladybird Books is a London-based publishing company, trading as a stand-alone imprint within the Penguin 9788491015109 Group of companies. The Ladybird imprint publishes mass-market children's books. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $15.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

10 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Ages 0 to 3, Grades P And Under Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts Series: Toca toca series 10.3 in H | 10.3 in W | 0.7 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

¡Cucú! Ladybird Books Ltd

Summary Large format book with rhymes and simple texts, bright colors and varied textures that invite little ones to experiment through touch and sight. Who is hiding behind the flaps? Contributor Bio Combel Editorial Ladybird Books is a London-based publishing company, trading as a stand-alone imprint within the Penguin 9788491015147 Group of companies. The Ladybird imprint publishes mass-market children's books. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $15.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

10 Pages Carton Qty: 13 Ages 0 to 3, Grades P And Under Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts Series: Toca toca series 10.3 in H | 10.3 in W | 0.6 in T | 1.3 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 55

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Juega-libro Ladybird Books Ltd

Summary Large format book with rhymes and simple texts, bright colors and varied textures that invite little ones to experiment through touch and sight. Play with the senses and explore colors, textures and shapes! Contributor Bio Combel Editorial Ladybird Books is a London-based publishing company, trading as a stand-alone imprint within the Penguin 9788491015123 Group of companies. The Ladybird imprint publishes mass-market children's books. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $15.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

10 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Ages 0 to 3, Grades P And Under Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts Series: Toca toca series 10.3 in H | 10.3 in W | 0.6 in T | 1.1 lb Wt

Persuasión Jane Austen, Dàlia Adillon

Summary Published posthumously in 1818, Persuasión completes the cycle of novels with which beloved English writer Jane Austen helped define the feminist literary canon and set the foundation for the 19th century novel and beyond. This tale of patient love and second chances is a fine testament to Austen’s maturity as a storyteller and social commentator, and a powerful reflection on freedom of choice and the passage of time. Contributor Bio Jane Austen is a renowned British novelist whose works are considered classics in the world of English Editorial Alma literature. Dàila Adillon received a degree in fine arts from the University of Barcelona and obtained her art 9788417430641 teacher certification from the same university. She works as an illustrator. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $18.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

256 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 in T | 1.2 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 56

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT H.P. Lovecraft Boxset H.P. Lovecraft

Summary This luxury box set contains all three of H. P. Lovecraft’s most popular books: Los mitos de cthulhu, En las montañas de la locura, and El horror de dunwich y otros relatos. In addition to these three titles, the package also includes an exclusively designed notebook to go with the books. It is a wonderful gift for lovers of great literature in general and especially so for admirers of the great master of horror. Contributor Bio H.P. Lovecraft is known as one of the greatest innovators in fantasy and horror writing. His books include Editorial Alma The Case of Charles Dexter Ward and The Whisperer in Darkness. 9788418008276 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $69.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

976 Pages Carton Qty: 8 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 3.7 in T | 5.5 lb Wt

El maravilloso mundo de Alicia Lewis Carrol

Summary This charming edition of Alicia in Wonderland and Alicia Through the Looking Glass comes in a special treasure box set that will delight lovers of great literature in general and Lewis Carroll’s devotees in particular. The Editorial Alma 9788417430863 package also contains a notebook, six illustrated postcards, and a magnet, all of them inspired by Alicia’s Pub Date: 9/1/20 wonderful world. $49.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Hardcover Lewis Carroll was an English author, a mathematician, and a logician. His most famous works include 288 Pages Through the Looking-Glass and the poems "The Hunting of the Snark" and "Jabberwocky." Carton Qty: 8 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 57

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Estuche Jane Austen Jane Austen, Dàlia Adillon

Summary This delightful box set contains three of Jane Austen’s most beloved novels: Orgullo y prejuicio, Sentido y sensibilidad and Persuasión. In addition to these three titles, the package also includes an exclusively designed notebook to go with the books. It is a wonderful gift for lovers of great literature in general and for Austenites in particular. Contributor Bio Jane Austen is a renowned British novelist whose works are considered classics in the world of English Editorial Alma literature. Dàila Adillon received a degree in fine arts from the University of Barcelona and obtained her art 9788418008269 teacher certification from the same university. She works as an illustrator. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $69.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

1073 Pages Carton Qty: 5 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 4 in T | 5.8 lb Wt

Hojas de hierba Walt Whitman

Summary Much like the fresh leaves of grass in the title, the poems in this seminal collection by one the most beloved American poets of all time are fragrant with the author’s zest and exaltation for life. Rich in lyricism and exuberant imagery, these poems are Whitman’s ode to the human body and soul. Contributor Bio Walt Whitman was an American writer, poet, and humanist whose major work is Leaves of Grass.

Editorial Alma 9788417430856 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $14.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

160 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 58

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte Horacio Quiroga

Summary A master of the horror story in the tradition of Poe and Maupassant, Horacio Quiroga has long been recognized as one of the greatest exponents of Latin American modernism. The blood-curling stories in this collection are amongst some of the most representative works by the Argentine playwright, poet, and short story writer, whose own life was also tragically marked by love, madness, and death. Contributor Bio Horacio Quiroga worked as a journalist, professor, author, and photographer. He is also the author of Editorial Alma Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte. 9788417430849 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $15.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

208 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.7 in T | 1 lb Wt

Cuentos de Chéjov Anton Pávlovich Chéjov

Summary Antón Chéjov is one of the most outstanding playwrights in the history of literature, and an unparalleled master of the short story form. The stories in this collection captivate with their ingenious plots and technical dexterity, while also providing a good picture of the evolution in Chéjov’s mastery and thematic focus. Contributor Bio Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a Russian storyteller and playwright. Considered the most prominent representative of the royalist school in Russia, his work is one of the most important in the dramaturgy and Editorial Alma narrative of world literature. 9788417430832 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $14.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

144 Pages Carton Qty: 26 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 59

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El príncipe Nicolás Maquiavelo

Summary The legacy of Nicolás Maquiavelo’s 16th-century treatise on the qualities of a good ruler continues to be relevant up to this very day. This book is required reading for anybody who wishes to better understand the complex nature of power. Contributor Bio Nicolás Maquiavelo was an Italian diplomat and military commander. He is the author of Palabras para pronunciar sobre la provisión del dinero, Retrato de las cosas de Francia, and El arte de la guerra, among Editorial Alma other books. 9788417430825 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $14.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

160 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

Romeo y Julieta William Shakespeare

Summary As one the Bard’s most celebrated tragedies, Romeo y Julieta has captivated the hearts of entire generations of readers and spectators. The story of doomed love between young lovers Romeo Montesco and Julieta Capuleto is still as touching as it was more than five centuries ago, and the unhappy ending, familiar as it may be may to many, still has the power to touch a soft chord in every reader’s heart. Contributor Bio William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the Editorial Alma English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. 9788417430627 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $15.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

176 Pages Carton Qty: 22 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 60

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El arte de la guerra Sun Tzu

Summary Expressed in a concise and direct style that renders the message effective and appealing to modern audiences, this Chinese military treatise is just as relevant today as it was more than 2,000 years ago. Sun Tzu’s judicious maxims offer strategic and tactical advice not only on the art of war, but also on how to handle all kinds of conflict—and emerge unscathed. Contributor Bio Sun Tzu was a Chinese thinker, politician, and military strategist. Editorial Alma 9788417430566 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $12.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

128 Pages Carton Qty: 26 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

Juegos de lógica para desafiar tu mente Anders Producciones

Summary From the moment we are born, our brains are frantically engaged in assimilating the world around us. However, as time goes by, our mental activity diminishes, routine takes a tighter grip on our lives, and our minds settle. This collection of logic games provide an opportunity to challenge and train our minds daily to recover some of their lost vitality. Editorial Alma 9788417430184 Contributor Bio Pub Date: 10/1/20 $12.95 USD Anders Producciones is a publishing group based in Spain Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

320 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Games & Activities / Activity Books Series: Cuadrados de diversión 5.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 1 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 61

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Tao Te Ching Lao Tse

Summary The seemingly simple and succinct aphorisms in Tao Te Ching convey deep universal truths. This essential work in the history of ideas is an invitation for readers to serenely reflect on their own selves and their place in the world. Contributor Bio Lao Tsé is the founder of Taoism. He is the author of Tao Te Ching, which started the Taoist philosophy.

Editorial Alma 9788417430573 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $12.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

128 Pages Carton Qty: 26 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

Cuentos de Andersen Hans Christian Andersen

Summary While few among Hans Christian Andersen’s characters know a truly happy ending, generations of readers across the centuries have crowned him as perhaps the most popular and beloved author in his genre. Andersen’s own humble origins and the extreme poverty in which he grew up are echoed in the often harsh fictional worlds he created, and this wonderful collection compiles 200 of his most memorable stories—all in their original versions. Contributor Bio Editorial Alma Hans Christian Andersen was a Danish playwright, poet, and writer whose children’s stories are considered 9788417430740 the best in the genre. Born into a very poor family, he moved to Copenhagen to try his luck as a dancer and Pub Date: 9/1/20 opera singer. $12.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

112 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Fiction / Classics Series: Clásicos ilustrados 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 62

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Unas personas Jairo Buitrago, Manuel Monroy

Summary Con textos que funcionan como telescopios hecho de palabras Jairo Buitrago nos invita a ver de cerca a trece personajes de la ciudad: un niño que heredaba la ropa de sus hermanos, un señor que habló una vez sobre "Moby Dick" con una chica que no volvió a ver, una señora que llevaba a su pato al cine… ¿Será que tras estas instantáneas un poco melancólicas, un poco surrealistas, se ocultan relaciones insospechadas trazadas por la mano magistral de Manuel Monroy? Un libro dulce y lleno de atmósferas que invita a ejercitar la observación y la empatía y que guarda una entrañable sorpresa final.

Oceano Travesia With texts that work as telescopes, Jairo Buitrago invites us to look closely at thirteen characters from the 9786075278896 city: a boy who inherited his brothers' clothes, a man who once spoke about "Moby Dick" with a girl he never Pub Date: 9/1/20 saw again, a lady who took her duck to the movies ... Could it be that behind these snapshots is a little $12.95 USD melancholy, a little surrealism? This sweet story invites the reader to exercise observation and empathy, Discount Code: LON Hardcover leading to a lovely surprise. 36 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 33 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Jairo Buitrago is a writer, illustrator, and researcher of cinematographic subjects. He has been a screenwriter Juvenile Fiction / People & of children's programs and directs literature and film workshops for children in vulnerable situations. He won Places the White Raven Prize in Munich, Germany. He is also the author of Eloísa y los bichos and El señor L. Fante. 11.5 in H | 8 in W | 0.4 in T Manuel Monroy studied graphic design at the Metropolitan Autonomous University. Throughout his career he | 0.9 lb Wt has specialized in illustrations for children's books, cultural magazines and posters.

Así de simple Antonio Malpica, Roger Ycaza

Summary A Zek le gusta, simplemente, explorar el universo. Va de galaxia en galaxia, simplemente visitando nuevas estrellas y nuevos planetas. Como es muy curioso, lo hace feliz simplemente estrechar las manos de seres que, bueno, a veces ni siquiera tienen manos. Pero cuando llega a la Tierra las cosas se ponen un poco complicadas. Por suerte Zek es muy decidido, y aunque le tome varios viajes y unos cientos de años, consigue hacer amigos en este curioso planeta con ayuda de los sonidos adecuados.

Simply put, Zek likes exploring the universe. He goes from galaxy to galaxy just visiting new stars and Oceano Travesia 9786075570662 planets. Since he’s very curious, it makes him happy just to shake hands with beings who, occasionally, don’t Pub Date: 9/1/20 even have hands. But when he arrives on Earth, things become a little complicated. Luckily Zek is very $12.95 USD determined, and even if it takes him several trips and a few hundred years, he’ll manage to make friends on Discount Code: LON Hardcover this strange planet with help from the right sounds. 40 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 30 Antonio Malpica is a Mexican author of children’s books. His awards include the Rosario Castellanos award Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Juvenile Fiction / Social for short novels, the Manuel Herrera award for dramaturgy, Mexico’s national award for children’s theater, and Themes the Una Vuelta de Tuerca novel award. In 2015, he became the first Mexican author to earn the Premio Series: Álbumes Iberoamericano SM for children’s literature. He has published more than 50 books, including 10.8 in H | 9 in W | 0.4 in T #MásGordoElAmor and the El Libro de los Héroes series. | 0.8 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 63

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Luz propia Un libro sobre seres que brillan Franz Anthony, María Emilia Beyer

Summary What better way to portray bioluminescent creatures of the sea, earth, and sky than in a glow-in-the-dark book? Scientific researcher María Emilia Beyer reveals the truth about these animals that produce their own light using special substances, as well as how they use this ability to search for food, defend themselves from Oceano Travesia prey, communicate, and find a mate. Readers will find eight species of bioluminescent plants and animals and 9786075279541 can turn out the lights to see them in all their splendor--and read special hidden text! Pub Date: 9/1/20 $12.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Hardcover Picture Book María Emilia Beyer is a scientific researcher with a background in biology and the philosophy of science. She

8 Pages is the author of various books for children. Franz Anthony is a graphic designer and illustrator who heads the Carton Qty: 18 paleoart studio 252 Million Years. Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Nonfiction / Science & Nature Series: El libro Océano de… 6 in H | 6.3 in W | 0.8 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Murciélagos Aprendiendo a volar Falynn Koch

Summary Un pequeño murciélago marrón se pierde en el desierto de Sonora, y mientras busca insectos que comer se encuentra con unos humanos asustadizos que le rompen un ala. Así, este mamífero termina en un hospital de murciélagos donde conocerá a muchos primos suyos. Se sorprenderá al descubrir que unos liban néctar, algunos comen fruta, otros insectos o peces. De especie en especie Pequeño Marrón se dará cuenta de que cada grupo de murciélagos es importante para su ecosistema, pues ayudan a polinizar flores, dispersar semillas o controlar plagas. Además, aprenderá cómo ha evolucionado la relación entre los murciélagos y los Océano Historias gráficas humanos y ayudará a los jóvenes lectores a perderles el miedo y apreciar a estas extraordinarias criaturas. 9786075570242 Pub Date: 9/1/20 A little brown bat gets lost in the Sonora desert. While looking for insects to eat, he encounters some $11.95 USD Discount Code: LON frightened humans who break one of his wings. He ends up in a bat hospital, where he meets a whole bunch Trade Paperback of his cousins. He’s surprised to find that some sip nectar, some eat fruit, and others enjoy insects or fish. He comes to realize that each group of bats is i... 128 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Contributor Bio Juvenile Nonfiction / Falynn Koch is an author, illustrator, and former food truck operator. Comics & Graphic Novels Series: Cómics de ciencia 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 64

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT ¿Por qué existe la desigualdad entre los hombres y las mujeres? La evolución de los derechos de las mujeres, de la prehistoria a nuestros días Soledad Bravi, Dorothée Werner

Summary La desigualdad que existe entre las mujeres y los hombres puede parecernos uno de los más agudos problemas modernos, pero resulta que tiene mucha historia. "¿Por qué existe la desigualdad entre los hombres y las mujeres?" hace un rápido recorrido a lo largo de distintas épocas y culturas para hacer evidentes todas las disparidades de género que han existido. Desde la prehistoria hasta nuestros días, las autoras de este libro en formato de cómic hacen evidente no sólo la opresión a la que han sido sometidas las mujeres sino las formas de resistencia que han adoptado para reivindicar su lugar en la sociedad. Así, ponen

Océano Historias gráficas sobre la mesa una introducción humorística al debate actual sobre los derechos que las mujeres han ganado y 9786075278612 los que aún están por ser reconocidos. Pub Date: 9/1/20 $10.95 USD The inequality between men and women may seem like one of the biggest problems of our age, but it has a Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback long history. This book is a quick journey through different eras and cultures to reveal all the gender disparities that have existed from prehistory to the present day. With its humor and its comic-book format, it 96 Pages Carton Qty: 40 outlines ... Ages 12 And Up, Grades 7 And Up Contributor Bio Young Adult Fiction / Soledad Bravi is one of France’s best-known illustrators. Dorothée Werner is a reporter and editor for Elle Comics & Graphic Novels magazine. 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

El encargo Claudia Rueda

Summary Hubo una vez un emperador que amaba a los gallos por sobre todas las cosas. Así que un día decidió llamar al mejor artista del imperio para que le pintara uno. El artista aceptó con gusto el encargo, pero las cosas Oceano Travesia comienzan a complicarse cuando el tiempo pasa y pasa y la entrega no llega… Esta historia popular se 9786075570303 convierte en un estudio sobre el arte de hacer libros ilustrados, construido a partir de bocetos y diversas Pub Date: 9/1/20 aproximaciones a las imágenes y los textos. $12.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Once upon a time, there was an emperor who loved roosters more than anything. One day, he decided to call

48 Pages upon the greatest artist in the empire to paint him one. The artist accepted his order happily, but things Carton Qty: 31 started to get complicated as time went on and the painting still hadn’t arrived. This popular story is also a Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 study about the art of creating picture books through outlines and various approaches to text and image. Juvenile Fiction / Legends, Myths, Fables Series: Álbumes Contributor Bio 8.3 in H | 10.8 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.9 lb Wt Claudia Rueda is a Colombian author and illustrator with a background in law and art. She has written and illustrated more than 10 books, some of which were originally published in English. She was a finalist for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators award in 2002 and 2003. Her books include A Veces, Formas, and Letras Robadas.

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 65

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT ¡Accidente! Andrea Tsurumi

Summary Disaster! Calamity! Catastrophe! When Lola accidentally stains an armchair in her house, she decides that the best option is to run away to the library, where she hopes no one will find her. Along the way, she sees one catastrophe after another: a broken swing, a destroyed hose, a car crash . . . the city is full of chaos! Will Oceano Travesia 9786075279237 there by a resolution to all these disasters—or are they just accidents? Pub Date: 9/1/20 $12.95 USD Contributor Bio Discount Code: LON Andrea Tsurumi is an American author, illustrator, and caricaturist. She holds degrees from Harvard Hardcover University and the School of Visual Arts. She has illustrated books and comics for children and adults, and 48 Pages worked with clients including The New York Times, Penguin Random House, and Bloomsbury Children’s Books. Carton Qty: 30 Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Her book Crab Cake was named one of the best children’s books of 2019 by Publishers Weekly. Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes Series: Álbumes 9 in H | 11 in W | 0.4 in T | 1.1 lb Wt

Perros De depredadores a protectores Andy Hirsch

Summary Conoce a Rudy, un perro muy amigable que, en persecución de su pelota, emprenderá un viaje en el tiempo para llevarte a conocer todo sobre su especie, desde sus orígenes hasta la personalidad de las razas y los perros individuales. Pero eso no es todo: el recorrido sobre la evolución y las características de los canes sirve de pretexto para hablar de genética, de la selección natural y la domesticación, y para entender si es la naturaleza genética o la crianza lo que determina los rasgos de comportamiento de cada individuo.

Océano Historias gráficas Meet Rudy the friendly dog! While chasing his ball, he embarks on a journey through time that will teach him 9786075570235 all about his species, from its origins to the personalities of individual dogs and breeds. But that’s not all: this Pub Date: 9/1/20 exploration of the evolution and characteristics of dogs is a chance to talk about genetics, from natural $11.95 USD Discount Code: LON selection to domestication, and to understand whether genetics or environment determine everyone’s Trade Paperback behaviors.

128 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Ages 9 to 12, Grades 4 to 7 Contributor Bio Juvenile Nonfiction / Andy Hirsch is a cartoonist and illustrator. His graphic novel The Royal Historian of Oz was included on the Comics & Graphic Novels Young Adult Library Services Association Great Graphic Novels for Teens list. He has contributed to comics Series: Cómics de ciencia such as Garfield, Adventure Time, and Peanuts. 8.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 66

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El buda rebelde Un camino hacia la libertad Ponlop Rinpoché

Summary Hay un rebelde dentro de ti. Es la parte tuya (la voz de tu propia mente despierta) que ya sabe cómo liberarse del miedo y la infelicidad. Tu buda rebelde es la inteligencia aguda y clara que opone resistencia al statu quo. Te despierta de la aceptación soñolienta de tu realidad cotidiana y te muestra el poder de tu naturaleza iluminada. Es la energía vibrante y profunda que te impulsa a buscar la verdad. Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoché te guía a través de la revolución interior que surge de desatar a tu buda rebelde. Explica cómo, entrenando tu mente y entendiendo tu naturaleza verdadera, puedes liberarte del sufrimiento innecesario. Presenta una amplia introducción a la esencia de las enseñanzas del Buda y argumenta que, si vamos a llevar

Editorial Kairos estas enseñanzas por completo a nuestra experiencia personal, debemos ir más allá de las trampas culturales 9788499887005 del budismo asiático tradicional. Pub Date: 9/1/20 $24.95 USD There is a rebel within us. It is the voice of our own awakened mind that already knows how to let go of fear Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback and unhappiness—our inner rebel Buddha. This book provides guidance through the inward revolution to unl... 280 Pages Contributor Bio Carton Qty: 30 Religion / Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoché is a renowned Buddhist teacher and author of many books, such as Rescate 8 in H | 5 in W | 0.7 in T | emocional and La mente más allá de la muerte. He is also an accomplished poet and a visual artist. He is the 0.7 lb Wt founder of Nalandabodhi, a global network of Buddhist centers.

Las cuatro nobles verdades Una guía para la vida cotidiana Zopa Rimpoché

Summary De una manera sencilla, amena y directa, el reconocido Lama Zopa ilumina las profundas nobles verdades proclamadas por el Buda. Comenzando con una brillante explicación de la naturaleza de la mente y su rol en la creación de la felicidad que todos buscamos, Lama Zopa Rimpoché ofrece un análisis incisivo de las famosas Cuatro Nobles Verdades: • La primera verdad enseña que sufrimos porque estamos en la existencia cíclica, o samsara, el ciclo sin principio de muerte y renacimiento. • La segunda verdad enseña que hay una causa detrás de nuestro sufrimiento (los engaños y el karma que surgen de la ignorancia, que nos impide ver de qué modo existen las cosas). • Debido a que existe una causa y a que podemos realizar la vacuidad Editorial Kairos (antídoto de la ignorancia), somos capaces de actualizar la tercera verdad, la cesación del sufrimiento. • La 9788499887135 cuarta verdad traza el camino hacia el fin del sufrimiento. Pub Date: 9/1/20 $30.95 USD Discount Code: LON The Buddha’s regarding the nature, the cause, and the path to the cessation of pain are Trade Paperback illuminated simply and directly in this insightful analysis by celebrated Buddhist teacher ... 448 Pages Carton Qty: 28 Contributor Bio Religion / Buddhism Lama Zopa Rimpoché is one of the most renowned masters of worldwide. He is the 8 in H | 5 in W | 0.9 in T | spiritual director and co-founder of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Tradition as well as 1.1 lb Wt the author of many books, including Transformar problemas en felicidad, Curación definitiva and Dar sentido a la vida.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Descender IV Mecánica Orbital Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen

Summary In this fourth installment of the acclaimed Descender series, conflicts are far from being resolved. Telsa and Quon will escape the Machine Moon to planet Kill, but with the wrong Tim. Andy’s scrappy team is recovering, and struggles only increase with Driller decides to reveal his darkest secret. Little by little, the pieces in this galactic chess game will reach their final positions. Contributor Bio Jeff Lemire has written and illustrated numerous books. Dustin Nguyen is a New York Times bestselling and Océano Historias gráficas award-winning comic creator. 9786075570686 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $12.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

120 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Ages 12 And Up, Grades 7 And Up Young Adult Fiction / Comics & Graphic Novels Series: Descender 10.3 in H | 6.8 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

¿Quién le teme a las momias? Fleur Daugey, Sébastien Mourrain

Summary When people hear the word mummy, they usually think of a body covered in Egyptian-style bandages. But that was just one of the many cultures that mummified their dead: the Chinchorro, Incas, and Chinese each did so in their own way. This informative book combines science with playful illustrations to teach readers about all kinds of mummies. Oceano Travesia 9786075570716 Contributor Bio Pub Date: 9/1/20 Fleur Daugey is a biologist who specializes in animal behavior. Her involvement in animal protection efforts $9.95 USD Discount Code: LON has also led her to journalism and scientific research. Her books include La vida amorosa de los animales. Hardcover Sébastien Mourrain is a designer and illustrator of books for children and adults. He currently works at a

56 Pages collective artist workshop. Carton Qty: 30 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Juvenile Nonfiction / History Series: El libro Océano de… 8.5 in H | 10.5 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Hinduismo para la vida moderna Naren Herrero

Summary The cosmovision of Hinduism has often been misunderstood or even right-down ignored in the West. And yet, its essential concepts, techniques, and teachings are more ubiquitous in modern life than is broadly known. This book sets out to show how one of the oldest living devotional traditions in the world offers a multiplicity of paths for each person, regardless of their religious or ethnic spiritual background, to realize their spiritual potential without giving up material satisfactions. Contributor Bio Naren Herrero is a journalist and writer who specializes in Indian culture, philosophy, and spirituality. He is a teacher of hatha yoga, and a trainer to yoga instructors. He also teaches courses on history, philosophy, and Editorial Kairos 9788499886794 yoga mythology in various institutions in Spain, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. He is the author of Kumbha Pub Date: 9/1/20 Mela. $27.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

448 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Hinduism 8 in H | 5 in W | 0.9 in T | 1 lb Wt

Wellness Homes Transforma tu hogar y siente el bienestar Macarena Abascal

Summary In today’s world, interior designers and architects bend over backwards to bring us homes we love that also adapt to our modern lifestyles. This book compiles selected works, based on various styles and decorating tips, that will help you put the finishing touches on any home to make it a sanctuary for those that live there. Contributor Bio Monsa Publications 9788417557140 Macarena Abascal was born in Seville and live in Barcelona. She is an editor of books on architecture and Pub Date: 10/1/20 interior design and a lover of her native Andalusia, its architecture, landscapes, and traditions. $55.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

336 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Architecture / Interior Design 11.5 in H | 10.3 in W

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Ellas lo pensaron antes Filósofas excluidas de la memoria María Luisa Femenías

Summary Las mujeres desafiaron la condición de “inferiores”, “incapaces” o “dependientes” a que las destinaba su esencia femenina. Eligieron la literatura, la ciencia y la filosofía para expresarse. Incluso, en los períodos más adversos por la censura pública, algunas de ellas teorizaron en diarios íntimos o epístolas. Muchas veces se les prohibió el uso de la palabra y de la pluma, o simplemente fueron asesinadas por proseguir sus investigaciones. Durante largos períodos, no les fue permitido firmar con nombre propio sus textos, para no deshonrar a sus familias, figurando su obra como de “autor anónimo”. Superada la etapa de anonimato forzado, la mayoría firmaba con su inicial y su apellido paterno o marital, o un seudónimo masculino, Ediciones Lea desdibujándose así su autoría. Lo cierto es que la mayoría de las filósofas tuvo que esperar hasta el siglo XX 9789877186437 para que sus obras fueran rescatadas del anonimato. Las mujeres llevaron a cabo un debate interesante Pub Date: 9/1/20 respecto de la no-sexuación del alma. Desde la Antigüedad, la mayoría de los filósofos varones sostuvo una $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON concepción dualista del ser humano, es dec... Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 448 Pages Carton Qty: 12 María Luisa Femenías holds a PhD in philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is Philosophy / Individual consulting professor at the National University of La Plata, Argentina. Sobre sujeto y género: (Re)lecturas Philosophers feministas de Beauvoir a Butler, El género del multiculturalismo y Los ríos subterráneos are some of her most Series: Espiritualidad & prominent books. Pensamiento 9.3 in H | 6 in W | 0.9 in T | 1.2 lb Wt

Mujeres conscientes Diez movimientos para la plenitud Agustina Echegoyen

Summary Mujeres Conscientes es una invitación a unirnos en la búsqueda de la plenitud. Agus Echegoyen es la autora, anfitriona y guía de este viaje único. Mujeres Conscientes te propone realizar diez movimientos clave para alcanzar el poder de la esencia femenina y conquistar tu mejor versión en cada momento. Consciente de quiénes somos, de nuestras relaciones, de nuestro consumo y alimentación, de nuestros pensamientos, de nuestra actividad física, del trabajo que elegimos, de las emociones que sentimos, de las decisiones que tomamos, del aquí, acá y ahora. Alcanzar la conciencia plena en diez movimientos para alejarnos de nuestras zonas cómodas y mecánicas, y acercarnos a la fuente de nuestro ser más genuino y poderoso. El camino es Ediciones Lea individual y la realización es colectiva. Por eso, sumate al movimiento Mujeres Conscientes para transformarte 9789877186451 y transformar. Pub Date: 9/1/20 $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON Mujeres Conscientes is a powerful tool for women to access their feminine essence and unlock their best Trade Paperback selves. This book equips its readers with ten key movements that will set them on a quest towards fulfillment

256 Pages and self-awareness. Carton Qty: 28 Social Science / Women's Studies Contributor Bio Series: Alternativa Agustina Echegoyen is a social communicator and certified ontological coach. An advanced hatha yoga 9.3 in H | 6 in W | 0.9 in T | teacher, she organizes and facilitates yoga and coaching gatherings and retreats. 1.2 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 70

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Ayurveda para la mujer Fabián J. Ciarlotti, Jorgelina M. Corín

Summary Ayurveda acompaña a la mujer desde su nacimiento, niñez y pubertad, hasta su adultez y vejez. Kumara bhrtya es una de las ocho ramas de esta maravillosa medicina-filosofía de vida y consta de pediatría, ginecología, obstetricia y geriatría. Es decir, que la misma persona profesional del Ayurveda acompaña a la mujer durante toda su vida y, por supuesto, antes, durante y después del parto, junto a su progenie. La visión védica de la mujer, la sitúa en lo más alto de la creación y nos entrega un maravilloso aporte para cada lugar y situación en la que se encuentre. Por eso este libro aborda temas clave como la alimentación, el manejo emocional, el karma, la biodescodificación, la infancia femenina, la menarquía, la pubertad y la mujer cíclica, pasando luego por el embarazo, la madurez y la vejez, con los desequilibrios más comunes en cada Ediciones Lea época de la vida, y su posible comprensión y tratamiento. 9789877186420 Pub Date: 9/1/20 As it moves through the different stages in a woman’s life, this guide on Ayurveda for women reflects on such $14.95 USD Discount Code: LON fundamental topics as nutrition, managing emotions, karma, and bio decoding. It touc... Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 256 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Fabián J. Ciarlotti is a physician, a former surgeon, an Ayurveda healer, and a professor at the University of Health & Fitness / Women's and Maimónides University, Argentina, where he also heads the AYUM Ayurveda Yoga center. He Health is the author of several books on Ayurveda, yoga, and philosophy. Jorgelina M. Corín holds a bachelor’s Series: Alternativa degree in biology from the University of Buenos Aires. A certified biological decoder, she is also a professor at 9.3 in H | 6 in W | 0.5 in T | Maimónides University, Argentina, where she teaches several courses on yoga, Ayurveda, and bio decoding. 0.7 lb Wt

Fuiste vos, robot Ignacio Bustos, Franco Vaccarini

Summary ¿Quién cometió todas las travesuras es esta historia? Todo indica que fue Juanjuajo, un robotito de lata, simpático y compañero de juegos del niño que protagoniza este relato. ¿Pero será así? Un cuento que con humor y fantasía nos habla acerca de una situación habitual en los niños y niñas que se hacen pis en la Ediciones Lea cama. 9789877186338 Pub Date: 9/1/20 Someone has been playing mischief, and all fingers point Juanjuajo, the friendly tin robot who is the faithful $4.95 USD Discount Code: LON sidekick of the little boy in this story. But… is Juanjuajo really behind all the funny business? With the aid of Trade Paperback humor and a dash of fantasy, this book provides an opportunity to touch on the potentially delicate yet 24 Pages perfectly normal subject of bed-wetting in boys and girls. Carton Qty: 80 Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Contributor Bio Juvenile Fiction / Readers Ignacio Bustos is an artist and illustrator. His body of work explores a wide range of styles and genres, from Series: Mis cuentos comics and graphic novels to illustrations for infants. Some of the books he has illustrated include Bukowski: 8 in H | 9 in W | 0.1 in T | 5 cuentos adaptados and Saki’s Cuentos con humor (negro).Franco Vaccarini is the author of more than 0.2 lb Wt eighty books, including forty young adult novels in a variety of genres including science fiction, fantasy, and crime fiction.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Un camino sin excusas Fitness holístico Daniel Tangona

Summary Poner el cuerpo en movimiento también moviliza otras áreas del ser. De esto se trata el fitness holístico: mientras se tonifican los músculos, mente y emociones comienzan a su vez un proceso de desintoxicación y sanación. Además, encontrar la motivación para comenzar a entrenar es un valor que puede replicarse luego en otros ámbitos de la vida. En Un camino sin excusas, Daniel Tangona, entrenador con más de cuarenta años de trayectoria, cuenta sus secretos para emprender una vida más saludable, pero sobre todo más plena, inspirando con su propio cambio a que otros también se inicien en este recorrido integral. Una vida en la que cuerpo, mente y emociones no se desempeñen por vías separadas, sino que funcionen como un todo Ediciones Lea armónico. Y explica por qué comenzar por mover y entrenar el cuerpo es la mejor forma de llegar a un 9789877186369 corazón feliz. Pub Date: 9/1/20 $14.95 USD Discount Code: LON In Un camino sin excusas, Mr. Tangona shares his secrets to a healthier life based on holistic fitness. Through Trade Paperback his own story of holistic transformation, he inspires readers to strengthen their minds and detox their

192 Pages emotions as they move their bodies an... Carton Qty: 44 Health & Fitness / Holism Contributor Bio Series: Alternativa Daniel Tangona is a certified personal trainer and bodybuilding coach. Over the course of his professional 9 in H | 6.3 in W | 0.5 in T | career spanning more than four decades he has facilitated fitness lectures and classes worldwide as well as in 0.5 lb Wt his native Argentina.

El chancho pintor Fernando De Vedia, Ernesto Guerrero

Summary ¡Bienvenidos a La Soleada! Una granja muy especial en la que vive un chancho pintor distinto de todos los chanchos de todas las granjas conocidas. El protagonista adora el arte y pintar bellos cuadros de sus amigos de la granja, pero ¿qué le estará sucediendo que todos elogian su talento, pero ninguno le compra un cuadro? Ediciones Lea Un relato con un remate sorpresivo que despertará la risa de todos los lectores. 9789877186345 Pub Date: 10/1/20 Welcome to La Soleada! On this very special farm lives a pig unlike any other, for he is a painter. Our pig $4.95 USD Discount Code: LON friend adores art and creating beautiful portraits of his farm companions, but how come everybody praises his Trade Paperback talents yet no one buys any of his paintings? The surprising ending to this heart-warming tale is sure to spark 24 Pages a good laugh. Carton Qty: 0 Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Contributor Bio Juvenile Fiction / Animals Fernando De Vedia is the author of more than seventy books. His prolific body of work encompasses short Series: Mis cuentos stories, novels, textbooks, and adaptations of classic literature, and is infused with humor, suspense, and 8 in H | 8.8 in W | 0.1 in T | sensibility. Ernesto Guerrero is a children’s and young adult book illustrator who has collaborated with some 0.2 lb Wt of the most renowned publishing houses in his native Argentina.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Tu mejor negocio 10 pasos para emprender con éxito Ernesto Sandler

Summary Cada día resulta más frecuente el surgimiento de emprendedores que, sin distinción de género, quieren construir su propio futuro como respuesta a la disminución creciente de la oferta de empleo y a la insuficiencia de salarios que permitan una calidad de vida digna y feliz. Así, mujeres y hombres buscan emprender una actividad independiente guiados por el anhelo de cumplir un sueño, conseguir fama, mejorar los ingresos, disponer de mayor tiempo para el ocio o alcanzar el reconocimiento de su entorno. Pero emprender requiere de iniciativas, capacidades y conocimientos que resultan imprescindibles para reducir las posibilidades de fracasar. Para comprenderlo en detalle, nada más oportuno que Tu mejor negocio, un Ediciones Lea programa claro y concreto que reúne los diez pasos para emprender con éxito. De la mano de la reconocida 9789877186161 trayectoria y la probada experiencia emprendedora de Ernesto Sandler, el lector encontrará en las páginas de Pub Date: 9/1/20 este libro una herramienta valiosa para conocer cómo iniciar una actividad económica evitando errores y $15.95 USD Discount Code: LON generando ingresos genuinos sin necesidad de recurrir a conduc... Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 320 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Ernesto Sandler is a renowned entrepreneur and media professional, who has served as CEO of the Business & Economics / Argentine television production company Fox Toma 1 as well as director of national and international television Entrepreneurship production at Fox International. Some of his books include Emprendedoras: las emociones importan, Mujeres Series: EMPRENDORES emprendedoras, and Claves para ser un empresario exitoso. 9.5 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

El camino del bienestar Fabián J. Ciarlotti

Summary El camino del bienestar es un breve pensamiento, un aforismo, una máxima, una sentencia… un . Un sutra surge como una gran verdad que, cuando resuena en nosotros, nos sensibiliza y emociona. Basta con leerlo lentamente para descubrir su gran poder. Con el mismo espíritu de Ser feliz es una decisión, cada uno de los 9 capítulos de este libro cuenta con su introducción seguida por 9 , lo que completa un total de 81. El número 1, símbolo de la individualidad, abre la serie de los dígitos simples, y el 9, símbolo de la universalidad, la cierra, siendo estos extremos opuestos y, a la vez, aledaños. Todo vuelve. Y lo que nos espera es el camino del bienestar.

Ediciones Lea Informed by the teachings of Ayurveda, this short but powerful companion on the path to well-being is 9789877186222 divided into nine chapters consisting of an introduction followed by nine sutras. That makes up for a total of Pub Date: 9/1/20 $16.95 USD 81 sutras revealing profound truths that have the power to resonate with and readers. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Contributor Bio Fabián J. Ciarlotti is a physician, a former surgeon, an Ayurveda healer, and a professor at the University of 160 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Buenos Aires and Maimónides University, Argentina, where he also heads the AYUM Ayurveda Yoga center. He Body, Mind & Spirit / is the author of several books on Ayurveda, yoga, and philosophy. Mindfulness & Meditation Series: Alternativa 6.3 in H | 4.3 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Tu propósito Es la clave Samuel Stamateas

Summary For anybody pondering about the meaning and purpose of their lives, this book lays out clues to a path towards fulfillment. Through questions, exercises, prompts for reflection, and affirmations, readers of these pages will be guided to become who the persons they have always longed to be. Contributor Bio Samuel Stamateas is an executive coach and a professional ontological coach certified by the Argentine Association of Coaching Professionals. He provides coaching services on leadership, motivation, and oratory

Ediciones Lea skills. He is the author of Lidera tu vida. 9789877186468 Pub Date: 9/1/20 $13.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

224 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Body, Mind & Spirit / Inspiration & Personal Growth Series: EMPRENDORES 9.3 in H | 6 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

Efecto Pantalla Cómo lograr el equilibrio digital Laura Jurkowski

Summary Con estilo ágil y lenguaje claro, la licenciada en Psicología especializada en adicciones a internet, Laura Jurkowski, ofrece en este libro un panorama completo acerca de la presencia de las pantallas en la sociedad contemporánea, la conducta digital de niños y adultos, los riesgos que surgen cuando se las usa excesivamente, y una guía práctica para padres con el objetivo de alcanzar el bienestar digital. Valiéndose de una mirada que integra de manera incuestionable a las pantallas en la vida diaria, la autora propone asignarles un espacio saludable que permita usarlas de manera consciente y limitada para no quedar atrapados en ellas. Del prólogo de Andy Kusnetzoff: “Cuando nació Helena comprendí que verla crecer es una Ediciones Lea experiencia que no tiene dos oportunidades. Todos podemos caer en la trampa de pensar que “estamos ahí”, 9789877186444 pero en realidad estamos presentes mirando el celular. Contestando un whatsapp, mirando Instagram o Pub Date: 10/1/20 leyendo noticias. Y esto, que tiene apariencia inofensiva, convertido en hábito puede desencadenar conductas $14.95 USD Discount Code: LON riesgosas en nuestros hijos y en nosotros, los adultos q... Trade Paperback Contributor Bio 192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Laura Jurkowski is a psychologist, and a pioneer in the treatment of internet addiction in her native country Family & Relationships / of Argentina. She is the founder and director of reConectarse, a ground-breaking institution providing Parenting guidance, diagnosis, and treatment for conditions associated with the use of modern-day technologies. Series: Filo y contrafilo 9.3 in H | 6 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Natural Light La importancia de la luz natural en casa Francesc Zamora

Summary Natural light is a fundamental element for architects and interior designers. This book is the work of a decorator that incorporates the importance of natural lighting into his contemporary designs. You’ll find more than 500 colorful pictures that you can use as references to allow your own space to take on a life of its own.

Monsa Publications Contributor Bio 9788417557133 Francesc Zamora Mola studied interior architecture in Barcelona and then in San Francisco, where he honed Pub Date: 10/1/20 his design skills working with innovative architecture firms. Mr. Zamora lives in Barcelona, where he writes $55.95 USD about design and architecture. He is the author of numerous architecture books. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

336 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Architecture / Interior Design 11.5 in H | 10.3 in W

Crochet + Actitud Angela Gonzalez

Summary I’ve brought this book to life because I believe in what I do. If what you do doesn’t bring joy into your life, than pay attention. If what you do motivates you, than keep going. This book is but one creation, as the author, I find joy and the meaning of life through creativity. Contributor Bio Angela Gonzalez is Poetryarn. Crochet is an expression tool for her. She likes poetry, psychology, sociology, criminology, and loves nature above all things.

Monsa Publications 9788417557119 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $30.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

108 Pages Carton Qty: 22 Crafts & Hobbies / Needlework 9.3 in H | 6.8 in W | 0.6 in T | 1.1 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Eco Homes Habita con Sostenibilidad Cayetano Cardelús

Summary The building projects presented in this book are brought to you from nineteen countries, across four continents. They illustrate the limitless possibilities that can be found in architecture and our search for a more sustainable way of life. Small-scale living uses state-of-the-art technology to help transform modern living. Monsa Publications 9788417557126 Contributor Bio Pub Date: 10/1/20 Cayetano Cardelus Vidal is an architect from the Escola Tecnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona, $55.95 USD Discount Code: LON specializing in projects, urban planning and history. All through his professional life he has combined Hardcover architecture with collaboration in specialized architectural publications.

336 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Architecture / Sustainability & Green Design 10.3 in H | 9 in W

Animales en peligro Un mundo de especies amenazadas Tom Frost, Martin Jenkins

Summary Deforestation, hunting and global warming have endangered countless species. The orangutan, okapi, giant panda and the blue whale are just some of the 30 species on the brink of extinction that are featured in this book. They need your help. The International Conservation Society illustrates how many of these species are left in the wild, and the latest status regarding their natural environment. You’ll learn how you can aid endangered species and help sustain the ecosystems that give them life. El lado oscuro Contributor Bio 9786075279398 Pub Date: 9/1/20 Tom Frost graduated from Falmouth Art College in 2001, since then, he’s worked a publisher and illustrator $18.95 USD in his native Bristol. He collects old matchbooks, folkloric art, miniature toys and books. Martin Jenkins Discount Code: LON worked at World Conservation Monitoring Centre for 10 years, where he was a conservation writer. Since Hardcover 1990, he’s worked as an independent writer for WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and other related organizations. 64 Pages Carton Qty: 10 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Juvenile Nonfiction / Animals Series: El libro Océano de… 13.3 in H | 10 in W | 0.5 in T | 1.7 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 76

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Los viajes perfumados Pequeñas y grandes historias del mundo de las flores Dimitri Delmas, Amélie Fontaine

Summary Scented Voyages narrates the search, discovery and commercialization of flowers throughout the world, all in an effort to create perfumes, medicines and culinary dishes during the age of European exploration. An original book that takes us through history with humor and adventure. Contributor Bio Dimitri Delmas writes and illustrates colorful books.They entice the imagination while taking readers on El lado oscuro journeys all over the world. Amelie Fontaine graduated from the School of Decorative Arts in Paris, where 9786075279244 she specialized in etching and screen printing. She has illustrated for several children’s picture books. Pub Date: 9/1/20 $12.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

60 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Juvenile Nonfiction / Science & Nature Series: El libro Océano de… 11 in H | 8.3 in W | 0.4 in T | 1 lb Wt

Stranger Things. Archivo secreto de Will Byers Matthew J. Gilbert

Summary Will Byers has been through a lot these past few years. He was kidnapped by a monster and taken to the Upside Down; later, he was possessed by the Mind Flayer. Will Byers’ secret archives are key to understanding the psyche of this Stranger Things persona. Presented as a scrapbook, we’ll experience Will’s return to a normal life through pictures and official documents that attest to his unbelievable trials and tribulations. Contributor Bio Oceano Travesia Mathew J. Gilbert is but one of the thousands of Mathew Gilberts that exist in the world, but the Mathew in 9786075570228 question is fortunate enough to be a storyteller. Beyond this survival guide, he has also collaborated in Pub Date: 9/1/20 Nickelodeon’s Turtle series, and is the coauthor of the Classroom 13 book series. $13.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

64 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Ages 9 to 12, Grades 4 to 7 Juvenile Fiction / Science Fiction Series: Stranger Things 10.8 in H | 8.3 in W | 0.4 in T | 1.1 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 77

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Las 10 mejores pinturas para niños Sophie Crépon

Summary In this book, you’ll find the motivation behind each artist’s work, information about each painter, and wonderful anecdotes. This work depicts photographs of paintings and illustrations, which allow you to understand the essence of art and how to nurture and cultivate it in children. Contributor Bio Ediciones Larousse Sophie Crepon is an independent journalist for Histoire & Jeux and Les Cahiers de Science & Vie. She is also 9786072122895 a young adult/children’s author. Pub Date: 9/1/20 $20.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

48 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Nonfiction / Reference 10 in H | 10.3 in W | 0.4 in T | 1.2 lb Wt

Cuenta conmigo Cuentos para Demián 20 años después Jorge Bucay

Summary You don’t need to be familiar with Demián, from Cuentos para Demián, in order to immerse yourself in the pages that vividly highlight some of life’s common woes. In this book, Demián reunites with his former therapist to delve back into the intellectual and emotional rollercoaster they went on 27 years back. They seek to understand human nature, heal old wounds and discover the meaning of existence. Contributor Bio Jorge Bucay is a doctor and a psychotherapist. His books have been translated into more than 24 languages,

El lado oscuro and he has become one of the most influential thinkers of today’s society. He is the author of Amarse con los 9786075278094 ojos abiertos, Cartas para Claudia, Cuentos para pensar, De la autoestima al egoísmo, De la ignorancia a la Pub Date: 9/1/20 sabiduría, and Hojas de ruta. $13.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

292 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Psychology / Emotions 17.8 in H | 6 in W | 0.7 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 78

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Grandes Chefs Mexicanos Panadería - Repostería - Chocolatería Ediciones Larousse

Summary Mexico’s Greatest Chefs: this book highlights national ingredients found in three culinary specialties. You’ll learn from 29 renowned Mexican bakers, pastry chefs, and chocolatiers. Access over 100 Mexican recipes created by these masterminds. Each recipe comes with step-by-step instructions and a spectacular photograph. Contributor Bio Ediciones Larousse 9786072122420 Ediciones Larousse is a publishing house based in Mexico City. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $26.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover

320 Pages Carton Qty: 9 Cooking / Courses & Dishes 11.3 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.9 in T | 3.3 lb Wt

Las 10 maravillas del mundo para niños Sophie Crépon

Summary A children’s book full of fun facts and striking images of 10 of the worlds wonders. It illustrates the features that have made these architectural marvels a part of history. You’ll also find a short bio about the creators of these wonders, and much more! Learn about the pyramid of Chichén Itzá, the Eifel Tower, the Coliseum and Taj Mahal. Ediciones Larousse 9786072122888 Contributor Bio Pub Date: 9/1/20 $20.95 USD Sophie Crepon is an independent journalist for Histoire & Jeux and Les Cahiers de Science & Vie. She is also Discount Code: LON a young adult/children’s author. Hardcover

48 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Nonfiction / Reference 10 in H | 10.3 in W | 0.5 in T | 1.2 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 79

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Amarse con los ojos abiertos El desarrollo personal a través de la pareja Jorge Bucay

Summary As expressed by Jorge Bucay and Silvia Salinas in this revealing book, an unbreakable bond between lovers can only be established when we are willing to see our partner as they are, not as we’d wish them to be. Couples must love themselves without delusions. Learning to love with open eyes inspires us to build affectionate, fulfilling and lasting relationships that can dispel the notions of “relationship crises”. Contributor Bio Jorge Bucay is a doctor and a psychotherapist. His books have been translated into more than 24 languages,

Oceano and he has become one of the most influential thinkers of today’s society. He is the author of Amarse con los 9786075570556 ojos abiertos, Cartas para Claudia, Cuentos para pensar, De la autoestima al egoísmo, De la ignorancia a la Pub Date: 9/1/20 sabiduría, and Hojas de ruta. $12.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

252 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Family & Relationships / Love & Romance 17.8 in H | 14.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

Decoración con fondant Ana Laura Ruiz

Summary Decoración con fondant is a unique book created by Chef Ana Ruiz. She’ll show you how to prepare fondant and use it to decorate cookies, cupcakes or cakes in visually stunning ways. This book also includes recipes and basic techniques used to prepare fondant, fillings, and how to use them. Plus, 20 select fondant projects. Contributor Bio Ana Ruiz is a culinary artist with over 8 years of experience as a pastry chef; fondant is her specialty. Currently, she has a pastry shop in which she offers products of her own design. Ediciones Larousse 9786072121805 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $17.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

160 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Cooking / Courses & Dishes 6 in H | 7.8 in W | 0.4 in T | 1.3 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 80

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El desarrollo emocional de tu hijo Cuentos desde la teoría del apego Rafael Guerrero, Olga Barroso

Summary For fathers and mothers, teachers, counselors and psychotherapists alike, the physical and mental development of children is the pillar of foster work. Not only so that they spend their childhood in the greatest possible well-being, but so that they become adults with the necessary capacities to adapt successfully to an increasingly demanding world. With the experience of Rafael Guerrero in the dissemination of educational psychology, and the talent of Olga Barroso in the preparation of stories that illustrate, from metaphor and fantasy, how a child develops, this book explains the fundamental issues to ensure the acquisition of all these skills during childhood. The emphasis on emotional education and attachment are key to understanding how Oceano children should be treated to become safe, full and happy adults. 9786075279862 Pub Date: 10/1/20 Contributor Bio $13.95 USD Rafael Guerrero has a degree in clinical and health psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback as well as a doctorate of education. He has specialized in educational psychology, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disorders and behavioral problems in children and adolescents. Olga Barroso 168 Pages is an expert in gender-based violence, with extensive experience in direct attention to women and children. In Carton Qty: 38 Psychology / Emotions this professional field, she has been able to work both in the defense of women's rights and in the Series: En familia psychological recovery of women, boys and girls beaten by the harshness of violence. 17.8 in H | 16.5 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

Nezahualcóyotl El despertar del coyote Sofia Guadarrama Collado

Summary After the death of Tezozomoc, the rivalry between the manors of the Anahuac Valley increased, and no one escaped the violence, betrayal or the struggle for power. In Azcapotzalco, Maxtla rules with absolute cruelty. In Tenochtitlan, while Izcóatl is anointed,the cunning Tlacaélel waits behind the scenes to consolidate his influence. In this second novel of the Great Tlatoanis series of the empire, Sofía Guadarrama Collado combines the portrait of the daily life of rulers, soldiers and concubines with the techniques of the political thriller. The result is an exciting story about men who, by force of ambition and political finesse, dominated the central territory of what is now Mexico. Oceano 9786075570525 Contributor Bio Pub Date: 10/1/20 Sofia Guadarrama Collado is a bestselling author of fourteen novels including Piso 931 and Tezozómoc. $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

356 Pages Carton Qty: 28 Fiction / Hispanic & Latino 17.8 in H | 16.3 in W | 0.8 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 81

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Stranger Things Max, la fugitiva Brenna Yovanoff

Summary Max Mayfield knows she doesn't fit in. She never seems to say the right thing, she isn’t cheesy or delicate as his mother pretends to be, and what she likes most are video games and skateboarding. Also, since her mother married Neil, and her half-brother, Billy, entered the scene, her life has become even more complicated. Now Max and her new family live in Hawkins, a place where everything seems strange. But Max is determined to escape. Her plan is to go to Los Angeles and meet her father. However, Max seems to be making new friends in Hawkins and will have to decide whether to move forward with her plan or face the upside down. This prequel to Stranger Things reveals the most unknown aspects of one of the favorite characters of the successful Netflix series. Gran Travesia 9786075279763 Pub Date: 10/1/20 Contributor Bio $13.95 USD Brenna Yovanoff is the NYT Bestselling author of The Replacement, The Space Between, Paper Valentine, Discount Code: LON Fiendish, and Places No One Knows. Trade Paperback

236 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Ages 12 And Up, Grades 7 And Up Young Adult Fiction / Dystopian 17.8 in H | 10 in W

Vodka: Mezclar, agitar, remover Más de 40 combinados para amantes del vodka Dan Jones

Summary Vodka: mix, shake and stir. Dan Jones offers readers countless ways to enjoy this Russian liquid. He starts off with the basics by selecting quality vodka and making his own blends. He provides 40 must-have cocktail recipes that you can easily whip up at home; enjoy martinis, cosmopolitans, and Moscow’s Pineapple Mule. Extras include: homemade recipes for syrups, sours, and infusions. If you still haven’t found your favorite blend, cocktail or party drink, then pick up this book and a bag of ice on the way home.

Cinco Tintas Contributor Bio 9788416407842 Pub Date: 10/1/20 Dan Jones is one of the most prolific cocktail creators in the world, and he is also a writer and editor. He has $16.95 USD contributed to various publications, from I-D to Time Out. He loves working on cocktails at home and trying Discount Code: LON new recipes. His favorite is the Dirty Martini. Hardcover

144 Pages Carton Qty: 16 Cooking / Beverages 7.8 in H | 5.8 in W

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 82

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El cielo de Francesco Yohana Garcia

Summary Francesco returns with a message of love, hope and spirituality. Upon his return to heaven, he becomes the guardian of a forest that holds the history and hopes of humanity. He’ll traverse this sacred forest in order to attain the knowledge within its borders and pass it on to the people of Earth. His journey allows him to reflect on the important roles that women and men have played throughout history, and how our past and present can help us build a brighter future. In this volume of the Francesco Series, Yohana Garcia invites us on a spiritual journey to take a look at women’s struggles and strengths. Contributor Bio Oceano Yohana García is a writer, a lecturer, a therapist, and an international trainer in the neurolinguistic program 9786075570983 at Southern Institute of NLP. She is the author of Francesco: El llamado, Francesco decide volver a Pub Date: 10/1/20 $13.95 USD nacer,Francesco: Una vida entre el cielo y la tierra, and Salvemos al amor. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

232 Pages Carton Qty: 64 Religion / Spirituality 17.8 in H | 15.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Imagina que no hay cielo Antonio Malpica

Summary During the 90s, Mexico suffered its biggest financial crisis in recent history. In the grips of the turmoil, two brothers are forced to return to the small town they fled, before the age of 18, in order to escape their domineering mother. The Oroprieto Laguna brothers return to San Pedrito Tololoapan and take it upon themselves to win their mother over, or at the very least, benefit from her financially. Contributor Bio Antonio Malpica is an author, a playwright, and a musician. He has published more than 20 novels and plays. He lives in Mexico City.

Gran Travesia 9786075570655 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $15.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

384 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Ages 12 And Up, Grades 7 And Up Young Adult Fiction / Action & Adventure 17.8 in H | 6.3 in W | 0.9 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 83

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El peso natural Cómo eliminar el sobrepeso y alimentarse de forma natural y consciente Montse Bradford

Summary A complete program to understand and transform your weight. Why do I gain more weight than other people? What foods make me gain weight? Why doesn't any diet work for me? It is time to consider a new approach: understand what effect the food we eat has on us. As Hippocrates told us "Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." Each food has an effect, an energy, a reaction in us. If we eat food with a cumulative, retention effect, we will become overweight. This work will teach you in an easy, coherent and common-sense way, to listen to your body's messages, to understand its energetic dynamics and to find the Oceano balance you need to achieve your natural weight. 9788449454639 Pub Date: 10/1/20 Contributor Bio $22.00 USD Montse Bradford combines writing with the teaching of nutrition and holistic health. He is a therapist of Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback transpersonal psychology and the art of vibrational healing. He gives talks, training courses and conferences throughout Spain, Europe and South America. 256 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition 17.8 in H | 16 in W | 0.7 in T | 1.7 lb Wt

El alma de la espada Julie Kagawa

Summary One thousand years ago, a wish was made and a sword of rage and lightning was forged. A weapon powerful enough to seal away the formidable demon Hakaimono. Now he has broken free. Kitsune shapeshifter Yumeko has one task: to take her piece of an ancient and powerful scroll to the Steel Feather temple in order to prevent the summoning of the Harbinger of Change. But she has a new enemy now. The demon Hakaimono, who for centuries was trapped in a cursed sword, has escaped and possessed the boy she thought would protect her. As the paths of Yumeko and the possessed Tatsumi cross once again, the entire empire will be thrown into chaos. Contributor Bio Gran Travesia Julie Kagawa is the international and NYT bestselling author of The Iron Fey series. She lives in Louisville, 9786075570372 Pub Date: 10/1/20 KY with her husband and furkids. $22.00 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

532 Pages Carton Qty: 100 Ages 12 And Up, Grades 7 And Up Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy 17.8 in H | 15.3 in W

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 84

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Maldita Thomas Wheeler, Frank Miller

Summary Whosoever wields the Sword of Power shall be the one true King. But what if the Sword has chosen a Queen? Nimue grew up an outcast. Her connection to dark magic made her something to be feared in her Druid village, and that made her desperate to leave… That is, until her entire village is slaughtered by Red Paladins, and Nimue’s fate is forever altered. Nimue is now her people’s only hope as she teams up with a charming mercenary named Arthur and refugee Fey Folk from across England. She wields a sword meant for the one true king, battling paladins and the armies of a corrupt king. Contributor Bio Thomas Wheeler is a screenwriter, producer, showrunner, and the author of The Arcanum. He was the Gran Travesia executive producer and creator of Empire for ABC and The Cape for NBC. In feature animation he wrote the 9786075570846 Pub Date: 10/1/20 Academy Award–nominated Puss in Boots, as well as The Lego Ninjago Movie. Frank Miller is an award- $18.95 USD winning comic book writer, novelist, inker, screenwriter, film director, and producer best known for Daredevil, Discount Code: LON The Dark Knight Returns, Sin City, and 300, among others. Trade Paperback

464 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Ages 12 And Up, Grades 7 And Up Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy 17.8 in H | 15 in W | 1.1 in T | 1 lb Wt

20 pasos hacia adelante (3rd Edition) Cada capítulo, un paso cada paso, un cuento Jorge Bucay

Summary Knowing ourselves consists of taking the time to look at ourselves inwardly, to connect with what we believe, with what we think, with what we feel and with what we are ... Only in this way can we begin the work of being better for ourselves and for humanity. The always illuminating books of therapist Jorge Bucay have helped a legion of readers from different parts of the world not only to better understand the what and the why of human existence, but also to accompany them on the road to personal growth with themselves. Contributor Bio

Oceano Jorge Bucay is a doctor and a psychotherapist. His books have been translated into more than 24 languages, 9786075278087 and he has become one of the most influential thinkers of today’s society. He is the author of Amarse con los Pub Date: 10/1/20 ojos abiertos, Cartas para Claudia, Cuentos para pensar, De la autoestima al egoísmo, De la ignorancia a la $12.95 USD sabiduría, and Hojas de ruta. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

144 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Self-Help / Motivational & Inspirational 17.8 in H | 11.3 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 85

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Yoga Kitchen Plan semanal de alimentación con más de 70 recetas vegetarianas Kimberly Parsons

Summary Yoga Kitchen offers you the tools you need to live a healthy life. In one week, you’ll be immersed in Yoga and receive four weeks worth of vegetarian recipes that will guide you through a spiritual chakra renovation. Your mind, body, and spirit will be able to rejoice in three daily meals that can help you stay calm, strong, and energetic. Discover more than 70 recipes based on the yoga lifestyle that involve clean eating habits with fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. It excludes stimulants such as: eggs, garlic, onion, caffeine, and other mind-altering substances. Embark on a more natural way of living and enjoy the beauty of inner peace. Cinco Tintas 9788416407835 Contributor Bio Pub Date: 10/1/20 Kimberly Parsons is the author of Yoga Kitchen, a speaker, lecturer, professionally qualified naturopath, chef, $39.95 USD and entrepreneur. As The Yoga Chef, her mission is to teach people how to listen to their body's daily signs Discount Code: LON Hardcover and symptoms in order to find long lasting, vibrant health, and happiness. She calls this "body intelligence" and is deeply passionate about helping people tap into this knowledge to find true connection. Kimberly 192 Pages Carton Qty: 16 spends her time cooking on health retreats all over the world and resides in the English countryside where Cooking / Health & Healing she cooks bespoke healthy meals for many celebrity and private clients and delivers them to doorsteps all 10 in H | 6.8 in W over London.

Infidelidad Nuevas miradas para un viejo problema Demian Bucay

Summary They say we are all vulnerable to being cheated. Culturally we see infidelity at the same time as something almost inevitable, and as the worst betrayal that can be committed against a partner. But are all forms of infidelity the same? Is it such a serious act that it should always lead to the dissolution of the family? In this deep, revealing and provocative book the psychotherapist Demián Bucay crumbles infidelity in the modern world. The result is an invitation to look at it in its proper measure: neither as an insignificant game and without any consequence, nor as the transgression that in all cases should lead to definitive separation, but as a challenge that each couple must examine, weigh and solve according to your reality of life. Oceano 9786075279664 Contributor Bio Pub Date: 10/1/20 $14.95 USD Demian Bucay is a psychiatrist and therapist. He studied medicine at the University of Buenos Aires and Discount Code: LON earned a doctorate in Gestalt Therapy. Today he provides therapy for individuals and couples. Trade Paperback

256 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Family & Relationships 17.8 in H | 15 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 86

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Dinero feliz Filosofía millonaria para una vida plena Ken Honda

Summary Too often, money is a source of fear, stress, and anger, often breaking apart relationships and even ruining lives. We like to think money is just a number or a piece of paper, but it is so much more than that. Although Ken Honda is often called a “money guru,” his real job over the past decade has been to help others discover the tools they already possess to heal their own lives and relationships with money. Learn how to treat money as a welcome guest, allowing it to come and go with respect and without resentment; understand and improve your money EQ; unpack the myth of scarcity; and embrace the process of giving money, not just Oceano receiving it. 9786075570501 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $12.95 USD Contributor Bio Discount Code: LON Ken Honda has sold more than seven million copies of his books. From his financial experience as owner and Trade Paperback director of several companies, his writings are halfway between finance and personal development, with 196 Pages special attention to how to create and foster personal wealth and happiness through self-analysis. Carton Qty: 24 Business & Economics / Accounting 7 in H | 17.8 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

La superviviente 2 La primera Katherine Applegate

Summary To learn if she truly is the last dairne in the world—the endling—Byx and her friends must travel into the snow-covered mountains of the country of Dreyland, where they hope to uncover the truth behind the legend of a hidden dairne colony. But the threat of war across the lands continues to grow with each passing day. As the group confronts untold dangers at every turn, they will ultimately uncover a treacherous plot that involves the other powerful governing species. With both her dreams and all the creatures of Nedarra on the brink of extinction, Byx and her friends are determined to never give up hope. Soon they find themselves the unlikely leaders in a simmering rebellion that risks everything they hold dear. Byx may be the last of her kind, but will she also be the first to lead the revolution? Gran Travesia 9786075570327 Pub Date: 10/1/20 Contributor Bio $16.95 USD Katherine Applegate is the author of The One and Only Ivan, winner of the Newbery Medal and a #1 New Discount Code: LON York Times bestseller. Her other books include the acclaimed Wishtree, Crenshaw, Home of the Brave, Trade Paperback Sometimes You Fly, and the Roscoe Riley Rules series. She lives in California with her family. 460 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Ages 9 to 12, Grades 4 to 7 Juvenile Fiction / Fantasy & Magic 17.8 in H | 10 in W | 1.1 in T | 1 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 87

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Biográfico Tesla Brian Clegg

Summary Many people know that Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was an engineer and inventor, instrumental in developing the alternating-current (AC) electrical system and wireless radio communications we still use today. What, perhaps, they don?t know is that he was born during a lightning storm; that when he first arrived in the USA he owned 4 cents, his own poems, and a design for a flying machine; that he spoke 8 languages; that he held 300 patents for his inventions; and that he claimed to have invented a death ray that could destroy 10,000 planes at a distance of 250 miles. Biographic: Tesla presents an electrifying exploration of his life, work and fame, with an array of irresistible facts and figures converted into infographics to reveal the scientist Cinco Tintas behind the science. 9788416407873 Pub Date: 10/1/20 Contributor Bio $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON Brian Clegg is an award-winning British science writer and public speaker who has written over 20 popular Hardcover science books and a growing range of novels. He has also written for a wide range of publications such as Nature, BBC History, The Times, the Wall Street Journal and The Observer. 96 Pages Carton Qty: 16 Biography & Autobiography / Science & Technology Series: Biográfico 8.3 in H | 6 in W

Biográfico Einstein Brian Clegg

Summary Many people know that Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a brilliant theoretical physicist, the winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics and creator of the theory of relativity that revolutionized modern science. What, perhaps, they don?t know is that he did not learn to speak until he was 4 years old; that was asked to become the President of Israel in 1952, but refused; that he was under surveillance by the FBI for 22 years; and that after urging the development of the atomic bomb he later became a proponent of nuclear disarmament. Biographic: Einstein presents an instant impression of his life, work and fame, with an array of irresistible facts and figures converted into infographics to reveal the scientist behind the science. Cinco Tintas 9788416407866 Contributor Bio Pub Date: 10/1/20 Brian Clegg is an award-winning British science writer and public speaker who has written over 20 popular $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON science books and a growing range of novels. He has also written for a wide range of publications such as Hardcover Nature, BBC History, The Times, the Wall Street Journal and The Observer.

96 Pages Carton Qty: 16 Biography & Autobiography / Science & Technology Series: Biográfico 8.3 in H | 6 in W

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 88

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Caldo de pollo para el alma: Vivir la fe católica 101 historias para compartir esperanza, fe y amor Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, LeAnn Thieman

Summary These 101 positive powerful stories from Catholics of all ages will offer hope, deepen faith, and spread love. Vivir la fe católica is not only a book about “living the faith” but also about a faith that is living. Whether you are a cradle Catholic or a convert; lay, clergy, or religious; simply curious or struggling; these 101 stories will deepen your faith and hope in God. A great gift for Confirmation, graduations, weddings, and holidays! People of all ages and religious experiences share humorous, poignant, faith-filled true stories about Catholicism as part of daily modern life. expres Contributor Bio 9786074009477 Jack Canfield is co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which includes forty New York Times Pub Date: 10/1/20 $9.95 USD bestsellers. He is a leader in the field of personal transformation and peak performance and is currently CEO Discount Code: LON of the Canfield Training Group and Founder and Chairman of the Board of The Foundation for Self-Esteem. Trade Paperback Mark Victor Hansen is a co-founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul. He is also the author of numerous 364 Pages self-help works, speaker and founder of the MEGA Seminar Series. LeAnn Thieman is a professional orator, Carton Qty: 24 writer and nurse. She is a regular co-author of the Chicken Soup for Soul series. Self-Help / Motivational & Inspirational Series: Caldo de pollo para el alma 17.8 in H | 12.5 in W | 1 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

Caldo de pollo para el alma: Piensa positivo 101 historias que te inspirarán a agradecer lo que tienes y adoptar una actitud positiva Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark

Summary Everyone needs a little attitude adjustment once in a while, and these 101 true stories reveal how real people used positive thinking to improve their lives and overcome challenges. You’ll read stories about how you can make every day a special day, incorporate gratitude and joy into your daily life, count your blessings and change your outlook, turn adversity into opportunity, and much more, leading you to a more meaningful life. Contributor Bio Jack Canfield is co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which includes forty New York Times expres bestsellers. He is a leader in the field of personal transformation and peak performance and is currently CEO 9786077358756 of the Canfield Training Group and Founder and Chairman of the Board of The Foundation for Self-Esteem. He Pub Date: 10/1/20 lives in Santa Barbara, California. Mark Victor Hansen is a co-founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul. He is $9.95 USD also the author of numerous self-help works, speaker and founder of the MEGA Seminar Series. Amy Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback Newmark is a writer, financial analyst, speaker and business executive in the world of finance and telecommunications. She is currently editor in chief of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. 404 Pages Carton Qty: 28 Self-Help / Motivational & Inspirational Series: Caldo de pollo para el alma 17.8 in H | 12.5 in W | 1.1 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 89

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Caldo de pollo para el alma: Un libro de milagros 101 milagros para fortalecer tu fe, darte esperanza e iluminar tu día Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, LeAnn Thieman

Summary Miracles are all around us. We only have to look, ask, and accept God’s powerful gifts. These stories of 101 miracles will deepen your faith, give you hope, and brighten your day! These 101 amazing stories prove that God is actively involved in our daily lives, working miracles on our behalf. You will be awed and gratified by miraculous true accounts of healing, faith, divine intervention, and answered prayers. You’ll read tales of signs from above, the healing power of prayer, extraordinary connections with loved ones who have passed on, angels, divine appointments, and the everyday miracles we too often overlook. Among the 101 miracles, you’ll share the joy and inspiration of: Warren Holland, who prayed intensely as his US Air flight landed safely in the expres Hudson River, Kimberly McLagan, who put herself in God’s hands after seven years of infertility and then had 9786074007916 Pub Date: 10/1/20 four children, and many others. $9.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Jack Canfield is co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which includes forty New York Times 360 Pages bestsellers. He is a leader in the field of personal transformation and peak performance and is currently CEO Carton Qty: 32 of the Canfield Training Group and Founder and Chairman of the Board of The Foundation for Self-Esteem. He Self-Help / Motivational & lives in Santa Barbara, California. Mark Victor Hansen is a co-founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul. He is Inspirational Series: Caldo de pollo para el also the author of numerous self-help works, speaker and founder of the MEGA Seminar Series. LeAnn alma Thieman is a professional orator, writer and nurse. She is a regular co-author of the Chicken Soup for Soul 17.8 in H | 12 in W | 0.9 in T series. | 1 lb Wt

Observar las estrellas Una guía completa de las 88 constelaciones Sara Gillingham

Summary Our boundless night sky is full of stars, but did you know that it’s full of pictures and stories too? Thousands of years ago, people gazed up at the sky and saw groups of stars that looked like they could be connected to Cinco Tintas form pictures. They named these star groups after gods, animals and objects, and told stories about them 9788416407859 that were passed down through generations. They used the stars for navigation, crop prediction and as a way Pub Date: 10/1/20 $39.95 USD to mark the seasons. This is the ultimate guide to all 88 internationally recognized constellations. It offers the Discount Code: LON fascinating stories and legends behind each star group, and helps you find them in the night sky via key star Hardcover information, location descriptions and maps. Once you’ve read the stories, you’ll never look up at the night 216 Pages sky the same way again! Carton Qty: 16 Science / Astronomy 9.5 in H | 8.5 in W Contributor Bio Sara Gillingham is an award-winning art director and designer. She was the Design Director for Children's Publishing at Chronicle Books and taught at UC Berkeley and California College of Arts.

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Caldo de pollo para el alma: Gracias, papá 101 historias de gratitud, amor y buenos tiempos Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Wendy Walker

Summary Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Dad will resonate with any father with its heartwarming, loving, and even amusing stories from the next generation. This book gives fathers the pat on the back they deserve. Children of all ages share their heartfelt words of thanks and loving memories in these 101 stories. This book will bring any father joy and humor, and maybe even find that their kids did pay attention after all. Contributor Bio Jack Canfield is co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which includes forty New York Times expres bestsellers. Mark Victor Hansen is a co-founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Walker received a law degree 9786075276014 from Georgetown University. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $9.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

400 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Self-Help / Motivational & Inspirational Series: Caldo de pollo para el alma 17.8 in H | 15.8 in W | 1 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

Caldo de pollo para el alma: Duelo y recuperación 101 historias de inspiración y consuelo para sobrevivir a la perdida de un ser querido Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark

Summary This collection of comforting stories provides support in time of need. Find inspiration in stories about coping with loss, regaining strength, appreciating life, and finding joy. When you’re hurting, it helps to read stories from other people who have been through the same thing. Read about how others handled loss and found their way to recovery, finding acceptance and meaning in their lives. Contributor Bio Jack Canfield is co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which includes forty New York Times bestsellers. Mark Victor Hansen is a co-founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Amy Newmark is a writer, expres 9786075276168 financial analyst, speaker and business executive. Pub Date: 10/1/20 $9.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

380 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Self-Help / Death, Grief, Bereavement Series: Caldo de pollo para el alma 17.8 in H | 15.5 in W | 0.8 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Caldo de pollo para el alma: Edición especial 20 aniversario Las historias originales, más 20 historias nuevas para los próximos 20 años Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark

Summary The classic New York Times bestseller that started it all— and according to USA Today one of the top five books in the past quarter century “that leave a legacy.” The Original... with 20 new bonus stories for the next 20 years! Twenty years after its creation, this bestseller continues to change lives around the world. Rediscover the power of inspiration with timeless stories about the everyday miracles that illuminate the best of the human spirit. Whether you’re discovering Chicken Soup for the Soul for the first time, or you are a long-time fan, this book will inspire you to be a better person, reach for your highest potential, overcome your challenges, and embrace the world around you. Read your favorite original stories plus new bonus expres stories. 9786075570587 Pub Date: 10/1/20 $16.95 USD Contributor Bio Discount Code: LON Jack Canfield is co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which includes forty New York Times Trade Paperback bestsellers. He is a leader in the field of personal transformation and peak performance and is currently CEO 332 Pages of the Canfield Training Group and Founder and Chairman of the Board of The Foundation for Self-Esteem. Carton Qty: 40 Mark Victor Hansen is a co-founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul. He is also the author of numerous Self-Help / Motivational & self-help works, speaker and founder of the MEGA Seminar Series. Amy Newmark is a writer, financial Inspirational Series: Caldo de pollo para el analyst, speaker and business executive in the world of finance and telecommunications. She is currently alma editor in chief of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. 17.8 in H | 16.5 in W | 0.8 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

Caldo de pollo para el alma: Gracias, mamá 101 historias de gratitud, amor y buenos tiempos Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Wendy Walker

Summary Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Mom will touch the heart of any mother with its stories of gratitude, joy, love, and learning from children of all ages. A mother's job is never done, but in this book, she gets the praise she deserves. Children of all ages share their words of thanks in these touching, heartfelt stories. This book will bring any mother joy, inspiration, and humor and show her that the kids were paying attention after all. Contributor Bio expres Jack Canfield is co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which includes forty New York Times 9786075275758 bestsellers. Mark Victor Hansen is a co-founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul. He is also the author of Pub Date: 10/1/20 numerous self-help works. Wendy Walker received a law degree from Georgetown University. $9.95 USD Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

368 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Self-Help / Motivational & Inspirational Series: Caldo de pollo para el alma 17.8 in H | 10 in W | 0.9 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT El pastor mentiroso Maria Laura Brenlla

Summary A young shepherd looked after his flock of sheep, but he found it to be a dull task. One day, out of boredom, he yells: “Wolf!” The villagers hurry to lend a helping hand . . . but where is the wolf? Contributor Bio Combel Editorial Maria Laura Brenlla Gobbi began her studies in art at the Peña Academy. She obtained a scholarship to 9788491015345 study at Madrid’s School of Fine Arts, and later specialized in animated art. She has worked SPA studio under Pub Date: 10/1/20 Fernando Moro. $8.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Picture Book

24 Pages Carton Qty: 72 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Classics Series: Caballo 8 in H | 8 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

La princesa y el guisante Jana Glatt

Summary There was a prince who wished to marry, but he wouldn’t settle for just any bride. He sought a true princess. Though he traversed the world to find her, his search was in vain. Then, on a night after a storm, a young woman arrives at the palace. Could she be his true princess?

Combel Editorial Contributor Bio 9788491015369 Jana Glatt was born in Rio de Janeiro, where she worked for museums and the 2016 Olympics through the Pub Date: 10/1/20 Tátil Design Co. She moved to Barcelona to pursue a Master’s in children’s illustration. In 2014, she illustrated $8.95 USD Discount Code: LON the book, Declaração de Amor, published by Guarda-chuva. Hardcover Picture Book

24 Pages Carton Qty: 72 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Fairy Tales & Folklore Series: Caballo 8 in H | 8 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

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IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Ricitos de oro Flavia Zorrilla

Summary Goldilocks is a curious girl who stumbles onto a cabin inhabited by three bears. She discovers three bowls full of porridge; they are small, medium and large in size… Can she resist, or will her curiosity get the best of her? Contributor Bio Combel Editorial 9788491015321 Flavia Zorrilla started her career as a graphical designer and then became an illustrator. She holds a Pub Date: 10/1/20 master’s degree in Children's Book Illustration from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. $8.95 USD Discount Code: LON Hardcover Picture Book

24 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Juvenile Fiction / Classics Series: Caballo 8 in H | 8 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

El único e incomparable Bob Katherine Applegate

Summary Bob, a rebellious but big-hearted dog, will have to face his worst fears and undertake a dangerous journey to recover his lost sister. With the threat of an impending hurricane, Bob will have to lean on his best friends — Ivan and Ruby — find the courage he didn't know he had and learn the true meaning of friendship and family. Bob, Ivan, and Ruby have touched the hearts of millions of readers, and their story isn’t over yet. Catch up with these beloved friends before the star-studded film adaptation of The One and Only Ivan hits theaters in August 2020!

Bob, un perro rebelde pero de gran corazón, deberá enfrentarse a sus peores temores y emprender un peligroso viaje para recuperar a su hermana perdida. Con la amenaza de un inminente huracán, Bob habrá de Gran Travesia 9786075572284 apoyarse en sus mejores amigos —Iván y Ruby—, hallar el coraje que no sabía que tenía y aprender el Pub Date: 8/18/20 verdadero significado de la amistad y la familia. $16.95 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Katherine Applegate is the author of many books, including The Buffalo Storm, the award-winning Home of 356 Pages the Brave, and The One and Only Ivan, winner of the 2013 Newbery Medal and soon to be a Disney movie. Carton Qty: 40 Ages 9 to 12, Grades 4 to 7 Juvenile Fiction / Animals 7 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.9 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

IPG SPL_July - Oct - Page 94

IPG SPL JULY_ OCT Algo pasa en mi ciudad Un relato sobre la injusticia y el racismo Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins, Ann Hazzard, Je...

Summary Emma y José escucharon que algo había pasado en su ciudad. La policía mató a un hombre negro. “¿Por qué lo mató la policía?” “¿Pueden enviar a los policías a la cárcel?” Algo pasa en mi ciudad es la historia de cómo dos familias, una blanca y otra negra, discuten sobre el asesinato de un hombre negro a manos de la policía. Editorial Fineo Esta historia busca responder las preguntas que los niños se hacen ante un hecho difícil o traumático, así 9788416470037 como ayudarlos a identificar y hacer frente la injusticia racial. El libro incluye una guía para padres y Pub Date: 8/18/20 $18.95 USD profesores. Discount Code: LON Hardcover Emma and Josh heard that something happened in their town. A Black man was shot by the police. "Why did 32 Pages the police shoot that man?" "Can police go to jail?" Something Happened in Our Town follows two families — Carton Qty: 20 one White, one Black — as they discuss a police shooting of a Black man in their community. The story aims Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Juvenile Fiction / Social to answer children's questions about such traumatic events, and to help children identify and counter racial Themes injustice in their own lives. Includes an extensive Note to Parents and Caregivers with guidelines for 10 in H | 8 in W discussing race and ... Contributor Bio Dr. Marianne Celano worked for more than two decades as Emory University School of Medicine faculty members serving children and families in Atlanta. She has been involved in community advocacy efforts focused on children's behavioral health and social justice. Dr. Marietta Collins worked for more than two decades as Emory University School of Medicine faculty members serving children and families in Atlanta. She has been involved in community advocacy efforts focused on children's behavioral health and social justice. Dr. Ann Hazzard worked for more than two decades as Emory University School of Medicine faculty members serving children and families in Atlanta. She has been involved in community advocacy efforts focused on children's behavioral health and social justice. Jennifer Zivoin has always loved art and storytelling, so becoming an illustrator was a natural career path. She has been trained in media ranging from figure drawing to virtual reality, and earned her bachelor degree with highest distinction from the honors division of Indiana University. During her professional career, Jennifer worked as a graphic designer and then as a creative

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